Lower Columbia Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 472, Longview, WA 98632 www. rootsweb email: [email protected]

rev. 01/2016 Introduction

Genealogical researchers in the area have especially good resources available • Longview Public Library offers us a fine library services plus, in a partnership with • Lower Columbia Genealogical Society , an excellent broad-based genealogy collection • Both Longview and Rainier have LDS Family History Centers • A day’s trip to Seattle, Tacoma or Portland provides access to larger libraries

Longview Public Library 1600 Louisiana, Longview, WA 98632. Phone 360-442-5300. Online Library card catalog: Materials in the library’s collections useful to genealogists include biographies, foreign language dictionaries, history books, maps and atlases, military histories, The New York times Index, Obituary index to Southwest Washington Newspapers, travel guides, Washington State Vital Records Death Index. Interlibrary loan for newspapers, books, travel guides from distant libraries has been curtailed indefinitely because of budget constraints

Lower Columbia Genealaogical Society , P. O. Box 472, Longview, WA 98632. Online information and indexes to local records: Longview Public Library’s web page has a link to The Genealogy Room. LCGS web page: . LCGS email: [email protected] Our genealogy book collection housed at Longview Public Library, offers some excellent finding aids and state-wide indexes and lists, how-to books, books explaining the various records, books on adoption, census indexes, county history bibliographies, immigration and passenger lists and indexes, military record indexes, periodical indexes and collected genealogies. Specific records can be ordered at the LDS Family History Center. Books in the reference section (R 929) do not circulate, however, genealogical books in the circulating collection (929) may be checked out. Research Assistance is provided by volunteers from LCGS in the Genealogy Room at the Library on Wednesdays from 1 to 3 p.m.

LDS Family History Centers 1721 30 th Avenue, Longview, WA 98632, Phone:360-425-3930, and 27410 Parkdale Road, Rainier, OR 97408. Phone 503-556-9694. LDS online . For specific area records, such as county marriages, county wills or county histories, order these from the LDS Family History Center. Each center has on hand the Family History Catalog (FHLC). The International Genealogical Index (IGI), AIS Census Indexes, several state death indexes, The Social Security Death Index, and many other databases, some with images of the original records.

Nearby Libraries With Genealogical Collections

Oregon: • The Genealogical Forum of Oregon, 2505 SE 11 th , Suite B 18, Portland, OR. (503-963-1932) • Multnomah County Library, 801 SW 10 th , Portland, OR (503-223-7201) • Oregon Historical Society Library, 1230 SW Park Ave., Portland, OR (503-222-1741) • Oregon State Library, State Library Bldg., Salem, OR 97310 (503-378-4276)

Washington: • Seattle Public Library, 100 Fourth Ave., Seattle, WA (206-625-4931) • The National Archives, 6125 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 998115 (206442-4502) • Seattle Genealogical Society,6200 Sand Point Way, Seattle, WA 98115 (206-522-8658) • Tacoma Public Library, 1102 Tacoma Ave. So., Tacoma, WA 98402 (253-292-2001 • Washington State Library, Capitol Grounds, Olympia, WA (206-753-5590) Table of Contents


Adoptions & Missing Persons………………………………….1


Census Information……………………………………………….1

Church Records and Religious Groups……………………….1

County & Local Histories………………………………………..2

Ethnic Groups……………………………………………………...2


Genealogies- Family Histories………………………………… 5


Library Guides………………………………………………….…9

Maps, Atlases and Gazetteers- General……………………...10


Miscellaneous, How-to and Research Guides…………..….13



Royalty, Peerage, Heraldry and Hereditary Societies……..15



Foreign Countries ……………………………….…………..17

United States …………………………………………………...28

General…………………………………………………………..... 28

States………………………………………………………….…....29 General Rev. 01/16 Adoptions & Missing Persons Cemeteries R 929.5 STE Cemetery Record Compendium; comprising a director of cemetery records and Where they may be located, The R 929 HOW How to Search a Cemetery R 929.376 HUG Confederate Cemeteries, 2 Vols R 731.549 KEI Stories in Stone [Cemetery Symbolism

Census Information Reference .Desk Censuses-Miscellaneous (Federal Census microfilm of various areas Including Cowlitz County, WA & Columbia County, OR [Microfilm] R 312.0973. UNI Century of Population Growth from the First Census of the U. S to the 12 th . 1790-1900; Includes maps of county boundaries in 1790. R 929.1 SZU Finding answers to U. S. Census Records R 929.3 HOD Guide to U. S. Census 1790-1930 R 929.373 THO Map Guide to the U. S. Federal Census 1790-1920 R 929.373 LAI State Census Records R 929.1 PRA Practical Guide to the “Misteaks” Made in Census Indexes R 929.373 STE United States Census Compendium; a directory of census records, tax lists, poll Lists, petitions, directories, etc., which can be used as census, The Church Records & Religious Groups R 929.4 ZUR Anabaptist-Mennonite Names in Switzerland R 929.37492 BER County; Reformed Dutch Church R 929.373 WOR Church Records of the United States R 929.3748 RIC Circuit and Circuit Riders, 2 Vol. Pending Early Church Records of Alexandria City and Fairfax County, Virginia R 929.37511 WRI Early Church Records of New Castle County (Delaware) Pending Early Church Records of Loudoun County, Virginia, 1745-1800 R 929.377 EDD Genealogical Abstracts of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Vol. 1 R 929.137 HEC Genealogical Abstracts of the Presbyterian Banner and the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate, Vol. 1-208, 1852-1856 R 285.137 HEC Genealogical Excerpts from the Presbyterian Advocate, 1838-1855 R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records. Vol. 1 Indiana Protestant R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records. Vol. 2 Wisconsin Northwest Protestant R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records. Vol. 3 Wisconsin Northeast Protestant R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records. Vol. 4 Wisconsin Southwest Protestant R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records. Vol. 5 Wisconsin Southeast Protestant R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records. Vol. 6 Nebraska Protestant R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records. Vol. 7 Iowa West Protestant R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records. Vol. 8 Iowa Northeast Protestant

1 R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records. Vol. 9 Iowa Southeast Protestant R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records. Vol. 10 Illinois North Protestant R 929.373 HAL Gleanings from the Christian Advocate and Journal and Zion’s Herald, Sept. 1827-Aug 1831. Published by Methodist Episcopal Church. R 929.3778 MIS Guide to the Mormon War Papers, 1838-1841, Vol 2, No 4 July 1980 R 929.3713 LIV History of New Oswebatchie and the Blue Church Cemetery R 929.3755 MEA Old churches, Ministers, and Families of Virginia. Vol. 1 R 929.37473 REF Records of Reformed Dutch Church, New Hackensack, Dutch County, New York R 929.37512 Records of the (Delaware) Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church R 929.3 KIR Survey of American Church Records. Vol. 1 Major Denominations prior to Civil War and east of Mississippi River R 929.37135 REA Trail of the Black Walnut,The. (Reaman) [PA German settlement of Ontario Canada. Includes Quakers, Dunkards, Huguenots, Amish, Moravians, Hutterites, etc.) R 929.374 YOU [Baptist] Death Notices from Freewill Baptist Publications. 1811-1851 R 929.373 HUM [Catholic] U.S. Catholic Sources; a diocesan research guide R 929.3771 TRI [Lutheran] Trinity (Sponagle) Lutheran Church Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages. 1842-1892 R 929.308 GUT [Mennonites] Palatine Mennonite Census Lists. 1664-1793 R 929.308 COB [Palatines] Story of the Palatines R 929.3434 KNI [Palatines] Early Eighteenth Century Palatine Emigration R 929.373 HIN [Quakers] Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy. Vol. 1 North Carolina, Vol. 3 New York, Vol. 4 and 5 Ohio and Index Pending [Quaker] Extracted from Ancestry, Friends Records, Burlington, N.J. Pending [Quaker] Our Quaker Friends of Ye Olden Times Pending [Quaker] Quaker Arrivals at Philadelphia, 1682-1750 R 929.37561 BJO Quakers Marriages Certificates, North Carolina R 929.1 HEI [Quakers] Quaker Genealogies; a selected list of books. R 929.373 HIN [Quakers] Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy. Index volume R 929.1 BER [Quakers] Our Quaker Ancestors; Finding them in Quaker records. R 929.373 DOB [Quakers] Scottish Quakers in Early America. 1650-1700 (Dobson)

County & Local Histories R 929.3 FIL Bibliography of American County Histories, A. (Filby) R 016.9291 LIB United States Local Histories in the Library of Congress, A bibliography R 016.9291 GEN Genealogy and Local History Books in Print. Vol. 1, 2, 4

Ethnic Groups R 929.3763 HEB Acadian-Cajun Genealogy: step by step R 929.1 HAM Bibliography of Genealogical and Historical Materials for Ethnic Minority Research R 929.1072 ROS [African American] Black Genesis R 929.308 WAL [African American] Black Indian Genealogy Research: African American Ancestors among the Five Civilized Tribes R 929.1 BUR [African Americans] Black Roots: a Beginner’s Guide to Tracing the African American Family Tree (Burroughs)

2 R 929.1028 ROT Finding Our Fathers R 929.1 JAM Finding our people: An African-American Guide R 929.1 WOO Finding a place called home: A guide to African-American Genealogy and Historical identity. R 929.3 UNI [African American] Black Studies: A select catalog of National Archives and Records Service microfilm publications. R 929.82 ETE Croatian and Dalmatian Coats of Arms R 973.342 LOW Hessians and other German Auxiliaries in Rev. War, The (Lowell) R 929.38 D [Hispanic] Genealogical Historical Guide to Latin America R 929.4 LAP [Hispanic] Hispanic Surnames and Family History R 929.38 RES [Hispanic] Latin America Research Outline R 929.38 PLA [Hispanic] Latin America Census Records R 929.1 RHS [Hispanic] Tracing Your Hispanic Heritage R 301.32 BAI [Huguenots] History of the Huguenot Emigration to America (Baird 1972) R 929.344 FRA [Huguenots] Huguenot Genealogy Research (Franklin) R 929.3757 HIR [Huguenots] Huguenots of Colonial South Carolina, The. (rpt of 1928 ed) R 929.2845 STA [Huguenots] Memorials of the Huguenots in America. (rpt of 1901 ed) R 929.344 REA [Huguenots] Trail of the Huguenots in Europe, The United States, South Africa and Canada R 929.308 BOW Indian Wills 1911-1921 Records of Bureau of Indian Affairs, Books 1,2,5,7 R 929.3412 MCD Jacobites of 1715 R 929.4 KAG [Jews] Dictionary of Jewish Names and Their History, A R 929.1028 ROT [Jews] Finding Our Fathers: A Guide to Jewish Genealogy R 947.004 COH [Jews] Shtetl Finder Gazetteer: Jewish Communities in the 19 th and 20 th Centuries in the Pale of Settlement of Russia and Poland, and in Latvia, Galicia and Bukovina, with the names of residents. (Cohen, 1989) R 974. DEN [Melungeons] Melungeons; the resurrection of a proud people R 929.308 CUR [Native American] Miscellaneous Cherokee and Choctaw Records1800- 1900 R 970.3 Cherokee [Native American] 1880 and 1890 Census of Canadian District, Cherokee Nation Indian Territory R 970.1 UNI [Native American] American Indians (Nat Archives) R 929.308 JOR [Native American] Cherokee by Blood: Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry In the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910, Vol. 1-9 R 929.308 EAS [Native American] Cherokee by Blood: Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry In the U. S. Court of Claims 1906-1910 Vol. 10-12 R 929.108 GOR [Native American] Cherokee Connections: an intro into genealogical sources (Gormley) R 929.308 BLA [Native American] Cherokee Roots. Vol. 1, Eastern Cherokee Rolls, Vol. 2 Western Cherokee Rolls R 970.1 CAR [Native Americans] Dawes Commission and the allotment of the Five Civilized Tribes, 1893-1914 R 929.3766 FIN [Native American] Final rolls of citizens and freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes In Indian Territory. (rpt of 1907 ed) R 929.308 STA [Native American] History of the Cherokee Indians and their Legends and Folk Lore (rpt of 1921 ed) R 929.108 CAR [Native American] How to Research American Indian Blood lines R 929.3766 IND [Native American] Index to the final rolls of citizens and freedmen of the Five Civilized tribes in Indian Territory, (rpt of 1907 ed) R 970.1 UNI [Native American] Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940

3 R 929.308 BOW [Native American] Indian Wills 1911-1921, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Book 3 R 929.308 BOW [Native American] Indian Wills 1911-1921, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Book 4 R 929.308 BOW [Native American] Indian Wills 1911-1921, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Book 6 R 929.308 PRE [Native American] Indians from New York, in Wisconsin and Elsewhere: A Genealogical Reference. 3 Vol. R 929.4 SWA [Native American] Indian Tribes of North America, The R 929.373 KIR [Native American] Our Native Americans and their Records of Genealogical Value. Vol. 1, 2 R 929.495 ROL [Native American] Rolls of Certain Indian Tribes in Washington and Oregon. R 929.7089 JAC Trail of Tears, A. The American Indian in the Civil War. R 929.308 COB [Palatines] Story of the Palatines R 427.973 MON [Scotch-Irish] From Ulster to America: The Scotch-Irish Heritage of American English. R 929.3757 STE [Scotch-Irish] Scotch-Irish Migration to South Carolina, 1772 R 929.1494 WEL [Swiss] Tracing Your Swiss Roots

Genealogies, Bibliographies R 016.9291 FIL American and British Genealogy and Heraldry: a selected list of books. An annotated bibliography of sources by state and by country. Library Has a circulating copy also. (Filby, 1975) R 929.1 LIB American and English Genealogies in the Library of Congress (1919) R 929.373 GRU American Genealogical Research at the DAR, Washington DC, ed. R929.1 PIN American Origins R 929.2 BOW Bowman family R 929.2 BRE Brewer family R 929.72 BUR Burke’s Family Index. Lists families which have appeared in Burke’s Publications. 1826-1976 R 929.374 HOL Directory of Ancestral Head of New England Families R 929.2 COL Colvin family R 929.1 KAM Complement to Genealogies in the Library of Congress, A R 929.2 EAT Eaton family R 929.1 SCH Genealogical Encyclopedia of Colonial America. R 929.343 JEN Genealogical Handbook of German Research R 929.1 LIB Genealogies Cataloged by the Library of Congress since 1986. R 929.1 LIB Genealogies in the Library of Congress: a bibliography. Vol. 1, 2 1972-1976 supplement and 1976-1986 supplement. R 929.1 MAR Genealogist’s Guide, The. (Marshall, 1903) Bibliography of genealogies and Family histories from British histories, ` biographies, periodicals, etc.. R 929.209 BAR Genealogist’s Guide: Index to printed British pedigrees, The. Being a Supplement to Marshall’s Genealogist’s Guide. (Barrow, 1977) R 929/374 ROS Mayflower Increasings (for three generations) R 929.374 NEW [New England] circulating Library Catalog for the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Vol. 1, 2 R 929.374 BUR Early New Englanders and Kin.

4 Genealogies and Family Histories R 929.2 KIN Blue Ridge Mountain Kinfolks: a record of Fisher, Gilbert, Hall, Hartley, Hall, Hartley, Hill, King, Kirby, Lawson R 929.2 BOW Bowman family R 929.2 BRE Brewer family R 929.373 B Burke’s Presidential Families of the United States of America. [LPL Reference, Not Genealogical Collection] R 929.2 HAR Colonial Families of the Southern States of America: emigrants from Europe1607-1657 R 929.2 COL Colvin family R 973.313 PYN Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, New York State Vol. 2 R 929.2 EAT Eaton family R 929.2 COL Founders of Early American Families, 1607-1657. (Meredith) R 929.2 LOG LCGS Ancestry Charts of the Lower Columbia Genealogical Society,[Longview, WA] Vols. 1-5 R 929.2 LOR [Bailey-Haney] Grandma’s Scrapbook, Bailey, Haney, Remembering Warren J. Bailey, Annie A. Haney R 929.2 SAV [Barr] Antecedents and Descendants of Samuel Everhart Barr R 929.2 BEE [Beeman] Descendants of Thomas Beeman of Kent,Connecticut, The R 929.2 BEE [Beetle] Beetle Gazette Chronicle of the Hartwell and Allied Families, The R 929.2 MIN [Bennets] Bennets on the Bias R 929.2 BOO [Boone] Boone Scout, The: Newsletter of the Boone Family Association of Washington. October 1961-April 1979 R 929.2 BOO [Booth] Booths in History R 929.2 BRO [Brown] Brown Family in America, The R 929.2 BYE [Bye] History of the Bye Family R 929.2 DUN [Carter] Home Sweet Home: a Carter family history R 929.2 CHA [Chalmers] The Story of William Chalmers R 929.2 APP [Coffin] Early Wills of Coffin R 929.2 OWE [Converse] Ancestry of Frank and Mary Converse R 929.2 CRI [Crimmins] James and Anna R 929.2 MIL [Davidson] Our Davidson Family R 929.2 DEL [DeLong] DeLongs of New York and Brooklyn, The R 929.2 THO [Drake] Drake Family of New Hampshire, The R 929.2 WAG [Drake] Drake in England R 929.2 ELD [Eldred] Samuel Eldred: Some of his descendants R 929.2 ELD [Eldred] The Saxon House of Eldred R 929.2 GLA [Frey] Charles Frey, 1856-1909 R 929.2 GAG [Gage] Gage Family of the South R 929.2 SEN [Galloway] Pioneer Galloway Families in the Pacific Northwest, 1852 to about 1880 R 929.37448 GEN Genealogies of Mayflower Families, Vol. 1 A-F from N, E.H .Register. R 929.3755 GEN Genealogies of Virginia Families: From Tyler’s Quarterly, Vols. 1-4 R 929.3755 GEN Genealogies of Virginia Families from William and Mary College Historical Magazine. Vol. 1-5 R 929.2 GER [Gerhardt] Genealogical Information on Gerhardt/Gerhart/Gerhard and Allied Families. Vols. 1-3 and microfilm R 929.2 SOU [Soule] George Soule of the Mayflower and his descendants in the fifth and sixth generation R 929.2 HOF [Gum] Leaves from the Gum Tree

5 R 929.2 HAD [Haddock] Legends of the Haddock Family R 929.2 HIN [Hinton] Hinton and Related Family History R 929.2 HIT [Hite] Jost Hite. From the Neckar to the Shenandoah R 929.2 HEN [Holcombe] Holcombe, Doane, Henke Family History, 1812-1963 R 929.2 HOL [Holliday] Holliday Family and Their Kin R 929.2 HOL Holway-Rich Heritage: a history and genealogy of two Cape Cod families R 929.2 HEU [House] House Family of the Mohawk, The R 929.2 SHY [House] House Family in the Mohawk Valley, The R 929.2 SWI [Hyres] Hyres of West Virginia R 929.2 KEI [Keith] Keith Kinfolks R 929.2 AMB [Ketchum] Gathering of Ketchum Kindred: The Descendants of Benjamin and Rhoda (Benn) Ketchum of Decatur, Indiana, A R 929.2 KOO [Koontz] Koontz Family and its Relatives R 929.2 LAM [Lamm] History of the Lamm Family R 929.2 MAR [Lile-Turner] Lile-Turner Family R 929.2 HIN [Lyon] History of Robert Lyons 1 Family (born 1809), and his wife Louisa Farnsworth (born 1814) and their descendants to the year 1974 R 929.2 MAH [Mahugh] Mahugh Family R 929.374 ROS Mayflower Increasings (for three generations) R 929.37448 ROB Mayflower Source Records from the N.E.H.G Register R 929.2 MCC [McClung] McClung Family Association Journal, The R 929.2 GOW [Marrithew] Our Sire’s Monument: Merrithews of America, The R 929.2 MIL [Miller] Rudolph Miller Families R 929.2 MOO [Moore] Family of Arthur P. Moore R 929.2 LOR [Nordstrom] A Family Portrait, Remembering Olof Norstron, Alma Julia Ryden. R 929.2 ROB [Nordquist] Nordquist R 929.2 PEI [Peiffer] Biographical History of Peiffer Families in Berks County, Pennsylvania R 929.2 PEN [Pennington] Isaac Newton Pennington Family, The R 929.3748 VIR Pennsylvania Genealogies and Family Histories: a bibliography of books about Pennsylvania Families R 929.2 MAN [Prescott] Leaves from the Prescott Family Tree R 929.3 PUM [Pumphrey] Pumphrey Pedigree, The R 929.2 RAI [Rainey & Ringer] Wallace H. Rainey and Jessie I Ringer, Their Descendants And Allied Families R 974.153 PRI Remarks of My Life pr. Me, Hezekiah Prince, 1786-1792 R 929.2 REW [Rewey-Reuee] Rewey-Reuwee Families in America, The R 929.2 RUF [Ruff] Ruff Family Album, The R 929.2 RUT [Rutherford] Genealogical History of the Rutherford Family, Vol. 2 R 929.2 SAN [Samborne] Genealogy of the Samorme or Sanborn Family R 929.2 SKE [Skelton] John Skelton of Georgia R 929.2 HEN [Spannuth] Henry Spannuth Families R 929.2 SMI [Sterry] Sterry Family of America R 929.2 STR [Stroud] Stroud Family R 929.2 STU [Sturtevant] Descendants of Samuel Sturtevent R 929.2 SUN [Sundquist-Strandberg] Sundquist-Strandberg Family History R 929.2 TUC Colonial Virginians and their Maryland Relatives (Tucker, Allen Blackstone, Chandler, Ford, Gerard, Harmor, Hume, Monroe, Skaggs, Smith, Stevesson, Stone, Sturman, Thompson, Ward, Yowell) R 929.2 BRA [Tyson] The Tyson Migration R 929.2 LEO [Usher-Hiatte] Usher-Hiatt Genealogy and Allied Lines R 929.2 WIN [Winston] John Tate Winston of Green County, Kentucky

6 Immigration R 92.373 COL American Migrations, 1765-1799 (Coldham) R 929.373 NEW American Naturalization Processes and Procedures, 1900-1985 R 929.373 TEP American Passenger Arrival Records: a guide to the records of immigrants arriving at American poets by sail and steam (Tepper) R 929.3752 SOC Ark and Dove, The R 016.32573 LAN Bibliography of Ship Passenger Lists, 1538-1825, A R 929.3423 COL Bristol Registers of Servants Sent to Foreign Plantations, 1654- 1686 (Coldham) R 929.3421 COL Child Apprentices in America from Christ’s Hospital, London, 1617- 1778 R 929.374 RUP Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch,French and Other Immigrants into Pennsylvania (Rupp) R 929.373 SIM Colonists in Bondage: White Servitude and convict labor in America, 1607-1775 (Smith) R 929.373 COL Complete Book of Immigrants, 1607-1660, The (Coldham) R 929.373 COL Complete Book of Immigrants, 1661-1699, The (Coldham) R 929.373 COL Complete Book of Emigrants in Bondage, 1614-1775, (Coldham) R 929.37 BOC Denizations and Naturalizations in the British Colonies in America.1607- 1775 R 929.3 DIR Direcory of Scottish Settlers in North America, 1625-1825. Vol. 1-7 (Dobson) R 929.3755 GRE Early Virginia Immigrants 1623-1666 (Greer) R 929.3416 POR Emigrants from Derry Port, 1847-1849 (from J & J Cooke’s Line) R 929.373 EMI Emigrants from England, 1773-1775, Bond for Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Extracted from the “Carolina Genealogist,” Nos 1-32 R 929.373 COL Emigrants from England to the American Colonies, 1773-1776 (Coldham) R 929.344 SMI Emigrants from France (Haut-Rhin Department) to America 1837-1847 R 929.343 SMI Emigrants from the Former Amt Damme, Oldenburg, (Now Hiedersachsen) Germany Mainly to the U.S., 1830-1849 R 929.343 SAN Emigrants from Saxony to America R 364.68 COL Emigrants in Chains 1607-1776 R 929.3744 BAN English Ancestery and Homes of the Pilgrim Fathers who came to Plymouth on the Mayflower in 1620, The R 929.374 ENG English Origins of New England Families. Vols. 1-3, First Series R 929.374 ENG English Origins of New England Families. Vols 1-3, Second Series R 929.308 JON Even More Palatine Families, 3 Vols. [New York] R 929.3 FAM Famine Immigrants, 1846-1851. Vols 1-7, The R 929.343 SMI From Bremen to America in 1850: Fourteen Rare Emigrant Ship Lists (Smith) R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records. 11 Vol. Indiana,Protestant, Wisconsin NW, NE, SW Protestant, Neb. Iowa & Illinois. R 929.3 ZIM German Immigrants: lists of passengers bound from Bremen to New York, 4 Vols., 1847-1871 [Zimmerman & Wolfort] R 929.308 GER Germans to America. Vols. 1-27, Series II Vols. 1-6 R 929.374 AND Great Migration Begins-Immigrants to New England. Vols. 1-7 R 929.373 SCH Guide to Naturalization Records of the United States (Schaefer) R 973.342 LOW Hessians and other German Auxillaries, in Rev. War. The (Lowell)

7 R 929.373 IMM Immigrant Ancestors a list of 2500 immigrants to America before 1750 R 929.373 UNI Immigrant & Passenger Arrivals: a select catalog of National Archives Microfilm. 1991 Rev., ed. R 929.374 IMM Immigrants to the Middle Colonies. (Tepper) R 929.3415 ADA Ireland and Irish Emigration to the New World R 929.374 JOH Irish Emigration to New England through the port of Saint John New Brunswick R 929.373 DOB Irish Emigrants in North America R 929.373 OBR Irish in America. The (O’Brien) Rpt. Of 1914 ed. R 929.3415 IRI Irish Passenger Lists 1803-1806 R 929.308 ITA Italians to America,, 1-5 Vols. R 929.3481 FLO History of Norwegian Immigratiomn to the United States (Flom) Rpt. Of 1909 ed. R 929.34275 LIS List of Emigrants to America from Liverpool R 929.373 NEA Locating Your Immigrant Ancestor., Rev. ed. R 929.72 WEI Magna Charta sureties 1215, Barons named and some descendants who settled in America. R 929.3744 MAY Mayflower Families Through Five Generations. 20 Vols. R 929.3 MIL Migration, Emigration, Immigration, Principally to the United States,and in the United States. Vol. 1 R 929.3747 MIG Migration from the Russian Empire, 6 Vols. R 929.373 COL More Emigrants in Bondage, 1614-1775 (Coldham) R 929.373 MOR Morton Allan Directory of European Passenger Steamship Arrivals for the years 1890-1930 at the Port of New York, and 1904-1926 New York Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore R 929.373 NEW New World Immigrants., Vols. 1-2 R 929.343 SMI Nineteenth-Century Emigration from Kreis Simmern (Hunsrueck) Reinland-Pfalz, Germany R 929.343 SMI Nineteenth-Century Emigration of “Old Lutherans” from Eastern Germany (Mainly Pomerania and Lower Silesia) R 929.373 OMI Omitted chapters from Hotten’s Original Lists of Persons of Quality and Others Who Went From Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700. (Brandow) R 929.373 HOT Original Lists of Persons of Quality, 1600-1700 (Hotten) R 929.373 DOB Original Scots Colonists of Early America, 1612-1783 (Dobson) R 929.373 DOB Original Scots Colonists of Early America Supplement: 1607- 1707(Dobson) R 929.3 HAL Palatine Pamphlet, The R 929.3752 TEP Passenger Arrivals at the Port of Baltimore, 1820-1834 R 929.3757 HOL Passenger Arrivals at the Port of Charleston 1820-1829 R 929.3747 BEN Passenger Arrivals at the Port of New York, 2 Vols. 1829, 1830-1832. R 929.3748 TEP Passenger Arrivals at the Port of Philadelphia, 1800-1819 R 929.373 PAS Passenger & Immigration Lists Index, First ed. Vol. 1-A-G, Vol, 2 H-M, Vol. 3 O-Z, Supplements 1982-1985,Vol. 1-4 R 929.373 PAS Passenger & Immigration Lists Index, 1986-1990, Vols. 1-3 R 929.373 PAS Passenger & Immigration Lists Index, 1991-1995, Vols. 1-3 R 929.373 PAS Passenger & Immigration Lists Index, 1996 R 929.373 PAS Passenger & Immigration Lists Index, 1996-2000, Vols. 1-3 R 929.373 PAS Passenger & Immigration Lists Index,, 2001-2005, 3 Vols. R 929.373 PAS Passenger & Immigration Lists Index, 2006 R 929.373 PAS Passenger & Immigration Lists Index, 2007 R 929.373 BAR Passenger List of the Steamship “Guiding Star” from Copenhagen, Denmark to New York City, June 29, 1869

8 R 929.373 SHI Passengers & Ships Prior to 1684 (Sheppard, 1970) Vol. 1 of Penn’s Colony R 929.373 PAS Passengers to America., (Tepper) R 929.3744 BAN Planters of the Commonwealth (Banks) R 929.343 SMI Reconstructed Passenger Lists for 1850: Hamburg to Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, and the United States., (Smith) R 929.3794 RAS San Francisco Ship Passenger Lists. Vols.1 & 2 R 929.3757 STE Scotch-Irish Migration to South Carolina, 1772 R 929.341 DOB Scots Overseas: Emigrants and Adventurers R 929.374 SPE Search for Passengers of the Mary and John, Vols 17-18-19-22-25 R 929.373 DOB Ships from Scotland to America 1628-1828, Vols. 1 & 2 R 632.8243 ANU Ships of Our Ancestors R 929.373 BOY Ship Passenger Lists: National and New England (1600-1825) R 929.373 BOY Ship Passenger Lists: New York and New Jersey (1600-1825) R 929.37641 SHI Ship Passenger lists: Part of Galveston, Texas 1846-1871 R 929.373 BOY Ship Passenger Lists: Pennsylvania and Delaware (1641-1825) R 929.373 BOY Ship Passenger Lists: The South (1538-1825) R 929.308 COB Story of the Palatines: a episode in colonial history (rpt of 1897 ed) R 929.374 BAN Topographical Dictionary of 1885 English Emigrants (Banks) R 929.37135 REA Trail of the Black Walnut, The (Reaman) [Pennsylvania German Settlement of Ontario, Canada] R 929.45 DOB Transatlantic Voyages 1600-1699. Second addition R 929.37481 ADA Ulster Emigration to Philadelphia 1803-1850 R 929.3748 MCC Welcome Claimants, Proved Disproved and Doubtful: With an Account of some of their descendants. The. List of passengers to Pennsylvania who came with William Penn on the ship ”Welcome” in 1682. R 929.343 BUR Westerwald to America “Some 18 th Century German immigrants” R 929.3744 BAN Winthrop Fleet of 1630, The R 929.3434 SCH Wuerttenberg Emigration Index,. Vols. 1-8. Library Guides R 907.2 MIL Evidence Explained Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace R 929.3 MID Genealogy from the Heartland: A Catalog of Titles in the Mid- Continent Library. R 016.976 WEL Index and Abstracts of Colonial Documents in the Eugene P. Watson Memorial Library R 016.973 LIB United States Local Histories in the Library of Congress. A Bibliography R 979.4 LOC [CA] Local History and Genealogy Resources of the California State Library R 929.3794 SUT [CA] Sutro Library Surname, State & Local History, Misc. Subject catalogs, 3 rd ed. [Microfilm] R 929.373 GRU [DAR] American Genealogical Research at the DAR, Washington, DC 2nd ed. R 369.13 DAU [DAR] DAR Linage Book Vol 49 R 369.13 DAU [DAR] DAR Linage Book Vol 50 R 369.13 DAU [DAR] Index to Rolls of Honor Vol 41-80 R 369.13 DAR [DAR] Index to Rolls of Honor Vol 81-120 R 369.13 DAU [DAR] Library Catalog. Daughters of the American Revolution Library. [Cover: DAR Library Catalog] R 929.1 JAM Finding Your People: An African-American Guide

