1. Minutes (a) Draft minutes of 1 September 2009 (attached) (b) Matters arising

2. Future Business Programme (PB/S3/09/126)

Procedural motions 3. Scottish Statutory Instruments (PB/S3/09/127)

Legislation 4. Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Bill – Stage 2 referral and timetable (PB/S3/09/128)

5. Proposed Standing Order rule change: public access (PB/S3/09/129) (to follow) 6. Publication scheme – consideration of any exempt papers

7. Date of next meeting – Tuesday 15 September 2009




1. Bureau Members will be aware that under Rule 5.6.1(c) the Bureau has a duty to ensure that there is a period of time available for Members’ Business following Decision Time.

2. Motions submitted for Members’ Business are shown below.

S3M-4738# Margaret Mitchell: Deafblind Scotland—That the Parliament welcomes the work of Deafblind Scotland, based in Lenzie, which seeks to enable Scots who are both deaf and blind to receive the support and recognition that they require to be equal citizens; notes with concern the difficulties faced by deafblind people in freely accessing public transport due to the varying restrictions placed by local authorities on concessionary travel for guide communicators who provide professional communication and guiding support, and believes that cooperation among all relevant bodies will ensure that deafblind citizens can enjoy full access to public transport.

Supported by: Mike Pringle, Sandra White, Jackson Carlaw, Nanette Milne, Elizabeth Smith, John Scott, Jamie McGrigor, John Lamont, Bill Aitken, , Bill Kidd, , Robin Harper, Hugh O'Donnell, Christine Grahame, Elaine Smith, Jamie Hepburn, Rob Gibson, Joe FitzPatrick, Gil Paterson, Mary Scanlon, , , Jackie Baillie, Rhoda Grant, Kenneth Gibson, Liam McArthur, Dave Thompson, Ross Finnie, Tom McCabe*, *

S3M-4723# David Stewart: Insulin Pump Therapy—That the Parliament acknowledges the benefits that insulin pumps have for people with type 1 diabetes in assisting with the condition; notes that between 4% and 14% of people with type 1 diabetes meet the criteria for eligibility for insulin pump therapy under current clinical guidance; notes the variation in financial provision across NHS boards for insulin pump therapy, whereby in Fife funding has been allocated for 10 pumps per year, whereas in Highland there is no separate budget despite all NHS boards having received funding for access to insulin pumps; further notes the differences in waiting times for eligible patients whereby in Lothian the average waiting time including waiting for training and education is estimated to be around 12 months and in Grampian and Orkney the current waiting time is six months; notes with concern the low level of insulin pump usage in Highland, which, at 0.9%, is the second lowest in Scotland, after Ayrshire and Arran; believes that further steps are required to monitor NHS boards to avoid a postcode lottery for patients with insulin-dependent diabetes, and looks forward to renewed commitment to action on diabetes in Scotland in 2010 and beyond.

Supported by: , Rhoda Grant, James Kelly, , , Ken Macintosh, , Dr Richard Simpson, Sarah Boyack, Mike Pringle, Robin Harper, George Foulkes, Karen Gillon, , , Rob Gibson, Elaine Smith, , Bill Kidd, Jackson Carlaw, Kenneth Gibson, , Pauline McNeill, Bill Butler, Des McNulty, , Mary Scanlon, , John Scott, Bill Wilson, *, Tom McCabe*, Karen Whitefield*

S3M-4710# Jack McConnell: Congratulations to Annie Lennox—That the Parliament congratulates Annie Lennox on the success of her SING campaign and her commitment to campaigning to raise awareness of, and provide practical support to HIV/Aids in Sub-Saharan Africa; welcomes and thanks her for her offer to support the in its international development work as an ambassador; hopes that the Parliament, the cross-party groups on Malawi and International Development, and the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association branch will respond positively to this offer, and further hopes that all Scots, including those in Motherwell and Wishaw, will hear the message conveyed by Annie Lennox that urgent world-wide action is required to stop the HIV/Aids pandemic.

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Supported by: Trish Godman, Bill Butler, Elaine Murray, Ken Macintosh, John Park, Angela Constance, Sarah Boyack, Liam McArthur, Karen Gillon, Linda Fabiani, , Mike Pringle, Andy Kerr, , Mr Frank McAveety, Elaine Smith, , Jamie Hepburn, Marlyn Glen, Ms , Gil Paterson, Dr Richard Simpson, Cathy Peattie, Jackie Baillie, Peter Peacock, Marilyn Livingstone, Rhoda Grant, Hugh Henry*

S3M-4706# Duncan McNeil: IBM Pensions Proposals—That the Parliament expresses concern that IBM, a highly profitable company with substantial revenues and cash reserves which employs around 18,000 staff in the United Kingdom, including many in Scotland at its base in Greenock and other locations, is proposing changes to its final salary pension scheme that will see it closed to existing employees by 2010; believes that this will have a devastating impact on future pensions, and considers that the genuine concerns of loyal and hard-working employees should be addressed and their pension benefits protected.

Supported by: Des McNulty, Karen Gillon, Kenneth Gibson, Mr Frank McAveety, Gil Paterson, Mary Mulligan, Bill Kidd, Ms Wendy Alexander, James Kelly, Brian Adam, Bill Butler, Ken Macintosh, Stuart McMillan, John Park, Trish Godman, , Jamie Hepburn, , Pauline McNeill, Cathy Peattie, Andy Kerr, Jackie Baillie, Elaine Murray, Bill Wilson, Ross Finnie, Mike Rumbles, Marilyn Livingstone, Hugh Henry*

S3M-4696# Sandra White: Concerns over Children’s Beauty Salon—That the Parliament notes with concern the opening in Glasgow of Scotland’s first beauty salon targeted at children, Tantrims and Tiaras, which caters for tots to 16-year-olds, offering pamper parties accompanied with glasses of alcohol-free bubbly served up in champagne glasses; believes that the further erosion of childhood innocence and the continuing sexualisation of children pressurises children into acting and behaving in ways that are detrimental to their natural healthy development, leading to possible problems in the future such as emotional distress, anxiety, low self-esteem, eating disorders and depression; notes the findings of The Good Childhood Inquiry, which was commissioned by The Children's Society with the aim of renewing society’s understanding of modern childhood and which, alongside its other recommendations, believes that the premature sexualisation of children should be discouraged, and hopes that this inquiry and other work done in this field will help inform and shape policy toward providing children with the best possible childhood.

Supported by: Angela Constance, Marlyn Glen, Robert Brown, Robin Harper, Bill Kidd, Charlie Gordon, Margaret Curran, Hugh O'Donnell, Ian McKee, Gil Paterson, Dave Thompson, Cathy Peattie, Christine Grahame, Maureen Watt

S3M-4647# Willie Coffey: Campaign Against Diageo Closures—That the Parliament, further to motion S3M-4568 lodged on 6 July 2009, notes that a major cross-party campaign has been established to oppose Diageo's restructuring proposals that would see the closure of plants at Kilmarnock, Hurlford and Port Dundas with the loss of hundreds of jobs in the Scotch whisky industry and a devastating impact on local communities; endorses the statement by the First Minister calling these proposals socially unacceptable; welcomes the action of the Scottish Government in commissioning an alternative business plan for consideration by Diageo, and echoes the call of thousands of people who took part in the march and rally in Kilmarnock on 26 July for a secure and successful future for the workers and their communities and for the company.

Supported by: Bob Doris, Nigel Don, Kenneth Gibson, Ross Finnie, Rob Gibson, Bill Kidd, Stuart McMillan, Christopher Harvie, Stewart Maxwell, Sandra White, Alasdair Allan, Trish Godman, Maureen Watt, Jamie Hepburn, Bill Wilson, Shirley-Anne Somerville, Aileen Campbell, Michael Matheson, John Scott, Andrew Welsh, Cathy Jamieson, Gil Paterson, Christina McKelvie, , Joe FitzPatrick, Ian McKee, Robin Harper, Christine Grahame, Patricia Ferguson, Dave Thompson, Bill Butler, Karen Whitefield*

S3M-4646# Robert Brown: Tokyo Beer—That the Parliament is concerned at the extent of health and criminal justice problems associated with excessive and unhealthy alcohol consumption in Glasgow and other parts of Scotland; notes the production of Tokyo beer by BrewDog brewery; further notes that Tokyo is being cited as Britain’s strongest beer; is

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concerned that, with an alcohol content of 18.2%, each 330ml bottle will contain the equivalent of six units of alcohol, which is twice the recommended daily limit for women set by health professionals; recognises the significant health and social harms associated with irresponsible drinking; further recognises that major cultural change is required if Scotland is to tackle its damaging relationship with alcohol, and therefore believes that promoting drinks of this kind with both a very high alcohol content and unit volume is reprehensible in a society where the medical evidence shows that, across all age groups and socio-economic categories, individuals are drinking too much alcohol.

