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10-11-1946 Fulton Daily Leader, October 11, 1946 Fulton Daily Leader

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Recommended Citation Fulton Daily Leader, "Fulton Daily Leader, October 11, 1946" (1946). Fulton Daily Leader. 476.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton Daily Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r 10, 1944 dr\ RESULTS FORECAST Fifth Game blind, and Kentucky-Showers, thunder- Boston-6 dor's cape Only storms this afternoon, windy, St Louis-3 considerably cooler in west por- Standing: Boston 3 games. .• tion this afternoon; showers In St. Louis 2 games east early tonight; Saturday parUy cloudy, cool. ailtp rtabtr WICH ES Five Cents Per Copy No. 213 Fulton, Kentucky, Friday Evening, October 11, 1946 4ssociated Press Leased Wire ,red EriniP S4 Volume XLVII Jennings Talks On Plea For May; S. Fulton Scouts Sale Of Atomic Bomb AFE Barkley Makes Series Attempted Highly Touted Murray Tigers "Great Invitation" Begin Their I. Of Fall Meetings Leads To Arrest Jennings, who Cooper Warns Of Left Wingers Photographs The Rev. E. M. Scout Troop II CO. Win From Presbyterian South Fulton Boy Hard Pressed To is conducting the but powerful series of fall Are last night on the (By the Associated Press) and corrupt, 40 opened their PIM revival, spoke winter meetings at the F.B. L Invitation." There was Republican and DemocraUc group, behind the administra- and Of Three Veterans By "Great gymnasium last night large crowd present and the speakers scheduled new addresa- tion consisted of a coalition of school 21-6 Thursday a patrol leaders, Elbert Fulton Bulldogs W. R. Reid, pastor. believes es today in Kentucky in behalf elements and cor- Three ObtainintP Photosritg I Rev. far left-wing Manus Williams and • attendance will continue to of their parties after yestei- Jsckson. a 10- the rupt city machines. The better Barns, were appointed. A-Bombs Stay Were Held 7-6 down and tackled after increase. day's stumping was highlighted Alton element of the Democratic par- Donald Richardson is Troop yard gain. is preaching a by .ien. Alben Barkley's appeal of the Mr, Jennings wish to rid and James McDaniel is Through First In the waning minutes at the 10:00 ItL P)keville for the re-election ty, much as it might scribe Pacific Area, 4.5 scoretoa %lthe series of sermons Right At Home elrinpearniodatt'ePmulptotntotook services on the of his fellow Kentucky Demo- itself of the influence, has been quartermaster. o'clock morning The new Scoutmaster, Manus OFFERED NEWSPAPER Three Quarters These sermons crats, including Rep. Andrew .1. purge it, he said. connections "early church." powerless to Sr., invites all boys 12 but failed to make the Book of May. Williams, Truman Denies Rumor Washington, Oct. 11 are taken from I "I recognize," Cooper continu- years of age and over to attend CITY NEXT FOE in eight tries. The evening sermons at The Senater majority leader That We'‘e Supplied The Justice Department today UNION Acts. ed, "That in the old days busi- the in.xt meeting Thursday Murray Was Cautious 7:30 p. m. will continue to be talked for more than an hour Tigers I want to night, October 17 at 7 o'clock in British With Weapon announced the arrest of three Murray high school's Holland brought some- evangelistic. urging the election of Kentucky nem went too far. undefeated Ty I do not the South Fulton school gym men in Baltimore on charges maintained their what over three full teams to and urged to Democrats without mentioning make it plain that Washington, Oct. 11- 1AP I- here last nigh( All are invited a to the old lais- of publishing photographs of season record Fairfield park last night, but stated. names, until he concluded with favor return atomic bombs are over the Fulton attend, Mr. Reid of letting busi- This country's the bomb. with a 21-6 win all except 15 of them it was "send Andrew J May back to sez-faire system atomic until the last for as it pleases. There staying right at home. President A statement said Bulldogs, but just a sightseeing tour. The w Congress' ness do Delegates Back department Murrayarss had be rules to prevent the made clear today. pictures of the bomb were ob- quarter the Murray mentor wasn't taking May, who, represents the mule Truman fear an upset "2400Miles is up a monopoly to stifle exploded reports tained by one of the men while evcry reason to any chances, and used only subs seventh district, has not cam- setting He officially at all like the Brt this is as far United States has arm- he and a group of other serv- and did not look who have been seeing quite a paigned on his own since re- competition. From Meeting that the in their I am willing to 0 in putUng with a supply of the icemen were awning with a world-beaters described bit of action this season. turning to Prestonburg to re- as ed Britain press notices. Topic business in the hands of the powerful weapons bomber squadron in the Pacific pre-game of the boys on the field Speech cover from a heart condition visitors scored once in Two government." Woodmen Convention The chief executive's denial during the fall and summer of The night had been practicing that made him ill in July on first quarter and Fulton last Brown Blames GOP In Denver C.olorado hi was made without qualification 1945. the three days before the game. Lions Are Told That's the eve of questioning by the back in the second period only Com- John Young Brown, the Demo- at his news conference late yes- The three were accused of at- came Glasgow, Fulton tackle, work- Senate War Investigating Enjoyed By 2,000 make it 7-6. Neither team Distance Needed To cratic nominee to the U. S. terday tempting to sell the photo- to ed out for the Bulldogs for the mittee. reached pay dirt in the third AB Burned Houses Senate, declared in a political Mrs. Louis Waterfield, State Asked specifically then wheth- graphs to the Baltimore News first time Monday. Tip Miller, Hold At Georgetown, John Milk- Murray's extra power and rally at Franklin that the de- Cir- er there are any atomic bombs Post and of distributing cookie of Cooper. Republican sena- Manager of the Woodmen weight told in the final frame "2400 Miles"-the length man pression for farmers started in "over there." Mr. Truman re- elsewhere. on Page Three) torial nominee, said a return to cle, and Mrs. W. B. McClain, Dis- when two more markers were (Continued highway It would require to line 1921, right after President plied in equally positive terms An FBI official told a report- the power of the present national returned last ye chalked up. but it defiritely up all buildings burned in Harding started 12 years of Re- trict manager, that there are not, er in answer to a question that most of I last six months-was the theme Democratic Administration a two-weeks stay in the attempted sale of the pho- was not Vie walkaway toward publican rule. night from The queries were prompted by had Return R. L. Lusk's remarks on fire would enhance a trend his audience to tographs to a newspaper and the drug store quarterbacks Many of state con- He urged Denver, Colo., having attended published reports built around • • prevention at the meeting of a government, of full before voting to the distribution otherwise legal- predicted. think twice the National Institute of the speculation that since Britain before an estimated the Fulton Lions Club at noon trol. return the country to Republi- in