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The Routledge Handbook of Halal Hospitality and Islamic Tourism

C. Michael Hall, Girish Prayag

Attributes of Muslim-Friendly Hospitality Service in a Process-Based Model

Publication details Teoman Duman Published online on: 04 Jun 2019

How to cite :- Teoman Duman. 04 Jun 2019, Attributes of Muslim-Friendly Hospitality Service in a Process-Based Model from: The Routledge Handbook of Halal Hospitality and Islamic Tourism Routledge Accessed on: 02 Oct 2021


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Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 ors ciiisb ulm htaeraie codn osaihpicpe.A nacademic all an As covering principles. as shariah proposed to according is realised travel markets tourism are streams: traveller oriented Halal that Muslim Muslims research markets. religiously on by these two Islamic and activities focuses toward tourism for of research markets characteristics tourism agenda boundaries tourism product halal research the religious and and to the on behaviours; according details and for focus be motivations Therefore, also studies behaviour. to 3.1 social tourism philosophy, have and Table a Islamic personal activities halal). of than travel aspect more (i.e. every is of teachings guides shariah aspects that by of life all acceptable religion of activities the Muslims, way travel a followers, is other its it all For but sub- teachings. of purposes a religious Islamic spectrum as & purely and the considered for Battour law be covers taken 2014; can is tourism Eid travel tourism halal where Islamic & whereas tourism that El-Gohary religious/faith-based outlines 2010; the 3.1 of Jafari Table domain & 2016). (Scott Ryan 2016; topics Ismail these on publications recent ors rmhlltuimadgv ogdsrpino h hydi shariah they why to of according description long realized a gave are de and Conceptual and tourism halal motivations from market-speci tourism Islamic more from as out principles originate come that de have By Muslims ones 2016). Nakata recent & the more (Izberk-Bilgin whereas given 2011), important Duman more and becoming tourism needs is Understanding 2017). consumers Hackett tourism signi & economic (Lipka faith-based growing businesses of tourism all expectations for market target aaa21) sactgr,ti akti nesuidi ors cdma Muslim academia. tourism in understudied world is the market of cent this per 24 category, about a constitute consumers As the is 2016). businesses tourism Nakata all for market major A ulmfinl optlt sagoigrsac rawti h oanof domain the within area research growing a is hospitality Muslim-friendly ” ale icsin oue oeo eciigtentr ftecnet(i 1989; (Din concept the of nature the describing on more focused discussions Earlier . TRBTSO MUSLIM- OF ATTRIBUTES ” REDYHOSPITALITY FRIENDLY Dmn21:6.Wt hsde this With 6). 2011: (Duman EVC NAPROCESS- A IN SERVICE fi iin n onaiso sai n aa ors aebcm lae with clearer become have tourism halal and Islamic of boundaries and nitions fi AE MODEL BASED ac ftemre seCatr1 hsvolume). this 1, Chapter (see market the of cance emnDuman Teoman fi Introduction iin sai ors includes tourism Islamic nition, fi iin ua eaae h de the separated Duman nition, 3 53 “ ulmConsumer Muslim ’ ouain aigte signi a them making population, s ” akt(zekBli & (Izberk-Bilgin market “ ff ors ciiisby activities tourism rfo ahother. each from er fi iino Islamic of nition fi studies c “ Islamic fi cant Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 oiain,mres n etntos h ou ftepeetcatri nhlltourism. halal on is chapter present the of focus The destinations. and travel markets, to motivations, wish us of many the ‘ religion that of Islamic reason members and same the purposes the ‘ to social for and relating travel leisure faith faith recreational, Islamic of for undertaken acts tourism with is tourism associated is and identi purposes well also was “ tourism halal and ytmadlfsyei eesr.T tr ih tsol entdta sa sntol a the only believer, not Muslim is a Islam considered that be The To noted to. life. be adhered of belief be should way should Islamic it Islam complete the with, of a of start pillars also description To but brief necessary. system a is belief travellers, lifestyle Muslim and of system psychology the understand To and markets, travel Muslim behaviour, consumer Muslim of study o services a and is products tourism halal area, purposes other for actualised activities travel All purposes religious purely for travel other all and Umrah , of Type motivation Travel 3.1 Table Islamic Muslim-friendly sai ors per opiaiyrfrt rvludrae o eiiu n pilgrimage and religious for undertaken travel to refer primarily to appears tourism Islamic h aa ocp nIlmadipiain o optlt services hospitality for implications and Islam in concept halal The ’ smr prpit o h oanae ie sai ors)o ulmtraveller Muslim or tourism) Islamic (i.e. area domain the for appropriate more is ocpulstoso sai n aa tourism halal and Islamic of Conceptualisations ’ tourism Halal tourism Islamic tourism r oeaporaefrtuimpout n evcsweesteterm the whereas services and products tourism for appropriate more are ff rdt ulmcnues h itnto ewe sai tourism Islamic between distinction The consumers. Muslim to ered tourism business Leisure/ literature Indicative tourism based faith- Religious/ agenda Research Domain Market-speci travellers Muslim of motivations travel travellers, Muslim of styles decision and Psychology speci Market travel Islamic of aspects religious and cultural motivations, travel Islamic consumers, tourism Islamic of styles decision and Psychology optlt services hospitality Muslim-friendly of properties standards, halal of development services, and products tourism of components mix marketing of halalness markets, traveller Muslim of potential speci Consumer destinations religious of characteristics service and destination markets, tourism Islamic of potential speci Consumer emnDuman Teoman fi db yn(06.Ra 21:11 ttdthat stated 121) (2016: Ryan (2016). Ryan by ed fi eplasinclude pillars ve 54 fi fi c: c: fi fi aueand Nature aueand Nature c: c: (2016) Ismail and Battour (2016); Khalid and Salleh Samori, (2011); Duman (2006); Iverson and Timothy (1989); Din (2016) El-Gohary (2015); Yarmen and Sumaedi (2014); Ballantine and Hall Marzuki, (2016); Nakata and Izberk-Bilgin (2014); Stephenson (2016); Prayag and Hall Razzaq, Alkhulay