Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 1

Katie Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder

Significant Findings

 Arrington positioned herself as a pro-Trump candidate, comparing herself to Trump and saying that her primary objective in Congress would be to support his agenda. Trump endorsed Arrington in the primary.

 Arrington said she would have “proudly” voted for the GOP tax scam, and criticized for allegedly not wanting to make the tax cuts permanent.

 Arrington voted to raise the gas tax, and criticized Gov. McMaster for his opposition to it. She was also part of a group of legislators that looked into raising hunting and fishing license fees.

 Arrington repeatedly stated that the Affordable Care Act should be repealed, and praised Trump for ending cost-sharing reduction payments via executive order.

 As a member of the legislature, Arrington pushed for a gas tax increase and criticized Gov. McMaster for opposing it.

 Arrington voted to defund Planned Parenthood, and during her congressional campaign, she twice joined protests outside of Planned Parenthood clinics. She also voted to ban second-trimester abortions.

 Arrington kicked off her congressional campaign with a pledge to donate her remaining state funds to the Red Cross, but it does not appear that she has done so.

 Arrington praised Trump’s move to allow for offshore drilling and agreed with a tweet that said that the state could eliminate property taxes by allowing drilling.

 Prior to allegations that he failed to report sexual abuse, Arrington said she would support Jim Jordan for speaker.

 Arrington said she supported a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. constitution.

 Arrington said that the Sutherland Springs, Texas church shooting was not due to guns, but rather the lack of God’s role in American culture.


 BORN: 12/6/1970 (age 47)  HOME: Summerville, SC  EDUCATION: Corcoran High School, Syracuse, NY, 1988; Attended Canisius College in Buffalo, NY in 2001 but did not graduate; attended Walden University in 2013 to 2014  PROFESSIONAL: Worked at Denny’s in her late 20s; Sales, Expeditors International (1997-2002); Vice President of Development, Jessco Homes (2002-2005); Vice President, Catalyst Development (2005-2010); Research Analyst, Booz Allen Hamilton (2010-2011); Director of Technology Services, Centuria (2010-2014); System Integrator Account Manager, Benefitfocus (2014); VP Sales Operations Military and Government, Dispersive Technologies, Inc. (2014-2016) Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 2

 POLITICAL: State Representative (2016-present)  COMMITTEES: for Congress  NON-PROFIT: Palmetto Chapter of Women in Defense, Chair of Fundraising  AWARDS: Speech Language Hearing Association Legislator of the Year (2018); State House Dome Award, South Carolina Chamber of Commerce (2018);  ORGANIZATIONS: Board of Directors, Charleston Defense Contractors Association (2012-2014)  LICENSES: South Carolina real estate license (2004-2012)


Arrington Voiced Support For Offshore Drilling, But Later Backpedaled

Arrington Voiced Support For Offshore Drilling…

When Asked About Her Positon On Offshore Drilling, Arrington Replied, “I Fully Support An America First Policy Of True American Energy Independence.” “The Trump administration’s proposal to allow offshore oil and natural-gas drilling in federal waters off the Atlantic Coast could make 2018 an even tougher election year for Republicans in coastal states. […] Republican State Rep. Katie Arrington of Summerville, who is challenging Sanford in the GOP primary by casting herself as the pro-Trump candidate, took a completely different position Thursday. ‘As it relates to American energy independence, the difference between Mark Sanford and me couldn't be any clearer. Mark Sanford continues to support Barack Obama's policy of foreign oil dependence while I fully support an America First policy of true American energy independence,’ she told McClatchy in an email.” [McClatchy, 1/4/18]

Arrington Tweeted That “Like POTUS, , And Jeff Duncan, I Support American Energy Independence; My #SC1 Opponents Support Obama’s Foreign Oil Dependency.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 1/4/18]

Arrington Added: “I’m Open To The Idea Of Getting Away From Foreign Dependence On Oil And This Is Not Something You Can See From The Coast Line Or The Beach.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 1/5/18]

In Response To A Goose Creek Councilman Who Tweeted “From The Sounds Of It We Could Eradicate Property Taxes With Two Off Shore Natural Gas Rigs,” Arrington Retweeted His Tweet And Replied “You Are Correct Or BRLA.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 2/13/18] Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 3

“BRLA” May Be A Reference To South Carolina’s Base Load Review Act (BLRA), Which Allowed Utilities To Pass The Capital Costs Of Construction Financing To Ratepayers. “In SC, the state Base Load Review Act (BLRA) allows utilities to pass the capital costs of power plant construction financing on to ratepayers rather than having to pay for capital costs themselves. Since going into effect, the law has allowed South Carolina Electric & Gas’ (SCE&G) still yet-to-be completed, far behind schedule and overly costly V.C. Summer nuclear reactors to fleece ratepayers over and again. To-date, SCE&G has been approved under the BLRA to increase the costs to build the nuclear plants far beyond the original budget.” [Sierra Club, accessed 6/15/18]

VIDEO: Arrington: “When We Talk About Offshore Drilling. Nothing’s Happening. It’s President Trump – And I Support What He Did – He Lifted The Ban On Offshore Drilling.” [Joe Cunningham, Twitter, 6/19/18]

…But After Joe Cunningham Called Her Out, Arrington Said That She Did Not Support Offshore Drilling In South Carolina

June 20, 2018: Joe Cunningham Released A Video Highlighting Arrington’s Comments In Support Of Offshore Drilling. [Joe Cunninghan, YouTube, 6/20/18]

The Same Day Joe Cunningham Called Her Out, Arrington Said That She Did Not Support Offshore Drilling In South Carolina. “I support the repeal of Barack Obama's arbitrary restrictions on domestic energy exploration. I do not support drilling for oil off of South Carolina's coast. While there are those who are using scare tactics to politicize this issue, the Trump Administration simply reversed the Obama Administration's national policy. I believe states should have the final say on this issue, and for South Carolina, nothing will change. My legislative record has been one of supporting free market alternative energy solutions and common-sense environmental legislation.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 6/20/18]

Arrington Voted For A Bill To Block Local Governments From Passing Plastic Bag Bans

Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 4

Arrington Voted For A Bill To Block Local Governments From Passing Plastic Bag Bans And Said That “Government Overreach Attacks Consumer Choice By Issuing A Point Of Sale Block Versus Allowing Laws That Promote Community Choice.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 2/7/18]

In Response To A Tweet Asking Arrington If She Thought Her Vote To Ban Localities From Passing Plastic Bag Bans Promoted Community Choice, Arrington Responded, “Yes.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 2/7/18]

Arrington Said She Supported ANWR Drilling After Sanford Said He Was Opposed

2017: Arrington Said She Supported Drilling In ANWR. “As Republicans close in on passing sweeping tax reform, they have also gotten closer to something U.S. Rep. Mark Sanford notes has nothing to do with taxes: Drilling for oil in federally protected land in Alaska. […] Republican state Rep. Katie Arrington, of Summerville, disagrees with Sanford. She's also one of two candidates vying to replace him in Congress next year. ‘I support drilling in these oil-rich remote acres in Alaska, tax reform that allows Americans to keep more of their hard-earned money and President Trump's efforts to drain the swamp in Washington starting with Mark Sanford,’ Arrington said Monday.” [Post & Courier, 12/5/17]

Arrington Said She Was “Embarrassed” That The State House Had Voted Down A Bipartisan Solar Energy Measure

Arrington Said She Was “Embarrassed” That The State House Had Voted Down A Bipartisan Solar Energy Measure. “Under pressure from the state's major utilities, the S.C. House killed a solar bill Tuesday that was intended to protect thousands of jobs and save customers money on their monthly power bills. The bill's defeat, a stunning reversal from a House vote last week, brought withering criticism from many lawmakers, who said the House caved in to opposition by Duke Energy and SCE&G, derailing the legislation. Utilities have expressed concern about how competition from solar could affect them. […] State Rep. Katie Arrington, R-Dorchester, said the House was making a mistake by voting down the solar bill. ‘I'm embarrassed,’ Arrington said. ‘This is not what we are supposed to be.’” [The State, 4/10/18]

Health Care

Arrington Urged Repeal Of The Affordable Care Act

Arrington Said That Obamacare Should Be Repealed

In An Op-Ed, Arrington Wrote, “We Still Are Stuck With Obamacare […] It Is Time To Let The Free Market, Not Government, Dictate Our Healthcare.” “We still are stuck with Obamacare. We are still stuck with a tax structure that punishes success and offers no real incentives for job-creation. Despite promises made by career politicians, we are still stuck. When I have the opportunity to be a featured speaker - be it at Republican organizations, business groups or HOA meetings - I usually begin with: If you keep doing what you've done, you're going to keep getting what you got. Career politicians like Mark Sanford have done nothing, except make promises and fail to act. It is time to change Washington. It is time to help small businesses and working families. It is time to cut taxes and unleash entrepreneurs to create jobs. It is time to let the free market, not government, dictate our healthcare.” [Post & Courier, Katie Arrington Op-Ed, 12/6/17]

Arrington Said That Repeal Of The Affordable Care Act “Would Save Hundreds Of Billions”

Arrington Said That Repeal Of The Affordable Care Act “Would Save Hundreds Of Billions.” “For seven years, we've heard the Washington Republicans’ rhetoric about repealing Obamacare. Despite now having the Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 5

House, Senate and White House - there's still no repeal, even though it would save hundreds of billions!” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 11/14/17]

Arrington Said That A Delay In Repealing And Replacing The Affordable Care “Means Significant Premium Hikes For Many South Carolinians”

Arrington Said That A Delay In Repealing And Replacing The Affordable Care “Means Significant Premium Hikes For Many South Carolinians.” “Instead of holding out support for repealing and replacing Obamacare, Mark Sanford should have gone right to work with President Trump and fellow Republicans to fix the problem with a free-market solution that lowers costs. The delay in seeing Obamacare repealed and replaced means significant premium hikes for many South Carolinians.” [Katie Arrington, 8/4/17]

Arrington Criticized Republicans, Especially Mark Sanford, For Failing To Repeal And Replace The Affordable Care Act

Arrington: “It’s Time Congress Does Its Job And Repeals Obamacare.” “It’s time Congress does its job and repeals Obamacare! Year after year, Republicans running for office claimed they would fix Obamacare, yet nothing gets done. This year, Mark Sanford told a Washington, DC liberal reporter that full Obamacare repeal was ‘a pipe dream from the very start.’ Yet the very same Mark Sanford says on his campaign website that he would, “work with others in Congress to repeal Obamacare.” It is this kind of double-talk and inaction that is the problem. It is time for action. It is time to work with President Trump and deal with the Obamacare problem once-and-for-all. We need new Leadership in Washington, not more double talk!” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 9/14/17]