9 R 949.1 AUL Genetic Genealogy, The Basics and Beyond R 929.3 EVE Handybook for Genealogists R 027.67 LIB [LDS] Library. A Guide to the Family History Library., The. R 929.1 PAR [LDS] Going to Salt Lake City to Do Family History Research (Parker) R 016.973 NEA [Lib. of Cong.] Library of Congress, The. A Guide to Genealogical And Historical Research R 929.1 GEN [Longview] Genealogical Book Collection in the Longview Public Library [This Guide] R 016.973 SZU [Nat’l Arch.] Archives, A Guide to the National Archives Field Branches. The. R 016.026 UNI [Nat’l Arch] Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications R 929.1 UNI [Nat’l Arch] Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Archives of The United States [3 rd ed] R 929.1 BAB [Nat’l Arch & Lib of Cong] Lest We Forget, A Guide to Gen. Res. In the Nation’s Capitol. (Babbel, 1965) R 929.1 GEN [WA] Genealogical Holdings of the Spokane Library Genealogist’s Guide, The. R 929.1 WAK [WA] Genealogist’s Guide to Suzzallo Library, The [University of WA] R 929.1 BIB [WA] Bibliography of Genealogical Books in the Washington State Historical Library, Tacoma, Washington. Vols. 1-2 R 929.1072 GRE Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy R 929.1 GEN Spanish-Letter writing guide R 929.1 COL They Came in Ships, a guide to finding immigrant arrival record. Maps, Atlases and Gazetteers R 917.3 AME American Place Names of Long Ago: a republication of the Index to Cram’s Unrivaled Atlas of the World…..1890 R 910.3 CIT Cities, Towns and Villages of the United States R 929.373 PAR City, County, Town and Township Index to the 1850 Federal census Schedules Reference Desk. Commercial Atlas [Shows very small towns.] R 912.748 MAC Early Landowners of Pennsylvania: Atlas of Township Warrantee, Maps of R 912.3415 DOL Family Tree Historical Maps Book, The R 929.3 EVE Genealogical Atlas of the United States of America R 304.87 DOL Map Guide to American Migration Route, 1735-1815 R 929.373 THO Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Census 1790-1920 Map Drawer Maps: Historical. #483-TN, 1795; #484-NY, 1796; #485-SC, 1790; #486-PA; #487-VT; #488-ME, 1795; #489-USA, 1783; #490-NJ; #492-NH; #493-VA; #494-NC; #495-MD & DE, 1795; #496-CT; #497-KY, 1795; #=#498-GA; #499-RI. R 911.78 FRA Maps of the Oregon Trail R 912.73 LIB Maps Showing Explorers’ Routes, Trails and Early Roads in the United States, an Annotated List Map Section.Topographic Map Index. Guides to ordering topo maps for all of the U.S.Sit in boxes in the map section. R 912.73 LIB Township Atlas of the United States [1997] R 913.73 LIB Township Atlas of the United States[1979] R 929.1 LIN Using Maps and Aerial Photography in Your Genealogical Research Military R 973.76 HAT Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots. R 929.3741 FLA Alphabetical Index of Revolutionary Pensioners Living in Maine R 929.373 COL American Loyalist Claims. (Coldham)

10 R 973.526 BAK American Prisoners of War Held at Halifax [Nova Scotia] during the War of 1812. 2 Vols. R 929.3767 ING Arkansas Confederate Veterans and Widows Pension Applications R 929.3741 ARO Aroostook War. Roster of Maine Commissioned Officers and Enlisted Men . R 929.341 SCO British Aliens in the US (War of 1812) R 929.341 CRO British Army Pensioners Abroad R 973.74 SCH Civil War Genealogy (Schweitzer, 1981). R 929.3776 BAK Claims from the Dakota Conflict Supplying the Local Militia, Vols. 1-4 R 929.376 HUG Confederate Cemeteries. Vols. 1-2 R 929.3769 LYN Confederate Pensioners of Kentucky: pension applications of the Veterans and widows, 1912-1946 R 973.742 ING Confederate P.O.W.’s soldiers and sailors who died in Federal prisons And military hospitals in the North. R 929.373 DAU DAR Patriot Index. Vols. 1-3 R 973.336 STA Draper Collection, Calendar Series, George Rogers Clark Papers, Vol. 4 R 973.342 ENE Enemy Views: The American Revolutionary War as Recorded by the Hessian Participants. (Burgoyne) R 929.373 SMI Federal Land Series. Vol. 4, Virginia Military District of Ohio. Rpt.. Of 1972 ed. R 929.3746 BOY Fire, Cake and Water R 929.34 GEO George Rogers Clark and his Men: Military Records, 1778-1784. R 973.342 EEL German Allied Troops in the North America War of Independence, 1776-1783. (von Eelking) R 929.3773 NOR Grand Army of the Republic: Department of Illinois, Transcription of The Death Rolls, 1879-1947. (Northcott) R 940.3 SCH Great War, The (WWI records) R 973.34 WHI Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files, 4 Vols. R 929.3778 MIS Guide to the Mormon War Papers, 1838-1841 Vol 2, No 4 July 1980 R 940.5449 BUN Heros in Dungarees: The Story of the American Merchant marine in WWII. R 973.342 LOW Hessians and the other German Auxiliaries….in the Revolutionary War. The (Lowell) Rpt. Of 1884 ed. R 355.3 HEI Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army from its Organization, September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1903. Vols. 1-2 R 973.76 ROL Roll of Honor: Names of Soldiers who Died in Defense of the American Union, interred in the National Cemeteries, 10 Vols. Plus Index vol. R 973.34 SAF Records of the Revolutionary War R 929.3771 ROS Roster of Ohio Soldiers War of 1812 R 929.3772 NOR Indiana Civil War Veterans. (Northcott) R 929.3 NAT Index of Revolutionary War Pension Applications. R 973.7458 WHI Index to Georgia Civil War Confederate Pensions R 929.373 IND Index to Indian Wars Pension Files, 1892-1926. Vols. 1-2 R 929.373 WHI Index to Mexican War Pension Files. R 929.373 IND Index to Old Wars Pension Files, 1815-1926. Vols. 1-2 R 929.373 WHI Index to Pension Applications for Indian Wars. R 929.376 WHI Index to Revolutionary War Service Records, 4 Vols. R 929.373 CLA Index to US Invalid Pension Records, 1801-1815. R 929.373 WHI Index to US Military Pension Applications of Remarried Widows for Service between 1812 and 1911. (White) R 929.373 WHI Index to jVolunteer Soldiers in Indian Wars and Distubances 1815- 1858 (White) 2 Vols. R 929.373 IND Index to jWar of 1812 Pension Files. Vols. 1-3 R 929.373 PET Known Military Dead Durning the War of 1812. R 929.373 PET Known Military Dead Durning the American Revolutionary War, 1775- 1783. (Peterson)

11 R 929.3 UNI List of Pensioners on the Rolls 1883. Vols. 1-5 R 929.373 CLA Loyalists in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War. Vols. 1-3 R 929.3 UNI Message from the President [Cover: Revolutionary Pensioners of 1818] R 016.355 NAT Military Service Records: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications R 929.373 MUS Muster and Pay Rolls of the War of the Revolution 1775-1783 R 929.373 BOC Naval Pensioners of the United States, 1800-1851 R 929.373 BUN New Loyalist Index, The R 929.3755 JOH Off to War: The Virginia Volunteers in the War with Mexico. R 929.3749 PAS Passaic County, New Jersey Military Service Records from WW1. R 929.3748 PEN Pennsylvania Civil War Veteran Burials, Vol. 1 R 973.34 UNI Pension List of 1820, The R 929.3 PEN Pension Rolls of 1835, 4 Vols. R 973.34 UNI Register of Certificates Issued by John Pierce, Esquire….to Officers And Soldiers of the Continental Army, Under Act of July 4, 1783. [Cover: Pierce’s Register] R 929.373 REG Register of Federal U.S .Military Records, Vols. 1-3, Vol. 1-1775-1860; Vol. 2-The Civil War; Vol. 3-1866-World War II R 929.3759 WHI Register of Florida CSA Pensions Applications R 355.07 R263 Register of Graduates and Former Cadets of the U.S. Military Academy, 1802-1959. R 929.373 UNI Rejected or suspended Applications for Revolutionary War Pensions, Rpt. Of 1852 ed. R 929.3773 WAL Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Illinois. Rpt of 1917 ed. R 929.3769 QUI Revolutionary Soldiers in Kentucky R 929.373 BOC Revolutionary War Bounty Land Grants awarded by State Governments (Bockstruck) R 929.373 SCH Revolutionary War Genealogy. R 929.373 SMI Revolutionary War Invalid Pension Records R 973.76 ROL Rolls of Honor: Names of soldiers who died in defense of the American Union interred in the National Cemeteries. 10 Vols. R 355.33 UNI Roster of Retired Army Officers, 6 th U.S. Army Area. 1970 R 929.3753 PIE Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers 1818-1864: Dist. of Columbia. R 929.3752 PIE Selected Finak Pension Payment Vouchers 1818-1864: Maryland. R 929.3748 GUN Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers 1818-1864: Pennsylvania, 2 Vols. R 929.373 SPE Special Presidential Pardons of Confederate Soldiers, Parts 1 & 2 with Index. R 929.341 DOB Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America, 2 Vols. (Dobson) R 929.341 DOB Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America, Part Three. R 973.24 BOD Soldiers in King Philip’s War. Rpt of 1906 ed. R 929.3743 CRO Soldiers of the Revolutionary War Buried in Vermont. R 929.375 MIL Southern Loyalists in the Civil War: the Southern Claims Commission. (Mills) R 929.373 SPE Special Presidential Pardons for Confederate Soldier. Part 1 & 2, with index. R 973.771 JAC Sultana Saga, The. The Titanic of the Mississippi. R 940.481 MOR The Vanguard of American Volunteers in the Fighting Lines and In Humanitarian Service, Aug. 1914-Apr. 1922. R 929.3759 JAM Too Late for Blood R 929.1 GRO Tracing Your Civil War Ancestor. R 973.7089 JAC Trail of Tears: A. The American Indian in the Civil War. R 929.373 NEW Uncle, We Are Ready! Registering America’s Men. 1917-1918: a guide To researching WW1 Draft Registration Cards. R 973.76 ROL Unpublished Roll of Honor. The

12 R 929.3097 NEA U.S. Military Records: A guide to federal and state sources, colonial America to the present. R 929.3755 BUR Virginia Soldiers of 1776. 3 Vols. R 369.13 SON Washington State Society of Sons of the American Revolution 1916. R 929.3749 BOY What Can’t Brave Americans Endure R 929.373 ALL Where to Write for Confederate Pension Records.

Miscellaneous, How-to and Research Guides [ Most useful books in bold] R 929.373 CLE American Marriage Records before 1699 R 929.1 PIN American Origins (Pine1967) Guide to research in foreign countries R 391.009 DAL American Victorian Costume. Use this book to date old photographs. R 929.209 ROB Ancestors of American Presidents R 929.1 CER Ancestry’s Guide to Research. Case Studies 929.1 AND Beginning Genealogical Computing, The R 929.1 WRI Building an American Pedigree (Wright, 1974) Library also has circulating Copies. R 929.1 LAC Cite Your Sources R 910.3 CIT Cities, Towns and Villages of the U. S. Reference. Desk City Directories, Longview/Kelso R 929.1 BRE Compendium of Historical Sources: The how and where of American Genealogy. R 351.73 BEN County Courthouse Book, 2 nd ed. (Bentley, 1995) R 929.1 HOW Cyndi’s List – A Comprehensive List of 70,000 Genealogy Sites. 2nd Ed. 2001. (Cyndi Howells) R 929 DAT Dating Old Photographs, 1840-1929 (Family Chronicle) R 929.102 BEN Directory of Family Associations R 929.1 WOL Do People Grow on Family Trees? Genealogy for kids and other Beginners. (Ellis Island Handbook) R 929.1072 SMI Estate Inventories: How to use them. R 929.1 MIL Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian R 907 MIL Evidence Explained. R 929.1 SZU Family History Made Easy (Szucs) R 929.373 HEH Federal Land Series, Vols 1, 2, 3, 4. R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 973 UNI Formation of the Union: a documentary history based upon an exhibit In the National Archives Building, The Reference. Desk Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media. Vols. 1-3. [Lists Newspapers currently in publication] R 929.1 GEN Genealogical Research: Method and Resources (Stryker-Rodda), Vol. 2 R 929.1 HAR Genealogical Research Standards

R 929.108 CAR Genealogist’s Guide to Discovering Your Female Ancestors (Carmack) R 929.1 RAS Genealogy and Computers R 016.9291 GEN Genealogy and Local History Books in Print. Vols. 1, 2, & 4. Lists books for sale. R 929.1 WHI Genealogy Outline for Beginners. Step-by-step guide. [Copy available By PDF file from LCGS.] R 929.1 AUL Genetic Genealogy, The Basics and Beyond R 973.2 HAR Guide to the Draper Manuscripts. R 929.1 UNI Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Archives. Essential Book to Archives. R 016.973 NOR Guide to manuscripts Collections of The Norwegian American Historical Society. R 929.1 VAL Handbook for Genealogical Correspondence.

13 R 929.3 HAN Handy Book for Genealogists Lists by county vital records, sources, Addresses, maps, bibliographies. Library has circulating copies. R 929.373 KIR Handy Guide to Record-Searching in the Larger Cities of the United States, A R 652.1 KIR Handwriting of American Records for a Period of 300 Years. R 369.1 HER Hereditary Register of the United States of America, The Lists Societies and Prominent officers. R 929.108 SCH Hidden Half of the Family: a source book for women’s genealogy, The. (Schaefer) R 929.1 PFE Hidden Sources: Family History in Unlikely Places (Ancestry) R 929.1 KIR How to read the Handwriting and records of Early America. R 929.5 HAR How to Search a Cemetery Reference. Desk International Vital Records Handbook: Births, Marriages and Death [R 920.3 INT] R 929.1 HON Land and Property Research in the United States. (Hone) R 929.1 MEY Meyer’s Directory of Genealogical Societies in the United States and Canada. 1978 and 1986. R 929.1 HOW Netting Your Ancestors: Genealogical Research on the Internet, 1997. (Howells) Library has circulating copy. R 929.374 NEW [New England] Circulating Library Catalog for the New England Historical Genealogical Society. 2 Vols. R 974.7104 ONE One Nation: America remembers September 11, 2001 [main floor] R 929.1 HEY Oxford Guide to Family History, The (Hey, 1993) R 929.1 WRI Preserving Your American Heritage. (Wright) R 929.1 PRI Printed Sources: a guide to published genealogical records. R 929.1 PRO Professional Genealogy: a manual for researchers, writers, editors, Lecturers and librarians. (Mills) Circ. 929.1 WIL Publish Your Family on the Internet R 427.973 SPE Reading Early American Handwriting (Sperry) R 929.1 RED Red Book: American State , County, and Town Sources (Ancestry) R 929.1072 GRE Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy 3rd ed. Essential book for Research. Two volumes also in circulation. R 366.1 YAT Researching Masonic Records (Yates, 1995) R 929.1 BAL Searching on Location: planning a research trip (Balhuizen) R 929.1 STE Search and Research: The Researcher’s handbook (Stevenson, 1969) R 929.1 SOU Source, The (Eakle, rev. ed.) Essential book for research. [ also in the Circulating collection (929) ] R 929.3 BRE Sources and Repositories. (Bremer 1975) R 929.37977 SOU Spring Genealogial Seminar, King County, WA, March 1895 [Copies of Lectures] R 973.771 JAC Sultana Saga, The. The Titanic of the Mississippi R 929.1 BRE Things Interesting. (Bremer 1975) R 910.4 ENG To the West in 1894. Travel Journal of Dr. James Douglass English R 929.1 BEV Tracing Your Ancestors in the Public Records Office R 929.1 SMO Trace Your Roots with DNA R 929.1494 WEL Tracing Your Swiss Roots R 417.7 STR Understand Colonial Handwriting (H. Stryker-Rodda) R 929.373 STE Vital Record Compendium: comprising a directory of vital records, The R 929.1 GOB Who’s Where in Your Genealogical Records. (Gobble, 1963) R 363.2336 CUL You, Too, can find Anybody: a reference manual [at Information desk] R 806.06 WEB Your Life Story. How to write, Print, Publish and Sell it yourself. Names R 929.4 SMI American Surnames

14 R 929.4 SMI Dictionary of American Family Names R 929.402 KAG Dictionary of Jewish Names and Their History, A. R 929.4 DOL English Ancestral Names R 929.374 FEM Female Index to Genealogical dictionary of the First Settlers of New England by James Savage R 929.4 UNI Foreign Versions of English Names R 929.4 BAU Hawthorn Dictionary of Pseudonyms, The R 929.4 YON History of Christian Names R 929.4 SMI Personal Names R 929.4 SHA Pseudonyms and Personal Nicknames. Vols 1, 2 R 929.4 SMI Treasury of Name Lore. Newspapers, General R 929.37488 MAL Abstracts of the Washington Reporter 1808-1814 R 929.37756 ALB Fond du Lac Commonwealth Reporter 1863-1870 Newspaper Desk Daily News, The, 1923 – present R 929.374 CHI [New England] New England Vital Records from Exeter Newspapers Vols. 1-5 Newspaper Desk New York Times, The 1939– Periodical Desk New York Times Index, 1851-1992 books, and from January 1991- Current, CD-ROM (Computer) R 929.3747 NEW New York Times Obituaries Index, 1858-1968, The R 929.37724 NEW Newspaper Extracts from the Hoosier State. R 929.1 MIL Newspaper Genealogical Column Directory R 929.3 MIL Newspaper Genealogy Columns: A preliminary checklist R 071 MIL Newspaper Indexes. A Location and Subject Guide for Researchers. Vols. 1-2. Royalty, Peerage, Heraldry, and Hereditary Societies R 929.6 FIL American and British Genealogy and Heraldry R 929.373 GRU American Genealogical Research at DAR, Washington DC, 2 nd ed. R 929.2 BRO Americans of Royal Descent R 929.1 MOU Bibliotheca Heraldica: an analytical catalogue of books on genealogy, Heraldry, mobility, knighthoods and ceremonies (Moule, 1822) R 929.6 BOU Boutell’s Heraldry (LPL reference main floor) R 929.373 DAR [DAR] American Genealogical Research at the DAR, Washington, DC 2nd ed. R 929.72 BUR Burke’s Family Index R 369.13 DAU DAR Patriot Index, 3 Vols. R 929.6 DIC Dictionary of Heraldry. A (LPL reference main floor) R 929.603 F An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Heraldry (LPL reference main floor) R 929.6 STU Flow Chart Method and Heraldic Enquiries, The R 929.72 BUR Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland and Scotland, A R 929.72 BUR Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire, A. R 929.8 BUR General Armory, The R 929.6 STY Flow Chart Method and Heraldic Enquiries R 929.1 D265 Index of the Rolls of Honor (Ancestors Index) in linage bookd of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution Vols 41-80 R 929.1 D265 Index of the Rolls of Honor (Ancestors Index) in linage books of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution Vols. 81-120 R 929.373 LIN Lineages of Members of the National Society of Sons and Daughters Of the Pilgrims. Vols. 1-2 R 929.72 BRO Magna Charta Barons 1898

15 R 929.72 BRO Magna Charta Barons 1915 R 929.72 WEI Magna Charta Sureties, The, 1215 R 929.3744 MAY Mayflower Families through Five Generations, Vols. 1-20, 22 R 929.6 ROG Pageant of Heraldry, The R 929.2 CAL Royal Bible, The, Vols. 1, 2, 3 R 929.709 ROB Royal Descents of 500 immigrants to the American Colonies or the United States: who were themselves notable or left descendants notable In American history R 929.72 STU Royalty for Commoners R 941.08 EIL Queen Victoria’s Descendants R 929.721 PAU Scots Peerage. History of the Noble Families of Scotland. Vols. 1-8 R 369.12 HUT Seventeenth Century Colonial Ancestors: of members of the National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century, 1915-1975 R 929.72 AR55t Titles and Forms of Address R 369.13 SON Washington State Society of Sons of the American Revolution 1916 Periodicals R 929.016 CAR American Genealogical Periodicals R 929.016 GEN Genealogical Periodical Annual Index. Vols. 1-4 (1962-1965) R 929.016 GEN Genealogical Periodical Annual Index. Vols. 13-16 (1974-1977) R 929.016 GEN Genealogical Periodical Annual Index. Vols. 17-19 (1978-1980) R 929.016 GEN Genealogical Periodical Annual Index. Vols. 20-23 (1981-1984) R 929.016 JAC Index t Genealogical Periodicals, 1900-1951 (Jacobus) R 929.3 IND Index to American Genealogies and Family Histories (Munsell, 1900) Reunions R 793.2 GAT Gathering the Generations: a guide to family reunions

16 Foreign Countries Europe General R 929.34 SUE Central European Genealogical Terminology R 929.1 SHE Following the Paper Trail: a multilingual translation guide [German, Swedish, French, Italian, Latin, Protuguese, Romainian, Spanish, Czech, Polish, Russian, Hungarian, Lithuanian] R 929.4 UNI Foreign Versions of English Names R 929.1 BAX In Search of Your European Roots (Baxter, 1985) R 929.347 ALL Overcoming Obstacles to Eastern European Research (Allen, 1990) R 929.343 BRA Where to Look for Hard-to-Find German-Speaking Ancestors in Eastern Europe (1993) Asia R 929.351 CHA In Search of Your Asian Roots: genealogical research on Chinese Surnames (Chao 2000) Australia R 929.394 VIN Tracing Your Family History in Australia Austria R 929.3436 SEN Handy Guide to Austrian Genealogical Records Barbados R 929.3729 BRA Genealogies of Barbados Families R 929.3729 SAN Barbados Records, Baptisms, 1637-1800 Belgium R 929.3493 GOE Searching for Flemish [Belgian] ancestors Bermuda R 929.372 MER Bermuda Settlers of the 17 th Century

Canada R 973.526 BAK American Prisoners of War Held at Halifax [Nova Scotia] During the War of 1812. 2 Vols. R 929.37 DOB American Vital Records from the Gentleman’s Magazine, 1731-1868 R 929.371 SEA Canada. Miscellaneous Records: extracted from the “Bulletin” of the Seattle Genealogical Society R 929.371 JON Canadian Genealogical Handbook: a comprehensive guide to finding Your ancestors in Canada R 929.371 PUB Census Returns Recensements, 1825-1871 R 929.371 PUB Checklist of Parish Registers [Canada] R 929.3713 REI Death Notices of Ontario R 929.3713 CRO Early Ontario Settlers R 929.37151 HAL Early New Brunswick Probate Records 1785-1835 R 929.3713 CRO Early Ontario Settlers: a source book R 929.3715 PUN Erin’s Sons: Irish Arrivals in Atlantic Canada 1761-1853 R 929.3716 PUN Genealogical Research in Nova Scotia R 929.371 GEN Genealogist’s Handbook for Atlantic Canada Research (Punch, 1989) R 929.3713 MER Genealogy in Ontario: Searching in the Records. 3 rd ed. R 929.3714 OGA Grosse IIe – Gateway to Canada 1832 – 1937

17 R 929.3717 LIV History of New Oswegatchie and the Blue Church Cemetery [Ontario] R 929.371 BAX In Search of Your Roots: a guide for Canadians seeking their ancestors. R 929.37151 HAL Early New Brunswick Probate Records 1785 – 1835 R 929.374 JOH Irish Emigration to New England through the port of Saint John, New Brunswick. R 011.35 INV Inventory of Ontario Newspapers, 1793 – 1986 R 929.3716 GIL Loyalists and Land Settlement in Nova Scotia R 929.3714 WAT Loyalist Refugees, Non-military Refugees in Quebec R 929.3713 REI Marriage Notices of Ontario 1813-1854 R 974.02 COL New England Captives Carried to Canada between 1677 and 1760, 2 Vols. R 929.3716 SMI Nova Scotia Immigrants to 1867. 2 Vols. R 929.3713 CHA Ontarian Families: Genealogies of United Empire Loyalist and other Pioneer Families of Upper Canada. Vols 1, 2 (Chadwick) R 929. 3713 FIT Ontario People: 1796-1803 R 929.371 LAF Our French-Canadian Ancestors R 974 BAX Pioneers of New France in New England. Rpt of 1894 ed. [Eastern Canada] R 929.3714 LAW Register of emigrant families from the Western Isles of Scotland to The Eastern Townships of Quebec. R 929.371 SMI Smith’s Canadian Gazetteer….Canada West (1846). Covers the Ontario area. R 929.3411 PUN Some Early Scots in Maritime Canada. 3 Vol. R 929.37135 REA Trail of the Black Walnut, The. (Reaman) [PA German settlement of Ontario, Canada] R 929.3719 LIV Upper Canada Sons and Daughters R 929.3716 BRO Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Genealogies: transcribed from the Yarmouth Hearld R 929.371 OLI Your Ancient Canadian Family Ties China R 929.351 GEN Genealogical Research in China R 929.351 CHA In Search of Your Asian Roots: genealogical research on Chinese Surnames (Chao, 2000) Czechoslovakia R 929.3437 W Tracing Your Czech and Slovak Roots (Wellauer, 1980) R 929.347 ALL Overcoming Obstacles to Eastern European Research (Allen, 1990) Denmark R 929.3489 THO Beginner’s Guide to Danish Genealogical Research R 929.3489 SMI Genealogical Guidebook and Atlas of Denmark (Thomsen, 1969) R 929.373 BAR Passenger List of the Steamship “Guiding Star” from Copenhagen, Denmark to New York City, June 29, 1869 R 929.3489 THO Scandinavian Genealogical Research, 3 Vols. In one. England R 929.373 COL American Loyalist Claims (Coldham) R 929.37 DOB American Vital Records from the Gentleman’s Magizine, 1731-1868 R 929.2 BOY Ancestral Lines Revised: 190 Families in England, Wales, Germany R 929.341 HER Ancestral Trails: The complete guide to British genealogy and family History. R 929.342 HUM Atlas and Index of Parish Registers (England and Wales) R 929.341 SCO British Aliens in the US (War of 1812)

18 R 929.341 CRO British Army Pensioners Abroad, 1772-1899 R 929.341 GIB Census returns 1841-1891 in Microform: a directory to local holdings In Great Britain, Channel Islands, Isle of Man (Gibson) R 929.3421 COL Child Apprentices in America from Christ’s Hospital, London, 1617-1778 R 929.373 COL Complete Book of Emigrants in Bondage, 1614-1775 (Coldham) R 929.342 GIB Coroners’ Records in England and Wales (Gibson) R 929.2 WAG [Drake] Drake in England R 929.37 BOC Denizations and Naturalizations in the British Colonies in America 1607-1775 R 929.342 DOM Domesday Book, Index, Part Two: Persons. 1992. [Index of people Mentioned in the Domesday Book: A survey of the counties of England complied by direction of King William I, 1086. R 929.3434 KNI Early Eighteenth Century Palatine Emigration a British Government Redemptioner Project to Manufacture Naval Stores. Rpt of 1937 ed. R 929.342 GIB Electoral Registers since 1832: and Burgess Rolls. 2 nd ed. (Gibson) R 929.373 COL Emigrants from England to the American Colonies, 1773-1776(Coldham) R 929.373 EMI Emigrants from England, 1773-1775. Bound for Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolins, Extracted from the “Carolina Genealogist” Nos. 1-32 R 364.68 COL Emigrants in Chains. 1607-1776. R 929.373 COL English Estates of American Colonists: American wills and Administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1610-1699

R 929.373 COL English Estates of American Settlers: American wills and administrations In the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1800-1858 R 427.973 MON From Ulster to America: The Scotch-Irish Heritage of American English R 929.342 GAR Genealogical Atlas of England and Wales R 929.342 SMI Genealogical Gazetteer of England R 929.342 GAR Genealogical Research in England and Wales, Rev. ed. Vols 1-3 R 929.341 MOU Genealogical Resources in English Repositories R 929.342 REI Genealogical Research in England’s Public Record Office: a Guide For North Americans (Prowse) R 929.1 MAR Genealogist’s Guide, The. (Marshall, 1903) Bibliography of Genealogies And family histories from British histories, biographies, periodicals, etc. R 929.209 BAR Genealogist’s Guide: Index to printed British pedigrees, The. Being a Supplement to Marshall’s Genealogist’s Guide (Barrow, 1977) R 929.342 PRE Handy Guide to English Genealogical Records R 929.341 GIB Hearth Tax, Other Later Stuart Tax lists and the Association Oath Rolls. The. (Gibson) R 929.341 BAX In Search of Your British and Irish Roots (Baxter, 1986) R 942 SMI Lives and Times of English Ancestors, The. Vol. 1 R 929.34275 LIS List of Emigrants to America from Liverpool R 929.3421 GIB Lists of Londoners (Gibson) R 929.341 GIB Local Census Listings 1522-1930 Holdings in the British Isles (Gibson) R 929.341 GIB Local Newspapers 1750-1920 England and Wales, Channel Islands, isle of Man. A select Location List. 2 nd ed. (Gibson) R 929.341 GIB Marriage and Census Indexes for Family Historians (Gibson) R 929.341 GIB Militia Lists and Musters 1757-1876 (Gibson) R 929.3421 COL North American Wills registered in London 1611-1857 R 973.342 BUR Notes from the British Museum (Hessians) R 929.373 OMI Omitted Chapters from Hotten’s Original Lists of Persons of Quality and Others Who Went From Great Britain to the American Plantations. 1600-1700. (Brandow) R 929.341 GIB Poll Books c. 1696-1872: a directory to holdings in Great Britain (Gibson) R 929.342 GEN Pre-1858 English Probate Jurisdictions 19 R 929.341 GIB Protestation Returns, 1641-1642 and Other Contemporary Listings (Gibson) R 929.342 GIB Quarter Sessions Records for Family Histories R 929.1 GIB Record Offices: How to find them (Gibson & Peskett, 1981, 5 th ed.) R 929.342 HIT References to English Surnames in 1601 and 1602. [Index to 186 Parish registers] R 929.342 RES Research Outline: England. 1997 ed. [LDS] R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John, 1630. Vol. 17 West Country Ancestries 1620-1643, Part 1. R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John, 1630. Vol. 18 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 2. R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John, 1630. Vol. 19 West Country Amcestroes. 1620-1643, Part 3. R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John, 1630. Vol. 22 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 4 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John, 1630. Vol. 25 New Ancestral Discoveries, Part 1. R 929.37723 SMI Selections from the American State Papers Monograph Numbers 1,2,3 And 4, French and British Land Grants in the Post Vincennes (Indiana) District 1750-1784 R 929.341 GIB Simplified Guide to Bishops’ Transcripts and Marriage Licenses: their Location and indexes in England, Wales and Ireland. A. R 929.341 GIB Simplified Guide to Probate Jurisdictions: Where to look for wills in Great Britain and Ireland, A R 929.341 GIB Specialist Indexes for Family Historians (Gibson) R 929.1 BEV Tracing Your Ancestors in the Public Record Office R 929.4 ROG Tracing Your English Ancestors: a manual for analyzing and solving Genealogical problems in England and Wales, 1538 to the present Day. R 929.374 BAN Topographical Dictionary of 1885 English Emigrants (Banks) R 929.3755 WIT Virginia Gleamings in England R 929.34215 GEO Visitations of the County of Cambridge (1575 and 1619) R 929.34278 STG Visitations of the County of Cumberland, 1615 R 929.34267 VIS Visitations of the County of Essex (1552, 1558, 1570, 1612, 1634) R 929.34223 PHI Visitations of the County of Kent (1619-1621) R 929.34254 CAM Visitations of the County of Leicester (1619) R 929.3421 COO Visitations of the County of London, 1568 R 929.34252 VIS Visitations of the County of Nottingham (1569 and 1614) R 929.34248 MAY Visitations of the County of Warwick (1682-1683) R 929.3489 BEG Geginner’s Guide to Finnish Genealogical Research (Choquette, 1985) France R 929.3443 WES Alsacian Connections R 929.3443 WES Alsace Emigrantion Book, The. 2 Vols. R 929.374 RUP Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigrants into Pennsylvania (Rupp) R 929.344 SMI Emigrants from France (Haut-Rhin Department) to America 1837- 1847 (Smith) R 929.344 FRE French Geneaalogist R 929.344 LET Letter-writing Guide – French [LDS] R 929.37723 SMI Selections from the American State Papers Monograph Numbers 1,2,3 And 4, French and British Lnad Grants in the Post Vincennes (Indiana) District 1750-1784-

