Essay on Our National Symbols

India is a unique country with rich biodiversity, but which of its representatives are worthy to be called national symbols. Just the special ones that have particular features that helped them earned such a majestic title long ago. I can’t wait to find out what they are, and you? Let’s hurry to get acquainted with them.

Banyan proudly bears the status of national of . It has a very huge structure, deep and long roots and branches which together act like a shield protecting from hot sun. ’s strong trunk and cohesion tangles of twigs symbolize the union of country. Also the unending expansion of it is a symbol of eternal life. The national tree is the most appreciated by its medical value and it is often used as a herb in treating and curing many diseases.

Lotus is the national flower of India and symbolizes wealth, divinity, knowledge, fertility and enlightenment. Moreover this beautiful represents honor, long life and good fortune. By its flavor and perfection Lotus also symbolizes the purity of heart and mind. Along with cultural significance the national flower’s seeds are medicinal and are used in the treatment of spleen, heart ailments and kidney.

Mango is the national fruit of the country and is cultivated since times immemorial. It is called the God’s food and is grown in all parts of India, except the hilly areas. There are more than 100 kinds of mangoes different sizes and colors, such as green, red, orange, yellow and even combinations of them. I can characterize as a fruit with the sweet pulp, thin skin and peculiar smell which will attract any lover of confection.

The peacock is regarded as the national bird of India. It is emblematic of qualities such as beauty, pride, mysticism and grace. All male species fascinate by their gleaming blue breasts, necks and spectacular bronze-green train of almost 200 elongated feathers. The elaborate courtship dance of the male is the astonishing spectacle and I think it is worthy to be seen by everyone.

Tiger was chosen as the national animal of India due to its agility, grace, strength and enormous power. For me it is obvious that tiger deserved this prestigious title as it also considered as the King of Jungle and a Royal Animal. Tiger symbolizes the elegance, alertness, power, intelligence and endurance of the nation.

1 The National Symbols of India give the country a sense of originality and individuality. They altogether signify a rich history, culture and traditions, should be preserved and cherished and will remain in the heart of every Indian.

India has many things to feel proud about. India’s taste endorses her kind heartedness and friendly nature. Some of our national emblems speak volume about it. National Flag: First and foremost, our national flag is no ornamental thing. Its tri-colors represent what our tender hearts conveys.

The Saffron color on top denotes sacrifice; the white band in the middle, peace, and the green at the bottom, prosperity. And there’s Asoka chakras in the middle widi 24 spokes. This again underlines Emperor Ashoka’s lofty ideals for peace and purity. The flag was adopted on July 22, 1947.

National : The 'National flag of India' is a horizontal tricolor of deep saffron (kesari) at the top, white in the middle and dark green at the bottom in equal proportion. In the centre of the white band is a navy blue wheel which has 24 spokes.

National Anthem of India: The 'National Anthem of India' is the song 'Jana-gana-mana'. It composed originally in Bengali by Rabindranath Tagore. 'Jana-gana-mana' was adopted in its Hindi version by the Constituent Assembly as the national anthem of India on 24 January 1950.

National Song of India: The 'National Song of India' is ''. It is composed in Sanskrit by Bankimchandra Chatterjee. It has an equal status with 'Jana-gana-mana', the national anthem of India. 'Vande Mataram' was first sung in the 1896 session of the Indian National Congress.

National Emblem of India: The 'National Emblem of India' is an adaptation of the at Sarnath. Sarnath is near Varansi, Uttar Pradesh, India. The Lion Capital was erected in the third century BC by Emperor Ashoka. The national emblem of India is symbolic of contemporary India's reaffirmation of its ancient commitment to world peace and goodwill.

National Calendar of India: The 'National Calendar of India' is the official civil calendar in use in India. It is also called Saka calendar. It was adopted from 22 March 1957 along with

2 the Gregorian calendar. The national calendar is based on the Saka Era with Chaitra as its first month and a normal year of 365 days.

National Tree of India: The 'National Tree of India' is the 'Banyan' Tree. It often refers specifically to the Indian banyan or benghalensis. It is a fig that starts its life as an epiphyte (a plant growing on another plant). The leaves of the banyan tree are large, leathery, glossy green and elliptical in shape.

National Fruit of India: The 'National Fruit of India' is the 'Mango'. The mango is a fleshy stone fruit belonging to the genus Mangifera. Mangoes are rich in vitamin A, C, and D. It is also called the king of fruits. There are over 100 varieties of mangoes in India.

National Flower of India: The 'National Flower of India' is 'Lotus'. It is scientifically known as ''. It is a sacred flower and occupies a unique position in the art and mythology of ancient India and has been an auspicious symbol of Indian culture since time immemorial.

National Animal of India: The 'National Animal of India' is 'The Tiger'. It is the symbol of India's wealth of wildlife. It has a strong body which is brownish with black stripes on it. It has a long tail. Its padded feet have sharp claws. There are four teeth, two in the upper jaw and two in the lower,

National Bird of India: The 'National Bird of India' is 'The Peacock'. It is a colourful, swan- sized bird, with a fan-shaped crest of feathers, a white patch under the eye and a long, slender neck. It is a found in many parts of India. It eats up harmful insects and therefore its a good friend of farmers.

