29 March 2019

Coming into force in accordance with article 1(2)

Bedford Borough Council (“the Council), in accordance with section 82 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 (“the 2007 Act”), has undertaken community governance reviews and made recommendations dated 27th June 2017, 3rd January 2018 and 13 March 2018.

The Council has decided to give effect to those recommendations and, in accordance with section 93 of the 2007 Act, has consulted with the local government electors and other interested persons and has had regard to the need to secure that community governance reflects the identities and interests of the community and is effective and convenient:

The Council, in accordance with section 100 of the 2007 Act, has had regard to guidance issued under that section:

The Council makes the following Order in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 86, 98(3), 98(4) and 240(10) of the 2007 Act.

Citation and commencement

1. This Order may be cited as the Bedford Borough (Reorganisation of Community Governance) Order 2019

(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) of this article, this Order comes into force on 1st April 2019.

(2) Article 8 shall come into force on the ordinary day of election of councillors in 2019.

(3) For the purposes of: (a) this article, (b) article 6; and (c) proceedings preliminary or relating to the elections of parish councillors for the parishes of Brickhill, Clapham, Cardington, , , , , and to be held on 2 May 2019,

this Order shall come into force on 1 April 2019



2. In this Order -

“Borough” means the ;

“existing” means existing on the date this Order is made;

“map” means a map marked “Map referred to in the Borough of Bedford (Reorganisation of Community Governance) Order 2019 ” and deposited in accordance with section 96(4) of the 2007 Act;

“New Parish” means a parish constituted by article 4;

“Ordinary Day of election of councillors” has the meaning given by section 37 of the Representation of the People Act 1983; and

“Electoral Registration Officer” means an officer appointed for the purpose of, and in accordance with, section 8 of the Representation of the People Act 1983.

Effect of Order

3. This Order has effect subject to any agreement under section 99 (agreements about incidental matters) of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 relevant to any provision of this Order.

Constitution of new parishes

4. (1) A New Parish comprising the area outlined in blue and shaded in yellow on the map referenced as “Map 1” shall be constituted within the Borough

(2) The name of the New Parish shall be Cotton End.

(3) A new parish comprising the area outlined in blue and coloured white on the map referenced as “Map 2” shall be constituted within the Borough.

(4) The name of the New Parish shall be Shortstown.

5. In consequence of article 4 above, the area of the new parishes shall cease to be part of the existing parish of .

Calculation of budget requirements

6. (1) For the purposes of regulation 3 of the Local Government Finance (New Parishes) () Regulations 2008 there is specified in relation to the parish of Cotton End the sum of £20,000


(2) For the purposes of regulation 3 of the Local Government Finance (New Parishes) (England) Regulations 2008 there is specified in relation to the parish of Shortstown the sum of £49,750.

(3) The funds and balances referred to in Schedule 1 and 2 shall be transferred to the New Parishes or held by the Council and ring- fenced for use by or in consultation with the new councils, in accordance with such Schedule 1 and 2

Parish Council for the parish of Cotton End

7. (1) There shall be a parish council for the parish of Cotton End

(2) The name of that council shall be Cotton End Parish Council

Parish Council for the parish of Shortstown

8. (1) There shall be a parish council for the parish of Shortstown

(2) The name of that council shall be Shortstown Parish Council

Number of parish councillors for the parish of Cotton End

9. The number of councillors to be elected for the parish of Cotton End shall be seven (7)

Number of Parish Councillors for the parish of Great Denham

10. The number of councillors to be elected for the parish of Great Denham shall be nine (9)

Number of Parish Councillors for the parish of Shortstown

11. The number of councillors to be elected for the parish of Shortstown shall be twelve (12)

Number of Parish Councillors for the parish of Wixams

12. The number of councillors to be elected for the parish of Wixams shall be fifteen (15)

Wards for the parish of Stewartby

13. (1) The existing wards of the parish of Stewartby shall remain unchanged

(2) The numbers of councillors to be to be elected for each of Hardwick and Village wards of the parish of Stewartby shall be one (1)

for the Hardwick parish ward and eleven (11) for the Village parish ward.


