Hafiz Muhammad Iqbal Dean Faculty of Education, University of the Quaid-e-Azam Campus, -54590

1. Contact: Phone (Off.): +92-42-99231156/51 Phone (Res.): +92-42-99239748 Fax: +92-42-99231156 Mobile: 0300-9455296 E-mail: [email protected]

2. Qualification Sr.# Examination Year Board/University 1. Postdoc 2004-5 Postdoctoral study in the field of cognitive/ educational psychology, University of Texas at Austin, USA 2. PhD Science Education 1998 through split program under Cognitive Psychology the supervision of Dr. Michael King’s College University of London 3. M.A. Science Education 1988 King’s College, University of London 4. M.Ed. 1986 IER, University of the Punjab 5. B.Ed. 1983 Islamia University Bahawalpur 6. M.Sc. Botany 1976 University of the Punjab 7. B.Sc. 1974 University of the Punjab 8. F.Sc. 1971 B.I.S.E. 9. Matric 1968 B.I.S.E. Multan. 10. Darja-e-Sanvia 1968 Jamia Islamia, Bahawalpur 11. Shahadat-ul-Alimia 1967 Board of Arabic Schools, BWP 12. Adeeb-e-Arabi 1967 BISE, Lahore

3 Experience

S.# Designation Period Institute/ Department 1 Professor 2-12-1999 to date IER, University of the Punjab, Lahore 2 Asstt. Professor 1992 to 1999 IER, University of the Punjab, Lahore 3 Lecturer 1991 to 1992 IER, University of the Punjab, Lahore 4 Subject Specialist 1983 to 1991 Directorate of Staff Development 5 Lecturer 1978 to 1983 Government SE College, Bahawalpur

4 Books Authored 1. Education in Pakistan: Developmental (2010) 2. Exploring Science: Activities for Primary Children (2010) 3. Quest for Quality in Education: Assessment of Learning Achievement (2004)

5 Awards & Distinctions  Star Laureate Award 2009 Awarded by the South Asian Publication, Karachi – Pakistan in recognition of services in the field of Education (awarded on December 25, 2010)


 Best University Teacher Award Awarded by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad – Pakistan in recognition of services in the field of Education (awarded on December 1st, 2010)

 Quaid-e-Azam Gold Medal Awarded by Tehreek Istehkam Pakistan Council (2010) In recognition of longstanding and remarkable contribution in the academic, teaching and research field.

 Civil award Izaz-e-Fazeelat: Awarded by President of Pakistan (2007) in recognition of contribution to the field of research in Education.

 Senior Fulbright Award (2004) to Pursue Postdoctoral Studies in the field of Educational/ Cognitive Psychology, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA.

6. Administrative/Academic Experience(s) 1. Dean Faculty of Education, University of the Punjab – since December 2008 Responsible for overseeing academic activities of the IER and the Department of Special Education, University of the Punjab. 2. Director, IER, University of the Punjab – from 2005-2008 An autonomous institution within University of the Punjab, having its own BOG, offering Master and PhD studies in education/teacher education. As Director of the Institute I was Responsible to oversee its administrative and academic activities. 3. Chairman, Department ELTL, IER, University of the Punjab – since 2004 I was instrumental in establishing the Department within IER and heading it since 2005 as Chairman. The department provides Master degree in ELTL for preparing teachers of English Language at secondary and higher secondary level. 4. Chairman, Department of Special Education, University of the Punjab – since December 2008 5. Chairman, Affiliation Committee, University of the Punjab – since 2008 Responsible for visiting and assessing the infrastructure of about 600 colleges across Punjab and granting approval for affiliation of these colleges with the University of the Punjab, including public, private and Medical colleges.

7. Other/ Additional Responsibilities

1. Member Task Force on Teacher Certification, Licensing and Accreditation, Govt. of Punjab 2. Deputy Chairman, Hall Council, University of the Punjab, since 2009 3. Member, Advanced Studies & Research Board, University of the Punjab 4. Member, Academic Council, University of the Punjab 5. Member, DDPC IER 6. Chairman, DDPC Special Education 7. Member Selection Board, University of the Punjab 8. Chief Editor Bulletin of Education and Research, IER, an HEC recognized Journal in ‘Y’ category. 9. Chairman, Faculty Board, University of the Punjab 2 8. Post Graduate Research Work 1. A Postdoctoral study on “Comparison of Study Strategies used by Pakistan and American Students” under supervision of Dr. Clair Elen Weinstein, University of Texas at Austin (2005) 2. A Study on the “Effect of Intervention Methodology on the Cognitive Development of Science Students in Pakistan. A PhD dissertation submitted to the University of the Punjab 1998 under the supervision of Dr. Michael Shayer, Professor of Applied Psychology, King’s College London. 3. Development of Science Education in Pakistan, An MA Science Education dissertation submitted to the University of London. (1988). 4. Need for In-service Training of Biology Teachers in Pakistan. A recent development report submitted to the University of London, for partial fulfilment of M. A. requirements (1988). 5. Evaluation of In-service Course of Biology Teachers organised by the Education Extension Centre, Lahore – An M.Ed. dissertation (1986) submitted to the University of the Punjab.

