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Enhancing VETERAN-CENTERED CARE: A Guide for Nurses in Non-VA Settings

Understanding the impact of military service on veterans’ health.

OVERVIEW There are currently 22.5 million living U.S. military veterans, and this number is expected to increase dramat­ ically as military personnel return from Iraq and Afghanistan. Although honorably discharged veterans may qualify for through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), only about 25% of all veterans take advantage of this benefit; a majority seek services in non­VA settings. It’s imperative for nurses in all civilian care settings to understand the impact that military service has on veterans’ health. This article provides an overview of veterans’ unique health care issues, focusing particularly on traumatic brain injury, polytrauma, hazardous exposures, chronic pain, posttraumatic stress disorder, military sexual trauma, sub­ stance use disorders, suicide, and homelessness. Evidence­based assessment tools and treatment guidelines for these health issues are discussed. A resource table provides telephone numbers and Web sites offering tools, educational materials, and veteran services. A second table provides detailed veteran­centered health assessment and screening questions.

Keywords: chronic pain, hazardous exposure, homelessness, military sexual trauma, military veteran, poly­ trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder, substance use disorder, suicide, traumatic brain injury, veteran

here are currently about 22.5 million liv- perceptions of the VA (including a sense that VA ing U.S. military veterans, including nearly care is stigmatized as “charity” care).4, 5 17 million wartime veterans, according to As Demers has stated, “War is widely acknowl- T 1, 2 the U.S. Census Bureau. Although honorably edged as a public health issue, and there is a growing discharged veterans may qualify for health care body of literature documenting [its] negative health through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs effects,” most recently for veterans of the Iraq and (VA), only about 25% of all veterans take advan- Afghanistan wars.6 Yet the literature is lim- tage of this benefit.3 This low rate may be associ- ited regarding evidence-based care pertinent to the ated with many variables, including difficulty of long-term effects of military-related health concerns access, veteran identity (defined below), availability among veterans. With perhaps as many as 75% of of health care insurance through private or public veterans seeking health care outside the VA, it’s cru- sources, confusion about eligibility for services, and cial that non-VA nurses and other providers be able

24 AJN ▼ July 2013 ▼ Vol. 113, No. 7 ajnonline.com By Barbara S. Johnson, MSN, Lina D. Boudiab, MSN, Margaret Freundl, MSN, Maureen Anthony, PhD, Gregory B. Gmerek, MSA, and Jemica Carter, PhD

to recognize, assess, and provide appropriate care to health issues of these veterans. For example, between this population. 2000 and 2010, the number of women veterans Veteran health care. The stated mission of the increased from 1.6 to 1.8 million; and the propor- VA—“to care for him who shall have borne the bat- tion of women veterans among all living veterans Enhancing 10, 11 tle, and for his widow, and his orphan”—is to fulfill rose from 6.1% to 8.1%, a 33% increase. These a promise first made by President Abraham Lin- changes necessitated expansion of women’s health coln during his second inaugural address in 1865.7 care services to include women’s clinics, maternity The Veterans Health Administration, a branch of the care, preventive care (such as mammograms), and VETERAN-CENTERED VA, is currently the largest health care system in the disease management tailored to women. Increased country, with 152 hospitals, over 800 community- knowledge about psychological health issues such based outpatient clinics, and more than 130 nursing as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) prompted homes.8, 9 changes to mental health screening and expansion Military experience varies based on the war or of mental health services. The extensive use of im- CARE: conflict, combat experience, and other variables. Liv- provised explosive devices (IEDs) by insurgents in ing U.S. veterans include those involved in the con- Iraq and Afghanistan has stimulated a tremendous flicts of World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, the amount of research into traumatic brain injury (TBI) Persian Gulf, Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and polytrauma, including amputations. Exposure in Afghanistan, Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), and to environmental hazards continues to be studied re- now Operation New Dawn (OND) in Iraq. The De- garding health effects and treatment. And a growing partment of Defense (DOD) and the VA have faced awareness of the effects of deployment on veterans ongoing challenges in adjusting priorities and de- and their family members have led to improved so- veloping new services to address the ever-changing cial services. Photo © Associated Press. © Associated Photo

[email protected] AJN ▼ July 2013 ▼ Vol. 113, No. 7 25 Table 1. Resources on the VA and Veterans’ Health by Topic

Subject Telephone Number Web Site General information NA www.va.gov/about_va about the VA VA facility locator (877) 222­8387 www2.va.gov/directory/guide/home.asp?isflash=1 Military culture and NA VA course on military culture veteran identity www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/ptsd101/ course­modules/military_culture.asp Postdeployment NA Post­Deployment Health Reassessment Program issues www.pdhealth.mil/dcs/pdhra.asp AfterDeployment.org www.afterdeployment.org TBI DVBIC outreach: DVBIC (866) 966­1020 www.dvbic.org Understanding TBI and polytrauma www.polytrauma.va.gov/understanding­tbi www.afterdeployment.org/topics­traumatic­brain­injury Clinical practice guideline on TBI www.healthquality.va.gov/mtbi/concussion_mtbi_full_1_0.pdf Hazardous exposures VA information line: VA information on hazardous exposures (800) 749­8387 www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/index.asp Chronic pain NA VHA information on postdeployment pain www.va.gov/painmanagement/post_deployment_pain.asp VHA information on chronic pain www.va.gov/painmanagement/chronic_pain_primer.asp Clinical practice guideline on chronic opioid therapy www.healthquality.va.gov/chronic_opioid_therapy_cot.asp PTSD Veterans Crisis Line: National Center for PTSD (800) 273­8255, then www.ptsd.va.gov press 1 PTSD program finder Veteran Combat Call www2.va.gov/directory/guide/ptsd_flsh.asp?isflash=1 Center (to talk to a combat veteran): Clinical practice guideline on PTSD (877) 927­8387 www.healthquality.va.gov/ptsd/ptsd­full­2010a.pdf Counseling 24/7: (800) 342­9647 MST DOD Safe Helpline: National Center for PTSD—MST (877) 995­5247 www.ptsd.va.gov/public/pages/ military­sexual­trauma­general.asp SUDs Acute crisis: 911 Veterans Crisis Line www.veteranscrisisline.net Veterans Crisis Line: (800) 273­8255, then VA information on substance abuse press 1 www.mentalhealth.va.gov/substanceabuse.asp Clinical practice guideline on SUDs www.healthquality.va.gov/sud/sud_full_601f.pdf

