INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

INFINITY Astrological Magazine: November/December issue INF#10 2016

Smiljana Gavrančić (Serbia): The Editor-In-Chief, Founder & Owner

Andrew Ifandis (Greece): Creative Director & Contributing Editor

LeAnn Lacy (USA): Research Associate

Armand Diaz (USA): Associate

Angela Loennig (Greece):Art

INF#10 2016 cover made by: Andrew Ifandis

Original Cover Art: Angela Loennig

Angela Loenning is an artist born in Athens, Greece. She studied graphic design at WAES in London, England. She took oil painting and life drawing lessons in Kensington and Chelsea College in London, England. She has participated in various exhibitions and is delighted to contribute to INFINITY. You can find her art at:


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

The Twelve Holy Nights An Astrological Retreat December 24th, 2016 - January 6th,2017

At this time of year, between Christmas and Epiphany in the Christian calendar, the Earth makes its closest approach to the Sun.

These holy-days are like a 'window out of time', providing an opportunity to release the old and welcome the new as we re-dedicate ourselves to our life.

The is the 'sacred circle' which surrounds the Earth, and we approach it in this spirit, with imaginal and contemplative work.

There is enough material on the link below for you to engage with this beautiful process on your own, or with astro friends, in any year.

St. Mary‟s Ottery – M. Reinhart 1999

Click here for more information:

Astrology has been central to Melanie Reinhart‘s life since 1959. She is a graduate and patron of the Faculty of Astrological Studies, and received the 2004 Charles Harvey award for ‗exceptional service to ‘. She has taught for leading astrology schools in the UK and abroad, and also runs her own programme of workshops; her busy consulting practise has an international clientele and is the heart of her work. Her astrology books are published by Starwalker Press and include: ‗Chiron and the Healing Journey‘, ‗Chiron, Saturn and the Centaurs‘ and ‗Incarnation‘.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

WE PRESENT YOU The Academy of Astrology!

The Academy of Astrology is an established international school with a difference!

Already established as the premier school in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Japan, the Academy is proud to launch its new English language course which offers online learning, including both modern and traditional methods.

Academy of Astrology students are encouraged to put their learning into practice from the outset in weekly classes and our unique interactive supervision groups.

For more details about our new course, beginning in January 2017 see: Academy of Astrology Course

And while you're on our website, check out our free bonus content including videos and articles by our talented tutors (most of whom also write for Infinity Astrological Magazine).

Rod Chang, Marcos Patchett, Sue Merylin Farebrother, Mandi Lockley 4

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016


One of the world's largest astrology sites is republishing Victor Olliver's feature on his changeable rising point that first appeared in Infinity's September-October issue INF#9 2016. Astrodienst at , based in Switzerland, has a monthly visitor figure of about nine millions. The site boasts partnerships with many leading publications in astrology, such as the Astrological Journal and The Mountain Astrologer. And among its regular contributors are Liz Greene and Robert Hand. Infinity's inclusion on the roster at Astrodienst marks a significant advance in recognition of the magazine. Astrodienst straddles serious and popular astrology and has features on a wide spectrum of methodologies and techniques, Western and Eastern, tropical and sidereal.

INFINITY Astrological Magazine is so grateful to Victor Olliver for helping Us to grow more!


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Smiljana Gavrančić (the editor of INFINITY Astrological Magazine) gave an interview for The Astrological Journal UK (November/December issue 2016), page 71, Astro-X-Ray: Smiljana Gavrančić. To buy a copy email: [email protected]. To subscribe to the AA and receive Journal free (depending on membership level) go to: Also, Smiljana gave an interview about 13th Zodiac Sign for Cosmopolitan Croatia

Andrew Ifandis has recently written an acclaimed analysis (including key transits, progressions and solar arcs) of the astrological chart of Ingmar Bergman, the renowned Swedish director which has been published in the July-August 2016 issue of the Astrological Journal and at the same time re- published with author permission on Astrodienst ( Kepler College of Astrological Studies has re-published his article on the College‘s site and interviewed Andrew Ifandis this past October. You can read the interview here.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016


[email protected]


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

LeAnn Lacy w


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016


1. ~Editor‟s letter by Smiljana Gavrančić~ - To The Infinity & Back, And Again, And Again…(Moon/Pluto Story) (12-12) 2. Troy and 27º by Smiljana Gavrančić (13-17) 3. Victor Olliver - Was I really born under the sign of Moby-Dick? (19-23) 4. Tania Daniels - Traditional techniques for judging the safety of ships and their relevance to modern travel horaries (24-38) 5. Smiljana Gavrančić - Sarajevo, World War I and 0º (39-46) 6. Glenn Perry - Does the Zodiac Have a 13th Sign? (47-51) 7. Sharon Knight - American Presidential Election - Why we wouldn‘t make a Prediction on the outcome using birth times of the Candidates (52-59) 8. Linea Van Horn - Tale of Two Voyages (60-71) 9. Rod Chang - Ingress (72-75) 10. Mandi Lockley - After the Transit – Part 1(76-79) 11. Alan Annand - Helter Skelter: malefics unbound in the Manson Family (80-89) 12. Tara Aal - Mercury and More Experiences with Planets on the 1st (90-94) 13. Richard Alwin Fidler - Bhava Karakas: Planets as Significators in Jyotish (95-103) 14. Natalie Delahaye - New Moon in - 29th November 2016 (104-105) 15. Armand Diaz - Astrology and the Evolution of Consciousness: Part 6: Towards an Integral Astrology (106-108) 16. The Value of Astrology by Armand Diaz – Report from Costa Mesa, CA (ISAR Symposium, October 2016) (109- 109) 17. Marguerite dar Boggia - The Inventor of the BELL HELICOPTER (110-114) 18. Stavroula Konstantopoulou - Spying Under the Stars: examples of astrological intelligence activities in the ancient world (115-118) 19. Eric Meyers - The ―Discovery‖ of Uranus (119-121) 20. Anne Whitaker - Some thoughts on the Astrological Houses: Placidus, Equal – or what? (122-126) 21. Laura Boomer Trent - Astro--Tantra - The Psycho-Anatomical pathway of Mind-Body-Spirit as seen through the Sacred Arts of Astrology, Yoga & Tantra – part 3 (127-135) 22. INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH JADRANA COIC BY Smiljana Gavrančić (136-139) 23. INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH MARGARET GRAY & ARMAND DIAZ BY LeAnn Lacy (140-142) 24. REPORT FROM PERUGIA 2016 BY Meskalila Nunzia Coppola (143-143) 25. Geneviève Jama Giammarino - PARIS: A FLOWER, A CANDLE – Part 1 (144-155) 26. Cassandra Tyndall - INFINITY for November/December 2016 (156-161)


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

~Editor‟s letter by Smiljana Gavrančić~ To The Infinity & Back, And Again, And Again…(Moon/Pluto Story)

Dear INFINITY Astrologers & Readers, dear people, I am so grateful that INF#10 2016 is out! I started with my project when my secondary progressed Moon was in exact conjunction with my natal Pluto at 21 º (May 2015), very close to fixed star Spica ( constellation). This was a gift for me, from the Universe. That was really brave and I used to say that INFINITY is my “blood baby”, because with Moon/Pluto we always have some kind of “conception”. On 31st October, 2016 my secondary progressed Venus (ruler of my Pluto) comes at 0º . So, after 30 years, my Venus in secondary progressions changes the sign. At the same time, my secondary progressed Sun is already in close conjunction with my natal Venus (16 º Pisces 52‟).The Sun is going to come?! I could Shine, INFINITY could shine, and You Can Shine With Me, because You are INFINITY, too. So, in my natal Venus "lives" my natal Pluto from 21 º Libra (ruler of my rising)...

Recently I gave an interview for the Astrological Journal UK and Cosmopolitan Croatia, I came back from United Kingdom where I had 2 talks, at the 48th AA UK conference and in the London Lodge. So, Sun/Venus combination really works! The hard transits in past 3 years gave me a lot of lessons, I cried, I laughed, I was Up, I was Down, but I tried to keep my Spirit – TO THE INFINITY & BACK, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN… During November 2016 Pluto will make the last opposition to my natal 15 º Moon. I had 6 times in past 3 years Pluto/Moon opposition, and now I can say that I learned how to get Pluto‟s power for myself, and the Power is Pure Love… With Moon/Pluto I got Rebirth, I started again to Believe, I started again to Pray from my Heart, I even found my Saint, she is so lovely , and she lives at 3 º Scorpio (Pluto‟s exaltation degree, but also Moon‟s fall degree) and her name is Saint Parasheva (orthodox church in my country, Serbia, celebrates this Saint on 27th October, when Sun comes at 3º Scorpio)… Now, my secondary progressed Moon is at 9º Scorpio, in exact opposition with my natal Chiron (9º Taurus). In my natal horoscope, there is a trine between Moon 15º Cancer and Venus 16 º Pisces (dispositor of Chiron), so, I use this month as opportunity to get Blessings and Healing from the Universe, and I can tell You that it works… , because this opposition in progressions brings me now “power of healing”. And, There's a place in the Sun for anyone Who has the will to – Believe, Pray, Love… Go for it! Moon/Pluto brings New Life! My gift to all of You, after this editor‟s letter, is an article about Love and how Love could be the reason to spend the whole fortune… Troy and 27º Pisces…

BIG Thank You to all INFINITY Astrologers who helped me to make this issue! And, Thank You – Pluto!

This issue I dedicate to my beloved parents… Light & Love,



INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Troy and 27º Pisces by Smiljana Gavrančić

The example of German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann shows the best that love for something may be the reason to spend one's whole fortune. Schliemann spent all the money he earned as a young businessman on archaeological research. He discovered the site of Troy on April 27, 1870, using the data from Homer's "Iliad" and" Odyssey".

Convinced that he will uncover Priam's Troy under the Hisarlik hill in Turkey, he started the excavations with his 80 workers and enormous enthusiasm in 1868. He had no permit from Turkish government for he did not apply for one, because he deeply believed he would not have been provided with the permit… He started all this led by love… Naturally, he later had problems with Turkish government, but that is not important in this story…

In his natal chart Schliemann has Venus (love, culture) in Pisces, which is enough for us astrologers to know that there is love for uncovering of everything which is not visible in the field of culture, everything that is hidden, faraway, not researched and not examined… On the other hand, as Venus in Pisces requires the silence, because Mercury (words) is here in exile and fall, it is very certain that any application for the permit would have destroyed the whole magic of Schliemann's Venus in this research. So, this man simply followed the love within, kept silent and worked… Silence brought him to his aim, to the discovery… Venus at 27º Pisces

In secondary progressions of Heinrich Schliemann for the day of his solar return in the year of commencement of excavations -- January 6, 1868, we can see that it is about the real, unconditional love, love that vibrates at 27º Pisces (the degree of Venus' exaltation), and that requires silence.

The first thing that catches the eye is that the Venus (love, culture) was retrograde in secondary progressions, which supports research (being retrograde "forces" to research, uncover secrets, everything that is hidden… ), and it was positioned almost at the degree of its exaltation (27º Pisces) – at 26º Pisces 44‟! On the very day of discovery, April 27, 1870, Schliemann's secondary Venus was still retrograde, and at 26º Pisces 14‟ (still close to 27º Pisces)! Since we know that Venus is retrograde on average for 42 days, when we translate it to secondary progressions, it is – around 42 years, so it was to be expected if the secondary Venus was retrograde in the year of commencement of excavations, it would have still been retrograde in the year of the discovery (2 years later), because it moves for about 1º a year, and one year is described by one day. In any case, being retrograde here only favored research, because any research is in the symbolism of being retrograde.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Moon at 27º Pisces

Furthermore, in the chart of the discovery, we can see the Moon at 27º Pisces 01‘! The significance of this degree is underlined by the day of the premiere of the movie "Troy", many years later, the movie inspired by the Trojan war, great love of Helen and Paris. The premiere was on May 14, 2004, in Malta, where the great part of the movie was filmed, and in the chart for the premiere day, the Moon was – do you guess where? Yes, exactly at the degree of Venus' exaltation, at 27º Pisces!!!


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

The most beautiful woman in the world (27º Pisces) and the cause of Trojan War

If we take a look at Greek mythology, we find that Paris was one of many sons of the Trojan king Priam, and he became famous for eloping with the beautiful Helen, the wife of Spartan king Menelaus, which caused the Trojan War. But, this story has a foreword…

At the celebration of marriage of Peleus and Thetis, arranged by Zeus, the supreme god, Eris, the goddess of discord and strife was not invited. But, she comes to the celebration, and angrily rolls a golden apple, known as "the apple of discord". The words "for the fairest" are inscribed on the apple!

Three goddesses wanted the apple – Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. They asked Zeus to say which one is the fairest, but he refused to get involved, and called upon Paris to do it. According to tradition, Hera was the most beautiful in Greek mythology, mainly because of her big beautiful eyes. Aphrodite had the most seductiveness and erotic charm, while Athena was the most mental, intellectual, rational, regarded as asexual being by Greeks, so her beauty was seldom described. All three tried to bribe Paris. Hera offered to make him a king of Europe and Asia, Athena to gift him with the wisdom and skill of war, but Aphrodite offers something entirely different – the hand of the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen, the wife of


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Spartan king Menelaus. Paris agreed to that, declared Aphrodite the most beautiful and awarded her the golden apple. That enraged Hera and Athena. Paris went to take Helen, which caused the Trojan War which lasted for 10 years… As soon as Paris stood face to face with the most beautiful of all mortal women, he fell in love at the first sight. She liked him too. Of course, Aphrodite was "guilty" of that -- she caused such a blazing love for Paris in Helen, so Helen forgot about her husband, daughter and kingdom and sailed to Troy with Paris.

Let us remember the myth of Leda, the wife of Spartan king Tyndareus, who was seduced by Zeus in a form of a swan, for only then he could have approached her. Leda born Helen (the girl whose beauty will cause the Trojan War later) and Polydeuces with Zeus.

Beautiful Helen actually runs away with Paris to Troy, which is exactly the picture of Venus in Pisces – the girl secretly running away with her lover… Since mythology is also the basis of astrology, and good knowledge of myths can only make the whole story more beautiful, then at the very 27º Pisces, the degree of Venus' exaltation there is the degree that also describes Troy. Also, on one hand this degree depicts the goddess Aphrodite, who is married to old and ugly Hephaestus, but at the same time she is secretly involved with Ares, the god of war – and on the other hand it depicts beautiful Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, who came to Paris with the help of Aphrodite, who is also married to an older man (like Aphrodite herself), but in love with young and beautiful Paris, just like Aphrodite is in love with Ares… Yes, certainly, the most beautiful woman in the world, the real, "secret", unconditional love, and Troy – all that lives at 27º Pisces! The land of Troy

At the end, if we take a look at the chart of Turkey, the country of Troy, we see the of 8th house (research, excavations), in Capricorn (something old, from before) at 27º Capricorn. Since both Pluto and Saturn are related to archaeology, i.e. series 8 in combination with series 10, the sign of Capricorn, Saturn, then in the cusp of 8 in Capricorn in the chart of Turkey we have depiction of archaeological excavations, and since this cusp is in the exact sextile with 27º Pisces, the degree where the story of the most beautiful woman lives, or better put 16

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 where the story of the most beautiful women lives – Aphrodite and Helen (remember, Paris had to judge that Aphrodite was the most beautiful in order to be given the hand of the most beautiful – Helen), then it is completely clear that Turkey is famous for this archaeological site that is related to the story of the most beautiful woman in the world who caused the war (8th house), who was inevitable…

When beginning his research project Heinrich Schliemann was led by great enthusiasm and above all, great love for Troy. He did not speak of that, and remember the beginning of this story – he did not apply for the permit, for it would have destroyed the whole magic… So, when you find something you love, be quiet about it, for then 27º Pisces becomes revived in the best possible way, becoming the channel for both real, "secret" love and beauty. This story of Troy is just another confirmation that real, unconditional love "lives" at 27º Pisces, and it requires silence and "secret"…


―The Book of World ‖; Nicholas Campion


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 18

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Was I really born under the sign of Moby-Dick? Author: Victor Olliver The 14-sign horoscope may not be far, far away…

In my last Infinity letter, I discussed the matter of my changeable . Whichever rising sign was du jour chez moi, I re-edited myself to suit the new persona, rather like an actor. All because of doubt (until lately) about my precise birth clock-time. But now that I‘m Aquarius rising (for keeps) I stick out like a sore thumb and defy sexual classification - causing me to fall into bed Uranian-style with all sorts, either as Victor or Victoria. Or perhaps not, as a practicing celibate. I was quite surprised by the response to the piece. In particular, worldly, well-travelled astrologer Jessica Adams in Australia wrote on Twitter that she‘d heard of this sort of thing but never had seen it described in all her life. Sun Aquarians welcomed me as their prodigal son. I‘d come home.

Now that I have tackled my Ascendant, I am starting to wonder about my Sun sign. Could it be that I am about to abandon and embrace a sign you probably have never heard of? Well, be nice and say hello to Cetus.

It all started with the latest 13th star sign media lark. Once a year some astronomer with a bad comb- over, gingivitis and an ambition to extinguish astrology for good picks a fight with Deborah Houlding et al. I won‘t google the story but I believe NASA was behind this latest stir-up. Last year it was the sit-down comic and science swat Dara O‘Briain boring on about the 13th sign on a BBC website. Y‘know, about how should be tucked into the zodiac in between Scorpio and Sagittarius 19

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 for the period of Nov 29 to Dec 18 (or could it be Dec 6 to 31 as others claim?) while precession gets to turn the Western tropical zodiac from ye older Hellenistic snapshot into Hubble Telescope-approved cinéma vérité.

Because I can‘t stand the sight of smug Dara or his sidekick, the former ever-smiling pop star Prof. Brian - ‗The Wonders of‘ - Cox, I decided to involve myself in the 2015 conflab. I trolled Dara on Twitter every evening, and being a sport he‘d return fire before rapid retirement to rehearsals of his latest whatever career-stalling TV show (Robot Wars?). But this year I just yawned. It was all so last year. NASA? Shouldn‘t they stick to rockets? However, I did wonder afresh about this construct we call the astro zodiac cut into 30-degree slices of NASA? celestial longitude, lashed to seasonal solstices and equinoxes (in tropical astrology) and not the actual visible Shouldn‟t they stick to constellations. rockets? ‗Wondering afresh‘, as you may know, is a dangerous thing….

Cue Cetus, quite possibly my new Sun sign. All this chatter about the 13th sign drew an obscure tiny book to my attention called Astrology 14, published in 1971. I‘d never heard of it or the author, Steven Schmidt - I can‘t tell you whether he‘s now dead or alive. But he was or is married to Mitzi. ―She believed‖, he writes in the dedication. In what is not entirely clear. In broccoli?

Astrology 14 is a bold book that argues that astrologers are Ptolemaic stick-in-the-muds who con their innocent clientele into believing that the zodiac star signs you‘re born under are the actual constellations. This thought prepares us for shock news. Not only is there a 13th sign (Ophiuchus) but also a 14th - Cetus. Both fall partially into the ecliptic though they remain barred from zodiacal entry - in both tropical and sidereal (or Vedic) systems. Actually astrology history students may not be at all shocked. After all, once upon a time there were just the 10 zodiacal constellations. The Babylonians settled for 18 constellations while ancient India cluttered the sky with up to 28 lunar mansions. Ptolemy‘s Almagest recognised 12 zodiacal constellations among the overall 48 starry patterns: Ophiuchus is named among the Northern Constellations, and Cetus among the Southern. Ptolemy of the 2nd century also knew a lot about precession of the equinoxes from Hipparchus and his own studies of Regulus, Spica and other stars in relation to Sun and Moon.

So, the claim of Steven Schmidt‘s publishers that Astrology 14 makes the ―most exciting discovery in astrology in two thousand years!‖ is wonderful baloney - though it‘s great blurb writing.

Astrology 14 serves up a horoscope of 14 zodiac slices of approximately 26 days each, starting with Pisces (Mar 21 to Apr 15). In particular, Cetus is now the 3rd house ruling communications and education for the new date May 12 to June 6. After Cetus comes Taurus before we rediscover Gemini (or neo-Gemini) in its new home of July 3-28. I was born on May 23 so this makes me a Cetan. For the duration of two Saturn returns I have lived with the knowledge that as a Gemini I am supposedly a 20

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 witty flibbertigibbet with long charm and short temper - and I‘m good with my hands. Now I must consider that I was lied to all along and subject to horrible self-deception, too.

Cetus is nothing like the Twins, but is a whale - or a sea monster in Greek mythology. It‘s associated with the ―wrath of the gods‖, Poseidon or Neptune especially. Sailors of old dreaded Cetus. So when not raping and pillaging or buggering they‘d be on their best behaviour for fear of upsetting Poseidon, or Neptune. Cetus makes the horoscopic cut because of its tail which intrudes between and Taurus along the ecliptic. One might think then that Cetans are associated with water. I mean, it‘s true I live by the sea and love a swim - this I long attributed to my Pisces Moon. But Mr Schmidt is less concerned with mythology than with what he terms ―science‖. In his attempt to define the basic character of a Cetan he kicks out the sea and treats us to scientific methodology which involves examining the traits of a few celebrities born between May 12 and June 6. Step forward former Gemini‘s Laurence Olivier, Perry Como (a crooner of old), Dame Margot Fonteyn and John F Kennedy.

From these examples and others Schmidt concludes that Cetus favours the performing arts but not politics (sorry about that JFK), are ―charming‖ yet capable of maintaining detachment despite noise. ―There is no limit to the heights they can reach‖ once embarked on a career. As I write this, I am thinking of my fellow May 23‘er George Osborne, the former British Chancellor of the Exchequer, recently so brutally turfed out of No 11 Downing Street by PM Theresa May. Does he share JFK‘s unhappy fate in politics? Or is the fact that I am talking about these men at all a sign of their prominence and achievement in politics no matter the dire end? Discuss!

So far I am not too impressed by Schmidt‘s profile of Cetus. Yes, it‘s true I am charm personified, quite detached etc., but my Aquarius Ascendant and Gemini Venus could account for all this. To be fair, even he admits it‘s early days and that his Cetan definition is ―tentative‖. 21

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

His approach to astrology is perhaps the problem, to me at least. Actually the first problem has to do with science, the second with astrology itself.

Science. As editor of The Astrological Journal I have made a horrible discovery. Most exponents of science in astrology labour under the delusion that any minute now we will discover the material causal explanation for astrology, as demonstrated in incomprehensible graphs, charts and number- crunching. I am open to all ideas in principle. I will happily consider theories and speculations. But at no stage do I confuse this open-mindedness with acceptance. I have not read one essay or book which ―proves‖ that any kind of scientific approach to astrology brings us any closer to an understanding of how or why astrology works. We are toilers in a mystery, folks.

Steven Schmidt does not in fact employ any science is defining Cetus. Instead he cherry-picks a few celebrities to suit his thesis - an approach familiar to any media Sun sign astrologer anxious to draw up agenda-serving lists. As for Schmidt‘s claim that Cetans do not thrive in politics - let‘s see: Jeremy Corbyn, Marco Rubio, Henry Kissinger, Rudy Giuliani, John Prescott, Alan Garcia…shall I continue? Cetan Queen Victoria knew a thing or two about managing politicians. No wonder she was unamused.

Astrology. I know nothing about Steven Schmidt save what he tells us in his book - he calls himself a technical writer and editor with a fascination with astrology. One of the reasons he gives for doubting the accuracy of our present-day astrological zodiac is that as a Cancerian he recognises little of the Moon Child in himself. Likewise with his wife Mitzi who does not identify with the profile of her sign Scorpio. Hence their readiness to accept a new sign under the 14-slice horoscope.

Confusingly, Schmidt aligns himself with the new 14-sign Gemini (our 12-house Cancer), acknowledging his own essential dualism - before examining other neo-Gemini‘s who he concludes are not so much dualistic as blessed with the gift of ―variety‖. This is all very subjective, and I am in no position to challenge his personal judgements, but I find it odd that Schmidt makes the false assumption that Sun sign alone is the character definer. We find no mention of Ascendant, Moon, chart shaping, aspects or any of the other chart features that invariably modify the Sun. To base an entire thesis on dodgy sign interpretation of the most superficial kind strikes me as most unwise.

None of this means that I am opposed in principle to adding signs to the horoscope. I don‘t propose to be dictated to by Ptolemy or any other person, dead or alive. I am already gazing awkwardly at hard-


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 core traditional astrologers who stick to their Saturn-to-Moon Chaldean specials and ignore or disparage the greater trans-Saturnian and trans-Neptunian celestials, including the Kuiper belt rubble. The test is whether the system used works for you (yes, you reading this), not necessarily just what some old beard wrote hundreds of years ago. I so tire of Hogwartsism. And beards.

I have little doubt that a much more intelligent book could be written about Cetus and Ophiuchus, based on deep astrology and observation. Personally, I could live with 14 signs - but it just so happens that I see more of the traditional Gemini in me than anything attributed by Schmidt to Cetus, alias the Moby-Dick of the ―unfinished‖ zodiac.

As I wind up, Herman Melville‘s novel The Whale; or Moby-Dick comes to mind. I was always on the whale‘s side against the vindictive, hubristic Ahab whose leg got bitten off by the beast. Perhaps I‘m more Cetan than I care to admit. Like M-B I am used to harpoons being plunged into my back by cranks, liars and other shameful exhibitions of humanity. M-B finally sank Ahab‘s ship and all aboard (except Ahab) in a display of consequences when you take on mighty nature in all her raw integrity. But I cannot see myself in the beast‘s physicality, its ―peculiar snow-white wrinkled forehead, and…high, pyramidical white hump‖.

No, I‟m sorry. I will not look in the mirror.

The Astrological Journal is available to members of the Astrological Association - here are the details: Or you can buy individual copies - email [email protected]

Or you can buy the digital edition in any currency:

Victor Olliver is the editor of The Astrological Journal, published by the Astrological Association. He is also media officer of the Association of Professional Astrologers International. Based in the UK, he trained to be a barrister before becoming a magazine feature writer, and then an editor on a number of publications including magazines, newspapers and electronic media. He has two awards from the Periodical Publishers‘ Association for his celebrity and travel journalism. He graduated with a distinction diploma in natal and mundane astrology from the Mayo School in 2012. Victor is also the author of the annual Lifesurfing series of astrological forecasting books.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Traditional techniques for judging the safety of ships and their relevance to modern travel horaries Author: Tania Daniels

Until the invention of the telegraph and later the telephone, obtaining reliable and consistent information about a ship‘s safe arrival in the harbor of destination was difficult and required much time. At the time of Columbus, when ships were frequently used to discover new parts of the world or more convenient trade routes, family members or assurance companies could only get information about missing ships from other vessels which crossed them on their route or met them in a harbor. Often, the only notices were news reports from second and third-hand sources, which were not always reliable. This is why chapters on ―rumors‖ are so extensively treated in ancient astrological texts, as are those on ―safety of ships‖.

Assurance companies had their own web of harbor-based information offices, to collect details on the fate of people, merchandise, and the ship itself. Since the ships normally followed established routes, they were in some way traceable, and the alarm was given when they did not reach the scheduled destination in a certain time frame. But other ships, such as those bound for the Americas or uncharted destinations, could not always cross a checkpoint, and the news might be delayed for many months or fail to arrive at all. In the worst case-scenario, the lack of reassuring report was due to the loss of the ship; other times it was just a problem of time and distance, or problems caused by pirates.

Consulting a skilled astrologer was the only means of trying to get some kind of information and was used by family members, ship owners and assurance agencies alike. Ship owners used astrological advice when deciding whether to insure their ships in some kind of option trading. Depending on the risk that the ship could be entirely lost (shipwrecked) or partially lost (damaged by bad weather, suffering loss of all or part of the merchandise/passengers, or attacked by enemies), they needed to pay high sums to assurance companies and expose themselves to a double economic risk: the costs of arming their ships and the assurance fee, which sometimes cost nearly the same. Assurance companies naturally had a vested interest in obtaining as much news and information as possible when deciding whether to insure the ship or not.

As commercial activity always depended on transport, one of the main tasks of ancient astrologers was to analyse if a ship had arrived at destination safe and sound. These techniques, which applied for nearly 2000 years for ancient transport mediums, have proven to still apply today, regardless of whether referring to a train, a cruiser, or an airplane.

This is because in astrology‘s symbolic language it doesn‘t matter, if a vessel is moved by rudders or an engine. In order to understand how to associate angles, signs or houses to modern vehicles, it is necessary to understand the underlying logic of the older attribution of the ship‘s parts.

Ancient astrologers used to attribute every part of a ship, its crew, and captain to a specific part of the chart. There are two main systems of reference: the first, and older one, is based on the angles, the


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 second on the Signs1. While the second system is similar in main ancient texts, the first presents some apparent incongruities.

1) System of angles

The first system, represented by astrologers such as Dorotheus,2 Hephaistion3, and Al Kindi,4 have the parts of the ship associated with the axes and the houses. While the mast was commonly associated with the tenth house and the belly with the Imum Coeli (IC), not all astrologers agreed with the attributions of the prow and the stern of a ship.

The ―prow‖, nowadays usually called the ―bow‖, describes the forward part of the hull of a ship, the point that is usually most forward when the vessel is under way, in other word, the ship‘s ―head‖, whereas the ―stern‖ referrers to the back or aft-most part of a boat.5

While al Kindi gives the first house to the prow and the seventh to the stern, Hephaistion does the contrary.

Ben Dykes, translator of many Arabian and Latin medieval texts, gives an explanation for this6:

The version according to Dorotheus (in Hephaistion III.14) gives the prow to the seventh and the stern to the Ascendant, as though the ship is sailing towards the seventh and the West. But the version according to al Kindi reverses this, as though the ship pointed towards the Ascendant and the East […]

On the one hand, the seventh is usually envisioned as the destination of a journey. In that case, Dorotheus imagines the ship sailing away from home (the AC) into other waters (seventh) while al Kindi imagines the ship returning to home (the ascendant) (…).

1 This second systems must have derived from the angle based system, following its logic. 2 Dorotheus of Sidon, Greek astrologer, author of “Carmen Astrologicum”,1st Century AD. 3 Hephaestion of Thebes was a Hellenized Egyptian astrologer, who wrote a Greek treatise known as the Apotelesmatics, around 415 AD. 4 Abū Yaʿqūb ibn Ishāqal-Kindī , ( 800 – 873 B.C.)was an Iraqi Muslim astrologer, philosopher, polymath, mathematician, physician and musician. 5 Image: Google commons 6 The Book of the Nine Judges,translation by Ben Dykes, Cazimi Press 2011, p. 521. 25

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According to Ben Dykes, the attribution of the prow/stern‘s association is thus linked to the direction of the ship. He suggests that it might depend on the kind of horary that the astrologer has been asked. In the question ―Will the ship reach its destination?‖, the prow would be associated with the seventh house, while in the question ―Will the ship return home‖, the prow would be associated with the first house.

Personally, I‘m not convinced of this because ancient astrologers refer to a consistent and liable system of astrological symbolism which was not ―reversible‖ depending on the question, but based on logical associations. So the reason for the differing attributions of prow and stern might be found elsewhere.

Traditionally, the head of a person is described by the first house and its ruler.7

The head contains the brain, which governs the nervous system and from where decisions are taken and impulses are given to the rest of the body. This is why the head was always associated with that part of a ship where the direction was decided.

The image on the right illustrates a typical late Roman Trireme, similar ships were still used in the 8th Century, and the above mentioned authors may have had these models in mind. The captain‘s place is on the left in the picture, in the stern of the vessel, protected by a tent and an overhanging wood structure. Etymologically, the term ‗stern‘ to describe the rear end of the ship, comes from the old Norse word stjōrn, meaning “steering‖.89

All ancient ships were built with the commando bridge in the back of the ship, independently of their country of Fig. 2 Roman Bireme origin: the Egyptian barka,10 Phoenician vessels11 or later Spanish Galleons were constructed with the same principle. The stern was the place of the command.

It Fig. 2 EgyptianBarka Fig.1 Phoenician Vessel, around 400 A.D. seems as there have been two kinds of equally valid astrological classifications in the angle based system:

7 Lilly, Christian Astrology (CA), Astrology Classics, 2004 (facsimile of the original 1647 edition, published by Regulus 1985) p. 244 8 9Quelle: 10Image: 11 26

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Classification A: Stern = AC

In the (as far as we know) older system, the associations of the parts of the ship are based upon their astrological symbolism: Dorotheus/Hephaistion gave the stern (the place of command of the ship) to the Ascendant, the most powerful angle in a chart. In this, they draw a mental picture from the real places on a ship: power (= stern) left, direction (=prow) right.

This makes clear, that the 1st house is associated not so much with the engine (rudders or else) but with the place from which the direction is controlled. It‘s the captain‘s place, but not the captain himself. The captain was thus looking towards the destination he decided to take but was standing in that direction the ship was leaving, as shown in the picture 5 12.

Classification B: Prow = AC

Al Kindi, representative of the second system, might have considered the ship more functionally: The prow was the strongest part of the ship, that part which the Romans used to face their enemies and pull them down.

The prow was to ―open‖ the waters and make the ship find its way through Fig. 5 Navigationbridge in the stern of a ship the waves, as can be seen in the Phoenician Bireme with its tooth-like front (Fig. 6).13

The word ‗prow‘ derives from the Greek word prōra, meaning ―forward- facing‖ or ―in front‖. Also spelt prou in medieval English, the same word acts as the root of the word ―proud‖ and is traditionally used as an adjective to mean ―valiant‖.14 Fig. 6 Phoenician Bireme

Nowadays, many boats 15 and ships have their navigation bridge in front of the ship (prow). In this case, al Kindi‘s and Hephaision‘s associations of the prow probably would agree.

Fig. 7 ModernMotorship

12 13Image: 14 15Image: 27

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The logic of the angles is adaptable to modern airplanes, where the cockpit (brain of the airplane) is ruled by the Ascendant and the bottom by the IC while the Medium Coeli (MC) describes the heaviest place, which is the end of the airplane, where the rudder and the vertical stabilizer are positioned. This rudder is also the highest point of the aircraft. Following this logic, the wings are attributed to the DC.16

2) Sign based system

Authors like Ptolemy, Al Rijal, and later Lilly, associated the parts of the ships with the Signs. These associations followed a logical system which was also used for the human body.

Since traditional astrologers described all parts of a ship in detail, as a result it is easy to adapt them to modern transport mediums, too.