National Sport of India: The 'National Sport of India' is the 'Hockey'. Hockey is a the sport in which two teams play against each other by trying to maneuver a ball into the opponent's goal using a hockey stick.In present, there are many forms of Hockey ie. Field hockey, Ice hockey, Roller hockey, Sledge hockey and Street hockey.

3 Essay On Politeness

Politeness has been well defined as benevolence in trifles: Like benevolence on a. larger scale, it include a felling in the mind as well as the performance of those outward ac ionh.. which that feeling is manifested. The internal feeling which s a essentipat of the politeness, is the same all over the world. hownTer much its manifestations may etfer. it is the desire to put fiose w torn we 7-1'. .et perfectly at their ease, and save them from every kind of petty discomfort and annoyance.

Benevolence in its ordinary sense implies Love's our fellow-men and a desire to do all we can to promote their permanent happiness. The limited part of benevolence called politeness: required only an inclination to make them happy temporarily, while they are in our presence. and when this can done without any sacrifice on oui- part r)r on:y with a slight sacrifice of personal :;oiitio-it. It is possibje that politeness may in dissociated from general excellence o character, as in the case of Charles II, \vho exhibited his remarkable urbanity of manner even on his death-bed by apologising tor being " a inost unconscionable time dying."

In certain cases there may even be a conflict between politeness and ordinary benevolence. For instance, a doctor may. by politely sacrificing his j1a in a conveyance to a lady. arrive late at a sick¬bed where his 111...Se4iCe is urgently required. In such cases, of course. politeness should y, ield to the higher obligation. the particular; acticns in which politeness is n ‘Liifested differ according to circumstances and according to the customs of different countries. As long as society recognises distinctions in rank. politeness requires us to show marks of respect to our superiors, that are not expected in the presence of our equal and inferiors. Different rules of behaviour have to be observed.

According as we arc in the street or in the drawing-room, at home or at school. in the company of friends or of strangers. There is also to be considered • the great diversity of social etiquette which distinguishes one country from another. A polite i:renchman in his own cc untry raises his hat-to a shop-girl! when he enters a shop. but if he did so in England, he would be laughed at, and the object of his polite attention would not improbably resent his conduct.

4 [he difference in these matters is so great between the East and the \Vest, that it is very difficult for European and Eastern to meet in social intercourse without unintentionally offending one another. ln such circumstances a more liberal interpretation of the rule of politeness requires a large amount of mutual indulgence.

Politeness, besides being a duty that Ne owe to others. is a valuable possession for ourselves. It costs nothing. and yet may in many cases bring much, profit.

The great advantage of this excellence of conduct was very clearly expressed by Dr. Johnson. when he said that the difference between a well-bred and an ill-bred man is that one immediately attracts your liking, the other your aversion. -You love the one," he observes. -till you find reason to hate him: you hate the other till you find reason to love him." In this way, the well-bred man has in his politeness what is equivalent to a valuable letter of introduction, that recommends him to every one with whom he comes into contact.

Good manners are a politeness to others. In essence, good manners mean you don't make others uncomfortable around you. It's not just eating quietly and neatly, it's paying attention to the person who is talking to you, not gossiping, laughing even if the joke isn't funny. In the following few minutes I would like to divide my presentation into two parts to talk about the importance of good manners and politeness in today's world for individual and society.

Let’s start with the importance of good manners and politeness for individual. In today’s world, good manners and politeness are prevailing over abilities because the social standing of a person is judged by one’s manners. They have already played an important role in one's life as they help a person to create a healthy impression to others and to build one's reputation. They also help to promote friendship among the people around. Furthermore, good manners and politeness let us not to hurt the feelings of others or cause them any inconvenience. They help us to have less trouble from others, and those who associate with us will also learn how to behave well and respect the others.

Good manners and politeness provide a moment that can make us stop and consider the importance of noticing the others, the waitress and the sales person. Do we really need to bark out our orders? How much more pleasant would it be for all concerned if we asked for something politely, with a ‘please’ at the end of the request and acknowledged receipt of it with a smile and a ‘thank you’. Hardly earth shattering, but a more pleasant way of dealing

5 with people and a better way of treating them. Good manners and politeness facilitate difficult communications. Thus, a happier life can be obtained.

Now, I would like to move on to the importance of good manners and politeness for society. They are the means of developing social relations and the backbone of the society. Someone who lacks of these qualities may be considered boorish

Politeness is a great virtue. It costs nothing but it wins everything. If we are polite, we can win friends. We can also influence people if we are polite. Even our enemies cannot harm us if we are polite. A polite person has no enemies. Even those who are not polite are attracted by the quality of politeness. We should never lose our temper and we should always be polite to others, when we talk to them. Even when we do not like the offers and requests of others, we should turn them down politely. good manners and politeness are important to a society. I believe that a good nation is made up of great citizens, why would I say so? Imagine everyone in the society that is not having a manner to consider about others feeling, for example, people are littering on the street which, of cause, the environment would be ruined, but the main point is that this society would be considered as ‘uncivilized’. Moreover, being polite to people can minimize conflicts between people. For example, you run into a stranger on the street, if you say ‘sorry’ immediately, most of the time you would be forgiven, however, if you don’t apologize, he/she would think that you...

