Esperanza’sA FFamilyamily TTraditionradition Since 1935

Esperanza’’s History EEstablishedstablished ooutut of tthehe rrichich JJoeoe. T. GGarcia’sarcia’s MMexicanexican RRestaurantestaurant ttradition,radition, EEsperanza’ssperanza’s BBakeryakery aandnd CCaféafé eextendsxtends tthehe JJoeoe T.’’ss llegacyegacy of qquality,uality, eexcellencexcellence aandnd vvaluealue. NNamedamed aafterfter MMrr. aandnd MMrsrs. JJoeoe T. GGarcia’sarcia’s ddaughter,aughter, tthehe nnamesakeamesake llocalocal rrestaurantestaurant hhasas ggrownrown ooverver tthehe yyearsears wwithith tthehe llocalocal cocommunity,mmunity, aandnd nnowow ccatersaters ttoo tthehe FFortort WWorth/Dallasorth/Dallas ccommunityommunity iinn ttwowo sseparateeparate llocationsocations. OOnene on NNorthorth MMainain SStreettreet aandnd tthehe ootherther on PParkark PPlacelace AAvenuevenue.

TThehe rrichich cculinaryulinary ttraditionradition MMrr. aandnd MMrsrs. JJoeoe T. GGarciaarcia eestablishedstablished iinn 11935935 wwithith tthehe ffoundingounding of JJoeoe T. GGarcia’sarcia’s MMexicanexican RRestaurantestaurant iiss mmaintainedaintained aandnd eextendedxtended iinn hhisis nneighborhoodeighborhood eeatery,atery, uutilizingtilizing ssomeome of tthehe GGarciaarcia ffamily’samily’s mmostost ddeliciouselicious ffamilyamily rrecipesecipes. EEsperanza’ssperanza’s BBakeryakery aandnd CCaféafé hhasas a vvariedaried mmenu,enu, sservingerving bbreakfast,reakfast, llunchunch aandnd didinnernner.

Joe T. Garcia’s History JJoeoe T. GGarcia’sarcia’s MMexicanexican RRestaurantestaurant wwasas eestablishedstablished on JJulyuly 4, 11935935, bbyy MMrr. aandnd MMrsrs. JJoeoe T. GGarciaarcia. WWithith a sseatingeating ccapacityapacity ooff oonlynly 16, JJoe,oe, hhisis wwife,ife, aandnd ttheirheir 5 cchildrenhildren rranan ttheirheir ttinyiny bbusinessusiness wwithith lloveove aandnd ddeterminationetermination. TTheirheir bbusinessusiness ggrewrew bbecauseecause of JJoeoe aandnd hhisis ppersonality,ersonality, aandnd tthehe mmouthouth wwateringatering rrecipesecipes of JJesusesus ((affectionatelyaffectionately kknownnown as MMamasuez’s)amasuez’s). CCustomersustomers wwouldould wwaitait fforor hhoursours jjustust ttoo ttryry MMamasuez’samasuez’s ffamousamous eenchiladasnchiladas aandnd hherer hhandmadeandmade ttortillasortillas. JJoeoe wwasas ffriendsriends wwithith aallll of hhisis ccustomers,ustomers, aandnd ttheirheir aaffectionsffections fforor tthehe ffamilyamily wwereere shshownown tthroughhrough ttheirheir ppatronageatronage. JJoeoe ddidid nnotot bbelieveelieve iinn aadvertisingdvertising; hhee bbelievedelieved tthathat tthehe bbestest aadvertisingdvertising wwasas tthroughhrough wwordord of mmouthouth. TThehe rrestaurantestaurant rreputationeputation bbeganegan ttoo ggrowrow aandnd ssoo ddidid tthehe llinesines of hhungryungry ccustomersustomers. AAtt tthehe uuntimelyntimely ddeatheath of JJoeoe iinn 1953, hhisis wwifeife aandnd yoyoungestungest ddaughteraughter ttookook ooverver tthehe rreinseins.

BByy tthehe 11970970’’s,s, JJoeoe T. GGarcia’sarcia’s wwasas oonene of tthehe mmostost ppopularopular rrestaurantsestaurants iinn tthehe DDallasallas-FFortort WWorthorth aarearea. WWithith ttheirheir lloyaloyal ccustomers,ustomers, tthehe rrestaurantestaurant bbeganegan ttoo ggrowrow nnotot oonlynly iinn ppopularity,opularity, bbutut aalsolso iinn ssizeize. FFistist a ssmallmall papatio,tio, wwithith a ppoolool aandnd ccabanaabana wwereere aaddeddded. TThenhen eeveryvery yyearear uuntilntil ppresent,resent, a nnewew ppatio,atio, ppartyarty rroomoom or ddiningining rroomoom wwasas ddevelopedeveloped. TThehe sseatingeating ccapacityapacity ggrewrew ffromrom tthehe ooriginalriginal 16 ttoo wwellell ooverver 11000000 ttodayoday. EEvenven tthoughhough tthehe rrestaurantestaurant ggrew,rew, tthehe ssameame sstyletyle of ccookingooking aandnd ooriginalriginal rrecipe'secipe's wwereere uused,sed, aandnd tthehe ssameame ddeterminationetermination aandnd lloveove tthathat wwasas iinstillednstilled bbyy pparentsarents aandnd ggrandparentsrandparents wwasas eevidentvident iinn tthehe yoyoungerunger ggenerationeneration.

