Curriculum Vitae

Name / Last name Dr. FRANCESCO CASTIGLIONE Address Via dei Savorelli, 18 – 00165 – Rome, Mobile: +39 3407981598 E-mail [email protected] Nationality Italian Date of birth 03/08/1966

PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY I live in Rome, Italy where I was born and raised. I’m a sport organizations expert a professional volleyball coach and sport teacher since many years. I’m also an expert manager in international sport events organizations. I have an academic education on sports. I’m 3rd level volleyball coach for Italian Volleyball Federation and coaches’ clinic director.

I’m involved in several different projects with the Italian Olympic Committee for National Sport Federations. I also teach Sport Management for Italian and foreign Universities in Rome. I consider myself as a good sports events project manager capable of managing extended organizations throughout a good leadership and communication skills.

EDUCATION 2014 - Sports Management – University Master Degree Rome University, Foro Italico.

1990 - National State Examination – Certified public school’s teacher Sport Science and Physical Education Italian Minister of Education.

1990 - Bachelor Degree – Sport Science and Physical Education Rome University – “Foro Italico”.

1992 - 3rd Level Certified Volleyball Coach Italian Volleyball Federation, FIPAV.

2001 – Certified Technical Director of Travel Agency and Tour Operator Lazio Region – State Examination.

2018 – Heart saver CPR AED Certified from American Heart Association.

2017 - English Language Cambridge Certification: C1 reading, writing, listening e speaking, B2 in writing.

1973/1996 Member of the European Scout Federation in Rome.


2019/2020/2021 – Professor at Temple University Rome – Spring semester and Summer 1 for “Professional and International Sport”

2019/2020 Professor at Olympic management Institute in Rome - Fall and spring

semester Sport Methdology and coaching”

2018/2019 EU Commission in Rome and Italian Athletics Federation: Europeans

Sport Week – Project Coordinator Rome - Foro Italico

2017 – Speaker: Sport Management at American University of Rome

Case Study: The International Volleyball Camp: Organizational Overview SWOT

Analysis - Financial Analysis

2017/ 2018 Speaker: Master in Sport Coaching Leadership Drexel University – Philadelphia – USA The Italian Sport Organization – IOC – CONI – FSN Case Study: The International Volleyball Camp.

2017 - Speaker: Governance of the sport organizations The sport clubs: Rome Sport City Office and public finance support to sport organizations. Master Degree in Sport Business Management Link Campus University, Rome.

2017 - Nominated and member as Sport expert at the financial aid commission for sport organizations. Rome City Council – Sport Department Administration and Youth Politics.

2015/2016/2017/2018 Rome Half Marathon – Via Pacis & Runfest Project Manager for promotional activity for Schools Projects. Golden Gala, , Rome IAAF – School project Italian Federation, FIDAL, Ministry of Education, Rome City Council

2012/2021 Sport science and physical education teacher Public High School “Liceo Classico Luciano Manara Roma “ Health Education School program for Ministry of Education.

1990/2021 International Volleyball Camp – Sport Project ASD President and Camp Director – Pescasseroli, Abruzzi National Park, Italy.

2016/2018 Coordinator of P.E. Teacher Training Clinics on truck and field Italian Track and Field Federation, FIDAL, Ministry of Education.

2016 – Coordinator of the Opening Ceremony of the National Finals of truck and field Youth National Championship at Stadio dei Marmi, Foro Italico, Rome Italian Track and Field Federation, FIDAL, Ministry of Education.

2016 – Speaker: Master Degree Sport Management University Foro Italico Rome. Case study. The International Volleyball Camp - Sport Project.

2015/2016 – Marketing and communication manager for the Italian National Team of Sitting Volleyball - Italian Volleyball Federation - FIPAV.

2014/2015 Technical Staff Coordinator Lazio Regional Olympic Committee

2012/2014 – Italian Youth National Agency WORKING HISTORY Communication Manager for “Life sport model project” 8 National sport Federations of the Olympic Committee.

2012 - Promotion Manager - Beach Volley Grand Slam - Rome. Italian Volleyball Federation - FIPAV. – International Volleyball Federation -FIVB.

2011 – World Beach Volley Championships – Rome International delegation’s manager for teams and officials. Italian Volleyball Federation - FIPAV. – International Volleyball Federation -FIVB.

2011 - Minister of Youth – Project Manager for “The Youth Villages” at the World Beach Volley Championships in Rome. Italian Volleyball Federation - FIPAV. – International Volleyball Federation -FIVB.

2011 - Coordination manager for “Hockey Land general organization” Rome. Field Hockey Italian National Federation. FIHP

2006/20010 Men’s Volleyball World Championship Organizing Committee – Italy. Project Manager for the technical department and assistant to the CEO activities. Official International inspections visits to host cities, official clinics. Italian Volleyball Federation - FIPAV. – International Volleyball Federation -FIVB.

2010 - Minister of Youth – Project Manager for “The Youth Villages” at the Men’s World Volleyball Championships in Rome. Italian Volleyball Federation - FIPAV. – International Volleyball Federation -FIVB.

2009 - Speaker for Luiss University - Sport Management. The Organization of the 2010 Men’s World Volleyball Championships in Italy. Olympic Training Center – Giulio Onesti, Rome.

2006 - Organizing Committee of the Volleyball Champions League, Rome Italian Volleyball Federation, FIPAV, European Volleyball Federation, CEV.

2004/2008 Volleyball Coach, P.E. and Sport teacher high school. Marymount International School in Rome

2005/2018 Fox News Channel – New York, USA. Local operation manager and special events in Rome Bureau.

1996/2004 Technical Director and manager for Tour operator and Travel agency Stock Travel, Travel Agency, Rome

1999/2001 FIPAV – Coaching volleyball Study Center and research. Italian Volleyball Federation, FIPAV.

1998/200 - Director of the Regional Qualification Volleyball Center. Italian Volleyball Federation, FIPAV. – Lazio.

WORKING HISTORY 2017/2018 Model United Nations Director – MUN - in Budapest Hungary. ABROAD Mumbai, India. Neukloster, Germany. High School “Liceo Classico L. Manara”.

2007/2010 FIVB Men’s World Volleyball Championships 2010 Supervisory Board – Lausanne, Switzerland, International Volleyball Federation

2008 – Beijing, China, Olympic Games 2008 Observer group for WVMCH 2010 Italian Volleyball Federation, FIPAV.

2007 – Speaker at World Congress “Youth School Volleyball “ International Volleyball Federation, FIVB, Saskatoon, Canada.

2006 – Tokyo, Japan Men’s World Volleyball Championships Observer group for 2010 WVMCH Italian Volleyball Federation, FIPAV.

1990/1995 Head Volleyball Coach at World Volleyball Training Center. Huguenot – New York, USA.

1988/1989 Camp Counselor at Camp Mc Talcott – Huguenot – New York Camp Shikellemy, Harrisburg – Pennsylvania - Cancer Camp by ACA YMCA of Greater New York, USA

Signature Dr. Francesco Castiglione

Mobile: ++39 3407981598 E-mail: [email protected]