the development ly constituted publication Playing Cooper Makes Charges Forest Woodmen Cir- had shared spectators, perhaps the today. can rule and a possibit repeti- Supreme of the atomic weapon, it had The men, seized by Fill 2,000 For Reunion Cooper asserted that a small largest number of people ever Mr. Lusk, resulent adjuster, tion of farm famine. cle with seven other officers and been decided to give her a con- agents, were indentified by FBI to witness • high school athle- Western Adjustment and In- The legislative committee of delegates from Kentucky. crete stake in the finished pro- Director J Edgar Hoover as: Fulton Graduates, Corner, Mlles ite tic event in Fulton. the Bulldogs spection Co., Paducah, added the rrotherhood of Railroad They reported a very fine trip ducts. George Wallace See meet and were outweighed but never out- Former Students that at every fifth milepost in j, Trainmen in Kentucky will and an enthusiastic meeting at- Among diplomats it was hoped Frederick Daubenheyer, Williams Asi7 to dis- Barnes Rike. fought in losing their second Game With MHS Tigers the 2400 miles was a corpse, in Lexington tomorrow tended by more than 2,000 frat- the President's assertions would James in game in four starts. Their next that a human life was lost in cuss the drive to get out the suspicion abroad The announcement said Cotn- The Bulicsus,s played before an ernalists from 45 states. help eliminate tilt will fie at Union City Octo- a fire every 50 minutes. vote in the congressional elec- Britain and the United er, 23, was born at Comer" enthusiastic crowd last night at Of RituidisUc demonstrations, that at NS ber 18. "This is a oig price for some- Revision tions My. 5 convention. States are "pitying partners" in Rock, Va.. and resides Fairfield. Besides the FHB stu- pageantry, sorority Ave., Bel Air, Scoring Plays thing caused in most cases by • • Nate Gallhager, legislative instructions fea- • long-range military alliance, Rock Springs dent body and the ever loyal and field work the FBI said, is Here are the scoring plays in carelessness," he said. chairman of the Brotherhood, and at the same time ease ten- Daubenheyer, local fans, a huge delegation tured the program. Ind.. and last night's game: It is important that your com- Constitution who announced the meeting, the state of over the future use of ato- • native of BuUerville. Murray accompanied tne Attending from sion Late in the first quarter the from munity remain intact, the ad- said the state's 6,000 railroad- a weapon. presently lives at 123 Broadway, to see the game. Kentucky were: mic energy as In- Tigers drove from the Fulton Tigers juster said in warning of the men who will be traveling on blunt throw Bc1 Air, Md. all of these, however, were Says It's Right Mrs. Jeanie , National Mr. Truman's was 45 down to the 20 on hard Not possibility of a blaze that would their runs election day will be a series of The FBI said Rite, 26, com- Chaplain, Murray; Mrs. Lois down highlighted chargcs through the line by Tiger rooters. It was home wipe out Lake street in a mat- Oncei urged to cast absentee ballots. with foreign born in Chattanooga, Tam., • • • To Change Waterfield. State Manager and questions dealing Giles and Melugin. ing for a number of Fulton boys of minutes. Committeemen at the Lexing- and presently resides at 1197 Furgerson, at ter National Legislative Committee, policy. Standing on the Fulton 25, Fur- and girls who are students Fulton county's fire loss in tion meeting will discuss, he replies terse. the Sunset Rd., Chattanooga. They In 50 Year Term Murray; Mrs. W. B. McClain, Dis- Keeping his be- gerson flipped a pass to Kenny Murray State College. the fiscal year ending in July added, the Senate race between that he The men were arraigned the Mur- trict Manager and Junior Past President told reporters Slaughter in the end zone and merely joined up with 1946 was $24,000. In the past FOR PROGRESS Brown and Cooper. Prime fore a United States coon:nimblo. ride down. NEEDED State President, Fulton; Mrs. had answered British kicked the extra to make it 7-0. ray crowd for the fiscal year it was $51,000, Mr. He would not say whether an reply to his ed in Baltimore this morning. were whole- Ky., Oct. 11- W. Z. Carter District Manager Minister Attlee's of Giles held on the conversion. At the field they Lusk pointed out. Elizabethtown. indorsement will be made. but said he the FBI said, on a charge the Bulldogs. with Ken- and National Representative, Palestine appeal of the Unit-' About midway in the second heartedly behind Of 3,000,000 fires investigated, (API-It's traditional public. "violating a section her constitu- Murray; Mrs. Mayme Lee Hurt, would not make it frame Pete Purdom, Murray There was Jean Shelby. last 30 per cent were caused by tucky to change had sent ed States code which prohibits John District Manager and State Mr. Truman laid pub quarterback, fumbled on the 's Bulldog football queen, smoking and carelessness with tion about every 50 years, Virgil Walker /UV- the reproduction, 20 Of Murray 42 and Whitsell dived hing the play and the matches; 25 per cent by faul- Frtd Williams, Bv. MON lielliag-er giving minty to year's queen. and Pdblftd TrfstiverIesh • 17'u *of photograph, sketch, octane, on the ball. Forrest passed S log -el this ty eitimneys. flues stover: miss Oneida Ahart, European refugees to Palestine the ball on came back to see improper handl- day. Louisville; drawing, map or graphical rep- Meacham, who took John Austin 12 per cent by Legislative Committee, and for a speed-up in settling over for Ful- team give the kerosene and That was his answer to those At Wadsworth, Ill. National resentation of vital or military nd- the 12 and went his high school ing of gasoline, Phi Lambda Sorority, Mur- the Arab-Jewish dispute in the Bone's kick was Tigers • close and 11 per who include sentiment for the Mrs. John Moore of Fulton was Tau or naval installations without ton's only score. highly vaunted other inflammables; ray; Miss Lynn Radford. Dele- Holy Land. led 7-6. Cavender, who was inadequate electrical 1890 document among their ap- notified last night that her authority' wide and Murray call. Jerry cent by gate and Warden, "Delta Mu" Attlee's response likewise has drive that began at FHS before he speaker noted. peals against approving a new brother. Virgil Walker, received Conviction on the charges, the 'ter Climaxing a a student wiring, the Murray; Mrs. William been kept secret, but it was un- just after he to fight in Uncle fire department one. broken leg and other painful Chapter, FBI added, carries a penalty of on the Murray 38 went away The Paducah a Delegate and State derstood to be sharply critical of of the fourth took time out much progress in fire William also told the Fourth Injuries yesterday when struck Newman, r fine of not more than MOW opening whistle Sam's Marines, has made of Sorority, Louisville. this country's pressure for ac- Furgerson butted Murray State to come by regular inspection District Kentucky Education as- by a truck at Wadsworth, Ill. President or imprisonment for not more quarter, Billy from prevention was awarded high honors of tion in an area already made way through the center of down and follow the game play buildings in the business sociation "We Kentuck'ans where he now makes his home. than one year, or both, for each his of the distinction in the. pageantry as tense by disputes involving