E1270 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 12, 2007 RECOGNIZING HIS EXCELLENCY ensure that the assets, including electronic great democracy and her tireless efforts to KANAT SAUDABAYEV ON HIS AP- data files and biological specimens on all par- perpetuate America’s revolutionary experiment POINTMENT AS SECRETARY OF ticipants in the Air Force Health Study, are in human freedom are an inspiration to all. STATE FOR THE REPUBLIC OF transferred to the Medical Follow-Up Agency Today, I ask my colleagues to join me in hon- KAZAKHSTAN from the Air Force Health Study and are main- oring Ms. Patricia ‘‘Pattie’’ Coughlan upon her tained, managed, and made available as a re- receipt of the 2007 Lifetime Achievement HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA source for future research for the benefit of Award and in recognizing her selfless service OF AMERICAN SAMOA veterans and their families, and for other hu- to our community and our country. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES manitarian purposes. Tuesday, June 12, 2007 This legislation is a companion to legislation f Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Madam Speaker, I introduced in the Senate by the Committee on rise today to insert into the CONGRESSIONAL Veterans’ Affairs Chairman, DANIEL AKAKA. VETERAN’S DAY POEM RECORD a letter signed by 24 Members of the Operation Ranch Hand was the military U.S. House of Representatives in recognition code name for the spraying of herbicides from of our dear friend, His Excellency Kanat U. S. Air Force aircraft in Southeast Asia from HON. ZOE LOFGREN 1962 through 1971. During this time, Ranch Saudabayev, who on May 15, 2007, was ap- OF CALIFORNIA pointed by President Nursultan Nazarbayev as Hand sprayed about 19 million gallons of her- Secretary of State for the Republic of bicide, 11 million of which consisted of Agent IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Orange. The spray fell mostly on the forests of Kazakhstan. Prior to his appointment, His Ex- Tuesday, June 12, 2007 cellency Saudabayev served as Ambassador South Vietnam, but some was used in Laos, of Kazakhstan to the . and some killed crops to deprive Vietcong and Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Madam In gratitude for his service, in honor of his North Vietnamese troops of food. In all, Ranch Speaker, I rise today to honor our country’s appointment, and with confidence that he will Hand sprayed herbicide over about 6 million veterans with a poem by my constituent, Jack spare no effort in serving the people of acres. Richards. Kazakhstan, we include the following letter to The Air Force Health Study (AFHS)—also be made part of our Congressional history: known as the Ranch Hand Study—was initi- VETERAN’S DAY FOR SGT. JOSHUA P. MORGAN, USMC His Excellency KANAT SAUDABAYEV, ated by the U.S. Air Force in 1979 to assess Secretary of State, Republic of Kazakhstan, the possible health effects of military person- I think of your valor Ak Orda, Astana. nel’s exposure to Agent Orange and other In being willing to take a stand for liberty DEAR MR. SECRETARY: It is with pleasure chemical defoliants sprayed during the Viet- I am speechless In light of your bravery that we commend you on your new appoint- nam War, some of which contained dioxin. ment as Secretary of State of the Republic of I know your type Kazakhstan which we note is one of the high- The initial physical examination and sur- Is not charmed, by show-offs, in the ranks est positions in your country which ranks veying of study subjects was conducted in Nonetheless fifth in seniority, behind the President, the 1982 and subsequent cycles were conducted Please, lower your guard for a moment Prime Minister and the Speakers of both in 1985, 1987, 1992, 1997, and 2002. The And hear a grateful nation’s thanks Houses. data from the physical examinations should It’s not the battles you fight, it’s signing the We also applaud your six and a half years not be lost, and in fact, should be available to line, saying you will. of service in Washington as Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the United States. During researchers for the benefit of all. your tenure, you advanced U.S.-Kazakhstan My bill is consistent with the recommenda- f relations by strengthening friendship be- tions of the Institute of Medicine’s report on tween our peoples and cooperation between the disposition of the study. I urge my col- HONORING PROJECT INSTAR AND our countries. The United States and the leagues to support this legislation. DR. GENEVIEVE HEALY people of Kazakhstan have much to be proud f of from your long career of selfless service. We acknowledge your invaluable contribu- TRIBUTE TO MS. PATRICIA HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN tions as a distinguished diplomat and es- ‘‘PATTIE’’ COUGHLAN teemed statesman, and we are confident that OF FLORIDA in your new position you will take an active part in fostering our strategic partnership. HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We wish you well and convey to you our OF MICHIGAN Tuesday, June 12, 2007 sincere appreciation for your service. You IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES will be missed. Sincerely, Tuesday, June 12, 2007 Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speaker, I am Tom Lantos, Chairman, Committee on Mr. MCCOTTER. Madam Speaker, today I pleased to recognize Project INSTAR and Dr. Foreign Affairs, Eni F.H. Faleoma- rise to honor and acknowledge Ms. Patricia Genevieve Healy, its director. Dr. Healy was a vaega, Chairman, Subcommittee on ‘‘Pattie’’ Coughlan upon her receipt of the middle school teacher in Ohio before