Elections for the Parishes

14. The election of all parish councillors for the parishes of Brickhill, Clapham, Cardington, Cotton End, Great Denham, Elstow, Shortstown, Stewartby, and Wixams shall be held on 2 May 2019.

Annual Meeting of parish council

15. The Annual Meeting of the New Parish councils in 2019 shall be convened by the Chief Executive of the Bedford Borough Council. The meetings shall take place no later than 14 days after the day on which the councillors elected to the New Parish councils take office.

Alterations of parish areas

16. (1) The area outlined in green and designated as “Area A” on Map 3 shall cease to be part of the parish of Clapham and shall become part of the parish of Brickhill and Woodlands Park Ward of that parish.

(2) The area outlined in blue identifying properties numbered 1 to 4 Maple Place Bedford on Map 4 shall cease to be part of the parish of Brickhill and shall become an unparished area.

(3) The area coloured yellow and designated “Area A” on Map 5 shall cease to be part of the parish of Cardington and shall become part of the New Parish of Shortstown established at article 4 of this Order.

(4) The area coloured yellow and designated “Area A”on Map 6 shall cease to be part of the parish of Elstow and shall become part of the parish of Wixams.

Dissolution of parish council for the parish of Eastcotts

17. The parish council for the parish of Eastcotts shall be dissolved.

Abolition of the parish of Eastcotts

18. The parish of Eastcotts shall be abolished.

Electoral Register

19. The Electoral Registration Officer for the Borough shall make such rearrangement of, or adaption of, the register of local government electors as may be necessary for the purposes of, and in consequence of, this Order.

Transfer of property, rights and liabilities

20. The land, property, rights and liabilities described in Schedules 1 to 4 shall transfer from the existing Eastcotts Parish Council to the New Parish councils of Cotton End and Shortstown


Transitional provision

20. Until the councillors elected to the councils of the New Parishes of Cotton End and of Shortstown at the elections to be held on 2 May 2019 come into office, the new parishes shall be represented by those persons who is immediately before 1 April 2019 were the elected councillors for the Borough ward of Eastcotts as set out in Schedule 5

Order date

21. 1st April 2019 is the order date for the purposes of the Local Government (Parishes and Parish Councils) (England) Regulations 2008.

Sealed with the seal of the Council on the ______day of ______2019

B H Morris Assistant Chief Executive (Law and Governance) Solicitor to the Council



Schedule 1 – Transfer of Funds and Balances to Cotton End


Schedule 2 – Transfer of Funds and Balances to Shortstown


Schedule 3 – Land, Property, Assets and Liabilities to be transferred to Cotton End


Schedule 4 – Land, Property, Assets and Liabilities to be transferred to Shortstown


Schedule 5 – List of Eastcotts Parish Councillors representing the new Parishes of o Cotton End and Shortstown in the transitional period

Schedule 6 – Contracts to be transferred to Cotton End ???????

Schedule 7 – Contracts to be transferred Shortstown ???????


EXPLANATORY NOTE (This note is not part of the Order)

This Order gives effect to recommendations made by Bedford Borough Council for the alteration of the areas of the parishes of Brickhill, Cardington and Clapham. What about Elstow and Wixams? It gives effect to recommendations to increase the number of parish councillors for the parish of Great Denham to nine.

The Order also provides for the existing parish of Eastcotts to be abolished with effect from 1 April 2019. The parishes of Cotton End and Shortstown will be created om the area of the existing parish of Eastcotts and the parish of Shortstown shall also include an area currently in the parish of Cardington as a consequence of the alteration of that parish.

The electoral arrangements apply in respect of parish elections to be held on and after the ordinary day of election of councillors in 2019.

Article 13 obliges the Electoral Registration Officer to make any necessary amendments to the electoral register to reflect the new electoral arrangements.