9. Research Papers/ Articles S.# Research Paper /Article and Journal Foreign/ Local 1. Iqbal, H. M., Pell, A. W. & Shafiq ur Rahman (2011). Some contextual Foreign factors associated with mathematics achievement in Grade 8 classes in Pakistan. (Submitted for publication) 2. Iqbal, H.M., Shahzad, S. & Sohail, S. (2010). Gender differences in Foreign Pakistani high school students’ views about science. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 4689-4694. 3. Iqbal, H.M., Sohail, S. & Shahzad, S. (2010). Learning and study strategies Foreign used by university students in Pakistan. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 4717-4721. 4. Dilshad, M. & Iqbal, H. M. (2010). Quality indicators in teacher education Local programmes. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 30(2), 401-411. HEC Recognized 5. Iqbal, H. M. & Shafiq ur Rahman (2010). Evaluating the achieved Local objectives: performance of grade-IV students in mathematics. Bulletin HEC Recognized of Education and Research, 32(2), 1-22. 6. Pell, A. W., Iqbal, H. M., & Sohail, S. (2010). Introducing science Foreign experiments to rote-learning classes in Pakistani middle schools. Evaluation & Research in Education, 23(3), 191-212. 7. Dilshad, M. & Iqbal, H. M. (2009). Human resource management at teacher Local education institutions in Pakistan: A total quality perspective. Journal HEC Recognized of Educational Research, 12 (2), 48-63. 8. Iqbal, H. M., Saiqa, A. & Rizwan, A. R. (2009). Secondary School Science Local Teachers’ Views about the ‘Nature of Science’. Bulletin of Education HEC Recognized and Research, 31(2), 29-44. 9. Iqbal, H.M., Saiqa, A. and Abiodullah, M. (2009). Using Assessment for Local Improving Students’ Learning: an analysis of University Teachers’ HEC Recognized Practices. Bulletin of Education and Research, 31(1), 47-59. 10. Iqbal, H.M. and Sadaf, R. (2008). Power of Linguistic Privilege: Critical Local Discourse Analysis of the narratives of Pakistan Students in American HEC Recognized schools. Bulletin of Education & Research, 30(2), 45-60. 11. Iqbal, H. M, Pell, A. W. and Nageen, T. (2008). Attitudes to School Science Foreign held by Primary Children in Pakistan. Journal of Evaluation and 3 S.# Research Paper /Article and Journal Foreign/ Local Research in Education, 21(4), 269-302. 12. Saiqa, A. & Iqbal, H. M. (2006). Use of portfolios for assessing practice Foreign teaching of prospective science teachers. Paper presented in AARE 2006 International Education Research conference, Adelaide, Australia. AARE Conference Paper Abstracts – 2006 ISSN 1324-9339. 13. Iqbal, H.M. & Mohsina, B. (2006). Elementary Students’ Achievement in Foreign Science: A Comparison with TIMSS Data. Science, Technology and Development, 25(1), 1-6. 14. Iqbal, H. M, (2005). What Learning Strategies American and Pakistani Local Students use at College Level? An exploratory Study. Bulletin of HEC Recognized Education and Research, 27(1), 1-12. 15. Iqbal, H. M. & Nasir, M. (2004). Articulating Philosophical and Theoretical Local Perplexities of Constructivism (s) for Science Teachers: Ontological HEC Recognized and Epistemological Perspective, Bulletin of Education and Research, XXIII(1-2), 1-18. 16. Iqbal, H. M. (2004). Study Habits of female students of the University, Local Bulletin of Education and Research, XXIII(1-2), 53. HEC Recognized 17. Iqbal, H. M. & Shibra, N. (2004). Evaluation of “Chemistry Textbook” For Local Classes 9th and 10th Published by Punjab Textbook Board. Lahore, HEC Recognized Bulletin of Education and Research, XXII(1-2), 26-36. 18. Iqbal, H. M. (2001) Learning Through Discovery: The process and Local procedure. Taaleemi Za’wiay (), 23-29 19. Iqbal, H. M. (2000) Thirds International Science and Mathematics Study Local (TIMSS): Analysis of achievement variables and implication for science education in Pakistan. Ta’leemi Zawiay, 11(3), 47-59. 20. Iqbal, H. M. (2000). Developing Environmental Attitude of Prospective Foreign Science Teachers. Science Technology and Development: An International Journal, 19(3), 1-5. 21. Iqbal, H. M. (2000). New Trends in Science Teaching and Quality of Local Science Education in Pakistan (in Urdu).Ta’leemi Zaviay, 10(4), 33-42. 22. Iqbal, H. M. & Nasir, M. (2000). Science Teacher Education in Pakistan: Foreign Policies and Practices. In Sandra. K. Abell(Ed) “Science Teacher Education: an International Perspective”. New York: Kluwer Publishers., 75-92. 23. Iqbal, H. M. and Shayer, M. (2000). Accelerating the Development of Foreign Formal Thinking in Pakistani Students: Achievement Effect and Professional Development Issues. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37(3), 259-274 (USA). 24. Iqbal, H. M. (1999). Teaching EE to Graduate Students: some social and Local cultural considerations. Paper presented in GreenCom/AED International Symposium on EE held in Cincinnati, Ohio, August 26- 31, 1999. Journal of Elementary Education, 9(1-2), 82-89. 25. Iqbal, H. M. (1999). Teacher Education: Need, importance and New Trends. Local (in Urdu). Ta’leemi Zaviay, 10(1), 43-54. 26. Iqbal, H. M. (1999) Formal Operational Thinking in Science Teachers and Local Teacher Educators. Bulletin of Education and Research, XX(1-2), 67- HEC Recognized 78.

