THE CHIMES Issue No 45 Spring 2013

Including Financial Report for 2012

Deerpark Bridge in

First Presbyterian Church


Following God during 2012 has meant we have again seen Him grow and strengthen our Church. This is the story you will read in the following articles about events and organisations! Each one will paint some of the picture of the Worship, Work and Witness of 1st Donegore within our organisations and beyond our church gates. So I say a sincere “thank you” for what you have helped God grow and strengthen during 2012, and for the ways you have loved others in the name of Jesus. “Well done!” But “Let’s keep on!” Let’s keep on making Worship our weekly priority. Let’s keep on making 11am in 1st Donegore the place we meet to praise and thank God - but also the time when God feeds our souls, renews our hope, gives us help and deepens our spiritual health. Let’s keep on seeing God work in lives as we pray at Engage from 10.30am to 10.45am each Sunday. And let’s keep on, or start enjoying the friendship, support and fellowship of GROW - our small groups - which meet Tue & Wed at 8pm and Thur at 10am. Let's keep on in the Work of 1st Donegore we as serve our community and each other. Let’s keep on making that difference in the lives of seniors, adults, parents, young people, children and infants through all our organisations. And as we work to love and serve others let’s keep on relying on God’s grace to encourage, strengthen and lead us. Let’s keep on in the Witness of 1st Donegore as we show the love of Jesus beyond our gates. Let’s keep on strengthening our Witness overseas as we get involved in our “Kids4school” school building project at Msalato in Tanzania this year. Let’s keep on growing our Witness to our district, as we support our partners in local mission - “Storehouse”, “Scripture Union” and “Christians Against Poverty”. And let’s keep on praying for our Witness to Parkgate, as we encourage new initiatives like “Sparks” for children and “Jump 2” for teens. As you read this copy of Chimes and take that backward glance at 2012, can I ask you to pause and notice the things God is doing as 1st Donegore loves, cares for and serves others for Jesus? And as you reflect on all you see, can I also ask you to choose one aspect of our Church life where you can take a deeper interest? “Well Done! Let’s keep on!” This is a paraphrase of the words God used to encourage the New Testament Church in Galatia. God’s words remain a timely encouragement to renew and inspire us for the work of 2013. """Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we will reap, if we do not lose heart." As you read this copy of Chimes, you will naturally be grateful to those who have contributed to and compiled it. You will also be grateful to each of those willing, dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers who make it all happen. Above all I ask you to choose to make God’s words in Galatians 6:9 your inspiration, so that 1st Donegore keeps on in its Worship, Work and Witness. Thank you all for 2012. Well Done! Let's keep on!



Early in 2012 Session learned that the Fellowship of Churches had agreed to run an Alpha course and following the success of the course that we had run ourselves some 5 years ago, we were very supportive of this proposal. Delegates from 1st Donegore were appointed to be part of the organising team and in due course Sam Pollock became the leader. An invitation evening was held in December and the course is now up and running and well attended. Thanks to Sam for all his hard work in getting things moving and also of course to all others who have been involved. The idea of a Men’s Ministry had been around for a little time and an initial meeting was held in the Templeton Hotel. This initiative developed gradually with a few events being held during the year including a trip to . Later in the year Brian Gault, a well-known Thalidomide campaigner, agreed to be a guest speaker, due to clashes of dates this was eventually held as an open meeting in early January when we had an excellent presentation from Brian and his wife May. During the year we were sorry to hear that Mrs Elaine Sinclair had decided to step down from her role as a Governor to Parkgate Primary School. Our sincere thanks go to Elaine for her diligent service in this important position. In June plans were made to ensure we did not miss out on the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations. With the help of some funding from Antrim Borough Council the Youth Club ran a very successful Community Event with a 'street party' in the Church grounds. We also had our own celebrity present on the day when Sam brought along his Olympic Torch which he had run with a few days earlier. As the Queen had 'invited' everyone to a lunch on Sunday afternoon 3rd June we held our own lunch after Worship and this was also an event that was enjoyed by all. In September Session learned of Grace's intention to retire from the GB from May 2013. This resignation was received with much regret and we thank her for her many years of service as Captain which began in 1979. Work continues at this time to find a replacement. It is very pleasing to see the youth work in our congregation developing and expanding. Session was very happy to approve extensions to both the Youth Club and Sunday School. The first additional event to be held was a praise band evening on a Saturday night which was well attended despite heavy snow! Sunday School has also had a 'Sparks' event on a Friday evening and both are hoped to be repeated on a regular basis over the coming months.

2 Session has been giving much consideration on how to reach those members of congregation who have somehow got disconnected from our everyday life and work. You will probably read about this elsewhere in the Chimes but if not keep an eye out for further details during 2013.

John McCullagh Clerk of Session


This year our main emphasis within the Property sub-committee has been a programme of continuing maintenance. Due to weathering of the existing wooden door and frame a replacement PVC door has been fitted at the rear of the Manse, the original door being beyond economical repair. The central heating chimney at the rear of the church was completely re- pointed and the top few rows of bricks and crown were rebuilt. Unfortunately we have again suffered some glass damage which has been repaired as required. The police are kept informed of these incidents and we hope that they can be minimised with good vigilance by all. To maintain our safety certification the usual inspections of fire extinguishers and fire fighting equipment were carried out. A full electrical test and inspection was carried out in the hall. This included testing of all portable electrical items, emergency lighting and fire alarm system. All organisations are reminded that it is their duty as mandated by Committee policy, to hold at least one fire drill during the year preferably at the start of the season. This can be arranged with John McCullagh at any time. Organisations are also requested to ensure that when putting chairs in the store to the left of the entrance that they are in stacks of 10 chairs high and that a clear passage is left for access to the coat-hooks and switchboard. We would like to thank those people who once again turned out so willingly to assist in our regular grounds clean-up. If anyone else would like to be involved please watch Family Matters for dates for the next 'Super Saturday'!

John McCullagh Sub-Committee Secretary

3 BEREAVEMENTS & WEDDINGS & BAPTISMS 2012 Bereavements Mr William Milligan died 10th April Mr John Jamison died 13th August Mrs Carol Todd died 13th October Mrs Jean Hoey died 10th November

Marriages Julie Douglas to Michael Johnston 11th February Emma Alexander to Ben Meikle 27th April Jillian Kerr to John Lavery 11th August Louise Glen to Matthew Drennan 18th August

Baptisms Naomi Rebecca - daughter to David and Claire Charles on 18th November


We all have a “Care for the members of our Church Family” and this is one of the core values at the heart of every Congregation, and it is something in which we are all involved. 1st Donegore is here to show Jesus' love by the way we support and care for each other. Our members do this informally and instinctively, but there is also the formal Pastoral Care that First Donegore provides through Minister, Elders and the Pastoral Care Team. We need your help to provide the best formal pastoral care we can. To do this we need to be informed: - when you or a family member is in hospital. (Changes in Hospital Chaplaincy guidelines mean that a Chaplain won't always call with you, nor let your Minister know) - when other life events mean you or a loved one need the support and encouragement of your Church Family. So please let us know so we can care for and support you in the way our Church wants to. Please let us know - don’t leave it to someone else! This is the appeal we make. With your help your Church will be able to show the care and support we want to! Your Minister's phone number is 9443 2376. Thank you for your help in this very important matter.