Aries is associated with the head and the nervous system. In the ship, it governs the prow. Ancient (war)ships had either a battering ram on the prow, in Italian called ―Ariete‖, or at least carved prows. These were often in the shape of dragons, and animals associated with Aries ruler Mars, the God of war (Fig. 7)17. Those animals were believed to ward off evil spirits and sea monsters.18

Sailing vessels from the 16th to the 18th century (to which Lilly might have referred) had a beak head, a protruding part of the foremost section of a sailing ship, which served as a working platform for sailors working the sails of the bowsprit, the forward-pointing mast that carries the Mast.19 That mast is still called ―Marsstange‖ (Mars mast) in German and shown left in the fig. 8.20

In airplanes, Aries governs the cockpit. From here the decision is taken in which direction the plane will fly.

Fig. 8 Beak head in a sailing ship Taurus refers to what is under the breast and a little under the water21, this is from the prow to the water. This is thus indicating that part of a ship which is directly under the beak head. It is no wonder that especially in the 17th century this part of the ship was richly decorated as shown in fig. 9.22 Fig. 9 Decorated beak head These decorations were in later times treated as expensive art objects

16 This association seems more relevant if the DC is associated with Libra, a bicorporal air sign. 17Image: 18 Only in later times the prow was decorated with wonderfully elaborated foreheads, such as sirens and nymphs. In The logic of al Kindi‘s system shows to be reliable: the AC –stern (Aries) governed the ship while the prow in Libra was decorated with feminine figures. 19 20 21 CA, p. 158 22Image: 28

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(Taurus is ruled by Venus).23 In the modern airplane, Taurus reflects the big throat of the aircraft under the cockpit.

Gemini governs the rudder of the ship, corresponding to the yoke or control command in the airplane, as well as to the rudder, a directional and ailerons that control pitch and roll.

Cancer is associated with the bottom or floor of the ship, while it refers to the outer bottom of the aircraft.

Leo is given to the top of the ship, the ―bridge‖; in the aircraft it‘s the passenger‘s cabin.

Virgo is associated with the belly of a vessel, comparable with the cargo deck of the aircraft.

Libra is associated with the parts of a ship which are sometimes above, and sometimes below the water.24 If we consider the stern (navigation bridge) associated with Aries, Libra describes the prow. Figure 10 shows an example of luxurious decoration (Venus).25 In the aircraft this sign perfectly describes the wings (double bodied air sign), which Fig. 10 Richly decorated prow keep the aircraft in balance.

Scorpio describes, according to Umar, the place of the mast,26 while Lilly associates it with the facilities of the sailors, which seems appropriate as in the old ships the toilets were close to the mainmast and the prow. (Scorpio is close to Libra, the prow). Lilly attributes Scorpio to that part where seamen are lodged.27 Looking at drafts of old ships, it becomes evident that both opinions are right: The sailor‘s lodges were under the prow, close to the bathrooms and under the main mast. In an aircraft, Scorpio describes the bathrooms (usually close to the cockpit and in the back part of the plane) and the places used for preparing the refreshments, inaccessible to passengers.

Sagittarius, according to Umar,28 is associated with the Mast, which might best reflect its astrological symbol of a bow. Sagittarius is a bicorporal sign, reflecting a few masts.29 Lilly says it is referred to the sailors.30Today we might also associate the flag of the ship‘s origin with Sagittarius, which is run upon the mast.

Capricorn is associated with the ropes, sail and yardarm (Umar). In its symbol J is a hint to a cross, reflecting the yard arm.31 Capricorn is the modern denomination of the

23 24 This definition doesn‘t seem stringent enough 25 Fig.http://www.schola 12 Draw by Johannes-sainte -Hevelius, 1690- content/2012/01/Galere-Royal-de-don-Juan-D-autriche.jpg 26See The Book of the Nine Judges, p. 515 27 CA, p. 158 28Abû Hafs 'Umar ibn Farrukhân Tabarî (815 BC), was a Persian astrologer and architect. 29 As Capricorn seems more appropriate to describe the main mast, Sagittarius might describe the two secondary masts, usually present on ancient ships. 30 CA, 158 31 Also consider the symbolism of Christ‘s birth around the winter solstice and the symbol of his death, the wood-cross. 29

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 ancient sign of the goatfish,32 which was considered half goat, half fish and links thus water with earth. Since Capricorn is placed between airy Aquarius and a fiery Sagittarius, it might have been considered a connecting sign between the four elements.33 As it is ruled by the heaviest planet (Saturn), it mirrors the mast as the weightiest element on the ship (earth) and that place on the other part (Cancer) entered most deeply into the water, its keel. This seems logical, if we consider Capricorn the natural ruler of the 10th house, the highest place in a chart. If we also consider the upper part of a chart as that part of a ship, which is above the water, Capricorn is literally in the middle, as the main mast is. Nevertheless, Lilly associated Capricorn with the end of the ship, which fits only if we consider Capricorn as the third from last sign, describing the last part of the ship. From a technical point of view, the ship could not be heaviest in its back part, because the ship would have been unbalanced. The cargo was to be equally distributed and in ships, but due to the mast, the heaviest part was the center of the ship, just under the main mast. Personally, I find it more fitting to use Capricorn as the last part of a vehicle in the case of an airplane where there is no ―elevated part‖, but in the case of a ship, the gigantic mast seems to be appropriately described by that sign.

It seems as there were two layers to associate parts of a ship with the zodiac. One is strictly linked to its pure symbolism (heavy mast= ruled by heavy planet), (or the highest part of the ship= highest part in the chart), the other is linked to the sequence of the signs in the zodiac. This means that Capricorn, being the third from last sign, necessarily ruled the posterior third of the ship. In astrology every planet, house or sign has many significations. When defining a certain place on a ship, or organ in a body, for example, different signatures in the chart must lead to one more concrete definition. In this Capricorn might describe either the mast or the last third of the ship, depending on the rest of the chart context.

Aquarius is given to the sailors (Umar) or, by Lilly, to the captain. As that sign is close to Capricorn, which describes (according to Lilly) the last part of the ship, and the captain‘s place was in the stern of the ship, this makes sense. Aquarius, a human sign, is the diurnal of Saturn and describes symbolically the most influential person board, which carries the responsibility over ship, passengers and cargo.34 By analogy, in an airplane Aquarius perfectly describes the pilot, surrounded by his technological instruments on board.

Pisces governs the feet in the human body, 35which correspond to the oars in the ship36 while the association in the airplane is with the landing gear.37.

Forecasting of disasters

As mentioned in the introduction, the duty of an astrologer in the past was to establish whether a ship would arrive safely at destination. In order to forecast eventual disasters during travel, a number of traditional techniques have been applied, which remain consistent also in our time. The most important rules are:

32Image: Johannes Hevelius, Wiki commons 33 Capricorn, as one of the four equinoctial signs, reflects on axe of the ship. As it is the most elevated sign, it necessarily describes the highest point of the ship. 34 Since Saturn is a male and diurnal planet, it is‘ considered more powerful in a diurnal sign than in feminine nocturnal Capricorn, which is why Aquarius and not Capricorn describes the captain. 35Lilly, CA, p. 245 36 Umar also associates the rowers, probably referring to Pisces as the equivalent of the 12th house of prisoners. (Nine Judges, p. 515) 37 Pisces (Oars) and Capricorn (sails) are in sextile aspect; one helps the other or may substitute it in case of absence or wind (or rowers). 30

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 Malefics Saturn or Mars in an angle or in a succeeding house testify that the ship (aircraft, train, or car) will have trouble during the travel o Saturn indicates the split, drowning, or running aground of the transport medium o Mars indicates split, drowning or running aground of the transport medium if Mars is in an earth sign and in any of its essential dignities. If it is in a Fire sign, it describes fire.  Benefics/angles If a benefice casts a sextile or trine to Saturn or Mars and to the lord of the angles, especially the AC, and the dispositor of the Moon is free from impediment, then the transport medium will have many problems but the ―greater part of it‖ (both ship and passengers) will survive.

 If Mars afflicts the lord of the angles and the dispositor of the Moon, it shows enemies such as pirates or modern hijackers. If there are other afflictions (for example, combustion or the presence of the Dragon‘s tail) it shows bloodshed.

 If Saturn afflicts the lord of the angles and the dispositor of the Moon, it shows thefts.

Other points to consider:  Both luminaries under the horizon The Sun rules life. Finding it under the horizon takes its light away and might indicate death. The Moon describes the follow up of events; her position under the horizon describes the ship to be ―under the water‖, that is, wrecked.  If the Lord of the 8th importunes the ruler of the AC or the ruler of the house of the Moon The Lord of the 8th represents death. Any aspect without reception represents a risk for passengers and/or ship  Planets in opposition to the AC38 These planets oppose to the interest of the AC (ship) and the AC ruler (passengers) and are thus considered as ―open enemies‖.  Dragon‟s‟tail in the 9th or in the 1st house39 The Dragon‘s tail describes the Moon‘s apogee or the farthest point from the earth, this is a harmful place and considered malefic.

The interpretation of two chart examples will help to understand these rules better. They will show the reason of the specific disaster and what special roles the captains had in it.

38 CA, p. 161 39 CA, p. 163 31

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First Chart: The disaster of the Italian Concordia

The Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia capsized 05zj 59' and sank after striking an underwater rock 46' 03z k ) i obstruction close to the Island of Giglio, Tuscany, 15z 00z Y 21' ? j 11z th 13z : on January 13 , 2012, with the loss of 32 lives. The k 58' i 01z 33' 53' i 20' 08' 08z ship, carrying 4,252 people, was on the first leg of l 10 9 w 20z 38' a cruise around the Mediterranean Sea, starting 11 8 29z& from Civitavecchia in Lazio, Italy, when it deviated 24'v Concordia-departure 16'v29z; from its planned route, coming closer to the 12 13 Jan 2012 7 16z 18:57:00 16z coastline, and struck a rock formation on the sea m CET -01:00:00 v th 12' Civitavecchia 12' floor. On February 11 , 2015, after a trial of more 1 Italy 6 11e48 00, 42n06 00 than eighteen months, Captain Francesco Schettino 56' 2 5 u22z was found guilty of manslaughter of 32 passengers 04' 08z 37' u ! 20' 40 o 3 4 46' 08z and sentenced to 16 years in prison. o 18z 27' u u o 07z $ 38' # 22z 33' g 20z ( 58' r p 13z I always work with the time of the scheduled 28z 03z > 46' p r departure, as this is a most certain and already 21' * 15z contains, in my opinion, eventual delays. House 05zq 59' System: Regiomontanus.

Applying the traditional rules:41

Malefics: Mars is in a succeeding house and in an earth sign while Saturn is close to the 4th house angle. The Moon (ship) is applying to a conjunction with Mars (accidents). This becomes even more important if we consider that at the precise moment of the crash (chart shown below) Mars is conjunct Moon on the AC. The importance of this Moon-Mars conjunction is further underlined in the natal chart of Captain Schettino, discussed later on.

Benefics/angles:Venus is in an , and has recently separated from a trine with Saturn. She is leaving her current sign, moving toward her 16z k 07' 23' 10z exaltation. Venus rules one of the angles (MC), while l ? j 23z 13z Y 22' k 15z Saturn disposes of the other, but the malefic is ruled by 32' j ) 25' 00z 39' j 12z Venus. The position of Venus was probably the reason m 10 9 58' i 23z 07' 42 11 8 that most of the 4,200 persons survived.

01z: Costa concordia moment of accident 08'i 12 13 Jan 2012 7 th 18z 21:45:07 18z Jupiter is only 5° from the 10 house angle. On the MC o # 20zo 14' CET -01:00:00 w 14' . 14' it offers help, but doesn‘t rescue the situation because it 22zo 28' 1 Italy 6 ( 10e55 00, 42n21 00 32' th v29z suffers the accidental affliction of being the 8 house 16' & 2 5 v29z th 12z ; 39' ruler; and has moved to the 8 house at the time of the p 58' 3 4 v p 07' 28z 03' 23z 46'14' u crash. * 32' u r u 23z 07z08z 10z 13z ! 23' q g $ u 22' > 23z Luminaries: Both luminaries are under the horizon, 16z r 07' but in one of their dignities, while the Sun (passengers)

40 41 The rules refer to the departure chart, but the chart for the moment of accident is given for further information. 42 Jupiter is the ruler of the 8th and not considered as benefic in this case. 32

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is exactly trine Mars, dispositor of Pars Fortuna, indicating that the loss of people will not be total.43

8thhouse ruler: 8th house ruler Jupiter is prominent by its elevated position on the MC. It receives a trine from Moon‘s dispositor Mercury and is going to be squared by AC ruler Sun.

Dragon‘s tail: In the departure chart, the dragon‘s tail is inconspicuous in the 11th house.44.

In detail:

The 17th century astrologer Lilly associated the body of the ship with the AC and the Moon,45 while the passengers are identified by AC ruler, here the Sun,46,47 so and the Moon do represent the ship, while the Sun describes ―those who sail in her‖,48 including the captain and crew, as well as the passengers.

The Moon is approaching Mars, a violent planet and symbol of accidents.49 It rules the 9th house of travel and the 4th house which represents the tomb or end of things. Fig. 13 Costa Concordia aftyer the accident; source: www. This house is particularly associated with drowning of men and sinking of ships.50 An accident during the travel will be the end of the ship. The position of the Moon-Mars conjunction in the 2nd house points to a massive loss of resources. Wikipedia reports that Costa Concordia has been officially declared a "constructive total loss" by the insurance company, with her salvage expected to be "one of the biggest maritime salvage operations.51

The Moon is dignified in her triplicity, which indicates that the ship was not entirely sunken, indeed the photos of the cruisers laying on its side and half of it under the water, have travelled all around the world.

Cause of accident

43 CA, p. 398. See also that the dispositor of Fortuna (Mars) makes no aspect to Mercury (ship as a value). Indeed, the ship was to be scraped. 44 The south node is prominent on the MC during the accident. 45 Lilly follows the reasoning of Dorotheus and gives the ―back part‖ to the 7th, whereas the AC is associated with the prow. (CA, p. 160) 46CA, p.157 47 In Lilly‘s examples of ships, the question always refer to the fate of the ―ship‖ not to a particular person. Unrelated persons or objects are identified with the AC and its ruler. (CA, p. 125) 48 CA, p. 158 49We can also consider the AC, as a point in time, approaching a Sextile with Saturn. 50 CA, p. 166 51 33

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The ship‘s navigational bridge is located in the prow (as in main modern cruisers), and thus given to the AC, according to Al Kindi and Lilly. It follows that the right part of the ship is described by the houses 12,11,10, 9, 8,7 and planets therein, whereas the left side of the ship is described by the houses under the horizon.52 The ship is nearly exactly wrecked on its right side.

In decumbitures, charts erected for the moment a person feels so ill to lay down to bed, the 6th house ruler symbolizes the illness. In this chart, the ―illness‖ might be considered as the reason of the accident happened to the Concordia. 53

The 6th house ruler Saturn is the main malefic; it is exalted still in a , but only 2°47‘ distant from the of the angular 4th house. 54

Saturn naturally describes rocks and in travel charts ground running and leaks, while Libra is descriptive of hilly places.55 Libra is a bi- corporal sign, describing ―more than one‖. Concordia approached too much the three Le Scole rocks (symbolized by Libra), and struck one of them which opened a 70m hole.

The planet is placed close to the 4thhouse, a little left from the keel (lowest point, 4th house). As shown in the image on the right56, the ship hit the rock on its left side and from here water entered (Saturn under the horizon), flooding first the left side, but afterwards also the right side of the vessel 57 58 (Saturn in a male sign). Fig. 14 source: BBC Saturn is in the 3rd house, indicating communication problems. The coast guard had been alerted too late (and not by the captain but by the passenger‘s mobile phones), while the ship was already sinking. Victims could have been avoided if the alarm was given earlier.

The role of captain Schettino

In order to identify the figure of the captain in a chart, we need to consider:

 Aquarius, the diurnal domicile and human sign of the weightiest planet of the solar system (Saturn)59 is traditionally used as the main significator of the captain.60

52 CA, p. 263 53 Traditionally, the stronger malefic is considered the ―cause o accident‖, while its house position and sign ads details. 54 According to Wikipedia, the accident happened at exactly 21.45 GMT, 2 hours and 45 minutes after leaving the harbor of Civitavecchia. 55 CA, p. 60, 96 56 57 Libra is associated with the Lymph system. 58 If we associate the 4th with the keel and Saturn with the rocks under it, it does not surprise that the rock opened the ship like a tin on both sides. Saturn is also at the end of its sign, pointing to some kind of wall or division. 59Traditional astrology only considers those planets which are visible to the naked eye. 60 CA, p.158 34

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Aquarius rules the 7th house, reflecting opposing interests between those of the captain and those of the ship. Venus (natural significator of women and love affairs) and Neptune (unrealistic perception of things) are positioned here.

 The Sun, as the center of the solar system and analogously representative of that person who rules the ship. Placed on the cadent 6th cusp at the time of departure, it describes Schettino to be inadequate or not trustworthy. The planet has moved to the 5th cusp at the time of the crash, showing Schettino to be too preoccupied by entertaining pleasantries, rather than taking seriously the safety of his ship. The Sun-Mars trine describes the easiness with which Schettino (Sun) caused the accident (Mars).

Approaching the coastline so closely, Captain Schettino wanted ―greet‖ the island, showing his illuminated ship in the night sky, while he was conversing with a woman who was staying without authorization with him on the navigation bridge. As Saturn is exalted, Schettino‘s behaviour can be seen literally: he was excited, not taking seriously the risk and his responsibility for the ship, and the 4,200 people on board. But the planet is about to leave its sign(and exaltation): Schettino left the ship as a thief and was accused of abandonment of the ship. While doing so, he (Saturn) approaches the 4th house (ground), where the story of Costa Concordia dramatically ends.

The biwheel reproduced above shows the event chart of the crash (inner wheel) and Schettino‘s Natal (noon-)chart (outer wheel).61We can see the Moon/Mars conjunction of the crash conjunct his natal Moon and trine the Sun at 22° Scorpio. His (peregrine) Sun is in the 3th house of the event chart: he was conversing and showing the board instruments to the woman while his natal Mars, in the fall (erroneous actions)casts a perfect sextile to the AC (ship) and is in applying sextile to the Mars/Moon conjunction (accident). Schettino has a Saturn-Mars opposition by birth, so self-control and action are blocking one another. Once he realized his mistakes, he was not able to govern the situation and took flight, abandoning his ship. When Schettino was convicted (Feb. 11th, 2015, chart not shown), Pluto (public indignation, personal annihilation) was in exact conjunction with his natal Saturn (responsibilities), with the transiting Moon in aspect to that axis, whilst Mars, at 23° Pisces opposes the position of the Moon-Mars conjunction (accident) in the event.

61 Franscesco Schettino, Novembre 14th 1960, 40°N42‘ 14°E29, Castellamare di Stabia (NA), Italy. Time: Noon 35

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Chart 2: The disaster of German wings flight 9525

The chart shows the scheduled departure time v for Flight 9525 which take off at Barcelona–El 09z 59' 40' 20z w u Prato Airport on 24 March 2015 at 10:01 a.m. 06z 53' CET (09:01 UTC) with nearly half an hour ; $ 08z g ! 17z w 15z delay The aircraft was due to arrive at 58' 03z w 14' u 01z ? i 56' 24' i 09z 10 9 u Düsseldorf Airport by 11:39 CET. The aircraft i 23' 19z : 15z 59' 36' i crashed 100 km northwest of Nice, in the 42' 11 8 ( 24z j i 32' French Alps, after a constant descent that began &08z j 20' German Wings scheduled departure one minute after the last routine contact with air 12 24 Mar 2015 7 04z 9:35:00 04z # 27zj 15' 04z traffic control and shortly after the aircraft had k CET -01:00:00 | 50'r * r 10' Barcelona 10' reached its assigned cruise altitude. All 144 1 Spain 6 2e11 00, 41n23 00 passengers and six crew members were killed. q 2 5 The crash was deliberately caused by the co- 59' 01z p 58' pilot, Andreas Lubitz. Having previously been 3 4 09z l > p 36' | 19z treated for suicidal tendencies and being 01' l 57' declared "unfit to work" by a doctor, Lubitz kept 28z m 12z this information from his employer and reported 20z 40' l Y ) o for duty. During the flight, he locked the captain 53' 06z 09zm 59' out of the cockpit before initiating a descent that caused the aircraft to crash into a mountain.62

Applying the traditional rules:

Malefics: Saturn is exactly conjunct the DC and thus in opposition to the AC, whilst Mars is in a cadent house.

Benefics/angles All the angle-rulers are afflicted: Jupiter (DC) is retrograde in the 4th (grave), Saturn (MC) is a malefic and rules the 8th and is retrograde, Mercury (AC) aspects Pluto and is going into combustion and the Sun (IC) is applying to a conjunction with the Dragon‘s tail and trines Saturn.

Both benefices are also afflicted: Venus is in a cadent house while Jupiter is slow and retrograde, angular but moving backwards from the 4th angle. While there is no aspect to the malefics from Venus, Saturn is separating from a trine to Jupiter. The dispositor of the Moon is heavily afflicted, without aspects from the benefices.

Luminaries: The luminaries are not under the horizon, but respectively in the 11th and 12th house. Indeed, the airplane did not come down (under the horizon) but crashed nearly horizontally in the mountains. Still, the ruler of the 10th house is positioned in a cadent house and under the horizon, which is quite descriptive of the altitude ―falling‖ down.

Lord 8th: The Lord of the 8th (death) is casting an exact trine to the Sun (end of things).

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Opp. AC The ruler of the 8th is opposite the AC.

Dragon‘s tail In this chart, the tail is not in one of the indicated houses, but close to the Sun (grave) and disposed by violent Mars, ruler of the 12th of hidden enemies.

The body of the aircraft is represented by the AC in Gemini, while the passengers are described by the AC ruler Mercury.63 The planet is both in its fall and detriment. It‘s also leaving a sextile with Pluto in the 8th house of death. Mercury‘s next aspect (already in the following sign) is the combustion with the Sun, which represents the 4th house, the ―earth‖ and the tomb. The position of Mercury in the 11th house, which is traditionally considered fortunate, is of no help here; because its ruler Jupiter is retrograde in the 4th.The next aspect is a square with Saturn, ruler of the 8th of death. There is no reception between Saturn and Mercury, describing vividly that there were nosurvivors. The Moon is in the 12th house of self-destruction and hidden enemies. She‘s in her exaltation, but leaving that sign. Her next aspect, already in Gemini (and disposed by Mercury-Lubitz), is a square to the Sun, representative of the tomb and immediately afterwards an opposition to Saturn (death).

The role of the captain

As we have seen, the rule of the captain is associated with Aquarius, Saturn‘s daily domicile. Lubitz, the second officer, locked the door whilst the captain(Saturn) was in the bathroom and after coming back; the captain was not able to enter the cockpit. He had to stay out or go ―away‖, which is accurately described by Saturn being retrograde. The planet describes the captain as powerless: it is angular but peregrine, still in duty, but powerless.

Classical literature gives no hints on second officers, but Lubitz was the colleague of the captain, his business partner, supposed to replace him when necessary. For this reason I‘d associate the ruler of the 7th house from Saturn‘s position in the chart as being descriptive of Lubitz. As Saturn is in Sagittarius, its opposite sign is Gemini and thus Mercury does describe Lubitz. Following this logic, Mercury is descriptive of both, passengers and second officer. This makes sense as he carried them to death and shared their fate.

Mercury is heavily afflicted and peregrine. It has left a square to Saturn in the 6th house, denoting health problems. The ruler of the 6th house is Venus; she‘s in the 12th house of mental problems and self-undoing. That house describes depressions. Venus in her own sign points to the head. The second officer was mentally ill, which is also shown by the (already separated) aspect with Saturn, as Saturn- Mercury aspects depict a disturbed mind and a suicide tendency.64

63 CA, p. 157 64 CA, p. 264


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Tania Daniels, born in 1972 became interested in Astrology in 1998 and finished training in in 2002 at the Berlin school of the German Astrology Association (DAV). In 2009 Tania started studying a master‘s course in Horary at the School of Traditional Astrology (STA) with Deborah Houlding. In 2015 she became involved in and is currently completing her studies with Chris Brennan. She has also enrolled in Robert Zoeller‘s Medieval Astrology Course.

Tania‘s articles are published in German, English and Italian in the main astrological journals. She gives readings in Italian, German, English and Spanish.

Her other interests are Ayurveda, naturopathy and Past Life Regression Therapy. Tania has three children and lives in Italy near Perugia.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Sarajevo, World War I and 0º Aquarius Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

„Sarajevo is a tempestuous, yet a wonderful city of the East and West” is the title of an article on Bosnia and Herzegovina in the famous British magazine “Outdoor Enthusiast”, which has quite recently caught my eye…

“When we went out in the streets of Sarajevo, we saw young people, nicely dressed, and it was impossible to tell which one of them was a Croat, Serb or Bosniak. Sarajevo is precisely as one tempestuous, yet a wonderful and inspiring marriage, which has lasted, as such, for two millennia now,” as stated in this article. It is also added that Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly its capital, are both a combination of the Eastern and Western culture and the two life directions of the two sides of the world. “This is the place where the East and West meet. This may be best seen if you look around and see the buildings constructed during the Ottoman empire, as well as the buildings built during the Austro-Hungarian rule,” all described in the same article. B&H is emphasized for its striking beauty of nature, which was preserved despite the war events of 1990s.

It is no wonder that Sarajevo has always been the place of collision between different forces, influences and cultures. Sarajevo is the place where the East and West meet, where the Old and the New meet, where the Tradition and the Modern meet, where different, yet, overlapped religions and cultures meet. This is the city full of contrasting and illogical issues, put together in a perfect living harmony, the city rich with cultural and historical heritage, just as many other cities in the Balkans are. Only, as you will immediately notice, with one difference – in it, despite suffering that has lasted for centuries and many other misfortunate circumstances that have happened to it, it has managed to keep and maintain a visible trace of every epoch, people, tradition, language, costumes, food and all of these have blended into a perfect union you cannot often find elsewhere. And another thing – Sarajevo has this incredible power to give you the sense of freedom, free breathing. It is also called a European Jerusalem because the shrines of all the beliefs can be found literally within 100 square meters vicinity one from another – the City Hall – bezistans – The Bay‘s Mosque – the Catholic Cathedral – the Old Synagogue – the old Orthodox Church and Museum of Icons… 39

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Horoscope of Bosnia and Herzegovina

When I looked at the chart of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“The Book of World Horoscopes”, by Nicholas Campion), I have first noted that 4-10 axis goes through 13° Virgo - 13° Pisces, which quite clearly points out toward the significance of the United States for this country, i.e. the USA have greatly participated in ―tailoring‖ the B&H as we know it today. Namely, it is well known that today‘s B&H is the result of the Dayton Peace Accords signed on 21st November 1995, as well as that the very axis of 13° Virgo - 13° Pisces is the axis related to the USA (you may read more about this in my article USA and 13º Virgo - 13º Pisces Axis – ). It made me think…I wondered which degree of the Zodiac could be significant for this country, in which the old and the new are combined… It is interested that the midpoint of Saturn (the old) and Uranus (the new) in the chart of this country is at a very symbolical degree, at 0° Aquarius! Also, the midpoint of Saturn (the old, the past) and Neptune (the future), which carries both the Sun (the rulers) from 13° Pisces and the Moon (the nation) from 0° Pisces, is at 0° Aquarius. Finally, Neptune is the ruler of 10 – the reputation of the country, so this is what gives the reputation of this country in public – the country where the past and the future are combined…

It made me thing that precisely this degree could be significant for this country, as, behind 0° Aquarius is 29° Capricorn (the end of the past…) … Finally, the description of the British magazine ―tempestuous, yet a wonderful and inspiring marriage…‖ would fit into the symbolism of 0°


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Aquarius. From 29° Capricorn we move to 0° (the new, the beginning) of Aquarius, which is a rather specific degree of the Zodiac, as across it the axis 29° Cancer - 0°Leo, the place where the two lights (the Moon and the Sun – the symbols of life) are combined… The message of the Universe from 29° Cancer is – ―changing of beliefs‖ as this is the point known as the Third Eye (Jupiter, the sixth charka)… The three times when the world has heard of Sarajevo

However, let us go back for a second to the moment when the world heard of Sarajevo for the first time. What the people from Sarajevo like to say is that the world has heard of it three times.

The first time, it was on 28th June 1914, when a member of the organization Young Bosnia, Gavrilo Princip, shot the symbol of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, the presumptive heir to the throne Franz Ferdinand. At the place of this assassination, i.e. in this street, you can visit the Gavrilo Princip museum and hear interesting, even funny, stories and anecdotes about this event, which was the trigger of World War I, after which several empires disappeared – the Austro-Hungarian, the Russian, the Ottoman empires …


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If we look at the secondary progressions of Gavrilo Princip for that date, we find that his secondary Moon – the nation (moving by 1° for 1 month) got positioned precisely at 0° Aquarius at that moment!

The second time when the world heard of Sarajevo on 8th February 1984, which was the year when Sarajevo hosted the Winter Olympic Games with the famous Vucko. These were the first, and for the time being, the only Winter Olympic Games in one communist country. Does this not fit in into the nature of 0° Aquarius? The sign of Aquarius is the seat of Uranus (communism) and the very symbol of 0° is the symbol of beginning, meaning, to be first in something…

And the third time when the world heard of Sarajevo was during the misfortunate war of 1992-1995, when one of the symbols of the city – the City Hall – was also on fire… The Dayton Peace Accords

The war was ended by the Dayton Peace Accords which was reached on 21st November 1995 in one of the USA federal states of Ohio (as I have already mentioned in the text above). It is interesting to see the secondary cusp of 8 (conflicts, wars) of the B&H horoscope at that moment. It is precisely at 0° Aquarius!!! One of the key actors in this Agreement (as a representative of the Serbian side) was the then-President of the SRY, Slobodan Milosevic. His cusp of 8 in the directions (conflicts, wars) was then at 29° Capricorn 58‘ (21st November 1995), while on 14th December 1995 (when the Dayton Peace Accords were signed in Paris), it already came at 0° Aquarius 02‘…


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A hundred years since World War I – 28th June 2014

As one hundred years since World War I was precisely between the fifth and sixth Uranus – Pluto square, and as B&H has the Sun (the rulers) at MC (power) at 13° Pisces, which was activated by the fifth Uranus – Pluto square of 21st April 2014 – forming a sextile with Pluto (transformation…) at 13° Capricorn (… the past) and a semi-sextile with Uranus (changes) at 13° Aries (… a new beginning), but also forming a trine with Jupiter at 13° Cancer (connecting with the Creator, God, within us, which is precisely the strongest at 15° Cancer, which is the point of connecting all the oppositions inside of us) – wasn‘t all this a call of the Universe for the rulers in the territory of B&H to silently connect to God within themselves, by becoming close to themselves, by loving themselves and forgiving themselves, by changing the centuries long convictions and beliefs so as to enable the circumstances to change in the times ahead!? The fifth Uranus – Pluto square got activated precisely the fifth energy center, which is related to the throat Mercury chakra, providing an opportunity, precisely in the year of the hundred year‘s anniversary of the assassination in Sarajevo …


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Finally, 1-7 axis in the directions (moving by 1° for 1 year) of B&H horoscope was over 0° Leo – 0° Aquarius , which clearly points out towards the significance of 0° Aquarius for B&H, Sarajevo, as the capital of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska.

Traditionally, Bosnia is linked to the sign of Scorpio, the sign of the Uranus exaltation, whereas Herzegovina is related to the sign of Aquarius, the sign where Saturn (the old, the past) and Uranus (the new) are domicile, whereas this is also the sign of the exaltation of Neptune (the future). Judging by everything, a significant degree for Sarajevo, the capital of B&H, could precisely be at 0° Aquarius… Jupiter/ Saturn 2020 – the change is going to come…

This cycle repeats every 20 years, being in each element about 240 years. If the conjunction was in Taurus for example, it takes 240 years to move to Gemini. During those 240 years there is 12 conjunctions in earth element, 4 in each earth sign.

Jupiter/Saturn 20-year cycle - Minima or Specialis - cycle with period between two consequent conjunctions.


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240-year cycle in the same element - Media or Trigonalis – from the first conjunction in one element until the first conjunction in the next element.

Complete 960-year cycle - Maxima or Climacteria - going through all elements of Zodiac.

The moment of Jupiter/Saturn conjunction going from one element to another is considered to be very important period, when the focus of the human kind is being changed. This change is called "Grand Mutation".

The last "Grand Mutation" was on January 26, 1842, when Jupiter/Saturn conjunction entered earth sign (this is regarded as the beginning of materialism).

The change to air element will happen on December 21, 2020, when Grand Mutation will happen at 0° Aquarius, which tells a lot about the coming change.

At the end, I will say this - the moment of Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 0° Aquarius on December 21, 2020 is so important, because secondary Moon in USA chart will be also at 0º Aquarius. I see it as an appearance of a very important woman that will bring big changes to USA and the whole world. In that same year in November there will be elections in USA! Sarajevo also could be the very important point in the world (because there WW I was started), and Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 0º Aquarius may open something very big, because, than we‘ll have this conjunction in the air element, so, this could be a ―big step” from the earth (Body- unconsciously ) to the Sky (Mind- consciously), this could be the end of some old conflicts, because there will be an opportunity for all of us to use more mind, to think more, to be more humans…


Chart source:

"The Book of World Horoscopes", Nicholas Campion


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Smiljana Gavrančić is the editor-in-chief, founder and owner of INFINITY Astrological Magazine. She obtained her astrological education at the Institute for Astrological Research and Education ―Johannes Kepler‖ in Belgrade, where she graduated in October 2010, defending her thesis in Mundane Astrology ―European Union – In Varietate Concordia‖ (united in diversity) and obtained the status of a graduated Astrologer Researcher. In February 2011, she met requirements to work as an Astrologer Consultant and in March of the same year, she became an International Certified Professional Astrologer (ISAR C.A.P.). Smiljana is a member of ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) and of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. During the academic 2010/11 within the post-graduate level, she studied Hermetic Astrology. In addition to consultations with the clients, Smiljana finds great inspiration in research work, which she presents in her astrological texts. A special emphasis input on finding significant degrees in the Zodiac for a specific country in the area of Mundane Astrology or a significant degree for relations between two persons in the Astrology of Relations. In her search for responses to the question as to why something (or someone) is happening to us, Smiljana also practices Karmic Astrology, as well as the Astrology of Archetype (fixed stars, mythology). Smiljana studied International law and Law of International Organizations at the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade. She interrupted her studies at the last year (in 2006) and since then, she exclusively dedicated her life to self-study of astrology. Smiljana writes articles for The Mountain Astrologer blog, ISAR Journal, The Astrological Journal AA UK.