4 S.# Research Paper /Article and Journal Foreign/ Local 27. Iqbal, H. M. (1998). Assigning and Assessing Homework for Enhancing Local Students’ Learning. Journal of Elementary Education, 8(1-2), 14-21. 28. Iqbal, H. M. (1998). Science Graduates’ Understanding of Science Process Foreign Skills. Science Education International, 9(2), 23-27. (Australia) 29. Iqbal, H. M. (1998). Developing STL material for young children: Report of Foreign the UNESO-ICASE-PASE Workshop. STEPS International, The Stepping into Science and Technology Project Newsletter, 7(2), 4-6. 30. Iqbal, H. M. (1997). Education and National Development: A Plea for Local Science Technological Literacy for All. Bulletin of Education and HEC Recognized Research, XIX(2), 100-111. 31. Iqbal, H. M. (1997). Behaviourism and Cognitivism: Its relevance and Local implication for science teaching. Bulletin of Education and Research, HEC Recognized XIX(1), 68-91. 32. Iqbal, H. M. and Shayer, M. (1996). Distribution of Piagetian levels of Local thinking in middle school students and match with science curricula. HEC Recognized Bulletin of Education and Research, XV11-XVII (1-2), 42-49. 33. Iqbal, H. M. (1995). Students' Achievement in Primary Grades and some Local reflection on Curriculum. Journal of Elementary Education, 1(5), 7-17. 34. Iqbal, H. M. (1994). Foreign Economic Assistance to Education: Primary Local versus Higher Education. IPS Education Series No. 16, (Taaleem main Bairooni Imdad) 259-268. 35. Iqbal, H. M. (1991). Science Education in Pakistan: Retrospect and Local Prospects. A paper presented in the 6th IOSTE Symposium on World HEC Recognized Trends in Science and Technology Education, Palm springs, California, USA (pp. 547-555). Bulletin of Education and Research, XVI (1-2), 34-40. 36. Iqbal, H. M. (1993). Provisions for Science Education at Secondary Level in Local New Education Policy. In National Education Policy 1992-2000, A Critical Appraisal. Islamabad: Institute of Policy Studies. (Urdu) pp.313-323. 37. Iqbal, H. M. (1993). Improving Primary Science in Pakistan. International Foreign Journal of Science Education, 4(2), 28-29.(Australia) 38. Iqbal, H. M. (1993). New Education Policy 1992-2002: Analysis and Local Suggestions. Taleemi Zaveyay, 4(1), 95-100 39. Iqbal, H. M. (1992). Scientific Attitudes of University Students. Journal of Local Research in Behavioural Sciences, 3(1), 21-30. HEC Recognized 40. Iqbal, H. M. (1992). Evaluation of Biology Textbook, Bulletin of Education Local and Research, XV (2), 114-123. HEC Recognized 41. Iqbal, H. M. (1992). Evaluation of an INSET course of Biology Teachers. Local Bulletin of Education and Research, XV (1), 127-133. HEC Recognized 42. Iqbal, H. M. (1991). Educational Objectives and Assessment Practices in Local "Education, Dilemma, Causes and Remedies" (ed.) Islamabad: Institute of Policy Studies. (Urdu). 53-64. and Táleemi Zaviay, 4(1), 102-11. 43. Iqbal, H. M. (1991). Education and National Self-reliance. Taaleemat, 14(1), Local 39-45 (Urdu). 44. Iqbal, H. M. (1990). Integrated Curriculum: Review of Integrated Local Curriculum Projects (Abroad) and Experiences in Pakistan: Journal of Elementary Education: 1(1), 55-72.

5 S.# Research Paper /Article and Journal Foreign/ Local 45. Iqbal, H. M. (1990). "Educational Decision-making in Political Perspective" Local Táleemat, 13(10,11), 13-28 (in Urdu) 46. Iqbal, H. M. (1990b). Disparity in Education: A Beginning or an End. Afkar- Local e-Muallim, 2(6), 14-25 (Urdu). 47. Iqbal, H. M. (1990). New Education Policy: Primary Integrated Curriculum Local and its Implications for Sc. Education: Táleemat, 13(4), 11-21 (Urdu). 48. Iqbal, H. M. (1989). Education and Medium of Instruction: Science Local Teaching, the Language Policy of the Government, and it Impact. Táleemat, 11(1 & 2), 23-32 (in Urdu). 49. Iqbal, H. M. (1978). A field survey of VA Mycorrhizal Association in Local Cereals, Biologia, 24(1), 97-113.

10. Paper Presented in National and International Conferences 1. Iqbal, H. M. (2011). Exploring Factors Affecting Grade VIII Students’ Attainment in Science: The issue of medium of Instruction. Present a paper in AERA Conference being held in New Orleans Louisiana, USA from April 8-12, 2011. 2. Iqbal, H. M. (2011). Challenges to in Contemporary World. Paper presented in the National Seminar on Challenges to Islam in the Contemporary World, organized by the Ministry of Education, Islamabad, 24 January 2011. 3. Iqbal, H. M. (2011). Implementing Uniform Education System to National Cohesion. Paper presented in the Seminar Cohesion, organized by the Ministry of Education Islamabad, 22 January 2011. 4. Shafiq-ur-Rehman & Iqbal, H. M. (2010). Evaluating the achieved objectives: performance of grade 4 students in mathematics. Paper presented in 3rd International Conference on Education in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges and Reforms” held at University of the Punjab, Lahore, October 21-23, 2010. 5. Anwer, M. & Iqbal, H. M. (2010). Investigation of reliability of the adapted science attitude scale among Pakistani students. Paper presented in 3rd International Conference on Education in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges and Reforms” held at University of the Punjab, Lahore, October 21-23, 2010. 6. Nader, M. & Iqbal, H. M. (2010). Beliefs of secondary school students about English language learning in Pakistan. Paper presented in 3rd International Conference on Education in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges and Reforms” held at University of the Punjab, Lahore, October 21-23, 2010. 7. Taj, S. & Iqbal, H. M. (2010). The environmental literacy of secondary school teachers of Punjab. Paper presented in 3rd International Conference on Education in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges and Reforms” held at University of the Punjab, Lahore, October 21-23, 2010. 8. Tabassum, F. & Iqbal, H. M. (2010). A comparison of the level of professional esteem of science and arts teachers at secondary level. Paper presented in 3rd International Conference on Education in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges and Reforms” held at University of the Punjab, Lahore, October 21-23, 2010. 9. Farid, M. F. & Iqbal, H. M. (2010). Developing a new scale to measure causal attribution beliefs among school students in Pakistan. Paper presented in 3rd International Conference on Education in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges and Reforms” held at University of the Punjab, Lahore, October 21-23, 2010.

6 10. Ahmad, R. N. & Iqbal, H. M. (2010). Madrassa reforms in Pakistan. Paper presented in 3rd International Conference on Education in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges and Reforms” held at University of the Punjab, Lahore, October 21-23, 2010. 11. Iqbal, H. M. (2010). Participated as Resource Person in National Conference on “Dialogue on Teacher Education in Pakistan” under CIDA Debt SWAP Project, Islamabad, 10- 11 August 2010.

12. Iqbal, H. M. (2010). Impact Study: Tools, sampling and data analysis. Paper presented in a workshop on “Conducting Impact Studies” at AKU-IED held on 23-24 February 2010.