pursuing Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Envi- Wayne 11th Congressional District Republican a masters degree at the University of Miami’s ronment, Alcee L. Hastings, Chairman, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric U.S. Commission on Security and Co- Committee’s 2007 Lifetime Achievement operation in Europe, Chris Cannon; Award. Science. During her graduate studies, Dr. Jim McDermott; Phil English; Darrell Throughout her career, Ms. Coughlan has Healy foresaw a potential benefit for K–12 E. Issa; Robert Wexler; Pete Sessions; dedicated herself to bettering our community. teachers through research being performed at Jim Saxton. As an active member of the Suburban Repub- the Rosenstiel School. She introduced a col- Patrick J. Tiberi; Shelley Berkley; Mad- lican Women’s Club since 1985, she has as- laboration between professors, graduate stu- eleine Z. Bordallo; Maurice D. Hinchey; sisted in the election of qualified and capable dents, and K–12 public school teachers. Albio Sires; Charlie Melancon; Robert leaders—with perhaps one notable Congres- With the help of her professors, Dr. Peter D. Aderholt; Tom Price; Edolphus sional exception currently serving—to public Towns; Gregory W. Meeks; Howard P. Swart, current chairman of marine geology, office at the local, county, state, and federal ‘‘Buck’’ McKeon; Ellen O. Tauscher; and Dr. Michael Grammar, at the time an as- Eddie Bernice Johnson; Donna M. levels. She is credited with the creation of the redoubtable and renowned Suburban Repub- sistant professor with the Rosenstiel School, Christensen. Dr. Healy initiated Project INSTAR in 1997. f lican Women’s Club newsletter, for which she is currently the Editor-in-Chief. This concept brought local public school AIR FORCE HEALTH STUDY/ Ms. Coughlan has also served in various science teachers from Miami-Dade County to OPERATION RANCH HAND senior leadership positions of the Club, in the University of Miami where they had the which she has promoted the ideas and prin- opportunity to perform research side by side HON. CORRINE BROWN ciples of fiscal responsibility, equal oppor- with graduate students and their professors. OF FLORIDA tunity, and responsive governance. Through Ten years later, this program’s success has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES her devotion to Republican principles, Patti been made possible in large part due to Dr. Tuesday, June 12, 2007 continues to ennoble and enlighten our world. Healy’s dedication and efforts. With the Uni- Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida. Madam Madam Speaker, Ms. Coughlan’s legendary versity of Miami’s generous support, this initia- Speaker, I rise today to introduce legislation to dedication to the founding principles of our tive continues to grow.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:39 Jun 13, 2007 Jkt 059061 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12JN8.031 E12JNPT1 bajohnson on PRODPC60 with REMARKS June 12, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1271 The Rosenstiel School, located in proximity students’ growth in all areas—academic service. However, this did not mark the end of to so many vital natural resources on Virginia growth, athletic and extra-curricular growth, his public service. In 1977 he became Director Key, enhances the learning experience of its and spiritual growth. There are few members of the Congressional Research Service, and graduate students through substantial re- of the Moeller family who have done as much worked to establish the CRS as a premier and search opportunities. Project INSTAR seeks to as Mike Cameron has over the years to help reliable research institution for Members of help public school teachers gain hands-on Moeller establish and cultivate this proud tradi- Congress. He retired from CRS in 1985. knowledge of ocean sciences through their tion. Gil Gude spent a great amount of time fo- close involvement with this research. It annu- If you talk to Mike’s players, it’s clear he’s cusing on his greatest passion—the Potomac ally invites fifty K–12 teachers from public been a positive force in the lives of countless River. He helped found the Potomac River schools in Miami-Dade County to participate in young people in the Greater Cincinnati area. Basin Consortium and took many trips to ex- the program. But his legacy at Moeller is not limited to the plore the small communities surrounding the This year marks its 10th anniversary. I baseball diamond. During his decades at river. He wrote two books about the upriver would like to reiterate its significance as one Moeller, Coach Cameron earned the gratitude towns and viewed these tight-knit communities of the top science programs, which actively and respect of thousands of students he didn’t and the river as sources of immense history enhances the development of K–12 teachers. coach, as well as that of countless Moeller and cultural importance. He shared his wis- Engagement in this Institute helps teachers parents and faculty members. Coach Cameron dom with others, teaching courses at George- implement their experiences at Project also has the admiration of many Americans, town University on history and the environ- INSTAR into their own curriculum, benefiting from local fans of Moeller baseball to parents ment. countless public school students in science who have taken their children to watch one of classes. the multiple players he helped to reach the big Our Nation mourns the passing of Gilbert I am grateful to the many professors and leagues. Gude. He was a model of bipartisan coopera- school teachers who have made Project On behalf of the , I tion who left a legacy that serves as an inspi- INSTAR a reality. This