Smiljana was a speaker at two KAPA conferences in Serbia (―REGULUS IN VIRGO‖, November 2011 and ―CHIRON‘S MESSAGES‖, November 2013).

In September 2015 she was a speaker at online international astrological conference CINASTRO 2015, Brazil . Her topic was – Russia and 19° Libra.

Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology, Kolkata, India, was published Smiljana‘s article about Russia and 19° Libra during it‘s conference in January 2016.

Smiljana was a speaker at The AA‘s 48th Annual Conference. The AA‘s 48th Annual Conference ‖Building Bridges and Expanding Our Horizons‖ took place 9th – 11th September 2016 at Wyboston Lakes near Cambridge, UK. Her lecture was: URANUS IN TAURUS 2018. During her visit to UK, Smiljana gave a talk in the London Lodge, too (19th September, 2016).


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Does the Zodiac Have a 13th Sign? Author: Glenn Perry

Controversy over the zodiac rears its ugly head with as much regularity as the seasons themselves. If there is one thing we can predict with unerring accuracy, it's that astrologers will be chided in the media in response to some inane claim by an astronomer that Cancers are really Gemini‘s due to precession of the equinoxes, or there are 13 rather than 12 signs to the zodiac. And even though astrologers refute these falsifications every time, the next year the same charges are leveled again, as if astrologers are a perennially stupid lot.

Actually, the stupidity is on the other side. Either that, or it is simply willful ignorance. Most recently there was a NASA story about a mysterious 13th zodiacal constellation, Ophiuchus, which like Mordred in Arthurian legend keeps weaselling his way back into court to cause trouble. He does not, as the saying goes, belong at the round table. According to NASA, Ophiuchus has either been ignored or forgotten by astrologers. The unwanted intruder is said to occupy an 18 degree sector between the constellations Scorpio and Sagittarius.

But Ophiuchus' existence is irrelevant. The controversy stems from a misunderstanding arising from conflation of the sidereal zodiac, which is based on the stars, with the tropical zodiac based on the seasons. For the past 2000 years, the vast majority of astrologers in the world consciously and deliberately use the tropical zodiac. And it is entirely unrelated to constellations. Zodiacal signs and zodiacal constellations are completely different things despite their sharing the same names―Aries, Taurus, and so on. If astronomers do not already know this, they should. They have been told often enough.

Whereas constellations are arbitrary groupings of stars that have no actual boundaries, zodiac signs are precise geometric angles derived from the equinoctial and solstice points that divide the year into four quarters (seasons). Astrologers further divide each season into three segments of 30 degrees each. Three segments multiplied by four seasons gives us 12 zodiacal signs, which are consistent with 12 lunar cycles in the solar year.

Seasons once corresponded to the predawn appearance of specific constellations―Aries (vernal equinox), Cancer (summer solstice), Libra (autumnal equinox), and Capricorn (winter solstice). But that was over 3000 years ago when astrology first began and ancient astrologers wrongly assumed that the constellations caused the seasons. At that time, the equinoctial and solstice points were exactly in the middle of their respective constellations. However, due to precession of the equinoxes (more on that later), seasons and their old constellational corollaries no longer exactly correspond.


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To grasp the significance of this, we have to understand that seasons are not caused by the appearance of certain constellations prior to the rising of the Sun, as the ancients supposed. The four seasons are actually determined by the earth being tilted on its axis at an angle of 23 degrees relative to the plane of the ecliptic (the Sun‘s equator). This means that earth's equator is not on the same plane as the Sun's equator; rather, it is tilted slightly above and below it, like two interpenetrating hula hoops. If we imagine both equators extending out into space, they intersect twice a year at the spring and autumnal equinoxes, which give us 0 degrees Aries and 0 degrees Libra respectively (See Figure 1). The term equinox means "equal night" (Latin: aequus, "equal" + nox, "night"), signifying that time of year when days and nights are of equal length.

Figure 1: Earth‟s Orbit Marking out the Signs and Seasons

(© Glenn Perry)

In this side view perspective, the colored band with the 12 earth positions is the ecliptic (zodiac), or the Sun‘s equator extended into space. Note how the earth‘s (celestial) equator intersects the ecliptic at 0° Aries and 0° Libra due to its axial tilt. It is the earth‘s position in the opposite sign that places the Sun in its proper seasonal sign. Thus when earth enters Libra (at the top of the image), it is actually the time of the vernal equinox since the Sun will be entering Aries. This entire process is self-contained with no reference to stars beyond our own Sun.

As the earth traverses its orbit about the Sun, we have a new season every 3 months. When earth‘s northern hemisphere is tilted at its maximum angle toward the Sun, we have the summer solstice, or 0 degrees Cancer. Conversely, when earth‘s northern hemisphere is tilted at its maximum angle away from the Sun, we have the winter solstice, or 0 degrees Capricorn.


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In effect, a zodiacal sign is determined solely by the earth‘s annual orbit about the Sun. It is the Sun‘s position as seen from the vantage point of earth that determines the Sun‘s sign-location. On March 21st (first day of spring), we don‘t say the earth is in Aries; we say the Sun is in Aries. This means the earth is actually in Libra at the time of the vernal equinox because the earth is always in the sign opposite the Sun-sign.

A zodiacal sign measures the angle of the earth‘s orbital position relative to the vernal equinox. When the earth is opposite the vernal point, its angle is 180 degrees and the Sun is in the sign Aries. When earth moves another 30 degrees past its opposition to the vernal equinox, the Sun is in the sign of Taurus. If earth is conjunct the vernal equinox (0 degrees), the Sun is in Libra. While a constellation will always be behind the Sun at each of these times, the constellation is not the sign. The sign is simply the angle of the earth‘s orbital position relative to the vernal equinox; nothing more.

Figure 2: Earth‟s Axial tilt Marking out the Signs and Seasons

(© Glenn Perry)

Overview Perspective: Note the pin at the top of the earth, which signifies the earth's axial tilt, is at an angle of 23 degrees relative to the Sun's equator (the ecliptic). As the earth orbits about the Sun in a counterclockwise direction, the amount and duration of sunlight hitting the earth's surface varies at different times of the year, which is what gives us our seasons. Sunlight is illustrated in the light (yellow) shaded part of the earth, with the darker (green) shaded part signifying darkness. It is the earth‘s position in the opposite sign that places the Sun in its proper seasonal sign; thus, when earth enters Capricorn, it is actually the summer solstice, since the Sun will be entering Cancer. Once more, the entire process is self-contained with no reference to stars beyond our own Sun.


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Again, constellations have nothing to do with the tropical zodiac. These made-up star groups were initially used by ancient tribesmen for determining the timing of seasonal processes. Appropriate rituals, sacrifices, and activities could then be undertaken in synchrony with nature. For example, the appearance of the constellation Aries just before Sunrise in late winter heralded the return of spring.

Each time of year had its own quality. Zodiacal signs are metaphors of seasonal processes occurring in nature. Aries is spring-like as nature is heating up and new life is sprouting, bold and fresh. Scorpio is transformational as leaves are turning colours, falling to the ground, and nature is dying. Capricorn is winter-like, signifying when nature is maximally contracted, days are short, and austerity is required. In effect, the starry heavens comprised the ancient calendar and were a means for organizing time into discernible segments and qualities. The constellations also became a convenient backdrop for determining planetary positions in the night sky. Constellations varied considerably in size, however, from less than 20 degrees to more than 40.

Because the original constellations were artificial divisions of the night sky into radically unequal sectors, measurement of planetary positions was problematic. By 500 BCE, which was the beginning of true, horoscopic astrology, the Babylonians augmented their computational and predictive accuracy by constructing a formal, twelve-sign zodiac of 30 degrees each, again anchoring the vernal equinox in the constellation of Aries.

For computational and predictive purposes, once a schematic calendar was divided into twelve 30-day months of twelve 30-degree signs anchored in the vernal equinox, the zodiacal constellations became somewhat superfluous. Nevertheless, Babylonian astrologers continued to locate each cardinal point (equinoxes and solstices) roughly in the center of their corresponding constellations, thereby linking signs with their constellational corollaries so that stars retained their function as calendrical markers. This is the key point: the zodiac was a mathematical construction meant to coincide with the seasons. As such, it served a calendric purpose. Seasonal predictability was the whole impetus behind calendar keeping, and calendar-keeping is the foundation upon which astrology rests.

Over time, however, it became clear there was another problem. The star in the constellation Aries that marked the first day of spring appeared to be drifting forwards away from the vernal equinox at a rate of 1 degree every 72 years. What was actually happening was that the vernal point was slowly drifting backwards toward the constellation of Pisces. By 134 BCE, the Greek astronomer Hipparchus labeled this phenomenon the "precession of the equinoxes". While no one had the foggiest idea why it occurred (we now know it's due to earth's wobble on its axis), it was becoming increasingly apparent that the constellations were unreliable markers of the equinoctial and solsticial points.

If a zodiac marking the seasons was to remain accurate, it had to be divorced from the constellations. Hence was born the tropical zodiac based on the actual date of the vernal equinox―that is, when days and nights are of equal length―rather than on a star in the constellation Aries that no long aligned with the proper date. In the 2nd century CE, following the lead of Hipparchus and others who adopted the vernal point as 0 degrees tropical Aries, the illustrious Greek astronomer Ptolemy formally established the tropical zodiac as independent of the constellations. However, the fact that the signs retained the names of the constellations to which they once corresponded continues to cause confusion to this day.


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Here's the upshot: it‘s irrelevant that due to the earth‘s wobble the vernal equinox is slowly drifting backwards (precessing) through the constellations, and thus each sign and its constellational namesake are no longer in synch. And it makes no difference if NASA wants to include a 13th constellation in the zodiac. For the actual zodiac is independent of the constellations. When astrology first began, our forbearers did not know this. But we do now. Regrettably, zodiacal constellations have become conflated in the public mind with zodiacal signs of the same names. But despite having the same names, signs and constellations are not the same thing.

An easy way to understand the problem is to imagine a clock with an hour hand that moves slowly around the circle of the clock. When the hour hand is straight up, it‘s 12 pm. When it moves 30 degrees clockwise, it is 1 pm, and so on. With each 30 degree movement, there is a new number behind the hour hand. Imagine these numbers are painted on a wheel that slowly rotates away (precesses) from their original positions. Now when the hour hand is straight up, the number 11 is behind it, and when it moves 30 degrees clockwise, you see the number 12. The numbers have moved, but what determines the time is the angle the hour hand makes to the top of the clock. Even if there were no numbers (or if extra numbers were added) you would still know the time simply by looking at the angle of the hour hand to the top of the clock. If it was 90 degrees before returning to the top, you would know it is 9 pm regardless of the number that resides at that spot. While the numbers behind the hour hand are a convenience, they are largely irrelevant.

Our clock is analogous to the zodiac. The hour hand is the earth‘s orbital movement about the Sun (with the Sun at the center of the clock). At the top of the clock is the vernal equinox, or 0 degrees Aries. Every 30 degree movement is a new sign. The numbers on the clock are the constellations. Just as numbers slipping away from their original positions does not change the time, so a new constellation behind the Sun at the vernal equinox does not change the sign Aries. When constellations slowly drift out of synch with their corresponding signs (due to precession), it does not matter. For it is the angle the earth makes to the vernal equinox that determines a sign, just as it is the angle an hour hand makes to the top of a clock that determines the hour. The angle is what counts, not the number or constellation behind it.

Glenn Perry, Ph.D., is an astrologer and licensed psychotherapist in Connecticut, USA. In addition to private practice, Dr. Perry is director of the Academy of AstroPsychology, an online school that offers certificate and diploma programs in psychological astrology. Glenn has written eight books, including An Introduction to AstroPsychology, and serves as a Board member and qualitative research advisor for ISAR. He lectures internationally on the application of astrology to the fields of counseling and psychotherapy and teaches courses at the Nodoor Academy in Beijing, China.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

American Presidential Election - Why we wouldn‘t make a Prediction on the outcome using birth times of the Candidates Author: Sharon Knight

It seems a day hasn‘t passed since the start of 2016 when there hasn‘t been some news coverage regarding either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, other than the time taken up with the Brexit outcome here in the UK.

Things on the Internet are now starting to heat up especially since the first head to head between Trump and Clinton on the 26th September.

Friendships have been lost either personally, or on Facebook over outcomes. Words are hurled over the Internet about others astrological takes on the outcome and, at times, it seems as though the small astrological community is at war with itself. (As we can see in the Libra Ingress chart a microcosm/reflection of the state of the nation)

Much of the animosity and finger wagging centres primarily on that most vexatious issue of unknown, or verified birth times for Hillary Clinton where times range from 8:02 am to 8:02 pm; as well as 10:48 am and yet another birth time of 02.18.

I copy the following from ISAR which is available on FB and other sites:

BREAKING NEWS!!! Hillary Clinton‟s birth time has been found


According to astrologer Marc Penfield, both the Cook County and State of Illinois record divisions last week verified a time of birth as recorded for Hillary Rodham that took place on October 26, 1947. If correct, it is not the commonly used birth times of approximately 8:00 am or 8:00 pm. 52

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Marc will be on the closing Presidential Election panel 2016 ISAR Forecasting Symposium on Sunday, October 16, 5 pm (PST). He will reveal the Democratic contender‟s time of birth then, and the process he went through to find this KEY missing astrological link for forecasting the 2016 USA Presidential Election.

So now, we have even more suspense building up to the most exciting astrological event of 2016!

Hope to see you onsite in two and half weeks! #isar2016 #astrology

This led to the following comments on the Politics & Astrology FB page:

Marc Penfield's time he claims to have sourced is 02.18am. This certainly has a ring of déja vu about it. Zayin Cohen was originally reported as giving a time of 02.18am back in 2005 and ADB recorded this. He claimed to have accessed Hillary Clinton's time of birth through a contact in the Chicago Records Office who sourced her birth certificate for him. It was then reported on astrology groups like the Noel Tyl site. However, I corresponded with Zayin Cohen a few weeks ago. Zayin Cohen then claimed the time he had actually found was 02.08am not 02.18am. He said it was incorrectly reported on ADB and elsewhere. However, with the death of Louis Rodden it never got resolved. Like Marc Penfield, Zayin Cohen claimed to have an anonymous source in the Chicago Public Records office. He has long said he cannot give out the certificate or details of the official as this is illegal. But I have been in contact with Patrick Watson today and he showed me evidence of a FB conversation with Zayin Cohen back in August when he was informed by Zayin Cohen that the right time was actually 01.18am not 02.18am. I am trying not to throw out accusations here but Zayin Cohen is clearly giving out conflicting times. So was the time on the birth certificate always really 02.18am which has been corroborated by Marc Penfield? In which case why is Zayin Cohen now altering his time? Did Marc Penfield really source this directly or is he just using the time that was widely attributed to Zayin Cohen earlier which he now himself disputes? Or maybe Zayin Cohen is playing games with us and the time was always 02.18am. Presumably, like Zayin Cohen, Marc Penfield will not be able to produce a scan of the birth certificate for legal reasons.

Leaving aside birth times for Hillary Clinton, there is also a modicum of doubt to be raised regarding Donald Trump‘s Rising Sign. 23 seconds into the AA rated birth time of 10:54, the Ascendant moves from Leo into Virgo. So there is more Virgo in that minute than Leo. When I mentioned this fact during Hakan Kirkuglus‘s talk at the AA Conference, Michael Lutin shouted and said how I could I be so stupid – of course Trump is a Leo, you just have to look at him. Well that is the common perception, but from a Traditional perspective, if Trump did have Virgo rising it would explain the multiple marriages and strong family ties and good relationships with his ex-wives even more than the fixed Leo Ascendant/Aquarius 7th house. So to my mind there is doubt about both candidates and their Ascendants and therefore their personal house relationships.

There is no definitive ―birth time‖ for the Republican and Democratic parties. So what could be used to call this election?

A traditional mundane method was always to look at the Aries Ingress and if needed, the other Ingresses of the quarters dependent on the Rising sign of the Aries Ingress. If a fixed sign rose, that chart was good for the year. (This is indeed the case with the UK Aries Ingress 2016). If a mutable sign, the chart was cast for both Aries and Libra Ingress‘ and if a Cardinal sign rose, then each quarter you cast a new chart.


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Taking Washington DC as the Capital for America, the Aries Ingress for 2016 had the mutable sign of Sagittarius on the Ascendant. The lord of the Ascendant, Jupiter, is also in a mutable sign together with the mutable ascendant emphasising the need to look at the Libra Ingress. The Libra Ingress chart has Scorpio rising and is valid for the period covering the election to the actual Inauguration of the Presidential Candidate on the 20th January 2017.

In the UK with the Brexit vote, Mark Cullen the Moderator on Skyscript, put together a fairly comprehensive list of methods used by various astrologers to make their predictions. Of those 16 in his sample who correctly voted leave, 4 used opening of the Polls along with other techniques.

Maybe this method would shed some light on the potential outcome of this most bitter of elections?

Due to the time changes across America, the first State to open its polls is the New Hampshire state of Dixville Notch at 00.00 on the 8th November 2016.

There are two ways we could look at this chart for Incumbent and Challenger; one way is to take the 1st for the current Ruler and the 7th for the challenger, or the 10th for current King and 4th for challenger or opposition.

We will look at both ways, although the actual significators using whole house signs doesn‘t change.


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We will start with the 10th/4th axis. The 11th is for the supporters of the current King and the 5th for the supporters of the challenger.

The 10th is ruled by Mercury, who is under suns beams, his supporters are the Moon (also the common people). The challenger is Jupiter and his supporters are Saturn.

Taking Mercury to represent the incumbent party; Mercury has no rulership in 23° Scorpio and cannot see the 10th sign of Gemini from the 3rd sign, which simply means it is blind and cannot effectively manage the affairs of the house Gemini represents. We find Mercury just on the edge of Sunbeams moving out of the harmful rays. As Mercury leaves the rays of the Sun he applies to his ruler Mars, wanting to give his authority and management of 10th house affairs to Mars which is in its exaltation. However before Mercury can exit from the rays of the Sun, the application is frustrated as Mars leaves Capricorn into Aquarius. This does not bode well for the incumbent party.

Jupiter representing the Challenger or opposition party has authority as participating triplicity ruler in Libra. Jupiter is applying to Saturn giving his power and authority to Saturn to manage Jupiter‘s affairs [this is called the committing of his disposition], which Saturn accepts because Jupiter is in the sign of Saturn‘s exaltation [reception]. Also, Saturn has authority in Sagittarius as participating triplicity ruler of Fire. Saturn in the 4th is angular and has the strength to carry out the business of Jupiter.

Jupiter is operating out of the turned 11th house from the 4th. This is the house of Good Daemon and Jupiter is said to rejoice in the 11th. Saturn is also indicator of Jupiter‘s Seconds or helpers. Saturn is bang in the middle of Jupiter‘s sign, giving his aid and assistance to Jupiter.

The Moon as indicator of the Incumbents Seconds is tucked away in the 6th of sickness and labour. She can‘t see her house and is in the sign of Saturn. Her next application is to Mercury, indicator of the current ruler. She perfects this aspect with a square, showing some difficulty. If we take the Moon to represent the people, it shows they are in slavery, sick and not very effective. The Moon takes the light of Mercury to Venus by Sextile. Venus in this chart disposes of Jupiter as he disposes of her. So there is some reception between these two planets.

Venus cannot see Mercury to give him her aid. The women are turned away from helping the Incumbent.

Taking the Rising sign of Virgo for the Incumbent and the 7th for the challenger, we have the same planets as significators. All that has changed is their house positions.

Mercury is now in a cadent sign but can see the Ascendant sign. However, his power to act is weak as he is still blinkered by the Sun who rules the 12th of enemies. The Sun is blinding him to what is going on? Jupiter on the other hand is in his participating triplicity rulership, oriental and strong. Jupiter can see neither Ascendant nor Descendant, but, through his application to Saturn in an angle, Saturn reflects Jupiter‘s light to his house, Pisces (called rendering of light). In this changed situation in assigning different houses, Saturn is the means whereby he Jupiter can manage the affairs of the 7th. Jupiter can also see his other house, the 10th sign from the Descendant (Sagittarius). The same comments apply to Jupiter‘s relationship to Saturn as mentioned in our first scenario (10th/4th axis).

If you look at this chart using house divisions, so the 10th cusp is Taurus and the 4th Scorpio, Venus is still in aversion to her sign (can‘t manage). Mars can see his sign of Scorpio by sextile. The Sun


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(reputation, honours) is in the 4th by division. Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, is exalted in Capricorn at the time of this event!

No matter how you view this chart for the opening of polls, it appears to give the victory to the Opponent.

Turning now to the Libra ingress chart:

Traditionally the first thing to locate was the Lord of the Year of the Ingress chart.

The first consideration is to determine what planet will represent the people of the nation.

“You will also look, for the rustics and their condition, from the Lord of the Year and its place,”

(From the “Revolution of the Years of the World” by Māshāʿallāh translated by Benjamin Dykes PhD)

The ascendant of the chart always represented the people of the nation as did the Moon. The Lord of the Year was found from one of the lords of the ascendant (ruler, exalted ruler, triplicity ruler, or term ruler) or even the sect luminary. In this chart we have chosen Mars as Lord of Year since he is the lord of the Ascendant Scorpio. We do this in spite of the fact he is cadent from the ascendant in the 56

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2nd house. The reason for this choice is that in fact all the rulers including the sect luminary, the Sun, fall cadent of the ascendant.

This very accurately describes the state of the people in America going into this half of the year.

Chapter 12: When the Lord of the Year is cadent

If the Lord of the Year were cadent from the Ascendant, not aspecting the Ascendant (in the eighth, sixth, second, or twelfth sign), then he will be in need, and therefore weakness will befall him, because he fell in a place removed from the Ascendant: (From the “Revolution of the Years of the World” by Māshāʿallāh translated by Benjamin Dykes PhD.

Both Mars and the Moon representing the people are in aversion to the Ascendant. The people feel out of touch and powerless to act. The Martian types are in conflict and also out of touch with their national identity. For both significators there is a sense of helplessness, weakness, division, contention and fear. Note that the Moon‘s application to the opposition of Mars further indicates the very obvious division of the nation.


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The incumbent Ruling Party is shown by the Sun as ruler of the 10th sign/house. (Note: the Sun would not necessarily always be the significator of the ruling party if another sign were on the MC). Their opponents are indicated by Saturn as ruler of the 4th sign/house.

To discover the successor belonging to the current ruling party, we look to the second triplicity ruler of the Sign on the 10th. This gives us Jupiter as the Nocturnal Sect Ruler of Fire.

Jupiter is under Sunbeams, out of sight in the 12th sign. This suggests a weak successor who cannot be seen. This relates perhaps to Hillary not being so visible on the campaign trail. Obama has been actively campaigning on her behalf. Naturally the Sun being in Libra is in detriment and in the cadent 12th; the King is no longer strong. Hillary‘s recent health problems and public collapse could also be indicative of this weak Jupiter.

To assess the condition of the opposition, we will take both the actual sign ruler (Saturn) and the diurnal triplicity ruler of Air – again Saturn. So Saturn indicates the opposing candidate. There is no other planet to consider as they (the opposition party) have put up their challenger.

Neither significator of the people (Moon & Mars) applies to join either candidate, again indicating the disconnectedness and ―hatred‖ by the people for the two candidates. It appears in the history of the American Elections that no two contenders for this crown have been so reviled by their countrymen.

So how to discover the outcome?

We look at the individual strength of both significators and the actions between them.

As noted, Jupiter is combust, in the 12th and applies to Saturn from Saturn‘s house of exaltation (Libra) and his house of joy.

As we saw in the other charts we looked at, this handing over of power is a very distinct action between the two because it indicates Jupiter handing the management of everything she is and represents, to Saturn who receives her gift!

Saturn standing alone is stronger than Jupiter, being free of sunbeams, and able to manage the affairs of his house of Aquarius.

The conclusion is that Saturn is the winner.

By Sharon Knight and Steven Birchfield 29th September, 2016


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I am Sharon Knight, a qualified, practising professional astrologer with over 25 years‘ experience. I hold the Certificate and Intermediate Diploma from the Faculty of Astrology and the Horary Practitioners Diploma (QHP). I am Convener and tutor on the QHP, Chair of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI), having been Secretary for the previous four years. I am a Fellow of the Association and have written and edited their quarterly newsletter for the past ten years. The APAI is the only professional body in Europe that represents qualified Astrologers. Members have to hold a Diploma from a recognised educational establishment to be accepted. I have an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from Bath Spa University (2004) and a Diploma in Phytotherapy or, Herbalism (SAC Dip) as it is more popularly known. I am also a certified Life Coach. In addition, I am a member of the Board of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. (Charitable Incorporated Organisation reg no: 1152804).

In my Astrological Practice I specialise in ―Traditional‖ astrology. Traditional astrology has less psychological content than ―modern‖ astrology. It is more succinct and to the point. I do ―chart‖ readings for people as well as for business‘s. I also do question and answer astrology known as Horary. In addition to Horary, my work covers Electional, Natal, Transits, Business astrology, , Synastry, Vocational and (but I do not diagnose as I am not a Doctor). I have a regular slot on the local radio station.

As well as the UK, my client base covers the Middle East, America and Europe. In the past I wrote the astrology page for the weekly magazine Now as well as ―ghost‖ writing for other astrologers on Women‘s monthly magazines. I wrote special ―one off‖ articles for the Daily Mirror. Having left London and now living in the heart of the countryside, I write for a few local monthly magazines. I really enjoy writing sun sign astrology and trying to help people understand, that ultimately they are responsible for their own lives. I have lectured at the Astrological Lodge in London, given talks to various astrological groups in the South East, spoken to business and networking groups on the use of astrology in business and as a life coaching tool.

As well as working as an Astrologer, I used to work in the property and construction business becoming Deputy Director of a very large Scandinavian property group. I have worked in the Diplomatic field and lived and worked in the Middle East and America. I have helped set up and run various businesses with varying degrees of success, so I have a good understanding of the business world and how it works, or not! In addition to working as an astrologer, I am also a qualified, non-medical herbalist and have successfully combined these two disciplines to help couples that were having difficulty conceiving.You can contact me by email [email protected] or telephone me on 01825 750733.

I am based in Sussex. Tunbridge Wells, Haywards Heath, Brighton and Lewes are the nearest towns.

Sharon is a featured speaker at numerous international conferences over the years.


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Tale of Two Voyages Author: Linea Van Horn

The headline piqued my interest. ―Solar plane crosses Pacific to Bay Area on trip around the world.‖/1/ A small plane, fueled only by solar power and electricity, and therefore emissions-free, was in the midst of a breathtaking, record-breaking journey around the globe -- mostly to prove it could be done. This aircraft was piloted by a single person and accompanied by a helicopter for safety and monitoring. They happened to be traveling right through my area in April 2016 when I read the article. They were in town only for a day or two before heading on to Phoenix.

The Solar Impulse 2 is a long, skinny lightweight aircraft with a very wide wingspan. Those wings are arrayed with over 17,000 solar panels which collect energy during the day and direct it for storage in batteries, used for night flight. Thus it is able to fly completely free of fossil fuels, albeit not very fast (up to 50 mph) or very high (around 28,000 feet). And fly it does, having already logged in excess of thirteen thousand zero-emission nautical miles over land and sea.

The pilot, a dashing fellow aptly named Bertrand Piccard, was breaking flight records like plates at a Greek wedding. These included the ―longest endurance flight by a solo pilot in any kind of plane‖ and ―first solar flight across the Pacific Ocean‖ according to the news article. He and a co-pilot, André Borschberg, who flew the accompanying helicopter, commented on the purpose of their journey:

“For hundreds of years people ... were coming with boats to find freedom in America,” Piccard said Sunday …. “And now I am arriving in the first solar-powered airplane that crossed the Pacific. Freedom is not only anymore a country. Freedom is a state of mind toward energy. Freedom is solar power. Freedom is clean technologies when you don‟t need to fight for oil.” 60

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“We were told by the aviation world that it‟s impossible to build such an aircraft,” added Borschberg. “For us, it‟s a demonstration of how to make the impossible possible. And I think it‟s an inspiration people need today.” /2/

Later, in Seville, after his historic crossing of the Atlantic Ocean, Piccard said ―The Atlantic is the symbolic part of the flight. It is symbolic because all the means of transportation have always tried to cross the Atlantic, the first steamboats, the first aeroplane, the first balloons, the first airships and, today, it is the first solar-powered aeroplane.”/3/

Solar Impulse 2 took off from Abu Dhabi in March of 2015 and had already successfully navigated across the Middle East and Asia. A particularly grueling leg of the journey occurred between Japan and Hawai‘i, which broke all sorts of records but caused damage to the battery array. This necessitated a prolonged stop in Hawai‘i not only for repairs but also to await the seasonal weather window appropriate for departure. This had delayed the predicted return by many moons. However, the trip was now resuming, and they were on their way.

After that, I kept track of the Solar Impulse 2‘s progress across America. It stopped in Arizona, Oklahoma, Ohio and Pennsylvania. They departed from New York on June 11 and crossed the Atlantic Ocean, then Europe on their way back to the UAE. With the completion of each successive leg of the mission, the sense of excitement grew. Finally, in August 2016, they ended their trip where they had started it, in Abu Dhabi. ―Speaking to the Guardian from the cockpit shortly before landing, Piccard said he was feeling emotional as he neared the end of the journey: ‗It is a very, very special moment – it has been 15 years that I am working on this goal. I hope people will understand that it is not just a first in the history of aviation, but also a first in the history of energy,‘ he said.‖ /4/

Well, I could not help but notice how very Saturn in Sagittarius this all was. Circling the earth, solo flight, self-imposed limits, breaking records, overcoming delays, global scope, advancing a new technology….this is astrology in action, I said to myself.

The relevant charts validate this Saturn in Sadge connection.


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Bertrand Piccard, the pilot, was born March 1, 1958 in Lausanne, Switzerland (time unknown) /5/ , so his Sun is in Pisces and his Saturn at 24 degrees Sagittarius is near the Galactic Center (27 Sagittarius). Piccard comes from a long line of voyagers and adventurers. He and partner Brian Jones were the first to fly around the world nonstop in a balloon, a tour de force they accomplished in March 1999. This was the first circumnavigation in history requiring no fuel for forward motion. The fact that Piccard repeated this feat less than twenty years later in an entirely different craft is truly awe inspiring and a worthy display of his Saturn in Sadge!

Thanks to a detailed table on Wikipedia /6/ , we have exact dates and times (expressed in Universal Time, a practice I have followed here) of the departure and length of each leg of Solar Impulse 2‘s journey. Saturn was freshly into Sagittarius in March of 2015 when they took off, and the Sun was in Pisces conjunct Chiron the Maverick, a fellow who just loves it when someone says ―you can‘t possibly do that.‖ The departure Ascendant was also Pisces and the MC was in the late degrees of 62

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Sagittarius, conjoining the Galactic Center and the pilot Piccard‘s own Saturn. You can‘t make this stuff up.

The departure chart also features a very close Mars Uranus conjunction, showing risk, adventure and pioneering, and it makes an exact trine to Jupiter in Leo in the 5th, increasing the likelihood of success and affording a degrees of protection for them. The Jupiter connection to both signs it rules (Sagittarius and Pisces) shows up repeatedly in the charts. Here it rules both the Ascendant and the Midheaven! The Mars-Uranus conjunction is also square to Pluto, showing that not all was well in Paradise, and indeed, a ―problem with power‖ would manifest itself before the trip was even halfway over.


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The same month, on the opposite side of the United States, a remarkable and eye catching vessel began making its way slowly up the East Coast. It stopped first in Florida before proceeding to many of the most historic ports all the way north to New England.

This ―canoe,‖ as it‘s properly called, is most strange in appearance. It has a double hull and sails shaped like crab claws. The most extraordinary thing about the vessel is invisible, However: the complete lack of the navigational instruments considered necessary by modern sailors: computer, sextant, charts, compass, maps, GPS. Rather than depending on the latest technology utilized by the Solar Impulse 2, the crew of this craft instead reaches far back in history for its wayfaring techniques. They are using ancient navigation methods practiced by seafaring Pacific Islanders for many thousands of years.

Though strewn like stars across a wide swath of water, the islands of the Pacific are closely linked one to another. Even Captain Cook observed the commonalities of culture and language amongst the peoples of the Pacific Islands he visited. Accounts written by the first Europeans to arrive at the islands described the canoes used for covering vast expanses of water, and hinted at a complex, complete body of knowledge used for guiding them. Clearly this was a seagoing, voyaging people.

―Throughout Oceania in pre-European times, highly organized systems existed of complex navigational lore. The degree of religious-spiritual significance varied…but all such systems embodied precise lists of star courses, concepts of orientation, and voluminous information on land signs and seaway conditions They were closed mental concepts, but their application demanded not only formidable feats of memory, but also the patient and discriminating observation of natural signs. Training was rigorous and prolonged over many years, and instruction both ashore and afloat was involved.‖ /7/

This irreplaceable body of navigational knowledge was virtually extinct coming into the modern era. Not only had there been complete intrusion of Western culture into the islands, but also the body of knowledge itself was held by only a few high-status individuals and was considered so sacred that there were prohibitions against revealing it to lay persons. By the mid 1960s there remained only a handful of traditional navigators scattered widely over the Pacific.

At the moment when all seemed lost, there also occurred a resurgence of interest in these ancient techniques. David Lewis, an Australian doctor and sailor, had already successfully sailed over 2200 miles between far flung Pacific islands guided only by stars, Sun and swells. (It would be difficult for an astrologer not to be enchanted with the correlation between literally navigating in a way that we do metaphorically every day!) On his trip Lewis realized ―that parts of the sea lore of the ancient voyagers remained alive. I learned that there still existed, scattered among the islands, a mosaic of fragments of a former Pacific-wide system, or systems, of navigational learning only waiting to be put together….Unless this were done soon, however, the heritage of two thousand years would be irretrievably lost.‖ /8/ In 1968 he set out on a two-year journey to find and sail with as many remaining navigators as he could. 64

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―We, the Navigators; The Ancient Art of Landfinding in the Pacific‖ was the groundbreaking book he published in 1972 as a result of his travels. This book in turn inspired a resurgence of interest in recovering these ancient navigation techniques, which were fascinating on their own, of course, but were also viewed as a vehicle for the reclamation of an even broader tradition and history. There was a lot of pride and emotion tied up in the revival of non-instrument navigation or ―wayfaring,‖ as this body of knowledge has become to be known.

