t>IREOTORY.] . IRONBRIDG E. 333 is 100 feet, the width of bridge, exclusive of parapets, is 26 WALL LBTTBR BoXES hleat'ed :-Station, 8.20 p.m.; Made­ (eet, the height from the base line to the centre 40 feet ; total lay Wood, 8.10 p.m.; Brockholes, 8.20 p.m.; Dale End, weight of fron, 378 tons: the Severn Valley railway has a 7-15 p.m :Station here. The town is lighted with gas from works at PETI'r SESSIONS. Madeley Wood, established in 1839 and the property of the Petty sessions are held at the Magistrates' Room, Police Gas Light Co. The water supply is derived from Station, Waterloo street, once every six weeks, on tuesdays, wells in the neighbourhood. The church of St. Luke, erected at n a.m. The magistrates for sit here in 1836, is a structure of brick, consisting of chancel, Clerk to the Magistrates, Alfred Henry Thorn, Waterloo st -nave, aisles and an embattled tower, with pinnacles, con­ PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS :­ taining a clock and one bell : the west window is stained and Butter Cross, Market place there are 1,o6o sittings, of which 666 are free. The register Inland Revenue Office, Tontine hotel dates from the ~ar 1834· The living is a rectory, average Police Station, Waterloo street; Sergeant William Roberts, "'l;ithe rent-charge £93, net yearly value £170, inclusive of officer in charge pew rents, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Madeley Volunteer (xst) Battalion, The King's Shropshire Light and held since 1867 by the Rev. Georg-e Wintour, of Wor­ Infantry (D Co. ), Capt. D. L. Prestage, commandant ; A. cester College, Oxford, and surrogate. The Wesleyan Method­ H. Thorn, lieut.; Sergeant John Redmond, drill instructor ist chapel, erected in the year 1837, is a structure of brick -and will bold about 700 persons. The Ironbridge Dispen­ PUBLIC OFFICERS:- .sary, in High street, was established in 1828 : there is no Assessors & Collectors of Taxes for Madeley Sub-district, building for the dispensary, but patients att.end at the houses Thomas E. Patten, Church terrace, Lincoln hill & Wm. Qf the different surgeons; the average num,ber of patients is Henry Smith, Belle vue -about 1,000. In the town are several brick and tile works, Inspector of Nuisances to Madeley Sanitary District Com­ malthouses and one or two limeworks. The Police Station, mittee, George Stevenson, Madeley hill erected in 1862, at the junction of the Madeley and Coalport Medical Officers, Madeley Union, No. 1 District, James -roads, is a substantial building of brick in the Italian style, Procter, Severn villa; No. 2 District, Thomas Law Webb consisting of magistrates' room, with retiring room attached, L. R.C.P.LOnd. Lincoln hill residence for police, three cells and prisoners' airing ground. Public Vaccinator, Madeley District, James Procter, Severn The Madeley Union Workhouse, a structure of brick in the villa "Gothic style, is here, and was erected in 1875 at a cost of Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages for Madeley sub­ £12,000. A drinkingfountain, ofred granitewaserectedin district, William Henry Smith, Belle vue; deputy, Ed­ 1862 in the Market square, at the expense of Mrs. Bartlett, ward Patten Smith, Belle vue Qf Marnwood, in memory of her husband, the Rev. John PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:- ·Bartlett M.A. The market day is Friday and a fair is held St. Luke's Church, Rev. George Wintour, rector; 10.45 annually on the 29th of May. The St. Milburga Lodge of a. m. & 6 30 p.m Freemasons, numbering 30 members, hold their meetings at Baptist & Congregational, Wharfage; 10.45 a.m the Wharfage. The D Co. 1st Volunteer Battalion The Primitive Methodist ; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; tues. 7 p.m King's Shropshire Light Infantry have head quarters in the Wesleyan, Madeley Wood; 10.30 a.m. & 6 pm.; wed. "town. The representativ-es of J. G. and W. Reynolds esqs. 7-30 p.m who are lords of the manor, and William Orme Foster esq. Methodist New Connexion (Zion); 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. & ..r.P., D.L. of Apley Park, the Coalbroo""kdale Company, the alternate tuesdays, 7 p.m Madeley Wood Company, Mrs. Whitmore and Miss Darby Railway Station, Charles Wm. Coldicott, station master are the principal landowners. The soil is principally clay, ScHOOLS:- "With a limestone bottom. The chief crops are a limited Parochial (mixed), erected in 1859, near the church, at a .quantity of wheat. The population in 1881 was 3,154, in­ cost of £1,8oo, for 300 children; average attendance, 97 eluding II3 officers and inmates in Madeley Workhouse. boys & girls & 46 infants ; with residence for master ; Parish Clerk, John Edwards. Thomas Daniel Thomas, master ; infants' mistress, Miss PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office Emily Stevenson (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Shrop­ Wesleyan Day (mixed & infants), erected as a memorial to shire added).