The year 2012 has flown past for the members of committee. A year in which we are once more pleased to report much progress was made. All committee members are on one of the various sub committees and work hard each year to enhance the life of our congregation in our communications, property, fund raising and finance. The fund raising members worked very hard raising a substantial sum. A Harvest Barn dance in the Church Hall in October followed by a bus trip to Dublin in November were both very successful and we thank everyone involved for their work in making these worthwhile events happen. Sue Cunningham as always produces the Family Matters each week and we thank her for that. Again if anyone has any free hours which they can offer please contact us – there is always photocopying and clerical work needed to help with the smooth running of our congregation. As a committee we try to keep the property tidy and in good repair – the members of the property committee working hard in this respect. Along with the usual grounds and buildings maintenance when members of committee and congregation gather twice a year for the Spring and Autumn clean the unseen remedial actions go on as usual – boiler repairs, water damage and all the other day to day issues that arise. Finance continues to be on everyone’s mind in these trying times and we always endeavour to use your giving in a diligent manner. All of our committee members work tirelessly each week and we thank them for that and their generous support of the Church family in this way. As a committee we have noted with regret and sadness the passing of members of our congregation. We extend to those families, and all our families who have suffered a loss this year, our condolences and prayers. Committee appreciates the support they receive throughout the year and thank the congregation for continuing to have the work of committee in their thoughts and prayers.

Marianne (Secretary)

5 HOSPICE COFFEE MORNING Thank you to all who supported the Hospice Coffee morning on 8th October after church. £245 was raised for this worthy cause

SHOEBOX APPEAL Many thanks to all who supported the Blythswood Care Shoebox appeal. 48 shoeboxes and £200 were delivered to Blythswood for distribution to needy children in several countries. The Boys' Brigade also contributed an additional 20 shoeboxes. BIBLE QUIZ Q. What kind of man was Boaz before he married Ruth? A. Ruthless. Q. What do they call pastors in Germany? A. German Shepherds. Q. Who was the greatest financier in the Bible? A. Noah, He was floating his stock while everyone else was in liquidation. Q. Who was the greatest female financier in the Bible? A. Pharaoh's daughter. She went down to the bank of the Nile and drew out a little prophet. Q. What kind of motor vehicles are in the Bible? A. Jehovah drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden in a Fury. David's Triumph was heard throughout the land. Also, probably a Honda, because the apostles were all in one Accord. Q. Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible? A. Samson. He brought the house down. Q. Which servant of God was the most flagrant lawbreaker in the Bible? A. Moses. He broke all 10 commandments at once. Q. Which area of Middle East was especially wealthy? A. The area around Jordan. The banks were always overflowing. Q. Who is the greatest babysitter mentioned in the Bible? A. David. He rocked Goliath to a very deep sleep. Q. Which Bible character had no parents? A. Joshua, son of Nun. PS... Did you know it's a sin for a woman to make coffee? Yup, it's in the Bible. It says: 'He-brews' and finally: Q. What do you call a sleep-walking nun? A. a roamin' Catholic

Contributed by George Beattie (Seattle )

6 MUMS AND TOTS Mums and Tots recommenced in January after the Christmas break and continued until June with breaks for mid-term and Easter. The children all enjoyed playing with the toys and puzzles. Simple crafts were completed on various occasions and paper and pencils were always available for drawing. I think we have some budding artist in the area! While the children are happy playing the mums can relax and chat with friends old and new. We also have a time for singing which is very popular with both mums and tots. On 1st June we held our Jubilee party and prize giving. Everyone was asked to wear red, white or blue (or any combination). Congratulations to Anne Cunningham for her outfit! Two of our members Sarah and Louisa "graduated" to Nursery School. We miss them but we wish them well. Some of our other members who got afternoon places at nursery still come in the morning. In September we welcomed back many of our members from the previous session as well as some new members. We have 22 children on our roll with an average attendance of about 17, although we will be losing 6 or 7 members in June. Mums and Tots is a great outreach for our church with our youth organisations already seeing the benefit. This is only made possible because of those who give up their time each week to help, whether making tea and snacks (which are enjoyed by all) or helping with the children. There is always room for more helpers so even if you could only give one morning a month, come along and see us. You will be made very welcome. We ended 2012 with a Christmas party with Santa paying a visit.

TheFriday Morning Gang

7 GB REPORT Our opening meeting of 2012 was held on Monday 9th January after the Bowling Tournament. In January the Explorers and Juniors entered the District Team Games competitions. The Junior girls also entered the Duster Hockey Competition where they were runners up in their sections. Thanks to all parents who took their girls to 1st Antrim for the competitions. A great time was had by everyone. Well done girls! The juniors entered a Northern Craft competition organised by HQ. This was to find the "Younique" animal in you, where they had to compare themselves to an animal in Belfast Zoo, write a poem or a few sentences as to why they chose this animal and make a collage of the animal. The girls all put a lot of work and thought into this and I would like to thank Claire for all her work with them. A special thanks to Sarah who came on one occasion to lend a hand. Unfortunately we did not receive any prizes but enjoyed an outing to Belfast Zoo on a beautiful day in June along with all the other Juniors who had entered the competition. In February we once again held GB Week. Thank you all for your generosity £793 was collected £512.47 being sent to HQ as our assessment. Thanks to all who supported us in GB week especially in this economic climate. We are very grateful as it takes a lot of money to run a company. Explorers, Seniors and Brigaders entered the District Craft competition where we were delighted to receive 4 certificates. Our 56th Annual Display was held on Saturday 31st March when we welcomed as our chief guest Mrs Heather Smyth, Captain Congregational Girls’ Brigade Company. Heather also presented the prizes. The new session began in September with 40 girls on the roll. We were pleased to have quite a few new members join and delighted all our members from last year returned. On our opening evening we had our annual Fire Drill, many thanks to John. Also during September the younger girls had a walk through the village. Our Enrolment Service took place in October with BB & GB members taking part in the service conducted by Rev. Simpson. Badge-work this year consists of Scripture, PE, Craft, Young Traveller, Giving, Organising an Event and Newspaper Production

8 Senior and Brigader members organised and prepared a meal for mums, officers and helpers, they also organised the Explorer and Tiny Tots Christmas Party and are preparing a newsletter of our year's work which will be distributed at the display . For our charity project we once more joined with the whole church to fill shoeboxes with gifts for Blythswood Care to send to various countries in need. I would like to thank everyone who donated gifts or money for this cause, unfortunately we had fewer donations this year with 48 boxes and £200 being delivered to Blythswood. In December the juniors entertained at the Senior Citizens dinner, singing carols and some of the girls played their violins. Thanks to all. 2012 ended with Santa visiting the Explorers and Tiny Tots at the end of their party. The Juniors, after eating, were to travel to Antrim Forum to enjoy some bowling but because of a flag protest in Antrim we decided to remain in the hall, however they did enjoy themselves. The seniors and Brigaders travelled to for food and ice skating. Torville and Deane better watch out! I would like to thank the officers, Helen, Lynne, Lyndsey Anne and Claire along with Laura and Jo-Ann, and everyone who helped in any way throughout 2012. Thank you for your support and prayers as we continue to "Seek, Serve and Follow Christ" in the work of Girls' Brigade here in 1st Donegore.