Nowhere was this more apparent than in Hawai‘i. By 1973, the Polynesian Voyaging Society had formed there to ―raise funds and then build a large canoe for a voyage to Tahiti.‖ /9/ By then it was recognized that it was ―feasible to sail a reconstructed voyaging canoe over the legendary route from Hawai'i to Tahiti and return, and to navigate all the way by traditional methods.‖ /10/

The rationale behind this route was to prove once and for all that the exploring and populating of the Pacific Islands was purposeful not accidental, as many contemporary Western sources suggested. Hawai‘i and Tahiti are exactly north and south of each other, separated by 2,500 miles and lie equidistant across the Equator. The route crosses several prevailing winds and thus could not possibly be an accidental voyage. Yet this journey is the fodder for legends and stories, indicating that it did in fact happen.

―The experiment…was one of the most significant Polynesian cultural revivals of recent times. The double canoe, which was a product of Hawaii, was named Hokule‘a, the Star of Gladness, or Arcturus…. A crew of seventeen sailed Hokule‘a from Hawaii to Tahiti in 31 days, arriving on June 4 1976….Although accompanied by a chase boat…the 2,500-mile voyage was navigated entirely without instruments or any kind of outside navigational information.‖ /11/ They ―sailed into Pape‘ete harbor (Tahiti) for a tumultuous welcome by perhaps the largest gathering of Polynesians in modern times.‖ /12/ More than 17,000 persons were present. /13/

(Photo courtesy of Polynesian Voyaging Society ).

The naming of this to-scale replica of an ancient Polynesian canoe after the bright star Arcturus was no accident. Arcturus was THE star associated with the Big Island of Hawai‘i, as we will see presently. The Hawai‘ian name for this star meant ―Star of Gladness,‖ which must truly have described the


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 response of a crew upon first sighting land after a month‘s trip at sea! In a similar vein, the brightest star Sirius ―belongs‖ to Tahiti, while Spica was the indicator for Samoa. /14/

The Hokule‘a endeavor was not only a great success but carries on to this very day. Recently, she celebrated her 40th anniversary. To celebrate this birthday, promote cultural connection and train a new generation of navigators, this hardy craft embarked on an around-the-world four-year voyage. They are now two thirds of the way through this ambitions trip, which spans 85 ports, 26 nations, and 12 of UNESCO‘s Marine World Heritage sites... They left from Hilo, Hawai‘i in late May 2013 and anticipated their return in summer of 2017. The name of the voyage is ―Mālama Honua― which means ―to care for Island Earth‖. Check out this projected route:

By the way, this craft does not fit at all with our normal image of a ‗‖canoe.‖ Over sixty feet in length, it can support a crew of dozens. Its double hulls (known in modern sailing vernacular as a catamaran) provide a more stable platform for the crew as it ploughs the waves. ―The claw shape (sail), which may at first sight appear fanciful, reveals itself on analysis to be highly functional….(it) allows efficient operation with….much less weight and stress aloft than any other inverted triangular shape would impose….. Experience with claw sails on Hokule‘a soon demonstrated their remarkable efficiency.‖ /15/

(Painting by Herb Kane. )


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Imagine for a moment, if you will, that you are the navigator of such a canoe. You hold a unique position. You alone hold the knowledge required to achieve landfall – unless you have an apprentice, which carries a whole additional layer of responsibility. The entire crew depends upon you for their lives. You never sleep more than an hour at a time, because to do so would mean you‘d certainly lose your bearings. By day, you determine your course by observing the direction, rate and speed of deep ocean swells and surface waves (up to six or more patterns at a time), clouds with their formation and movement, where the Sun rises and sets on the horizon; the type and flight direction of birds if you happen to be close enough to land.

By night, you steer by the stars. Not the ones overhead: they are useless for this purpose (although valuable as zenith stars to mark a certain island). You are looking for stars or pairs of stars which have just risen or are about to set. And you‘re not looking for any old star, either. What you want is a specific star, one in a series that will mark a path to the specific island where you are going. You‘ll line up the masts of your craft to sail toward or away from these stars.

Of course, you‘ve been learning this since you were five years old, so the sky is no stranger to you. In fact, since it‘s often cloudy, you‘re able to validate your mental position with the briefest glimpse of the heavens when you see a certain star exactly where you expected it to be. A navigator‘s ―lengthy apprenticeship had been entirely traditional and had produced in his trained memory something not dissimilar from a combined pilot book and nautical almanac.‖ /16/ Compare this to someone like astrologer Nick Dagan Best, often called a ―human ephemeris.‖

‖Stars are first,‖ says Mau (one of the last surviving initiated navigators, and the one who guided Hokule‘a to Tahiti on that first pioneering expedition). ―They teach me first about the stars. Then they teach me about the islands‖ He places a small coconut at the center of the circle (drawn in sand) representing a canoe at sea. Shells on the rim mark the rising and setting places of particular stars….palm midribs mark the direction of swells….A circle is the horizon and a coconut is the canoe. Shells are stars and palm ribs are swells.‖ Displayed here on the sands of Singapore is a navigational system that enabled ancient peoples to move out of Asia and into Oceania thousands of years ago.‖ /17/

Listen to this description by David Lewis of a famous navigator on the job: ―(Mau) Pialug took up his station at the stern, a position that he rarely left. …He did not stand regular watches; day and night he remained alert and watchful, intently studying the stars, or the sun and the swells. When all was quiet he slept, but he slept lightly, and when he was awake, his vigilance never abated. ― /18/

Now imagine that it‘s you and the canoe in the middle of the ocean. A big round circle of ocean and you in the middle. (Certainly this is a familiar image to anyone reading an astrological journal!) In order to keep track of where they‘ve been, where they are and where they‘re going, they devised a circular compass which was more a mental construct than a physical one. ―The Carolinian Sidereal Compass is a type of star compass, (―sidereal‖ means ―star‖), an abstract system of orientation by the horizon points where chosen stars rise and set…. The compass stars‘ ―function is to indicate points around the horizon‘s rim, and these points remain fixed, irrespective of whether the stars marking them are currently in the appropriate position or are not visible at all.‖ /19/

―For a star compass to be a practical guide for navigators, the islands that lie along each particular axis must be known, their bearings and in fact all sailing directions being given in terms of the compass star points….The sidereal compass….is flexible concept that allow for the mental recording of a great deal of information in an easily applicable form.‖ /20/ 67

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If you study the star compass, you‘ll observe that it consists of the rising and setting positions of certain stars. (As a point of interest, these, along with stars at the zenith and anticulminating, are called parans in astrology. Some astrologers use parans in both natal and mundane chart analysis). The rising and setting points are placed symmetrically around the north/south axis. That is, a star‘s setting point is equidistant to its rising point from the meridian. This is a way of saying that the place where stars rise and set is constant at a certain location. And this has important implications for astrologers!

We must pause here to correct a common misperception about the fixed stars in astrology. Most of us were taught that stars were ―fixed‖ in relation to each other. However, this is not correct. The stars do in fact move very slowly in regard to each other in what‘s called ―proper motion. ‖ However, it is so slow it‟s measured in seconds of arc over millennia! So this is not the true reason that stars are ―fixed.‖

As I learned from Bernadette Brady, PhD (long may she live!), the stars are fixed in relation to the local horizon! This means that they will rise and set at exactly the same place along your local horizon each and every day. Only the time of day will vary. So they are fixed to your horizon, not to each other.

This is a matter of declination – that little-understood and underused system in astrology. Measured from the equator, declination governs where along the horizon a planet or star will rise and set, and how high in the sky it will get. It is measured north and south from the equator, just like lines of latitude. In fact, declination is simply lines of latitude extended out into space! The Polynesian‘s


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 sidereal star compass is a manifestation of the understanding of this principle. Each star has a specific declination which does not vary. And that declination is associated to a specific latitude.

It‘s also this connection between latitude and declination that permits the connection of a certain star with a specific island. Herein lies one key to the island-finding skill of the Polynesian navigators; each island had its own star, one that passed exactly overhead on that island. As Lewis says, ―A star‘s declination is its celestial latitude. It passes directly above all places whose latitude equals its declination is it progresses from east to west across the sky.‖ /21/

Hokule‘a, the ―Star of Gladness,‖ is the star we know as Arcturus, one of the brightest stars in the sky. Its declination is 19 degrees N. and it culminates exactly at the ―top of the sky‖ (the zenith) only at the Big Island of Hawaii, latitude 19 degrees N. It was THE star used to identify that island and why this name was chosen (revealed in a dream, actually) for the new canoe.

The Hokule‘a‘s Worldwide Voyage launched in March 2015, with Saturn still in Scorpio, but most of the voyage has occurred with Saturn in its 2.5 year trip through Sadge, and is anticipated to conclude in mid 2017, just as Saturn prepares to exit the Sign of the Archer. The entire flight of the Solar Impulse 2 occurred with Saturn in Sadge. As astrologer Ed Tamplin described in these very pages: ―Travel is a feature of exploratory and farsighted Sagittarius and Saturn‘s entry here previously coincided with the launch of the world‘s first artificial satellite, Sputnik.‖ /22/

Taken together, these two voyages represent the epitome of Saturn (limits, delays, goals and accomplishments; the past and time in general) in Sagittarius (travel, expansion, education and learning; foreign anything; the future). We have here a wonderful exercise in what I like to call ―symbol synthesis;‖ that crucial skill of combining key words and concepts for various factors and producing ideas that are coherent, relevant and expressive of the factors being discussed. There are no right or wrong answers in this game, since astrological expression is infinite in scope yet specific in association.

A great way to learn astrology is to watch it in action via events as we‘re doing here. Also study persons who know nothing about astrology and therefore express the energies purely and unconsciously. Here is pilot Piccard stringing together Saturn and Sagittarius keywords without even knowing it: ―Every minute is a minute of suspense, a minute of challenge, and the fact I can stay [airborne] without fuel or pollution for four days and four nights is something so new,‖ he said. ―I have the impression I am in a science fiction story and it‘s like I am already in the future. And then I look outside and I say, well it‘s not the future, it‘s now.‖ /23/

The very idea of circumnavigating the globe is purely Saturn (creating a boundary, a container, a closed loop; setting and achieving a goal on the material plane) in Sagittarius (the world at large, creating contacts and connection between foreign bodies; the spreading of knowledge, expanding one‘s scope). That these events were ―pulled‖ to the very time that Saturn transited this sign – only 2.5 years out of an almost thirty year orbit – is a demonstration of what I call the ―Hoover effect‖ described by the late Dennis Elwell in his most wonderful book The Cosmic Loom. He notes that events, whether planned or unplanned, tend to happen at the astrologically appropriate time, almost as if they are ―sucked‖ there.

Self-imposed limits is a very Saturnian concept, and both these voyages were founded on strict technological limits. The Solar Impulse 2 eschewed fossil fuels and emissions; the Hokule‘a availed itself only of non-instrument navigation. In fact it was working inside these strict limits that their


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 success occurred! There‘s a great example of the Saturn/Sagittarius paradox: Choosing to travel with restrictions! You can‘t get any more literal than that.

―Solo travel‖ is yet another spin on Saturn in Sagittarius. Listen to Piccard, who has this placement natally, speak about this aspect of his journey: ―It is more challenging when you are alone: you can rely on the team on the ground by satellite phone, but otherwise it is up to you. But a lot of emotions come through and it triggers more courage, so I love this flying solo.‖ /24/

Two concurrent voyages, one by air and one by sea, circumnavigating the globe using limited or specific technology, one new and one very old, to promote environmental and educational goals. They are stretching the limit of human endeavor, broadening our horizons and bringing the past forward in an astounding display of astrological symbolism.



/2/ Ibid

/3/ plane

/4/ trip



/7/ Lewis, David, "We The Navigators: The Ancient Art of Landfinding in the Pacific," University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 2nd edition published 1994, p. 353

/8/ Lewis ibid, p. 24


/10/ Ibid

/11/ Lewis, ibid p. 312-313

/12/ Kyselka, Will; An Ocean in Mind, 1987, University of Hawai‘i Press, p. 20


/14/ Kyselka, Will; ibid, p. 9

/15/ Lewis, ibid, p. 64

/16/ Lewis, ibid p. 33

/17/ Kyselka, ibid p. 88

/18/ Lewis, ibid, P. 323

/19/ Lewis, ibid p. 103

/20/ Lewis, ibid p. 109 70

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/21/ Lewis, ibid p. 278

/22/ Infinity Astrological Journal, #3, p. ???

/23/ plane

/24/ solar-plane

Linea Van Horn, C.A., NCGR, is the Astrologer at Large. Linea is Founder and President Emerita of the San Francisco Astrological Society (1992-2014) and has served on three NCGR boards, including the Board of Examiners. Formerly employed in the astrology Internet industry, Linea is a respected teacher, published author, and popular, lively presenter. She now devotes herself to client work, teaching, writing, and community building in the San Francisco Bay Area. Member of AFAN, ISAR and OPA.

Contact: [email protected]


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Capricorn Ingress Author: Rod Chang

The Capricorn Ingress happens at 10:44 GMT 21st December. It is very important for an astrologer to make predictions for the next three months. The astrologer has kept giving warnings about financial and political change from this autumn because we are right at the end of a Jupiter Saturn cycle and Saturn Neptune cycle, although the exact square is finished, the the tension is still there for the next few months. Moon wobble, Lunation and Outer planets stationary

A few astrological events indicate that the end of the year is more likely to have an important event. First is the Moon wobble happening between 15th November and 6th December. Second, most lunation during the December, the Full Moon on 14th December, the New Moon on 29th December trigger the September 2016 Solar Eclipse and September 2016 Lunar Eclipse. These suggests that we are more likely to experience the powerful influence of political and financial events for the next two months.

Also Stationary positions of outer planets usually have a huge impact on mundane events as well. Some astrologers believe that more disasters happen while outer planets are stationary than at other


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 times. I suggest that during these times we have to focus on the area that the planet rules so that we can learn from this plant. Neptune is stationary between 13th-26th November at 9 degree Pisces. Neptune is about dreams, ideas, adventures, redemption, sacrifice, kindness ,risk taking, virus, epidemic , dissolving boundaries and becoming greater. Some astrologers believe that Neptune is linked with Socialism and Communism. Neptune also rules water, fishing, seafaring, gas, chemistry and pollution . It could be positive for chasing our dream and take adventure, however if we are not careful we could be unrealistic and risk losing what we have. During the Neptune stationary period, we had better focus on Neptune's themes - what is our dream and what have we done to our environment?

Uranus is stationary between 24th December to 4th January. Therefore I will not expect a quiet Christmas holiday, as Uranus usually brings more shocking events during it‘s stationary period. In astrology, Uranus means rebellion, revolution, sudden change, cut off and separation. It also links with technology, nuclear power and radiation. Some astrologers believe that Uranus also links with capitalism. The events happening around Christmas may remind us where we need to change and ask us to think about whether we use technology in an appropriate way. Where is technology and capitalism going to lead us? Aspects on the Capricorn Ingress chart

As the Sun reaches the most southerly point and starts moving northward, the Capricorn Ingress suggests the start of Summer season in the southern Hemisphere and winter for the northern Hemisphere. As a cardinal point it has the meaning of initialisation, kick off, and forward moving


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 energy. The planets configuration of that day will have influence for next 3 months until the Sun reaches the Equinox point in March.

The Capricorn chart has Mars, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. This will make the Pisces theme more obvious in our life, it also emphasises the Neptune theme that was previously mentioned. Let us have a look at aspects of the Capricorn ingress chart. Only Mars and Venus aspect the Sun suggesting that when we facing challenges over the next three months, we need to know what we value most and what we are fighting for.

Jupiter opposite Uranus: Both planets are related to flight, sky and freedom. These themes will be focussed on by the media when Jupiter and Uranus form an aspect. This is also a cycle related to capitalism and business development, usually we see the result of development and start to think about what should we do once we reach the peak. This set aspect also forms a T square with Pluto that we should not ignore.

Pluto square Jupiter and Uranus: Uranus square Pluto since 2012 and it formed seven exact squares between 2012 and 2015. Between 2016 and 2017, Pluto and Uranus are forming a square although it is not exact, the influence still there. It is a huge lesson we are learning: social reform, who dominates our life, who uses the most resources. We asked those questions and now we should have clear answer and we should start to make a move. Uranus and Pluto will form a square between now and next spring, reminding us of what we are fighting for during the last couple of years. Jupiter joins this square and form a T square suggesting that we could have a clearer vision about our future once we know what we fear. We could have more freedom once we know what is controlling us.

Saturn trine Uranus: This set of aspects have so many meanings. They are about freedom and security in the political area and conservatism and revolutionary in our society. In the financial area, this Saturn Uranus aspect usually suggests governments have to take control of capitalism, sometimes it does give regulation of financial trading. sometimes this set of aspects suggests the investment market need to be protected. In 2008, when Saturn was opposite Uranus, we had the credit crunch. Many countries had to control the banks. This time we have a trine, as a soft aspect it may not give us a hard landing but we can still expect some regulation going on.

Jupiter sextile Saturn: The Jupiter Saturn aspect is an indicator of social development, as Jupiter forms last sextile before it conjuncts Saturn again in 2020. We are facing the challenge of how to both maintain the glory of the past and give up those dreams which we no longer have time for. Sharing experiences with each other, we can learn from each other. Let knowledge spread out so that more people can be benefit from it.

With these aspects we can expect some financial and political unsettlement which could lead us to have a clearer idea about what we want in the future. It is also gives us a final call for the social reform, if you don‘t want to see the one percent of rich people take over the rest and dominate your life and the lives of your children.


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Astro map

Asia - Pacific: South Korea, North Korea, Japan, Philippine, Thailand, Indonesia, West Australia.

Eastern part of India, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon.

Europe - Africa: France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Ukraine, Russia, Egypt, Algeria, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria.

North and South America: Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, 85-102 W longitude of U.S and Canada.

Rod Chang has studied astrology for over twenty years, both through self-study and through the LSA and the Faculty of Astrological Studies. His favourite aspects are mundane astrology and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around ten years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers . Rod is also working closely with other Asian astrologers in Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, China and Hong Kong in order to establish an Asian astrology network.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

After the Transit – Part 1 Author: Mandi Lockley

So, transiting Saturn/Uranus/Neptune/Pluto has finished its Conjunction/Square/Opposition to your Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/Mars/Jupiter/Saturn/Angle[Delete as appropriate!]

You breathe a big sigh of relief. It‘s over. Finally.

If you track your transits, you were anticipating it long before it came and as it inched ever closer to its target, you watched carefully for signs of its influence. Perhaps the transit reflected major life changes, challenges, losses or new opportunities? Maybe years of hard work started to pay off or conversely, you had to face the consequences of unwise decisions made in the past? Possibly, the shift was more internal as you chose to (or were forced to) confront deep-rooted baggage, heal old wounds, grieve, move on, let go. Perhaps your resistance to the process, to the shifts in your physical, material and/or psychological circumstances, caused you to suffer. Maybe you were aware of your resistance, maybe you weren‘t.

But now what?

If, under your transit, you experienced any kind of loss, setback, shock or major change, the chances are, now it‘s over, you‘ll be seeking to replace those losses, reverse the changes, return things to how they were. It‘s human nature. We are creatures of habit - most of us take comfort in even the things we know aren‘t good for us, because that‘s the way it‘s always been, the way we‘ve been programmed. It‘s simply easier to carry on as before than it is to change.

Here‘s a familiar scenario.

A relationship breaks up under a Uranus transit. Now the transit is over and after a while you feel ready for romance again. You‘re attracted to your new partner because he‘s just your type. 76

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Consciously or unconsciously, something about him reminds you of your old flame. Your new partner pays you constant attention, says you belong together, whispers those three little words in your ear and proudly shows you off to his friends. It‘s all so flattering and is just how your former relationship started. The nice part, before the possessiveness and jealousy kicked in. Your new beau doesn‘t approve of your friends and you start to see less of them (he‘s taking up all your time, anyway). You attend a party and have a brilliant evening chatting and dancing, but you barely speak to him all night and he makes his feelings clear about that later.

If you‘re not in denial, not telling yourself that this time it‘s going to be different, you realise that your old unhealthy relationship pattern is starting to recur. After all, you know it‘s written in your birth chart, in that difficult aspect, so what can you do?

But maybe this time something tells you (maybe your inner self or maybe your friends, or both) that this is a good opportunity to put the lessons of that completed Uranus transit to good use, to allow your life choices to reflect the higher promise of your birth chart rather than the lower expression.

You consider your options.

Do you (1) run a mile, but feel miserable alone and then either repeat the pattern down the line with someone else, or stay lonely; (2) leave the relationship, but work on your own issues, through therapy, self help, through your chosen spiritual practice, or simply by giving yourself proper time to reflect, heal and claim your independence, to learn that it‘s OK to be single; (3) stay in the relationship, but confront the issues early on and do your best to set healthy boundaries that allow you to be yourself and to have a life independent of the partner, remaining prepared to move on if it doesn‘t work; or (4) stay in the relationship, do nothing and hope for the best?

There‘s no right or wrong answer, this is not a quiz, nor is it an advice column. Options (1) and (4) seem least likely to lead to growth and learning, however. But then, none of the options are without risk and all of them, except (4) involve change, but at least options (2) and (3) carry forward the lessons of the Uranus transit that occurred during the breakup of the last relationship.

But remember, it‘s not as easy as it sounds on paper. If this is a client‘s situation, while it‘s our job is to make them aware of the processes their transits represent and to help them to better understand the meaning of those processes, it is not our job to tell them what to do.

It‘s also worth remembering that often, for those going through the scenario described above, the idea of being alone may be more terrifying than staying in an awful relationship. While for us astrologers Uranus transits are often welcomed as exciting and invigorating, for our clients they can signify scary, confusing times and after the initial transit they may be dealing with the fallout of what was set in motion for some time to come.

Here‘s another scenario:

You lost your job under a Saturn transit. Saturn‘s moved on and so must you.

You didn‘t like the job much and would love to do something completely different or perhaps work for yourself, but you also have to think about the practical and financial issues. Can you afford the time and money required before a new business starts to pay for itself? And can you run the risk of it failing? Or are you prepared to abandon years of hard work, a good salary and status to start at the bottom in a totally different career?


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Saturn transits might be about getting us back on track, but unfortunately they don‘t let us off the hook when it comes to the material necessities of life. Saturn teaches that our dreams need to be tempered by reality, need to be ‗grown up‘ (a Saturn transit at any age is about growing in maturity).

Here are three possibilities in keeping with carrying forward Saturn‘s lessons:

Conscious that you might be missing an opportunity to fulfil a dream, you do the sensible thing and look for a role similar to your last one because you have responsibilities. The dream might be on hold (you hope not forever) but using the ‗be realistic and patient‘ lesson of your Saturn transit, you realise that there are things you can do to make things better reflect your needs in your next job.

For example, you think carefully about what you liked and disliked in previous roles; you target companies which better reflect your personal values; in interviews, you don‘t just ask about what the job itself entails, you ask also about the company culture, the personalities of the team you‘d be working with, enquire about the future direction of the company, about opportunities to develop new skills. On your resume, you emphasise the skills that you most like to use, making less of those you don‘t.

Or perhaps you use your years of experience in a different way, by seeking part time or contract work. It might lack the security of a permanent role, but it provides an income and buys you more time to consider your future, to start laying down the foundations for the business you want to start or for the new career you want to pursue.

Maybe you‘re one of the lucky ones, able to follow your dream all out. However, if you remember the lessons of the Saturn transit, you will plan it out carefully, give yourself a timeline and a budget, learn any new skills you need (or hire an expert to do the things you can‘t do) and so on.

However, it‘s wise to reassess our dreams, goals and priorities after a Saturn transit. We age, we grow, the world changes around us, responsibilities fall onto our shoulders, spanners fall into the works.

Think about that dream of old. What does it boil down to? What‘s its essence? Why did you want to be an artist/cosmonaut/vet/photographer/lawyer? Were you following an innate talent or a personal interest? Were you trying to please a parent or conform to a social stereotype of success? Was it because of the things you thought that career might bring - money, power, status, glamour? Or did it stem from a need to express yourself creatively, to help others, to give something back to the world?

If you look at it from this angle you can see more easily where you need to let go of old dreams and also when to hold onto dreams that are still valid, but need to be adapted so they better suit who and where you are now. You may even find that you have already made your dream come true, in essence at least, but didn‘t realise it because it manifested differently to your fixed expectation.

Whichever path you take, you remain realistic, patient and focused and you don‘t give up because you know you are laying down solid foundations for the future. You‘ve absorbed the lesson of your Saturn transit.

But please don‘t ignore the feelings of depression and self-doubt that can often accompany a job loss - even the loss of a hated job - which can linger long after the transit the loss occurred under has passed. And of course, as professional astrologers, this also applies to our clients.

In Part 2 we will look at how we, or our clients, might be feeling after a long Neptune or Pluto transit.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Mandi is a London based astrologer and author and former student of the London School of Astrology. She has written for the Journal of the Astrological Association of Great Britain as well as for numerous websites, including her own Astroair blog. She published the e-book Saturn in Scorpio: Your Guide Through the Dark in 2012 and has also recently been published as a fiction author. She is committed to self development – emotionally, spiritually and intellectually – and believes in doing her best to live life purposefully, in service to others and in harmony with the cycles of the universe. These values are also the focus of her client work.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Helter Skelter: malefics unbound in the Manson Family Author: Alan Annand

The Manson Family murders in the Summer of ‗69 seared a hole in the American psyche. The Family was a cult of hippie nihilists led by Charles Manson, a frustrated singer-songwriter on the fringe of the LA music industry. In what was to become one of the first acts of social-class terrorism to date, Manson and his followers committed a series of nine murders, including that of actress Sharon Tate, at four locations over a period of five weeks.

Manson believed the murders would help precipitate an impending apocalyptic race war, which he described in his own version of the lyrics to the Beatles‘ song ―Helter Skelter.‖ The seven-member Family comprised three men (Charles Manson, Bobby Beausoleil, and Charles ―Tex‖ Watson) as well as four women (Susan Atkins, Lynette ―Squeaky‖ Fromme, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Leslie Van Houten.)

Malefics at large

In Vedic astrology, planets can be classed as natural benefics with the power to do good, or natural malefics with the power to do harm. Although there are caveats, the benefics are the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. The malefics are the Sun, Mars, Saturn and the two nodes.

Malefic signatures are stamped on every member of the Manson Family, several of whom share common themes. Before we look at those patterns, let‘s quickly review the malefics and their nature:

• The Sun is the least of the malefics, considered cruel, with a capacity to burn, but also to command, even at the behest of a twisted ego.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

• Mars is aggressive and violent, with the fierce temperament of a warrior, and a capacity to turn rage into criminal action.

• Saturn is regarded as the prime malefic, in that it reflects depression and fear, morbidity and sociopathy, imprisonment and death.

• Rahu is Saturn-like, associated with alienation, strangeness, anti-social tendencies and a lust for forbidden experience.

• Ketu is Mars-like, and is considered ―the headless one‖ lacking reason, restraint or an instinct for self-preservation.

The evil eye

In Jyotish, the planets are personified as deities – either devas (gods) or asuras (demons). They have the power to see, and to ―seize‖ that within their field of vision.

In western astrology, aspects apply all the way around the chart, joining any planetary pair that falls roughly within an arc of 60, 90, 120 or 180 degrees. In Jyotish, planets look only from sign to sign – even into empty signs – and ―see‖ any other planet within that other sign, regardless of degree.

All planets aspect the sign opposite, but the luminaries and inferior planets can do only that. So the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus aspect only the 7th sign away, counting houses inclusively. Eg, the Sun at 10 Aries aspects Saturn at 29 degrees Libra, because the Sun ―sees‖ the whole of Libra.

The superior planets all aspect the 7th away too, but each has two additional aspects: Mars aspects the 4th and 8th from itself; Jupiter aspects the 5th and 9th away; and Saturn aspects the 3rd and 10th from itself.

Jyotish therefore has something like sextiles, squares and trines, but only for certain planets. Furthermore, they are sign-to-sign, not degree-specific. So Saturn can ―see‖ Mars in the 3rd sign away but Mars can‘t see Saturn. Or Mars aspects Jupiter in the 4th sign away, but Jupiter doesn‘t aspect Mars.

It‟s a Family affair

When we analyze the charts of the Manson Family, several astrological themes emerge among its members:

Astrological factor Members affected

• A debilitated Sun 3

• Kala Sarpa Yoga (Rahu & Ketu) 3

• A destabilized Moon (often at hands of Saturn) 4

• Dominance of kshatriya planets (Sun & Mars) 3

• An aggravated Mars 7


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

As we‘ll see, no single factor influences every member of the group. And yet the composite influence of malefics is strikingly common.

Charles Manson, 12 November 1934, 16:40 EST, Cincinnati, Ohio

Bobby Beausoleil, 6 November 1947, 07:21 PST, Santa Barbara, California


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Charles “Tex” Watson, 2 December 1945, 21:05 CST, Dallas, Texas

Susan Atkins, 7 May 1948, 01:03 PDT, San Gabriel, California


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Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, 22 October 1948, 05:37 PDT, Santa Monica, CA

Patricia Krenwinkel, 3 December 1947, 04:41 PST, Los Angeles, California


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Leslie Van Houten, 23 August 1949, 05:51 PST, Los Angeles, California

The Sun also falls

Out of the seven members of the Manson Family, three have a sidereal Sun debilitated in Libra. There‘s a one-in-12 chance to have a debilitated Sun, so in a group of seven people we‘d expect no more than one, yet here are three:

• Charles Manson was the instigator who came up with the plans and sent his followers to do the killing. Although his Sun in the 7th house is strengthened by the presence of Jupiter, Mercury and a strong Venus, it is also aspected by a strong Saturn in Capricorn.

• Bobby Beausoleil committed one murder and participated in others. His Sun is in the 12th house and aspected by a debilitated Mars in Cancer.

• Although Squeaky Fromme participated in none of the Family murders, she was a devotee of the Manson cult and, years later, made an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate President Gerald Ford. Her 2nd house Sun is associated with Ketu, and aspected by Saturn.

All three find their debilitated Suns further destabilized by the association or aspect of malefics Mars, Saturn or Ketu. This suggests almost half of the group, their leader included, suffered from some sort of ego deficiency that justified violence as a form of compensation.

The demonic nodes

The Moon‘s nodes are described as chaya graha (shadow planets) because they denote the literal points across which shadows cast eclipses. Mythologically, they are two portions of the same body, that of an asura who crashed a party thrown by the devas. When the demon tried to drink the soma (nectar of immortality) being served, Lord Vishnu chopped it in two, but because it had already ingested some of the nectar, the two nodes Rahu and Ketu gained immortality to torment the Sun and Moon with eclipses ever after.


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Four of the Manson family have angular nodes: Manson, Beausoleil, Atkins and Krenwinkel. The nodes can only be angular, succedent or cadent, so in a family of seven we‘d expect two with angular nodes, yet here there are four. Far more remarkably, three of the family (all of the men) have a Kala Sarpa Yoga.

Kala Sarpa occurs when all seven of the visible planets are contained within seven signs or less, effectively restricted to one half of the chart as delineated by the opposing axis of the moon‘s nodes. Watson has a relatively ―pure‖ example of a Kala Sarpa, since all of his other planets are truly contained within the nodal axis. Manson and Beausoleil deviate from this high standard since certain of their planets exceed the node‘s degree without leaving the sign occupied.

• Manson‘s Kala Sarpa has all of his planets on the west side of the chart, from Cancer in the 4th to Capricorn in the 10th. This places emphasis on the nodal dispositors Moon and Saturn. Saturn is powerful in its own sign where it teams up with malefic Rahu to severely destabilize the Moon. Thus Manson, both unhappy and deranged, sought fulfillment by wreaking death on those he perceived to be part of the establishment.

• Beausoleil‘s Kala Sarpa has all of his planets in the south half of the chart, from Taurus in the 7th to Scorpio in the 1st. This highlights nodal dispositors Venus and Mars. Venus sits on an exaggerated nodal axis (Rahu is debilitated in Taurus, Ketu exalted in Scorpio). Mars is debilitated and associated with Saturn. Charm was Beausoleil‘s laissez-passer but his propensity for violence was on a short leash.

• Watson‘s Kala Sarpa has all of his planets in the northeast portion of the chart, from Gemini in the 12th to Sagittarius in the 6th. Mercury and Jupiter thus become the control planets for the nodal axis. Mercury is afflicted only by the Sun, while Jupiter is aspected by Saturn. He committed five murders and directly participated in several others.

In short, a Kala Sarpa Yoga can reflect an extreme form of personality, with a tendency for bigotry, conspiracy theories, fanaticism and revolution as a cure for what ails society. This was essentially Manson‘s message: start a race war that would transform America. Beausoleil and Watson were his willing dupes and, with all three men in agreement, it facilitated getting the women of the Family aligned toward the same goal.

The dark side of the Moon

The Moon represents the emotional mind, the part of our limbic system that ―thinks‖ like an animal, with its instincts, primal desires and antipathies. In six of the Family members, the Moon is afflicted by Mars, Saturn or the nodes. Four of them are particularly destabilized:

• Manson‘s waxing Moon in the 10th is associated with a strong Saturn and Rahu. The north node is generally Saturn-like with the potential to take on other influences; Ketu is Mars-like with options. Both nodes function like lawyers, taking on clients by whom they are conjoined, aspected or disposited. If there are multiple clients, the lawyer favors the most powerful. In Manson‘s case, Saturn in its own sign is strong so effectively Rahu also wields Saturn‘s power. This creates a situation where the Moon is put under pressure from the worst two malefics.

• Atkins‘s waning Moon is dark in the 4th house, just two days away from a solar eclipse. This Moon is notable in being under attack from every malefic in the chart. It conjoins an exalted Sun. Alternatively, if we exercise the option to transpose the Sun and Mars in our mind‘s eye, since these 86

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 two are in mutual reception, we‘d see the Moon afflicted by Mars in its own sign. Saturn from the 7th house aspects the Moon. Last but not least, the Moon sits on the nodal axis. She directly participated in eight of the Family murders.