6 SAVE THE FOREST TO SAVE LIFE forests are like the lungs of the Earth — inhaling carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen that we all need to survive. Destroying forests releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year than all of the planes, trains, cars, trucks and ships — combined. People all over the world — from rural communities to the biggest cities — are affected by global deforestation. Your support will go toward helping Conservation International protect the places where we can make the greatest impact, putting good conservation practices in place for the long term.We call it the environment, but that's the wrong word. It's our extended body. We have a “personal body” and a “universal body”, and they're both equally ours. When we have that experience, that knowledge, it will become impossible for us tooo hurt the earth. So my friends, don't choose the word 'environment"; look at the earth as your mother from where you were born, and also remember that all its beautiful forests, its flowers and gardens, its , its atmosphere, its rivers -- they're all a part of our own biological organism. Love her... as you love yourself.forests are like the lungs of the Earth — inhaling carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen that we all need to survive. Destroying forests releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year than all of the planes, trains, cars, trucks and ships — combined. People all over the world — from rural communities to the biggest cities — are affected by global deforestation.

Your support will go toward helping Conservation International protect the places where we can make the greatest impact, putting good conservation practices in place for the long term.We call it the environment, but that's the wrong word. It's our extended body. We have a “personal body” and a “universal body”, and they're both equally ours. When we have that experience, that knowledge, it will become impossible for us tooo hurt the earth. So my friends, don't choose the word 'environment"; look at the earth as your mother from where you were born, and also remember that all its beautiful forests, its flowers and gardens, its trees, its atmosphere, its rivers -- they're all a part of our own biological organism.

Save Forest-Save Earth

Man is destroying forests to build dams and cultivate land. Trees are cut recklessly for fuel for manufacturing paper, for building houses ,furniture etc. He is killing wild animals for food, for their skin and other purposes. This should be stopped. Instead of destroying forests ,we should preserve, protect and increase the area under forests. Forests are our

7 national wealth. They have been helping to maintain ecological balance. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is keeping our earth warm. The trees provide man with the necassary wood for construction of houses ,raw materials for industries , furnitures and medicines. They help in soil preservation, cool the atmosphere and thus bring rain. We must save the planet EARTH.

We all talk about saving our mother earth vis-a-vis our natural resources. But the need of the hour is to initiate action on this account. Though lot is said in schools but nothing is done. Therefore, we should start aiming at water harvesting project in schools, avoid destroying paper by consuming less paper. I have seen project files, charts given for the summer holidays lying in the cupboards of the school. Good topic. Keep it up!

I think that u r correct !! Man is really trying to destroy forest and indirectly cutting his life span!! Actually cutting one tree is equal to subtracting one day of his life !! And when people will understand this no one of us will dare to cut tress!! Very good topic.

I would like to say that forests are our life and we should save these forests from getting destroyed. We get so many essential things from forests only. Nowadays people are cutting trees for making papers,contructing etc which is disturbing the environment.This is going to be very harmful for us in our future. Govt has published so many rules to save trees but no one follows it. So I would like to suggest everyone to sow seeds to grow atleast one tree every year. Save our earth from becoming desert instead

Celebrating World Environment Day (WED) is about channeling individual actions that collectively become an exponential force for positive change. It’s all about being the change and take action for our generation and the next. WED is celebrated around the world in many ways that include street rallies, bicycle parades, green concerts, essay and poster competitions in schools, tree planting, recycling efforts, clean - up campaigns and much more. This year, WED supports the UN’s International Year of Forests with the theme, “Forests: Nature at Your Service”, which underscores the many essential life - sustaining values that forests provide and the intrinsic link between our quality of life and the health of forest eco systems. The host country for this year is India. At TIL, amongst our colleagues, partners and families, we can all focus on how we can do our bit to protect the planet and save lives. Because any act of kindness, no matter how small, is never wasted. This WED Special issue of TIL Touch

8 brings you some green tips and facts for a ‘fun - read.’ Besides saving cost, the e - mail mode of the newsletter also saves paper and hence saves trees.

“Everyone is a stakeholder as

Everyone we are all inhabitants of the one and only mother Earth, so please take care of it.” touching lives, making a difference

• Forests are home to 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. • The livelihoods of 1.6 billion people depend on forests. • More than a quarter of modern medicines originate from tropical forest . • Three - quarters of the world's population rely on wood as their main source of energy. • A single edition of a daily newspaper uses the wood from approximately 5,000 trees to make the paper.

• One tonne of recycled paper saves approximately 15 trees and their habitat.

Nature is our surrounding, which includes AIR, Water, Trees, Forest, Animal and all other living and non living things. We, human beings for our short time benefit are polluting the nature around us and putting our life into danger. AIR pollution, Water pollution, Soil contamination, excess use of fuel and energy, Destroying forest and trees and killing of animals is resulting into ecological imbalance on this earth resulting into Global Warming, Damage to OZONE layer, reduced availability of drinking water and existence of life on earth.

Hence I request all my friends to realize this danger to existence of life on earth and protect our future by protecting our nature. We should plant more and more trees and save our rain forest, as it gives or generates the most of Oxygen which is must for existence of life on earth. We need to defend our oceans by challenging water pollution and wasteful and destructive fishing.

We need to create a toxin free future with safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals and polythenes. Reducing our electricity demand not only saves money, but also water,water that humans need to survive! Using available limited fuel with sarcity, so that our next generation can have some resources for future. Friends ! Its fearing and an alarm to us from our nature, that if we don’t take proper steps to save our nature, there will no future of us or any kind of life on earth.

