E2110 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 9, 2010 has equally distinguished himself in public famine and disease, as well as acute crises, active role in his community where he served service. such as the 2004 tsunami. on a wide variety of boards and coalitions. As a law student, he worked for the South- Throughout his tenure as President, Dean He was both past chairman and member of ern Poverty Law Center and the late U.S. was instrumental in fostering greater coopera- the board of the Mobile Water & Sewer Serv- Senator Howell Heflin. After law school, ARTUR tion between World Vision and other leading ice. He served on the MWSS for twenty years, DAVIS compiled a near 100 percent trial con- relief and humanitarian organizations, in order overseeing a seventy million dollar budget. He viction record as a federal prosecutor in the to better serve those in need. I had the oppor- also served three years on The Mobile Area Middle District of Alabama. From 1998 to tunity to spend time with Dean at the World Chamber of Commerce Board. 2002, he worked as a litigator in private prac- Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where Leaning on his law enforcement and pas- tice. he offered an important voice on addressing toral backgrounds, Rev. James was both an Congressman DAVIS was first elected to the root challenges of poverty. Dean often active member of the National Board of Direc- Congress in 2002 and has served four terms said that his mission at World Vision was to tors of the Community Coalition For A Drug representing his west Alabama district which ‘‘help create a world in which no child suffers Free America and a founding member of the encompasses twelve counties, spanning from or dies for lack of food, clean water, shelter or Coalition for A Drug Free Mobile County. Birmingham and Tuscaloosa to the Black Belt. protection from exploitation or war.’’ He was also moderator of the Mobile Baptist Congressman DAVIS and I both represent I congratulate Dean on a very distinguished Sunlight Association where he oversaw pro- portions of Clarke County and it has been my career, thank him for his great humanitarian grams for 87 Baptist churches in Mobile and personal pleasure to work with him and his work, and wish him and his wife Wendy all the Washington Counties. staff during his 8 years in the House. We were best as they begin this new phase of their life Rev. James was noted for his unbending both elected in the same class of 2002 and together. devotion to local schools and his ability to have labored together to help expand eco- f reach across the community to bring together nomic opportunity for southwest Alabama. I different views for the common good. am particularly grateful for his support of ef- PERSONAL EXPLANATION His love of Mobile and its patchwork of com- forts to enhance the Port of Mobile and the munities no doubt inspired his dedication to Alabama State Docks as well as his valuable HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY serve the people on so many different levels. assistance in ongoing major economic devel- OF Madam Speaker, we all mourn the loss of opment projects for our region. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rev. James and on behalf of the people of ARTUR made his mark in Washington as an South Alabama, I wish to extend my condo- Thursday, December 9, 2010 effective legislator who has won national at- lences to his wonderful wife, Gwendolyn, their tention for his leadership on a range of issues. Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, on De- children, Sophia, Wesley, Abron, and their ex- He serves as a member of the prestigious cember 8, 2010, I was unavoidably detained tended personal and church family for their Ways and Means Committee, which oversees and was unable to record my vote for rollcall loss. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. economic policy. Congressman DAVIS is only No. 624. Had I been present I would have f the tenth Alabamian in 190 years to serve on voted: Rollcall No. 624: ‘‘yes’’—To extend the this committee, which is the only congres- Child Safety Pilot Program. PERSONAL EXPLANATION sional committee actually described in the f Constitution. TRIBUTE TO REVEREND WESLEY HON. KAY GRANGER He was the chief advocate for legislation to OF TEXAS A. JAMES save the HOPE VI program for revitalizing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES public housing communities. He has also been Thursday, December 9, 2010 a strong voice for creative ideas that would HON. JO BONNER expand health care and improve educational OF ALABAMA Ms. GRANGER. Madam Speaker, on rollcall performance benefitting rural and urban areas IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES No. 622 and 625, I was absent from the House. Had I been present, I would have alike. Thursday, December 9, 2010 ARTUR has garnered a variety of honors dur- voted ‘‘no.’’ ing his tenure on Capitol Hill, including being Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, I rise to pay f selected by Esquire Magazine as one of the tribute to the life and memory of a remarkable TRIBUTE TO ISADORE BANKS 10 best Congressmen in America. civic leader who was recently called from us. As they prepare to leave Congress, I extend The Rev. Wesley A. James never held an my best wishes to ARTUR and his lovely wife, elected political office, yet his influence over HON. MARION BERRY Tara, and thank them both for their honorable his beloved Mobile, Alabama surpassed many OF ARKANSAS service and leadership for the people of Ala- who have. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bama. A native of Mobile and a 1970 graduate of Central High School, Rev. James continued Thursday, December 9, 2010 f on to the University of South Alabama where Mr. BERRY. Madam Speaker, I am here HONORING DEAN HIRSCH he earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Crimi- today to pay tribute to Isadore Banks, a proud nal Justice Administration. In 1979 he grad- World War I veteran, important leader in the HON. DAVID DREIER uated from Union University School of community, and someone I am proud to say OF CALIFORNIA Theology where he received a Master of Di- made east Arkansas his home. In June of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vinity Degree. He was also active on campus 1954, Isadore became the victim of a heinous as president of the student body, director of racially charged murder for which his attackers Thursday, December 9, 2010 resident life, and an instructor of freshman ori- were never found. I ask all my fellow col- Mr. DREIER. Madam Speaker, today I entation. leagues to stand with me today to honor the would like to honor Dean Hirsch for his distin- In 1981 he graduated number one in his memory of this great man and also to con- guished career in serving others around the class from Southwest Police Academy located demn such senseless acts of violence in the world. Dean recently retired as the long-time at Faulkner State Community College in Bay history of this Nation. president of World Vision International, cap- Minette, Alabama. From 1990 to 1995, he was Although born in Georgia, after serving in ping a 34-year career at the humanitarian or- a fellow at Boston University School of Public World War I, Isadore Banks would come to ganization. Health. And, in 1997 he earned a Doctor of call Crittenden County, Arkansas, home. As a World Vision International is a relief organi- Ministry Degree, with emphasis on community place where racial tensions ran high at the zation that serves tens of millions of people in development from Virginia Union University time, Isadore made a name for himself as one need, in nearly 100 countries around the School of Theology. of the most successful farmers in the area. globe. World Vision is helping to improve the Rev. James took the helm of Franklin Street Isadore was acutely aware of troubles faced lives of the world’s most impoverished people, Missionary Baptist Church in Mobile in 1988, by the black community. He used his business with a special focus on children. Under Dean leading the church’s ministry until his untimely savvy to help create a cotton gin business that Hirsch’s leadership, World Vision has worked passing last month. While his role as pastor helped to support other black farmers, and to alleviate the suffering of those facing both and spiritual guide for his flock was central to would often buy school supplies for black the long-term challenges of endemic poverty, his life’s calling, Rev. James took an equally schools around town that were in need. He is

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:45 Dec 10, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K09DE8.024 E09DEPT1 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with REMARKS December 9, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2111 most notable for almost singlehandedly bring- members of this truly outstanding organization SANGRE DE CRISTO NATIONAL ing electricity to the town of Marion in the continue to touch the lives of countless peo- HISTORIC PARK STUDY 1920s. ple, and for their unselfish, lifelong commit- In a time of heavy racial violence, Isadore ment, they are worthy of the highest praise. HON. JOHN T. SALAZAR Banks became an inspiration to the whole f OF COLORADO community, and something of a political lead- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES er. His strength and courage in the face of HONORING CONGRESSMAN PARKER these challenging times, and his compassion GRIFFITH FOR HIS SERVICE TO Thursday, December 9, 2010 for the plight of his fellow man will serve as a NORTH ALABAMA Mr. SALAZAR. Madam Speaker, I submit reminder to us all—that we should never carry the following: hate in our hearts, but always love in our ac- HON. JO BONNER SECTION I.—SANGRE DE CRISTO NATIONAL HIS- tions. OF ALABAMA TORIC PARK STUDY. My blessings and prayers go to Isadore’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (a) FINDINGS.—The Congress finds the fol- family. We shall never forget him. lowing: Thursday, December 9, 2010 (1) The Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range- f Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, I rise to San Luis Valley region of Southern Colorado JEWISH FEDERATION OF recognize the distinguished service of my col- contains some of Colorado’s oldest commu- NORTHWEST INDIANA nities and examples of America’s rich Span- league and friend, Congressman PARKER ish-Hispanic history, culture and traditions. GRIFFITH, who has tirelessly represented the (b) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this section HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY people of Alabama’s Valley region is to authorize a study to determine the OF INDIANA during the 111th Congress. most effective ways to preserve, protect and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A native of Shreveport, Louisiana, PARKER interpret the Spanish-Hispanic historic and GRIFFITH spent much of his career in medicine cultural resources associated with the Thursday, December 9, 2010 before turning to public service later in life. In Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range-San Luis Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, it is with 1970, he earned his medical degree from the Valley region of Southern Colorado. great pleasure and admiration that I stand be- (c) STUDY.