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The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association

11-1-1946 The Kentucky High School Athlete, November 1946 Kentucky High School Athletic Association

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For all that is ours ... for this land of plenty in which we live . • . for our food, clothing and comfortable homes . . . our democratic way of life which gives us the right to worship in our own way-to pursue happiness in our own way ... for the joy we reap in just being able to celebrate Thanksgiving in :the true old fashioned tradition-we give our grateful thanks. The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association

VOL IX-NO. 4 NOVEMBER, 1946 $1.00 P er Year Ru.by's Argument Settlers (From Ruby's Record Book) Morris, Northwestern; Charles Black , Kansas; Tony By EARL RUBY, Sports Editor, Courier-Journal Lavelli, Yale; , 0 . A. & M. ; , DePaul ; Sid Tanebaum, N. Y. U.; Paul Hus­ Basketball is the only major spor t of our own ton, Ohio State; J am es Jordan , North Carolina. origin played n ihe today. All oth er games ar e direct importation s or ar e adaptations .. . K entucky h as won t he Southeastern ch ampionship The first real gam e was contested on January 20, 8 times. T ennessee 3 times and Georgia Tech and 1892. Alabama once each. _ In fifty years basketball has grown in popularity The K . I. A. C. t itle h as gon e to Western 11 times, so fast th at it now out-draws all other school an d to Georg·etown, Louisville and Berea twice, and to spectator sports (with th e doubtful except ion of soft­ Murray and Eastern (defending champion) once each. ball) by m any th ousands. . . . Softball is r ated first, unofficially, with something like 140,000 ,000 admis­ . Jack Parkinson was high scorer for U. K. last sions per year. Basketba.ll is n ext with about 110,- year with 339 points. Wah Wah Jones was next 000,000 .. .. Then follow baseball and football. with 290 and t hird with 279 , one ahead of Jack Tingle .. . The Wildacts totaled 1,821 Basketball's H all of F am e for coach es sponsored points, an average of 61 2/ 3 a game, to opponen ts' 40. by th e H elms F oundation· includes , coach of the U. K. Wildcats, H enry P. Iba, Howard Ashland and Lexington have part icipated in more Cann, Dr. W . E. Meanwell, G eor ge E. Keegan , Nat K entucky high school ch ampionships than any other Holman, Osborne Cowles, Justin Barry, Di'. Forrest C. schools. Each has be'E! n in 13 . . . Lexington has won Allen, Clair· Bee, Clarence Edmundson , Ward Lam­ th e tournament five t imes and Ashland t hree . . . bert, and Lon W alter J ourdet . .. . The Players-Hall St . X avier and Hazard have played in 11 each, and of F am e includes Vic H ansen, Charles Hyatt, John Dan ville in 10 .. . Louisville Manual, Owensboro and Schonmer, Geor ge Mikan, Edward McNichel, P aul Central City · in nine each , Manual is second to Endacott, Ashworth Thompson , Angele Luisetti, Lexington in tournaments won with four. , Harland Page, and The highest single game total by an y player in Robert Kurland. th e high school tournament is 28, scored by Frank Player of th e year in '46 was Bob Kurland of Fraley of Breckenridge against Dawson Springs last Oklahoma A. and M .. . . In 1944 and '45 it was De­ year. Paul's George Mikan Purdue's John Wooden· The highest single game total for a team is 68 took t his award in 1932 , K entucky's scored by Breckenridge aganst Dawson Springs last in '35 . . Notre Dame's John lVIoir was so honored year. in 1936. Second highest team total on r ecord is 64 , scored Oklahoma A. and M. ranked No. 1 in America last by Louisville Manual against Ogden College in 1923 year, as it did in 1944-45, winnin g 31 gam es and tournament . .. Som erset tallied 63 against Coving­ losing 2. Coach 's out fit won the N. C. ton in 1918. A. A. Championship as it did in 1944-45. . Bob Kurland, in sparking t h e season , totaled 643 points Widest m ar gin of all t im ~ in the annual school in 33. . Kentucky was r ated No. 1 by Helm in boy tourney is 50 points (54 to 4) tabbed by Lexing­ 1933 . . . Purdue merited top placem en t in 1932, ton over Columbia in 1922 . . . Second widest 49 Notre D am e in 1936. . . Last season Nor th Car olina (63 -14) by Somerset over Covington in 1918. ' ' was No. 2 and U. K. No. 3. The lowest winning total is 13 , tallied by Ashland N. C. A. A. tourn ament ch ampions have been: over Carr Creek in 1928, and by Ashland over H azel 1939-0regon, 1940-Indian a, 1941-Wisconsin, 1942-Stan­ Green in 1934. ford, 1943-Wyoming, 1944-Utah , 1945 and 1946 Okla ­ hom a Aggies. The hig·h est losing total in a championship gam e is 42 , scored by Central City against Male High N a tiona! Intercollegiate cham pions-1938-Warrens­ in 1945. burg, Mo., 1939 -South western, 1940-Tarkio, Mo., ·1941- San Diego State, 1942 -Hamline, 1943-Cape Girardeau , The lowest losing total in a ch ampionship gam e 1944- (no tournament) , 1945-Loyola of New Orleans, is 7 scored by Frankfort against Lexington's 55 in 1946-Southern Illinois NormaL 1922 tournament fin ale. National Invitational champions-Temple, 1939- Long I sland, 1940-Colorado, 1941-Long I sland, 1942- The shortest winning m ar gin in a championship W est Virginia, 1943-St. J ohn's, 1944- St. John's, 1945- contest js one point, scored by Lexington over Somer­ DeP aul , 1946-Kentucky. set (16-15) in 1918. Intercollegiate All-America (H elms) for 1946: Jack The lon gest game- four over times by Ashland and .Parkinson, U. K .; Lee Klier, Notre Dame; Max Carr Creek in 1928 title game. - Page Two The KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE

NOVEMBER, 1946 VOL. IX-NO. 4 Borchelt , W. c., 1602 Section R d ., 16, Ohio Bozarth, H. Jr., Caneyville Published monthly, except June and July, by the Kentucky Branaman William H . Jr., Box 46 , London Bran t ley, Thomas, B rowder High School Athletic Association. Braun, Edgar F. "Bud", Cannelton, Ind. Office of Publication, Henderson, K y. Braun Robert 3321 Mable Ave., Covington E ntered as second-class matter at the post office at Henderson , Brewe{·, Dougl~s, Jackson Bridges, George C. , P awling H all, Georgetown Kentucky under the act of March 3, 1879. Broadley, Claude, Hebbardsville . Editor. .... W. B. OWEN Broderick. Carroll A .. 1036 State St., Bowlmg Green L eitchfield, Ken t ucl;y Brooks, Roy E., 261 Dixie Hgwy., Florence Brown, Bryan t, B erea BOARD OF CONTROL Brown, Georg() W ., R. 1, Pryorsburg Brown, James W., Stanford · President ...... Russell E . Bridges, F ort Thomas Brown, Sa m F., Arlington Vice-President...... W. B. Owen, Leitchfield, K y. Brubeck, Shields A. , Carlisle S ecretary~ Treasurer...... rr heo. A . Sandford, Henderson Bryant, Charles H .. 633 State. B owling Green I Buchana n , William H., 215 H igh St., B a rbourville Directors-Sam B. Pollock, Madisonville ; T. K. Stone, Car r oll- Bumgardner, Bert E ., Campt on ton; Lyman V. Ginger, Lexing ton; Matt Sparkman,• Paintsville. Bunger, Fred, Dry Ridge Bunnell, George L., 4419 K emper Ave., St. Bernard Subscription Rates .. . $1.00 P er Year 17, Ohio Burch, Clarence "Ossie", Corbin Burd. Orville D.,. Cave City Burkha rt. R a lph, W a llit Creek Burks, Yancey. Horse Cave . . . Burman John (Jack) . 4051 W .. 8th. Cmcmnat1, Ohio Bush J ~ m es B. 17 Locust St. . Erlanger Calhom1. Foste1: c., Hindman The following list of officials was compiled and Calvert, Courtland E., Livermore · sent to the printer on November 4. Officials register­ Campbell, George H ., 116 Winchester Ave., Middlesboro ing after this date m ay present t heir registr ation C~mpbell , W . Robert, R. 2, Cave City cards to member schools if they officiate contests Carneal, J ames William, H odgenville before the D ecember supplem entary list a ppea rs. Carrico, Charles M., Lebanon Abbott, J ohn M., 138 Crestmoor Ave., Louisville, 6 Carroll, G eorge E., Allais Abney, Bob, St., B erea \ Carroll, J ack, R. 1, Paducah Acton, Charles F., 618 E. Main, G eorgetown Carroll, Willard, R. 2, P a ducah Adams, Bill, R. 1, Russellville Carson, Earl J., 2075 Dixie Highway, F t . Mitchell Adams, Charlie K., 1613 Clark, P a ducah Cartee, R alph Jr., Olive Hill Adkins, Tom, Sandy H ook Castle, Floyd Jr., Pikeville Aker s, Astor K., R. 6, Cynthiana Caton, F. D ., 22 D ortha, Floren ce Akers, T ed L ., W ayland Ca udill, Delmas, Lackey Allen, Talmadge Y., 2800 Frederica. Owensboro Chaney, Russell Box 545, Pikeville Allensworth, T. M., Guthrie Chinn , Charles, Rockpor t, I nd. Anderson, N. J., Burkesville Chumbler. W . W ., Crofton Armstrong, George, Sassafr as Clark, Charlie, T / 5, 1580th A. S. U. Medical Detach., Arnzen, Stanley, 52-16th St., Newport Camp Campbell Ashby, Bobby, B agdad ~ Clay, 0. K ., Box 831 , Williamson, W . Va. Ashby, K enneth J., B agdad Clegg, James B ., Centre College, Danville Ashby, James R obert, N . College, Au.burn Clift, Charlie, Columbia Atnip, C. E ., Cil.vert City Clonts, George R ay, 202 Eddings, Fulton Aylor, Wilbur R., 2625 Blackburn Ave., Ashland Cohen, Irvin H ., 1215 D elor Ave., Louisville 4 Backer , Maurice A., Troy, Ind. Colbert, Norman, R. 2, Wingo Bagian, Edward B., 640 Cecil Ave., Louisville Coleman, L. J _"Duke", 364 College, H a rrodsburg B ailey, Arville, Flat G ap Collie. James E., College Station, Murray B aker, J. R. Jr., Auburn Collin.s, Astor, Whitesburg B aldree, James E., Thomas J eff. P l., P aducah Combs, Morton, Carr Creek Ballard. Robert A ., 23 Cam eron S t ., P aris Combs. Shelby, Vicco B arr, Robert D aniel, 1125 P leasant St ., P aris Com bs W alter H .. 409 Oakhurst. H azard B arr. William J . Jr., 1014 Pleasant St., P aris Comle:\r, Connie. Centre College. Danville Bass, Willa rd A., 5806 Woodmont , Cincinnat i, 13, ·ohio Conley, Tom W., Oil Sprin&s B ates, H. A., 1012 So. 4th St., Louisville · Conliffe, Fra nk D., 654 E astla wn, Louisville Beard , J a m es T., 637 B axter Ave., Madisonville Connor. Jim, 204 E. 7th S t ., Newpor t Beasley, William S., Hq. 1st Regt. RTC, Fort Knox Cook, E. C. "Bunt.". Highland Ave .. Georgetown Beiersdorfer, Jim, 5517 Surrey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Cook, Louis, R. 3, Croft on Berman , Milton A. , 602 E. Chestnut, Louisville Coop, Paul, Redmon Ave., Ca mpbellsville Berry, Armon C., 11 F annin Court, Frankfort Cooper, John Wellington, 410 East Ma in' St., D an ville Betz, Richard I., 103 Chelan Dr., Lexington Cooper, Robert L ., Inez Bish op, M artin D ., 7228 Iuka Ave., M adeira . Ohio Cooper, W a rren, Brooksville . Black, Amos Ralph, H arrodsburg Cornett. Cha lmer B., Viper Blackburn, M arc, Box 172, Fredonia Cornett, Collie B., Vicco Blair, R . G ay, Jackson Cornwell. Lloyd N., 1606 Miller Ave., Murray Blair, William C ., Chavies Cosby. H. P .. T ompkinsville Blankenship, Vernon, Pikeville Cover . H a rry E., 2701 Ma dison Rd .. Cincinnati, Ohio Blankenship. W alter, Pikeville Crabb. Van . Centre College. D anville Bolton, Orville R andall, K y. H ouses of Reform, Crowe, A. Y .. 1510 Center. Owensboro Greendale Crowe, Delmas, F ., Tompkinsville Bourland, Thomas D ., 813 'h Greenup, Ashland Cummings, J a mes T ., 2800 So. 3rd St., Louisville FOR NOVEMBER P age Three