20 Germany R 929.3443 WES Alsace Emigration Book, The. 2 Vols. R 929.108 TO Address Book of Germanic Genealogy, 4 th ed. R 929.343 ANC Ancestors in German Archives,. 2 Vols. R 929.2 BOY Ancestral Lines Revised: 190 Families in England, Wales, Germany. R 929.343 HAL Atlantic Bridge to Germany, The. Vols. 1-9., 1-Baden-Wuerttemberg: 2-Hessian, Rhineland-Pfalz; 3-Bavaria; 4-Saaland, Alsace-Lorraine And Switzerland; 5-Bremen, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein; 6- Mecklenburg; 7-Nordrhein-Westfalen; 8-Prussia (Brandenburg, East Prussia, West Prussia, Pomerania, Posen); 9-Saxony-Sachsen; 10-Hannover R 929.374 RUP Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigrants into Pennsylvania (Rupp) R 929.404 BAH Dictionary of German Names R 929.3749 CHA Early Germans of New Jersey,The R 929.3771 SMI Early Nineteenth-Century German Settlers in Ohio (Mainly Cincinnati And Environs), Kentucky, and Other States. R 929.343 HAC Eighteenth Century Register of Emigrants from Southwest Germany R 929.343 SMI Emigrants From theFormer Amt Damme, Oldenburg, (Now Niedersachsen) Germany, mainly to the U.S., 1830-1849 (Smith) R 929.3415 SMI Emigrants from West German Feurstenberg R 929.343 SMI Emigrants from the Principality of Hessen/Hanau Germany 1741-1767 R 929.3 SMI Encyclopedia of German-American Genealogy R 973.342 ENE Enemy Views: The American Revolutionary War as Recorded by the Hessian Participants (Burgoyne) R 929.308 JON Even More Palatine Families. 3 Vols. R 929.343 GEN Genealogical Handbook of German Research, A. Vol. 1 (Jensen) R 973.342 EEL German Allied Troops in the North America War of Independence. 1776-1783 (von Eelking) R 929.343 SMI German-American Genealogy Research (Emigrants from Fellback Baden-Wuerttenberg) R 929.1 THO German-English Genealogical Dictionary R 929.343 SCH German Genealogical Research (Schweitzer) R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records. 4 Vols. Indiana Protestant, Wisconsin NW, NE, SW Protestant. R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records, Vol. 5 Wisconsin Southeast Protestant R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records, Vol. 10 R 929.3 ZIM German Immigrants: lists of passangers bound from Bremen to New York, 4 Vols. 1847-1871. (Zimmerman and Wolfort) R 929.343 LET German: Letter Writing Guide [LDS] R 929.347 GER Germans from Russia: Genealogical Research outline [LDS] R 929.308 GER Germans to America: Series 1, Vols 1-27, Series II, Vols. 1-6 R 929.343 CER Guide to german Parish Registers, A. R 973.342 HES Hessian Chaplains, their diaries and duties R 973.342 LOW Hessians and the other German Auxiliaries….in the Revolutionary War, The. (Lowell) R 929.343 BEN If I Can, You Can, Decipher Germanic Reords (Bentz) R 020.343 BAX In Search of Your German Roots (Baxter, 1994, 3 rd ed) R 929.343 WRI Meyers Orts-und Verkehre-Lexicon des Deutschen Reichs 3 Vols. (Gazatteer of the German Empire pre-WWI with English introduction) R 929.343 SMI Nineteenth-Century Emigration from Kreis Simmern (Hunsrueck) Rhineland-Pfalz, Germany. R 929.343 SMI Nineteenth-Century Emigration of “Old Lutherans” from Eastern Germany (Mainly Pomerania and Lower Silesia)

21 R 929.343 SMI Nineteenth Century Germans to America, a consolidationof six Pamphlets identifying emigrants from Baden-Wuerttemburg, Hamburg, Bremen, Nardrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalf, and Schleswig-Holstein. R 973.342 BUR Notes From the British Museum (Hessians) R 929.308 GUT Palatine Mennonite Census Lists, 1664-1793 R 929.343 SME Preliminary Survey of the German Collection [Gen.Soc. of Utah Manuscript Collection] R 929.37734 BRI Quincy Illinois Immigrants from Munsterland Westphalia Germany, Vols. 1, 2 R 929.343 SMI Reconstructed Passenger Lists for 1850: Hamburg to Australia. Brazil, Canada, Chile, and the United States. (Smith) R 929.343 RES Research Outline: Germany, 1997 ed. [LDS] R 929.3 RES Researching the Germans from Russia R 929.34363 SAL Salzburger Expulsion Lists, The. R 929.308 SCH Schlegel’s American Families of German Ancestry in the U.S. Vols. 1-4 R 929.308 STU Steppes to Neu Odessa: Germans from Russia who settled in Odessa. R 929.308 COB Story of the Palatines: an episode in colonial history [rpt.or 1897 ed] R 929.343 W Tracing Your German Roots R 929.343 BUR Westerwald to America “Some 18 th century German Immigrants” R 929.343 BRA Where to Look for Hard-to-Find German-Speaking Ancestors in Eastern Europe (1993) R 929.3434 SCH Wuettemberg Emigration Index,The. Vols. 1-8

Greece R 929.3495 MAT Tracing Your Greek Ancestry: reference to Cyprus (Mattheou 1992) Hungary R 929.3439 SUE Handy Guide to Hungarian Genealogical Records Ireland R 929.37481 ADA Alphabetical Index to Ulster Emigration to Philadelphia 803-1850, An R 929.3416 POR Emigrants from Derry Port, 1847-1849 R 929.3415 EMI Emigrants from Ireland to America 1735-1743 R 929.3715 PUN Erin’s Sons: Irish Arrival in Atlantic Canada, Vol. 2, 1761-1853, Vol. 3 Galway Ireland, Vol. 4 R 929.3 FAM Famine Immigrants, 1846-1851, Vols. 1-7, The R 427.973 MON From Ulster to America: The Scotch-Irish Heritage of American English R 929.1756 BLE From Ulster to Carolina: the migration of the Scotch-Irish to Southwestern North Carolina Parishes and Baronies of Ireland. R 929.3415 GUI Guide to Irish Churches and Graveyards R 929.3415 MIT Guide to Irish Parish Registers, A R 929.1 DUR Guide to Irish Roots, A R 929.4 OSB Heirlooms of Ireland: an easy reference to some Irish surnames and Their origins. R 929.341 BAX In Search of Your British and Irish Roots (Baxter, 1986) R 929.3415 VIC Index to the Prerogative Wills of Ireland. 1536-1810 (Vicars) R 929.3415 PHI Indexes to Irish Wills R 929.3415 SPE Ireland 1659 Census R 929.341 FAL Irish and Scotch-Irish Ancestral Research. Vols. 1,2 R 929.793 DOB Irish Emigrants in North America R 929.3415 MAC Irish Families: their names, arms and origins R 929.3415 COL Irish Family Research Made Simple (Collins) R 929.374 JOH Irish Emigration to New England through the port of Saint John, New ` Brunswick.

22 R 929.3415 SCH Irish Genealogical Abstracts from Londonderry Journal R 929.3771 WOL Irish Immigrants in Nineteenth Century Ohio: a database R 929.373 OBR Irish in America, The. Rpt of 1914 ed. R 929.3415 FAR Irish Marriages [from] Walker’s Hibernian Magazine 1771-1812 Rpt. Of 1893ed. R 929.3415 IRI Irish Passenger Lists 1803-1806 R 929.3415 IRI Irish Passenger Lists, 1847-1871: lists of passengers sailing from Londonderry to America on ships of the J. & J. Cooke Line and the McCorkell Line R 929.3415 OHA Irish Pedigrees: or the origin and stem of the Irish nation. 2 Vols.(O’Hart) R 929.373 DEG Irish Relatives and Frriends from “Information Wanted” ads in the Irish- American, 1850-1871 R 929.3415 ADA Ireland and Irish Emigration to the New World R 929.3415 RYA Irish Records: sources for family and local history (Ryan) R 929.3416 MAS Ireland: 1841-1851 Census Abstracts (Northern Ireland) R 929.3417 MAS Ireland: 1841-1851 Census Abstracts (Republic of Ireland) R 929.3417 RES Ireland: Research Outline [LDS] R 929.3415 LAN Land Owners in Ireland: return of owners of land of one acre and upwards In the several counties, counties of cities and counties of town in Ireland 1876. Rpt.of 1876 ed. R 929.341 PRY Mini Guide to the Scotch Irish R 912.415 MIT New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland R 929.3415 PUN North American Maritime Funnel 1749-1842 (Ireland) R 929.3415 REI Richard Griffith and his Valuations of Ireland (Guide to the Valuations) R 929.3415 PAR Parish Maps of Ireland Depicting All Town Lands in the four Ulster Counties. R 929.341 CAM Scotch-Irish Family Research Made Simple R 929.341 HAN Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America (rpt of 1910 ed) R 929.3748 DUN Scotch-Irish to Colonial Pennsylvania. The (rpt of 1944 ed) R 929.3415 SEA Search for Missing Friends, The. Vols. 3, 4, 5, 6 R 929.3415 TOW Town Lands in Poor Law Unions: a reprint of Poor Law Union Pamphlets of the Gen. Reg. Office R 929.3415 ADO Tracing Your Irish Family History R 929.3415 GRE Tracing Your Irish Ancestors (Grenham, 1992) R 929.3415 COL Tribes of Ireland, 1156 AD R 929.37481 ADA Ulster Emigration to Phildalphia 1803-1850 R 929.3415 HOW Visitation of Ireland. 2 Vols. R 929.3415 BLA Your Irish Ancestors: an illustrated history of Irish families and their Origins.(Black) Italy R 929.1 COL Finding Italian Roots: the complete guide to Americans R 929.345 PRE Handy Guide to Italian Genealogical Records R 929.308 ITL Italians to America, Vols. 1-5 Japan R 929.2969 FIN Finding Your Roots: Genealogy manual 6 May 2006 Japanese Cultural

Of Hawaii in Partnership with Hawaii Hiroshima Heirtage Study group. R 929.352 GEN Genealogical Research in Japan R 929.351 CHA In Search of Your Asian Roots: genealogical research on Chinese Surnames (Chao, 2000)

23 Korea R 929.3519 GEN Genealogical Research in Korea

R 929.351 CHA In Search of Your Asian Roots: genealogical research on Chinese Surnames (Chao, 2000) Latin America R 929.38 DEP Genealogical Historical Guide to Latin America R 929.1 GEN Genealogical Letter-Writing guide: Spanish [Latin America, South America, Carribean, Spain] [LDS] R 929.4 PLA Hispanic Surnames and Family History R 929.38 PLA Latin America Census Records R 929.38 RES Latin America Research Outline [LDS] R 929.1 RYS Tracing Your Hispanic Heritage Mexico R 929.1072 SCH Mexican-American Genealogical Research: following the paper trail To Mexico R 929.3755 JOH Off to War: The Virginia Volunteers in the War with Mexico Netherlands R 929.3492 FRA Dutch Genealogical Research (Franklin, 1982) R 929.374 KEL Names, Names and More Names: Locating Your Dutch Ancestors in Colonial America. R 929.3747 EPP New Netherlands Roots R 929.3481 THO Beginner’s Guide to Norwegian Genealogical Research (Thomsen 1985) R 929.3481 SMI Genealogical Guidebook and Atlas of Norway (Smith & Thomsen 1979) R 929.1481 THO Genealogical Maps and Guide to the Norwegian Parish Registers R 929.3481 FLO History of Norwegian Immigration to the United States (Flom) Rpt of 1909 ed. R 929.3481 OLS How to Trace Your Ancestors in Norway (Olstad) R 929.3489 THO Scandinavian Genealogical Research, 3 Vols. In one R 929.3481 WEL Tracing Your Norwegian Roots (Wellauer, 1979)

Philippines R 929.3599 RES Philippines: Research Outline [LDS] Poland R 929.347 ALL Overcoming Obstacles to Eastern European Research (Allen, 1990) R 929.3438 CHO Polish Roots (Chorzempa 1993) R 929.3438 WEL Tracing Your Polish Roots (Wellauer, 1979)

Russia R 929.347 GER Germans from Russia: Genealogical Research Outline [LDS] R 929.347 ALL Overcoming Obstacles to Eastern European Research (Allen, 1990) R 929.3747 MIG Migration from the Russian Empire, 6 Vols. R 929.3 RES Researching the Germans from Russia R 929.308 STU Steppes to Neu Odessa: Germans from Russia who settled in Odessa R 929.347 MEH Sources for Genealogical Research in the Soviet Union

24 Scotland R 929.3411 DOB American Data from the Records of the High Court of the Admiralty Of Scotland R 929.3414 EIG 1851 Census Records by Surname, Parish of Applegarth, Dumfriesshire R 929.3411 EIG 1851 Census Records by Surname, Parish of Canonbia, Dumfriesshire R 929.3414 EIG 1851 Census Records by Surname, Parish of Cummertrees, Dumfriesshire R 929.3414 EIG 1851 Census Records by Surname, Parish of Durisdeer, Dumfreisshire R 914.11 SAL Castles of South-West Scotland R 929.3411 COM Commissariat Record of Glasgow, Register of Testaments, 1547-1800 & Register of Burials in the Chapel Royal or Abbey of Holyroodhouse, 1706-1900 (Scottish Record Society) R 929.3 DIR Directory of Scottish Settlers in North America, 1625-1825. Vols 1-7 (Dobson) R 929.373 DOB Directory of Scots Banished to the American Plantations, 1650-1775 R 929.3411 CAM Emigrants from Scotland to America, 1774-1775 R 914.11 WIL Gazetteer of Scotland, The. (Wilson) R 929.3411 SMI Genealogical Gazetteer of Scotland, A R 929.209 MUN Highland Clans and Tartans R 929.373 GOL In Search of Hamish McBagpipes: a concise guide to Scottish Genealogy R 929.341 HAM In Search of Scottish Ancestry (Gerald, 1980 R 929.3412 DOB Jacobites of Angus, The R 929.3412 MCD Jacobites of 1715 North East Scotland and Jacobites of 1745, North East Scotland R 929.3411 DOB Mariners of Aberdeen and Northern Scotland 1600-1800. Rpt. Of 1993 ed R 929.3411 DOB Mariners of the Clyde and Western Scotland, The. Rpt of 1994 ed. R 929.341 PRY Mini Guide to the Scotch-Irish R 929.373 DOB Original Scots Colonists of Early America, 1612-1783 (Dobson) R 929.373 DOB Original Scots Colonists of Early America Supplement: 1607-1799, The R 929.3413 DOB People of Edinburgh 1725-1775 (Scotland), The R 929.3413 DOB People of Scottish Borders, The R 929.3412 DOB People of the Scottish Burghs, The. Dundee parts 1 and 2. R 929.3413 DOB People of the Scottish Burghs-People of Stirling 1600-1799, The R 929.3714 LAW Register of emigrant families from the Western Isles of Scotland to the Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada. R 929.3412 MCD Register of T3estaments, Aberdeen R 929.341 HAN Scotch-Irish, The. 2 Vols. [rpt of 1908 ed] R 929.341 HAN Scotch-Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America [rpt of 1910 ed.] R 929.3748 DUN Scotch-Irish to Colonial Pennsylvania, The [rpt of 1944 ed.] R 929.3414 DOB [Ulster] Scotland during the Plantation of Ulster – People of Ayrshire 1600-1699 R 929.3414 DOB [Ulster] Scotland during the Plantation of Ulster – Dumfries and Galloway 1600-1699 R 929.3414 DOB [Ulster] Scotland during the Plantation of Ulster – Lanarkshire 1600-1699 R 929.3414 DOB [Ulster] Scotland during the Plantation of Ulster- Renfrewshire 1600-1699 R 929.341 DOB Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America, 2 Vols. (Dobson) R 929.3758 DOB Scots in Georgia and the Deep South, 1735-1845 (Dobson) R 929.374 DOB Scots in New England R 929.378 DOB Scots in the American West, 1783-1883 (Dobson) R 929.374 DOB Scots in the Mid-Atlantic States 1635-1883. 2 Vols. R 929.37551 DOB Scots on the Chesapeake R 929.341 DOB Scots Overseas. The. Emigrants and Adventurers

25 R 929.721 P282s Scots Peerage. History of the Noble Families of Scotland. Vols 1-8 R 929.378 DOB Scots in the American West. 1783-1883 R 929.37 DOB Scots in the USA and Canada, 1-6 Vols. R 929.374 DOB Scots in New England 1623-1873 R 929.6 GRI Scottish Clans and Tartans R 929.3411 MOO Scottish Family History (Moody, 1988) R 929.3411 STU Scottish Family History: a guide to works of reference on the history and genealogy of Scottish families (Stuart, 1930) R 929.3411 DOB Scottish Goldsmiths, 1600-1800. Rpt 1997 ed. R 929.3411 MOO Scottish Local History (Moody, 1986) R 929.373 DOB Scottish Quakers in Early America 1650-1700 (Dobson) R 929.3411 DOB Scottish Seafarers. Rpt of 1997 ed. R 929.3411 DOB Scottish Soldiers in Continential Europe. Rpt. Of 1967 ed R 929.341 DOB Searching for Scotch-Irish Roots in Scottish Records 1600-1750 R 929.373 DOB Ships from Scotland to America 1628-1826. 4 Vols. R 929.3413 PRE Stewarty of Kirkcudbright-Monumental Inscriptions, pre-1855 R 914.11 LEW Topographical Dictionary of Scotland. A 2 Vols. (Lewis, 1846) Use These excellent geographical history books to find parish areas and For descriptions of villages and towns R 929.3411 COR Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry (Cory, 1991) R 929.3411 IRV Your Scotish Ancestry: a guide for North Americans (Irvine, 1997) Spain R 929.1 RYS Tracing Your Hispanic Heritage R 929.1 GEN Spanish-Letter writing Guide Sweden R 929.3485 THO Beginner’s Guide to Swedish Genealogical Reserch (Thomsen, 1984) R 929.3485 JOH Cradled in Sweden: a practical help to genealogical research in Swedish records. Rev. ed. R 929.1485 THO Genealogical Guidebook and Atlas of Sweden (Thomsen) R 929.3489 THO Scandinavian Genealogical Research 3 Vols. In one R 929.3485 OLS Acta Bibliothecae Regiae Stockholmiensis: Swedish Passenger Arrivals in U. S. Ports 1820-1850 R 929.3485 PLA Swedish Genealogical Dictionary R 929.3485 SWE Swedish Genealogical Resources R 929.3485 OLS Swedish Passenger Arrivals in US Ports 1820-1850 (except New York) R 929.348 OLS Tracing Your Swedish Ancestry (Library has circulating copies) Soviet Union R 929.347 ALL Overcoming Obstacles to Eastern European Research (Allen, 1990) R 929.3 RES Researching the Germans from Russia R 929.347 MEH Sources for Genealogical Research in the Soviet Union Switzerland R 929.3443 WES Alsacian Connections R 929.3443 WES Alsace Emigration Book, The. 2 Vols. R 929.4 ZUR Anabaptist-Mennonite Names in Switzerland R 929.343 HAL Atlantic Bride to German, The. Vols. 1-8. Vol. 4-Saarland, Alsace Lorraine and Switzerland R 929.3494 MOO Bibliography of Swiss Genealogies. (Surname books in Swiss Libraries) R 929.308 JON Even More Palatine Families. 3 Vols. R 929.3494 SUE Handy Guide to Swiss Genealogical Records

26 R 929.3494 FAN Lists of Swiss Emigrants in the Eighteenth Century to the American Colonies (Faust). Vol. Zurich, 1734-1744 R 929.3494 MEN Men of Bern, The. 1798 Burgerverzeichrisse of Canton Bern, Switzerland. 3 Vols. R 929.3494 SCH Swiss Emigration Book, The. Vol. 1 (Schrder-Muggenthaler) R 929.3494 SWI Swiss Surnames: a complete register 9of commonly known as Familiennamebuch der Schweiz 3 Vols R 929.1494 WEL Tracing Your Swiss Roots Wales R 929.3429 NIC Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales (1872) Vols. 1, 2 R 929.2 BOY Ancestral Lines Revised: 190 Families in England, Wales, Germany R 929.3429 HAM In Search of Welch Ancestry (Hamilton-Edwards) R 929.42 ROW Surnames of Wales R 929.3429 RES Wales: Research Outline [SLC] R 929.3429 ROW Welsh Family History; a guide research (Rowlands, 1993) Yugoslavia (Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia) R 929.347 ALL Overcoming Obstacles in European Research (Allen, 1990)

27 United States [Note: Ask at the desk for any state census on microfilm]

R 917.3 AME American Place Names of Long Ago: a republication of the Index to Cram’s Unrivaled Atlas of the World….1890 R 328l73 UNI American State Papers, Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States, Class VIII, Public Lands. Vols. 1-9 Rpt of 1832 ed. R 949.1 AUL Genetic Genealogy, The. Basics and Beyond R 328.73 MCM Index to American State Papers, Grassroots of America Gendex, 1972 R 929.373 SMI Federal Land Series, 4 Vols. R 369.1 HER Hereditary Register of the U.S. of America R 929.373 KIR Index to Some of the Bibles and Family Records of the United States, An R 929. VAL Locality Finding Aids for U.S. Surnames from the Massachusetts Centinel & the Columbian Centinel. R 929.7 SMI [New England] Walter Goodwin Davis: A scholar’s unique contribution to New England Genealogy with an index to the principal surnames in his Works. R 929.374 WEI [New England] Ancestral roots of Sixty Colonists (Wells) R 929.374 BRA [NewEngland] Biographical Notices of Distinguished Men in NewEngland R 929.374 HOL [New England] Directory of Ancestral Heads of New England Families 1620-1700 (Holmes) R 929.74 DRA [New England] Founders of New England [Title pg: Results of some Researches… ] R 929.103 NOY [New England] Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire R 929.374 SAV [New England] Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England Vols. 1-4 (Savage) R 929.2 WHI [New England] Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers of America R 929.374 TAL [New England] Genealogical Notes of New York and New England Families. 2 Vols. R 929.374 PHI [New England] Genealogical Records Abstracted from the New England Puritan, 1840-1841. (Boston, MA). [Cover: the New England Puritan] R 929.107 GEN [New England] Genealogist’s Handbook for New England Research (Melnyk) R 929.37448 GEN [New England] Genealogies of Mayflower Families, Vol 1 – A-F R 929.2 WRI [New England] Genealogy in America. .Vol. 1- Massachusetts, Connecticut and Maine R 929.374 AND [New England] Great Migration, The. Immigrants to New England 1634-1635 R 929.373 BOL [New England] Marriage Notices 1785-1794 for United States from Massachusetts Sentinel and Columbian Sentinel R 929.374 BOL [New England] Immigrants to New England 1700-1775 R 929.3744 ROS [New England] Mayflower Births and Deaths. Vol. 1-2 R 929.3744 MAY [New England] Mayflower Families thru Five Generations, Vols 1-18. R 929.374 ROS [New England] Mayflower Marriages from the Files of George Ernest Bowman at the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants. R 974.02 COL [New England] New England Captives Carried to Canada between 1677 And 1760. 2 Vols. R 929.374 RAP [New England] New England Court Records (Rapaport, 2006) R 929.374 NEW [New England] New England History and Genealogical Register Index of Persons in Vols. 51-148. 4 Vols. R 929.374 TOR [New England] New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Torrey)

28 R 974.02 BEN [New England] Perished in Flames, Victims of deadly fires in New England Newspapers and diaries, 1675-1830 R 929.3744 AND [New England] Pilgrim Migration, The: Immigrants to Plymouth Colony, 1620 to 1633 (Anderson) R 929.3741 POP [New England] Pioneers of Maine and New Hampshire 1623 to 1660 (Pope) R 929.3744 BAN [New England] Planters of the Commonwealth (Banks) R 929.374 HAT [New England] Researching Your Colonial New England Ancestors R 929.374 DOB [New England] Scots in New England 1623-1873 (Dobson) R 929.374 SAN [New England] Second Supplement to Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Sanborn) R 929.374 CHI [New England] New England Vital Records from Exeter Newspapers R 977.02 NOR Northwest Ordinance, 1787: a bicentennial handbook. The R 929.375 HAR Colonial Families of the Southern States of America R 929.375 CLA [South] Colonial Soldiers of the South, 1732-1774 R 929.373 KIR [South] Index to Some of the Family Records of the Southern States, An R 929.375 POT [South] Passports of Southeastern Pioneers, 1770-1823: Indian, Spanish And Other Land Passports for Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Mississippi, Virginia, North and South Carolina. R 929.3758 DOB [South] Scots in Georgia and the Deep South 1735-1845 (Dobson) R 929.379 DUT [Southwest] Boer Settlers of the Southwest R 929.376 NOR [Southwest] North America Genealogical Sources, Southwestern States [Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas] Alabama R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outlne [Excellent US Reserch Guides] R 929.3761 JAC Alabama 1850 [census index] R 929.3761 AUS Alabama Bible Records R 929.3761 ALA Alabama Census Returns 1820, and an abstract of the Federal Census of Alabama 1830 R 929.3761 ALA Alabama Early Settlers, 1816 Census, Alabama Counties, Mississippi Territory R 929.37617 THO Blount County, Alabama Marriage Records, Vol. A, B, & C. 1819-1844 R 929.37617 THO Blount County, Alabama, Probate Court Minutes. Vol. A, 1844-1851 R 929.3761 JOH Cemeteries of Madison County, Alabama Microfilm Desk 1870 Census: Blount and Jackson Counties Microfilm Desk 1880 Census Blount (part), and Barbour (part) counties R 929.37612 DUF DeKalb County Alabama Probate Court Records R 929.3761 SAU Early Settlers of Alabama R 929.37612 HER Heritage of Clarke County, Alabama, The R 929.37619 HER Heritage of Colbert County, Alabama, The R 929.37614 HER Heritage of Dallas County, Alabama, The R 929.3612 HER Heritage of Monroe County, Alabama, The R 929.3761 DAU Index to Alabama Wills, 1808-1870 R 929.3761 MAR Marriage, Death and Legal Notices from Early Alabama Newspapers, 1819-1893 R 92937612 KIN Marriages of Mobile County Alabama R 929.3761 Miscellaneous Alabama Newspapers Abstracts. (Kelsey) 2 Vols. R 929.3761 OLD Old Cahaba Land Office Records and Military Warrants, 1817-1853 R 929.3761 BAR Old Demopolis Land Office Records and Military Warrants, 1818-1860 And the Records of Vine and Olive Colony, The. R 929.3761 BAR Old Huntsville Land Office Records and Military Warrants, 1810-1854 R 929.37612 HAH Old Sparta and Elba Land Office Records and Military Warrants 1822-1860,

29 R 929.37613 HAH Old St. Stephen’s Land Office Records and American State Papers Public Lands, Vol. 1 R 929.37618 BAR Old Tuskaloosa Land Office Records and Military Warrants, 1821-1860 R 929.3761 PIE Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers, Alabama R 929.3758 DOB Scots in Georgia and the Deep South, 1735-1845 (Dobson) R 929.37614 STE Sumter County, Alabama Index to Wills R 973.57 VOL Volunteer Soldiers in the Cherokee War, 1836-1839 Alaska R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3798 FER Biographies of Alaska-Yukon Pioneers 1850-1950 Arizona R 929.3791 JAC Arizona 1870 Territorial Census Index R 929.3791 WHI Arizona Territorial Hospital Records, 1890-1910 of Yavapai County, Prescott, Arizona R 929.3791 WHI Arizona Territorial Poll Tax Records, 1873-1876 Yavapai County, Prescott, Arizona R 929.3791 WHI Bible Records: Sharlot Hall Museum and Archives, Prescott, Arizona R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3791 WHI Marriage Records Index, 1865-1895 of Yavapai County, Prescott, Arizona Arkansas R 929.3767 JAC Arkansas Sheriff’s Census 1823-1829 R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3767 MOR 1820 Census of the Territory of Arkansas [Reconstructed] R 929.3767 MCL 1850 Mortality Schedules of Arkansas R 929.3767 GLA 1860 Mortality Schedules of Arkansas R 929.3767 GLA 1870 Mortality Schedules of Arkansas R 929.3767 GLA 1880 Mortality Schedules of Arkansas R 929.3767 PHI 1890 Phillips County, Arkansas, Census from Real Estate Tax Records R 929.3767 JAC Arkansas 1850 [Census] R 929.3767 BIO Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Central Arkansas R 929.3767 BIO Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Eastern Arkansas R 929.3767 BIO Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeastern Arkansas R 929.3767 BIO Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Southern Arkansas R 929.3767 BIO Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Western Arkansas R 929.3767 PRE Biographical Index to the Centennial History of Arkansas R 929.3767 CEM Cemeteries of Washington County, Arkansas, Vol. X R 929.3767 CEM Cemetery Index, Van Buren County, Arkansas R 929.3767 EDD Index to Arkansas General Land Office 1820-1907.Vol 1 Covers Arkansas, Desha, Chicot, Jefferson and Phillips. R 929.3767 EDD Index to Arkansas General Land Office 1820-1907 Vol. 2-3 Covers Union, Bradley and Ashley counties. R 929.3767 MCL Index to 1840 United States Census of Arkansas, An R 929.3767 STE Index to Wills and Administrations of Arkansas from the Earliest To 1900 [Cover: Index Arkansas] R 976.71 REM Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed General history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and Numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens. R 929.3767 SHI Pioneers and Makers of Arkansas R 929.37674 GOO Scott County [Arkansas] in Retrospect

30 California R 929.37944 MAS [Amador] History of Amador County, California R 929.37944 CEN [Amador] Logan’s Alley – Amador County, California, Vol.4 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3794 DIL 1860 California Census Index R 929.1 STE California County Recorder Office Survey R 929.3794 BAN California Pioneers Register and Index, 1542-1848, including the Inhabitants of California 1769-1800 and list of pioneers extracted from History of California. R 929.3794 SHU California Ranchos: patented private land grants listed by county. R 929.3794 CLO California Surname Index. R 929.37943 RIC Cemetery and Related Records, Smartsville Cemeteries, Yuba County California R 979.4 LOC Local History and Genealogy Resources of the California State Library R 917.94 WIL Great Registers of California: A listing of the Great Registers on file At the California State Library, California Room R 929.37941 IND Index and Abstracts of Wills, Sonoma County, California R 929.3794 IND Index to Naturalization Records in Sonora County, California R 929.3794 BOW Index to the 1850 census of the State of California R 929.4 LOC Local History and Genealogy Resources of the California State Library R 929.3794 MOR Northern California Marriage Index, 1850-1860: Marriages from 22 Northern California Counties R 92.378 RAS Passenger Lists of Overland Trains to San Francisco and the West. 1870-1871, Vols. 1, 2 R 929.37949 COR Coroner’s Inquest of San Diego County, California 1870-1896 R 929.3794 RAS San Francisco Passenger Lists Vols. 3-4 R 92.3794 RAS San Francisco Ship Passenger Lists, 2 Vols. R 929.37941 SAN Santa Rosa [CA] Rural Cemetery 1853-1997 R 929.3794 SAN Searching in California: a reference guide to public and private records (Sanders, 1982) R 929.37949 ORA Surname Index: Members of Orange County, California Genealogical Society R 929.3794 SUT Sutro Library Surname, State and Local History, Misc., Subject Catalogs, 3 rd ed. (Microfilm) Colorado R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3788 JAC Colorado 1860 Census Index R 929. 3788 JAC Colorado 1880 Census Index R 929.3788 COL Colorado Families: A territorial heritage. R 929.3788 WIC Colorado on the Eve of Statehood R 978.86 GLA Directory of Bolder, Colorado for 1883 R 929.3788 PET Genealogical Index to the Records of the Society of Colorado Pioneers R 978.86 GLA Hotels of Boulder R 929.3788 DAU Pioneers of the San Juan Country, Vol. 1 R 978.88 WAG [Adams] Adams County, A Centennial History 1902-2002 R 929.3788 COL [Arapaho] Declaration of Intention (First Papers) to become a Citizen of the U.S., Book A-F, 1880-1906 R 929.3788 WAR Marriages of Grand County, Colorado Connecticut R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] Microfiche Desk 1860 Connecticut Census Index: heads of households and other surnames. R 929.3746 WHI Barbour Collection of Connecticut: Town Vital Records 54 Vols. 31 R 929.2 BEE [Beeman] Descendants of Thomas Beeman of Kent, Connecticut, The. R 929.3746 HIN Catalogue of the Names of the First Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut: with the time of their arrival in the colony and their standing in society…, A [Cover: First Puritan Settlers] Microfilm Desk 1820 Census Hartford, Middlesex, New London, Tolland, New Haven And Windham Counties R 974.6 FIE Centennial Address with Historical Sketches of Cromwell, Portland, Catham, Middle-Haddam and Middletown, State of Connecticut. Rpt of 1853. ed.. R 929.3746 HOL Connecticut 1670 Census R 929.3746 JAC Connecticut 1800 Census Index R 929.3746 JAC Connecticut 1850 R 929.3746 SPE Connecticut Sorces for Family Historians and Genealogists R 929.3746 MAN Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records, A. Hartford District, 1700-1729. 3 Vols. R 929.3746 EAR Early Connecticut Marriages R 929.3746 TIA Extracts from the Records of Colchester [CT] 1686-1787. [Cover: Some Records of….] R 929.374 FEM Female Index to Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England by James Savage R 929.3746 BOY Fire, Cake and Water R 929.3746 FIR First Congregational Church of Westbrook, Connecticut, Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths, Memberships 1729-1899 R 929.3746 PER Founders and Leaders of Connecticut, 1633-1783 R 929.37466 FOU Founders of Saybrook Colony and Their Descendants 1635-1985 R929.374 TAL Genealogical Notes of New York and New England Families. 2 Vols. R 929.3746 GEN Genealogies of Connecticut Families. 3 Vols. R 974.66 CHE Glimpses of Saybrook in Colonial Days R 929.3746 UNI Heads of Families at the First Census,1790, Connecticut. Rpt of 1908 ed R 929.37464 MAC [Hebron] New Copies of Old Records from Hebron Connecticut R 929.37465 CAU History of New London, CT R 929.373 MOR Morton Allan Directory of European Passenger Steamship Arrivals for the years 1890-1930 at the port of New York and 1904-1926 New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore R 929.374 NEW New England Historical and Genealogical Register Index of Persons, Vols. 51-148 in 4 Vols. R 929.374 NEW [New England] Circulating Library Catalog for the New England Historical And Genealogical Society. 2 Vols. R 929.374 RAP [New England] New England court Records: a research guide for Genealogists and Historians R 929.74 DRA [New England] Founders of New England [Title pg: Results of Some Researches…..] (Drake) R 929.107 GEN [New England] genealogist’s Handibook for New England Research (Meinyk) R 929.3744 MAY [New England] Mayflower Families thru Five Generations, Vols. 1-20 R 929.374 RAP [New England] New England Court Records (Rapaport, 2006) R 929.374 TOR [New England] New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Torrey) R 929.3744 BAN [New England] Planters of the Commonwealth (Banks) R 929.374 DOB [New England] Scots in New England 1623-1873 (Dobson) R 929.374 SAN [New England] Second Supplement to Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Sanborn) R 929.374 SAN [New England] Supplement to Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700. (Sanborn) R 929.374 BAN [New England] topographical Dictionary of 2885 English emigrants (Banks)