The map defined in article 2 shows the areas that will cease to be part of the Brickhill, Cardington and Clapham parishes and become unparished, part of the parish of Shortstown and part of the parish of Brickhill (Woodlands Park Parish Ward) respectively.

Article 14 provides for the transfer of property, rights and liabilities from the existing Eastcotts Parish Council to the new parish councils for Cotton End and Shortstown parishes.

Article 15 provides for transitional arrangements between the new parishes being established and parish councillors for the new parish councils taking up office in 2019.

Question the purpose of the note as it doesn’t appear to be inclusive summary explaining all changes e.g. variation to parish ward representation in Stewartby not mentioned


Schedule 1 - Cotton End

Register of Assets updated January 2019

Purchase Street Furniture Locations/Details/Remarks Location/Details/Remarks price

1 Parish Noticeboard Wood Lane, Cotton End £750.00 Noticeboard purchased and installed 03/08. Refurbished 04/09

Situated: 2 in Bunkers Drive, 2 play areas CEVH £150 each 2 5 Wooden benches Cotton End £1,399.98 x QE 11 Golden jubilee commemorative benches 2 08/12 1 CEVH 11/12 £399.99 each

Situated at the bus stop, play area, corner of Meeting 3 Plastic litter bins Cotton End £1,050.00 Close/Wood Lane. Price includes installation. £350 each

Situated at the village hall entrance replaced June 2015, 4 Dog bins Cotton End £1,000.00 playing field, end of Wood Ln & near noticeboard. Price plus installation. £250 each

1 Litter bin Trow Close area £417.60 Adopted January 2013 Phoenix Litter Bin

1 Bench Trow Close area £350.00 Adopted January 2013 Litter bin

Adopted February 2019 Cody's commemorative bench paid 1 Wooden bench A600 Bus Stop opposite school £300.00 from Borough Councillor's ward fund

1 situated at original entrance, 1 located 04/09 at new Cotton 2 Dog bins Shocott Spring Wood £500.00 End entrance £250 each SUB-TOTAL £5,767.58

Play Equipment Location Details/Remarks

Weekly inspection. Quarterly equipment inspection. Annual Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £22,190 safety inspection. Consists of 2 cradle swings, 2 junior swings, and action multi-play unit. 1 large springer installed 07/06.

Purchase & installation cost 8/09. 4 new items: Orbiter Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £6,015.40 roundabout, tyre crossing, chain walk, wobble log.

Adventure play equipment Cotton End Village Hall £63,500 Purchase & installation cost 6-7/10. Playbuilder/S106 funded, PC contribution £2,500. Cableway, Hurricane swing, Pendulum basket-seat swing, banister slide, Eclipse Reactions unit, Moonwalker roundabout, Ball Wall, natural play elements, safety surfaces.

Purchase & installation cost 7/10. S106 funded. Wildcats MUGA Cotton End Village Hall £22,000 Premier Multi-sport system.

1 Five-a-side goalposts Cotton End Village Hall £680.00 Installed 05/12

Installed March 2012 part funded s106 VAT claim & grant 1 Fencing Cotton End Village Hall £6,432.00 application

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £733.50 Ark Enclosed Springer installed 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £3,592.80 Posts & Steel panels installed 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £593.10 Shaker installed 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £323.10 Chunky Nought & Crosses installed 10/15 6 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £660.00 Steel posts installed 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £2,474.35 Essential mini Titan yellow installed 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £1,269.00 Rota Roka installed 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £2,056.50 Nexus big slide installed 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £5,953.50 3.0 meter cone climber installed 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £1,270.80 Nexus freeride installed 10/15

2 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £449.28 Ekeby Picnic table installed 10/15

4 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £659.52 Ekeby bench installed 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £1,098.20 2.4 Olympic 2 seat swing with flatt assy ESS installed 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £1,120.32 Outdoor table tennis with net installed 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £1,421.22 Carriage 10/15

