151°45'E 151°50'E 151°55'E 152°00'E 152°05'E 152°10'E 152°15'E 152°20'E 152°25'E 152°30'E 152°35'E 152°40'E 152°45'E 152°50'E 152°55'E 153°00'E #


20-430 20-432 # E '

20-429 0 20-392 0 3

20-434 .

20-426 8 1

 20-431 °

20-428 2

20-438 5 # 1 S S '  20-433 L ' 5 im 5

5 20-425 20-445 it 5 ° 20-444 ° 0 of 0

2 20-449 2 20-437 20-439 20-446 r 20-448 ee

CORAL f 20-443  MNP-20-1124 # d 20-436 20-450 et 20-423 20-393 ail

20-394 E ' 20-447  8  

20-427 8

7 Newell

20-440 . 20-395 # 20-424  7 Reef  0 ° 20-396 2

5  20-451 1 20-422  20-441   20-398 20-435  20°59.100'S 20-397 S S

' 20-399 ' 0   0 0 0 ° ° 1 1

2     2 20-400 21-192 #    21-193  21-194 21-195 21-625    21-273 Perkins 21-196 21-198 21-197   Reef  E ' SEA 21-274 6    5 6

21-612 . 1

21-619 4

    °

# 21-276 21-275 2

21-199 21-200 5 21-616     1 21-201 21-656 S S

'   21-277  ' 5 21-629 21-202 21-203 21°04.777'S 5 0 0 ° °

1   21-204 21-205 1 E 2 2 ' E 0 21-207 21-208 ' 4  0     0 2

. Distant (NP)

21-613 3 1 . 21-211

1 21-206

0 Elusive 21-209 E 21-210 ° 21-614 ' 21-278   21-212 1         2 8

° 21-213 21-282 # E 5 5 ' E 2 Zodiac Cay ' 1 7 8 5 3 21-151 . 21-280 9

  1        4 21-152 21-214 7 21-215 21-655 7 8 1 21-281 . 21-279 . ° 21-216 21-615 7 5 2         5 3 5 °

21°07.680'S °

21°07.716'S 1 21-217 2 2

21°07.920'S 5 5 1

     1   21-218 21-285 21-617 P-21-24 21-222   21°08.640'S 21°08.640'S 21-221 21-283    21-157 21-219 Ron Taylor 21°09.048'S 21°08.978'S   P-21-25  Reef E ' 21-660 S S 21-639 # ' ' 0 21°09.600'S 21-224 21-284 21-664 0 0 6 21-220 21-659 E 21-159 21-624 21°09.840'S '

1      1 7 0 . ° ° 0 1 1 21-641 21-288 1 0 1

2 21-226 2 . E 21-287 °    '  

21-223 8

2 21-286 8 E

' 21-227 4 5 9 ° 21-158 21-161 0 1 9 2 0   .   21-229  b  5 2 21-228 7 . 1 1 9 ° 21-230 21-640 1 2

  °    

21-620 5 2

21-628 1 21-225 5 21-290

1 21-289a 21-165 Twin Cays 21-627   21-634   21-232 E

# Reef (North) 21-231 ' 21-291

  21-234   0  21-166 Lavers Cay 0 21-236 0 . 21-233 21-235   7 21-238   2 E E ' ' ° 21-293 2 0 2 9 Twin Cays 5 5 2      9 1 . Reef (South) 21-292 . 6 8

Riptide Cay (NP) 3 3 ° °

S 21-663 S

'  21-168     ' 2 21-172 2 5 5 5 21-237 5 1 1 1 1 ° 21-622 21°14.977'S °

1     1 2 2    # MNP-21-1140 21-239 21-636  21°15.871'S 21-240 21°16.818'S  Centenery Cay  21-241 21-635  21-294

E 21-243 ' c 2

4  b   

8 21-658

. 21-245 2

# 5 °    21-246  1 SWAIN 21-244 21-242a 5 21-295 1  21-637 b   

S MNP-21-1142 S ' '

0     0

2 21-632 2

° 21-247 ° 1 21-250a 1 2 21-251 2      21-643b21-296  21-621 21-248 21-249 21-180    21-252    21-626 21-255 c 21-623 21-253 21-254 21-256 d 21°21.597'S      # 21°21.720'S 21-297a 21-661 21-257 21-657    21-633    

E 21-181 ' E

Mystery Cay '

3 21-638

21-630 0 0  21-258   21-644 21-299  4 0 . 0 21°23.040'S . 5 21-298 6 4

°     2

21-618 ° 1 21-259 2 5 21-260 b E 5 ' 1   21-185    21-642  1 21-631 21-759 0

21-300a 2 7

21-263 .