Da lton, Alford P ., Holland Givens, J·ohn Jr., McHenry Da lzell, Edward A., 9 W. 5t h St., Paris Glass, Thomas Sherwood, Hamilton St., Georgetown Damico, Ernie. 1758 E. McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio Gooch, Leonard, Waynesburg · Da nks, William L .. R. 3, Lewisburg Goodall, Thomas B., Sr., 18 Beechwood Ave., Fort Daniel, W. Clifton, Jackson Thomas Davenport, Charles F ., 411 N. Lexington, Wilmore Gore, Randolph, R. 6, P aduca h Davenport, E . C., R. 2, Anchorage Gosser, J. B., Nancy Davidson, George W. Jr., Annville Grandle, Olen R., 1402 Beaverton Ave., Cincinnati, Davis, R a lph, E., Vanceburg Ohio Dawson , R. Ray, Stearns Grannan, P a ul E ., 827 Florence Ave., Louisville De Moisey, John, 1542 Madison Ave., Covington Green, Charles W., Jeff . Deskins, Tilden, Praise Green, Glendon "Junior", Morgantown Detherage, William 'J ., Pulaski Green Tom, 612 Jackson, Georgetown DeVault, Don, 1229 Mesker P ark Drive, Eva nsville, Ind. Greene, Omar Paul, B ox 654, W est Liberty Dickerson, Dan, 630 s. Ashla nd, Lexington Greenup, William, Union Dodson, Lawrence B ., 706 E. M t. Vemon, Somerset . Grimes, J . D ., Salem Donis, Bland, P. 0 . Box 329. Russellville Grimes, J . William, No. 3 Ed\~ i n Cc., Covington Dorsey, Ralph C., Horse Cave Hacker, Henry, Beattyville Dossett, Norma n V., Sucramento Ha dden, Newell P., Jr., 149 Iroquois Ct., Lexington Dowdy, G a rlon, R. 1. P a ducah Haines, Jack W ., 1415 Ma in, Murray Downing, Alex, Edmon ton Ha ines, William H., 558 E .. 4th St., Newport j D romo, John, Fenwkk Club, Ci nci 1 m ~i i , Ohio Hale, Aries V., L . W. J. C., Columbia Duff, Chester E., Hazard Hall, Billy V., Elkton Duft', Z. I . Jr., Haza rd Hall, Charlie, Box 135, Whitesburg Duncan, Earl S., Jeffersontown Hall, Elvis, McHenry Duncan, T. S., Bardwell Hall, George W., 1728 Northa mpton , Cincinnati Duning, Carl, 3314 Lookout Drive, Cincinnat i, Ohio Hall, Paul R., Pleasureville Dunlevy, T. M., Bank Bldg., Cha rlestown , Ind. Hall, Pryor, Pleasureville Dunn, S. R., R. 4, P a ducah Ha ll, W a de, Elkton Durham, Edward, Buffa lo Halmess, H . J ., 7th St., Carrollton Durham, Terrili McKinney Hambrick, Walter, W a rsaw Dycus, Eddie H:, Kuttawa ' Ha mm, George E., London Eads, W alter, R. 1, Box 5, Monticello Hammers, Denzil, 316 S . Robinson S t., Ea rlington Edelen, Benjamin R., 1441 S. 4th St., Louisville Hammonds, Clois, R. 1, Kevil Edens, _Ray D ., Sanders Ha ncock, Bob Noel, Box 245 , Anchorage Edwards, Hubert, Pickett Hanes, Edward C., 1341 College St., Bowling Green Ellington, Russell F., Veterans Hospital, Lexington Harmon, Miller H ., 209 York St., Louisville Ellis, Charles C., 1851 W . Hill, Louisville Harris, George F., Salem Eng·elhardt, Carl F., 400 E . Bridge, qynthiana Hartley, William Elbern, 1121 Marshall, Evansville Enlow, Phil, K. A. House, Georgetown 13, Ind. Ernst, Ray C., 3574 Larkspur Axe., Cincinnati 8, Ohio Haven, Reathel T ., Vine Grove Ervin, Byron, 218 N. Ma in, Russellville Hays, William, K. A. House, G eorgetown Estridge, Chester, K . A. House, Georgetown Hazelwood, Archie, Hebbardsville Everett, Gene E., Elkton Heinisch, William Ray, Vanceburg Farris, Abe, Sunfish Heldman, John Jr., University of Louisville, Louisville Faulkner, Hubert, Williamsburg Helwig, George, 66 Glendale, Cincinnati· 15 , Ohio Felts, Charles A., Elkton Henderson, Brooks, Tollesboro Ferrara, Carl, Box 61, Marion Henderson, Louis C., Harlan Fields, Joe D., Benton Henderson, Robert L., R. 3, Mayfield Fields, Follace, .Box 302 , Whitesburg· Hendon, Cleo B., Wilford St., Mayfield Figg, Charles R., Box 6, Georgetown College, Hendrick, Paul, 610 15th St., Bowling Green Georgetown Hendrix, John H., R. 7, Hopkinsville Fiser, Hal, Benton Henry, Oliver F ., 130 Howard Ave., M t . Sterling Flanagan, A. E., Jamestown Henson, Howard, Pryorsburg Fletcher, J a mes H ., R. 1, Kevil Hickey, H. Harold, 905 Poplar , Corbin Foley, Everett, Mt. Washington Hicks, Robert Ewing, 522 West 9th , Owensboro Forsythe, Robert; Browder Hieronymus. John D ., St. H elens Frank, Cla rence H ., 1445 Mellwood, Louisville Hill, Clem J ., 209 York St., Lou~sv ill e 2 Frecka, Charles A. , 915 So. 5th, Ironton Hines, Cliff, 215 11th St., Bowling Green Freels, J ames W ., Island Hodges, Holbert, London Fritz, Ca rl R., St. Ma ry's College, St. Mary Hodges, Marvin H., 1641 Miller Ave., Murray Fritz, Harry G., Transylvania College, Lexington Hoferer, Louis R., 983 Wells Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Fulton, Elmer, D., R. 2, M aysville Hofstetter, Joe, Station B , William son , W . Va . Fultz, Waldo, Jr., Olive Hill Hogg, Bill Herbert, Centre College, Danville F urr, Charles C .. 1238 Garvin Place, Louisville Holeman, D. Fletcher; 329 Poplar St., Dawson Spring& Gant, William G ., Jr., 110 So. Ford, Corbin Hollon, James I., Jr., Hazel Green Gardner, Daniel H ., 222 So. Green, Henderson Holly, Samuel E ., R. 1, Fulton Gardner, Howard E. 304 W a rfield, Elizabet htown Holt, J ames Elmo, 805 W a lnut St., Fulton Garrison, Wilmer, MeAn Apt. Lebanon Holt, Vernon, Jamestown Gay, Leslie C., Box 121, Somerset Hood, Clayton, Greensburg Gellenbeck, Lee W., 327 Linden Ave., Newport Hood, Steve E., 113 N. 14th St., Murray Gibson, William, 344 Oak, Mayfield Honaker, Clifford V., Van Lear Gillum, B. J ., Jackson Horne, Floyd W ., Inez Gilreath, James E., Berea College, Berea Horton, Peyton A., Ewing Ha ll, Lexington Ginger, William L . Jr., Box 296, Mortons Gap Hough, Ralph E .. Box 332, Danville Gingles, Ralph, Kirksey Hough, Robert, R. 3, Paris Gish , Delmas, 107 W . Fo~th , Central City House, Darrell, Box 416, Elizabet h town Page Four The KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE

Howa rd, Joe M ., Lawrenceburg Liles, Thomas J., Cor yd on H oward, Vernon T ., 114 High S t., Versailles Lillie, Ca pt. G. B., Brookport, Ill. Hubbard, J . D ., Sh ady Grove Lindsay, Gordon R., Jr., Box 271 , Murray Hudson, J . D., Caneyville Lindsey, J ack, Kevil Hudson, J.P., Beaver Dam Lincks, w , R., 115 C0llege St., Somerset ' udson, Jefferson W., 310 Summit Le., Ft. Mitchell Linker, Joe D., 1806 West Jefferson Blvd., Louisville H gts, Covington Linne, Ralpn L.,. Market, Troy, Ind. H uff, Russell, Monticello Litter a l, H arry F ., 210 Bridge St., Paintsville Hughes, William, Central City Little. George G., La nca ster Hunt , J oseph S . Jr., 330 15til, B owling Green Lit ton, H . J ohnny, Cumberland College, Willia m sburg Hurd, F red, Clinton Lockridge, M orris, Central Ave. ,. Madison , Ind. H urley, H erber t, B enton Logsdon, D aniel, Sunfish Hutchison, Richar d P ., % Mrs. Dick Able, W a lnut Looney, Dick . Praise St. Leba non Long, H a rry M.; 10 Kee!lfield. Richmond Iler, D ewey, 2725 N. W. P arkway, Louisville Losey, H om er E., West S orr:erset Ison, R a ymond, Skaggs Lovell, Joe, Luzerne J ackson, Richard T., Box 144, Praise Lowe, Robert R., 317 P owh attan, Louisa J a meson, Robert E., B eattyville Luttrell, Ray, Dun dee J ennings, Denzil E., Kutta wa McAninch, E. R., Mid::ileburg J ennings, Jack, B enton McCombs, George Jr., Bl (/W n sville Johns, Charles Wilton, Butler McConnell, William G., Jr., 34 Linden Ave., Ft. T homas Johnson, Bernard M ., 216 Westwood Ct ., L exington McCord, Anthony A., C. P. 0. 503, Richmond J ohnson, Calvin T., U. of L., Scf: ool of M edicine, M cCord, Clarence E., Clay Louisville McCreary, John F., L. W. J. C .. Columbia Johnson, Everett, R. 3, Richmond M cCubbin, J. Car l, 424 W. Mai ', Campbe1lsvU e Johnson, Fred, College P. 0., Box 561, Morehead McCuiston, P at M., Box 33, P embroke Johnson , Gerald, 428 Commonwealth, Erlanger :vi cD a n iel, T . G .. Jr., E. K S . T. C., Richmond Johnson, H a rry Jr., 428 Commonwealth, Erlanger McDowell, J ames W., B ox 173, East B er n stadt J ohnson, Thomas C., Car lisle M cD owell , W andon, East B ernstad t Jones, Dukie, Mound St., H a rlan M cEuen, J ames B., Sacra mento Jones, J . C ., Georgetown Mcl<' arla nd, R ollin, Ja n~esto w n J ones, J oseph R., B ox 13, Golconda, Ill. McGhee, La wr ence, B ::Jx 66 , D a nville J ordon, Kenneth P., 906 Baker St., Covington McGown, J ohn S ., 1224 L a urel. Bowling Green K a va naugh, J ohn Fra nk. 232 Mart St., Mor ganfield McGuffey, .H a rold, 1314 K y. St., Bowling Green K eller, Herma n F., 2105 E. Mulberry, Evansville McGuir e, Ronald, Ezel 14, Ind. McKechnie, G lenn L ., Box 238, Monticello K ercheval, H . C., Jr., Ashbyburg McKinn ey, Garland, Greensburg KeiT, R. I . Jr., Box 220, Georgetown College, McKown, C. H. "Jackie", Wayne, W. Va. Georgetown McLain, J ames, H odgenville M cMilla n, J. N., Y. M. C . A., Ashland Kerth, Owen L., 1009 Clark. PaC.:u ca h McNabb, Edgar, 137 Pleasant Ridge Ave., So. Ft. K ennedy, Edward J . Jr., 1267 P arkway, Covington Mitchell, Covington Kiesey, R a y, P a ducah Road, M a yfield Killebr ew, Ual, Fulton Macaulay, Clay ton D., 305 E. 7th St., Manchester , King·, George F., La Center· Ohio King, J . T ., B ardwell M acy, Tom, H ardinsburg King, James. P r ice, 712 Frederica, Owensboro Maier, Chris L ., 3942 St. J ohns Terrace, Deer Park King, R oy ., Mt. Vernon 13, Ohio King, Samuel E ., 16 W . 19th St., Covington Majors, Damon , Caneyville Kinsella, Bob, 2119 Slevin St., Louisville Mallory, B radford, R. 2, Corinth Kirk, Charles E., Inez Manlove, G erald H., Ewing H a ll Apts, Lexington Kirkwood, R ay, R. 2, M anitou M a n son, H a r old, 114 Vetera ns Village, Murray Kling, Lester E., 431 Militar y, Georgetown Mantle, Bourke, Bardwell Knott, J a mes E., Columbia M a rinaro, Fra n k , P raise Krekel, John W., 3641 Vermon t , Louisville· Martin, D avid P., 429 Linden W a lk, Lexington Kruer, Robert J ., 815 S. Gra nd Ave., Ft. Thomas· M a r tin, Lewis G., Smithland Kura chek, J ohn, Millersburg Milit a r y Institute, Mason, Earl Wilson , 726 B r en twood, Louisville Millersburg M ason, James E., 315 E ast South, M ayfield Lacy, Elsworth, Cannel City M assey, Robert H .; Man<;:hester La ke. Frank, 610 20t11 St., K en oua, W . Va. M a stroleo, Anthony R., 46 Beech Drive, Covington La kin, Harold, Swann Dormitory, M. ·s. C., Murray M a thews , Eugene, 107 Buttimer Ave., Frankfort La m a r , Ca rl F ., Brandenburg May, G en e F., 29 M cAlpin Ave., Erlan ger La mb, C. G ., Box 198, H ender son Ma ys, G eorge Lee, Jr., 612 Elm St., R avenna La mber, Arthur, 218 So. H ancock, L ouisville Mays, R a lph J ., Barbourville L a n ca ster , H arry C .. 411 R osemont, Lexington Meacham, Billy, B en ton Rd., P aduca h La nd, Kenneth. R. 3, M a dison , Ind. Meade, Foster, Box 364, P a intsville La wrence. D ave, 209 Fairfax, S t . M ath ews Meredith, W ilmer H .. Smiths Grove Lawson, Burnice, Canmer Mielcarek, Chester, Cumberla nd L ayn e, O t tis L., Box 79, Salyersville Milbern, J oda, McKinney L each, Leslie. Jr., Fonthill Milkovich, Milan, 4614 S ou. Pkwy, Louisville Ledfor d, William C., Box 84, Lancaster M iller, Bob. 357 T aylor Ave., B ellevue Lee, Richard, M or tons G ap Miller, E. B ., Jr., Salvisa Lee, Robert, R. 2, Corinth Miller, Ray, Monticello· Legrand, Leslie, 302 E. Arch, M adisonville Milliken,· J ohn S., Jr., 1837 T yler · P arkway, Louisville Lehmann, L awren ce R., 46 Bluegrass Ave., F t . Thomas Mitchell, Cutter , Gra yson L ew1s, Thomas A., Lewrencebu rg Mitchell, George E., Clay Liggett, Edward, Sebree M itchell, Hollis,. Jr., J a m estown Liles, Charles, Corydon Mitchell, J a m es A., 703 Troy Ave., Hickman FOR NOVEMBER Page Five

Mitchell, Thomas W ., Clay Ratliff, William R., Box 245 , Stone Moeller, Winton L., 35 02 Victoria Pl., CincinnaLi, Ohio R atterman, B ernard W., 1222 So. 41st, Louisville 11 Moellering, Louis H ., 6508 Crest Ridge, Cincinnati 13, Reagan, J ohnny L., College S tation, Murray Ohio R edden, Hugh F'., G. I. VIllage, Murray Mohler , Myrvin H., Brewers Reddfen, J a mes W., B ox 1, Midway Monroe, David W., LaGrange Redford, J ack, Milburn Monroe, Edwin, 610 E. Belville St., M arion Reid, Cecil, Mayfield Montgomery, Robert, 5th St., P a intsville Rettig, H oward Wesley, R. 1, H enderson Montgomery, W . G. "Bill", Reynolds Metals Co., Reynolds, B ill, Martin Brookfield, Ill. Reynolds, J ames W., 177 R osenwald Place, Madison - Montgomery, Robert W ., Rockport , I nd. ville Moody, Arthur L., R. 2, Shepherdsville Richa rds, Logan, 317 Springlake, Madisonville Moor e, M artin R ay, H odg·enville Richardson, Joe M., B row:ter Moor e, W. A., Centra l Park, Louisville 8 Rich ardson, Lewis H., Le1r isburg· Moses, Marshall, 105 Forest Ave., Erlanger Richlin, Ma urice M., 219 No. M t. H olly, Louisville Moss, Elwood , Munfordville Roark, J immy, 503 Howmd, Preston soUl g Moss, Howard A. , 502 N. 6th St., P aducah Robbins, Burgess B., Williamsburg Moss, " Moose" Julian, Box 10, Lancaster Roberts, Chanes E., C / O J . B. McGehee, Hickman Moss, W alter Anderson, K evil Roberts, Eugene Lee, G eorgetown Mullins, Arthur J., 13 Euclid, W inchester Roberts, John G., Jr., B ardwell Mullins, Ben H., Box 456 , Jenkins Roberts, Lee, Harold Mullins, Kenneth P., Mt . Vernon R obertson, Everett, Box 34, Russell 'f Murphy, Mike, Kings Mountain Robinson, D ick, 295 C as ~ id y, Lexington Mussm a n , Ralph, Jr., H olmes High, Covington Robin son, J ohn Jr., Box 361, J ackson Nance, William B., Onton Rocke, J ames M., Cynthiana Newnam, Luther Garland, Beattyville Rominger, D o;,a HJ, B roadway, Berea Newsome, Forest, Wheelwright Rone, Garvin, Morgantown Newton, Reason G., Lebanon Junction Rose, Andy, Division of R ecreation, C -:: ntral P m·k, Nimmo, Lo, 6671 Kenne-dy, Cincinnati, Ohio Louisville Noel, G eorge E., South P or tsm ou th Rose, H arold , Ezel Nolan, Robert Earl, Linefork Rou se, Clyde L .. Lloyd H. S ., Erlanger Norman, Dwight L., R. 4, Paducah Royse, Junie, 408 High, Faris Nunem a ker, John, Box 177, Somerset Rubarts, Leland G., Dunnville O 'Brien , Tim, Box 332, Golconda, Ill. Rudd, M arco M., 2706 Lexington Ave., Ashl::md O 'D a niel, Henry, R. 1, Pryorsburg C/ 0 Social Security E d., Hazard Oldham , Charles M., Box 355, H artford Rushing, Champ, Smithland · O 'Nan, Eugene, R. 3, Hender son R ussell, Ray G ., 485 high St., J enkins Osborne, Bill, Rineyville Ruter, Charles lVI ., 1529 t>tate S t., B owling Green Osborne, Vernon, Stevenson H a ll, Union College, · Sachleben, George, Miiton Barbourville Salmons, Gorman, Albany Otto, Jack B., 19 Crown, F or t Thomas Samples, Gilbert, Manchester Overby, Clayton, Bandana Satterly, U. G., H arwdsburg Owens, Frank J., Jr., 409 S o. 39th St., Louisville 12 Saunders, H a rold Shelbyville P a rish , Edward A. , South Carrollton Schetien, W L!ia m: Erlanger P a rker, Clyde W., 120 E. Gray, Louisville Schmidt, C. J ., 5544 SUlTet Ave., Cincinnati 11, Ohiu P arker, M . L., 3240 Harrison , P a ducah Schmidt, Ralph, 2621 13th St., Ashland P aschall, Joe D., H azel Schuette, Frederick, R. 3, H enderson P atterson, G. Rowland, 242 B elfont, Russell Schutz, Edward, R. 7, Box 367, R ose D rive, Louisville 9 P ayne, P atrick M., 1907 M aplewood Pl., Louisville Schutz, J ohn J . Jr., 1515 H ighland, Louisville P erry, William D., 24 Ross Ave., So. Ft. Mitchell, Scott, J ames E., Sacramento Covington Seltsam, Albert, R. 1, D a n ville Settle, Raoy G ates, Rumsey Phelps, Rudy, Russell Shannon, Edward H., 203 Chena ult Road, Lexington 18 Phillips, P aul, Sacra m en to Sharp, H enry T., H awesville Philpot, Robert A., 1830 McCulloch Ave., Owensboro Shaw, Stanley S., 815 W oodlawn Ave., Cincinnati 5, Pickett, Sanders, Greensburg Ohio Pickett, W a lter, Columbia Shear, Charles H ., 129 Mills Ave., W yoming, Ohio Pinson, Eugene, Pikeville Sheeran, Lee, 1103 Carlisle Louisville Pitzer , J . H., Box 614, Middlesboro Shotwell, W illiam B ., Route 42 , F lor ence Playforth, R. H., Wayn esburg Silliman, George R., 119 E. M ain, D anville • P obst, J ack, M. S. T. C., Morehead Silver, J ohn A., 4749 Winton Rd., Cincinnati 32, Ohio Pogue, Fred, Lynn Grove Simmons. Oscar M .. J r. Monticello · P olley, George R., P . 0. Box 69 , Owensbor o Sims, J a rn es, Lynn Grove P oppas, Nickolas, Blue Dia mond Siphers, J oe Bill, Box 234, B enham P orter , C. A., 607 lOth St., Bowling Green Slater, H arry Baker, 31 Erlanger Rd., Erla nger Posey, Addison, R. 2, H enderson Smith, B ennie, Rima · Potter, John M., Cromona Smith, Edgar J., 1929 Emerson Ave., Louisville P otts, Owen M . 219 5th S t., Ca rrollton Smith, Lester , M anchester Powell, Jules N. "Bill", Box 151, Praise Smith, Ralph, Webbville Price, Richen H., Clay Sn edegar, John A. Sharpsburg Fruit, G. B., Carlisle S'now, R oy C., 745 B en son Ave., F r ankfor t Pursifull, Cleophus, Loyall Sosh , La Rue, Uniontown Purnhage, William G., Troy, Ind. Sosh, Nelson, Uniontown R a nda ll, Guy George, 925 Cla rk St., P aducah Sosh , Woodrow P ., 390 W . 4th , R ussellville Rankin, Robert M ., College P. 0., Eastern S. T. C., Spence, Foster Hoyt, Pikeville Richmond Spickard, Marvin P ., Jamestown R aque, Norbert N., 112 So. 37th Louisville S prinkle, Ivan, 834 l Oth, T ell City, I nd. R atliff, J ohn R., 336 W. 8th , P ;u·is Spurlock, E. M., Manchester Page Six The KENTUCKY HIGH SC~OOL ATHLETE

