J Med Sci, Volume 53, Number 2, 2021 April: 191-198

Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran)

Volume 53, Number 2, 2021; 191-198 http://dx.doi.org/10.19106/JMedSci005302202110 floccosum as apossible aethiological agent of : a case report

Rudi Chandra1*, Nova Z Lubis2 1Department of Dermatology & Venereology, Faculty of Medicine, Prima Indonesia University, Medan, Indonesia, 2Department of Dermatology & Venereology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sumatera Utara/Universitas Sumatera Utara Hospital, Medan, Indonesia


Submited: 2020-09-20 Tinea capitis is a superficial fungal infection of scalp that affects particularly Accepted : 2021-02-01 school-aged children. It is usually caused by , although can cause the tinea capitis. Tinea capitis caused by the E. floccosum is quite interesting because it can confirm the sporadic occurrence of parasitism by this . In this article, it was reported tinea capitis caused by E. floccosum. A 15-year-old girl, presented with itchy scaly alopecia on scalp since 1 week ago. The patient denied any contact with cat or dog, and there was not any family history. On physical examinations, lymphadenopathies were found at both lateral neck and alopecia with scales and crusts, lenticular to nummular sizes, at scalp. Hair- pull test was positive. The trichoscopy examination found comma , broken hairs, and black dots. The fungal culture examination discovered the growth of E. floccosum. The patient was diagnosed with tinea capitis and treated with 500 mg of griseofulvin orally, 10 mg of cetirizine orally, and 2% of shampoo. Epidermophyton floccosum is an anthropophilic dermatophyte that frequently causes , tinea pedis, and , but not tinea capitis. Several reports have showed the capability of E. floccosum in perforating hairs and causing tinea capitis. In conclusion, E. floccosum is a possible aethiological agent of tinea capitis through its ability to perforate hairs.


Tinea kapitis merupakan suatu infeksi jamur superfisial pada kulit kepala yang terutama menyerang anak-anak usia sekolah. Tinea kapitis umumnya disebabkan oleh dermatofita, meskipun dapat disebabkan E. floccosum. Tinea kapitis yang disebabkan oleh E. floccosum cukup menarik karena dapat mengkonfirmasi terjadinya parasitisme rambut secara sporadis oleh dermatofita ini. Dalam makalah ini dilaporkan tinea kapitis yang disebabkan E. floccosum. Seorang anak perempuan berusia 15 tahun, datang dengan keluhan kebotakan yang bersisik dan gatal di kulit kepala sejak 1 minggu yang lalu. Pasien menyangkal adanya kontak dengan kucing atau anjing, tidak ada riwayat keluarga. Pada pemeriksa anfisik, ditemukan adanya limfadenopati di leher bagianlateral dan alopesia dengan skuama dan krusta, berukuran lentikular hingga numular, di kulit kepala. Tes tarik rambut positif. Pada pemeriksaan trikoskopi, ditemukan rambut koma, rambut patah, dan bintik hitam. Dari pemeriksaan kultur jamur ditemukan pertumbuhan E. floccosum. Pasien didiagnosis dengan tinea kapitis dan diobati dengan griseofulvin 500mg per oral, cetirizine10mg per oral, dan sampo ketokonazol 2%. Keywords: Epidermophyton floccosum merupakan dermatofita antropofilik yang sering Epidermophyton Floccosum; menyebabkan tinea kruris, tinea pedis, tinea korporis dan onikomikosis, fungal culture; tetapi tidak menyebabkan tinea kapitis. Beberapa laporan menunjukkan tinea capitis; kemampuan E. floccosum dalam memperforasi rambut dan menyebabkan tinea crusis; tinea kapitis. Dapat disimpulkan E. floccosum mungkin merupakan agen onychomycosis; etiologi tinea kapitis melalui kemampuannya untuk memperforasi rambut.