# S S

      3 ' 21-710 ' 3 5 21-186 21-261 21-262a 5 21°24.840'S ° 2 2 2 ° 21-707 °

   5 1 1 1 2 21-712 21-741 21-264 b 2 E    21-776 '   21-785 0

21-745 2 21-667 21-692 21-265 21-301 7 21-302  21-266   .   21-758 0

21-267 3 21-190 21-738 21-268 °      2   21-713 5 21-772 1 21-783   21-734 21-753    REEFS 21-784 # 21-191 21-705 21-303  21-673 21-27021-269  21-739 21-771 21-304     East Cay

21-305 E 21-755     ' 9 8 S 21-271 21-737 S ' 21-704 21-272 ' 21-306 8 . 0      0 5 3 3 3 ° ° ° 1 1 21-468 2

2      2 21-756 5 21-437 21-471 # 21-723 21-469 21-775 1 21-438  21-711  21-470 21-782 21-719 21-475 21-472 21-442 21-720 21°31.422'S 21-441      E 21-473 ' 21-708 21-474 2     7 E ' 0 . 0 0 2 3    21-751   3  . 21-477 °

21-748 1 21-696 2 21-558 3 5

21-476 °    21-742   1  21-754 2

# 5 21-750 21-479 1 21-481 21-703  21-478     21-693 21-480 21°34.188'S 21-482 21-559 S        S ' 21-446 21-483 ' 5 21-484 21-485 5

3 21-445 3 °       21-789 ° E 1 1 '

2 21-487 2 21-672 9 9 E   21-488  8 21-486 

' 21-778 21-677 . 21-781 5 Turrum 2 4 21-447 21-489 2 ° 2 E '    Reef .  2 7 6

# 5 0

21-490 2 E 1 21-491 ° ' 21-670 21-492 21-728 3 . 2    4

1 21-780 1 5 2 1 6 ° P-21-26 . 2  21°37.538'S  3 5 21-451 21-493 3 ° 21-498 1 21-691 2   21-494  21-495 21°38.079'S  5 21-699 1 E 21-686 21-697 21°38.577'S 21°38.455'S '   21-690  21-695    0 21-694 Bacchi 21-496 0 Thomas Cay (NP) 5 21-455 Cay (NP) 21-764 21-560 . 21°38.985'S 2

     E   ' E

21-730 3 21°39.228'S ' ° 0

21-456 21-740 2 # S S 6 2 ' ' 4 3 5 0 0 0 E   .   ' . 1 4 21-499 4 E 7 ° ° 0 ' 4 2 8 1 1 1 21-688 2 ° 21-732 E ° 1 21-497 ' 2 2 21-726 6 2 .   2 7 2

21-687 . 21-502 5 21-682 21-769 5 0 5 Recreation 2 1 2 21-501 1 4 21°40.704'S

21-500 ° . 21-685 2

° Reef 2   4 2 5 21-684 21-722 2 ° 5

21-747 1 E

21-503 ' 1 21-681 2

 3    21-683 21-743 5 21°41.520'S 5 21-689 21-504 1 4

21-461 E . ' 21-727 21-787 1    0 21-507  P-21-28 0 21-680 2 21°42.240'S

° 21-786 0

# . 21°42.240'S E

2 21-561 21-460 21°42.563'S ' 5

Isobel Bennett Reef 5       3 

21-462 1 Turner 1 9 °

21°42.960'S E 21-505 8 ' 2 21-506 21-508 . Reef 0 5       1  8 1 21-779 3 21-562 0 ° 21°43.652'S . 21-509 2 E 8 '