32 R 929.3746 CON Records of the Particular Court of Connecticut R 929.3746 ROL Rolls of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, 1775-1783 R 929.3746 ROL Rolls of Connecticut Men in the French and Indian War, 1755-1762 R 974.66 GQT Saybrook at the Mouth of the Connecticut R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passenger of the Mary and John 1630, Vol.17 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 1 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passenger of the Mary and John 1630.Vol. 18 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 2 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630.Vol 19 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 3. R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630.Vol 22 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 4 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John, 1630.Vol 25 New Ancestra Discoveries, Part 1 R 929.3746 KNO Some Connecticut Nutmeggers Who Migrated R 929.37466 VIT Vital Records of Saybrook Colony, 1635-1860 R 929.37464 WIN Windham Connecticut Probate District Records, Vol. 1 Delaware R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline. [Excellent US Research Guides] Microfiche Desk 1860 Delaware Census Index: heads of households and other surnames. Microfiche Desk 1870 Delaware Census Index: heads of households and other surnames. R 929.3751 MAD 1800 Census of Delaware: Gives the whole census R 929.374 REH Ancestors from the Eastern Heartland: PA, NJ, MD, and DE [Ancestors of Seattle Genealogy Society members] R 929.37511 NAT Calendar of Delaware Wills, New Castle County, 1682-1800 R 929.3751 DEV Calendar of Kent County, Delaware Probate Records, 1680-1800 R 929.37517 DEV Calendar of Sussex County Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800 R 929.3751 BEN Colonial Delaware Records, 1681-1713 (Bendler) R 929.3751 PED Colonial Delaware Soldiers and Sailors 1638-1776 R 929.3751 VIR Colonial Delaware Wills and Estates to 1800: an index R 929.3751 UNI Delaware 1782 Tax Assessment and Census Lists R 929.3751 JAC Delaware 1850 Census Index R 929.3751 FRA Delaware Advertiser, 1827-1831: Genealogical Abstracts R 929.3751 VIR Delaware Bible Records, Vol 5 R 929.3751 RIC Delaware Genealogical Abstracts, 5 Vols. [Deaths and Marriages from The Delaware Gazette ] R 929.3751 PED Delaware Militia in the War of 1812 (Peden) R 929.3751 ORI Duke of York Record R 929.37511 WRI Early Church Records of New Castle County, Vol. 1 R 929.3751 REA Genealogical Abstracts from Biographical and Genealogical History of Delaware, 2 Vol. R 929.37517 MOO Index to Sussex County, Delaware Wills 1800-1851 R 929.3751 OLM Index to the 1850 Census of Delaware R 929.37514 BRE Kent County Delaware Land Records, Vol. 1-8 R 929.37517 LAN Land Records of Sussex County Delaware 1681-1725 R 929.37517 MAL Land Records of Sussex County Delaware 1722-1731 R 929.375 VIR Maryland and Delaware genealogies and family histories: a bibliography R 929.37511 BRY New Castle County, Delaware Land Records 1673-1710 R 929.37512 HOL Records of the Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church. R 929.373 BOY Ship Passenger Lists: Pennsylvania and Delaware (1641-1825) R 929.37517 MOO Sussex County Delaware Will Book M, March 1860-April 1860

33 District of Columbia Microfiche Desk 1860 District of Columbia Census Index: heads of household and other Surnames Microfiche Desk 1870 District of Columbia Census Index; heads of household and other Surnames R 929.373 GRU American Genealogical Research at the DAR, Washington DC, 2 nd ed. R 929.3753 PRO Index to District of Columbia Wills, 1801-1920 R 929.3753 PIP District of Columbia Guardianship Index 1802-1928 R 929.3753 PIP District of Columbia Marriage Licenses, 1811-1870, 2 Vols.(Pippenger) R 929.3753 PIP District of Columbia Probate Records R 929.3753 PRO District of Columbia Wills 1921-1950 R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.1 HEI Genealogist’s Guide to Washington, DC Research, A R 929.3753 PIE Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers 1818-1864: Dist. Of Columbia Florida R 929.3759 EIG 1830 Florida Census R 929.3759 SHA 1840 Florida Census Microfiche Desk 1860 Florida Census Index: heads of household and other surnames Microfiche Desk 1870 Florida Census Index: an every name index R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3759 JAC Florida 1850 Census Index R 929.3759 FLO Florida Land: Records of the Tallahassee and Newnansville General Land Office, 1825-1892 R 929.3759 MIL Florida’s First Families: translated abstracts of pre-1821 Spanish Censuses. R 929.37599 HER Heritage of Escambia County, Florida, The. Vol. 1-2 R 929.37599 HER Heritage of Jackson County, Flordia, The R 929.3759 WHI Register of Florida CSA Pensions Applications R 929.3759 ROB Searching in Florida: a reference guide to public and private records R 929.3758 DOB Scots in Georgia and the Deep South R 929.3759 JAM Too Late for Blood Georgia R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3758 WOO 1805 Georgia Land Lottery R 929.3758 LUC 1821 Land Lottery of Georgia [Fourth or 1821] R 929.3758 REP 1827 Land Lottery of Georgia R 929.3758 OKE 1832 Cherokee Land Lottery of Georgia R 929.3758 AUS 30,638 Burials in Georgia (Austin) R 929.3758 BEC Abstracts of Georgia Colonial Conveyance Book C-1, 1750-1761 R 929.3758 WAL Abstracts of Georgia Colonial Book J, 1755-1762 R 929.3758 ATW Atwater Report: List of Prisoners who Died in 1864-1865 Andersonville Prison Microfilm Desk 1820 Census: Appling, Baldwin, Emannuel, Habersham, Hall, Irwin and Jasper Counties, Georgia Microfilm Desk 1850 Census: Houston, Irwin, Jackson and Jasper Counties, Georgia Microfilm Desk 1860 Census: Green, Gwinnett and Habersham Counties, Georgia R 929.3758 ING Colonial Georgia Marriage Records from 1760-1810 Microfilm Desk 1880 Census: Calhoun (part), Camden, Campbell, Carroll and Catoosa (part) Counties, Georgia R 929.37582 AUS [DeKalb] DeKalb County Georgia Probate Records R 939.3758 JAC Georgia 1850 Slave Schedule Census Index R 929.3758 DAV Georgia Black Book. Morbid, Macabre, and Sometimes Disgusting Records of Genealogical Value 34 R 929.3758 DAV Georgia Citizens and Soldiers of the American Revolution R 929.3758 SCH Georgia Genealogical Research (Schweitzer) R 929.3758 AUS Georgia Intestate Records R 929.3758 DAV Georgia Land Lottery Papers R 929.3759 SMI Georgia Militia during the Revolutionary War R 929.3758 OKE Georgia Revolutionary War Bounty Land R 929.3758 SMI Georgia’s Revolutionary Bounty Land Records, 1783-1785 R 929.3741 ARN Georgia Revolutionary Soldiers and Sailors, Patriots and Pioneers, Vols 1-2 R 929.3758 BRO Georgia Wills, 1733-1860 R 366.1 FRE Grand Lodge of Georgia, 1854 R 973.7458 WHI Index to Georgia Civil War Confederate Pensions R 929.3758 IND Index to Georgia Colonial Conveyances and Confiscated Lands Records, 1750-1804, An R 929.3758 IND Index to the Headrighs and Bounty Land Grants of Georgia R 929.3758 REG Index to the 1830 Census of Georgia R 929.3758 GEO Index to the United States Census of Georgia for 1820, 2 nd ed. R 929.3758 LIS List of the Early Settlers of Georgia, Rpt of 1949 ed. A. R 929.3758 ROC Marriages and Obituaries from the Macon Messenger, 1818-1865 R 929.3758 HUX Marriages and Obituaries from Early Georgia Newspapers R 929.3758 DEL Reconstructed 1790 Census of Georgia, The R 929.3758 DAV Research in Georgia R 929.3758 DOB Scots in Georgia and the Deep South, 1735-1845 (Dobson) R 929.2 SKE [Skelton] John Skelton of Georgia R 929.3758 BLA Some Early Tax Digests of Georgia R 929.3758 LUC Some Georgia County Records, 7 Vols. R 973.57 VOL Volunteer Soldiers in the Cherokee War, 1836-1839 R929.37586 DEL Records of Washington County, Georgis R929.37586 DEL [Washington] Records of Washington County, Georgis R 929.37581 DAV [Wilkes] Early Records of Wilkes County, Georgia, Vols 1-2 Hawaii R 929.3969 MCK Hawaiian Genealogies: extracted from Hawaiian Language newspapers Idaho R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3796 JAC Idaho 1880 Census R 929.3796 WIL Idaho Territorial Votes Poll Lists 1863 R 929.3796 WIL Idaho Territory Federal Population Schedules and Mortality Schedules 1870 R929.3796 IDA Idaho State Federal Census Index 1910 R 929.3796 THO Thousands of Idaho Surnames: abstracted from rejected federal land Applications. Vols. I-V Illinois R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3773 WOR 1840 Illinois Census Index. Vols. 1-5 R 929.3773 ADA Adams County, Illinois, 1841 Tax List R 929.3773 FUL Cemetery Inscriptions of Fulton County, Illinois, Vol. 5 Microfilm Desk 1840 census: Marshall, McDonough, McHenry, McLean, Menard counties Microfilm Desk 1850 Census: Cook (except Chicago), DuPage, Edgar, Edwards, Effingham, Fulton, Gallatin, White, Whiteside counties Microfilm Desk 1860 Census: DeKalb County

35 Microfilm Desk 1870 Census: Alexander, Bond, Fulton, Randolph, Richland, Wayne, White Counties R 929.3773 CEN Central Illinois Chronicles. 3 Vols. R 929.37731 SZU Chicago and Cook County: A Guide to Research R 929.3773 COU Counties of Illinois: Their Origin and Evolution R 929.3773 ILL Descriptive Inventory of the Archives of the State of Illinois. 2 nd ed. R 929.37735 LEE Documents and Biography Pertaining to the Settlement and Progress Of Stark County. [Cover: History of Stark County, Illinois] R 929.37739 CRO Early Kaskaskia, Illinois, Newspapers 1814-1832 R 929.37731 THO First Chicago Church Records 1833-1844 R 929.3773 IND French, the Indians and George Rogers Clark in Illinois Country, The:. Proceedings of an Indiana American Revolution Bi-Centennial Symposium at Vincennes University, May. R 929.3773 NOR Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Illinois, Transcription of the Death Rolls, 1879-1947 R 929.3773 ILL Guide to Public Vital Statistics Records in Illinois. Rpt of 1941 ed. R 929.3773 BAT Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois. 1904. Rpt of 1904 ed. R 929.37734 HIS History of Fulton County, Illinois, in Spoon River Country, 1818-1968, A. R 977.399 CHA History of Johnson County, Illinois, A R 929.3773 VOL How to Research Family with Illinois Roots R 929.3773 JAC Illinois 1820 Census Index R 929.3773 JAC Illinois 1830 Census Index R 929.3773 JAC Illinois 1850 Census Index R 929.3773 NOR Illinois Census Returns 1810 and 1818. Rpt of 1935 ed. R 929.3773 SCH Illinois Genealogical Research (Schweitzer) R 929.3773 VOL Illinois Manuscripts, The. (Draper) Vol. 1Z R 929.3773 ILL Illinois Marriages, Early to 1850 [Microfiche][Desk] R 929.3769 SPR Kentuckians in Illinois R 929.3773 NEW Newspapers in the Illinois State Historical Library. (1982) R 929.3773 WAL Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Illinois. Rpt of 1917 ed. R 929.37734 PRA Prairie Farmers Reliable Directory of Farmers and Breeders Brown and Schuyler Counties, Illinois R 929.37732 PRA Prairie Farmers Reliable Directory of Farmers and Breeders DeKalb County, Illinois R 929.37733 ROW Pioneers of Winnebago and Boone Counties, Illinois who came Before 1841. R 929.3773 ROC Prairie Pioneers of Illinois, 2 Vols. R 929.37734 BRI Quincy, Illinois Immigrants from Munsterland Westphalia, Germany. Vol. 1-2 R 929.37737 VOL Shawneetown Land District Records, 1814-1820 R 929.3773 MOC Sources for Genealogical Searching in Illinois R 929.3773 TOL Upper Midwest German Biographical Index R 929.3773 UNI War of 1812 Bounty Lands in Illinois. Rpt of 1840 ed. Indiana R 929.3772 VOL 1850 Indiana Mortality Schedule, Vols. 1-3 R 929.3772 IND Census of Indiana Territory for 1807 Microfilm Desk 1860 Census Shelby County R 335.3772 DOC Documentary History of the Indiana Decade of the Harmony Society 1820-1824,. Vols. 1-2, A. R 929.3772 MIK Early Settlers of Indiana’s “Gore” (Mikesell) R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3772 IND Ft. Wayne Land Office Entries 1823-1852 [Database of names] R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records Vol. 1 Indiana R 929.37725 ING Hamilton County Indiana Will Book “B” 1835-1844

36 R 929.37725 BAK Hancock County Indiana Records R 929.3772 HEI Honey Creek Monthly Meeting of Friends, Vigo County, Indiana, 1820 R 929.3772 BRE Hoosier Ancestors, Newspaper column from “The Indianapolis Star” Vols. 1-2 R 929.3772 ALI Index 1830 Federal Population Census for Indiana R 929.3772 IND Index 1840 Federal Population Census for Indiana R 929.3772 FRA Index to Indiana Wills, Vol. 1, Phase 1 thru 1850. Vol.2 Phase 2 1850- 1880 R 929.3772 JAC Indiana 1820 Census Index R 929.3772 JAC Indiana 1850 Census Index R 929.3772 NOR Indiana Civil War Veterans (Northcott) R 929.3772 SCH Indiana Genealogical Research (Schweitzer) R 929.3772 WAT Indiana Land Entries: Vol. 1-Cincinnati District, 1801-1840. Vol. 2-Vincennes District 1807-1877. Rpt of 1948 ed. R 929.3772 IND Indiana Marriages, Volume 1, Thru 1820 in Jackson, Jennings, Ripley Washington, Scott, Jefferson, Switzerland, Clark Counties. R 929.3772 IND Indiana Source Book: Genealogy Material from The. Hoosier Genealogists 8 Vols. R 929.3772 FRA Indiana War of 1812 Soldier’s Militia R 929.3772 COW Jeffersonville Land Entries,,1808-1818 R 929.377 SPR Kentuckians in Ohio and Indiana R 929.2 AMB [Ketchum] Gathering of Ketchum Kindred: The descendants of Benjamin And Rhoda (Benn) Ketchum of Decatur, Indiana, A R 929.3772 LAN Land Claims Vincennes District: a report and documents from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, in relation to land claims R 929.772 STL [Monroe] Atlas of Monroe County, Indiana 1856, indexed by townships R 929.3772 MAT [Monroe] Rose Hill Cemetery R 929.3772 GOO [Montgomery] Montgomery County, Indiana Marriages 1823-1849 R 929.3772 SHA [Montgomery] Montgomery County, Indiana Wills 1868-1883 and Marriage 1847-1852 Records, Vol. 3 R 929.3772 RID [Shelby] Early Shelby County, Indiana Marriage Returns 1822-1839 R 929.3772 FRA [Vigo] Vigo County, Indiana Will Abstracts 1818-1860 Iowa R 929.37773 BUC Buchanan County, Iowa Marriages 1848-1869 R 929.37779 DES Des Moines County, Iowa Probate R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3777 MOR Biographical Index to the County Histories of Iowa R 929.3777 PAL German Settlers of Iowa R 929.3779 HEN Henry County Iowa Births 1881-1888 R 929.37779 HEN Henry County Iowa Marriages 1857-1864 R 9293779 HEN Henry County Iowa Naturalizations Beginning 1841 R 929.3777 JAC Iowa 1836 Territorial Census Index R 929.3777 JAC Iowa 1840 Territorial Census Index R 929.3777 JAC Iowa 1850 Census Index R 929.3777 FRE Iowa Marriages, 1835-1846 Microfiche Desk Iowa Marriages, Early to 1850 R 929.3779 HEN Henry County Births R 929.3779 HEN Henry County Naturalizations R 929.37776 JOH Johnson County Iowa Probate R 929.3777 IOW Surname Index [Iowa Genealogical Society], Vols. 1-4 R 929.373 TOL Upper Midwest German Biographical Index

37 Kansas R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3781 EIG 1860 Federal Census Johnson County, Kansas R 929.3781 FOR Abandoned and Semi-Active Cemeteries of Kansas R 929.3781 OFF Atlas of Kansas (1887) R 929.3781 WEL Border Warfare in Southeastern Kansas,1856-1859. R 929.3781 CEN Census of the Territory of Kansas, February, 1855, The Microfiche Desk 1860 Census: Linn, Lykins, McGhee, Madison, Marshall, Morris, Nemaha, Osage Counties Microfiche Desk 1880 Census: Slaine (part), Scott, Sedgwick, Sequoyah, Seward, Shawnee (part) Counties R 929.3781 KAN Guide to Microfilm of the Kansas State Historical Society (1991), A list of Kansas newspapers on film. R 929.37813 NUG Hiawatha Township Assessors Ledger, Brown County, Kansas, 1919. R 929.37816 FRE History of Emporia and Lyon County Kansas R 929.3781 CAR Index to 1880 Kansas Mortality Schedule R 929.37813 IND Index of Probate Records, Brown County, Kansas, 1857-1973 R 929.3781 JAC Kansas 1855 Territorial Census Index R 929.3781 JAC Kansas 1860 Territorial Census Index R 929.3781 ROB Kansas Territorial Settlers of 1860 Who Were Born in Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina: A Compilation with Historical Annotations and Editorial Comment R 978.1 MIN West of Witchita: Settling the high plains of Kansas, 1865-1890 R 929.3781 WIN [Allen] Cemeteries of Allen County, Kansas, 1856-1859, except Highland and Mt. Hope R 929.3781 DOU [Douglas] Douglas County, Kansas, Family Histories 1991-1992, Vol.1 R 929.3781 EAR [Linn] 100 Cemeteries and Burial Sites in Linn County, Kansas R 929.3781 FRO [Linn] From Pioneering to the Present: Linn County [Kansas] 3 Vols. R 929.3781 MI*T [Linn] Linn County Kansas, a History [rpt. 1987 ed] R 929.3781 ELM [Montgomery] Elmwood Cemetery, Coffeyville, Kansas R 929.3787 MAC [Montgomery] Index of Marriage Records of Montgomery County, Kansas, An [1870-1884] R 929.3781 CHA [Neosho] Marriages of Neosho County, Kansas, Vol1-1864-1915 Vol.2-1915-1948 R 929.3781 SUR [Neosho] Surname Index to Neosho County [Kansas] Cemeteries R 929.3781 ROT [Osborne] Nineteenth Century Military Veterans Known Buried in Osborne, Kansas R 929.37812 REP [Republic] Homeland Horizons: Places and things to see in Republic County R 929.37812 REP [Republic] Homeland Schools: cabins to complexes R 929.37812 DUC [Republic] Pushing the Frontiers Back: the Way Family, history and Environments includes the early Lewises R 929.3781 GOL [Thomas] Golden Heritage of Thomas County, Kansas Kentucky R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3769 SEV 1795 “census” of Kentucky, The R 929.3769 WEA Calendar of the Kentucky Papers of the Draper Collection of Manuscripts Rpt of 1925 ed Microfilm Desk 1820 Census: Barren, Estill, Gayette, Gallatin, Grant, Hart, Boone, Bourbon, Bullitt, Casey, Ohio, Pendleton, Pulaskie, Rockcastle, Scott Counties Microfilm Desk 1870 Census: Carroll, Carter, Casey Counties Microfilm Desk 1880 Census:, Soundex S-326 through S361

38 R 929.3769 LYN Confederate pensioners of Kentucky: pension applications of the Veteran R 929.3769 CLI Cornstalk Militia of Kentucky, 1792-1811, The R 929.3769 KOZ Early Families of Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky (Kozee) R 929.37694 CRO Early Louisville Kentucky Newspaper Abstracts 1806-1828 R 929.3769 SUT Early Kentucky Householders 1787-1811 R 929.3769 SUT Early Kentucky Landholders 1787-1811 R 929.3769 EAR Early Kentucky Tax Records: from the jregister of the Kentucky Historical Society R 929.3771 SI Early Nineteenth Century German Settlers in Ohio……and other states R 929.3769 TUD Early Settlers of Fort Boonesborough R 929.3769 HEI First Census of Kentucky 1790 R 929.3769 JAC Federal Census of Simpson County, Kentucky for 1820, The R 929.3769 EDD Genealogical Collection Kentucky Birth and Death Records, Vol. 1 R 973.34 GEO George Rogers Clark and his Men, Military Records, 1778-1784 R 929.3769 RON Historical Atlas of Kentucky and her Counties, An R 929.3769 JAC Index to Kentucky Wills to 1851 R 929.3769 FLE Index to the 1820 Census of Kentucky R 929.3768 SPR Kentuckians in Illinois R 929.377 SPR Kentuckians in Ohio and Indiana R 929.3768 HOG Kentucky Ancestry: a guide to genealogical and historical research (Hogan) R 929.3769 JAC Kentucky 1810 Census Index R 929.3769 SMI Kentucky 1830 Census Index, 6 Vols R 929.3769 JAC Kentucky 1850 Census Index R 929.3769 GOO Kentucky: A brief Genealogical Guide R 929.3769 PER Kentucky: A History of the State. Rpt of 1887 ed R 929.3764 CON Kentucky Colonization in Texas: a history of the Peters Colony R 929.3769 HEH Kentucky Families: a bibliographic listing R 929.3769 KEN Kentucky Families Archives Indes, Vols 1-3 R 929.3769 GRE Kentucky Gazette, 1787-1800, The R 929.3769 GRE Kentucky Gazette, 1801-1820, The R 929.3769 SCH Kentucky Genealogical Research (Schweitzer) R 929.3769 MCD Kentucky Genealogical Sources R 929.3769 KEN Kentucky Genealogy and Biography, Vol. II R 929.3769 KEN Kentucky Land Warrants for the French, Indian and Revolutionary Wars R 929.3769 KEN Kentucky Marriage Records R 929.3769 CLI Kentucky Marriages, 1797-1865: Compiled from the Lexington, Kentucky Public Library’s 1787-1865 files of Lexington Newspapers R 929.3769 SEA Kentucky Miscellaneous Records: articles extracted from “The Bulletin” of The Seattle [WA] Genealogy Society R 929.3769 CLI Kentucky Obituaries, 1787-1854 R 929.3769 DAU Kentucky Pioneers and Their Descendants R 929.3769 KEN Kentucky Pioneer and Court Records R 929.3769 ARD Kentucky Records: Early Wills and Marriages…Old Bible Records and Tombstone Inscriptions (Ardery) R 929.3769 ARD Kentucky Records, 2 Vols. [Cover Vol.1 Kentucky Court and Other Records, Cover Vol. 2 Kentucky Records] R 929.3769 KEN Kentucky Soldiers of the War of 1812 R 929.3769 JIL Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds (Jilson) R 929.3769 PET Petitions of the Early Inhabitants of Kentucky to the General Assembly of Virginia 1769-1792 Pending Pioneer Families of Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky R 929.3769 CLI Remember the Raisin (Kentucky, War of 1812)

39 R 929.3769 KEN Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kentucky, [Civil War Soldiers] 1861-1866 Vol. 1. Rpt of 1866 ed R 929.3769 QUI Revolutionary Soldiers of Kentucky R 929.3769 CLI Second Census of Kentucky 1800 R 929.3769 MCC Sources for Genealogical Searching in Kentucky, Revised edition R 929.3769 COO Virginia Supreme Court, District of Kentucky, Order Books 1783-1792 R 929.3769 KIN Abstracts of Early Kentucky Wills and Inventories (1933) R 929.37697 JAC [Allen] Allen County, Kentucky, Cemetery and Graveyards Revisited 2 Vols. R 929.3769 JAC [Allen] Allen County, Kentucky, Day Book, 1826-1837 R 929.3769 JAC [Allen] Allen County, Kentucky Vital Statistics R 929.3769 JAC [Allen] Earliest Tax Lists of Allen County, Kentucky, 1815-1824 R 929.37697 JAC [Allen] Federal Census of Allen County, Kentucky for 1850, The R 929.3769 JAC [Allen] Federal Census of Allen County, Kentucky for 1820, The R 929.37697 JAC [Allen] Federal Census of Allen County, Kentucky fr 1830, The R 929.37697 JAAC [Allen] Survey Book A, Allen County, Kentucky, 1805-1835 R 929.37696 CUM [Cumberland] Cumberland County Kentucky Records #1, Marriages 1799-1817; Deaths 1852-1859; Wills and Estates 1815-1850 Pending [Fayette] Kentucky Vital Statistics-Records of Marriages in Fayette County Kentucky 1803-1851/ R 929.3769 PHI [Greenup] Greenup County Kentucky Will Abstracts 1822-1860 R 929.3769 SAI [Hardin] Saint Clare Catholic Church, Colesburg, Hardin County Kentucky Church Records 1813-1899 R 929.37695 COU [Madison] Madison County, Kentucky Court Order Book A. 1787-1791 R 976.9 CLI [Mason] History of Maysville and Mason Counties Vol. 1 (Clift) R 929.2 WIN [Winston] John Tate Winston of Green County, Kentucky Louisiana R 929.3763 HAR Abstract of Account Information of Freedman’s Saving and Trust, New Orleans, 1866-1869 R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3763 BIO Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northwest Louisiana R 929.3763 VIL Canary Islands Migration to Louisiana 1778-1783, The R 929.3763 MAD Census Tables for the French Colony of Loouisiana from 1699 through 1732, The R 929.3763 DEA Death Notices from Louisiana Newspapers Vol 1-1811-1819, Vol 2 1822- 1914, Vol.3 1833-1917, Vol 4-1847-1893, Vol 5 1824-1887 R 929.3763 EAR Early Settlers of Louisiana as Taken From Land Claims in the Eastern District of the Orleans Territory R 929.3763 FIR First Settlers of the Louisiana Territory: Orleans Territory grants from “The American State Papers” Class VIII, Public Lands. Vols. 1-2 R 929.3763 BOL Guide to Printed Sources for Genealogical and Historical Research in the Louisiana Parishes R 929.3763 DEL History of the German Churches in Louisiana (1823-1893) R 929.3763 NOR Index to the Biographical Sketches in Biographical and Historical Memoirs Of Northwest Louisiana R 929.3763 CRU Index to the Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Jan 1917 through October 1950 R 929.3763 JAC Louisiana 1810 Census R 929.3763 JAC Louisiana 1840 Census Index R 929.3763 LOU Louisiana 1850 Census Index R 929.3763 NAT Natchez Court Records 1767-1805 R 929.3763 DEV New Orleans French 1720-1733, The R 929.3763 ART Old Families of Louisiana R 929/3763 RIV River Trails, Bayous and Back Roads: Louisiana, a Dream State

40 R 929.3758 DOB Scots in Georgia and the Deep South, 1735-1845 (Dobson) R 929.37638 DIL Some Slave Holders and their Slaves, 1839-1865 Maine R 929.3741 YOU Abstracts of Death Notices 1833-1852, and Miscellaneous News, Maine Farmers R 929.3741 ARO Aroostook War. Roster of Commissioned Officers and Enlisted men R 929.3741 FLA Alphabetical Index of Revolutionary Pensioners Living in Maine, An R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3741 JOR Burial Records 1717-1962 of the Eastern Cemetery, Portland, Maine R 974.1 HUM Blaine House: home of Maine’s Governors R 929.374 FEM Female Index to Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England by James Savage R 929.374 NOR Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire R 929.374 TAL Genealogical Notes of New York and New England Families, 2 Vols. R 929.3741 UNI Heads of Families of the First Census….1790, Maine. Rpt of 1908 ed R 974.195 FOL History of Saco and Biddeford, Maine: with notices of other early Settlements, and the proprietary governments of Maine, including the Provinces of New Somersetshire and Lygonia. Rpt of 1830 ed R 929.374 NEW New England Historical and Genealogical Register Index of Persons, The Vols. 51-148. 4 Vols. R 929.3741 COE Maine Biography’s, Vol 1-2 R 929.3741 WES Maine Cemeteries Vol.1 R 929.3741 JAC Maine 1850 Census Index R 929.3741 MAI Maine Families in 1790. 10 Vols R 929.3741 FRO Maine Probate Abstracts, 2 Vols R 929.3741 SAR Maine Wills, 1640-1760 R 929.3741 YOU Marriage Notices from the Maine Farmer R 929.3744 DAV Massachusetts and Maine Families in the Ancestry of Walter Goodwin Davis, 3 Vols. R 929.374 NEW [New England] Circulating Library Catalog for the New England Historical And Genealogical Society, 2 Vols. R 929.374 RAP [New England] New England Court Records (Rapaport, 2006) R 929.74 DRA [New England] Founders of New England [Title pg: Results of Some Researches…..] R 929.107 GEN [New England] Genealogist’s Handbook for New England Research (Melnyk) R 929.3744 MAY [New England] Mayflower Families thru Five Generations. Vols. 1-18 R 929.374 TOR [New England] New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Torrey) R 929.3744 BAN [New England] Planters of the Commonwealth (Banks) R 929.374 DOB [New England] Scots in New England 1623-1873 (Dobson) R 929.3763 SAN [New England] Second Supplement to Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Sandborn) R 929.3763 SAN [New England] Supplement to Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Sandborn) R 929.374 BAN [New England] Topographical Dictionary of 2885 English Emigrants (Banks) R 929.3741 POP Pioneers of Maine and New Hampshire, 1623 to 1660 (Pope) R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630, Vol. 17 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 1 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol. 18 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 2 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol. 19 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 3 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol. 22

