— -- • ——' who was at work in a field near by for the "Betrothed !" cried George, laughing, From ihe New York EwngtlUu During'-this interval, he added much t< Terms of the Gazette. JJoctrt). cause of this. " I hatrc no betrothed, and above all . LAMARTINE. . '' his. fame, by the publication of several Village subscribers by carrier—per year 82 00 " Ah," replied the peasant, with evi things Ihun that condition in which n man poems, all,rich with emotions drawn from'r- 11 Mail do. in ltd vane do. d o. 2 00 From the Lady's Dollar Newspaper. dent displeasure—" that betokens our no lounger belongs to himself. It is the 'M , CM.. "* • the.most silent depts of the human heart. C OifTice subscribers, or those living out of BY JOHN S. C. ABEOTT. ; nV - The>e works were the t hosen eompari.joi>8> new master. We have fallen an heirloom liken,ess of my sister." • t, ( A,'," 'the Carrier's district, and who call for AN I-XHOitTATIOI*. of the thoughtful, and were hid under tHe to the king of Savoy, 6nd to-morrow his " Your sister 1 and is this sister still Lamartine, with a saddened and a world- their papers at the office, 1 60 Seek not pleasure for her guise pillow of the maiden, to blend thiir governor will receive our homage." He unmarried Vo ; : , • . -... weary spirit, sought a resource for his Companies of five or more receiving their Is false, though fair unto thine eyes, images with the dreams of the morning'. added several bitter curses, and not anoth­ Cornaro. assured him that she was, and anguish in the incidents of foreign travel, papors by ma.Il, if paid in advance 1 50 Pleasure is a feeble gcal. But the spirit of the noble mother er word could George extract from him. soon sought to direct th« conversation and turned his steps towards Italy, the For the high immortal soul: still enshrined in the heart of the no Terms of Advertising. Pleasure is a shining suure, James, the last legitimate sovereign of again to the affairs of . Lusignan land so rich in every reminiscence which child. Her early instructions had arou .10 lineaorless, 1 insertion, 50 Set below empyrean air; Cyprus, of the , had just informed him that on the eveningprevious could attract a .poetic mind. Just emerg­ "«« •< 3 «• 75 in his soul the spirit of sacred enthusiasm.ur -. Making energies divine died, and besides an illegitimate son, delegates bad waited on him fr.omNicosiaJ ing from the seclusion of the cloister, and 15 " '• 1 " " From the most tender infancy,"i be says, << U 3 ; . <• 87 In beguiling bonduge pine. James had left an only daughter who had and other places of the Island. still under the dominion of that heart- " my mother had inspired me with a taste 90 " 1 " 75 married Louis of SaVoy, and who now in­ All were prepared to take up arms, and it spell from which even the death of the «« .< v 3 ' «« 100 Seek not pleasures! shun her sway, for Biblical lord. I burned, from the age Listen to no siren lay; herited the croA-n of Cyprus. George depended on himself alone to ascend the loved one could not disenthrall him, he For continuance, per week, 20 percent, on the of eight years, with the desire of goings;; Firm, unresisting be thy feet, had already heard this intelligence on his throne* Wandered from place to plare, now op­ Price of3 insertions. Far continuance onequarter, to visit those mountains on which God • ' Though they press a stony street, arrival at Furnagusta, but the event was " And your reply 1" inquired George, pressed with the deepest dejection, and orovor, 15 per cent. ... descended ; those deserts where the arijjjel Yearly advertisers allowed 22 lines, with the priv­ 'Till their sandals be unbound one of indifference to hi'm and would not : again moved by the intensest luxury of anxiously.-; * i .- pointed out to* Nagar the hidden spring,^: ilege of 17 changes, $12. One square (20 lines- And they tread on "holy ground V' have excited his attention had it not been "My a nswer was indecisive. I requir­ poetic sentiment. His name and his fame diaper not included) per year, with the privilege of And while virtue is thy ^uide, whence hei banished child, dying With1 for the angry tone of the peasant, which ed time untiljnorning, to advice with my had traveled before him. Fashionable changing quarterly, §8. . Thou to happiness ait allied. thirst, might derive refreshtcent ; those< t he soon observed also among the people subject, and to project a toori^g^Mg|^vU>& .continent, courted his NO advertisements will be inserted gratis. Obit friends on the rivers v\ hich flowed from the terrestrial;, nary noticcisexrceding5 lines in length unless ofgen Seek not gilded pomp and powor, of his own estates. He anticipated plan." society and hvv$p^&


two officials, a bill to this effect could IIHT lion. Trnman Smith. NORWALK GAZ been carried through at tho last session, and and dangers, which I hf.ve not ooncealed €ongt£seioual. Jfo reign Ncrosi «••• - This distinguished gentleman has been [would now have been the law of the laud.— from them " •mk Thus the whole party who embarked on so much the object of abure and attack MONDAY, Dec. 11. Arrival of Use Niagara. Wednesday, t>ecenil)ei' 20, 1.848, |from the outset, they have been the bitter and from the Locofoco newspapers, and eepe* this truly magnificent excursion, consisted In the SENATE, Mr. Fitzpntriek, of Ala­ Seven Days Later from . uncompromising enemies of the cheap system, cially from the President's print at Wash­ of about thirty-two or three. They were bama, took his seat in place_of xMr. Lewis. "WJiie State Convention. and have employed all their official influence ington, that we-feel it- our duty in this The steamship Niagara, Ca.pt. Ryrie, to coast^along the storied shores' of Eu­ A warm discussion took place between from Liverpool, 2il inst. arrived at Boston The Whigs of Connecticut are hereby notified to prevent it from receiving a full and fair trial. rope, Astaanxl Africa, and to drink in season of rejoicing, to tender him our; "r"elt thaXrin'behalf of the Whigs ofjM, Dix and morning last. -«he spoke *d inst., State Convention for the nomination of Can- " ~t. inspiration from the traces of the Deity in heartfelt Ulilta " SpiriL of the Press."