26 AJN ▼ July 2013 ▼ Vol. 113, No. 7 ajnonline.com Table 1. Continued

Suicide prevention Veterans Crisis Line: VA Suicide Prevention (800) 273­8255, then www.mentalhealth.va.gov/suicide_prevention/index.asp press 1 Veterans Crisis Line Text: 838255 www.veteranscrisisline.net Confidential Veterans Chat www.veteranscrisisline.net/chat Homelessness VA National Call VA National Call Center for Homeless Veterans Center for Homeless www.va.gov/homeless/nationalcallcenter.asp Veterans: (877) 424­3838 VA information on homeless veterans www.va.gov/homeless National Coalition for Homeless National Coalition for Homeless Veterans Veterans: www.nchv.org (800) 838­4357 Women veterans NA VA information on women veterans health care www.womenshealth.va.gov

DOD = Department of Defense; DVBIC = Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center; MST = military sexual trauma; NA = not available; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder; SUD = substance use disorder; TBI = traumatic brain injury; VA = Department of Veterans Affairs; VHA = Veterans Health Administra­ tion.

This article provides nurses in non-VA settings predeployment, further impeding the veteran’s rein- with an overview of the unique health care needs of tegration into family and social life. veterans and describes various resources available Military culture and experiences also affect a veter- through the VA. (For a detailed list of resources by an’s reintegration into civilian life once service ends. subject, and for links to those mentioned in text, see As Demers explains, the military’s “values of duty, Table 1.) honor, loyalty, and commitment to comrades, unit, and nation” promote a credo of self-sacrifice that may MILITARY CULTURE not be understood by civilians.6 Family and commu- Serving in the military is an experience that has no nity members often don’t understand what veterans counterpart in civilian life. From the outset, people have been through or how service has changed them. in the armed forces share unique experiences that And after the intensity and focus of military service, transmute the usual socioeconomic and racial or eth- many veterans feel they can no longer fit into the nic boundaries of civilian life, although those shared familial or societal roles they had before. They may experiences often go unspoken. never be the same. Boot camp brings together men and women from Veteran identity is defined as the self-concept de- diverse backgrounds and assimilates them into the riving from one’s military experiences within a socio- military culture, enabling passage from a civilian to historical context.5 Significant factors that influence a military identity.6 They learn the warrior ethos, both veteran identity and use of VA health services which incorporates a constant readiness to com- over the life span include length of time served in the plete the mission and loyalty to the team above self.12 military, conflict or war (if any) during which the vet- Deployment involves the movement of military per- eran served, combat exposure, any service-related sonnel to a temporary assignment away from the disability, and overall perception of military service home base13; time away may last from weeks to sev- as positive or negative.5 eral months in areas ranging from peaceful regions to Military culture and veteran identity present chal- combat zones. Deployment consists of three phases: lenges for veterans and their families, who must live predeployment (which includes boot camp), deploy- within a civilian society unfamiliar with their experi- ment, and postdeployment.14 Many veterans of recent ences. For civilian health care providers, an under- conflicts have been deployed several times. While on standing of military culture, an ability to listen and deployment, the service member misses many family respond without judgment, and respect for a veteran’s and social events. And the family undergoes change military service are essential to caring for veterans. as well, as family members learn to function without These qualities will also likely enhance veterans’ will- her or him. Postdeployment may merge into another ingness to seek and obtain health care in non-VA [email protected] AJN ▼ July 2013 ▼ Vol. 113, No. 7 27 settings. This is of particular importance as veterans disorders (SUDs), suicidality, and homelessness. As- consider expanded health services options that will sessment and screening questions for many of these be available under the Patient Protection and Afford- concerns are offered in Table 2.15-22 able Care Act in 2014. Among the issues veterans may seek care for are TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY TBI, polytrauma, hazardous exposures, chronic pain, Although TBI is not new, advancements in body ar- PTSD, military sexual trauma (MST), substance use mor and helmets have drastically increased a soldier’s

Table 2. Veteran­Centered Health History Assessment

Subject Assessment Questions (ask in a clear, nonjudgmental manner) General military history15 Are you a veteran? Tell me about your military experience. • In which branch did you serve? • Where were you assigned? When? • What did you do in the service? • How has military experience affected you? For the following five questions, if the patient answers yes to any, ask, “Can you tell me more about that?” • Did you see combat, enemy fire, or casualties? • Were you or a buddy wounded, injured, or hospitalized? • Did you ever become ill while in the service? • Were you a prisoner of war? • Do you have a service­connected condition? Would you like assistance in filing for compensation related to your service? VA facility locator Do you receive any services from the VA? If not, would you like information about the local VA? Veteran identity Were you deployed? (postdeployment)15 Where were you deployed? Was it a combat zone? How long were you deployed? Did you have any other tours? How do you feel about being home? How is your family life? Work life? Do you have any medically unexplained symptoms? Is there anything we can do to help you? Mild TBI16 1. Did you experience blasts or explosions, vehicular accidents, fragment or bul­ Series of four questions let wounds above the shoulders, or falls during your service? 2. Were you dazed or did you experience loss of consciousness or memory or a concussion or head injury immediately after the event? 3. Have you started to experience memory or sleep problems, dizziness or balance problems, sensitivity to light, irritability, or headaches? If you have, have they gotten worse? 4. Have you experienced any of the above­mentioned symptoms in the past week? If the veteran answers yes to one or more of these questions, refer for further evaluation and care of mild TBI. Hazardous exposures15 Were you exposed to any environmental hazards (such as chemicals, infectious diseases, radiation, excessive heat, burn pit smoke, vibration, or loud noise)? Did you receive a blood transfusion? Have you ever injected any drugs?