• Fromme‘s Moon is just past full in the 9th house, and exalted in Taurus. But it‘s aspected by a powerful Mars in its own sign, which gives an aggressive personality. And it‘s aspected by Saturn from the 12th, which gives an attitude of there‘s-nothing-to-lose.

• Krenwinkel‘s Moon is waning but in its own sign Cancer in the 10th. There it‘s closely conjoined with Saturn, with all its attendant negativity. She committed one murder and directly participated in several others.

The Moon is only one element in any analysis of the manas, or emotional mind of an individual. Its stability is a general indicator of mental health, while its instability reflects at least neurosis if not some form of ―crazy thinking.‖

The Kshatriya are prepared to kill

In the Hindu caste system there are essentially five classes of society. The Brahmin, represented by Venus and Jupiter, promote culture via law, religion, education and art. The Kshatriya, posts held by the Sun and Mars, protect society in the form of the government, military and police. The Vaishya, circulating as the Moon and Mercury, are promoters of trade and commerce. The Shudra, weighed down with Saturn, offer basic services, trades and labor. The Mleccha, outcastes Rahu and Ketu, are the foreigners, sick and criminal element.

The Kshatriya planets Mars and the Sun are considered armed, as are their personnel – guards, police and soldiers. Being armed, they can kill. Thus, combinations involving the Sun and Mars reflect a strong-armed approach, with all possible ramifications. In the Manson Family, three out of the seven have a strong Sun/Mars connection in their charts:

• Manson has Aries rising ruled by Mars. Mars is in the 5th house Leo, the Sun‘s sign. The Sun and Mars are in a friendly 3/11 relationship. Mars is unafflicted in a friendly sign. The Sun aspects the Aries ascendant. Mars is in the ―cognitive‖ 5th house, where it dwells on violence but doesn‘t necessarily act on it. The weak ego of the debilitated Sun can only work through others – the 7th house.

• Atkins has the Sun in 4th house Aries, in mutual reception with Mars in Leo in the 8th. This exchange of 4th and 8th house lords is a bad sign for the mother, domestic stability and peace of mind. At the Sun‘s end of the exchange, the 4th house is damaged by the presence of a dark Moon and Rahu, and the aspect of Saturn. The influence of prime malefics Saturn and Rahu on the 4th house or the Moon (here, both apply) is a classic signature for some form of neurosis or sociopathy.

• Remarkably, Krenwinkel too has a mutual reception between the Sun and Mars, although in her chart it‘s from Leo in the 11th to Scorpio in the 2nd. Mars is clearly dominant since it aspects the Sun. She committed one murder and directly participated in several others.

Since the Sun and Mars form powerful interactions in these members‘ charts, there‘s an impulse to command and control. Organizational leadership is reflected in the Sun, but it takes Mars to use the knife or pull the trigger.


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Caution: contents under pressure

Of all the planets, Mars is the most aggressive and violent. A person with a damaged Mars, eg, debilitated or combust, is a candidate for uncontrolled rage. This usually comes courtesy of some neurosis, bad chemicals, or a shitty childhood, and can have negative effects on health, relationships and employment.

Everyone in the Manson Family had a dominant Mars in some form:

• Manson‘s Mars is his Aries ascendant lord, well-placed in the 5th house, unafflicted by any other planet.

• Beausoleil‘s Mars is lord of his Scorpio ascendant. It‘s debilitated in the Cancer 9th, associated with Saturn.

• Watson‘s debilitated Mars occupies his ascendant.

• Atkins‘s Mars is in the 8th house, exchanging with the Sun to access its own sign Aries.

• Fromme‘s Mars occupies its own sign Scorpio in the 3rd house.

• Krenwinkel‘s Mars is in the 11th house, exchanging with the Sun into its own sign Scorpio.

• Van Houten‘s Mars is in the 11th house Gemini, the most elevated visible planet in the chart. Technically, she committed no murders but participated in some.

To sum up, almost every one of the Manson family has a dominant Mars by virtue of its involvement with the rising sign and its lord.

The end of the summer of love

The ―Summer of Love‖ was a social phenomenon that occurred during the summer of 1967, when as many as 100,000 young people sporting hippie fashions of dress and behaviour converged in San Francisco. Ironically, this was also where Charles Manson got his start, living in the Haight- Ashbury district where he gathered adoring women around him by giving out LSD. Soon he was also attracting young men to his group by promising sex with his ―young loves.‖ Thus, a cult was born.

Two years later, things had begun to unravel. Brian Jones drowned in his swimming pool, and the Rolling Stones‘ Altamount concert unleashed an orgy of violence. The first victim of AIDS died. The Chappaquiddick incident exposed Ted Kennedy‘s adultery. The My Lai massacre in Vietnam outraged Americans and mobilized the anti-war movement. The ―Helter Skelter‖ murders by the Manson Family in Los Angeles were just further evidence that it was the end of an era. Indeed, many media outlets dubbed 1969 as ―the end of the Sixties.‖

The malefics were loose again.



INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Alan Annand is a graduate of the American College of Vedic Astrology and a former tutor for the British Faculty of Astrological Studies.

His book Stellar Astrology offers a compilation of techniques, in-depth celebrity profiles, and analysis of world events through the perspective of Vedic astrology. Parivartana Yoga is a reference text for one of the most common yet powerful planetary combinations in jyotish.

Mutual Reception is an expanded companion volume for western practitioners, covering the same subject of planetary exchange through the lens of traditional western astrology.

He also writes fiction. His New Age Noir mystery series (Scorpio Rising, Felonious Monk, Soma County) feature astrologer and palmist Axel Crowe, whom one reviewer has dubbed ―Sherlock Holmes with a horoscope.‖ You can find his books on Amazon, Apple, Barnes&Noble, Kobo and Smashwords.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

st Mercury and More Experiences with Planets on the 1 Author: Tara Aal

After living more than a year choosing Venus 1st, last week I switched to Mercury. At my last birthday in July, I chose Venus again, planning on a second Venusian year. And then, after and during a series of self-revealing experiences, I want my Mercury, my Mercury.

With Mercury on the 1st, Pluto moves to my 3rd house. Empowerment, transformation and transmutation of my relationship with local environment (internal nervous system, external neighbourhood) is more available. This includes how I reason, think, get and share information, communicate and could entirely change how I write, teach and speak. How does Mercury on the 1st square Pluto instinctually respond to this? I don‘t really care about things being logical, but I do like to track things. This part of me wants to be smart and I‘m afraid of being stupid and unable to articulate and explain myself. More than anything, I‘m curious and want to use my natural mind. I‘m willing to poke a stick at things, even if it wakes a dragon. I can move pretty fast when I want to.

I‘ve been telling myself my head, brain, thinking and nervous system are some of my biggest obstacles. I feel like I‘ve been operating my life from a large library of references. It‘s as if I access a type of memory that enables me to speak, answer and respond sufficiently, but lack true belief or 90

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 understanding in what I say or do. I liken this to using my short-term memory to ace school tests without being able to explain many answers or remember anything long-term. I believe using my memory bank as a substitute for my instinctual mind has separated me. And even more separating is the construction of a self-identity from this memory bank.

Perhaps I have my own version of Dissociative Identity Disorder? Why did I dissociate me from myself? Somewhere deep inside I felt my identity was and would never be good enough, so I created one. I‘m understanding my Chiron in Aries in the 1st in a new way. The ‗wounded‘ ‗separate‘ me perpetuates the belief I can‘t make it, can‘t keep up, can‘t assert upon my own behalf. I constructed a self-image, strangely, to keep me separate from knowing my authentic separate self.

I‘m excited that I don‘t really care why I‘ve done this or a million other things. We all have versions of coping and whatever. Now what?

Mercury represents our wiring and how the parts of us do, or don‘t, communicate. Mercury rules messages and connections. Choosing Mercury 1st is choosing my natural, organic wiring. There is a mind in me that is not conditioned and crippled by volumes of recorded reactions. This mind is empowered with logic and relativity, full of ideas, and capable of meaningful communication. I‘m done giving some control tower charge of firing signals for me. Many of these messages and commands are mixed up. They are mixed up because they are sent on behalf of a me based on information from the ancient libraries.

Ancient wisdom isn‘t the problem. It‘s awesome! Ancient wisdom disconnected from a strong sense of current self just keeps us living in the past; as the past. I (we) have another choice. Choose the body mind now, the mind that has never existed before. Memories of using other minds will always exist and there is valuable information there, but it‘s just information until bringing it into the current mind and allowing the natural mental processes to enliven it; a living, real-time streaming mind.

I‘ve been using my memories and memories of other minds, trying to force my current mind to process. More simply, I‘ve been feeding a lion a diet of nuts and seeds because it used to be a squirrel. Squirrel wisdom may be useful to the lion, but only translated through lion, as lion. The lion is crippled following the instincts of squirrel. Translation of wisdom can only flow through an authentic being. I must be true to experience truth. I can have my version of everything, if I stay me.

I feel that choosing any planet 1st is a choice to individuate as/through that part of the psyche. The 1st house represents our process of individuating as a separate being. 1st house experiences are instinctual and often pre-conscious. We learn by our spontaneous actions and reactions. We live and breathe in a body that is ours, the physical and energetic image of us. We feel our own energy pulsing through us and it exposes our true nature in moments where we organically respond. It is in these moments of raw reaction that we feel ourselves uncensored. We may feel excited or afraid, with adrenalin pumping.

Choosing a planet on the 1st is an explicit way of showing ourselves the natural function/behaviour of that planet in us. In my fourteen months of Venus 1st, I experienced my own feeling and relationship nature more viscerally. There are high moments where I feel myself receiving more love than ever. I feel how defended and emotionally needy I can be in relationship…and how I still choose to go down that spiral sometimes, knowing what I‘m doing and living in my reactions. When I‘m uncomfortable, I


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 emotionally contort and put up a wall. I feel my relationship with money and resources and how I‘m naturally open and receptive to living comfortably and always having enough. In many ways, I‘ve shown myself how I‘m most receptive when I go at my own pace, taking care of myself first.

This idea of revealing our most natural or instinctual way of being through each facet/planet led me to create a new list to accompany the list of questions these parts of us might ask.

Choosing Planets 1st – How does this part of me most naturally and instinctually function?


• How do I naturally take care of/nurture myself and others?

• When do I feel ‗ok‘ and when do I feel ‗not ok‘? What happens when I don‘t feel ok?

• How am I sensitive and how do I respond to sensitivity (or lack of)?

• What is my inner stability like? How does it feel?


• When do I feel like I naturally shine? What is the quality of my shine?

• When do people or life seem to be naturally attracted to me?

• When do I feel, or people tell me, I‘m warm and/or glowing?

• I feel most full of me with my own energy radiating when I‘m ______.


• How do I communicate most naturally (style, voice, volume, gestures, proximity, environment)?

• How am I naturally wired? How do the parts of me connect – synergizing, signalling, transferring, activating, deactivating, amplifying, intensifying, calming?

• How do I make sense of things? What makes sense to me?

• What ideas, thoughts and words spontaneously arise in me?

• Am I experiencing my thought processes as the projector of my reality?


• What are my natural impulses and behaviors in relationship?

• When do I feel the most comfort and ease – really feeling good?

• When am I most receptive and open?

• What is my pleasure?


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• What is beautiful in and to me?


• What is my relationship with my own desires?

• How do I go about, or not go about, getting what I want?

• What am I choosing? Am I choosing?

• What brings out the fight in me and how do I fight?

• What is the quality of my energy and sex drive?


• What do I believe is true/truth for me? Do I have a strong sense of belief and truth?

• What is my relationship with my intuition?

• When do I feel confident vs. lack of confidence and how does it manifest?

• When do I find myself understanding the bigger picture and meaning of things?


• What are my personal limits? Do I respect them?

• How do I account for what is ‗mine‘ and respond/take responsibility?

• How is my relationship with authority?

• What is my relationship with time and space?

• When am I a task master and what is my style of setting and achieving my goals? o Do I get any of this done?


• What does originality mean to me and how do I express mine?

• How/when am I innovative and progressive in my thinking?

• How do I respond to the unexpected and shocks to my consciousness?

• In what ways/circumstances am I a rebel or revolutionary?


• When do I lose my sense of self and all boundaries?

• When am I most present in the moment?

• What sweeps me away into a magical state?


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• How do I connect with divinity or energy? When do I feel at one with everything?

• When and how am I inspired by/with my imagination and creativity?

I‘m continually finding new ways choosing planets 1st supports me, my friends and clients. As I continue to explore choosing planets 1st, I find myself developing a more personal relationship with each planet/part of me. In my own example of information just being information until it‘s merged with an empowered human brain, I get how a planet or god is just a planet until I experience what it represents through me. Embodiment is not living an idea or concept already created, it is living naturally. Living naturally brings up images, words and feelings that help us describe our living, but sometimes we forget that living generates these things and we use the things to show or tell us how to live…or who/what we are.

When what I know to be my ‗Mars‘ spontaneously arises, it/I will show me my ‗Mars‘ nature. I still enjoy studying planets/gods in mythology and astrology. The shared knowledge and experience of others‘ is even richer when I can relate from a fuller sense of my own self. Perhaps this is the difference between living vicariously through someone else‘s experience or memories of mine and letting everything be part of my experience now.

When I chose to live Mercury 1st, something very exciting happened in me. The ‗Mercury‘ part of me has a different quality. Off to the side of my head, close enough to cause my hair to rise, part of me is laughing. I always associate Mercury with the left brain, but this feeling comes from both sides of my head, stronger on the right. The joke is on me. I made my ‗Mercury‘ exactly what I wanted it to be. I made up a story. And as I know clearly now, a story guarantees I separate me from myself and my experience.

My favorite word used to be ‗trickery‘. Maybe choosing Mercury 1st is me choosing my thief, circus performer and jokester. Maybe I‘m choosing to lighten up. Maybe I‘ll laugh at my whole mind morass and throw away the maps that do not match the territory. It really is funny imagining using a map of China to navigate through Ireland. But I don‘t need imagination for that, I‘ve been doing it every day.

Tara is an artist expressing through a variety of mediums. She practices Astrology and Tarot, having studied Evolutionary Astrology with Laura Nalbandian and Soulsign Astrology with Adam Gainsburg. Tara is Co-Host on Conscious Talk Radio‘s The Women‘s Hour on 1150AM KKNW, Seattle‘s Alternative Talk Radio.

―Inspiration is the medicine no one knows they need until they get a large dose!‖

This is your life. Start living it! 94

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Bhava Karakas: Planets as House Significators in Jyotish Author: Richard Alwin Fidler

It is a rather basic rule or principle of Jyotish that the twelve houses (or 'bhavas') of the horoscope each have one or more planets as 'karakas', or significators. These planets represent essentially identical themes to the house for which they act as significators. This simple idea, however, in practice, adds a dimension of subtlety and sophistication to natal chart interpretation in Jyotish, and often enables one to gain insights into a chart and its subject that would otherwise go unnoticed.

If a given house is weak at first glance, but its significator or significators are strong, the affairs of that house may yet manage to develop well. Conversely, if a house is at first glance strong (based primarily on the nature of the occupying and aspecting planets, and the location and dignity of the house lord), but its significator is very compromised, it may undermine to some degree the significations of that house. In other words, the verdict on a house (or 'bhava') isn't in until the location and condition of it's karaka/s have been duly considered.

When a planet is very highly dignified and powerful in a chart, such as when it is in its own or exaltation sign and also in a prominent or beneficial house, the house or houses for which it acts as karaka will by virtue of that fact alone be elevated.

Although there are some slight variations in the bhava karaka attributions presented by different authorities, the following list would be widely accepted:

1st House: Sun

The Sun is the significator for the 1st House. This is fairly easy to understand, since both the Sun and the 1st House might be associated with the idea of 'self', or identity. If the 1st House is strong confidence is bolstered, as is our capacity to gain recognition, fame or acknowledgement for who we are, such as we would expect from a strong 1st House. We know who we are, and believe in our ability, strength and importance.

A weak Sun may keep us out of the limelight, or bring us some sort of humiliation or infamy. We may lose respect and esteem of others. A strong Sun enhances the confidence we would gain from a strong 1st House.


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The 1st House is the body, and its health and vitality. The condition of the Sun will thus affect our health and life force to a great degree.

2nd House: Mercury, Jupiter

The 2nd House, through the Jyotish lens, has several layers of meaning not typically found in western astrology. Yes, it's money and property and is indeed important in the consideration of wealth. But beyond that, the 2nd House in Jyotish is also relevant to our learning, knowledge, erudition and memory. It is the house of speech, and this is one reason for its distinct association with education.

This sheds some light on why Mercury and Jupiter, as planets associated with knowledge, would be the significators for the 2nd House. It isn't only because the materialistic aspect of Mercury as 'mercantile', and Jupiter as 'abundant' can be correlated with the 2nd House themes of money and wealth.

Food is another notable theme associated with the 2nd House, and I have found that chefs often have very well placed and dignified Jupiters. Gordan Ramsay has Jupiter in Sidereal Cancer in the 2nd House. Jamie Oliver has Jupiter is Sidereal Pisces...

3rd House: Mars

It may be surprising to some western astrologers that Mars would be the karaka for the 3rd House. The 3rd House is generally viewed in western astrology as the realm of basic education, daily communication and siblings. The intellectual or 'mental' nature of the 3rd House is normally emphasized. Jyotish does not disagree with any of western astrology's associations with the 3rd House, but beyond emphasises the idea that this house is a barometer of your courage, vigour, vitality and motivation level. A strong 3rd House makes one lively and engaged, fully involved with what we're doing. Jyotish associates the 3rd House with performing arts quite specifically. It's prowess.

Note that Mars was extremely strong in the charts of both Adolf Hitler and Muhammad Ali, and apart from their daring and enthusiasm, their careers and personalities certainly weren't lacking in theatrics.

4th House: Moon, Venus

That the Moon would represent matters associated with the 4th House is easy to understand; the Moon rules the 4th sign, Cancer, that corresponds to the 4th House. The Moon and the 4th House both show the home, and the mother, in Jyotish. Western astrologers would broadly agree, but are somewhat divided on this point; many western 'traditional astrologers' take the 4th to be the father and the 10th to be the mother. Jyotish is more settled on this point (but there is some ambiguity in Jyotish as to whether the 9th or 10th House represents the father).

The 4th House is beyond that, interestingly, associated with vehicles or 'conveyances', such as cars or boats in Jyotish, and Venus in particular, as karaka for the 4th House, is related to vehicles. If a person has a very powerfully placed Venus they will tend to own the best cars, and naturally enjoy many domestic comforts and pleasures.


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5th House: Jupiter

The 5th House is the house of children, which under natural circumstances, bring us pride and joy. The 5th House in Jyotish also represents intelligence, and as one of the three dharma houses (or konas), has a bearing on our morality and integrity.

A strong Jupiter will bolster the likelihood of having children and enjoying them. It is also easy to see that a strong Jupiter will improve intelligence, integrity and morality.

Inasmuch as the 5th House is related to romance and courtship, well, the western mythology associated with the god Jupiter portrays him as living large on this front. He was forever out and about philandering.

If Jupiter is weak (thus to some degree weakening the 5th House), intelligence may be dulled, matters relating to children may be difficult, or the person's integrity and well as their capacity to enjoy life, may be curtailed.

6th House: Mars, Saturn

The 6th House is a rigorous place. As with Western astrology, Jyotish associates this house with health matters and illness, as well as work and employment. Jyotish further sees enemies, conflict, accidents and chastisement in the 6th. Mars and Saturn have the mettle needed for this kind of thing.

When the karakas for the 6th House are very powerful, we are capable of working hard, and dealing successfully with conflict and competition.

Muhammad Ali, again, with his extremely powerful Mars in Aries (through the Jyotish lens), was able to make a fine living beating up competitors. However, Saturn was also there with Mars in Aries, both significators of illness and injury, and he eventually (at the commencement of his Saturn dasha) suffered debilitating brain disease.

7th House: Venus (for men), Jupiter (for women)

Venus as a significator for 7th House matters will come as no surprise to anyone. The 7th House in Jyotish is not only 'marriage', it also represents our physical desires (it's a kama house), and even our external sexual organs, according a one particular Jyotish approach to astrological anatomy.

That Jupiter would also be a karaka for the 7th House, and more specifically for women, is a less familiar idea to western astrologers. In practice I have found it to have some merit, although Venus has a universal applicability to marital prospects, for both sexes.

Some feel this attribution may be a product of an Indian cultural bias and could be less applicable outside of that context. The husband becomes the 'father and guru', perhaps, the source of your protection and wealth.

8th House: Saturn

The 8th House, as the house of death, gloom, disaster, terror, and irrevocable loss, is grim enough for Saturn. If Saturn is very strong in a chart, however, the native may 'usurp the wealth of others', and


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 generally deal efficiently with intrigue and secrets. A strong and well dignified Saturn would tend to improve longevity (if infancy is survived).

9th House: Jupiter, Sun

The 9th House, in terms of both Jyotish and Western astrology, is the place of religion, philosophy, long distance travel, and higher education. While western astrologers would easily agree that teachers and mentors would be seen in the 9th House, the Guru is arguably more venerated in Indian culture, and so this aspect of the 9th House gains slightly greater prominence.

Jupiter is literally called Guru in Jyotish. And Jupiter is widely recognised as signifying great journeys.

Jyotishis often read the father also, from the 9th House, which makes sense of the Sun being one of the 9th House significators. The Sun is also known as the 'atma karaka', or the significator of the soul, the higher and more eternal part of 'self', and in this context there is spiritual connotation to the Sun.

10th House: Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury

It is interesting to note that the 10th House, the place of our career, our social status, and worldly power, has more planets as karakas than any other house. Perhaps this is because a full achievement of all that the 10th House can promise, requires mastery of several functions and faculties? I speculate. I'm not sure if that is how it is traditionally viewed.

A strong Sun would naturally enhance your self-esteem and your ability to project authority. Saturn, as a planet of gradual achievement through patient and disciplined effort, can enable us to rise above others through materialistic ambition. Cultured Jupiter, through its capacity for the broadest and most comprehensive type of knowledge and wisdom, can bring the highest level of social respect and influence. Mercury might not seem at first glance to have much to do with the 1oth House, but without intelligence, along with excellent literacy and oratory skill, leaders are less effective.

11th House: Jupiter

The 11th House represents our 'hopes and wishes', as Western astrology normally words it. Jyotish says pretty much the same thing in associating this house with 'longer term life goals'. The theme of 'friends' is also held in common by both systems for the 11th House.

Jyotish further places strong emphasis on the lucrativity of the 11th House. A powerful 11th House greatly augments earning potential.

Jupiter is wealthy, enjoys popularity, respect and the esteem of others, and so has many allies. Jupiter is our 'hopes fulfilled' and brings about growth and improvement. A strong Jupiter (a karaka for several of the more beneficial houses) brings many blessings. The converse is naturally also true.

12th House: Saturn, Ketu

Finally, the 12th House, is the place of loss and surrender. Saturn likewise represents the end of things, and may represent circumstances that circumscribe our freedom and power in the outer world. As a house of moksha, or 'final liberation', the 12th House is spiritual, mystical and secret. The headless Ketu (the Moon's South Node or Dragon's Tail), is known as the 'moksha karaka', since it induces a 98

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 type of divine discontent that leads one inward, towards mystical and spiritual realities. Having no head, Ketu has no identity, or ego, and is thus 'universal'.

How do we apply these ideas and insights in practical natal chart interpretation?

It is often easiest to see how a planet is functioning as a house significator, since the effects will be most glaring, when it is exceptionally strong or weak for some fundamental reason, particularly sign based dignity (exaltation or debilitation), or its ability to flourish in the house in which it finds itself (and here one may need to consider that planets are not always comfortable or uncomfortable in the same houses), as well as the effect of aspecting planets (which may help or hinder a planet's capacity to fulfil itself and flourish).

I have touched on the relationship between the Maha Purusha Yogas and Bhava Karakas, as illustrated in certain aphorisms from a text called Phaladika, in a recent article focussing on the Yogas of Jyotish generally. I'm hoping this article, focussing on the principle of Bhava Karakas more specifically, serves to usefully elaborate on this relationship, at the risk of some repetition.

These Maha Purush Yogas are formed by planets being in their own or exaltation signs, while also occupying an angular house (sometimes occupancy of the 5th and 9th Houses are included). Fulfilling all these criteria, Western astrologers would tend to agree, would greatly enhance a planet's capacity to express itself fully and effectively. An understanding of the principle of Bhava Karakas is an essential key to understanding the full implications of such conspicuous potency of a planet in the chart.

This is fairly well illustrated in Phaladipika's aphorism for Saturn's Maha Purusha Yoga, known as Shasha Yoga.

"The person born in Shasha Yoga will be extolled by all [10th], will have good servants [6th]...will be wicked in disposition [6th, 8th, 12th], will have intrigues with women not his own [8th, 12th], will usurp others' wealth [8th], and will be happy."

This type of powerful Saturn placement is found in some of history's most notorious individuals, such as Charles Manson (where the yoga recurs from the Moon and Sun as 'lagnas' also), Aleister Crowley (whose Saturn in Sidereal Capricorn in the 7th is joined by an exalted Mars), and, arguably, Margaret Thatcher, who was strong and capable, perhaps, but also despised by many who toasted her departure from this world.

We don't know his time of birth, so we don't know which house his Saturn occupies in his chart, but Robert Mugabe has Saturn exalted in Sidereal Libra, and he has remained quite content, 'happy', and impervious to the scorn and criticism evoked by his 'usupring others' wealth'.

Barack Obama's chart (shown below, with western default settings on the left, and typical Jyotish settings on the right, and both in a western style circular format for ease of comparison) contains Shasha Yoga, with Saturn in the 1st House in Capricorn, joined by a debilitated Jupiter. I think it's fair to say that his presidency has seen far more war, conflict (6th House) and intrigue (8th), albeit that much of it is kept veiled and kept as covert as possible (12th), than one would have expected from his memorable presidential campaign, with its glowing vision (or perhaps rather, his glowing oratory, thanks to his Mercury-Jupiter Opposition) which sold to voters an America without such things as torture chambers in Guantanamo Bay. An America at peace with her international partners.


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Had Jupiter in his 1st been stronger than Saturn (by being located in Sagittarius, Pisces or Cancer), well, we may have had more to celebrate regarding his time at the helm (his 5th, 9th and 11th houses would all have been stronger). But then again, if Jupiter had been stronger than Saturn in his chart, he may have been less attracted to politics, and even with its meagre dignity in his Jyotish chart, his Jupiter in the 1st has enabled him to project a modicum of integrity, humanity, and wisdom. He projects the virtues of Jupiter, but it lacks something, its debilitation suggests (he was in Jupiter Dasha during his first presidential campaign, it changed to Saturn during his presidency). Mercury, interestingly (with an exalted dispositor), becomes angular in the Jyotish chart, which gives him a strong communication platform (it receives a very tight Opposition glance from Jupiter), benefitting his 2nd house of speech, as well as his 10th House of social status. His Sun, another 10th House karaka, is angular, and in the sign of a friend from the Jyotish angle.

Obama's personal family life is improved by his Moon, as a 4th House significator, being exalted in Sidereal sign Taurus, and being located in the auspicious 5th House. Moon as lord of the 7th House makes the Moon a significator of his spouse also, and shows his wife to be of good character; a 'quality person'. His daughters (5th House) are shown as bright and beautiful by this exalted Moon occupying the 5th House.

We don't know what time she was born, so we don't know which houses the planets occupy in her chart, but note that Michelle Obama's Sidereal Zodiac placements (below) result in Mars being exalted in Capricorn, and both Jupiter and Saturn occupying one of their own signs. This alone elevates


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 several of the houses of her horoscope, and serves to corroborate what was indicated in Barack Obama's chart regarding his spouse, and enabling her to rise to a high social position.

See below the charts of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.


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Bill Clinton has Sun in Leo (Tropical or Sidereal), and in his Jyotish chart, this Sun is in the 12th House. The strength of Clinton's Sun as far as sign placement goes would make him naturally dignified, and would give an instinct for leadership (the Sun is karaka for the 1st and 10th Houses). He's capable of being 'important' on that account alone. The 12th House placement of his Sun, however, no doubt speaks of the loss of honour suffered due to his sexual scandals (Jyotish literally associates the 12th House with bed pleasures, and his 12th, if not his Sun, is strengthened by being occupied by its own lord).

Note that Venus (karaka for the 7th House) is located in Sidereal Virgo, the sign of its debilitation, and in the 1st House. His marital prospects are marred by this compromised sign placement of Venus. Venus in the 1st House, by itself, would make for a measure of charm and attractiveness, as well as sensuality, and its 'glance' onto the 7th House would be generally benefical, since Venus is a benefic planet, but her weakness by sign would be harmful to Clinton's reputation (1st House), specifically in relation to sexual or 'venereal' impropriety.

Had Bill Clinton's Sun been not only in the 12th House, but also in an inimical sign, his 1st House and 10th Houses would have been more fully compromised, and he may have found it harder to maintain his social standing and position. As it is, it cost him.

Monica Lewinsky, arguably the very embodiment of his Venus is Virgo ('love of the servant' or love in the workplace) has Jupiter, as both lord of and significator for the 7th House, debilitated in Sidereal Capricorn. Her Venus (arguably to some degree a karaka for the 7th for both men and women) is located in the 12th, showing secret relationships. Her Venus is located near Regulus, in Magha


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Nakshatra (the first 13 deg 20 mins of Sidereal Leo), which carries the image of 'the royal throne room', which is quite literally where she enjoyed secret (12th House) pleasures (Venus).

I don't want to digress off the topic too far, but comparing their charts makes it easy to see why there was chemistry and arguably a natural compatibility between them, even while it shows marital scandal in both charts too. Her Venus Conjunct his Sun, his Venus close to her Ascendant, the same Ascending and Moon signs, her Mars widely opposite his Venus-Mars Conjunction... and then a triple Conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in the heavens when the sparks were fanned into a flame.

I hope these few examples give some sense of how to weave the Bhava Karakas into chart interpretation. These correspondences can enable us to extract more layers of insight from a planet's condition in a natal chart. We are reminded of the various different faces and facets of each of the planets through considering the houses for which they are authorized to act as a permanent general significator. This principle of house significators reveals a logical but often only subliminally recognized and acknowledged level of relationship between the planets and the houses. When this underlying set of relationships is assimilated and more consciously recognized, it leads naturally to a richer and more nuanced formulation of interpretations.

Richard Fidler is a professional astrologer and teacher. His astrological career began in the early 1990‘s, while still in his teens. Friends started to insist on paying for astrological interpretations, and it just never stopped.

During the mid 1990‘s, in his early 20‘s, Richard joined the Pretoria Lodge of the Theosophical Society, taught astrology there and became the librarian. This provided a rich and constant exposure to a great variety of religious and philosophical paradigms, practices and teachers.

Richard started out on his astrological journey with conventional modern western astrology, but then began exploring Jyotish in 1997, gradually integrating Jyotish into his methodology. He now uses Western and Vedic astrological methods side by side in his practice. Through his lectures and workshops he has been instrumental in bringing knowledge and awareness of Jyotish to the South African astrological community, and beyond.

Richard spent several months in India in 2011 on a personal astrological pilgrimage, to connect with Jyotish at its source after years of self study. He has since visited India several times to learn and teach, twice at the invitation of the Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology in Calcutta.

Richard has been published in the Mountain Astrologer magazine and several other publications, and is regularly invited to offer comment by the South African media. Richard is currently the chairperson of the Cape Town based Cape Astrology Association.

Outside of astrology Richard is actively involved in organic farming and eco-village creation. He manages an urban farm in Cape Town called Culpeper‘s Lodge, and is a founding member and current Secretary of the Sacred Earth Association.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

New Moon in Sagittarius - 29th November 2016 Author: Natalie Delahaye

The new moon in Sagittarius re-ignites our quest for deeper meaning and truth in our lives. This is the time to encounter what is outside of our normal comfort zone, beyond the horizon, through travelling in a physical, mental and spiritual sense. This new moon favours fresh starts in the realm of faith, travel and higher, education. Jupiter the ruling planet of Sagittarius is a social planet that unites us socially and spiritually with others.

Shoot your arrows far and high and set your intentions on the limitless possibilities of growth and exploration. What is your vision, what are you passionate about and what do you faith in? These are things to reflect on at the Archer‘s new moon.

The sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon are ‗In the cauldron of the universe the metals are forming‘, referring to the alchemical process of transforming base metals into gold. ‗An infinite capacity for hard work and the crystallisation of purpose and will out of experience.‘

This echoes Saturn and the pivotal role played at this time. Saturn in Sagittarius crystallises our purpose, beliefs and ideals, helping to build dreams and visions into something long lasting and committed to our truth. This greatly helps in exercising restraint from over doing it and gives a generous dose of caution. It‘s that reality check that tests us to make sure that we are fully living out our ideals and philosophies and walking our talk to the best of our abilities. Aspect wise, Saturn 104

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 sextiles Jupiter and Mars and trines Uranus and is positioned at the midheaven of the chart. These supportive aspects encourage faith, in goals, growth and expansion through discipline. It is the anchor in a chart lacking in fixidity and overflowing with the nebulousness of the mutable t- square between the Sun, Moon, Neptune and Nodes. Gemini is the empty leg of the T-square, it‘s essential to remember to gather facts properly and use one‘s head and stay mentally dexterous.

Jupiter, the chart ruler is in relationship orientated Libra, seeking growth, inspiration and meaning in relationships. It‘s no time to go it alone yet the goddess of love is in a stressful, freedom seeking, independently minded cardinal T-square with Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto. Venus is the apex planet in traditionally minded Capricorn. Conformity is rebelled against and there is a need to go off on a whim although the urge for serendipity and spontaneity could upset the status quo. There‘s definitely a conflict between dependence and independence going on here. Exciting breakthroughs and new found freedom is what is being sought and discovered. It‘s an action packed chart, with the empty leg in Cancer reminding us of kindness, empathy and the guidance of our emotional antennae.

Juno, Jupiter‘s wife and the asteroid of women and relationships, is conjunct Sun and Moon. Juno is the goddess of true love, marriage commitments, equality and justice. In Ovid‘s ‗Metamorphoses‘ she is frequently transforming the women who ran off with her husband Jupiter, into animals or trees. There is a definite Plutonic aspect to Juno and we‘re still on the heels of the Venus Pluto conjunction a few days ago.