—An.interesting remi­ snnsvlvania, for the valuable service copies of the Secretary ot the 1reas.,, j s ofl | packet ship John R. bkiddy didate8 for Governor,( Lieutenant Governor,- Sec the East. Pirates infested the Mediter­ Pe....~j -- , R niscence is related by Miss Phebe Comstock, •IA., ;« th. ro..»nt *1®,Minn Report.Ke I wenty thousand copies were ror Liverpool.rpool. j retary,remrv. TreasurerTre.i and Controller,—will be held in ranean, and Laoiartiue was not a man to which he rendered in the recent election.' P OQ nn riged resident of this town. During the war The extent and character of his exertions.ori,ere • ~ ( The fiinds of the London money market t|lc 0f i].artr0,d, on Wednesday, the SfTih drfy surrender wife and child to their tender Mr. Slicer re-elected Chaplain,;r,eceiying continued very firm. ! of December, J843. Tb« Whigs of the scviral! of fhe Revolution, it is well known that Gen* mercies without a struggle. "Our arms can only be appreciated by those who1 . j In the early part of the week a continued tmvns> are requested to appoint immediately, ilelG- j Washington visited this town. On that occa- occupy the comers, and I have besides have a just estimate of the labor, anxiety ^ reported ., »nd re^nonsibilitv of conducting a political! lvl.r- "ougiass repuneu bill to make demand for Cotton was experienced Convcntioif. ecfiiaf to .lonble the iium- U q. then a little girl, with her father, purchased an arsenal of muskets, pistols ?ood gMei ls s;ll(f on . . . California and New Mexico a btate ; read jn the Liverpool market. ber oTtberMlepre'seiiiative* iti tbe Legislature. miH sabres, to arm us and our people. The campaign at the metropolis ; but to these being at the Old Well, saw General Washing­ twice and laid on the tab'e. j In England and the Cholera Thc Committee confidently believe that the spirit Greek pirates infest the s^as of the Arch­ it-is only necessary io say, that to his ton at the cider mill owned by the grandfather'* A memorial fiom Mr. Aspinwail was appearti to be on the decrease. Viscount 0|-tjI3 Whigs of Connecticut so active, efficient and ipelago ; but we are resolved to combat to zeal and* industry the country is in a large of the present Mr. John Seymour, and whil© presented to both Mouses, asking contract Melbourne died on the '24-ih nit. Mr. .s.llcteSjfrtrm the campaigu which has just closed ; degree indebted for the valuable informa­ >he last, and yield only with the loss of for lin there she saw him raise the bucket and take a tion which was distributed Throughthrough tietl;e """-por 8_ , Char lea B.'llu M. P. rsalso.dead, be eqllally s0 in ,hat which is to come life. I have two lives to defend, more across the contemplated railroad over thel Theexportsfrom Liverpool still continue draught of the cider fiom the pail. We know canvass, and for the prompt and decisive J. F. BABCOfK. Y dear to me than my own. We have four Ad r ed State of no more pleasing or profitable mode of pas$~ exposure of the frauds with which Loco- «*}"••»• ?f j"" " - >» « l»fgi «»le,and the nun.l>er of Anrer- HENRY PECK. J pieces of cannon on deck, and the crew, "- • .... « » Jn theHOUSE , ihe uommittee& announcd J^au cargoes of goods at Manchester is J. L. BOS WELL, > Ce'ntral focoism nttenipted to mislead the public. ing an hour than in listening to the many ex­ who know the fate reserved by the- Greeks are substantially the same as last year's. ' altogether un pre cedent ed. W. WOODWARD. | Committee. From the outset—long before the ad­ W. JN. MATS OS, } citing Revolutionary incidents fo which this for unfortunate sailors whom they make The rules of last session werg,, adopted, J The arguments of counsel in the case in j prisoners, are determined to ciie rather journment of Congress — he entered upon Aged lady Was witness, and with which her ihe serious labunTof the campaign, and «!.pp.-®pri»tie ted Delegates to the Convention, from-the ad- salt meadows at the moutlv okour haibor. at the — — •--- - • . - |(. Pom;Minhese,V „h innny other incidents /

™rrr.r«.™bi";"rer ^M , Sn,i,h h.. .A «oe;,joy,«».. rr™ stances. " My mother !" says Lamartine, j for none has been more faithful, honest or of the Tariff of 1S42. The yeas and rnrys siasm and clearness as if their occurrence had- 1 for political discussion in the Irish papers. .. . " how would she have been pleased with untiring ; but, this consciousness does not were called for. Yeas, 96"; Nays, 9M. As Ihe period approaches for the elec-j A 1,1 AJLL 1 E.BES1 l>D* been but yesterday. this pilgrimage, if not of the Christian, at j carry with it the attestation of public grat- A bill to reduce the rates of Postage tion of President of , the excitement That period has again an.ved whenm nccor-1 I3P P. F. Barn um came passenger in the least ofthe man and the poet! Her mind itude. was reported by Mr. G-ogoi>n'. Referred-. davl'V increases. dance with a good old custom our bills are to; ww so ardent, and so readily and so com- It is our pleasure and pride to of.er in A resolution was adopted, inq-'uirir/g of In1 consequence of the alarming newr. be presented for payment. We'have labored i.igain, an anive at u& jomein - n gepoi pletely imbibed the impression of places part this tribute of regard ; and we feel on ,U1 the President the cause of the detention from Jta'y and the fears at one moment to afford our readers pleasure and we hope they ; « •'} ungiug joui.g eac wit i and things. How her soul would have | assured that we but echo the sentiment ol of American citizens as prisoners in Ire­ entertained of actual personal danger to will find plt«isi.r8 in liquidating the littlecla'ms him. The young defaulter was arrested,.la­ been exalted before this solitary and sacred j every Whig