Stalli.ns, Clifton, Princeton Willis, John J ., 1417 Versailles Road, Lexington Stapleton, Davis B., Box 257, P a intsville Wilson, Barney E., College St., Union College, Steiger, AI. Jr., 2324 Greenwood, Louisville Barbourville Stephenson, · H a rry, 115 12th, Lexington Wilson, Jack R., 3009 Moore St., Ashland Stith, Bob, 10 Broadview Place. F t. Thomas Wilson, Robert R. "Bullet", 311 College, Winchester Stout, W. T., 1327 W. 3rd St., Owensboro . Windsor, Joseph V., College Station, Murray Strange, Charles H., L a Center Witten, Stoy G., 312 Campbell, Frankfort Strange, John W ., La Center Woford, Ernest, 448 So. 3rd, Danville Stratton, C. F . "Chick", Box 173, Goody Wood, Jimmie, 1805 Hughes Ave., Owensboro Strelow, Sgt ., Edward T., Hea dqua rters Co., T . A. S., Woods, Jack, 1409 Main, P aris Fort Knox Wooton, James L ., Slaughters St rong, D avid Alton, 434 S o. 6th, Paducah· Wray, Robert L., Wales Stroube, William H ., College Station, Murray Wright, Charles G., 607 Elm St., Ludlow Sturgill, T. B .. 38 Highland, Prestonburg· Wright, George H ., 406 Clark, Bellevue Sullivan, Eursie L., Canmer Wright, Leon, R. 1, Georgetown Sullivan , John "Gene". 205 So. Main S t ., B arbourville Wurtenberger, Harold W ., 624 Boonesboro Ave., Sumner , Willis A .. Dra kesboro Lexington Susott, Wilfred, 2001 W . Franklin, Evansville, Ind. Yaggi, Bill, lOth and Herman, Tell City, Ind. Swearingen, Cha rles H ., Science Hill Yancy, Charles, Box 274, Arlington T a ckett, Wendell, Box 660 College P. 0., Richmond Yessin, Humzey, 336 Harrison Ave., Lexington T a lber t , R. L ., Box 497, B enha m Young, Edward, 507 So. lOth, Paducah Tanner, Don, Union Young, Harold R., Alva Tapp, Clovis, 1319 Cummnock St.,. H enderson Young, Roy, Elkton Taylor , Claydus, Stevenson Hall, Union H a ll , Young, W . B., Standard Oil Co., Paducah Barbourville Zachary, Alvin L., Liberty T aylor, Henry V., lltll & Johnston Sts ., M et r opo li ~ Zimbro, Richard M .• 646 High S t ., Russell Taylor, Jack, Joppa . Ill. Taylor, Ja.mes M ., Box 187, Pineville Telese, L t. Al, Hq. 1st R egt., Fort Knox Thompson, J ack, 1945 Eastview Ave., Louisville T h ompson , Ralph 3249 G lenmore, Cincinnati Veterans' Eligibility Thornsbury, Dexter R., 405 4th St., Augusta Tierney, Francis J ., Grayson Todd, Doyle 0., Cleaton The secretary continues to get numerous Topmiller, Ben, Jr .. Browder letters from member schools of the associa­ Trimble. W. R., Clinton Troutman, Melvin H .. R. 1, Owensboro tion concerning the eligibility of returning Tufts, James R., Box o54. P a intsville · veterans. All such inquiries should be ad­ Tucker, Boyd M., 226 J asper St., Somerset Turner, A . J . (Jack ), L angley dressed to President Bridges. By-Law Turner, Eugene V .. Livermore XXXIV states that "The President of the Underwood, Johnnie, College Station. Murray Utley, William 0 ., 159 W . M cLaughiin Ave., K. H. S. A. A. shall have the authority to M a disonville waive the 'twenty day' and the 'preceding Utley, William R., 49 Oates St., M adisonville Vance, W . G ., Jr .. Canmer semester' rules in establishing the eligibility Van Meter, Donald, 70 1 Cline St., Frankfort of any boy discharged from military service, Venn, Gilbert C., 1320 W . 8th, Cincinnati, Ohio Vettiner, Charlie, 205 Esplanade Drive, Kenwood,_ provided that such boy shall enter school Village, Louisville 8 not later than twenty days after the begin­ W a ddell, James 0 ., R. ::". ::J., :r~o. 5, Hopkinsville ning of the semester immediately following W ad e, Wendell F., Alba ny W a dlington , Jim, Celina, T enn. the date of his discharge from the service." W aggoner, Philip, 2302 K y., P a ducah In each case,' the principal should state the W aggoner, R ay Nelson, B ox 207, Murray W alk, Vietor G .. Market St., Troy, Ind. name of the boy, his birth date; the semester Waller, Charles L., Elkton he was in at the time he left for service, the Wallis, Hawthorne, M. S. School, Springfield, T enn. W a rd, Edwin E., 506 Central, Eliza beth town number of subjects in which he was passing, W ard, H a rold, 412 E. 4th, Augusta the date he left school, the date he entered watson. Albert L., 202 E. M a in, Murra,y W ebb, br. Paul H .. M an ch ester the service, the date he returned from ser­ W eber, Cletus J .. 518 Spapish Court, Louisville vice, and the date he re-entered school. Each Weber, Edward H ., 3707 St. Germaine Ct., Louisville 7 Wellman, Earl, 301 W . lOth Ave., Huntington, W . Va . case much be. ruled on individually and no W ells, D arwin C., Auxier · veteran should be allowed to play until he · Wneeler, Hallard, 413 'h 6th St., Pikeville. White, S tanley L., Glendale has been declared eligible by the president White, Tom. Chavies Whitis, Alorizo L ., Burning Springs unless the boy is under twenty-one and has Wiggins, G eorge W., Jr., Morehead High School, already been in school for one semester since M orehead returning from the service. No veteran can Wilkinson, F . D ., YMCA, Frankfort Willia ms, Cecil B ., R. 4, Glasgow be declared eligible after he has reached his Williams, Reid V .. M t. H erm on twenty-first birthday, according to By-Law Williams, Ralph C., D anville Williams, Thomas M . Jr., Burgin II. f'OH- NOVEMBER Page Seven