Grace McCullagh (Captain)

9 CHOIR REPORT 2012 This year we had a schedule of dates for choir and Instrumentalists practices, which worked well and we plan to continue with this system in 2013. In April we provided a Soup Lunch after the morning service. This was followed by an afternoon of music which was well supported by members of our own congregation and many friends from neighbouring churches. The afternoon started with the singing of a selection of Psalms by our own choir followed by our guests, the very talented Hyde family from , and Adam and Denise Martin from Parkgate. The Hyde family played a number of instruments and sang hymns/songs as well. Adam played the bagpipes accompanied by Denise on the organ, and the choir sang some pieces along with them. Donations which amounting to more than £1,000 were forwarded to an Orphanage in Durban, South Africa, for children affected by AIDS. We enjoyed preparing for Harvest Services and Community Carol Service and continue to learn new pieces of music in addition to the well known and loved hymns and carols. I would like to thank the choir and instrumentalists for their support during the past year. We were pleased to welcome William Logan back and as always, we would welcome new members to sing or play instruments.

Laura Martin

10 Dear friends,

Grace and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you as a Church for the warmth of welcome we received while in 1st Donegore. We can say that each and every person went out of their way to make us genuinely feel at home - we were never made to feel like strangers. I would like to say a particular word of thanks to your minister, Rev Stephen Simpson, for both his encouragement and example. I can truly say I learned much from him. The eight weeks we spent in Parkgate was as part of my application for ordained ministry in the Presbyterian Church. At time of writing we don't know the outcome of that application and regardless of what it will be we'll look back at our time in Donegore with much fondness. As part of what was required of my placement I spent time seeing much of the life of the Church, through a variety of meetings, programmes and events. And through this it has been clear to see God's word and witness is strong through the people of this Church and I pray that will continue in the years to come. It felt fitting that during our time in 1st Donegore the message to the seven churches in Revelation was the teaching series on Sunday mornings. Just like the Churches that John wrote to in Asia Minor, God knows clearly and in detail the work which goes on in 1st Donegore in His name. I hope and pray you know His encouragement to keep on with your witness for Him. From the outset of my time here it was clear that 1st Donegore was a Church of great history and heritage. That is a testament to what God has done in this place through people for generations upon generations and I pray you are encouraged to keep on looking for God's plan and purpose in years and decades ahead. The words of Paul to the Christians in Philippi comes to mind: "Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." I thank God for allowing us to spend a short time with you on that journey of pressing on.

Ian (& Grace) Cahoon.

11 MAY 2012 TRIP TO

We arrived at Wynfield House B&B mid-afternoon and were greeted by our hosts, Chris and Robin Ardill. They helped us to settle right in and made us feel completely at home for the next eight nights. Each morning we were treated to a full Irish breakfast consisting of various combinations of fresh fruit, eggs, bacon, sausage, soda bread, potato bread, sautéed mushrooms, and baked beans along with juice and coffee all elegantly served in a parlor at the front of the house. Later that evening, John and Martha Hall invited us to their house for an evening of getting to know each other and discussing our agenda for the next day. In the morning, Donald Alexander took us to the Donegore Landscape Center which has a very nice coffee shop along with all sorts of garden stuff as one might expect. There we met our newly-found cousins and other friends who were interested in meeting us.

Donald Alexander, Martha Hall, Grace McCullagh, Marcy Beattie, and Mary Beattie McIlmoyle. Ian Beattie, John Hall, John McCullagh, Billy Gawn and Donald Alexander. All of the cousins are descended from the same great-great-grandfather, William John Beattie of Ballysavage, . Their relationships are as follows. Mary Beattie McIlmoyle and Ian Beattie are sister and brother, and David Beattie is a cousin of theirs. They are all third cousins of mine. Robert Beattie, son of David is a third cousin once removed. Donald Alexander and Hilary McCreary are distant cousins by marriage. In Derry, David Ian Beattie (prefers to be called Ian) and his brother, Michael Beattie, are third cousins once removed. Ian’s children, Graeme, Matthew and Philip, are third cousins twice removed. After coffee, Billy Gawn, a local historian, took us on a tour of the local countryside around Donegore Hill that included seeing each of the old Beattie farms and houses. On Wednesday evening, Donald Alexander invited us to have dinner at his house which is about three hundred years old. The doorways were made for people who were a lot shorter than we are, so Donald has posted signs that say, 'Mind Your Head'. We had a wonderful dinner with Donald, Heather Martin, and Alf and Hilary McCreary. Both gentlemen are authors. Donald recently published the history of First Donegore Presbyterian Church, The Parkgate Presbyterians. Alf wrote the book, Titanic Port, a history of the Port of Belfast. Saturday dawned bright and clear but cold. John and Martha Hall took us to the Belfast Folk Museum, a re-creation of an old village with buildings from the late 19th to early 20th centuries. The buildings have been moved from various locations all over North Ireland and painstakingly reconstructed. Actors and actresses play various roles in the stores and other businesses. A short skit was presented about a coal seller. One of his clients, the builder of the Titanic, was trying to make sure the ship had enough coal for its maiden voyage despite a coal shortage. It was clever and very well-presented. Sunday was the busiest day of our trip. Donald Alexander took us to church at First

12 Donegore Presbyterian Church. The church was founded in 1627 and moved into its present location in the early 1700s. We were warmly welcomed by the Reverend Stephen Simpson. It was quite meaningful to attend services in a church where my grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather all had worshipped. The church is small but is well-equipped with the latest technologies. Rev. Simpson invited the children to come up to the front and sit on the floor where he told them the story of Jonah and the whale using Power Point illustrations. The service was also being video recorded. After church, we were invited to the church hall for coffee. This gave us a chance to meet and talk with other church members. In the picture on the left, taken during Rev Simpson’s homily, John Hall, Joan Todd, Marianne Howie, Grace McCullagh and Martha Hall may be seen seated in the choir. The photo on the right is of the stained glass window in the choir loft which was donated by John and Martha Hall.

On Sunday evening, Martha prepared dinner, a traditional Sunday roast beef compete with Yorkshire pudding. Besides Marcy and myself, the Halls had invited John and Grace McCullagh, Donald Alexander and Heather Martin, and a surprise guest, Father Eugene O’Hagan. Father Eugene is the parish priest of the Church of the Sacred Heart which is almost directly across the street from John’s house. He is also a member of the world renowned singing group, "The Priests". The Priests had been touring the US as we were leaving for Ireland. They were in Seattle and, if the timing had been different, we most certainly would have gone to their concert. Then it was off to Derry to meet and spend time with another branch of the Beattie family. We wish to thank everyone who took such good care of us. This trip was a once- in-a-lifetime experience for us. We hope that we will be able to return someday but that depends on the Grace of God and the state of our health.

George & Marcy Beattie (Seattle)

13 CHURCH MAGAZINES The PRESBYTERIAN HERALD is the official magazine of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. It contains news from around the churches plus letters and information on up and coming events. It is published monthly and costs £10 per year. The REACHOUT magazine is published bimonthly at a cost of £8 per year. It tells of the work of the Board of Mission throughout Ireland. Either or both of these magazines can be ordered at any time during the year. PASTORAL CARE TEAM The team continues its ministry of caring and sharing by praying, visiting and providing meals when appropriate. Please continue to keep us up-dated on births, deaths, hospital admissions etc. We appreciate your prayers and support as we continue to do Gods work of caring for others. Myrtle


In September we had an outing to Clotworthy House and Gardens in Antrim. Our guide gave us a history of the building and a tour of the restored gardens around the ruined Castle. We were entertained to afternoon tea by the Mayor Mr Roy Thompson in the new facilities in the Courtyard. In October our friend Daphne McClements told us about Jewish food and culture and how they differs from our own. In November after warming stew, seasonal mince pies and shortbread Canon Neill Cutliffe showed us examples from his unusual bottle collection. He tied these in with many anecdotes illustrating human frailty and also goodwill. December saw a good attendance at our Church & Community Dinner. After a tasty meal we were entertained by the talented girls from the Girls' Brigade. Thanks to Santa for his gifts and to Antrim Borough Council for their funding. Our January meeting was postponed due to snow and frost. In February John McCullagh expertly showed us scenes of his and Grace's wonderful Antipodean Tour to Australia and New Zealand in 2012. We look forward to hearing 'Campbell Younger and Friends' in March, however the April programme has yet to be finalised.