37 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £1,115.55 Grassmatt surfacing flame retardent installed 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £518.00 Install 37 safety grass mats 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £595.80 removal works and reinstall trail items 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £5,386.00 Install play equipment into soft dig 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £9,737.38 Install safety surfacing baseworks, edging 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £10,565.50 Supply and lay wetpour 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £497.00 Self Closing gate installed 10/15 1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £94.00 Fencing to self closing gate installed 10/15

1 Playground Equipment £319.00 Safety surface and widen path to accommodate all abilities Cotton End Village Hall 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £1,502.50 Groundworks create landscaped mound 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £742.00 Install play equipment reinstall existing equipment 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £1,145.88 Install safety surfacing on existing roundabout 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £1,010.00 Install wet pour on existing roundabout 10/15

1 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £619.20 Play Tronic Cuckoo Clock 10/15

2 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £250.00 Flat seat for Olympic swing 10/15

2 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £114.00 Swing chains 10/15

4 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £28.00 Shackles for swings 10/15

4 Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £12.00 Oilite brushes 10/15

Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £196.00 Paint existing equipment 10/15

Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £2,040.00 Refurbishment of exisitn climbing unit and cradle swing 10/15

Playground Equipment Cotton End Village Hall £2,040.00 Refurbishmeng of swings

3 Playground Equipment Trow Close Play Area Adopted January 2013 3no Step Bollards (Miracle) no purchase price, 1 Spring platform (Miracle) Multi Bouncer

1 Playground Equipment Trow Close Play Area £355.00 Adopted January 2013 Plastic Crocodile (Miracle) 1 Fencing Trow Close Play Area Adopted January 2013 Fences (Knee Rail) No purchase price

1 Playground Surface Trow Close Play Area Adopted January 2013 No purchase price

SUB-TOTAL £183,375.40

Bus Shelters

1 Bus Shelter Cotton End £1,500.00 A600 Located opposite the Harrows pub site.

A600 opposite The Bell Public House Includes 1 Bus Shelter Cotton End £5,952.00 installation £1,632, bench £360

SUB-TOTAL £7,452.00

Traffic Calming Devices

2 SIDS Cotton End each end village A600 £9,000.00 Purchased in 2008 through Bedford Borough Council

SUB-TOTAL £9,000.00

Street Lights

1 5m Steel Column street light Street light 35 Watt SOX £1,000.00 C1 Wood Lane

1 5m Steel Column street light Street light 35 Watt SOX £1,000.00 C3 Wood Lane

1 5m Concrete Column street Street Light 80 Watt MBFU light £1,000.00 C1 Bunkers Drive

1 5m Concrete Column street Street Light 23 Watt LED light £1,000.00 PC2 Garage Area

1 5m Concrete Column street Street Light 23 Watt LED £1,000.00 PC3 Bunkers Drive opp No 9 light

1 5m Steel Column street light Street Light 23 Watt LED £1,000.00 PC4 Bunkers Drive o/s 14

1 5m Steel Column street light Street Light 23 Watt LED £1,000.00 PC5 Bunkers Drive o/s 8

1 5m Concrete Column street Street Light 23 Watt LED light £1,000.00 PC1 Meeting Close o/s 1

1 5m Concrete Column street Street Light 23 Watt LED light £1,000.00 PC2 Meeting Close o/s 3

1 5m Steel Column street light Street Light 23 Watt LED £1,000.00 PC3 Meeting Close o/s 13

1 5m Concrete Column street Street Light 23 Watt LED light £1,000.00 PC4 Meeting Close F/P r/o 13

1 Pole Bracket street light Street Light 80 Watt MBFU £1,000.00 C1 Bell Lane

1 5m Steel Column street light Street Light 70 Watt SON £1,000.00 C1 CE Village Hall

1 5m Concrete Column street Street Light 23 Watt LED light £1,000.00 PC1 The Crescent o/s 8