28 AJN ▼ July 2013 ▼ Vol. 113, No. 7 ajnonline.com Table 2. Continued

Chronic pain The policy for pain assessment at a given heath care facility should be followed. Initial pain assessment should include assessing for location, onset, description of pain, intensity, variation from previous pain, aggravating and relieving factors, treatment, and effects of treatment. The assessment may be augmented by asking whether the pain affects: • emotions • relationships • employment • appetite • sleep • activities Also assess: • expectations of pain relief • cultural and spiritual views of pain and pain medications • past pain experiences • self­medication • emotional and behavioral health issues • risk for suicide

PTSD Ask the following: Series of four questions17 In your life, have you ever had any experience that was so frightening, horrible, or upsetting that, in the past month, you • have had nightmares about it or thought about it when you did not want to? • tried hard not to think about it or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it? • were constantly on guard, watchful, or easily startled? • felt numb or detached from others, activities, or your surroundings? If the veteran answers yes to any three items, the screening is considered positive. Refer the veteran for further assessment via structured interview for PTSD. More screening tools are available at www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/pages/ assessments/list­screening­instruments.asp. MST18 While you were in the military, • did you receive uninvited or unwanted sexual attention, such as touching, cornering, pressure for sexual favors, or verbal remarks? • did anyone ever use force or threat of force to have sexual contact with you against your will? SUDs–alcohol The AUDIT­C screening tool includes three questions that are scored on a scale Series of three of 0 to 4 points each, for a total possible score of 0 to 12 points, based on response. questions19­21 Ask the following: 1. How often did you have a drink containing alcohol in the past year? 2. On days in the past year when you drank alcohol, how many drinks did you typically drink? 3. How often did you have six or more drinks on an occasion in the past year? Appendix B of the VA and DOD clinical practice guideline (www.healthquality. va.gov/sud/sud_full_601f.pdf) explains scoring. If the alcohol screen is positive (≥ 4 in men, ≥ 3 in women), nurses should initiate a brief intervention that includes expressing concern about unhealthy drinking, discussing links between alcohol consumption and other health issues, encouraging a goal of abstinence or decreased intake, and offering referral to treatment. [email protected] AJN ▼ July 2013 ▼ Vol. 113, No. 7 29 Table 2. Continued

Subject Assessment Questions (ask in a clear, nonjudgmental manner)

Suicide prevention 1. Look for behaviors that warrant immediate attention and referral, such as Series of four actions22 • threatening to hurt or kill oneself or others. • seeking pills or weapons. • hopelessness, rage, or revenge. • substance abuse. • social withdrawal or acting reckless. • mood changes. • sleep disturbances. • giving away possessions. 2. Assess risk and protective factors. Risk factors: a current plan; past suicide attempt; recent physical, financial, or person loss; impulsiveness; family history of suicide or abuse; and comorbid health problems. Protective factors: coping skills, life satisfaction, spirituality, sense of responsibility to family, and positive support systems. 3. Ask this series of four questions: • Are you feeling hopeless about the present/future? If yes, ask • Have you had thoughts about taking your life? If yes, ask • When did you have these thoughts and do you have a plan to take your life? • Have you ever had a suicide attempt? 4. Respond: • Ensure the veteran’s immediate safety and arrange mental health treat­ ment in an appropriate setting. • Inform and involve significant others. • Limit access to means of suicide. • Commit to help the veteran through the crisis. • Offer access to a confidential crisis line to veteran and loved ones

Homelessness15 Where do you live? Do you feel safe? Are you in any danger of losing your home? Do you need assistance in obtaining housing? Do you need assistance with caring for dependents? Do you need assistance in obtaining health care or medicines?

Women veterans Have you ever experienced any physical, emotional, or sexual abuse? Have you ever experienced neglect or domestic violence? How did this experience affect you? Is this experience causing you problems now? Do you feel safe now or do you feel like you are still in danger? Do you want a referral to a female caregiver or to a specialist? Do you want a referral to a VA women veterans program manager?

AUDIT­C = Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test Consumption Questions; DOD = Department of Defense; MST = military sexual trauma; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder; SUD = substance use disorder; TBI = traumatic brain injury; VA = Department of Veterans Affairs.

chances of surviving a head injury. According to one some 12% to 14% of soldiers wounded in combat source, during the OEF and OIF conflicts, 22% of sol- had brain injuries.23 IEDs have caused the majority diers wounded in combat sustained injuries to the face, of TBIs in current and recent conflicts.23, 24 head, or neck, which “can serve as a rough estimate” TBI has been defined as “a traumatically induced of TBI incidence; in contrast, during the Vietnam War, structural injury and/or physiological disruption of

30 AJN ▼ July 2013 ▼ Vol. 113, No. 7 ajnonline.com brain function as a result of an external force,” and POLYTRAUMA includes injuries caused by penetration by a foreign War injury patterns evolve with each conflict, and U.S. object, acceleration or deceleration movements, blunt soldiers are currently surviving injuries at a higher rate force trauma, and pressure waves from explosive than they have in previous conflicts. During the Viet- blasts.25 Depending on the severity of the injury, TBI nam War, two of every three wounded soldiers died, is classified as severe, moderate, or mild. Mild TBI compared with two of every seven wounded soldiers (often shortened to mTBI) is considered equivalent during OIF and two of every eight during OEF.35 The to a concussion and is the most frequent type of TBI widespread use of IEDs in Iraq and Afghanistan, as among military personnel.25, 26 Its prevalence among all well as of land mines and rocket-propelled grenades, military personnel has more than tripled in the past has resulted in more cases of multiple severe injuries, 12 years.27, 28 However, its symptoms—which can in- or polytrauma.36 Although definitions vary, the Vet- clude headaches, ringing in the ears, difficulty sleep- erans Health Administration has defined polytrauma ing, irritability, memory problems, mood and anxiety as “two or more injuries sustained in the same inci- disorders, suicidality, chronic pain, and dizziness or dent that affect multiple body parts or organ systems balance problems—are also common to many other and result in physical, cognitive, psychological, or psy- conditions, making diagnosis challenging.25, 29 chosocial impairments and functional disabilities.”37

Veterans with polytrauma may experience an overlapping of numerous physical, cognitive, and affective symptoms.