41 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 4 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol. 25 New Ancestral Discoveries, Part 1 R 929.341 FIS Soldiers, Sailors, and Patriots of the Revolutionary War, Maine (Fisher) Maryland R 929.3752 SKI Abstracts of the Testamentary Proceedings of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, Vol. 1-2-3-4 R 929.37523 CHR Abstracts of Kent County, Maryland Wills Vol. 1, 1777-1816 R 929.37523 CHR Abstracts of Kent County, Maryland Wills Vol. 2, 1816-1867 R 929.37528 MAL Abstract of Wills Montgomery County, Maryland 1776-1825 R 929.37528 MAL Abstract of Wills Montgomery County, Maryland 1826-1875 R 929.37525 NEW Anne Arundel Gentry, Vol. 1 R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3752 CAR 1776 Census of Maryland R 929.37524 LOU Abstracts of Charles County, Maryland Court and Land Records Vol. 1 - 1658-1666, Vol. 2 - 1665-1695, Vol. 3 – 1694-1722 R 929.3752 SKI Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1685-1720, 12 Vols R 929.374 REH Ancestors from the Eastern Heartland: PA, NJ, MD, and DE [Ancestors of Seattle Genealogical Society Members] R 973.5238 MAR British Invasion of Maryland, 1812-1815, The R 929.3752 BAR British Roots of Maryland Families, 2 Vols R 929.3752 WRI Citizens of the Eastern Shore of Maryland 1659-1750, Vol. 1 R 929.3752 PED Collection of Maryland Church Records R 929.3752 BAR Colonial Families of Maryland R 929.3752 WAY Colonial Maryland Naturalizations [rpt of 1975 ed] R 929.3752 PED Colonial Maryland Soldiers and Sailors, 1634-1734 R 929.37524 JOU Colonial Records of Southern Maryland R 929.3755 TUC Colonial Virginians and their Maryland Relatives (Tucker, Allen, Blackistone, Chandler, Ford, Gerald, Harmor. Hume, Monroe, Skaggs Smith, Stevensson, Stone, Sturman, Thompson, Ward, Yowell, Others R 929.5 DAR Directory of Maryland Burial Grounds R 929.3752 KAN Directory of Maryland Church Records R 929.3752 JOU Early Families of Southern Maryland. Vol. 4 (Jourdan) R 929.3752 SKO Early Settlers of Maryland, The (Skordas) R 929.373 EMI Emigrants from England, 1773-1775, Bound for Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Extracted from the “Carolina Genealogists.” Nos 1-32 R 929.3752 UNI Heads of Families at the First Census….Maryland, 1790. Rpt of 1907 ed R 929.37527 CAR Index of Baltimore County, Maryland Wills 1659-1850. Rpt of 1979 Book R 929.3752 MAR Index of Holdings at the Hall of Records. Bulletin No. 17 R 929.3752 MAG Index of Maryland Colonial Wills, 1634-1777 R 929.3752 PAS Index of the Source Records of Maryland R 929.3752 PAR Index to the 1820 census of Maryland and Washington D.C. R 929.3752 MAR Marriages and Deaths from the Maryland Gazette, 1727-1830 (Barnes) R 929.3752 VOL Maryland 1800 Census Index, 4 Vols R 929.3752 JAC Maryland 1850 Census Index R 929.375 VIR Maryland and Delaware genealogies and Family Histories: a Bibliography R 929.3752 COT Maryland Calendar of Wills, 1635-1777, Vols 1-16 R 929.3752 PED Maryland Deponents 1634-1799 R 929.3752 PED Marylanders to Carolina: migration of Marylanders to North Carolina And South Carolina Prior to 1800

42 R 929.3752 PED Marylanders to Kentucky 1775-1825 R 929.3752 MAR Maryland Genealogy, Vols 1-2 R 929.3752 BAR Maryland Marriages, 1634-1718 (Barnes) R 929.3752 BAR Maryland Marriages, 1634-1777 (Barnes) R 929.3752 BAR Maryland Marriages, 1778-1800 (Barnes) R 929.3752 BAR Maryland Marriages, 1801-1820 (Barnes) R 929.3752 CLE Maryland Militia in the Revolutionary War. R 929.3752 OSZ Maryland Naturalization Abstracts Vol. 1, Baltimore County and Baltimore City, 1784-1851. The U.S. Circuit Court for Maryland 1790-1851 R 929.3752 PED Maryland Public Service Records 1775-1783 R 929.3752 BRU Maryland Records (Brumbaugh), Vols. 1-2,(1915-1928) R 929.3752 MAR Maryland Rent Rolls, 1700-1724 R 929.3752 NEW Maryland Revolutionary Records (Newman) R 929.3752 PED More Maryland Deponents, 1716-1799 R 929.373 MOR Morton Allan Directory of European Passenger Steamship Arrivals for the Years 1890-1930 at the Port of New York…1904-1926….New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore R 929.3752 MAR Muster Rolls…Maryland Troops in the American Revolution, 1775-1783 R 929.3752 TEP Passenger Arrivals at the Port of Baltimore, 1820-1834 R 929.37528 TRA Pioneers of Old Monocacy R 929.37551 DOB Scots on the Chesapeake, 1607-1830 R 929.3752 PIE Selected Final Pension Payment vouchers 1818-1864: Maryland R 929.3752 COL Settlers of Maryland 1679-1783, 5 Vols. In 1 (Continuation of Skordas) Land grants R 929.3752 NEW To Maryland from Overseas R 929.3752 BAL [Baltimore] Baltimore Cemeteries, Vol. 2, Eastern Baltimore County R 929.3752 COX [Baltimore] Name Index to the Baltimore City Tax Records, 1798-1808 Of Baltimore City Archives R 929.37527 CAR [Baltimore] Index of Baltimore County Maryland Wills 1659-1850 R 929.3752 WRI [Cecil and Harford] Newspaper Abstracts of Cecil and Harford Counties [Maryland] 1822-1830 R 929.3752 CEC [Cecil] Cecil County, A Reference Book of History, Business and General Information R 929.37523 DAU [Cecil] Cecil County, Maryland Marriage Licenses, 1777-1840 R 929.3752 NAN [Kent] Old Kent: The Eastern Shore of Maryland R 929.3752 BAL [Prince George’s] Prince George’s County, Maryland, marriages and deaths In 19 th century newspapers. 2 Vols. R 929.37519 MOR [Washington] Washington County Maryland Marriage Index R 929.37522 DRY [Worcester] Worcester County Maryland Wills Massachusetts R 929.37448 ROU Abstracts of Bristol County, Massachusetts Probate Records R 929.37446 BOS Boston Births, Baptisms, Deaths R 929.37446 BOS Boston Tax Payers in 1821 R 929.37446 DUN Deaths in Boston [Massachusetts] 1700-1799, Vols. 1-2 R 929.37446 FOU Dorchester Massachusetts Town Records R 929.3744 BAN English Ancestry and Homes of the Pilgrim Fathers, The R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent U.S. Research Guides] R 929.3744 BAI Early Massachusetts Marriages Prior to 1800 (Bailey) R 929.37445 ESS Essex County Deeds 1639-1678 Massachussetts R 929.374 FEM Female Index to Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England. (James Savage) R 929.374 TAL Genealogical Notes of New York and New England Families, 2 Vols R 929.37448 DAV Genealogical Register of Plymouth Families: originally published as

43 part II of Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth. 2 nd ed. (Davis) R 929.374 FAR Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England (Farmer) R 929.3744 WHI Graveyards of Boston, The R 929.3744 LAM Guide to Massachusetts Cemeteries, A (Lambert) R 929.3744 UNI Heads of Families at the First Census….1790, Massachusetts. Rpt. Of 1908 ed. R 929.3744 MAS Historical Data Relating to Counties, Cities and Towns in Massachusetts A great gazetteer R 929.37442 JUD History of Hadley [MA] R 929.3744 BEN Index to the 1800 Census of Massachusetts R 929.3744 GLA Index to Vital Records of Boston, MA 1630-1699 R 929.3744 GLA Index to Vital Records of Dorchester, MA 1825 R 929.37554 MCC Jamestown People R 929.37443 EAR Early Records of Lancaster, Massachusetts, The. 1643-1725 R 929.3744 PAI List of Freemen of Massachusetts, 1630-1691 R 929.3744 JAC Massachusetts 1850 Census Index R 912.744 DEL Massachusetts Atlas and Gazetteer: Detailed Topographic Maps [DeLorme] R 929.3744 SCH Massachusetts Genealogical Research [Schweitzer] R 929.3744 DAV Massachusetts and Maine Families in the Ancestry of Walter Goodwin Davis, 3 Vols R 929.3744 PRU Massachusetts Tax Valuation List of 1771 R 929.37448 ROS Mayflower Deeds R 929.37444 ROD Middlesex County, MA Probate Records R 929.74 DRA [New England] Founders of New England [Title page: Results of Some Researches….] (Drake) R 929.37448 GEN [New England] Genealogies of Mayflower Families, Vol 1 –A-F R 929.107 GEN [New England] Genealogist’s Handbook for New England Research (Melnyk) R 929.2 SOU [New England] George Soule of the Mayflower and his descendants in the fifth and sixth generation R 929.3744 MAY [New England] Mayflower Families thru Five Generations, Vols 1-20 R 929.37448 ROB [New England] Mayflower Source Records R 929.374 RAP [New England] New England Court Records (Rapaport 2006) R 929.374 TOR [New England] New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Torrey) R 974.02 BEN [New England] Perished in Flames: victims of deadly fires in New England Papers and diaries 1675-1830 R 929.374 DOB [New England] Scots in New England 1623-1873 (Dobson) R 929.374 SAN [New England] Second Supplement to Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Sandborn) R 929.374 SAN [New England] Supplement to Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Sandborn) R 929.374 SAN [New England] Third Supplement of Torrey’s R 929.374 BAN [New England] Topographical Dictionary of 2885 English Emigrants (Banks) R 929.37445 COF Newbury, Newburyport, West Newbury [MA] Sketch of History R 929.3744 AND Pilgrim Migration: The: Immigrants t Plymouth Colony 1620-1633 (Anderson) R 929.3744 POP Pioneers of Massachusetts: a descriptive list drawn from records of the Colonies, towns and churches and other contemporaneous documents, The R 929.37448 PLY Plymouth Church Records, 1620-1859. Vols 1-2 R 929.37446 POR Port Arrivals and Immigrants to the City of Boston 1715-1716 and 1762-1769: excerpted and reprinted from “A volume of Records Relating to The early History of Boston R 929.1744 NEW Records of Plymouth Colony

44 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630, Vol 17 West Country Ancestries 1620-1643, Part 1 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol 18 West Country Ancestries 1620-1643, Part 2 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol 19 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 3 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol 22 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 4 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol 25 New Ancestral Discoveries, Part 1 R 929.37446 SUF Suffolk County Wills R 929.37448 THO Vital Records of the Town of Freetown R 929.3744 BAN Winthrop Fleet, The R 929.37443 BLA Worchester County, MA Warnings Michigan R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3774 WAL 1873 Atlas of the State of Michigan [On the Oversize Shelf] R 929.3774 JAC Early Michigan Census Records, 1799, 1806, 1827 Microfiche Desk Federal Population Census: 1820 Michigan Census R 929.3774 AND Genealogy in Michigan, What, When, Where R 929.3774 MCG Index t 1840 Federal Population Census of Michigan R 929.3774 JAC Michigan 1830 Census Index R 929.3774 MIC Michigan Censuses 1710-1830: under the French, British and Americans (Russell, 1982) R 929.3774 MCG Michigan genealogy: Sources and Resources R 929.3774 SIL Michigan Military Records R 929.373 TOL Upper Midwest German Biographical Index

Minnesota R 929.3776 GIL [Anoka] Every Name Index to “History of Anoka County” R 929.3776 ANO [Anoka] Silent Cities: a survey of Anoka County, MN Cemeteries R 929.3776 ANO [Anoka] Anoka County Minnesota 1857 census R 929.3776 JAM [Anoka] City of Ramsey, 1974 R 929.3776 ANO [Anoka] Some Early Deaths and Marriages from Anoka County Minnesota Newspapers R 929.3776 ANO [Anoka] Anoka County Minnesota 1888 plat map R 929.3776 CHA [Hennepin] Champlin Cemetery R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3776 HEN [Cottonwood] Chronicles of Highwater Township, Cottonwood County, Minnesota 1866-1954 R 929.3776 BAK Comprehensive Index to A. T. Andreas’ Illistrated Historical Atlas of Minnesota, 1874 R 929.3776 POR How to trace your Minnesota Ancestors R 912.776 ILL Illustrated Historical Atlas of the State of Minnesota, 1874 [Cover: Atlas Of Minnesota] [On Oversize Shelf] R 267.59 INT International Institute Movement R 929.3776 FIN Known War of 1812 Veterans buried in Minnesota R 929.37765 MCL [McLeod] McLeod County [MN] History 1978 R 929.3776 JAC Minnesota 1850 Census Index R 929.3776 JAC Minnesota 1860 Census Index R 929.3776 MIN Minnesota Adjutant General’s Report of 1866

45 R 929.3776 POP Minnesota Genealogical Index, Vol. 1 (Pope, 1984) An every-name index on a variety of Minnesota-related genealogical, biographical and historical Works. R 973.74 MIN Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars, 1861-1865, 1891 R 929.3776 HER Rollag: From Norway to Minnesota, the Valley Immigrants and Their Families R 977.6 THE They Chose Minnesota: a survey of the State’s Ethnic Groups R 929.373 TOL Upper Midwest German Biographical Index R 977.6 WPA W.P.A. Guide to Minnesota, The. [Not an Inventory] Mississippi R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3762 MCE 1820 Census of Mississippi R 929.3762 EDD 1890 Genealogy Census Reconstruction of Mississippi, Vols 1-2 R 929.3762 EAR Early Settlers as Taken From Land Claims in the Mississippi Territory R 929.3762 ING First Settlers of the Mississippi Territory: Grants taken from the American State Papers – Class VIII, Public Lands, Vol. 1, 1789-1809 R 929.3762 WIL Marriages and Deaths from Mississippi Newspapers, Vols 1-4 Microfiche Desk 1830 Mississippi Census Index R 929.3762 JAC Mississippi 1850 Slave Schedule Census Index R 929.3762 KIN Mississippi Court Records, 1799-1835 (rpt of 1936 ed) R 929.3762 WIL Mississippi Index of Wills, 1800-1900 R 929.3762 ARN [Tallahatchie] Tallahatchie County, Mississippi Cemetery Records R 929.3758 DOB Scots in Georgia and the Deep South, 1735-1845 (Dobson) R 973.771 JAC Sultana Saga, The.: The Titanic of the Mississippi Missouri R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.37786 EDD [Perry] Abstracts of Perry County [MO] Deed Books 1-4, 1821-1844 R 929.3778 ELL Bible Records of Missouri, Vol IV R 929.3778 PRE Biographical Index to the Centennial History of Missouri R 929.3778 ELL [Cedar] Cemetery Records, Cedar County, Missouri Vol.1, Eldorado Springs, Martin and Twin Mounds Cemeteries Microfilm Desk 1840 Census: Perry, Pettis, Pike, Platte and Polk Counties Microfilm Desk 1860 Census: Polk, Pulaski and Putnam Counties Microfilm Desk 1870 Census: Lawrence and Lewis Counties Microfilm Desk 1880 Census: Cass (part), Cedar, Chariton, Christian, Clark, Clay (part), Lafayette (part), Lawrence, Pulaski (part), Putnam and Ralls Counties R 929.3778 EDD 1890 Genealogy Census Reconstruction of Missouri, Vols 1-2-3 R 929.3778 ING Citizens of Missouri: containing grants in the present states of Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma Vols 1-2-3 (1787-1835) R 929.3778 STA Death Records from Missouri Newspapers: The Civil War Years Vols 1-3 R 929.3778 STA Divorces and Separations in Missouri 1808-1826 R 929.3778 EAR Early Missouri Ancestors R 929.3778 EAR Early Settlers of Missouri Taken from Land Claims in the Missoui Territory R 929.3778 FIR First Settlers of the Missouri Territory: grants from the American State Papers, Public Lands, Vols 1-2 R 929.3 MID Genealogy from the Heartland: A Catalog of Titles in the Mid-Continent Public Library R 929.37786 KAR German Element in St. Louis, The. (Missouri) A translation from German of Ernst D. Kargau R 929.3778 MOO Gone to Missouri: from whence they came – where and when

46 R 929.3778 GUI Guide to County Records on Microfilm, Vol 1, No. 3, July 1979 R 929.3778 MIS Guide to County Records on Microfilm, A (Missouri) R 929.3778 GUI Guide to County and Municipal Records on Microfilm (1998) R 929.3778 MIS Guide to the Mormon War Papers, 1838-1841, Vol.2, No 4, July 1980 R 977.803 BRY History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri, with numerous sketches, Anecdotes, adventures, etc. relating to early days in Missouri….A R 929.3776 FOR How to trace your Missouri Ancestors R 912.778 ILL [Jackson] Illistrated Historical Atlas Map: Jackson County, Missouri, An R 929.3778 SPR Kentuckians in Missouri R 929.3778 JAC Missouri 1830 Census Index R 929.3778 JAC Missouri 1840 Census Index R 929.3778 JAC Missouri 1850 Census Index R 929.3778 EDD Missouri Birth and Death Records, Vol 1-2-3 R 929.3778 EDD Missouri Genealgical Gleanings 1840 and Beyond, Vol 1 R 929.3778 GRO Missouri Genealogical Periodical Index, A County Guide, 1960-1982 R 929.3778 EDD Missouri Genealogical Records and Abstracts, Vols 1-2-3-4 R 929.3778 SCH Missouri Genealogical Research (Schweitzer) R 929. 3778 ORM Missouri Marriaages Before 1840 R 929.3778 MIS Missouri Marriages Early to 1825 R 929.3778 STA Missouri Marriages in the News, Vol. 1 R 929.3778 WOO Missouri Miscellany, Vol 1-10 R 929.3778 WOO Missouri Pioneers: County and Genealogical Records, Vols 1-30 R 929.3778 MIS Missouri Newspapers on Microfilm at the State Hist. Soc. of Missouri R 929.3778 VIN Missouri Research Guide R 929.3778 BEA Missouri’s Public Domain: United States Land sales Series, 1818-1922 Vol 2, No 3, July 1980 R 929.3778 STA Missouri Tax Payers 1819-1826 929.37789 BRO [New Madrid] New Madrid County Missouri Marriage Records Vol. 1-1847-1871 Vol. 2- 1874-1881 R 929.37783 STA [St. Charles] Marriage Records of St Charles County, Missouri R 929.37788 BRO [Texas] Texas County Missouri Marriages 1876-1888 R 929.37788 BRO [Texas] Texas County, Missouri 1870 Census R 929.3778 PAC Missouri Union Burials, Missouri Units, Vols 1-2-3 R 929.3778 BRO Pioneer Kentuckians with Missouri Cousins: Kentuckians in Missouri in 1850, Vols 1-2 R 929.3778 PAR Parkin’s Guide to Tracing Your Family Tree in Missouri R 929.37782 EDD [Randolph] Records of Randolph County, Missouri 1833-1964 (Eddlemon) R 929.3778 PAR Selected Union Burials, Missouri Units, Vols 1-2 R 929.3778 STL Stigs [St. Louis Gen. Soc.] Index of St. Louis Marriages, 1804-1876 R 929.3778 EDD Ten Thousand Missouri Taxpayers (Eddlemon) R 929.3778 UNI United States Land Sales in Missouri: Springfield Land Office Abstracts. 1835-1846 Montana R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides R 929.3786 JAC Montana 1880 Census Index Nebraska R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3782 COX 1860 Nebraska Territorial Census: Index to Heads of Families R 978.2 SHE History of Nebraska – Semi-Centennial R 929.3782 JAC Nebraska 1870 Census Index R 929.3782 NEB Nebraska: a Guide to Genealogical Research R 929.3782 NIM Nebraska Local History and Genealogical Reference Guide

47 R 929.3782 COX Nebraska Territory Census 1854, 1855, 1856 R 929.3782 SIM Spanish American War Veterans from Nebraska (Simmons) R 929.3782 DOU [Douglas] Douglas County Nebraska Marriages 1854-1881 R 929.3782 RIC [Richardson] Richardson County, Nebraska Cemeteries, Vol 3 Nevada R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] Microfiche DIL 1910 Nevada census Index: Heads of Households and other surnames [ask at desk] R 929.3793 JAC Nevada 1870 Census Index R 929.3793 PAR Nevada Biographical and Genealogical Sketch Index R 929.3793 GRE Nevada Guide to Genealogical Records

New Hampshire R 974 BEN Bent’s Bibliography of the White Mountains R 929.3742 GOS Colonial Gravestone inscriptions in the State of New Hampshire (Goss) R 929.2 THO [Drake] Drake Family of New Hampshire, The R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.374 FEM Female Index to Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England by James Savage R 974.2 MER Gazetteer, State of New Hampshire, Rpt of 1817 ed R 929.3742 CHI Genealogical Abstracts from Early New Hampshire Newspapers, Vol.1 R 929.374 NOR Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire R 929.374 TAL Genealogical Notes of New York and New England Families, 2 Vols R 929.3742 HAM Hammonds Check List of New Hampshire History R 929.3742 UNI Heads of Families at the First Census…1790, New Hampshire Rpt of 1908 ed R 974.28 FAR Historical Sketch of Amherst, New Hampshire R 929.3742 COF History of Boscowen and Webster, 1733-1878 R929.37426 DOW History of Hampton, New Hampshire, 1638-1892, Vols. 1-2 R 929.374 BOU History of Wells and Kennebunk [ME]. Rpt of 1875 ed R 929.3742 GIL [Cheshire] Index to the 1800 Federal Census of Cheshire County, New Hampshire R 929.3742 GIL Index to the 1800 Federal Census of Rockingham and Stafford Counties, New Hampshire R 929.3742 GIL Index to the 1800 Federal Census of Grafton and Hillsborough Counties, New Hampshire R 929.374 NEW New England Historical and Genealogical Record Index of Persons, The Vols 51-148, 4 Vols. R 929.74 DRA [New England] Founders of New England [Title pg. Results of Some Researches…] R 929.107 GEN [New England] Genealogist’s Handbook for New England Research (Melnyk) R 929.3744 MAY [New England] Mayflower Families thru Five Generations, Vols. 1-20 R 929.374 RAP [New England] Court Records (Rapaport, 2006) R 929.374 TOR [New England] New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Torrey) R 929.3744 BAN [New England] Planters of the Commonwealth (Banks) R 929.374 SAN [New England] Supplement to Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Sandborn) R 929.374 SAN [New England] Second Supplement to Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Sandborn) R 929.374 DOB [New England] Scots in New England 1632-1873 (Dobson) R 929.374 BAN [New England] Topographical Dictionary of 2885 English Emigrants (Banks) 48 R 929.3742 HOL New Hampshire 1732 Census R 929.3742 HOL New Hampshire 1776 Census R 929.3742 JAC New Hampshire 1850 Census Index R 929.3742 NEW New Hampshire Genealogical Register: an illustrated quarterly magazine Devoted to genealogy, history and biography (1903-1910). Vols 1-4 [7 Vols. In 4] R 929.3742 TOW New Hampshire Genealogical Digest, 1623-1900) R 929.3742 OES New Hampshire Marriage Licenses and Intentions, 1709-1961 R 929.3742 ROB New Hampshire Name Changes 1768-1923 R 929.3742 HOL New Hampshire Residents, 1633-1699 R 929.3741 POP Pioneers of Maine and New Hampshire, 1623to 1660 (Pope) R 929.3742 NEW Probate Records of the Province of New Hampshire. Vol. 1, 1635-1717 R 974.4 FIT Proceedings of Fitchburg, Portsmouth Project R 929.37426 EVA [Rockingham] Abstracts of Probate Records of Rockingham County, New Hampshire, 1771-1799. Vols 1-2 R 929.37426 OES [Rockingham] Rockingham County New Hampshire Paupers R 929.3741 EVA [Stafford ] Stafford County, New Hampshire Probate Records 1771- 1799R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol. 17 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 1 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol. 18 West Country Ancestries 1620-1643, Part 2 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol 19 West Country ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 3 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol 22 West Country Ancestries. 1620-1643, Part 4 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol 25 New Ancestral Discoveries, Part 1 R 929.3742 JON Vital Statistics of Epsom New Hampshire 1729-1927 New Jersey R 929.373 HER Ancestors from the Eastern Heartland: PA, NJ, MD and DE [Ancestors Of Seattle Genealogical Society Members] R 929.37492 DAV [Bergen] Bergen County New Jersey Deed Records R 929.37492 BER [Bergen] Bergen Records of Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, New Jersey R 929.3749 BUR [Burlington] Burlington Court Book of West New Jersey, The,1680-1709. A record of Quaker Jurisprudence in West New Jersey R 929.3749 HUT [Burlington] Burlington Co., New Jersey, Deed Abstracts Books A, B, C. Rpt of 20 ed R 929.3749 CAL Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Vol 1 – 1670-1730 (part 1 and part 2,) Vols 2-13 R 929.3749 STR Certificates and Receipts of Revolutionary New Jersey, Vol. 2 R 929.3749 NEL Documents Relating to the Colonial History o the State of New Jersey Vol. XXII, Marriage Records, 1665-1800. Rpt of 1900 ed. R 929.3749 CHA Early Germans of New Jersey, The R 929.3749 HUT East New Jersey Land Deeds. 3 Vol. R 929.1UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent uS Research Guides] R 929.3749 GEN Genealogies of New Jersey Families: from the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, 2 Vols R 929.3749 BRO Index to Central New Jersey Newspapers [1783-1876] R 929.3749 JON Loyalists of New Jersey, Their Memorials, Petitions, Claims, etc. from English Records (Jones) R 929.3749 HUT [Middlesex] Middlesex County, New Jersey Deed Abstracts Book “1” Rpt of 2000 ed R 929.37494 CRO [Monmouth] Intestate and Others from the Orphans Court Books of

49 Monmouth County, New Jersey, 1785-1906 R 929.37494 MAR [Monmouth] Marriages of Monmouth County, New Jersey 1795-1843 R 929.3749 HUT [Monmouth] Monmouth County, New Jersey Deed Books A, B. C and D Rpt of 2000 ed R 929.3749 NEL New Jersey Biographical and Genealogical Notes R 929.3749 JAC New Jersey 1850 Census Index R 929.3749 NEL New Jersey Biographical Index, A (Sinclair) R 929.3749 NOR New Jersey in 1793: an abstract and index to the 1793 Militia Census of The State of New Jersey R 929.3749 NOR New Jersey Index to Wills, Vols 1-3 R 929.3749 NEL New Jersey Marriage Records 1665-1800 R 929.3749 PAT New Jersey Patents and Deeds, 1664-1703 R 929.3749 STR New Jersey, Digging for Ancestors in the Garden State R 929.3749 WIL Notices from New Jersey Newspapers, 1781-1790 R 929.3749 NEW Officers and Men of New Jersey in Wars 1791-1815 R 929.3749 PAS [Passaic] Passaic County, New Jersey Military Service Records from World War I R 929.3749 ARM Pioneer Families of Nowthwestern New Jersey R 929.3749 PIE Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers, 1818-1864, New Jersey Trenton. 2 Vols R 929.37497 RAN [Sussex] Sussex County, New Jersey Marriage ad Obituary Dates R 929.373 BOY Ship Passenger Lists: New York and New Jersey (1600-1825) R 929.3749 DAV West Jersey, New Jersey Deed Records 1676-1721 R 929.3749 BOY What Can’t Brave Americans Endure

New Mexico R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outlline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3789 CAL Calendar to the Microfilm Edition of the Land Records of New Mexico: Spanish Archives in New Mexico, Series 1, Surveyor General Records, And the Records of the Court of Private Land Claims R 929.3789 WIN New Mexico 1850 Territorial Census, Vols 1-4 R 929.3789 JAC New Mexico 1870 Census Index R 906 NEW New Mexico Directory of Historians and Historical Organizations

New York R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3747 BOW 7,000 Hudson-Mohawk Valley (NY) Vital Records, 1808-1850 (Bowman) R 929.3747 BOW 10,000 Vital Records of Western New York, 1809-1850 R 929.3747 BOW 10,000 Vital Records of Central New York, 1813-1850 R 929.3747 BOW 10,000 Vital Records of Eastern New York, 1777-1834 R 929.3747 FRE 1860 Gazetteer of New York State R 929.3749 NEW Abstracts of Wills on File in the Surrogate’s Office, City of NY, Prior to 1790. Vols. 2-3, 10-11 R 929.37474 EDD [Albany} Ancestors of Albany County, New York, Vol. 1-2 R 929.3747 ART Articles in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, 1983- 1995 indexed by Principal Surname or Location R 974.7 NES Bibliography of New York State Communities R 929.37474 MAC Book of Names: Especially relating to the early Palatines and …the Mohawk Valley, The R 929.3747 NEW Burghers of New Amsterdam and the, The. Freemen of New York, 1675- 1866, The R 929.37474 PTA Cast in Stone: Selected Albany, Rensselaer and Saratoga County, NY

50 Burials. 18 th and 19 th Century

R 929.3747 FER Calendar of Wills on File and Recorded in the Offices of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals of the County Clerk at Albany…1626-1836 R 929.3747 INS Children’s Aid Society of New York: an index to the federal, state and Local census records of its lodging houses 1855-1925 Microfilm Desk 1810 Census: Onondaga, Otsego, Queens and Richmond Counties, NY Microfilm Desk 1820 Census: Otsego, Steuben and Suffolk Counties, NY R 929.37374 PEA Contributions for the Genealogies of the First Settlers of the Ancient County of Albany from 1630-1800. Rpt of 1872 ed R 929.37473 FIR [Delaware] Delaware County, NY Church Records. First Presbyterian Church of Stamford, Delaware County, NY Private Records…First Presbyterian Church of Stamford, St Peter’s Episcopal Church, etc.. R 929.2 DEL [DeLong] DeLongs of New York and Brooklyn, The R 929.3747 SCO Early New York Naturalizations, 1792-1840 R 929.3747 FOL Early Settlers of New York State: Their Ancestors and Descendants, 2 Vols. (Foley) R 929.308 JON Even More Palatine Families, Vols. 1-3 R 929.3747 CUT Families of Western New York [Rpt of Genealogical and Family History f Western New York, 1912] (Cutter) R 919.3747 SPA Gazetteer of the State of New York: 1824 R 929.3747 GEN Genealogical Data from Colonial New York Newspapers R 929.3747 SCO Genealogical Data from the New York Post-Boy, 1734-1773 (Scott) R 929.374 TAL Genealogical Notes of New York and New England Families, 2 Vols R 929.37471 GEN Genealogical resources in the New York Metropolitan Area R 929.3747 GEN Genealogies of Long Island Families, Vols 1-2 R 929.3747 INS Graveyard Shift, The. A Family Historian’s Guide to New York City Cemeteries R 9293747 NEW Guide to Records in the New York State Archives R 929.3747 UNI Headsof Families of the First Census…1790, New York. Rpt of 1908 ed. R 929.3747 REY Hudson-Mohawk [NY] Genealogy and Family Memories R 929.3747 MA Index to Marriages and Deaths in the New York Herald, 3 Vols 1835-1870 R 929.3747 REI Index to the Deaths found in The New Yorker Volks-Zeitung 1878-1920 2 Vols R929.308 PRE Indians from New York, in Wisconsin and Elsewhere: a Genealogical Reference. 3 Vols. R 929.3747 WIL Inhabitants of New York 1774-1776 R 929.3747 BOW Landholders of Northeastern New York 1739-1802 R 929.3747 OCA Lists of Inhabitants of Colonial New York: excerpted from the Documentary History of the State of New York R 929.374721 LON Long Island Source Records: from the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record R 929.37478 MAR [Steuben] Marriage and Death Records from Steuben County New York

newspapers 1797-1868 R 929.37477 JAC Marriage and Death Notices from Tompkins County, New York Newspapers R 929.3747 PEN Mohawk Valley Land Records: abstracts 1738-1788 R 929.3747 JON More Palatine Families: Some Immigrants to the Middle Colonies 1717-1776 R929.373 MOR Morton Allan directory of European Passenger Steamship Arrivals from the Years 1890-1930 at the Port of New York and …1904-1926….New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore R 929.3747 NEW Muster Rolls of New York Provincial Troops, 1755-1764 51 R 929.3747 EPP New Netherlands Roots R 929.3747 JAC New York 1810 Census Index R 929.3747 JAC New York 1820 Census Index R 929.3747 JAC New York 1850 Census Index, Vols 1-2 R 929.3747 SOC New York Alien Residence 1825-1848 R 929.3747 NEW New York Colonial Muster Rolls 1664-1775, 2 Vols R 929.37471 SCO New York City Court Records 1684-1804, 4 Vols R 929.37471 FIS New York City Methodist Marriages 1785-1893, Vol 1 R 929.37472 FIS New York City Methodist Marriages 1785-1893, Vol 2 R 929.3747 WOR New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, 113 Years Master Index 1870-1982 R 929.3747 SCH New York Genealogical Research (Schweitzer) R 929.3747 OLD New York Historical Manuscripts Dutch: Old First Dutch Reformed Church Of Brooklyn, N Y R 929.3747 MCM New York in 1800: an Index to the Federal Census Schedules R 929.3747 ROB New York in the Revolution as Colony and State R 929.3747 NEW New York Marriages: Names of Persons for whom Marriage Licenses were Issued by the Secretary of the Province of New York previous to 1784 Rpt of 1860 ed. R 929.3747 SEA New York Miscellaneous Records: extracted from the Seattle Genealogical Society Bulletin R 929.3747 WIL New York Soldiers in the Civil War, Vol. 1, A-K, Vol 2, L-Z R 929.3747 CLI New York State Area Key R 929.3747 REM New York State Probate Records: a genealogist’s guide to testate and Intestate records R 929.3747 REM New York State Towns, Villages, and Cities: a Guide to Genealogical Sources (Remington) R 929.374723 EDD Our Brooklyn New York Ancestors, 1796 and Beyond R 929.3747 JON Palatine Families of New York, 1710. 2 Vols R 929.3747 BEN Passenger Arrivals Port of New York, 2 Vols, 1829-1929, 1830-1832 R 929.373 BAR Passenger List of the Steamship “Guiding Star” from Copenhagen, Denmark To New York City, June 29, 1869 R 929.37473 REF Records of Reformed Dutch Church, New Hackensack, Dutchess County, NY R 929.374721 BER Register of Early Settlers of Kings County, NY R 929.37471 SCO Petitions for Name Changes in New York City, 1848-1899 R 929.3747 REC Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York Marriages from 11 December 1639 to 26 August 1801. Rpt of 1890 ed. R 929.3747 MAT Refugees of 1776 from Long Island to Connecticut R 929.373 BOY Ship Passenger Lists: New York and New Jersey (1600-1825) R 929.373 HIN [Quaker] Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy Vols 1-3 [NY]-5 R 929.37472 HIX Staten Island Wills and Letters Richmond County, NY 1670-1800 R 929.5 SIL Tombstones of the Irish Born: Cemetery of the Holy Cross, Flatbush, Brooklyn [NY] R 929.3747 JOR Tombstones of Eighteen Cemeteries in Pound Ridge, Westchester County New York R 929.37479 ANJ Ulster County, New York Probate Records (Anjou) Two Vols in one. R 929.3747 CHR Upstate New York in the 1760s: tax lists and selected militia rolls of Old Albany County R 929.3747 HUM U.S. Census 1820 Chautaqua County, New York R 929.3747 DAV Westchester Patriarchs: a genealogical dictionary of Westchester County New York Families R 929.37479 LIV Western New York Land Transactions, Vol. 1 1804-1824; Vol 2 1825-1835 R 929.374721 WHI Whitney Account Book, Marriages and Deaths from the Account Book of