13. Iqbal, H.M. (2010). Gender Differences in Pakistani High School Students’ Views about Science. Paper presented in the World Conference-2010 on “Educational Science” held in Istambul, from 04-08 February 2010. 14. Iqbal, H.M. (2010). Learning and study strategies used by undergraduate students in Pakistan. Paper presented in the World Conference-2010 on “Educational Science” held in Istambul, Turkey from 04-08 February 2010. 15. Iqbal, H.M. (2009). Curriculum and Quality of Education. Paper presented in Seminar on “South-Asia Regional Policy Dialogue on Education Quality” organized by University, IED, Karachi, Pakistan from 8-9 May 2009. 16. Iqbal, H.M. (2009). Reforming Education in Pakistan. Paper presented in one day Seminar on “National Education Policy-2009: Review and Reflections” organized by IER, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 25 May 2009. 17. Iqbal, H. M. (2008). Madrassa Education in Pakistan: Issues & Challenges. Present a paper in 31st Annual Fulbright Conference 2008: “The Interconnected World” held in Beijing, China and organised by International Fulbright Association. 18. Iqbal, H. M. (2008). Developing creativity and critical thinking in students. Paper presented in two days seminar organized by Lahore University of Management Sciences on “How Can We Discourage Rote –Learning in our Educational Institutions?” from 28-29 July 2008 at Lahore University of Management Sciences Lahore.

19. Iqbal, H. M. (2008). Best Practices in Teacher Education. Paper presented in 5th Annual Fulbright Alumni Conference held in April 25-27, 2008 at the National University of Modern Language (NUML) Islamabad. 20. Iqbal, H. M. (2008). Science Curriculum Reforms in Pakistan, Paper presented in a Three- Day International Conference on “Educational Reform in the Developing Countries (Emphasis on )” held on 8-10 April 2008 in Karachi. 21. Iqbal, H. M. (2008). Public Private Partnership for Whole School Development. Paper presented in a two days conference on “Evidence Based Planning: Whole School Development and Partnerships” held on 5-6 March 2008 at , organized by City District Government Faisalabad Strategic Policy Unit and Department for International development (DFID) 22. Iqbal, H. M (2008), Achieving EFA Goals in Pakistan: Commitments and constraints: Paper presented in South Asian Fulbright Alumni Conference 21-23, January 2008 at Kathmandu, Nepal. 23. Iqbal, H. M. (2007). Planning and Managing Effective Schooling, paper presented in the Conference organized by University of Education, 5-6 November 2007, PC Hotel, and Lahore. 24. Iqbal, H. M. (2007). Teacher’s Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Competencies: Issues for Teacher Status in Pakistan. Paper presented in research symposium organised by IED, Aga Khan University, March 21-22, 2007.

7 25. Iqbal, H.M. (2007). Does Teacher Education Matter: Analysing the curricular and methodological relevance of teacher preparation programme. Paper presented in the National Conference on “Changing role of teacher in the era of globalisation” organised by IER from April 16-17, 2007. 26. Iqbal, H. M. (2006). Teaching Social Sciences in Colleges: Challenges & Constraints. Paper presented in a Conference organized by University of Karachi. 27. Iqbal H. M. (2006). Quality of Education at School Level. Paper presented in conference on quality of education organized by the British Council, HEC, Pakistan Education Foundation (PEF), August 2006. 28. Iqbal H. M. (2006). Teaching Social Sciences in Colleges; constraints and challenges. Paper presented in International conference on Teaching Social Science being organized by Karachi University and HEC, September 16- 17, 2006. 29. Iqbal, H. M, & Saiqa Azam (2006). Science Teachers Views about the Nature of Science; Effect of Selected Variables. Paper presented in World Conference on Education “Engaging Pedagogies”, Australian Association for Research in Education, Adelaide, November 26 -30, 2006. 30. Iqbal, H.M. and Almas Kiani (1997). Survey of Students’ knowledge and attitude towards environmental problems. Proceedings of the 10th ICASE Asian Symposium, April 5- 10, 1997, Lahore, pp.205-210. 31. Iqbal, H.M. and Hamid Raza (1997). Attitudes of secondary school science teachers towards environment. Proceedings of the 10th ICASE Asian Symposium, April 5-10, 1997, Lahore, pp.121-125. 32. Iqbal, H.M. and Sajid Masood (1997). Science Education for All: Psychological implication for curriculum development. Proceedings of the 10th ICASE Asian Symposium, April 5-10, 1997, Lahore, pp. 221-227. 33. Iqbal, H.M. and Sajida Rehman (1997). Observation of Student Teaching: A reflection on pre-service education programme. Proceedings of the 10th ICASE Asian Symposium, April 5-10, 1997, Lahore, pp.193-198. 34. Iqbal, H.M. and Uzair-ul-Hassan (1997). Effectiveness of Teaching-Learning Process at secondary level: A reflection on Teachers’ and students’ Behaviour. Proceedings of the 10th ICASE Asian Symposium, April 5-10, 1997, Lahore, pp.159-162. 35. Iqbal, H.M. and Uzma Sajid (1997). Is medium of instruction a barrier in teaching and learning of science? Proceedings of the 10th ICASE - Asian Symposium, April 5-10, 1997, Lahore, pp.173-178. 36. Iqbal, H.M. (1994b). Developing Environmental Attitude of Prospective Science Teachers (A paper presented in 9th ICASE Asian Symposium Bangkok, Dec. 1994.) 37. Iqbal, H. M. (1994). A plea for science education for all, presented a paper in National Conference on Education Sindh University November 25-28, 1994.

