“Throwing the Stone.”

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“Throwing the Stone.” 356 THROWING THE STONE. Also the following from Syadvadamanjart, page 119 (in Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series) : — " Vindhyavasi tvevani bhogam acaste | Puruso 'vikritatmaiva svanirbhasam acetanam [ Manah karoti sannidhyad upadhih sphatikam yatha" || Another writer, of whom we know very little, is Varsaganya. Dr. Takakusu conjecturally identifies him with Vrsagana, the guru of Vindhyavasin. Would it be too much to suggest that the latter, as the follower of Vrsagana, is himself Varsa- ganya ? I have met with the following additional references to this worthy. In Vyasa's bhasya on Yogasutra iv, 13, we find the verse— " Gunanam paramam rupam na dristipatham ricchati | Yat tu dristipatham praptam tan mayaiva sutucchakam " || No clue to its author is given us there, but in Bhamatit 2. 1. 3, where the verse is again quoted, it is ascribed to- Bhagavan Varsaganya. In Nyayamrtika, i, 4, in the discussion on pratyakm, the author rejects as incorrect certain definitions of it given by other writers; and in Tatparyatlka, page 103, line 10, Vacaspatimisra tells us that the words " Tathd srotradivrittir iti," on page 45, line 14, of the Vartika, have reference to the definition of Varsaganya. G. A. JACOB. Feb. 1st, 1905. "THROWING THE STONE." In the R.A.S. Journal for January I notice on page 170 a paragraph entitled " Throwing the Stone." If anyone wishes for a further and more detailed account of this and other forms of oaths in use among the Western Somali tribes I would refer them to an article published by me in the Folk-lore Journal for 1887, p. 322. The particulars there given were furnished to me by certain reliable 'Aquils of Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. INSEAD, on 12 Oct 2018 at 17:32:17, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0035869X0003313X TASASHKA ) VASUSHKA. 357 the 'Isa and GadabursI tribes, who showed me exactly how the oaths are administered, and I noted the information on the spot. J. STUART KING (Major) (Formerly British Agent and Vice-Consul, Zayla). 15, Clarendon Road, Southsea. February 2nd, 1905. VASASHKA ; VASUSHKA. In this Journal, 1903, p. 325 ff., I have read as the year 28, = B.C. 31-30, the date of the Sanchi incription (El, 2, 369 f.) which mentions a king Vas[a]shka, and have placed that king between Kanishka and Huvishka. Mr. Vincent Smith has recently suggested that the real date of the record may be the year 68; see his Early History of India, p. 238. The date is, at any rate, certainly not 78. But it is not at all impossible that it is 68, = A.D. 10-11. And that reading would fit in exactly with Professor Liiders' conclusion that the name Vasushka, and not Vasudeva, must be found in the record of the year 74 at Mathura (IA, 1904, 106, No. 20), and with Dr. Fiihrer's statement (Progress Report, 1895-96, para. 1) that at Mathura there is also an inscription of Vasushka of the year 76. Also, it would account at once, and in the easiest way, on the following lines, for the eventual succession of Vasu- deva, for whom we have dates ranging onwards from the year 80 (El, 1, 392, ISTo. 24). Vasushka succeeded Huvishka. He was kept out of Mathura by Rajula-Rajuvula and his son Sudasa-Sodasa, for the latter of whom we have a date in the year 72 in an inscription at Mathura itself (El, 2, 199, No. 2, and see 4, 55, and note 2); these two persons were governors at Mathura under a power which had conquered and annexed the north-west, and which for a time held also some of the southern territories of Kanishka and Huvishka. But he retained the sovereignty in Central India. He recovered Mathura between the years 72 and Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. INSEAD, on 12 Oct 2018 at 17:32:17, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0035869X0003313X.
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