and Ramli Mohsin, (2016); Henderson (2016); Janati and Carboni (2010); Jafari and Scott ” h terms The . ” whereas ‘ halal fi (2016); “ ’ halal fi and ve Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 eaiuso ulm n hrceitc fpout htso aa nature. halal show that products of characteristics and Muslims of behaviours into things of consumption and utilisation to: referred are qiyas knowledge of sources other hti ugse st olwtetahnsi h ua n h ottp fProphet of footsteps the and Therefore, not. is the what in and suggested, teachings is what the term permissible, follow the is Very what to accordingly. understand to is travellers Muslim suggested all serve is almost to start that what can di try travellers shariah is and Muslim of it rulings serve rulings often, main that certain these businesses tourism are understanding Therefore, there with on. However, agree ruling. would di the Muslims may of source shariah accepted of application and in behaviour of conduct The situation. and named necessity is on therefore depending Islam given are deeds makruh and ble), obligatory), identi not is ruling a where situations In sayings). and deeds ( 06 e loCatr1 hsvolume). this 1, Chapter also see 2016; osa wyfo.Hrmoe,o h te ad r lal ue u n considered and out ruled clearly are hand, other recommended the and on disliked are ones, they rather Haram but from. haram de are as makruhs away out The ruled stay Islam. acceptable, openly in considered to not (forbidden) are are haram things that or of ones (disliked) consumption the makruh and considered utilisation are and others deeds many of number a as Just 1989; (Din business (haram). unacceptable and or (halal) education, considered acceptable be are health, about may Islam others learning in civilisations), the cultures, activities whereas travel beauties, past Some natural bene of 2011). the a see Duman experiences to for divine places taken visiting the (through is Islam. God it in bene of halal greatness as These considered long are principles. as purposes sillaturrahim shariah these halal as to is long according as activity purpose travel any Any for travel may Muslims fi h ietl faMsi specie ytomi ore fIlm the Islam: of sources main two by prescribed is Muslim a of lifestyle The hr r ayvrain in variations many are There ieyuacpal.Freape ed n osmto fpout htwl edto lead will that products of consumption and deeds example, For unacceptable. nitely aaa) n aigaplrmg oMka tlatoc,i n a the has one if once, able. least in physically at daytime is the Makkah the and help to during to capability pilgrimage intimacy tax a or charity making drinking a and eating, , ); no through includes income (which annual fasting of needy; cent per 2.5 donating day; uamd(Islam Muhammad one declaring aaoydn yshlr oohrsmlrstain) sa aeoie ed and deeds categorises Islam situations). similar other to scholars by done (analogy — ed n aig fPohtMhma artdb teswowtesdthese witnessed who others by narrated Muhammad Prophet of sayings and deeds “ haram Muslim-friendly mustahabb/mandub vstn relatives), (visiting ffi utt aeoieeeysnl c shllo aa o ulm.Therefore, Muslims. for haram or halal as act single every categorise to cult fridn.Hlldescvrthe cover deeds Halal (forbidden). ’ opeefihta la TeGd steol urm en and being supreme only the is God) (The Allah that faith complete s h ocp fhrmadisimplications its and haram of concept The ’ rpe)i h esne fAlh performing Allah; of messenger the is Prophet) s Shariah aa ors n t implications its and tourism Halal ” trbtso ulmfinl hospitality Muslim-friendly of Attributes em ob oeaporaetr ouewe describing when use to term appropriate more a be to seems (recommended), fi n h td fti odc stermed is conduct this of study the and -Sabilillah fi hrlnsb di by rulings qh ff raogsceisadidvdasdpnigo the on depending individuals and societies among er atn ntecueo o) prcaigthe appreciating God), of cause the in (acting Ijma fi 55 fi egop.Teeare These groups. ve ilproe a ethe be can purposes cial mubah cnesso coasadcmuiy and community) and scholars of (consensus ff rn coas hrfr,understanding Therefore, scholars. erent fi s he aeois ugmnsabout Judgements categories. three rst (neutral), fard fi di hs ore,te two then sources, these in ed fi Sot&Jfr 00 3 2010: Jafari & (Scott makruh ilproeadactualised and purpose cial cmusr)(..teHajj), the (i.e. (compulsory) fard/wajib (disliked/reprehensi- fi Hajj Quran epaesa prayers ve Mhi tal. et (Mohsin the , (compulsory/ fi nancial and – Umrah, 4) Sunnet Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 sai ausaeaaye nadcso rcs oe Fgr .) h trbtsof attributes below. stage and The discussed The are rules 3.1). service. perspective fro (Figure shariah hotel taken Muslim-friendly model to items a were process new according 3.3 Four decision (2007). properties Table a Fowdar in these in services of analysed hotel are compliance volume). this values proposed 2, Islamic and and 1 3.3 Chapters also Table hotel (see typical perspective a and this of appreciated from consumption be analysed the hospitality will be Therefore, those Hadith can consumers. that and Accordingly, service Muslim Quran knowing God. by in and strongly the teachings of religion more to before preferred his/her devotion according binding designed of is of are principles every principles that strength of almost basic services basic that the teachings faiths, these said about the be obeying other learning can by not it of by hadith this, covered raised believers Despite and is are preferences. teachings like Muslim personal life Quranic to just human according to However, varies of according Muslims aspects Hadith. be all and should that Muslim Quran believe a Muslims of action compliant. every theory, In detail. more in di di be service interpretational of hospitality should to it practices although due cultural Muslims, items) to beverage services identi di hospitality items is acceptable it of that noted 3.2) contro- elements have scholars (Table create core tourism services not of all do tourism number A away that and Hadith. staying conduct hospitality and and Quran behavioural earnings the beverages, other in of identi and all teachings halalness food to in code, of according modesty dress versy halalness developing and in the in interest, modesty to practical areas, from related more prayer are be in that the will cleanliness areas of rulings those source