Supported by: Dr Richard Simpson, Kenneth Gibson, Bill Kidd, Ross Finnie, Mike Pringle, Gil Paterson, Hugh O'Donnell

S3M-4644# Shirley-Anne Somerville: Votes for Women—That the Parliament welcomes the new exhibition, Votes for Women: The Women’s Suffrage Movement in , at the Museum of Edinburgh from 31 July 2009 to 9 January 2010; notes that the exhibition uses photos and artefacts to chart the long struggle to win the vote, which was eventually granted to all women in 1928; further notes that at the height of the campaign in October 1909 a grand pageant was held in Edinburgh and to honour its 100 year anniversary and history of women’s activism a re-enactment march will take place on 10 October 2009; encourages all women to join in the parade in honour of all suffragettes who fought hard for all sisters to have a free vote; congratulates the Gude Cause, based at the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, for organising the march and complementary events, and further notes that more information can be found at

Supported by: Anne McLaughlin, Rob Gibson, Marlyn Glen, Jackie Baillie, Jim Tolson, Bill Kidd, Christopher Harvie, Sandra White, Maureen Watt, Jamie Hepburn, Bob Doris, Ken Macintosh, Alasdair Allan, Mike Pringle, Aileen Campbell, Michael Matheson, Elaine Smith, Jack McConnell, Angela Constance, Gil Paterson, Christina McKelvie, Tom McCabe, Sarah Boyack, Joe FitzPatrick, Cathy Peattie, Christine Grahame, Rhoda Grant

S3M-4641# Shirley-Anne Somerville: Celebrating the Scottish-Polish Connection—That the Parliament commemorates the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the Polish navy in Leith on 1 September 1939; notes that the three Polish destroyers Burza (Storm), Grom (Thunder) and Blyskawica (Lightning) saw service alongside the Royal Navy during the Second World War, with Grom being sunk with heavy loss of life on 4 May 1940; recognises that the arrival of the destroyers marked the beginning of a strong wartime Scottish-Polish connection with several squadrons of the Polish Air Force serving in the country and Polish ships based at a number of Scottish ports, including Rosyth, Greenock, Port Glasgow, Ardrossan, Gourock, Dundee and Scapa Flow; further recognises that the main influx of Poles during the war occurred following the collapse of France in 1940 when some 30,000 Polish troops were evacuated to the United Kingdom and were stationed in Scotland, many of whom settled here; notes that a Polish house was organised in Edinburgh by the British Council to help the Polish community socially and educationally at this time; celebrates not just the wartime links but the long historical connection between Scotland and Poland, which includes upwards of 40,000 Scots migrating to Poland during the 17th century, and applauds the work of many organisations, including the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum and the Scottish Polish Cultural Association, for helping to develop awareness of the historical connections, promote cultural understanding and foster strong relations between modern generations of Scots and Poles.

Supported by: John Lamont, Bill Kidd, Bob Doris, Christopher Harvie, Stuart McMillan, George Foulkes, Anne McLaughlin, Ian McKee, Rob Gibson, Bill Wilson, Joe FitzPatrick, Alasdair Allan, Kenneth Gibson, Stewart Maxwell, Gil Paterson, Sandra White, Aileen Campbell, Mike Pringle, Robin Harper, Michael Matheson, Jack McConnell, Angela Constance, John Park, Christina McKelvie, Liam McArthur, Jamie Hepburn, Tom McCabe, Rhoda Grant

S3M-4612# Sandra White: Congratulations to Mr Yick Sing Lau—That the Parliament congratulates Mr Yick Sing Lau, chairman of the Wing Hong Elderly Group Centre in Glasgow, for his outstanding services to the Chinese community in Glasgow and beyond; notes that the Wing Hong Elderly Group celebrates its twentieth anniversary on 21 July 2009, and wishes Mr Lau and the Wing Hong Elderly Group continued success for the future.

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Supported by: Aileen Campbell, Robert Brown, Pauline McNeill, Bill Kidd, Rob Gibson, Jamie McGrigor, Alasdair Allan, Gil Paterson, Bob Doris, Jackie Baillie, Shirley-Anne Somerville, Jim Tolson, Jamie Hepburn, Tom McCabe

S3M-4587# Ms Wendy Alexander: Robert Tannahill—That the Parliament commemorates the life of Robert Tannahill (1774-1810) also known as “Paisley’s Son”; celebrates the bicentenary of his death; recognises the contribution that Robert Tannahill made to Scotland’s cultural heritage; notes the impact that his poetry and music has made on Scotland and Paisley, and welcomes the efforts being made by David Mullen to commemorate his anniversary for next year.

Supported by: Jamie McGrigor, Hugh O'Donnell, Sandra White, Kenneth Gibson, Ross Finnie, Robin Harper, Trish Godman, David Whitton, Malcolm Chisholm, Mr Frank McAveety, Pauline McNeill, Ken Macintosh, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Marilyn Livingstone, Mary Mulligan, Jack McConnell, Hugh Henry, Willie Coffey, Cathy Peattie

S3M-4580# Alasdair Morgan: Whithorn as Cradle of Christianity and Place of Modern Pilgrimage—That the Parliament recognises that Whithorn is the earliest known centre of Christianity in Scotland and that Whithorn has already produced archaeological artefacts of immense historical significance; notes that, while in ancient times Ninian was Scotland’s premier saint and remains commemorated in many sites throughout the nation, the historical significance of Whithorn and Ninian’s story is largely forgotten by a modern generation; recognises that the recognition of Whithorn as Scotland’s cradle of Christianity will bring economic benefit to a depressed area, and supports the efforts of the Whithorn Trust to publicise Whithorn’s unique contribution to Scottish history more widely, not least for the benefit of its present-day inhabitants.

Supported by: Christine Grahame, Jamie Hepburn, Alasdair Allan, Rob Gibson, Aileen Campbell, Christopher Harvie, Ms Wendy Alexander, Kenneth Gibson, John Scott, Stuart McMillan, Maureen Watt, Cathy Jamieson, Gil Paterson, Bill Kidd, Hugh Henry, Dave Thompson, Robin Harper, Jim Hume

S3M-4569# Patricia Ferguson: Diageo - No to Job Losses—That the Parliament notes with great concern the announcement by Diageo that it intends to cut up to 900 jobs across Scotland, with 140 of those at Port Dundas in Glasgow; also notes that staff have cooperated fully with the company by allowing agreements on pay and conditions to be suspended; believes that the profitability of the company is due in no small part to the skill, commitment and hard work of their employees; hopes that the proposals may be reconsidered during the consultation period and that all avenues are explored, and believes that the workforce deserve a positive outcome and an end to the uncertainty surrounding their future.

Supported by: Pauline McNeill, Ms Wendy Alexander, James Kelly, Jackie Baillie, Paul Martin, David Whitton, Cathie Craigie, Bob Doris, George Foulkes, Bill Butler, John Park, Margaret Curran, Dr Richard Simpson, Trish Godman, Karen Whitefield, Cathy Jamieson, Ken Macintosh, Andy Kerr, Hugh O'Donnell, Ross Finnie, Robin Harper, Kenneth Gibson, Sandra White, Mr Frank McAveety, Marlyn Glen, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Mary Mulligan, Des McNulty, Robert Brown, Jack McConnell, Willie Coffey, Dave Thompson

S3M-4493# Rhona Brankin: Breast Cancer Awareness Month—That the Parliament notes with concern the increasing incidence of breast cancer in the NHS Lothian area, with nearly 3,000 women diagnosed between 2002 and 2006; further notes that breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer for women in Scotland; recognises that women experiencing breast cancer deserve appropriate diagnosis, services, treatment and support; acknowledges the invaluable work of breast cancer organisations in Scotland in the funding of research, campaigning for service improvements and better treatments, promotion of breast awareness and provision of support services and literature, and welcomes the role of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October in raising awareness of the impact of breast cancer in Scotland.