l.eart, in thus publicly offering land. Adj. theatre of the great drama of the gospel, our acknowledgments for the able and the Pope, from his own subjects, and his we have against them. Oar biHs are all of i Tv reputed fliaht from Rome, Cavaignac has h f f their beingtrifling j The Rev. Mr. Sf'rOhgV of the Rdw HaVatt' of that complete drama in which divinity efficient aid which Truman South gave to TUKSDAY. Dec. 12. small an)0unts nud t c ilct 0 TFve SENATE convened at 12. despatched four steam frigates, carrying a . t v , mif np i,;= Church st. Church, also came home from a and humanity each played its part—the ihe Republican cause in the recent con- n, . ' , , c:, , V ' f\. •• in amount, olten keeps the pi Intel out or iiis one crucifying, the other crucified. This! test, h is not our habit to single out indi- On motion of Mr. King, the Senate \tfent brigade of fifteen hundred men to Civila- n,*™- tour in Sui'ope;- in the Niagara. His health into the election of Chairman and Stand­ Vechia, for the pntposB* of securing Ihe dues while larger claims tire dispatched tit once. [ iourney of th°e son whom she loved sojviduals for this sort of approbation, but liberty of his Hol'ioess aiMf respect for his We tkr* labored under many d.sad.antages «'••» •••> »«* .«»"«*«• much, will make her smile even in the! the services and the cheerful w ill with ing Committees. There was no alteration, ' - ..; I*I .1 i I .1.. A >» tUM person. A reinforcements of troops will fhe p«st year, but the increase shown OiV oui M IRISH HEART. abode of blessedness, where I behold her." which they have been rendered in the the members all remaining the same as at the last session. Mr.-S)ix called up the immediately follow. ! subscription book, {faltersus with the assuiance JolnV flanton, an honest Irishman living witlr (To be Continued.) present instance, justify the exception.— Moved by no consideration bt*l those of Ff.irbor bill, and moved i!ts Reference to The most strenuous efforts are being that our labors have been appreciated We ' ]\lr. Geo. W. Betts, of this town, hearing oner' patriotism, he embarked with the zeal and the Committee on Commerce, which was madnade by the GovernrtiCRf t») carry Cavaig- ])ave already been to some expense in trying to d,y ]nst week that his brother hadarrived fronV Figuring oil Hie Gold. J enthusiasm of one determined to succeed. agreed to. rtaclac's election, but still the cause of Louis jve n more pel-fect imp^essirtn and propose st.ill Ireland and was lying «ick in the hospital at' The Boston Courier has been carefuliy anal- Napoleon preponderates His efforts have been crowned with a glo A communication wa's then' received farther improvements. We are making ar- (Quarantine, immediately set out on foot for yzing, not the gold of California, but the state- I Houg tri(Jmph . a|jd the res,jk is one w|lich from the President, and the Senate went 1 he Frankfort Journals state that a plot .ze oj. olif pnper! New York, some fifty mifes, fearing tliat his a inents of some of the gold hunters, and there he has eminently contributed to produce. into Executive Session-and the doors were' for a republican arid socialist rising, and. , I, , . , . T. e .... for the assassination of several members and also to print it in new type throughout..- brother might Suffer, should he wait for th* appears to be considerable alloy found in theni. Phil. North Jim eric.an. closed. of the German Parliament, has been dis In order for us to do this it will be necessaVy regular conveyance next day. He looted it The editor bases his arithmetic upon Col. Ma­ Nearly forty adverse report's were made for Us to have not a contribution—but simply nil night and next morning found him, before son's official despatches to the Government, and ITIiss Marietta Smith. from various committees, on petitions, &c. covered in that city- presented at the last sessivyrv,- a;ll relating Marshal R'edetsbi, Commander of the what is justly our due. Shall we have it 1 | sunrise, seeking-otit his sick UrothelV John by tigures as follows: This young lady, who. some weeks to unimpoitant matters, and all \Vere Austrian forces in Italy is reported to be j Those livin^ at a distance, may remit the , his temperance'arid industry has been enabled This officer has collected Information since so mysteriously disappeared, from ogreed" to. deafl. amount of their bills by mail. A prompt pay- to send;fo^and' bring out to this land of^ Fretf: from various individuals who have explor­ New York, and about whom so much has j Jn the HOUSE, on motion of Mr. Rock­ The most pefect tranquility has suc­ dom, three of his brothers, and contemplates in' ed the mines, and he also visited in per­ been said in the newspapers, and for merit, will greatly accommodate us. well of Conn, the bill to p-rovide for the ceeded the commotion of the 17th, in son, some of the placeres or spots where whose recovery a reward of $7-50 was of­ the Spring sending for his aged parents. An' punishment of false swearing in relation Rome. The Tope appeared to be satisfied the gold is produced. Bis testimony as fered, has been found in this city, a'nd is example of nobleutiss of soul worthy of iinitu-* to claims before Committees .and tlie De­ with the new order of things, and was Post Iflaslcy General's Report. to the existence of the metal in to.erable now with, her mother. We l^arn the fol- tioii. .. ' ..j partments was taken up and passed. greatly pleased- to lind that the peace of This document makes a highly lavorable ex­ abundance,seems indisputable. The main j lowing particulars in relation to this si-n- 1 jVfr. WeritWorfh offered' a' resolution his capital had been-so speedily restored. 