(Yl ARBEITSGRTJPPE F Lanioturdus rorqurtut Drosselwiirget SCHRIFTLEITUNG:POSTFACH 67, WINDHOEK, S.W.A. : H Nr. 5-6 lB. Jahrgalg Augus t/'september 1982 H Q z(t) lY) U) ilO1I I.{ELL DO YOU IiIJOh' T}IIS B-TP.D? (r) 2 B South African She.lduck Graukopfgans Bergeend

TADORNTi CAl.lA (Rouerts \Jo. v)n 9O) Ident ifj-cat ion zl {lccrlr,s j-s FI This large ches tnut-c olourecl at dams and v1e vl wtrere the rvater is sha.Ilort' and there arql stretches of wet nlud. F{l zl Adult fema]-os ha\re a varia.ble amount of rshite on the face and a grey neck. Adult mal-es an.d. both the young (fess than ej-ght nronths o].d ) nrales and fenrales hawe a grel/ he.ad and neck. Shelducks are likeJ-y to be confusecl with onJ.y trro other species' Mcst confusion occur:s rcith Egyi:ti-an Geese (R 89) wkrich are similar in sj-ze and especieilly in flight patterrlo Roth Shelduck arrd -"*hite EglSian Gcese have Ulack(is} ) flight featkrers an-d a shoulder. Tirey are best seper.iteC. ivhen standing or swimniing when tkre differ- ence in colour is nost obvious. TLre Egyptian is duller in colour wj-th a greater cor-rtrast irt colour betrreen t;he dark back and pale '-rnderparts, whereas Shelduclrorri:l ri-n61 on the neck of Egyptian Geese is a mark that oan often be used to distinguish these species in f light. Adult femaler Shelduclcs i:li11,irt, because of the white on 'be their face, confuseC with rlhj Le--facecl (p- fOO) . However, Shelducks are consirlcrably larger, lighter colourecl and have conspicuous rvhitc l.,a'cches on ttre shor-rlder lvhereas ithitefaced rn'ings (see P.oberts t{ Ducks are sriralJ.l clark ancl have no rr.hite on tkrei rrl Ptate 9 irr iato-st er.-lition. ). U General- introduct iorr v) a This harmloss sirocies, which fer,-.ds lzrrge11'on v(,rgetable tnattc-rt l*l is forrn

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.:,,,-i t, .' 2

"flresc oxt'r2. -rvir1,or b()c,i,L(:)st ,n'ctJ s;() ()tl:,r.i-.lt-r.i i,l;-i.-rr !-lai)ociest to al ..havc i-ttcLr,'as<: .Ll,s L'irn/lc i,'ibhLn t..r.:riaiititt/:.:,it.,'-1.t.-Lc;l.

\{L ii ,\' rr.l I i'lTLi:, i(rrOl,'LEtlr-}li ['t"i l':,],-: r; ii,\i,OGY OIr' 'lil-i-;-: l, l)ii(l i-trS lj,lTHfii liltlil;jj.1 ,1.//'-,.r:..',.i:',?l.(.),:,. ,,1y i,r;,:., ; 'ici ()r,.1,1 ,, l'l,li c'-l i'1-l; ;i,i"i\lPLE oll:'--li--ilv.,.i- " 'J'() l lOi\i:l \ii)i' (,-::; it,',.-:-l,L'i;ril!- i) L;:., illir'..illJ \'Oiji.i -,1.1lJ'.)i.Il iiirOij],jiDC;E.

The res'L oJl tiii,:r iii't.i.c1(,rf .i1, is l,opccl , i*il1 !)r()vi-cL.r i;iie t'iocessary inf ortiiat i cri. zrllcl, s b i:irtilus llor' ]-()l.l il o 8o o r,rt anrl nal.lc obs e rr.iet ion.s on ttrili rrilcc j ()s.