14 May will once again see the pupils of Parkgate Primary School singing for us, and on Friday 28th June (please note change of day and date) we look forward to a tour of in , after a lunch in Kilbride Presbyterian Church Hall. We remember good and faithful friends of our group who died during this past session - we miss their cheerful company. We extend our usual warm welcome to anyone able to join us for food and fellowship, and thank Martha and her team for organising an interesting programme and serving lovely lunches during this past season.


15 Singing Carols at International Airport for Christian Aid CHRISTIAN AID We had another good collection in 2012 and would thank all willing collectors for their enthusiasm and our congregation and Parkgate district for their generosity. We had a lovely Sunday afternoon walk in September by the River Lagan, and it was encouraging to see our band of walkers increasing in number. In December Rosemary Scott recruited volunteers to sing carols at the International Airport for 2 hours. Thanks to Sam for leading us with his guitar. This event raised £130. Thank you Rosemary for organising the 'walk' and the 'sing-in' and thanks also for your commitment as Area Organiser.

BIBLE NOTES It has been encouraging to have new members of congregation taking Bible Notes to read along with their Bible, so anyone else who would like to participate please speak to Martha or Stephen.

ORPHAN AND CHILDREN'S SOCIETY Again we would like to thank our congregation for supporting this charity and it is much appreciated by our Presbyterian Church - also thanks to the team of collectors for diligently taking on the task and helping to raise the good amount of £713 in 2012.

John & Martha


The 2012/13 bowling season commenced on Wednesday 5th September 2012. We were very pleased to welcome Ann and David Andrew and Drew Marno as new members. We have 3 junior members who still play for us, maybe not as regular as last year as school homeworks are a priority but are keen bowlers when available. Lauren McConkey and Claire Gilmour are currently playing for the Juniors in the East Antrim Zone. At time of writing we are halfway through the season and are progressing slightly better than last year. Up to the present we have won 4 of our matches and are into the semi-final of the Chest, Heart & Stroke Plate competition. Jackie Douglas and Robert Howie once again organised and ran a very successful Tournament which commenced on Thursday 27th December with the final night taking place on Friday 4th January. There was a slight decrease in entries again this year. 45 Rinks participated, mainly the same people from across the Province who support us every year. Once more the winners in 2010/11 who were runners up last year achieved the winning trophy again this year namely Strabane Cricket Club skipped by Mark Beattie. Very worthy runners up were a Rink from Playing Fields skipped by David Morrison. Our sponsors this year were: Charles Jamison (Building Contractor) Parkgate; Rodney Johnston (SPAR) Parkgate; MACE (Doagh), CHOP SHOP (Doagh); L A SWEET TREATS (Ballynoe Rd, Antrim); Country Stores (); R Rainey & Sons (); Galloway Turkeys (Randalstown); Ulster Farmers Union ( Branch); Ian McWhirter (Alternative Animal Feeds); Connon General Merchants (Kells / B'Mena); Greenmount Country Stores; Wm Taggart Car Sales (Ballyclare); Billy Arrell Agriculture (Randalstown); G K White, Electrical Contractor (); W D Meats (Coleraine) and Ballymena Livestock Mart. The Bowling Club once again wish to thank these people for their generosity, without their support we could not have our Tournament and again this year we have new sponsors as well as those who support us year after year. Jackie and Robert wish to thank those members who came along each evening and gave their support. Thank you to anyone who supplied food. Many thanks to John and Martha who faithfully support us every year. Margaret McKinstry's United Feeds Competition is well under-way and the finals will be held in April. All money raised this year is going to the McMillan Cancer Unit, Antrim Area Hospital. Last year a cheque for £1,350 was presented to N I Hospice We are enjoying another busy and worthwhile year in the Bowling Club.

Marjorie Hamilton (Secretary)


It was a few months ago now that Jump (Jesus Understands My Prayers) youth club leaders started to try and think of a way to introduce a little bit more of “Church” into the Friday evening programme. Lots of ideas have floated around and still are doing, but something we (plus Stephen and other willing members of the Church!) thought might work was to get a praise band along to do a session with the kids - keeping it light and fun. Having made contact with a local band from Presbyterian (Blue Gills), who were unable to commit to a Friday evening, we decided to do a separate “praise band evening” on a Saturday and so “Jump 2 the Music” was born. As the name suggests, it is linked with the youth club, but is a musical off-shoot, quite different from our usual club nights. So…after a bit of organisation, advertising and borrowing of a few bits of kit from here and there, all willing volunteers turned up on the most wintry and extremely snowy night of the year! The Church hall was transformed with stage lights, very informal soft seating, a coffee bar, and plenty of helpers. As with all new v e n t u r e s , there was a c e r t a i n amount of trepidation – what if no- one turns up? What if the snow stops people from coming? Or worse still, what if the squirty cream won’t squirt on top of the hot chocolate?!!! So we waited… At 8 o’clock, the kids started arriving – from 10 year olds right up

18 to 17/18 years, about 30 of them, all delighted with the snow, all keen to see what the evening was all about. Blue Gills started with a few praise songs and encouraged the kids and the helpers to sing along to the words on screen. They followed this with a few games involving balloons, rubber gloves and, of course, the mandatory sweets! Lots of purple faces (trying to blow up balloons), and laughter ensued (and perhaps a little embarrassment from those leaders who proved they didn't have enough “puff” when they needed it!). Two of our leaders, naming no names (but I am happy to show anyone the photos!) showed off their dancing skills to the audience with their version of “Gangnam Style”.

More music and a talk to the kids with a theme of “Hope” from Elaine, the singer with the band, came next. Then the evening was wound up with a few slices of pizza and informal chit chat with members of the band/leaders/kids – all! But…it was not over yet, for those of you that were helping, picking up, or even just random dog walkers passing the hall at 9.30pm that evening, you should consider yourself extremely lucky if you didn't end up with a snowball down your neck like the rest of us!! All in all, it was a great evening and we are already planning the next one: different band, same venue and hopefully as much enthusiasm as last time! Huge thanks go to everyone involved in making the evening such a great success and especially to Blue Gills who did the difficult bit!


