The Accolade September 2012 The Monthly Celebratory Newsletter from

Dear parents, students, staff and governors, studies and engaging with our phenomenal enrich- ment programme in huge numbers. The theme of We returned to the new academic year boosted by the summer was surely 'inspiring a generation' the outstanding examination results at all levels and and, as this edition shows, we do this at every our vastly enhanced sporting facilities, as well as opportunity both in and out of the classroom. other refurbished areas for which we thank our I have no doubt that as we move into autumn, premises team. August was certainly not all holiday our students' achievements will continue to inspire as our staff gave up their time to run six trips and to us and, month by month, 'The Accolade' will support individuals engaged in activities across the reflect that. subject areas. The new academic year has begun very well with students quickly settling into their Mrs V Neale

3 5 2 6 ….Inspirational Teaching Inspirational Trips.... We congratulate our English and History departments who have both Changing lives in Madagascar been awarded the Prince's Institute We congratulate fourteen of our 'A' Charter Mark for 2012. Above all, level Biologists who spent a fort- the award recognises the quality of night in Madagascar surveying teaching, focusing on the creativity forests and coral reefs for a variety of and originality shown to inspire a animals and birds. Whilst on their love of the subject amongst young trip of a lifetime the group discovered people. a rare leopard gecko, encountered an aye-aye lemur and swam with We were delighted to feature in large sea turtles, barracuda and lion the ’s first fish. They hunted for spiders at night ever list of schools’ success at get- with head torches and gained their ting students into Higher Education. PADI open water diving qualification. As the only school featured, The students also met the local we were particularly pleased to be Malagasy people and learned about joint second in the country for all-abil- their culture. The staff had ity schools with the highest propor- nothing but praise for the way the tion going to Oxford or . students met the physical and emotional challenges presented and for the % scientific skills they displayed. We congratulate: Kate Albon, Laura Dame Alice Owen’s School, Herts 10 Bramwell, Tom Chadwick, Katie Cross, Chris Dickinson, Jessica Gaskell, Loreto College, Herts 6 Elizabeth George, Sam Harrison, Annabel Holmes, Harriet Johnson, Silverdale School, Sheffield 6 Maisie Kilner, Annie Lane, Fiona Points and Rebecca Swan. We also Parmiter’s School, Herts 6 Fulford School, York 6 thank Miss Hamlett and Mrs Payne for all their work to organise the trip and All Hallows Catholic College, Surrey 6 for giving up part of their summer holiday to accompany it. County Upper, Suffolk 6 St Philip Howard Catholic High, W Sussex 5 The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial, Ken & Chel 5 Watford for Girls, Herts 5 Lady Margaret School, Hammersmith & Ful 5 Hills Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge 5 Bridgewater High School, Salford 5 Wood Green School, Oxon 5 The St Marylebone CofE, Westminster 5 Durham Johnston Comprehensive, Durham 5 High Storrs School, Sheffield 5 The Ashcombe School, Surrey 5 St Laurence School, Wilts 5 St Mary’s Catholic Comp, Leeds 5 The Olympic Experiences linguistic and physical challenge as part of their summer Year nine students enjoyed a day's visit to Coventry to holiday. They were all congratulated on being excellent see the British Women's football team in action while hosts and ambassadors. Well done to: William Burns, a further thirty-six students from years ten and Patrick Doherty, Toby French, Jennifer Gurney, Digby eleven were inspired by a residential trip to see events Hayden, James Horner, Bethany Knight, Roderick in the Olympic Park including basketball involving the Mansel and Siobhan McKenna. USA, now home to some of our former Academy players. We thank Mr Bishop, Mr Fisher, Mr Golding, Later in the holiday, our students accompanied their Mr Hamill, Miss Lacey and Mrs Walters who gave up Japanese guests from Keio to Edale where they partici- part of their holiday for these trips and especially pated in a range of active challenges and practised their Mr Marshall who organised and led both trips. We hosting and linguistic skills. We thank Mrs Kennedy for congratulate all the students who made the very most accompanying them and congratulate the students of these fantastic experiences and were described involved: Marcus Breeze, Will Burns, Jessica Carnegie, as 'a pleasure to be with'. Rajan Chohan Jones, Patrick Doherty, James Homer, Tom Hubbard, Melissa Kennedy, Molly Lloyd, Roderick Mansel, Siobahn McKenna, Ella Price, Matt Wilcock and Cara Wilcock.