Mild TBI resulting from repeated blast exposure Care for veterans who have experienced poly- is complex. Symptoms last longer than they do in trauma is complex. Soldiers may suffer any combina- cases of TBI from other causes, and may present tion of vision or hearing impairments, fractures, TBI, with comorbidities such as depression, PTSD, and amputations of one or more limbs, burns, and internal pain.30 The VA is seeing veterans with symptoms injuries, as well as PTSD and other psychological dis- suggestive of the lasting effects of undiagnosed mild orders.38, 39 According to one study by VA researchers, TBI.31 All OEF and OIF veterans discharged from 75% of polytrauma patients were discharged to home the military after September 11, 2001, and seeking after receiving acute medical care and rehabilitation.40 care at a VA facility without a prior TBI diagnosis Many local VA hospitals have polytrauma support are screened for TBI. Screening questions and an clinics, where patients can receive continuing follow- explanation of scoring used by the VA for mild TBI up care; the interdisciplinary teams can include mem- are available from the U.S. Government Account- bers from more than seven specialties.41 For some, ability Office (www.gao.gov/new.items/d08276.pdf). functional issues, physical injuries, and psychologi- An evidence-based guideline for the management cal concerns may not be identified until after they of mild TBI has been jointly developed by the VA return home. Veterans with polytrauma may expe- and the DOD.25 The guideline includes a recommen- rience an overlapping of numerous physical, cogni- dation that veterans presenting for care even weeks tive, and affective symptoms that affect their ability or months after a head injury and without previous to perform everyday functions at work and at home.42 TBI diagnosis be assessed using the referenced ques- In cases involving multiple limb amputations or dis- tions. figurement, body image issues may create multiple Nursing care for veterans with mild TBI begins social and employment barriers. One recent study, with a thorough assessment of symptoms. Potential conducted among civilians, found that women who safety concerns (such as whether the injury has af- suffer polytrauma experience PTSD more frequently fected the veteran’s ability to drive or to manage med- than men with similar injuries.43 ications) should also be addressed; an evaluation of Polytrauma in veterans is a relatively new health the veteran’s self-awareness and judgment is criti- concern, and its cumulative and long-term conse- cal.32 Education specific to symptom management; quences for veterans and their families have yet to improvement of problem-solving skills, memory, and be identified. Nursing care should include assessing sleep patterns; and lifestyle changes, as well as infor- for alterations in cognitive or social functioning and mation on the recovery process, should be offered to addressing potential safety concerns (such as whether these veterans and their families.33, 34 Research into all injuries have affected the veteran’s ability to drive or to types of TBI and TBI-related concerns is ongoing, in manage medications).44 It’s also important for nurses order to promote consistency in the screening pro- to help the veteran and family members identify their cess, diagnosis, documentation, and medical care in strengths and coping mechanisms, provide relevant ed- both the acute and long-term stages of recovery. ucation, and offer help with accessing support services. [email protected] AJN ▼ July 2013 ▼ Vol. 113, No. 7 31 HAZARDOUS EXPOSURES burned has included chemicals, paints, petroleum Military personnel on active duty are at increased risk products, unused ammunition, rubber, and medical for hazardous exposures to various chemical, physical, waste, among others. The health effects of exposure and environmental materials.45 The list of such expo- to toxins in burn pit smoke aren’t known, but it’s pos- sures is continuously evolving. We address just a few sible such exposure can affect multiple body systems. examples here; for more information, visit the VA’s Exposed veterans might have experienced eye irri- public health Web site (www.publichealth.va.gov). tation and burning, coughing and throat irritation, Agent Orange was one of several dioxin-containing breathing difficulties, and skin itching and rashes.50 chemicals used by the military during the Vietnam They may qualify for an exposure assessment with War to eradicate vegetation that provided cover for a referral from a VA primary care provider. enemy forces.46 The VA maintains a comprehensive Rabies. Veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Af- Agent Orange Registry; local VA medical centers of- ghanistan have reported symptoms associated with fer the registry’s health examination to eligible vet- infectious exposures such as rabies. Iraq is a high- erans, which can alert them to possible long-term risk country for rabies, with unvaccinated dogs being consequences of such exposure, as well as facilitate the primary carrier.51, 52 Transmission occurs when a further research.47 At each facility, an environmental soldier is bitten by or otherwise exposed to the saliva health coordinator follows up with veterans to dis- of an infected animal; untreated, the disease usually cuss the results and to recommend further testing if causes fatal encephalitis. Rabies should be suspected indicated. in veterans within 18 months of postdeployment who

Musculoskeletal and connective system ailments are among the most frequent diagnoses of veterans from recent conflicts.