I'm sure you'll recognise some of the choir members in this photograph

The Church Session in 1961

20 The Manse - as it used to be The 'Lost & Found' Church Bell

Marjorie Wilson - our First Lady Elder Members of The 'Catering Team'

Rev , and his house in the village

21 Finance Matters – 2012 General Account Freewill Offering Income received through freewill offering (FWO) envelopes, loose collection and the related tax refunds totalled £64,592 in 2012, a 3% increase on the previous year. Whilst any increase is obviously welcome, it should be noted that in 2013 freewill offering income will be impacted by a reduction in the gift aid income reclaimed from the inland revenue of c2% - this being the implication of the lower rate of income tax introduced a few years ago which charities had been temporarily cushioned from. This remains the key source of income for the running of our church and the key indicator of financial strength as assessed by Presbytery and Church House. Our Freewill offering income has stayed fairly static over 5/6 years but in practice income of this nature needs to rise, at least in line with inflation, year on year if we are to keep up with the rising costs of running our church – this obviously remains a matter of concern for us going forward. United Appeal Income received towards United Appeal in 2012 was £5,963, £330 higher than income in the previous year and just £79 below the target set for us by Church House. As normal this deficit was made up out of general funds in order to meet our obligations to the wider work of our church. The quarterly focus on the work of the United Appeal board through special church services provides a real insight into the outreach work in which the Presbyterian Church is involved both in Ireland and overseas. I would encourage you to find out more about this work from either the announcements, through the newsletters circulated during the year and from points for prayer booklets and to continue to support this invaluable work in the future both financially and through your prayers. Income Received for Others Income received towards Christian Aid, Orphans Fund and World Development funds continues to be exceptionally well supported within the congregation with collections again in 2012 in general running close to the levels of the previous year.

The congregation continues to be indebted to the continued hard work & organisational skills of John & Martha Hall in this regard together with their merry band of willing collectors. In addition this year we have supported our other charitable activities on the work of Kids4school with £1,680 being raised through our efforts at the Belfast Marathon and £420 from other donations. Our thanks go to those who took part in running and walking back last May and of course for those of you who supported their activities financially. We look forward to taking part this year again so watch out for the adverts and you too can be part of this great event – the funds raised going towards our special project to build schools in Tanzania and you will hear more about this exciting project in the coming months.

22 Expenditure The amounts paid ministerial stipend and expenses, salaries and other assembly assessments of £53,714 fell in 2012 by £295 compared to the previous year mainly as a result of decreases to ministerial expenses. Otherwise operating costs of £19,370 rose by £1,739 compared to previous year mainly as a result of a rise in energy costs. However to partially offset this rent and other income of £9,878 was £1,384 higher than 2011 boosted by money received from NEELB for use of the hall during the week by our local school. Summary – General Account Total cash received in our general account amounted to £88,463, which was £1,195 greater than expenditure in the year. Therefore we ended 2012 with a small surplus of £382, compared to the deficit of £813 brought forward into the year. Whilst showing a slight improvement compared to last year, church finances continue to be under pressure. I would urge everyone in the congregation to prayerfully consider whether there is more they can do to support freewill offering in particular in the coming years and at the very least consider increasing their contributions in line with inflation going forward. Property Account Income Received £10,121 was received towards the Harvest Appeal in 2012 and £12,038 through the Special Repair Fund envelopes. In addition a further £730 was raised through our barn dance and bus trip to Dublin. A big thank you to you all for your continued support at Harvest and through monthly repair fund envelopes which coupled with the income received and fellowship enjoyed at fund-raising events are key in our efforts to repay our loan. Other income includes £1,025 from organisations; £1,250 from Donald Alexander through sale of History of the Church, £314 from donations through the Internet (for receipt of the DVD of Church Records) and £300 from Art Classes. Expenditure Maintenance and other repair expenditure in 2012 of £3,861 was relatively low compared to other years and included £975 towards repairs to roof and chimneys in manse and at church boiler house. It is essential that we adequately maintain our church property each year to ensure it is kept under a good state of repair. In addition with all property there is always a risk that some unexpected maintenance work could arise. We are indebted to all those who give their time & talents freely to these tasks over the year and I would encourage anyone who feels they could help to get involved, as these efforts are a valuable boost to our finances, defraying costs that otherwise we would have to finance from church funds. Loan Repayment As a result of £7,903 received back from PMS from Bequests now being used to

23 offset our loan together with the surplus which has built up in the repair account in recent years, we were able to repay £30,000 of our loan in 2012 together with interest of £2,354. £36,536 remains outstanding to PMS, £7,903 on Loans from Bequests and £16,200 to members of the congregation at the end of 2012. Loan repayments of £15,000 per annum plus interest thereon are due to be raised through the property account for each of the next 3/4 years in order to meet our obligations. This, together with repayment of interest free loans to members, will obviously continue to be the focal point of fund raising efforts in the coming years. What can you do to help repay the loan? If you would like to make a donation to help repay the loan either as a lump sum or on a regular basis please use the monthly repair envelopes contained in the same box as your FWO envelopes. Summary – Property Account The balance on the property account has fallen from £24,120 at the end of 2011 to £22,055 at the end of 2012. This will be used to cover the cost of any scheduled or un-scheduled maintenance and repair costs in the year ahead, repay any necessary loans to members with the balance remaining available to repay PMS in the year ahead. It should be noted that rental income from stables is currently required each year to support income received in our general account in order to cover our general expenses. Otherwise we would have to use part of harvest income like we did when a deficit arose in 2011 and thereby leave a smaller amount available to offset maintenance costs of our property and repay the loan from PMS of £15,000 per annum plus interest of £2,500. GIFT AID Finally can I remind all of you who are tax payers to make sure you are making use of the “Gift Aid” scheme by signing the necessary form, if you have not done so already, and always contributing in an envelope with your name or number marked thereon. This way we can build on £17,000 raised in 2012 from the members who have signed up to this scheme already. It should be noted that as a result of a change in this scheme, the amount we can reclaim is now around 10% lower than in the past. Can I also remind those who have signed Gift Aid forms to ensure they notify either myself or the Covenant Secretary, Colin Steele, if they cease to pay tax in any tax year as otherwise we may reclaim tax in error. You should also be aware that the “Gift Aid” system can be used for any donations towards the church, therefore funds such as World Development & Orphans Society will benefit as well as FWO, United Appeal, Harvest or Repair Fund, provided the funds collected can be matched against you as an individual or your envelope number.

Michael McKinstry (Treasurer)


th On Monday 4 June 2012th our Church grounds provided the venue to celebrate the Queen’s 60 year on the throne. Those present signed a message of congratulation to her Majesty from Parkgate. We had a barbecue, bouncy castles and other entertainment for the young. We hope they will remember this unique event for it is not likely to be repeated in the lifetime of even the youngest. It would be nice for them to tell their grandchildren that they attended. Some of us can remember the Queen’s father, George VI, but most of those present have only known one monarch. This was also true at Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897. Elizabeth II has been our Head of State since 1952. Her popularity depends partly on respect for the role she inherited, and the history she represents, but perhaps more so on the way she has done the job. The UK has had 12 Prime Ministers in her time. They are obliged to keep the Queen informed: they have spoken of her dedication and the unique experience at home and abroad which she has accumulated. Her personal enthusiasm for the Commonwealth has helped to keep it functioning as a force for good in the world. Her peoples warm to her reputation of being a practical level-headed person whose aim has always been to serve. She is regal and serious minded, familiar, yet wholly detached from to-day’s ephemeral celebrity culture. She has kept her integrity. She has been with us for the long haul, providing the stability and the continuity against which the ever-pressing problems of continual change can be tackled. She has worked hard and been blessed with robust health and energy and an ever lively Consort in Prince Philip who has served the nation well. We had a prime example of the kind of contribution the Queen can make in her State Visit to the Republic of Ireland in May 2011 – the first such in 100 years. By virtue of her position and personality she put the essential finishing touch to a transformed relationship between the UK and Ireland. Prince Charles called it one of her greatest achievements and it was a job she had long been keen to do. Only she had the right credentials to play this role. Elizabeth, our Queen, has inspired our affection and respect. The wish expressed in our National Anthem “long to reign over us” has been DJAgranted and that was what we gratefully celebrated in June 2012.