Distlibub-i-on j-btr-Lion Tlle .-icccirrtji:i.Lr:y'.j.ril-lrl.rl) sirr-r-,i:r l,f1gl .lis tr. of i.)csiti\r.l rccor(ls 'b1lis 'i-r-i.t.-rl of i:lj.)i-rc.Leli slrbl:iittt.'ri f i)r: tll,-: a'l, 1-as; r:r'o jecl; to cl:rte. Noto, l-l:..t ti:i' s(i1-ra.I'().'i ()jI'l,iio irl;ll-r ,1f.'\.)i-l . r'r'r.r' s(luierI-('s ancl c)ach of thcscj contair:. .t-(i a1l-.Lrls s(jllarri)li. Pliic(.) i:rffnes] ar](i. dcgrccs i.ir'c) giwen. f or or:'i ori t, e t -L,rn . 'j So f ;,ir if(' itar-t'r. rc)cor(;.J:r O1- l, ftir: sjJ)ijot.irS i'I.r-rrti On.l-t /t S(lt1z:i.fcs 1ri:t zrlreaclT" h() irirvc r,rdLic(l i-l:inrcrlr;t:1'r. t,o our lrisj-tr;r fo::1,iiis r Jrroi.rlt,:tn j,.' 11-!11'1-i1.'1- 1..rtris, cLrrr:i< ocjcrlrfi iit i,hc, tiarar-sburg ciisl; r'ict I t s,llrti.ii-l . .-rr-1.i,hiu jlil..',) jiar lr.,cor-(.is. f!1r:;r:ie ,.r'i11 ani'one " 1--'ar"i* e' ^r' - 'colr(irr ,-r-['Lir j.;.; s j)()c.iL)s af tl,,r ir j.'.r,rni oi' local dari writ?.inri tr.:11. i:ro:.,.boub thcn. I.ir-.will be rlr-:l'br:f'rrl for ana'infor- matj.on.

This s uocics lt;.Ls ali tlrrC'von ;jc-\ r;,:1tio.

;liciul,1, r ra'! c :rti11 1'r,uir 1-rr ,-:11'.,-l-cll;r-:; lts :).1'c c.:lr-:,l -l-Y ciis; t irr g.r,Lsl.rab1c'. -t-11.. l-(ltra!loS i.:r.vo itili,lrt\ aln .i'irt:r.' ir-.fi.L-1.:;tj iri.i.lc s (;-.nri aJ-s o yoil]rg j,iii_,,(l b.i.rcis ai, I.tot.ll :ti-_xc j:r) ,iri it,[ .l_ iir.i)-,' ]t.-r;.r.clilnll r'icok.. i"iot;o t; Ii:rt j-r.'ci 1,-oulril b r:i ci' :;:tir s.r-\ i:rji I'i: l.rllrirli-r 1;lt,-r rir.-'i-l-c, irr havin61 nl1 :r"11 gre-v*. l:r::ic1 altL(1 llciCl{.. I'll i.S r;.l i- irz'"i.i-on. il.; vol"v r;'lttr:.:'.-r1:i LJrci, irr

'-)/ , r.... r... t- / ') flr. )-o _:,t--it. _ mOst :ir-fi)cics v,'lrar-r:'c)i}:.'r'.-: i..; -r riif i,.,':'ct't(;i.: iIr (:of crl:'nti olt llo"l-'*r(.-L'n rht-- aciuf i, t,la.lc:i itrrrJ jlirirt,.l-l-cr; 1.i:<, .,;{)r-:ll,r.'t-rirc: } ,l:'c,56-.;;1:-,lg' i-,:,,. t'orrft I cs .t,..c,. n().L i:lefcll .