popul accepted concern Muslim the jurisprudence commonly for on most services di heavily the hospitality of desired on depends acceptable focus Islam religiously a a a in be in and may unacceptable prayers there their and conduct (as acceptable and ruling way is Islamic What an in way. lives daily their sustain inappropriately dressing 80 and (Din 2010: liquor Henderson Islam drinking or in selling haram foods, considered (forbidden) are openly servitude Islam and 1989). lavishness, permissiveness, hedonism, pure otoes a efudi sai ieaueweeitrrttoso aa n haram and halal of such interpretations of where roots literature The di controversy. Islamic scholars di create in Muslim environment, usage) by and found water conduct art be of understood entertainment, cleanliness easily can (e.g. roles, and controversy others law gender some shariah code, whereas by Muslims dress prescribed by clearly to adhered are and interest, and gambling, adultery, ff o hsproe otpoietpoete fatpclhtlsrieaeidenti are service hotel typical a of properties prominent most purpose, this For to Hadith and Quran the in prescribed commandments the with bound are Muslims h aans rhrmeso odadbvrg n eti eaiua odc,sc as such conduct, behavioural certain and beverage and food of haramness or halalness The rne mn ulm ndi in Muslims among erences fi dsrie n eaiua odc htaencsayfracpal (halal) acceptable for necessary are that conduct behavioural and services ed rcs-ae ulmfinl optlt evc consumption service hospitality Muslim-friendly Process-based fi daoe(..descd,peec fpt,cnupino oefo and food some of consumption pets, of presence code, dress (i.e. above ed ffi – utt e la onaiso h ereo aans fsm fthe of some of halalness of degree the on boundaries clear set to cult 81). “ rhbt dley abig osmto fpr n te haram other and pork of consumption gambling, adultery, prohibits ff rn oite.TefloigscindtisMuslim-friendly details section following The societies. erent ff ff eeaddt h itt aetesaemr nlsv for inclusive more scale the make to list the to added were r oilgcly uhcnrvryi lodet lifestyle to due also is controversy such Sociologically, er. rn at ftewrdta r otycluebased. culture mostly are that world the of parts erent ff rne mn et rmzeso ulmpopulations) Muslim of mezhebs or sects among erences emnDuman Teoman fdcso aigfo ulmcustomer Muslim a from making decision of s a n iccc 21)adRamsaran- and (2016) Hitchcock and Lai m 56 lhuhntehutv,Tbe32covers 3.2 Table exhaustive, not Although . tos omnyacpe uig fIslamic of rulings accepted Commonly ations. ff rne mn coaso sa n the and Islam of scholars among erences ” Zmn-aaai& (Zamani-Farahani fi din ed Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 Hospitality rs code Dress omservices Room beverage and Food hsclfacility Physical evc racnetHllatiueSource facility the of Management attribute Halal area/concept Service 3.2 Table aa trbtso optlt services hospitality of attributes Halal – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – optlt sta Hospitality uteadmorals and quette sta customers for code dress Islamic fa n aorsrie during Ramadan services sahoor and Iftar modi genetically and additives food include substances, that chemical beverage and food Hadith; and and Quran in described bever- age and food ser- unacceptable (not ving beverage and food Halal similar or pork products) or ham alco- no (no hol; beverage and food Halal rooms/ Separate sta Female female sta guests Male/female of status marital Checking odu eln activities dealing drug No esntalwdi h facility the in allowed not Pets toiletries Halal room the in Bidet room the iden- with ti mats prayer and Quran facing not Qiblah toilet and bed of Position males/females rooms Prayer allowed religiously display as of part picture human (no interiors and Design h aiiysol ernaccording Islamic run to be should facility the Islamic uigRamadan during prayer teraweeh of Organisation location identi times and prayer with guests Helping guests toward hospitality and Respect fi aino ieto fMcain of direction of cation fl fi oors aca aaeet(i.e. management nancial fi ff fi aino of cation ac principles) nance o oe n families and women for ff ff anann eti- maintaining fl osfrsingle for oors o igemale/ single for fi fi gures) — dfoodstu ed nhouse in ff and ff s aoi&Sbu2014 2016; Sabtu al. & et Samori Razzaq 2011; Jaafar & 2016; Omar El-Gohary 2016; al. et Mohsin ta.21;Smr at 2014; 2016 Sabtu Henderson & Samori 2014; al. Marzuki et 2016; al. et Razzaq 2016; Nakata & Izberk-Bilgin al. 2016; et El-Gohary Salleh 2014; 2016; al. et Mohsin 1989; Din ta.2016 al. Razzaq et 2014; Omain & Salleh, Hashim 2016; Hamid, al. et Mohsin 2014; & Sabtu Samori 2016; El-Gohary 1989; Din 2014 Sabtu & 2016; Samori al. et Mohsin 2016; El-Gohary lGhr 06 azqe l 2016 al. et Razzaq 2016; El-Gohary azqe l 2016 2014; al. al. et et Razzaq Salleh 2016; al. et Mohsin ( Continued ) Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 iue3.1 Figure nprpit otn n orc mg ftehtlsol ecetd nahdt,i was it obscenities hadith, a of uttered In free who created. is be one that should nor material hotel obscene, the promotional of across image come correct At starts stated: to a service. (brand), expects the and service toward traveller content the expectations inappropriate Muslim of develops the aware and point, becomes service, the customer this about hotel information Muslim for potential searching a stage, this In Post-consumptionstage Serviceconsumptionstage Choicestage Pre-purchase stage Source entertainment and Recreation attribute Halal area/concept Service 3.2 Table ouetdi optlt aktn ieaueta raigfleepcain a adverse well has is expectations It false exaggeration. creating or facts that hiding literature without marketing e customers hospitality potential in to documented given be also should ff of thehotel. Correct image content. inappropriate material freeof Promotion cso utmrstsato n oat Pzm&Mla 93.Csoe reactions Customer 1993). Milman & (Pizam loyalty and satisfaction customer on ects “ h eto o r hs eti odc.Ad h rpe a o n h was who one not was Prophet the And, conduct. in best those are you of best The (Cont). eiinmkn rcs oad ulmfinl optlt services hospitality Muslim-friendly towards process Decision-making or trade. in bargaining No deception – – – – – apperance, greetingcustomers,callingcustomersbyname,friendlyand aa ors packages tourism Halal content broadcasting adult