9 So friends, save nature to save our future !!!!!!


Drinking means the habitual use of liquor. It is considered an evil because of the ill effects it produces on a person who drinks. It makes him lethargic. It tells upon his health adversely. It also disturbs the equilibrium of his mind. He loses all sense of decency.

All our religious books condemn drinking. According to The Mahabharata, drinking makes a man mad. It is a sin against man and society. A drunkard easily forgets the sense of morality. He spoils his health. He also loses his character. He becomes a selfish person. He spends all his earnings on drinking. He leaves very little money for his wife and children. While he enjoys liquor, his family starves. He becomes a slave to the habit of drinking. He does not mind sacrificing the interests of his relatives and friends for the sake of a few drops of drink.

Unfortunately, drinking is more common among the poor strata of our society, especially the workers. They spend their hard earned money on drinking. The result is that their family suffers. They bear the brunt of self- inflicted misery. Their children cannot afford school fees. They, therefore, do not go to school. They remain uneducated. When they grow up, they cannot find good jobs. Their life becomes miserable.

Worst still, the workers take illicit liquor because it is cheaper. They hardly realise that such liquor is just like poison. It can prove fatal. Many a time, newspapers have reported that hundreds of workers have gone blind on consuming illicit liquor. Some even lose their lives.

The production in our mills and factories is dependent on the health of the workers. If the workers resort to drinking, it will reduce their efficiency and affect their productivity. Drinking adversely affects the lives of the poor and backward people.

Therefore, drinking has always been decried by all the religious leaders of the world. Prophet Mohammad of the Muslims condemned the habit of drinking and declared it a taboo for his followers. George Bernard Shaw, the famous British author, also condemned the evil of drinking. He was a teetotaler. The Hindus consider drinking to be a sin. Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of our nation, also condemned the evil of drinking. He favoured the introduction of prohibition throughout the country.

11 Mahatma Gandhi once said, “If I were appointed a dictator for one hour for all India, the first thing I would do would be to close without compensation all the liquor shops, destroy all the toddy palms.” He felt that the devil strikes his helpless victims with his two arms of drugs and drinks. The drunkard indulges in crimes of which he will be much ashamed later on in his sober moments. The drunkard is unable to distinguish between his wife, mother and sister.

It was in deference to the wishes of Gandhiji that the fathers of our Constitution included prohibition as one of the Directive Principles of State Policy in Part IV of our Constitution. On 2nd October, 1975, the Government of India announced a “12-Point Programme.” These points are as under:

1. Discontinuance of advertisements and public inducements relating to drink.

2. Stoppage of drinking in public places like hotels, restaurants and clubs and at public receptions.

3. Barring of liquor shops near industrial, irrigation and other development projects in order to keep away the workers from drinking.

4. No liquor shops to be allowed along highways and residential areas in towns and villages, nor anywhere near educational institutions, religious places and colonies of labourers.

5. Pay days in different areas to be uniformly “dry” days.

6. Strict restrictions to be enforced on motor vehicle drivers and pilots; any infringement of rules to be punished with the cancellation of their licences for a sufficiently long period.

7. Government servants of all categories, including employees of public undertakings, to abstain from drinking in public; drunkenness while on duty to be severely punished.

8. No new liquor shop to be opened in any part of the country merely to earn more excise revenue.

9. No licence for creation of additional capacity or expansion of existing capacity for distillation or brewing of alcoholic drinks to be granted save in cent per cent export-oriented cases.

12 10. The existing legislation to be tightened up with a view to punishing the guilty effectively special mobile squads to be organised for the purpose where necessary.

11. Widespread and concerted propaganda by official as well as non-official agencies against the evil of drinking.

12. Leaders of public opinion to set the tone by their personal example.

Despite these measures, the evil of drinking persists in India. There are many reasons for it. First of all most of the States are averse to the introduction of prohibition because it entails a loss of substantial revenue. Secondly, drinking has come to be associated with social status. Those who do not drink are looked down upon as backward people. Thirdly, prohibition affects the tourist inflow to our country. Foreign tourists are used to drinking. If they do not get liquor in India, they will skip over India and go to some other country for relaxation and enjoyment.

In the circumstances, the only way to tackle the problem of drinking is to educate the people through radio, T.V. and the press about the evil effects of drinking. In this way, people should be persuaded to give up the evil habit of drinking for the sake of their own health, for the welfare of their family and for the general good of the society at large.

From time immemorial man has been addicted to drinking. Many a man has become a slave of this vice. It is painful to note that a vast majority of young men are addicted to drinking. Drinking ruins one’s family. A drunkard spends all his earnings in liquor. He does not care for his family. Sometimes the whole family commits suicide. Drinking affects one’s health. Alcohol attacks human brain. A drunkard blabbers.

Drinking degrades one’s social status. A respectable man in the society drinks alcohol and falls flat near a gutter. He becomes a laughing stock of everyone. Many millionaires have become paupers owing to drinking.

Great leaders like Gandhiji and Rajaji were dead against drinking. Periyar E.V.R. felled all his coconut trees that gave toddy. Even today many articles are written in magazines about the evils of drinking. The Government of Tamil Nadu screens a film depicting the evils of drinking. In the wine shops it is displayed. “Drinking is injurious to health”. “It ruins one’s family”.