The VA has also joined forces with the Centers for present with delirium, hallucinations, slight or par- Disease Control and Prevention and the Institute of tial paralysis, anxiety, confusion, increase in saliva, Medicine (IOM) to conduct research on the long-term difficulty swallowing, fear of water, or insomnia.51 health effects of Agent Orange on veterans.48 There’s It’s essential to ask veterans about their military sufficient or suggestive evidence associating Agent history and places of deployment within the past Orange exposure with the development—even years two years in order to ensure accurate assessment and later—of various diseases, including type 2 diabetes, timely treatment of conditions related to hazardous Parkinson’s disease, peripheral neuropathy, ischemic exposures. heart disease, chronic B-cell leukemia, Hodgkin’s lym- phoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple mye- CHRONIC PAIN loma, prostate and respiratory cancers, and soft tissue There’s evidence that the prevalence of chronic pain sarcoma.49 Such exposure has also been linked to ter- in U.S. veterans is high. One large retrospective study atogenic effects seen in veterans’ children. In 1991, found that 50% of veterans presenting at one VA legislation established that veterans exposed to Agent health care system suffered from chronic pain.53 Sol- Orange during their service and diagnosed with any diers generally endure significant physical stress; for of the diseases linked to Agent Orange could claim example, they often must carry heavy loads of armor disability. Persistent questions remain regarding expo- and supplies for long distances. Moreover, pain from sure to Agent Orange and long-term health outcomes. an acute injury can become chronic if undertreated. The IOM has recommended continued research. Musculoskeletal and connective system ailments are Exposures specific to OEF, OIF, and OND. Long- among the most frequent diagnoses of veterans from term health problems have yet to be determined for recent conflicts seeking care at the VA.54, 55 In a study veterans exposed to various hazardous materials while of OEF and OIF veterans who sought care at a VA serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Three VA War Re- Polytrauma Network Site, 82% reported chronic lated Illness and Injury Study Centers have been es- pain, with back and head injuries being the most com- tablished to focus on postdeployment health issues, mon sites.56 In another study of OEF and OIF veter- including hazardous exposures and medically un- ans, the prevalence of back pain and musculoskeletal explained symptoms, and to offer clinical evalua- and joint conditions increased significantly between tions and postdeployment health education. Signs the first and the seventh year postdeployment.54 and symptoms vary depending on the type and du- Chronic physical pain is often associated with co- ration of the exposure. For example, the burning of morbid conditions, including TBI57 and PTSD,56 that debris in “burn pits” has been common practice at may complicate treatment. In the general population, military sites in Iraq and Afghanistan.50 The debris approximately 15% to 35% of people with chronic