without channels TV acceptable night- clubs, no entertainment, adult No female and male for facilities recreation Separate privacy Guest security Guest Attitudes andbehavioursofstaff:modest,dress-coded,neat courteous behaviour,attentivehospitality. beverage, halalentertainment. qualified employees,halalfoodand hospitality, cleanlinessinallareas, reasonable prices,generosityin accurate,and timelyservices, trustworthy transactions,courteous, guest, modestfacilities,honestand Welcoming, greeting,safetyofthe r-ucaestage Pre-purchase emnDuman Teoman Feedback ” 58 Jm`a-imdi 78) reinformation True 27/81). at-Tirmidhi: (Jami` aoi&Sbu21;Rza ta.2016; al. et Razzaq 2014; Sabtu & 2016; Samori El-Gohary 2014; al. et Salleh • • • • complaining, switchingbehaviour recommending behaviour, Loyalty, repeatpurchase, Resulting behaviours—e.g. Perceived valueevaluation Feelings ofsatisfaction Service qualityperceptions Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 cuayi iln eiblt oetadtrustworthy and Honest Reliability billing in Accuracy feeling welcome and relaxed, Comfortable, furniture Basic comfortable and Modern lobby/entrance Attractive decoration hotel exterior and interior Appealing euiyadsft ttehtlEvrnetSf n secure and Safe secure and parking Safe of Quality Environment 33/ Majah: Ibn Sunan hotel the at safety and Security guest Tangibles the Welcoming location hotel Convenient Reliability facilities transport of Availability .Arvla h facility the at Arrival 3. stage consumption Service choice and alternatives correct of a Evaluation Providing 2. stage Choice prices about information accurate Tangibles and Advance services hotel about information Accurate hotel the of Image etc. compliance pamphlets, Proposed brochures, appealing Visually dimension Process search information Awareness, 1. stage Pre-purchase item Process # Item 3.3 Table opinesaeo rcs-ae ulmfinl oe service hotel Muslim-friendly process-based of scale compliance A — ria ra agbe aeadsecure and Safe Tangibles areas arrival — osmto n vlaino services of evaluation and Consumption vlaino eeto ra n services and areas reception of Evaluation — niomn reigsomeone/a Greeting Environment Basic Basic eiblt odcpinin deception No in deception No Reliability Reliability appealing Visually Tangibles xetto formation Expectation — — — agbeMds eoainand decoration Modest and tangible decoration Modest tangible and decoration Modest tangible ria tfacility at Arrival egbuhosand neighbourhoods transactions them comfort to guest furnishings furnishings furnishings areas arrival ria areas arrival and neighbourhoods areas arrival and neighbourhoods agiigo trade or bargaining trade or bargaining hotel the of image content appropriate with material printed values Islamic and rules shariah to according b aa:3/12/2139 Majah: Ibn 2/5/12 Al-Bukhari: Sahih An-Nisa/86 An-Nisa/38 An-Nisa/38 An-Nisa/38 21/3677 33/ Majah: Ibn Sunan 21/3677 33/ Majah: Ibn Sunan 21/3677 33/ Majah: Ibn Sunan 21/3677 ua b aa:13/ Majah: Ibn Sunan 3/12/2224 Majah: Ibn 32/2079 34/ Al-Bukhari: Sahih 27/81 at-Tirmidhi: Jami` Nur/31; literature Islamic from sources Selected b aa:3/12/2224 Majah: Ibn 48/2355 ( Continued ) Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 omscrt niomn aeadsecure and Safe o services Environment and products informing basic Accurately of Variety covers and sheets bed pillow, mattress, clean and Environment Comfortable and timely Providing security Room room of Quietness Reliability services housekeeping Timely Basic Basic toilets and bathrooms Hygienic 43/ Dawud: Abi Sunan hospitality in rooms Generosity of Spaciousness rooms of comfort and Cleanliness Tangibles items Complimentary cards) debit and credit of acceptance promotions, website special form, computerised-feedback facilities, calling international fax, Internet, email, reservation, (online technologies Hotel ihig olt rde etc.) fridge, toilet, lighting, conditioning, air (kettle, order working in items Room water) co tea, ironing, laundry, stationery, paper, toilet towels, shampoo, soap, esnbero ae niomn esnbepie and prices Reasonable Environment and timely Providing informing Accurately rates room Reasonable compliance Proposed Reliability Reliability check-out and check-in dimension Quick Process service message Reliable item Process # Item 3.3 Table ff (Cont). rd(toothpaste, ered ff e drinking ee, niomn cuaeyinforming Accurately Environment informing Accurately informing Accurately Environment Environment Basic informing Accurately Technology — — — agbeCeniesadhygiene and Cleanliness tangible informing Accurately rooms tangible of Cleanliness tangible etigi rooms in Settling egbuhosand neighbourhoods customers service prompt toilets and bathrooms of customers areas prayer and customers customers customers customers areas arrival pro service prompt customers values Islamic and rules shariah to according fi levels t 32/2079 34/ Al-Bukhari: Sahih 57/4505 32/2079 34/ Al-Bukhari: Sahih 32/2079 34/ Al-Bukhari: Sahih 32/2079 34/ Al-Bukhari: Sahih 21/3677 33/ Majah: Ibn Sunan 32/2079 34/ Al-Bukhari: Sahih 118 1/220/ Muslim: Sahih 1/1/355 Hasan: 32/2079 34/ Al-Bukhari: Sahih Da Al-Baqara/125 131/3905 63/ Al-Bukhari: Sahih 18/4790 ua an-Nasa Sunan 118 1/220/ Muslim: Sahih 32/2079 34/ Al-Bukhari: Sahih literature Islamic from sources Selected ’ f 5/41/2799 if: ( Continued ’ :44/ i: ) Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 ait hw(..acnet netimn oetadhumble and Modest humble and Modest Entertainment Entertainment concert) a (e.g. show Variety Casino entertainment evening of Provision of Employment Reliability order food of Accuracy Basic Basic beverages desired of Availability food desired of Availability system) wake-up compliance email, Proposed ordering, meal plug, Internet television, PC, dimension on-demand Process mail, voice telephone, TV, smart (Wi technologies In-room item Process # Item 3.3 Table viaiiyo omsrieEptyAalblt fhllfood halal of Availability baby-sitting, (playground, children of Provision and timely Providing Empathy Responsiveness service room of Availability service breakfast Prompt and quality Providing areas service beverage and food the of Cleanliness Environment restaurant(s) in food of Quality wmigpool) swimming (Cont). ’ facilities s fi , netimn oetadhumble and Modest Entertainment informing Accurately Technology netimn rvdn hlrnwith children Providing Entertainment