The word 'discipline' means a training that produces obedience or self-controlled behaviour to the orders of a proper authority. In every walk of life, discipline is of supreme importance. When a number of people are engaged to perform some colossal work, they must observe certain rules and obey the persons placed over them. That is called 'discipline'. If they do not obey the rules or their superiors, the work is likely to suffer.

In a battle-field, every soldier must obey the command of his higher officers. If not, the army, lacking discipline, is likely to lose the battle. It is only that a disciplined army is found to march forward and win the war. There are thousands of such examples in the pages of history.

Discipline is the backbone of character. Without discipline, nothing great can be achieved in life. A person is normally found to be disciplined from his childhood. It is a habit that one acquires from his environments, or by way of training. A child must be trained to observe discipline from his early years. His habits, manners, movements, speeches- everything should be guided by the term of discipline so that a good personality can be acquired in his later life that helps one in one's upliftment.

A person must show his sense of discipline to his family, and then to his country. It is very important to enforce discipline also into the family life. Then, one is able to appreciate and accept the blessings of discipline in public life, too. Discipline is an essential habit that everyone should possess as a civilized citizen.

There is value of discipline in all walks of life. Whether at school or at home, in the office or in the factory, in the playground or in the battlefield, discipline is a necessity. Without discipline, there will be complete chaos and disorder. There will be no peace and progress.

To be guided by rules, to pay due regard to elders and superior officers, to obey them and to behave in an orderly manner, all these come under the term discipline.

Value of Discipline

In school, if the boys are not disciplined, the boys themselves will learn nothing and the very purpose of education will be defeated.

14 Similarly, if the subordinates do not obey their senior officers in offices and factories, it will become difficult to carry on the work of production and administration.

The country will not succeed if its public servants are not disciplined. There will be no plan and no organization.

Similarly, if the army and the police refuse to carry out the orders of their generals and commanders, the enemy and the hooligans will have no difficulty in establishing their sway in the country. Thus, an undisciplined nation cannot expect to remain independent even for a moment.

Even in minor spheres, such as the home and the playground, people cannot do without discipline. If there be no discipline in the family, all the members of the family will go their own way. Then, there will be no peace and order in the family.

Meaning of Self-Discipline: Discipline means order or code of behaviour. Self-discipline refers to the ability to control one’s own feeling is very important. Self-Discipline leads to overcome one’s own weaknesses.

Life without Self-discipline is no life. We need be guided by rules. We have to be respectful to our elders. We must obey our seniors.

Its importance: Self-Discipline is most needed for success in life. Discipline is a must whether we are at school or at a home. It is equally necessary whether we are in the office or on the playground. Our life, our society, our country or even the world will go astray without Discipline. So some sort of Discipline is required everywhere. There is order in Nature. Even small disorder in the world of Nature leads to chaos.

The formative days in schools and colleges: Self-Discipline has to be learnt at every walk of life. Childhood is the best period for it. The young mind learns things quickly and easily. At school, the students are taught to behalf well. They are taught to respect their elders. Even on the playground the boys are taught to follow the rules of the games. So the student days are the most formative period in which the value of Self-Discipline can be learnt.

Evils of indiscipline: A man is just like an animal without Self-Discipline. His life and actions become aimless. In the present age, in Self-Discipline is a great evil. It is growing in

15 every walk of life. Both the young and the old do lawless acts. Today crimes and thefts are on the increase. People seem to have forgotten the value of Self-Discipline. In India over- crowding in buses and trains is very common. Travelling without tickets is also a normal feature. Student indiscipline is the talk of the town.

Causes of indiscipline: Lack of employment is a major cause of indiscipline and unrest. Over population makes the situation still worse. Overcrowding in schools and colleges causes indiscipline. Finally, poverty leads top disorder, unrest and indiscipline.

Discipline is the pre-requisite for growth and development. The astounding Japanese growth and progress, after the second World war, when their nation was reduced to ashes, has been attributed to the strict discipline which the Japanese people possessed and utilised. Every profession, every service: politics, industry, economy, government, etc., need discipline. Discipline is often associated with ‘men in uniform. It is the hallmark of soldiers. Discipline in the army calls for strict obedience and humble submission. It calls for duty in the face of adversity and courage in the face of odds. Without discipline no army can conquer, no army can win a war.

“Theirs not to make reply

Theirs not to reason why

Theirs but to do and die.”

[Tennyson's "The Charge of the Light Brigade"]

That is why; acts of indiscipline are most severely punished in the army.


Discipline is a good thing and there is no evil in it. It builds character, develops strength and unity and fosters co-operation. It is, therefore, necessary, that boys should be taught discipline from their very childhood. It should never be overlooked, as it is the secret of success in life. In fact, Self-Discipline is a good thing. It builds character. It develops strength and unity. It creates a sense of co-operation. So Self-Discipline must be aught from the very childhood. It is a key to success in life. The higher is the sense of Self-Discipline, the better it is for the people and the country.


There is an increasing trend around the world to have a small family rather than a large family. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family rather than a large family?

Over the past decades birth rates have steadily declined. Consequently, the says of nuclear families have diminish all over the world. This easy I will discuss the advantages and shortcomings of smaller family sizes.