Arrington: “We Sent You To Washington With One Primary Job: Repeal And Replace Obamacare. You Failed.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 6/1/18]

In A Video Criticizing Sanford, Arrington Wrote, “It’s Time To Repeal And Replace Obamacare.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 12/13/17]

Arrington Retweeted A Tweet From Mike Pence That Said “The Republican Majority In Congress Was Not Elected To Save Obamacare. They Were Elected To Repeal & Replace It” And Wrote “FACT!” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 9/22/17]

Arrington Praised Trump’s Executive Order To End Cost-Sharing Reduction Payments Under The Affordable Care Act, And Said The ACA Should Be Replaced With Allowing People To Purchase Insurance Across State Lines

October 2017: Arrington Supported Donald Trump’s Executive Order On Health Care:

Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 6

[Katie Arrington, Twitter, 10/13/17; 10/13/17; 10/13/17]

October 2017: Trump Announced End To Cost-Sharing Reduction Payments That Helped Millions Of Low Income Americans Afford Insurance Coverage. “The Trump administration's decision to halt payments to insurers that help millions of lower-income Americans afford coverage under the Affordable Care Act roiled the law's insurance marketplaces Friday and sparked an immediate legal challenge from nearly 20 state attorneys general. […] Both supporters and critics of the ACA see the ‘cost-sharing reduction’ payments, which help offset deductibles and other out-of-pocket expenses for roughly 7 million Americans earning up to 250 percent of the federal poverty level, as crucial for individuals buying coverage under the law.” [Washington Post, 10/13/17]

Kaiser Family Foundation: ACA Silver Plan Premium Increases From 7% To 38% Attributed To End Of Cost-Sharing Payments. [KFF, 10/27/17]


Arrington Said She Would Have “Proudly” Voted For The GOP Tax Scam

Arrington Said She Would Have “Proudly” Voted For The GOP Tax Scam. “.@realDonaldTrump - Thank you for your leadership in passing #TaxCutsandJobsAct. Had I had the opportunity to vote for the bill, I would have done so proudly - unlike my #SC1 opponent Mark Sanford who wrote a 4,497 word essay on why he wasn't looking forward to voting yes #scpol.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 12/21/17]

Arrington: “I Proudly Support President Trump And His Conservative Reform Efforts And Thank Him For His Leadership In Seeing Tax Reform Passed.” “AT&T, Comcast and Boeing all made major announcements yesterday - investing more in their employees and their business here in America - as a direct result of President Trump's tax cuts. While the Democrats continue to ignore the reality of the tax reform and attack President Trump for his work, they do so simply to hide from the FACT that every single Democrat in Washington voted against the tax reform and, as such: Voted to keep tax rates higher on ALL AMERICAN FAMILIES, Voted to protect a rigged tax code, Voted to continue fining American people who can't afford insurance. I proudly support President Trump and his conservative reform efforts and thank him for his leadership in seeing tax reform passed. Had I had the opportunity to vote for the bill, I would have done so proudly - unlike our current congressman Mark Sanford, who wrote a 4,497 word essay on why he wasn't looking forward to voting in favor of the bill.” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 12/21/17]

Arrington Tweeted “Thank You For Your Full Support” To Ralph Norman After He Praised Trump For Signing The Tax Scam. [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 12/22/17] Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 7

Arrington Praised The GOP Tax Scam Prior To Its Passage. “A few short hours ago, the United States Senate passed #taxreform. The plan includes individual income tax cuts, business income tax cuts, a reformed and simplified tax code, the repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate, and the restoration of the medical expense deduction. I am hopeful that the conference committee will quickly get to work and pass a final version that will be truly helpful to our working families and job-creators and make America’s tax code globally competitive again.” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 12/2/17]

Arrington Said That Those Unhappy With The Tax Bill Should Send Their Tax Cut Back To The Treasury

Arrington Said That Those Unhappy With The Tax Bill Should Send Their Tax Cut Back To The Treasury. “PSA - For those complaining about the tax cuts, the @USTreasury website explicitly states you can send financial gifts by check/money order payable to U.S. Treasury and mailed to: https://www.fiscal.treasury.gov/fsfaq/faq_gifts_to_govt.htm … ... If you don't want your tax cut money, send it back! #TaxReform @scpol.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 12/19/17]

Arrington Criticized Representatives Who Voted And Spoke Out Against The GOP Tax Scam

Arrington Said That “Representatives Who Vote Against” The Tax Scam “Are Simply Doing So To Make A Name For Themselves.” “South Carolina workers, families and job creators deserve the opportunity to succeed without being punished for their hard work by Washington politicians and their antiquated tax code. Representatives who vote against this bill are simply doing so to make a name for themselves, not to improve the lives of the people they represent.” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 12/18/17]

In Response To The January Jobs Report Numbers, Arrington Tweeted, “Nancy Pelosi – Crumbs? Bless Your Heart!” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 2/2/18]

Arrington Joked On Facebook That “Despite Nancy Pelosi’s Threat Of ‘Armageddon,’ I Am Still Safe.” [Katie Arrington, 12/22/17]

Arrington Criticized Mark Sanford For Allegedly Not Wanting To Make The GOP Tax Scam Permanent

Arrington Criticized Mark Sanford For Allegedly Not Wanting To Make The GOP Tax Scam Permanent. “The latest from Mark Sanford’s trail of obstructionism! Making the tax cuts permanent is a big, fat no in Sanford’s mind. Time to drain the swamp of career politicians like Mark who are out of touch with the real needs of our community!” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 3/28/18]

Prior To The Vote On The GOP Tax Scam, Arrington Called The Tax Code “Antiquated”

Prior To The Vote On The GOP Tax Scam, Arrington Called The Tax Code “Antiquated.” “The two candidates vying to replace Sanford in Congress next year sidestepped the drilling provision when asked about it Monday. Republican state Rep. Katie Arrington of Summerville and Charleston Democrat Joe Cunningham instead spoke to broader stances they had on the bill. ‘South Carolina workers, families and job creators deserve the opportunity to succeed without being punished for their hard work by Washington politicians and their antiquated tax code,’ Arrington said in a statement.” [Post & Courier, 12/19/17]

Arrington Called Act 388 “Hideous” And “The Worst Thing Ever Created In The State

Arrington Called Act 388 “Hideous” And “The Worst Thing Ever Created In The State.” “She's also advocating for a chief information officer cabinet position in the legislature and called Act 388 ‘hideous’ and ‘the worst thing ever created in the state.’ ‘We have to find a solution to repeal it. It's going to kill the state,’ she said.” [Post & Courier, 5/31/17] Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 8

Act 388 Was A South Carolina Property Tax Law, Enacted In 2006. “Called Act 388, the 2006 law is among a host of tax policies a S.C. House panel is reviewing. The panel hopes to make recommendations for legislative changes before lawmakers to return to Columbia for work in January. On Tuesday, lawmakers heard an overview of the 2006 law from tax experts. The law’s key feature was a tax swap that benefited homeowners. The law exempted owner-occupied homes from paying operating taxes for local schools, shifting that burden to commercial and other properties. In exchange, the state increased the state sales tax by a penny and agreed to send money back to school districts, theoretically, to make up for lost revenue. The law also: Capped how much local governments, including school districts, could raise taxes, Reduced taxes on groceries to 3 percent from 5 percent. (The following year, lawmakers exempted groceries from state sales tax.), Limited tax hikes on properties to 15 percent of the property’s increase in fair-market value. The cap only applies to properties reassessed for tax purposes every five years.” [The State, 9/27/16]

Arrington Said The State Tax Code Needed To Be Overhauled

Arrington Said The State Tax Code Needed To Be Overhauled. “‘We need-we desperately need-to overhaul our state tax code,’ Arrington said. ‘(We are) failing to fully fund local government; getting money to education and getting services right stems from how we do our budget and tax dollars we get. I agree we pay enough in taxes. We have the money. How we spend the money is the problem.’” [Post & Courier, 5/31/17]

2018 Congressional Campaign

Arrington Pledged To Donate The Funds In Her State Account To The Red Cross, But Has Not Done So

Arrington Said At Her Congressional Campaign Announcement That She Would Donate The Remaining Money In Her State Account To The Red Cross For Hurricane Harvey Aid. “She also announced plans to donate remaining funds in her Statehouse account to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Harvey aid.” [Post & Courier, 9/7/17]

Arrington’s Q3 2017, Q4 2017, Q1 2018, And Q2 2018 State Campaign Finance Reports Did Not List Any Expenditures To The Red Cross Or Any Disaster Relief Organizations. [South Carolina Ethics Commission, accessed 7/10/18]

NOTE: It is unclear how much money Arrington has on hand in her state account.

Arrington Said She Was Running For Congress Because She Did Not Support Sanford “Bash[ing] [Trump] To Leftist Cheerleaders”

Arrington Said She Was Running For Congress Because She Did Not Support Sanford “Bash[ing] [Trump] To Leftist Cheerleaders.” “She did mention Sanford's criticism of President Donald Trump. Sanford has said the president's loose rhetoric can be blamed for the rise of uncivility in politics, while he has also pointed out the president's refusal to release his tax returns is outside the norm of those running for the White House. Arrington, 46, called the race a fight to stand with Trump for conservative reform, ‘not bash him to leftist cheerleaders.’” [Post & Courier, 8/31/17]

Arrington Pledged To Donate Most Of Her Congressional Salary And Serve Only Four Terms

Arrington Said She Would Accept $52,000 Of Her Salary And Donate The Rest, Would Forego Congressional Health Care And Pensions, And Would Limit Herself To Four Terms. “If elected, Arrington has pledged to accept a salary of $52,000 - the average annual salary of a district resident - and would donate the rest to charities in the district. Members of Congress earn $174,000 a year. She said she would also forgo Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 9

congressional health care or retirement packages and limit herself to four terms, or eight years.” [Post & Courier, 5/21/18]

Arrington Accepted A Contribution From A Former State House Speaker Who Was Convicted Of Misdemeanor Ethics Violations