Rus- Fulton line to score from play along the sidelines. Mr. Lusk told the Lions. know how to draft a constitu- Mr. Walker is now in a Wads- offense. we the by area, princess and dtchesse_s deter- sia and the western powers. Lee Ross Melugin added was there suggested that other cities tion that will remove obsolete worth hospital for treatment. All Were Veterans the six. James Campbell He mined by production records. Mr. Truman also disclosed extra on a quarterback thing. Berta materially reduce inci- restrictions and permit Ken- He lived in Fulton until about The announcement said that the too, not missing a could Especially outstandidis were that he had instructed the Navy •011, enjoying the of fires by similar in- tucky to march forward toward seven years ago, and was here Corner, who was discharged sneak. Peak seemed to be dence the honors given to Miss Oneida to send a small ssuadron of Slaughter intercepted For- She brought her rightful place among her last summer to visit friends and from the Army Air Forces In game very much. spections. !Ahart and Was Lynn Radford warships to Chile for that coun- rest's toss intended for Meach- Mary Leta sister states." relatives. November, 1945, met Dauhen- along her roommate, of the "Delta Mu" Chapter, Mur- try's coming presidential inau- from he am on his own 40 and ran 60 Eleanor Black- Kentuckians, he continued, heyer, who was discharged Hamby. Mary ray Miss Ahart was elected Na- guration and had named Fleet were em- yards all by himself to pro- bubbling over with Paducah Milk Up disagreed sentiment and tradi- the Navy, while both stone was tional President of the Tau Phi Admiral William D. Leahy as his The two the final touchdown. Fur- usual. R. B. Wil- tion in 1792 by breaking away No Priority Means ployed in Bel Air. Md. duce enthusiasm as Lambda Sorority and Miss Rad- personal representative at the the an- gerson kicked the point and was doing his very best, 2f Cents Quart; from Virginia, writing a consti- men went to Baltimore, lingham ford was chosen the 1946 "Cover ceremony. on Wed- the scoring was over. along the sidelines tly- tution and established their No "Longhandles" nouncement continued. racing Strike Girl" from 28 contestants. More of this week to Lost A Chance keep up with the ball. Drivers On own commonwealth. In 1800, 1850 The priority system on pro- nesday Mg to than 200 sorority girls convened and met Rike, a f The Bulldogs were knocked was thrill- and 1890 they wrote new con- curement of surplus war goods a truck Betty Jean Austin Ky., Oct. 11 --(AP) in their second national con- Is while in a .rve out of their first scoring chance Bulldo Paducah, stitutions to fit the times in didn't phasea gentleman of about Archbishop Army captain, ed to see her favorite -The retail price of milk was vention and much progress in hotel. In the first quarter after For- Taylor Lee was which they lived, he added, and 60, who came into the Louis- timore in action. Will up two and a half cents a quart sorority growth was evident. During a war discussion, NO- rest teamed up with Meacham his encourage- were not restrained by senti- ville office of the %4ar Assets and there shouting in Paducah today ano city driv- The Shirley Savoy and the announcement said, on a 47 yard pass that brought Sharpe, a former ment. Administration recently. Facing Jail 7. ment. Johnny ers of the Midwest Products sur- Cosmopolitan Hotels of the beau- showed six photographs at MC the ball down to the Murray also was The present constitution was He'd head of "all those FHB star himself, Company were out on strike. tiful city of Denver were the bomb to Rike, whinier. When the ball moved down the some of the adopted, Williams pointed out, plus good/' as he put it, and atomic een there, playing again spokesman said the drivers places of activities for this great Yugoslav Catholic Rike suggested that they try field to open the second quar- in before A during the "Mauve decade," or wanted a couple of items. on games he participated struck because no public an- institute. Leader Found Guilty sell them to a newspaper kin' ter the plays were partially ob- the Navy. "gay nineties," as that era He was directed to the sales- to he went away to nouncement had been made of Highlights to the members $7,000. 'We scured by a heavy smoke screen for the final was variously called. Queen Vic- men who handled the items Of Aiding The Axis approximately All in all, except the price increase and because were the sightseeing tours in the The announcement said the from a switch engine, and un- discredit to toria was on the throne of Eng- he sought, and each explained score, which was no they expected their earnings in foothills of the Rockies, and ex- Zagreb, Yugoslavia, (Jet. 11- men then got in touch with the official reports have it that was a wonder- land, Benjamin Harrison was in that he, a non-priority buyer, use the Bulldogs, it commissions to drop. They said citing to the Kentucky delegates (AP)-Archbishop Alojzijc Step- Baltimore News-Post. Two rep,., Coach Ty Holland was hurried- for alumni the White House and Lillian would have to wait until vet- ful night-especially a price raise is always followed hold- was the two-inch snow they left Lilac, charged with Axis collabo- resentaUves of that newspaper, ly thumbing through his rule of FHB who Russell was in her heyday. erans and other priority and the alumnae by a drop in sales. In Denver. Thrilling to those wasi ration, was convicted today on however, became suspicious, the Ices book to see if this type strategy the game. "Since then a revolution has ers had their chance. came back to see Regular pasteurized milk now the the Veiled Prophet parade wit- all main points of the indict- announcement said, and noUri- was permissible. As the smoke occurred in our way of living With winter coming on, sells for 20 cents a quart and nessed in St. Louis on their re- ment against him and was sen- ed the FBI and military autho- cleared away from the Murray and working." Williams said, and gentleman decided to wait homogenized milk for 20 1-2 What turn. These same delegates and tenced to 15 years imprisonment rities. we goal Melugin intercepted Forr- the restrictions In the present wouldn't be worthwhile. Prospects cents a quart. The price of but- long. many more will be bidding for at forced labor, Daubent eyer was arrested in est's pass on the 10 and was Game document "retard the growth he wanted was a pair of termilk was raised two cents a clock. the next such trip. The three-judge people's court the newspaper office by the tackled by Nelms. Furgerson and development of our state." underwear and an alarm out to the 45. quart. of Croatia which since Sept 30 FBI and military intelligence. kicked the cooperat- The Tigers evidently were re- In State had been trying the Archbishop, Hoover praised Good -Post and NI minded of their below par Soon head of the Roman Catholic ion of the News Decide Federal Action In Meat Crisis not only contacted play during the half-time inter- Enjoy Truman Expected To Church of Yugoslavia, also or- staff "who Hunters Will should but withheld publicat- the mission and in the third quart- the issue is not "beef before dered that all his property the FBI up three Favorable Conditions, 11-1AP) - tor John R. Steelman, Attorney again. be confiscated and deprived him ion of the story until such time er promptly chalked Washington, Oct. Mr. Truman pushed this course