Our PW leader this year is Mrs Edith Nesbitt and our theme is 'Light of the World' - this theme seeks to encourage women to be a light for God's Glory in a society where many are struggling under heavy burdens and are lost without a Saviour. The PW meets on the second Monday of each month from September to March. Our first meeting on 10 September was an outing to 'Country Cake Designs' where Lorraine Dugan kindly demonstrated the making of two desserts. After a delicious supper we were able to sample the desserts and all agreed that they were well worth the wait and it was a great start to the year. At our October meeting we had Daphne McClements tell us about the Red Cross and demonstrate some 'therapeutic massage' on a number of the ladies present. In November's meeting, Susan Fletcher, treasurer, gave everyone a detailed financial report. Gaynor McWhirter, secretary then organised a game of 'Who's the baby?' - this proved to be a source of great fun and entertainment trying to match the baby photograph with those present. In December we had a festive feel to our night of 'Quilting' hosted by Sandra Mathews. A fine selection of quilts, cushions and wall hangings all made by Sandra were shown and beautifully woven into our theme for the year 'Light of the World'. The annual Christmas Dinner at Wynfield House was unfortunately postponed due to snow and is rescheduled to 22 February 2013. Prior to the Christmas Dinner we hope to have Sylvia McLester speaking to the ladies about her love of poetry and with it being February - 'Love Poems'. In our March meeting we are holding a 'fun night' for the PW ladies followed later on in the month by the annual PW Service on the 24 March with our guest speaker Amy Magee from Muckamore. On 11 May it will be our annual outing and the venue is yet to be arranged. We remember our elderly and sick within the congregation whether at home, in hospital or in residential care. Thanks to all those who knitted garments and blankets. Our financial support depends very much on the 'Mission Box' and donations and we appeal to all members of the congregation to obtain one from Mrs Martha Hall. Sadly we also remember those within our congregation who suffered loss through bereavement in the past year. Finally let me encourage all ladies of all ages to become involved in fellowship of the Presbyterian Women.

Gaynor McWhirter


We started a great year in September with 16 anchor boys and 15 Junior and Company boys. We've had lots of activities this year including: football coaching, bowling evenings, pyjama party (raising money for the leprosy hostel in India) and Christmas parties. The Company and Junior boys also sat their scripture exam for their badge work in November and all the boys passed with flying colours. Company and Juniors are currently doing chores for 8 weeks to earn their badges. Anchors are working on team games and crafts. A big thank you goes to all our leaders, Eliz, Beverly, Jane, Chris and Zach. Also thanks to the parents who come and help out setting up and helping with tuck shop each evening. Last year we had a very successful and enjoyable Open Night in April. We plan to do the same this year with the boys playing a few games with the parents, awards being presented and supper for all. If you're a boy aged 5 - 16 and would like a bit of fun, sport and scripture on a Thursday night why not come along at 6.30 for Anchors P1 - P4 and 7.30 for Juniors and Company.

Belinda Simpson

THE THREE SIEVES - An old poem supplied by Billy Thompson When you've heard a bit of gossip If you'll do this bit of sieving And it's not the very best, Of the gossip that you hear, Ere you start to spread it broadcast - You will save un-numbered heart-aches Won't you put it through this test? By your words of love and cheer. First of all, you should determine For each one who tells the story If all the news is really true. Adds a little of their own, For to scatter statements falsely Till the little shiny pebble Is an unjust thing to do. Is a massive rough-hewn stone, If it's true, then please consider Better far to hold your silence Whether you can call it kind, If there's any doubt it's true, For to scatter seeds of anger If it is unkind to say it, Shows an evil state of mind. Or its needs won't pass it through. If it's true and kind, then tarry, Just a word, or e'en a gesture, Is it necessary, too? May decide a person's fate. For to talk in idle gossip Let us all begin our sieving Is a waste of time for you. Ere we find it is too late.


Do you fancy doing something really different? Are you up for a challenge?

Then join me some Friday night on the streets of Belfast as a volunteer with the Nightlight Team. Nightlight is a Christian outreach of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and we meet at Kinghan Church on Botanic Avenue at 11 p.m. for fellowship and prayers. We set up the tea tables at the doors of the Church after midnight and we serve tea, coffee, hot chocolate and sandwiches from then until the wee small hours of the morning to those who frequent the entertainment area in Belfast. Where volunteer numbers permit we send Teams of 3/4 round the streets as well. Nightlight endeavours to make clear Christ’s message both as an invitation to those who are as yet outside God’s Kingdom, as well as a challenge to those who are within. It is a truly fantastic experience and you will meet many, many different people with many, many different views and beliefs. So why not put on your glad rags! – in the form of thermals, a warm hat, coat, scarf, socks and boots and come along. I would greatly appreciate some company on my travels to and from Belfast. Christ in His incarnation, took on human form, felt our joy and pain, He took His ministry to people where they went about their daily business, because He loved them. He spoke to them on their own level and about things they understood, because He loved them. He did not make Himself superior to them or look down on them, because He loved them. As His followers we must meet this challenge and take Him to where they “hang out” because He loves them.



Nightlight Team, Belfast.

28 Sunday School and Sparks

We tell our children that there is a time and place for things don't we? God's precious word to children and adults alike tells us in Ecclesiastes 12 that the best, though far from only, time to start on the journey of trust in God is when we are most used to practising childlike faith: 'Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, “Life is not pleasant anymore.”' (Eccl. 12v1) The start of this year saw a mass-exodus of our P7s up the hall-stairs to Bible class! We miss our graduates but know both that the upstairs' sofa seats are very comfy and that they're having a ball with Elizabeth and Michael :-) We thank God for every child whom God entrusts to our care and its exciting to be part of a team of keenly volunteering Sunday School teachers and Sparks leaders who want to bring truth to kids. Our two Sunday classes start at P1 and P4 age respectively with a small but excited bunch of fun loving, truth hearing kids in each. Lyndsay-Anne and Phillipa have been faithfully doing a remarkable job with our younger class (as the smiles and laughter from the room show when parents call to end the fun!). We want to extend special thanks to them both for keeping-on-keeping-on with only two on the class teaching rota. It is with delight this year, and a huge cheer from the teaching team, that Colleen Ellison has come on board with the younger class. Colleen you are very welcome! Your warmth and enthusiasm to share your personal faith in Christ with our wee-ones is great to see in action. Bible stories, craft, fun and having something sweet to chew on can be hard to pack into 20 minutes can't it! Did you know that once the kids leave for Sunday School there is a dash to the minor hall where both the little-ones and the big-ones come together for a truth spot and singing before we spit into our 2 age groups? Abig thank-you to Belinda and others who lead out this important time together which sets the tone for the lessons to come! After this short time together the big-ones stay in the minor hall with either Lynette, Belinda or Ronnie at the helm. Its exciting to see the P4+ age group engage with the everyday implications of what the Bible says while coming to understand that life, true life, isn't about what we accumulate or consume but is singularly about the One who was given to die that we can, if we choose to, live life to the full! Twenty minutes on a Sunday morning is a great opportunity with our children but its just not enough! With that in mind Sparks was born! Just before Christmas we opened the doors wide for our Christmas party to see who from our community would like to have a Christmas taster of the joyful, Emanuel- focussed ethos of Sunday School (and also one of Lyndsay-Anne's own scrumptious hand crafted Christmas buns). We were surprised at the number of families who came, some who haven't had opportunity to join with us much previously. After an all-the-family focused message on the Joy of Christmas we announced "Sparks!" our new Friday evening programme for P4 to P7 age-group which started in January. God has been good in giving us Sparks as an opportunity to move our mere 20 minutes into a more substantive time with our young people. On our first night we weren't sure if anyone would turn up but, thanks to those who spread the word, we saw 16 P4 to P7 children appear with some bringing new friends along in later weeks. The majority of our Sparks-ers to date have been kids who don't attend 1st Donegore for Sunday School so we have been doubly blessed in that regard. With all we do in Sparks, we hope to foster friendships amongst the children in a safe but exciting environment which has, at its core, the John3:16 love of Jesus! Each club meeting will have a varied programme with plenty of craziness, games, quizzes, and Bible stories, all under 1st Donegore's hall roof! Please do pray for our Sunday School aged ministry and those who invest time and energy in preparing and delivering programmes - the reality is that we see low numbers on Sunday mornings and would love to see more. Each of us, as we read this, have our part to play in seeking to point our Children to Christ. We are thankful, so thankful, to each parent, friend and family member who brings a child out to church. Pray also for the Sparks team, we are still in the early days of teasing out what the Lord would have us do - we are so encouraged and yet so aware that "Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted." (Psalm 127v1) 29 FIRST DONEGORE WEBSITE