2018: Arrington Received A $500 Contribution From Former Speaker Bobby Harrell, Who Pleaded Guilty To Misusing His Own Campaign Funds, And Kept The Contribution. “Republican Katie Arrington's congressional campaign got a contribution from a former S.C. House Speaker who pleaded guilty to misusing his own campaign funds - and she's keeping it. Former speaker Bobby Harrell gave $500 to Arrington, according to the latest filings with the Federal Election Commission. […] Harrell, of Charleston, pleaded guilty in 2014 to six misdemeanor ethics violations of misusing his campaign account for personal benefit and resigned from office. His guilty plea started a Statehouse corruption investigation. In a statement provided exclusively to Palmetto Politics, Arrington defended the contribution. ‘Instead of focusing on a donation from a 1st Congressional District constituent and job-creating business owner, people should pay attention to Mark Sanford receiving over 70 percent of his donations this past quarter from out-of-state special interests,’ she said. […] Harrell told Palmetto Politics he did not want to get involved and reiterated he is no longer involved in politics. ‘I think she's a sharp young lady who would do a great job for the Lowcountry,’ he said.” [Post & Courier, 4/22/18]

Arrington Said She Always Wanted To Get Elected To Congress And Ran For The State House To Get Some Experience First, But Asserted She Had No Further Political Ambitions

Arrington Said She Always Wanted To Get Elected To Congress And Ran For The State House To Get Some Experience First, But Asserted She Had No Further Political Ambitions. “But the chance to work in the U.S. House is what she wants, too. ‘Always,’ Arrington said of how long she has wanted to serve in the lower chamber of Congress, adding, ‘Those guys are the worker bees.’ Arrington would have run for the seat sooner but said her mentors urged her to first gain some political experience. That led to a 2016 run and win for state House District 94. […] Arrington claims she's not a political climber, asserting she has no aspirations to be a U.S. senator or a governor.” [Post & Courier, 5/21/18]

Arrington Was Endorsed During The Primary By South Carolina Legislative Leaders

Arrington Was Endorsed By House Speaker , House Majority Leader , And North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey. “She's additionally highlighting the fact other Republicans have turned on Sanford as well. Statehouse leaders House Speaker Jay Lucas and House Majority Leader Gary Simrill, who served under then-Gov. Sanford, are backing her congressional run, as is North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey. ‘I think she could be an asset in getting help from Washington for the Lowcountry,’ North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey told The Post and Courier when he announced his endorsement for the newcomer over the incumbent.” [Post & Courier, 5/21/18]

Arrington Hired Trump Consultants To Advise Her Campaign

Arrington Hired Trump Consultants To Advise Her Campaign. “A senior campaign adviser who helped get President Donald Trump elected is now working to get South Carolina Republican Katie Arrington elected to Congress. Michael Biundo served as a senior adviser to President Trump's campaign and is the co-founder of RightVoter, a political consulting firm. The Arrington campaign announced Thursday that Biundo, along with his firm's partner, Andrew Boucher of Charleston, will serve as general consultants.” [Post & Courier, 4/1/18]

Arrington’s Campaign Allegedly Ran A Push Poll

Arrington’s Campaign Allegedly Ran A Push Poll Shortly After She Filed A Statement Of Organization With The FEC. “Summerville state Rep. Katie Arrington continues to plot a GOP primary challenge against Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 10

Republican U.S. Rep. Mark Sanford, or at least that's what push-poll phone calls indicate. […] After the requisite questions about whether you approve or disapprove of Sanford's and Donald Trump's performance, the pollster dug into a hypothetical matchup between Arrington and Sanford for Congress. Among the questions one local voter received: Would you be more or less likely to vote for Sanford if you knew about his affair with an Argentine mistress? Would you be more or less likely to vote for Sanford if you knew that he'd voted against funding to dredge the Cooper River? Questions about gun rights and abortion also seemed designed to separate Sanford from positions held by deeply conservative voters. Other questions asked whether you favor seeing ‘a new face’ in Congress.” [Post & Courier, 7/16/17]

Arrington Said She Wanted To Be Seen First As A Conservative, Not As A Female Candidate

Arrington Said She Wanted To Be Seen First As A Conservative, Not As A Female Candidate. “It's not just Democrats. “Republican state Rep. Katie Arrington of Summerville, who is challenging incumbent Republican U.S. Rep. Mark Sanford in the 1st Congressional District, said what is happening in Washington sickens her. ‘I don't think anybody should be treated in any way that is disrespectful of being a human being. I won't tolerate it, and when I'm in Congress I won't tolerate it,’ she said. But Arrington doesn't want to be seen as a female candidate. She identifies first as a conservative.” [Post & Courier, 12/10/17]


Donald Trump

Arrington Positioned Herself As A Pro-Trump Candidate, And Compared Herself To Trump

Arrington Said Her Primary Purpose In Congress Would Be To Promote Trump’s Agenda. “Arrington said her purpose is chiefly to promote President Donald Trump's agenda and get results for the Lowcountry. ‘I am running to truly serve our neighbors,’ she said. ‘I'm not running for Congress to get on CNN. I'm not running for Congress for the fame and prestige.’ […] ‘If the experience you want is one of a career politician who has cheated on the taxpayers and resisted President Donald Trump's America First agenda - you're right, I don't have that experience,’ Arrington said. ‘I believe the majority of our neighbors are looking for a stronger, new voice.’” [Post & Courier, 5/30/18]

Arrington: “I Guess I’m Just Like Trump. I’m Very Upfront, Honest And I Learn. And I Listen. And I Listen To President Trump.” “Arrington then reiterated she has supported Trump since before the general election, and attended his inauguration wearing a Trump hat and scarf. ‘I guess I'm just like Trump. I'm very upfront, honest and I learn. And I listen. And I listen to President Trump,’ she said.” [Post & Courier, 5/1/18]

Arrington Said In Ads That She Was Running For Congress To “Pass President Trump’s Bold, Conservative Agenda.” [Katie Arrington, YouTube, 2/18/18]

Arrington Said In An Ad That She Was “Proud” To Have Trump As Commander In Chief. [Katie Arrington, YouTube, 3/19/18]

Arrington Said In An Ad That “I Support President Trump, And That’s Not Just Talk.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 5/28/18]

Arrington: “President Trump Has Given The Power Back To The People. I’m Proud To Be Supportive Of Our President.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 6/1/18]

Arrington Tweeted “Obamacare✅, Iran✅Tax Reform ✅ @Realdonaldtrump Is Keeping Promises And Not Taking Years To Do It! Not A Bad Week Sir.” [Katie Arringon, Twitter, 10/13/17] Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 11

Arrington Criticized Sanford For Criticizing Trump, And For Co-Sponsoring Legislation To Mandate That Trump Release His Tax Returns

Arrington Criticized Sanford For Co-Sponsoring Legislation That She Said Would Mandate Trump To Release His Tax Returns. “Mark Sanford just co-sponsored legislation to mandate President Donald J. Trump release his tax returns. Mark is playing to CNN's and the national liberals' game of distraction, instead of solving the problems, like Obamacare, we sent him there to solve.” [Katie Arrington, 8/11/17]

Arrington Tweeted A Link To Sanford Criticizing Trump After The Congressional Baseball Shooting, Writing “What Is Most Appropriate For This Ridiculousness: OMG, WTF, SMH, GMAB Or, Of Course, FML Bc He’s My Congressman Now.” On social media in June, Arrington hit Sanford for identifying Trump's rhetoric as being partly to blame for unleashing the political rage ahead of the shooting in Alexandria, Va., that injured five, including a member of Congress. Arrington linked to a news article about Sanford criticizing Trump: ‘What is most appropriate for this ridiculousness: OMG, WTF, SMH, GMAB or, of course, FML bc he's my congressman now,’ she wrote.” [Post & Courier, 8/24/17]

Arrington Asked Trump To Pay Attention To Her On Twitter

Arrington Tweeted “@RealDonaldTrump Just Curious If You Pay As Much Attention To My Tweets As I Do Yours? Thank.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 12/14/17]

Arrington Tweeted “Trump You Are Spot On […] Speak The Truth Trump […] @POTUS I Have Been Waiting For A Real President To Deal With These Terrorist Been A Long 8 Years Waiting For You. @POTUS Not A Paper Tiger.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 8/21/17; 8/21/17; 8/21/17]

Arrington Asked Trump On Twitter To Bring Her To Trump Tower. “@realDonaldTrump your looking in the wrong direction bring me 2Trump Tower and explain this is the Gov not industry.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 12/16/16]

Arrington Said She “Welled Up” When She Was Invited To South Carolina’s Inaugural Ball

Arrington Said She “Welled Up” When She Was Invited To South Carolina’s Inaugural Ball, And Expressed Her Excitement For Trump’s Inauguration. “Arrington's adrenaline officially commenced when she arrived at the Charleston airport Thursday morning for her flight, and again when she finally reached her destination, all along the way bumping into other state officials. ‘It's amazing to (see) us all come in,’ Arrington said Thursday. ‘I've seen every county represented at the airport this morning. ...I am so proud of our delegation and where we are coming in to this.’ Party lines momentarily eroded as legislators united with national pride, she explained. ‘(The South Carolina) gala is actually one of the most desired tickets...because of the leadership in South Carolina, from the governor to McMaster to (U.S. Rep. Mick) Mulvaney to Sen. (Tim) Scott, (Rep.) Joe Wilson; it's phenomenal,’ Arrington said. ‘For us, it's bipartisan. People are really proud of how we've helped in this (presidential) transition.’ Arrington said she was most looking forward to hearing Trump address his initial plans for office and ‘where he wants to go’ as new Commander in Chief. ‘What he's going to do in his first 90 days? I want to hear what his plan is,’ she said. Her emotions continued to overflow upon receiving her official Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 12

Inauguration Ceremonies invitation on Thursday. ‘I welled up when I opened my envelope,’ she posted to her Facebook page. ‘Such an honor to be a witness to history.’” [Post & Courier, 1/25/17]

Trump Endorsed Arrington, And After Her Victory, She Declared “We Are The Party Of President Donald J. Trump”

Trump Endorsed Arrington, And After Her Victory, She Declared “We Are The Party Of President Donald J. Trump.” “With hours left before polls closed in her race to defeat Republican Rep. Mark Sanford, Katie Arrington got a shocking text message from a friend: President Donald Trump had just endorsed her on Twitter. […] ‘We are the party of President Donald J. Trump,’ she said in her victory speech Tuesday night.” [NBC News, 6/13/18]

Arrington Originally Supported Marco Rubio For President In The 2016 Presidential Primary And Said Of Trump That She Had A “Moral And Ethical Issue Of Someone Being President Who Has Done Nothing More Than ... Make Fun Of People”