11. Newspaper Articles 1. Reforming Examination System in Punjab, Daily The Nation, December 28, 2010

2. Developing Good Study Habits in Students, Daily Dawn, November 7, 2010

3. An Education Policy or a Wish List, Daily Dawn Lahore, Sunday September 20, 2009

4. Education in Gilgit and Baltistan, Daily Dawn, Sunday, October 18, 2009

5. Students Habits of University Students. Daily Dawn, December 24, 2006

8 6. How Sharing Help? (Co-operative Learning). Daily Dawn, February 18, 2001

7. Aiming at Quality. Daily Dawn, November 6, 2000

8. Developing the Faculty. Daily Dawn, December 18, 2000.

9. Re-engineering Education for Pakistan 2010 The News International. 28th May 1999

10. New Education Policy 1998: Daily Jang, 22 April 1998.

11. New Education policy: an analysis, Daily Pakistan, January 18, 1993

12. Education and self reliance: Daily Nawa-i-Waqt, Lahore January 7, 1991.

13. The Real Causes of Political Change in Eastern Europe. Daily Jang, Lahore. January 1, 1990. (Urdu)

14. Falling Standard of Education: The Government's responsibility. Daily Jang, Lahore Nov. 3- 4, 1989 (Urdu)

15. Private Institutions: Another view of the picture, Daily Jang, 16th May 1989 (in Urdu).

16. of Education and society in the Punjab, Daily Jang, 25th June 1989 (in Urdu)

17. Islamization of Education. Daily Jang, Lahore 26-7-1988

18. The New Education Policy of the Punjab, Daily Jang, London, April 26, 1988, (In Urdu)

12. Supervision of Research Work

A. PhD Completed 4 B. PhD submitted: 6 C. PhD in process 10 PhD Total 20

D. Master Students 80

13. Research Projects/ Grants: From other organizations

2011 Baseline Study on International Inspiration Project: British Council

2011 Evaluation of the Impact of Connecting Classrooms Project: British Council

2010 Using Portfolios to Assess Implementation of National Professional Standards for Teachers in Pakistan: UNICEF/ Punjab Examination Commission

2010 Baseline Survey Study of Connecting Classrooms Project Phase III: British Council

2009 Baseline Survey Study of Connecting Classrooms project Phase I: British Council

2009 Evaluation of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Programme for Teachers implemented by DSD Lahore: UNICEF

2009 Evaluation of European Commission’s North Pakistan Education Project II (NPEP- II): European Commission

9 2008 Development of Adaptive English Language Learning Tool for secondary School Students: ICT R& D Fund Govt. of Pakistan

2007 A Study on Midterm Evaluation of Literacy Programme in Pakistan: UNESCO, Paris

2007 A Study on Community Ownership and External Intervention for Sustainability of Community Learning Centers (CLCs): UNESCO Bangkok

2007 Study on the Causes of Dropout of Children at ECE level in Punajb: UNICEF Lahore

2007 Baseline Survey of Learning Achievement in UNICEF Supported Primary Schools of Balochistan: UNICEF

2007 Policy Study on Katchi class for Admitted and Un-admitted Students in Punjab: UNICEF

2006 Impact Analysis of Foreign Faculty Hiring Programme of HEC on the Quality of Higher Education: HEC

2003 An Evaluation of Continuous Assessment Programme in Schools: Government of the Punjab

2000 Sanitation Private Sector Study of the UNICEF

1998-99 Survey of Grade 8 Student Achievement in Middle Schools-the Post-test:PMSP Asian Development Project

1997-99 A Study on the Effectiveness of Supplementary Readers for Enhancement of Reading Comprehension of Grade 6-8 Students: DFID-Punjab Middle Schooling Project

1997-98 Baseline Survey of Grade 8 Student Achievement: PMSP, Government of the Punjab

1997 UNESCO-ICASE-PASE W/S on Science, Technology and Environmental Education of the UNESCO Paris

1991-95 Teacher Competencies and Students’ Achievement” at Primary Level of the PECRP WB Project

1994-94 Survey of Distribution of Piagetian Levels of Thinking in Science Students and its Match with Science Curricula for Classes VI-VIII of the UGC

1991-93 Evaluation of New Curriculum for Primary Classes of the PEP III World Bank Project

14. National & International Conferences 1. Participated in conference on Quality Assurance of Teacher Education in Pakistan organized by STEP Project, in Islamabad on 24th – 25th September, 2010.

2. Organized 3rd International Conference on “Education in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges and 10 Reforms” at University of the Punjab, Lahore on October 21-23, 2010.

3. Participated in two days 3rd National Stakeholders Conference held from 9 – 10 April 2009 in the Auditorium of National Library, Islamabad.

4. Participated and Chaired a Session in two days conference organized by Women University Rawalpindi on 3-4 March, 2008.

5. Three days Educational Conferences organized by the IED-Aga Khan University on 21-23 February 2006 at Karachi.

6. First National Stakeholders Conference organized by the National Planning and Coordination Committee of NEAS, Ministry of Education on 19th March 2006, Islamabad.

7. Education Department, Government of the Punjab “Punjab Education Conference” on 25 the April 2006, at the Pakistan Administrative Staff College Auditorium Lahore.

8. National Education Conference “Revision of National Education Policy” from 30-31 May 2006, Organized by Ministry of Education Islamabad.

9. Second Global Knowledge Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 7-10, 2000

10. Science Education Conference, ASE Nottingham U.K Dec.31, 1987 to Jan.4, 1988

15. Seminars & Workshops etc. Conduct/ Organized

1. Conducted a workshop on Paper Setting at G.C. University Faisalabad on April 29, 2010.

2. Conducted a Two-day Training Program for Paper Setters (Biology and Mathematics) of BISEs at Lahore Board on 8-9 October 2010.

3. Organized and participated as Resource Person in Four Week Workshop of Professional Competency Enhancement Program for Teachers (PCEPT) at IER Committee Room, University of the Punjab, Lahore on June 28 – July 3, 2010.

4. Conduct a 3rd International Conference on “Education in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges and Reforms” at University of the Punjab, Lahore on October 21-23, 2010

5. Conduct and Participated as Resource Person for “Learning Psychology” in a workshop organized by PCEPT AJK University, Muzaffarabad held from 16-18 November 2009.

6. Conduct a three day workshop for the “Paper Setters and Coordinators for the SSC (10th class) Annual Examination 2010” at 49-A, Lawrence Road, Lahore conducted by Lahore Board held from 23-25 November 2009.

7. Conduct and participate as Resource Person in a Three Day Training Workshop for the Paper Setters and Coordinators for the Intermediate Part-I & II (Annual) Examination, 2010 conducted on the advice of the Secretary Higher Education, Govt. of the Punjab from 21-23 December 2009 held in Lahore Board, 49-A, Lawrence Road, Lahore.


