E1834 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 12, 2014 invaluable member of my team as well as a on how our agencies can help address this THANK YOU FOR THE HONOR OF staunch advocate for Minnesotans. It is also shortage. As I see it, our only option is to con- SERVING 18 YEARS IN CONGRESS part of the reason it is so difficult to see her tinue to make this a priority. go. Finally, Mr. Speaker, I want to address a HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY After so many years of dedicated public concern that NIST had about some of the lan- OF NEW YORK service I know that she is looking forward to guage in this bill. In one of the opening para- spending more time with her husband Tom, graphs of the bill, paragraph (e)(1), NIST is di- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES children Tom and Kate, and her grand- rected to prevent duplication of regulatory Thursday, December 11, 2014 daughter Ellie. processes and prevent conflict of regulatory Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speak- So again, Mr. Speaker, I am proud to recog- requirements. I just want to clarify two things. er, since 1997, I have had the privilege to nize Cherie’s service to the House of Rep- First, by definition, NIST’s processes are non- serve New York’s 4th congressional district in resentatives and her dedication to Minnesota’s regulatory. Second, NIST cannot be held re- the U.S. House of Representatives. Earlier this Seventh District. I wish her all the best in her sponsible for regulatory actions or processes year, I announced that I would not be seeking retirement. at other agencies. reelection; in January of 2015, I will step down The language is ambiguous on this second f from the post that has brought me so much point so I just wanted to make sure we are professional and personal happiness and en- CYBERSECURITY ENHANCEMENT clear in our expectations for NIST. To address abled me to serve the District to the best of ACT OF 2014 a second concern that NIST raised, I hope my ability. that limitation clause in paragraph (e)(2) does Who can say that life follows the script we HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON not prevent regulatory agencies from using in- imagine for ourselves when we are young? I OF formation gained through the processes in this was a nurse from Mineola living the life I want- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bill to fix duplicative or outdated regulations. ed. But fate intervened: I went to Washington With that Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues Thursday, December 11, 2014 as an advocate against the scourge of gun vi- to support this bill. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. olence, and I fought for legislation including Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of S. 1353, the HONORING OUTGOING CONGRES- the 2007 National Instant Background Check Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014. SIONAL BLACK CAUCUS CHAIR- System Improvements Act (NICS). I worked I want to commend several Members on WOMAN, CONGRESSWOMAN tirelessly during this chapter of my life, but I both sides of the aisle and both chambers remained in so many ways, a nurse from Min- who have worked on this bill for many years. eola. I never forgot where I came from or the I want to thank Representatives LIPINSKI and HON. YVETTE D. CLARKE people I grew up with. I have treasured those relationships. I became a Representative to MCCAUL and Senators ROCKEFELLER and OF NEW YORK better their lives through legislation. As I look THUNE for their longstanding, bipartisan lead- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ership on this critical topic of cybersecurity re- back now, I know that together we have done search and development. Thursday, December 11, 2014 this and laid the groundwork for a brighter fu- This bipartisan bill is overall a very good bill Ms. CLARKE of New York. Mr. Speaker, I ture. that contributes in essential ways to any com- am proud to stand with my colleagues today Through my work with gun violence legisla- prehensive effort to keep our nation, our busi- to honor the Chairwoman of the Congressional tion, I acquired a reputation as a ‘‘one-issue’’ nesses, and our citizens safe from malicious Black Caucus (CBC), Congresswoman MARCIA candidate. But, as I like to say, what woman cyber attacks. FUDGE, my sorority sister and friend as she has just one issue? I’ve authored three pieces S. 1353 incorporates a number of pieces nears the completion of her term as the 23rd of legislation written into law: The Civil Rights from H.R. 756, the Cybersecurity Enhance- Chair of the CBC. Congresswoman FUDGE is History Project Act of 2009, which helped pre- ment Act of 2013 that moved on a bipartisan only the seventh woman to serve as the Chair serve historical artifacts from the Civil Rights basis through the Science, Space, and Tech- of our Caucus and she has led the way in our era; the Serve America Act of 2009, which nology Committee, and then was passed over- fight to tackle difficult issues during her two– greatly expanded vital service programs such whelmingly on the House floor last April. year term as Chairwoman. as AmeriCorps; and the aforementioned NICS While S. 1353 is a good bill and I will be She is an attorney, a businesswoman, act. In addition, I’ve worked on various legisla- supporting it, I want to talk about what is not former president of Delta Sigma Theta Soror- tive efforts, including acts that bolstered our in this bill but was in H.R. 756. I hope that as ity, Inc., a former mayor and has been an out- science and math education. Working on the we continue to discuss actions our govern- standing leader of the conscience of the Con- Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Con- ment can take to better secure our cyber- gress. sumer Protection Act, I championed the cre- space, we keep these topics on the table. Chairwoman FUDGE has an exceptional ation of an entity within the Consumer Finan- The first of these topics is human factors. record of achievements as the Chairwoman of cial Bureau that focused on financial em- The fact is that people, not