Arrington Originally Supported Rubio In The 2016 Presidential Primary, And Praised Romney For Criticizing Trump. “Sanford points out that Arrington backed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) for president, and that on Facebook in March 2016 she seemed to link approvingly to a speech where Mitt Romney pleaded with Republicans to reject Trump. ‘LOVE MITT ROMNEY!!!!’ Arrington wrote in the since-deleted post. […] In an interview, Arrington pointed out that she was ‘not an elected official’ when she wrote the post and said that she had meant it sarcastically. Like many Republicans, she said, she had grown impressed by Trump once he won the primaries. ‘He's far more intelligent than people give him credit for,’ Arrington said. ‘That summer of 2016 - from the guy who was on The Apprentice to the man who was in the campaign, it was night and day to me.’” [Washington Post, 6/11/18]

In 2016, Arrington Voted For Rubio And Said That Trump Had Done “Nothing More Than” “Make Fun Of People.” “Arrington didn't initially support Trump's candidacy either. In a March 2016 Facebook post, she praised Mitt Romney on the night that he delivered a scathing rebuke of Trump, whom Romney called ‘a phony, a fraud’ and someone who was ‘playing the members of the American public for suckers.’ ‘LOVE MITT ROMNEY!!!!!’ Arrington wrote that night. When challenged by someone about the posting, Arrington doubled-down, writing that she ‘really has a problem with the moral and ethical issue of someone being president who has done nothing more than ... make fun of people.’ In a statement to AP, Arrington said Tuesday that while she supported Florida Sen. Marco Rubio in the 2016 GOP primary, she backed Trump after Rubio departed the race and ‘proudly’ attended Trump's inauguration.” [Associated Press, 5/1/18]

[Caitlin Byrd, Twitter, 5/1/18]

Jim Jordan

Arrington Said She Would Support Jim Jordan For Speaker If Elected

June 2018: Arrington Said She Would Support Jordan For Speaker Of The House If Elected. Ben Kamisar, a reporter for The Hill, tweeted about the debate between Arrington and Sanford: “We have agreement among the #SC01 candidates! During debate this morning, both agree that they want Jim Jordan as speaker if he wants to run.” [Ben Kamisar, Twitter, 6/11/18]

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July 2018 HEADLINE: Eighth Former OSU Wrestler Says Jim Jordan Knew About Sexual Abuse. [New York Magazine, 7/10/18]

NOTE: Full review of debate footage is needed to assess this claim.

Roy Moore

Arrington Blamed Mark Sanford For Roy Moore’s Loss

Arrington: “Do-Nothing Washington Politicians Like Mark Sanford Are to Blame On The Alabama Loss.” “Do-nothing Washington politicians like Mark Sanford are to blame on the Alabama loss. Keep your promises - repeal Obamacare, secure our borders, and support President Donald J. Trump’s conservative reform efforts. Continue opposing President Trump’s #AmericaFirst agenda, continue kicking the can down the road, and continue failing to act will lead to more losses. South Carolina’s 1st Congressional District and fellow Conservatives, I will not let you down. I’ll proudly support our president and his conservative reform efforts. Join our campaign at VoteKatieArrington.com to help #DrainTheSwamp.” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 12/13/17]

[Katie Arrington, Twitter, 12/13/17; 12/13/17; 12/13/17]

Kelli Ward

Arrington Retweeted An Interview With Far-Right Conspiracy Theorist Senate Candidate Kelli Ward

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David Shulkin

In January 2018, Arrington Tweeted “So Proud Of Dr. David Shulkin On His Work At The VA.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 1/24/18]

Henry McMaster

Arrington Criticized McMaster’s Position On Bond Revenue. “SC Gov wants to deny bonds to these SC Agencies and Higher Education to provide a band aid for a gapping [sic] wound.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 4/4/17]

Arrington Tweeted That She Was “Not Sure The Gov McMasters [sic] Understand [sic] The SC House Represents The Citizens Of The Great State Of SC.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 4/24/17]

Nancy Pelosi

Arrington Criticized Nancy Pelosi For Reading Emma Lazarus’ Poem From The Statue Of Liberty. “.@NancyPelosi and liberals are trying to claim ‘Give me your tired, your poor...’ as the canon of our nation. SMH! #SchumerShutdown (1/2) […] Really, #NancyPelosi? A poem on a statue? I’ll stick with the Constitution and our laws instead. #DACA #SchumerShutdown (2/2).” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 1/21/18; 1/21/18]

John Kelly

Arrington Said That Rep. Frederica Wilson “Should Be Ashamed” For Telling John Kelly To Apologize For Misleading A Gold Star Widow After Her Husband Was Killed In Action. “Rep Wilson what Gen Kelly has done and continues to do everyday for this nation, you should be ashamed Rep Frederica Wilson.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 11/20/17]


Arrington Was Interviewed Several Times With Far-Right Breitbart News, And Said She Was A “Longtime Listener.” [Breitbart, 4/22/18]


Arrington Accused Sanford Of Bashing Trump To “Leftist Cheerleaders On CNN.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 3/26/18]

Reproductive Rights


Arrington Voted For A Bill That Banned Abortions After 14 Weeks

Arrington Voted For The “Unborn Child Protection From Dismemberment Abortion Act.” [, Twitter, 3/29/17]

The Bill Arrington Voted For Would Effectively Ban Abortions After 14 Weeks Gestation. [Rewire News, 5/11/18]

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Arrington Said In Ads That “Life From The Moment Of Conception Is Special,” Citing Her Son’s Experience With Special Needs

Arrington Said In An Ad That “As A Mother Of A Child Who Had Special Needs At Birth, I Will Always Protect And Defend The Sanctity Of Life.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 4/27/18]

Arrington Said In An Ad That She Was A “Pro-Life Conservative” And That “All Life From The Moment Of Conception Is Special And Must Be Respected And Loved.” “My faith has always guided my pro-life principles. Having a son with special needs at birth furthered my belief that all life, from the moment of conception, is special and must be respected and loved. As a Member of Congress, I will always defend and protect the sanctity of life.” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 3/19/18]

Arrington Shared Her Son’s Story Of Special Needs To Justify Her Anti-Choice Beliefs. [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 9/21/17]

In May 2017, Arrington Described How Emotionally Difficult It Was For Her To Vote On A Bill That Prevented Medicaid Recipients To Get Funding For Abortion Care

Arrington Said She Was “Still Shaking” Over A Vote She Cast To Keep In Place The State’s Ban On Medicaid-Funded Abortions, Saying “I’m Pro-Life But God Forbid I Have To Walk In Somebody Else’s Shoes.” “To this day, Arrington says she's ‘still shaking’ over some decisions, particularly the ‘aye’ she cast for Medicaid funding as is, though the Hyde Act is currently a part of it. The Act bars use of federal funds for abortion except in cases of rape, incest and threat to a woman's life. As a devout Catholic and pro-life advocate, Arrington had an internal conflict. ‘I'm pro-life but God forbid I have to walk in somebody else's shoes,’ she said. In the end Arrington explained she did what was best for her community. ‘If we struck to abolish the Hyde Act, we could lose federal funding for which 66 percent of children under the age of 18 in the state depend on for healthcare,’ she said. ‘That...still gives me chills. It can get that intense every day.’” [Post & Courier, 5/31/17]

Planned Parenthood

Arrington Twice Protested Outside A Planned Parenthood Clinic During Her Congressional Campaign

March 2018: Arrington Protested Outside Of A Planned Parenthood Clinic. “Began this Saturday morning in prayerful protest outside of Planned Parenthood. Honored to pray for the sanctity of life with parishioners of several different Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston churches.” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 3/17/18]

April 2018: Arrington Protested Against Planned Parenthood And Posted A Photo Of What Appeared To Be A Protest Outside A Clinic. [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 4/28/18]

Arrington Tweeted That She Was “Proud” To Vote To Defund Planned Parenthood

Arrington Voted To Defund Planned Parenthood And Tweeted That She Was “Proud” To Do So. [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 5/2/18]

Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Arrington Participated In “Walk For Life Today To Support The Lowcountry Pregnancy Center With Their Work In Protecting The Dignity And Sacredness Of All Life!” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 11/4/17; 11/4/17]

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Arrington Urged Her Colleagues To Raise The Gas Tax, And Criticized Gov. McMaster For His Opposition To It

Arrington Criticized McMaster’s Reticence On The Gas Tax, And Urged Fellow Legislators To Raise It Anyway. “Rep. Katie Arrington, R-Summerville, specifically addressed McMaster's reticence to discuss a gas tax during the floor debate in the House. She politely pointed out that he wasn't elected to the governorship but assumed that position after Haley became the new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. She said a possible veto shouldn't stop members of the Legislature from acting. ‘Our job is to be leaders,’ said Arrington, a first-term lawmaker who ran on a platform of fixing the state's roads. ‘We were all voted into office, and with all due respect, he wasn't.’” [Post & Courier, 3/6/17]

Arrington Urged Her Colleagues To Raise The Gas Tax And Said “It Is Not A Crazy Amount Of Money We’re Asking From Taxpayers. “First-term Rep. Katie Arrington, R-Summerville, told her colleagues voters elected them to fix the roads, and they shouldn't let the possible actions of the Senate or McMaster stop them from voting for the bill. ‘If they choose not to do something, let them deal with it,’ she said, adding that two of her constituents, a mother and son, died earlier this week after her vehicle left the roadway and flipped several times. ‘I beg of you today do the right thing.’ ‘It is not a crazy amount of money we're asking’ from taxpayers, said Arrington, whose impassioned speech came after her tax-credit proposal was rejected.” [Associated Press, 3/1/17]

Arrington Said She Was Opposed To A Tax Credit Item In The Gas Tax Bill, But Voted For It Anyway. “During her campaign, she placed roads and infrastructure reform at the top of her platform. While against the tax credit item included in House Bill 3516-the gas tax bill-that passed this month, she voted in favor of it, understanding something had to be done.” [Post & Courier, 5/31/17]

Arrington Voted For A Bill To Create An Infrastructure Maintenance Trust Fund, Raise Vehicle Registration Fees And Sales Tax On Vehicles

2017: Arrington Voted For A Bill To Create An Infrastructure Maintenance Trust Fund, Raise Vehicle Registration Fees And Sales Tax On Vehicles. “The House passed its roads legislation this month by a vote of 96. Eighteen voted against the bill and six members were absent, according to a vote count Rep. Katie Arrington, R- Summerville, provided the Journal Scene. She said state roads are too deadly for any more delay on the matter. ‘Our roads are fatal.’ […] If signed into law, the House bill 3516 would additionally create an Infrastructure Maintenance Trust Fund, raise vehicle registration fees and sales tax on vehicles. But school funds won't be touched. Arrington said an amendment to the bill was made to ensure such money would remain intact for education. […] If the bill doesn't pass, Arrington said residents ‘should be ashamed.’ She said passing the bill is the right thing. ‘I am not a politician who is more concerned about getting elected again than doing the right thing, and this is the right thing,’ she said.” [Post & Courier, 10/5/17]