—The Secretary of the Interior Louisiana State University Medical School and (Secretary) shall conduct a special resource fore you today to recognize the Jewish Fed- served in residency at the University of Texas’ study of sites along or within the vicinity of eration of Northwest Indiana and its members M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. the Los Caminos Antiguos Scenic and His- for their outstanding community service, and His medical career includes the LSU Serv- toric Byway in the San Luis Valley to deter- to celebrate the accomplishments of the orga- ice Charity Hospital in New Orleans and the mine whether any such sites may be suitable nization at its 52nd annual meeting, which will University of Texas Medical Branch, UTMB, in for inclusion in the National Park System. take place at the Bernard and Estelle Marcus Galveston, Texas. Dr. GRIFFITH also served as Sites for study may include, but not be lim- Jewish Federation Community Building on a Medical Corps captain in the U.S. Army Re- ited to, the Sangre de Cristo Heritage Cen- Sunday, December 12, 2010. serve from 1970 to 1973, before later moving ter, San Luis, Costilla County, Colorado; the Sociedad Proteccion Mutua de Trabajadores The Jewish Federation of Northwest Indiana to north Alabama. Unidos (SPMDTU) building, Antonito, is a local branch of the larger Jewish Federa- Dr. GRIFFITH was the first radiation Conejos County, Colorado; the Fort Garland tions of North America. The Jewish Federa- oncologist in north Alabama and a pioneer in Museum, Fort Garland, Costilla County, Col- tions of North America has directed its human- the early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. orado; and the Denver & Rio Grande itarian efforts toward improving the social con- He established the first Comprehensive Can- Antonito Depot, Antonito, Conejos County, ditions of Jews and non-Jews throughout the cer Center in north Alabama to treat all types Colorado. world since 1940. Currently, this organization of cancer. As a physician, he provided free (d) CONTENTS.—In conducting the study serves 155 communities across North Amer- and discounted care to patients without insur- under subsection (c), the Secretary shall— (1) evaluate the national and international ica. The Jewish Federation of Northwest Indi- ance. significance of these sites, including— ana, in conjunction with its national and inter- PARKER retired from medicine in December (A) the history of communities under national partners, puts forth significant support 1992, and with his wife, Virginia, he co-found- Spanish rule from 1598 through 1821; toward rescue, relief, and development pro- ed the Griffith Family Foundation, which (B) the history of communities under Mexi- grams that serve Jewish communities in need awards cash grants to elementary school li- can rule between 1821 and 1848, the date of in over 60 countries, including Israel, the braries in northern Alabama. Since its estab- conclusion of the Mexican American War; former , , Africa, lishment in 2005, the foundation has donated and and Central and Eastern Europe. (C) the post-1848 history of the area under over $50,000 to area schools. United States’ rule including the first non- The Jewish Federation of Northwest Indi- Dr. GRIFFITH’S political career began in 2006 native American settlements, and the cre- ana’s long tradition of community service and when he won a seat in the Alabama State ation of the States of Colorado and New Mex- involvement in the life of Northwest Indiana is Senate, representing the 7th district, including ico; to be commended. This organization continues the Huntsville area. During his term in the (2) determine the suitability and feasi- to support many local organizations through its State Senate, he worked to improve Ala- bility of designating sites as units of the Na- endowment program and is committed to char- bama’s healthcare system, lower taxes and tional Park System; ity work, helping many in need. The charity expand early childhood education programs. (3) consider other alternatives for preserva- tion, protection, and interpretation of these programs operated by the Jewish Federation In 2008, Dr. GRIFFITH was elected to Con- sites by federal, State, or local governmental of Northwest Indiana, for which many mem- gress, representing Alabama’s Fifth Congres- entities, or private and nonprofit organiza- bers have been honored, include the Food sional District. In the U.S. House, he was se- tions; Pantry Drive, Shelter Needs, the Holiday Gift lected as a member the influential Energy and (4) consult with interested federal, State, Drive, the Adult Friendship Program, the Commerce Committee, widely considered one or local governmental entities, private and School Backpack Drive, the Senior Retreat, of the three most powerful in the House of nonprofit organizations or any other inter- the High School Prom Dress Drive, the JCY Representatives. He also served on the Over- ested individuals; and Camp, Movie Night, and K’Ton Ton, its pre- sight and Investigations, Energy and Environ- (5) identify cost estimates for any federal acquisition, development, interpretation, op- school program. The people of Northwest Indi- ment and Communications, and Technology eration, and maintenance associated with ana certainly have been rewarded by the serv- and the Internet subcommittees. the alternatives. ice and uncompromising loyalty displayed by During his time in Congress, Dr. GRIFFITH (c) APPLICABLE LAW.—The study required the Jewish Federation of Northwest Indiana advocated for NASA and the Marshall Space under subsection (a) shall be conducted in and its members. I congratulate the commu- Flight Center, Redstone Arsenal and the accordance with section 8 of Public Law 91– nity service award winners, as they are worthy TVA—all vital to his district. He also proudly 383 (16 U.S.C. la–5). of the highest praise. voted to lower taxes, invest in education and (d) REPORT.—Not later than 1 year after Madam Speaker, at this time, I ask that you create jobs. the date on which funds are first made avail- able for the study under subsection (a), the and my other distinguished colleagues join me As PARKER and his wife, Virginia, leave pub- Secretary shall submit to the Committee on in honoring the Jewish Federation of North- lic service for now and return to Alabama full Natural Resources of the House of Rep- west Indiana for its exceptional service and time, I thank them on behalf of the people of resentatives and the Committee on Energy dedication to not only the Northwest Indiana Alabama for their esteemed service and I wish and Natural Resources of the Senate a report community, but communities worldwide. The both of them the very best. that describes—

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