1 5m Concrete Column street Street Light 23 Watt LED light £1,000.00 PC2 The Crescent o/s 3

1 5m Steel Column street light Street light 35 Watt SOX £1,000.00 C2A Hall Way

1 5m Steel Column street light Street light 35 Watt SOX £1,000.00 C2B Hall Way

SUB TOTAL £17,000.00


Land Owned

Large playing field including Zip wire, MUGA, various play 1 Playing Field equipment Cotton End Village Hall, Wood Lane Cotton End MK45 3AV

Small play area few pieces of 1 Small play area equipment Trow Close Cotton End MK45

Hedges CEVH Wood Lane side 1 Hedges only Cotton End Village Hall, Wood Lane Cotton End MK45 3AV

Triangular piece of land High Road 1 Small grassed area end of Wood lane with Noticeboard Wood Lane Cotton End MK45

1 Small car park Small car park Cotton End Village Hall, Wood Lane Cotton End MK45 3AV

Schedule 2 SHORTSTOWN PARISH COUNCIL Register of Assets updated January 2019 Purchase Amount Asset Location/Details/Remarks Location/Details/Remarks price Office Equipment 1 Digital Phone Parish Clerk Office £27.99 Panasonic KX-TG6761 purchased February 2015 1 Flat screen monitor Parish Clerk Office £99.00 Acer purchased 05/11 1 Shredder Parish Clerk Office £61.00 Rexel V60 Compactor straight-cut purchased 12/09 1 Parish seal Parish Clerk Office £80.00 Purchased pre-09/02 1 Parish regalia Chair £834.00 Insurance replacement value 1 Computer Intel C series Parish Clerk Office £303.34 Purchased 03/11 (details on Just Computers invoice) 1 Epson WorkForce WF-3620 Parish Clerk Office £99.99 Purchased October 2015 1 Fire safe Parish Clerk Office £61.00 Sentry safe F2300 advanced security purchased 04/09 1 Filing cabinet Parish Clerk Office 0 Donation 03/09 3 drawer grey 1 Nokia Mobile phone Parish Clerk Office 29.95 Purchased September 2016 SUB-TOTAL £1,596.27 Purchase Street Furniture Location Details/Remarks price Electricity sub-station (Nisa shop) 1 Parish Noticeboard £600.00 Refurbished 2007. Wooden construction, wall-mounted. ST Parish Noticeboard Harrowden £750.00 Purchased 2003. Wooden construction, free-standing. 1 Refurbished 04/09 Parish/Community Noticeboard purchased and installed 08/07 Wall-mounted, 1 Village Hall ST £700.00 Noticeboard metal construction 1 Parish Noticeboard Village Hall ST £500.00 Donated by Shortstown Village Hall Trustees 01/13 1 Metal bench Shortstown £350.00 Purchased pre 09/02. Relocated to Southcote Green 01/06. Metal & Wood Memorail Donated by Caroline Williams to commemorate Shortstown 1 Shortstown Village Hall £200.00 Bench Centenary June 2017 Situated 2 outside Nisa shop, 1 Central Avenue by phone box,1 North Drive bus stop, 1 A600 bus stop, 1 play areaSTVH, 2 STVH, 1 Greycote bus shelter. 