LANDMARK CONSULTING LLC 83 Grove Avenue Albany, New York 12208 Phone/Fax: (518) 458-8942 KIMBERLY KONRAD ALVAREZ Historic Preservation Consultant
[email protected] PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Landmark Consulting – Albany, NY June 2002- Present Began as sole-proprietor of Landmark Consulting in June 2002 to pursue personal preservation interests. Preservation services include conservation and condition assessments, historic structure reports and preservation master plans, cultural resource surveys, rehabilitation tax credit project administration, oversight of preservation grant projects and historic research to guide restoration efforts. In March 2010, Landmark Consulting was granted NYS WBE certification and in March 2011, the firm was organized as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) Claude Emanuel Menders Architects – Boston, MA June 2001 – June 2002 (renamed Menders, Torrey, Spencer Architects) Employed as a member of the Preservation Division of this small architectural firm. Worked as Preservation Planner responsible for the firm’s work in pre-development studies, condition assessments reports, master planning and building restoration. Jean Carroon Architects Inc/Goody Clancy & Associates – Boston, MA August 1999–May 2001 Employed as a Preservation Planner/Architectural Conservator responsible for the firm’s work in pre- development studies and condition assessment reports. While working as an associate at Jean Carroon Architects, a 10-person architectural firm that worked exclusively with historic buildings, responsibilities covered a variety of disciplines from project management and construction administration to marketing and report development. In January of 2000, Jean Carroon Architects merged with Goody Clancy & Associates to strengthen their existing preservation division. Massachusetts Historical Commission (MA-SHPO) - Grants Division, Boston, MA Dec. 1997-August 1999 Employed as a Preservation Planner to provide Technical Services to Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund grant applicants and recipients.