As small family can benefit children and parents and make it easier to find sufficient resources for a family. Children can enjoy their parents full attention instead of sharing it with multiple siblings. Additionally, I an family with less children sibling rivalry is less likely to be a problem among children. Parents can spend more time with the individual child and the child‘s favourite activities. Caring for a large family can be stressful mad exhausting. Parents of a small family should therefore be more relaxed and patient. Lastly, fewer children mean the family budget is more likely to leave room for some extras, like holidays or separate bedrooms for each child.

On the other hand, there are also some downsides for all family members of a small family. Children can end become spoilt and less responsible than their peer growing in large families. Being an only child is often associated with egoism and less developed social skills. Parents will focus all their expectations on fewer children. This will heighten pressure to succeed on the individual child. Moreover, it might be simpler for parents to raise multiple children as siblings learn from each other and play together. In a large family every member can contribute is domestic duties are shared. Also, some common family activities, such as outdoor games, are probably more fun with a larger family. All in all, there are positive and negative aspects of having a smaller family. As family sizes are decreasing most people to believe the advantages outweigh the disadvantages significantly.

In a few years, the large family will be considered a thing of the past; today it is no longer a status symbol. A large family is different from a joint family of a few decades ago. A large family may consist of the father, the mother and four or more children. A small family which, because of population increase and food shortage, is considered ideal today may consist of the parents and two children. There are advantages and disadvantages of being member of a large family.

17 Growing up in a large family may develop in one discipline and a feeling for the others - qualities that are desirable for good citizenship. Food and other consumer items will not be sufficient and the members will learn to share things fairly and forego little things that may not be indispensable. Everyone in the family will have his share of domestic chores to do and what he does and the problems of his parents, often train for life; when he too will set up his own home. Thus the children in a large family are likely to grow up as responsible adults conscious of the needs and desires of others.

There was a time when people were proud of having large families. But Today, Things have changed. People are realizing the importance of having small Family. People are now realizing that Small Family is Happy Family. There are so Many Advantages of having a small family. Below are listed some of the advantages of being a small family. 1- Financial conditional of family is deeply related to the size of the family. A living cost of large family is surely much higher than small family. A large family has more expenses on cloth, toys, education and food whereas expenses in small family are very low. 2- Parents can easily fulfill the needs of one or two children. They can provide them best education and look after them very well whereas when there are many children to look after parents just cannot look even the basic needs of the children. Therefore, as a result, children suffer, the parents suffer and nation suffers. 3- Parents can look after their child properly if they have one or two children. They can pay due attention to their upbringing and needs.

Parents can give them their best support. Naturally, the children will grow into good citizens. 3- A child in a small family receives more support from their parents than in large family. In large family, parents have many child to look after, so they can not give their best support to everyone whereas in small family parents can give more support to children as they have only one or two children to look after. 4- Family size also affect the health, especially that of mother and child. Frequent pregnancies can cause illness to both mother and children. It can disrupt the health of the women. It puts mother and babys health at risk. So having a small family definitely leads to healthy and happy family. Thus A small Family is indeed a happy family.

There was a time when people were proud of having large families. But Today, Things have changed. People are realizing the importance of having small Family. People are now realizing that Small Family is Happy Family.

18 A small family has a lot of advantages. First of all, a small family is easy to maintain. It costs less money. In addition, a small family is helpful for the country as well, as it demands less public services. A small family often has 2/3 children and parents. Both the parents can work in a small family because it is easy to take care of 2/3 children. So the family can save a lot. Finally, the members of a small family have a strong bondage among themselves. They become more close to each other. Every country supports small family over large ones. It is always a good idea to have family planning to keep the family small. There are so Many Advantages of having a small family. Below are listed some of the advantages of being a small family.

1- Financial conditional of family is deeply related to the size of the family. A living cost of large family is surely much higher than small family. A large family has more expenses on cloth, toys, education and food whereas expenses in small family are very low.

2- Parents can easily fulfill the needs of one or two children. They can provide them best education and look after them very well whereas when there are many children to look after parents just cannot look even the basic needs of the children. Therefore, as a result, children suffer, the parents suffer and nation suffers.

3- Parents can look after their child properly if they have one or two children. They can pay due attention to their upbringing and needs. Parents can give them their best support. Naturally, the children will grow into good citizens.

3- A child in a small family receives more support from their parents than in large family. In large family, parents have many child to look after, so they can not give their best support to everyone whereas in small family parents can give more support to children as they have only one or two children to look after.

4- Family size also affect the health, especially that of mother and child. Frequent pregnancies can cause illness to both mother and children. It can disrupt the health of the women. It puts mother and babys health at risk. So having a small family definitely leads to healthy and happy family.

Thus A small Family is indeed a happy family.


Punctuality is the most important characteristic of all successful People. The student, the official, the trader and even the lay-man all have to observe punctuality in order to win glory and success in life.

Punctuality brings in its trail efficiency. It may make or mar a career. If we look at the lives of all great men, we would realize that they had got a time schedule for every day. Mahatma Gandhi used to rise early in the morning. He used to keep up appointments and was punctual to a minute.