software or hard- the CBC. Under her leadership, the CBC has powerment by giving consumers the tools to ware, remain the weakest link in our cyberse- continued to be the voice of people of color be financially literate. While I went to Wash- curity. Whether it’s weak passwords, or falling and the underrepresented throughout our ington as a crusader against gun violence, I victim to phishing, or using corrupted thumb great nation and the world. Whether it was grew over the years into a candidate for all drives, people unwittingly compromise their civil rights, voting rights, job creation, com- issues. own security and that of large networks and prehensive immigration reform, health care, Most elected officials accomplish what they companies every day. To truly secure our fighting poverty, or education, Chairwoman do thanks to the people who supported them cyberspace, it is vital that we understand how FUDGE reached across the aisle to build coali- along the journey. I am no different, and I am and why people make the decisions they do, tions to work on behalf of all people. forever grateful. My staff and I worked to pro- and how we might develop better policies and I want to personally thank MARCIA FUDGE for vide programs and enact legislation that bene- technologies to reduce risky behaviors. Unfor- being not only a friend but also my mentor. fited Long Island. We led the Small Business tunately, a section contained in H.R. 756 to di- She has been an invaluable resource to me Relief Forum in the aftermath of Superstorm rect just this type of research was not incor- and I truly appreciate her. Sandy, held numerous job fairs to help Long porated into S. 1353. I hope we continue to I agree with our former colleague, the great Islanders manage the difficult economy, and make human factors a priority going forward. Shirley Chisholm who once said, ‘‘You don’t ran blood drives and Medicare prescription The second topic is workforce. The federal make progress by standing on the sidelines, drug seminars. We’ve closed over 30,000 con- government and private sector alike is suf- whimpering and complaining. You make stituent cases—ranging from social security fering from a lack of adequately trained cyber- progress by implementing ideas.’’ Chairwoman and IRS issues, to veterans affairs and USCIS security professionals. Unfortunately, women FUDGE embodies this sentiment as the leader concerns. In these initiatives, the chief goal and underrepresented minorities are still sig- of the CBC. was always the same: better the lives of the nificantly underrepresented in computer and I look forward to working with Congress- 4th Congressional District. information sciences. We can’t expect to fix woman FUDGE in the future and the rest of my No one reaches this point in life without ac- the shortage of skilled cybersecurity profes- Colleagues in the CBC during the 114th Con- cumulating a long list of people to thank. I am sionals with much less than half of our brain gress as we continue to be the conscience of indebted to the entire 4th District for allowing power. I wish S. 1353 included more language the Congress. me to represent them in Congress, and to my

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:03 Dec 14, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11DE8.101 E12DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS December 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1835 staff, volunteers and supporters who have NSF scholarships to improve the quality of branch that I firmly believe are necessary, been by my side on this journey. I owe a the cybersecurity workforce; and such as the creation of a National Office for thank you to my colleagues in the House of Research, development and public outreach Cyberspace within the Executive Office of the Representatives; their compassion for the job organized by NIST related to cybersecurity. President, with budgetary oversight powers, has continuously inspired me. And, of course, S. 1353 maintains language from the House able to coordinate and oversee the security of I am forever grateful for the support of my passed Cybersecurity Enhancement Act. This agency information systems and infrastructure family, particularly my son Kevin, whose atti- language will strengthen NIST’s role in cyber- across government. tude and toughness is a towering display of security automation and checklist creation for Still and all, these pieces of legislation move bravery. government systems, strategic planning for the ball forward in key areas, and above all As I enter my last few weeks in office, I feel cloud computing, and identity management re- ends the inaction on cybersecurity issues that confident that all we’ve accomplished has pre- search and development. has gripped this Congress for far too long. I pared us for what is ahead. However, while The bill also includes language from the leg- applaud my House and Senate colleagues for my role as a U.S. Representative is ending, islation introduced last year by Senators their efforts, and urge support of these meas- my job is not yet done. Although I no longer ROCKEFELLER and THUNE. These provisions ures. have a voice in Congress, I will always have will encourage competitions and challenges f a voice for the community. To everyone who that focus on the security of information tech- has supported me, I’d like to say thank you. nology and support public-private collaboration A LIFE OF SERVICE AND SHARING But I am not saying goodbye. I remain, as a on cybersecurity. wonderful chapter of my life comes to an end, The threat of cyber-attacks is immediate. To HON. CORRINE BROWN very excited to see where we will go together address our vulnerabilities as quickly as pos- OF next. sible, America needs a solution that invokes IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f the cooperation of many public and private Thursday, December 11, 2014 sector entities. We must develop a rigorous THE CYBERSECURITY Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, on be- scientific foundation for cybersecurity. This ENHANCEMENT ACT OF 2014 half of the constituents of the Fifth Congres- legislation helps foster such an effort. sional District of Florida, I rise now to offer my I again thank my Science Committee col- heartfelt condolences and pay tribute to the HON. league, Representative MCCAUL, for his initia- OF TEXAS life of Rev. Thomas A. Wright, a leader, hu- tive on this issue. He has led the charge on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES manitarian, activist and friend. this legislation over the last several Con- I am moved and encouraged when recalling Thursday, December 11, 2014 gresses. I look forward to this bill becoming the life achievements of this giant in the field law. Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I thank of religion and social activism. As a champion Representatives MCCAUL and LIPINSKI for in- f for the marginalized and disenfranchised, we troducing the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act remember Rev. Wright for his many achieve- in the House last year. I am pleased to be an NATIONAL CYBERSECURITY ments, which among them include; creating a original cosponsor. PROTECTION ACT, S. 2519 scholarship for disadvantaged youth, helping In April 2013, the Cybersecurity Enhance- ment Act was favorably reported out of the HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN his church acquire an affordable apartment complex for low-income residents and pro- Science, Space, and Technology Committee OF RHODE ISLAND moting economic development for east and later passed the House by a bipartisan IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vote of 402–16. Gainesville. The bipartisan, bicameral agreement on the Thursday, December 11, 2014 As a man who served his country, Rev. legislation before us today is based on the Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong Wright distinguished himself on the field of House-passed bill. support of the National Cybersecurity Protec- battle in World War II. Throughout the 113th Congress, the tion Act and the Senate Amendment to the As a community activist, he gave of himself Science Committee has remained committed Cybersecurity Workforce Assessment Act. I and his talents to benefit both the individuals to advancing the basic research necessary to applaud my friend and fellow co-Chair of the and the many organizations he served. From strengthen our Nation’s cyber infrastructure. Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus, MIKE being President of the Alachua County Cyber attacks against the U.S. government MCCAUL, as well as Chairman CARPER in the NAACP for 17 years to pastoring Mount Car- and private sector networks are on the rise. Senate and Ranking Member THOMPSON here mel church for over 45 years. Scarcely a day passes without a report of a in the House, for their efforts to bring this leg- These and many other civic activities were new cyber attack on critical parts of our na- islation to this point. distinctive and the accolades received for all tion’s cyber infrastructure, government agency, I believe that cybersecurity is one of the de- his good works. or business. fining national security challenges of our time. The life of Rev. Thomas A. Wright was one As our reliance on information technology No other issue affects our national defense, of accomplishment, service and sharing. And expands, so do our vulnerabilities. New tech- our economic well-being, and our individual now in his passing we pay tribute to the man nological advances bring new avenues from lives as cybersecurity does. With each day’s and his life of service to all of us. My prayer which foreign countries can attack our net- news rife with stories of cyberattacks and data is that the life he lived serves as an example works. breaches that target our agencies, companies, to each of us. Rev. Wright is survived by his children, son Protecting America’s cyber systems is crit- citizens and allies, we as policymakers have a Philoron Wright of Gainesville; daughters Dr. ical to our economic and national security. responsibility to act. The Cybersecurity Enhancement Act is the LaVon Wright Bracy (Rev. Dr. Randolph I have made no secret of the frustration I work of a bicameral bipartisan compromise. Bracy) of Orlando and Patricia Wright Murray have felt for the past several years as Con- S.1353 promotes much-needed research and of West Palm Beach; 16 grandchildren; 41 gress has failed to act to shore up our cyber- development to help create new technologies great-grandchildren; and nine great-great- security. This week, with these bills and oth- and standards that better protect America’s in- grandchildren. ers, we are making a down payment on what formation technology systems. f The legislation before us today will coordi- must be a sustained level of attention and ef- nate research and development activities to fort. The challenge we face demands no less. HONORING HOWARD WELINSKY better address evolving cyber threats. But so very much more needs to be done— Keeping our cyber infrastructure secure is a and soon. I am extremely disappointed that HON. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ responsibility shared by several Federal agen- the Senate has failed to pass information OF CALIFORNIA sharing legislation that was approved by the cies, including the National Institute of Stand- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ards and Technology (NIST) and the National House, legislation that the private sector and Thursday, December 11, 2014 Science Foundation (NSF). government agencies agree is long overdue. To improve America’s cybersecurity abilities, And while the bills before us and others that Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of California. Mr. this bill strengthens: Congress has passed in recent days are im- Speaker, I rise today to recognize Howard Strategic planning for cybersecurity research portant, even these measures are limited in Welinsky on the occasion of his 65th birthday and development needs across the federal scope. In particular, they do not address any on December 14, 2014. Through his involve- government; organizational changes within the executive ment in various public service organizations,

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