Bethany Knight wrote: “I really enjoyed going on the Chuutoubu camp because it was a very educational trip. All our Japanese partners were extremely polite and considerate and they helped out a lot when it came to writing our diaries. The Japanese students were really cooperative and brilliant at The Japanese summer camps English. I made friends with a lot of them and I am still in Once again our students were fortunate to be offered touch with a majority of these Keio students. the chance to participate in the Chuutoubu Summer The activities were fun and proved a great way for the English Camp at Avon Tyrell with their Japanese guests. students to bond with the Keio students and to work together. The instructors for the activities were kind and friendly as they made sure that everyone understood what they were doing and were safe while enjoying themselves. The excursions gave the Keio students a chance to see some of the impressive sights of and have a memorable time in Britain. Overall, I had a brilliant time and I am looking forward to going back next year.”

During the camp, students were able to try activities like kayaking and rafting as well as visiting Corfe Castle, Durdle Door, Lulworth Cove, Stonehenge and Salisbury. Both sets of students prepared acts for a joint talent show on the last evening and, thanks to Mrs Browning and Mr Rande, our students enjoyed a cultural, The UK-Japanese Young Scientists Workshop This prestigious scheme runs annually, alternating between a British and a Japanese university. It enables thirty young scientists from each country to work together on current scientific research with the science staff from the host univer- sity. This year's workshop was held at Cambridge University and, once again, we were invited to take part. We were delighted to be given four places and congratulate Neal Dodge, Billy Ford, Harry Jones and Rosie Waters on their selection. All four represented their school and the United Kingdom admirably. We thank Mrs Browning, Mrs Rossi and Mrs Tunstill for making our sixth holiday residential activity possible. More inspirational science activities

Sam's Nuffield Bursary This year, the Nuffield scheme was only able to award eight bursaries in the whole of the Eastern Region and so we especially congratulate Samuel Fearnley who gained of them and spent four weeks at R C Treatts during the summer holiday.

The 'Physics at Work' visit to Cambridge Almost fifty members of year eleven visited the University of Cambridge's Cavendish laboratory for a morning to inspire them as they begin to consider their 'A' level and Higher Education choices. The group was treated to interactive demonstrations of practical applica- tions of physics and made aware of possible career paths. Major companies and the university's cutting edge research were both represented. All the students were a real credit to our school. We congratulate them and thank Mr Rande, Miss Cleaver, Dr Hanfrey and Mrs Ambrose who made the visit possible.

Will Burns wrote: Sam Fearnley wrote: On the 19th of September, year 11 students took part in "I used gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy an inter-school trip to the Cavendish laboratories, at the techniques to find the the most important molecules, in terms University of Cambridge. We took part in a range of of aroma, in essential oils (including citrus, mint, cinnamon activities related to the application of physics in modern and ginger). The method used was called aroma-extract dilu- technology. Highlights included the use of superconductors tion analysis. I thoroughly enjoyed this laboratory experience, to create levitating trains, laser technology to print in and I now look forward to studying science at university." milliseconds, and gamma rays to treat cancer. We thank the staff who organised it. Well done to Sam for being given such a prestigious award and good luck with his upcoming presentation evening.