Arrington Said The Federal Government Needed To Pitch In More Funds For Widening Interstates 26 And 95

Arrington Said The Federal Government Needed To Pitch In More Funds For Widening Interstates 26 And 95. “Both Bennett and Arrington touched on the infrastructure bill the General Assembly passed last session and said it was a good move but not a solution to the state's infrastructure problems. […] Arrington said the federal government needs to pitch in more funds for local projects-widening interstates 26 and 95 specifically-that the state infrastructure bill won't fund. ‘We have major issues that need big development,’ she said. ‘We've got to look to federal money as well as state money.’” [Post & Courier, 10/18/17]

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Arrington Tweeted “Amtrak Maybe The Worst Mode Of Transportation EVER”

Arrington Tweeted “Amtrak Maybe The Worst Mode Of Transportation EVER.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 7/1/12]


Arrington Said She Supported Building A Wall Along The Southern Border, And Criticized Sanford For Allegedly Voting Against Border Wall Funding

Arrington: “We Need To Support Trump And Build The Wall.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 6/1/18]

Arrington: “Mark Sanford Was One Of Only Five Republicans To Vote Against Trump’s Border Wall Funding.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 6/1/18]

Arrington: “When President Trump Says Build That Wall, You Do Exactly What That Says.” [Breitbart, 4/22/18]

Budget Issues

Arrington Said She Supported A Balanced Budget Amendment To The Constitution

Arrington Said She Supported A Balanced Budget Amendment To The Constitution. “To keep Washington’s power in check, I support a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution. Only then can we ensure politicians actually practice what they preach.” [Katie Arrington for Congress, accessed 6/14/18]

Center for American Progress: The Balanced-Budget Amendment Threatens Americans’ Health Care, Social Security, and Jobs. [Center for American Progress, 4/11/18]

AARP Opposed The Balanced Budget Amendment Because It Would “Likely Harm Social Security And Medicare, Subjecting Both Programs To Potentially Deep Cuts.” “AARP is writing to express our opposition to a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States. […] A balanced budget amendment would likely harm Social Security and Medicare, subjecting both programs to potentially deep cuts without regard to the impact on the health and financial security of individuals. It would also likely diminish the resources available for programs assisting Americans who are least able to provide for themselves – services such as meals or heating for those who are too poor or physically unable to take care of their basic needs without some support.” [AARP, Letter, 4/9/18]

A Balanced Budget Amendment Would Override All Government Guarantees And Promises Written Into Law – Including Social Security, Medicare, Veterans Benefits, And Military Pensions. “In general, a balanced budget requirement in the U.S. Constitution would override any and all government guarantees and promises written into law: the guarantee to pay interest on the debt; or to pay insurance and guarantee claims for bank deposits, floods, loan defaults, and nuclear accidents; or to pay program benefits for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment benefits, veterans’ benefits, or military and civil service pensions; or to pay contractors who have delivered goods or services to the federal government.” [CBPP, 3/16/18]

Under A Balanced Budget Amendment, It Would Be Unconstitutional For Social Security To Use Its Savings – What Workers Already Paid In – To Pay Promised Benefits; Benefits Could Have To Be Cut. “Currently, Social Security holds $2.9 trillion in Treasury securities. But under the balanced budget amendment, it would essentially be unconstitutional for Social Security to draw down these savings to pay Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 18

promised benefits. Instead, benefits could have to be cut, because all federal expenditures would have to be covered by tax revenues collected during that same year.” [CBPP, 3/16/18]

Arrington Said The State Legislature Should Pass Two-Year Budgets Instead Of Annual Budgets

Arrington Said The State Legislature Should Pass Two-Year Budgets Instead Of Annual Budgets. “While the Legislature adjourned earlier this month, members are scheduled to reconvene June 6 to pass a budget, one Arrington said would be better orchestrated every two years rather than annually.” [Post & Courier, 5/31/17]

Arrington Said That “You Don’t Need To Stop The Spending […] It’s How You Are Spending And What You Are Spending On”

Arrington Said That “You Don’t Need To Stop The Spending […] It’s How You Are Spending And What You Are Spending On.” “Though she said she voted for S.C. Rep. Mark Sanford, she said she now considers him a weak part of the GOP. ‘He's not taken seriously; he's on the fray,’ she said. She also described Sanford as a fiscal conservative who's ‘tight, tight, tight’ on spending. ‘You don't need to stop the spending,’ Arrington said. ‘It's how you are spending and what you are spending it on.’” [Post & Courier, 5/31/17]


Arrington Criticized Mark Sanford For Voting No On The Allow States And Victims To Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act

Arrington Called Sanford An Obstructionist For Voting No On FOSTA. “.@potus just signed into law bi- partisan legislation to curb online sex trafficking - legislation #obstructionist Mark Sanford opposed. #SC1. [...] Just Incase [sic] you don’t read Mark Sanford of course voted no.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 4/11/18; 4/11/18]

Arrington Criticized Sanford For Voting No On FOSTA. [Breitbart, 4/22/18]


Arrington Said She Introduced A Bill Requiring High School Freshmen To Undergo A Half-Credit In Career Counseling

Arrington Said She Introduced A Bill Requiring High School Freshmen To Undergo A Half-Credit In Career Counseling. “On education, Arrington said she's filed a couple of bills including one requiring high school freshman statewide undergo a half-credit course for career counseling. ‘Some don't understand some welders make more money than doctors,’ Arrington said. ‘We've got to get the trades back.’” [Post & Courier, 10/18/17]

Foreign Policy

Arrington Tweeted “Thank You” In Response To Trump’s Withdrawal From The Iran Deal And Said That She Was “Grateful POTUS Has Courage To Not Only Speak Truth But Also Take Action To Protect World From A Nuclear Iran”

2018: Arrington Tweeted “Thank You” In Response To Trump’s Withdrawal From The Iran Deal And Said That She Was “Grateful POTUS Has Courage To Not Only Speak Truth But Also Take Action To Protect World From A Nuclear Iran.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 5/8/18]

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2017: Arrington Tweeted “Thank You @RealDonaldTrump” With The Prayer Hands Emoji After Trump Decertified The Iran Deal. [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 10/13/17]

Arrington Praised Trump For Moving The U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem

Arrington Praised Trump For Moving The U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem. “He finally did what we have needed to do for over 20 years, and that is acknowledge Israel’s right to declare their own capital of Jerusalem and moving our embassy to Jerusalem. Israel is one of our best allies and actually, in the defense community, one of our hugest partners in technology and innovation. We look at partnerships like that to keep our war fighters safe. And you know because I’m a defense contractor, I truly care about keeping our borders safe and our war fighters safe across the world. So what President Trump did this week was amazing. I give him a lot of credit. […] I applaud you President Trump. Thank you for standing up and doing what we committed as Americans to do over 20 years and actually standing up for our allies.” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, December 2017]

Arrington Praised Trump’s Meeting With Kim Jong Un

Arrington Posted An Article About Trump Meeting With Kim Jong Un And Wrote “A Stronger America Means A Safer World. President Trump Has Stood Firm And Resolute, And The World Has Taken Notice.” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 3/8/18]

Arrington Praised Trump’s Afghanistan Policy

Arrington Said She Supported Trump’s New Afghanistan Policy. “Arrington tweeted her support for Trump again Monday night during the president's unveiling of his new Afghanistan policy. ‘Trump you are spot on!’ she said.” [Post & Courier, 8/23/17]

Gun Issues

Arrington Was Endorsed By The NRA With An “AQ” Rating In Her State House Campaign

Arrington Was Endorsed By The NRA With An “AQ” Rating In Her State House Campaign. [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 10/25/16]

Arrington Linked Support For Abortion To The Las Vegas Shooting And Said “All Lives Matter”

Arrington Linked Support For Abortion To The Las Vegas Shooting And Said “All Lives Matter.” “Nearly sixty people were killed and more than 500 were wounded in the most horrific mass shooting in our nation’s history this week. Why did it happen? Why did congressman Steve Scalise get shot a few months ago? Why did Sandy Hook happen in 2012? […] Guns don’t kill people, knives don’t kill people, vehicles don’t kill people; people kill people. And why do they kill people? Because they have forgotten – or they never knew – the sacredness of human life. […] In other words we must focus on the source of this plague, not the symptoms of it. The symptoms of this plague are mass shootings, domestic violence, abortions, drug overdoses, abuse of the elderly, and, sadly, a litany of other problems facing our nation and our world. […] To cure this plague, we need to teach all that every life is precious and relevant and that all lives matter.” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 10/6/17]

Arrington Said That The Sutherland Springs, Texas Church Shooting Was Not A Gun Issue, But “Another Example Of How Far People Have Fallen From God”

After The Texas Church Shooting, Arrington Wrote “This Latest Act Of Violence Isn’t A Political Issue Or A Guns Issue […] It’s Time For All Of Us, Moral And Just People, To Do Our Part In Returning The Respect God’s Law Should Hold.” “Rob and I praying for all of victims in Texas. We also pray for our nation and Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 20

world. We pray that all people return to God’s Love and Light. This latest act of violence isn’t a political issue or a guns issue. It is just another example of how far people have fallen from God and how lost people are. It is another example of what happens when morality, ethics, and the value and sacredness of human life are ignored. It is clear that a nation without morals and ethics is lost. It’s time for all of us, moral and just people, to do our part in returning the respect God’s law should hold, and do our part in truly returning this great United States to one nation under God.” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 11/5/17]

Arrington Suggested That School Shootings Could Be Prevented Through Legislation To Let Behavioral Health Clinicians Into Schools And Creating A Cybersecurity Task Force

Arrington Suggested That School Shootings Could Be Prevented Through Legislation To Let Behavioral Health Clinicians Into Schools And Creating A Cybersecurity Task Force. “The Feb. 14 school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Florida, generated questions, concerns and ideas about school security in Dorchester District Two. […] Among some of the items she hit on, House Rep. Katie Arrington, who represents district 94, said legislators need to pass a bill to let behavioral health clinicians into the schools and allow them to have more one-on-one time with the children. She also encouraged residents to keep tabs on a cybersecurity task force. ‘We need to have an infrastructure within the state, not just within the school districts, that is communicative to let us know when things are happening,’ she said, adding, ‘The reality is we're looking at multiple attacks at one time, and what do we do, how many first responders do we have? So we need to have a statewide information system that lets us all know where and when things are happening in real time. That capability doesn't exist right now because we don't give the funding and the resources to it.’” [Post & Courier, 2/28/18]