election." downs on pow- Head reportedly Tom Clark, OPA Admin- of all legal rights for five years. as they were assured that pub- consecutive first Says Wildlife President Truman General the spotlight at his news "We are in this for the long Miller, Melug- administration's top aide into Stepinac was accused of aiding lication would not hinder the else smashes by Ky., Oct. 11-(AP)— will decide the istrator Paul Porter, a yesterday by de- pull," he said, "and the action to put the Frankfort, in conference the Axis, the puppet Croatian investigation." in *id Furgerson are the best in course on the meat problem Secretary of Agriculture An- to comment on a ques- of the department of ay.:cul- 25. Miller Game prospects pos- of clining Republic of Dr. Ante Pavelic and Other Photos Found ball on the Fulton for the 150,000 two or three days"-then he still favors ture must be taken in the know- possession to several seasons by derson, and other officials. tion whether Ustashi terrorist organiza- The FBI raid Corner and oth- fumbled and lost to go after sibly explain it to the nation ceilings on meat. ledge that we are still living in the attack hunters expected It was the fourth such meet- keeping tion. er un-named ex-servicemen had stop the steamroller next month radio. weeks ago the chief exe- an upset world." quail and rabbit offi- ing in a week, but the first Mr. ' Two Erik Lisak, Ustashi Colonel, given copies of the pictures to temporarily. part of Ken- This forecast by a high said unequivocally that On the political side, some ad- Forrest intercepted when the main the Truman had attended. cutive convicted also and was sen- several unauthorized persons Billy Joe opens, cial in close touch with opposed to scrapping ministration advisers have con- was intended for tucky's hunting season Didn't Comment he was to hang. throughout the United States, Furgerson's pass of the situation came as Mr. Truman tended that decontrol could not tenced on the Murray 40 Earl Wallace, director the The President listened care- controls. and added that photographs Slaughter division, has an- carried to his cabinet again Whether ceilings should be re- result in any big improvement five plays later, and game end fish af fully to all suggestions as to how were recovered by the FBI from some politically potent question moved has been given serious before the November 5 election. then took off on what nounced. thr to get livestock moving to mark-, Stamp Joins List persons in Texas, California and Meacham stock has been re- how to put meat back on at the White They have taken the position to be a quick goal-lint. Native quail et again, but made no contris consideration North Carolina, seemed of more than nation's dinner tables. conference, although some that it would take at least two ex- However, one of the of- vitalized by release Fri- bution . House Of Scarce Items The FBI said that Corner jaunt. the state. Of For the third consecutive the conferees reportedly have to three weeks to get meat to had trouble getting out 25,000 birds over While White House Press Sec- of Washington, Oct. 11-(AP)- plained possession of the pic- Meals 90 per cent day, meat was tagged a top sub- that the price lid should butcher shops, and, even than path on the 30 and the these, approximately retary Charles G. Rosa said no Insisted The new five cent air mail stamp tures by saying that he and of his state game ject at the regular weekly cabi- on. the quantity might not be large. in jam Bulldog back was slowed we.s raised by the decision was reached, one high stay may Join the list of scarce items. four other servicemen fleet The oth- net session. Anderson Holds Rey surreptit- farm near Frankfort. could government official said he ex- The post office department late summer of 1943 adult quail obtained This time the President The way is open for immedi- the covering ers ware of key pects there will be one "very There'll Be Less Gum said today that nickel air mail iously removed Notember Draft Call from Texas markets. report on a conference to- ate decontrol should the deci- an atomic bomb aid pho. In which 800n," although not before While Sugar Is Scarce "has met with such spontaneous from Only 1.5,000 The quail and rabbit seasons government officials sion go that way. The beef pack- the bomb with Going To in order to morrow. 11-(AP)- approval that post offices all tographed open Nov. 20 and close Jan. 5, he sat in personally the ing industry yesterday filed its Washington, Oct. one of these se Washington, Oct. 11-(AP)- should be Some presidential advisers, favorite over the country are hard press- camera of inclusive. The squirrel season size up what could or urging formal petition for elhnination If you can't get your nation's draft boards will of steaks official said, have been it ed to meet the demand." men. 'the Aug. 15 and will end done about the lack of ceilings, and Anderson's ap- brand of chewing gum, blame FBI said, have to find only 15,000 men for opened Mr Truman to go on the radio Working around the clock, the Latei, the 30. Doves became legal and chops. proval is all that would be re- on the sugar shortage. to Da the Army in November. Nov. three-quarter when the decision is made so the bureau of engraving is pro- gave tc.!, pictures 1, with the close of The hour and quired. "Until the sugar situation im- whom the rat Cy Voluntary enlistment of nearly quarry Sept. yesterday people will know the administra- ducing 15,000,000 air mail stamps heyer from season on them Oct. session was held late The secretary has promised proves the chewing gum indus- after the at million in the last year per- the open There Mr. tion's position. of daily in an effort to keep post tamed them a at the White House. "prompt action" on the petition. try faces continued restriction the Baltimore mitted the cut from the October 25. Democratic Meanwhile, the possibility of offices supplied, the department ed sale to deer hunting season has Truman met with However. in a speech at Gene- output," the commerce depart- 1111.1"" quota of 35,000. explained Maj. The Robert E. removing price ceilings on meat said In a statement, Poet. 1111111111111NON set tentathnely for Dec. 21 national Chairman ! va, N. Y., last night he declared ment reported today. Gem Willard S. Paul, war de- been Direct- as a solution moved to the fore 2, inclusive. Hannegan, Reconversion Pertinent personnel director. to Jan. •