The Sagittarian flame is that which infuses ourselves and others with spirit, through sharing our light, truth and visions with others and sparking our desire for broader perspectives and wider connections. The traditional Jupiterian archetype is of a wise person, shaman or yogi, who assists in the achievement of joy, faith and meaning in life. Education, in the real sense of the word is enlightenment through eliminating darkness and ignorance. What is knowledge and wisdom without humour or joy? To quote the Dalai Lama, ‗Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.‘

Natalie is based in Surrey, UK and has been a consulting astrologer since 2007. Natalie studied Astrology at the Faculty of Astrological Studies, London and is a member of the Astrological Association, UK. She has written for the Astrological Journal and Natalie has been interviewed live on CNN world news, on the birth chart of baby Prince George and held a regular slot on local radio. She read English and American Literature at Kent university, UK and her background is in Complementary Therapies.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Astrology and the Evolution of Consciousness: Part 6: Towards an Integral Astrology Author: Armand Diaz

(This article is a chapter from Armand‟s forthcoming book Conscious Cosmology: Integral Astrology v2.0. A chapter will be published in each issue of Infinity Astrological Magazine over the coming year).

In previous issues of Infinity, we have walked forward through the history of our personal and collective consciousness. We moved from Magical, lunar consciousness that stretches back to the earliest imaginings of human beings about the sky, to Egocentric, solar consciousness that both empowered us and showed our vulnerability as we differentiated ourselves from others. Moving further onward to a Traditional, Saturnian worldview we began to see immutable laws from unquestionable authority as our dominant reality. The dogma of authority was challenged by the reason and scientific thinking of the Modern, Uranian worldview. Moving beyond the single truths of the Modern viewpoint, the Humanistic, Neptunian worldview incorporates multiple views of reality and an understanding that reality is relative to the perspective from which one views it.

These worldviews are not simply sets of beliefs, which can be exchanged for one another, rather they are stages of consciousness that literally - not figuratively - determine our realities. These stages emerge sequentially, in an invariant order, and each stage is said to transcend and include those below it on the evolutionary ladder. Often, it is not the transcendence that is at issue, but the inclusion of lower stages. We usually recognize that we have progressed from one stage to another, yet we have difficulty recognizing, or admitting, that we continue to move between all the stages of consciousness we have thus far traversed.

Our identification with our worldview is so complete that we tend to look down, morally as well as cognitively, on the stages we have left behind. When operating from the Traditional perspective we‘re apt to see Egocentric consciousness as beastly and savage (which it sometimes is!), and think we could have nothing to do with such a mode of being. Yet sometimes even minor provocations can push us towards thinking, if not acting, from a very Egocentric stance. Similarly, Modern consciousness tends to look down on the Traditional worldview as trapped by rules and unproven dogma, suckers for the limited view of reality handed down by authority. The Humanistic worldview sees the progress- orientation of Modern consciousness as cold and uncaring.

Yet, in contrast to the condescending view of those below, people at a given stage of consciousness cannot really accurately conceive of those stages that are above them on the ladder. Additionally, we always need to keep in mind that while we may demonstrate a very high consciousness in one area of life, we may lag behind in others. It is not difficult to find people who are Modern in their approach to career, but rather Traditional or even Egocentric in their personal relationships.


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These observations about our consciousness evolution are not specific to astrology, but they are relevant, because at each stage of development there has also been an analogous development in astrology. The astrology developed at each stage has been characteristic of, and limited by, the consciousness that created it. At the Magical stage, there was an unreflective identity with the moon and stars. With the emergence of Egocentric consciousness, we began to see the possibility of personalizing astrology, at least for royalty - with egocentrism running high, we began to wonder, ―what does the Cosmos mean to me?‖ With the systemization of the Traditional worldview, truly horoscopic astrology with its rules and determinism became possible. The astrology of the Modern worldview rejected the fatalism of the Traditional and began to use astrology as a tool for our free will - for example in financial astrology. Humanistic consciousness sees astrology as a means to further our understanding of our internal and interpersonal dynamics, in psychological, evolutionary, and transpersonal versions of astrology.

The plurality of astrologies that coexist in the contemporary world appear to represent something of a problem for the reflective astrologer. At an astrology conference or in a magazine (like Infinity), we may find Hellenistic, Medieval, Indian, Persian, and Western astrologies standing side by side, and each of these divided into distinct schools, and those schools‘ practitioners each have their own emphasis. Two approaches to the diversity of our field seem to account for most astrologer‘s views on the matter.

Some astrologers take a live-and-let-live perspective, assuming that there is room for all viewpoints. That approach, common until the internet allowed for the rapid sharing of ideas at a distance, is softer and more inclusive, often reflecting an underlying Humanistic consciousness. The other approach is to doggedly defend one‘s particular school of astrology, denouncing competitors as inauthentic. This less flexible approach is more typical of Traditional and Modern consciousness. However, it would be a mistake to equate the underlying consciousness of the astrologer with the type of astrology they practice - some astrologers who practice a Humanistic version of astrology defend it with a Traditional or Modern righteousness.

What I would like to suggest is that rather than accepting a free-for-all or fighting to defend the one true astrology, we would do better to see that each type of astrology is relevant and effective at the appropriate level of consciousness. The appreciation of the entire sequence of consciousness development and the ability to move freely among its levels is often called Integral consciousness, and I call the practice of astrology from this viewpoint Integral Astrology.

Since we all move back and forth among the various level of consciousness - now seeking to understand the dynamics of a relationship, now hoping to find the best time to make a significant purchase - we need not place judgments on any approach to astrology, nor do we need to confine ourselves to a given school or its techniques. If you wish to understand what you see as self- sabotaging behavior, then a more internally oriented psychological or evolutionary astrologer might be right for you at this time. Yet if you want to schedule a court date so that you get a desired outcome, a traditional astrologer could be of more help. In fact, it is not so much the astrologer as the type of astrology that they are capable of using that makes the difference.

In the next issue, I‟ll further elaborate on how an Integral astrology can liberate us from the confines of a single astrological approach, while also providing a framework for understanding the considerable variability in our field.


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Armand Diaz, Ph.D., is a consulting astrologer, with a practice based in New York City and an international clientele. In addition to consulting, he speaks on astrology nationally and internationally. His book, Integral Astrology: Understanding the Ancient Discipline in the Contemporary World, was published in 2012. In 2013, he co-produced and co-edited Transpersonal Astrology. His most recent book, Separating Aspects, is on relationship astrology. He is Books and Articles Editor for the Astrology News Service, and is Agent 17 for the Cosmic Intelligence Agency. Armand can be reached via his website.

[email protected]



INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

The Value of Astrology by Armand Diaz – Report from Costa Mesa, CA (ISAR Symposium, October 2016)

At the International Association for Astrological Research (ISAR) conference in Costa Mesa, California, in October, hundreds of astrologers and students gathered to share ideas and bask in the community of kindred spirits. Sixty-two presenters offered lectures and workshops over five days, and there were two special panels on the U.S. presidential election.

At the awards ceremony on Saturday night, Glenn Perry, Ph.D. offered these inspiring words to the community:

“The value we have is largely invisible to the general populace. Astrology is still, for the most part, not recognized as a legitimate profession. It‟s not taught in our colleges and universities, is regularly attacked in the media, and largely scorned by the scientific community.

“Most people are aware of the Sun sign column in their local newspaper, but few understand the full breadth and depth of astrology…that it can be used as an investment tool in predicting stock market cycles; or an oracular method for answering questions, or to elect the best time for starting an enterprise; that it can be used as a diagnostic and prognostic tool in the healing professions; that it targets periods of crisis and opportunity, allows us to look backward or forward in time, deepens our sense of connection with the Universe; and that its practice is so intrinsically gratifying that it‟s been called the ultimate scientific art form.

“Few people know these things. And yet, here we are. Astrology is still, here. It survives because people like you have the wisdom to see beyond consensus reality and take a stand for astrology‟s true value.

“We are about to recognize and honor those who have been nominated for awards, but in a larger sense the honor is to all of you, here, who do this work under difficult circumstances. It takes courage to be an astrologer. To stand tall in the face of societal contempt, academic banishment, and scientific ridicule.

I am deeply grateful for my astrological colleagues, for if it weren‟t for you keeping the flame alive, none of us would have a profession to practice.”


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

The Inventor of the BELL HELICOPTER Author: Marguerite dar Boggia

Arthur M. Young was a scientist, inventor, philosopher, author, mathematician, esotericist, cosmologist, researcher, poet, painter and astrologer. While young he developed the Bell helicopter.

I first learned of him in the documentary film THRIVE produced by Foster Gamble and his wife. Arthur Young first introduced Foster Gamble to the torus, a vortex where energy goes in at one end, circles around the center and goes out the other end.

This is Arthur Young‘s chart: He was born on 11/3/1905.


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Arthur's real love was to uncover the deep process underlying all of human experience from science to mythology. This is demonstrated by Venus, in the 9th house in sextile aspect to his Sagittarius ascendant, trine Pluto conjoining the descendant. He published his discoveries (Venus rules the 9th house of publication) in such books as The Reflexive Universe and The Geometry of Meaning. His investigations (like those of Madame Blavatsky) delved deeply into esoteric subjects such as astrology, alchemy, radionics, parapsychology and mysticism. His unique contribution was to uncover the essential links between these systems of thought and virtually all of modern science: mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, botany and psychology.2 He found that the principles uniting science and myth were indeed based upon number and upon geometry. His greatest challenge was to convince orthodox scientists that there was a cosmic mind behind physical matter. He profoundly admired Pythagoras.

In addition to many other books and essays, he wrote an autobiography: Nested Time, an Astrological Autobiography.1 Thus, we have the time of birth from himself. He inserted the charts of his famous and not so famous friends. He studied astrology with that great astrological teacher, Marc Edmund Jones. With his Scorpio Sun he was a born researcher. He kept a journal for every event no matter how trivial. Charles Jayne, the great astrological researcher, introduced him to the vertex, the septile and the quintile, as well as prenatal and postnatal charts.

Young considered Uranus and Mars as the most important planets in his chart. He was convinced that astrology was a valid science, which gave meaning to his life.

Uranus and Mars in the first house were a dynamic force that galvanized him into undertaking whatever activity his dominant personality deemed beneficial. Uranus contributed to his being an iconoclastic genius. He was innovative, unconventional and uniquely perceptive. When he graduated from Princeton in 1927, he desired to make a contribution to the field of philosophy, but since philosophers were a dime a dozen, he wanted to demonstrate mastery in some field that was useful. He chose to invent the helicopter. Many had failed at that attempt. Uranus was in Capricorn (practicality). Mars was exalted in Capricorn. It conjoined the equatorial ascendant. That made Mars extra influential. (The equatorial ascendant is where the prime vertical conjoins the celestial equator) His dynamic, focused energy was constructively employed. He was persevering. (Mars in Capricorn) Failure after failure with the testing of his helicopter did not deter him. It took twelve years before he had a trial model he could present to aircraft companies. When his helicopter was a success in 1946,2 (Sun in the 10th house in a grand trine with the part of fortune and Neptune.) he was off to his next challenge, which was his real love: parapsychology, philosophy, radionics, psychometry, etc.

He had Sagittarius rising; the sign of philosophers, teachers, priests, mystics and esotericists. Jupiter, its ruler, was in Gemini, the sign of writers, lecturers, students and scientists. He was uncompromising in his respect for Truth. (Jupiter)

His strongest planet was Pluto on the descendant in Gemini. It was in a trine aspect with Saturn and the So.Node of the Moon in Aquarius. It propelled his penetrating and original mind to seek knowledge in every field: science, cosmology, astrology, the paranormal, etc. The range of his thought was nothing less than astounding. He was witty, sincere and had a delightful sense of humor (Gemini).

With Venus strong, conjoining the Midheaven, in its own sign of Libra, in the 9th house, his great love was philosophy. He studied the transcendental sciences, yoga, Buddhism, had an interest in UFO‘s, clairvoyants, and psychometrists. He was a poet and a painter, which he inherited from his parents. Both his parents, who met in Paris, France, were artists. Venus trined Pluto, ruler of the 11th house 111

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(organizations). He found the company to build his helicopter. He discovered that he too, was psychic and intuitive. (Scorpio & Pluto)

He was not easy to deal with. Venus, as ruler of the 10th house, was in a T square with exalted Neptune and exalted Mars. He was self-willed and knew what he wanted. In addition his Sun was in Scorpio in the 10th house of authority. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Mars. He had to be in total charge of his invention. When drawings were being made of the helicopter, he insisted that they be drafted only after the helicopter was completely functioning. He was self-confident, generous and loyal to his friends, co-workers and to Larry Bell, the owner of Bell Aircraft Company, the builder of the first full-scale prototype helicopter. (Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune)

He was impatient (Mars) with stupidity and with science rejecting consciousness as a necessary part of the ‗whole.‘ Mars sesquisquared Jupiter (beliefs) in the 6th house of health. He had health problems now and then. He passed away on 5/30/95 as a result of cancer.

Uranus and Mars in Capricorn are disposited by Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn. (A dispositor is a planet that rules the sign that is occupied by another planet or planets.) Saturn conjoins the So. Node of the Moon. This emphasized the potency of Saturn. It conferred a focused, orderly, organized mind and ambition to be successful in every undertaking.

He was financially independent. (Pluto trines Saturn in the 2nd house of money). Saturn in Aquarius contributed to his interest in new technologies, science and parapsychology. He was people oriented, friendly, humanitarian and progressive in his views. (Aquarius) He gave freely of himself and of his ideas to all who requested it. His interest in science diminished, when scientists were building the atomic bomb. He believed that wars were no solution to problems.

His Moon in the 2nd house trined Jupiter, the ruler of the ascendant (himself). He had good relations with his Mother (Moon) and was financially secure (2nd house). Moon in Aquarius suggested that his mother was humanitarian, intellectual and service-oriented

He had excellent relations with his father. Venus as the ruler of the MC, (father) was in a sextile aspect to the ascendant (himself). The family was wealthy and supported young Arthur‘s twelve year endeavor to build a model helicopter.

Mercury in Scorpio disposited Pluto in Gemini and Pluto, in Gemini, disposited Mercury in Scorpio. That means they were in mutual reception.

What does disposit mean? A dispositor is a planet that rules the sign that another planet is in. It receives the action of that planet and acts on its behalf. In Mutual Reception, where two planets are in each other‘s sign, they will provide assistance to each other, if it is strong. They were in a quincunx aspect, so they could not help each other.

Pluto quincunxed Mercury in the 11th house. Eleventh house rules organizations. He had difficulty finding a company that would build his full-scale prototype plane.

Neptune in the 7th house of relationships in a square aspect to Venus, worked out in the divorce of his first wife, after 15 years of marriage. He then married the great granddaughter of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ruth Forbes Paine in 1948.


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Saturn is co-ruler of the first house. His greatest challenge was worry, when an accident occurred involving the Bell helicopter. He wondered if it was because of his fault. This fear and anxiety affected his nervous system. (Mercury square Saturn)

Exalted Neptune in Cancer is in a grand trine with the Sun in Scorpio and the part of fortune in Pisces. While this aspect demonstrated in his life as, spiritual aspiration, inspiration, love of beauty, intuition and compassion, it especially expressed as his great urge to investigate the paranormal (Scorpio). He was delighted when he met men and women who were working with new technologies, not approved by scientists. Through Dr. Oscar Brunler, himself a scientist, working with wave lengths of radiations from the brain3, he met Fredrerick Marion, a psychometrist. Young had him psychometrize artefacts from Mexico. When Marion placed his hand on an object, he could give its history.4 (My Gemini friend quipped he should put his hand on a bed). Through Dr. Brunler he met Dr. Ruth Drown who was working with radionics to heal sick people. When Young had a toothache he asked Dr. Drown to diagnose his illness. Her film showed ‗teeth‘. She was crucified by the AMA and the FDA of the US government.

Young testified at her trial. He heard the accounts of her miraculous cures from Drown's patients. She was convicted of fraud and medical quackery. Her instruments were seized and destroyed. Shortly after her release from prison, she suffered two strokes and died.5 Young gave help (even financial) freely to others. In 1952 he organized, with his wife, the Foundation for the Study of Consciousness in Philadelphia. He helped Marc Edmund Jones financially so that he could publish his book ―Sabian Symbols.‖ Later he and his wife formed the Institute for the Study of Consciousness in Berkeley, California in 1972. Its main purpose was to further the melding of science with consciousness. It was not successful.

He was honored and well-loved by all who were fortunate enough to know him.

Published Works:

1Young, Arthur M. Nested Time, An Astrological Autobiography, Anodos Foundation, 2004, pg. 6 Born on Nov. 3, 1905 10:15 AM GMT Paris, France (48N42; 2E20)

2Arthur M. Young - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3Young, Ibid pg. 139

4Young Ibid pgs 153-160

5Young Ibid pgs.146-148 I recall the prosecuting lawyer cross-examining one of her patients. "You don't mean to tell me she could diagnose at a distance?" he said. "Yes precisely that. I was in an automobile accident and called her by phone. She told me what bones were broken (from the blood spot) and this was confirmed later when x-rays were taken."

• Geometry of Meaning, 1976, New York: Delacorte Press, ISBN 0-440-04991-1, reprint ed. 1984, Robert Briggs Associates, ISBN 0-9609850-5-0

• The Reflexive Universe: Evolution of Consciousness, 1976, New York: Delacorte Press, ISBN 0-440-05925-9, corrected ed. with introduction by Huston Smith, 1976, Anodos Foundation, ISBN 1-892160-00-5

• The Bell Notes: A Journey from Physics to Metaphysics, 1979, New York: Delacorte Press, ISBN 0-440-00550-7, reprint ed. 1979, Doubleday, ISBN 0-385-28067-X; reprint paperback ed. 1984, Robert Briggs Associates, ISBN 0-9609850- 4-2, foreword by Peter Dreyer 113

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• Zodiac: An Analysis of Symbolic Degrees by Eric Schroeder, (editor A.M. Young), 1982, Robert Briggs Associates, ISBN 0-9609850-2-6

• Mathematics, Physics and Reality : Two Essays, (120p.) 1990, Anodos Foundation, ISBN 1-892160-07-2

• Which Way Out? and Other Essays, (206 p.) 1990, Anodos Foundation, ISBN 1-892160-03-X


• The Foundations of Science: The Missing Parameter, (26 p.) 1985, Robert Briggs Associates, ISBN 0-931191-03-3

• The Shakespeare/Bacon Controversy, (26 p.) 1987, Robert Briggs Associates, ISBN 0-931191-05-X

• Science and Astrology : The Relationship Between the Measure Formulae and the Zodiac, (48 p.) 1988, Anodos Foundation, ISBN 1-892160-06-4

Related Essays:

• John S. Saloma and Ruth Forbes Young, Theory of Process 1: Prelude - Search for a Paradigm, (38 p.), ISBN 0- 931191-12-2

• John S. Saloma, Theory of Process 2: Major Themes in 'The Reflexive Universe', Robert Briggs Associates, Mill Valley, CA, 1991 (50 p.), ISBN 0-931191-13-0

Marguerite dar Boggia presently serves as Membership Secretary of ISAR, (the International Society for Astrological Research). She was past publisher of Kosmos, the ISAR Journal, as well as Secretary & Director of ISAR and UAC, (the United Astrology Congress). She is a co-founder of UAC and served as its Registrar at the first UAC‘86. Her goal is to cooperate with the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet and to work for and to serve humanity. She offers online FREE, three pages weekly of the Esoteric Studies as was known by Pythagoras. She can be reached at her website, which she created at the age of 90:


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Spying Under the Stars: examples of astrological intelligence activities in the ancient world Author: Stavroula Konstantopoulou

“Cooking” astrological Intelligence is a timeless practice…

It is not an exaggeration to claim that there has never been a period in human history when people were not spying on each other. Besides intelligence gathering which of course includes a whole range of activities, astrology offers a complimentary aspect of espionage. Collecting sensitive information is in a way one of the oldest ways to foresee the future. Seers, prophets and astrologers were the predecessors of spies or secret agents, as they were the ones collecting, observing and often deciphering the heavenly messages sent by the gods.

Rulers used any available means at hand that enabled them to run their state or empire successfully in order to make informed choices. In the Roman empire, emperors were constantly preoccupied with their personal safety, even the popular ones. To monitor the loyalty of their armies and their officers, emperors had to introduce stringent measures of control where the emperor could himself exercise control over all his men. Even surveillance over the supernatural was sought. It is known that many emperors were either trained in astrology or used the services of astrologers, fortune tellers or soothsayers, such as Thrasyllus who used to be a trusted advisor and teacher of astrology to emperor Tiberius. Unlike traditional forms of divination, astrology after the reign of emperor Augustus reflected an interest in scientific precision practiced by a well-trained body of professionals. Consequently, there was an on-going imperial anxiety and the emperor needed to be well-informed not only about his own horoscope, but also the ones surrounding him. For example, astrology might reveal 115

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 another to have an imperial horoscope or an ambitious rival who might be falsely or not convinced his supporters that he had a valid imperial horoscope. Whether it was a matter of knowing whether one‘s political aspirations were to be successful or of monitoring the treasonous activities of ambitious men, astrology was used essentially as a means of inner-counterintelligence to closely watch any unsettling predictions that could have threaten the public opinion or the stability of the throne. Therefore we know that as a temporary measure, there were periods where astrologers were expelled en masse from Rome, because of fear that astrological intelligence was cooked to unsettle the populace or used by individuals to meddle in the imperial affairs. This fact places astrologers themselves as one of the key- players in Roman political history since any leak of sensitive astrological information could have dire consequences, if it fell into the wrong hands. Fear and paranoia for losing his throne led for example the emperor Domitian checking the horoscopes of illustrious men and then having them murdered.

Even though conspiracies are by definition secretive it is understood that either the emperor or his adherents must have been very careful when asking or being asked to supply this kind of information. Mainly, imperial horoscopes were kept in secrecy though there were emperors who chose to advertise the greatness of their own natal horoscope by publishing it as a way to be the first to bid on their claim to rule. Although the use of astrology as a means of political propaganda is whole different topic for discussion, we should note here that emperor Augustus is a classic example of using astrological rhetoric both in words and art to assert early in his political career his claim to sole power.

Book 2 of the Mathesis, the astrological treatise by Firmicus Maternus includes special advice to astrologers ―not to answer any questions of the state and life of the emperor.‖ Astrology could be a double-edged sword used to enhance or undermine imperial power. In fact astrological intelligence could be seen as classified information as Firmicus‘ words reveal: ―Beware of replying to anyone asking about the condition of the Republic or the life of the Roman Emperor. For it is not right, nor is it permitted, that from wicked curiosity we learn anything about the condition of the Republic. But it is a wicked man and one worthy of all punishment who, when asked, gives a response about the destiny of the Emperor, because the astrologer is able neither to find out nor to say anything.‖ [Firmicus Maternus, Mathesis II.30.4ff]

While the emphasis of astrological intelligence was clearly on internal security, it is not unreasonable to assume that governments and armies of antiquity could not afford to ignore the importance of concealing this piece of information in providing for national security. The problem here is that, unlike their modern counterparts spies in the ancient world did not write memoirs, and clearly they would not have been really of worth, if the information about them was extensive. As intelligence services are meant to be clandestine, for this reason I believe that astrology may have been the ―missing dimension‖ of political and diplomatic history. Historical sources rarely report who collected and transmitted intelligence, especially when the man who served as a spy completed his mission with success.

Pretext of trade or something else was one of the usual ways to infiltrate the enemy. However, in the case of the first recorded example (at least to my knowledge) of a spy-astrologer there was used another disguise, that of a double agent. Compared to modern world, a double agent in antiquity seemed to operate along the same lines: he flees his native land usually because of alleged delinquent acts and seeks refuge among the enemy. He pledges his loyalty to the rival country and sometimes he undergoes a religious conversion so that to gain the trust of his environment. In the early 10th c. CE this was the case of a certain Nikolaos, a Byzantine tax-collector who had fled to Baghdad, where he renounced his faith supposedly in order to practice astrology more freely. Just before the unsuccessful


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 coup of the general Constantine Doucas to usurp the throne from the current Byzantine emperor, Nikolaos sent a secret message to Constantinople to warn the court. He wrote his message camouflaged as an astrological message in Arabic on a black painted sheet. When the message arrived at the Byzantine place, the sheet was washed with water and then the real message underneath the black paint was revealed. Unfortunately, we would like to know more on Nikolaos‘ story; yet, this short episode reveals many aspects not only about the ways that secret services of the time operated, but also confirms the on-going exchange of astronomical and astrological knowledge between the Islamic and the Byzantine world.

At the very least the fact that Nikolaos was sent to the Arabs pretending to be an astrologer, shows the political use of astrology as means of intelligence gathering. Astrology differed from the other arts and sciences of the time because it was most widely shared with other cultures. The Byzantine intelligence network knew where it was known to be cultivated freely and expertly at the time, before Nikolaos was assigned his covert operation to Baghdad. It is not clear how much of the information that the Byzantine state gathered went through the channels of astrological intelligence, but we should expect that those who undertook such missions were trained in the astrological culture of their time. Astrological training would have aided the agent to move around without arousing suspicion and quite possibly to decipher any astrological secrets of the enemy.

Modern scholars are not wrong when they underline that the history of Byzantine Astrology was one of constant reaction to the developments in the neighboring culture and was permanently related to the empire‘s eastern border. On the eve of the great Byzantine military enterprise against the Persian king Chosroes II, a historian close to the emperor Heraclius supplies some important astrological intelligence predicting the reign of Chosroes: ―twenty-one years of Babylonian hegemony followed by seven years of Roman victory and then the dawning of the day without end.‖ If nothing else this shows that the Byzantine court seemed to be familiar with the Persian (Sassanian) tradition of political astrology that specialized in predicting the rise and fall of rulers on the basis of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions.

By modern standards, all intelligence in antiquity may seem primitive and the technological means available today were then unknown. However, Astrology did not entirely disappear in modern diplomatic affairs. Two officials of the Reagan administration mentioned in their memoirs the astrologer‘s influence on the American President, something that the Reagans never denied. Perhaps more important than the question why Astrology should be relevant to foreign affairs and intelligence of the past and the present is the question why not? To paraphrase the words of James Der Derian, (Michael Hintze Chair of International Security Studies and Director of the Centre for International Security Studies) on diplomacy:

―Our greatest need reflects our gravest danger: until we learn how to recognize ourselves as the Other, we shall be in danger and we shall be in need of diplomacy.‖ (On Diplomacy, 209)

… and allow me to add we shall be in need of Astrology too.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Bibliography o Constantinou, C. M., On the Way to Diplomacy (Univ. Of Minnesota Press, 1996)

o Firmicus Maternus, Ancient Astrology, Theory and Practice: Matheseos Libri VIII (trans. Jean Rhys Bram, Noyes Press, Park Ridge, New Jersey, 1975)

o Kaldellis, Α. Ethnography After Antiquity: Foreign Lands and Peoples in Byzantine Literature (Empire and After) (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013) o Magdalino, P., ―The Byzantine Reception of Classical Astrology,‖ in C. Holmes and J. Waring (eds.) Literacy, Education and Manuscript Transmission in Byzantium and Beyond (Brill Academic Pub 2002) 33-58. o Ripat, P., ―Expelling Misconceptions: Astrologers At Rome,‖ Classical Philology 106.2 (2011) 115-154. o Sheldon, R. M., Intelligence Activities in Ancient Rome: Trust in the Gods But Verify (Routledge, 2007)

Stavroula Konstantopoulou is an archaeologist and a scholar of astrology living currently in Athens, Greece. She received her B.A. in Archaeology and History of Art from the University of Crete, Greece, and her M.A. in History from The Ohio State University, USA. For more than a decade she has been working for the Packard Humanities Institute on the Greek Epigraphy Project. She is interested in astrology as an integral part of the History of Ideas in antiquity and contemporary culture. For the last couple of years, she has written articles in Greek, including for her own blog and given talks on the use of astrological language and mythological symbolisms as the keys to understand man‘s relationship with the universe and the cosmic cycles. She was one of the presenters in this year‘s Sophia Center Conference ―Worship of the Stars‖ held in Bath, UK. This coming year she plans to pursue an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from UWTSD.

Contact: [email protected]


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

The “Discovery” of Uranus Author: Eric Meyers

Uranus was officially discovered on March 13, 1781, by William Herschel. However, the first recorded sighting of Uranus was by astronomer John Flamsteed (in December 1690), who erroneously catalogued it as a star. Pierre Charles Le Monnier spotted Uranus on several occasions in the 1750s and 1760s, but he also didn‘t realize that it was an orbiting planet in this solar system that he was watching. Herschel received credit for understanding Uranus as a planet, and, therefore, his ―discovery‖ is relevant for the integration of it into our collective psyche.

The exact time of discovery was not recorded, so the chart below is speculative. We do know that Herschel was observing the sky at night at a time when Uranus would be above. Complete darkness would have arrived around 8:30 pm, so the moment must have been after that time. The Moon rose that evening around 11:00 pm, which would have added extra illumination in the observable sky and perhaps a distraction—so the time selected for our purposes is arbitrarily 10:00 pm.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Uranus is named for Ouranos, father of Cronos (Saturn) and husband to the Earth Goddess Gaia. Ouranos is known as a ―sky god,‖ and is male, ruler of the heavens and removed from the daily happenings on Earth. Ouranos wasn‘t much of a father as he was absent from his many children, dissatisfied with and even hostile to them. He had them remain in the womb of Gaia, condemned to the conditions of Earthly existence. In a climactic moment, Cronos uses his scythe to castrate his father, separating Earth from sky and rendering Ouranos impotent. As the tale continues, the severed genitals are flung into the sea and transform into Aphrodite (Venus), the goddess of love. This metaphor illustrates the point that brilliant ideas must be born into this world, then develop through hands-on resourcefulness and aesthetic sensibility (Venus).

The Uranus discovery chart not only portrays the mythic tale of Uranus perfectly, but it also holds clues as to how Uranus ideally can be brought into greater manifestation and utility. As the Nodal Axis pertains to spiritual lessons, it‘s most appropriate to begin there. The South Node is in Scorpio on the Ascendant, in conjunction with the Moon. This speaks of familial (Moon) behavior (1st House) that‘s abusive, passionate and filled with hurt (Scorpio). Chiron in Taurus opposed the South Node suggests bodily (Taurus) wounding (Chiron) and the need to work diligently and in a healthy manner (6th House) to mend the pain.

Ruling the South Node is Pluto in Aquarius in the 3rd House, which is also square the Nodal axis. This Pluto is interested in reaching new paradigmatic breakthroughs, in performing the proverbial death and rebirth (Pluto) in terms of global (Aquarius) perceptions (3rd House). As the ruler of the North Node,


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Venus in Pisces is found in the 4th House. The Nadir and 4th House are the areas most grounded to the Earth itself. In the mythic tale, the severed genitals of Uranus are thrown into the water (4th House) and the beautiful and inspired (Pisces) Venus emerges for us to utilize on the earthly plane.

As for Uranus, it is found opposite Saturn, suggesting strongly that a major shock to the system is occurring. Saturn, in turn, is in conjunction with Mars. Saturn/Mars in Sagittarius does sound like a righteous (Sagittarius) scythe-wielding (Mars) adversary (opposed Uranus) concerned about its own security (2nd House). Uranus is in Gemini, where it is most interested in expanding thought—and in the 8th House, wanting to engage in the resolution of conflict and to awaken the mysterious or taboo. As the ruler of the 4th House, Uranus is dispersed into the area of this earthly home.

The Pisces Sun forms a T-Square with this opposition. In the 5th House, this mystically-minded energy seeks compassion and openness, and invites the broadest perspective (Pisces) to radiantly express (5th House). Because Sun-ruled Leo governs the Midheaven (10th House cusp), the best way to work with the fractious T-Square is through a public dialogue. The Pisces Sun is also trine Jupiter in Scorpio, adding the element of regenerating (Scorpio) spiritual direction (Jupiter) based upon this important work. Since this Jupiter serves as the ruler of the aggressive Saturn/Mars, it‘s essential for it to be fed by the more inclusive and transcendent possibilities of the Pisces Sun. Only through increasing consciousness (Pisces) can a newfound direction be found.

Neptune in Libra in the 11th House is important. This Neptune seeks broader communal togetherness, cosmic consciousness, the dissolution of boundaries, and harmony. Not only does Neptune rule the Sun (and Venus), but it also forms a Yod with Venus and the North Node, and it trines (and potentially softens) Pluto. This Neptune informs us that there is no end to the universe, no endpoint to spiritual interconnectedness. Neptune is also opposed Mercury, so connecting the personal mind (Mercury) to this lofty promise is very much the idea. (Those interested in the ―minor‖ aspects would find it interesting that Uranus is quintile Mercury. Because both are mental planets [some call Uranus the higher octave of Mercury], the brilliant and transcendent quintile connects the personal mind with the spiritual mind.)

This chart portrays the key elements of the Uranus myth: abusive family dynamics, the wielding of weaponry and confrontation, the need for reconciliation, and the intention to appreciate and harness beauty. This chart invites the expansion of thought and new paradigms, and ultimately a more holistic and even loving worldview. Uranus in aspect to the Sun illustrates how the ―new‖ planet is brought into awareness and presence, how it is in fact connected to the central star in this system. The T-square with Saturn/Mars shows the necessary negotiations and adjustments this landmark event entails.

Eric Meyers is a full-time professional counseling astrologer, teacher and author of 5 original books (including The Astrology of Awakening, Elements & Evolution, and Uranus). He has a M.A. in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from Naropa University and studied with astrologer Steven Forrest. Eric‘s focus is on how astrology relates to the process of spiritual awakening and the evolution of consciousness. He has pioneered a new approach weaving threads of modern psychology, universal spiritual principles and a contemporary understanding of science and nature. Eric has emerged as a progressive voice in renewing astrology for the 21st Century.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Some thoughts on the Astrological Houses: Placidus, Equal – or what? Author: Anne Whitaker

Sooner or later, it dawns on the student or budding astrologer that the method of dividing the inner space in a horoscope into twelve sectors or spheres of life, known as Houses, poses some problems.

Firstly, since there are a number of different house systems – which should you choose?

Secondly, to a varying degree depending on your chart, planets can move house. In my chart, for instance, by Equal House I have no less than SIX planets in the Twelfth House. When I first saw my horoscope in Placidus houses, one planet, my ruler Mercury, had migrated to the Eleventh. O joy! I need all the help I can get here, I thought then. But, as you will soon see, it's not as simple as that...