8. Participated in four days Residential Workshop on “Test Construction for Grade 9” in Biology based on National Curriculum 2006 held at Islamabad from 25-28 January 2010.

9. Participated in a workshop on ‘Public Private Partnerships in Education: Policy, Framework

11 and Action Plan’ held at Directorate of Staff Development – DSD Wahdat Colony, Lahore on January 5, 2010.

10. Participated in 3rd Pre-STEP Research Workshop at Holiday Inn in Lahore on May 11-14, 2010.

11. Participated in a Syllabus-Writing Workshop to draft the syllabi for Year 1 of the Associate Degree in Education (ADE) and first year of the Bachelor of Education Hons. (Elementary) at Holiday Inn in Lahore on April 5-10, 2010.

12. Participated in four days workshop to draft the Scheme of Studies for Two degrees held at Hotel One (Fortalice) Jinnah 51, Bhitai Road, F-7/1, Islamabad on March 17-20, 2010.

13. Attended a meeting on ‘CSA CC – M & E’ held at Dhaka, Bangladesh on 30-31 March 2010.

14. Participated in the Preparatory Meeting for High Level National Consultation Meeting, Inclusive and Child Friendly Education, Pakistan at Holiday Inn Hotel, Islamabad on 12-13 October 2010.

15. Participated in the National Workshop: An Innovative Approach to Research Design at Lahore on 11-13 March 2010.

16. Participated in the Interview Panel to Assist USEFP for Making for Final Selection of the Candidates for Fulbright/ USAID/ HEC PhD Program 2011 held at Lahore on July 29, 2010.

17. Participated in Policy Dialogue on Language Policy organized by the British Council at Auditorium of Kinnaird College for Women University, Lahore on 19 October 2010.

18. Participated in the workshop on Keys to Writing a Successful Research Proposal at Lahore on 11-14 May 2010.

19. Participated in a Seminar on Gender Parity in Education at Pearl Continental Hotel, Crystal Hall, Lahore on 19th May 2010.

20. Participated in a Summer Training Workshop for Faculty in Elementary Colleges and Universities at Avari Hotel, Lahore on 26-31 July 2010.

21. Participated in a workshop on ‘Working Paper for the meeting on Piloting ADE’, held at Islamabad on 30 June – 1 July, 2010.

22. Attended a meeting of 'Provincial Advisory Committee held at Directorate of Staff Development – DSD, Wahdat Colony, Lahore, on 28 June, 2010.

23. Attended a meeting of ADE Piloting held at Margalla Hotel Islamabad on 29 June 2010.

24. Participated in Strengthening Teacher Education in Pakistan (STEP) 3rd Inter-Provincial Coordination Meeting at Hotel Margalla Islamabad on 6-7 August 2010.

25. Attended a meeting of the Task Force on Teacher Certification, Licensing and Accreditation held at PMIU Building, New Muslim Town, Lahore on 31 August 2010.

26. Workshop on ‘Experience Exchange Meeting on Child Friendly Schools (CFS)’ held at Directorate of Staff Development, Lahore on 5 July 2010.

27. Participated in High Level National Consultation Meeting on Child Friendly Inclusive Education held at Islamabad on 2-3 November 2010.

28. Participated in STEP Consultative Workshop: Standards and Quality Assurance of Teacher Education in Pakistan held on 23-24 February 2009 organized by UNESCO at Islamabad, Pakistan.

29. Participated in “Validation Workshop of ACTE Instrument” (USAID Project) on 19-20 12 March 2009 at Lahore.

30. Participated in First Workshop on “Strategic Planning and Visioning Exercise” held on 7-8 May 2009 at Management Professional Development Department, Upper Mall, Lahore organized by Literacy and Non-Formal Basic Education Department, Punjab.

31. Participated in HUB Workshop “Leadership and Organizational Change in Higher Education Hub Workshop” held on 4-6 August 2009 organized by Pre-STEP at Murree, Islamabad.

32. Participated in National Curriculum Revision Committee Preliminary Meeting in Education from 5-7 October 2009 at the Regional Centre of HEC Lahore.

33. Participated in One-Day Consultative Workshop on Education Sector Planning held at Lahore on 15th December 2009.

34. Participated in two days training/seminar for senior stakeholder organized by National Education Assessment System (NEAS) World Bank Institute (WBI) in Country Training from 3-4 March, 2008 Islamabad.

35. Participated in two days seminar organized by British Council on “Human Rights, Governance and Democracy in Pakistan” from 13-14 March 2008 at Lahore.

36. Participated in Seminar organized by National Commission for Development in Collaboration with UNESCO Islamabad 27 March, 2008 at Hotel Ambassador, Lahore.

37. Participated in one day National Seminar on ‘Standards and Accreditation of Teacher Education’ organised by MoE/UNESCO from 28 August 2008, at Islamabad Serena Hotel.

38. Participated as speaker in Social Dialogue on Word Teacher’s Day 2008 “Exploring Spaces & Modalities for Professional Development” organised by ITA and University of the Education on 7th October, 2008 at University of Education, Lower Mall Lahore

39. Participated in Higher Education Strategic Partnership Guidance Workshop organized by British Council in collaboration with the Higher Education Commission, held on 26 November 2007 at Lahore.

40. Participated in National Seminar on Health Education in Schools World AIDS day, 1st December 2007 organized by Ministry of Education (Curriculum Wing) Islamabad in Collaboration with UNESCO.

41. Participated as resource person in a two days workshop on “Effective Teacher Training and Islamic Values” organized by Iqbal International Institute of Education, Research and Dialogue on 4-5 July 2006.

42. Participated in two days National Seminar on Teaching of Social Sciences at the Universities level “Teaching of Social Sciences in Colleges: Challenges Confronted” Organized by University of Karachi and HEC from 15-16 September 2006.

43. Participated as resource person in a National Seminar on World Teachers’ Day 2006, Jointly Organized by Children’s Library Complex Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) on Thursday 5th October 2006.