Punctuality is a virtue which is doubly blessed. It imparts efficiency and keeps a man fit and healthy. If we get up early in the morning and take a walk every day and follow a set- programme of life every day, we shall be able to keep fit and healthy. But if we waver and show laxity in our daily programs, we are bound to meet with failure in life.

Let us look at nature. The sun rises at a particular time everyday with slight variation. Rain falls in a regular pattern every year. All the seasons punctually emerge every year. The flowers bloom in spring and the earth wears green apparel during the spring season. In this way, the moon and the stars appear at a particular time. The seasons change according to a set time-table. Thus everything in nature appears at a proper time. Thus nature teaches us to be punctual. If we follow the course of nature, we will keep fit, healthy and strong. No school, college or institution can function if punctuality is not observed there. Thus punctuality is an important ingredient of all successful people.

Punctuality implies maintaining regularity in our daily schedule of work. Punctuality is the gate-way to success.

Punctuality means doing something at the time fixed for it. It is the secret of success in life. Most of the great men in the world are known for their punctuality. They knew the value of time, and seized the opportunity to use it properly.

They were aware of the fact that time does not wait for anyone. One should make the best use of time. Punctuality can help one to utilize one's time properly. A punctual person considers

20 every work as important. He keeps his words, and cannot afford to lose his goodwill. By being punctual, he is disciplined, too. He can be trusted with any kind of responsibility.

An unpunctual person misses many things in life. He is not generally relied on by people for performing responsible job. For having an unpunctual habit, he is likely to miss his train or flight, or a business appointment or deal that could fetch him benefit. We should form a sense of punctuality, and a punctual habit from our childhood, for our own benefit in future life.

Being punctual is important for numerous reasons, all of which can be applied to both military and civilian life, as well as your work life and social life. I think it is important because it shows that you have respect for others. If someone is consistently late to events it shows others around them that they have little or no respect for others and their time. Time is a valuable thing and it should be viewed as such. If a person has commitments and responsibilities involving others, they should realize that others time is just as important as their own. Someone that is consistently late shows others that they believe their time is more valuable than others. Also by being late a person disrupts all the others involved in the event, which is also very inconsiderate and disrespectful. For instance, in my situation, showing up to formation late, even if it was only two minutes shows a lack of respect for not only my noncommissioned officers but also my fellow soldiers by making them wait on my arrival. If I had been on time, our formation would have begun sooner, in turn making the event in which we were there for end sooner.

By being on time I would have demonstrated that I care about others time as much as I care about my own, instead I chose to waste the time of others which is very disrespectful to everyone else that was present for the formation. Another reason that being on time is important is because it shows that a person is responsible, credible, and dependable. It shows that someone honors their commitments and understands that being late can negatively affect how others view them. Being late can give an impression of being rude, irresponsible, self centered, and undependable. Someone that is consistently on time shows that they care about the impressions others have of them. It shows that they take pride in whatever task they are given and that they can be depended on to complete the task at hand.

One of the great values of punctuality is that it gives discipline to life. We have to get up in time. We have to do things at the appointed time. All these entail certain amount of sacrifice. It dispels laziness and removes our ‘take-it-easy- attitude’. A disciplined person always gets

21 recognition and social acceptance. He is wanted and appreciated. Therefore, punctuality can make us socially acceptable people.

Another significant merit of punctuality is that it provides ample time to do our work correctly and properly. Doing things hurriedly or haphazardly can have disastrous consequences. When we do things in time there is every chance that they end up as fine works.

In fact, a punctual man, however busy or engaged, finds time for more work still. On the contrary, an unpunctual man, far from doing much, cannot finish his normal duties even. So the virtue of punctuality makes all our activities and works good and satisfactory, if not perfect and excellent. Besides, it teaches us the habit of doing things correctly and in proper time.

The virtue of punctuality is said to be the key to success. Look at the great world leaders who have achieved fame and success. Punctuality was their hallmark. They kept their promises. Punctuality is a virtue that is appreciated by all. Washington once took his secretary to task for being late. The secretary laid the blame upon his watch. Washington reported: “Then, Sir either you must get a new watch or I must get a new secretary.” People like them are ideals whom we should follow in earnest.

When individuals are not punctual they cause a lot of inconvenience to others. People have to wait for them and waste their valuable time. Want of punctuality reveals want of culture and is discourteous to the person we fail.

Unpunctuality invites trouble and worry. History is full of cases which show that lack of punctuality has caused defeat, loss of kingdom and golden opportunities. It is said that Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo in 1815 because one of his generals came late. Many people lose good opportunities of job or promotion when they reach late for appointment.

All of us are not born with the virtue of punctuality. We have to cultivate it painstakingly. Only constant vigil and practice can implant this virtue.

It calls for great deal of sacrifice. It calls for courage to root out laziness and the ‘take-it-easy- attitude’. It demands a disciplined life. That is why; very few individuals have the virtue of punctuality. But, know it for certain that it is the surest way to success.


Cleanliness is one of the good qualities. It is a part of our civilization. A man of dirty habits is far from civilization. So, with the progress of civilization man cleans himself more and more. He cleans his body. He cleans his mind and heart. He cleans all his action and manners. he cleans his soul. This will lead him to the highest form of civilization. But on the cleanliness of body, depend all other cleanings. Hence, cleanliness is considered so important.