The Smallpeice Trust courses We were delighted to support three students on the summer holiday courses offered this year. William Godfrey and Ruth Newton gained two of the twenty-five places on the four-day Biochemical Engineering course at University College London while Freddie Wright was selected for the Naval Architecture course at Plymouth University. We thank the William and Ellen Vinten Trust for its sponsorship and congratulate the students. Imogen's inspirational Performing Arts successes summer Clubs and activities in all the performing arts have been in full swing We remain very proud of Imogen Ridge since the second day of term and this month’s theatre visit was to who has three new accolades of her own. see ‘Mansfield Park’ at the Theatre Royal. As an Aldeburgh Young Musician, Imogen was selected to be part of the The summer again saw a huge number of our students performing 'Exchanging World's ensemble' formed and touring with the Suffolk Young Strings, the Suffolk Youth Wind as part of the Cultural Olympiad 2012. Band and the Suffolk Youth Orchestra. We were delighted to The ensemble "showcased the exception- support all three ensembles at their joint Gala Concert in Snape al young musical talent from the Eastern Maltings this month. We remain extremely proud that there are far region "culminating in a performance at more students from our school in these ensembles than any Snape Maltings. Imogen has also been other school in Suffolk and that almost one in five of the renowned selected for the Britten Sinfonia orchestra represent County Upper. Very well done to: Academy following a very tough Gideon Blake, audition and has begun rehearsals with Bethan Bradshaw, them. Britten Sinfonia is recognised as Jessica Carnegie, one of the most prestigious orchestras Louise Chartron, and the blueprint for a world class cham- Elizabeth Flowers, ber orchestra so Imogen has done Sarah Johnson, exceedingly well to be accepted. Finally, Liliana Lunongo, Imogen's enormous talent has been Eleanor Martindale, recognised by the Royal Academy Ashley Nayler, Junior Department and she is being Ruth Newton, taught by Miriam Keogh who is Head of Harry Palmer, Harp there. Very well done, Imogen. Sophie Rochford, Georgina Scott, Riona Snelling, Harry Stone, Philippa Strachan, Eleanor White, Georgia White, Matthew Wilcock and, former student, Evy Coe.

The orchestra on tour this summer John's jazz success We congratulate those whose graded examination results were John Young, another of our inspirational received this month: musicians, spent part of the holiday at the National Youth Jazz Summer School. Jodie Ashman Clarinet Grade 5 Merit The audition process was very demanding Emma Bradley Violin Grade 4 Pass and there was stiff competition for the thirty Rowanne Bramwell Alto Saxophone Grade 5 Merit places available. It was a fantastic achieve- Skye Brook Popular Music Vocals Grade 3 Distinction ment for John to be selected and he more Daisy Brown Violin Grade 3 Pass than proved he was worthy of a place. William Curwen Alto Saxophone Grade 5 Merit Very well done, John: we are proud of you. Samuel Doye Violin Grade 4 Merit Gabriele Gelezausk Flute Grade 4 Distinction Amy Hawkes Tenor horn Grade 4 Pass Dulcie Keeley Alto Saxophone Grade 3 Pass Matthew Le Poidevin Clarinet Grade 4 Pass Ryan Palmer Musical Theatre Grade 4 Distinction Phoebe Ransom Flute Grade 4 Distinction Douglas Sands Jazz Trumpet Grade 4 Distinction Philippa Strachan Clarinet Grade 5 Merit Emily Thomas Clarinet Grade 3 Merit Emily Thomas Musical Theatre Grade 4 Merit Amelia Thompson Violin Grade 3 Pass Shannon Wade Alto Saxophone Grade 4 Pass Cara Wilcock Musical Theatre Grade 5 Merit The summer drama Laura productions dances for We congratulate our students who England took part in youth productions this Laura Robinson summer. Shannon-Marie Clerkin, was again selected Liam Halls and Ed Pipe were part of to represent England the SYPT production of 'Our House' in ballroom dancing while Lewis Allum, Jennifer Gurney, at the world champi- Toby Jeffrey, Douglas Sands and onships in Kistelek, Helen Slade performed in the Voice Hungary. She was Squad's Mega Musical. Sidonie placed 59th in the Welton took part in the Theatre world which was a Royal’s production of ‘Ghormenghast’ good result for and Rebecca Littlechild perfomed at England. the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Laura was also selected to read the pledge on behalf of all the athletes.

Helen's dance selection We congratulate Helen Slade who was selected for the dance summer school at The Laine Performing Arts School in Surrey. Helen worked with professional choreographers and performers on tap, jazz, contemporary and modern dance. Well done! County promotes the Artsmark Gold We are delighted that our reputation for excellence in all the arts is being recognised further and further afield. We were the first school in the region to gain the status and have been awarded it continously since its inception. We have now been selected to promote the award and the arts nationally with the following photographs having been chosen to inspire other schools. Well done to all our staff who do so much to ensure our dance, drama and music continuously excel. Student Officers for 2012/13 We have a strong leadership development programme with students of all ages given opportunities to serve our school and the wider community culminating in the appointment of student officers. We congratulate and thank all those sixth formers who have been selected to serve our school as officers this year: Head Student Team Head Boy: Harry Stone Head Girl: Annabel Whyte Deputy Head Boy: Tom Chadwick Deputy Head Girl: Hannah Sainsbury