B y CharLie V ettine1· Katie to referee for Chris Cox and then hav- . ing only a sack full of unskined walnuts to Remember how all of the coaches got show Katie for the night's vrork. Bill and Mac a big kick out of the fact that H erb Ockerman, might get by with taking produce for those the astute gentleman who guides the desti­ nightly sashays into Officials' Heaven on the nies of Taylorsville cagers, paid off a ref­ courts but take it from your old rambler that eree last year in :fresh hog sausage. whenever Walter Combs, Carroll Broderick, Remember how green that particular J oe Mans£ eld or John Heldman go out to referee got about the gills when his wife :fed officiate they gotta bring back lucre of the him all of the $10 worth o:f sausage in a filthiest variety. week's time because she wanted the ten bucks and didn't like sausage. Here's another thought. Come state tour­ nament time the Board of Control presided Now Bill Buckles, the Sage of the Salt over by Russell Bridges sits down at a con­ River country, tells one on Dillard Moor ference t o determine just how Officials of Sonora which tops Herb's caper. Accord­ should be paid to work the Classic. ing to Bill he witnessed the Sonora-Hod­ gensvHle games the other n ight and saw W. B. Owen's idea is that the officials Dillard pay off this same official in Pump­ should be paid in good Leitchfield burley; kins. Russell Bridges favors yams for well-worked games and lemons :for poorly officiated con­ If this whistler got green gills from hog tests; Ted Sanford says, "Payem in taters, sausage last year just imagine what'll hap­ givem spuds, lotsa spuds; Tal Stone likes pen when he has to eat $10 worth of pump­ grape :fruit, Sam Pollack argues for turnips, kins. Reckon all o:f the Kentucky coaches are Matt Sparkman wants the whistlers paid going to follow the trend of H erb and Dil­ off in c untry hams from Paintsville while lard? Lyman Ginger thinks it would be nice to If this happens we can give you a pretty fix up baskets of groceries for the hungry good picture o:f officials going to work games whistler s. in the future. L et's look at Edgar McNabb as Then the big tournament begins with a he puts his striped shirt in his grip prepara­ disliked decision by the official. From the tory to going out to work a game :for Tom gallery comes the cries, "How many turnips Ellis down in Covington . are they paying you, ya bum?", so y ou trying As Mac starts out the :front door a musical to pick up a few extra hams, ya big Ham"? voice warbles :from the kitchen (It's Mrs. And so it would go. McNabb). "Oh Edgar, Dear, are you offi­ ciating for that handsome Tommie Ellis and You see w hat I mean, Herb and Dillard, h ow much is liberal man paying you"? that sausage and those pumpkins could rev­ olutionize our entire system of payment of The courageous McNabb , veteran o:f many officials. · a campaign and a man who fully appreciates that referees officiat e :for the love of working, The best thing to do is to keep right on answers in his low melancholy voice, "You paying them in cash. They like it that way k now, H oney, that Tom wanted to pay me and so do the gir ls waiting for Jack, Acree, $25 worth of carrots for tonight's games but Baby, Bill, Polly, Max and Dave to bring it since he paid me off in carrots last time I home. thought he should pay me in h orse radish this ti1ue". Now let's get serious. Your Corner guq.r­ dian is gonna be around on that Basket Ball You see, Ock, what that $10 worth of Clinic tour December 1-8 and he's counting hawg sausage could start. Officials would on you fellows being in there pitching to get never know whether to bring along· a sack out :full houses. Last year we pulled out 1065 for cabbage, a basket for grape fruit, or .the - Can we m ake it 1200 this year? customar y container for the liberal quanti­ ties of rasberries they have always received. See you the first wel'k in December and w e'll get together on some more news for Imagine Bill Utley slipping away fumn the Corner. Page Eigh t The K ENTUCK Y HIG H SCHOOL ATHLETE

Holmes High, '---AOVIngton,{"' e Ky. Football Sqt1ad

First Row: Third Row: Head Coach, 'l'om Ellis Bob Huesman . . .. . • .. . . 34 Bill Reidli ...... 17 R ich a rd Thomas ...... • ...... 54 Troy Upthegrove ...... 32 Jim Petit ...... 50 Bifl Applegarth ...... 20 11 Jack Hunefelc1 21 Jim Gabbard Bruce Ferguson 14 Don Clifford ...... •. . . . 36 Buford Smith ...... 29 B ob '"Valthers 38 Kenneth V\7eaver 31 Ra y Muldoon ...... 39 Russell Knorel ...... 24 Don Franklin ...... 26 Charles iVIayberry ...... 10 Jack Rollins . . .. 33 Fourth Row: Alan Linneman ...... 15 Don Wilson ...... 22 Coach R a lph Mussman R ay M anning ...... 17 Joe Brinkman 41 Second Row: Curtis Early .. 47 Eat·I Goble ... 28 Ed Fazig ...... •...... •. . . 40 Russell Dryden 18 Cliff Stamper 12 Fifth Row: Da n Hinkle ...... 35 Ralph Dougherty Elmer Neiberg ...... 25 Ass is ta n t Coach Harry Locknane Jack White • . 16 r'J.ssista nt Coach, A. D . Allen Ha rold Ellis ...... 22 MgT. R ayburn Rucker Don Davis . .. . 23 MgL J a ck Weiss

1 R a lph Doughert~ MgT. Walla ce Dunham F O R NOVEMB ER P age Nine

Tilghman High, Paducal1, K y. Football Squad

First row, left to righ t : F red P ittard, J ack West, Jim Cromwell, "Spil

Tilghn1an's Record

Tilghman 45- McK enzie 0 Tilghma n 13- Memphis T ech 7 Tilghman 19-West " F ra nkfort 0 Tilghm an 12-Manmtl 7 Tilghma n ·o-Memphis Central "21 Tilghma n 33- St. Louis Soldan 0 Tilghma n 19- J ackson 0 Tilghma n 28-H ender son 13. P age T en The KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE Murray High School Football Squad 1946

First row, left to right: Bill l{.owlett, Billy Ferguson, Gene Hale, Lee R ::~s s Melugin, Kenneth Slaughter, Hngh Edd Wilson, Jimmie R a m sey, Harry Smith, Billy Thurman (C). Second row: Harold Miller, John D. Phillips, Joe Graves Baker, Hugh Giles, Billy Farris, Joe Pace, John Downs, Robert Moser, Bobby Ward. Third row: Bobby Cable, George Robert Allbritten, Eli Al exander, J ackie Miller, Chad Stewart, John Paul Butterworth, Billy Rudolph, Pete Purdon, Wayne Ratchett, Head Coach Ty Holland. Fourth row: ­ ant Coach I)ub Russell, Oliver McLemore, Howard Bmndon, Paul Dill, Joe Pat Racket, W. Schackleford, Teny Grant, William Foy, Carl Shroat. F.jfth row: !Vianager Harold Beaman, Joe Cable, Billy Joe Crass, Charles Tolley, Vester Orr, Pat Elkins, Willie Hopkins, assistant manager; Haron West, assist ant coach. Highlands High, Fort Thomas, J\.y., Football Squad

