THEME An update

BACKGROUND Endometriosis is one of the major causes of pelvic pain and subfertility in women. OBJECTIVE This article discusses the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. DISCUSSION Empiric treatment in women presenting with pain symptoms suggestive of endometriosis is the usual first option. David O’Callaghan Ultrasound does not diagnose peritoneal disease but will recognise . Laparoscopy remains the gold MBBS, FRANZCOG, MRCOG, is a gynaecologist, standard for diagnosis and surgical removal at that time should be first line treatment. Endosurgery Unit, Mercy Medical treatment is proven effective for superficial disease. It is most frequently used where surgical skills do not Hospital for Women, Victoria. allow removal of the endometriosis or where incomplete removal is suspected in severe disease. Long term treatment [email protected] after surgical removal with diet, exercise and hormones provides long term pain control and may reduce the risk of recurrence. Medical treatment has no place in treatment, however surgical removal of milder disease enhances rates. Early referral for assisted reproduction treatment is suggested with severe disease.

Endometriosis is a condition where endometrial glands Examination and stroma are found in sites outside the Most women with endometriosis exhibit no abnormality and of the . These implants are or minimal findings on physical examination. Clues most commonly found in the but can occur to the diagnosis include uterine, adnexal or pouch of in many other sites. Endometriosis is a chronic Douglas tenderness, a tender fixed or a disease causing significant interference to quality of fixed retroverted uterus. The most suggestive sign is life. Important concerns for women include delayed tenderness and nodularity in the pouch of Douglas or diagnosis, chronic pain management, acceptability and uterosacral ligaments. In any where tolerance of treatments that may require long term endometriosis is suspected, a conscious effort should be usage and potential infertility. made to palpate this area by running the vaginal fingers behind the and onto the pouch of Douglas. The Diagnosis palpation should then continue laterally to define the Symptoms bordering uterosacral ligaments. Nodularity in this area is Symptoms are varied and nonspecific, which often leads highly suggestive of endometriosis. to a diagnostic delay if clinical suspicion is not high. The Positive findings are often are associated with more commonest pain symptoms are dysmenorrhoea, pelvic severe disease and should increase clinical suspicion. This pain (especially midcycle), and . Less common may prompt more immediate recourse to specialist opinion complaints are cyclical bowel and bladder symptoms, or surgery. They may also influence preoperative planning, which are suspicious of more severe disease. Nonspecific counselling and the use of bowel preparations. symptoms such as tiredness, lethargy or premenstrual Ultrasound tension are also common. Infertility is the other major presenting symptom. Symptoms have a pervasive effect Transvaginal ultrasound is not useful in diagnosing the on lifestyle and may interfere with education, employment, majority of cases of endometriosis as the peritoneal implants sexual relationships and social functioning. A treatment and adhesions involved are not detectable. A negative plan needs to be tailored to make use of treatment options ultrasound could never be used as definitive evidence of the acceptable to the individual woman. absence of endometriosis. However, ultrasound remains a

864 Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 35, No. 11, November 2006 vital preoperative investigation because of its ability to detect As symptoms are nonspecific and definitive diagnosis ovarian endometriomas. requires an invasive procedure, many women with An ultrasound report should provide a clear and detailed endometriosis are no doubt treated adequately with simple description of the ovaries and any cyst involved as well as a analgesia and hormonal manipulation without a formal possible diagnosis or differential. In particular, any concerning diagnosis ever being made. Women presenting with pain features should be mentioned. If this level of detail is not symptoms possibly related to endometriosis should be tried provided, you should speak to your ultrasound service about on these conservative measures first. its provision. Empirical treatments Endometriomas are described as having a ‘ground glass’ appearance on ultrasound as the thick altered blood Empirical treatments include simple analgesics, nonsteroidal within the cyst has some echogenic properties. The main anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), progesterones, and the differential is a haemorrhagic corpus luteum. If surgery or combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP), as well as exercise, referral for specialist opinion is not immediately planned, nutrition and multiple alternate therapies. sorting out this differential is best achieved by repeating the A 2003 Cochrane review looking at NSAIDS in the scan. This should be done 6–8 weeks later, preferably in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhoea concluded that they first half of the menstrual cycle. By this time, the corpus were more effective in control of pain than placebo.1 It luteum should have resolved whereas the is likely that a significant number of women in this trial will have remained unchanged. Other ultrasound clues are had endometriosis. that endometriomas are often bilateral and the ovary is There is a lack of evidence regarding the benefit or immobile to probing as it is fixed to the pelvic side wall by otherwise of modern low dose COCPs in the treatment of inflammatory adhesions. dysmenorrhoea.2 Anecdotally they are considered effective Using transvaginal, transrectal or renal ultrasound and can be used safely in the long term. to define the extent of deeply infiltrating disease in the Progesterones (medroxyprogesterone acetate, orally or rectovaginal septum, bladder or ureters, along with depo; norethisterone, dydrogesterone or the levonorgestral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), is finding application intrauterine device, Mirena) have been shown to be as in preoperative planning. This currently remains the effective as any of the medical treatments available in dealing domain of specialist gynaecological ultrasound services with confirmed endometriosis.3,4 Due to their benign side and gynaecologists with a special interest in difficult effect profile and safety for long term use they remain operative laparoscopy. suitable empiric treatments. Laparoscopy Pharmacological