1 junction A600 14 Plastic litter bins Shortstown £4,900.00 & South Drive, 1 Harrowden Old Road, 1 Sunderland Place 06/15, 1 donated from BBC Cllr Ward fund 32 Stirling Road verge. Price includes installation STVH pic nic area installed May 2018 price includes 1 Plastic Litter bin Shortstown £600.00 installation Purchased & installed 09/11. Situated with play equipment at 1 Black plastic bin Southcote, Shortstown £350.00 skate park area. Situated: 1 outside school, 1 North End, 1 Southcote, 1 Southcote field footpath, 1 village hall car park, 1 Brackner 6 Dog bins Shortstown £1,500.00 [donated from BBC Cllr Ward Fund]. Inc. installation. £250 each 1 Dog bins Shortstown £250.00 Sept 15 new bin Sunderland Place inc installation 2 x Situated at Southcote playing fields. Relocated from 3 Wooden benches Shortstown £699.99 Cotton End 06/06 £150 each 1 QE11 Commemorative bench 08/12 situated at STVH £399.99 2 Metal benches STVH young child’s play area £830.00 03/13 Keyston metal Bench dark green £415.00 each 2 Installation STVH YCPA £444.00 03/13 Installation 2 Benches 1 Metal bin STVH young child’s play area £441.00 03/13 Keyston Metal Litter Bin dark green 1 Installation STVH YCPA £169.00 03/13 Litter Bin Provided by Greenspaces Trust. Situated in North 1 Large Planter Shortstown £0.00 Drive/Central Ave. 1 Plastic litter bin Harrowden £350.00 Situated near The Gate pub SUB-TOTAL £13,633.99 Purchase Play Equipment Location Details/Remarks price Playground Equipment Concord play area ST £36,360.00 Weekly inspection. Quarterly equipment check. Annual safety inspection. Consists of 2 cradle swings, 2 junior swings, and action multi-play unit. 1 large springer installed 07/06. 1 each Skateboard Facility Southcote, Shortstown £123,600.00 Weekly inspection. Quaterly equpipment check. Annual safety Basketball Court inspection. Annual repainting of ramps. Teen Shelter Purchase & installation costs 8/09. 3 new items: Mobilus Playground Equipment Southcote, Shortstown £23,000.00 swing, hexagonal swing, gym press. 3 Playground Equipment STVH young child’s play £13,433.00 Installed 03/13 Special Mini Forest Spinney £9,461 High Log Swing with 1 flat 1 cradle £1,220 Rock & Bowl Dish Rotaplay £1,675 Camel Springer Mobile £1,077 1 Installation Equipment STVH YCPA £3,658.00 Installation 03/13 STVH Young Childrens Play Area equipment 1 Fencing & Gate STVH young child’s play area £5,901.00 Pedestrian/Vehicle Gate £1,626 Flat Top Fence painted dark green £4,275.00 1 Installation Fencing & Gate STVH YCPA £2,375.00 Installation 03/13 of STVH YCPA fencing 108 Safety Grass STVH YCPA £4,536.00 03/13 Wicksteed Safety Grass (1.5mt x 1mt x 23mm) x £42 Installation STVH YCPA £2,916.00 03/13 Wicksteed Safety Grass 5mts Block Paving & Installation STVH you child’s play area £650.00 03/13 5mts block paving plus installation Installation November 2013 of knee high fencing around the 223mts Knee high fencing STVH playing fields perimeter £4,500.00 perimeter of STVH fields 1 Kissing Gate STVH playing fields/A600 £790.00 Installed July 2015 5 Totem Poles STVH playing fields £1,378.30 Installed May 2017 6 Gardanrthee Picnic Unit STVH playing fields £5,592.90 Installed May 2017 8 Nature trail rubbing posts STVH playing fields £2,543.60 Installed May 2017 4 Magnifying posts STVH playing fields £2,869.36 Installed May 2017 1 Lectern Sign & post STVH playing fields £1,763.19 Installed May 2017 5 Rounded glacial boulder STVH playing fields £1,274.10 Installed May 2017 1 Thermo plastic graphics STVH playing fields £1,186.66 Installed May 2017 1 Air ship memorial STVH playing fields £17,816.13 Installed May 2017 2 Football goalposts Shortstown STVH £1,000.00 Installed 01/06 at Southcote playing fields. 