Arrington Said That Boeing Employees’ Failed Unionization Vote Was “A Win For the State Of South Carolina And To The Workforce”

Arrington Said That Boeing Employees’ Failed Unionization Vote Was “A Win For the State Of South Carolina And To The Workforce.” “This is a win for the State of South Carolina and to the workforce. We do not need to pay to be heard, why? Because our work is valuable enough without having to purchase it. South Carolina Proud!! Official results of Boeing Union vote. 731 in favor of Unionization 2097 NOT in favor of Unionization.” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 2/15/17]

LGBT Issues

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Arrington Was Endorsed By The LGBT-Rights Group SC Equality In Her State House Campaign After Signing A “Statement Of Commitment” To Support LGBT Rights

Arrington Was Endorsed By The LGBT-Rights Group SC Equality In Her State House Campaign After Signing A “Statement Of Commitment” To Support LGBT Rights. “Two GOP challengers for open state House seats were among those receiving SC Equality’s endorsement over their Democratic rivals. Republicans Katie Arrington of Summerville and James Broderick of Walterboro were backed after signing the group’s ‘statement of commitment’ to support LGBTQ rights. Their Democratic opponents did not return their pledges, Ayers says.” [Free Times, 9/28/16]

Legislative Record

Arrington Received A 100 Percent Score On The South Carolina Chamber Of Commerce Legislative Scorecard

Arrington Received A 100 Percent Score On The South Carolina Chamber Of Commerce Legislative Scorecard. [SC Chamber, 6/28/17]

Arrington Said She Was A Founding Member Of The South Carolina Energy Caucus, “Which Will Work To Truly Allow Capitalism And Free Markets Offer More Energy Options”

Arrington Said She Was A Founding Member Of The South Carolina Energy Caucus. “I am proud to announce that I am a founding member of the South Carolina Energy Caucus, which will work to truly allow capitalism and free markets offer more energy options and lower costs of energy for residents. I also joined because many politicians, including Mark Sanford, let our state down with the Base Load Review Act years ago. Their failures not only increased the monopoly of energy sourcing in our state but also put ratepayers on the hook for the failure of the nuclear plant.” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 1/10/18]

Arrington Was Nicknamed The “Pit Bull” By Her Legislative Colleagues

Arrington Was Nicknamed The “Pit Bull” By Her Legislative Colleagues. “At the end of her first legislative term this year, Arrington told the Journal Scene some characterized her as the ‘pit bull’ on the Statehouse floor because of her passionate political ways and fiery spirit. ‘I'm pushy and I'm persistent,’ she said. ‘If it's something I feel is important and am educated about, you call a spade a spade; it is what it is.’” [Post & Courier, 8/10/17]

When Asked About Sexual Harassment In The Legislature, Arrington Said “I Don’t Let Myself Ever Feel Intimidated By Anyone Else”

When Asked About Sexual Harassment In The Legislature, Arrington Said “I Don’t Let Myself Ever Feel Intimidated By Anyone Else.” “Freshman House Reps. Katie Arrington, R-Charleston, and , R- Berkeley, said they, too, have found camaraderie amongst their male colleagues in the Legislature. ‘I don't see any barriers,’ said Arrington, who is challenging U.S. Rep. Mark Sanford, R-Charleston, for the 1st District seat in Congress. ‘I don't let myself ever feel intimidated by anyone else. I'm a strong woman, and I'm very centered on who I am.’ If their male peers ever crossed the line, those legislators say they would not hesitate to bring it to the eyes of State House leadership.” [The State, 11/10/17]

National Security Issues

Arrington Said That “We Need To Rein In The Surveillance State That Has Been Weaponized For Political Purposes”

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Arrington Said That “We Need To Rein In The Surveillance State That Has Been Weaponized For Political Purposes.” In response to a question on Twitter about her position on NSA surveillance, Arrington wrote, “I'm outraged at how it’s been abused. We need to rein in the surveillance state that has been weaponized for political purposes.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 5/17/18]

Arrington Said That She Supported Keeping The Guantanamo Bay Prison Open

Arrington: “POTUS, You Will Always Have An Ally In Me To Keep Gitmo Open.” [Katie Arrington, Twitter, 1/30/18]

State Issues

Arrington Was Part Of A Group Of Legislators To Look Into Raising Fees For Hunting, Fishing, Harvesting Shellfish, And Other Licenses, Citing The Need To Preserve Resources

Arrington, As Member Of The Legislative Oversight Committee, Was Part Of A Group Of Legislators To Look Into Raising Fees For Hunting, Fishing, Harvesting Shellfish, And Other Licenses, Citing The Need To Preserve Resources. “Fees for hunting, fishing, harvesting shellfish and other outdoor pursuits could rise in South Carolina as soon as next year. The S.C. House Legislative Oversight Committee has told S.C. Department of Natural Resources officials to bring back proposals for raising permit, license and tag fees, or for establishing new fees. […] Other committee members say the issue is protecting resources into the future. ‘We don't want to be unfair to the people who want to hunt, fish or enjoy outdoors activities. We just want to make sure the resources are there and abundant in the future,’ said Rep. Katie Arrington, R-Summerville, a member of the oversight committee. […] Some 48 percent of the money that pays for DNR research comes from fluctuating federal funds and private grants that face cutbacks. That money goes toward planting and hatchery work needed to keep stocks of everything from deer to red drum, going, as well as patrolling the offshore fisheries. Legislators are concerned how to pay to make up for any losses, Arrington said.” [Post & Courier, 12/10/17]

Arrington Introduced A Failed Bill To Let Century Aluminum Buy All Of The Electricity For Its Berkeley County Operation On The Open Market

2018: Arrington Introduced A Failed Bill To Let Century Aluminum Buy All Of The Electricity For Its Berkeley County Operation On The Open Market. “Century Aluminum has struck out a second time in its attempts to get power rate relief from the S.C. General Assembly, and the Mount Holly smelter owner says it only has a few months left before it will have to pull the plug on the Goose Creek plant and its 300 jobs. The public utilities subcommittee of the House Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry last week voted 4-2 to kill a bill that would have let Century buy all of the electricity for its Berkeley County operation on the open market. Century currently gets 75 percent of its power from an undisclosed provider. It's required to buy the other 25 percent from state-owned Santee Cooper. A similar bill that was introduced in the state Senate two years ago also died without getting out of committee. Rep. Katie Arrington, a Summerville Republican who sponsored the most recent legislation, said she is ‘very disappointed’ in its failure, adding that ongoing efforts by Gov. Henry McMaster and the state Commerce Department to broker a deal is likely Mount Holly's last hope. ‘They need to keep the pressure on Santee Cooper,’ Arrington said.” [Post & Courier, 3/26/18]

Arrington Said She Was “Very Concerned” That The Century Aluminum Smelter Would Close Unless Its Electricity Costs Were Reduced. “State Representative Katie Arrington told S&P Global Platts on March 26 she is ‘very concerned’ the smelter could close at the end of this year unless its electricity costs are reduced substantially.’ House Bill 4874, which Arrington, a Republican, sponsored, was defeated 4-2 by the public utilities committee of the House Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry. […] Arrington said a subcommittee member told her after the vote he was not convinced Century would, in fact, close the smelter if it faled to get power rate relief. However, Arrington believes the company is serious. ‘As of right now, the bill is stalled out in the Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 23

House,’ she said. The impact of the smelter's closing would be huge, she added, noting the average Mt. Holly employee earns about $92,000 annually, plus benefits. The plant has about 300 employees.” [Platts Metals Daily, 3/26/18]

Arrington Praised The Selection Of Freddie Pough As The Interim Head Of The Department Of Juvenile Justice

Arrington Praised The Selection Of Freddie Pough As The Interim Head Of The Department Of Juvenile Justice. “The head of the state's Department of Juvenile Justice resigned Friday, just a day after a highly critical report was released on the troubled agency. […] The agency's inspector general, Freddie Pough, was named acting director. […] Rep. Katie Arrington, R-Dorchester, said Friday the safety and security of DJJ's children are ‘in a better place today.’ ‘I think this is a good clean fresh start for DJJ, and they should take this opportunity to get policy procedures in line for those kids,’ Arrington said. ‘But as far as safety and security, I think it's a good choice in the interim.’” [The State, 1/27/17]

Arrington Advocated For Creating A Chief Information Officer Cabinet Position

Arrington Advocated For Creating A Chief Information Officer Cabinet Position. “She's also advocating for a chief information officer cabinet position in the legislature and called Act 388 ‘hideous’ and ‘the worst thing ever created in the state.’” [Post & Courier, 5/31/17]

Arrington Proposed A State Constitutional Amendment Limiting Committee Chairs To 12 Years In Chairmanships

2017: Arrington Proposed A State Constitutional Amendment Limiting Committee Chairs To 12 Years In Chairmanships. “Earlier this year, Arrington made waves when she proposed an amendment to the South Carolina Constitution that would limit committee chairmen in the House and Senate to no more than 12 years holding the gavel. Arrington said at the time that she made the change a constitutional amendment because, if the change was made only in the Legislature's rule, ‘power-hungry politicians’ simply would change the rule when it was convenient.” [The State, 8/5/17]

Professional History

Arrington Worked As A Cyber Security Expert And Department Of Defense Contractor, And Also Worked In International Logistics And Land Development

Arrington Worked As A Cyber Security Expert And Department Of Defense Contractor, And Also Worked In International Logistics And Land Development. “The daughter of a CIA operative, Arrington now works as a cyber security expert and contractor for the U.S. Department of Defense-taking a leave of absence to campaign-and prior to that, held careers in international logistics and land development. Originally from Virginia, she's lived in the district now for nearly two decades, seeking out Summerville as the place to raise her family ‘and put down my roots,’ she said.” [Post & Courier, 5/30/18]

Arrington Did Not Obtain A College Degree

Arrington Did Not Obtain A College Degree. “Arrington grew up in upstate New York but has lived in Summerville since 2001. Despite having never obtained a college degree, Arrington's background runs the gamut, from operating a day care for special-needs children on Army bases to working in the private sector defense industry. She credits God for putting her ‘in the right place at the right time.’” [Post & Courier, 5/21/18]

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2015: Arrington Was Elected To The Board Of The Charleston Defense Contractors Association, After Previously Serving From 2011 To 2015

2015: Arrington Was Elected To The Board Of The Charleston Defense Contractors Association, After Previously Serving From 2011 To 2015. “Katie Arrington, vice president of sales operations at Dispersive Technologies, Inc., has been elected to the board of directors of the Charleston Defense Contractors Association (CDCA), the company said. […] Arrington was a CDCA board member from 2011 to 2014, chairing its communicator and philanthropic committees and co-chairing its C5ISR Summit sponsor committee.” [Internet Business News, 12/28/15]