Laparoscopy is the gold standard investigation for the Hormone therapy to treat endometriosis diagnosed on diagnosis of endometriosis and now provides the main tool laparoscopy was the mainstay of treatment for peritoneal of treatment. Visual recognition is the means of diagnosis, endometriosis before the development of operative although histological confirmation is also recommended as laparoscopy. Multiple randomised controlled trials have noted visual diagnosis alone varies in accuracy. these to be effective for the treatment of endometriosis related pain.4–7 The main agents used have been: Treatment • progesterones (including Mirena IUD) Treatment of pain • continuous COCP Endometriosis is a chronic condition that interferes with • danazol the quality of life. Recurrence rates are high. Treatment • gestrinone, and goals include removal of the endometriotic implants • the GnRH agonists (see Table 1 for their methods of and prevention of their return. However, the main aim action and side effect profile). is the treatment of the associated pain and subfertility. No agent has proven to be more effective; therefore cost, side It is imperative that the woman is counselled carefully effect profile and personal preference usually dictate choice. about the potential benefits and likely side effects As an alternative to surgery they are appropriate where of any proposed treatment. Nothing is more likely to surgical skills do no allow removal of the endometriomas cause frustration with the treatment suggested than where severe disease makes the excision incomplete. unrealised expectations or unexpected side effects. Initial Evidence is mixed as to the benefits of preoperative treatment should involve the least invasive and least medical treatment,8–10 however, trials have established expensive option. postsurgical medical treatment gives significantly long

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control of pain.11–13 This should usually be in the form of a may involve bowel or bladder resections or reimplantation progesterone or COCP due to their milder side effect profile of ureters. and ability to be used long term. Oophorectomy and hysterectomy have become less common measures as modern surgical treatment has Surgery concentrated on removal of disease and restoration Peritoneal implants can be removed by excision, diathermy of normal anatomy. They remain an option where ablation or laser vaporisation. Randomised controlled trials conservative measures have failed to provide adequate have shown these to effective means of treating pain,14– relief and fertility is not required. Care should be taken to 15 however no technique has been demonstrated to be ensure any remaining pelvic endometriosis is removed at superior to the other. Many surgeons believe that excision the same time. of the endometriosis allows potentially more complete Infertility treatment as deep nodules can appear as superficial implants until excision is attempted (Figure 1, 2). Such There is no evidence to suggest that hormone treatment is nodules may not be fully treated by ablation or vaporisation. effective in treating infertility in mild or severe endometriosis. Excision also allows vital structures on the pelvic side wall It should not be offered as treatment in this situation.18 (eg. ureters) to be recognised and protected and provides In minimal to mild endometriosis, surgical removal plus histological evidence to confirm the visual diagnosis. adhesiolysis appears to improve fertility when compared to Endometriomas are best stripped from the ovary and diagnostic laparoscopy alone.19–20 While evidence in these completely excised. This has been shown to give better trials has some weakness, it would seem a reasonable symptomatic relief than drainage and ablation.16–17 It also treatment. Where success is not achieved referral for provides histology to exclude rare malignancies. The assisted reproductive treatment in the form of ovulation potential downside is a greater loss of ovarian tissue and induction with intrauterine insemination or in vitro follicle reserve. fertilisation (IVF) is appropriate. Treatment of women with severe symptomatic There is no reasonable data to answer this question disease involving obliteration of the pouch of Douglas and where the disease is moderate or severe. As the disease involvement of the bowel, bladder or ureters should be becomes more severe pregnancy rates fall.21 Where there referred to centres specialising in complicated operative is anatomical distortion of the pelvis rectifying this at the laparoscopy. This surgery will often be performed in time of surgery would seem prudent. Early referral to consultation with a colorectal surgeon or urologist and assisted reproductive treatment is suggested and where

Table 1. Options for hormone treatment of endometriosis

Method Maximum Side of action treatment length effects COCP, continuous or Decidualisation of endometrium Indefinite Nausea, headache, breast tenderness, cyclical leading to atrophy breakthrough bleeding (BTB), depression

Progesterones (including Decidualisation of endometrium Indefinite Nausea, weight gain, fluid retention, BTB, Mirena IUD) leading to atrophy depression, breast tenderness, possible bone density loss in the long term

Danazol Multiple effects causing a high 6 months Androgenic and hypoestrogenic androgen low oestrogen environment – hot flushes, breast shrinkage, acne, inhibiting endometrial growth hirsuitism, weight gain, vaginal atrophy, voice deepening (irreversible)

Gestrinone Androgenic and anti-oestrogenic, 6 months Similar profile to danazol but tends not progestogenic and gonadotrophic to be as severe activity causing endometrial degeneration

GnRH analogues Down regulation of gonadotrophic 6 months Hypo-oestrogenic (marked) – hot flushes, activity inducing a pseudomenopause emotional lability, atrophic , reduced libido, short term bone density loss

866 Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 35, No. 11, November 2006 Endometriosis – an update THEME

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