Friday Evening, October I I, 1446 k•rii Fulton, ketaktacky Fulton Deny Leader, • 01 Pews Two Stitch. First Lady Head After she left Saskatchewan Unique Quilts she says she studied two years Of Ytuisar College THE DOOLITTLES of Los An- &At, at the City College roughkeepale, N. Y., Oct. 11- tIIp at Northwes- /Mtn geles, took her AB Many • (API- Sarah Cileisen Bninding DAILY SINCE 1898. Reflect tern University, specializing in of Kentucky officiiilly biks of- Kentucky. 11 Do 1.1 sociology, worked a Hull House 400 Main Street. Fulton, lice today as president of Vss- PUIPLISHED EVERY WEEK DAY EVIENING. 'gvAvtAtak, tun, and preparee for an MA de- tg AIONON MMMMM 'VAT OFr-llitS140ULDEit - sir College-the first enan AUSTIN ASKINUON You woy- ALL. Famous Scenes gree at New York University, twiny Lett w IRLO ROSTON I hold the past in the belloOl's el NANADINO EDITOR You KaDoli vat 14(leriAN' but did not do her thesis. 10‘1,1 yearsas of wetitilsintegnive. - _ 1, 1879. Girl "Why do library work for a Kentucknetander act at Congregs of Mame PIEC.E.S' GOT IRS PLAY114' rOfitSALL.t Canadian Misar's sixth ;Wald u second class matter at Felipe, .two-letter suffix, when there are tiarCF nky AC00 inter- preeideut-euecreds 0. minty SOX IN OLAIBIIIIItb •ITOTICIN. A Rare living things to do" she euesionievipei pioneer •IlLe &NM " Creates MacCraken, who rattled 1 eleplise Llitc `ibtl DID jects in the milt Stream of her Noble ON IREOULIIIIrt July after 31 years as head Aft1141111111NO •LINONITtO Of Beauty conversation. last to use for Type school. bora and Assoriated Press is exclusively entitled She chose instead to do rec- ofbiebsthe OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS: The news published. Atri IN NEW YORK warn 11011111tER credited to this paper and also the local _ SHOWN for gold miners in reproduction of all news &patches ByatuesAdelaide Kerr reation work up In Lexington, tty. Ar Ontario and to pro- grew News northern Sharp auce documentary Plays at They Looked ior Up In Sastruchewan where in New York, Unusiud Diplomacy used Greenwich house borrew she was born. Ethel Beam school and tete Bulld( gs look sharp, to wheat- the Santa Fe Indian (Subbing for Mackenzie) Didn't _ to look out across the Arizona, Japanese By J. M. Roberts, Jr. high school eet, in their when the Poston, a phrase from the fields and dream of a day While she was AP Foreign Affairs Analyst last night? 'I he dif- Relocation Camp. new blue end white uniforms _ she would do "something from an illness to the atonOc accumulated dur- convalescing The United States delegation dirt and grass stains that ferent." Loa Angeles, and needed some- be in the posi- foiled to overcome their fresh Today ..-he has the satisfaction busy, INIIIIRCOR commission semios to ing tae rime thing to keep her hands appearance. of seeing "something different" bargain package man who tried to give away a from the bandbox she bought a tion of the of the new erd created by her nand-documen- quilt blocks. But and TOMORROW fall for Another welcome feature a one- of ready-made TODAY solid gold brick-nobody's going to ,: on( erling tary quilts, displayed in the colors dull and outfits was that the spectator 57th she found man show on New York's unimaginative so she Doable Femora ilea gag. and decrepit newspapermen who try exhibit the design the old Street, whose galleries them away, ripped the of a nation laying Its minimum could identify the players that are threw pectacle to follow the bell) paintings and antiques off her bed, dyed con- bedspread of maximum demands on the with more ease and speed. cherished like jewels. sacks and, with her at: ego, in the some sugar both to team needed new unite:ens long These quilts, shown fired by sights she leience table at the outset, seeking The are no Imagination commeditic.; football suits Bertha Sheeler gallery, her travels, began avoid haggling, aP- but like most other blocks had seen in clarify the 'AMPS and r purchase w: s a orderly silk and velvet of her own de- were in short supply. The used to work in a quilt has the negotiators stumped. and their sup- such as grandmother polgently morale booster for the team are bold, colorful sign. don't ordinarily do business that stitch. They ilipleinste pOrters. designs keyed to that there isn't a of modernistic itnW. They can't believe Truly, the Bulldogs were the epitome as the American and have spent such themes aining point somewhere, perfection. squire dance, the Shekel° In- it. To them, sartorial SINUS, CATARRH many Weary Seeks looking for dian ceremony. Japanese reloca• "regular" It Weans. It would have been more Flight tion camps and San Francisco's to have fixed a high, Non-Stop of V-J Day. tor Otte United States celebration SUFFERERSwads. secrets, Dctec- were born of several mu unsay salvo Impossible, price on her atom'c Camden. N. J.,-(AP)-State Police They Sees Ills;Nor el* in settlement hous- s.may Rashid Mao MacMUltRAY begin bargaining. Armano stood on the porch of the years' wore Read at lad flit torture or ei43 NW then Live Harry which took the sail • TON thl= presented the Unite( told a prisoner he was es and schools trouble, esierril, When Bernard Baruch recorder's off ce and from Saskatehewae songeolph Is son commission you lonely girl morons with a formula .hIch S.. CS. Man to the atomic jail, -There's no need for coun- Men and oises central taking to back and forth scams the I, reduce naval eoneestion. "RANGERS out. For- fast as, you suffered s•Ith ayvnialie aims :abOady had the water squeezed to get wet. cut to my car as try to work and live with the who information sobs'. dived IsWArttA ad in the light of more can." people as she had longed to do hawking aid sitoosInit miser, low OF avalable to any didn't bother prarier blessed MNf after oolrg IL LIA)111011 atomic bombs than is The primmer did. However, he out on the Canadian moo. but euna.dering ',Mtn leaped- of irwto bed it constituted the greatest con- he came to the. car. Poece of Some of the quilts are made mewl by wars, tilt Is bet eapeaalve FORTUNE" gauntry, to stop when Premeds. to out., NW pensive Ase t make sacks dyed with drug store Shoaled I could sugar in. otily as the admireatration felt it nine nearby states are looking for him. LEGION WILIIAARY LORONOL towthoe. Also Comedy HOSPrrAL NEWS but their prices rise to Is .014 with 10,-14 IV regard for the nation's safety. Indeed, MEETS Ttiza•Ar dyes arripital $500. EVANS DRUG CO. people familiar with the possibilities of Faits. and Found Wife, Lost Radio AmerIcan Legion Auxili- is better. Look at "Square Dance" Mail Orders filled. 111111.11111111•11111111111111 fear that safety may The Mrs'. Charles Patrick beeide anemic development ary of Marshall Alexander Post we gay figures dancing upon. Yakima, Wash.-kAP)-P. A. Oliver heard a Mrs. Will Moss is doeig fine. by Wee been infringed No. 72 met Tuesday afternoon at a big red barn surrounded 1leist 1: :-4-:44.4414÷;-+++.:-4444+++++++++++++++++++.44. has not fire in a warehouse where Mitchum is better. stitch- But the search for bargaining points radio report on a 2:30 in the home of Mrs. Leon Mrs. Joan field of yellow calico corn Or. F. Roberson is im- of hip onto diminished by Mr. Baruch's insistence his wife worked. Hutchens on Central Avenue. Mrs. ed with the outlines leaving the door awhile beat& the preposeeon before the world is a He rushed out of the home, The meeting was opened with proving. ilatits. Tarry that Mrs. Ed Thompson is improv- and meet Best Holiday" At Its of allegiance to the "Mexican Cleaning the pledge net-bottom one unlocked. guitar Mare , expected safe, but when he returned flag. One verse of -America" was ing. the gay-bloused Ike Rattans could hardly have His wife was Norman Jonakin is im- the gigelc GUARANTEED NO SHRINKAGE sung, and Mrs. Jess Nichols, past Mrs. the tortilla maker, their counter-proposal, for an "honor the radio was gone. woman as thee DAY cintiiiriC Utak chaplain, led in prayer. proving. and the peasant SAME be accepted in the light that Millie Patterson is bet- for the syggertt." would A lengthy business session was Miss fleck 'a to the streets SANITONE MEANER interpretations of -J Dsy in San Idiliery throws on national Family Fatigue presided over by Mrs. Wallace ter fiesta. Or see "V 0. Made is slightly im- sailors and Shankle. Plans were made to W. risneisco," where wheth- Honolulu,-(API-As squadron leader with proved. into the strert recent Meidean "question" as to send Hallowe'en packages to their girls throng hare Europe, Jack O'Brien didn't Jim Brown has been dis- between the tall atomic processes could be placed the AM' in veterans at Outwood General Mrs. to celebrate er dangerous charged. buildings and the LAUNDRY 30 IlibMISOCIR. OK with "black out" in business under centre' international supervision, Hospital. Hu.nley, Oak- The quilts- In Honolulu O'Brien went to a public tele- drive was out- Mrs. Dorothy Golden Oate Bridge. PHONE-130 Maly "denatured" fuels going to individual na- A membership Kay Williams, Water design of a doctor, and asked him to get will be conducted in land, and are done in applique -4444-++++++1•44-1-1-1-H44-54.1.1-1.1.14444- purposes. must also be con- phone, called lined, and were admitted today for the stitch- 44.4144.4 Liana for peaceful immediately-she its, climax the old Valley, ,contrasting color and see if there is a Mrs. O'Brien to a hospital October. As would havr iddeeee Merely an effort to honor the Ise* trensUeetomies. es arc large. (They scientl- was going to have a baby. members will arau4Mathor field tor bargaining. The commiasipn's a luck supper Series Clinic glean Victorian the eeceiver dangle, O'Brien slump- members with pot Thomas Brass and baby a few days before op how.pneduc- Letting Cabin, Tuesday 'MM. tic report at the Legion nicely. more to do,' power works wentaleel:Lhat ed to the floor in a faint. II, at 6:30. are doing "There's so much rceitor atomic evening, November J. C. Arent and baby arc rl8"T contemplathe with f Able was in charge Mrs. says Ethel Beam •to that. In working Mrs. R. L. Harris fine. between thruees point at which It Best wishes to L. Koslow on the expansion program last Tuesday, new horreens, Material 'there is never any of tbe Mrs. R. M. Campbell continues swiftly-movine needle in On of his department store. The formal opening was in the form of a of her said that "this es where we spilt. which to improve. makes Johnny Run" min We share with Mr. Kaanow his contest. Mrs. James the "What hind is material which can be made into was today. written Mrs. John Blehinger is better. — - this able to serve his friends Nichols was winner. nice- - the other is material which can- pleasure in being Miss Outela Graves is doing Williams has been a lamb, on Mrs. Hutchens served cherry Mts. Haeoell Tax Notice and patrons better. ned* A fixed corollary of working with fis- the 12 ly. admitted. pie and coca-cola to MEMORIAL baby material for peaceful purposes is the visitors pres- HAWS Mrs. Roy Ferguson ad deesibie they will operate first and members and three R.A. Owens is improving. and County Tax of Fultonium. with denatured accept them, since have been dismissed. • 1946 State bd.produotion since ent. Mrs. H.A. Hanle is doing line. Clinton. very difficult to pro- far more heavily against us than others, Mrs. Gladys Benedict, material it apparently Is Mrs. Liza Vaughn is better. now open. that is we are volunteering to give up a long head Books are duce enough explosive for bonibs-but ART DEPARTMENT Mrs. William Stephens is do- been dis- than enter into a race for its development, MEET TOMORROW haslae ba er eg ne Sadmheairdttedhas a matter of time and development of processes, TO ing nicely. start on an important military weapon rather tress is doing missed. riot of initmedbIlitY• The Art Department of the Mrs. Howard Jet November 1st, and since we are offering to share an econo- • Pay before 111'the United States demand for rigid W- Woman's Club will hold its first fine. mic weapon of incalculable value, the failure L.A. Vowel is better. and other safeguards prevents other meeting of the year Saturday Mrs. M. Reid 1946, and get discount. to "buy in" would hardly constitute Airlift !a improving. Dr. Tlaoneas from accepting the plan it will be un- of others afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with Jerry proof of eel g. Intransigence." hostess at her Rose Stahr la doing nicely. to. The U. S. position Is that, since we Miss Mary Martin CHIROPRACTOR home. Mrs. Joe Beadles will be mrs. R.R. Moss is improving. Offices in City National Rana have collector at Ful- the Were Hilliard is improving. • Will 1. Before conversion- what? makes conversion all is like leader for the afternoon. Building !Attie Wheeler is doing fine working with Paul man in the perable who cleaned 2 to 5 ton Bank September 30, Oeto. : SUNDAY SCHOOL Jesus was following an operation. tiours--9 to r his house and left It empty. LESSON in the days before itis conver- , PERSONALS James Thompson is improving. Evenings-7 to $ Mona 97 kicking Jesus prepared His fine. 14, 15,30 an&31. ^ SUNDAY. OCTOBER U sion. Paul had been Observe how Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bell spent Mrs. J.T. Ellis is doing Plasmatic Therapy i. e., he had He said, "I have yet W. E tibichke against the goad, disciples. yesterday in Chicago with their Markt& Bennett is improving. Treatments the to reveal unto baby Electrical rine Methodist Marcia been ethiggling against many things son, Pfc. Eddie Bell, who is be- Mrs. Porter Elliott and _ promised marks the be- radios, IlLy. Spirit of Christ. Jesus you." Conversion ing transferred from Fort Lewis, are doing nicely. Spirit and of the Christian life. to send the Holy ginIng Wash., to Ft. Belvoir, Va., where come, He will back to the sub- said, "when He is Bo we come he will attend T. 0. T. 0. Gm- home on Vine street. Mr and INIIING TO LIVE Al A sin, and our lesson: "Beginning reprove the world of jeet of phic Computing School. will Mrs. CHRISTIAN" of righteousness, and of judg- to Live as a Christian." livery o A. G. Mr. and mrs. Ernest Forrest of lgrilmoerardwwhewiti Beie accompanyshereturns before us in em, because they be- must be "born again," WYNN, c the passage ment: of man attended the football Oklahoma City, Okla., Monday i under the saving Memphis SHERIFF li lesson, Acts 26.8-18, lieve not me; of righteousness, must come here last night. end remain with her and Ur. Father . . ; the living Christ of game 114' is explaining to Agrippa because I go to my power of Anna Richardson of Howard for a short visit. the Prince surrender to the Mrs. Motive for missionary work of judgment, because Faith; must N. M., is the guest of leara Jones, g student at Mur- is John of Christ; must have the Deming, AFTER $ YEARS OP Ttorthe Gentlles. This motive of this world judged." call her sister, Mrs. R. A. rowlkes, ray State College, spent last was converted, of the Holy Spirit in his in the experience Paul had 16.8. Before Paul witness and other relatives here. night with his parents, Mr. and RADIO SUCCESS man is convert- is the beginning of the vision he saw on the and before any heart. This Lela Stubblefield has re- Mrs. I. M. Jones, at their home the goading with Christ. And after Mrs. ter read. ed, he came under his life front a visit with rela- on Central avenue. He brought God seeks growth--he grows turned the time of his conversion, of the Holy Spirit. ibis conies the in ,tittle Rock, Ark. ae his guest, Don Langeler, his in knowledge of tives QUEEN was about 30 years old. the unsaved. In grace, Joe Armstrong and Mrs. room mate. -While here they 19ahl The in- Christian character Mrs. *comes before us as a full- IL Conversion-what? Christ, In Joe Mullins went .yesterday in saw the Fulton-Murray high of home, school, service. Thus is he enabled given man, and 4 well-trained, fluences and Jackson, Tenn., with Mr*. C. Mc- =hoot football game. RECORDS educated, thoroughly church, together with the lead- to say with Paul, '-Brethren, m*fully to have ap- Crete and Mrs. Jeff Parallels:to rabbinical scholar. ing of the Holy Spirit, and the count not myself left this dboltelined this one thing Mrs. Joe Armstrong PRESENT his preoludices were nat.