P-21-29 5

    2  0 1 21-510 21°44.018'S ° 21-463 21-725 6 2 3

21°44.295'S . 21-511 5 21-563

Frigate Cay (NP) 7    1  S S ' ' 2

5 21-513 21-721 5 21°44.805'S ° 4 4 2 E E ' '

° 21°44.954'S °

    5  7 4 1 21-718 1 1

21°45.258'S 6 5

2 21-512 2

21-464 21-760 4 5

# .    21-716  .   5 21-702 4 2 21-717 2 Half Tide °

21-454 ° E ' 2    Detour Reef 2  Reef 21°46.167'S  8 5 21-669 5 P-21-30 Bills 5 1 21-668 21-724 21-514 1 21-517 21-564 0 Reef 21-671 . 21-518    4 P-21-31 Price   E 21-565

21°46.938'S 1 21°46.982'S '

° 21°47.025'S

21-515 0

2 Cay 21-736 5

    5 Bylund Cay (NP)   21°47.491'S 4 . 1 21°47.627'S (NP) 2 E ' 3 1

   ° 

21-516 1

21-465 2 4 Turtle Reef E E 21-788 ' ' . 21-674 21-729 5

E 21-520 E 8 9 ' 1 2 ' 21-519 21-522 # 0 5 4 1   3    E ° ' 5 1 1 21-523 6

. . 21-521 2 0 2 5 6 7 . . 5 2 Blue Lion 2 2 5 21-777 4

  1    1 ° °

. MNP-21-1145 2 E 2 ' Reef 2 2 ° ° 9 21-525 S S 6 ' ' 5 5 2 2 0

1 21-566 ° 1 1 0 0 5     5 21°49.758'S  21-567  7 2 1 5 5 1 . 21-568 ° ° 5 7 21-526 1 1 1 Houdini Reef 0 2 2  21-466  °   21-527   E 2 21-524 ' Triangle Reef 5 21-757 5 1    4 21-569 21-570 6

21°51.120'S . 21-761 21-571 7

21-706 21-530 2


 °   

21°51.731'S 21-528 21-733 21-531 2 21-714 21-532 5 21-529 21°52.035'S 1 Small   21-709  21-573  Lagoon Heart  21-534  21-533 21°52.692'S  

21-676 E 21-537 Reef Reef ' Emperor Reef 21-574 21°53.040'S 6 21-572 21-575 E

21-678 3 21-467 21-538 '

  Merv's 5    5 . E ' 3

P-21-33 2 8 21-700 Reef 4 2 21-540 . 5 E

E 21-744 ° ' '

    0 E 21-535 0 21-536 21-576 2 ' 0

21-698 0 . 4 5 6 5 ° 2 0 1 1 3 2 5 2 Hill . . ° 6

     5 # S S . 9 ' ' 1 E 2 1 ' E 6

0 1 Reef 5 5 21-541 ' 5 1 ° ° 3 5 5 5 1 0 ° 2 2 ° ° 21-679 21°55.019'S  Long Reef   7 21-578 21-579 6 2 5 5

1 21-544 1 4 Moon Cay . 21-542 . 1 1 5 2 21-731 2 21-701 21-543 7

Central Reef 5 21-752 1

21-545 2 21°55.461'S 3    ° 21-577   °

21-547 2 E 2 ' 21-546 21-735 5

21-580 5 2 1

1 Beacon Reef  2 21-762  21-581  9 E E ' . '

E 21-582

21-715 Poulson Cay ' 0 6 4

21°56.391'S 9 0 9 1 21-548

   8  ° 0 21-539 Pike Reef 7 21-583 . 7 21°56.943'S 21-749 . 2 21°56.994'S .