*corresponding author: [email protected] 191 J Med Sci, Volume 53, Number 2, 2021 April: 191-198

INTRODUCTION inability of this species to damage hair is often being mentioned. Case Tinea capitis is a superficial of tinea capitis caused by this species fungal infection or is quite interesting because it can of scalp also referred to as ringworm, confirm the sporadic occurrence of involving hair shaft and follicles.1,2 hair parasitism by this dermatophyte.6 While it may affect any age group, In this article, it was reported tinea tinea capitis is particularly common capitis caused by E. floccosumand its among school-aged children between management. 3 and 14 years of age. It is well known that tinea capitis is more CASE common in children of African descent compared to Hispanics A 15-year-old girl was initially and Caucasians.3 Tinea capitis presented with scaly alopecia on represents 4 to 10% of dermatophyte her scalp since 1 week ago. She infections. Transmission is increased experienced itchiness on scalp 3 with decreased personal hygiene, weeks prior alopecia and found overcrowding and low socioeconomic fleas that run on her headscarf. status. It is more frequent in tropical These same symptoms were also regions with low socioeconomic experienced by her friends at school. conditions and affects almost The patient’s parents put onions and exclusively children (98%).3,4 salts on her scalp, but the complaints The clinical appearance of did not improve. One week after that ringworm of scalp is variable, appeared bad odor, sticky and slimy depending on the type of hair hairs, as well as crust on her scalp. invasion, the level of host resistance One week before the admission, the and the degree of inflammatory patient had her hairs trimmed bald, host response. Clinically, tinea so that the alopecia was seen. The capitis is divided into 3 types, non- patient denied any contact with cat inflammatory type, “black dot” type, or dog and had no family history with and inflammatory type.5 The non- similar complaint. She had undergone inflammatory type can be found surgery due to ovarian germ cells in 90% of affected children and tumor in the left ovary in 2014 and inflammatory type is only found in received six cycles of chemotherapy 10% of prepubescent children. Tinea (consisting of bleomycin, etoposide, capitis is caused by dermatophytes and cisplatin). that uses keratin as a nutrient source. The physical examinations found Scalp erythema, scaling, and crusting lymphadenopathies, Ø 1x1 cm, are typical signs of this fungal mobile, pain (-) at the left and right infection.4 lateral neck. The dermatological Many species of dermatophytes examination found alopecia with are capable of invading hair shafts scales and crusts, lenticular to and causing tinea capitis, especially nummular sizes; some are confluent, Trichopyton sp. and sp., at the region of scalp. Thick scales whereas Epidermophyton floccosum were found on both retroauricular and concentricum do regions (FIGURE 1). Hair pull test not cause tinea capitis.5 Many authors was positive. The direct potassium did not correlate the involvement hydroxide examination (10-20%) of E.floccosum as an aethiological from skin scraping of the scalp found agent in tinea capitis. Otherwise, the no hypha or spore. The trichoscopy

192 Chandra R, et al., Epidermophyton floccosum as ... examination found comma hairs, through skin and hair scraping. broken hairs, black dots, and The patient was treated with perifollicular scales (FIGURE 2). The once-daily oral administration of patient weighed 53 kg and was 145 500 mg griseofulv in, once-daily cm tall. oral administration of 10 mg The patient was diagnosed with cetirizine, and administration of 2% different diagnosis i.e. tinea capitis, ketoconazole shampoo three times a scalp psoriasis, and alopecia areata. week. Fungal culture was performed

A B C D FIGURE 1. Multiple alopecia with scales on scalp; (A) upper, (B) back, (C) left lateral, (D) right lateral views.


FIGURE 2. Trichoscopy features on several alopecia areas were comma hairs (red arrow), broken hairs (green arrow), black dots (black arrow); (A), (B), and (C), respectively.