Captains of Art Captains of Business Christian Union Leaders Captain of Rowen Darlow, Rachel Earl, Lizzie Pape Guy Shalev and Beth Soman and Zoe Parsons Citizenship and Catherine Denby Molly Smith Chloe McMath

Captains of Debating Captains of Drama Equestrian Captain of Captains of History Sam Harrison and Hannah Pollard and Captain Geography Jenni Barker, Kirstie Wright and Lauren Warford Helen Slade Emma Winward Ellis Blyth Megan Render

Humanities Captain of ICT Captains of Music Captains of Politics Jessica Gaskell and Katherine John Young, Lizzie George, Harry Palmer, Derek Rutter and Jamie Perry Goodchild Jenny Croydon and Alex Davidson Miranda Wadham-Smith

Captains of Science Captains of Sociology Captains of Sport: Ryan Palmer, Hazel Forde, Harry Jones, Francesca Grace Pocock and Will Brocklebank, Alice Rayner, Nick Sims, Jordan Cook, Corbett, Millie Stanton and Paul Brian Ashleigh Morton Natalie Carter, Abi Harrington and Sam Nelson

Student Magazine Team: Charity Team: Harry Palmer, Grace Pocock, Michelle Gault, Sarah Mayhew, Jordan Hughes, Sam Emerson, Lizzie George, Harriet Byrne, Deanna Harriet Byrne, Christian Perez, Alice Rayner, Molly Smith and Ben Bodewes Smith, Hilary Beale, Lauren Stephenson and Kirstie Wright MORE INSPIRATIONAL SPORT The Roll of Honour We congratulate all those who represented Suffolk Fixtures and beyond in the 2011-12 academic year: It has been an excellent first fortnight of competition. Year 9 Edward Allen Basketball Matthew Allen Cricket Netball Tom Bastow Suffolk Cricket and Hockey, East of England Hockey U15 a vs Castle Manor won 19-0 Chloe Bentick Football, Cambridge Girls' Centre of Excellence James Bentley Basketball U15 b vs Castle Manor won 17 -0 Toby Carr Cambridgeshire Golf Will Cooke-Wharton Suffolk and regional Tennis U15 a vs Thurston won 14 -4 Holly Davies England Athletics, England Indoor Rowing, Suffolk Golf U15 b vs Thurston won 24 -0 Emily Fisher Football, Satellite Netball Tom Ford Basketball Jacob Freeborough Athletics and Cross Country Amilia Graham Swimming Joe Greenslade Athletics Boys’ Football Abigail Harrison Cricket U14 vs St Benedict’s won 7-0 Jacob Kersey Football Max Mitchell Swimming U15 vs Newmarket won 4-1 Cierran Mortlock Rugby Nathan Patesal Basketball U18 vs Stowmarket won 5-2 Elizabeth Patten Basketball Natasha Pinches England Archery Matthew Robinson Football Wesley Roper Suffolk Athletics, GB and regional Gymnastics Girls’ Football Alba Saenze Tennis U16 vs Samuel Ward won 5-1 Will Selfe Athletics Lily Shalev Cross Country and Netball Christy Williams Athletics, Swimming Year 10 Jordan Allen Cambridgeshire Golf Sports Personalities Jon Allen Cricket Liam Austin Rugby of the Month Molly Bedford Hockey Megan Boreham Fencing Individuals are awarded this accolade for: Georgie Brittain Swimming - effort in lessons Ronan Campbell Basketball and Athletics Chloe Cunningham Netball and Hockey - participation in extra curricular clubs Ben Curran Cricket Jake Dykstra England Boxing Alice Elsom Football We congratulate the first winners of this Dylan Evans Tennis Megan Filkins Netball academic year. Jenny Gates England Equestrianism Khembe Gibbons Swimming Rosie Hudson Netball Year 9 Matthew Le Poidevin Suffolk and East of England Running Christy Jen McGaley GB Freestyle Kayak Harvey Newman Rugby Williams Grace Stoten Netball and Katie Ashley Trent Suffolk and East England Swimming Harry Wagner Suffolk and East of England Swimming Hopkins Eleanor Wright Swimming Year 11 Michael Bartram Cross Country and East of England Athletics Max Boulter Table Tennis and golf Hayden Grainger East of England Basketball Isaac Grainger East of England Basketball Oliver Harrington Basketball Suffolk Ben Jamieson Swimming Year 10 Edward Spetch Rugby Kit Wallace Rugby Harry Alex Walls Wheelchair Basketball Whiting- Oliver Walters East of England Basketball Harriet Welham Basketball Noakes Jack Yallop East of England Basketball and Emily Sixth Form Thomas Tom Allen Cricket Jake Andrews East of England Basketball Toby Andrews East of England Basketball Alex Browne East of England Basketball Jordan Cook Cambridgeshire Basketball Charlie Finch East of England Basketball Katie Hale Netball Year 11 Jordan Hughes Wheelchair Basketball Alice Leather Basketball Amber Cartin Alice Maguire Running, Cycling Maddie Nash Rounders and Sam Nelson Cambridgeshire Rugby, Swimming Hayden Chloe Pynen East of England Equestrian Nick Sims Essex Basketball Grainger Bethany Soman Netball Chloe Spall Basketball Jade Taylor Cricket Sam Walls Wheelchair Basketball Roger Watts U16 Scotland National Team Cara Wilcock Basketball Individual Success We congratulate Sarah Clark in year twelve who has passed her National Pool Lifeguard Qualification We congratulate Christy Williams in year nine who together with Katy Barrett and Lucy Clark in year ten was crowned Suffolk County Champion for his age group who won silver medals at the Royal Life Saving Society at the Open Water Championship together with Amilia Suffolk heats of the RLSS national championships in the Graham, also in year nine who finished fourth in Suffolk. girls' junior pairs, aquatic and life support initiative tests. They narrowly missed out on a place in the national championships.