Al-Baqara/125 areas all of Cleanliness Environment netimn n te services other and Entertainment odadbvrg services beverage and Food — — agbeAalblt fhalal of Availability food tangible halal of Availability tangible ayhn amu othe to harmful (anything drugs alcohol, gambling, No entertainment. quali options beverage options customers values Islamic and rules shariah to according abig loo,drugs alcohol, gambling, No entertainment. segregation Gender indecency. or obscenity No body). the to harmful (anything drugs alcohol, gambling, No entertainment. segregation Gender indecency. or obscenity No body). dqaefacilities adequate options beverage and service prompt food halal fi dsta ed ff 32/2079 34/ Al-Bukhari: Sahih literature Islamic from sources Selected imdi 27/81 Tirmidhi: at- Jami` Nur/31; 27/81 Tirmidhi: at- Jami` Nur/31; 27/81 Tirmidhi: at- Jami` Nur/31; 16/3687 Al-Baqarah/168/172 Al-Baqarah/168/172 2799 Al-Baqara/168/172 ua an-Nasa Sunan Al-Baqarah/168/172 118 1/220/ Muslim: Sahih An-Nisa/58 Da Hadith: ’ f 5/41/ if: ( Continued ’ :31/ i: ) Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 the aln h utmrb aeEptyCligsmoeby someone Calling promised time the at services the Performing someone/a Greeting Sta Empathy name by customer the Calling Empathy customer hotel the Recognising sta of appearance Empathy professional and Neat Feedback 8. program loyalty Customer behaviour behaviours Resulting 7. evaluation value Perceived 6. feelings Satisfaction 5. perceptions quality Service 4. stage Post-consumption or obscenity facilities No and recreational sports of quality and Variety Entertainment gym and sauna, pool, swimming of Availability informing Accurately or obscenity Entertainment No attractions Tourist centre exhibition Entertainment and Convention performances Acrobatic Shopping spa) a (e.g. therapy and Recreation compliance Proposed dimension Process item Process # Item 3.3 Table ff fi efrigsrie right services performing s time rst (Cont). ff — oat,rpa ucae eomnigbhvor opann,switching complaining, behaviour, recommending purchase, repeat Loyalty, eiblt mlyetof Employment Reliability eiblt rvdn ieyand timely Providing Reliability neat and Modest Tangibles or obscenity No bene hotel Core Tangibles informing Accurately Entertainment or obscenity No Entertainment tiue n eaiuso sta of behaviours and Attitudes fi sN bcnt or obscenity No ts quali segregation Gender indecency. segregation Gender indecency. segregation Gender indecency. customers segregation Gender indecency. customers segregation Gender indecency. segregation Gender indecency. or obscenity No body). the to harmful (anything values Islamic and rules shariah to according rmtservice prompt name preferred their them comfort to guest sta of apperance fi dsta ed ff ff ff 32/2079 34/ Al-Bukhari: Sahih 27/81 Tirmidhi: at- Jami` Nur/31; literature Islamic from sources Selected 118 1/220/ Muslim: Sahih An-Nisa/58 34/9/819 Al-Mufrad: Al-Adab An-Nisa/86 Da 27/81 Tirmidhi: at- Jami` Nur/31; 27/81 Tirmidhi: at- Jami` Nur/31; 27/81 Tirmidhi: at- Jami` Nur/31; 32/2079 34/ Al-Bukhari: Sahih 27/81 Tirmidhi: at- Jami` Nur/31; ’ f 5/41/2791 if: ( Continued ) Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 a tya eylwlvl u otecneune ffleavriigo utmrstays. customer on advertising false of consequences the to due levels low very at stay can oe evcsfrMsi utmr a etee the be can customers Muslim for services hotel sa,tebyrhstergtt euntepouti e(h)i o ap ihteproduct. the with happy not is (she) he if Messenger product The the it. return with to wrong right something the was each has there deceive buyer that the not saw Islam, and and said, honest it Allah in be hand of to his stated: expected put was are He it suitable food. buyer hadith, are the a that and In hotels other. seller alternative evaluate the to both expect in transactions, would only traveller Muslim not a stage, this At e comple- One being 2011). as (Duman advertised not have were hotels they where although discussed halal been tely have advertising false towards compliance Proposed dimension Process sta knowledgeable and Well-trained item Process # Item 3.3 Table skills sta Experienced itnn aeul ocmlit mah eovn customer Resolving heart at interests customers have to Hotel Empathy complaints to carefully Listening requirements customers the Understanding customer the to attention special Giving con sta of abilities Problem-solving service sta of Availability promptly help sta of Willingness Sta oreu mlye suac oreu eaiu to behaviour Courteous Assurance sta of Ability employees Courteous sta of Friendliness ff fi ihgo communication good with ec ncustomers in dence (Cont). ff oinstil to ff fi ‘ ei o n fu h cheats who us of one not is He ff ff ff aca em u loi em fhllpoete.Drn hieand choice During properties. halal of terms in also but terms nancial ff oprovide to oprovide to vlaino lentvsadcoc stage choice and alternatives of Evaluation ’ best ’ ff trbtso ulmfinl hospitality Muslim-friendly of Attributes eiblt mlyetof Employment Reliability eiblt mlyetof Employment of Employment Reliability Reliability mah rvdn attentive Providing Empathy attentive Providing attentive Providing Empathy attentive Providing Empathy Assurance of Employment and timely Providing Reliability and timely Providing Reliability Reliability suac redybhvorto behaviour Friendly Assurance “ h esne fAlhpse yamnwowsselling was who man a by passed Allah of Messenger The 63 ’” quali values Islamic and rules shariah to according quali quali optlt oguests to hospitality consent mutual by complaints guests to hospitality guests to hospitality guests to hospitality quali service prompt service prompt guests guests ff cso oat hr eetbsns rates business repeat where loyalty on ects InMjh /222) diinly in Additionally, 3/12/2224). Majah: (Ibn fi fi fi fi dsta ed dsta ed sta ed dsta ed ff c fngtv discon negative of ect ff ff ff ff sai literature Islamic from sources Selected An-Nisa/58 ai ulm 1/220/ Muslim: Sahih 118 1/220/ Muslim: Sahih An-Nisa/58 An-Nisa/58 ai ulm 1/83/48 Muslim: Sahih 3/12/2185 Majah: Ibn 1/83/48 Muslim: Sahih 1/83/48 Muslim: Sahih 1/83/48 Muslim: Sahih 118 Da Da An-Nisa/58 ’ ’ f 4/11/2494 if: 4/11/2494 if: fi mto in rmation Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 ecmn en oeta omrilwloebtrte ecmn faguest. a of welcoming a rather but welcome commercial a Islam, than In quality. more service