Our website continues to be popular and this year to assist the growing number of people using smartphones to access our pages I have added a mobile home page which provides a better viewing experience for phone users. This home page is optimised for viewing on a mobile screen and more pages can be added if users request them. A Facebook page was also added recently and can be found at: If you are a Facebook user please be sure to ‘like’ this page as it provides fast updates to news items and of course also allows you to post your own comments. Some statistics on those accessing the website over the year are included below: Many countries are still ‘visiting’ us as you can see below:

The continuing interest in Genealogy, especially by those who have emigrated, still results in large numbers of our baptismal records DVD being posted across the world. The 104th copy has just been requested by a researcher in Australia. Even though there is no formal charge for the DVD produced by John Hall we have had many kind donations which at time of going to press amounted to a total of £532 for the property fund. Copies of Donald's book continue to sell steadily through the site - 80 to date and the total amount so far passed to church funds from all sales is £2,750. I should mention at this point that thanks to Mary Wilkinson, sales in our local SPAR in Parkgate have so far passed the 40 mark.

30 A website is only as good as the information that is provided to it so I would ask everyone, especially the leaders and secretaries of all organisations to participate in passing on items of interest for publication including photographs whether in digital or printed form. Please also remember to let me know of any last minute changes to your events so that the site can be updated as soon as possible. The site is frequently updated and the Family Matters is published every week with the latest edition normally posted on Saturdays. Don’t forget to like our new Facebook page, you can post yourself or ask me to do so on your behalf. We would also welcome any ideas for improvement so let us know what you think and we look forward to you visiting us online very soon!

John McCullagh email: [email protected]


Just to remind you that, should you wish to buy a copy of this book for yourself or a friend, these are still available from Donald Alexander, John McCullagh or John Hall at £14.00 each.

31 General Church Accounts Specified Sources: Deficit as at 31/12/11 813.06 Paid to Minister: FWO 50,089.03 Salary 24,600.00 Late FWO (2011) 1,302.00 Motor & General Expenses 6,621.00 Consol Interest 8.00 Tax Refunds 11,620.63 Anon Interest 13.00 Sunday Collections 1,580.21 M Stirling Interest 8.13 T W McConnell Interest 3.26 Received for Others: Mrs Armstrong Interest 3.25 United Appeal 5,212.35 Salaries: Organists 2,500.00 U A Tax Refunds 751.09 Cleaner 2,981.25 World development 830.00 Assembly Assessments: Central Ministry Fund 4,674.00 W D Tax Refunds 225.90 Retired Ministers' Fund 369.00 Orphan Society 713.00 Widows of Ministers' Fund 984.00 Minister's Pension Scheme 7,380.00 O S Tax Refunds 136.09 Incidental Fund 1,230.00 Christian Aid 2,664.00 Sick Supply Fund 62.00 Prolonged Disability Fund 62.00 Christian Aid - Special Collection 1,274.00 Church House Extension 861.00 Kids 4 School - Marathon 1,494.50 Students Bursary Fund 1,292.00 Ministerial Development Fund 62.00 Kids 4 School - Marathon Tax Ref 185.00 United Appeal: Kids 4 School - Other Donations 420.00 from the Congregation 5,963.44 from Church Funds 78.56 Interest from Bequests: Other Rel. & Char. Objects: Consols 8.00 Orphan Society 849.09 World Development 1055.90 J Cunningham (Sen) 32.50 Christian Aid 2,664.00 Anon 13.00 Christian Aid - Special Collection 1,274.00 Earl Haig Fund 50.00 M Stirling 8.13 Kids4School 2,099.50 T W McConnell 3.26 Christians against Poverty 150.00 General Expenses: Mrs Armstrong 3.25 Pulpit Supply 430.00 Mrs G McConnell 3.25 Rates 894.24 Insurance 2,799.46 Mrs Logan 16.25 Postage 72.00 Other Income: Manse Telephone 175.20 Advertising & Stationery 108.44 Magazines Sold 160.00 Electricity 2,578.00 Sundry Income 609.89 Oil - Church 1,851.50 Oil - Hall 3,871.70 Senior Citizens Dinner - Antrim BC 588.00 National Insurance 1,709.00 NEELB Parkgate Primary (H & L) 1,500.00 Presbytery Fee 885.60 Bank Fees 44.00 Subscriptions from: Licences - Church Music 365.69 Boys' Brigade 250.00 FWO Envelopes 453.51 Magazines 328.74 Girls' Brigade 250.00 Sundry Expenses: Bowling Club 500.00 Chimes 410.00 Photocopier 354.00 Presbyterian Women 100.00 Summer Outreach 282.54 Youth Club 100.00 Sunday School 369.45 Senior Citizens Dinner 500.00 Mothers & Toddlers 100.00 Doagh Fellowship 146.46 Rent from Property: Pastoral Care 37.23 Gifts 351.19 Stables Rent 5,720.00 Meals & Events 100.00 Scripture Union Worker 200.00 Publications & Literature 31.95 Membership - Minibus Scheme 20.00 =====.== Balance in Hand at 31.12.12 381.99 =====.== 88,463.33 88,463.33 32 Property Account Balance in Hand at 31/12/11 24,120.32 Fund-raising & Other Overheads: Harvest Collection 8,469.20 Printing & Stationery 92.94 Full Collection was £8,469.20) Hall Supplies 375.42 Harvest Tax Refunds 1,652.08 Entertainment Licence 50.00 Barn Dance 405.00 Repairs & Maintenance to Property: Bus Trip to Dublin 325.00 Other Repairs: Subscriptions from: Bowling Club 500.00 Glazing 288.00 PW 525.00 Fire Extinguishers 92.40 Donations: Manse Door 440.00 Special Envelope Collection 9,770.15 Chimney/Roof Repairs 975.00 Tax on S E Collection 2,267.55 Other Manse Repairs 199.98 League 90.00 Electrical Inspection 300.00 Donations via Internet Site (DVD) 313.64 Boiler Repairs 285.00 Art Classes 300.00 Hall Cleaner 95.99 Book Sales - Donald Alexander 1,250.00 Other Donations 220.00 Church Property: Interest on Investments: Legal Costs 186.00 Bank Interest 19.67 Grounds: Interest from Bequests: Grass Cutting 480.00 Mrs J Ash 10.40 Interest on Loans: Anon 32.50 PMS Interest 2,096.41 Mrs Brown 6.50 Bequest Interest 258.04 Miss B Duncan 16.25 Loans: Sir J Cunningham 41.67 Repayment of PMS Loan 30,000.00 Miss O Duncan 32.50 Loans: Loans Received (from Bequests) 7,903.00 Balance in Hand at 31/12/12 22,055.25 =====.======.== 58,270.43 58,270.43