1 vlifficulty is to procure well substantiated j anlar affair. Jt seems that upon leaving pose of the state of the Post ©ffice Depart­ The Presidciil's iffc'ssagb. instructing the Judiciary Committee to The London Times says that an imme­ fictson which to found an estimate of the New York, she look passage for this city, ment. The increase during the year in the Wc do not believe a document was ever issued* inq-uire into tire1 expediency of making all diate settlement of the pending dispute actual amount of gold obtained. On this and upon her arrival here, was carried by length of mail routes is 9,390 miles. Whole, from Washington, which has brought down Government Officers elective by the Peo­ between the King of Naples and his Sicil­ point the Colonel furnishes nothing satis-J hacktnau to b Nashua-st. where she re- number of Offices on the 1st of July, 16,159. such universal condemnation from the pressed a ple. Adopted. ian subjects is expected to take place. factory. If fifteen millions of dollars have mained only about 21 hours. The nest A resolution-of inquiry was adopted as The postcript of llie European Times, Postmasters appointed during the year,— of all parties'—a condemnation as jiist as it has'' already been realized, it is reasonable tojd y she went to Berwick, Me. where she a to the expediency of a* survey of New says the report that Prince Windischgralz j 4,121. been'universal.- According to the Telegraph suppose that some individual could be j remained several days in the family of a Mexico and Californi i, and securing by has been assassinated, was current at the GvdSs"revenue of the year ending J une30th, Operator's statement', there were fifty thous­ named possessing a hundred thousand, but! person with whom she had some slight law the application of live mineral wealth Paris Bourse,:on'the lkt instV, but was not including$-200,000 appropriated by tho 12th and words in it—enough to. physic the whole we hear of no such- large sum. We have ; acquaintance. Returning to this ciiy, of those territories to the extinguishment credited. ^ Sec. of the act of 3d of 1-847, for tho reading public. The Brooklyn Advertiser, is- iio account, moreover, of the smelting of j she stopped with a respectable family in of fhe Public Debt. ; guilty of perpetrating tlie following capitiil hit? ihe ®old and casting it i »to- burs; the . Salutation-st. where she has continued to Mr. Meade offered a resolution instruct­ Isthmus of Tefiuan!epec.—By the last j postage of the government and tlie further sum on thii 6ip-'sheafofall prolix absurdities:7 statements generally"represent ft as gold J remain, learning the dress-making bu.vi ing the Territorial Committee to inquire arrival from Mexico,-we learn- from good ( of collected from and-belonging to the dust, in which state the value of the metal! riess, until the present tune, into the expediency of reporting a' bill' authority, that the house of Manning & acdttunt:s of preceeding ydars, amounted to An excitement utas created the other jsyery ind'etermrnate. Col. Mason esU- Circnrnstances led John L. Andrews transferring to' Texas, agreeably to the Mackintosh, of Mexico, who have taken !$4,371,077. This* sum' exceeds tliat df the evening in the neighborhood of the City strongly to suspect tlial she was the yir.l c,i,uHall, occasioned by a poor fellow who' mates the product of the whole gold re- terms of annexation, the territory lying charge of the great undertaking for open-! pi.oceedin„yeai. $425,184f being an Increase ofi ' "J « P»»r ivion at 20,000 or 50,000 dollars a day, and-j advertised missing from New York, ing u water communication between the ' ^ waj, seated on a:stoop, too amch exhaustedsted east of the Rio Grande. Adopted. t Adj. 10 77 1Wtb tlie persons employed at 4,000, but these and at length his suspicions were con- two oceans, through the fstlnnus of Teho- j ' ° totell' ailed him- He was seen pas", WKorv-KsuA'r, Dec.' 1:3. numbers are evidently conjectural.— j firmed, leaving no doubt on his mind as antepec, have already begun a road fOP, average of the nine yeavflpieccedmguie 1st 0. sing up Fu|ton St. about H 1 2 o'clock, andmd In the SENATE, a petition was presented u v Aearlv all the gold districts belong to the. to her identity. Mr. Andrews consulted . .. r the transportation of all the materials i J '. » 1845, §6,453. appeared then too wtHik to walk, as every United States government; a sirall por-, the Mayor aboot- the matter yesterday i by Mr. Benton of Mo. from t.ie c.itizens of. nacessary for this great work. The road | The letter postage, including the nppropria- few yards he had too leai' himself against ion was granted to private individuals by j morning, and was advised by him to send.tww Mexico, pray wig" Congress to hegrs- a wall or railing for support.. IIUII wuo ^ j ... . c, _ _ , . # ^ # j isic preparingp • w j for the purpose of establish-j tion above stilted, amounted to §3,550,304, ex- the Mexican government previous to the. a dispatch to the iMayor ot New Yurlv]j^e J" Pnc at oncei a temporary oomrnumeation ' ceeding that, of the pnSfc&efling year $295,791, '• Have you been hurt ?" asked a fy- j being an increasp at the rate of 9 09-100 per starider. ^ 44 Worse," muttered the stranger.* cent. " H!ave'yoU:bcen robbed V' The success of the cheap postage system is* 41 Worse.7' ' ; f admitted and a further reduction recommended 44 You are not st'arvihg,-are you 1" ** paia a nurrieu visu io me re-| nn uuicer nan oeen suuiuueu ui me uc-(••••_•-— J -- J vessels ol iarg as follows-: • 44 Worse." •' •' ions occupied by the adventurers, and ; pot to watch the arrival of her mother,. Pr'n,e< - . , , i The undertaking is, at present, under First—Letter postage should 1)3' a' dtiifoi'm "You havd rid' Home; perhaps," coriv what he saw bears no comparison to what; and lo conduct her to the City Hall. I Mr. keverrly Johnson presented the per- ^ superiirtentlerice of ilie'celebrated En- rate of five cents for each hall ounce orfractidri tinned liis intfei Idciitor. 1 h, 44 he relates on hearsay. But we will suppose! While Mr. Smith and the officer were on j it'on of Mr. John X v,krnner . ol ' !