Then there is a further problem. In Placidus, the MC/IC axis always defines the cusp of the Tenth/ Fourth Houses. If you use Equal House, the MC/IC axis can fall through any pair of houses from the 8th/2nd to the 11th/5th. How do you deal with that?

I have worked with only two systems over the years, i.e. the most commonly used ones in the UK – Equal House and Placidus. I used Equal House from the early 1980s perfectly happily, finding that the system worked well for me. Then I changed to Placidus in 1995. I didn't choose it for any carefully thought through philosophical or practice reasons; it was simply the system used on the Diploma course I was doing. Now, in 2015, I am moving back to using Equal again. For philosophical reasons this time, as you will see shortly.

A class experiment

Ever since a small group of my 'old' students persuaded me to run a refresher class for them starting in August 2014, I have really enjoyed returning to astrology teaching. Those students were all very rusty, and wanted to cover the basics again. Inevitably, the question of house division came up. Having covered the core meanings of the houses in an introductory class, we spent a whole tutorial looking in more detail at the issue of house division.

The methods I adopted on this occasion were twofold: firstly, I gave the class copies of their charts in Equal House to compare with their existing Placidus charts. Then I drew up a grid, of which we all had a copy. This listed all the planets, Chiron and the North Node as well as the pair of houses through which the Equal House MC/I C axis ran. Thus we could see at a glance those features which stayed the same in both systems, and which ones changed. In some charts many features changed. In others eg mine, there was very little difference.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

I have always taught astrology with every student having a copy of everyone else's horoscopes, including mine. With permissions always asked and given before the start of a course, and appropriate emphasis on confidentiality, this way of working has been very effective. It creates each class as a kind of mini qualitative research laboratory, where astrological theory can be tested out there and then, observing to what extent it manifests accurately in the nuts and bolts of the everyday lives of those present. It is a model which makes for very lively teaching...

We worked our way round everyone in the small group, including me, discussing how interpretations might change, and most importantly, how much that mattered by potentially altering the emphasis on key horoscope themes.

For instance, the Moon in one student‘s horoscope changed from the Placidus Ninth house (a location she really liked for her Moon, being both a teacher and an education junkie!) to the Tenth by Equal House, which emphasised the importance of her vocational/career life but not the dimensions of teaching and learning which are both Ninth House concerns. However, we pointed out to her that this didn‘t really matter in terms of overall accuracy of interpretation; she really was very well endowed with Jupiterian energy anyway, given her Moon‘s trine to Jupiter in Aries, as well as her Sun‘s square to Jupiter.

Strong themes will out

This was just one example in which, whatever shift we saw of planets from one house to another, there was invariably an underlying strong theme in the birth chart, so that the emphasis being slightly shifted in one context made little if any difference to the overall accuracy of interpretation of the whole horoscope. Interestingly, more than half of our small group, despite my having worked with all students with Placidus from 1995, said that they preferred the relative simplicity of the Equal House system.

In my own case, although ruling planet Mercury moved from the sociable, group-oriented Placidus 11th House to join five other planets in the reclusive Twelfth by Equal House, I have an exact semi- square from Mercury to 10th House Uranus in both systems, Uranus also strongly aspecting the Sun and Moon, so the Aquarian/Uranian/11th house 'tone' remains strongly emphasised. That Mercury energy also flows from the Twelfth House to an exact sextile to Neptune, and a square to Third House Jupiter in both systems. So any reclusive tendencies brought by the move are well and truly restrained by other horoscope factors!

The students could see from our small experiment something which is fundamental to the accurate reading of any horoscope: strong themes will shine through, whatever way you divide up the circle. As U.K astrologer Robin Heath so memorably observed a number of years ago: ―…astrology appears more and more to behave like a hologram. You can perform almost any technique with the data, turn the chart inside out or slice it up, and still the symbolic pictures remain….‖ (i) Both this statement and our class experiment bore out the conclusion at which I had arrived some time ago. It doesn't really matter much what system you use. What you get is the same overall picture...

Horses (Houses!) for courses…

I went on to outline the way some astrologers use different house systems for different purposes. Since the Equal House system is based on the Ascendant/Descendant axis which is the axis of ―… here I am


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 in relation to you… ―, this system can be used when the client in their reading wishes specifically to address matters pertaining to relationship.

Since the IC /MC axis can be seen as an arrow flowing from the person's deepest self and origins (IC) to their future direction (MC), then issues of roots, vocation and life direction are most appropriately contemplated, some astrologers think, via the Placidus lens since that system can be seen to emphasise the MC/IC.

Also, although I have never worked with the Koch system myself, I know that some astrologers swear by the accuracy of its house cusps in plotting transits and progressions.

The Equal House MC/IC “problem”

The placing of inverted commas above gives you a clue that I do not see the shifting placement of the MC/IC axis in the Equal House system as a problem at all. Quite the opposite. I think that working with the MC/IC axis against the backdrop of either the 2nd/8th, 3rd/9th, 4th/10th, or the 5th/11th adds a layer of richness to the interpretation of the MC/IC which of course should remain just as focal and important in the Equal House system as in any other where the MC/IC is always the cusp of the 10th/4th Houses.

For example, I have often encountered clients or students with 2nd/8th backdrops in professions involving finance and collective money, those with 4th/10th backdrops have their strong life focus on career/vocation emphasised. With 5th/11th emphasised, you often find ―creative‖ types who work co- operatively and collaboratively in the pursuit of their careers. And in my own case, the 3rd/9th backdrop is highly appropriate since writing and higher education have been central to all the diverse vocational paths I have pursued throughout my working life.

Equal House: the return

In conclusion, the students were very keen to know why I had decided to return to working with Equal House. For giving me the final shove in that direction I have to thank Phoebe Wyss and her excellent recent book "Inside the Cosmic Mind" . I would urge any astrology student or practitioner to read this book if they are inclined, as I am, to perceive astrology as a ‗top down‘ art whose practice and interpretation reveals us as expressing in micro form, the shifting macro patterns of the whole cosmos.

In Phoebe Wyss‟ own words:

― Archetypal astrology is an approach to astrological chart interpretation that is based on this cosmological view. The meanings of the chart factors such as zodiac signs, houses, and planets are then seen to derive from the twelve basic categories of meaning associated with the astrological archetypes. These fundamental cosmic principles and their inter-relationships are symbolised in the geometry of the zodiac…”(ii)

Wyss‘ book – which builds on the recent work of Richard Tarnas, Kieron Le Grice and other pioneers in the field of archetypal cosmology – has taken me back and re-grounded me in the basic geometry of sacred numbers, whose symbolism reflects the core shaping principles or archetypes governing the movement of energy throughout the whole cosmos. The number twelve is one of those sacred numbers.


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From that symbolic, geometric perspective, dividing the inner space of the horoscope symbolically into twelve equal parts seems more appropriate than using any other house system, including Placidus, whose devising arises purely from measurements limited by the view from planet Earth in relation to the solar system in our tiny corner of space/time …

Postscript: October 2016

This article appeared on my blog in February 2015, then again on The Mountain Astrologer blog in November of the same year. Since then, however, I have been reflecting on and reading about Whole Sign Houses, becoming aware that a number of contemporary astrologers have switched to the greater simplicity of this method, appearing to find it satisfactory.

In his introductory summary to The Astrology Podcast‟s treatment of Whole Sign Houses, astrologer Chris Brennan summed up the case for using this system in 12 categories, including : …“Whole sign houses was both the original form of house division as well as the dominant form of house division for the first thousand years of the practice of western astrology…Many of the core significations of the houses were first developed within the context of whole sign houses, and only make sense still today conceptually within the context of that framework…Whole sign houses provides a stark contrast to other approaches, and is more readily testable than other systems… It has been the primary form of house division in India for almost 2000 years…”

Given the reasons I have advanced in this article for returning to the Equal House System, it seems a logical next step to take my commitment to geometric/symbolic simplicity further by testing out Whole Sign Houses in practice, using my ever-willing tutorial students as well as myself as guinea pigs. To that end, I have produced their charts as well as my own in WSH formats. We will be using this house system during our October-December 2016 tutorials both when looking at our own charts and the charts of other people, both well-known and anonymous. Our topics for the six classes are: Aspects revision, Moon‘s Nodes, and Jupiter plus the Jupiter cycles.

Look out for a blog post report on our Whole Sign Houses experiment, early in 2017!


(i) The Mountain Astrologer, Issue 78, April/May 1998, Letters p 11

(ii) Inside the Cosmic Mind, Phoebe Wyss, Floris Books 2014, p 93



INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Anne Whitaker MA, Dip Ed, Dip Social Work, lives and works in Glasgow, Scotland. She has a long background in adult education, generic and psychiatric social work, and private practice as a counsellor, counselling supervisor, and mentor. She has been an astrologer, teacher, and writer since 1983 and returned in May 2012 to part-time astrology practice, then teaching in 2014, after a very long sabbatical. Anne studied with Dr Liz Greene and the late Charles Harvey at the Centre for Psychological Astrology during the 1990s, obtaining their Diploma in 1998.

Her first print book, ―Jupiter Meets Uranus‖ was published by the AFA in 2009.

Anne writes at and, where her two free research studies ―Jupiter Meets Uranus‖ and ―The Moon‘s Nodes in Action‖ can be downloaded. They can also be obtained via where they were both featured in 2015. Anne has a regular column in the UK‘s Astrological Journal, also writing and reviewing for The Mountain Astrologer Magazine. Her other two e-books can also be downloaded from her sites.

She is available for astrological consultations and short-term counselling both in person (Glasgow, Scotland, UK) and via skype. Details on either of her sites.

Contact: email: info@


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

Astro-Yoga-Tantra - The Psycho-Anatomical pathway of Mind-Body- Spirit as seen through the Sacred Arts of Astrology, Yoga & Tantra – part 3 Author: Laura Boomer Trent

Part One of Astro-Yoga-Tantra is the initial introduction to the ancient philosophy of yoga, and its interconnection with modern Astrology. This spiritually holistic approach to the astrology and yoga of heartmind, body, and spirit ultimately prepares one for meditation, in which one can truly experience the cosmos within - and without.

With an overview of the astrological charts of founders from four currently popular schools of yoga, to see which planets and signs are affiliated with yoga, Part Two is a study of Shiavanada Hatha Yoga, Yogi Bajan Kundalini Yoga, BKS Iyengar Yoga, and Sri K Pratibha Jois Ashtanga Yoga.

Third in the Infinity Magazine sequence of ‗Astrology-Yoga & Tantra‘ features spiritual insight through a seemingly Solar inspired ‗Eight Limbs of Yoga‘, astrological body rulership, through the signs and planets, yoga postures (asanas), as well as breath-work (pranayama), with their astrological relationship to the psychic and, physical elements we are all made up of. This is no overnight study, taking years of experiential observation. Aligning astrology, elements and signs, planets and houses, with the subtle energies of the psycho-anatomical body one may even realise enlightenment in this very lifetime, as shown by the ancient sages, yogis, yoginis and rishis.

* * *

Postures, Breath & Chakras ~ Planets, Signs & Transits

The form of yoga practiced in our modern practice derives from the yoga sutras of Pantajali, who formulated the ‗Eight Limbs of Yoga‘ in the 2nd century AD. It has been suggested there may have even been several Patanjalis - just as in astrology it is believed there were several Hermes Trismegistus (of Emerald Tablet renown).

The practice and system of yoga is essentially a physical embrace of the omnipresent sacred, to enhance the positive flow of prana, the universal life force within, otherwise called our chi (the far east), or rLung (in Tibetan) as winds that flow within and around the mind and body, spirit and soul. The way the pran and chi flows can eliminate of stress, knots and disease, so that one can ‗unite‘ the individual Spirit with the Divine, (remember that ‗yoga‘ means ‗union‘), joining


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 humanity with nature, male and female, yin and yang, Sun and Moon, form and formless, Shiva with Shakti, all in total, perfectly aligned, brilliant Oneness.

Unifying, balancing and healing, yoga is a technique which has been studied and perfected by generations, hand down from teacher to student, over time evolving into the yoga we know today. Using postures, diet, meditation, breath-work, mantra, yantra, chakras and kundalini tantra, the yogi- astro-yogini can realise Divine interconnectedness, as has been done for thousands of years, possibly even longer than the currently accepted two thousand years of yoga emerging from the Indus Valley. With helpful instructors we can have confidence in such a pragmatic, tried and tested practice that, when practiced correctly, automatically satisfies by creating good cheer, as well as the potential for self-fulfilled, actualized enlightenment.

From the astrological point of view, a radiant Solar ‗wheel‘ illuminates the path for an enlightenment of body, speech and mind; though the ‗Eight Limbs of Yoga‘ are not exactly linked to the movement of the astrological Sun that courses the heavens and through the signs today. Within the eight limbs there is a suggested natural flow, a movement and broader understanding of the yearly correlation between the nature of the seasons and their elements as they rise, generate and come to rest; i.e. ‗Yama‘, the first limb very much sets our intentions; such initiative is co-related to Rising Eastern Sun, and the Solar exalted Aries Vernal equinox, which is also the astrological new year, a time for instigating active dynamism. The other eight limbs: Yama, Niyama, Asanas, Pranayama, Pratyana, Dharana, Dyana and finally Samadhi, take us through the wheel of life from action through generating, leading to meditative contemplation, just as the astrological wheel does from Aries to Pisces: starting with:

1) ☸ Yama is a code of ethics: ahimsa (non-violence), satya (truth); asteya (non-stealing); Bramacharya (no sexual misconduct); Apaigraha (non-greed) honouring one‘s true needs: friends, body, air, and the good book.

2) Niyama leads to self-purification = saucha = purity (of body, speech and mind) through santosha=optimism and appreciation, with Tapas = resolve; swadaya=self-study, or self-discovery; and Ishrahapamdhana = recognition of higher universal energy.

3) Asanas are the various physical postures used to purify and prepare the body for meditation.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

4) Pranayama exercises concentrate upon the flow of Prana, which is also known in Chinese as chi‘ or qu‘, in Tibetan ‗rLung‘ and ‘s ‗bio energy‘ is a universal life-giving energy: Prana+ Yama = breathing consciously with said universal energy. There are various different pranayama breathing methods for the body‘s different needs, be it heating, cooling, energising, balancing, calming, deepening or magnetising. There is even a breath that does not disturb karmic winds, perfect for remaining in the present moment.

A yogic proverb says, ―When the breath moves, consciousness (which is known as ‗citta‘) moves. When breath is immobile, consciousness is immobile.‖ In other words ‗energy flows where attention goes‘. It is most important therefore to control the breath: to control the breath is to control the mind, i.e breathing long and deep relaxes and concentrates, while short, shallow breathes can create anxiety and disease.

5) Pratyahara is the withdrawal of the gross five senses, enabling the mind to turn inwards and focus.

6) Dharana is concentration.

7) Dyana is the focus on the stillness within and, paradoxically, observing the movement within the stillness.

8) Samadhi is the emptiness and bliss that comes from being totally at one with the omniscient universal energy, aware of the nature of reality and the interconnectedness of all life.

The rewards of working with the eight limbs are both internal and external wholeness, which we would then call a holy healing (The root of the word ‗whole‘ comes from ‗holy‘). This ensuing feel-good factor comes from the elimination of impurities, and a cleansing of one‘s karma. According to a person‘s level of fitness, flexibility, age, and stamina, there are many poses and counter poses, mantras, drishti‘s (gazes for concentration), prayers, and hand mudras that can be used to help focus and concentrate and bring about internal (and external) union.

In many ways it‘s not even the asana or position that one holds which is significant: what produces results is the breathing in between postures which is of greater consequence. Anyone who breathes can do yoga! This is because the ultimate aim of yoga is to prepare for a meditation that enables one to become aware of the subtle body (and, at the point of death, the very subtle body), with all its chakras, channels and so on (the 72 thousand nadis, bindus and tigles etc of the now called ‗prima vascular system‘ by modern medicine). In our case, the ultimate practice of yoga is to aid meditation and bring balance to the body, the psyche, and the mind, no matter what one‘s horoscope might look like, harmony is achievable!

Common sense must always prevail in yoga, as must ahimsa, the first principal of Yama, is that of non-violence. Apply ahimsa throughout life (challenging for an Aries) and especially when doing any posture; even if you are an expert yoga practitioner. Pain is never to be encouraged.

The following list of rulerships of planets and signs in relation to the body is accepted both West and East, the position and qualities of which concern the different positions, chakras, and breath-work. 129

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Aries (Mars – 1st House) rules head and face (Mars – adrenal glands + medulla). Traits: initiating, driven, forceful, full of muscle, and leadership.

Taurus (Venus – 2nd House) rules throat, neck, cervical vertebrae and shoulders. Traits: loving, sensuous, determined, and stable (Venus – Thyroid)

Gemini (Mercury – 3rd House) rules hands, arms, lungs, nervous system

Traits: Mentally agile, curious, versatile, quixotic, neighbourly (Mercury – Thymus)

Cancer (Moon – 4th House) rules breasts, stomach and digestive system (pre-lymphatic system) Traits: Nurturing, emotional, family orientated, creative and fecund (Moon - d.n.a. & endocrine system in general)

Leo (Sun – 5th house) rules heart, back and spine (Sun – Hypothalamus)

Traits: Regal, loyal, courageous, confident and self-orientated

Virgo (Mercury – 6th House) rules intestines and abdomen and spleen

Traits: intelligent, orderly, perfectionist, dutiful, health orientated (Mercury – lungs)

Libra (Venus 7th House) rules lower back, kidneys, bladder and (Venus – pancreas). Traits: romantic, balanced, diplomatic, relationship orientated

Scorpio (Mars/Pluto 8th House) rules the sexual organs, reproductive system, anus (Pluto – prostate + ovaries) Traits: sexual, magnetic, resourceful, powerful and deeply emotional

Sagittarius (Jupiter 9th House) rules the hips, thighs, muscles and sciatic

Traits: Forward thinking, religious, adventurous, risk taking (Jupiter -Liver) 130

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Capricorn (Saturn 10th House) rules knees, bones, ligaments, skin, teeth

Traits: structured, ambitious, determined, self-disciplined (Saturn – skeleton)

Aquarius (Saturn/Uranus 11th House) Ankles, shins, circulatory system

Traits: Inventive, unusual, abstract, visionary, fixed. (Uranus – pituitary)

Pisces (Jupiter/Neptune 12th House) feet, lymphatic system

Traits: Compassionate, changeable, inspired, spiritual. (Neptune – Pineal)

A Salute to the Spiritual Sun ☸_/|\_ „Surya Namaskar‟

Aware of the above rulerships we can create an astrologically (as well as physically) personalised daily yoga practice: Starting with a salute to the Spiritual Sun to encourage the awakening of individual consciousness within; with a series of twelve positions that flow with ease, from one pose to another, the yogi/yogini completes at least one round of ‗Surya Namaskar‘ (right and left) to limber up and prepare for his or her actual session. ‗Surya Namaskar‘ means in Sanskrit ‗The Spirit of the Divine (Sun) within me honours the Divine Spirit within you‘. Western Yoga calls this sequence ‗The Sun Salutation‘. This we perform to access our Spirit and encourage ourselves to radiate and shine, like the Sun.

When warmed by a ‗Salute to the Sun‘, a yogi then performs a sequence of asanas, the postures. But first a gentle word:


So here‘s a list of astrologically associated poses I compiled over a decade ago, which still (head) stands:

1st House Aries – Warrior series, headstands ;) , hero posture.

2nd House Taurus – plough, neck rolls, cow position, shoulder stand.

3rd House Gemini – standing forward bends, plank, butterfly.


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4th House Cancer – Crescent Moon, child pose, crab, revolving abdomen pose.

5th Leo House – Sun Salutation, lion, cat, sphinx, spinal twists, peacock.

6th Virgo House – seated forward bend series, woodchopper, squat.

7th Libra House – balancing postures, dancing natraja, tree.

8th Scorpio House – locust, cobra, gurudasana, corpse pose.

9th Sagittarius House – lunge, bow, archer, triangle series, sage, pigeon.

10th Capricorn House – mountain, kneeling warrior, dog, staff pose, crow.

11th Aquarius House – shoulder stand, ankle rolls, gate, bridge.

12th Pisces House – fish, dolphin, upward boat, inclined posture, turtle, and cobblers.


For an astrologer reading a horoscope , from the initial layers of reading a chart with planets, signs and houses, we go deeper into the individual scope to note the unique ‗ASPECTS‘ and angles between planets.

In this section I share my idea of looking at SQUARES, TRINES, SEXTILES and CONJUNCTIONS, visualised as yoga positions; therefore useful when going through various transits, or simply working through difficult natal aspects, or even when wanting to bring out natural talents in the horoscope.

For instance a Conjunction – when planets working together, the body can also seek to be in balance, so balancing postures such as ‗mountain‘ (for Capricorn), or a ‗tree‘ for Taurus/Libra can work to stabilise, or even a head stand for the athletic Aries(done with care and initial supervision, Aries).


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When working with the 90 or 45 degree Square – Seated leg stretches, Leg raises and leg stretches can be helpful to connect with, and overcome hard angles. The important part of the practice is to focus the body first before introducing the astro-psychology, then to breathe into whichever posture is being practices to ease and create space, and then to release tension, pressure or stress with the outbreath. And thereby help to manifest a helpful processing of what can sometimes feel like difficult natal position of planets or transits.

60 degree Sextiles – twists and stars


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120 degree Trine – As with the sextile, the triangle series can be used to become aware of the gifts these ‗easy‘ aspects in the chart can bring, such as balance or stability. I find it helpful to imagine and invoke the most benevolent expression of the various trines in my own chart when I practice these positions.


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Throughout a yoga session, breath is key to consciously tuning into psychic-subtle body awareness. Yogic breathing is called ‗pranayama‘ meaning ‗Life-force Truth‘; working with pranic field consciously is generally performed in a cross-legged seated Lotus, Half-Lotus or Easy Pose (or by sitting comfortably in chair with feet on the ground, arms resting, hands cupped or on the knees). As mentioned previously, the way we breathe affects the mind: breath is mind‘s vehicle to Spirit. And by way of introduction into another study, this short list of the elemental correlations to breath consists of

FIRE FIRE BREATH & UJJAYI BREATH (victorious breath)


AIR KAPLIBHATI (skull shining breath)


In gaining mastery over our mind and body with yoga we also need to go beyond working postures and breath-work or energy locks; to be able to relax into being whole and holy, at peace with one‘s self, not judging (difficult for an astrologer, I know), happy in one‘s skin (and with one‘s horoscope) aware of our true nature, and purpose, whatever that may be, giving thanks for the gifts and talents. The real aim of yoga is, therefore, not to do a headstand for an hour, nor to bend over backwards. Astro-Yoga can make the body more flexible – and also the heartmind too, to enable us, as astrologers, embrace who we really are with our talents and foibles, and with a loving and kindly acceptance, which then helps to realise our full potential in this very lifetime, if not enlightenment itself. _/\_ :)

Laura Boomer Trent has an arts background, with an earlier career in film and television. She has been involved in the astrological world for over 30 years. Since studying at His Holiness, the Dalai Lama‘s ‗Tibetan Medical & Astro Science Institute‘ in India, 96-97, Laura now integrates ancient Eastern healing arts, yogic, astrological and philosophical,with the practical teleology of western astrology, traditional metaphysics, and quantum bio-mechanics.

Past media credits include innovating Britain‘s only national television show ever dedicated to astrology, C4‘s ‗Astrology Show‘ in 1990; for three years Laura was BBC astrologer; and also in the early 90‘s wrote for magazines and newpaper; she also featured in the only tarot commercial on Sky and Star TV; and was writer for World Interactive Television 1998-2001. Dharma Stars ~ Astrology & Spirituality is her most recent project on the net.


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Spanish Civil War (November 28th, 2016, 08:30pm, Astrological Lodge of London) by Jadranka Coic

Jadranka Coic was born and raised in Croatia and, in 1991, moved to London. She works as an accountant but spends free time either practising astrology or growing vegetables on her allotment in accordance with Moon cycles. Jadranka started to study astrology more than fifteen years ago with The Faculty of Astrological Studies. She is the Beginner‟s Class Tutor and was Lodge‟s Treasurer for 10 years, as well as organiser of the annual Astrology and Healing Seminar.


1. Dear Jadranka, can you tell us how did you get in London?

Jadranka Coic: I arrived in London 25years ago, for a short break, but few things happened: on my first night I met my husband, and war come to my town ...

2. When did you realise that Astrology is part of your life and how your astrology journey started?

Jadranka Coic: I was flirting with astrology for a long time, but never ever did anything about it, but one day 15 years ago I woke up and decided today is the day that I am staring learning about astrology.

3. Why did you choose The Faculty of Astrological Studies? Who was your favourite teacher? What astrological branch do you like most of all, and why?

Jadranka Coic: Just did online search, after I decided that today is the day, and Faculty came first, I applied then and there, and that is how my astrological journey begun. I had amazing teachers at the Faculty and each of them is worth mentioning and I cannot single one out. Last year I did STA Practitioner Level Horary course with Deborah Houlding, but I needed more so I just started QHP with Barbara Dunn and I have another amazing tutor Sharon Knight. 136

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4. Can you share with us some experience during astrological studies?

Jadranka Coic: When I went to my first class ever (and my prior knowledge was zero) on of the girls attending course was looking at everyone chart and was telling us about our love life…. When she was looking at my chart her comment was: O you must have had a lot of boyfriends! My answer was: More than Princess Diana, but less than Madonna! (Thank you, Four Weddings and a Funeral, for inspirational answer).

5. When was your first „meeting“ with the Astrological Lodge of London?

Jadranka Coic: Years ago Bernard Eccles used to do annual prediction talk on last night of the winter term, followed by the party. And this was how I experienced the Lodge for the first time. Bernard used to do it as a newspaper, telling us everything; politics, fashion, colours, weather and will Queen Mother live.

6. Tell us something about your Beginner‟s Class Lessons?

Jadranka Coic:For the last 101 years (yes one hundred and one years) Astrological Lodge of London offers free classes for beginners in astrology. What to tell apart that this is my 5th year that I am doing it and I am very proud to be beginner‘s class tutor.

7. You are going to give a talk in the Lodge about Spanish Civil War (November 28th, 2016, 08:30pm) .Can you share with us why did you choose this topic and something about it, too?

Jadranka Coic: I love history; no I adore history, especially 20th century Europe. This year is 80th anniversary since Spanish Civil War. Approximately 30,000 volunteers from 52 countries travelled to Spain between 1936-1939 to support the Spanish Republic in its struggle against Franco and his fascist allies, and we need to remember this global fight against fascism. But I will not talk only about International Brigades, I will give chronology of what had happened.

8. Last year you were a speaker at the 47th AA UK conference. What was your topic? What kind of experience did you have? Was that your 1st talk at the conference?

Jadranka Coic: Yes this was my first talk at the conference. Every year Astrological Lodge of London send one of their members to give a talk, and last year was me. The talk was about the Moon phases, and as it was 2015 and the Lodge was celebrating first century all charts that I used were; either of past presidents of the Astrological Lodge of London, or people closely associated with.

9. You are spending your free time growing vegetables on your allotment in accordance with Moon cycles. You told me that your grandmother gave you that „secret“. Tell us please does it work, and is astrological knowledge fitting with this?

Jadranka Coic: Yes this is another passion of mine that begins with A – Allotment. It is very simple, and I know that there are more detailed methods but mine works. I do seeding day after the new Moon, when Moon is just visible at the western horizon in the evening. For about week I will seed, 137

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 and the rest of the time I weed, dig, water, etc or organising lunches at the allotment. I do not use astrology, although when I do herb collecting I try to collect when moon is in a good aspect to the ruler of the herb, I will pick up rosemary when Sun is sextile or trine Moon.

10. What are your plans regarding astrology?

Jadranka Coic: I just want to be a good astrologer!

11. How did you get idea to organise the annual Astrology and Healing Seminar?

Jadranka Coic: The idea was not mine; Andrew Morton started it, he is the incitatior. But then I stepped into his shoes and continue doing it. Andrew Morton is a Gemini and always had great ideas but Cancerian was needed to give it more warmth and provide amazing vegetarian lunch.

12. How does astrology go with accountant job?

Jadranka Coic: I have very strong Saturn and love order, even my allotment look like spread sheet, and I thing that that is the reason why it works for me.

13. Do you miss your Cavtat, Dubrovnik, Croatia...?

Jadranka Coic: Yes I miss it. The place where you have been born, and lived 29 years of my life, you do not forget. I come to London at my . I miss the sea, when is calm, when is stormy, I love the waves, and above all I love swimming and fishing. And do not forget double entry bookkeeping was invented in Dubrovnik so I have it in my genes.


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14. You told me how you don‟t prefer to remember charts of other people. I was so surprised! Can you tell us why?

Jadranka Coic: I do not wish to rule my life by astrology, we all have free will and we need to express it. But Solar Fire is always open and I am checking it constantly. If I am reading a book I need to check chart of the author, last Sunday I went to Tate Modern and saw some posters from 1930 done by John Hartfield and immediately I needed to check his birth chart, but I do not have time, it is a noon chart, so if someone has his exact birth time please contact me!!!!

15. At the end, can you tell us how do you like INFINITY Astrological Magazine?

Jadranka Coic: I love INFINITY Astrological Magazine as it is open to everyone, from all around the globe, from all parts of our beautiful Earth. INFINITY gives chance to astrologers known and unknown to talk about topics that inhabits their minds, and gives opportunity to the readers to read it. Well done Smiljana!


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Relationships and Astrology

Armand Diaz, Ph.D., is a consulting astrologer, with a practice based in New York. He is the author of 'Integral Astrology: Understanding the Ancient Discipline in the Contemporary World‟and 'Separating Aspects.‟ He co-produced and co-edited 'Transpersonal Astrology', and serves as the Books and Articles Editor for the Astrology News Service. Armand is also Agent 17 for the Cosmic Intelligence Agency, and can be reached via his website:

Margaret Gray B.A. ESS (TCD), MSW, D. Psych. Astrology, Certified Mediator, Reiki Master

Margaret works as a professional Psychological Astrologer and writes a regular feature on Psychological Astrology for Network Ireland Magazine and has published astrology articles in the AA Journal UK, the NCGR journal, Positive Life Magazine Ireland, the Wellness Journal and Inspiration Magazine, as well as Psychotherapy Publications in Ireland and the UK. She wrote a chapter on the New Paradigm of Spiritual Relationships in the book „Transpersonal Astrology‟ and has been a speaker at several astrology conferences including ISAR, the UK Astrological Association, The San Francisco Astrological Society and NORWAC. Contact: [email protected] Website:


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Q: Please share with us a little bit about your astrological background and approach to astrology:

Margaret: My background is in psychological astrology, I trained with Liz Greene back in the days when they gave a diploma. I was an MSW and worked with children and families, and in terms of the work with relationships and astrology I‘ve always been interested in working with relationships. I have Venus in my 7th house, and so over the years I have increasingly worked with relationships. I did a chapter for the book ―Transpersonal Astrology: Inspirations of the Frontier,‖ which was edited by Armand and several others, and that was all about relationships. I am currently writing a book on relationships as well, so that is how I‘ve come to this point in my work.

My very specific interest in relationships has been the new paradigm of spiritual relationships. After reading the book by Gary Zukov (Seat of the Soul) he talks about soul centered relationships that kind of just gelled with what had been on my mind. With the Uranus and Pluto transit we are shifting into a whole new way of being in relationship with each other and how people make the shift from the old paradigm to the new paradigm is what I am interested. Questions about what is a soul mate, what is a twin soul and what does all that mean – all of those kinds of things are areas we are interested in. There‘s a lot of misinformation and confusion around this and it‘s an interesting area to explore.

Armand: I‘ve also found myself drawn towards working with relationships more and more. I think my Scorpio ascendant helps me get at the more difficult side of them, and my book ‗Separating Aspects‘ is very much about when relationships don‘t work out and how that happens.

I agree with what Margaret is saying, I think there is a paradigm shift that we are really trying to explore and see where it goes and how we will get there, with the full knowledge that many of us go kicking and screaming.

Q: You‟ve recently come together to launch an exciting new project on relationships and astrology. What inspired you two to come together for this particular project?

Armand: When we were working on the ‗Transpersonal‘ astrology book, I recognized in Margaret‘s writing and presentations that our work really dove tails together perfectly. We have slightly different perspectives on things from an astrological point of view, but I think the work itself is very similar. I think we bring a different perspective, but it is very harmonious. It‘s a Libran balance.

Margaret: I would totally agree. For me, when I reviewed both of Armand‘s books, I was working as the book reviewer for ISAR at the time, when I was on the board, and I just really loved and I could really relate to them. I noticed that we were both doing work in relationships and at some point I just said, how about we do some work for CIA and interpret charts for the membership section. And it has worked so well and it has been so much fun, that we came together at the ISAR conference and that‘s where things really got started moving. We now have our own project together on relationships and astrology, and it‘s been a lot of fun.

Q: What is your shared vision for this project going forward?

Armand: Eventually we would like to expand out into different venues. I think workshops and conferences might be coming soon. The vision is to get the message out and share what astrology can do in this area and to help both astrologers, on one hand, to work with relationships, and on the other hand to help people who aren‘t astrologers to understand relationships dynamics through astrology. So there are two tracks in terms of the content. 141

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Margaret: I totally agree. I think we want to let people know that the tool of astrology can be incredibly helpful in any relationship. Astrology is kind of like a mediator tool to help build a bridge, and can even be a useful additional tool in couples therapy. But it‘s important to share that we don‘t just look at couples relationships, we look at relationships within families, work colleagues, friendships, and so on, because relationships are the basic foundation of our life. We relate on a daily basis with all kinds of people, and all the relationships interlink with each other. It is even useful to explore relationships that get less attention, because often times those underlying relationships are actually very deeply connected with other relationships that we are more conscious of on a daily basis. Of course, people need to get permission to use other people‘s charts, but

Armand: That‘s a very good point. There‘s all kinds of relationships that astrology can help us understand and get a sense of the dynamics of, so to just limit it to romantic relationships or personal partnerships is tempting and exciting, but it is a little limited.

Q: Will you, as a team, be providing resources, publications, and professional development opportunities for astrologers who are interested in deepening their skills in astrology and relationships?

Margaret : I think the two of us would be very open to working with individual astrologers and also hopefully setting up a more formal training course over a period of time, so that astrologers who already know the basics and are interested in training to be relationship astrologers could do that with us. It is possible that e-books may come out to go along with the course.

Q: How can people contact you both for consultations or information regarding relationship and astrology?