Well done to Ronan Campbell and Dylan Evans who were runners-up in the U14 doubles at the Glasswells Tennis Championships held at School this summer.

Well done to Jake Andrews, Toby Andrews, Alex Browne and Charlie Fitch who represented the East Region in the England Basketball 2012 Regional U17 Tournament. The boys made up one third of the team comprising the best players from Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk. More activities to inspire

Our “outstanding” Art Department continues to provide a wide range of additional activities for students. This month saw a visit from The Royal Academy who gave ‘A’ level students an excellent Life Drawing day. They in turn were exceedingly complimen- tary about the abilities of all who took part and the fact that we have forty students taking the subject in the sixth form. Well done to both the students and our art staff.

Our annual trip to the Houses of Parliament for our sixth form politics students took place this month. As always, the students were inspired by the Chamber and this year the group took part in a role play with two other schools. The exercise replicated a meeting of a Select Committee and we were delighted to emerge as the top school by a considerable margin. Examination Success Our philosophy is to inspire our students by knowing Our GCSE results make us the top school in them well, valuing them as individuals, offering high Suffolk this year with 74% of students gaining 5+ A*- quality teaching and providing an all-round education C grades including English and Mathematics. We through our vast extra-curricular programme. Yet again are proud that every student got 5+ passes including the this summer our approach produced huge success at all core subjects. Other highlights include: levels. 86% of the year gaining 5+ A* - C grades; At 'A' level we had a 100% pass rate with 91% of all 47% of the year gaining higher passes in the three grades being A* - C and the overwhelming majority of separate sciences; the year getting into their first choice of university. 25% of the year gaining 5+ A*/A grades; 83% of the year gaining A* - C in English with every Fourteen students gained at least 3 A*/A grades. student taking the whole of the examination in Well done to: Phoebe Evans, William Glass, Rebecca June. Macintyre, Sam Mason, Peter Newton, William Nunn, The top performer with 11 A*s was Aidan Campbell, James Poulton, Claire Saunders, Nicola Saunders, closely followed by Zoe Parsons and Beth Soman Isabel Tennant, Charlotte Thomas, Tamzin Ward, with 10 A*s each and Ruth Newton with 9 A*s. Grace Waters and George Wragg.