~ |g ineerr Moro, to whom is due tHe dlscov- under. - Siill worse," replied tlie'poor fellow*' 11is statements authentic, and not exi>g?or- their way from the depot this morning, "delphin, for the establisment ol_an' AgTM of tHe track through this Istfimusf; Worse, 'Gad, but I don't know any 4JL,t.y/(Second cc —NewspaperL 1C »» *71'ft |/»'l postage should beww chal*-' # . # ,», j « nted ; and the gold spoken of is gold. Let tneythey met iviarietia Marietta in ihethe street, anciand aiierafter rcultural Bureau, which— was received and , 'j,j he.lands|ancj's through tinsthis WFioleWhole district, • ... i • V •• ii ! thing worse ttian to go hnngry3 and home* eed bv weight,-which hd thinks would stop the ;. ' ° ... , ® .k° *«... us see how near the value of it comes to • the confusion occasioned by so unexpect-unexpect-i referred to thethe Committee onon Agriculture. I re ce]ebratecl for tlii ir extraordinary fer- h •> * 1 1 i (ess, with an empty podket. Have you' publishers Irom mailing papers before they are • tyjjen jgon itie fifteen millions of dollars before given, j ea an event had somewhat subsided, all j In the llor;sE, Mr. Pa frey of Ma. asked anti it aboutids in timber of tlie great- dry The discovery was first made as he informs, three repaired lo the Mayor'* Office. I leave to introduce a bill lor repealing all; ^ vaU)e^ ^oth for ship building and* furni- Worse," was*the response; lis, about three months previous to hisjmeThe young ladyiauy gives as methe reason forUM '—— • • C- ongressr';"-R passed for . establishing""fT.""". ^ i utore.^e Ihe roadrQa(j nownQw openingopgnjpfj.1 js to j.;e Third—All other printed matter of whateVet 44 Worse than that ?" exclaimed a dozen' visit. In a few weeks hundreds of men ' leaving home, that she was not contented jand maintaining blavery m the District ol comp]ete(f within the ensuing ei^lit nature or kind, should be rated with double persons arouiid, as their countenances ex-" were drawn thither. |with her condition. She was employed employe |Columbia. On this the yeas and nays months and nworinticHi's nre now progress- newspaper postage. Letters containing arti-"j hibited the greatest astonishment and' were demanded and decided in the nega- - • ° • -• - 1 e 41 ?> These were increased to four thousand, j as an assistant teacher in one of the nff etween cles of value, upon the application of the writer anxiety. Why, man, you are crazy ! 'v b Y a< 69 Ni 'S 85 l' ^ undertakers and our post 44 at the end of three months. Now deduct- schools in New York, and thought her No e.'1?r r\ A)rS i' i .• office department, for the regular trans-1should be regis!ei'od, and a receipt taken for Worse,' he again muttered. Mr. Koot of O. offered a resolution in-1 . • p . i a • -i u .u- i ... .• iirig the few weeks which elapsed bafore: friends claimed too large a portion of her I irnssion of the American mail by this jhri delivery, and tripple lelter postage charged'. Everybody lookcrd on with amazement. any considerable number of hands were! salary. We understand that her conduct struct'nji lhe Committe • on Territories I®; rooU,._^. 0. Com, Bul Dec, j, 44 What is tlig matter with you V1 An abolishment' of the fVanliirig? privilege, employed, we may assume two months for in this city so far as known, has been prenare bills for establisning (governments j ' 441 ha\'e—I have"—and the poor fefttfw 1' e time employed in collecting gold.— strictly correct. Mrs. Smith and her in California and New Mexico, so f.amed J} Strict Cons'ructionisl — One of the and the pre paying of postage on letters, news- fell back with a groan. We have, then, sixty days' work at 40,000 daughter, in company with City Marshal as to provide lor the exclusion of Slavery: merilhers of the New York Electoral Col-! papers and other mailable matter, is recom- 44 Have what 1 What have you done— dollars a day, the medium of Col. Mason's j Turkey, will leave for New York this from saiil^ 1 erritories. 1 l.e resolution ; |ege did not attend the meeting, and his • memledi- speak!" -/. t wo conjectures, which would give 2,400,- afternoon.—Boston Journal, 13/A. pa««edTrX®a8' 107' N;iy8, 80, -1 . ! place was supplied by the election of an-| . The report concludes with the suggestion 441-have committed a"—and the poor ut h s !)00 dollars. But as the number of hands' Mr. Robinson moved to reconsider the ^ otlier. T|ie reap0n ()f his non-attendance ' tlmt the Postmastel. General be nominated by !^"°^ r | handarbefore his faee^aad

sjose only gradually from a few hundred . - . „ „ ,, votes, lie wished the question debated.. was f|)at fr., flg([ promised his wife' th»t he ' ,u. .... »i._ r„.. groaned uagain. u. wjc htJ President to the Senate for rf'spdeific term f', . , .... nii Annn L 11 I »' I F' f n'St DucoveniJ ofJ me CaliforniaJ Gold 1 44 to 4000, we should make a deduction oh ... ^ . , . tJ , r , Before the \ ote on the motion for ve-\V)0ytd never holdold an-office, and she being; Committed what—arobbery". ALnes cne half the labor in applying it to the - J.rom an ar icle in Harper s forth-: consideration was takon, the House ad- a ststrict constr uctioniit, would'not let him of years, be separated from the Cabinet, and- M Nq> no 1 a desperate_ _ act—an_ actoc so- ln ra ,ca ve ,earn riaximum amount of a days prodnre 0| ^, p P^. '} jjourned. . ^ off. only removable by impeachment; and the ap- desperate'*—and again he closed his eyes, E M LNCS ,1 01111,1 L E RE i,o!d. Tlie result of the whole calcolalion! R''' ,.' , , . ° , .' "' I THUR)DAV, Dec. 14. pointment of lho principal subordinaf-'d officers and remained silent. - lr !i ,!iC le rt 1 e efau,t ut le 1,200,000'dollar^, instead of (if;een mil.I . |.||, ^ h '- ^ ®'" " | ]\|r Welister onpenred in tlie SENATE, The Late Mr. Legate's Library.—This for (l i^g teim 0fyeais", be given to him and to '• For God's sake maa, let us know what- lions j a little arithmetic is of vast import- ™l the last century I he Jesu.ts, w ^ very valuable collection, which embraces I provide that no remova, slloU|d be made, except it is, and don't keep us in suspense." •trice .ometiroe«.