The fungal culture discovered broken hairs, or black dots (FIGURE the growth of E. floccosum, with 6A & 6B). Therefore, the treatment flat feathery yellowish colony with was continued with once daily yellow to brown reverse pigment. The administration of 500 mg griseofulvin microscopic examinationon the colony and 2% ketoconazole shampoo, whereas found numerous thin and thick walled administration of cetirizine was stopped. club-shaped macroconidias (FIGURE At the 2nd follow-up (4 weeks after 3). At the first follow-up (2 weeks after treatment), the patient’s hairs increased the treatment), itchiness and scales on (FIGURE 5). Thetrichoscopic examination the scalp were subsided (FIGURE 4). showed increased vellus hairs’ growth, Lymphadenopathies was disappeared. no comma hairs, broken hairs, or black The trichoscopic examination found dots (FIGURE 6C & 6D). Griseofulvin was increased vellus hairs, no comma hairs, continued until 6 weeks.

193 J Med Sci, Volume 53, Number 2, 2021 April: 191-198

B A C FIGURE 3. Fungal culture in Saboraud dextrose agar medium; macroscopic (A) upper, (B) bottom, and (C) microscopic view.

A B C D FIGURE 4. At 1st follow-up 2 weeks after treatment; (A) upper, (B) back, (C) left lateral, (D) right lateral views.

A B C D FIGURE 5. At 2nd follow-up 4 weeks after treatment; (A) upper, (B) back, (C) left lateral, (D) right lateral views.


FIGURE 6. Trichoscopy features at the 1st follow-up (A), (B) and 2nd follow-up (C), (D); found increased vellus hairs.

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DISCUSSION to dull gray-green pigment and yellow to brown reverse pigment. Microscopically, The diagnosis of tinea capitis numerous thin and thick-walled club- in this case was based on clinical shaped macroconidia were found.3 history, physical and dermatological Epidermophyton floccosum frequently examination, trichoscopy, and culture. causes tinea cruris, tinea pedis, tinea The clinical appearance of tinea capitis corporis and onychomycosis, but not is highly variable, depending on the tinea capitis.5,6 Some researchers rarely causative organism, type of hair invasion associate involvement of E. floccosum and degree of host inflammatory as the causative agent of tinea capitis. response. Common features consisted Conversely, the inability of this species to of patchy hair loss with varying damage hair is often mentioned.6 Tinea degrees of scaling and erythema. The capitis is typically caused by Trichophyton presence of regional lymphadenopathy and Microsporum species.3 Trichopyton in combination with alopecia and/or tonsurans is the most commonly-found scale in a child suspected to have tinea species in the United States and United capitis is an important diagnostic clue , macroscopically presented and should encourage appropriate as a Suede-like center with feathery investigation with fungal culture.7 Since periphery, white to yellow or maroon. these clinical features were found in this Reverse pigment is usually dark maroon case, other examinations were provided and microscopically is presented with to investigate it. numerous multiform microconidia Nowadays, the usefulness of and rare cigar-shaped macroconidia.3 trichoscopy as a supplementary method Microsporumcanis is also the most to examine hair and scalp disorders is common cause of tinea capitis in Europe, well-documented for several conditions which is macroscopically presented and it is a non-invasive, quick and as flat, white to light yellow, coarsely inexpensive procedure.8 Trichoscopy hairy, with closely spaced radial grooves, features in tinea capitis were black with yellow to orange reverse pigment, dots, ‘comma-shaped’ hairs (ecthotrix and is microscopically presented with infection), corkscrew hairs (reported in numerous thick walled and echinulate Afro-Caribbean children), and zigzag spindle shaped macroconidia with shaped hairs.9 Few cases reported terminal knobs and more than 6 cells.3 “comma” and “corkscrew“ hair as Several reports have showed the features in child tinea capitis.8,10 In this capability of E. floccosum in perforating case, the trichoscopy found comma hairs, hairs and causing tinea capitis. Nikpoor broken hairs, and black dots. et al.11 reported a case report of a 9-year- The clinical diagnosis of old boy in Southern Iran, presented with dermatophyte infections could be multiple erythematous annular lesions confirmed by the gold standard involving the whole scalp without hair examination to identify fungal species loss caused by E. floccosum.11 Moto et through culture. Fungal culture al.12 reported the prevalence of tinea confirmation must be considered capitis in school-aged children in Kenya while the systemic treatment of oral in which out of 150 children examined, antifungal drug is given. In present case, 122 (81.3%) were found to have E.floccosum growth was found in the fungal lesions caused by Trichophyton culture. Epidermophyton floccosum is (61.3%), Microsporum (13.3%) and an anthropophilic dermatophyte, where Epidermophyton (7.3%). There were 11 macroscopically in culture as flat feathery (7.3%) children found to be positive for colonies with a central fold and yellow Epidermophyton infections within age