Supported by: Nanette Milne, Kenneth Gibson, Ken Macintosh, Jackie Baillie, Jackson Carlaw, James Kelly, Mary Mulligan, Bill Butler, Hugh O'Donnell, Michael McMahon, Mike Pringle, Christine Grahame, Hugh Henry, Margaret Curran, Ross Finnie, Brian Adam, Karen

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Gillon, Shirley-Anne Somerville, Jamie Hepburn, Dr Richard Simpson, Mary Scanlon, Sarah Boyack, John Park, Ms Wendy Alexander, Trish Godman, Gil Paterson, Malcolm Chisholm, David Whitton, Pauline McNeill, Elaine Smith, Elaine Murray, Karen Whitefield, Bill Kidd, Marilyn Livingstone, , Jack McConnell, Patricia Ferguson

S3M-4478# Jeremy Purvis: Girlguiding Scotland 100th Anniversary—That the Parliament notes the 100th anniversary of Girlguiding Scotland (GGS) in 2009-10; recognises GGS, with 58,000 members, as the leading organisation for girls and young women in Scotland, with the first company in Scotland formed in Peebles in 1910; applauds the life-changing opportunities that GGS gives and has given to over a third of women all over Scotland, enabling them to unleash their potential and so serve their communities; acknowledges GGS as an inclusive, relevant organisation being open to any girls, regardless of creed, colour or class; notes that GGS embeds youth participation in planning and delivery and is committed to giving girls a voice, particularly through research reports such as Girls Shout Out; praises GGS on its recent commitment, Change the World, by influencing its members to work with 18 charity partners and the £750,000 raised; looks forward in anticipation to the centenary celebrations in 2009-10, and wishes Girlguiding Scotland every success in the future.

Supported by: Jack McConnell, Karen Gillon, Hugh Henry, Christine Grahame, Kenneth Gibson, Joe FitzPatrick, Jim Hume, Des McNulty, Jackie Baillie, David Whitton, Jackson Carlaw, John Lamont, Ross Finnie, Bill Kidd, Stuart McMillan, Patricia Ferguson, Karen Whitefield, Hugh O'Donnell, Mike Pringle, Robert Brown, Alison McInnes, Robin Harper, Jamie Stone, Margaret Mitchell, Ken Macintosh, Brian Adam, Dr Richard Simpson, John Park, Nanette Milne, Liam McArthur, Maureen Watt, Ms Wendy Alexander, James Kelly, Aileen Campbell, Elaine Murray, Claire Baker, Jamie McGrigor, Alasdair Morgan, Rhona Brankin, Jim Tolson, Patrick Harvie, Christopher Harvie, Annabel Goldie*

S3M-4470# Sandra White: Glasgow Mela, One People One Nation—That the Parliament congratulates Glasgow’s biggest multicultural festival, the Glasgow Mela, held on 21 June 2009 in Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow; notes that the festival, now in its 18th year, celebrates the coming together of people from differing backgrounds, promotes unity and welcomes diversity and this year hosted a fantastic array of acts such as Desi Bravehearts, Glasgow Hellenic Dancers, Ananda Group, ICCR Dance Troupe India, Scottish Traditions of Dance Trust, Tigerstyle, Tullochan Trust street dance group, Flamenco Dance Group, Irish Dance Group, G-Town Desi and many more; thanks all those who helped to make this year’s Mela a great success, and looks forward to supporting this event for many years to come.

Supported by: Stuart McMillan, Bill Kidd, Kenneth Gibson, Christina McKelvie, Rob Gibson, Jackie Baillie, Aileen Campbell, Bob Doris, Jamie Hepburn, Christine Grahame, Gil Paterson, Anne McLaughlin, Shirley-Anne Somerville, Michael Matheson

S3M-4453# Dave Thompson: Bicentenary of the Scottish Bible Society—That the Parliament notes that 2009 is the bicentenary of the Scottish Bible Society (SBS); applauds the work of the SBS over the past 200 years in taking the bible into the world, including Scotland, and in promoting its use in all aspects of national life, including family, work, church, health, education and elsewhere; commends the innovative and creative ways that the SBS has developed to deliver the bible’s message of peace, hope, love and transformation to societies that would otherwise lack access; highlights the contribution that the bible has made and will continue to make to countries throughout the world, including Scotland, as a sure foundation on which to build a strong and sustainable society, and wishes the SBS success in partnering with the Bible Society of Brazil to convert a bus for the north east of the country to provide on-the-spot medical and dental treatment as well as a sheltered scripture-learning space, which will help to foster community inclusion and belonging.

Supported by: John Lamont, Stuart McMillan, Karen Gillon, Alasdair Allan, Nigel Don, Murdo Fraser, Brian Adam, Andrew Welsh, Karen Whitefield, Gil Paterson

S3M-4451# Johann Lamont: ECHR Ruling on Domestic Abuse—That the Parliament notes the continuing scourge of domestic abuse in Glasgow and across Scotland; welcomes the ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) against Turkey for failing to prevent the murder of a woman in the city of Ankara whose daughter had informed police that

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she believed her mother to be at risk; recognises the significance of this first ruling by the ECHR against a state for failing to protect a woman from domestic violence, and considers that it sends an important signal to all agencies in Glasgow and across Scotland involved in delivering services to those at risk of domestic violence in relation to the need to respond by taking prompt and effective action when they receive reports from victims or potential victims who believe themselves to be at risk of domestic violence.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Karen Whitefield, Tom McCabe, David Stewart

S3M-4431# Anne McLaughlin: Iraq Inquiry Should be Public—That the Parliament believes that any inquiry into the invasion of Iraq should be a public hearing rather than one held behind closed doors; further believes that the thousands of Scottish soldiers who fought in Iraq, their families and the Scottish public deserve to hear the whole truth about this war discussed in public; applauds the persistent efforts of Rose Gentle, who is from Glasgow, and others from Military Families Against the War who have been calling for the UK Government to hold a public inquiry; finds it unacceptable that the UK Government’s proposals for an independent inquiry call for it to be held in secret, going against the principles of openness and transparency, and believes that the overwhelming sway of Scottish opinion backs the call for an immediate inquiry conducted publicly.

Supported by: Bob Doris, Patrick Harvie, Bill Wilson, Brian Adam, Christopher Harvie, Christine Grahame, Mike Pringle, Bill Kidd, Rob Gibson, Jamie Hepburn, Ian McKee, Alasdair Allan, Aileen Campbell, Kenneth Gibson, Stuart McMillan, Robin Harper, Shirley-Anne Somerville, Joe FitzPatrick, Willie Coffey, Sandra White, Christina McKelvie, Dave Thompson, Michael Matheson, Gil Paterson

S3M-4325# Elaine Murray: Shark Tagging in the Solway—That the Parliament is concerned about the depletion of shark, ray and skate species in Scottish waters; welcomes the Scottish Shark Tagging Programme, organised by the Scottish Sea Angling Conservation Network; notes that tagging, which is a non-destructive method of gathering data, will assist understanding of species migration, growth rates and populations, and welcomes the shark tagging event in the Solway between 12 and 14 June 2009, which is expected to involve the participation of 400 rods and to generate around £60,000 to the local economy.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Karen Whitefield, , Kenneth Gibson, Ken Macintosh, Bill Kidd, Mike Pringle, David Whitton, Trish Godman, Christine Grahame, Joe FitzPatrick, Marlyn Glen, Hugh Henry, Robin Harper, Irene Oldfather, Sarah Boyack, Marilyn Livingstone, Bill Wilson, Lewis Macdonald, Cathy Peattie

S3M-4282# Rhoda Grant: Giving Blood, Giving the Gift of Life—That the Parliament notes with concern the decline in the number of blood donors in Scotland, a number that has decreased by 30,000 in the last decade; further notes that in the Highlands alone, the service requires 23,000 donors to give blood in 2009; supports the appeal by the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service for donors to give blood at least once in 2009 to reverse the decline in the donor base; believes that there would be benefit in employers giving their staff paid time off to donate blood, and hopes that Scots who have not already done so will register to give blood and give the gift of life.