52 Darling Whitney, 1808-1848 R 929.37472 EAS Wills of Suffolk County, Long Island NY. Liber A 1787-1798 North Carolina R 929.37568 LAT [Alleghany] Alleghany County North Carolina Marriages, 1848-1900 R 929.37566 CHR An Annotated Digest of Will, Guilford County, North Carolina 1771-1816 R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3756 OLD Abstract of North Carolina Wills from about 1760 to about 1800, An (Olds) R 929.3756 GRI Abstracts of North Carolina Wills, 1690-1760 (Grimes) R 929.37565 GWY Abstracts of Wills Granville County, North Carolina 1833-1846 R 929.37563 HOL [Bladen] Bladen County, North Carolina Abstracts of Early Deeds, 1738-1804 R 929.3756 HEH Carolina Families: a bibliography of books about North and South Carolina Families (Hehir 1994) R 929.3756 HOF Colony of North Carolina, 1735-1764: abstracts of Land Patents, Vols. 1-2 R 929.3756 DOB Directory of Scots in the Carolina, 1680-1830, Vol. 2 (Dobson) R 929.37563 DRA [Duplin] Duplin County, North Carolina, Abstracts of Deeds, 1784-1813. Vol. 1 R 929.3756 BRA Early Records of North Carolina, Vol 1: Probate, Administration, Inventories R 929.3756 BRA Early Records of North Carolina, Vol II: Wills, Admin., Inventory, Deeds R 929.3756 BRA Early Records of North Carolina, Vol III: Loose Papers R 929.3756 BRA Early Records of North Carolina, Vol IV: Wills 1663-1722 R 929.3756 BRA Early Records of North Carolina, Vol V: Wills 1723-1736 R 929.3756 BRA Early Records of North Carolina, Vol VI: Wills 1737-1749 R 929.3756 BRA Early Records of North Carolina, Vol VII: Wills 1750-1755 R 929.3756 BRA Early Records of North Carolina, Vol. VIII: Wills 1756-1794 R 929.3756 BRA Early Records of North Carolina, Vol. IX: Colonial Court Records- Estate Papers 1665-1775, A-Gibson R 929.3756 BRA Early Records of North Carolina, Vol. X: Colonial Court Records-Estate Papers 1665-1775, Gilbert-Owen R 929.3756 BRA Early Records of North Carolina, Vol. XI: Colonial Court Records-Estate Papers 1666-1775, Packe-Young R 929.37564 BRA [Edgecombe] Edgecombe County, North Carolinas Deeds, 1759-1768 Vol. 1 R929.373 EMI Emigrants from England, 1773-1775, Bound for Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina: Extracted from the “Carolina Genealogists,” Nos. 1-32R R 929.373 HIN Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vols. 1-3-4-5 and Index Vol. 1 North Carolina R 929.3756 BLE From Ulster to Caroline: The Migration of the Scotch-Irish to Southwestern North Carolina R 929.3756 HOF [Granville] Granville District of North Carolina, 1748-1763: abstracts of land Grants, The., Vols 1-5 R 939.37567 FER [Mecklenburg] Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Will Abstracts 1791-1868 Tax Lists 1808-1807 R 929.3756 HAT [Iredell] Iredell County Heritage R 929.3756 HAU [Perquimans] Perquimans County, North Carolina Court Minutes 1738 thru 1754, Book II (with Deeds 1735 thru 1738) R 929.3756 UNI Heads of Families of the First Census…1790, North Carolina. Rpt. Of 1908 Ed R 929.3756 IND Index to North Carolina Ancestors R 929.3756 POT Index to 1820 North Carolina Census: supplemented from tax lists and

53 Other sources R 929. 37566 WEB [Rockingham] Rockingham County, North Carolina Will Abstracts 1785-1865 R 929.37567 LIN [Rowan] Abstracts of Wills & Estates Records of Rowan County, NC, 1753-1805 & Tax Lists 1759-1778 R 929.3756 CAM [Rowan] Marriages of Rowan County, North Carolina 1762-1850 R 929.37569 WOO [Rutherford] Rutherford County, North Carolina Wills and Miscellaneous Records 1783-1868 R 929.3756 HER [Surry] Heritage of Surry County, North Carolina, The. Vol 1 R 929.37569 HER [Transylvania] Heritage of Transylvania County North Carolins R 929.3756 IND Index of North Carolina Ancestors R 929.37565 WAT [Wayne] Kinfolk of Wayne County, North Carolina 1793-1832 R 929.3756 POT Index to 1820 North Carolina Census: supplemented from tax lists and other Sources. R 929.37568 HOL [Wilkes] Marriages of Wilkes County, North Carolina 1778-1868. Rpt of 1983 ed R 929.37568 ABS [Wilkes] Wilkes County, North Carolina will abstracts 1778-1811 R 929.3756 HAT Index to Hathaway’s Register [N.C. History & Genealogy Reg.] R 929.3756 BEN Index to the 1800 Census of North Carolina R 929.3756 NOR Muster Rolls of the Soldiers of the War of 1812: detached from the militia of North Carolina in 1812 and 1814 R 929.3756 CLE North and South Carolina Marriage Records….to the Civil War. Rpt of 1927 ed R 929.3756 JAC North Carolina 1810 Census Index R 929.3756 JAC North Carolina 1840 Census Index R 929.3756 JAC North Carolina 1850 Census Index R 929.3756 HOF North Carolina Abstracts of State Grants, 2 Vols (Hoffman) R 929.3756 CAM North Carolina Bastardy Bonds R 917.56 POW North Carolina Gazetteer, The R 929.3756 DRA North Carolina Genealogical Reference R 929.3756 SCH North Carolina Genealogical Research (Schweitzer) R 929.3756 WHI North Carolina Head Rights: a list of names, 1663-1744 R 929.3756 HAT North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, 1900-1903 (Hathaway)Vols1, Nos 1-4; Vol 2, Nos 1-4; Vol 3 1-3 R 929.3756 HOL North Carolina Land Grants in South Carolina R 929.3756 BUR North Carolina Land Grants in Tennessee 1778-1791 R 929.3756 NOR North Carolina: miscellaneous County records extracted from “The Carolina Genealogist” Nos 1-32 (1969-1977) R 929.3756 NOR North Carolina: miscellaneous State records: extracted from “The Carolina Genealogist” Nos 1-32 (1969-1977) R 929.3756 LEA North Carolina Research: genealogy and local history R 929.3756 NOR North Carolina State Revolutionary Pensions: extracted from “The Carolina Genealogist” Nos 1-37 R 929.3756 RAT North Carolina Taxpayers, 1701-1786, Vols 1-2 R 929.3756 MIT North Carolina Wills: a testator indx, 1665-1900 (Mitchell) R 929.3756 NOR North Carolina Wills and Inventories: copied from original and recorded Wills and Inventories in the office of the Secretary of State. (Grimes, 1912) R 929.3756 HOF Province of North Carolina, 1663-1729: abstracts of land patents R 929.37561 BJO Quakers Marriages Certificates, North Carolina R 929.3756 DAU Roster of Soldiers of North Carolina in the American Revolution R 929.341 HAN Scotch-Irish, The. 2 Vols. [rpt of 1908 ed] R 929.341 HAN Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America [rpt of 1910 ed] R 929.3756 MCC Sources for Genealogical Searching in North Carolina R 929.3756 NOR State Census of North Carolina, 1784-1787. Rpt of 1971 ed. R 973.57 VOL Volunteer Soldiers in the Cherokee War 1863-1839

54 North Dakota R 929.3776 BAK Claims from the Dakota Conflict: Supplying local militia, Vols 1-4 R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3783 JAC Dakota 1850 Territorial Census Index R 929.3783 JAC Dakota 1860 Territorial Census Index R 929.3783 JAC Dakota 1870 Territorial Census Index R 929.3783 JAC Dakota 1880 Territorial Census Index R 976.416 GRA Grand Forks County [ND] Heritage Book Commission R 929.3783 HIS History of the Finnish Settlement in Brown and Dickey Counties of South and North Dakota, 1881-1955 R 929.37848 BIS Index [1885] Dakota Territory, Stark, Rolette, Morton, McLean, Logan, LaMoure, Kidder, Emmons, Dickey, Burleigh, Billings, & Benson Counties R 929.3784 GAV North Dakota Counties – Towns & People, Part 1 R 929.3783 PEN Pensioners on the Roll as of January 1, 1883 [living in Dakota Territory] R 929.3783 WIN Tracing Your Dakota Roots: a guide to genealogical research in the Dakotas (Winistofer) Ohio R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] Microfilm Desk 1820 Census: Ashtabula, Butler, Fairfield, Hamilton & Warren Counties Microfilm Desk 1850 Census Carroll County R 929.3771 EDD 1890 Genealogy Census Reconstruction Ohio, Vol 1 R 929.3771 PHI Annotated Bibliography of Ohio Patriots, Revolutionary War and War Of 1812. R 929.37717 MIK [Butler] Butler County, Ohio Land Records, Vol. 1-2 R 929.3771 OHI County by County in Ohio Genealogy R 929.37711 FIS [Crawford] Crawford County Ohio Court Records R 929.37716 BOY [Coshocton] Family maps of Coshocton County, Ohio R 929.3771 SMI Early Nineteenth-Century German Settlers in Ohio….and other states R 929.3771 JAC Early Ohio Census Records- 1798,1799,1817 Cincinnati Census R 929.3771 BER Early Ohio Settlers: Purchasers of Land in East and East Central Ohio. 1800-1840, Zanesville Land Office R 929.3771 BER Early Ohio Settlers: Purchasers of Land in Southwestern Ohio, 1800-1840 Marietta Land Office (covering 12 present-day counties) R 929.3771 BER Early Ohio Settlers: Purchasers of Land in Southeastern Ohio, 1800-1840 R 929.3771 POW Early Ohio Tax Records R 929.373 SMI Federal Land Series, Vol 4, Virginia Military District of Ohio pt of 1972 ed. R 929.373 HIN Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy Vols 1, 3, 4, 5 Vol 5 Ohio R 929.3771 DYE First Ownership of Ohio Land R 929.3771 BOW Gateway to the West. Vols 1-2 R 929.3771 SPE Genealogical Research in Ohio (Sperry) R 929.37715 KIS [Fairfield] Guide to Cemetery Locations, Fairfield County, Ohio R 929.37717 KOE History of Westwood in Ohio: Community, Continuity, Change R 929.3771 OHI Index to the 1850 Federal Population Census of Ohio R 929.3771 HAR Index to the 1860 Federal Population Census of Ohio, Vols 1-2 R 929.3771 WOL Irish Immigrants in Nineteenth Century Ohio: a database. R 973.772 DOU Johnsons Island Prison, Civil War Prison for Confederate Officers Lake Erie, Ohio R 929.3771 PHI Jurisdictional Histories for Ohio’s Eighty Eight Counties R 929.377 SPR Kentuckians in Ohio and Indiana 55 R 929.37489 GOW Marriages and Vital Records of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio 1820-1866 R 929.3771 UNI Memoirs of the Early Pioneer Settlers of Ohio R 929.3771 GAL Newspapers and periodicals in Ohio State Library R 977.02 NOR Northwest Ordinance 1787 R 929.3771 JAC Ohio 1820 Census Index R 929.3771 JAC Ohio 1830 Census Index R 929.3771 JAC Ohio 1840 Census Index R Map Collection Ohio Atlas and Gazetteer: Detailed Topographic Maps (DeLorme) R 929.3771 OHI Ohio Cemetery Records extracted from the “Old Northwest” Genealogical Quarterly R 929.3771 HEH Ohio Families: a Bibliography of Books about Ohio Families R 929.3771 BEL Ohio Genealogical Guide R 929.3771 BEL Ohio Guide to Genealogical Sources R 929.3771 BEL Ohio Lands: Steubenville Land Office, 1800-1820 R 929.371 SMI Ohio Marriages Extracted from the Old Northwest Genealogical Quarterly R 929.3771 OHI Ohio Marriages Recorded in County Courts through 1820 R 929.3771 SEA Ohio Miscellaneous Records: extracted from “The Seattle Genealogical Society Bulletin” R 929.3771 OHI Ohio Source Records: from the Ohio Genealogical Quarterly R 929.3771 HAN Ohio Valley Genealogies R 929.3771 B Ohio Wills and Estates to 1850 R 929.3771 GRE Pioneer Ohio Newspapers, 1793-1810: Genealogical and Historical Abstracts, Vols 1-2 R 929.3771 ROS Roster of Ohio Soldiers War of 1812 R 929.3771 MCC Sources for Genealogical Searching in Ohio R 929.37719 QUI [Belmont] Deed Abstracts Belmont County Ohio Vol ABC 1800-1811 R 929.37719 QUI [Belmont] Deed Abstracts Belmont County Ohio Vol G R 929.37719 OUT [Belmont] Will Abstracts of Belmont County Ohio, 2 Vols ABC and DEF R 9293771 BEL [Columbiana] Columbiana County Ohio Marriages 1800-1870 (Bell) R 929.3771 HUN [Coshocton] Historical Collections of Coshocton County, Ohio…. 1764-1876 [Rpt of 1876 ed] R 929.37716 BOY [Coshocton] Family Maps of Coshocton County, Ohio R 929.37714 HOW [Darke] History of Darke County Ohio 1817-1889 Rpt of H. Howe, 1898 R 929.37719 MUS [Muskigum] Muskigum Couty Cemetery Book R 929.37713 CLE [Trumbull] Trumbull County Ohio Newspaper Obituary Abstracts 1812-1870 R 929.3771 PHI [Washington] Washington County, Northwest Territory, Court of Common Pleas Index 1795-1803 R 929.37719 GRA [Washington] Washington County, Ohio Marriages 1789-1840 R 929.37719 GRA [Washington] Abstracts of Probate Records, Washington County, Ohio Wills, Estates, guardianships, 1789-1855 Oklahoma R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent US Research Guides] R 929.3766 BOG Cherokee Nation Marriages, 1884-1901: abstracts from Indian Cheiftain Newspapers R 929.3766 WOO First Census of Oklahoma: rpt of Indian Lands West of Arkansas (Oklahoma)….1860 R 929.373 KOP Guide to the Historical Records of Oklahoma R 929.3766 MOR Historical Atlas of Oklahoma R 929.3766 IND Index to Applications for Pensions from the State of Oklahoma…. Confederate Soldiers

56 R 929.3766 IND Index to the Marriage Records Oklahoma County, Oklahoma Territory 1889-1907 R 929.3766 IND Index to the 1890 U.S. Census of Union Veterans and their Widows in Olahoma and Indian Territories, Index to Union Soldiers home & Cemetery, Index for Civil War, Wars with Spain & Mexico, Army Nurses and Natl.Guard R 929.3766 LIS Listing of Graves in the Kingfisher Cemetery [Kingfisher County, Oklahoma Union Soldier’s Home. newspaper clippings R 929.3766 OKL Inventory of Records in Muskogee County Courthouse R 917.66 SHI Oklahoma Place Names R 929.3766 PRI Printed Sources for Oklahoma Genealogical and Historical Research 976.6 WPA WPA Guide to 1930’s Oklahoma (main floor)

Oregon R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent U.S. Research Guides] R 929.3795 CAT Catholic Church Records of the Pacific Northwest, Vols 1-2, Vancouver and Stellaman’s Mission Microfilm 1900 Census: Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Crook, Curry and Douglas Counties [ Our microfilm is at Rainier City Library . L.S. FHC has Microfiche] Microfilm 1910 Census: Clackamas, Columbia, Crook, Coos, Grant, Curry, Douglas & Gilliam Counties [ Our microfilm is at the Rainier City Library. The L.S. FHC has microfiche] R 979.5 WEB Comprehensive Index of Oregon Trail Diaries R 929.3795 GEN Genealogical Material in Oregon Donation Land Claims, Vols 1-3 R 929.3795 CLA History of Oregon, A R 929.3795 MYE Honor Roll of Oregon Grand Army of the Republic 1881-1935 R 929.3795 GEN Index to Oregon Donation Land Claims extracted from “The Bulletin” of Genealogical forum of Portland, Oregon R 929.3795 GEN Library Shelf List of the Genealogical Forum of Portland, OR (including 986 supplement) R 911.78 FRA Maps of the Oregon Trail R 978 WIL McCully Train: Iowa to Oregon 1852, The R 929.3795 JAC Oregon 1850 Territorial Census Index R 929.3795 ORE Oregon 1860 Census Index R 929.3797 JAC Oregon 1870 Census Index R 929.3795 LEN Oregon Guide to Genealogical Sources (Lenzen) R 929.3795 ORE Oregon Miscellaneous Records: extracted from “The Bulletin” of the Genealogical Forum of Portland, OR. R 929.3795 UNI Oregon Newspapers on Microfilm, 1989 [holdings of Oregon newspapers On film at U. O.] R 929.3795 ORE Oregon Pioneers, Vols 1-2 R 929.3795 GEN Oregon Provisional Land Claims: Book 8: Extracted from “The Bulletin” of The Genealogical Forum of Portland, OR R 929.3795 HID Oregon State Census 1870, Partial 1860 (Hiday), 4 Vols Computer Newspaper Oregonian, The [Newspaper, Portland, OR] Full Text Index From January 1992. [Computer] R 929.3795 JUD Reflections on the Jason Lee Mission and the Opening of Civilization in the Oregon Country R 970.495 ROL Rolls of Certain Indian Tribes in Washington and Oregon R 979.5 ORE Transactions of the Third Annual Re-union of the Oregon Pioneer Assn. …..1876 R 929.3797 JAC U.S. Census of Oregon Territory 1850, Washington Territory 1860, Clark County. [Cover: Clark County Washington, Census 1850 & 1860] R 929.3795 GEN [Benton] Cemetery Records of Benton County, Oregon

57 R 929.37954 CIV [Clackamas] Civil War Veterans in Clackamas County, Oregon R 929.37954 IND [Clackamas] Index to Clackamas County, Oregon marriage returns Books 1-20 R 929.37954 COL [Columbia] Columbia County, Oregon Cemetery Records, 1996 R 929.37954 COL [Columbia] Columbia County, Oregon marriage Records 1855-1900 (Viles 1994) R 929.37954 THO [Columbia] Columbia County, Oregon Mortuary Records Index 1929-1990 R 929.37954 COL [Columbia] Columbia County, Oregon Probate Records 1856-1900 R 929.587 DES [Deschutes] History of Deschutes County in Oregon R 929.3795 UNI [Jackson] United States Census of Jackson County, Oregon 1860 R 929.3795 UNI [Jackson] United States Census of Jackson County, Oregon 1870 R 929.3795 MYE [Lane] Cottage Grove, Oregon Masonic Lodge#51 Membership Records R 929.3795 NIN [Lane] Land County, Oregon 1905 Military Census R 929.3795 ME [Lane] Lane County, Oregon Marriage Records 1852-1899, 4 Vols. R 975.535 TWE [Linn] Historic Harrisburg: A little town on the Willamette River R 929.379535 HAS [Linn] Linn County, Oregon Marriages Books A-Q, 5 Vols R 929.37953 MIL [Linn] Linn County, Oregon Pioneers Who Settled on Donation Claims Vol.8 R 979.535 PIO [Linn] Pioneer Stories of Linn County, Oregon, Vol 2 R 929.37953 HIS [Marion/Linn] Illustrated Historical Atlas Map of Marion and Linn Counties [Oregon] Rpt of 1878 ed R 929.3795 PAR [Multnomah] Marriage Records of Multnomah County, OR, Book 3 Extracted from “The Bulletin” of the Genealogical Forum of Portland Oregon, 1977-1979 R 929.3795 BAL [Washington] Washington County, Oregon Marriage Records, Book 3 1881-1896. Extracted from “The Bulletin” of the Genealogical Forum of Portland, Oregon 1972-1974 R 929.37956 PRY [Wasco] Census Records 1860, 1870, 1880 Hood River, Wasco County Oregon R 929.37956 ELL [Wasco] Wasco County, Oregon, Declaration of Intentions & Naturalization Records 1854-1906 R 929.37956 ELL [Wasco] Birth and Death Extracts from The Dalles, Oregon (Wasco Co.) Newspapers 1865-1869 R 929.37956 ELL [Wasco] Birth and Death Extracts from The Dalles, Oregon (Wasco Co.) Newspapers 1870-1879, excluding 1878 R 929.37956 ELL [Wasco] Birth and Death Extracts from The Dalles, Oregon (Wasco Co.) Newspapers 1890-August 29, 1895 R 929.37956 ELL [Wasco] Wasco County, Oregon Index to Circuit Court Cases 1854-1900 R 929.37956 ELL [Wasco] Wasco County, Oregon Probate Index 1, 1854-March 24, 1949 R 929.37956 ELL [Wasco] Wasco County, Oregon Record of Wills 1864-1897 R 929.37953 OLD [Yamhill] Old Yamhill Pennsylvania R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent U.S. Research Guides] R 929.37484 WRI Abstracts of South Central Pennsylvania Newspapers 1785-1790, 3 Vols R 929.37481 ADA Alphabetical Index to Ulster Emigration to Philadelphia 1803-1850, An R 929.374 REH Ancestors from the Eastern Heartland: PA, NJ, MD & DE [Ancestors of Seattle Genealogical Society Members] R 929.37484 LIN Annals of Buffalo Valley, PA R 929.3748 BEA Beaver, Pennsylvania, “Argus” Genealogical Gleamings R 929.3748 GOD Biographical and Genealogical Sketches from Central Pennsylvania R 929.3748 HEL Catholic Baptisms in Western Pennsylvania, 1799-1828 R 929.3748 ADA Catholic Trails West: the Founding Catholic Families of Pennsylvania Vols 1-2

58 Microfilm Desk 1820 Census: Bedford, Bradford, Butler, Cambria, Centre, Clearfield, Greene, Columbia, Crawford, Franklin, Northumberland, Lycoming, Mercer, McLean, Potter, Susquehanna, Wayne and Westmoreland Counties R 929.3748 RBC Circuit and Circuit Riders, 2 Vols R 929.3748 FIS Central Pennsylvania Marriages, 1700-1896 (Fisher) R 929.3748 RUP Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch French and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1776 (Rupp, rpt of 1876 ed) R 912.748 MAC Early Landowners of Pennsylvania: Atlas of Township Warrantee Maps R 912.748 MAC Early Landowners of Pennsylvania: Land Tracts Transferred from Virginia R 929.3748 STO Early Lutheran Baptisms and Marriages in Southeastern Pennsylvania, records of Rev. John Casper, 1675-1875 (Fisher) R 929.373 EMI Emigrants from England, 1773-1775, bound for Pa, MD, VA, NC, SC, extracted from the “Carolina Genealogists” Nos 1-32R R 929.3748 PEN Early Pennsylvania Land Records: minutes of the Board of Property of the Province of Pennsylvania. Rpt of 1893 ed R 929.3748 EMI Emigrants to Pennsylvania (Tepper) R 929.3748 HOE [Guide] Genealogical and Historical Research in Pennsylvania R 929.3748 HOC Genealogical Data Relating to the German Settlers of Pennsylvania and Adjacent Territory R 929.3748 GEN Genealogies of Pennsylvania Families Vols 1-3 R 929.374 GRU German Immigrant Servant Contracts Registered at the Port of Philadelphia 1817-1831 R 929.37481 GOS Goshenhoppen Registers, The R 929.3748 UNI Heads of Families at the First Census….1790, Pennsylvania rpt of 1908 ed R 929.3748 ESH Historic Background and Annals of the Swiss and German Pioneer Settlers of Southeastern Pennsylvania, and their remote Ancestors from the Middle of the Dark Ages Down to the Time of the Revolutionary War Rpt of 1917 ed (Eshelmann) R 929.3748 MYE Immigration of the Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania,, 1682-1750 R 929.3748 DUN Index to Pennsylvania’s Colonial Records Series R 929.37482 WIL Index to Wills and Administration Records: Northampton Co., 1752-1850 R 929.3748 MYE Irish Quaker Arrivals to Pennsylvania, 1682-1750, a list of Certificates of Removal from Ireland R 929.37482 HEI Marriage and Deaths Reported by Der Pennsylvanier, a German Language Newspaper Published at Lebanon, Pennsylvania 1868-1879 R 929.37489 GOW Marriages and Vital Records of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio 1820-1868 R 929.373 MOR Morton Allan Directory of European Passenger Steamship Arrivals from the years 1890-1930 at the Port of New York and …. 1904-1906 New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore R 929.3748 EGL [microfiche] Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania, 1727-1775, With Foreign Arrivals, 1786-1808 (ask at Desk) R 929.308 GUT Palatine Mennonite Census Lists, 1664-1793 R 929.3748 TEP Passenger Arrival at the Port of Philadelphia, 1800-1819 R 929.373 SHE Passengers & Ships Prior to 1684 (Sheppard, 1970) Vol 1 of Penn’s Colony R 929.2 PEI (Peiffer) Biographical History of Peiffer Families in Berks County, PA R 929.3748 JAC Pennsylvania 1800 Census Index R 929.3748 JAC Pennsylvania 1810 Census Index R 929.3748 JAC Pennsylvania 1850 Census Index, Vol.1-2 R 929.3748 CLI Pennsylvania Area Key

59 R 929.3748 HUM Pennsylvania Births: Berks County, 1710-1780, 2 Vols R 929.3748 HUM Pennsylvania Births: Chester County 1682-1800 R 929.3748 HUM Pennsylvania Births: Delaware County 1682-1800 R 929.3748 HUM Pennsylvania Births: Lehigh County, 1734-1800 R 929.3748 HUM Pennsylvania Births: Philadelphia County 1644-1765 R 929.3748 HUM Pennsylvania Births: Philadelphia 1766-1780 R 929.3748 HUM Pennsylvania Births: Montgomery County, 1682-1800 R 929.37481 HUM Pennsylvania Births: Lancaster County Vol 1, 1723-1777, Vol 2, 1787-1800 R 929.3748 PEN Pennsylvania Civil War Veteran Burials Vol 1 R 929.3748 SCH Pennsylvania Genealogical Research (Schweitzer) R 929.3748 VIR Pennsylvania Genealogies and Family Histories: a bibliography of books About Pennsylvania Families R 929.3748 PEN Pennsylvania German Church Records of Births, Baptisms, Marriages, Burials, etc., Vols 1-3 R 929.3748 PEN Pennsylvania German Immigrants, 1709-1786 (Yoder) R 929.3748 IRI Pennsylvania German Marriages R 929.3748 STR Pennsylvania German Pioneers. Vols 1-2 plus original Vol 2 signature Volume R 929.3748 MUN Pennsylvania Land Records R 929.3748 TRU Pennsylvania Landmarks of the Revolution: A Bicentennial Guidebook for Visitors R 929.3748 DRA Pennsylvania Manuscripts 1747-1827, Part 1 R 929.3748 PEN Pennsylvania Marriages Prior to 1790: [Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Archives Series 2, Vol 2, 1890] R 929.3748 SEA Pennsylvania Miscellaneous Records: articles extracted from the Seattle Genealogical Society Bulletin R 929.3748 PRA Pennsylvania Soldiers in Provincial Services, 1746-1759 R 929.3748 PEN Pennsylvania Vital Records, Vols 1-3 R 929.3748 PER Perry Review, Volume 20-23, 1995-1996, The Geburts und Taufscheine Illuminated Pennsylvania German Birth and Baptismal Certificates R 929.37489 PAI Proof of Settlement Certificates of Northwest Pennsylvania. Books 1-2 Pending Quaker Arrivals at Philadelphia 1682-1750 R 929.3748 REC Record of Pennsylvania Marriages Prior to 1810. Vols 1-2 [Rpt of Pennsylvania Archives Vols VIII & IX] R 929.3748 RUN Runaways, Rascals and Rogues R 929.3748 MEI Runaway Women: Elopements and Other Miscreant Deeds as Advertised In the Pennsylvania Gazette 1728-1789 R 929.341 HAN Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America [rpt of 1910 ed] R 929.3748 DUN Scotch-Irish to Colonial Pennsylvania, The [rpt of 1944 ed] R 929.3748 GUN Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers 1816-1864: PA; 2 Vols R 929.3748 WEI St. Michael’s Evangelical Luthern Church, Germantown (Now part of Philadelphia, PA) 1745-1841, 2 Vols (Weiser) R 929.3748 MCC Sources for Genealogical Searching in Pennsylvania R 929.308 COB Story of the Palatines: an Episode in Colonial History [rpt of 1897 ed] R 929.37135 REA Trail of the Black Walnut, The (Reaman) [PA German Settlement of Ontario, Canada] R 929.37481 ADA Ulster Emigration to Philadelphia 1803-1850 R 929.3748 GLE Welsh Founders of Pennsylvania. Two Volumes in One. Rpt of 1911 ed R 929.3748 McC Welcome Claimants, Proved, Disproved and Doubtful: with an account of Some of their descendants, The. List of Passengers to Pennsylvania who came with William Penn on the Ship “Welcome” in 1682. Vol 2 of Penn’s Colony R 929.3748 GRE [Adams] Abstracts of Adams County, Pennsylvania, Wills 1800-1826 R 929.37488 CLO [Allegheny] Index to Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Will Books, 1789-1869