innovative program salute my friend, Coach Mike Cameron, on a ration for us all. spreads opportunity for hands-on experience long and distinguished career that is a source To Gil Gude’s family, please know that you to so many teachers. I proudly ask you to join of pride for the entire Moeller family and the are in our hearts and prayers. We share your me in recognizing Dr. Healy and everyone people of Southwest Ohio. grief during this painful time, but are proud to who has participated in this unique partner- f celebrate this extraordinary American’s life of ship. service and accomplishment. TRIBUTE TO CONGRESSMAN f GILBERT GUDE f TRIBUTE TO COACH MIKE CAMERON HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN TRIBUTE TO JAMIE COE OF HON. JOHN A. BOEHNER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF OHIO HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER Tuesday, June 12, 2007 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MICHIGAN Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Speaker, I rise Tuesday, June 12, 2007 today to pay tribute to the life of former Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. BOEHNER. Madam Speaker, in Ohio gressman Gilbert Gude and to reflect on his Tuesday, June 12, 2007 and elsewhere this week, thousands of Ameri- remarkable public career. Gil Gude was a man cans are saluting the contributions of a great of great civic vision who served his community Mr. MCCOTTER. Madam Speaker, today I coaching legend. Mike Cameron, the longtime with great passion and dedication. He served rise to honor and remember the life of Jamie baseball coach at Moeller High School in Cin- in this body with great distinction from 1967– Coe, the beloved Detroit area entertainer and cinnati, OH, has announced his retirement 77, representing Maryland’s Eighth Congres- musician, who passed away on January 27, after 39 seasons—bringing to a close what the sional District, which I am now honored to rep- 2007. Cincinnati Enquirer has aptly described as resent. For over five decades, Jamie Coe inspired ‘‘one of the greatest high school coaching ca- Gil Gude led a remarkable life. He grew up generations of Americans through music. Born reers in Ohio history.’’ on a farm near Rockville, Maryland, where he by the name of George Colovas in Highland, developed a deep love of nature. He an- Coach Cameron compiled a record of 767– Michigan, Jamie Coe’s musical abilities were swered his country’s call to duty in 1943, join- 303 during his career as coach of the Moeller discovered by singer Bobby Darin during a ing the Army Medical Corps during World War Crusader baseball team, a record that in- performance at the Cavalcade of Stars show II. He served in the Maryland House of Dele- cludes four state championships. His retire- at the Michigan State Fair Coliseum in 1959. gates from 1953–57 and in the State Senate ment announcement came just weeks after he Darin named Colovas ‘‘Jamie Coe’’ after a from 1963–68. reached a key milestone in his decorated song he wrote called ‘‘Jamie Boy,’’ and signed coaching career: on April 30, 2007, Coach Elected to Congress in 1966, Gil Gude him to Addison Records label. Later, Jamie Cameron became the ‘‘All-time Winningest’’ made his mark as a creative legislator whose also recorded songs for Big Top and ABC Division I baseball coach in Ohio history with ideas crossed party lines. He did not accept Paramount labels a win against LaSalle High School at the new ‘‘conservative’’ or ‘‘liberal’’ labeling but rather Crosley Field in Blue Ash, OH. worked with great personal integrity to do what Since then, Jamie Coe led a successful rock The numbers tell a great story, but not the he believed was right for his Nation. Even as and roll music career, during which his re- whole story. As a member of the Moeller High a member of the Republican Party, he op- markable voice drew countless loyal fans. School Class of 1968—one of our school’s posed the Vietnam War, called for the im- After forming the popular Detroit band ‘‘Jamie first graduating classes—I’ve known Mike for peachment of President Nixon, worked to limit Coe and the Gigolos,’’ he performed nightly decades. Before he became the baseball cigarette advertisement, and fought to restrict before packed crowds at local Detroit night coach at Moeller, Mike was an assistant foot- handgun ownership. clubs. While he was best known for his hit ball coach under another Moeller legend, Gude was a devoted environmentalist. He song ‘‘The Fool’’ and numerous appearances Gerry Faust, where he coached me during my worked to improve air quality in the District, on Dick Clark’s television broadcast ‘‘American junior and senior years. We also knew each save wild horses in the West, and create the Bandstand,’’ Jamie Coe also donated his time other through our neighbors and our mutual C & O National Historical Park, among his to numerous philanthropic causes. He per- interest in community service. many other accomplishments. In 1975 he formed regularly to raise money for charities Since my graduation nearly 40 years ago, spent a Congressional recess leading a 400- like multiple sclerosis, leukemia, and for the I’ve watched Moeller build a proud national mile trip down the Potomac River in an at- Livonia Symphony Orchestra. reputation for all-around excellence in Catholic tempt to give it a national designation. Madam Speaker, although the legendary education, and Mike has always been a big Gude resigned from Congress in 1977 after Jamie Coe passed away on Saturday, January part of it. The Moeller tradition emphasizes a decade of dedicated and compassionate 27, 2007, his memory will live on in the hearts

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