2013: Arrington Said Her Virginia-Based Employer Gave Up Office Space In Charleston Because Of Pending Federal Budget Cuts

2013: Arrington Said Her Virginia-Based Employer Gave Up Office Space In Charleston Because Of Pending Federal Budget Cuts. “Many companies are already being affected by the cuts, particularly those with federal contracts or that are subcontractors. Government agencies have been holding back on signing new contracts. They've also held off approving funds for existing contracts for example, multi-year contracts that require money to be released in increments. […] Centuria, an information technology firm, gave up office space in Charleston last fall and had some of its staffers work on government contracts from home, says Katie Arrington, a business development executive with the Reston, Va.-based company. Centuria made that decision based on expectations that the impending budget cuts would take place. ‘The government doesn't need to be renting that space,’ Arrington says.” [Associated Press, 2/27/13]

2006: Arrington Worked For Catalyst Development

2006: Arrington Worked For Catalyst Development. “Katie Homrich of Catalyst Development in Charleston said the property will resemble the planned communities on Daniel Island. Residents will have access to a clubhouse, pool and tennis courts, and walking paths could be built from the homes to the commercial property. Catalyst wants to build seven small retail spaces and use 20 acres for a big- box retail store, such as a grocery or hardware store. […] ‘We want to build and create a neighborhood center that is an anchor in Goose Creek for years to come,’ Homrich said.” [Post & Courier, 3/15/06]

2002: Arrington Moved From Chicago To South Carolina To Work At Image Network

2002: Arrington Moved From Chicago To South Carolina To Work At Image Network. “Jeff Stauch has joined the sales staff at Image Network of Charleston as an account executive. […] Katie Homrich recently re- located from Chicago to join the sales staff as an account executive. Homrich has more than 10 years of experience in the sales and marketing industry.” [Post & Courier, 10/7/02]

Financial Mismanagement

RLA Associates, Arrington’s Business Which She Co-Owned With Her Husband, Was Subject To A $5,626 Lien In South Carolina In 2014

4/15/14: RLA Associates PA Was Subject To A $5,626.61 Lien By The State Of South Carolina. [Dorchester County Lien Document, filed 4/15/14]

9/18/14: RLA Associates PA Was Released From The Lien. [Dorchester County Lien Document, filed 9/18/14]

NOTE: A copy of these documents is saved on the DCCC drive.

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Arrington And Her Then-Husband Douglas Homrich May Have Filed For Bankruptcy In 1995

On 6/30/95, Katherine Elizabeth Homrich And Her Husband Douglas Glenn Homrich May Have Filed For Joint Chapter 7 Bankruptcy In Honolulu, Hawaii. The bankruptcy was discharged on 10/11/95. Arrington and her husband resided at 94-208 Kealohi Street, Mililani, Hawaii 96789. [Nexis Bankruptcy Search, accessed 6/13/18]

NOTE: The case is not available on the online Ho`ohiki Case Searching System nor the eCourt Kōkua System. Further research necessary into Arrington’s 1995 bankruptcy.

NOTE: Further research necessary into whether Arrington or her associated entities had bankruptcies, judgments or liens.

Arrington And Homrich Were Subject To A $737.71 Lien By Their Homeowners Association In 2008

8/6/18: Katie And Douglas Homrich Were Subject To A $737.71 Lien By The Oak Forest Village Homeowners Association. [Dorchester County, Notice of Lien Document, filed 8/12/08]

8/26/08: Katie And Douglas Homrich Were Released From The Lien. [Dorchester County, Notice of Lien Document, filed 9/17/08]

NOTE: This document is saved on the DCCC drive.

Robert Arrington, Arrington’s Husband, Was Subject To A $482.22 South Carolina Tax Lien In 2011, A Year After They Married

On 8/19/11, Robert L. Arrington Was Subject To A $482.22 South Carolina Tax Lien Filed In Dorchester County. The # was 3-51289301-8. [Dorchester County Deed Search, accessed 6/14/18]

Robert Arrington Was Released From The Tax Lien On 11/17/11. [Dorchester County Deed Search, accessed 6/14/18]

NOTE: These documents are saved on the DCCC drive.

Public Records

Voter Activity

Arrington Was Registered To Vote In The 1st Congressional District

Arrington Was Registered To Vote. [VoteBuilder, accessed 6/13/18]

The Arrington’s Zip Code Was In The 1st Congressional District. [Find Your Representative, House.Gov, accessed 6/13/18]

2018: Arrington Said She Lived In Summerville For 17 Years. “State Rep. Katie Arrington, R-Summerville, said the most unique thing about Summerville is that it is ‘a large small town.’ She was an Army wife and CIA brat and has lived in Summerville for 17 years. Arrington spoke highly of Summerville's downtown hotspots like Shuckin' Shack, Accents on Wine and Montreux. ‘The...things that make America great are actually in Summerville: good people, good schools and good restaurants and activities,’ she said. ‘The Square at Christmas Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 26

time and Halloween...where else can you get that? That's...I think the stuff makes Summerville, Summerville.’” [Post & Courier, 5/30/18]

2008 – 2016: Arrington Voted In 2008, 2012, 2013, 2014, And 2016

Arrington Voting History Year Description 2016 Voted in the general, Republican primary, and presidential primary elections 2015 Did not vote 2014 Voted in the general and Republican primary elections 2013 Voted in the special primary 2012 Voted in the general and Republican presidential primary elections 2011 Did not vote 2010 Did not vote 2009 Did not vote 2008 Voted in the general election [VoteBuilder, accessed 6/13/18]

Associated Entities

As of June 2018, Katie Arrington is potentially associated with the following entities.

Katie Arrington Associated Entities Entity Name Persons Associated Years Katie Arrington – Co-Owner ???? - present RLA Associates, PA Robert Arrington – Co-Owner Katie Arrington – Partner, Co-Owner ???? - present NCH LLC Robert Arrington Keegan Silver Enterprises, Inc. Katie Arrington – Registered Agent 2011 - ???? [Nexis Comprehensive Person Report, accessed 6/14/18; Katie Arrington 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/7/18; Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 4/10/17; Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 3/31/16]

RLA Associates, PA Was A Land Surveying Company Co-Owned By Arrington And Her Husband, With Locations In Summerville, Pawleys Island, And Savannah. [RLA Associates, accessed 6/14/18]

Robert Arrington Served As The Registered Agent For Eastover Land Surveying Company, PA. [South Carolina Business Entities Search, accessed 6/14/18]

In 2011, Arrington Served As The Registered Agent for Keegan Silver Enterprises, Incorporated In Virginia. [South Carolina Business Entities Search, accessed 6/14/18]

Arrington Said She Ran A Full-Time Daycare For Children While In Her Late 20s. “Katie Arrington fought her way from making ends meet by running a daycare full-time and waiting tables on the graveyard shift at Denny's to becoming a successful businesswoman.” [Katie Arrington, Facebook, 2/26/18]

NOTE: Further research necessary into Arrington’s associated entities.

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Criminal And Traffic Violation Record

As of June 2018, Arrington is associated with the following traffic violations.

Name Address Date Violation Jurisdiction Case Number Disposition Katherine 1230 White 10/11/06  Speeding, more than Beaufort C668871 and TIA Guilty E. Oak S Apt 15 but less than 25 County, SC C668872 Bench Trial Homrich 1121 mph over the speed Fine Only Waukegan limit ($412.50), IL 60085  Driving without a 2/13/07. license - 1st offense Status: Failure to comply [Beaufort County Court System, accessed 6/13/18;

NOTE: Further research necessary to determine whether Arrington has a criminal record.

Campaign Finance

According to the South Carolina State Ethics Commission, Arrington raised $63,353 combined for the 2016 primary and general elections for State House. She raised $611,073 and spent $411,962 as of the pre-primary report for her congressional campaign.

Katie Arrington State Campaign Finance History Year Candidate (Office Sought) or Committee Raised Spent 2016 Katie Arrington, State House Representative District 94 $63,353.00 $51,792.42 Total: $63,353.00 $34,305.24 [South Carolina State Ethics Commission, Pre-Primary Report, filed 7/10/16; candidate disclosure report, filed 1/10/17]

Katie Arrington Federal Campaign Finance History Year Candidate (Office Sought) or Committee Raised Spent 2018 Katie Arrington for Congress $611,072.68 $411,961.69 Total: $611,072.68 $411,961.69 [FEC.gov, accessed 6/13/18] NOTE: Totals as of 5/23/18.

Arrington Received A $1,000 Donation From Trump’s Former Lawyer Ty Cobb. “Arrington picked up a $1,000 donation this week from a lawyer who has spent plenty of his own time in the headlines over the past year and a half: Ty Cobb, who served on President Donald Trump's personal legal team until May. After announcing his retirement, Cobb said he plans to return to his Kiawah Island home.” [Post & Courier, 6/2/18]

Election Results

2018 Republican Congressional Primary, District 1 Election Results Candidate Vote Total Vote Percentage Katie Arrington 33,153 50.55% Mark Sanford 30,496 46.50% Dimitri Cherny 1,932 2.95% [South Carolina Election Commission, 6/12/18]

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2016 State House District 94 Election Results Candidate Vote Total Vote Percentage Katie Arrington (R) 11,147 69.86% Damian Daly (D) 4,779 29.95% [South Carolina Election Commission, 11/8/16]

2016: Arrington Was Endorsed By The Summerville Journal-Scene. “We endorsed Arrington in her primary race because we were impressed by her passion and knowledge of local issues. Her background in local business also make her a strong candidate for Summerville voters who should be concerned with fostering a strong business base in our town. She has seen our town grow and has suggested ideas that would help our region work though the explosive growth -- including reforming the Department of Transportation so that high-growth areas receive the funding needed for roads. […] And, like Sanford, we have seen her speak to issues that appear more moderate, specifically issues important to the LGBT community. This demonstrates her ability to work with officials with a variety of agendas as she focuses on the needs of our community.” [Journal-Scene, 10/19/16]

Personal Political Donations

According to the South Carolina State Ethics Commission, Arrington has given $13,508 to state-level candidates, including $10,700 in self-funding for her state legislative campaign.