60 R 929.37488 KRA [Allegheny] Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries, Vol 1 R 929.37488 CLO [Armstrong] Index to Armstrong County, Pennsylvania Will Book, 1805-1900 R 929.37489 CLO [Beaver] Index to Beaver County, Pennsylvania Wills 1800-1900 R 929.37487 COL [Bedford] Index to Bedford County, Pennsylvania Wills 1771-1900 R 929.37481 MAR [Berks] Abstracts of Berks County, Pennsylvania, Wills 1752-1825, 3 Vols. R 929.3748 HUM [Berks] Pennsylvania Births, Berks County 1710-1800 2 Vols R 929.37482 MEL [Bucks] Abstracts of Bucks County, Pennsylvania Land Records. 2 Vol. R 929.3748 MCN [Bucks] Index to Bucks County, [PA] References in the Pennsylvania Gazette 1728-1789 R 929.37482 WRI [Bucks] Abstracts of Bucks County Pennsylvania Wills 1685-1785 R 929.37482 MYE [Bucks] Bucks County Pennsylvania Will Abstracts 1825-1870 R 929.37482 MYE [Bucks] Bucks County Pennsylvania Will Abstracts 1870-1900 R 929.37489 CLO [Butler] Index to Butler County Pennsylvania Wills 1796-1900 R 929.37487 CLO [Cambria] Index to Cambria County Pennsylvania Wills 1804-1900 R 929.3748 EAR [Chester] Early Church Records of Chester County,[PA] Vol 2 R 929.3748 LAU [Chester] First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania, Vol 1 R 929.37381 MAR [Chester] Wills of Chester County [PA] R 929.37481 SMI [Chester] Wills of Chester County [PA] R 929.37481 WRI [Chester] Wills of Chester County, Pennsylvania 1713-1778, 3 Vols R 929.37486 BYR [Clarion] Clarion County Pennsylvania Will Abstracts R 929.37484 WRI [Cumberland] Abstracts of Cumberland County Pennsylvania Wills 1759-1785 R 929.37484 WRI [Cumberland] Abstracts of Cumberland County Pennsylvania Wills 1785-1825 R 929.3748 WRI [Cumberland] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Church Records of the 18 th Century R 929.377 EDD [Cumberland] Genealogical Abstracts of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Vol 1, 1836 and Beyond R 929.3748 WRI [Cumberland] Marriages and Deaths of Cumberland County [PA] 1821-1830 R 929.37481 PED [Delaware] Early Church Records of Delaware County, Pennsylvania R 929.37488 CLO [Fayette] Fayette County Pennsylvania Will Book Index R 929.37487 COL [Fulton] Index to Fulton County Pennsylvania Wills 1850-1900 R 929.3748 CLO [Greene] Index to Greene County Pennsylvania Wills 1796-1900 R 929.37488 RUP [Greene/Washington] History of Washington County, History of Green County, PA R 929.37488 CLO [Indiana] Index to Indiana County, Pennsylvania Wills 1803-1900 R 929.37486 HID [Jefferson] Jefferson County Pennsylvania Will Book Index 1852-1906 R 929.3737481 WEV [Lancaster] Abstracts Lancaster County Pennsylvania Orphan Court Records 1742-1791. Vols 1-2-3 R 929.37481 WEY [Lancaster] Abstracts of Lancaster County Pennsylvania Wills R 929.37481 WRI [Lancaster] Abstracts of Lancaster County Pennsylvania Wills 1732-1800, 2 Vols R 974.815 HAR [Lancaster] Biographical History of Lancaster County [Pennsylvania] R 929.37481 WRI [Lancaster] Marriage and Deaths in Newspapers of Lancaster County Pennsylvania, 1821-1830, 2 Vols R 929.3748 MYE [Lancaster] Index and Abstract of Deeds, Lancaster County Pennsylvania Deed Books A through K, 1729-1766 R 929.3748 FUL [Lancaster] Index to the Will Books and Intestate Records of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1729-1850, An R 929.37481 CLO [Lancaster] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Cemetery Surname Index R 929.37489 SEW [Mercer] Mercer County Pennsylvania Will Book Index 1804-1900 R 929.37481 ROB [Montgomery] Abstracts of Montgomery County Pennsylvania Wills and Admisistrations

61 R 929.3748 WIL [Northampton/Lehigh] Index to Wills and Administration Records Northampton County Pennsylvania 1752-1850; Lehigh County 1812-1850 R 929.37482 WIL [Northampton] Proprietary Tax, Northampton County, Pennsylvania R 929.3748 CLO [Northampton] Will Abstracts of Northampton County, Pennsylvania 1752-1802 R 929.47483 FIS [Northumberland] Wills and Administrations of Northumberland County Pennsylvania. Rpt of 1950 ed R 929.3748 THI [Perry] 30 Perry County Pennsylvania Cemetery Records R 929.3748 THI [Perry] History of Perry County Pennsylvania R 929.37481 ABS [Philadelphia] Abstracts of Philadelphia County Pennsylvania Wills Vol 1-R R 929.37556 CAM [Pittsylvania] Marriages of Pittsylvania County, Pennsylvania R 929.37487 CLO [Somerset] Index to Somerset County Pennsylvania Wills 1795-1900 R 929.37484 FIS [Snyder] Probate and Orphan Court Records of Snyder County PA R 929.37489 HAN [Venango] Venango County Pennsylvania Alphabetical Will Index through 1946 R 929.37488 MAL [Washington] Abstracts of the Washington (County) Reporter 1808-1841 R 929.37488 CLO [Washington] Abstracts of Washington County Pennsylvania Will Books 1-5 (1776-1841) R 929.37488 RUP [Washington/Greene] History of Washington County, History of Greene County Pennsylvania R 929.37488 CLO [Washington] Index to Washington County Pennsylvania Wills 1781-1900 R 929.37488 ISC [Washington] Listing of inhabitants in 1781 Washington County, PA R 929.37488 DUF [Westmorland] Index to Warrantee-Patentee Records of Westmorland County, Pennsylvania R 929.37488 ARN [Westmoreland] Abstracts of Westmoreland County R 929.37484 WRI [York] Abstracts of York County Pennsylvania Wills 1749-1819 R 929.37484 CLO [York] Index to York County, Pennsylvania Wills 1748-1900 R 929.37484 PAU [York] Index Inventories of York County Pennsylvania 1749-1850 Rhode Island R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent U.S.Research Guides] R 929.374 FEM Female Index to Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England by James Savage Microfiche Desk 1870 Rhode Island Census Index: heads of households and other Surnames R 929.3745 RHO Census of the Inhabitants of the Colony of Rhode Island….1774 R 929.3745 AUS Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island (Austin) R 929.3745 GEN Genealogies of Rhode Island Families. Vols 1-2 R 929.3745 FIS Gleanings from Newport [Rhode Island] Court Files, 1659-1783 R 929.3745 UNI Heads of Families of the First Census…1790. Rhode Island. Rpt of 1908 ed R 929.37452 HOP Home Lots of the Early Settlers of the Providence Plantation R 929.3745 VOL Index to the 1800 Federal Census of Rhode Island, An R 929.3745 POT Memoir concerning the French Settlements and French Settlers in the Colony of Rhode Island R 929.374 RAP [New England] New England Court Records (Rapaport, 2006) R 929.3745 AUS One Hundred and Sixty Allied Families. Rpt of 1893 ed. (Austin) R 929.37452 MIL Providnce, 1630-1800. Women are pare of it’s History. R 929.3745 REG Register of Seamen’s Protection Certificates from the Providence, Rhode Island Custom District 1796-1870 R 973.3445 CHA Rhode Island 1777 Military Census, The R 929.3745 HOL Rhode Island 1782 Census

62 R 929.3745 JAC Rhode Island 1850 Census Index R 929.3745 PAR Rhode Island Biographical and Genealogical Sketch Index R 929.3745 ARN Rhode Island Colonial Gleanings R 929.3745 MAC Rhode Island Freemen, 1747-1755 R 929.3745 FIS Rhode Island General Court of Trials (Fiske) R 929.3745 ROH Rhode Island Land Evidences, 1648-1746 R 929.3745 TAX Rhode Island Passenger Lists: Port of Providence 1798-1808, 1820-1872, Port of Bristol and Warren 1820-1871 R 929.3845 TAY Runaways, Deserters & Notorious Villains from Rhode Island Newspapers 2 Vols R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol 17 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 1 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol 18 West Country Ancestries 1620-1643, Part 2 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol 19 West Country Ancestries 1620-1643, Part 3 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol 22 West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 4 R 929.374 SPE Search for the passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol 25 New Ancestral Discoveries, Part 1 R 929.3745 COW Spirit of ’76 in Rhode Island R 929.3745 ARN Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850 (three in one) Cranston, Johnston, North Providence R 929.3745 ARN Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850, Vol 1 Warwick R 929.3745 ARN Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850, Vol 2 Providence (part 1) South Carolina R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent U.S. Research Guides] Microfiche Desk 1860 South Carolina Census Index: an every-name Index R 929.3757 HOL Brief Guide to South Carolina Genealogical Research and Records, A R 929.37576 HOL [Camden] Camden District South Carolina Wills and Administration 1781-1787 (1770-1796) R 929.3757 IND [Charleston] Index to the Deeds of the Province and State of South Carolina 1719-1785, and Charleston District 1785-1800, An R 929.3757 CHA [Charleston] Index to Wills of Charleston County, South Carolina, 1671-1828 Rpt of 1950 eduu R 929.3756 HEH Carolina Families: a Bibliography of Books about North and South Carolina Families (Hehir, 1994) R 929.3756 DOBDirectory of Scots in the Carolinas, 1680-1830, Vol 2 (Dobson) R 929.37573 WEL [Edgefield] Edgefield County, South Carolina Deed Books, 2 Vol., Vol. 19-22, Vol.23-26. R 929.37573 HEN [Edgefield] Edgefield County, South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Books 1-12, Vol. 1. R 929.373 EMI Emigrants from England, 1773-1775, Bound for Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Extracted from the “Carolina Genealogist”, Nos 1-32 R 929.3751 BAL First Settlers of South Carolina Genealogical Abstracts of Edgefield South Carolina Equity Court Records R 929.375 OR Genealogical Abstracts from the South Carolina Gazette, 1732-1735 R 929.3757 HOL Guide To South Carolina Genealogical Research and Records, A R 929.3757 UNI Heads of Families at the First Census…1790, South Carolinas Rpt of 1908 ed R 929.3757 HIR Huguenots of Colonial South Carolina, The [rpt of 1928 ed] R 929.3757 ARN Index to 1860 Federal Census of South Carolina R 929.3757 HOL Index to the 1860 Census of South Carolina

63 R 929.3757 UNI Indexes to the County Wills of South Carolina [Microfiche copy–ask at info. desk] R 929.3757 UNI Indexes to the County Wills of South Carolina [book] R 929.37573 ING [Laurens] Laurens County South Carolina Will Book A-C 1777-1809 Microfilm Desk [Laurens and Lexington] 1850 Census Laurens and Lexington Counties R 929.3757 COT Local and Family History of South Carolina: a Bibliography R 929.3757 MAR Marriage and Death Notices from Baptist Newspapers of South Carolina 2 Vols 1835-1887 R 929.3757 HOL Marriage and Death Notices from Upper South Carolina Newspapers 1843-1856 R 929.3757 SOU Marriage and Death Notices from the Southern Patriot 1815-1848, 2 Vols R 929.3757 SAL Marriage Notices in the South Carolina Gazette and it’s successors 1732-1801 (Salley)

R 37573 YOU [Ninety Six and Abbeville] Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds as on File in Abbeville, South Carolina Courthouse. R 929.3757 HOL North Carolina Land Grants in South Carolina R 929.3757 HOL Passenger Arrivals at the Port of Charleston 1820-1829 R 929.37572 WIL [Pendleton] Pendleton District South Carolina Deeds 1790-1806 R 929.3757 HOL Petitions for Land from South Carolina Council Journals, 7 Vols R 929.3757 STE Scotch-Irish Migration to South Carolina 1772 R 929.3757 HOL [Spartanburg] Spartanburg County South Carolina Will Abstracts 1787-1849 R 929.3757 JAC South Carolina 1850 Census Index R 929.3757 ACC South Carolina. Account of Plats for Land Grants Before the Late War Recorded: extracted from the “Carolina Genealogist” Nos 1-32 (1969-1977) R 929.3757 TOW South Carolina Baptists 1670-1805 (Townsend) R 929.3757 CIT South Carolina Citizens Naturalized at Charleston’s Federal District Court 1790 to March 1833: Extracted from “The Carolina Genealogist” Nos 1-32 (1969-1977) R 929.3757 SOU South Carolina Council Journal 1751-1752: extracted from “The Carolina Genealogist” Nos 1-32 R 929.3757 HOL South Carolina Deed Abstracts 3 Vols 1773-1778; 1776-1783; 1783-1788 R 929.3757 SCH South Carolina Genealogical Research R 929.3757 HOL South Carolina Maarriages 1688-1820. Vol.1 1688-1790; Vol 2 1800-1820 and supplement R 929.3757 SOU South Carolina: Miscellaneous County Records, Part One: Abbeville County To Ninety-Six District; Part Two Orangeburg County to Winton County Extracted from “The Carolina Genealogist” Nos 1-32 R 929.3757 SOU South Carolina Miscellaneous State Records: extacted from “The Carolina Genealogist” Nos 1-32 R 929.3757 HOL South Carolina Naturalizations 1783-1850 R 929.3757 SOU South Carolina Newspapers 1760 R 929.3757 MOS South Carolina Patriots in the American Revolution R 929.3757 PRI South Carolina Private Claims (Revolutionary,:extracted from “The Carolina Genealogist” Nos 1-32 R 929.3757 SOU South Carolina’s Revolutionary War Annuitants [beneficiary of an annuity] Extracted from “The Carolina Genealogist” Nos 1-32 R 929.3757 WAR Warrants for Land in South Carolina, 1692-1711, Vols 1-3

64 South Dakota R 929.3776 BAK Claims from the Dakota Conflict: Supplying local militia, Vol 1-4 R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outlne [Excellent U.S. Research Guides] R 929.3783 JAC Dakota 1850 Territorial Census Index R 929.3783 JAC Dakota 1860 Territorial Census Index R 929.3783 JAC Dakota 1870 Territorial Census Index R 929.3783 JAC Dakota 1880 Territorial Census Index R 929.3783 HIS History of the Finnish Settlement in Brown and Dickey Counties of South and North Dakota 1881-1955 R 929.37845 BIS Index [1885] Dakota Territory, Stark, Rolette, Morton, McLean, Logan, LaMoure, Kidder, Emmons, Dickey, Burleigh, Billings, and Benson Counties R 929.37831 MAR Marshall County South Dakota R 929.3783 PEN Pensioners on the Roll as of January 1, 1883 (living in Dakota Territory) R 929.3783 WIN Tracing Your Dakota Roots: a guide to genealogical research in the Dakotas (Winistofer) Tennessee 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent U.S. Research Guides] R 929.3768 SIS 1830 Census – East Tennessee R 929.3768 SIS 1830 Census – Middle Tennessee R 929.3768 SIS 1830 Census – West Tennessee R 929.3768 EIG 1830 Tennessee Census Index [Copied from Southern Genealogical Exchange] R 929.3768 SIS 1840 Census – Tennessee R 929.37685 FUL 1770-1790 Census of the Cumberland Settlements R 929.3768 EDD 1890 Genealogy Census Reconstruction Tennessee Vol.1 R 929.3768 LUC 35,000 Tennessee Marriage Records and Bonds, 1783-1870, Vols 1-3 R 929.37687 REC Anderson County, Tennessee Wills R 929.3768 CAL Calendar of the Tennessee and King’s Mountain Papers of the Draper Collection of Manuscripts. Calendar Series, Vol. 3 Microfilm Desk 1820 Census: Dickson, Franklin, Jackson, Lawrence and Lincoln Counties Microfilm Desk 1860 Census: Claiborne, Cocke, Cumberland, Montgomery and Morgan Counties Microfilm Desk 1870 Census: Coffee, Cumberland, Morgan and Obion Counties Microfilm Desk 1880 Census: Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Obion (part) R 929.37685 SMI [Davidson] Davidson County, Tennessee Deed Book H (1809-1821) R 929.37685 SIS [Davidson] Davidson County, Tennessee Wills & Administrations 1784-1861 R 929.3768 SNE Death Notices in the Cleveland Banner (Tennessee) 1865-1883 with Supplement and Information from Myra Inman’s Diary 1859-1860 R 929.3768 GRI Earliest Tennessee Land Records R 929.3768 CRE Early East Tennessee Taxpayers R 929.3768 EDD Genealogical Abstracts from Tennessee Newspapers, 1791-1808 R 929.3768 EDD Genealogical Abstracts from Tennessee Newspapers, 1821-1828 R 929.3768 EDD Genealogical Abstracts from Tennessee Newspapers, 1803-1812, Vol 2 R 929.3768 TEN Guide to the Microfilmed Manuscript Holdings of The Tennessee State Library and Archives R 929.3768 HIS History of Tennessee. Rpt of 1887 ed R 929.3768 SIS Index to Early Tennessee Tax Lists R 929.3768 SIS Index to Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications R 929.3768 SIS Index to Tennessee Wills and Administrations, 1779-1861 R 929.3768 TEN Marriages from Early Tennessee Newspaper, 1794-1851 (Lucas) R 929.37682 WHI [Gibson] Marriages of Gibson County, Tennessee, 1824-186

65 R 929.37683 WHI [Henry] Henry County “Old Time Stuff” Tennessee R 929.3768 GRA [Washington] Marriage Records of Washington County, Tennessee 1787-1840 R 929.37689 BUR [Washington] Washington County, Tennessee Wills R 929.3768 MIL Middle Tennessee’s Forgotten Children Apprentices from 1784-1902 R 929.3768 BUR North Carolina Land Grants in Tennessee, 1778-1791 R 929.3768 GAR Obituaries from Tennessee Newspapers (Garrett) R 929.3768 TEN Obituaries from Early Tennessee Newspapers, 1794-1851 (Lucas) R 929.3768 SHE [Shelby] Shelby County Tennessee Marriage Records, 1819-1850 R 929.37685 SMI Superior Court of Law and Wquity Mero District, Tennessee 1803-1805 R 929.3768 JAC Tennessee 1820 Census Index R 929.746 TEN Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionnaire, Vols 1-5 R 929.3768 RAY Tennessee Cousins: A History of Tennessee People. Rpt of 1950 ed. R 929.3768 WHI Tennessee Genealogical Records: records of early settlers from state And county archives R 929.3768 SCH Tennessee Genealogical Research (Schweitzer) R 929.3766 SIS Tennessee Land Grants 2 Vols R 929.3768 BYR Tennessee Records R 929.3768 ACK Tennessee Records: Bible Records and Marriage Bonds R 929.3768 ALL Tennessee Soldiers in the Revolution R 929.3768 JAC Tennessee 1850 Slave Schedule R 929.3769 ARM Twenty-four Hundred Tennessee Pensioners: Revolution, War of 1812 R 973.57 VOL Volunteer Soldiers in the Cherokee War, 1836-1839 [NC, GA, AL, TN] R 929.3768 MAJ [Warren] Warren County, Tennessee Will Books 1-3 (1827-1858, Vol 1) R 929.3768 MAJ [Warren] Warren County, Tennessee Deed Book A, 1808-1818 R 929.3768 FIS [Washington] Tennesseans Before 1800: Washington County R 929.3768 MIL West Tennessee’s Forgotten Children Apprentices from 1821-1889 R 929.3768 TEN Writings on Tennessee Counties Available on Interlibrary Loan R 929.3768 SIS Yellow Pages: Sources and Suggestions for Searching in Tennessee, The R 929.3768 EIG 1814 Court Martial of Tennessee Militiamen Texas R 929.37642 MAR Abstracts from the Northern Standard and The Red River District. ,Vol 2 R 929.37642 LOF [Anderson] Anderson County, Texas Cemeteries R 929.37642 MCM [Atascosa] Atascosa County, Texas Cemetery Inscriptions R 929.37644 ING [Atascosa] Atascosa County, Texas Land (sic) Land Titles R 929.37644 LOD [Atascosa] Atascosa County, Texas Marriages, 1856-1899 R 929.37642 RAY [Austin] Austin Texas Colony Pioneers R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent U.S. Research Guides] R 929.3764 WHI 1830 Citizens of Texas R 929.3764 WHI 1840 Citizens of Texas, Vols 1-2 R 929.37643 MCM [Bastrop/Lee] Wend Colony of Bastrop and Lee Counties Texas R 929.3764 BEL [Bell] Bell County Texas Cemetery Records, Vol 1 R 929.37642 ING [Bell] Bell County Texas Land Titles R 929.3764 ATK [Bell] History of Bell County, Texas R 929.37641 LOD [Bee] Bee County Texas Selected Cemeteries R 929.37643 MCM [Bexar] Bexar County Texas Dependents of Civil War Soldiers R 929.37643 ING [Bexar] Bexar County Texas Land Titles R 929.37643 MCM [Bexar] Bexar County Texas Marriages R 929.37643 LOF [Bexar] Bexar County Texas Selected Cemeteries R 929.37646 MCM [Blanco] Blanco County Texas Marriage Records 1876-1880 R 929.379 DUT Boer Settlers of the Southwest Microfilm Desk 1860 Census: Eastland, Ellis, El Paso, Presido, Encinal, Falls and Fannin Counties

66 R 929.37645 BOX [Bosque] Bosque County Texas Marriages 1890-1896, Vol 2 R 929.37643 MCM [Caldwell] Caldwell County Texas Marriage Records, Book A/B 1848-1869 R 929.37641 ING [Calhoun] Calhoun County Texas Marriages 1847-1890 Microfilm Desk 1870 Census: Eastland, Ellis, El Paso, Encinal and Erath Counties R 929.3764 CHA Character Certificates in the General Land Office of Texas R 929.37642 GRA [Colorado] Colorado County Texas Marriages 1837-1845 R 929.37648 MCM [Comal] Comal County Texas Marriage Book A, 1846-1853 R 929.37648 ING [Deaf Smith] Deaf Smith County (Texas) Marriage 11891-1916 R 929.37646 REC Der Friedhof Cemetery Records, Fredericksburg, Texas R 929.3764 GRA Early Texas Birth Records 1838-1878 R 929.37642 NEW [Fannin] Fannin County Texas Cemetery Inscriptions, Vol 1 Northeast Area R 929.37642 NEW [Fannin] Fannin County Texas Cemetery Inscriptions Vol 2 North Central Area R 929.37642 NEW [Fannin] Fannin County Texas Cemetery Inscriptions, Vol 3 Bonham Area R 929.37642 NEW [Fannin] Fannin County Texas Known Marriages circa 1838-1852 A reconstructed listing of lost marriage records R 929.37642 NEW [Fannin] Fannin County Texas Marriage Book A, circa 1850-1865 R 929.37642 NEW [Fannin] Fannin County Texas Marriage Book B, circa 1865-1873 R 929.3764 MUL First Census of Texas, 1829-1836 and Texas Citizenship Lists 1821-1845 and Other Records R 929.3764 ERI First Settlers of the Republic of Texas, Vols 1-2 R 929.37641 FOR [Fort Bend] Fort Bend Texas Marriages 1838-1857 R 929.37644 MCM [Frio] Frio County Texas Marriage Records 1871-1900 R 929.37644 MCM [Frio] Frio County Texas Selected Cemeteries R 929.37643 ING [Guadalupe] Guadalupe County Texas Marriage Records 1847-1874 R 929.37645 ING [Hamilton] Hamilton County, Texas Marriages 1876-1891 R 929.37648 MCM [Hays] Hays County Texas Marriages 1848-1867, Book A R 929.37648 MCM [Hays] Hays County Texas Marriages 1868-1889, Vol 2 R 929.37648 ING [Hutchinson] Hutchinson County (Texas) Marriages 1901-1914 R 929.3764 WHI Index to Texas CSA Pension Files R 929.37641 MCM [Jackson] Jackson County Texas Marriage Records 1840-1890 R 929.37648 MCM [Kendall] Kendall County Texas Marriage Records 1862-1900 R 929.3764 CON Kentucky Colonization in Texas: a history of the Peters Colony Rpt of 1983 ed R 929.37648 MCM [Kerr] Kerr County (Texas) Marriage Records 1856-1866 R 929.37644 MCM [Karnes] Karnes County Texas Marriages 1867-1894 R 929.37642 LAM [Lamar] Lamar County Genealogy and History Vol 15 R 929.37642 ING [Lavaca] Lavaca County Texas Marriages 1847-1882 R 929.37641 MAR [Harris] Marriages of Harris County Texas R 929.37644 MED [Medina] Medina County Texas Cemeteries Vol 1 R 929.37644 MED [Medina] Medina County Texas Cemeteries Vol 2 R 929.37644 MCL [Medina] Medina County Texas Marriage Records 1848-1866 R 929.3764 KEL Miscellaneous Texas Newspaper Abstracts-Deaths Vols 1-2 R 929.37642 MCM [Navarro] Navarro County Texas Marriages 1846-1855 R 929.37641 ING Original Grantee Patentee, Pt. 1, Angelina County, Pt 2 Arkansas County. Texas Land Titles R 929.37645 ING Original Grantee Patentee, Pt. 1, Archer County, Pt.2 Andrews County. Texas Land Titles R 929.37648 ING Original Grantee Patentee, Pt. 1, Armstrong County, Pt 2 Bastrop County, Texas Land Titles R 929.37642 ING Original Grantee Patentee, Pt 1 Austin County, Pt 2, Bandera County Texas Land Titles R 929.3747 ING Original Grantee Patentee Baylor County Texas Land Titles

67 R 929.37641 ING Original Grantee Patentee, Pt. 1 Bee County, Pt 2, Borden County Texas Land Titles R 929.37641 ING Original Grantee Patentee, Pt 1, Calhoun County and Blanco County Texas Land Titles R 929.37641 ING Original Grantee Patentee Gallahan, Caldwell and Cameron Counties Texas Land Titles R 929.37642 PAR [Paris] Paris (Texas) Scrapbook, The R 929.3764 MUL Republic of Texas: Poll Lists for 1846 R 929.37641 SHI Ship Passenger Lists: Part of Galveston, Texas 1846-1871 R 929.3764 LUE Sissortails Still Return to Schoenau (Texas) R 929.37642 BUR [Smith] Smith County Texas Marriages 1902-1905 R 929.4731 FOO [Scurry] Footprints across Scurry County (Texas) R 929.3764 AUS Stephen F. Austin’s Register of Families R 929.3764 JAC Texas 1850 Census Index R 929.3764 JAC Texas 1850 Slave Schedule R 929.3764 KEL Texas Masonic Deaths R 929.3764 SPU Texas Veterans in the Mexican War: Muster rolls of Texas military units R 929.37648 MCM [Tom Green] Tom Green County Texas Marriage Records 1875-1888 R 929.3764 ERI They Came to East Texas 500 – 1850 R 929.37641 ING [Victoria] Victoria County Texas Marriages 1838-1890 R 929.37642 MCL [Williamson] Williamson County Texas Marriages 1849-1860 R 929.37644 ING [Wilson] Wilson County Texas Marriages 1860-1876 Utah R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent U.S. Research Guides] R 929.3792 DIL 1850 Utah Census [microfiche ask at desk] Microfiche Desk 1856 Utah Census Index: an every name index R 929.3778 MIS Guide to the Mormon War Papers, 1838-1841, Vol 2, No 3 July 1980 R 929.3792 KEA Index to the 1850, 1860, 1870 Censuses of Utah Head of Households [Cover: 1850-1870-1880 Census of Utah] R 027.67 LIB [L.S.] Library. A Guide to the Family History Library, The Vermont R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent U.S. Research Guides] R 929.1743 EIC Collecting Vermont Ancestors R 929.374 FEM Female Index to Genealogical Dictionary of the first Settlers of New England by James Savage R 929.3743 CAR Genealogy and Family History of the State of Vermont, 2 Vols R 929.374 TAL Genealogical Notes of New York and New England Families, 2 Vols R 929.3743 UNI Heads of Families at the First Census…1790, Vermont. Rpt of 1908 ed. R 929.374 NEW New England Historical and Genealogical Register Index of Persons, The Vols 51-148, Vol.1- A-C, Vol.2- D-H, Vol.3- I-Q, Vol4- R-Z R 929.374 NEW [New England] Circulaating Library Catalog for the New England Historical and Genealogical Society, 2 Vols. R 929.74 DRA [New England] Founders of New England [Title page: Results of Some Researches….] R 929.107 GEN [New England] Genealogist’s Handbook for New England Research (Melnyk) R 929.3743 MUR Irish Famine Immigrants in the State of Vermont Gravestone Inscriptions R 929.3744 MAY [New England] Mayflower Families thru Five Generations, Vols 1-16 R 929.3744 MAY [New England] New England Court Records (Rapaport- 2006) R 929.374 TOR [New England] New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Torrey) R 929.3744 BAN [New England] Planters of the Commonwealth (Banks) R 929.374 DOB [New England] Scots in New England 1623-1873 (Dobson)

68 R 929.374 SAN [New England] Second Supplement to Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Sandborn) R 929.374 SAN [New England] Supplement to Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Sandborn) R 929.374 BAN [New England] Topographical Dictionary of 2885 English Emigrants (Banks) R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol. 17 Westt Country Ancestors, 1620-1643, Part 1 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630, Vol 18 West Country Ancestors, 1620-1643, Part 2 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vol 19 West Country Ancestries 1620-1643, Part 3 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630, Vol 22 West Country Ancestries 1620-1643, Part 4 R 929.374 SPE Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Vp; 25 New Ancestral Discoveries, Part 1 R 929.3743 CRO Soldiers of the Revolutionary War Buried in Vermont R 929.373 FIS Soldier, Sailors and Patriots of the Revolutionary War – Vermont 2 nd Ed. R 929.3743 ROS State of Vermont. Roster of Soldiers in the War of 1812-1814 R 929.3743 HOL Vermont 1771 Census R 929.3743 JAC Vermont 1800 Census Index R 929.3743 JAC Vermont 1850 Census Index R 929.3743 VER Vermont Families in 1791. 2 Vols R 929.3743 RIS Vermont Newspaper Abstracts 1783-1816 R$ 929.3743 ROL Vermont Religious Certificates R 929.3743 ROL Vermont Warnings Out, 2 Vols R 929.37436 BAR [Wiindsor] Wiindsor County Vermont Probate Index 1778-1899 Virginia R 929.3755 ADV Adventures of Purse and Person Virginia 1604-1624/5, 3 Vols R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent U.S. Research Guides] R 929.3755 YAN 1787 Census of Virginia, The. Vols 1-3 R 929.3755 WAR 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Vols 1-6 Vol 5: Southwest Region; Vol 6 Northwestern Region R 929.3755 JAC 1850 Virginia Census Index R 929.3755 SUM Annals of Southwest Virginia, 1769-1800. Vols 1-2. Rpt (Botetourt Fincastle, Montgomery, Washington, Wythe Counties) R 929.3755 WIL Catalogue of Revolutionary Soldiers and Sailors…Virginia…Land Bounty Warrants R 929.3755 CAV Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants. Vols 1-6 R 929.3755 NUG Cavaliers and Pioneers: abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1690- 1692. Vols 1-6 and Supplement Northern Neck Grants No 1. 1690-1692 Microfilm Desk 1850 Census King William, Lancaster and Lee Counties Microfilm Desk 1860 Census King and Queen, King William, Lancaster and Lee Counties R 929.3755 TUC Colonial Virginians and their Maryland Relatives (Tucker, Allen, Blackstone, Chandler, Ford, Gerard, Harmor, Hume, Monroe, Skaggs, Smith, Stevenson, Stone, Stuman, Thompson, Ward, Yowell) R 929.3755 STA Draper Collection Calendar Series, Preston and Virginia Papers R 912.748 MAC Early Landowners of Pennsylvania: Land Tracts transferred from Virginia To Pennsylvania Jurisdiction

69 R 929.3755 JAC Virginia 1810 Census Index R 929.3755 JAC Virginia 1850 Slave Schedule Census Index R Map Collection Virginia Atlas and Gazetteer: Detailed Topographic Maps. (DeLorme) R 929.3755R FLE Virginia Colonial Abstracts: Vols 1-3. Rpt of 1937-1949 ed R 929.3755 CRO Virginia Colonial Militia, 1651-1776. Rpt of 1905 ed R 929.3755 CRO Virginia County Records Vol. 4: early Virginia marriages. [rpt of 1907 ed] R 929.375 CRO Virginia County Records Vol. 8: a key to southern pedigrees [rpt of 1910 ed] R 929.3755 CRU Virginia Court Records in Southwest Pennsylvania: records of the district of West Augusta, Ohio and Yohogania Counties, Virginia, 1775-1780 R 929.3755 SC|H Virginia Genealogical Research R 929.3755 VIR Virginia Genealogies and Family Histories: a bibliography of books about Virginia Families R 929.3755 DOR Virginia Genealogist, The. Vol 22, 1978 R 929.3755 MCG Virginia Genealogy: Sources and Resources R 929.3755 WIT Virginia Gleamings in England R 929.3755 SWE Virginia Historical Index 2 Vols. (Swem) R 929.3755 MCC Virginia Immigrants and Adventures.1607-1635, A biographical dictionary R 929.3755 VIR Virginia in 1720: a reconstructed census R 929.3755 VIR Virginia in 1740: a reconstructed census R 929.3755 VIR Virginia in 1760: a reconstructed census R 929.3769 COO Virginia Supreme Court, District of Kentucky, Order Books 1783-1792 R 929.3755 VIR Virginia Land Records from the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography The William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler’s Quarterly. Rpt of 1982 ed. R 929.3755 VIR Virginia Marriage Records R 929.37559 DOU Virginia Military Bounty Land in Northwest Territory R 929.3755 VIR Virginia Militia in the War of 1812, 2 Vols R 929.3755 GRA Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants, 1694-1862, Vols 1-4 R 929.3755 ABE Virginia Revolutionary Publick Claims, 3 Vols R 929.3755 PUR Virginia Soldiers of 1776 R 929.3755 FOT Virginia Tax Payers, 1782-1787, other than those published by the United States Census Bureau R 929.3755 WAR Virginia/West Virginia Genealogical Data from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrants Records, Vol 1 R 929.3755 WAR Virginia/West Virginia Husbands and Wives, 2 Vols R 929.3755 TOR Virginia Wills and Administrations 1632-1800: an index of wills recorded in Local courts of Virginia, 1632-1800, and of administrations of estates shown by inventories…in wills and other books of local courts R 929.3755 CLE Virginia Wills Before 1799. R 929.3755 WAR Virginian and West Virginians 1607-1870. 3 Vols R 929.3755 BOC Virginia’s Colonial Solders R 929.3755 BUT Virginia’s Soldiers in the United States Army, 1800-1815 R 929.3755 VOG Will and Estate Records in the Virginia State Library: a researcher’s Guide R 929.37551 MCK [Accomack] Accomack County, Virginia Court Ordered Abstracts Vols. 1-13 R 929.37551 MIL [Accomack] Abstracts of the Wills and Administrations of Accomack County, Virginia 1800-1860. 2 Vols R 929.3755 TUR [Accomack] Marriage Records of Accomack County, Virginia, 1776-1854 R 929.37551 NOT [Accomack] Wills and Administrations Accomack County Virginia 1663-1800 Rpt of 1931 ed R 929.37554 ALB [Albemarle] Albemarle County [Virginia] Road Orders 1744-1748. Rpt of 2003 ed R 929.37552 PIP [Alexandria] Alexandria, Virginia Wills, Administrations and Guardianships 1786-1800

