The Society is an MICHAEL BROSNAN, RESEARCH . interdisciplinary non-profit, Ireland, MANAGER, ROAD SAFETY About the speakers…. , AUTHORITY – Michael is a member BRIAN PRUITT, SENIOR non-political, non-union, non- Co. of the FERSI (Forum of European TECHNICAL MANAGER, INTEL IT confessional organisation of Road Safety Research Institutes), - Brian specialises in speaker professional people involved Registration IRTAD (International Transport independent speech recognition. In Forum: International Traffic Safety his current role, he is using speech in the ergonomics field. The 8 am – 9 am Data and Analysis Group) and CARE. recognition to proactively address Society promotes the HOWARD LEES, CEO HOLLIN ergonomic issues by affecting a Opening discovery and exchange of CONSULTING & CO FOUNDER OF behaviour change in the user Address 9 am THE BMT FEDERATION - leading allowing for the greatest long-term knowledge concerning the behavioural management acceptance.

characteristics of human consultancy in the UK and Founding PATRICIA MURRAY,

beings that are applicable to Member of the Behavioural ORGANISATIONAL

Management Techniques Federation. PSYCHOLOGIST HEALTH & the design of systems and DR. MAUREEN GAFFNEY, SAFETY AUTHORITY – Patricia Dr. Fiona Moclair devices of all kinds. develops programmes for handling EMEA EHS CONSULTING PSYCHOLOGIST & workplace stress and bullying It furthers the scientific IR5 AUTHOR - Maureen having a Intel Ireland complaints through policy consideration of such background in clinical psychology is a Collinstown Ind. popular speaker on change development and visits. She knowledge in the assignment Est. management, emotional intelligence, advises in human factors, of appropriate functions for Leixlip ‘gender at work’ and on work/life workplace errors, and accident Co. Kildare causation humans and machines to balance. She is a well-known Irish broadcaster, writer and columnist and CORA McCAUGHAN, DEPUTY perform, whether people author of best-selling book - DIRECTOR, SERIOUS INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAM LEAD, serve as operators, Phone: Flourishing. IRENE O’BYRNE MAGUIRE, STATE HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE – maintainers, or users in the +353 (0) 1 CLAIMS AGENCY – Irene is a Cora is the Deputy Chair of the system. 6067258 / clinical risk adviser in the Clinical National Incident Management Team, in the Quality and Patient +353 (0) 87 Indemnity Scheme. The scheme Safety Directorate of the Health It advocates the systematic manages clinical/risk management in 6331133 the public health sector. The C.I.S is Service Executive in Ireland. She is use of such knowledge in the part of the State Claims Agency. member of the IES and currently attending a PhD design of interactive systems Email: Also Speaking… programme in Human Factors in of people, machines and fiona.m.moclair@ Trinity College . environments to ensure their Dr. Len O’ Sullivan, Denis Phelan, Dr. Thomas Waldmann (University of Limerick), Dr. Denis O’Hora, Triona Tammemagi, Dermot Hale & Enda Fallon, Dr. Kiran Sarma & Aoife effectiveness, safety, health Kervick (National University of Ireland, Galway), Dr. Fiona Moclair, Lucy Dodd (Intel), Dr. and ease of performance. Ciaran Simms, Dr. Chiara Leva (Trinity College, Dublin), Kevin Fitzgerald (Boston Scientific), and Ursula Fox (Mater Hospital),

Irish Ergonomics Society Conference 2012 - “Why do people do what they do?” Behavioural Safety, Ergonomics and Human Factors in the Workplace BOOKING FORM – advanced registration and payments required in all cases. BOOKINGEYE FORM ON IT Date: 17th May 2012 Name: Current Industry Trends Venue: Intel Ireland, Leixlip, Co. Kildare Affiliation:

Conference Fees: €150 (Conference Delegate) Email Address: Suscipit, vicis praesent erat €100 (Irish Ergonomics Society Member) Contact No: feugait epulae, validus indoles duis enim consequat genitus at. €40 (OAP/Student) Any Special Dietary Requirements: Sed, conventio, aliquip accumsan adipiscing augue Online payment available @ Please choose one parallel session: Behavioural Safety blandit minim abbas oppeto Or Cheques payable to: Irish Ergonomics Society Ergonomics Human Factors commov.

th Send completed Booking Form & relevant fee, if not using the online payment facility before the 11 May, to: Dr. Fiona Moclair, EMEA EHS, IR5, Intel Aptent nulla aliquip camur ut Enim neo velit adsum odio, (Contact details overleaf) Ireland, Leixlip, Co. Kildare, Ireland or via email. consequat aptent nisl in voco multo, in commoveo quibus consequat. Adipsdiscing magna Session One: Behavioural Programmes – premo tamen erat huic. Occuro Session Two: Novel Approaches in Human Session Three: The Power to Instigate jumentum velit iriure obruo. damnum Their Principles and Practicalities Change uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto Factors and Ergonomics pneum. Aptent nulla aliquip camur ut si sudo, opes feugiat iriure 9.30 Changing Behaviour: Ireland – Strategic consequat lorem aptent nisl magna validus. Sino lenis vulputate, 11.05 Human Factors in Healthcare Matters - 15.25 Flourishing: The Art and Science Policy to Road Safety, 1998 – 2012. - Dr. Maureen jumentum velitan en iriure. Loquor, valetudo ille abbas cogo saluto Needs and Consequences - Irene O’Byrne of Being at Your Best Michael Brosnan, Road Safety Authority. Gaffney, Consulting Psychologist and Author. vulputate meus indoles iaceo, ne Maguire, State Claims Agency/Cora McCaughan, quod, esse illum, letatio lorem

Serious Incident Management Team Lead, Health secundum, dolus demoveo conventio. Letalis nibh iustum 9.55 Behavioural Science Applied to Business Service Executive. interddfico proprius. In consequat os transverbero bene, erat vulpu and Safety - Howard Lees, CEO Hollin Consulting & 15.50 Closing Address – Dr. Len Co-founder of the Behavioural Management O’Sullivan, Chair of the Irish Ergonomics quadfse nudflla magna. Aptent nulla tate enim esse si sudo erat. Techniques Federation. 11.30 Behavioural Change in Utilising Society aliquip camur utan sdl as consequat

Speech Recognition to Prevent/Treat aptent nisl in vocoloc consequat ispo 10.20 The Importance of Underpinning Musculoskeletal Disorders - Brian Pruitt, Intel 16.15 Irish Ergonomics Society AGM facto delore ergo maska forgeuit SOFTWARE Behavioural Safety Programmes on Scientific Senior IT Technical Manager. masca pala ergo sacrum lamap Monthly Picks Principles and Company Health and Safety Management Systems - Patricia Murray, Senior allacum dergo ipso aliquip mia sermi 11.55 Lunch Psychologist, Health & Safety Authority. Volutpat mos at

13.00 – 15.15 Parallel Sessions in Behavioural neque nulla lobortis Safety, Ergonomics or Human Factors. dignissim (See details overleaf) proprius. In consequat os quae nulla magna. Delenit abdo esse quia, te huic. Ratis neque ymo, venio illum conventio, torqueo, acsi roto

pala damnum. Aptent nulla aliquip camur ut modo. Feugait in obruo quae