2 Five-a-side goal posts Shortstown STVH £500.00 Installed 05/11 at Southcote playing fields 50% funded SUB-TOTAL £257,643.24 Bus Shelters Located at The Crescent, High Road. Perspex replaced 1 Bus Shelter Shortstown £1,500.00 03/08. Located at Southcote. Installed 3/10 3 panels repaired early 1 Bus Shelter Shortstown £1,560.00 12/2 Panels replaced with Perspex late 2012 SUB-TOTAL £3,060.00 Street Lights 1 Pole Bracker 70 Watt CDO Street Light 70 Watt CDO £1,500.00 H2 Old Harrowden Road 1 Pole Bracker 70 Watt CDO Street Light 70 Watt CDO £1,500.00 H3 Old Harrowden Road 1 Pole Bracker 70 Watt CDO Street Light 70 Watt CDO £1,500.00 H4 Old Harrowden Road 1 Pole Bracker 70 Watt CDO Street Light 70 Watt CDO £1,500.00 H5 Old Harrowden Road 1 Pole Bracker 70 Watt CDO Street Light 70 Watt CDO £1,500.00 H6 Old Harrowden Road 1 Pole Bracker 70 Watt CDO Street Light 70 Watt CDO £1,500.00 H7 Old Harrowden Road 1 5m Steel Column street Street Light 80 Watt MBFU light £1,000.00 s6 High Road South 1 5m Steel Column street Street Light 23 Watt LED light £1,000.00 PC1 Eastcote o/s 5 1 5m Steel Column street Street Light 23 Watt LED light £1,000.00 PC2 Eastcote o/s 12 1 5m Steel Column street Street Light 23 Watt LED light £1,000.00 PC1 Greycote o/s 39 1 5m Steel Column street Street Light 23 Watt LED light £1,000.00 PC2 Greycote o/s 31 1 5m Steel Column street Street Light 23 Watt LED light £1,000.00 PC3 Greycote o/s 14 1 5m Steel Column street Street Light 23 Watt LED light £1,000.00 PC4 Greycote o/s 2 1 5m Steel Column street Street light 35 Watt SOX light £1,000.00 S1 Halifax Road 1 5m Steel Column street Street light 19 Watt LED light £1,000.00 S2 Halifax Road 1 5m Steel Column street Street light 36 Watt PL light £1,000.00 S3 Halifax Road 1 5m Steel Column street Street light 35 Watt SOX light £1,000.00 S1 Lincoln Road 1 5m Steel Column street Street light 36 Watt PL light £1,000.00 S2 Lincoln Road 1 5m Steel Column street Street light 19 Watt LED light £1,000.00 S3 Lincoln Road 1 5m Steel Column street Street Light 70 Watt SON light £1,000.00 S1 Stirling Road Play Area 1 5m Steel Column street Street light 19 Watt LED light £1,000.00 S3 Stirling Road 1 5m Steel Column street Street light 35 Watt SOX light £1,000.00 S4 Stirling Road 1 5m Steel Column street Street light 19 Watt LED light £1,000.00 S5 Stirling Road 1 5m Steel Column street Street light 19 Watt LED light £1,000.00 S6 Stirling Road 16 6m Steel Column street Play park light 150 Watt MBI lights £24,000.00 STVH Shorts Avenue 1 5m Steel Column street Street Light 70 Watt SON light £1,000.00 STVH Shorts Avenue SUB TOTAL £52,000.00