44. Knowledge Sharing for Human Development in South Asia South, Kathmandu-Nepal July 16-18, 2003

45. TIMSS NRCs Meeting, Montreal- Canada, June 2002

46. GKP Central & South Asian Regional Meeting on ICT, Dhaka, Bangladesh, September, 15- 17, 2002

47. TIMSS Trend Study 2003 National Research Coordinators’ (NRCs) Meeting, Hamburg-

13 , February 2001

48. AED /USAID International Symposium and NAAEE Conference on EE, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 1999

49. Workshop on Assessment in Primary Science, Commonwealth Secretariat/UNESCO Penang, Malaysia, March 1997

50. Workshop on Development of STL material for Basic Level, UP-ISMED-UNESCO Manila, Nov. 1997.

51. Workshop on Development of Self-learning modules Education on population Education Ministry of Jan. 14-16, 1995

52. National Workshop on Development of Ministry of Curriculum / Learning materials for In- Service Education of Teachers. March 13-16, 1995

53. Workshop on Environmental Education: From Policy to Practice The British Council King's College, London. March 26-April 10, 1995

54. International Symposium on Empowering Women for Sustainable Development. UNESCO- MOE Dec. 4-6, 1994

55. 9th ICASE-Asian Symposiums ICASE, Science Society of Thailand, Dec. 6-11, 1994

56. Asian Workshop on Environmental. Education, Ahmadabad India Feb. 10-14, 1993

57. International Environmental. Education W/S Malaysia Feb.--March 3, 1992

58. Sixth International Symposium on World Trends in Science & Technology Education. IOSTE/Palm Springs California Aug.12-20, 1991

59. National Training Workshop on Environ- mental Education, Ministry of Education, Islamabad. March 18-22, 1989

60. National Advanced Level Workshop for Science Teachers and Teacher Educators, Ministry of Education, Islamabad Jan. 13-20, 1987

61. National Workshop for Master Trainers for Prevention of Drug Abuse, Narcotics Control Board. April 14-16, 1987

62. National Workshop on School Based In-service Training of Primary School Teachers, Ministry of Education, Islamabad Feb. 1-6, 1986

63. National Workshop for Editors of Textbooks, National Book Council of Pakistan May 19-24, 1984.

64. INSET course for Biology lecturers Education Department Punjab. July23--Aug.8, 1983

16. Membership of National/ International Organisations 1. President Pakistan Association for Research in Education (PARE) 2010

2. Member National Planning and Coordination Committee, National Education Assessment System Ministry of Education Islamabad.

3. Member Punjab Education Commission.

4. Founding Member Pakistan Association for Science Education (PASE)

5. Secretary General PASE 1990-1994. 14 6. Member International Council of Associations for Science Education (ICASE).UK

7. Member International Organisation for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE) USA.

8. Member North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) USA

9. World Council of Curriculum and Instructions (WCCI) USA

10. Member Academic Council Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad

11. Member of Teachers’ Education Accreditation Council HEC, Islamabad

12. Focal Person for Evaluation of the Research Proposal submitted to HEC, Islamabad

17. National/International Activities 1. Member Advisory Board of “Stepping into Science” an ICASE Project for promoting interest in Primary Science. 2. Principal Investigator “Accelerating Intellectual Development of Science Students (AIDS) Project, sponsored by the UGC 1992-1994. 3. Evaluator Science/ Member Material Development Team, Primary Education Project (PEP- 111), A World Bank Project. (1991-94) 4. UNESCO/ICASE Survey on School Science Curriculum Analysis (1992). 5. Comparative Survey by UNESCO/ ICASE on The Teaching of Science, Mathematics and Technology Subjects Around the World (1994). 6. Conducted UNESCO/ SCRE w/s on Evaluation of the Draft Modular Material on Assessment in Primary School Science (1994). 7. Consultant to the Ministry of Education on “National Educational Testing Service (NETS) 1994. 8. Member Research Team on a research project on “Teacher Competencies and Students’ Achievement” under PECRP Punjab (PEP-111, 1991-1995). 9. Convenor 10th ICASE-Asian Symposium, held from April 5-10, 1997, Lahore, Pakistan. 10. Organiser/ Co-ordinator UNESCO-ICASE-PASE W/S on Scientific and Technological Literacy for All, April 1997, Lahore, Pakistan. 11. Member research team “Baseline study on cognitive achievement of middle schools’ students” A study conducted under the PMSP, an ODA/ World Bank funded project, 1997- 1998 12. Member research team “A study into the use of supplementary readers in middle schools”. A study being conducted under the PMSP, an ODA/ World Bank funded project, 1997-1998 13. Member research team “Survey of Grade VIII students’ Achievement --post test” A study conducted under the PMSP, an ODA/ World Bank funded project, Jan.2000 14. Member Research Team “Survey of health and hygiene practices in the Punjab” AN UNICEF funded project. 15. Member National Curriculum Committee (Science) Ministry of Education, Islamabad 16. Co-ordinator National Workshop on Educational Assessment, UNESCO, Lahore. Oct.2001 17. Co-ordinator Sub-Regional (SAARC Countries) Workshop on Educational Assessment, UNESCO, Islamabad, November 2001. 18. Conducted w/s on assessment for textbook authors, sponsored by German GTZ project, July 2001

15 19. Co-ordinator Provincial Workshop on Educational Assessment, UNESCO, Lahore December 2001. 20. Conducted W/S on Textbook writing, for German GTZ Project, Peshawar, December 2002. 21. Coordinator Sub-Regional (SAARC) UNESCO W/S on Educational Assessment. Islamabad, August 18-23, 2003. 22. Organized one day Conference on Cross Culture Educational Exchanges: Prospects: and Challenges Collaboration between Pakistan and the US Bureau of Cultural & Educational Affairs and Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi at IER on 27th March 2008.

18. Membership of Editorial Board Journals 1. Chief Editor “Taleemat” Quarterly (1989-1993)

2. Secretary Editorial Board, Bulletin of Education and Research, 2003-2005

3. Chief Editor Bulletin of Education and Research, since 2005

4. Member /review Committee “Science Education Review”(Australia)

5. Member review Committee, Pakistan Journal of Education.

19 Experience/Areas of interest

Science education, biology education, assessment & evaluation, educational research environmental education, educational /cognitive psychology and In-Service education of teachers.

