As the NBC affiliate serving the Jacksonville, market, Tegna Media station, First Coast News, is committed to staying on the leading edge of production technologies — to tell a more compelling story, keep viewers engaged, and expand market share.

2 A NEED TO LOOK DIFFERENT Not all stories are the same. This helps us “There just doesn’t seem like that much tell the story, it helps us explain the story, it innovation happening in most U.S. newscasts,” helps us show the story. We can use bigger says Rob Mennie, president and general manager of First Coast News. Motivated images. We can use bolder images. We can by a need to ramp up for a major sports change images more often. We can do things highlight program, he and his staff wanted to do something different with the look of their we’ve never been able to do before. coverage and provide exciting content for – ROB MENNIE their viewers. ““I think in the news business President & General Manager of First Coast News in Jacksonville, Florida we got to the point that every story was told the same way. We wanted to do something big and different. In sports, especially, there’s an opportunity to take a bit more risk. We turned to ChyronHego to offer some possibilities.” To bring new levels of excitement to news and sports broadcasts at First Coast News, ChyronHego proposed an innovative solution: the award-winning augmented reality (AR) and virtual set software solution, Plutonium, paired with the StarTracker in-studio optical camera tracking system from Mo-Sys Engineering Ltd.

3 RAMPING UP FAST FOR THE LONG TERM “ChyronHego came up with this solution very quickly, and within a week we were up and running with it on a daily basis to produce our Rio games program on a virtual set,” says Victor Murphy, director of technology at First Coast News. “It really seemed like magic, something no one else had seen before. I would hazard to say that our presentation was unlike any other on a U.S. sports broadcast.” Mennie comments, “We had a team of ChyronHego people on-site to get us through the first week of the show, and they were a tremendous help not just to show us how the system works, but to suggest different ideas and approaches for tailoring it to our own production. The virtual set solution was a success right from the beginning, and we now use it in every show, morning, noon, and night.” The virtual set and augmented graphics system was new to the First Coast News staff, but the talent quickly learned to navigate around in the green screen environment. “We have a group of people here who that have embraced it. We use it everyday, we use it in every show… so we’ve developed muscle memory, so we don’t have to worry about how to use the tool so much anymore, but how to use the tool to tell a better story.” Murphy stated.

4 SEAMLESS WORKFLOW & EASY TO USE The ChyronHego virtual graphics tools have proven to be very easy to use for all members of the crew. From the producers to the on-air talent, the staff has embraced the solution as a normal piece of their storytelling workflow, and they use the tools to design augmented reality pieces to help convey sports, news, and sales elements. They’re able to incorporate the creative elements for shows, expand the look of their studio by running multiple, virtual sets. “Right away we were able to come up with some very clean, sharp, and stylized sets with AR graphics that we could turn on and off – and because the system is so logical, we’re able to then modify it ourselves,” says Mennie. Murphy adds, “Our anchors and reporters have really taken to the new technology. Very quickly, they got comfortable in front of the green screen and learned how to gesture and refer to virtual elements that aren’t really there. Even our most inexperienced crew were able to start working effectively with the system right away. Our news directors love the tool so much that they’ve started to see how far they can push it, and it’s even become a recruiting tool for expanding our engineering staff.”

5 ENTHRALLING AUDIENCES WITH COMPELLING CONTENT Since adopting the ChyronHego virtual studio and AR graphics solution, First Coast News has seen a marked uptick in audience enthusiasm for its news and sports broadcasts. Notes Mennie, “People tell us that our shows just look different – they’re not stale or boring. We’re breaking through the noise with our audience, and viewers have become enamored of the interesting visuals that reinforce the story. It’s a far cry from the traditional model of an anchor sitting behind a desk with a skyline background.”

6 Virtual graphics have become a featured Mennie comments, “Like a lot of news component of almost every newscast – and organizations, we had reached a point where they produce several shows each day. They we were telling every story in the same way. augmented graphics elements like The ChryonHego virtual studio and AR virtual football helmets coming out of the graphics tools have allowed us to break out ground for a football update story. They’ll of that mold – now we’re not just giving the have a virtual school bus drive right onto news, but we can actually explain and show the set as part of their regular morning the story in a really meaningful way. We feel news update. The ChyronHego virtual like we’ve broken new ground not just for graphics solution helps First Coast News our station but for the market. ChyronHego tell their stories in a more significant way. has put the fun back in television again!”

7 CONTACT SALES AND SCHEDULE A DEMO @ ABOUT CHYRONHEGO NORTH AMERICA ChyronHego, a portfolio company of Vector Capital, is a global +1.631.845.2000 | leader in products, services, and solutions for the broadcast and sports industries. Specializing in live television, news, and sports EMEA production, ChyronHego offers some of the industry's most widely +46 8 534 88 300 | deployed solutions — including Lyric®, the world's most popular broadcast graphics creation and playout offering; the all-new LATIN AMERICA +1.305.972.1396 CAMIO® Universe newsroom workflow; and TRACAB® Optical Tracking, the global leader in optical sports tracking systems as well ASIA/PACIFIC as Click Effects, the most proven and versatile stadium broadcast +65.64071330 | family of graphics products. Headquartered in Melville, New York, ChyronHego also has offices in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, JOIN THE CONVERSATION Slovak Republic, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. ONLINE WITH CHYRONHEGO @

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