Land owned Large field including various items Shortstown Village Hall Shortstown Village Hall, Shorts Avenue, Shortstown MK 42 1 of play equipment including a Playing Field 0QL field adjacent to A600 skate park, BMX trax, MUGA Small field including slide, 1 Concorde Playing Field Concorde Close Stirling Avenue Shortstown climbing frame, swings, Walkway, grassed, shrubs and Area between Brabazon Close & Sunderland Place 1 Amenity Area flower beds Shortstown 1 Local play area Small play area First corner of Victor Close Shorstown 1 Fenced grass area Small fenced grass area Second corner of Victor Close Shortstown 1 Open grass area Open grass area End of Victor Close Shortstown 1 Open grass area Medium Size grassed area Grassed area [losenge] Shorts Avenue Shortstown Small/Medium Car Park adjacent Shortstown Village Hall, Shorts Avenue, Shortstown MK 42 1 Car Park to Shortstown Village Hall 0QL

Schedule 3

For transfer to Cotton End Park Woodfines Adoption of play area Trow Close Cotton End [03.09.2013]

Trust Deed for Cotton End Village Hall [09.06.1952] between Cotton End Youth Club, Cotton End United Football Club, Women’s Institute and Eastcotts Parish Council

Conveyance HC Janes Ltd and Eastcotts Parish Council [19.06.1967] Freehold land fronting High Road and Wood Lane Cotton End

Land Registry Completion of Registration [02.11.2006] Land North side of Hall Way with Eastcotts Parish Council

Conveyance of Land in Eastcotts, Cotton End Village Hall Charity Number 300019 Eastcotts Parish Council and Trustees of Eastcotts Village Hall Lease of CEVH for 99 years [1980]

Copy of Deed to both Shortstown and Cotton End National Playing Fields Association Deed of Dedication relating to land in Eastcotts Shortstown Village Hall, Cotton End Village Hall, Concorde Shortstown playing fields [19.11.2008]

Schedule 4

List of documents reviewed & amended by the Implementation Committee on 23 July 2018 For transfer to Shortstown

Shortstown Community Trust 21.08.2017 Five Year Agreement with Eastcotts Parish Council

[Shortstown Community Trust 13.08.2012 Five Year Agreement with Eastcotts Parish Council [Disposal?] – Not current]

Bedford Borough Council Adoption of Highway at Beauvais, Rochester, Horace and Tempest Shortstown [18.11.2016]

Charity Commission Shortstown Community Trust Registered number 1103038 [05.04.2004]: Note this Trust operates independently

Wright Hassall Deed of Dedication BD90896 Land lying to the South of Sterling Road Shortstown [29.12.2008]

UK Power Networks consent for service works 401732277 Shorts Avenue Shortstown [11.2010 ] Woodfines Land to West of Greycote Shortstown Purchase Deed [26.02.2015]

MacFarlanes Agreement relating to sale and purchase of Land South & West of Scott Avenue Shortstown [24.07.2000]

Woodfine Batchelor transfer of Shortstown Village Hall Playing Field [25.11.2002]

Park Woodfines Alteration to Boundary Shortstown Village Hall Playing Field [04.11.2013]

British Telecom installation of cabinet opposite 72 Greycote Shorts Avenue Shortstown Application consent

Deed Boundary Dispute/Fencing Shortstown Village Hall playing fields [03.10.2012]

Bedford Borough Council Multifunctional youth area, Multiuse Games Area, BMX track and Skate Park – Shortstown

Deed construction of Shortstown Village Hall between Eastcotts Parish Council and Bedford Borough Council

Defense Estates Shortstown Community Centre – Restrictions

HM Land Registry Shortstown Village Hall [05.02.1982]

Deed to Multiuse Games Area, BMX track and Skate Park – Shortstown

Defense Estate Organisation information on Lincoln Road Shortstown [04.03.1999]

Memorandum and Articles of Association of Shortstown Community Trust [the Trust is a separate entity]

Copy of Deed to both Shortstown and Cotton End

National Playing Fields Association Deed of Dedication relating to land in Eastcotts Shortstown Village Hall, Cotton End Village Hall, Concorde Shortstown playing fields [19.11.2008]


















Map 3

Map showing “Area A” - The area that it is recommended to transfer from Clapham Parish to Brickhill Parish (and to be included in Woodlands Park Parish Ward).

Map 4

Map showing properties in Maple Place, Bedford recommended to be de-parished from Brickhill Parish

Eastcotts Parish Boundary Alteration

Eastcotts North A (Shortstown) Parish Ward

Eastcotts South (Cotton End) Parish Ward

Map referred to in the Borough of Bedford (Reorganisation of Community Governance) Order 2017.

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