20. Courses Taught (1) Educational Research (2) Educational Assessment & Evaluation, (3) Educational Psychology (Master Students), (4) Advanced Educational Psychology (PhD students), (5) Qualitative Research Methods (PhD Students), (6) Biology, (7) Environmental Education

21. Experience Related to Non Formal Education 1. Resource person in “Workshop on Literacy and Non-Formal Education” held in Lahore in February 2004 under department of literacy Government of the Punjab.

2. Resource person in “Workshop on Capacity Building of Deputy DEOs Literacy” held in Bahawalpur on March 13-15 2004.

3. Developed “Non-Formal Teachers Training Manual for Master Trainers” published by Department of literacy and non formal education Government of the Punjab.

4. Member research team for development of “Literacy Primer” published by IER 1993.

5. Help in the development of “Centre for Non- Formal Education” at the IER 1994-1995.

22 Experience Related to Assessment 1. Has been teaching course on Assessment and Evaluation to Master and PhD students since 1991.

2. Worked as Consultant/expert to the Ministry of Education on test item development in 1994- 1995.

3. Co-ordinator National Workshop on Educational Assessment, UNESCO, Lahore, Oct.2001

16 4. Co-ordinator Sub-Regional (SAARC Countries) Workshop on Educational Assessment, UNESCO, Islamabad, November 2001.

5. Conducted w/s on assessment for PEP-TLM Project NWFP, under the auspices of German organisation GTZ, in 2002.

6. Co-ordinator Provincial Workshop on Educational Assessment, UNESCO, Lahore December 2001.

7. Coordinator Sub-Regional (SAARC) UNESCO W/S on Educational Assessment. Islamabad, August 18-23, 2003.

8. Co-ordinator workshop on assessment jointly organised by IER and Australian Council for Educational Research(ACER), at IER from June 17- August 12, 2006.

9. Co-ordinator workshop on assessment jointly organised by IER and Australian Council for Educational Research(ACER), at IER from December 18, 2006 to March 17, 2007.

10. Member National Planning and Coordination Committee, National Educational Assessment System (NEAS) Ministry of Education.

23. Experience Related to Teacher Education 1. Managing and organising In-service Education Courses for teachers at all level at Education Extension Centre now known as Directorate of Staff Development (DSD) from December 1983 to January 1991.

2. Master Research project on “Evaluation of In-service Courses conducted by EEC” submitted to IER 1987.

3. Master Research Report on “Need for In-service education of biology teachers” submitted to Kings College London, 1988.

4. Organised and conducted a large number of Workshops for science teachers from 1991 to date.

5. Consultant to Professional Development Centre of well known private school system in Lahore FROM 1992 to date.

6. Coordinator workshops for English and science teachers of private schools in Lahore under Punjab Education Foundation.

7. Delivered a keynote address on “Status of Teachers in Pakistan-An issue of content and pedagogical preparation” in research symposium organised by Aga Khan University IED from March 21-22, 2007.

8. Chairman of the National Conference on “Changing role of teacher in the era of globalisation” organised by IER from April 16-17, 2007.

9. Delivered a plenary speech “Does Teacher Education Matter: Analysing the curricular and methodological relevance of teacher preparation programme” in the National Conference on “Changing role of teacher in the era of globalisation” organised by IER from April 16-17, 2007.

17 24 Countries Visited

Country From To Purpose of visit Turkey 04-02-2010 08-02-2010 World Conference 2010 on Educational Sciences held in Istanbul, Turkey. China 20-10-2008 22-10-2008 31st Annual Fulbright Conference 2008 - The Interconnected World, Beijing. Turkey 1-07-2008 8-07-2008 Educational & Cultural Trip to see Turkish Educational Intuitions, System Nepal 21-01-2008 23-01-2008 South Asian Fulbright Alumni Conference Norway 6-6-2007 10-6-2007 Lecture-signing MoU with University College Oslo t Germany 2-6-2007 6-6-2007 Check Point: Conference Reading Australia 26-11-2006 30-11-2006 Australian Association for Research in Education Conference Adelaide Australia 21-7-2006 4-8-2006 Structured visit of Assessment Systems in Australia USA Oct. 2004 July 2005 Fulbright Postdoctoral Scholar UT Austin TX Nepal 16-7-2002 18-7-2003 W/S on Knowledge Sharing for Human Development in South Asia Bangladesh 12-9-2002 18-9-2002 GKP Central & South Asian Regional Meeting on Information & Communication Technology Canada 17-6-2001 23-6-2001 TIMSS National Co-ordinators’ Meeting France 3-3-2001 5-3-2001 Sight Seeing Holland 1-3-2001 3-3-2001 Sight Seeing Germany 25-2-2001 28-2-2001 TIMSS National Research Co-ordinators Meeting and Data Analysis Training work shop Malaysia 6-3-2000 10-3-2000 Second Global Knowledge Conference USA 20-8-1999 5-9-1999 GreenCom Symposium and NAAEE seminar on EE Malaysia 8-11-1997 11-11-1997 Visit to International Islamic University / Lecture Philippine 3-11-1997 8-11-1197 UNESCO-ICASE W/S, Lecture in UP-ISMED

Singapore 8-3-1997 10-3-1997 Visit to the Curriculum Centre and Singapore University Malaysia 3-3-1997 8-3-1197 UNESCO-Commonwealth W/S Thailand 1-3-1997 3-3-1997 Sight seeing UK 26-3-1995 4-4-1995 British Council W/S on EE Thailand 6-10-1994 11-10-1994 9th ICASE-Asian Symposium India 9-2-1993 14-2-1993 International W/S on Environmental Education Thailand 4-3-1992 5-3-1992 Sight Seeing Malaysia 3-2-1992 2-3-1992 Participation in an international W/S on EE UK 5-10-1991 14-10-1991 Training Course USA 10-9-1991 4-1-1991 To participate in 6th IOSTE Symposium Saudi Arabia 7-9-1988 14-9-1988 Umra Prayer UK Sept. 1987 Oct. 1988 MA Science Education, London University
