Is Named As Cemetery Head 1Nn.Y
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■;;::„.V;:-V^;vyr ■ ■ -*y-' -^k, ' - - • • ' ' ■' ■ ' 9 NET PRESS BUNl : - . r 4 - ‘. f ' TUBWEATHEE AVERAGE DAIliV CIRCULATION »t A» ■ •• ^ -K. t >.r^ * A - ' - * a V Ar , .A -■■••• Pdreeaat hr II. ji. Weather nareaa. for tho month of September, 1028 ■ ' ■ New, Uarea Showers flate tonight or W®dhes> 5,159 dar: ivamt^r tonii^U Member of the Andlt Boreaa of ■■ X"^r-:; ' « VT....- ■ /;■ ri< . -^v'3y^y-)y^y<:i^'5y-\ Glrcnlationa ■ :r;S -^i :J-‘'!«.f|; VOL. XLU., NO. 311. (Classified Advertising on Page 10) MANCHEI^ER, cbNN^ W S i^ Y , (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT’S DUNCAN RETAINED British Editors He re on Peace Tour IS NAMED AS CEMETERY HEAD 1NN.Y. hcambent Wins on Third FffTH OF VOTERS Ballot at Town’s Largest Only One Named at Conven Meeting— Five Candidates E L E a o F n m tion for Governor— Was In the Field. FOR THISt TOWN Smith’s Choice and That Friedrlchshafen, Germany, pct.'^ The ship may then head northwest Was Enough for Dele The biggest town meeting, per G. 0. P. Exceeds Four-to-Qne 2.— The new super-dirigible . and ^ass over parts of Denmark, haps, in Manchester’s history was “ Count” Zeppelin started from its Norway, Sweden and the Baltic Sea before heading back here. gates— Decided at Last held in the High school assembly Tradition, Its Women hangar here at 7 a. in., today on hall last night, the thousand, or A large supply of the new “ blue- what may be Its last trial flight be gas” fuel was taken along. 'This Minute That He Would thereabouts, voters and taxpayers Vote 7 to 1— Murphy Is fore Dr. Hugo Eckener, comman- j will be subjected to exhaustive teing attracted to the session be der of the huge craft, essays to tests enroute so that it may be de cause of a five-man contest for the Beaten for H. S. Body; I pilot it across the Atlantic ocean to ' cided definitely whether or riot it Run— Is Net in Best office of East Cemetery superinten the United States. |shall be used on the trans-Atlantic Guests of the Carnegie Foundation for Interna tional Peace, fourteen celebrated British newspaper- The ship '•headed northward on trip. dent. Three hundred of the thou men have arrived for a tour-of the United States. H ere you see them after landing In New'York; left to today’s trip which may be of thirty Health. sand were there for no other rea right, rear row: H. Jaques, Surrey County Herald; A Ian Pitt Rol^foins, London Times; William Clarke, In addition to the crew of 39, Only about one out of every five hours duration. A large part of there were 32 passengers abroad. son than to vote in or to witness Belfast Telegraph; P. B. M. Roberts, The Scotsman; R. A." J. Walling, Western Independent; William Co northern Germany will be travers the oddest political battle in many voters of the town of Manchester wper Barrons, Yorkshire Evening News; H. G. Daven, Borrow’s Worcester Journal. Front row; William These Included officials of the a moon. When Alexander Duncan took the trouble to go to the polls Robert Willis, Yorkshire Post; Sir George Armstrong, ed. The ship will hover over Berlin ministry Of transportation and two Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 2.— With Lancashire Post; Sir Charles Igglesdon, Kentish Ex for a time out of respect for Presi stood firmly entrenched as sexton yesterday in the annual town elec press; Ralph D. Blbmenfeld, London Express, presi dent Institute of British Journalists; F. Lawrence women passengers, one the wife of harmony and unanimity such as after the third ballot the three hun Johnson, Northern Daily .Gazette; W. J. T. Collins, So uth Wales Argus; Henry C. Owen, GlasgoAv Sunday dent Von Hindenburg, who is cele Herr von Kardoff, vice-president of tion. Of some six thousand qui)ll- brating his 81st birthday today. the Reiefistag. have rarely been seen even In the dred left the hall without a Mail. well-disciplined convention of New thought for the rest of the town’s fied electors the voting was done business. by 1,152 of them, 174 of the num York state, the Democratic stale Cemetery Fight First ber being women, 9J8 men. The convention today nominated Frank Willard B. Rogers, moderator of vote for registrars, usually accepted NATION’S BUSINESS MEN lin D. Roosevelt for governor, se the meeting, realizing that the big KING BUSINESS PICKS UP TDNNEY-LAUDER as the key to the part affiliations of lected a politically well-balanced crowd in the hall was interested in the cemetery job primarily, sug the voters, showed that the Repub ticket to support him, and then ad gested that this section of the call licans slightly exceeded the tradi journed at 1:10 o'clock. ^ tional four-to-one plurality over the IN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES WEDDING PUT be considered first. William J. The complete ticket follows: Crockett moved that this action be Democrats, that vote being 904 Republican, 212 Democratic. For Governor— Franklin D, taken and the crowd was all in fa BOO’TLEGGERS GET BACK vor of it. James Stevenson was first ’ Mrs. Wilcox Wins OVERJIE DAY CONNECTICUT MAN Roosevelt, of Hyde Park. on his feet placing in nomination In the only real contest at the Success of Z o p in Albania THEIR BRIBERY MONEY Nadonal Republican Com For Lieutenant Governor— Colo the name of Robert J. Finnegan. polls— Republican nomination be MURDER VICTIM nel H. H. Lehmann of New York. Mr. Stevenson characterized his ing equivalent to election and the Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 2.— For State Comptroller— Morris S. Democrats nominating in all other Encourages Monarchists mittee Continues to Line Tremaine of Buffalo. candidate as a man well able to do Bootleggers here who have been Former Champion Meets Police Keep Details of Fifteen a day’s work. instances only enough candidates paying huge sums to police of For Attorney General— Albert Austin Cheney next placed in to fill the positions to which the In Germany, Austria, Po ficers, according to court testi Up Big Leaders of Indus Year Old .Case, a Secret— Conway of Brooklyn. romination the name of Albert T. minority party is legally entitled— mony, for “ protection,” have ■ Fiancee at Naples and Rieported as Suicide. For U. S. Senator— Senator Royal Jackson. Mr. Cheney said he had Mrs. Jane Wilcox, with 213 votes, now turned the tables bn dishon S. Copeland of New York. worked with Mr. Jackson many and William E. Buckley, with 216, land and Turkey est officers of the law, the. dis-I try -F o rd Among Them. Great Barrington, Mass., Oct. For Associate Judge, Court pf each beat out Edward J; Murphy, 2.— Chief of I^olice William J. Appeals— Leonard C. Crouch bf years and believed him capable and trict attorney’s office reveals. i Motors to Eternal City for Syracuse. worthy. , Frank Montie spoke for with 201, for one of the two Demo The illicit liquor dealers, it] Oschman today was completing cratic places on tie High School The entire ticket was nominated Walter Walsh and nominated him Berlin, Oct. 2 — The king busi- was said, are now demanding Washington, Oct. 2.— The Re the last few links in a chain of for the position saying that he was committee. Mr. Murphy, however, “ protection” payments .from the the Ceremonies. evidence which will result In virtually by acclamation. No other an ex-service man. There was a was elected to the lo'wn School ners is picking up. men they formerly bribed, iu re publican effort to line up business > a murder case arrest and will names were presented, and there lull In the nominations and it ap Board, for which position he receiv Eci-.Oiira^ed by the success of the turn for promise not to testify men behind Herbert Hoover’s can lift the veil of mystery from a were no roll calls. The ticket was peared as though but three candi ed eight more votes than for the against the officers. slaying. A case that fifteen- satisfactory to Gov. A1 Smith and •place on the High School commit rn’ rr of .Albania in changing oi? BULLETIN didacy for the presidency has been the leaders, and the delegates swal dates were going to be named. Rome, Ocl. 2.— The' of iiighly successful while a similar years ago was set down as sui However, the nominators were tee. name tro.u p'ain Mr.'Achmod Zo^ju cide or accidental death. lowed it whole and with enthusi Of the 174 women whx) went,to to his Royal Malcsty, Zogu F>rst, Gene Tunney, former heavyweight, Democratic drive to win support asm. jockeying for last position and champion, and Miss Josephine Inu 'The man, whose body was vrhen the moderator started to the polls 150 voted the Republican tor Governor Alfred E. Smith has found in a brook and was bu The naming of the slate was pre ticket and- 24 the Democratic. Ac Xing of the Albanians, and the tier, $50,000,000 American heiress, ceded by several hours of eulogistic close the nominations, three differ fcrilable scramble of the big and !CE BOX BANDITS proved abortive, it was announced ried in Potter’s Field in 1913 ent nominators jumped to atten cording to this showing the wom which was to have taken place this as a poor “ unknown” has been oratory in behalf of the various en’s vote was more preponderantly lit.Je powers to recognize him, the afternoon, has been postponed until t'->day at Republican headquarters.