Video Storyboard Title: Amandla Brailsford Stenberg

Scene: 1 Video: Clips of Amandla Stenberg Dialogue: Amandla Stenberg was born October 23rd, in 1998. Amandla is an amazing 17 year old actress, director, author, editor, producer, writer, and model as well as an intersectional What does that mean? feminist and a huge part of the #BlackLivesMatter ­ a ctivist. m ovement.

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Scene: 2 Video: Clips of commercials she was in as a Dialogue: Amandla Stenberg started off young kid. young with modeling for Disney Channel at the age of 4 and then went into acting in commercials shortly after.

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Scene: 3 Video: Clips of her character in the movie Dialogue: In the summer and fall of 2010, then in Amandla shot her first feature, , an action­thriller and played a young child W­w named Cataleya Restrepo. T ell me about this­X7nWu character. I n 2011­2012 Lionsgate aZXw announced that Amandla had gotten the role of Rue a young girl in the young adult series The Hunger Games. Tell me about this character.

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Scene: 4 Video: Clips of her in Sleepy Hollow and Bia Dialogue: 2013 to 2014 was the year in the movie, . Amandla got casted in the drama series Sleepy Hollow as Macey Irving, the daughter of Frank and Cynthia Irving. Afterwards in 2014 she was casted as the bird Bia in the movie Rio 2.

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Scene: 5 Video: Clips of Mr. Robinson and As You Are Dialogue: Amandla also was a student in the NBC show Mr. Robinson in 2015. Also in W00 2015 Amandla was casted as a girl named Sarah in the dramatic Sundance Film “As You Are”. The movie then won an award at the Check this out: She talks about her character Sundance Film Festival. What award? For in “As You Are”. what?­ste nberg­interview­as­you­are­sundance

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Scene: 6 Video: “Don’t Crash Crop On My Cornrows” Dialogue: As Amandla was doing all of this she clips. was also growing and becoming a stronger black women and activist. Why did she become an activist. M s. Stenberg made multiple short film. One was called Don’t Cash Crop on my Cornrows, which she made for a grade in one of her classes. H ow did people react to this film? This short involved Amandla explaining cultural appropriation/appreciation and what the affects of it are against black women as well as how many celebrities influence it. This film was a huge start into a lot of realization and helped with the BlackLivesMatter and BlackGirlMagic categories.

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Scene: 7 Video: Clips of The Yellow Wallpaper Amandla’s first film was called “The Yellow Wallpaper” and she directed, wrote, and produced it all by herself when she was just Ch e c k t h e s e 15 in 2014. The film depicts the experiences of a woman suffering from a mental illness ­stenberg­rowan­blanchard­the­future­of­femi who moves into an old house to clear her nism_us_5672c98be4b0688701dc6172 mind. A recent short film made by Amandla was called, "Blue Girls Burn Fast," a 19­minute short film, which she wrote, ¶ produced, directed and edited, follows a ¶ foster teen named Andy as she navigates ¶ school and family life. ¶

Add scenes in here about what defines her films. How can you recognize her films? Are they all about empowerment and awareness? Are they about being an outsider and finding out who you are? Talk about how impressive her accomplishment are for how young she is.

Scene: 8 Video: Dialogue: Ms. Stenberg then started Clips of Amandla’s comic books, 1 and 2. developing into the world of comics. She is co­wrote a new series, called “Niobe: She Is Life” for Stranger Comics about a hybrid elf­human warrior. The first issue was released on November 4th, 2015. In an interview with Amandla had said “I think it's the first comic book that has a black female writer and a black female illustrator and a black female lead, so it's really exciting," A gain, is she working towards equality and empowerment?

Scene: 9 Video: Dialogue: After Amandla finishes high school An d t h i s she will be heading to New York University’s­stenberg­on­ film school and the help in getting in was her her­plans­to­be­a­film­director/ film Blue Girls Burn Fast. Amandla is still very much working hard and is continuing through what she has been doing. Read the interview­ she talks about her plans for NYU

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