Supported by: Peter Peacock, David Stewart, Robin Harper, Elaine Murray, Mary Mulligan, Mr Frank McAveety, Ian McKee, Ms Wendy Alexander, Patricia Ferguson, Sarah Boyack, James Kelly, Ken Macintosh, Rhona Brankin, David Whitton, Kenneth Gibson, Helen Eadie, Dr Richard Simpson, Jackie Baillie, Jim Tolson, Bill Kidd, Brian Adam, Cathy Peattie, Stuart McMillan, Trish Godman, Cathy Jamieson, Alison McInnes, Marilyn Livingstone, Jack McConnell, Karen Whitefield, Irene Oldfather, Tom McCabe, Marlyn Glen*

S3M-4282.1# Liam McArthur: Giving Blood, Giving the Gift of Life—As an amendment to motion (S3M-4282) in the name of Rhoda Grant, after “base” insert “; congratulates the 500 or so volunteers who supported the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service’s pilot scheme in Orkney at the end of May and urges the service now to commit to providing regular opportunities for those in Orkney to donate blood”.

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Supported by: Rhoda Grant, Tom McCabe

S3M-4280# Trish Godman: Job Losses, Profits and Subsidies at Hewlett-Packard, Erskine—That the Parliament deplores and deeply regrets the short-sighted decision of the management of Hewlett-Packard to dismiss 843 employees at their Erskine site in order to outsource their jobs to plants in the Czech Republic; is well aware of the company’s profits of £5.2 billion in 2008 and of the substantial public funds given to the company based on assurances offered by company representatives in the past; views with scepticism the claim made by management that the remaining jobs at the Renfrewshire plant are comparatively safe; believes that the interests of shareholders will always swamp the needs and expectations of loyal and hard-working employees, and hopes that the dreadful consequences of this decision can be avoided.

Supported by: Cathy Peattie, Mary Mulligan, Bill Wilson, Stuart McMillan, Elaine Murray, Bill Butler, Dr Richard Simpson, Sandra White, Karen Gillon, James Kelly, Marlyn Glen, Pauline McNeill, Robin Harper, Kenneth Gibson, Sarah Boyack, Jackie Baillie, David Whitton, Des McNulty, Helen Eadie, Ross Finnie, Karen Whitefield, Ken Macintosh, Jamie Hepburn, Rhoda Grant, Marilyn Livingstone, Hugh Henry

S3M-4278# Sandra White: Congratulations to Glasgow Central and West Local Champions—That the Parliament congratulates all who took part in the seventh Glasgow Community Awards event in Partick Burgh Halls on 28 May 2009; further congratulates Radio Lollipop, based in the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill, for winning the Community Team Award, Margaret Khan from Garnethill for winning the Community Individual Award, John Campbell from Hillhead School for winning the Community Public Service Individual Award, Betty Dougan from Townhead for winning the Community Neighbour Award, Glasgow Old People’s Welfare Association (GOPWA) for winning the Community Service Team Award and Youth Voices for winning the Community Young People’s Award; pays tribute to all who took part; recognises that their actions prove that community spirit is alive and well in Glasgow, and looks forward to the Gala Final later this year.

Supported by: Bill Kidd, Rob Gibson, Kenneth Gibson, Alasdair Allan, Stuart McMillan, Gil Paterson, Bob Doris, Jamie Hepburn, Michael Matheson

S3M-4269# Elaine Murray: Wildlife Week, 6 to 14 June 2009—That the Parliament commends the Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) for organising Wildlife Week, 6 to 14 June 2009; notes that there are over 230 events and activities taking place throughout Scotland, including the celebration of peatlands, woodlands and marine environments in and Galloway, and appreciates the efforts by SWT, its sister charities and non-governmental organisations in Scotland in raising public awareness of the richness of Scotland’s natural environment and the need to preserve and enhance habitats to conserve Scotland’s wildlife and ensure that future generations can also enjoy its diversity.

Supported by: Kenneth Gibson, Marlyn Glen, Shirley-Anne Somerville, Bill Butler, Dr Richard Simpson, Pauline McNeill, Mike Pringle, Bill Kidd, Mary Mulligan, Karen Gillon, Patrick Harvie, Liam McArthur, Jim Tolson, Ms Wendy Alexander, Nanette Milne, Christine Grahame, Robin Harper, Jackie Baillie, Karen Whitefield, Patricia Ferguson, Des McNulty, Alison McInnes, Sarah Boyack, Cathy Peattie, Gil Paterson, Stuart McMillan, Jamie Hepburn, Rhoda Grant, Peter Peacock, Marilyn Livingstone, Ken Macintosh, Jack McConnell

S3M-4268# Stuart McMillan: Don't Jeopardise 126 Years of Cultural Heritage—That the Parliament notes with concern that the future of the Strathclyde Police Pipe Band has been put in jeopardy; notes that the pipe band, whose origins date back to 1883, was set up by public request and was endorsed by an Act of Parliament; acknowledges that the pipe band enhances the reputation and prestige of Strathclyde Police worldwide while also playing a significant role in community engagement at local level; further notes that the band has been a regular feature at the five major events of the pipe band calendar, namely the Scottish, British, European and world championships, as well as the Cowal Highland Gathering; notes the lack of investment in Strathclyde Police Pipe Band, and wishes to ensure that the Strathclyde Police Pipe Band continues and that 126 years of cultural heritage are not jeopardised.

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Supported by: John Wilson, Rob Gibson, Robin Harper, Kenneth Gibson, Alasdair Allan, Jackie Baillie, Sandra White, Hugh O'Donnell, Bob Doris, Ross Finnie, Michael Matheson, Gil Paterson, Bill Kidd, Jamie Hepburn

S3M-4267# Trish Godman: Erskine Week, Supporting Veterans—That the Parliament supports Erskine Week, from 1 to 8 June 2009, organised by Erskine, the charity that cares for ex-servicemen and women throughout Scotland; congratulates all those who are taking part to raise money for the charity; notes that Erskine Week aims to get people of all ages involved to raise awareness and funds to help Erskine provide the very high standards of care that Scotland’s veterans so eminently deserve; offers congratulations to Colonel Martin Gibson, the outgoing chief executive of Erskine, who retires on 8 June, for all his hard work and dedication; and wishes him well in all his future endeavours; wishes to ensure that the care, treatment and rehabilitation of ex-servicemen and women is given the highest priority, and further notes that the world would be a very different place without the dedication and courage of veterans, such as those in the care of Erskine Home in West Renfrewshire.

Supported by: Hugh Henry, Dr Richard Simpson, Ken Macintosh, Jackie Baillie, Helen Eadie, Cathy Jamieson, Bill Butler, Robin Harper, Kenneth Gibson, Jackson Carlaw, David Whitton, Karen Whitefield, Nanette Milne, Elizabeth Smith, Johann Lamont, Alasdair Allan, Ms Wendy Alexander, Elaine Murray, Mary Mulligan, Jamie McGrigor, Margaret Mitchell, Bill Kidd, Sarah Boyack, Gil Paterson, Stuart McMillan, Jamie Hepburn, Marilyn Livingstone, Annabel Goldie, Jack McConnell, Michael Matheson

S3M-4261# Trish Godman: Credit Unions Versus Loan Sharks—That the Parliament is aware of the infamous activity of loan sharks in today’s difficult economic circumstances; deplores their squalid and parasitical focusing on those without work and other citizens on low incomes; believes that measures must be taken to defeat these parasites; is convinced that an expanding credit-union movement, with the appropriate local and national support, is the most effective antidote to this obnoxious practice, especially in communities characterised by deprivation and disadvantage; praises the fine work performed in such areas by Port Glasgow Credit Union and Renfrewshire Credit Union, and believes that all of those organisations and agencies that have the wherewithal could constructively support our credit unions.