-i?_ t0tn .be ,^,.^.-,1re,.drle(| foto So desperate that I tremhle to tell yorii- eminent, and the suspicion that they had the Seventh Census, which was read twice «« well as a large amount of Conlinenlal ® You would arrest riTe as a lunatic." done so perhaps had something to do with and referred to*a Select Committee of five. Literatuie, was sold at auction, at Wash-' 44 If you don't tell quiclf, we' i*ill fakef* Bridgeport Bank Robbery.—Young their expulsion from Mexico. In 1769, As a movement has at last been made in the members. ington City, on Friday and Saturday eve­ you to the cult's," said a constaBIe'.' Beach who.lately escaped from this couri-jDon Ji)se Galvez, Marquis of Sonora, un- cheap postage reform, there are reasons to JVlr. Benton reported favorably upon the ning, the J5th and 16th inst. This seeirietTto startle the man,and*he 1/y with $18^000, which he took from, the j dertook. a-n- expedition into California to me-mo-rial* of Messrs. A-spinwall", Stephens t hope that the wishes of the pedple will at lust said : 441 will tell you, if you will not take Bridgeport Bank, has been, traced by Mr. j ascertain the truth of the reports respect- Chloroform and Chan hey. '£he bill proposes to con- „ A correspondent of the. gratified. Mr. Goggin, chairman of the me to the lunatic asylum. Well, then, I Juirnum, wko went in: pursuit of him, toting the gold, uin the rivers, io the soil, • , , r . » / i i Kochester Advertises, states that chloro- tract with them fop twenty years lor the . I,' - . . Post Office Committee in the Hoase,-it will be have"— : Southampton, where $6*000 was found in J and in the rocks." He was accompanied form was successfully used in a case of; transportation of Government property seen in Monday's proceedings, has given Botice 44 Keep still; keep silent," shouted a score bis trunk in the hotel where he was stop by the celebrated Don Miguel Jose de delirium tremens at sea. The jaws of the and troops across the Isthmus of Panama. - of voices. Every body presses forward lung with a young girl of the town. He Arenzn, who discouraged by the fruit'ess patient were set, and his case was pro- of a bill that promises far more practical' good' The contract is proposed to be made as to catch a word, and for a short time the' j.\d not been arrested at the last account search of* a few weeks, recommended the nounrexl hopeless, when Dr. Chas. Galla than the clumsy and impracticable attempts of soon as the railroad is-under way. mass'of people swayed to and fro like the - -there is not the slightest doubt but that abandonment of the enterprise, and for gher, of Delaware proposed chloroform.— the postmaster General, to tinker the existing- Resolutions upon the death of Mr. Sims. waves of the ocean. After a lapse of five J.ie will be.:—Derby Journal. contending t>hat the Maiquis was insane It worked like a charm, and»the man gotjjiwsi w-ere r< eeived from- the House, and an minutes there was a deathlike stillness;— for proceeding, was thrown into prison, well. eloquent tribute* was pa>id to the deceased MrV Goggin's-plan contemplates 5' centk for Every one held his breath for fear of' loi- where he remained several months.— Shovel Speculwion-.—A New York cor­ member all distances, on letters riot exceeding Half an sing the poor fellow's words. ~ Nothing at: all satisfactory,.however, ap­ by Mr. Butler, when Resolutions • B'ank Muta-kes.—The Boston Courier respondent of the- Boston Traveller, says : were adopted, as usual, and the Senate ounce in weight; one cent on newspapers ex 44 Well speak," said one. 44 pears to have resulted from-the search of announces another mistake by a Wank tel­ Ships are fitting out and business men, adjourned: He seemed to nerve himself for' a'des-' Galvez*; though the Jesuits afterward dis ler. The teller of the Exchauge Bank, on ceeding 1900 inches; half a cent uildfer 1960 peculators and gold hunters are all-in hot Mr. Botts offered'a resolution' in th-e perate effort, and lookittg uponl the crrowd' closed, in Spain and in France, that the Saturday last, paid out on a banking check and over 500 inches, and a quarter of a cent" i .ste, getting off for Califoruia. A man HOUSE, calling for the amount of coal im­ a few seconds, said, " I'/iftvt reud uW of charges of discovery and concealment two $1000 bills instead of two $1-00 bills. under 500 inches. The measure is not yet .who. wnf. out; an invoice of shovels many ported under- the TarifTof 1842 and 184<6, the President** Message." ; f ' made against tl.em, were true. The recipient cf the money has failed yet perfected in detail. fj UlfjntH* since to that region for the ordi- and the revenue derived from the satr.e. The effort exhausted his weak1 frattie1.- lo make full restitution. Although the President attempts, to appropri­ o miry purposes of the settlement, before Mr. Wallace, successor to Mr. Sims of He closed his eyes and sunk- back. "A> . -Jim gold, wus hoard of, h:»s just received a A paper has been commenced at Lowell S. C. announced the death of his prede­ Hon. A. P. BUTLER of South Carolina ate the recommendation of a reduction of post­ desperate act, indeed —poor fellow," said- , jemiuanye for the snirje; 'Fttjey sold at estensibly by the factory girls, to war cessor in appropriate terms. Resolutions ha3 been elccted to tlie United States age, and invites particular attention to the re­ a score in tones of pity. He was properly against the reduction of wages- Jt i» *. ,«S25. each, and lie, has -rea|.ize^|. about were adopted, as usual, and the House Senute for six years from the 4-th March port of the Postmaster General, it is well taken care of, and this morning -there iff called the Protest. 