Seisdon District Engagement Group 28 January 2015, 11.30am South District Council Offices, Billbrown Room

Present: Name of attendee Job title Initials Lynn Hingley Patient Representative Chair LH Pat Roberts Patient Representative, Russell House PR Jenny Robinsons Patient Representative , Moss Grove Surgery Patient JR Panel Fleur Fernando Engagement & Participation Manager FF Iris Fieldhouse Patient Representative, Billbrook Surgery IF

ACTION 1. Apologies/Declarations of interest Apologies: Syliva Sheldon, Janet Aldridge, Penny Allen and Val Brook

The Committee were asked to declare any conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of items on the agenda. Declaration of interest by PR as Lay Member for PPI with CCG.

The meeting was agreed as Quorate.

2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on the 19th November 2014

The Minutes of the meeting held on 19th November were agreed as a true and accurate record.

3. Action Sheet Action sheet updated as attached.

4. Gluten Free Prescribing FF presented on behalf of Mahesh Mistry, Head of Medicines Management a paper explaining new prescribing guidelines for gluten free food products. The guidelines take a more balance view on prescription foods vs those that should be purchased by patients. This brought the CCG into line with current best practice and national guidelines, and there was very little changed in the police. Advice from a dietician has been part of this process. The updated version will be live from April.

A copy of the updated version was circulated and will be live from April, a lengthy discussion took place. Group members were asked to forward any comments to SS [email protected] by to be sent on to MM.


Initial comments from the group questioned if Coeliac disease patients in general are entitled to free prescriptions and whether there is any savings for the CCG as FF a result of this review. Action FF to investigate and feedback.

5. Feedback from PPGs including patient stories

IF shared a patient story as follows, an orthopaedic patient had a day operation last August, he went for a follow-up in October and been informed would get an appointment in December for further assessments in case he needed a further operation (as he need to go back to a clinic for the second operation to be verified). It was noted that ‘New Cross Hospital’ had no appointments and it was a case of too many patients and not enough clinics, the patient has not yet had a follow up appointment through.

IF shared her own patient experience, she went to an optician on the first week of January, was given a letter to take back to her surgery doctor for a 7 day urgent/fast track eye infirmary appointment. The following day her surgery tried to book her an urgent appointment online as she had not been successful when she tried herself and the earliest appointment they had was on the 26th February. IF was advised to go to A&E if she experienced any problems as a result of her condition as she could not get an earlier appointment.

LH shared a friend’s experience from Kinver, patient had a wart on her nose that needed to be cut out. The patient would normally have three injections prior to the procedure at Russell Hall Hospital. On that occasion, patient had only one injection as the consultant was rushed to see 40 patients at the dermatology clinic which left her in great pain when the procedure was conducted.

LH updated that Alzheimer’s Society is starting a Dementia Café at Mellor house, Shelter accommodation from 1-4 pm on Thursday the 29th January. It was noted that Dementia Cafés provide a safe, comfortable and supportive environment for people with dementia and their carer’s to socialise. These regular social groups improve well-being and reduce isolation for whole families

6. Feedback from Patient Council Meeting FF talked about the presentation the patient council received from Nikki Chapman, Project Lead for Medicines Management with regard to electronic prescribing. The key points listed below:

 It is an NHS initiative which is being rolled out by HSCIC and project managed by the CSU.  Patients are required to nominate a pharmacy for their prescription to go to electronically. Pharmacies (including internet pharmacies) are recruiting patients’ to nominate their pharmacy. GP practices can also set nominations for patients if requested to do so by the patient. Pharmacies need to have a 2

signature of consent from the patient to nominate a pharmacy; GP practices do not need a signature.  GPs have been encouraged not to tell patients that their prescription will be ready and waiting for them at the pharmacy if they are having an acute prescription e.g. antibiotics. GP’s are advised to inform the patient that the prescription has gone to (name)pharmacy and to inform the pharmacy they have arrived so the pharmacy can identify them, the same process which exists now. The waiting time should be approximately the same.  All chemists are set up to provide the service and are required to do so.  EPS2 is currently a patients’ choice and patients can choose not to nominate a pharmacy and continue to receive a paper prescription.

FF noted that it was highlighted through the meeting the importance of local public transport in the rural areas and its impact on access to health and health related services emerged. That is following up on the implications of moving minor surgery to Cannock Hospital. It was also noted that the absence of an adequate transport service affects the ability of some potential users to attend the Dementia service in . The issue has been raised at Governing body and Quality Committee.

FF shared 2 patients’ stories from the patient council, one shows a poorly staffed ward at Good Hope Hospital (experience has been fed to Quality Committee and sent to NHS Choices) and the other illustrates how good partnership working can be through the RAFT (a voluntarily funded partnership organization sponsored by the CAB).

FF updated that Gravel Hill Surgery had a fire on the premises in November 2014 and despite quite an extensive damage the surgery was back in use and open on the same day by 10:30am.

7. Any other business

FF – Grants Scoring Update FF noted that last year the CCG gave 14 grants totalling £227,000 to projects that had high emphasis on social value and met the CCG priorities. This year it was agreed for the CCG Grant Funding to move to a locality based approach as there has been a move widely at county level and local districts level around joining the funds and avoid duplication through locality based commissioning. It was also agreed to support the local priorities mental wellbeing, dementia, alcohol, obesity and rural isolation. Had 57 bids to score, funding is initially for one year, FF will share the results once organisations been informed.

8. Date and Time of Next Meeting Next meeting will be held on 25th March from 11.30am – 1.30pm at Committee R2, Codsall.