Supported by: Mr Frank McAveety, David Stewart, Sandra White, Pauline McNeill, Jackie Baillie, David Whitton, Des McNulty, John Park, Cathy Jamieson, Hugh O'Donnell, Patrick Harvie, Stuart McMillan, Dr Richard Simpson, Bill Butler, Cathie Craigie, Helen Eadie, Kenneth Gibson, Marlyn Glen, Robin Harper, Hugh Henry, Johann Lamont, Ken Macintosh, Dave Thompson, Karen Whitefield, Charlie Gordon, Margaret Curran, Patricia Ferguson, Sarah Boyack, Lewis Macdonald, Cathy Peattie, Gil Paterson, Bill Kidd, Christine Grahame, Elaine Smith, Rhoda Grant, Marilyn Livingstone

S3M-4211# Bill Kidd: Shine on Scotland—That the Parliament commends Ryan McLaughlin, a 14-year-old young man from Glasgow, on his Shine on Scotland campaign and accompanying e-petition, which seeks to raise public awareness about the benefits of vitamin D in relation to multiple sclerosis (MS), seeks clarification on Scottish Government advice on the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D for children, adults and pregnant women and plans to ensure that these levels are delivered to each of these groups; notes that Ryan developed this campaign after his mother, a former Scottish taekwondo champion, developed MS in her thirties, and welcomes Ryan when he comes to the Parliament, leading 500 children on a march, to lodge his petition on 16 June 2009.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Aileen Campbell, Bob Doris, Jamie Hepburn, Alasdair Allan, Stuart McMillan, Pauline McNeill, Anne McLaughlin, Elaine Smith, Bill Butler, Christine Grahame, Christina McKelvie, Kenneth Gibson, Sandra White, Robert Brown, Gil Paterson, Joe FitzPatrick, Karen Gillon, Dave Thompson, Robin Harper, Michael Matheson

S3M-4169# James Kelly: Social Accounting Pilot Project—That the Parliament congratulates Co-operative Development Scotland on raising awareness of the practice of social accounting following a flagship pilot project with the Social Audit Network to introduce social accounting to six co-operative and social enterprises in Scotland; commends the contribution to the project played by Highland Home Carers, Highland Wholefoods, Loch Fyne

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Oysters, Scotwest Credit Union, West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative and the Wise Group, and believes that organisations that can demonstrate their wider social impact beyond financial performance will gain a competitive edge and ensure that co-operatives, social enterprises and voluntary organisations thriving in Scotland contribute to economic growth.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Hugh O'Donnell, Jackie Baillie, Ken Macintosh, Dr Richard Simpson, Elaine Murray, Kenneth Gibson, Mary Scanlon, Stuart McMillan, Sarah Boyack, Rhoda Grant, David Whitton, Mary Mulligan, Hugh Henry, Marlyn Glen, Mr Frank McAveety, Bill Butler, Gil Paterson, Sandra White, Bill Wilson, Patricia Ferguson, Karen Whitefield, Robin Harper, John Park, Cathy Jamieson, Cathy Peattie

S3M-4110# Ted Brocklebank: New Secondary School for North East Fife—That the Parliament believes that the children, parents and communities of Tay Bridgehead in north east Fife require a new secondary school and community facility in addition to the proposed single site at Madras College; highlights that the campaign for a new Tay Bridgehead school has been ongoing for more than half a century; considers, in light of recent leaked figures, that the proposed new Madras College will not be big enough to accommodate all the pupils, including those from the Tay Bridgehead area; notes that currently around 850 pupils from the Tay Bridgehead and Leuchars area have to be bussed to school and that this has affected their education and involvement in school activities, as has been the case for generations; congratulates The Courier, Fife Herald and St Andrews Citizen Newspaper for highlighting the growing public support for a Tay Bridgehead school, and supports all those involved in the campaign.

Supported by: Jamie McGrigor, Bill Aitken, Nanette Milne, Murdo Fraser, Elizabeth Smith, John Lamont, Margaret Mitchell, Robin Harper

S3M-4109# Willie Coffey: Scotch Whisky Exports Exceed £3 Billion—That the Parliament welcomes the news that in 2008 Scotch whisky exports exceeded £3 billion for the first time, an increase of 8% from 2007; recognises the significant export performance of Kilmarnock- based Johnnie Walker, the world’s leading Scotch whisky, with production of over 145 million litres in 2008; highlights the importance of Scotch whisky in the life of Kilmarnock and Scotland, including as an important employer, a major source of exports and a significant source of government revenues; recognises the significant steps that have been taken to improve the industry’s carbon footprint through heat-recovery systems, reducing the amount of energy used per litre and investing in lightweight glass technology; acknowledges the need for an effective regulatory and fiscal regime for all alcohol products to tackle excess consumption; welcomes wide-ranging contributions to this debate, including those from the Scotch Whisky Association, trade unions and advisory agencies; considers that the removal of incentives for marketing strong beers and ciders and fortified wines would be beneficial, and expresses strong support for ending the unfair treatment of Scotch whisky.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Rob Gibson, Alasdair Allan, Bob Doris, John Wilson, Kenneth Gibson, Bill Kidd, Jack McConnell, Gil Paterson, Stuart McMillan

S3M-4106# Dr Richard Simpson: Overnight Freight Trains to Longannet—That the Parliament recognises the serious problems being experienced by residents in the Riverside, Broomridge and Braehead areas of Stirling, Clackmannanshire, Kincardine and Larbert as a result of heavy coal freight trains being introduced on the railway line; understands that this is having a damaging effect on the quality of life of local residents, many of whom lived comfortably in proximity to this busy line until the introduction of the coal trains; notes that Network Rail has stated that it will examine the noise and vibration test data being made available to it by Clackmannanshire and Falkirk councils respectively; regrets that Stirling Council has so far not undertaken similar studies; welcomes the efforts by Network Rail to tackle line and signalling problems at hot spots along the line, and considers that, notwithstanding the vital importance of transporting coal to Longannet for Scotland’s energy needs, residents in these areas would welcome a reduction in the environmental impact of these trains.

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Supported by: Mr Frank McAveety, Bill Butler, Mary Mulligan, John Park, Claire Baker, Des McNulty

S3M-4083# Mary Mulligan: Operation Focus—That the Parliament congratulates the commander, officers and staff of F Division of Lothian and Borders Police, the wider Lothian and Borders force and its community partners for the outstanding success of Operation Focus, which targeted drug dealers in West Lothian; notes that the outcomes to date of Operation Focus include 63 arrests as a consequence of police raids, the seizure of dangerous drugs and police officers addressing over 10,000 secondary school pupils in the affected communities with anti-drugs messages that resulted in spontaneous applause from the students; joins with the people of West Lothian in commending Chief Superintendent Ronnie Liddle and all his team in West Lothian for the strong action that they have taken against those who seek to profit from the misery of drug dealing in our communities, and restates the belief that there is no place for drugs or drug dealers on Scotland’s streets.

Supported by: Karen Whitefield, Angela Constance

S3M-4063# Mr Frank McAveety: Supporting the Living Wage for Scotland—That the Parliament welcomes the launch of the Scottish Living Wage Employer Awards being held in Dalmarnock; regrets the fact that there are around 700,000 workers in Scotland, the majority of them women, earning less than the Scottish living wage of £7.00 per hour; is aware that low pay can lock people into poverty and can be damaging for individuals, families, businesses, communities and the wider economy, and recognises the importance of encouraging employers in the public, private and voluntary sectors to ensure that all low-paid workers are paid no less than the Scottish living wage of £7.00 per hour.

Supported by: Hugh Henry, Karen Whitefield, Marlyn Glen, Mike Pringle, Robin Harper, Jackie Baillie, Patricia Ferguson, James Kelly, Robert Brown, Marilyn Livingstone, Patrick Harvie, Duncan McNeil, Margaret Curran, Ken Macintosh, Dr Richard Simpson, John Park, Malcolm Chisholm, George Foulkes, David Whitton, Des McNulty, Cathy Peattie

S3M-3441# Nanette Milne: Childhood Cancer - More Than My Illness—That the Parliament highlights a survey by children’s cancer charity CLIC Sargent that found that 97% of children and young people with cancer say that it is important for them to be able to return home during their treatment but that many parents in Scotland say that they do not get the support that they need when their child is at home; notes that children and young people say that living with cancer is about more than their illness; expresses concern at findings that about half of parents who want support with the education of their child with cancer, such as access to home tutoring, are not getting it or are finding that it is insufficient; recognises the need to help children and young people and their families in rural and urban areas across Scotland to keep up with their ordinary lives; welcomes CLIC Sargent’s report, More Than My Illness, published on 13 February 2009, proposing innovative ways of reaching families of sick children across Scotland; notes the success of the Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital and the CLIC Sargent nurse in helping to coordinate and plan aspects of care and support for children in Aberdeenshire; further welcomes the commitment to both specialist and local support made by the National Delivery Plan for Children and Young People’s Specialist Services in Scotland, and highlights the need for key workers to better coordinate and plan all aspects of care and support for every child and young person with cancer.