'tioopu ;. ;;;" . •—-•••• acyoiirned over to Monday. ; lie*!, by* the Legislature,, _ ^ known that but fertile direct opposition of these some hope entertained for hit recovery. Iff E3P* Tho Ohio Legislature is in ft decided KabOGsa En^umj)it! eift. WiiMoiArrangcraMit fix. There is a tie nil around, and the demo­ PIE members of Kaboosa Encampment Commencing Wednesday, Nov 29 A, 1848,. Saddles, Harnesses 1 \ ' ^ cratic members refuse to listen to any compro­ T No. 9, I. O. of O. F. are requested to be —FOR— •'I , .» &C. &C. ilc. . punctual in their attendance, on Wednesday PORT CHESTER,- ROCKY NECK, mise, consequently it is found impossible to or­ eveuing. Dec. 20th, 1848, as business of impor­ S T A3IF OgD AS® SOS W A L K, ganize the House. tance to each and all the members will be bro't — * before theiri. Per order, 4ft fpHE sutacfriber would respectfully inform OP Mr. Clay leaves Ashland for Now Or-! It 51 C. J. G RUM AN, Scribe; A the public that he has on hand a large Jeans in a few days, ifnealth will permit, where nnd extensive assortment of H i messes, Saddles* Faran for Sale* THK SPLENDID STKAMRR it is expected that Gen. Taylor and he will THE subscriber offers for sale, if Bridles, Martingales, Trunks, Valise's, Carpet- Bags, &c. wliic!Y are rei.ly made and on linnd- meet. Gen. Taylor has sent him a very friend­ farm situated on Kent street, on the rnicsGf.ca!>t. w.gnf. Peek. Also a first rate srsso'fnireirt «/f Carrrag'e and Ri. ly letter since the election* load between Norwalk and Daribury Will leave New York from thfcPier e'ast side and 4 1-2 lri'iles from Norwalk, oppifeit# tlVe fiat j Catharine Market Slip, as abfcve— ding Whips, wliioh are tor sale at a small ad­ vance fi\/:ri factory p'riffif*: Harness Collars manufacturing shop'of Randle & ftaynrond j EV£-RY MORNING; AT 7 O'CLOCK wholesale'and retail. A good assortment, off iHaraci). known as the Church farm, containing from.35'; SUN7 DAYS E^CEP't'Kt). to 75 acres, as the purchaser may wish. Said 1 saddler's silk, parse twist, e iibraeiris; all color Return 1112 leaves Norwalk every 7IIOT fiirrri is in a good stat e of cultivation',- Well-feneed, and qualities. Every article needed in theline, In Wilton, on Sumlfty evening last, by the and we'll-Wafer * - wrll Rev. Mr. Bangs, Erastus Ruscoeto Miss Mary , other F. Sturges., The saffre' evening, Mr. D. A. •?vr' . ^;v.ari. Betts, to Miss Elizu Riley. ber soffreisnt There tfre' good nd in W. W. HAHAMORB. w WM. B. SWAN. sirable fdtit mechanicehauie or farmer.tanner. For furtherturtlie. j»?M. Bridwriort, Daiibmy, N® " tho best manner FORMERLY^OF BRIDGEPORT. CT. terms inquire of the subscriber, near the prein- .Caiman,Caiman,. Wilton, StanwicTi and Middlepattm. ltc:i«ly Made Clofiiiis^. ^fjOULD inform the inhabitants of Norwalk and its vicinity, that he has tak6n rooms ©icK. ises. SAMUEL P. RANDLE. I EPA11 persons are forbid trusting any indi- 1 in the building occupied by Relief Engine Co. No. 1, opposite the Norwalk Hotel lor Wilton, 18th Nov. 1848. 51 .lidnal'on account of tliis boat or her OWiici '.' UST recpive'd a large 16't of Ready Made In this town on tho 15th inst. Miss Harriet New York, Nov. 28, 1848. Coats, Vests,?a'nd Pants for winter wear. W w a short'tint c. and would invite an examination of his specimens of the Dagfliis lTiail Newel, aged 10. J Bridgeport Savings EiiiiE "* T. L. 6c J. R. PECK. J Ai'f, which for beamy or correctness cannot b<< surpassed. Children's Likenesses, of a ny 8ge, In this town on the 16th inst. Mrs. Sarah Nov. lSf.-1848. i £Usn in from 3 to 10 seconds, between the hours of 10 and 2 P. M. Aiso, Pictures for Lock- Gregory, aged 83 years. T HIS Institution has been in operation about Ruin! I ets, Pins iind Finger Rings. Portraits <>f deceased persons copied accurately. five years. The present amount of de­ In Wilton on the 11th irist. Win. Taylor, AM Well' aware that at th'tf pf-ice at which I j Raisins. I nstructions given in the art, and all o?his recent improvements thoroughly taught. Room# aged 75. posits exceeds two hundred and forty thousand a in selliog ffiose prints, (of which so much ' o'j>e ii hom 9 A. M- to 4 o^cloek. P. M. Perfect satisfaction given to' patrons. 9 AISINS in whole, linIf, and quarter box- At Maracaibo, Venezuela, on the 12th Sept. [ dollars. Regular semi-annual dividendsy from the doings of the assessors, and to equalize For term's, &c. apply to CEIAS. ISAACS. Nov. 7, 1848. and adjust the list of 1848. W ident of the Uniced States for the next SUBSCRTI?ER; tho above ninmiMt in California, or otlur, Gold in exchange for DRY four years—that Lewis Cass and Martin Van Norwalk, Nov. 1, 1848. 45 *" GKO. SI. JOHN, JNO. CAMP, JR. GOODS at uuprecidonted low prices at No. 11 Main st. C. C. BE'TTS. Buren are completely defunct—and that John. SAMUEL ST. JOHN, J. W. HUBBKLL, Burrall lias just, received a very superior fot of BUTTE IE; OLD p;I. mmm JOHN KNAPP. butter :ind cheese from some of the nWst Cele­ 0^1STOCK & ottVr for sale 10.000' 2t51 Board of Belief. HALL brated dairies at the West, and few oiftfe'r C Tbs.' go'o'd d;firy Imtte'r, m qira'nfities to ac­ TEAS! THAS! mtisonie A'olicc. articles for holidays, viz : commodate puiS;h'users', wholesale ini'd retail and rriHE Worshipful Master, Wardens and 1000 Ib's. of premium; Cheestf on the most favorable terms. JL Brethren of St. John's Lodge, No. 6, will 750 do. Firkin fiutter New Canaan, Oct. 16th, 1848. 42 New fork and Canton Tea Company, 1 celebrate the coming Festival of St. John the 250 do . No. 1 Boston Soap, a fine article' Evangelist, on the ovening of the 27tli Dec. at 100 do. Mould Candle's 1 f C o'clock, A. M. by a public Installation, Ad­ A very fine article of Brown Sugar; Soda HE New York CANTON TEA COMPANY, tl.e oldest nnd most extensive' tea dress, ice. in the Hall of the Sons of Temper­ and other kinds ot biscuit. L'L' persons, both residents and non-resi- T. establishment in America',' have established ariagency in Norwalk, and appointed thfe Obl$ BURRALD. L dents, liable to pay Town. Highway, and scfikiber their sole agent, at whose store the community may be supplied with the purest, inostfra- ance. Brethren in good standing, are invited to * • • •' " 1 Besides being miequfilted'iu attend. H. WALTON, Seo'y. Norwalk, Nov. 26, J48. State Taxes, iij the town of Ridgefield on tho grant and per feef teas to be found in the world—China excepted. Besides being mieqeAttea Ndfwalk, Dec. 18, 1848. 