

Monday, September 9th, 2019, 7.00 p.m., at Four Lane Ends Mission ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES Present: Cllrs Draper, Lawday, Shufflebotham, Rosbotham, Sumner, & Webster

Number Item

120/19 APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Rachel Alker and Paula Wilkinson, and Borough Councillor Ian Rigby also sent his apologies.

121/19 MINUTES of the LAST MEETING i) The Minutes of the last BPC meeting held on July 8th were approved as a true and accurate record. ii) ii) The Chairman signed these Minutes.

122/19 DECLARATIONS of INTEREST i) There were no changes to the current Register of Interests. ii) No Declarations of Interest were received for any item on this agenda.

123/19 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Two members of the public were present. i) The meeting was adjourned for a period of public participation. Mr Andrews discussed maintenance of the parish field regarding some holes which had appeared, believed to be from rabbits. The football teams would check the pitch before use, and BAFC would fill holes enabling the pitch to be used safely. Verti-draining had been completed, and BPC’s previously agreed contribution would be £240. ii) The meeting was reconvened.

124/19 “BUZZ-IT” INITIATIVE A short presentation was given by Helen Jones from the Council for Voluntary Services about this new initiative by WLBC. There will be an article in the next edition of the “ Bulletin” explaining it to residents. The achievements in Bickerstaffe (through previous Parish Council’s Snr Citizens IT courses and initiatives) were acknowledged. There are new online services on the WLBC website; and free online courses called “Learn My way”. Details of how to get help with all of the above, and find out more about being able to use the internet and online services are available from the Parish Clerk; the PC newsletter; the PC notice-boards and the BPC website. Volunteers are sought to become “Digital Champions” to enable residents to get online.


125/19 CO-OPTION of a COUNCILLOR Ms Angela Draper was co-opted onto BPC, and signed the Acceptance of Office document.

126/19 PLANNING MATTERS i)There were no comments forthcoming on the following WLBC planning application decision: 2019/0650/PNH 12, Rainford Road Decision: PNH Details Refused

ii) No comments were forthcoming on this WLBC planning application decision: 2019/0699/PNH Decision: PNC Details Refused

iii) No responses were made on WLBC Planning Application No: 2019/0837/FUL Date Valid: 28 August 2019 Proposal: Single storey flat roof rear extension to rear Site Location: Brentwood, 2 Croppers Lane, Bickerstaffe

127/19 “LOOK for a BOOK” PROJECT by the GUIDES It was resolved to grant permission for books to be hidden at the Parish Field by the Guides as part of this project.

128/19 FINANCES i)Payments were authorised as follows:

To: For: Amount: Re-image Repair (r’t JS) Laptop repair £34.74 Playsafety RoSPA Inspection £115.80 Yates Playgrounds Repairs £703.20 Inkjungle (Amazon) (r’t JS) Print ink £11.65 Winshea (Amazon) (r’t JS) Notice-board magnets £15.96 C J Pennington Field Maintenance £480.00

ii)The Bank Reconciliation for the 1st quarter, April – June, 2019 was accepted and approved.

129/19 PHOTOS for the BPC WEBSITE Councillors agreed for their photos to be taken and put onto the BPC website.

130/19 BICKERSTAFFE in BLOOM An update was received from Councillor Sumner about the working party. A group of residents have volunteered to take this project on now, separate from the PC: a letter would be written from the PC to the volunteers defining the terms of the agreement.

131/19 CYCLE TRAILS Cllr Sumner was to visit the Trails with Andy Rowett (LEF) to discuss furthering this project.


132/19 LALC AGM Councillor Sumner and the Clerk will attend this AGM.

133/19 NALC “BROADBAND” CONSULTATION After brief discussion, no comments were forthcoming on this consultation.

134/19 CONSULTATION on WLBC’s LICENSING POLICY This is an opportunity to have a say on the official document the Borough Council uses when licensing pubs, bars and other licensed operations across West . The authority is inviting local people and businesses to comment on its draft Licensing Policy. This consultation was noted but no response was forthcoming.

135/19 PARISH FIELD i) Request to Use the Field by Junior Football Club It was resolved that Ormskirk Junior Football Team would be allowed to continue to use the Parish Field on a more permanent basis. ii) RoSPA Inspection and Report for the Parish Field a)This report was received, but no remedial actions were needed at the time of the inspection. b) Since the time when the report was issued, the junior swings have broken and a bench in the play area is damaged and both would now need to be repaired. A budget of £500 was set for this. iii) Field Maintenance Any holes found on the field would be filled by BAFC.

136/19 BOUNDARY SIGNS The quote from LCC was approved for Bickerstaffe boundary signs to be repaired or replaced. 137/19 MATTERS FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION from COUNCILLORS  Cllr Sumner requested an item be put on the next agenda concerning overgrown vegetation from hedges and undergrowth which covers pavements.  Cllr Draper commented on the amount of litter being dropped in farmers’ fields around Barrow Nook, and discussion followed about what could be done.

138/19 NEXT MEETING DATE The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Monday, October 14th, 2019 at Four Lane Ends Mission.