32 AJN ▼ July 2013 ▼ Vol. 113, No. 7 ajnonline.com pain also have PTSD.58 Pain may serve as a constant neurosis” during World War II, the term “posttrau- reminder of the traumatic event and worsen PTSD matic stress disorder” was first listed in the 1980 symptoms.58 Furthermore, the state of hyperarousal edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s is associated with muscle tension,59 and may com- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor- pound the pain. Chronic pain may also be a precur- ders and categorized as an anxiety disorder.68 Cur- sor to suicide. Head and musculoskeletal pain and rent diagnostic criteria for PTSD in adults include related functional impairments were more prevalent exposure to a traumatic event that involved actual or in suicidal compared with nonsuicidal veterans.60 threatened death or serious injury and having a re- It’s crucial that clinicians recognize the pervasive- sponse that involves intense fear, helplessness, or ness of pain in the veteran population. Pain is often horror.69 Symptoms can be intermittent and may in- located in several sites, and comprehensive assessment clude reliving the trauma through intense flashbacks and medical history are essential for optimal pain or nightmares triggered by sensory cues, activities, or management and functionality.61 Narcotics may be places. In an effort to cope, some veterans may adopt used to treat severe injuries sustained in the military, a state of persistent hyperarousal, which is associated resulting in abuse or dependence (in which case in- with irritability or anger, sleep disturbances, and diffi- creasing dosages may be necessary to maintain pain culty concentrating. Some will try to avoid potential relief).61, 62 An evidence-based guideline for the man- triggers and suppress all emotions, both positive and agement of opioid therapy for chronic pain has been negative, resulting in social isolation. developed jointly by the VA and DOD.63 It offers clini- In the general population, an estimated 8% of men cians “a structured goal-directed approach to chronic and 20% of women who experience a traumatic event opioid treatment” with the aim of improving veter- will develop PTSD.70 The 1983 National Vietnam ans’ pain management and quality of life. Veterans’ Readjustment Study found that veterans A comprehensive pain assessment is crucial in with high levels of war zone exposure had signifi- determining not only the intensity of pain, but also cantly higher rates of PTSD: 36% in men and 18% any associated factors and existing comorbidities. in women.71 Even veterans with noncombat duties Important nursing interventions include advocating in Southeast Asia had significantly higher rates of for standardized pain-assessment scales and treatment PTSD than the general public. By 2008, the VA had therapies while addressing medication education, life- more than 442,000 veterans from various conflicts style changes, and complex comorbidities such as TBI, receiving treatment for PTSD.72 One study found that PTSD, and SUDs.64 Extreme caution is required when PTSD had been diagnosed in 22% of OEF and OIF administering opioids in the presence of untreated veterans using the VA health care system.73 SUDs, respiratory instability, suicide risk, or other situ- For some veterans, symptom onset may be de- ations that could result in further harm. Collaboration layed for years; for others, symptoms may ease and with specialists in pain management, substance abuse, then worsen again as the veteran ages.74 The VA is or behavioral health may also be warranted to ad- currently conducting a longitudinal study to exam- dress other comorbidities that may exacerbate chronic ine long-term health outcomes among women vet- pain.63 For example, one pilot study found that veter- erans who served during the Vietnam War era, with ans with chronic pain and PTSD benefited from treat- a focus on PTSD.75 The aging process may also ex- ment that concurrently targeted both conditions.65 acerbate PTSD symptoms in ex-prisoners of war. An Complementary and alternative therapies for pain Israeli study found that over a 12-year period, ex- management are also gaining attention. Mirror ther- prisoners of war reported significant increases in in- apy has been successfully used to decrease phantom trusion, avoidance, and hyperarousal symptoms.76 limb pain in amputees.66 Other such therapies include Validated screening tools have been developed to massage, acupuncture, aromatherapy, and meditation, help identify veterans who may be at high risk for as well as energy-based modalities such as Reiki and PTSD.77, 78 Several such tools are available at the VA’s therapeutic touch. With the increased interest in such National Center for PTSD Web site, including the therapies, both in the general public and among vet- Primary Care PTSD screen, which was designed spe- erans,64, 67 it would be valuable for nurses to broaden cifically for use in primary care settings.17 It is a four- their knowledge in this area. Nurses are encouraged question, problem-focused assessment that relies on to explore nontraditional options for pain manage- the veteran to self-report symptoms. ment that might be used concurrently with traditional An evidence-based guideline for management of therapies to achieve optimal outcomes. posttraumatic stress has been developed jointly by the VA and DOD, and is relevant for a spectrum of POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER related disorders.72 PTSD is often associated with For centuries, veterans of war have suffered from TBI, MST, sleep problems, substance use, pain, and nightmares, irritability, flashbacks, and other symp- other psychiatric disorders, and requires comprehen- toms of PTSD. Previously called “shell shock” dur- sive assessment. This guideline encompasses multiple ing World War I and “combat fatigue” or “combat treatment modalities to ensure individualized care. [email protected] AJN ▼ July 2013 ▼ Vol. 113, No. 7 33 Therapies include trauma-focused psychotherapies recognized by clinicians as consequences of MST.86 (such as exposure therapy), anxiety management, One large study found that, compared with veterans stress reduction, guided imagery, cognitive behavioral who have not experienced MST, those who have are therapy, and social support. Primary pharmacother- more likely to have concurrent mental health condi- apy involves selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors tions such as anxiety, depression, SUDs, personality or serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Ad- disorders, and PTSD.18 MST was also associated with ditional medications may be beneficial for the treat- numerous physical diagnoses. For both sexes, MST ment of sleep disorders, nightmares, and depression. was significantly associated with liver and chronic Patient education about the wide range of PTSD pulmonary diseases. Female veterans who experi- causes, symptom complexity, coping strategies, and enced MST were more likely to present with obesity, interdisciplinary treatment options should be offered weight loss, and hypothyroidism, while male veterans to veterans and their significant others so that they who experienced MST were more likely to present can make informed decisions about treatment. Nurs- with AIDS. The researchers noted that risky behav- ing care should include medication reconciliation. iors (such as substance abuse and unhealthy eating Nurses should also foster therapeutic relationships, patterns) precipitated by MST may be factors in the ensure ongoing monitoring for behavioral changes, development of physical illness.18 Providers should be encourage the application of skills learned in therapy, alert to such symptoms in both male and female pa- promote consistent sleep schedules, and support the tients, regardless of age, and consider the possibility patient and family with education and resource infor- of MST. Initial screening for MST is essential. Once mation.79 For veterans with acute symptoms, nurs- it’s established that a veteran has a history of MST, ing measures might include knocking before entering care by a mental health provider is warranted, and the room, addressing the veteran by name, using cau- a referral to the VA is recommended. tion when making physical contact, avoiding making As is common in cases of PTSD, veterans with any sudden or loud noises, assessing the veteran’s men- MST may try to avoid thoughts, feelings, and activi- tal status and eye contact, reorienting the veteran to ties that remind them of the trauma or precipitate surroundings as needed, and offering the veteran op- flashbacks.81 They may become distrustful and so- portunities to express feelings.80 cially isolated or use alcohol or other substances to block the memories. In the long run, such avoidance MILITARY SEXUAL TRAUMA can be more harmful than remembering and actively The term “military sexual trauma” was coined by the dealing with the issue. Furthermore, men and women VA to indicate “experiences of sexual assault or re- with a history of MST are at much higher risk for peated, threatening acts of sexual harassment.”81 The suicide or self-harm.18 Therefore, screening for sui- term also covers any psychological trauma that re- cidal ideation is also crucial in this group.87 sults from harassment, assault, or battery of a sex- ual nature while in training or on active duty.82 SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS A 2012 survey of active duty service members These disorders might involve illicit drugs, prescribed conducted by the Defense Manpower Data Center medications, tobacco, or alcohol (or a combination found that 6.1% of women and 1.2% of men had ex- of these).69 A recent IOM report found that many vet- perienced unwanted sexual contact, increasing from erans from the Vietnam War and more recent con- 4.4% and 0.9%, respectively, in 2010.83 But actual flicts need assistance with SUDs.88 The stressors of prevalence is probably much higher. Unwanted sexual active military service, combat, MST, and frequent contact often goes unreported; reasons can include loss of peers are associated with increased risk of anx- embarrassment, concerns about confidentiality, fear iety, depression, and PTSD, as well as with the de- of retaliation, and lack of faith that appropriate ac- velopment of SUDs.62, 88 The VA and DOD have jointly tion will be taken.83 Indeed, a 2008 literature review developed a clinical practice guideline for the man- found that among screened veterans, overall preva- agement of SUDs, which includes several examples lence of MST ranged from 20% to 43%.84 of evidence-based screening tools to help clinicians Every veteran seeking care at the VA is screened identify veterans with SUDs and improve outcomes.21 for MST.85 At the initial encounter with a primary If local VA services are available, veterans experi- care provider, veterans are asked about any unwanted encing SUDs should be referred for treatment and sexual attention or contact during their military ser- follow-up care. The VA Chemical Dependency Pro- vice.18 Because MST can have many long-term effects gram, designed to provide comprehensive and in- on physical and psychological well-being, veterans dividualized treatment, can include inpatient and who screen positively are followed by a designated outpatient detoxification, methadone maintenance, MST coordinator, who arranges for counseling and an outpatient recovery program, and relapse preven- treatment provided by the VA.82 tion. Both the outpatient recovery program and re- Veterans with an unreported history of MST lapse prevention can be self-accessed or accessed by may present with a variety of ailments not usually referral from a VA provider. A VA referral is required