hospitality to means integral Know is services not welcoming hotel do in you welcoming whom of those role and The know 2/5/12). you whom those greet and poor) has one when son and So traveller, his the said, against of Prophet father supplication the his the oppressed, of the supplication of In the supplication Islam. The in accepted): status stated: being stated: special them was was given it it are hadith, hadith, guests a and/or a In Travellers 30/82/1975). hosts. Al-Bukhari: the (Sahih on rights has s/he decisions. their choices make It hotel they their 2013). when in Perdue aspects aspects & three all (Kim all on an quality) evaluate hotels food would and compare consumers price, and Muslim a (e.g. properties of that ones of attributes expected cognitive halal atmosphere) be importance to and can the have addition quality in (room shows that choice sensory Research and hotel hotels system. entertaining) and belief for feeling you their comfortable look if to and would suited it, keep atmosphere consumers it, Muslim with pleased Typically, are you If nights. it signi three return for then choice displeased the are have you buy, you ‘ it leave may he wants, he if him. and owe it, host) (the request you may that debt he you a If wants, (like) obligatory. guest) is is (hospitality) (the night this one he then for morning, If guest the a in up door Putting your said: Allah of Messenger travellers. fellow relieve hosts Muslim demanding therefore 70/57/5429), have and a guests for perspective, the host Islamic with the an to beverage From coming traveller and guests. a the food purpose, for noncommercial halal in entertainment or provide commercial generous of means clean; be extravagance; (halal) areas prices; acceptable avoid all reasonable and quali keep promote facilities with services; guests; transactions; modest the work provide trustworthy greet hospitality; environment; and and welcome safe honest to and conduct providers secure service a encourage provide traditions and rulings Islamic transaction their of blessings their the in then blessed something, be truth say: the hid would something, spoke they buy or parties then you the lies lost goods), both told if be the they and (of would part; if qualities they and till and or defects transaction, parted the not described have they and as that: long stated as was goods it hadith, the In re i eun ihoebte hni r[tlat euni i iemne] ned Allah Indeed, manner]. like a [in it return Accountant least] an [at things, or all it over than ever, better is one with return] [in greet o guest guest the that house for the hadith responsible of a also door is is host this the to perspective, Related this From 33/21/3677). Majah: htsr fdeso wa ulte f sa r good? are Islam of) qualities (what or deeds of sort What h otsol ecm n re h us prpitl.A ttdi hadith: a in stated As appropriately. guest the greet and welcome should host The ihrsett reig h ua states: Quran the greeting, to respect With fi atdcso o ulmcnue eas ftesniiiyo h decision. the of sensitivity the of because consumer Muslim a for decision cant ff rmtehouse. the from ” ShhA-uhr:3/227) naohrhdt,i a stated: was it hadith, another In 34/32/2079). Al-Bukhari: (Sahih “ ” fi rvln sakn ftrue si rvnsoefo leigadeating! and sleeping from one prevents it as torture, of kind a is Traveling ihdhsjb esol eunqikyt i family his to quickly return should he job, his nished Muu /935)idctn httehs srsosbefrsen the seeing for responsible is host the that indicating 4/29/3358) (Maudu: “ he upiain r cetd hr sn ob nte (about them in doubt no is there accepted, are supplications Three ‘ hr hudb oitnino cheating of intention no be should There ” SnnInMjh 34/35.Coc fhtlpoet sa is property hotel of Choice 13/48/2355). Majah: Ibn (Sunan fi evc osmto stage consumption Service depoest rvd oreu,acrt,adtimely and accurate, courteous, provide to employees ed “ ti h unhframnt ootwt i us othe to guest his with out go to man a for Sunnah the is It “ h elradtebyrhv h ih oke rreturn or keep to right the have buyer the and seller The ” emnDuman Teoman A-ia8) nahadith, a In 86). (An-Nisa ” 64 Jm`a-imdi 71) naohrhadith, another In 27/11). at-Tirmidhi: (Jami` “ n hnyuaegetdwt greeting, a with greeted are you when And “ ’ n orgethsargto you on right a has guest your and h rpe replied, Prophet The “ a se h Prophet, the asked man a ’ ’ n o vr product every for and aiiyi us and guest a is facility s ’” ” ShhAl-Bukhari: (Sahih Shhal-Bukhari: (Sahih fi ” ‘ dagetat guest a nd ff ofe (the feed To SnnIbn (Sunan cie(e.g. ective ’ “‘ safety. s When “ The ” Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 essi ua n nhdt.I lBqr 2,i sstated: is it 125, Al-Baqara for many In acceptable in hadith. prayer and for in clean ruled and be and Quran urged should is in providers Cleanliness versus standards. service Islamic the to by according consumption provided products and Services i oPrds:Bigcutost h us,kn oprns n on odfrslaves for that: good issue doing this and about stated parents, admit was to it and kind hadith, side, the guest, His In the expose to will courteous Allah (Da Being him them, Paradise: to has to whomever due him which hospitality for the (characteristics) of three equivalent the them better from or take good to speak 28/69/3804). Dawud: entitled either is should a he Day him, Last stated: In guest the Islam. the and to in hospitality Allah in deed silent believes praised and remain who Allah a he in is and believes guest guest who he the and to neighbour stated: hospitality was it Providing hadith, care. with customers “ ignoble and companion a is Satan whom to he companion And a Day. Last as the he in is nor evil Allah then in not stated: believe and is people it An-Nisa Sura In rgac hnd o euei,fride tcmsfo Paradise from comes it indeed said: for Prophet promoted it, and the fragrance refuse hadith, used not a He time. In do the followers. all then clean his fragrance and to neat use be and its Allah clothes, which modest that wear Seeing is to and Excellent Hearing justice. ever with the is judge by Allah to established people Indeed, Islam between you. in judge instructs you principle when resource appropriate and human Quran: due and key the competent a in be is verse This should famous positions. employees their all hastened: for general, be people In should 1/220/118). deeds favourite that: good Muslim: that stated his (Sahih hadith was by a it and in hadith, best suggested a liked In he compromise. that by name solutions the acceptable by “ for man look a and call reasonable to like to kunya used peace, him The dealings. trade their in generous Resurrection be of hadith: to a Day that: expected in the are merchant said on Prophet traders martyrs trustworthy the Muslim the with Also, praising be 3/12/2139). will hadith merchant another Muslim in honest stated was It pro undeserved because promoted be should show-o and vanity discourages Islam modesty. and (husn) beautiful and nice being between in choose they hotels the from welcomed. expectations being of high terms have would customers Muslim Accordingly, aihthat hadith neti ussgenerously guests entertain rnatosmyol edn ymta consent mutual by done be only may Transactions niprateeeto evc rnato rcs stepoiino evcsto services of provision the is process transaction service of element important An sa ece ot ob oreu oget.I aih h rpe stated: Prophet the hadith, a In guests. to courteous be to hosts teaches Islam h oti loepce oprryana n la perne h rpe a known was Prophet The appearance. clean and neat a portray to expected also is host The was It manner. timely and prompt a in services provide also should providers Service prices Reasonable trustworthy. and honest be to have Islam to according transactions All balance a teaches Islam decor), furnishings, (building, facilities physical to respect With ’ f /129) lo ato en oreu scligagetb hi rfre name. preferred their by guest a calling is courteous being of part a Also, 4/11/2494). if: ” A-dbA-urd 4989.I eovn opans ot r xetdt be to expected are hosts complaints, resolving In 34/9/819). Al-Mufrad: (Al-Adab “ ” h rpe obd arti forbade Prophet the ” SnnAiDwd 31/70.Smlry twssgetdb h aihto hadith the by suggested was it Similarly, 43/18/4790). Dawud: Abi (Sunan ShhMsi:18/8.Aohrhdt nteiprac fproviding of importance the on hadith Another 1/83/48). Muslim: (Sahih “ ewoblee nAlhadteLs a hudd odt his to good do should Day Last the and Allah in believes who He “ h eivri ipeadgnru,bttepro the but generous, and simple is believer The ” “ trbtso ulmfinl hospitality Muslim-friendly of Attributes ned la omnsyut edrtut owo hyare they whom to trusts render to you commands Allah Indeed, “ ShhA-uhr:63/131/3905). Al-Bukhari: (Sahih n as]toewosedo hi elht ese ythe by seen be to wealth their of spend who those [also] And ” “ fayn sageto epewopoien optlt for hospitality no provide who people of guest a is anyone If A-ia38). (An-Nisa fi ilyin cially 65 fi fl saefridni sa.I a ttdi the in stated was It Islam. in forbidden are ts h atDysol hwhsiaiyt the to hospitality show should Day Last the tn prices ating “ h rpe,myAlhbeshmadgrant and him bless Allah may Prophet, The ” InMjh 3/12/2185). Majah: (Ibn ” A-ia58). (An-Nisa “ “ hnoeo o sgvnsome given is you of one When ” epop ndiggo deeds good doing in prompt Be Snnan-Nasa (Sunan “ uiyM os o those for House My Purify ” (Da “ fl h trustworthy, The ’ ’ gt sdeceitful is igate :44/57/4505). i: f 5/41/2791). if: ” InMajah: (Ibn “ hr are There ” (Abi ff – ” ” . Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 kain,Pac hn21) miia eerhi hsae ssilrltvl creand scarce 2014; relatively Scott still & is (Jafari area area this emerging in an research perceptions still Empirical customer 2016). is of Chon provision role & service the Pearce on and Oktadiana, beliefs segments religious customer on family. on based of needs Research the literature. (Stephenson to according life marketing designed social a be Islamic In should of services care. hospitality block with halal building Females, all treated the status. and be is 2014) or should family condition and the the Furthermore, status stated: 31/16/3687). of special is needs given it personal are hadith, to elderly according and person disabled, children, the treat to teaches bene the of needs stated: is it (31), An-Nur Surah where In standards allowed. Islamic not to are according behaviours designed identi inapropriate be and well must obscenity services very entertainment and been recreation have beverage and food 2016). (Henderson halal of boundaries and bow who those and worship for [there] staying are prayer] who [in those prostrate and Tawaf perform who o olwtefoseso aa.Ide,h st o la enemy clear a you to is he Indeed, Satan. worship of you footsteps that the Him follow [indeed] not is stated: it is if it Allah verse to grateful be and verse: 5/41/2799). n elvsTyi wa sgo) n ei ai cen n elvscenies eis He cleanliness, generosity loves He He and and (generous) (clean) Jawad Nazif is is He He kindness, and loves He good), that: and is stated (kind) (what Karim was Tayyib it loves cleanliness, he about and hadith another In Islam. l h bv-etoe ulte fhsiaiysrie r elrsace nservices in researched well are services hospitality of qualities above-mentioned the All the to according provided and designed be should facility hospitality a in services all Finally, all that said be can it facilities, hospitality in services entertainment to respect With l hti osmdb ulm aet ecenadhll hsi ttdi Quranic a in stated is This halal. and clean be to have Muslims by consumed is that All smnindi h aih hr r la ue fceniesfracpal ryr in prayers acceptable for cleanliness of rules clear are there hadith, the in mentioned As tm hi ett aekonwa hycnelo hi drmn.Adtr to turn succeed. And might adornment. you their not that believers, of them O conceal let you, And they of women. what all repentance, of known aspects in make Allah private the to of feet aware desire, their physical yet stamp no not having are attendants male who their those children expose or or possess, not hands right and their which chests husbandsthat their their fathers, over their headcovers husbands husbands, their their their thereof of] to appears portion [necessarily] except which adornment private [a their that wrap guard except and to adornment vision their and their expose of not [some] reduce and to parts women believing the tell And n[h oqe r e h oet la n oprf hmevs n Allah And themselves. purify to pure. and and clean clean to themselves make who who men those are loves mosque] [the In las usle fiprt u osxa ciiy n ecenorevswith ourselves clean we and activity, sexual to urinating) due (after impurity water of ourselves cleanse cleanliness? “ na!Alhhspasdyufryu cleanliness your for you praised