At AS level, our new year thirteen students gained very impressive results promising much for their 'A' level year. The following gained at least 3 A grades: Harriett A further thirty-one students gained 8 A*/A grades and Byrne, Francesca Corbett, Rowen Darlow, Catherine we congratulate them all: Denby, Rachel Earl, Natasha Ereira-Guyer, Samuel Fearnley, Billy Ford, Hazel Forde, Ceres Hammenga, Sam Bingham Leah Mapston Charlotte Maguire, Elizabeth Pape, Jamie Perry, Emily Bower Jordan McDonald Grace Pocock, Helen Slade, Millie Stanton, Harry Lydia Bowers Ashley Nayler Stone, Becky Swan, Miranda Wadham-Smith, Anna Brittain Elise Packer Eleanor White, Annabel Whyte and John Young. Shannon-Marie Clerkin Scott Ransom We especially congratulate Jenny Croydon and Andrada Curelaru Sanskriti Srivastava Harry Palmer who each gained five A grades. Neal Dodge Philippa Strachan Harry Palmer and Amy Emms Emily Strong Jenny Croydon Nathalie Fearnley Jade Taylor Will Godfrey Eleanor Thomas Louis Gooden Ciara Walmsley Bethany Hall Ellen Wappett Philip Joseph Florence Watson Rory Lankester Cara Wilcock Alice Leather Matthew Wilcock Sam Lebbon GOING UP - COMING DOWN The following students will be taking up places at universities or colleges:

Sophie-Alice Baxter English University College, London Thomas Bloomfield Journalism and Media Coventry University Alice Bowers Civil Engineering Coventry University Hayley Butler History Anglia Ruskin University Thomas Chatt Music Production Leeds Metropolitan University Hugh Cornish Mathematics/Philosophy University of York Andrew Cross English and Journalism Coventry University Olamide Dawodu Criminology Coventry University Elizabeth Fearnley International Relations & Modern History University of Kimberley Fearnley Agriculture University of Nottingham Stuart Field Civil Engineering University of Southampton Heather Ford English and American Literature University of Kent Anthea Francis English Studies and Spanish University of Stirling Rebecca Gaskell Primary Education Leeds Metropolitan University Rebecca Goodchild Business and Management Bath Spa University Sarah Johnson Music Birmingham Conservatoire Bethany Keeley Liberal Arts University of Maastricht, Netherlands Fredrik Koopmans Mechanical Engineering with Management University of Manchester Hendrik Koopmans Creative Technology University of Twente, Netherlands Rebecca Littlechild Junior programme RADA Rebecca Macintyre History University of Edinburgh Samuel Mason Physics with Theoretical Physics Imperial College, London Holly McGregor Games Art and Design University College of the Arts Juliet Mills Environmental Science Plymouth University Sophie Moore Combined Studies University of Exeter Peter Newton Biochemistry University of Bath In addition: William Nunn Natural Sciences University College, London Felicity O'Brien European Studies with Spanish Oliver Barratt Anna Pape German University of Kent Jake Ebbon Lucy Parsons French and Italian University of Kent Abraham Eddie Pocock Music Management and Studio Production Buckinghamshire University Ekepoua James Poulton Chemistry University of Sheffield Frank Kachela Hannah Purkis Meteorology and Oceanography University of East Anglia and Emily Royal History University of East Anglia Lizzie Harrison Alexandra Sadler French and Hispanic Studies Kings College, London have all gone to Claire Saunders Childhood, Education and Society University of Warwick American Nicola Saunders Business and Management De Montfort University colleges on Melanie Settle Mathematics University of Reading basketball Emma Shenton English Literature University of Glasgow scholarships. Charlotte Thomas Theology Durham University Katie Thomas Music Theatre Laine Theatre Arts College Tamzin Ward Geography University of Nottingham Bianca Warren Criminology University of Leicester Grace Waters English Literature University of Sheffield Bartholomew Williams Politics University of Nottingham Dannielle Williams Event Management Canterbury Christ Church University Rhian Wingfield Occupational Therapy Coventry University George Wragg Geography University of Nottingham Melissa van der Ree English University of Southampton

We have heard of the graduation successes of the following former students:

Christine Axton Early Years Roehampton University 2.1 We are especially Carl Balaam Mathematics University of East Anglia 1st proud of Martha Laura Bannister Marketing University of the West of England 1st Rawlinson who having Andrew Boor History and Politics University of Sheffield 1st gained a top first in Catherine Bradfield French and Italian University of Durham 2.1 architecture from Laura Brocklebank Sport and Exercise University of Birmingham 1st Emmanuel College, Emily Cross Events Management Sheffield Hallam University 2.1 Cambridge, is the first Alice Dargan English and Media Studies University of Portsmouth 2.1 student ever to be Stephanie Ensten Public Relations University of Bournemouth 2.1 taken for two years by Daniel Fletcher History University College, London 2.1 Herzog and de Meuron Hannah Flowers Mathematics University of East Anglia 2.1 in Switzerland, the firm William French Engineering Product Design Aston University 2.1 who, for example, are Jessica Frost Business Studies University of Kent 1st designing the new Sarah Greaves Animal Science University of Reading 2.1 extension to the Tate Alicia Hardy Zoology Anglia Ruskin University 2.1 Modern. William Hardy Geography University of Sheffield 2.1 Catherine Harrison Music Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge 2.1 Hannah Jones History and German University of Nottingham 2.1 Matthew Jones Chemistry London Metropolitan University 2.1 Jordan Lane Biochemistry and Genetics University of Nottingham 2.1 Martha Rawlinson Architecture Emmanuel College, Cambridge 1st Anna Robinson Medicine University of Leeds MBChB Benjamin Sainsbury Law University of York 2.1 Philip Scott Psychology University of East Anglia 2.1 Gemma Smart Drama University of Lincoln 1st Christopher Snelling Sport and Physical Education University of Bedfordshire 2.1 Robert Strachan History Exeter College, Oxford 1st Elena Walsh English Literature with Creative Writing University of East Anglia 2.1 Alice Walton Geography University of Sheffield 2.1 Jacob Ward History University College Suffolk 2.1 Zachary Ward Journalism University of Portsmouth 2.1 Amy Watson English Royal Holloway University 1st Alex Whyte Mechanical Engineering King's College, Cambridge 1st Peter Wilcock Chemical Engineering King's College, Cambridge 2.1 Helen Wood Interior Design University of Sheffield 2.2 Service in the Community

We thank Harry Stone and Hannah Sainsbury from our new Head Student team who represented our school at The Battle of Britain service in St Mary's Church and the subsequent parade. We also congratulate Douglas Sands, who as the Royal British Legion's trumpeter was involved in the formal ceremonial part of the occasion.

Imogen Ridge in year eleven played at the Abbey Chapter of the Bury Rotary Club's Charity Fund Raising event 'Fizz on Friday' at Hawstead this month. We thank her for being an excellent ambassador for our school.

We congratulate Alice Bowers and Andrew Cross 'Girls' Night Out' who were Games Makers at the Paralympic Games this summer.

We congratulate our sixth formers and staff who participated in togas in the 'Girls' Night Out' and Alex Earle in year ten who cycled to the Heritage Coast all to raise money for St Nicholas Hospice.

The Academy Trust's first joint activity of the year saw pupils from Barrow Primary, Horringer Court Middle and Westley Middle schools visit Pakenham Water Mill for a day entitled 'From grain to loaf'. We thank and congratulate Hugh Cornish, Theo Harris, Megan Render and Kirstie Wright who supported the staff and were widely praised for their excellent contribution.

Esther Colman, Harry Cowper, Melanie Settle and John Young together with former students Emma Cowper and Jessica Cowper organised and gave a concert to raise funds for the restoration of the organ at Thorpe Morieux Church. The treasurer and several members of the audience commented that “the standard of music teaching at County Upper must be outstanding judging from the quality of the performances.” We thank and congratulate all our present and former students for representing us so well and especially Jessica whose initiative raised over £850.00.

This month saw the twentieth anniversary celebration of the Education Business Partnership in Suffolk. We have worked with the EBP throughout that time to An EBP event support students’ business and science organised education. We were therefore delighted to by us be invited to the celebration and to be one of two West Suffolk Upper Schools to be given an award for our support for young people in Suffolk. Certificates of Merit

We congratulate the recipients for September:

YEAR 9 Rebecca Cobbold Jack Hailstone Keiley Moore Alastair Smith Alastair Coe Lucy Hall Cierran Mortlock Chelsea Smith Melody Abbott 2 Courtney-Jade Coleman Callum Harrison Tiana Murray Emma Smith Kawsar Ahmad 2 William Cooke Wharton Abi Harrison Alex Murrow Modupe Sobanwa 2 Luke Alford 2 Francesca Corley Anya Harrison Tylar Norris Mercy Sondwapo Ed Allan Thomas Crichton Benjamin Hart Hollie Palombo Thomas Spalding William Ashwell Hannah Crown Briony Haselwood Aaron Parnell Thomas Spetch Robert Askew Erin Cunningham Hannah Hitchcock Chloe Parsons 2 James Stark Ben Atkins Max Cunningham Elisabeth Hoblyn Finn Patterson Ethan Stevenson Ben Aves Hannah Curwen Britney Hoggett Irina Pefferle Ryan Tanner Ethan Bartholomew Holly Davies 2 Shinai Hollands Turner Stephen Perry Freya Tanner Thomas Bastow 2 Thomas Davis Abbie Holloway Ryan Pickley Aaron Taylor Courtney Bayliss Destiny Dawson Jade Hooper Natasja Pinches Katherine Tilyard Sophie Bennett Thomas Day Katie Hopkins 2 Elliot Potter Edward Turner 2 Chloe Bentick Steven Dimon Scott Howlett Bella Proctor Hebe Van Giap James Bentley Demi Donnelly Harry Hughes Olivia Quick Shannon Wade Sam Berry Callum Dove Callum Hunn Cameron Redden Sophie Wall Stanley Blinco Thomas Dunning Connor Ibbs Shannon Reddy Elliot Walls Hollie Bowden Joshua Emerson Teruha Iiyama Alastair Reid Ryan Walton James Bowling Lauren Emms Caitlin Jameson Charlotte Rigby Thalia Weavers 2 Bethan Bradshaw Emily Fisher Dominique Johnson Ben Robshaw 2 Adam Welham Daisy Brown Katie Foulds James Johnson Owen Roche Harriet Whitbread Dylan Brown Emily Fox 2 Jacob Kersey Bethany Rolfe Charlie-Roze White Charlotte Buchan Angela Freeman Murrie Kybird Wesley Roper Chelsey Wilding-Smith Jack Bull Chenise French Benjamin Lambert Jack Ruddock Emily-Ada Wilding-Smith Ella Bullen Yukiko Fujii Rachael Lennard Alba Saenz De Villaverde Victoria Wilson Sarah Burns Gabriele Gelezauskaite Rafaela Lima Bradley Sandry 2 Samantha Wilson 2 Rebecca Burroughs Emily Gibbs Jack Lune Kyle Savage 2 Sam Woods Toby Carr Charlie Goodchild Samual Machen-Turner 2 Liam Schofield Ruby Wright Georgia Carr Michaela Gotts Alicia Manchip-Hill Christina Scott Jessica Yallop Emily Carter Tom Gould Bronwen Mansel Katerina Scourse 2 Tom Chaplin Amilia Graham Charles Medcalf Will Selfe Kiran Chohan-Jones Rosie Grant Sophie Miller Lily Shalev Rajan Chohan-Jones Joe Greenslade-Cross Max Mitchell Emaleigh Simner Neevie Clarke

YEAR 10 Marion Denby Rebecca Langford-Fox Jessica Sansom Lucy Dolton Matthew Le Poidevin Emma Sheen Oana Abrudan-Indries Megan Feetham Chloe Marsh Alexander Slater Lewis Allum Ellie Freeman Finn McCormack Georgia Southgate Eleanor Bainbridge Jessica Fuller Alicia Mills Chloe Taylor Gareth Borrett James Godfrey Paris Moulds Georgia Taylor William Bower Isabella Graves Abigail Nunn Jessica Tooke Abigail Brumpton Laura Harris Jacob Pank Ashley Trent Georgie Buttery Digby Hayden Jack Phillips Harriet Upton Chloe Calver Courtney Holder Adam Redgrave Harry Wagner Tabatha Christopher Rosie Hudson Joshua Reeder Jenna Webb George Culloden Jessica Hull-Archer Kate Roach Chloe Cunningham Heidi Jennings Guy Rodwell William Curwen Raj Khandaker Jake Royal

YEAR 11 Evie Courtier Chris Fox Laura Robinson Imogen Deverell Emma Healey Casey Warren Lucy Bayliss Stephanie Foulds Olivia Holmes Jack Yallop Amber Cartin


Year 9: 9P Year 9: 9T Year 10: 10N Year 10: 10M Year 11: 11J Year 11: 11K