AAss HHope’’s ssmallmall cchildrenhildren bbeganegan ttoo ggrowrow uup,p, neneww iideasdeas aandnd jjobsobs wwereere ccreatedreated fforor ffamilyamily mmembersembers. A ssmallmall bbakeryakery aandnd ccaféafé wwasas aaddeddded oonene bblocklock ffromrom JJoeoe T. GGarcia’sarcia’s. TThehe ccaféafé wwasas nnamedamed aafterfter HHope,ope, EEsperanza’ssperanza’s BBakeryakery aandnd CCaféafé. TThishis ssmallmall nneighborhoodeighborhood cacaféfé wwasas ddifferentifferent ffromrom tthehe ooriginalriginal rrestaurant,estaurant, wwithith a vvariedaried mmenuenu sservingerving bbreakfastreakfast aandnd llunchunch. AAlonglong wwithith iitsts bbigig bbrother,rother, tthehe lilittlettle cacaféfé ggrewrew iinn ssizeize aandnd ppopularityopularity. BBecauseecause of tthishis vventure,enture, ttwowo nnewew ddivisionsivisions wwereere ccreated,reated, EEsperanza’ssperanza’s WWholesaleholesale MMexicanexican BBreadread DDivisionivision aandnd JJoeoe T. GGarcia’sarcia’s BBottledottled HHotot SSauceauce DDivisionivision. HHowever,owever, eevenven wwithith aallll tthehe nnewew ddivisionsivisions aandnd nnewew cacafes,fes, tthehe ffamily’samily’s ffirstirst lloveove iiss JJoeoe T. GGarcia’sarcia’s MMexicanexican RRestaurantestaurant.

2122 North Main St. 1601 Park Place Ave. 817-626-5770 817-923-1992 Mon.-Sun. 6:30am – 7:00pm Mon. – Thurs. 6:00am - 9:00pm Visa & MasterCard Fri. & Sat. 6:00am - 10:00pm

GGitiſt Carsards Aaiaevailable Sun. 6:00 - 5:00pm Viisa & MasterCard Wee ccaterater aall ooccasionsccasions * Wee maeake ccaesakes foror aall ooccasionsccasions

WWee sstrivetrive to kkeepeep oourur ppricesrices ffairair fforor oourur ccustomers.ustomers. WWithith tthehe flfluctuationuctuation iinn totoday’sday’s eeconomy,conomy, memenunu ppricesrices aandnd iingredientsngredients aarere ssubjectubject to cchangehange duduee to sseasonaleasonal vvariationsariations aandnd mmarketarket ppricing.ricing. WWee ppromiseromise to ccontinueontinue pprovidingroviding eexceptionalxceptional ccustomerustomer sserviceervice aandnd ooutstandingutstanding MMexicanexican ffare!are! reaast reaast pates sere it or eicios rerie eans an eicanstye potatoes ness note on te orer. ere it eans ony. aeicana toatoes onion res aapeo . etra trips o corn tortias rie scrae it es an coice Migas o i toato sace sasa ere or spicy cie roo. Toppe trips o corn tortias rie scrae it es an coice o it ite ceese. . i toato sace sasa ere or spicy cie roo toppe it a orer . sree cicen an ite ceese. . a corizo . a orer . eican sasae a corizo . con Huevos eican sasae eican sasae scrae it es. . Simple Eggs To es any stye . *Chorizo con Papas acon or a . eican sasae scrae it potatoes. ere it rerie eans ony. . Papas con Huevos eicanstye potatoes scrae it es. ere it rerie *Chorizo con Papas con Huevos eans ony. . eican sasae scrae it potatoes an es. ere it rerie eans ony. . Pork Chops with Two Eggs To por cops rie. ere it any stye es an potatoes rerie eans it ete ite ceese. . ice onion toatoes an res aapeo peppers sate ten scrae it es. . Omelette a ceese . e oeette inces Huevos con Jamon eese oeette . ice rie a scrae it es. . acon or a it ceese . acon a an ceese . Chicharron con Huevos icen or ee aita an ceese . picy sot or rie por sin scrae it es. . Machacado con Huevos Huevos con Tocino rie ee scrae it es. . ice acon scrae it es. . Pancakes Tree to an orer. . To rie es on a tostaa toppe it rancero sace. to sices o acon or a. . . ine pancae . a sie o rie a or to sices o acon . an orer o aracoa . ite reaast Arroz con Leche rritos ere it one sice o oio toast. . . . Hanae or tortias ie it Oatmeal yor coice o reaast ites. ere it one sice o oio toast. . Papas con Huevo

Chorizo con Huevo Child’s Breakfast Plate an ner Chorizo con Papas ere it potatoes eans an tortia . Chicharron con Huevos • ot or rie por sin scrae it es acon an scrae es • Ha an scrae es Huevos a la Mexicana • orizo an scrae es Jamon and Huevo • otatoes an scrae es sere it eans ony • orizo an potatoes sere it eans ony Tocino con Huevo