With college entrance coming over the horizon and the real world just beyond, a junior puts forth new eort to prove his academic foundations. Character is revealed in work that is well done. Language exercises designed to familiarize the student with college-level writing are provided. Composition is stressed to develop technique. Vocabulary expansion is accomplished with over 500 important words, 200 pre€xes, roots and suf- €xes. Unabridged classic literature with study guides further the student’s reading and critical analysis. The Bible text is a fascinating survey of western church history from post-apostolic to the end of the nineteenth century. (Alternates available including the wonderful Summary of Christian Doctrine by Berkhof.) The CHC History Overlay adds many valuable insights into the principles of a hearty Reformed world view in a €nal, high-level American history study. Constitutional government is the focus of this course. In eleventh grade , is studied from a creationist viewpoint. Saxon Advanced Math is a comprehensive treat- ment of pre- math including topics from algebra, , , discrete and mathemati- cal analysis. Saxon Algebra 2 is also available. (Math may be selected to match the student’s needs.)

¯ Eleventh Grade Full Includes °

‡ Covenant Home Preceptor CD-Rom ‡ CHC Full Curriculum Day-by-Day Scheduling Guide ‡ Covenant Home Grading Masters ‡ Covenant Home Eleventh Grade Course Blueprint packet ‡ Sketches from Church History , textbook ‡ CHC Sketches from Church History study guide and test set with answer key ‡ CHC Scripture memory program ‡ U.S. History, 3 rd ed., textbook with answer key to text ‡ U.S. History, 3 rd ed., student activities and student activities teacher’s edition/key ‡ CHC U.S. History test set with answer key ‡ CHC blueprint and study guide to U.S. History ‡ CHC History Overlay , 3 rd ed. ‡ English Workshop - Fifth Course, student worktext, teacher’s manual/key and mastery tests ‡ Vocabulary from Classical Roots E , student book and expanded teacher’s edition (2005 ed.) ‡ CHC Vocabulary from Classical Roots E test set with answer key ‡ Moby Dick, ( unabridged) with CHC Reader’s Guide ‡ Wuthering Heights, ( unabridged) with CHC Read- er’s Guide ‡ CHC Guide to Writing Book Reports ‡ Saxon Advanced Math, 2 nd ed., text with home study packet and test forms ‡ Exploring Creation with Physics , 2 nd ed., student textbook (hardcover) ‡ Solutions and test booklet for Exploring Creation with Physics, 2nd ed.  WK *UDGH)8//&855,&8/80


(OHYHQWK*UDGH SKETCHES FROM CHURCH (OHYHQWK*UDGH%-3UHVV86+,6725<0RGXOH HISTORY 0RGXOHLQFOXGHV LQFOXGHV ‡ Sketches from Church History , textbook ‡ U.S. History, 3 rd ed., textbook with answer key to text ‡ CHC study guide and test set with answer key ‡ U.S. History, 3 rd ed., student activities and student activities teacher’s edi- tion/key ‡ CHC Scripture memory program and blueprint ‡ CHC test set with answer key ‡ Day-by-Day Scheduling Guide for the module ‡ CHC blueprint and study guide to U.S. History  WK Grade SKETCHES FROM CHURCH HISTORY ‡ CHC History Overlay , 3 rd ed. 0RGXOH ‡ Day-by-Day Scheduling Guide for the module WK ?  *UDGH%-3UHVV86+,6725<0RGXOH (OHYHQWK*UDGH$SRORJLD3+<6,&6 Module LQFOXGHV ‡ Exploring Creation with Physics , 2 nd ed., student textbook (hardcover) (OHYHQWK*UDGH/$1*8$*($5760RGXOHLQFOXGHV ‡ Solutions and test booklet for Exploring Creation with Physics, 2nd ed. ‡ English Workshop - Fifth Course, student worktext, teacher’s manual/key, mastery tests and blueprint ‡ Day-by-Day Scheduling Guide for the module ‡ Vocabulary from Classical Roots E , student book, expanded teacher’s edi-  WK *UDGH$SRORJLD3+<6,&60RGXOH tion (2005 ed.), test set and blueprint ‡ Moby Dick, ( unabridged) with CHC Reader’s Guide ‡ Wuthering Heights, ( unabridged) with CHC Reader’s Guide (OHYHQWK*UDGH6D[RQ$'9$1&('0$7+0RGXOH ‡ CHC Guide to Writing Book Reports LQFOXGHV ‡ Day-by-Day Scheduling Guide for the module ‡ Saxon Advanced Math, 2 nd ed., text with blueprint  WK *UDGH/$1*8$*($5760RGXOH ‡ Saxon Advanced Math, 2 nd ed., home study packet and test forms ‡ Day-by-Day Scheduling Guide for the module WK  WK *UDGH6D[RQ$'9$1&('0$7+0RGXOH  *5$'(35(5(48,6,7(6± ? 3K\VLFV%DVLFWULJIXQFWLRQV 6D[RQ$OJHEUD,,

NOTE: The Covenant Home Preceptor CD-Rom and/or Grading Masters may be purchased with any module order. Please see price list on page 25. ‡ (/(9(17+*5$'($/7(51$7(6 (15,&+0(17 ‡

$/7(51$7(%-3UHVV Consumer Math Module %-3UHVV U.S. History 7HDFKHU¶V(GLWLRQ rd HG LQFOXGHV Includes activities, supplemental information, web links and answers to ‡ Consumer Math, 2nd ed., student textbook WH[WXDOTXHVWLRQV nd ‡ Consumer Math, 2 ed., teacher’s edition (in two volumes) U.S. History ‡ BJP test set and answer key %-3UHVV 7HDFKHU¶V(GLWLRQ ‡ Day-by-Day Scheduling Guide for the module %-3UHVV CONSUMER MATH 0RGXOH Preparing for the SAT 0DWKUHYLHZVPRGHOSUREOHPVVNLOOVHWVPRGHOH[DPVZLWKFRPSOHWH ([SORULQJ&UHDWLRQZLWK3K\VLFV&RPSDQLRQ&'5RP solutions Adds videos and animations to the Apologia Physics Module! Preparing for the SAT  3K\VLFV&RPSDQLRQ&'5RP

6D[RQ Advanced Math Solutions Manual Shows how the answer was derived 6D[RQ Advanced Math Solutions Manual