195 J Med Sci, Volume 53, Number 2, 2021 April: 191-198

group 6–8 years with males being the significantly delayed for an extended most affected.12 Romano also reported time period in numerous immune four pediatric cases of tinea capitis due parameters.17 to unusual agents. He reported three Tinea capitis usually needs cases of tinea capitis caused by T. rubrum oral antifungal treatment because and one case caused by E. floccosum in dermatophytes penetrate into follicles a 9-year-old girl with a 2-year history out of range of topical agents.3 Although of autoimmune thrombocytopenia, and topical antifungal is not recommended therefore she was treated with cyclic for tinea capitis, topical antifungal can systemic cortisone therapy.13 Macedo be used to reduce transmission from et al.6 reported the ability of 15 isolates spores. Topical antifungal includes of E. floccosum to perforate hairs in 2.5% povidone–iodine, 2% ketoconazole vitro. Fourteen isolates perforated shampoo, 1-2% zinc-pyrithione, and hair and twelve of them produced 1-2.5% selenium sulfide.3,7 In the present perforating organs. All isolates grew at case, 2% ketoconazole shampoo was 37ºC and produced proteinase, but not used to reduce spores transmission. phospholipase. There was also a study Based on British Association that reported an extracellular keratinase of Dermatologists guidelines in the of some dermatophytes, teleomorphs treatment of tinea capitis in 2014, the and related keratinolytic fungi. The recommended oral antifungal treatments study reported that the keratinase were griseofulvin, , of Microsporum, Trichophyton, and and fluconazole.7 Epidermophyton ranged from 50-300 Griseofulvin was the first effective drug ku/mL, 100-140 ku/mL, and 20 ku/mL, used to treat tinea capitis and is still respectively.14 Therefore, these reports widely used in resource-poor settings as suggested that E. floccosum was a possible it remains effective.5 Griseofulvin and aethiological agent of tinea capitis due terbinafine have been approved by US to its ability to produce proteinase and Food and Drug Administration as the keratinase. treatment of tinea capitis.3 Griseofulvin The research found that ovarian is a fungistatic drug that inhibits nucleic germ cell tumor and chemotherapy acid synthesis, arrests cell division at as the possible risk factors in the metaphase and impairs synthesis of cell patient. Germ-cell tumored of the ovary wall. The standard licensed treatment represent 15-20% of all ovarian tumors. protocol was 15-20 mg per kg body It was a rapidly growing neoplasms weight, daily, in single or divided doses arising from primordial germ cells that for 6-8 weeks. Taking the drug with derived from embrional gonad.15 These fatty food may increase absorption and ovarian germ cell tumors were mostly improve bioavailability.7 In this case, affected children and young adult at the recommendation of oral antifungal the age of 10-20 years.16 Although there treatment was used for tinea capitis was not any report about the relevance where clinically it was improved and of this tumor with the occurrence of confirmed by trichoscopy with increased tinea capitis, it cannot be denied that vellus hairs on the alopecia sites. this condition could be a risk factor. Moreover, chemotherapy also implicated CONCLUSION patient’s immune system. Kang et al17 reported that chemotherapy or chemo- It is concluded that E.floccosum is and radiotherapy combination for a possibleaethiological agent of tinea breast cancers significantly delayed IL-2 capitis through its ability to perforate recovery. Immune recovery following hairs. breast cancer adjuvant therapy was

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