Left to right, first row (bottom): Waddell, Sadosky, M ~ Clu re, Law, coaches. Second row: Wigg·ins, H. Quehl, Johnson, McFarland, Roman, Thress, Wagner, F au st, Sarakatsannis, Pendery, Mann. Third row : Schneider, H. Ziegler, Harvey, Waldemeyer, Hicks, D. Quehl, Harris, W. Ziegler. J . Haas, Grimme, T. Otto, Calhoun. Fourth row : White, manager; Stuntebeck, Norris, i\'loore, Bathiany, Robertson, Robinson, Addams, Er­ schefl, It·vin, De Jarnette, Ct·ews, Daunt, Law, m ana~er. Fifth row: Arthur, manager, Rern, Risch, Boehmer, Gillham, E. Smith, Ashbrook, J . Williams, Meyer, B. Haas, Stegeman, T. Smith, Haack, R. Otto, manager. Sixth row : Trout, H a milton, Kroger, Walz, .J. Moore, Gosney, Bil tz, Leahy, F ischer, Melville, Jncly. FOR NOVEMBER Page Eleven

Kentucky High School Football Roundup

Despite all the confusion and eligibility 53. Benham . . . 38.7 77. Ludlow 26.5 squabbles connected with the return of ser­ 54. Raceland 36.'? 78. Williamsburg 26.5 55. Bellevue 34.8 79. Fleming 26.4 vice boys to the line-ups high school football 56. N 'port Cath. 34.4 80. M. M. I ...... 25.4 is enjoying what is possibly the greatest 57. Morganfield 34.0 81. · Campb'l Ctl. .... 25.2 season in the history of the sport in Ken­ 58. Okolona 33 .9 82. Ca rlisle 24.3 tucky. Wherever the roving fan finds himself, 59. Springfield 33.8 83. Fern Creek 23 .5 60. Whitesburg 33.6 · 84. Valley 22.5 Northern, Mountain, Bluegrass, Louisville, 61. Erlanger 33.1 . 85. Franklin 22.4 or Western Kentucky the stadiums are 62. Versailles .. 33.0 36. Beechwood 22.1 jammed, and two good football teams are 63. Carrollton 32.8 87. W allins 19.9 64. Loyall ..... 32.8 88. Louisa 19.4 much in evidence. The editor has had a look 65. M cK ell 32.3 89. Russell 19.2 at Newport, Dayton, Highlands, Bellevue, 66. Catlettsburg .. 31.9 90. Providence . . 17.9 Hopkinsville, and Henderson all of whom are 67. Knox Cent. 31.8 91. Belfry 17.2 throwing considerable weight about over 68. Harrodsburg 31.4 92 . Tompk'sville 15.6 59. Princeton 30.0 93. Nicholasville 12.2 successive w eekends. 70. Jenkins .. 29.2 94. Stanford 3.8 Many and extended arguments have al­ 71. Wurt;and 28.8 95, Trigg Cty. 3.3 ways resulted when someone had the temer­ 72. P aris 28.4 96. Jeff'sontown 0.0 73. Black Star 28.0 97. Lancaster .. 0.0 ity to compare football as played in the 74. Georgetown . .... 27.7 98. Lebanon 0.0 respective sections of the state. Without 75. B arbourville 27.0 99. W est Liberty 0.0 attempting to predict the results we should 76. Prestonsb'rg . . .. 27.0 like to see the following teams paired as a - Unbeatened, Untied - .means of determining where the better foot­ Opp. ball: T eam. W. L. T. P ts. P ts. Paducah vs Holmes of Covington Covington H olmes 7 0 0 181 33 Murray vs Henry Clay Murray . . . . . , . . . . 5 0 0 171 18 Owensboro vs Middlesboro - Unbea.tened, Tied - Manual vs Dayton Hal'lan 8 0 238 45 Henderson vs Highlands Pineville 6 0 134 37 Hopkinsville vs Flaget Male versus winner of Paducah­ -Lost One- Covington Highlands 7 1 0 . 216 40 Paducah .. 6 1 0 148 42 This series of games would still leave Middlesboro 6 1 0 177 27 room for disagreement, but it should give a Russellville 5 1 0 119 57 fair picture from which to draw conclusions. Pikeville ...... 5 1 0 120 27 Henderson ...... 5 1 0 113 65 H enry Clay ...... 5 1 0 184 18 Flaget 5 1 0 107 64 LITKENHOUS RATINGS-NOV. 1ST Shelbyville 5 1 1 96 85 D anville . . . .. 5 1 1 144 96 Raceland .. - - ...... 1. P aducah ...... 86.7 5 1 1 27. Madisonville . . 53.8 Lafayette 4 1 0 130 31 2. Manual ...... 84.6 28 . Mayfield 51.2 K. M. I. ... 4 3. Male Hi ...... 83.9 1 0 125 59 29. Russellville . . 50.3 Cynthiana ...... 4 4. Covington ...... ' 83.3 1 1 98 34 30. Corbin . 49 .8 McKell 4 1 1 5. Lex. H . Clay 77.5 31. Anchorage 49.2 Owensboro ...... 3 1 32 6. Murray . . 74.8 32. Lex. Lafay·e 49 .2 0 90 Marion ...... 3 1 115 33 7. Middlesboro 74.3 33. S t urgis ...... 48.5 0 Springfield ...... 3 1 1 123 51 8. Hopkinsville . . . 72.1 34. Frankfort 47.7 Rugby 1 1 0 26 25 .9. Henderson . . . . 69.4 35. Glasgow 47 .1 10. D ayton 1>8.2 36. Shelbyville 46.8 11. Newport 67.5 37. Hall 46.2 12. Owensboro 67.2 38. Pikeville . . 46.1 111 lllS 13. Fulton . . . . 65.9 39. Paintsville 45.1 New "'"1 14. Highlands ...... 64.2 40. Bell County 45.0 15. H arlan : ...... 64.0 41. Lawrenceb'g . . . . 45.0 The copies of the new sound films, FOOT­ 16. Bowl. Green 61.1 42 . Irvine . . . . 43.9 BALL UP-TO-DATE and BASKETBALL 17. Ashland . . 60.5 43 . Winchester ..... 43.5 UP-TO-DATE, which have been leased by 18. Flaget ...... 58 .1 44. Mt. Sterling .... 43.4 the K. H. S. A. A. from t he Official Sports 19. St. X avier ...... 57.9 45 . Lynn Camp . . ... 41.6 20. K. M . I. . . . 56.8 46 . Evarts ...... 41.4 Film Service have been loaned to the De­ 21. Pineville ...... 56.7 47. H azard 40.2 partment of University Extension of the 22. Marion . . . . 56.6 48. Cynthiana ...... 40.1 . Principals or coach­ 23. Dixie H ght...... 56 .0 49. Elizabethtown .. 40.0 es interested in showing these films will 24. Danville 55.2 · 50. St. Joe ...... 39.8 25. Somerset 54.5 51. Cumberland .... 39.6 please write to Miss Mary Rees Land of the 26. Lynch 54.1 52. Madison ...... 39.3 department mentioned for an early booking. '·


SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF MEMBER SCHOOLS OF THE K.H.S.A.A. Quolabfe Quole:J The following schools have joined the FROM PENNSYLVANIA I. A. A. PA'­ K. H. S. A. A. since the publication of the A THLETE: "It took a war to make us fully Octob~r issue of the mag·azine. A supplemen­ aware of the tremendous values of the train­ tary list of members joining in November ing received by boys in interscholastic ath­ will appear in the _December Issue, of the letics. We hav'e found a way to make our magazine. Schools joining in November may youth strong. We must never be caught nap­ present their certificates ~s evidence of mem­ ping as far as our national strength IS ·con­ bership if thev engage m athletic contests cerned. We must have games and a wide before the DeC'ember supplementary list ap- variety of sports contests for a great number pears. of participants." Bradfordsville McAfee Brownsville Pikeville FROM CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN SEC­ Butler Pikeville College TION BULLETIN: "The first game of six­ Clintonville Academy (Pike­ m an football to be officially reported to the Corydon ville) section office was one between Big Pine and Eddyville Pruden Lone Pine. The final score was 64-25. Appar­ Eminence (Pruden, Tenn.) ently, the fans got their money's worth and Dry Ridge Renaker the touchdown makers had a regular field Guthrie R. 6, Cynthiana day." Hebron Slaughters Kin gston St. H enry FROM ALABAMA STATE ASSOCIA­ (R. 1, Ber ea) (Erlanger) TION BULLETIN: "This year's football and Louisa · University basketball seasons offer the annual opportun-­ (Lexington) ity for molding future citizens through ath­ letic activity. It will require wise planning to coordinate the work of younger high school SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF boys with the older and more experienced FOOTBALL OFFICIALS returned veterans. It can be done." Collins, Ast or, Whitesburg Colston, .Richard H ., 816 Maple St., Jefferson­ FROM NATIONAL FEDERATION ville, Ind. PRESS: "School leaders now realize that Er nst, Ray C ., 3574 Larkspur Ave., Cincinnati one very important responsibility of the 8, Ohio school is to stimulate fitness habits and ac­ J ohnson , Ber nard M., 216 Westwood Ct., tivity which builds strength, coordination Lexington and a friendly competitive spirit." Johnson, Fred, College P . 0 . Box 561 , More- FROM CONNECTICUT ASSOCIATION head BULLETIN: "School athletic leaders are Kinsella, Bob, 2819 Slevin St., Louis'":ill~ charged with the responsibility of informing Krekel, J oh n W. , 3641 Ver m ont, Lomsville all athletes about the seriousness of con­ Mays, Ralph J., Barbourville tractual agreements with· professional or­ Mielcar ek, Chester, Cumberland ganizations which tend to unduly inflate the O'Neal, William J. (Bud) , 1757 Harvard boy's ego by 'will of the wisp' promises for Drive, Louisville his athletic future." "The I. H. S. A. A. believes that ample FOOTBALL OFFICIALS athletic competition can be found within . Who Have Received The Indiana and bordering states, thus avoiding "Approved" and "Certified" Ratings the many problems which may be involved for 1946 in long jaunts to all parts of the country ." The method of the classification of officials may be found on P age 23 of the K. H. S. A. FROM KANSAS STATE ASSOCIATION A. booklet. JOURNAL: "A new high school club pro­ Certified Officials gram will function under the name of the Kraesig, Ray m ond Wadlington, C. L. Kansas Association for Youth.' Miss Wanda Miller, Reed S. Webel'. Edward H. May Vinson will serve as director of a pro­ Rosenthal, G. L. Yor k, How ard A. gr am approved by the delegate assembly of Approved Officials the Kansas State High School Activities As­ Wilson, Bar ney Bennett, Howard sociation." Girls In Athletics? Jefferson County Is Providing Swimming, Softball, Track, · Hockey

From Courier-Journal " .. . We've got five girls' teams so far," The luckiest girls in Kentucky, athletic­ Mr. Vettiner continued, "and we expect ally, live in Jefferson County, outside the several more to come in pretty soon. Anchor­ limits of Louisville ... Charley Vet:tiner, age, Okolona, Jeffersontown and Valley are director of recreation in the County doesn't represented by high school teams. The fifth subscribe to the theory that Sister is to be outfit carries the Cane Run Grade School seen and not heard . . . "The girls have been banner. A community team is in process of demanding a part in the recreation program organization in St. Matthews." ever since I've been connected with the The program is directed by Oakley Brown, Charley's assistant, who formerly coached at St. Xavier High ... With the help of . the high school principals, Coach Mudge Charmoli of Valley, Zera DuVall of Anchorage, and Mary Morgan of Okolona, he drew up a tentative schedule and got play under way.

County," he said. "We listened, but weren't After watching the opener yesterday he convinced that they meant what they said. was convinced more than ever that the girls We tried them out with swimming. They want athletics, and that they prefer to com­ went for it in a great big way. Then we pete without special girls' rules . .. He did tried softball, and they took such an inter­ est that we've been making plans to expand more than ever next spring. Then came track and field events. The girls did so well in track that when we went to Cleveland for the National Junior Olympics, 17 of our 36 representatives were girls--and the young ladies scored most of our points! So now w e're taking up hockey ." Anchorage and Okolona High girls open­ ed the hockey season for the county at Seneca and fought to a 2-2 deadlock ... It suggest, however, that the . hockey field was a whale of a game, with Miss Mary might be shortened from 100 yards (boys' Swenck (who went to Cleveland with the regulation) to perhaps 80 yards . . . "I think track team) scoring both goals for Okolona, it would be a better game if the field were and Misses Mary Dan McClaskey and Martha shorter ," one player said, and her mates.­ Rout:t tabbing for Anchorage. and both coaches agreed. ! - ~.,.,.,.., =· -~ '"""""""'- ._,_ -...-,. ~- -~ ~~,.y~=---~=~..,.,~~~""'-"""'~~...,,.~--- ~ '"'·---~ ·«r---..: ~- ,~ .1...... ""' -C""'-""- _ _,.,_ -~~--- ,.._.,._,.,_ __~ ~---~--""-- ~---~*'- ~-"-~~ -~""""·---~"-"""'.._...~-"'~,.---~ -~""'-"'~,_ I 'J 't: ' r, ~J ~ I ,'* ~ ~ I 1 ~ No prospects on "Lastbilt" moulded balls until after January 1st._ ! ~ We can furnish now Official Laceless balls at $17.85 and some Official ~ ,. Lace-type balls at $13.50. r k k I ~ §·1, SHOES I ~ w ~ (·' ~~ No. 1210 for delivery now. These have black canvass uppers and non- ~ marking rubber soles. Pair-$3.85. I I~ ,, \; No. 1410-We will have these for delivery late in November. They too ~ 1 have black canvass uppers but special soft cushion inner sole and heel , ~ r. padding. They also have non-marking rubber soles and the upper~ with ~·, ~ loose lining. Pair-$5.00. ~ I ~~ ;:: }. . %-; PANTS ~ 1~i ~ J No. 850 Heavy Cotton Twill Pants (similar to cotton gabardine.) Colors ~ r-~ in stock-royal, maroon, scarlet, kelly, light-gold and black. Pair-$2.05. I Ill · No. 350 "Durene Cloth" (mercerized cotton.) Only colors available now- 1, ~ White, scarlet, gold and royal. Each-$1.60. ~-· I 1' ~ ~ ~ ~

3i~ SPECIAL NOTE ~ \; J Never have conditions been quite as bad on basketball clothing. ~ :~~ We are doing all we can to get our schools their needs but when ~~ ;: rl~, ~(- the factories fall down on their delivery to us, we find it necessary 1,_-..~ ~, ~r, to disappoint our customers. You can feel sure that we are leaving · no stone unturned and are doing all that we possibly can to get ~ : ~ delivery of your school's athletic requirements. ~ - ~~ w.· : J,~ ; ~ ,, ~~ W THE SUTCLIFFE CO. ~ - ~ Incor porated ' · ~ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY ~

~ r 1 l. I · ~~ ----~""' ~~~ .....,...... :: _ ~ - -..,.,~ _ ~-~ ~ ,- .,. ....~ ~Tr~··n:-""%~Tr~ --;---:r~ ~,-~~~-.--~..,- ~~.... --...,...... _ \· 4. · ~~...;.-'-<: ~..... :...-.:::o- ~--'. .. - ~o<>-...... :-.::: ~....,..-- •~---~~.... ,;.~ ~~---~~-.:. ~..--'. ..~ ~-..:.-~ --.a-~~ ....~ .... --~~ ...~ __...., ~ I