70 R 929.37556 HIS [Amelia] Historical Notes on Amelia County, Virginia R 929.37556 AMI [Amelia] Amelia County, Virginia Road Orders, 1735-1753 R 929.37554 DAV [Amherst] Wills of Amherst County, Virginia 1761-1865, The R 929.37559 AUG [Augusta] Augusta County, Virginia Road Orders 1745-1749 R 929.3755 AUG [Augusta] Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, Extracted From the original court records of Augusta County, 1745-1800. Vols 1-3 Rpt of 1912 ed R 929.37558 BRU [Bath] Abstracts of Wills of Bath County, Virginia R 929.37556 DEN [Bedford] Marriage Bonds of Bedford County Virginia 1755-1800 R 929.37549 KEE [Berkeley] Marriage Records of Berkeley County Virginia for the period of 1781-1854 R 929.37558 WOR [Botetourt] Early marriages Botetourt County, Virginia R 929.37555 PAW [Brunswick] Brunswick County Virginia Road Orders R 929.37556 HOP [Campbell] Campbell County, Virginia, Wills and Inventories, 1782-1847 R 929.37555 WEI [Chesterfield] Chesterfield County, Virginia, Wills, 2 Vols, 1774-1802 R 929.37556 REY [Cumberland] Abstracts of Cumberland County, Virginia, Will Books 1 & 2, 1749-1872 R 929.3755 FOL Early Virginia Families along the James River, Their Deep Roots and Tangled Branches, 3 Vols R 929.3755 GRE Early Virginia Immigrants 1623-1666 (Greer) R 929.37554 CHA [Elizabeth City] Wills and Administrations of Elizabeth City, Virginia 1688- 1800. Rpt of 1941 ed R 929.373 EMI Emigrants from England, 1773-1775, Bound for Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina, Extracted from the “Carolina Genealogist,” Nos 1-32 R 929.3755 ENC Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography, Vols 1-5 R 929.3755 D English Duplicates of Lost Virginia Records R 929.37553 SPA [Essex] Essex County, Virginia Deed and Will Book Abstracts, 1695-1701 R 929.37553 SPA [Essex] Essex County, Virginia Record Book Abstracts, 1692-1694 R 929.37553 DOU [Essex] Essex County, Virginia Wills R 929.37552 KIN [Fairfax] Abstracts of Wills and Inventories of Fairfax County Virginia 1742-1801 Pending [Fairfax] Early Church Records of Alexandria City and Fairfax County, Virginia R 929.37552 RIN [Fairfax] Index to Fairfax County Virginia Wills and Fiduciary Records 1742-1855 R 929.37552 FAI [Fairfax] Fairfax County [Virginia] Road Orders 1749-1800 R 929.37552 KIN [Fauquier] Abstracts of Wills, Administration and Marriage of Fauquier County Virginia 1759-1800. Rpt of 1939 ed R 929.3755 GOT [Fauquier] Fauquier County Virginia marriage bonds: 1759-1854 and Marriage returns… R 929.37559 KIN [Frederick] Abstracts of Wills, Inventories and Administration Accounts of Frederick County, Virginia, 1743-1800 R 929.37559 GIL [Frederick] Fredrick County, Virginia Deed Book, Vols 3 to 8; 1757-1763 R 929.3755 HAT [Frederick] Frederick County Virginia Marriage Bonds R 929.3755 DAV [Frederick] Frederick County Virginia Marriages 1771-1825 R 929.3755 ODE [Frederick] Pioneers of Old Frederick County Virginia (O’Dell) R 929.37549 KER [Frederick/Hampshire] Historical Records of Old Frederick and Hampshire Counties, Virginia R 929.37557 DOU [Fincastle] Land Grants in Fincastle County, Virginia R 929.373 SMI Federal Land Series, Vol. 4, Virginia Military District of Ohio, Rpt of 1972 ed R 975.4 GAN Gazetteer of Virginia and West Virginia R 929.3755 HEA Genealogical Abstracts from 18 th Century Virginia Newspapers

71 R 929.3755 GEN Genealogies of Virginia Families: from the William and Mary College Historical Magazine, Vols 1-5 R 929.3755 GEN Genealogies of Virginia Families: from Tyler’s Quarterly, Vols 1-4 R 929.37553 MAT [Gloucester/Mathew] Kingston Parish Register Gloucester and Mathews Counties Virginia 1749-1827 R 929.37554 WIL [Goochland] Marriages of Goochland County Virginia 1733-1815 R 929.3754 PAW [Goochland] Goochland County, Virginia Road Orders R 929.37554 WEI [Goochland] Goochland County Virginia Wills 3 Vols R 929.3755 VIR Guide to Bible Records in the Archives Branch, Virginia State Library R 929.37556 CHI [Halifax] Halifax County Virginia Will Book O R 929.3755 COC [Hanover] Hanover County [Virginia] Chancery Wills and Notes. Rpt of 1940 ed R 929.3755 HEA Heads of Families at the First Census1790; records of the state Enumeration, 1782-1785, Virginia Rpt of 1908 ed R 929.37554 WEI [Henrico] Colonial Wills of Henrico County Virginia, part 1 and 2 1677-1787 R 929.37554 WEI [Henrico] Henrico County Virginia Deeds 1677-1705 R 929.37554 WEI [Henrico] Henrico County Virginia Deeds 1706-1737 R 929.37554 WEI [Henrico] Henrico County Virginia Deeds 1737-1750 R 929.37554 DAV [Henrico] Henrico County Virginia Deeds 1750-1774 R 929.3755 HEN [Henrico] Henrico County Virginia Land Patent Abstracts with some Plat Maps Vols 01-02 and 1 (DuLac) R 929.37556 ADA [Henry] Henry County Virginia Will Abstracts 1777-1820, Vols 1-2 R 929.3755 GWA Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution: soldiers, sailors, marines 1775-1783 R 929.3755 HOW How Justice Grew: Virginia Counties: an abstract of their formation R 929.37554 MCI Index to Obituary Notices in Richmond Enquirer, May 9, 1804 through 1828 And the Richmond Whig, from January 1824 through 1838 Rpt of 1923 Bulletin of the Virginia State Library R 929.3755 STE Index to Printed Virginia Genealogies (Stewart) R 929.3755 FEL Index to the 1820 Census of Virginia R 929.3755 DOR Index to the Virginia Genealogist, Volumes 21-35 R 929.37555 CHA [Isle of Wight] Marriages of Isle of Wight County Virginia 1628-1800 R 929.37555 BOD [Isle of Wight] Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia R 929. 37555 CHA [Isle of Wight] Wills and Administration of Isle of Wight County, Virginia 1647-1800 R 929.37554 DAV Jamestown Ancestors,,1607-1699, Commeroration of the 400 th Anniversity of the Landing at James Town 1607-2007 R 929.37554 MCC Jamestown People to 1800, Landowners, Public Officials, Minorities and Native Leaders R 975.5 KEG Kegley’s Virginia Frontier: the beginning of the southwest, the Roanoke of Colonial days, 1740-1783 R 929.3755 BAG [King and Queen] King and Queen County Virginia (Bagby) R 929.37552 LEE [Lancaster] Abstracts of Lancaster County Virginia Wills 1653-1800 Rpt of 1959 ed R 929.37552 SPA [Lancaster] Lancaster County, Virginia Deed and Will Abstracts, 1652-1657, 1654-1661, 1661-1792 R 929.37552 SPA [Lancaster] Lancaster County, Virginia Will Abstracts, 1675-1709 Pending [Loudoun] Early Church Records of Loudoun County, Virginia 1745-1800 R 929.37552 DUN [Loudoun] Index to Loudoun County Virginia Land Deed Books A-Z 1757-1800 R 929.37552 KIN [Loudoun] Inventories and Administrations of Wills of Loudoun County Virginia 1757-1800 R 929.37552 VOG [Loudoun] Loudoun County Virginia Marriages 1760-1850 R 929.3755 M [Lunenburg] Marriages of Lunenberg County Virginia 1746-1853

72 R 929.3755 WUL Marriages of Some Virginia Residents,1607-1800,Vol 1-2, rpt of 1961-67 ed R 929.3755 HEA Married Well and Often: Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800 R 929.37553 SPA [Middlesex] Middlwsex County, Virginia Deed Abstracts, 1679-1703 R 929.37553 HOP [Middlesex] Middlesex County Virginia Wills and Inventories 1673-1812 R 929.37554 HAR [New Kent] Old New Kent County, Virginia, Vol. 1-2 R 929.37555 MCI [Norfolk] Lower Norfolk and Norfolk County, Virginia Wills 1637-1710 R 929.37555 MCI [Norfolk] Norfolk County Virginia Wills 1710-1753 R 929.37555 WIN [Norfolk] Norfolk County [Virginia] Will Book 1, 1755-1772 R 929.37555 BRA [Norfolk] Transcription of Lower Norfolk County Virginia Records R 929.37551 ABS [Northampton] Abstracts of the Will and Estate Administrations of Northampton County Virginia R 929.37552 NEA Northern Neck Wills, Inventories and other records 1800-1825 R 929.37552 SPA [Northumberland] Northumberland County, Virginia Deed and Will Abstracts,1655-1672, 1706-1711 R 929.3755 JOH Off to War: The Virginia Volunteers in the War with Mexico R 929.3755 MEA Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia, Vol 1 R 929.3755 VOG [Orange] Orange County [Virginia] Marriages 1747-1850 R 929.3755 BOR [Page] Tombstone Inscription Page County, Virginia R 929.37556 ADA [Patrick] Abstracts of Order Book O Patrick County Virginia R 929.37556 PIL [Patrick] Patrick County Virginia Land Entry Book, July 1791- February 1796 and Abstracts of Grants 1791-April 7, 1890 R 929.37556 AUS [Pittsylvania] Pittsylvania County Virginia Deeds 1790-1893 R 929.37555 WEI [Prince George] Prince George County Virginia Wills 1710-1728, 2 Vols R 929.3755 CRE [Princess Anne] Virginia Antiquary. Vol. 1 Princess Anne County Loose Papers 1700-1789 R 929.3755 SMI Quit Rents of Virginia, 1704, The R 929.3755 SPA [Rappahannock] Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed and Will Abstracts, 1656-1662, 1665-1677, 1677-1682,(1), 1677-1682,(11) R 929.3755 SPA [Rappahannock] Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Abstracts 1656-1664(11), 1663-1672, 1672-1676(1), 1672-1676(11) R 929.3755 SPA [Rappahannock] Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will Abstracts 1671-1687 R 929.37553 SWE [Rappahannock] Wills of Rappahannack County Virginia 1656-1692 R 973.34 SAF Records of the Revolutionary War R 929.37552 SPA [Richmond] Richmond County, Virginia Deed Abstracts, 1692-1701 R 929.37554 WEI [Richmond] City of Richmond Virginia Wills 1782-1800 R 929.37552 HEA [Richmond] Wills of Richmond County, Virginia, 1699-1800 R 929.37557 NIX [Russell] Abstracts of Deeds from Deed Book 1 Russell County Virginia 1787-1795 R 929.341 HAN Scotch-Irish, The, 2 Vols Rpt of 1908 ed R 929.341 HAN Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America. Rpt of 1910 ed R 929.37551 DOB Scots on the Chesapeake, 1607-1830 R 929.3755 WIL [Scott] Scott County Virginia Cemetery Records Vol 1 R 929.3755 VAN [Shenandoah] Shenandoah County Virginia: a study of the 1860 census Vol 1 R 929.3755 BOR [Shenandoah] Tombstone inscriptions Shenandoah County Virginia and Bordering Counties R 929.37557 STU [Smyth] Smyth County Virginia Cemeteries Vol II R 929.3755 STU [Smyth] Smyth County Virginia Cemeteries Vol III R 929.37557 DOU [Smyth] Smyth County Virginia Wills 1832-1898 R 929.37555 CHA [Southampton] Wills and Administration of Southampton County Virginia 1749-1800.. Rpt of 1947 ed R 929.37553 SPO [Spotsylvania] Virginia County Records Vol 1 Spotsylvania County R 929.3755 MCC Sources for Genealogical Searching in Virginia and West Virginia

73 R 929.37552 SPA [Stafford] Stafford County, Virginia Deed and Will Abstracts, 1686-1693, 1699-1709 R 929.3755 SCH Supplement to the 1810 Census of Virginia: tax lists of the Counties, A R 929.37557 KE Supplement to Southwest Virginia Tax Assessments, 1815 R 929.37566 ABS [Surry] Surry County North Carolina Abstracts Deed Books A, B, and C 1770-1788 R 929.37555 DAV [Surry] Wills and Administration of Surry County Virginia R 929.37555 HOP [Sussex] Sussex County Virginia Will Books A-F 1754-1806 R 929.3748 LED Tenmile Country and its Pioneer Families: A Genealogical History of the Upper Monongahela Valley (Leckey) R 929.3755 HAM They Went Thataway. Rpt of 1964-665 ed R 929.3755 DAV Tidewater Virginia Families (Davis) R 929.3755 DAV Tidewater Virginia Families Generations Beyond (Davis) R 929.3754 SIM Timesaving Aid to Virginia-West Virginia Ancestors R 929.37557 SUM [Washington] History of Southwest Virginia, 1746-1786 Washington County 1777-1870. Rpt of 1903 ed R 929.37557 CLA [Washington] Militia of Washington County, Virginia, The R 929.37557 NIE [Washington] Washington County Virginia 1860 Census R 929.3755 DOU [Wythe] Wythe County Will Books 1-2, 1790-1822 Washington R 929.1 BIB Bibliography of Genealogical Books in the Washington State Historical Library, Tacoma, Washington. Vols 1-2 R 929.37977 KOL Black Diamond Cemetery, Black Diamond, Washington R 929.3797 CEM Cemetery and Death Records of the State of Washington held by the Seattle Public Library: Extracted from “Washington State Genealogical and Historical Review,” November 1982 Microfilm Desk 1880 Census: Chehalis, Clallam, Clark, Columbia, Cowlitz, Island, Jefferson and King (part) Counties Microfilm Desk 1900 Census: Chelan, Clallam, Clark, Columbia, Cowlitz, and Douglas Counties Microfilm Desk 1910 Census: Columbia, Cowlitz, Clark, Okanogan, Pacific, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish (part), Stevens, Thurston, Wahkiakum And Walla Walla (part) Counties R 929.3797 WAS Corrections to the Two Volume Set of Washington Pioneers R 979.7 DIR Directory of Cemeteries and Funeral Homes in Washington State R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent U.S. Research Guides] R 929.3797 FRO Frontier Justice: guide to court records of Washington Territory 1853-1889 Vols 1-2 R 929.3797 GEN Genealogical Resources in Washington State: a guide to genealogical Records held at repositories, government agencies and archives R 979.7 LEN Historical Markers and Monuments of the State of Washington (in LPL Reference section) R 929.3797 HIS Historical Records of Washington State: A guide to records in State archives and regional depositories R 929.3797 HIS Historical Records of Washington State: Records and Papers Held at Repositories by Washington State R 340.097 WAS Lawyer Discipline System Annual Report – Washington State Bar Assn. Circulation Desk Newspapers on Microfilm in the Washington State Library [R016.071 W] R 970l495 ROL Rolls of Certain Indian Tribes in Washington and Oregon R 929.379786 UNI United States Census of 1870 for Counties: Clark, Chehalis, Cowlitz, Island and Jefferson. 1880 Census for Lewis, Mason and Pacific

74 R 929.3797 WAS Washington 1860 Territorial Census Index R 929.3797 JAC Washington 1870 Territorial Census Index R 929.3797 JAC Washington 1880 Territorial Census Index R 929.3797 SEA Washington Miscellaneous Records: articles extracted from “The Bulletin” of The Seattle Genealogical Society. R 929.3797 WAS Washington Pioneers Vol 1-2 and Errata R 369.13 SON Washington State Society of Sons of the American Revolution 1916 Reference Desk Washington State Vital Records Death Index, 1907-1979 (film) and 1979-1989 (microfiche) R 347.97 WAS Washington Territorial Supreme Court 1853-1889, A Guide R 929.3797 SEA Washington Territory Donation Land Claims R 979.78 LAW [Washington State] Southwest Regional Branch Archives: Preliminary Inventory of Archival Holdings R 929.379786 POR [Clark] Clark County, Washington Census 1850 and Washington Territory 1860 [Title page: U.S. Census of Oregon Territory,1850 Washington, Territory 1860, Clark County] R 929.379786 UNI [Clark] Clark County Washington 1870 Census Vol 2 R 929.379786 KOR [Clark] Clark County Washington 1880 Census Vol 3 R 929.379786 HAR [Clark] Clark County Washington 1900 Census Vol 4 R 929.379786 CLA [Clark] Clark County Washington Cemetery Records Vols 3-6 [Vol 1 St James Old City] R 929.379786 CLA [Clark] Clark County [Washington] Cemetery Record Vol. 8 [3 books] R 929.379786 WIN [Clark] Clark County Washington index to Naturalization Records 1890-September 1906 R 929.379786 CLA [Clark] Clark County Washington Marriages Vols 1-13 R 929.379786 BEN [Clark] Clark County [Washington] Death Records 1891-1903 R 979.786 CLA [Clark] Clark County [Washington] Pioneers. A Centennial Salute R 929.379786 CLA [Clark] Evergreen Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Vol 7 in 2 Vols A-L, and M-Z R 929.379786 HOC [Clark] Hockinson Area Finns, Clark County Washington R 929.379786 ZIM [Clark] Land Records of Clark County Washington R 929.3797 CLA [Clark] Old City Cemetery of Vancouver [Washington] Vol 1 [Cover: Clark County WA Cemetery Record Vol 1] R 929.3797 CLA [Clark] Park Hill Cemetery, 3 Vols A-G, H-Q, R-Z R 929.3797 CLA [Clark] St James Acres, Salmon Creek Methodist…[Cover: Clark County Washington Cemetery Records Vol.2] R 929.379788 WAT [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County’s Adopted Civil War Veterans R 929.379788 HAG [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Affidavits of Citizenship to Fish Certificates R 929.37978 ALP [Cowlitz] Alphabetical Listing of Cowlitz County Washington Burials R 929.379788 HAG [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Probate Fee Book 1893-1921 [Index online] R 979.788 HIS [Cowlitz] History of Cowlitz County, Washington R 929.379788 SAN [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Direct Index to Marriage License 1900 through 1925 [Index online] R 929.37978 SAN [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington 1910 Federal Census R 929.379788 COW [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Cemetery Records thru 1983 Vol 1 Parts 1 and 2 R 929.379788 COW [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Cemetery Records 1983-1989 Vol 2 R 929.379788 HAG [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Court Ordered Delayed Birth ` Certificates 1842-1943 R 929.379788 BAC [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Marriage Records [to 1900. Index Online] R 929.379788 SAN [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Index to Marriages 1900-1925 [online]

75 R 929.379788 HAG [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Naturalizations Vol 1-10 and Index [Index online] R 929.379788 HAG [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Probate Court 1861-1907. A comprehensive Index, Vols 1-4 and 5 index [index online] R 929.379788 HAG [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County, Washington Superior Court, Kalama R 929.379788 HAG [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County, Washington Territory and State Book of Levies R 929.379788 HAG [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County, Washington Territory and State 2 nd District Court R 929.379388 HAG [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County, Washington Territory and State Final Records R 929.379788 COW [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Territory 1871 Census [Photocopy of Original on oversize shelf] [Index online] R 929.379788 COW [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Territory 1883 Census [Photocopy of Original on oversize shelf] [Index online] R 929.379788 COW [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Territory 1885 Census [Photocopy of Original on oversize shelf] [Index online] R 929.379788 COW [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Territory 1887 Census [Photocopy of Original on oversize shelf] [Index online] R 929.379788 SAN [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County, Washington 1910 Census R 929.379788 COW [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Territory Auditor’s Census with Surname Index 1871, 1883, 1885, 1887 [Index online] R 929.379788 HAG [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Territory and State Probate Court Records Addendum, Point of Reference Probate Fee books, Vol 5 R 929.379788 HAG [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County Washington Territory Wills R 929.379788 HIS [Cowlitz] History of Stella and surrounding area R 929.379788 HIS [Cowlitz] History of Stella, Oak Point, Eufaula and Coal Creek R 979.788 HIS [Cowlitz] Inventory of the County Archives of Washington, No. 8 Cowlitz County (Kelso) Newspaper Ref.Desk [Cowlitz] Longview Daily News [paper] 1923 to present [Daily News] R 929.379788 COW [Cowlitz] Cowlitz County [Washington] miscellaneous death returns February 1899-March 1907 Newspaper Ref.Desk [Cowlitz] Obituary Index to Southwest Washington Newspapers [Ask at the Reference desk] [file is online] Newspaper Ref.Desk [Cowlitz] Kelsonian, The 1888-1926 Newspaper R 929.379788 MAR William H. Martin Family, Woodland, Washington Territory R 929.37977 ISL [Island] Island County Washington Births, Marriages and Deaths R 929.37977 KEN [King] Kent Area Marriages Extracted from Early Kent, Washington Newspapers R 929.37977 KEN [King] Kent Area Obituaries Extracted from Early Kent, Washington Newspapers, Vols 1-4 R 929.37977 KIN [King] King County [Washington] Cemetery Directory R 929.37977 MAR [King] Marriage Records King County Washington, 1853-1884 R 929.37977 FRE [King] Memorial Records of South King County Washington. Vols I, II, III R 929.37977 FRE [King] Memorial Records of South King County Washington Vol 5 [part 2] R 929.37977 OBI [King] Obituaries Extracted From Renton [Washington] Record Chronicle Newspaper, 7 July 1927-29 December 1932 R 929.1 SOU [King] South King County Genealogical Society [Library] Bibliography [at Auburn Public Library] R 929.37975 KIT [Kittitas] Kittitas County Territorial Census 1885, 1887, 1889 R 929.37975 EAR [Kittitas] Early Land Records of Kittitas County 1882-1900 R 929.37975 KIT [Kittitas] Historical Cemeteries of Rosalyn, Washington R 929.37975 LIN [Klickitat] Klickitat County Territorial Census 1871, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889 R 929.379782 SME [Lewis] 1880 United States Census Lewis County, Washington Territory R 929.379782 GAG [Lewis] Lewis County Washington Territorial Marriages R 929.379782 LEW [Lewis] Lewis County [Washington] Mortuary Records, 1895 thru 1910 R 929.37979 SME [Mason] 1880 United States Census Mason County Washington Territory

76 R 929.37972 OKA [Okanagan] Okanagan County Washington Cemetery Records R 929.37979 HAG [Pacific] Pacific County Washington District Court Old Journal Vols 1-2 R 929.37979 HAB [Pacific] Pacific County Washington U.S. District Court Civil Cases P 929.37979 SMI [Pacific] 1880 United States Census Pacific County Washington Territory R 929.37979 FER [Pacific] Fern Hill Cemetery [Pacific County, Washington] R 929.37979 ILW [Pacific] Ilwaco Cemetery, Pacific County, Washington R 929.37979 IND [Pacific] Index to Cemeteries of Pacific County R 929.37979 PAC [Pacific] North County Cemeteries, Pacific County, Washington R 929.37979 PAC [Pacific] Peninsula Cemetery, Pacific County, Washington R 979.792 APP [Pacific] Knappton, Pacific County, Washington R 929.37979 OES [Pacific] Oysterville Cemetery Sketches R 929.37979 MAR [Pacific] Marriage Applications 1800-1939 Pacific County Washington R 979.778 RUS [Pierce] History of the Town of Orting, The (Rushton, 1981) R 929.37977 SKA [Skagit] Skagit County Grows Up 1917-1941 R 929.37977 SKA [Skagit] Skagit Settlers: Trials and Triumphs 1890-1920 R 929.37977 SKA [Skagit] Pioneers of Skagit County [Washington] R 929.379784 TOW [Skamania] Obituaries from the Skamania County Pioneer Newspapers Skamania County, Washington, 1900-1929 R 929.37977 KNO [Thurston] Morning Daily Olympian, Thurston County Washington, 1891-1907, The R 929.37977 BRO [Thurston] Register of Births, Thurston County, Washington 1891-1907 R 929.379786 POR [Thurston] Register of Deaths, Thurston County, Washington 1891-1907 R 929.37977 EIG [Thurston] 1889 Census of Thurston County [Washington] R 929l791 APP [Wahkiakum] Altoona, Deep River, Wahkiakum County Telephone Company Directory 1972 R 979.791 APP [Wahkiakum] Altoona, Wahkiakum County, Washington R 929.37979 REI [Wahkiakum] Deep River and its Finns, Wahkiakum County, Washington R 979.791 APP [Wahkiakum] Deep River, Wahkiakum County, Washington R 720.979 COW [Wahkiakum] Historical Structures Inventory, Wahkiakum County, WA R 929.37979 MAR [Wahkiakum] Index to the Gray’s River Builder (1936-1944) Skamokawa Eagle (1899-1934) R 929.37979 HUE [Wahkiakum] Wahkiakum County, Washington, Auditor Homestead Records and Land Deeds (Direct Index) 1858-1911 R 929.37979 HUE [Wahkiakum] Wahkiakum County, Washington Cemetery Index Early thru 1993 R 929.37979 HUE [Wahkiakum] Wahkiakum County, Washington Census 1854-1892 R 929.37979 HUE [Wahkiakum] Wahkiakum County, Washington Clerk and Auditor Records R 929.37979 HUE [Wahkiakum] Wahkiakum County, Washington Commissioner’s Minutes 1854-1893 R 979.791 APP [Wahkiakum and Pacific] Pioneer Scrapbook, Wahkiakum and Pacific Counties, Washington, A R 929.37979 NAS [Wahkiakum and Pacific] Naselle to Gray’s River, Knappton to Nemaha Washington Cemetery Records and Genealogical Notes R 929.37977 CEM [Whatcom] Cemetery Records Whatcom County, Washington Vol.2 R 929.37975 LIN [Yakima] Yakima County Territorial Census, 1871, 1883, 1885, 1887, Including Benton County, including 1871-1883 for Kititas and Chelan Counties West Virginia R 929.37545 COF [Barbour] Barbour County West Virginia Book of Deaths 1-1853-1919 And Will Book 1 and 1 ½ - 1839-1889 R 929.37549 SHU [Berkeley] Berkeley County, West Virginia Deeds and Wills Abstracts Deeds 1-5, 1772-1871 and Wills 1-3, 1772-1805 R 929.37541 MCF [Brooke] Will Abstracts of Brooke County (West) Virginia 1797-1849

77 R 929.37541 MCF [Brooke] Will Abstracts of Brooke County (West) Virginia 1850-1900

R 929.3754 MCF Early West Virginia Wills, Vol 1; Ohio County 1777-1850, Marshall County 1835-1850, Tyler County 1815-1850, Wetzel County 1847-1850, and Dodge County 1849-1850 R 9291 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent U.S. Research Guides] R 929.37547 SHU [Fayette] Fayette County (w) Virginia Marriaages 1832-1853, 1865, 1903. R 929.37549 KER [Frederick/Hampshire] Historical Records of Old Frederick and Hampshire Counties, Virginia R 975.4 GAN Gazetteer of Virginia and West Virginia R 929.37548 SHU [Greenbrier] Greenbrier County, West Virginia Deed and Will Record R 929.37549 SHU [Hampshire/Hardy] Hampshire and Hardy Counties West Virginia Wills and Deeds R 929.3754 RAN History of Seventh Day Baptists in West Virginia R 929.2 SWI [Hyres] Hyres of West Virginia, The R 929.37549 KEN [Jefferson] Prominent Men of Shepherdstown during Its First 200 Years 1762-1962 R 929.5 TOM [Jefferson] Tombstone Inscriptions and Burial Lots Jefferson Counthy, West Virginia [DAR] R 929.37549 MOR [Jefferson] Wills of Jefferson County, West Virginia 1801-1899 R 929.37541 SCO Marriages and Death Notices of Wheeling West Virginia 1818-1870, 3 Vol R 929.3748 LEC [Monongahela] Tenmile Country and its Pioneer Families: A Genealogical History of the Upper Monongahela Valley (Leckey) R 929.37547 SHU [Monroe] Monroe County (West) Virginia Abstracts: Deeds, Wills, Sim’s Land Index R 929.37547 SHU [Monroe] Monroe County (West) Virginia Abstracts R 929.37549 TOO [Pendleton] Pendleton (West) Virginia Probate Records R 929.37548 SHU [Randolph] Randolph County West Virginia Deeds and Will Abstracts Early marriages and Sims Land Grant Index R 929.341 HAN Scotch-Irish, The 2 Vols [rpt of 1908 ed] R 929.341 HAN Scotch-Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America [rep of 1910 ed] R 929.3754 SIM Sims Index to Land Grants in West Virginia R 929.3754 LEW Soldiery of West Virginia R 929.37547 HAG [Summers] Summers County (West Virginia) Wills 1871-1900 R 929.3754 SIM Timesaving Aid to Virginia-West Virginia Ancestors R 929.3755 WAR Virginia/West Virginia Genealogical Data from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrants Records Vol. 1 R 929.3754 JOH West Virginia Estate Settlements: an Index to Wills, Inventories, Appraisements, land grants and surveys to 1850 R 929.3754 MCG West Virginia Genealogy; Sources and Resources R 929.3754 RED West Virginia Revolutionary Ancestors [Rpt of 1930 ed]

Wisconsin R 929.37757 ERL Births, Deaths, Marriages….for Crawford, Vernon and Richland Counties Wisconsin 1873-1910 Microfilm Desk 1870 Census Sheboygan County R 929.3743 ANU East Prussians from Russia (Wisconsin) R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent U.S. Research Guides R 929.37756 ALB Fond du Lac Commonwealth Reporter: genealogical items extracted from Newspapers dated January 1863 thru December 1870. County, Wisconsin Fond du Lac R 929.3775 HIR Genealogical Abstracts for the Wauwatosa News, 1899-1904

78 R 929.3775 ERI Genealogical Events from Newspapers for Crawford, Vernon and Grant Counties, Wisconsin, 1870-1901 R 929.3775 WIS Genealogical Research Introduction to the Resources of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin R 929.3 GER German Immigrants in American Church Records. 4 Vols Indiana Protestant, Wisconsin NW, NE, SW Protestant R 929.308 PRE Indians from New York, in Wisconsin and Elsewhere: a Genealogical Reference. 3 Vols Microfiche Desk Monroe County, Wisconsin Cemetery Grave Stone Index R 929.37759 JER Old Soldiers Home Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 1864-1900 R 929.3775 PEN Pensioners on the Rolls as of January 1, 1883 (living in Wisconsin) R 929.3775 RYA Searching for Your Wisconsin Ancestors in the Wisconsin Libraries R 929.373 TOL Upper Midwest German Biographical Index R 929.3775 JAC Wisconsin 1836 Census Index R 929.3775 JAC Wisconsin 1850 Census Index R 929.3775 HER Wisconsin Genealogical Research (Herrick, 1996) R 977.5 LAC Wisconsin’s German Element (Tolzmann) Wyoming R 929.1 UNI Family History Research Outline [Excellent U.S. Research Guides] R 929.3787 JAC Wyoming 1880 Census Index R 929.3787 DIL 1910 Wyoming Census microfiche [ask at desk]