Katie Arrington Political Giving History - State Date Candidate (Office Sought) or Committee Party Amount 3/25/18 Peter McCoy, Jr. for State House Representative R $150 2/13/18 Micajah P. Caskey IV for State House Representative R $250 2/2/18 Phyllis J Henderson For State House Representative R $250 1/5/18 Linda C Bennett For State House Representative R $250 10/13/17 Rick Martin for State House Representative R $500 8/11/17 Catherine Templeton for Governor R $500 3/14/17 Merita A Allison for State House Representative* R $100 2/2/17 SC General Assembly Women’s Caucus N/A $50 2/1/17 House Republican Caucus Committee R $200 1/27/17 James H. Lucas for State House Representative R $250 10/17/16 Sean Bennett for State Senate R $100 4/4/16 South Carolina Republican Party R $208 2016 Katie Arrington For State Representative R $10,700 Total $13,508 [South Carolina State Ethics Commission, accessed 6/13 /18]

*Jointly given by Robert and Katheine [sic] Arrington.

According to an FEC individual contribution search, Arrington has given a combined $6,130 to the RNC, South Carolina Republican Party, and federal candidates from South Carolina.

Katie Arrington Political Giving History - Federal Date Candidate/Committee Party Amount 4/23/18 Republican National Committee R $200 Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 29

4/4/18 South Carolina Republican Party R $3,480 2/23/18 Republican National Committee R $100 2/14/18 Republican National Committee R $250 10/3/17 South Carolina Republican Party R $750 5/11/17 Tommy Pope For Congress (SC-05) R $250 11/2/16 Joe Wilson For Congress R $250 5/13/16 Jenny Horne For Congress (SC-01) R $250 4/30/16 Jenny Horne For Congress (SC-01) R $100 4/5/16 Jenny Horne For Congress (SC-01) R $250 3/23/16 Jenny Horne For Congress (SC-01) R $250 Total $6,130 [FEC, individual contribution, accessed 6/13/18]

2018 – Federal Personal Financial Disclosure

Extension Request

Arrington Asked For A 10-Day Extension For Filing Her Personal Financial Disclosure On 9/5/17. [Katie Arrington 2018 Personal Financial Disclosure Extension Request, filed 9/5/17]

Net Worth

2018: Arrington Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $25,413,025 And $51,209,996

2018: Arrington Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $25,413,025 And $51,209,996. [Katie Arrington 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/7/18]

Earned Income

2018: Arrington Reported $630,400 In Earned Income From 1/1/18 To 5/7/18 And $900,000 In 2017

2018: Arrington Reported $630,400 In Earned Income From 1/1/18 To 5/7/18 And $900,000 In 2017. [Katie Arrington 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/7/18]

2018 Katie Arrington Earned Income Source Type Amount Current Preceding Year To Filing Year RLA Associates, PA Spouse salary $600,000 $900,000 LD Innovations, LLC Salary $20,000 $0 South Carolina State House Salary $10,400 $0 [Katie Arrington 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/7/18]

Assets & Unearned Income

2018: Arrington Reported Between $26,013,025 And $51,440,000 In Unearned Income

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2018: Arrington Reported Between $26,013,025 And $51,440,000 In Unearned Income. [Katie Arrington 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/7/18]

2018 Katie Arrington Assets & “Unearned” Income SP/ Year-End Value Amount Of Income Type Of DC Asset Min Max Income Min Max /JT JT 2204 Bacon’s Bridge $100,001 $250,000 Rent Not specified Not specified JT 785 King George $100,001 $250,000 Rent Not specified Not specified JT 4323 Ocean Hwy $100,001 $250,000 Rent Not specified Not specified SP American Funds IRA $100,001 $250,000 Tax- None None Deferred SP Fannie May Stock $15,001 $50,000 Interest $1 $200 SP Endeavor Stock (IRA) $1,001 $15,000 Tax- N/A N/A Deferred SP Fannie May (IRA) $15,001 $50,000 Tax- N/A N/A Deferred SP EuroPacific Growth $1,001 $15,000 Interest $1 $200 SP Fundamental Investors $1,001 $15,000 Interest $1 $200 SP Capital World Growth $1,001 $15,000 Interest $1 $200 SP New World Fund $1,001 $15,000 Interest $1 $200 SP Smallcap World Fund $1,001 $15,000 Interest $1 $200 JT RLA Associates, PA – $25,000,001 $50,000,000 N/A N/A N/A Land Surveying, Summerville, SC, Savannah, GA, Pawleys Island, SC SP Mass Mutual Life $50,001 $100,000 N/A N/A N/A JT Mass Mutual Life $50,001 $100,000 N/A N/A N/A SP NY Life Roth $15,001 $50,000 Tax- $15,001 $50,000 Deferred JT NY Life Roth $15,001 $50,000 Tax- $15,001 $50,000 Deferred JT NCH Checking $1,001 $15,000 None N/A N/A JT NCH Savings $1,001 $15,000 Interest $1 $200 SP RLA Checking $100,001 $250,000 None N/A N/A SP RLA Savings $50,001 $100,000 Interest $1 $200 JT Money Market WF $250,001 $500,000 N/A N/A N/A JT WF Checking $15,001 $50,000 N/A N/A N/A JT WF Savings $15,001 $50,000 Interest $1 $200 JT TD Checking $15,001 $50,000 N/A N/A N/A JT Heritage Trust Checking $15,001 $50,000 N/A N/A N/A SP Edward Jones IRA $1,001 $15,000 Tax- N/A N/A Deferred JT Mass Mutual Life $50,001 $100,000 N/A – $1 $200 Life Insurance SP Mass Mutual Life $50,001 $100,000 N/A – $1 $200 Life Insurance Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 31

SP NY Life Roth $25,001 $50,000 Tax- $15,001 $50,000 Deferred JT NY Life Roth $25,001 $50,000 Tax- $15,001 $50,000 Deferred SP Mainstay Epoch $1,001 $15,000 Interest $1 $200 SP Mainstay Global $15,001 $50,000 Interest $1 $200 SP Mainstay S + P $1,001 $15,000 Interest $1 $200 SP Mainstay S + P $1,001 $15,000 Interest $1 $200 SP Mainstay Short $15,001 $50,000 Interest $1 $200 SP Mainstay Tax Free $1,001 $15,000 Interest $1 $200 SP Mainstay US Opp $1,001 $15,000 Interest $1 $200 SP Mainstay US Opp $1,001 $15,000 Interest $1 $200 JT NY Life Insurance $15,001 $50,000 N/A – Life Insurance NY Life Insurance $15,001 $50,000 N/A – $501 $2000 Life Insurance Total: $26,013,025 $51,440,000 [Katie Arrington 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/7/18]


Arrington Disclosed Between $230,002 And $600,000 In Liabilities For Two Mortgages, Including A “Vacation Mortgage,” A Boat Loan, And A Car Loan. [Katie Arrington 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/7/18]

2018 Katie Arrington Liabilities Date Amount Of Owner Creditor Type Incurred Liability Not specified Sun Trust 11/15 Car Loan $15,001-$50,000 SP First Land Mort. 1/16 Mortgage $100,001-$250,000 JT First Reliance 1/15 Vacation mortgage $100,001-$250,000 SP Wells Fargo 6/17 Boat Loan $15,001-$50,000 [Katie Arrington 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/7/18]


Arrington Was Listed As President Of LD Innovations, LLC And A Partner At NCH, LLC. [Katie Arrington 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/7/18]

Katie Arrington 2018 Positions Position Name Of Organization President LD Innovations, LLC Partner NCH, LLC [Katie Arrington 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/7/18]


Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 32

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Agreements. [Katie Arrington 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/7/18]

2017 – South Carolina Statement Of Economic Interests Report

Arrington twice amended her 2017 Statement of Economic Interests Report. The following data is from the third version she submitted on 4/10/17. The earlier versions were filed on 3/21/17 and 3/29/17.


2017 Katie Arrington Positions Position/Title Entity Type Terms of Office Date Filed House Representative House of Representatives Candidate 11/2016 – 11/2018 3/2016 House Representative House of Representatives Elected 11/2016 – 11/2018 Left blank [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 4/10/17]

Income And Benefits

2017 Katie Arrington Income And Benefits Source Type Amount/Value Miscellaneous State of South Carolina Salary – State or Local Government $1,708.79 Personal Income Dispersive Technologies Salary – Other (private source) None specified Personal Income RLA Associates Spouse’s Salary – Other (private source) None specified Family Income NCH Holdings Spouse’s Salary – Other (private source) None specified Family Income [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 4/10/17]

Regulated Business Associations

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Regulated Business Items. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 4/10/17]

Real Or Personal Property Interests

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Property Interest Items. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 4/10/17]

Real Or Personal Property Interests II

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Sold, Leased, Or Rented Property Interest Items. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 4/10/17]

Business Interests

2017 Katie Arrington Business Interests Name of Business Relationship RLA Associates Officer NCH Holdings Officer [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 4/10/17]

Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 33


Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Creditor Items. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 4/10/17]

Lobbyist/Lobbyist’s Principal

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Lobbyist/Lobbyist’s Principal Items. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 4/10/17]

Government Contracts

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Government Contract Items. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 4/10/17]


2017 Katie Arrington Gifts Source Relationship Nature of Gift Value Hon. James Lucas Speaker of the House House Orientation Lunch $16.31 Hon. James Lucas Salary House Orientation Dinner $38.07 County of Charleston Legislative Delegation Parking Pass $195.00 [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 4/10/17]

Speaking Engagement Reimbursement

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Speaking Engagement Items. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 4/10/17]

2016 – South Carolina Statement Of Economic Interests Report


2016 Katie Arrington Positions Position/Title Entity Type Terms of Office Date Filed House Representative House of Representatives Candidate 1/2017 – 11/2019 3/2016 [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 3/31/16]

Income And Benefits

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Income And Benefits. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 3/31/16]

Family Income And Benefits

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Family Income And Benefits. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 3/31/16]

Regulated Business Associations

Katherine “Katie” Arrington (SC-01) Backgrounder | 34

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Regulated Business Items. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 3/31/16]

Real Or Personal Property Interests

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Property Interest Items. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 3/31/16]

Real Or Personal Property Interests II

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Sold, Leased, Or Rented Property Interest Items. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 3/31/16]

Business Interests

2016 Katie Arrington Business Interests Name of Business Relationship RLA Associates Co-Owner NCH Holdings Co-Owner [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 3/31/16]


Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Creditor Items. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 3/31/16]

Lobbyist/Lobbyist’s Principal

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Lobbyist/Lobbyist’s Principal Items. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 3/31/16]

Government Contracts

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Government Contract Items. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 3/31/16]


Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Gifts. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 3/31/16]

Speaking Engagement Reimbursement

Arrington Did Not Disclose Any Speaking Engagement Items. [Katie Arrington, South Carolina Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interests Report, filed 3/31/16]