Murray and Sunraysia Regional Algal Coordination Committees

Combined Blue Green Algae Report

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Summary - Murray and Sunraysia

A Red Alert was declared for the lower at Mt Dispersion and Wentworth on 31 January 2020. An update was subsequently released, and a high alert declared for the lower Murray River (Red Cliffs to Mildura) on 5/01/2020 (Media Release attached).

Amber alerts are current at Picnic Point, Barmah (GVW raw water), Barham, Murray Downs, , Euston, Merbein, Curlwaa, Wentworth, Fort Courage and Lock 8 on the Murray River.

Amber alerts are current for the at, Old Marogo Rd and and on the River at Wakool-Barham Road and Stoney Crossing.

An Amber alert is current for Lake Wetherell at Menindee Lakes.

See, for additional information.

Blue-green algal information particular to Victoria may be accessed at the following: Goulburn-Murray Water or Lower Murray Water

Table1 has the latest observations for the Murray Sunraysia and Figures 1 & 2 below show the alert locations.

This report is based on routine monitoring conducted by WaterNSW at sites in the Murray and Sunraysia Algal Reporting Regions (and cross border water authorities). The algal alert levels apply to non- consumptive or recreational contact. Drinking water safety thresholds are more stringent.


Table 1 Combined Murray and Sunraysia update 6/01/2021

Site Description Sample Date (cells/mL) Cyanobacteria (mm3/L) Cyanobacteria (cells/mL) Cyanobacterial Pot (mm3/L) Cyanobacterial Pot per ( Status Current Previous Status gal cya Dominant Comments C


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atest Sample)

Toxic Toxic



MURRAY RIVER SYSTEM DLH002 Lake Hume, 1/12/2020 3,870 0.002 No No No toxic species Alert Alert Resort DLH004 Lake Hume, 1/12/2020 138 0.016 No No No toxic species Dam Wall Alert Alert N1000 Murray R. 9/12/2020 498 0.021 No No No toxic species Union Bridge Alert Alert N1001 Murray R. 9/12/2020 1,180 0.007 No No No toxic species Alert Alert Yarrawonga 7/12/2020 14,363 0.080 GREEN 'Synechococcales Weir GMW small (iauv <20) N1008 Mulwala 22/12/2020 53,020 0.097 382 0.003 GREEN GREEN Phormidium sp. Potentially toxic, Canal taste & odour Offtake

N1007 Murray R. @ 22/12/2020 24,210 0.034 No No No toxic species below Alert Alert Yarrawonga

N1051 Murray R. 22/12/2020 67,090 0.119 GREEN GREEN Unknown Cobram ()


Cobram WTP, raw 22/12/2020 34,067 0.193 No water (GVW) Alert N1013 Murray R. 22/12/2020 21,320 0.025 No GREEN Synechococcales Alert small (<20)

N1052 Murray R. 30/11/2020 87,270 1.244 AMBER AMBER Dolichospermum - Picnic Point crassum Barmah WTP raw 21/12/2020 56,307 0.884 659 0.061 AMBER Dolichospermum crassum water (GVW) Synechococcales small (<20) N1050 Murray R. 30/11/2020 36,600 0.112 0 0.000 GREEN GREEN Unknown 0 (Echuca) Torrumbarry 8/12/2020 6,551 0.030 GREEN Aphanizomenonaceae Family - Straight Weir GMW

N1003 Murray R. 1/12/2020 40,410 1.089 0 0.053 AMBER No Sphaerospermopsis Potentially toxic, Barham Alert aphanizomenoides taste & odour (Koondrook)

N1054 Murray R. 1/12/2020 19,010 1.304 0 0.948 AMBER No Sphaerospermopsis Potentially toxic, Murray Alert aphanizomenoides taste & odour Downs (Swan Hill) N1055 Murray R. 1/12/2020 24,650 1.848 0 1.022 AMBER AMBER Sphaerospermopsis Potentially toxic, Tooleybuc aphanizomenoides taste & odour (Piangil)

N1028 Murray R. 28/12/2020 74,880 8.015 0 0.417 AMBER AMBER Sphaerospermopsis Potentially toxic Euston aphanizomenoides (Robinvale) Radiocystis


N1065 Murray R. 28/12/2020 225,600 7.751 RED No Dolichospermum Taste and Mount Alert crassum Odour/Filter Dispersion Dolichospermum cf clogging planctonicum/smithii Chrysochromulina Chrysochromulina = potentially ichthyotoxic - toxic to fish N1062 Murray R. 28/12/2020 155,400 4.885 416 0.009 RED No Microcystis Potentially toxic, Buronga Alert Dolichospermum cf taste & odour planctonicum/smithii Dolichospermum crassum

Mildura Weir 5/01/2021 17.35 1.930 RED Dolichospermum Pool (LMW) Straight - Large Surface >8µm N1027 Murray R. 28/12/2020 167,800 5.033 0 0.000 AMBER No Dolichospermum cf Taste and Merbein Alert planctonicum/smithii Odour/Filter Dolichospermum clogging crassum

N1063 Murray R. 28/12/2020 247,600 5.754 0 0.000 AMBER No Dolichospermum Taste and Curlwaa Alert crassum Odour/Filter Dolichospermum cf clogging planctonicum/smithii Chrysochromulina Chrysochromulina = potentially ichthyotoxic - toxic to fish

N1066 Murray R. 28/12/2020 133,800 5.746 399 0.009 AMBER AMBER Microcystis sp. Potentially toxic, Fort taste & odour Courage

N1077 Murray R. 1/12/2020 56,480 1.212 AMBER AMBER Unknown 0 Lock 8


N1078 Lake 1/12/2020 103,300 0.062 GREEN No Unknown 0 Victoria Alert Outlet Regulator BILLBONG CREEK, EDWARD & WAKOOL RIVERS N1020 Billabong Ck. 9/12/2020 64,230 0.137 GREEN GREEN Unknown 0 N1015 Billabong Ck. 30/11/2020 553 0.000 No No No toxic species 0 Alert Alert N1006 Gulpa Ck. 30/11/2020 28,080 0.052 GREEN No Unknown 0 Alert N1002 Edward R 1/12/2020 53,810 0.125 GREEN GREEN Unknown 0 N1053 Edward R. 1/12/2020 27,230 0.869 AMBER AMBER Unknown 0 Old Morago N1005 Edward R. 1/12/2020 8,170 0.727 2,460 0.230 AMBER No Dolichospermum sp. Potentially toxic, Moulamein Alert taste & odour N1010 Wakool R. 1/12/2020 77,070 3.255 3,970 0.397 AMBER No Dolichospermum Potentially toxic, Wakool- Alert circinale taste & odour Barham Road

N1004 Wakool R. @ 1/12/2020 58,650 2.505 1,040 0.038 AMBER AMBER Microcystis sp. Potentially toxic, Stoney taste & odour Crossing N1009 Wakool R. 1/12/2020 36,380 0.189 330 0.031 GREEN GREEN Dolichospermum sp. Potentially toxic, taste & odour

MENINDEE LAKE SYSTEM & LOWER N1042 Darling River 1/12/2020 39,480 0.316 0 0.237 GREEN No Anabaenopsis sp. Potentially toxic at Wilcannia Alert


N1087 Lake 14/12/2020 484 0.012 484 0.012 No GREEN Microcystis Unknown Potentially toxic, Wetherell Alert taste & odour Site 1

N1088 Lake 14/12/2020 14,550 0.015 353 0.009 No No Microcystis sp. Potentially toxic, Wetherell Alert Alert taste & odour Site 2

N1089 Lake 14/12/2020 0 0.000 0 0.000 No No No toxic species 0 Wetherell Alert Alert Site 3

N1090 Lake 14/12/2020 123,800 0.571 0 0.000 AMBER No Unknown 0 Wetherell Alert Site 4 N1091 Lake 14/12/2020 4,840 0.014 0 0.000 No No No toxic species 0 Tandure Site Alert Alert 8

N1092 Lake 15/12/2020 0 0.000 0 0.000 No No No toxic species 0 Pamamaroo Alert Alert Site 9

N1093 Lake 15/12/2020 0 0.000 0 0.000 No No No toxic species 0 Pamamaroo Alert Alert Site 10

N1094 Menindee 15/12/2020 148,700 0.063 GREEN No Unknown Lakes, Copi Alert Hollow


N1095 Darling R. 15/12/2020 9,130 0.051 GREEN No Unknown Menindee Alert bhwb pump N1171 Darling R. 15/12/2020 9,550 0.014 572 0.005 No No Phormidium sp. Potentially toxic, U/S in Weir Alert Alert taste & odour 32

N1086 Darling R u/s 15/12/2020 4,290 0.004 No No No toxic species Weir 32 Alert Alert

N1041 Darling R. 30/11/2020 0 0.000 No No No toxic species Burtundy Alert Alert

N1074 Darling R. 30/11/2020 5,670 0.003 No GREEN No toxic species Ellerslie Alert


Figure 1 Location of BGA Alerts in the lower Murray River 6/01/2021


Figure 2 Murray Sunraysia Region Cyanobacteria Alerts Status


Alert Definitions for Recreational Waters

Alert Definitions as specified in The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Guidelines for Managing Risks in Recreational Water 2008. The use of these guidelines is endorsed by the Scientific Subcommittee of the NSW Algal Advisory Group.

RED ALERT These alert levels represent 'bloom' conditions. Water will appear green or discoloured and clumps or scums could be visible. It can also give off a strong musty or organic odour. Algae may be toxic to humans and animals. Contact with or use of water from red alert areas should be avoided due to the risk of eye and skin irritation. Drinking untreated or boiled water from these supplies can cause stomach upsets. Alternative water supplies should be sought or activated carbon treatment employed to remove toxins. People should not fish when an algal scum is present. Owners should keep dogs away from high alert areas and provide alternative watering points for stock.

AMBER ALERT Blue-green algae may be multiplying, and the water may have a green tinge and musty or organic taste and odour. The water should be considered as unsuitable for potable use and alternative supplies or prior treatment of raw water for domestic purposes should be considered. The water may also be unsuitable for stock watering. Generally suitable for water sports, however people are advised to exercise caution in these areas, as blue-green algal concentrations can rise to red alert levels quickly under warm, calm weather conditions.

GREEN ALERT Blue-green algae occur naturally at low numbers. At these concentrations, algae would not normally be visible, however some species may affect taste and odour of water even at low numbers and does not pose any problems for recreational, stock or household use.


Table 2 Description of the Alerts applied to Recreational Waters

Red Alert ≥ 50 000 cells/mL toxic M. • High levels of Blue Green Algae detected aeruginosa • Indicates “bloom” conditions OR biovolume equivalent of ≥4 • Toxicity should be presumed mm3/L for the combined total of • Water will appear green or brownish and may have a strong all cyanobacteria where a musty taste and odour known toxin producer is dominant • Surface scums could occur OR Extreme care should be exercised, and contact with the water The total biovolume of all should be avoided cyanobacteria exceeds 10 Action mm3/L • Issue Media Release OR Cyanobacterial blooms are • Water supply authorities to increase filtering with activated consistently present carbon as appropriate

Local authority and health authorities to warn the public that the water body is considered to be unsuitable for primary contact recreation Amber Alert ≥5000 to <50 000 cells/mL M. • Indicates blue-green algae are multiplying aeruginosa OR • Water may have a green tinge and musty taste and odour biovolume equivalent of ≥ 0.4 to Action < 4 mm3/L for the combined total of all cyanobacteria • Water supply authorities to consider filtering with activated carbon

Investigations into the causes of the elevated levels and increased sampling to enable the risks to recreational users to be more accurately assessed. Green Alert > 500 to < 5000 cells/mL M. • Low levels of potentially toxic species detected – suggesting aeruginosa base crop of blue green algae may be on the increase OR Action biovolume equivalent of > 0.04 to < 0.4 mm3/L for the combined Continue/increase routine sampling to measure cyanobacterial total of all cyanobacteria levels


Livestock Drinking Water Guidelines Based on ARMCANZ (2000), Orr and Schneider (2006) and WQRA (2010)

This guideline should be used when water is used for livestock drinking water purposes.

• If visual scums are present, then a High alert should be declared. This would be applicable for both farm dams and publicly managed water bodies (streams, rivers). Such advice should also be given to farmers who phone the department seeking information on managing blooms in their dams.

• Where blooms dominated by Microcystis aeruginosa are present, then the ANZECC/ARMCANZ (2000) guideline of 11,500 cells/mL should be used. Excess of this cell count will constitute a High alert.

• Where blooms dominated by Dolichospermum circinale are present, then the Orr and Schneider (2006) guideline of 25,000 cells/mL should be used. Excess of this cell count will constitute a High alert.

• Blooms of blue-green algae other than M. aeruginosa and D. circinale are also common in NSW. These can be of either known potentially toxic species, or of species not considered to be toxin producers. When these blooms are present, a total blue-green algal biovolume in excess of 6 mm3/L will constitute a High alert. (These are based on very high alert recommendations for raw water sourced for potable human supply published by WQRA (2010), in lieu of there being nothing else available).

Further Information and Contacts

Go to the WaterNSW Algal Website

Call NSW algae hotline 1800 999 457


Dr Elizabeth Symes [email protected] Telephone: 02 6022 5326 Mobile: 0439 199 077

Directly lodge a query for RACC coordinators across the state at, [email protected]

NSW Department of Primary Industries has issued a Food Authority digital newsletter 'Foodwise'. This has been issued today via email to the relevant industry lists and is also available online available at the following link, Newsletter