2t51 a'ssessm'ent List o.f 1847, are hereby notified quality, they defy competition in price. When ever t heir leas have been tried, they have se­ JACOS5 CIIOLWVLL, Son. that f will attend for the purpose of receiving cured the highest satisfaction, and the continued and eager patronage of the purchaser. All that MRS. M. ^AKEalAN. SHIRT-HANDS wanted imme­ NO. 189 SOUTH STREET, N. YORK, the same, at tho following times and places, is asked i« a fair trial, which we solicit from the citizens of Norwalk. 51 1000 diately, to whom constant employ­ Commission Merchant., 1'iiporter and whole­ viz. at. tho store of Jennings & Co in Ridgefield, Norwalk, Dec. 20.1S47. ment. will bo given. M. WAKEMAN. sale dealer in. Foreign and Domestic On Saturday, the' Kith day of D13cemM?er^l8'4'8, Fruits, 4 c. between the hotirs df $ A. M and 3 P. M. and AUCTION. at the Office in Ridgebury Society, on HE following articles are offered to Coun­ Post N pursuance of an order of the Court of try Merchants, Grocers, and others, at Monday, the 18t.h day of December," T-&43, be­ Original Sarsaprila Probate for the District of Norwalk, dated T tween the hours of ]0 A. M. and 2 P." M. I the lowest market price, l'or cash :—500.0 boxes EPOT at. F. BR.ADY'S Jewelery Store, 28th November, 1848, I will sell at Public Those who neglect this notice may expect to oranges, lemons, figs, and raisins; 15,000 lbs. D west side of the Bridge. Purchasers are Auction On the premises on the lirst Monday of , prunes, citron and currants; grapes, licorice, pay travelling fees. ! caut-io'ned against Iniyijig a spurious im.itation, III LI A M K. SCOTT, Collector'. March neSt; at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, all j jujube paste, preserves,Je I lie's, pickles, catsups ! which' is e'xle'n'sivaly adVoVt'ised tor sn'le' in this flic! real estate df flannah Bessonf, late deceas­ fdmonds ofafl kind's; Filbert, Maderia, Brazi Ridgefield, Nov. 21, 1848". 3f47 ; town," and which the venders sell at a'ny price a ed, situated in New Canaan, in said District, " „ _ -TT i i T • r • purchaser may offer. rrh(5 genuine Sarsaiin- Pecan, Clies, Hickory, Pea, and Cocoa Nuts; 82. IfflLL will be happy to see his:1.,' • . J , , . unless previously disposed of at private sale. . , , 4 , „ ,, • | n a may be purcnased att the to. lowing places: cigars and tobacco, var. brands; apples, potatoes, friends, and respond foal! their calls in the „ rt V-» V i /c,,;,.,, ,f. . T^„ •JOSEPH S1LL1MAN, Administrator, ' 1 - I* . Brady s .Jewelry btoro. iNorwativ ; Jen onions and c ranberrios ; butter, cheese, lard, way of his rvnfession. with the will annexed. and a great variety of other articles. uings dc Newkirk, do.; A. E. Smith, do.; New CuririSir, l&th Dec. 1848. otoi George Mather, and George Wo ilsey, D irien; Liberal advances and punctual returns made A;Tso RESH CAMPHUNE every week, j Keeler & Be'tts, Westport; John Pike, South- on all consignments of ourter, cheese', lard, anoth'e'r lot of those cheap ^olar Lamps. froFSiffc. F port; Wm. H. Cleveland, Five Mile River: sdap, candle's/potafoes, apples, onions, nuts, (fee. C. E. D1SBSOW & Co. F. B E A D L E Y ' S THE dwelling house and about He also oilers his services for the purchase Comstock & Hall, N«w Canaan; J. II. M«e*er three uteres of laud adjoining of the j and shipment of all kinds of produce. T. T. McRWI N, liidgefield; Lewis Ohiiatead. Wilion ; Linus E \y estate, bf Isaac Smith, late of New References given when requested, to houses St. Johii, Silvennine; Geo. \V. Smith, So'uth .Canaan, "deceased, situate about half a mile in this city. New Orleans. La., Nashville, CONNECTICUT COMMISSIONER,• Norwalk; W. R. Nasi'., H. N. Beach, Joseph Cm " .southerly of the Cdrigregatibnsri Meeting hotfSt? 3tiaw, K.. S.. Griffilh', Briclgeport; wiMmmi- V. HEALTHTHEATfH. nun nop each nnd ev\*ry -,. f . . . . , niversallv proi A requested to call and settle their accounts complaint—but will oure a dry and hacking N pursuance to an order of the Court of Pro- il not superior to anv in trie markej, bcth for finish aruMu- rubilitv. He lias" amnn 1 by .the first of January. S. E. OLMSTE AD. cough. Which will not cure one half the cata­ ESisvx Couisfy S. bate for the District of Re Iding, will be'sold j ' oi very n.^ht single Harness, vvliich combinp" qualities of neatness and wear, as they are manufactured in a superior.style of theverv Wi™.! * Dec. 19th, 1843. at Public Auction", on the premises' tfn Wednes­ logue of ills that flesh is heir to—but. will cure ten'.ls. Every ar'.icle called for in las line of" business will be found at this establishment ninrV a cold, cough, hoarseness, sore throat, whooping Health Instsaiice day, the 13t,h day of Deceiii'ber ne\t. at o'clk in a workmansni;) stym o! .the best m-iterials.and will be disposed of at pi-ices ns reasonable as" OCK SALT for packing; Salt Pet re, cough, influenza, cro'up, rftitatio'n of the throat, afternoon, so nfiich of the real' estate of Justus any other similar establishment in the county. Also a recent supply of well selected Buffalo R and Raisins; in whole, half and quarter asthma, and all diseases leading to the con­ S'h'erwood, deceased, as will raise the sum of Holies, Blankets, &c. Bepainug done in a neat,substantial and expeditious manner Secure yourselt'es against want befori&'it domes boxes, at S. E. OLMSTEAD'S. sumption. Sold by W. E.BISSEL-L. one hundred and sixty-six dollars and seventy . It is the intention of the subscriber to keep constantly on hand a general' assortment of ili; seven cents, together w'.th the iu'cideiftffl char­ articles in bis line, selected with an eye to the wa'nfs of his. cujtomors, and to make his esfihi- A . One Ceut Ro\v;u