Minutes of a virtual meeting of the Wind Farm – Local Liaison Committee held on Friday 26th February 2021 at 4.00 pm


Councillor L Riley (CW&C Frodsham Ward) – Chair Councillor C Ellams ( Parish Council) Councillor C Ashton (Frodsham Town Council) Councillor W Watson (Sutton Weaver Parish Council) Mr Bill Primarolo (Belltown Power Ltd) Ms Molly McDonald (Belltown Power Ltd) Mrs Gaynor Hawthornthwaite (Secretary to the Liaison Committee)

Welcome and Introductions

Councillor Riley welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Representatives of Belltown Power Ltd confirmed their support for community initiatives and actively engaging with the community in various ways to promote the Wind Farm, such as walks around the Wind Farm and arranging workshops at schools.

1 Apologies

Councillor H Deynem (CW&C Sandstone Ward)

2 Adoption of Minutes of the Meeting held on 30th October 2020

The minutes of the meeting held on 30th October 2020 were agreed as a correct record.

2a Actions Arising

Bill Primarolo had raised the issues of the options for finding a solution to the access, fly tipping and CCTV at strategic locations on the marshes with Ian Taggart from Manchester Ship Canal and invited him to attend this meeting, but this was declined. Bill will continue to liaise with Manchester Ship Canal.

3 Main Business

3a Public Matters

Bill Primarolo reported on the following:

1. On 14th January 2021 a concern relating to Cell 6 drying out and no longer becoming suitable for waterfowl birds (planning condition 33a) was received. This was followed up on 14th January and relevant documents were provided by CW&C Planning and Manchester Ship Canal confirmed continued use of Cell 6 as a deposit ground. 1

Atmos, FWFL ecologists, provided the wind farm’s obligations under planning. Whilst Manchester Ship Canal are continuing to use cell 6 as a deposit ground for arisings, the condition is met. This information has been provided to the complainant and the matter is deemed to be resolved.

2. On 16th November a complaint was received from a resident who lives just off Marsh Lane, about half a mile from the nearest wind turbine, about noise from the turbines. An acknowledgement was sent on 25th November 2020 and requesting additional information about which turbine the noise was coming from and a sound description, time of day, weather conditions and when the noise began. Turbine 17 was then inspected by the site manager and maintenance technicians who confirmed that there were no defects or noise to report. There have been no setting changes to Turbine 17. On 13th December the complainant confirmed that the noise was similar to an aeroplane engine and local technicians have suggested a new flight path to Liverpool airport is the reason for the noise. On 24th December 2020 an email was sent to the complainant detailing Turbine 17 investigation and the matter is now deemed to be resolved.

3b Members’ Matters

Councillor Ellams referred to the recent flooding on the Marshes and to the substation that serves the wind farm.

Bill Primarolo reported that there had been flooding on the West substation and that Protos are working on improving drainage, across the site, which is ongoing. There are a number of ditches that need to be cleared and repaired.

The measures to ensure that the flood risk is minimised in the area is to be followed up with West and Council.

3c Condition 58 Report

A Condition 58 report relating to the concern over Cell 6 drying out and no longer becoming suitable for waterfowl birds and a report about an increase in noise disturbance from the Frodsham wind farm in the last 2 months, had been circulated prior to the meeting. Both these matters had been followed up and are now deemed to be resolved.

3d Operations Update

There were no issues reported.


4 Agreement of Actions arising from this meeting

No. Description Owner 1. To follow up with Andrew Lewis and Charlie BP Seward (CW&C), the responsibility for the maintenance of the drainage system on the site.

To follow up with the Cabinet Member what measures Cheshire West and Chester Council LR are taking to ensure that the flood risk is minimised in the area.

2. The re-constitution of the Committee and review GH of Terms of Reference to be discussed at the next meeting.

3. To follow up whether the current committee GH members would like to continue or appoint another Town/Parish Council representative.

4. To consider the publication and availability of the MM LLC minutes to the public.

5. A Condition 58 report to be circulated prior to the BP/GH next meeting.

5 Committee Membership

In accordance with the Frodsham Wind Farm Limited Local Liaison Committee Terms of Reference, the Committee is currently made up of the following representatives:

• The Operator (Belltown Power Ltd) • The Local Authority (Cheshire West and Chester Council) • Ward Councillors of Elton, Frodsham, Gowey, Helsby and Kingsley • Two representatives of the local councils of: Elton, Frodsham, Helsby • One representative from the local councils of: , Dunham-on-the-Hill & Hapsford, Ince, Kingsley, Sutton Weaver and Thornton-le-Moors

As the Wind Farm is now at the operational stage, rather than the development stage, it was agreed that the current committee members should be contacted to find out if they would like to continue or would like to appoint a new Town/Parish representative. Following the responses received, the re-constitution of the Committee will be discussed at the next meeting and the Terms of Reference will be updated.


Councillor Watson (Sutton Weaver Parish Council) confirmed that he will no longer be the representative for Sutton Weaver Parish Council at the LLC meetings. Councillor Watson was thanked for his attendance at the meetings.

The availability of the LLC minutes to the public and the publication of the LLC minutes is to be followed up.

6 LLC Meeting Regularity

It was agreed that the Committee should now meet on a six- monthly basis, unless there are items of business that require consideration before then.

7 Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting is to be held on Friday 3rd September at 4.00 pm

8 Any Other Business

There were no matters arising.

The meeting closed at 16.45.