Sunday School Account Balance brought forward 261.85 Teaching Resources 217.75 Project Sunday 405.37 Stationery 53.12 Donation - Church 369.45 Sunday School Project 2012 356.00 Carol Service 79.30 Project Sunday Expenses 50.00 Sundry Collections 50.20 SS Christmas Party Expenses 20.00 A Nutt Donation (Interest) 3.25 Gifts - Crèche 63.12 J Beck Donation (Interest) 3.25 Gifts - Sunday School 144.33 Anon Donation (Interest) 3.25 Balance in Hand 271.60 ====.======.== 1,175.92 1,175.92

33 Loan Account PMS Loan Repaid 30,000.00 Balance Owing at 31/12/11 82,736.00 Balance Owing at 31/12/12 60,639.00 Loans Recd (from Bequests) 7,903.00 =====.======.== 90,639.00 90,639.00

P W Account Balance brought forward 1,346.19 PW Outing Expenses - May 1,083.00 PW Outing Expenses - September 300.00 PW Outing - May 1,248.00 Light & Heat (Church) 100.00 PW Outing - September 300.00 Fees for Speakers 105.00 PW Service 458.53 Resource Pack & Affiliation Fee 8.00 Subscriptions 95.00 PCI - PW Mission Fund 1,000.00 Collection Friendship House 25.00 Friends of Glencraig 40.00 Cherrytree House 40.00 January Dinner 893.00 Friendship House 25.00 Donations for Catering 200.00 Church Building Fund 525.00 Mission Boxes 228.15 Wider World 110.00 Wider World 110.00 January Dinner 948.00 Balance in Hand 619.87 ====.======.== 4,903.87 4,903.87

Youth Fellowship Balance brought forward 17.52 Balance in Hand 17.52 ===.== ===.== 17.52 17.52

Friendship Club Balance brought Forward 473.14 Visit to Drumalis 794.00 Collections at Meetings 463.37 Visit to Antrim 20.00 Trip Income - Drumalis 520.00 Speakers 120.00 DRD Travel Voucher 100.00 Lunches 192.90 David Morrison (memory of Jean Hoey) 100.00 Bank Interest 0.05 Cash in Hand 10.37 Balance in Bank 519.29 ====.======.== 1656.56 1656.56

34 Boys' Brigade

Balance brought forward 3,844.61 Display 284.75 BB HQ Fees 398.73 Enrolment Service 137.26 BB Battalion Fees 32.34 NEELB Grant 690.00 Football Coaching 60.00 Autumn Outing 46.00 Bank Fees 16.97 Bank Interest 4.12 Uniform 81.70 Jivan Dwar Project 200.00 Heat & Light (Church) 250.00 M Drummond (Interest) 9.97 Christmas Party 52.75 Jivan Dwar Project 200.00 D Thompson (Interest) 7.48 Summer Outing 145.59 Autumn Outing 137.00 Leaders Training 51.15 Craft Material 120.41 Postage & Stationery 16.64 Balance in Hand 3,091.41 ====.======.== 4,939.44 4939.44

134th Company 1st Donegore Presbyterian Church Girls' Brigade

Balance brought forward 4,683.45 Assessment to HQ 512.47 GB Week 793.00 Display Expenses 415.12 Display 124.00 District Parade & Dues 65.00 Dues 190.00 Training Pack 224.49 Enrolment Service 137.26 Blythswood Care 25.00 NEELB Grant 690.00 Competition Entries 52.50 Anon Donation Interest 11.38 Bank Fees 21.27 Heat & Light (1st Donegore) 250.00 Party & Comp Exps 194.19 Juniors Zoo Visit 59.00 Balance in Hand 4,810.05 ====.======.== 6,629.09 6,629.09

35 First Donegore Indoor Bowling Club Balance brought forward 889.69 Tournament Expenses 534.50 Tournament Income 1,441.70 Bank Fees 33.73 Fees 410.00 Heat & Light (Church) 500.00 United Feeds Charity 1,270.00 Charity Pairs 30.00 Teas (NI Hospice) 80.00 Six Mile League & T'ment Licence 35.00 IIBA & East Antrim Zone 30.00 NI Hospice 1,350.00 Prizes AGM 38.50 Suppers, Gifs & Cards 95.00 Donation to Church Repair Fund 500.00 Postage & Stationery 20.00 Balance in Hand 924.66 ====.======.== 4,091.39 4,091.39

Youth Club (JUMP) Balance in Bank 22.98 Equipment 831.78 Cash in Hand 380.87 Bank Fees 8.60 NEELB Funding 690.00 Tuck Shop Purchases 798.39 Tuck Shop Sales 812.20 Christmas 2011 Event Expenses 100.00 Antrim BC Funding - Christmas Event 343.00 Christmas 2012 Event Expenses 329.91 Antrim BC Funding - Jubilee Event 475.00 Jubilee Event 761.43 Entrance Fees 298.95 Light & Heat (Church) 100.00 Bank Interest 0.78 Cash in Hand 122.31 Anon Gift 100.00 Balance in Bank 71.36 ====.======.== 3,123.78 3,123.78

Mother & Toddlers Balance brought forward 367.57 Snacks 222.71 Weekly Donations 402.30 Easter Eggs 26.00 Prizes 90.68 Christmas Gifts & Crafts 40.44 Light & Heat (Church) 100.00 Cash Balance 22.47 Balance in Hand 267.57 ===.== ===.== 769.87 769.87

36 The Crèche

'Why did God put the tree in the garden if they weren't allowed to eat from it?' 'Why didn't Goliath say sorry to God before he died?' Whilst we are sitting in church on a Sunday these are just some of the questions the Crèche children have been asking at Bible story time. Each Sunday, as well as having lots of fun playing, the children hear a Bible story and do a related craft or colouring picture. We are continually amazed at their understanding and the questions they ask. Crèche continues to provide our youngest members with a warm, safe, friendly introduction to church, God and the church family. New helpers are always welcome, so whether you like nursing the babies, playing with building blocks or fancy answering the questions above, please consider joining the team of people who serve in this way. Thank you to everyone who is part of the team at present. As we were reminded recently in church, from Psalm 78, 'let us tell the next generation' so they can set their 'hope anew on God' . That is our hope and prayer for each of our little ones. Jo-Anne Hutton Friendship Club visit to Antrim Castle Grounds September 2012

The Chimes Coordinated & Proof Read by: Anne Cunningham Edited & Published by: John Hall Printed by: Antrim Printers Church Website: