Jack Becker Bike Bakersfield

Bike Bakersfield's Regional Mobility Enhancement Plan Kern County Air Pollution Mitigation Fund

Bike Bakersfield Jack Becker [email protected] 1708 Chester Avenue O: (661) 321-9247 Bakersfield, California 93301

Jack Becker 1708 Chester Avenue [email protected] Bakersfield, California 93301 O: (661) 321-9247

Printed On: 26 April 2017 Kern County Air Pollution Mitigation Fund 1 Jack Becker Bike Bakersfield

Application Form

Project Name* Project Name Bike Bakersfield's Regional Mobility Enhancement Plan

Short Project Summary* In three to four sentences, please describe your project as if this was the only thing someone would read. Bike Bakersfield's Regional Mobility Enhancement Plan will foster coordination among local jurisdictions and community support groups to improve bikeability in the Bakersfield area by improving the local infrastructure, enhancing public planning, and bolstering community education efforts. We will work with multiple jurisdictions in Kern County to improve the bike network by adding class I, II, and III facilities to local roads, add new bike parking to increase end trip opportunities, and coordinate efforts to build and develop educational prototypes for programs to lay the foundation for more opportunities for local Safe Routes To School programss. From the Mobility Enhancement Program, Bike Bakersfield will make monumental gains toward improving bicycle mobility across Kern County to move towards our goal of a 5% bike modeshare in Bakersfield in 2025 and increase bicycle use across Kern County.

Amount Requested* Amount Requested $150,000.00

Grant Period Requested Please indicate the duration of the grant you are seeking. How many months? When does it start and end? This proposal would begin on June 1st, 2016 and conclude on May 31st, 2018

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Hints For Applicants  To return to your application while in draft or after you submitted it, please go to http://www.rosefdn.org/onlineapplication.

Printed On: 26 April 2017 Kern County Air Pollution Mitigation Fund 2 Jack Becker Bike Bakersfield

 To download a PDF packet of the questions, click on the PDF icon "Question List" at the top right-hand corner of this page.  We understand that it is difficult to be concise. It is always better not to exceed character limits of questions, but if you do, you can continue your response in the "Overflow Space" box.  You do not need to use all the characters allowed in each question.  Spaces DO count as characters for the character count maximums.  To make the response boxes larger, click and drag the lower right corner. (Please note this will not increase the character limits of the boxes.)  If your group is new, some questions may not apply.  To download a PDF packet of your completed application, click on the PDF icon "Application Packet" at the top right-hand corner of this page.

Applicant Information Summary Description of Applicant* Describe the applicant's organizational mission, current activities, and most important accomplishment(s). Please describe past experience in air quality related issues in Kern County. Bike Bakersfield is a non-profit advocacy group that promotes active forms of transportation, primarily bicycling, as an everyday alternative to the automobile. Our organization is currently working in the Greater Bakersfield area, Wasco, and Arvin to promote bicycling and make our communities more bike-friendly. Bike Bakersfield's current activities center around improving infrastructure to make streets more conducive to bicycling, stewarding a culture of bicycle safety and awareness through education, and providing access to affordable bicycles.

Our programming for 2016 will focus on local youth and underserved residents. We are working with Bakersfield City School District and the City of Wasco to host several upcoming bicycle rodeos, where children and, when possible, their parents are engaged in an interactive bicycle safety course. Our staff, along with local law enforcement officers, teach the rules of the road, basic bicycle maneuvers and techniques, and how to safely coexist with automobiles. Bike Bakersfield operates two bike kitchens in Kern County where community members can use our tools to work on their bikes as well as donate bikes and equipment. The Bike Kitchen's Recycle-A-Bicycle program allows for community members to exchange 20 hours of volunteer time for a quality used bicycle built from donated parts. Bike Bakersfield is involved in advocating for safer streets with more bike-friendly infrastructure by working with organizations including the City of Bakersfield, City of Arvin, Kern COG, and the County of Kern. We are involved in collaboration with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Kern County, and City of Bakersfield to build a new bike path along the Friant-Kern Canal and bring a much needed grade-separated bicycle conduit to northwest Bakersfield.

Now in our eleventh year of operation, Bike Bakersfield has seen the completion of many successful projects, programs, and efforts including:

-Adoption of bicycle master plans in both the City of Bakersfield and the County of Kern. -Securing of funding to stripe 50 miles of bike lanes and routes in the Bakersfield area. -Opening of a second Bike Kitchen in Arvin, CA. -Donation of over 1000 bicycle light sets to community members through Project Light Up The Night. -Completion of a Safe Routes To School program for Bakersfield City School District.

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Organizational Leadership and Community Involvement* Describe your organization's leadership and community involvement. Describe any underserved or disadvantaged communities that benefit from your group's work. How does your board and staff composition reflect the communities served by your organization? Bike Bakersfield is led by a board of directors comprised of ten local leaders. Our board members are involved in the community with organizations such as , Bakersfield Young Professionals, Kern Council of Governments, Authority, Bakersfield City School District Board of Directors, TBC Media, Kern River Parkway Foundation, Kern Wheelmen, and the California Bicycle Coalition.

Bike Bakersfield maintains several programs that are oriented toward the underserved and disadvantaged members of our community. Our bike kitchens in Bakersfield and Arvin help equip disadvataged community members with a reliable, emission-free form of transportation at a low, or no cost through the Recycle-A-Bicycle program. Project Light Up The Night passed out over 1000 sets of bicycle safety lights to those that cannot afford lights yet still have the need to ride their bicycles at night. Our organization's efforts in Arvin have led to the involvement of over 50 local youth in their own community through advocating for a new skate park and other bicycle infrastructure. We are collaborating with the Bakersfield City School District to host bicycle safety rodeos in five low income schools in . These events are designed to interactively teach our youth how to safely ride on city streets and in turn encourage more ridership and fewer vehicle trips. A grant provided by The Wonderful Company will allow us to host a total of seven bicycle events in 2016, including bicycle rodeos and community rides, for the city of Wasco.

The board of directors leading Bike Bakersfield has many ties to the local community. The organization's ambitious efforts are driven by the directors' passion for their community and a desire to improve the place in which they live and play.

Grant Request Work Plan* If awarded this grant, what specific activities will you undertake with the grant funds? What do you hope to accomplish? Bike Bakersfield continues to lead the way in the Central Valley for promoting biking for transportation. In the past ten years our groups made a number of accomplishes in the 5 E's of bicycle advocacy: Engineering, education, encouragement, enforcement, and evaluation. While these accomplishments continue to make biking more convenient for all residents, the foundation for the next ten years of our work will be laid in the upcoming year. With Bike Bakersfield's Regional Mobility Enhancement Plan we will lay the groundwork for the next decade of accomplishments we hope to achieve in Kern County. In doing so we will continue to increase bicycle trips in the area, improve the health of Kern residents, and reduce VMT's in order to make our air cleaner.

To achieve success in reducing vehicle trips in Kern County, Bike Bakersfield will use a multi-faceted approach to increasing bicycle trips. The following activities are the pillars for our proposal.

Activity 1: Move the Friant-Kern Canal bike path project towards completion.

Activity 2: Work with GET Bus Transit District, Cal State Bakersfield, and to establish a citywide bikeshare system

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Activity 3: Collaborate with the Bakersfield City School District, Kern COG, Kern Superintendent of Schools, Harvard Law students, and other local school districts to develop a Safe Routes to School curriculum for all Kern County School Districts while implementing the program with a few districts.

Activity 4: Install additional bicycle racks and bicycle infrastructure in the Cities of Arvin, Bakersfield, and Wasco.

Activity 5: Coordinate local efforts to improve community planning efforts through our engagement with local elected officials.

Activity 6: Continue our Recycle-a-Bicycle program through our Bakersfield and Arvin Bike Kitchens.

Combining infrastructure improvements and education/outreach efforts will provide a well-rounded approach to reducing VMT's by increasing bike trips. In doing so, Bike Bakersfield will continue to move towards its goal of a 5% bicycle modeshare for the Bakersfield area by 2025.

Why Important?* Please tell us why the work you propose is important. How will it help improve air quality in Kern County? Currently, mobile sources account for a majority of the pollution in the San Joaquin Valley. Promoting biking as a viable mode of transportation will reduce VMT's in Kern County by reducing vehicle trips, thus reducing pollution. In order to comprehensively impact the culture and circumstances which drive people to use their personal vehicles, Bike Bakersfield takes a holistic approach to dealing with all factors which influence these decisions.

Bike Bakersfield's continued work to add bicycle infrastructure that encourages bicycle trips will make biking more convenient for local residents. Adding bicycle lanes to local collector streets encourages residents to use alternative transportation for short trips (less than three miles). In addition to increasing bike lanes, our organization will work to ensure the addition of a second bike path facility in the Bakersfield Metropolitan area. These facilities encourage those who are interested, yet concerned about biking on local roads, to ride. Additionally, the path we are adding will go a long way towards connecting Northwest Bakersfield, a historically isolated portion of our community in terms of biking, to the rest of Bakersfield.

Educating and encouraging bicycle trips is a great step toward enticing residents to use alternative transportation forms. Working with Harvard Law students and local government agencies we will develop a blueprint for building an effective Safe Routes to School plan. In addition to our traditional outreach methods, the use of this program meets two of the standard components of the 5 E's for bicycle advocacy. This program will build a long-term education system into our schools to encourage biking. Combining these efforts with our work to improve the infrastructure will continue to increase bicycle trips and reduce VMT's.

Our approach to bike advocacy will increase bike trips, in turn reducing vehicle trips, and thus improving our regional air quality.

Outcomes* What would success in this project look like? Describe up to 3 of the most significant outcomes that will happen if this project is successful. For each outcome:  Identify the specific proposed outcome (outcome may be qualitative or quantitatve).  Describe how you will measure achievement of, or progress towards, this outcome. Be specific about who, what, when, where, and how much.

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Example Proposed Outcome: High school students will be engaged in air pollution and public health issues, and begin to involve themselves with clean air policy work. Measurements: XX high school students will complete our educational course. Follow-up tracking will document that YY% take at least one personal action towards cleaner air, and ZZ students submit comments to the Air District about a clean air regulation. Bike Bakersfield's Regional Mobility Enhancement Plan will provide the following outcomes:

Outcome 1: The Bakersfield Metropolitan area and other Kern County jurisdictions will increase their bicycle infrastructure, thus making it easier to bike and walk.

Measurements: By June 2018, we will see the following improvements in Kern County:

- The Friant-Kern canal will have a six mile multi-use path in its right-of-way, connecting Northwest Bakersfield residents to the existing Kern River Parkway Trail and the surrounding community.

- The Bakersfield Metropolitan Area will have 20 more miles of class II and III bicycle facilities funded or installed on local roads.

- The City of Arvin will add 5 miles of bicycle facilities to its local roads.

- The City of Bakersfield will adopt the NACTO standards as an acceptable road standard for new development and road retrofits in the City.

Outcome 2: Bike Bakersfield will increase its education programs and capacity through community collaboration, strategic planning, and increased partnerships.

Measurements: By June 2018, we will see the following improvements in Kern County:

- Bike Bakersfield will provide guidance and work with Harvard Law students to complete a comprehensive Safe Routes to School program to act as a blueprint for future, year-round programs with local districts.

- Four school districts will partner with Bike Bakersfield in the next two years to launch a pilot program by applying for TDA, article 3 funding.

- A minimum of four school districts will apply with Bike Bakersfield for ATP funding in the next two years using the Harvard students proposal for a 3-year program.

- Bike Bakersfield's board and staff will host ten Traffic Skills 101 courses with local community partners.

- Bike Bakersfield will host two League Cycling Instructor seminars in the next two years.

Outcome 3: Local communities will increase their capacity to support bicycle trips by investing in support programs and facilities for biking.

Measurements: By June 2018, we will see the following improvements in Kern County:

- A minimum of 100 new bicycle racks will be installed in Kern County communities using TDA funding.

- Kern COG will develop a Countywide Active Transportation Plan. Bike Bakersfield will play an active role in its development and implementation

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- The City of Bakersfield will develop a bikeshare system to serve the downtown area, Cal State Bakersfield, and Bakersfield College.

- Two local jurisdictions will explore the possibility of developing a bicycle library system.

Urban, Suburban, or Rural* How would you describe the area where your project will have the greatest impact. Please select all that apply. Urban Suburban Rural

Constituency* Please describe the constituency/constituencies who will benefit from the work of your project. What is the socio-economic, ethnic, and/or racial composition? How does this project benefit underserved communities? Bike Bakersfield's work for the proposed project will benefit a variety of community members and different groups. The Friant-Kern canal will serve a more affluent part of the community. However, the class II and III infrastructure investments will be focused in low-income parts of the Bakersfield area. Additionally, work in Arvin and other South Kern neighborhoods will focus on serving low-income, largely Hispanic communities. In total, our work with local infrastructure will serve a diverse spectrum of constituents, with a focus on improving bikeability in low-income, Latino communities.

Our education and outreach efforts will target school districts primarily serving low income students. Because of established relationships, funding opportunities, and need, we believe districts serving East Bakersfield and the rural parts of our community will be our partners in developing, funding, and implementing Safe Routes to School programs. In total, we see the program utilizing our past work to serve groups we have relationships with, many of which are school districts in low-income communities.

Bike Bakersfield's work will target all demographic, socioeconomic, race groups represented in Kern County, and documented and undocumented residents. However, the majority of this program will be focused on working with low-income neighborhoods with a large Latino representation.

Public Health Benefits Does your project have significant public health benefits? Please elaborate. If applicable, please also describe how the project will provide pollution reduction benefits to any particular disadvantaged communities. Bike Bakersfield's Regional Mobility Enhancement Plan will have major health benefits for the community. Biking is a great form of transportation because it is affordable, clean, and healthy. If Kern County residents could substitute one 15-minute trip a day in a car for a bicycle trip, residents could obtain the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's recommended amount of daily exercise to maintain good health. This increase in activity has the potential to impact a number of residents, many of whom do not get any daily exercise.

Active transportation improvements are opportunities to instill healthy lifestyles into community members who desperately need to get healthier. According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, Kern County ranks 58th out of 58 counties in California for heart disease, 57th in incidents of diabetes, 28% of the population is considered obese, and ranks as the unhealthiest County in California. Given the poor state of Kern County's health, it is imperative that forms of exercise that coincide with individual daily routines become part of our everyday lives. Effective bicycle transportation planning satisfies the interest of 70% of

Printed On: 26 April 2017 Kern County Air Pollution Mitigation Fund 7 Jack Becker Bike Bakersfield the population, meaning 70% of residents would perceive biking as a safe form of transportation and thus be more encouraged to ride. The work in this proposal is moving Kern County towards this goal.

The opportunity for active transportation is very present in our community. Although built on a suburban model, most Kern County residents live within a reasonable distance of a few of their trip destinations to make the bicycle a convenient transportation form. For many people, a 3-5 mile trip is said to be a convenient distance for a trip. What is missing is the infrastructure to make the trip safer and the culture to encourage people to get out of their automobiles. This proposal will meet both of those needs. First, it will add the infrastructure and pieces needed to make biking a safer form of transportation. Second, it will give us the capacity to work with local school districts, local governments, and other regional players to build up our Safe Routes to School opportunities in order to encourage parents and students to travel to school in alternative forms of transportation. In turn, both of these efforts focus on long-term change in habits for our community members.

Bike Bakersfield's Regional Mobilization Plan will make our roads safer and convenient for bicycle transportation. Additionally, we will reinvigorate our education efforts in order to encourage our local students to ride their bikes to and from school. The combination of these efforts will increase bicycle use and in turn create a community where active transportation is seen as a viable source of everyday transportation and daily exercise, which will improve the health conditions of our community.

Outreach* Describe community involvement: How does your organization reach out to the public? Who are your key partners in the community? Bike Bakersfield collaborates with a number of community partners to do our work. In order to be successful in this project, we will partner with local government entities, school district officials, and other community partners to make the work we do a success.

Infrastructure projects must involve city partners as well as other interest groups in order to make those investments a success. For the Friant-Kern bicycle path project we will work with the Bureau of Land Management and the City of Bakersfield to develop the design, work out agreements for use of the right-of- way, and secure funding for the project. In order to gain support for the amenity as well as strengthen the competitiveness of funding applications, residents, schools district officials, and other interested parties will weigh in on the project.

Regional infrastructure (class II and III bike facilities) will involve the public agencies who oversee those road facilities and residents. Projects in the City of Bakersfield and the County of Kern will involve Kern Council of Government officials, City of Bakersfield staff, and County of Kern employees. In order to ensure collaboration between local officials, Bike Bakersfield began the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Coalition, which is comprised of members from multiple local agencies to ensure effective collaboration for local projects. Through this group a number of successful collaboration for projects have come forward and consistency between agencies has been routine.

In South Kern, our work is built on a collaboration through the Building Healthy Communities Initiative. This constituency is made up of local community advocacy groups, school officials, and individuals from nonprofits working to improve the lives of local residents. Members of this group will be involved in our community projects. Additionally, Arvin youth will be engaged in the work we are doing in their community through their advocacy and involvement in the Arvin Bike Kitchen. Our work to improve South Kern will involve a vast array of constituents who represent the multi-faceted neighborhood.

Our education efforts will involve a wide array of partners to make the work successful. To develop an effective program, Bike Bakersfield will work with Harvard Law students to develop a year-round, sustainable program for the future. In additional to this connection, we will also work with Kern Council of Governments, local governments, and schools districts to execute the program and go after funding.

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Community members will also have an opportunity for input, which will help guide the development and execution of the program for their specific district.

Collaboration and community involvement are important parts of the work we are doing at Bike Bakersfield. Because of this we ensure that the work we do involves partners and other players in the area to meet the needs of local residents.

Matching Funds All incentive programs, vehicle or equipment purchase projects, or infrastructure construction projects such as bicycle lanes or electric vehicle charging stations must include a written commitment evidencing matching funds. Projects seeking a total of $50,000 or less must provide a 1:1 match. Projects seeking a total between $50,000 - $150,000 must evidence a 2:1 match.

Please attach a PDF of the documents provided as written commitment of any required matching funds. If you have multiple documents, please combine them into one PDF. If you are unable to do so or have trouble doing so, please email our Grants Associate, Laura Fernandez, at [email protected].

If you do not have any required matching funds committed at this moment, please use the text box below to explain why.

Although education and outreach funding does not require matching funds, Bike Bakersfield currently is receiving $40,000 from the California Endowment for education and advocacy work in South Kern, with a particular focus in Arvin, and $25,000 from Kern Council of Governments for community outreach. In total, the $65,000 for the upcoming year will provide a solid match for the Rose Foundation, developing a well funded outreach program for Bike Bakersfield to continue its advocacy work.

Vehicle or Equipment Projects Proponents of vehicle or equipment projects are required to submit a written pre-proposal statement of 5 pages or less. This pre-proposal should be submitted at least 3 weeks before the application deadline in order to allow adequate response time. You can find the pre-proposal questions on our website. Please send your pre-proposal to Laura Fernandez, Grants Associate, at [email protected].

If You Need Additional Space for Your Responses Overflow Space While it is better not to exceed the character limits of questions, if you really need more space, use the box below. Please make it clear which question is being continued in the box below. [Unanswered]

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People Number of paid employees* How many full and part-time employees are involved in this proposed project? If you are seeking general support, how many full and part-time employees does your organization have? Count part-time employees according to the amount of time they work. For example if someone works 50% time, the are counted as 0.5. 3

Volunteers How many people will volunteer for this proposed project? If you are seeking general support, how many people volunteer for your group during the year? Collectively, how many hours per week do they work on average? Please describe very briefly the main types of volunteer activities. Bike Bakersfield has two broad categories of volunteers, Bike Kitchen volunteers and event support volunteers.

The Bike Kitchen volunteer opportunity coincides with our Recycle-A-Bicycle program where the volunteers exhange their time for a functional bicycle. A Bike Kitchen volunteer's duties include cleaning and organizing the bike shop, miscellaneous chores, and minor bicycle maintenance as directed by the bicycle mechanic. This program sees approximately 15 volunteers per year and each volunteer typically works 6-18 hours per week until they reach the required 20 hours to receive their recycled bicycle.

Event support volunteers are typically individuals that have supported our organization with an annual membership and wish to donate their time to helping with Bike Bakersfield events. The volunteer opportunities include helping with bike rodeos and health fairs, attending secure bicycle parking for community events, and distributing bicycle lights during the Light Up The Night campaign. We see approximately 20 individual event volunteers each year and each event volunteer works about 4 hours per week (as needed).

Staff and Volunteers List* List of key staff and/or volunteers (who will be involved with the project) with titles or very brief description of responsibilities. This list of staff or volunteers should be for the applicant organization – not the fiscal sponsor. You may cut and paste the list into the box below, or attach a file.

Adam Kahler - Program Manager: The program manager facilitates the daily operations of the organization and the responsibilities include event planning and execution, attending meetings, grant writing, and youth and adult education.

Sean Smith - Bike Shop Manager, Bakersfield: The Bakersfield bike shop manager runs the daily operations of the shop. He is responsible for the Bike Kitchen volunteer program, bicycle repairs and sales, maintaining shop inventory, and accepting bicycle and equipment donations.

Enrique Esquivel - Bike Shop Manager, Arvin: The Arvin bike shop manager runs the daily operations of the shop. He is responsible for bicycle repairs, sales, and maintaining the shop inventory.

Board List* List of board of directors, advisory board or steering committee members with affiliations. Board list should be for the applicant organization – not the fiscal sponsor. You may cut and paste the list into the box below, or attach a file.

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Glenn Hammett - Board President - Art Director, Bakersfield Life Magazine

Robert Smith - Board Vice President - Owner, SmithTech USA; Councilman, Ward 4, City of Bakersfield

Cindy Parra - Board Secretary - Office Manager, SmithTech USA; Board President, California Bicycle Coalition; Regional Planning Advisory Committee Member, Kern Council of Goverments; California Bicycle Advisory Committee Member, CalTrans; Vice Chairman, Golden Empire Transit District

Louis Bravos - Board Member - Retired, Air Traffic Control, Meadows Field

Lauren Franconi - Board Member - Retired; Business Development Manager, Alzheimer's Association California Central Chapter; Board Member, Bakersfield Spotlight Theatre; Board Member, Kern River Parkway Foundation

Andrae Gonzalez - Board Member - CEO, Stewards Inc.; Board Member, Bakersfield City School District

Angela Iacopetti - Board Member - Jennison & Dodds, LLP

Frank Wooldridge - Board Member - Owner, Law Office of Young & Wooldridge; Retired, Bakersfield Police Department; Instructor of Criminal Justice, Kaplan College; Board Member, American Red Cross Kern County

Jason Cater - Board Member - Founder, Sage Real Estate; Former Executive Director, Bike Bakersfield; Board Member, Chair of the Bakersfield Young Professionals; Vice Chair of the Downtown Business Development Corporation.

Consultants If outside consultants will be employed with grant funds, identify the consultants and their qualifications to perform the work. N/A

References References* Please list contact information for two people or groups familiar with your organization that we may contact. Please include their name, phone number, e-mail address and their relationship to your organization. Christopher Gerry, Administrative Analyst, City Manager's Office, City of Bakersfield [email protected] 661.326.3753 Mr. Gerry has worked with Bike Bakersfield through active transportation projects for the City of Bakersfield

Kern Council of Governments Ahron Hakimi, Executive Director 661.861.2191 Kern COG and Bike Bakersfield have collaborated on a number of active transportation and outreach programs throughout Kern county.

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Financial Information All of the following financial information should be for the applicant organization, not the fiscal sponsor. To download a sample budget template, click here. If you would like to use this template, upload it to the organizational budget question and skip the grant budget question. Organizational Budget* Provide an organizational budget for the current fiscal year. You may upload a PDF, Word or Excel document, or enter the budget in the box below. Make sure to indicate the time period the budget covers. BB_2014_YearEnd_Financials.pdf Bike Bakersfield's organizational budget for the 2014 calendar year is attached.

Grant Budget Provide a line-item budget for the project as a whole, including a column showing how Rose Foundation grant dollars would be spent. You may upload a PDF, Word or Excel document, or enter it into the box below. Make sure to indicate the time period that the budget covers. Rose_Foundation_2016.pdf The budget for the grant proposal is below as an attachment.

Financial Statements* Provide your organization's income/expense statement for the most recently completed fiscal year (for the applicant organization - not the fiscal sponsor). Make sure to indicate what time period the financial statement covers. You may attach relevant pages of your 990 or audit. If your financial statement includes a balance sheet, skip the next question. BB_2014_Income-Expense.pdf Bike Bakersfield's revenue and expense summary for fiscal year 2014 is attached.

Balance Sheet Provide your organization's balance sheet showing assets and liabilities. Indicate the date of the balance sheet. BB_Jan2016_Balance_Sheet.pdf Bike Bakersfield's January 2016 Monthly Balance Sheet is attached.

Other Funders* Please indicate where else you are seeking funding and indicate if it is committed, pending, or projected. Bike Bakersfield is currently pursuing funding from the following partners for the following efforts:

Caltrans - projected - Active Transportation Program funding for Safe Routes to School.

Dignity Healthcare - projected - funding for education and outreach programs focused around healthy living.

Kaiser Permenante - pending - funding for the Bakersfield Bike Kitchen and the Recycle-a-Bicycle program.

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California Endowment - Committed - funding for the fourth year of our work in South Kern.

Tax Status* Which best describes your organization? Incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit

Please explain "Other" If your group's tax status is "other," please explain

Fiscal Sponsor If your organization has a fiscal sponsor, please provide the following information. If you don't have a fiscal sponsor, please leave these questions blank. Fiscal Sponsor Organization Name Please provide the organizational name of your fiscal sponsor. First Name of Fiscal Sponsor Contact Please provide the first name of the contact person for your fiscal sponsor. Last Name of Fiscal Sponsor Contact Please provide the last name of the contact person for your fiscal sponsor. Title of Fiscal Sponsor Contact Please provide the business title of the contact person for your fiscal sponsor. Email for Fiscal Sponsor Please provide the email address of your contact person. Phone Number for Fiscal Sponsor Please provide the phone number of your contact person. Street Address for Fiscal Sponsor City for Fiscal Sponsor State for Fiscal Sponsor Zip Code for Fiscal Sponsor Letter from Fiscal Sponsor Please attach a letter signed by your fiscal sponsor to show that they have specifically authorized this application. If you do not have the letter at the time of application submission, then please use the box below to explain when we should expect the authorization letter, and later email the letters to [email protected].

Additional Information/Attachments Other Information (optional) Is there any other information that would help us better understand your organization?

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Letters of Support (optional) Letters of support – maximum of 2 letters, maximum of 2 pages each letter. Letters of support can be from people who are familiar with your organization. Letters of support can be submitted by email to [email protected] or attached below. Rose Foundation - Letter of Support.pdf

2nd Letter of Support (optional) KernCOG_Support_Letter.pdf

Newsletters or Other Publications You may attach up to 2 newsletter or other publications from your group. If you have more than one attachment, you will need to combine them into one document before uploading them. URLs (optional) If you have a document that you want to make sure the grants review team sees, it is best to attach it. But if you have a video or electronic-only media, you may paste URLs here. If you have a large document, you may also upload that document into a Dropbox folder and paste the Dropbox URL here. Bike Bakersfield's Kern Community Foundation nonprofit profile video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7kQhDB6Lrk

Bakersfield Life's Bike Bakersfield Celebrates Bike Month Article - http://www.bakersfield.com/bakersfield-life/2015/04/24/bike-bakersfield-celebrates-bike-month.html

Streetsblog - http://cal.streetsblog.org/2015/07/27/uphill-battle-does-not-deter-bakersfield-cyclists/

Feedback Time to Complete Application* How long did it take to complete this application? 21 - 40 Hours

How Can We Improve? How can we make this application simpler and more understandable? The new format was easy to use. While past RFP's were very well spelled out, online formats are a very easy system to follow. Thank you for changing to this system. My only recommendation would be to continue using this process for future calls for projects.

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File Attachment Summary Applicant File Uploads • BB_2014_YearEnd_Financials.pdf • Rose_Foundation_2016.pdf • BB_2014_Income-Expense.pdf • BB_Jan2016_Balance_Sheet.pdf • Rose Foundation - Letter of Support.pdf • KernCOG_Support_Letter.pdf

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Bike Bakersfield Regional Mobility Enhancement Plan Activity Cost Type Year Sub-Total Jun 2016 - May 2017 Jun 2017 - May 2018 Infrastructure Advocacy Staffing 34,000 34,000 68000 Materials 1,000 1,000 2000

Education Coordination Staffing 20,000 10,000 30000 Materials 1,000 1,000 2000

Program Advocacy Staffing 23,000 23,000 46000 Materials 1,000 1,000 2000

Total 150,000