2 21-550 5 5 21-549 7 1 2 Obstruction Reef 1 3

 °   

° s

# 21-551 ° s 2 2 21-552 a 2

5 P 5 Jenkins 5

1 Follett Reef 21-768 1   21-770Gannett Cay (NP) Reef 1 21-587 21-586 21-553 21-774 21-585 21-555 21-556 21-584   21°58.476'S Littles Reef    21°58.734'S 21-554 21°58.776'S P-21-34 21°58.734'S     21-589  21°58.815'S Wade Reef  21-557 E 21°59.236'S 21-588 21-746 21-773 ' 21-590 us 8

S d S E ' a 21°59.468'S ' 6 ' ar 0 0 0 3   22-084    . C 21°59.841'S

3 MNP-21-1149 0 0 8 ° ° 6 E ' . 2 2 2 E ° 7 0 22°00.001'S 22-828   22-101  ' Chinaman  2 2 2 2 0 6 Wilson Reef #

° 22-843 5 E 8 1 ' . Reef Half Moon Reef 1 2 5 E 22-850

22-086 3 8 ' . 5

  22-844 5   2 4 22-103

9 22-102

1 b 22-085 ° 8 5 3 22°01.191'S . 2 ° 3 22-087 22-842 8 . 5 2

22-088a 3  4      1 5 ° 1 1 2 ° 22-841 5 2 Chesterman Reef

22-089     Horseshoe Reef  1  5 22°02.172'S 1 22-090 b 22-104a 22-851     22-848 E 22-839 ' 22°02.991'S Ron Isbel Reef 22-091  0     22-107 0 22-108 4

# 22-837 . 22-105 22-106 9

22-834 E c '

 22-836  2    9 °

0 22-110 2 4

5 Sanctuary Reef 22-829 .  1   2 S S

' 22-109 ' 3 5 5 °

0 22-832 0 22-092 2

°  22-845 ° 22-111 5 22-112 2 2 1 2 Herald No 1 22-840 2 #  22-094 22-835   22-113 Hook Reef Abrahams Reef 22-114 22-116   22-093    22-096 22-095 22-115   # # 22-846 22-849 Sinker Reef     22-121 22-120 22-833 22-117 22-118 22-119 22-830 Junior Reef    # 22-838 22-122 22-831   Taiwan Reef 22-123  22-125  22-124 #

# S S ' '

0   22-126   0 1 1 ° 22-097 ° 2 Gater 2

2 22-816    2 # Reef 22-130   22-127  Sunray Reef 22-128 22-129 22-131

E      # ' 0 6

9 22-098 . 22-132    6 22-818 0

# ° 22-824 Sandshoe Reef

2    # 5 22-819 22-826 22-133 1    22-820 22-134 22-825 22°13.800'S   # 22-817 22-135 22-821

S 22-137 S ' ' 5 5 1 1

° 22-136  °

2 # 2 2 2  Hackie Reef  # 22-138 22-827 C 22-099 22-139 a     p # r    Sweetlip Reef ic 22-823 Dicks o 22-140 r 22-822  Reef  n # 22-141 

22-142 # E

22-100 '

 6  0 E ' 4

# E 0 . ' 0 1 0

0   4 1 . ° 4 9 . 2 22-143 S S 3 4 ' ' 5 °

4 1 0 0 2 ° 2 2 5

# 2 ° °

1 22-144 5 2 2

1 2 Twins Reef 22°20.533'S 2 (West) Hixson Cay  # 22°21.000'S 22-145 # 22-146a 22°21.224'S b  Howard Patch (No 3) 22-147a 22°21.815'S 22-148c South

# Hixson   Cay   # Howard Patch (No 2) # Twins Reef  22-148b (East) # 22-146b Howard Patch (No 1) S S ' 22°24.600'S 22-148a 22°24.600'S '

5 # 5 2 22°24.907'S  # 2 ° ° 2 2 2 2 E E MARINE PARK '

' # 0 9 0 1 8 3 . . MACKAY / CAPRICORN MANAGEMENT AREA 4 5 3 2 °

C ° 2 h 2 5 5 1 a 1 nn el S S ' ' 0 0 3 3 ° ° 2 2 2 2 E ' 4 2 6 . 7 5 S S

' MNP-21-1141 ' ° 5 5 1 3 3 5 ° ° 1 2 2 2 2 Archer Shoal 22°35.988'S 22-161 E ' 0 0 0 .