Supported by: Elizabeth Smith, Mike Pringle, Jamie McGrigor, Bill Aitken, Rob Gibson, Jim Tolson, Mary Scanlon, Murdo Fraser, Patricia Ferguson, Jackie Baillie, Bob Doris, Robin Harper, Kenneth Gibson, Sandra White, Malcolm Chisholm, Margaret Mitchell, John Lamont, Jackson Carlaw, Brian Adam, Bill Butler, Annabel Goldie, Jamie Hepburn, Dr Richard Simpson, Hugh Henry, Ted Brocklebank, Cathy Peattie, Hugh O'Donnell, Gil Paterson, David Stewart, Alison McInnes, Tom McCabe, Irene Oldfather, Rhoda Grant, Jack McConnell, Liam McArthur, Ken Macintosh, Karen Whitefield

S3M-3411# Jamie McGrigor: Songbird Survival—That the Parliament is aware of the concerns of many bird lovers throughout the United Kingdom about the decline of the songbird population; notes research that suggests that over the last 40 years many species of songbird have seen a reduction in numbers of 50% or more with some species declining by

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over 90%; recognises that a number of factors have led to these declines and that these should be considered by policymakers, and commends individual birdwatchers and bird groups in the Highlands and Islands and elsewhere in Scotland for their role in recording species’ numbers and the work of organisations such as Songbird Survival that campaign to raise awareness of the threat to our songbird species and ensure the creation of a balanced biodiversity.

Supported by: Patrick Harvie, Elizabeth Smith, Nanette Milne, Robin Harper, Mike Pringle, Ms Wendy Alexander, David Stewart, Shirley-Anne Somerville, Kenneth Gibson, Murdo Fraser, Ken Macintosh, Mary Scanlon, Ted Brocklebank, Margaret Mitchell, Bill Kidd, Jamie Hepburn, Peter Peacock, Sarah Boyack, Gil Paterson, Elaine Murray, Irene Oldfather, Annabel Goldie, Cathy Peattie, Liam McArthur*

Record of Members’ Business Taken by the Parliament from 6 June 2007

Date MSP Party Subject 06.06.07 Roseanna Cunningham SNP Rescue from Moving Water 07.06.07 Des McNulty LAB Alimta for Mesothelioma Sufferers 13.06.07 Karen Whitefield LAB Education is a Human Right 14.06.07 Rob Gibson SNP Scottish Norwegian Commercial Co- operation 20.06.07 Margaret Mitchell CON Motor Neurone Disease 21.06.07 Jim Hume LD Local Food 27.06.07 Andrew Welsh SNP Tartan Day Celebrations 28.06.07 David Stewart LAB National Diabetes Week 05.09.07 Sandra White SNP Asylum Seekers in Scotland 06.09.07 Trish Godman LAB Maintenance of Common Land on Scottish Housing Estates 12.09.07 Sarah Boyack LAB Save the Land Reform Act and Restore the Will of Parliament 13.09.07 Brian Adam SNP MacMillan Cancer Support’s Recovered but not Covered Campaign 19.09.07 Murdo Fraser CON Beauly Denny Public Inquiry 20.09.07 Patricia Ferguson LAB ICL Factory Explosion – Call For Public Inquiry 26.09.07 Mike Rumbles LD Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route 27.09.07 Kenneth Gibson SNP Warm Zones 03.10.07 Cathie Craigie LAB NDCS Change Your World Consultation 04.10.07 Bob Doris SNP Glasgow Milton and Chirnsyde Community Initiative 24.10.07 Christine Grahame SNP Can't Afford to Foster 25.10.07 Michael McMahon LAB Public-Social Partnership Pilot in North Lanarkshire 31.10.07 Elaine Murray LAB Further Job Losses at Young’s Seafood, Annan 01.11.07 Tavish Scott LD Crown Estate Taxation on Harbour Developments 07.11.07 Stuart McMillan SNP House of Lords Ruling on Pleural Plaques 08.11.07 Nanette Milne CON Autism Parliamentary Network 14.11.07 Paul Martin LAB Car Parking Charges at Stobhill Hospital 15.11.07 Bill Wilson SNP Perceived Norms of Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption - Pilot Studies in Scottish Educational Institutions 21.11.07 Bill Kidd SNP Recycling Waste Wood

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22.11.07 Mary Scanlon CON Bog Myrtle (Sweet Gale) Industry 28.11.07 Des McNulty LAB Science and the Parliament, Wednesday 28 November 2007 29.11.07 Cathy Jamieson LAB Coalfields Regeneration Trust in Scotland 5.12.07 Christine Grahame SNP Lancastria 6.12.07 Robert Brown LD 100 Years of Scouting 12.12.07 Liam McArthur LD Air Ambulance Service in Orkney 13.12.07 Bashir Ahmad SNP Standing United with Glasgow's Pakistani Community 19.12.07 John Lamont CON Support for Border News 20.12.07 Bill Butler LAB Support Project Scotland 9.01.08 Keith Brown SNP Government Powers to Ensure Terrestrial Broadcast of Sport 10.01.08 Des McNulty LAB The St Margaret of Scotland Hospice 16.01.08 Cathy Peattie LAB Young People in the Workplace 17.01.08 Roseanna Cunnigham SNP Defence Aviation and Repair Agency Almondbank - No To Privatisation 23.01.08 Patrick Harvie GRN Scottish Campuses Can Go Greener 24.01.08 George Foulkes LAB Time for Fresh Debate on Organ Donation 30.01.08 Margo MacDonald IND Maximising Migrants' Opportunities 31.01.08 Elizabeth Smith CON Extra-curricular Outdoor Education for Every School Pupil 06.02.08 Rob Gibson SNP Congratulations to the Fifth Annual Scots Trad Music Awards 07.02.08 Margaret Smith LD Edinburgh Park Railway Station 20.02.08 Marilyn Livingstone LAB Supporters Direct in Scotland 21.02.08 Jamie Hepburn SNP Central Scotland Rail Improvements 27.02.08 John Scott CON Recreational Sea Angling 28.02.08 Cathy Jamieson LAB Proposed Closure of Rural Schools 05.03.08 Trish Godman LAB Scottish Wheelchair Users and their Human Rights 06.03.08 Kenneth Gibson SNP Anorexia and Bulimia 12.03.08 David Thompson SNP Make Scotland's Roads Safer - Reduce the Drinking Limits 13.03.08 Aileen Campbell SNP No End in Sight to the War in Iraq 19.03.08 Patricia Feruson LAB Celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight 20.03.08 Gil Paterson SNP Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings 26.03.08 Jeremy Purvis LD Choices for People Coming to the End of Terminal Illness 27.03.08 Mary Scanlon CON Elgin Bypass 16.04.08 Hugh O’Donnell LD A Call for Better Epilepsy Care 17.04.08 Bill Butler LAB Strathclyde Partnership for Transport Report on Glasgow Crossrail

23.04.08 Mary Mulligan LAB Yes to Bathgate Business Improvement District 24.04.08 Tricia Marwick SNP Leven to Thornton Rail Link 30.04.08 Willie Coffey SNP Fenwick Weavers' Society and the Co-operative Model 01.05.08 Elaine Smith LAB Remember the Dead, Fight for the Living 07.05.08 Nanette Milne CON Alternative and Augmentative Communication 08.05.08 Alison McInnes LD RNIB Scotland's Right to Read