34 AJN ▼ July 2013 ▼ Vol. 113, No. 7 ajnonline.com for the intensive evidence-based outpatient addiction SUICIDE treatment program. Firearms, the most frequent means of completed sui- Tobacco. Cigarette smoking is a significant pub- cide in the general adult population, account for 41% lic health issue for veterans. From World War I until of completed suicides of all military personnel, who the mid-1970s, the practices of distributing free ciga- are routinely trained in firearm use during basic train- rettes in troops’ rations, using cigarettes and cigarette ing.96, 97 One recent study found that younger veterans breaks as rewards during basic training, and featuring ages 18 to 34 had much higher firearm suicide and military personnel in advertising all contributed to an total suicide rates than their civilian counterparts.98 increased likelihood that soldiers would smoke. Al- Healthy People 2020, the federal government’s inter- though these practices have since ceased and despite agency initiative, has identified veterans who experi- military policies aimed at lowering smoking rates, enced physical and mental trauma as a risk population tobacco use remains much higher among veterans for mental health issues, including suicide.99 and active-duty soldiers than among civilians.89 One It’s estimated that, every day, about 18 to 22 U.S. source states that 74% of veterans report a history veterans commit suicide, accounting for about 20% of smoking, compared with 48% of nonveterans.89 of all completed suicides in this country.100, 101 One

One large study found that veterans who have experienced MST are more likely to have concurrent mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, SUDs, personality disorders, and PTSD.

The VA lists smoking cessation treatment as a high study of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans referred priority among veterans seeking health care.90 The VA for mental health services at a large VA medical cen- has adopted the U.S. Public Health Service’s clinical ter found that 13% were at elevated risk for suicide.102 practice guideline on treating tobacco use,91 and rec- An estimated 11% of veterans who survive a first sui- ommends that nurses and other primary care pro- cide attempt will reattempt within nine months, and viders use “the 5 As” to guide treatment: ask about 6% of those will die.103 There is evidence that the rate tobacco use at every visit, advise quitting, assess read- of nonfatal suicide attempts is lower among veterans iness to quit, assist users with appropriate treatment, who utilize VA health care services compared with and arrange follow-up.92 Those who want help with those who do not, suggesting the efficacy of the VA’s quitting are offered numerous resources, including screening, assessment, and intervention strategies.100 counseling, nicotine replacement therapy, and par- The VA Suicide Prevention Program focuses on assess- ticipation in evidence-based smoking cessation pro- ing suicide risk in all veterans and offers a risk assess- grams. ment guide.22 Nurses should be alert for behaviors Alcohol. Studies have found that recent alcohol that warrant immediate attention and referral, such consumption is significantly higher among veterans as engaging in risky behaviors or talking about sui- than nonveterans.93 Among OEF and OIF veterans, cide. In conducting a risk assessment, the involvement alcohol dependence is relatively more common (7%) of family members may be warranted, both in gath- than either drug dependence (3%) or drug abuse ering data and to obtain their commitment to help (4%).94 And deployed service members exposed to the veteran. Nurses can also encourage the use of combat may be at greater risk for binge drinking the VA’s confidential crisis line. Designated suicide when compared with other service members.95 prevention coordinators at each VA medical center The VA and DOD guideline for the management receive referrals from the crisis line to ensure that of SUDs recommends the Alcohol Use Disorders Iden- veterans receive needed counseling and services. tification Test Consumption Questions (known as the AUDIT-C) as a screening tool for unhealthy alcohol HOMELESSNESS use.21 It involves asking three questions; possible total Veterans represent about 10% of the total U.S. adult scores range from 0 to 12 (Appendix B of the guide- population. Yet a disproportionate number are home- line lists the questions and explains scoring).19, 20 If less; it’s estimated that anywhere from 12% to about the alcohol screen is positive, nurses should initiate 33% of all homeless adults are veterans.104, 105 Accord- a brief intervention that entails expressing concern ing to the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, about unhealthy drinking, discussing alcohol con- most homeless veterans are men; 68% live in urban sumption in relation to other health issues, encour- areas; half have at least one disability.105 Two-thirds aging a goal of abstinence or decreased intake, and served in the military for more than three years; nearly offering a referral to addiction treatment. half served during the Vietnam War. Contributing [email protected] AJN ▼ July 2013 ▼ Vol. 113, No. 7 35 factors for homelessness among veterans and non- study, veterans described three important challenges to veterans are largely similar: substance abuse, mental that transition: feeling a lack of respect from civilians, and physical illnesses, shortage of affordable hous- holding themselves to a higher standard than civilians, ing, lack of employment, and insufficient support net- and not fitting into the civilian world.6 Many veterans works.104, 105 But for veterans, there are often added return home to supportive families and secure employ- military-related factors, such as PTSD, TBI, a his- ment, and reclaim their lives with minimal difficulty. tory of multiple deployments, and military skills But for those whose injuries and disabilities adversely that might not be transferable to the civilian work affect their health, relationships, and quality of life, environment.105, 106 making the transition may be much more difficult. Women veterans are two to four times more likely Physical wounds and battle scars are often recog- to become homeless than nonveteran women.107 Ac- nizable; but nurses might not associate a patient’s cording to research cited by the U.S. Department of emotional issues or mental health conditions with Labor Women’s Bureau, 81% to 93% of women vet- military service. The mechanism of injury must be erans have experienced some form of trauma, includ- considered to ensure a comprehensive assessment ing childhood abuse, domestic violence, MST, and and appropriate treatment plan.38 It’s critical that combat-related trauma.108 Such experiences in turn nurses ask patients about their veteran status, mili- can contribute to substance abuse, behavioral health tary experiences, and support systems, in order to issues, struggles in accessing and maintaining em- provide patient care that takes into consideration a ployment, and difficulty in establishing trust. And veteran’s unique needs. And it’s essential that nurses like male veterans, female veterans assimilate to the understand and acknowledge the influence of veteran military culture, in which seeking help may be con- identity on health and health-seeking behaviors. sidered a sign of weakness. Eligibility for VA health care is based on a num- Being homeless is associated with numerous health ber of variables. Many of the conditions discussed concerns, including thermal injuries, substance abuse, here are high-priority VA issues, for which the veteran mental health illnesses, bronchitis, pneumonia, skin may be best served in a VA setting. Yet many health infections, and communicable diseases.109 Veterans concerns go unreported for various reasons, including who are homeless may need coordinated efforts to embarrassment, concern about confidentiality, fear assist them with personal development, housing, nu- of stigmatization, and lack of awareness of available trition, behavioral health issues, health care access, treatments and resources. The VA has improved vet- legal concerns, skill training, and job placement.105 erans’ health outcomes by introducing specific health In 2009, the VA committed to ending veteran care initiatives, implementing multiple screenings and homelessness by 2015.110 The VA created prevention evidence-based treatment programs, and using tech- programs and has collaborated with public, private, nology to improve access to care. VA providers and and nonprofit organizations to expand work train- staff also receive education about the symptomatology ing, housing assistance, educational assistance, trans- of many health conditions, in order to ensure proper portation, justice outreach, medical exams, and other assessment and treatment. Many veterans may feel support programs. safer in a VA setting, where other comrades are ex- When caring for veterans who are homeless, it’s periencing similar issues. VA facilities are located important for nurses to understand their physical en- throughout the United States and its territories; any- vironment and risk factors that may compromise their one can contact a local VA facility for information safety and health. Discharge instructions must be tai- regarding a veteran’s access to care. lored accordingly. Collaboration with social workers Researchers have linked many health care issues to and other interdisciplinary team members is essential military service, and veteran health care continues to to minimize the possibility of readmission and ensure evolve as research unfolds. But more research into the continuity of care. Once any needed medical care has long-term effects of military service on veterans’ health been provided, nurses should encourage the veteran and their nursing implications is needed. And in both to contact the VA’s National Call Center for Homeless academic and practice settings, nursing education Veterans or help the veteran do so. Every VA medical about veterans’ health care needs must be expanded. center is staffed with both a homeless veteran coordi- Spelman and colleagues have proposed several clin- nator and a women veterans program manager. ical “pearls” for primary care providers who treat veterans, beginning with acknowledgment of military DISCUSSION service, obtaining a military history, and keeping this More than 16 million veterans seek health care outside information easily accessible in the .112 of the VA.111 This number will likely increase as troops These suggestions are also apt for nurses. In assessing continue to return from Iraq and Afghanistan. Veteran every adult patient, nurses should ask whether the pa- identity, developed in basic training and honed during tient has served in the military. If the answer is affirma- deployment and combat experiences, presents chal- tive, time should be taken to learn the patient’s story. lenges during the transition back to civilian life. In one Listen and ask questions in an open and unbiased