- endings of a mane own search, prehended: but home at Fort out of those thrifts morning for her set against the new converge to bring realization I do, forgetting of Christ. and reaching Knox. . Acts 9 &yes us a the eying presence which are behind, C. A. Boyd and roo, C. he heard things which are Mrs. C.W. Burrow of Paul in his uncon- Paul saw a "light," forth to those Wednesday in Min a "heavenly toward the mark A. Jr., spent Vino ooer ed state. "Saul, yet breath- a "voice, he had before. I press and Bardwell. point Is that prize of the high roiliest bumn Real Estate Co. threatening and slaughter vision." The main for the Mrs. George Ai.ey and Mies Christ. And aft- in Christ Jesus." Phil. ageinet the disciples of the Paul saw Jesus of God Mary Royster are in Murray to- Jordan question was, what utul Logd.' And afterwards, no mat- er this the 3:13. day attending the First District do? This question de- hew much he experienced will Paul Educational Association meet- of pardon and termined whether or not he Policeman May Public Auctioneer %TOUR'S ORIATIST 015050 CHOIR bteasednese con- Contrietesf ing. ce the Holy Spirit, would be converted. For is at- Over tec. nom postrer And Work Until Appeal Ruled Mrs. Joyce Waggoner Ofike guri his days of version Is turning around. Rho 51 I never forget wilt Frankfort, Ky., Oct. 10-(AP )- tending the First District Cit y National Bank -CluisUan hate. Paul asked, "Lord, what meeting in mine mu MAI OUT From A policeman convicted of a fel- sational Association of Paul's conversion thou have me to do?" Phone 61 "a" le date to ony who appeals his case can Murray today. " r/4r,= at about A. D. 37 or that hour Paul surrendered to may be Let Christ's remain on duty until the court Mr. R. W. Miller returned endeavored to fix Christ and walked in morning. * 731 lArtcrU tura SS.. Men have made of appeals affirms his sentence, Detroit, Mich., this where Paul was way. Conversion then is you can get the lemons -Wings thwi exact spot Use attorney general's office said His wife and little daughter. No., all we can pewi- up of divine and human pre- over Jordan" choir on QUM odieverted, but Ueda Kay. remain with Mrs. nova! We have that he was con- paration; of meeting Christ: today. bECOKDS! Get them t:elk say is If the state's highest court up- L. M. Roberson on the Union BROOKS - them in stiaa! The same world rn. the Damascus road. and, of surrendering to Christ choir.. you hear every Sen- tented on holds the conviction, the reply City teghway. They expect to noosed Urns are not all im- and turning from sin to life. der on the radio . .the oely nlIsfotte nix and out, the policeman Will Join- Mr. Miller soon in Detroit to Nwertsin the great spiritual In this the divine power is tile pointed BUS LINE thou or.,ONness portant. The be ineligible to serve further un- where they will make their rcAnt ea which is the center and Holy Spirit. TAACIIN truth what? less the governor pardons him. home. core of the whole matter is that S. After conversion- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chisum Kentucky to Michigan - Paul was converted outside HO,WI when he drew near to Dames should be and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Port- GET YOURS pow_ Damascus, but the work was Cabbage and turnips to DETROIT, MICH. ebb' the Lord put forth His If kept er of Tanuns, Ill., visited Mrs. IS "leers o .1y- begun there. He had to stored out of the house. EVANS DR AT. i L. M. Roberson on the Union under the teaching of In the cellar, their odors will taints Mayttard's Service Sta- Fulton Eelectric The theme of our lemon lel come City highway earlier this week. The Retail Store He had to wend years penetrate the rest of the 1- use. ',DAILY at 11:01 A. M. "Oelenping to live as a Chris- Ananias. Mrs. Otis Howard, daughter tion Co. the desert. He had to follow Farts experiments in dive Furniture Phones sod - Lake Street Pollee. Kentucky tian." We divide our lesson ta- in U. Mr. R. M. Seim arrived in is Holy Spirit. bornolng were conducted lot of 4IN and Lake St. SAM** Walnut Street Felten, Kr. to not parts: 1. Before con- the Madinas of the yesterday to visit M. way from Damas- S. Marines In 1920 in Haiti. Fulton vert er. 2. Conversion What? 1 rl was a long R. M. Belew at their man who Alkmaar In the Netherlands is and Mrs. After converr•on-what" ,cus to Rome. The -4

INIIPP"IlroMtigramfrwroviRW '

Peep TANI octolier //, ratan Daily Lentille) Fulton, Kentucky , 1446 •I'daar Evesing, 1946 the game because he had • sev- chmpaign Oklahoma, 40-7, beare 45,000; organised smear 2.4.19 Eliminates Weeds !Sports Roundup ere headache. All the Red Sox rid • 4 The Sports Mirror Three years ago—Bill Dickey's Northwestern overpowered Wis- Dyer Happy In Knowledge His Farm Agent d. C. hohanan of (By Hugh Fullerton, Jr.) must have had a terrific head- Associated Press sixth inning homer with Charley consin, 41-14, before 40,000. lege By The Ballard county reporis that 3-4. Boston, Oct. 11 - 1AP)—Now ache by that tithe . year Keller on gave Yankees 2-1 vic- Ten years ago—liftlen Wills To Commissioner Happy myday a ago---Basehalt V pracUcally cleaned out the Cards Have Chance Win that the Cardinals have squelch- CV Xt. 11— igioner Chandler accused tory over Cardinals In fifth"Moody paired with Don Dodge Weeds from a bottom-land corn- often says he has lost his rotat- ed that "Minor League" talk ing privileges, but he can get den Otaillatee" of at- World Series game to beat old rival, Helen Jacobs, field which had 'ben too wet to By Jack Honda ferry Wore, favoring his swol- they've been hearing ever since The corn ihem back quickly enough ashen tUe54-1 to discredit him in dit !Nye years ago—Texas defeated with Henry Culley, In Pacific be properly eultivated. Boston, Oct. 11—IAP)—Eddie len left kn-e, made a tumbi'ng the All-Star game, you can be- of Wa- Coast Mixed Doubles, 3-15, 10-8. Was uninjured by the weed kill- catch of a Rudy York drive in some one mentions the Drittlit- his 46th birthday gin looking forwerd to quite a imea tip 6-4. er. Dyer can fees the second thst was a classic. ally of Itentucky football Wait. CRAZY CAPERS By Jerk Clunteellor turtle when the real minors he's nours el today with the knowledge that Slaughter's first hit was a 370- Appraised of the rtimet that stage their annual get-together set to manage the Yanks. Red his St. Leads Cardinals rate a foot into the right in December . The minors Q.ean.oviel soli* chance of scoring the field seats that broke a scoreles Rolfe says: "I don't eVen know ir's sixth may stage a rebellion against what I'm going to do next year. MAIDENS sports upset of the year—beat- tie and started the Birds off on through . Kent* QA( big league domination but I hope I can stay in mow .'MODESTTemerk leffiaseel II POW ing the powerhouse Boston Red a three-run inning in the sec- office, ac- *Wed the commissioner's league baseball." as heed Sox in the World Series. ond. Kurowaki's first double, a cording to one man who knows All even in games after their single by , a costly Pidgins his way around the minors, if Pennsylvania. first four meetings with the Wild throw by Johnny Pesky