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Campaign 14.05.08 Christopher Harvie SNP Supermarket Dominance in Scottish Retailing 15.05.08 John Park LAB Upper Forth Crossing 21.05.08 David Stewart LAB Increasing Access to Insulin Pumps 22.05.08 Ian McKee SNP National Association of Youth Orchestras 28.05.08 Alasdair Allan SNP Fuel Costs 29.05.08 Angela Constance SNP No Recourse No Safety 04.06.08 Bill Butler LAB 60th Anniversary of the National Health Service 05.06.08 Jackson Carlaw CON Holocaust Education in Scotland 11.06.08 Jim Hume LD Tackling Excess Packaging 12.06.08 Lewis Macdonald LAB Best Value Audit of Aberdeen City Council 18.06.08 Claire Baker LAB A Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme for Scotland 19.06.08 Sandra White SNP Glasgow Passport Office 25.06.08 Karen Whitefield LAB Sweet 16?: The Age of Leaving Care in Scotland 26.06.08 John Park LAB Rosyth to Zeebrugge Ferry Service 03.09.08 Ted Brocklebank CON Upgrading of the A92 04.09.08 Iain Smith LD Enforcement of Planning Legislation 10.09.08 Brian Adam SNP Shortage of Indian Chefs in Aberdeen 11.09.08 Nigel Don SNP Family Law Disputes 17.09.08 Jack McConnell LAB 2014: A Year of Sport for Scotland 18.09.08 Michael Matheson SNP Cancer Poverty 24.09.08 Keith Brown SNP Support for Veterans in Scotland 25.09.08 Murdo Fraser CON Action to Protect the Red Squirrel 01.10.08 Trish Godman LAB Action on Thrombosis 02.10.08 Jim Tolson LD Alloa to Fife and Edinburgh Rail Link 08.10.08 Christopher Harvie SNP The Kingdom of Fife and Fife in the World - A Platform of Partnership 09.10.08 Michael McMahon LAB Living and Dying with Advanced Heart Failure 29.10.08 Elaine Murray LAB Success of First Year of Co-Operative Development Scotland 30.10.08 Kenneth Gibson SNP Become Lupus Aware 5.11.08 Jeremy Purvis LD Digital Switchover 6.11.08 Nanette Milne CON Community Service Volunteers (CSV) 12.11.08 Dave Thompson SNP Welcoming the Launch of Community Energy Scotland 13.11.08 Wendy Alexander LAB Paisley Festival Company/Voices in Paisley 2008 19.11.08 James Kelly LAB Parkinson's Disease Society - Get it on Time Campaign 20.11.08 Alasdair Allan SNP Gaelic Language Development 26.11.08 Stuart McMillan SNP Sailing and Boating Continues to Expand and Contribute to the Scottish Economy 27.11.08 Marlyn Glen LAB World AIDS Day 2008 03.12.08 Gavin Brown CON South Edinburgh Suburban Railway 04.12.08 Alison McInnes LD Safe Drivers are Made, No Born 10.12.08 Jamie Hepburn SNP 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 11.12.08 Patrick Harvie GRN Communities Leading on Climate Change 17.12.08 Des McNulty LAB Eco-Congregation Scotland

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Programme 18.12.08 Pauline McNeill LAB Dignity for Palestinians 07.01.09 Sandra White SNP Devastating Cuts At The Herald and Evening Times 08.01.09 Lewis Macdonald LAB Aberdeen Forensic Science Laboratory 14.01.09 Jim Hume LD Post Office Closures 15.01.09 Jamie McGrigor CON Future of the Bull Hire Scheme 21.01.09 Mary Mulligan LAB Shelter Scotland 40 Years On 22.01.09 Christine Grahame SNP Cuiken Primary and its School Playing Field 28.01.09 Bill Kidd SNP Knightswood Youth Theatre Announced as a Winner of Philip Lawrence Awards 29.01.09 Karen Whitefield LAB Diabetes UK 75th Anniversary 04.02.09 Murdo Fraser CON Combating Human Trafficking 05.02.09 Jamie Stone LD Investment in Schools in North Highland 11.02.09 Irene Oldfather LAB People with Dementia in Accident and Emergency – Recognising Their Needs 12.02.09 Alasdair Morgan SNP Scottish Coastal Path 25.02.09 Nanette Milne CON Seabirds 26.02.09 Bill Kidd SNP Action Mesothelioma Day 04.03.09 Robert Brown LD Bicentenary of Louis Braille 05.03.09 Cathy Peattie LAB International Women’s Day 11.03.09 Karen Gillon LAB The Commonwealth @60 12.03.09 John Wilson SNP Pressurised Area Status in North Lanarkshire 18.03.09 Joe FitzPatrick SNP Support for Computer Games Development 19.03.09 James Kelly LAB Loss of Jobs at Vion, Cambuslang 25.03.09 Bill Butler LAB Drumchapel is Top of the Table 26.03.09 Shirley-Anne Somerville SNP Earth Hour 2009 01.04.09 Rob Gibson SNP Supporting Conventional Plant Breeding 02.04.09 Hugh Henry LAB Huntington’s Disease 22.04.09 Margaret Mitchell CON Congratulating Project Linus UK 23.04.09 Kenneth Gibson SNP The Future of the Sunday Mail and Daily Record 29.04.09 Richard Simpson LAB Developing Telehealth in Scotland 30.04.09 Jeremy Purvis LD Private Residential Care Home Accountability 06/05/09 Mary Scanlon CON International Midwives’ Day, 5 May 2009 07/05/09 Jamie Hepburn SNP Proposed Part-privatisation of Royal Mail 13/05/09 Margo MacDonald IND HBOS, Lloyds TSB Merger 14/05/09 Cathy Jamieson LAB RNID Hearing Matters Campaign 20/05/09 Peter Peacock LAB Declining Bee Numbers 21/05/09 John Wilson SNP Strathclyde Police Prolific Offender Programme 27/05/09 Liam McArthur LD Electronic Identification of Sheep 28/05/09 Helen Eadie LAB Inadequate Infertility Treatment in Scotland 03/06/09 Sarah Boyack LAB Support for Unpaid Carers 10/06/09 Aileen Campbell SNP Supporting Town Centres 11/06/09 Michael Matheson SNP Larbert Rail Damage

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11/06/09 John Park LAB Anne Frank Day 17/06/09 John Lamont CON Dispensing GP Practices in Rural Communities 18/06/09 Jim Tolson LD Rights of Former Gurkha Soldiers 24/06/09 Christina McKelvie SNP Supporting Social Work 25/06/09 Margaret Curran LAB St Bridget’s Chapel and Mary’s Meals Backpack Project 03/09/09 Willie Coffey SNP Campaign Against Diageo Closures 04/09/09 David Stewart LAB Insulin Pump Therapy 10/09/09 Jamie McGrigor CON Songbird Survival 11/09/09 Jeremy Purvis LD Girlguiding Scotland 100th Anniversary

Record of Members’ Business Taken by the Parliament in Session 3


Frequency (no.) 54 56 21 21 2 2 156 Frequency % 34.62 35.90 13.46 13.46 1.28 1.28 100

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DAY MORNING AFTERNOON Monday 31 Constituency Constituency

Tuesday 01 0930-1230 Committees 1430-1700 Committees

Wednesday 0930 Time for Reflection 1400-1445 Ministerial Statement: 02 Progress on Diageo Taskforce 0935 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1445-1700 Stage One Debate: Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Bill 0935-1230 Scottish Government Debate: Followed by Membership of the Decision on Abdelbaset Ali Committee of the Regions and the Mohmed Al Megrahi regional Chamber of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the

Council of Europe Followed by Business Motion Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions (if required) 1700 Decision Time followed by Members’ Business SNP S3M-4647 Willie Coffey: Campaign Against Diageo Closures

Thursday 03 0915 Parliamentary Bureau 1415-1455 Themed Question Time Motions (if required) [Justice and the Law Officers; Rural 0915-0945 Ministerial Affairs and the Environment] statement: Influenza 1455-1700 Continuation of the Scottish (AH1N1) Government Debate on the Scottish 0945-1015: First Minister’s Government’s Programme Statement on the Scottish Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Government’s Programme Motions (if required) 1015-1140: Scottish 1700 Decision Time followed by Government Debate on the Members’ Business S3M-4723 David Scottish Government’s Stewart: Insulin Pump Therapy Programme

1140 – 1200 General Question Time 1200 - 1230 First Minister’s Question Time

Friday 04 Constituency Constituency

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DAY MORNING AFTERNOON Monday 07 Constituency Constituency