36 AJN ▼ July 2013 ▼ Vol. 113, No. 7 ajnonline.com manner, and incorporate the patient’s military experi- 6. Demers A. When veterans return: the role of community in ences and health-related concerns into the medical his- reintegration. Loss Trauma 2011;16(2):160-79. 7. Adkins RE. Medical care of veterans. Washington, DC: Vet- tory. The VA Office of Academic Affiliations offers erans Administration; 1967. a Military Health History Pocket Card for clinicians, 8. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Geriatrics and extended which includes a series of questions that should be care: community living centers (VA nursing homes). 2012. 15 http://www.va.gov/GERIATRICS/Guide/LongTermCare/VA_ asked of military service members and veterans. Community_Living_Centers.asp. 15-22 In this article, Table 2 provides veteran-centered 9. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center for health history assessment questions; these questions Veterans Analysis and Statistics. Department of Veterans Af- stem either from our clinical experiences or from ref- fairs statistics at a glance (updated 12/31/2012). 2013. 10. Richardson C, Waldrop J. Census 2000 brief—veterans: erences cited. We also recommend that every health 2000. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau; 2003 May. care facility designate a veteran liaison to assist veter- C2KBR-22. Census 2000; www.census.gov/prod/2003pubs/ ans in receiving care from the VA or other agencies. c2kbr-22.pdf. 11. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center for Veterans have made many sacrifices while serving Veterans Analysis and Statistics. Veteran population projec- this country. The ranks of veterans continue to grow tions: FY2000 to FY2036. Washington, DC 2010. as thousands of soldiers return from Iraq and Afghan- 12. U.S. Department of the Army. Army leadership. Washington, istan. It’s imperative that nurses be familiar with the DC; 2012 Sep 10. ADRP 6-22, C1. Army doctrine reference publication; http://armypubs.army.mil/doctrine/DR_pubs/ various health care issues veterans face, risk factors dr_a/pdf/adrp6_22_new.pdf. and comorbidities, and the complexity of care. They 13. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and U.S. Department of should also be able to provide patients and their fami- Defense. Clinical practice guideline for post-deployment health evaluation and management. Washington, DC; 2000 Sep. lies with appropriate education and help in accessing VA/DoD evidence based practice; http://www.healthquality. available resources. The warrior ethos includes a va.gov/pdh/PDH_cpg.pdf. promise never to leave a fallen comrade. In that spirit, 14. Riggs DS, Sermanian D. Prevention and care of combat- related PTSD: directions for future explorations. Mil Med every clinician can ensure that no veteran is “left be- 2012;177(8 Suppl):14-20. hind” without adequate health care. ▼ 15. 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The Veterans Health Administration and military sexual trauma. Am J Public Health 2007;97(12): Medical Center in Detroit, where Gregory B. Gmerek and Jemica 2160-6. Carter are faculty. Maureen Anthony is associate professor at the University of Detroit Mercy McAuley School of Nursing and was 19. Bradley KA, et al. AUDIT-C as a brief screen for alcohol faculty with the VA Nursing Academy at the time of writing. Con- misuse in primary care. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2007;31(7): 1208-17. tact author: Barbara S. Johnson, [email protected]. The authors and planners have disclosed no potential conflicts of in- 20. Bush K, et al. The AUDIT alcohol consumption questions terest, financial or otherwise. (AUDIT-C): an effective brief screening test for problem This project was funded by an unrestricted educational grant drinking. Ambulatory Care Quality Improvement Project (ACQUIP). Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. 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