Margaret: We‘ve got our Facebook page, and our YouTube page and we would love for people to subscribe. We offer readings and work together, and we will also be offering workshops. If you would like a full relationship reading, you will get the advantage of two people, the male and female perspective, and we have different perspectives we bring. We can send detailed information of what we can offer people, and they can email us or private message us on Facebook to connect with us.


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INFINITY Astrological Magazine got the exclusive right to present You lectures from the 8th International Conference in Perugia (Italy)- July 2016. Thanks to Meskalila Nunzia Coppola (ISAR VP for Italy) in this issue We present You - Paris: A Flower, A Candle ... (Part 1) by Genevieve Jana Geneviève Jama Giammarino

Meskalila (Nunzia Coppola) is D.F.Astrol.S, counselor in psychosocial Gestalt, CIDA delegate, ISAR VP and MAPAI. In India, where she lived for fifteen years, she has followed the paths of initiation with Aghori Langta Baba and Jay Kali Brahma Mahi Tara Mahakāla Vināsini. She has trained children with severe multiple disabilities with Nada yoga. She conducts seminars on meditation and Chakras, according to the Shakti path. Expert in cultures, myths and oriental disciplines, she lectured for the Department of Research and sociological methodology at University ―La Sapienza‖, Rome. She is the founder of Astravidya School of Karmic Astrology. An expert in supervision, she conducts workshops by the means of astrological and ancient worldwide myths. She translated into Italian Deborah Houlding‘s ―The Houses. The temples of the sky‖, Edizioni Capone. She wrote with Michele Colafato and others ―Masters, spiritual leadership: paths, models and methods‖, edited by Edition Angeli, 2006. She wrote for the series Psicoguide, edited by Cittadella ―M come meraviglia‖ and ―D come desiderio‖. She wrote ―The Moon and her Goddesses. A way to karmic astrology‖ edited by By Edizioni Capone (Chiaraceleste). She is the founder and president of the Cultural Jayavidya Association. Her site is She has been awarded as Global Outstanding Astrologer by The Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage. She also won the title of Woman Astrologer 2016 by the same Institute.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

PARIS: A FLOWER, A CANDLE – Part 1 Author: Geneviève Jama Giammarino

Geneviève Jama Giammarino lives in Italy since 1975. She is the current Secretary of CIDA. Her Astrological studies began in 1993 and she is registered as a Professional Astrologers since 2002. In June 2003, she received the National Award for cultural merits in Astrology. She was for 5 years the delegate of Varese and from 2009 she is directing Milan CIDA delegation. She works deeply to keep together all the various astrological schools of thought. In 2010 during the Conference of Perugia she gave a talk about the origins of the world at dusk of the gods, making a research on the correspondences between Greek myths and astrology, along the path of Norse mythology.

"The flowers are a perfect copy of the human being's life", they are sown, grow, bloom and wither; and with the speed of that withering, it symbolizes death and suffering. Edvard Munch said: "From my decomposed (putrefied) body will grow flowers and I will be inside of them: this is eternity".

The burning candle illuminates our path but when it is not lit we feel abandoned in the gloom and the darkness where the darkness symbolizes the darkness of evil and pain, the storm of emotions and feelings. The light of the flame keeps away fears, evil, demons and the occult forces surrounding darkness.

Having recently been on the sites of the heinous attacks in Paris, I saw so many flowers and many candles, and I felt a sense of their message and this dual symbolism.

So I decided to talk about this city seen from different aspects, not the usual Paris of lovers, fashion, the city most visited in the world, but an ambiguous, mysterious city, secret, unconventional, the city of the cursed poets and of unusual places and people. So in other words I invite you to take a walk in shadowy, dark and rogue Paris at the same time!!!

Thinking of the conference I asked myself which correspondence could Paris have with the "liminal spaces and inner landscapes"? Liminal means to be on the threshold, it is passing through a new phase, in a border area.

The City of Light has turned off its lights and slipped into darkness. By the vital Light it has slipped into deadly darkness. My first thought simply went to examining the eighth house, the house of death and rebirth, and consequently also in the eighth arrondissement, discovering that originally this area was completely covered with marshes and today has become a prestigious symbol district of wealth and economic engine of the capital. All very strong references to the eighth sector of the Zodiac, and


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 his governors. Not by chance, in the mythology the governor of the eighth house, Pluto, from the Greek "Pluto‘s / wealth", was also worshiped as the God of Wealth and God of Gold.

Another area of the city that evokes a rotten and putrid water, the water sign of Scorpio, is the area of the Marais (marsh) that once got its name from the marshy nature of the soil, stagnant and black, governed the god of the underworld by Hades, the god of the lower world where burns the Eternal fire, the fire of passion, sex and power of procreation and synonymous with sexuality.

In my research I found out that originally the name of the city of Paris apparently came from Iside or Isis, the goddess of navigation, with her ship sailed the waters of this city, in order to reveal its most magical mysteries. Paris would therefore be the result of the combination of FOR-ISIS or BAR-ISIS (Sailing boat of Isis) and this could explain the presence of a ship in the emblem of the city.

Isis was sometimes called the "Scorpion of Behdet" according to historian and Egyptologist Gaston Maspero, it seems that the cult of Isis was once very common in France but especially in the Paris area.

Therefore there is a strong link between the city and the sign of Scorpio.

According to the myth, told in the Pyramid Texts which are a set of ritual formulas whose purpose is to ensure the immortality and the ascension of the rulers of ancient Egypt and by Plutarch in his Iside and Osiride, after killing Osiride (god of death and the afterlife), Seth locked Isis (sister and wife of Osiride), in a prison, of which the goddess managed to escape with the help of seven scorpions.

After Isis retrieved and assembled the parts of Osiride's body, bringing it back to life, and for this reason was considered a deity (divinity) associated with magic and afterlife. In Iconography, for syncretism, she is often represented as a hawk or as a woman with bird wings. She is also painted in winged form on the sarcophagi in the act of taking the soul in the wings to take her to a new life.

It is obvious the link with the sign of Scorpio, and with her interpretation of death and rebirth that like the phoenix dies and is reborn much stronger than before.

All the same Paris is certainly an astrological city and the first witness is the famous Place de l'Etoile (now Charles de Gaulle) with its 12 triumphant avenues which branch out. I think the great architect and revolutionary urban planner who has in his theme a Moon in the 5th significant of the magnitude of the work, Baron Haussmann (Paris, March 27, 1809), understood all about astrology because the reference to the astrological symbolism is very clear: we have 12 zodiac signs distributed between solar axis Champs Elysées and Avenue de la Grande Armée, axis that sees the sun set on the day of the summer solstice.

If we add the 12 mansions at each corner, they represent the 12 astrological houses, we get a perfect zodiac.

If we look from above the pavement of the square, you can see that it represents the golden star with 12 rays (beams).

Did you know that before 1860 the city was divided into 12 arrondissements? All additional random astrological references?

Then I asked myself: For a foreigner, what has been and is still today Paris, sung by many famous singers like Josephine Baker, Edith Piaf, Juliette Greco, also affectionately called "Paname" nickname 145

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 given to the city when, at the beginning of the XX° century, the elegant Parisians had adopted a straw hat called "Panama", put in vogue by the workers at that time who were digging the Panama canal, great work that has marked the history.

The ladies will be attracted to some fashion and perfume stores, the intellectual will be somewhere in a museum and in an exhibition, but for the nice everyday man, those that blink thinking about the City of Light, Paris is and will always be the city of violation (transgressions), of easy adventures, beautiful women at every street corner, the mysterious houses where you can have the most welcome and secret appointments.

And so Paris remains the capital of sexuality and brothels with its "darlings" and prostitutes.

With the eighth area, house of Scorpio and Pluto and Mars its governors, often talking about sexual energies, and perhaps especially, in their less noble aspects. It mentions for example Roberto Sicuteri in an interesting text on astrology and mythology, and according to the author, it would be possible to see Pluto in the symbol of the various expressions of Eros.

When it comes to eroticism in Paris you think about Pigalle, a district forever renowned for its bad reputation district, at the foot of the Montmartre Hill, in essence the "red light" district, full of sex shops and venues for erotic shows, an eroticism museum of seven floors and the picturesque Moulin Rouge cabaret.

I'm not sure that the sculptor Jean-Baptiste Pigalle (1714-1785) favorite (beloved) of Louis XV° and Madame de Pompadour would be proud today that it has given its name to this district, but being a good Aquarius lover of freedom, of originality, with a maverick spirit and helped by a very strong Pluto opposing Mars and Jupiter, quincuncial to the Sun, divergent to Venus- Mercury and Neptune, who knows? I doubt!!!

I'm sorry to rattle perhaps a bit by saying that the great intellectuals, like Rimbaud,

Baudelaire and Verlaine, painters like Gauguin and Van Gogh and other prominent figures such as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, were all regular visitors of brothels. Large and extraordinary characters, it is true, but unfortunately always with the customary and imperishable "male weakness".

A very unique regular was Toulouse-Lautrec, the soul of Montmartre, the crippled, the famous Impressionist painter, whose art is strongly influenced by the frequenting of the neighbourhood of the cabarets and the strange characters, a little world of disinherited, "viveurs", prostitutes, singers and actors, present in many of his creations.

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was born November 24, 1864 and suffered from the age of 10 years of a bone disease that had kept him under the height of one meter and 52.

His portrayal of Parisian brothels are perhaps his most famous works.

The attitude that the artist had with prostitutes was very contradictory: friends with some of them and great respect with others who called him "Monsieur le Comte." 146

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From time to time, when he ran out of money, one of the young ladies, for compassion's sake, took him to bed and that's how he contracted syphilis that caused a side effect, priapism, a very painful situation that forced him to an almost permanent erection. For his small stature associated with the erection he was given (with some imagination) the nickname of "teapot" of the prostitutes of Montmartre.

This environment, besides inspiring him, has favored the realization of great works such as the famous lithograph "Moulin Rouge. La Goulue "of 1891.

La Goulue, the greedy, dancer who invented the moves of "cancan", whose behavior was outrageous, yet attractive, was bisexual and was called Louise Weber. She came from poverty and was nicknamed for her insatiable appetite and the habit of drinking the contents of customers' glasses as she danced past their table. With "Valentin the boneless" they were the real stars of the entertainment in Paris, then.

Also the writer Emile Zola, born in Paris on April 2, 1840 (5 stellium of planets in Aries which Pluto unite Mars and Sun), describes very well the life and tragic fate of a famous prostitute in his novel Nanà.

He describes a frivolous, greedy woman who meets her rich lovers calculating to the penny the money she manages to steal from them until they are ruined. The figure of Nanà, at least for men who desire her and pay her, is that of a demon, of bedrooms, the source of all lust, adjectives typically attributable to the Scorpio.

Some of these "darlings" are able to live a very comfortable life, and one example is that of the great Sarah Bernhardt, Scorpio of October 23 1844 (the sun opposite to Pluto), which has become a famous and much beloved actress. She played The Lady of the Camellias by Alexandre Dumas (July 24 1802 at 05:30, Pluto in the 8th house), Lorenzaccio of Alfred de Musset (December 11 1810 at 11:00 Pluto solicited in the 1st house) and The Dead City by Gabriele D'Annunzio (March 12 1863 at 08:00 Pluto and Mars in the first house, and the Moon in the 8th) all masterpieces full of love and death.


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The liminal space indicates the "threshold" of an entry in an another dimension of life where all the transformations take place, and in his Memoires d'Outre Tombe, an impressive masterpiece that began as a bequest of an ambitious and opportunistic man, Chateaubriand recounts his life back from the dead, superbly revisiting a world in disintegration.

He argues his melancholy, his despair and regret for a fatally lost world with these words: "All my days are for goodbyes ... you die at any moment for a while, a thing, a person who you will never see again. Life is a repetition of death."

Chateaubriand was born September 4, 1768 and presented a Pluto to the Descendant who was strongly solicited and tight from Uranus master of the 8th united and to Mars.

We open the night flowers with Les fleurs du mal of Charles Baudelaire, damned poet born in Paris on April 9, 1821. His birth chart is a small sample of six planets in the eighth house and also 5 planets in Aries (Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mars).

The stellium in the eighth house accentuates the melancholy and poetic aspect of his decadent and complex personality, beginning of goals and challenges that please so much Aries and go deep into the inner life of the 8th house, even if it means getting lost .

Who better than him illustrates the house of deep darkness, of the abyss, of the night. We are therefore in front of the main contradiction of his personality: the light, the heat, the vitality of Aries facing the abyss of darkness of this scorpionic home.


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An on-going fight between light and darkness.

At the center of the Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire, the theme of the journey becomes the key to tackling an escape elsewhere, in a virtual space of the soul before the body. Baudelaire considered the poet a person who is cursed and misunderstood, with a mission to accomplish: to discover the deeper meaning of things, to penetrate appearances for revealing the invisible.

The title page of the Flowers of Evil initially illustrated by Bracquemont, depicts a skeleton of a plant.

The revelation of this perfect masterpiece bewilders the audience at that time. The book is talked about, but more than a true literary success, it would be more correct to speak about the scandal and morbid curiosity. In the wake of small talk and gossip surrounding the text, the book is even prosecuted for immorality.

Who was Charles Baudelaire? His mother, after the premature death of her husband, marries a lieutenant colonel cold and stiff, who will earn forever hate from his stepson. In the painful relationship with his family and, primarily, with the mother, at stake there is much of unhappiness and existential distress that accompany Baudelaire during his entire life. Regardless of everything, he


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 always will ask for help and love from his mother, that love that he believes was never reciprocated, at least compared to the intensity of his request.

Baudelaire in 1861 attempts suicide leaving a Note "Je me tue parce que je me sens inutile aux autres..." Then seeks relief in hashish, opium and alcohol, but after a long agony dies of a brain hemorrhage at just forty six. He is buried in the cemetery of Montparnasse, with his mother and, ironically, with the hated stepfather.

I'd like to read some famous Baudelaire quotes:

- We find a charm in filthy things, every day by one step, the stench of darkness, we go down to hell, without horror. (To the reader)

- Far more than Life is Death to keep us often with thin laces.

- The most beautiful trick of the Devil is to persuade us that He does not exist.

- Aimer à loisir, aimer et mourir. (love at leisure, love and die)

A great admirer of Baudelaire was Scorpio sculptor and painter Auguste Rodin protagonist of overwhelming and tormented love story with his young and talented pupil Camille Claudel, sister of the writer and diplomat Paul Claudel, who forgotten by all, finished her life in an asylum.

The design is for Rodin the most congenial means to grasp the play of lines, curves, the silent evolution. Dazzled by Japanese erotic drawings shown to him by Goncourt in 1887.

In its ten thousand erotic drawings, the bodies abandoned to the sensual laziness preceding the innate aptitude to vice are offered in all their mighty authenticity, without shame and without falsehood, indifferent to the spectator's glance.

In this regard I would like to tell you about a new editorial by Enzo Barillà titled "Eros and Thanatos in the garden of astrology" which features numerous pictures of various artists who have dedicated 150

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 themselves to express their vision of eroticism in their own works and where it was easy to understand the essential role of Pluto.

The gate to Hell of Auguste Rodin

The door is a threshold, a liminal space that marks the boundary between two spaces, without belonging to anyone. To achieve this famous masterpiece, unfinished sculpture, commissioned in 1880 to Rodin to be placed at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris and on which the artist worked for more than thirty years until his death, Rodin thought of a monumental portal, taller than four and a half meters, covered with bas-reliefs inspired by Dante's hell.

In fact, Rodin took the opportunity to develop some sketches based on the work of the poet and his relationship with Dante's poem had this to say:

"Dante is not only a visionary and a writer: he is also a sculptor. His expression is lapidary, (composing inscriptions on stones), is meant in a good sense of the word. When describing a character, he represents it solidly through gestures and poses. [...] I lived a whole year with Dante, living on nothing but of him and with him, drawing the eight circles of hell..."

In literature from the nineteenth century, Love and death are often compared. Losing the sense of your own individuality, shipwrecked in the confusion, going beyond the barriers of time in a moment of eternal present...

This analogy love \ death is attributable to the classic / Greek duo or Freudian Eros / Thanatos and to the whole current series of "dying in the arms of her lover!" "La petite mort," the little death, or orgasm, the peak of sexual arousal, is the total involvement of the body, mind, soul. The whole body vibrates, there is no more control; it's like a madness, like a sleep, like death. "

Let's look now at another interpretation of the Eighth House, the one of perversion with the Marquis De Sade (Asc. Scorpion, with Pluto Ascending, 3 planets in 8th house opposite to Uranus and Mars framework to Saturn and Venus in 8th.

His name is the origin of the term sadism, attitude that emerges from his novels, centered on the description of outrageous and perverse sexual behavior, besides being violent also research on topics 151

INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 of pleasure, which is to satisfy the natural instincts (in de Sade often arising from exercising cruelty for sexual purposes).

The Marquis de Sade was born in Paris in 1740 and died in an asylum in 1814 after being detained in 11 prisons for 27 years of his life.

In a letter to his wife he writes:

―M'entends-tu, ma chère amie ? Tu la reliras cette lettre et tu verras que celui qui t'aimera jusqu'au cercueil a voulu la signer de son sang.‖

"Do you hear me dear friend of mine? You will read this letter and you will see that the one who will love you until the coffin wanted to sign it with his blood. "

Some quotes from his work:

"What you call depravation is nothing more than the natural state of mankind"

"If you love your pain, it becomes pleasure"

"All universal moral principles are idle fantasies"

The same de Sade with his first major work Les Cent Vingt Journées de Sodome, or l'École du libertinage, written in the Bastille prison in 1785, inspired Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975) the last film written and directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini who died assassinated, the film that was supposed to be the first feature film of a second trilogy of films considered ideally as the Trilogy of death.

Certainly another story, less tormented and more romantic, is offered to us by the famous composer Georges Bizet, born October 25, 1838 that a true Scorpio Doc and father of Carmen could not get her to say: "Et si je t'aime , prends garde à toi "!!

Carmen is the heroine of his masterpiece, fatal work, love and death, with which the author has brought on the scene the two poles of the Scorpio universe.


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From sex to crime when analyzing the Eighth House and its governors, the distance is short. I bring you now on the BOULEVARD DU CRIME with the famous Grand Guignol. But what exactly is this boulevard of the crime? It is a dark street, hangout of criminals and scoundrels, a famous place for the robberies? None of this!!

This name simply comes from the fact that since 1830 the Boulevard du Temple was lined up with tens and tens of theaters where they performed shows of only crimes, murders, blood, killings, poisoning, kidnapping etc. more than 151,000 crimes played by famous actors to satisfy the great desire of adrenaline and strong emotions of the public of that time. All chilling crimes horrified and appalled the spectators, but that excited the Tout-Paris for more than 20 years.

The Boulevard du crime naturally leads us to the discovery of famous and bloodthirsty murderers who over the centuries have seen Paris as a theatre of very bloody crimes with disturbing stories in center of the news about crime was the case of Henri Désiré Landru called "Bluebeard", accused of killing 11 women mostly widows.

For those that do not know it I'll tell you his story. After promising the marriage to single and wealthy women and swindle them financially, once he obtained their assets, invited them in an isolated cottage in the countryside and strangled them. After that he cut them in pieces and then burned their bodies in the wood oven in the small kitchen.


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He was arrested on April 12 1919, following complaints lodged by relatives of the victims after their disappearance, with the charges of murdering ten women and a small boy who accompanied one of the victims.

His birth chart shows a stellium in Aries in the 12th house, with Pluto Ascending and closing rank with Mars and Saturn in the 8th and Descending in the sign of Scorpio.

On February 24th he was beheaded in the square of the prison where he was held not before he designed the famous kitchen and left a note "not behind the walls something happens, but something is burning in the kitchen", which demonstrates the wrong conduct of investigations which had speculated that the corpses had been buried in the garden of the house.

Another famous murderer who has made history in Paris is Doctor Marcel Petiot.

Marcel Petiot was an unstable man from childhood, diagnosed bipolar, neurotic, mentally unbalanced, paranoid and phobic, that despite everything he managed to get a medical degree in 1921. He opened a studio that he will use to propose to the poor people persecuted by the Gestapo to help them escape clandestinely from France. These naive people came at night with all their valuables carried in a suitcase, only that Petiot killed them and then make their bodies disappear. He was judged and executed for the murder of 27 people, but Le Docteur, proudly, laid claim to more than 60.

His story says a lot about his personality: Scorpio Ascendant with Uranus Saturn closely connected and powerful conjunction of Mars/Pluto.

We move on to the macabre stories with a case that has greatly impressed the minds of Parisians; it is Barnabé Cabard et Pierre Miquelon - The two evils.

Between 1410 and 1414 this story has done so much talking and gave birth to a scary legend. A crazy barber slaughtered his customers with the razor, then after having cut them into pieces he piled his victims in a cellar he shared with the nearby bloodthirsty pastry chef who used the rest of the dead


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016 bodies to make succulent and fine paté made of human flesh to which the same king Charles VI was a great lover.

There is talk of 343 victims. The two friends were unmasked when the dog of one of the victims alerted the neighbourhood with continuous barking in front of the shop of the bloodthirsty pastry chef.

Let us remember that Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio and of the Eighth House cosignificant of the sign, is the last planet of the solar system. It was suggested for the first time by the American astronomer Sir Percival Lowell in 1915 but was discovered by astronomer Clyde William Tombaugh in 1930, not far from the location suggested by Lowell 15 years earlier. Phonetically, tombeau in French means the grave: the kingdom of Pluto. Is it a coincidence or an inevitability???

The 8th house is the home of the "death" and who says physical death automatically thinks of the cemetery, the graves, where bodies of the dead are buried.

Do you know another city so famous for its cemeteries visited annually by more than 2 million tourists from around the world?

The City of Paris owns four famous cemeteries that preserve the remains of distinguished French and international personalities. To name a few, from Oscar Wilde, to Chopin, Proust, Baudelaire, Maupassant, Colette, Jim Morrison, Edith Piaf, Maria Callas, Serge Gainsbourg (famous author of the scandalous song "Je t'aime moi non plus" that to stay in the theme explicitly describes the sexual act with sighs, words and passages like "I come and go between your kidneys" ("je vais et je viens entre tes reins").


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

INFINITY Horoscope for November/December 2016 Author: Cassandra Tyndall



As the end of the year draws closer, life begins to have an onward and upwards feel to it. For the majority of 2016, life has been in a type of holding pattern, which proved to be both frustrating yet necessary.

Until the 8th, your ruler Mars is well placed for hard work and results. Finally, it feels as though the path is free of roadblocks and all that is required from you is focused effort. Mars makes no significant aspects this month, showing you that all that lies ahead is an open road and super-fast progress.


They say that life begins outside of your comfort zone and this ethos is supported astrologically for you this month. On the 5th, radical Uranus makes a supportive yet dynamic link to your ruler Venus. Both in fire signs, this will be like lighting a fire that will motivate, inspire and push you forward into new horizons. Under Uranus‘ touch, you won‘t feel as secure, stable and steady as you‘d would prefer, but as this is a swift influence, say yes to anything new around this time and see what eventuates.


Your ruler Mercury also ventures through your 7th sector from the 12th. Making calls, connections and contacts is the name of the game when it comes to relationships this month. As a natural communicator and talker, Mercury making moves through your opposing sign can symbolise the need to listen more than talk this November.

The 23rd sees Mercury meet with serious Saturn. Although only a brief meet-up, conversations may hold a sombre tone. An important connection with someone in a position of authority or who is mature or wise, may have a long- term effect on you.


The New Moon on the 29th in freedom-loving Sagittarius will encourage to you to take a break from restrictive routines or responsibilities. Be prepared for a sudden change of plans as New Moon ruler, Jupiter, links with Mars- who is currently in out-of-the-box Aquarius. Be open to anything new and see what excitement and positive change comes your way. The spirit of this New Moon is to say yes! Under the adventure filled vibe this lunation offers, you‘ll be inspired to let go of what no longer serves you to make room for something bigger and better.


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The month of November begins with your ruler making a supportive link to Neptune. Not the best aspect for taking action, but it is ideal for taking a break and daydreaming. Under Neptune‘s inspirational influence, watching a movie, reading a book or taking a trip to the beach will help you recharge your batteries and begin manifesting a dream. The 8th sees a fleeting yet powerful aspect from the Sun to Pluto. Under this show-me-what-your-made-of-energy, the cosmos is asking you to put your plans into action. Tapping into your infinite energy will help you realise your most important goals and plans.


Your ruler Mercury aligns with Pluto on the on the 4th under a friendly link known as a sextile. Under this influence, you‘ll be able to uncover a truth or find solution to a problem. With Mercury in Scorpio, known as a psychic sign, you‘ll be able to combine your gut instinct alongside your natural penchant for fact-finding. Speaking the truth or having an honest conversation will be particularly important as the month begins. The 21st sees Mercury shift from the deep and probing intensity of Scorpio, to refreshing and alive Sagittarius. As your mood lightens up, you‘ll be challenged to move beyond the facts and toward what is possible.


The 5th sees an electric link between Venus and Uranus. Thinking outside-of-the-box especially in terms of your relationship is highlighted now. If you‘re partnered with someone special, this aspect may promote a ‗spicing things up‘ vibe between you. Surprise your lover with an unexpected romantic encounter.

If things aren‘t so rosy in your love department, your recent encounter with Saturn may have brought about some harsh realities. Uranus‘ volatile influence may be the catalyst you need for a shake-up in love. Singles, this cosmic connection may take you by surprise and potentially bring about a brand new romantic prospect.


The month begins with a packed first house, with 3 planets in your own sign. Fresh from the Scorpio New Moon which happened on October 31st, you‘ll be buzzing with fresh possibilities for the year ahead. As Mars, your ruler is in the slow and steady sign of Capricorn when the month begins, spend a little time planning, plotting and manifesting the goals that are most important to your heart and soul. The Full Moon on the 15th illuminates your most significant relationship. A little bit of luxury or indulgence will do wonders to connect both your hearts and minds.


The Jupiter/Pluto link has the potential to be a massive game changer for you. You may uncover hidden wealth in the form of a bank account you forgot you had, an inheritance or a gift from someone in power- like a tax return.

You may discover an ambition or goal that drives you forward during this planetary weather. Embracing a diplomatic approach or with the help of a partner, you can uncover hidden potential or sway someone in authority to your way of thinking. This could be getting an investor for a business idea or enlisting a life coach or mentor to help you navigate new terrain. 157

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Mars‘ recent visit will have energised some of the personal plans and goals you‘ve set for yourself. Now that Venus‘s is tracking the same path, you‘ll be able to garner the opportunity or support you need to manifest your grand plan. Venus is your magnetic lucky charm up until the first week of December- use her to your advantage. Jupiter also makes a link to this planetary line-up. Whatever eventuates now will most likely play out in a big way. Social interactions are highlighted and you may experience heightened popularity or a busy social schedule now. You‘ll definitely feel like living the good life toward the end of the month.


Overall November will have the sense that something exciting is about to happen. Jupiter, the planet associated with luck, prosperity and opportunity is closing in on your ruler Saturn. This will be an especially fortunate link for you. While Mars is dousing you with confidence, take action and investigate opportunities that come your way. Be open to new possibilities that may emerge, particularly that have something to do with publishing, opportunities from overseas, or the internet. Consider saying yes to something you‘d normally say no to, then formulate a plan or framework to make it happen!


Venus continues to charm her way through your career sector, helping you with self-promotion and sealing the deals that Saturn‘s longer-term presence is creating. Venus lends you popularity and the ability to garner support, a pay increase, or a new opportunity that could lead to a promotion. Venus is also a social planet, highlighting relationships in general. You may need to spend extra time and effort at work functions or after hours get-togethers. A little effort will go a long way toward your career goals this month. Mark the 9th-11th in your diary as your personal ‗soul days.‘ Take a step out of your routine as much as possible now and re-connect with your soul, spirit and imagination.



December is likely to bring turning points or changes in direction regarding your career as Mercury shifts into reverse just prior to the Solstice. Re-visiting themes that were highlighted around the Full Moon in your sign in mid- October that involved power issues or politics may be difficult to avoid now. Mercury‘s retrograde passage invites you to slow down and re-assess your work priorities and set some new long-term goals.

The 19th sees your ruler Mars slip into the most private sector of your solar horoscope. You now have cosmic permission for a little R & R after a year that was arduous and turbulent all at the same time.


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As a sign who is reluctant to change, December is a month where you‘ll have little choice except to strap yourself in and enjoy the ride! Your ruler Venus will be in fellow fixed sign Aquarius from the 7th. Combining your ideas with stable action is your key to success until years‘ end.

Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus team up and will bring a plethora of opportunities, light bulb moments and exciting new paths to take. Serious Saturn will offer solid foundations from which to launch from, giving you a sense of security along the way.


The opportunity to go over money matters is presented this month as ruler Mercury enters another retrograde phase. Before too much Christmas over-spending begins and New Year‘s resolutions loom, the 18th until January 7th heralds a period where you can go back to the financial drawing board. Developments that presented around the Full Moon in October may be the key to what you need to revise. In future-focused Capricorn, planting seeds for the future will be important. Perhaps looking at investments that will build a nest egg for your security will be the best gift you can offer yourself now.


Despite the social air element being the dominant planetary energy of the Full Moon on the 14th, you feel like some quiet time. Your most private sector is being illuminated, highlighting your innermost thoughts and feelings.

Dynamic changes to your home, family and career sectors are forecast under the Juipter/Uranus face- off may leave you needing to retreat into your shell for a while. You may prefer to politely turn down non- essential social engagements and reconnect with the deepest feelings of your soul.

The Sun will bring a turning point in your relationships from the 22nd and important conversations can be had on the 29th.


December may bring a changing of the guard in respect to your hobbies, romances or children. Your ruler, the Sun makes his annual connection with serious Saturn on the 10th. Dealing with responsibilities may put the brakes on your social scene for around 24 hours. The 12th brings an aspect of opportunity with Uranus, astrology‘s great awakener. Under this influence, you may throw caution to the wind and book a well-deserved holiday, especially to a long desired destination. A certain ‗ah- ha‘ moment may also bring you to a greater awareness about your future path. Jupiter also casts a ray over these few days, emphasising that fresh new perspectives can be gained.


Crossed wires, confusion and general snafus on the social front may permeate your holiday festivities as your ruler Mercury enters a retrograde phase from the 18th. This phase may promote a change in attitude toward how you choose to have fun this silly season. Issues involving your extra-curricular activities or your children from mid-October may re-surface again.


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The Full Moon illuminates your career sector on the 14th. Under this influence, you may experience the pull of work-related socialising versus the responsibility of being at home. With Jupiter and Uranus facing-off along your financial sectors, new money making opportunities are possible.


Anything may be possible when it comes to your relationships this month as expansive Jupiter and volatile Uranus face-off across your relating sectors. Turning points are promised around the 22nd as the Sun enters your home zone. Mercury‘s retrograde passage in your 4th sector further highlights you need to go back to the drawing board on some key family issues. As opportunity and change permeate some key areas of your solar horoscope, your career and working life may need to take a back seat.

The 7th sees your ruler enter your fifth house of fun, where you‘re encouraged to enjoy some of the good things the holiday season offers.


Addressing money issues is highlighted this month as your ruler Mars, makes a supportive link to Saturn on the 5th. Being realistic about your cash flow will help you set healthy boundaries around your expenditure at this expensive time of year. An encouraging link from Jupiter emphasises ‗the thought that counts‘ and that connecting with your most important people is what‘s truly special.

As 2016 draws to a close under a meeting between Mars and Neptune, you‘ll be ready to take a break and escape to somewhere that will recharge your soul. In the watery sign of Pisces, a beach-side holiday to take it slow and unwind will be a perfect way to bring in the New Year.


Your enthusiasm for a pet project or to learn something new is heightened on the 3rd. As Mars links with your ruler Jupiter, you‘re inspired to get out and about and share your ideas, thoughts and plans with others. This planetary pairing may also motivate you to undertake a new course of study in the New Year.

A link of opportunity between lucky Jupiter and romantic Venus may bring extra happiness and general good fortune in love on the 26th. This cosmic connection offers general luck and happiness in your interaction with others over the holiday season.


The 18th sees Mercury retrograde in your own sign. This may bring an introspective energy to your holiday season as you ponder the year past and the one awaiting. As Mercury aligns with Pluto, you may connect with aspects of yourself that you bury deeply. Casting your mind back to mid-Octobers Full Moon may be a clue to what you need to re-visit now.

The 22nd sees the Sun move into your sign for his annual visit, and also heralds the Solstice, representing an important turning point for the Sun. This may also highlight a turning point for you too. Under Mercury‘s backward passage, journaling feelings, goals and manifestations you wish to make now will help you connect with the path that is right for you.


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Both Venus and Mars spend the majority of December in your own sign. These two planets are about relating, and with lucky Jupiter making a link to Mars on the 3rd and Venus on the 26th you have the potential to make a good impression on others. This may also encourage you to tip the balance back in your favour if you‘ve been doing too much for everyone else.

Your rulers Saturn and Uranus connect on the 21st under the dynamic fire element. If you‘ve been stuck in a rut and craving change, the heavens support you to shake things up now.


Some long-held career goals may finally manifest as the Sun and Saturn make their annual meeting in your work sector. Recognition, respect or a promotion may mark the end of the working year.

Mars and Venus hide away in your most private part of your solar horoscope this month. You too may feel like escaping, especially as Mars enters your sign on the 20th. A meeting with your co-ruler Neptune on the last day of 2016 signals your perfect opportunity to take a surf-side holiday or to any other location that nourishes your soul.

Cassandra is an avid professional astrologer, writer and teacher, based in Brisbane, Australia. Her interest in Astrology started when she was a child reading horoscopes in her mother‘s magazines.

Known for her honesty, passion and insight, Cassandra offers consultations to people all over the globe.

With over 10 years experience, Cassandra combines ancient and traditional methods with a modern day spin to enhance specific predictions and offers practical and inspired guidance. Cassandra is known and respected for bringing the symbolism of the signs and planets and using this as a tool for helping you discover inner knowledge, clarity, wisdom and benefit.

Cassandra‘s work has featured in Wellbeing magazine, Women‘s Health and Fitness as well as numerous websites. She is the former president of the Young Astrologers Association (NSW) and was on the board of the Federation of Australian Astrologer‘s.

When Cassandra doesn‘t have her head in the stars, you‘ll find her in the gym or at home with her beloved baby son.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016


INFINITY Astrological Magazine- Nov/Dec 2016

By Margaret Gray