Tuesday 08 0930-1230 Committees 1430-1700 Committees

Wednesday 1400 Time for Reflection 09 Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions (if required)

1405-1530 Public Petitions Committee Debate: Inquiry into Public Petitions Process 1530-1700 Scottish Government Debate: Dementia Strategy Followed by Business Motion Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions (if required) 1700 Decision Time followed by Members’ Business S3M-3411 Jamie McGrigor: Songbird Survival

Thursday 10 0915 Parliamentary Bureau 1415-1455 Themed Question Time Motions (if required) [Finance and Sustainable Growth] 0915-1140 Scottish 1455-1700 Finance Committee Debate: Government Debate: Fire Strategic Budget Scrutiny and Rescue Framework Followed by Parliamentary Bureau 1140 – 1200 General Motions (if required) Question Time 1700 Decision Time followed by 1200 - 1230 First Minister’s Members’ Business S3M-4478 Jeremy Question Time th Purvis Girlguiding Scotland 100 Anniversary

Friday 11 Constituency Constituency

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DAY MORNING AFTERNOON Monday 14 Constituency Constituency

Tuesday 15 0930-1230 Committees 1430-1700 Committees

Wednesday 1430 Time for Reflection 16 Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions (if required)

1435-1700 Scottish Government Business Followed by Business Motion Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions (if required) 1700 Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 17 0915 Parliamentary Bureau 1415-1455 Themed Question Time Motions (if required) [Europe, External Affairs and Culture; 0915-1140 Scottish Education and Lifelong Learning] Government Business 1455-1700 Scottish Government 1140 – 1200 General Business Question Time Followed by Parliamentary Bureau 1200 - 1230 First Minister’s Motions (if required) Question Time 1700 Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Friday 18 Constituency Constituency

18 PB/S3/09/126


Date of Lodging: 8 September 2009 Short Title: Business Motion Bruce Crawford (Stirling) (SNP) on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees the following revision to the programme of business for Wednesday 9 September 2009— delete followed by Public Petitions Committee Debate: Inquiry into Public Petitions Process followed by Scottish Government Debate: Dementia Strategy and insert followed by Debate on the Children’s Hearings (Legal Representation) (Scotland) Amendment Rules 2009 (SSI 2009/211) followed by Scottish Government Debate: Dementia Strategy



Date of Lodging: 8 September 2009 Short Title: Business Motion Bruce Crawford (Stirling) (SNP) on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees the following programme of business—

Wednesday 16 September 2009

2.30 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Health and Sport Committee Debate: Pathways into Sport and Physical Activity followed by Business Motion followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 17 September 2009

9.15 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Scottish Government Debate: Diageo

11.40 am General Question Time

12 noon First Minister’s Question Time

2.15 pm Themed Question Time Europe, External Affairs and Culture; Education and Lifelong Learning

2.55 pm Scottish Government Debate: Scottish Road Safety Framework followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 23 September 2009

2.30 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motion followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business


Thursday 24 September 2009

9.15 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Scottish Government Business

11.40 am General Question Time

12 noon First Minister’s Question Time

2.15 pm Themed Question Time Health and Wellbeing

2.55 pm Scottish Government Business followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business



Date of Lodging: 8 September 2009 Short Title: Business Motion Bruce Crawford (Stirling) (SNP) on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees that consideration of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Bill at Stage 2 be completed by 30 October 2009.



Date of Lodging: 8 September 2009 Short Title: Business Motion Bruce Crawford (Stirling) (SNP) on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees that, for the purposes of allowing up to 60 minutes to debate motion S3M-4811 on Wednesday 9 September 2009, the second and third sentences of Rule 10.4.4 of Standing Orders be suspended.





1. At its meeting on Tuesday 8 September 2009, the Education, Lifelong Learning and Culture Committee will consider a motion that nothing further be done under the Children’s Hearings (Legal Representation) (Scotland) Amendment Rules 2009 (SSI 2009/211).

Purpose and consideration by Committee

Children’s Hearings (Legal Representation) (Scotland) Amendment Rules 2009 (SSI 2009/211) 2. This instrument extends the availability of state-funded legal representation in children’s hearings, in certain circumstances, to allow relevant persons to effectively participate in a children’s hearing where it is considered they would otherwise be unable to do so. It also provides guidance on the factors that might impact on a person’s ability to participate effectively.

3. At its meeting on 1 September, the Education, Lifelong Learning and Culture Committee took evidence on the instrument from the Minister for Children and Early Years. Following this evidence session, Ken Macintosh MSP lodged a motion to annul the instrument, which the committee will consider at its meeting on 8 September. Should the committee agree to this motion, under Rule 10.4.4 of Standing Orders, the Bureau is required to propose to the Parliament by motion that nothing further be done on the instrument. The Bureau would then be invited to agree the following motion—

[Member] on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees that nothing further be done under the Children’s Hearings (Legal Representation) (Scotland) Amendment Rules 2009 (SSI 2009/211).

Parliamentary Business Team September 2009




1. At its meeting on 2 September 2009, the Parliament agreed to the general principles of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Bill.

2. The Bureau is invited to refer the Bill back to the Education, Lifelong Learning and Culture Committee for consideration at Stage 2 and to recommend to the Parliament a deadline of 30 October 2009 for that Stage.

Parliamentary Business Team September 2009




1. At its meeting on 1 September the Bureau requested further information to support consideration of Paper No PB/S3/09/125.

Government Officials’ Advice

2. The Minister for Parliamentary Business has been advised, based on advice from the Chief Medical Officer, that there is no clear public health benefit to be gained by restricting public access to the viewing galleries during an influenza pandemic. In terms of infection control, MSPs will be just as much at risk of bringing the virus into the chamber as members of the public.

3. However, it remains the case that there may be circumstances where the SPCB may decide as part of its business continuity planning that it would wish to close the public gallery for reasons of safety or security.

Public Perception

4. Business continuity plans are in place and are being continuously improved to ensure that the Parliament is able to operate during a range of possible emergency situations. This is to ensure that the Parliament is able to show leadership and debate topical issues relevant to such situations. It therefore follows that public perception is an extremely important factor in considering access arrangements.

5. Bureau Members will firstly wish to note that any decision to exclude members of the public from galleries would be taken in the interests of public health or security. Proceedings would also continue to be broadcast, accessible to journalists and reported in the Official Report. Proceedings would therefore not be held in private. Nevertheless, it is recognised that excluding members of the public from any meetings of Parliament is an extremely sensitive issue and one where it is impossible to guarantee that it would not attract adverse comment. The issue of public perception therefore probably needs to be balanced against the risks to public health and safety if no access restrictions were in place. The root of any decision must lie in the Parliament’s principles of openness, transparency and the absolute need for the Parliament to demonstrate that it takes all of its responsibilities seriously, including its duty of care.

Possible Protocol

6. Should the Bureau wish to refer this matter to the SPPA Committee, it may also wish to consider whether the process by which the Presiding Officer reaches his/her decision should be subject to a protocol. Bureau members are aware that there is an existing protocol on the handling of Parliamentary business during an emergency and this would seem an appropriate document to record any process. It could therefore be made clear that before taking any PB/S3/09/129

decision the Presiding Officer, as is normal practice, would seek the views of Business Managers in advance.

Alternative Options

7. There are 2 main alternatives to restricting public access to the Chamber in emergency situations. Those are:

• allow access at all times • suspend Standing Orders

8. Allowing public access to the Chamber under any circumstance could send a positive message that the Parliament was not prepared to compromise its principles of openness and accessibility. It could also demonstrate leadership to the country by taking a “business as usual” approach. Those considerations must be balanced with the possible perception that the Parliament is acting against Government public health advice, or possibly security advice, by not taking into account the health and safety of members of the public.

9. It is, of course, possible to suspend Standing Orders to restrict access in certain circumstances. This would be achieved by taking a Bureau motion to the Parliament and seeking its agreement. While minor problems could arise if there was inadequate notice of the motion to suspend, it should nevertheless be possible to use this device.

10. Should the Bureau decide a referral to the SPPA Committee is not required, it may wish to consider whether it should further consider public access issues if and when public health, safety or security issues of a sufficient magnitude arise.

Chamber Office September 2009