22°37.500'S 2 4 ° 2 5 1


151°45'E 151°50'E 151°55'E 152°00'E 152°05'E 152°10'E 152°15'E 152°20'E 152°25'E 152°30'E 152°35'E 152°40'E 152°45'E 152°50'E 152°55'E 153°00'E THIS MAP IS INDICATIVE ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSES. IMPORTANT NOTES FOR MAP USERS NOTES: 1. The purpose of this map is to help interpret the Great Barrier Reef Great Barrier Reef Marine Parks This map may not show all Queensland State Marine Park Zoning (for Marine Park Zoning Plan 2003 and the Marine Parks (Great Barrier example, State Marine Parks where declared between high and low water). Reef Coast) Zoning Plan 2004. The zone boundaries shown on this For more information on these areas, please refer to the Queensland Marine map are indicative only. Park Zoning Plan. Restrictions and/or closures under Queensland legislation While care has been taken to illustrate zone boundaries as accurately Zoning (eg. Fisheries Regulation 2008 (Qld)) are not shown. as possible, users must refer to Schedule 1 of the Great Barrier Reef Users should familiarise themselves with all legal requirements relevant to Marine Park Zoning Plan 2003 and Schedule 1 of the Marine Parks their particular activities before entering or using the Great Barrier Reef (Great Barrier Reef Coast) Zoning Plan 2004 for precise boundary Marine Park or the Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park. descriptions. MAP 16 - Swain Reefs 2. Zone identifiers indicate the zone type, latitude and number of The inshore boundary of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park follows the each zoned area. Zones numbered on this map: LEGEND coastline of Queensland at low water except to the extent such waters CP - Conservation Park Zone are within the limits of the State of Queensland within the meaning of B - Buffer Zone Marine Park boundary section 14 of the Seas & Submerged Lands Act 1973, or where otherwise SR - Scientific Research Zone indicated (such as port areas). Any depiction of the inshore boundary MNP - Marine National Park Zone Great Barrier Reef Marine Park on this map is indicative only. P - Preservation Zone 3. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Parks include the water column, Management Area boundary the subsoil beneath the seabed to a depth of 1000 metres below the L Bommie / rock seabed and the airspace to 915 metres above the surface. 4. Reefs, shoals and islands within the Great Barrier Reef Marine  Park are numbered west to east within one-degree bands. They are Reef Flat prefixed with the latitude at the top of the band in which they lie.  A centre point is used to determine the appropriate one-degree band  Indicative Reef boundary INDEX TO ADJOINING MAPS

for features straddling parallels. Following the latitude band is the No Sh#ipping numeric unique reef identifier. In addition, complex reef areas carry Shipping Designated Shipping Area boundary Sub IDs in the form of alphabetic letters. SEA 5. Islands, or parts of islands that form part of Queensland are not Coastline owned by the Commonwealth, and are not part of the Great Barrier Map 13 Reef Marine Park. River 6. The information displayed is held in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Geospatial Data Library. This includes data provided ´ Mangrove by Geoscience Australia National Mapping Division (including the Scale 1 : 250 000  GEODATA product) and the Australian Hydrographic Office. Land Backshore tenure was derived from data supplied by the Queensland Department 0 5 10 15 20 km of National Parks, Sport and Racing, 19 July 2016. Population centre (to scale) Map 16 7. While every effort has been made to show all features necessary to make this map a useful general reference, map users are invited to 0 5 10 n mile ! Population centre (symbolised) advise the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority of any errors, Map 15 omissions or other suggestions that would enhance this product. Map Projection: Unprojected Geographic Minor road (unsealed) Contact details are shown overleaf, or email to: Horizontal Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 [email protected] Major road (sealed) SAFETY IN THE MARINE PARKS People visit the Marine Parks at their own risk. Zoning Plans allow activities National Park / Conservation Tenure Map 17 Map 18 Map 19 to take place, but do not guarantee safety. The Parks contain both natural and human hazards. Park users should consult navigation charts, Notices to This map must not be used for marine navigation. Mariners, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Department Comprehensive and updated navigation information should be obtained from published of National Parks, Sport and Racing for more specific information WARNING Produced December 2016 by Spatial Data Centre - Edition V before going to sea. hydrographic charts. © Commonwealth of Australia (GBRMPA) 2016