Donations to Missions etc - 2015 Name of Mission Total Paid 20Schemes 5,064 222 Ministries International 3,500 Abaana Ministries 400 Acre International 1,045 Acts29 1,500 AIM (International) 650 Arab World Ministries 900 Asia Link 895 6,880 The Barnabas Fund 1,755 Rev George Baxter 300 BEE International 450 Belfast Bible College 1,075 Belfast City Mission 640 The Bible Society 470 Breda Trust 500 Bridge Builders Ministries 25 Calvary Mission 1,075 CARE 475 Care for the Family 300 Castlewellan Presbyterian Church 3,375 CEF Specialised Book Ministry 200 Child Fellowship 8,525 Christain Aid 325 Christian Blind Mission 100 Christian Concern for our Nation 50 Christian Guidelines 200 The Christian Institute 505 Christian Witness to Israel 405 Christians in Sport 25 Chuck O 1,500 The Church Army 395 Church of England in South Africa 625 The Church's Ministry Among Jewish People 520 Commission 720 Community of Hope 275 Coram Deo Ministries 475 Crossfire Trust 200 Crosslinks 25 Crossroads Foundation 5,625 Pastor Vane Cvetkov 2,260 Mr & Mrs Paul Davis 300 Mr Joseph Donnelly 330 Dorothea Mission 140 Dublin 500 Eastern European Inasmuch Trust 400 Elam Ministries 235 European Christian Mission 1,480 European Fellowship 115 Evangelical Alliance (NI) 25 Evangelical Protestant Society 150 Evangelize China Fellowship 145 Every Home Crusade 2,460 Faith Mission 765 Far East Broadcasting Association 1,200 Fellowship of Faith for Muslims 25 Fireblade Ministries 20 Fonic Trust 320 Mission 550 Frejus Baptist Church 400 Friends In Action 200 Frontiers Ireland 150 Global Network Recordings (UK) 275 Good News Broadcasting Association 825 Gospel Mission of South America 70 Hamsayeh International 890 Helping Hands 250 Home for Good 50 Hope (NI) Ltd 100 Mrs Joyce Hyslop (Nigeria) 130 IFES (Ireland) 120 Immanuel Studios 200 Internation Christain Embassy Jerusalem (U.K.) 20 International Fellowship of Evangelical Students 200 International Justice Mission 40 915 Irish Bible Institute 420 Irish Evangelistic Band 515 Japan Christian Link 520 Kids4School 25 Labour in Faith & Trust 200 Langham Partnership International 200 Latin Link 495 Lebanese Society for Educational & Social Development 400 Prof John Lennox 1,394 Leprosy Mission 370 Life Change Ministries International 50 LifeWords 990 Limavady Baptist Church 7,000 Logos Ministries 500 London City Mission 1,020 London School of 50 Rev Paul Mallard 3,888 Miss Maureen Mateer (Italy) 825 Mercy Ships U.K.Ltd 400 Messianic Testimony 395 Metropolitan Tabernacle Soviet Baptist Ministry Fund 140 Middle East Christian Outreach 935 Mission Africa 1,130 Mission Agencies Partnership 200 Mission Aviation Fellowship 2,920 Mission Possible 1,000 Musalaha Ministry of Reconciliation 500 New Harvest Ministries 100 New Irish Arts 500 New Tribes Mission 655 NightLight 275 Norman Fox Missionary Cause 250 OMF International (UK) 3,500 One Mission Society 345 Open Air Mission 15 Open Doors 6,400 Open Schools Worldwide 150 Operation Mobilisation 1,675 Pars Theological Centre 100 People International 730 Mr Michael Perrott 50 Portstewart Baptist Church 100 Premier Christian Radio 50 Presbyterian Irish Mission 2,625 Presbyterian Overseas Board 1,000 Prison Fellowship 220 Prospects for People with Learning Disabilities 30 Radio Bible Class 40 Radio Worldwide 500 Reach Beyond 145 Reach the Unreached Ministries 10 Release International 3,180 Revelation TV 200 Revival 250 S.A.S.R.A. 390 Salvation Army 230 Samaritan's Purse 10 Sandes Soldiers' & Airmen's Centres 165 SAT 7 670 Scripture Union 1,360 Seamen's Christian Friend Society 1,175 SIM (International) 35 Slav Lands Christian Fellowship 780 Slavic Gospel Association 1,210 Society for Distributing Hebrew Scriptures 50 South American Missionary Society 10 Spanish Gospel Mission 2,495 Stauros Foundation 50 Stewardship - for Dr & Mrs EA Moore 4,430 Stewardship for Mr.N & Mrs F. Bennett 875 TEAR Fund 2,320 Terrace Row Presbyterian Church 600 Mr Timothy Robinson 300 Torch Trust for the Blind 130 Trans World Radio 575 Trinitarian Bible Society 435 UFM Worldwide 1,440 United Christian Broadcasters 600 Vision Ireland 300 Waakisa Ministries 120 WEC International 3,150 Wycliffe Bible Translators 760 Youth For Christ 200 Youth with a Mission 105 Missionary Candidates & Short-termers 800 Total: £143,570