1'he ,'\frit;a.n She.]-cluch i-s :t-l-so irnusl-rii-L ooqr--.1;c1'. ',11,'f u;rst -Ln !ior,lt1r j.'-Lr.r<;ks; lr;-:.,'r-' Afrlci'1 , tvltc:rc'r"e-r: 1;::::g+r l;eort obsc'rvc,'cl lhcrc llatrr: al- <.".' -u-ir:r;'i. I."'aiis bcc.:'L .i:-,-i: niel'(l 1;i-i i.rs-', iaiii-1.()s. -..-L1;hoLliii-I v€. woti]-r-l cxplctj 't' ?- si.tr,iJ.c;- si i;rll:.ticr: r,i::.i;.iitt.;:/:r. .---ft'ici,r 1;h,i-s rtai' ttot ]>e :--io. i lino\r' o.l.' no I)ut--ii-sirc

Brcj: d in; i 1,.io l- o Eli 1{c f ri--s-i--i:ro Li-,tc lti1lilar,:;o in i,he ldu--1-t fcnr;-1os of thj-s sjp(JCics . ,,1ti,,-'.st, alJ rCcorcl-r: c-,f l:r;lec.clil{l :i-tl tiris sllt:c-i 9s 'f come f'roti, jior-rt1r ,,.i.'.i'i-ci -l i; :i.li riilr-l.er i.l,'r l- r.'ith ir.o tc,.nrlency " 1r():i tlf latcr r.r..L.i-rtjjn r.rrj:; ooLi:r'brl./ tiri, i;rc:cci:Lri; :;cllcclule is c.iifferrtnb. Can. ileaClc.'r:S P-Ler:1":si'r-1 ,.r i; irie lillar'rv .,.ritat.t i.irCt;.' <.r'irtserr-i-: i:':-r:9d jp6, - iilo.S'i ,,'asi J_i' 111sess;cr,1 lri. _,i.i.--1iljrr,1i; l:9 r,t t;:.itC.l,i1':,, (lorril)- yCi.iltil sr.rii:ir:r.i.nr; on ),c>ur l-oca1. r{-a,,il" L'1;;'-ir.,i' ,i {;c-.;iis o1-' i.;^i'';,t ir;it1--i,,-r:rr..t,. .ir,--}(.rr-1from l{rii;rr.!:tj-:t,/ S.',i,;,f'ri-ca ?r"re - ilo.r'.' in(11r'i (:){r;1j:l,,11'r: .! :ler.l? iiol..' lnali}- clricl'r; reitclr 'i .Lheir tirc' locai cLall elncl itor,, lilair-\; :i1-r.J'-;i,-"r;' o f -l-lrI atn(.1 rn'llat caLls(-ls deatlt? ,,;,;;r-Ln. il,' yoil hi,tvil :.'.-n)' j,.rf ortii:r-t,,.i.-i)i1 p.lr:;.. 1-i<.';rr.r-ite r.1nci tcl.-1 i:rc r

Iiee molilt

]Jelcii j/ca)r:' ::.i-;:tost a-Li b--r:ciri l;-r'()1,,,. ci:lil1-rlqj'[e-Li- ,rcrr :;,:t of |L)€'. 1.i.1e1'a:j. Si:el-ducL'.s ritr,r:iti1; .1-1 lo-i:r iitoiill Ioq5;i) sju r:lillry 1 -i,,i-1;i:1,f i:..itircrs; at one tirnO tiri'l-l, i;ht-.j' l-'-;cCr,)rir(rfJ i1;,ri j,<:sl; j'-,,r' s;.-'i,r'b1- :--.i, r;iich t-'i I.ie .r.iocl " they r,:lc)a/ctto J-lrgc i.r>s of' ..-'il,olt lr':_lt;r:r' l!ri]\-r1'<; l,irc-7 calti s\ii.iil ,;uC: 'l.c arllii-)' f::o;.1 ti'.le sho'rc-. ir,wo.i-d i-,ro11art;o:rs. ,.t t--i,s tiino o.i- tl:er -1'c:ir gonoral]-y iTovrl;rtbe,'r 1.;() .ir:lrlrar;.,r .i-r-rr-lor.i-l,il -,.i'.r'.icrr. tirolli;h i:.9:.i-ir this could bc diff--t'r.rrt; i1(,)r(.) ',1rltot'c. .r:-,-Lri:, a.r(-- 1it-tr-r' -.t; i...c lar.gcst l'1ocl