has Allah ! O “ o h aeblee,etfo h odtig hc ehv rvddfryou for provided have We which things good the from eat believed, have who you O ” “ fi akn,etfo htvri nerh[hti]lwu n odaddo and good and lawful is] [that earth on is whatever from eat mankind, O said: They ’ ire.Ilmrcgie vr niiuli i/e odto n tts and status, and condition his/her in individual every recognises Islam ciaries. os hi rtes hi brothers their brothers, their sons, ” “ noehdt,i a ttdthat: stated was it hadith, one In . ra orcide ary ra orcide fairly children your treat fairly, children your Treat ” esaid: He . “ epromalto o ryradw aebt to bath take we and prayer for ablution perform We “ emnDuman Teoman hsi hti s oahr oit. to adhere So is. it what is This 66 ’ os hi sisters their sons, … ” . h esne fAlhsaid: Allah of Messenger the “ hti h aueo your of nature the is What “ ” nedAlhi ayb(good) Tayyib is Allah Indeed A-aaa 7) nanother In 172). (Al-Baqarah ” ’ ’ os hi women, their sons, A-aaa 6) The 168). (Al-Baqarah ahr,tersons, their fathers, Hsn 1/1/355) (Hasan: fi di h literature the in ed ” ” Snnan-Nasa (Sunan ” (Da ’ if: ’ i: Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 h osm uhpout n evcsi iie Wbw ha 2016). customers, Ahmad & Muslim (Wibowo predominantly limited is to services and services products such and pro consume who halaltrip. the products on (e.g. tourism research operators although and travel to operations Internet-based hospitality started Muslim of have sell meet number to; A designed In; are services. increasing. com; that area these are businesses on under-researched tourism needs non-Muslims further and of customer hospitality A perceptions destinations, the evaluations. of is number and services a choice hospitality halal service to hospitality pertaining their on beliefs n h aueo evc rdcsta aif t ed n xettos eerhthat (Stephenson Research present and expectations. past and the needs in its populations Muslim satisfy market) purposes. of that tourism religious culture halal products pure the travel than (i.e. service rich market other the of this reasons of explores nature for nature Muslims the the stream identify by research to and taken second needed travel A are of detail. studies Further more types of in other Consumers studied all tourism. be is Islamic should of di characteristics study are psychographic and the activity and called needs travel be of decipher can type which to this purposes, Islamic guidance religious of need for concept taken sectors the related of and Studies infancy travellers. 2014). Muslim their tourism Sabtu of 2014; and in & expectations hospitality still (Stephenson (Samori the & especially are sectors Omar market and other tourism 2016; services behind this although Henderson in lags 2014), 2016; common of al. sector, Nakata becoming et needs & are developed Marzuki Izberk-Bilgin standards 2011; the and Jaafar 2014; Halal (Stephenson 2016). meet markets markets Nakata to consumer many & and Izberk-Bilgin food strategies Muslim 2016; and business to Henderson retailing approaches and product consumer pioneered products that industries indicates literature beverage Recent services businesses. hospitality many system. from belief travellers their Muslim of of sources expectations the possible from identify stemming to di as Muslim-friendly model, so of of process teachings expectations attributes a clarify identi to In on were Islam services. discussion service of hospitality the sources from reliable extend travellers from to Muslim evidence bring was and chapter services this hospitality of purpose The The e the identify to markets customer on focus can research future oat n eomnigbhvorwl els tog oee,ti seto halal of aspect of behaviours this future However, resulting strong. and less acceptable be less properties su will on as consumption weak behaviour evaluated service are hospitality that be recommending services will belief and hotel their 3.3 those of loyalty that requirements Table expected include in be which can expectations listed it their example, on based For be system. will more value be and to tion, expected consumers be Muslim experience, can consumption segment customer Muslim of speci behaviours resulting The services. uuersac nIlmctuimcnavneo w eerhsras n stetravel the is One streams. research two on advance can tourism Islamic on research Future for market unexplored an still is market traveller Muslim the market, consumer sizable a As fi fi ,fcsn neautosta r ae nterrlgosbles olwn the Following beliefs. religious their on based are that evaluations on focusing c, a tg ntepoesmdli h otprhs tg n edako h consumed the on feedback and stage post-purchase the is model process the in stage nal fi dadteeatiue eeascae ihsaihrlnsadIslamic and rulings shariah with associated were attributes these and ed otcnupinsaeadfeedback and stage Post-consumption trbtso ulmfinl hospitality Muslim-friendly of Attributes fi eadpyhlgclcaatrsiso o-ulmcustomers non-Muslim of characteristics psychological and le ff rn nternesadmtvtosadterdemographic their and motivations and needs their in erent ff r rmalc fresearch. of lack a from ers Conclusion ’ 67 umr vlain fsrieqaiy satisfac- quality, service of evaluations summary ff ff c fcustomers of ect rn trbtso hotel a of attributes erent ’ religious Downloaded By: At: 02:07 02 Oct 2021; For: 9781315150604, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315150604-3 i,D n ede ..(2013) R.R. 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Battour, plan that companies for advancements markets. service travel and Muslim development serve product to help also will 2014) choice Horizons Business ors aaeetPerspectives Management Global. Tourism IGI of Imprint an Reference, Science Business PA: Hershey, rsne tteWrdIlmcTuimFrm(IF21) 12 2011), (WITF O Forum Tourism Islamic Available: World the at presented 542 sa countries Asian 144 uies niern n nutilApiain IBI) 01IE ypsu.IE,Langkawi, IEEE, Symposium. IEEE 2011 (ISBEIA), 384 Malaysia: Applications Industrial and Engineering Business, Perspectives study Malaysia in hotel compliant h xetnydiscon expectancy the Perspectives Management Tourism Perspectives Management ors market tourism Mauritius Perspectives Management 291 121: 2012, InHAC Conference Halal International certi Sciences, Halal toward tions at: online Available Center. 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