If we clean our bodies and limbs we will be free form many kinds of disease. Clean food cooked in the clean pot and served in the clean dishes, will give us health and happiness. If we clean our bodies regularly, our complexion will be brighter. We will look fit and smart. If we wear clean dress our mind will be happy. Cleanliness gives us a cheerful mind. We are more interested to write on a clean khata than on a dirty one. Hence, we write more and better. We like to read clean books. Hence, we read more and understand better. So, cleanliness brings us progress and improvement in all fields of activities and in all spheres of life. By cleanliness of body and limbs, cleanliness of all our articles of use, cleanliness of our dwellings and soul, we gradually move towards divinity. Hence, there is saying. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness".

In order to keep ourselves neat and clean, we should properly take daily care of ourselves, of our articles of use, of our dwellings and surroundings and of our neighborhood. We should clean our teeth and tongues two times a day in the morning and before going to bed. Beside, we should clean our mouth properly before and after each meal and each tiffin. We should was our bodies two times a day with soap and water. We should clean our cloth and shirts with washing soap everyday at the time of bath. We should sweep our house off all dirts. We should remove the filth and rubbish into a pit, dug out at a distance for this purpose. We should clean our beddings and lay them exposed to sun and air. We should look to the proper drainage and sanitation work of our house and the surrounding. We should wash our house and furniture with soda and water once a week. We should advice our neighbors to be neat and clean. Because we cannot be perfectly clean, if our neighbors are dirty. We should wash our latrines and urinals everyday with dettol and phenyl. We should get our hair cut and our nails pared at proper intervals. These are some important to keep ourselves neat and clean.

23 Free Essay on Cleanliness – A Good Habit – Cleanliness is one of the greatest virtues. It is rightly said to be next to godliness. It is cleanliness which chiefly differentiates man from animal.

A pig likes to eat dirt. A buffalo likes to wallow in mud.

A donkey likes dust the best for this purpose. Similarly, most of other animals like dirt and garbage in one way or the other. It is only man who does not like such things.

It is very important for us to observe personal cleanliness. We should wear well-washed clothes. We should have a bath daily. We should pare our nails regularly.

We should keep our houses neat and clean. Dirt which often gathers in corners, harbours bacteria of all kinds. We should wash our hands thoroughly before we start to take our meals. We should take clean, purified water and other liquids. We must not take stale foods and liquids.

We should also ensure cleanliness in streets, parks and on the roads. We should throw garbage only in the dustbin and not spread it in streets.

Besides physical cleanliness, we should also maintain mental and intellectual cleanliness. We should have good and pure thoughts. We should read healthy books. We must not watch unhealthy movies or T.V. serials.

When cleanliness word comes in our mind, our mind reminds the words like 'cleaning', 'cleaning services', 'clean house', 'maid' and most important 'health'. First we know the meaning of cleanliness. Cleanliness is the habit of keeping free of superficial imperfections. Our Locality: Cleanliness is our social, important responsibility just like other social duties. Keeping our house clean is not the only requirement. We should think broadly for keeping our houses, neighbour areas, schools , foot-path, our body, our daily usable things etc. free of dirt and imperfections. Generally many have been noticed throwing out dirt of their houses. We should keep clean our neighbour by assuring happiness of our neighbours by using local Dustbins. This will keep the area free of bacterial infections. The municipal persons should be contacted for regular evacuation of the Dustbin. Our personal cleanliness is very important and the most compulsory part of ours to protect us from diseases like malaria, Cholera, diarrhea, typhoid fever etc.

24 Personal cleanliness: We must wash our hand, mouth and face before eating anything. It is the most required activity we generally miss. We must use cleaning agent like Bleaching powder etc at regular interval. Whenever we take out our shoes , we must clean our leg with soap with a little massage. This is very important ; which maximum of us avoid. It is like that the foundation of the house ignored on which whole erection is standing. Cleaning leg has very positive impact on our body balance , because it provides relaxation to our mind. We must clean vegetables before cooking it. Very simple for doing it is just keep the vegetable half an hour in water to wash out all pesticides from its outer surface. We must cut our nails regularly. We should also clean nose, ear, hair root to keep us clean, tidy and fit. We should not touch our mouth and face frequently at public places. We must not go to our bed with school dress or with outer dresses to keep us and our house free from germs. Tooth cleaning is a must for everybody at night. Tooth brush is not sufficient.

Today health aware people are using 'Dental Flosh' for keeping teeth completely clean. Watch these images to learn the use of Dental Flosh.

Preventive cleanliness: We must be accountable and aware for our daily activities. We should avoid using polythene. We should teach mass by setting examples and not by only lectures. We should not spit here and there and also must not throw garbage or anything on the road also. We should use banners where possible and try to contribute whatever possibilities lie in our reach. We must avoid or try to keep pollution and pollutant at minimum level.

Cleaning Equipments: If money is not a problem then cleaning equipments available today can save time and do much better job for maintaining cleanliness. To see the list of cleaning equipment. And I recommend you must watch the list of the modern equipments available in the market. It is because many of us don't know about those newly developed cleaning equipments.

Top five Cleaning agent: Bleaching powder, Phynile, Salphuric acid, Harpic (toilet cleaning agent may be of other brands), Hit (mosquito repellent) are the few cleaning agents should be used. In today's time we should keep our eating budget low and cleaning budget should be increased to protect us from increasing deadly diseases.