-Joseph Boston Slater, postmaster, Marke~ the Rev. John William de la Flechere, formerly vicar of square. Letters arrive 4·5 a.m. & 2 p.m. ; dispatched at Madeley, & at one period a Methodist preacher; it will 8.30 a.m. & 8.40 p.m. ; sundays, 8.40 p.m. only. Box hold 280 children ; average attendance, 124 boys & girls closes at 8.40 p.m. ; office open from 8 a. m. till 9 p.m. ·; & 64 infants ; William Henry Southouse, master ; Miss sundays, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Sarah J oyner, infants' mistress PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Jobn11ton John, Brockholes house Smith Miss, Mount Pleasant "Boycott Mrs. Lincoln hill Matthews John Bradbury, Spring cot Stevenson George, Madeley road Cartwright Rev. Joseph [Wesleyan], Morris Mrs. Lincoln hill Stodd William, Brockholes Wesley mount N evett Robert, Ivy cottage, Church hill Thorn Alfred Henry, Brockholes ~hubb Edward Geo. Cherry Tree cot Owen Benjamin, Severn Bank house Titley John Jackson, Lincoln hill .Chubb Hy. Granville, Cherry Tree cot Owen Edward, The Grove Webb Thomas Law, Lincoln hill Dickin Francis, Lincoln hill Owen Harry, Acacia villa, Madeley rd Webster Edward Montagu, Hillcote Dunnill Henry Powell, The Orchard Paddock Richard, Rose cot. Lincoln hill White Joseph William, Bank house J<'rench J obn, Rose villa, Lincoln hill Page Mrs. The Shrubbery, Madeley rd WilcoxJohn,Prospecthouse,Madeleyrd Gadsby Mrs Procter James, Severn villa Wilcox Renben, Seveme terrace -Groves Edwin Fletcher, Argoed Rawle James Vellacott, Wharfage house Wintour Rev. George [rector & sur- HaTVey John H. Hill side Roberts Richard, Hill side, Lincoln hill rogate], Rectory ..James Rev. Charles Wyatt M.A. Hill Rutter John, Rock house, Lincoln hill Yates Miss, Wharfage side, Lincoln hill Shepherd George, West View villa COMMERCIAL • Burdon R. A master of the union workhouse, The Beeches .Agar John, butcher & greengrocer, High street Chubb Fredk. sec. to the Ironbridge Gas Light Co. High st Allcock William Stephens, confectioner, Wharfage Chubb Montague, clerk to county court, Hodge bower Aston Emily & Mary Ann (Misses), milliners, Market sq Clegg Susanna Mary (Mrs.), tobacconist, Wharfage Aston George, shopkeeper, Madeley wood Cookson James, general dealer, High street llailey Thomas & Son, builders, Madeley wood Cookson William, grocer, Hodge Bower road ..Bailey Thomas, beer retailer, Madeley Wood green Corfield Alfred, baker & grocer, Waterloo street .Barber William, boot & shoe maker, Belle vue Corlett Thomas Hugh, watch maker & jeweller, High street 'Bartlam Charles Ruby, ironmonger, 'l'ontine hill Curzon George, beer retailer, 'plumber &c. Madeley road Bates Edwin, tailor & draper, Madeley hill Darrell Ephraim, shopkeeper, Madeley road 'BED DOES FRANK GREEN, ironmonger, tinplate worker; Davis Thomas, draper, Madeley road uils, blasting powder, fuse & dynamite merchant &c. High Davis William, shopkeeper, Brockholes street ; & at Oakengates Dicken & Co. tea dealers, Wharfage Belch Thomas, Lake Head P.H. Madeley wood Dicks Richard & James, boot makers, H1gh street !Boycott Henry, clerk to the guardians, assessment & school DIXON ALFRED, draper & haberdasher, glass & china ware- .attendance committees of Madeley union & to Marleley house, boot & shoe dealer, High street & Tontine hill district sanitary committee, & superintendent registrar of Dodd William, bill poster, Church hill Madeley district, 'fbe Firs Dunbar John, insur. agent & gen. dlr. Tharest. Madeley wood "Branford John & Sons, plumbers, glaziers, painters & paper­ Eaton Thomas, clothier, High street hangers, Madeley road Edwards Arthur, blacksmith, Madeley road Eritish Workman Refreshment Rooms (Isaac Taylor, mana­ Edwa.rds Jane (Mrs.), White Horse P.H. Lincoln hill ger), Wharfage Evans Sarah Jane & Mary (Misses), grocers, Madeley wood H. & S. 22