Darmouth vs Idea and Judge W. 0. Bramham decides pitched for the Cards. American League champions the and a squeeze bunt by Marty Munger an, P. to retire as her! of the National Munger coaches the Quakers. Cardinals now can fall back on Marton had Hughson on the Association . . .The judge hiss- southpaw aces, Howie Sc bet on Munget, Ishrda, their topes. n't given any real hint so far, takers. Poilet. and Harry Breoheen. If you can find some but our informant believes Oklahoma Vs 'texas. Twenty four hours ago the down if the Bramham will step It's shoe was on the other foot and MurrayTigers and that texas. association requests it By Betimes. Manager Joe Cronin of the many of the association mem- Boston, had complete controi Beat Bulldogs bers believe the guy who led of the situation with Tex Hugh- them through hard times de- son primed to push the Redbirds (Continued teem Page One) serves a rest at $10.000 per to the brink of elimination. year... . The catch is that the That. was before the 20-hit hard-driving Murray back, doff- big Major League "Chain otr.. barrage the Cards loosened on ed khaki last weekend aid ent- Gang" operators might get to- ea OP big Tex and five successors to ered Murray high the first of gether to handpick a successor. send the "experts" digging into this week. And in that case the Judge Fee the record books. They found The Bulldogs may be with- might get his dander up and re- the fisteae that only one other team, the out the services of Co-Captain fuse to resign, or the numerous 4.0 New York Giants In HMI, ever Pal Boaz for the next two or small leagues might find a lead- Imported and booutoiic chatted 39 hits In a World games, since he received er who Would take them on an had three , Series game. Never before had a cracked rib in last night's con- entircly independent course. WINES, LIQUORS two testes pooled a total of MI test. Other than that, there were Bach Bay Brumaire and safe bleres ita happened venter- no serious injuries on either When clouted ::in It. Louie' 12-3 rota of the team. that homer for the Cards yes- CORDIALS The Fulton band played be- terday, he probably jogged visit For today's fifth genie and fore and after the coronation of around the bases humming "I'- last at FlIntilly Park, Dyer has Miss Betty Anne Davis as 1946 ve been working for the rail- Pullet go after four days Football Queen, and yielded the road." . . Slaughter drove The Keg rest and etatiMent he can sue- held to the Murray musicians the ball into the stands and !RAY teed Where he failed last time at half-time, he drove several thousand dol- 428 Lake—Fulton,' ge ROY IftWrit's 19th inning Starting lineups: Lars into the coffers of the corn- name run in the opening game. Marray res. Fatten mon carriers. The result of the Meet Cinisjoisibt

he LS Nelms and the 19 that followed, .••••••• RS lie.440•••• * Crobiti palmed to* the word Moser Wow, Line in -Pgiltisat will Mee either Make, Harris, a Wilson LT Holland was that the two clubs and all comes with every suit free oi charge." Who lbst to Brimtheen Cable LO Browder the camp followers Will haVe to reel Ky. hote It Atiseit." 'A club left hahder in the second game, 3-0, at Joe Baker Lowe take that long ride to St. Louis hander from Thurman RCI Whitesell again . . . The day's Most ob- FE" Rocky Rejoices , I right PATSY Durant, Oklahoma who won 13 Hale _ RT Oryiner vious crack came when the pub- dy AtIVIttiTtrItEs OF and lent seVen during the regu- Slaughter _ RE Bone lic address system revealed that QB ret!red ftoth %no,tit lar maxim Purtiom Forrest had MOS wiLL No matter who wins the Bos- Purge non LB Baird avoirroct and Giles RH Boar an YOUR ton retattraY game, lireetieen 444•4441-04b .1101P/ Dave (Boo) Perris. will hurl the Melugin Fit Meacham Sixth game at St. Lotes Sunday. Murray suns—Phillips, Ward, If it gods 'even, they will take Alexander. Miller. Monday off for selling tickets Fulton subs—Glasgow, Steele, and play the big one Tuesday. Samons, Mann, Craven, Stone. Although the 35,645 Fenway Statistics: customers won't agree, yester- urray WhO Gots Off WOO* day's game id many ways was Yds. rushing 87. • _. rushing one of the most Intimating of Lost 17. Mon or Net rushing 70. Women? a series that had been dontInat- Passes. 3 for 73 yds 1 for TD, ed by pitching. ay. 22 plus. Maybe yee row out pot ea *so • deep. fad kiou 1111, L.eacilrig the parade of St. passes, has the easiest lffe—mea or wen- t that the 11Name IMO hitters Were Rookie Catch- Incomplete 5. Louis passes, 4, 1 for TD. eat Of coarse, the Elea voted that naming a Garagiola and thc veter- Int. base; er Joe Punta, 5 for 1/13, ay. 35 yds. the women did, red the weave Enos Slaughter and Whitey ThAttetnettat ans Punt returr.s, I for 7 yds. The DiCKIE!Mat Kurowskl, each with four hits. versa. 0 diesetveit penaltiev.„stga'-nst, 15 yds. Moses of the losers a'so It would be the same lor tows hail AnY'A Ws& 'Wally Kiekoit central), 3 for 34 yds., *Kb four, felliirsell —take any family. Thai" Mai- trss. whin chiPbed fit ay. 11 yds. ZdpfrIfr stars in the record enViev his 111Mitili soma* the do f sad previous First downs, 12. Irmo mkt owlfo books. 3. at home, with no het GOO te M.- thee —bet lie.teat le • (Red) Munger, husky Fumbles, George Fumbles recovered by, 1. tend to. And Sue envies Thad his heath Ws a snee if Who* 7i Cardinal rIghthander, was In luncheons with the boys: and his live, OW soli WIN *NV, times yesterday Fulton trouble several Yds. rushing, 34. evening glass of beer with friends pre*ithelib the strong arm his but was able to Lost rushing. 23. (While she cleans up the dishes in the help of way through with Net rushing, 9. the kitchen). some sparkling defensive play. Passes, 7 for 135 yds, 1 for TD, 411111.1.1 time In the series, , Of cosine, *me it It gent vete For the first ay. 19 yds. 'be ivuttleidina was spectaeu- incomplete passes, 16. plate by hr. Throws to the Punts, 5 for 210. ay. 42 yds. Mind . and INS. SamsInwswo Ps.0.1446 Slaughter, Ted Williams I:hint returns, 3 for 51 yds., caught a Dam thMagglo each ay. 17 yds. base runner diving for home. Kickoff returns, 4 for 61 yds., ay. 15 yds. st, Penalties against, 20 yds. stz sAwOlt Murray Meets First downs, 5. of Merchandise is as Fumbles, 3. Our Stock Fumbles recovered by, 5. Eastern Next Store by quarters: Complete as the Market affords Matey 7 7 7 21 ul- Fulton 0 6 6 6 Thorobreds Tangle With Scoring: Murray, touchdowns, , Maroons Saturday Night Slaughter 2, Furgerson 1. Extra —Both Domestic and Imported— Gridiron points, hirgerdon 2, Melugln 1. On Murray Meech- PIllton, touchdown, CHOICE LIQUORS, WINES, BROMIC Murray, Ky., October 10 -With ant, 1. the Eastern gable only two days LIQUEURS and CHAMPAGNES. they, Coe& Jim Moore of the Iltirray State Thoroughbreds State began to Mier up on his boys to- Ask Today About The day and taper lift for the clash Aim "More Insurance for "TAP BEER" With the Maroons ,ere Satur- Vottr Money" Auto Plan dey night, October h. Ittertkighbrlid mentor Is The JOHN D. HOWARI), at4h straining ebhditioning al- Mirth ugh the Racers shOwed Insurance with State Ferns Reasonahle Reason rovement in their taste DAKY A week. Only two I ()OAKS , rehead last, Companies err. Powell 1Fludikett and Bill AtIO WE MUST Middleton, are on the injured 426 take Street Irokei4 RitLidtlitky NUNN- OR IT Auto,— Fire — Lite MAY SE TOO lithe tentative starting lineup Phone Mt Fulton, Ky LATE! fol. Saturday night's Leine is as ; follows: Roland 'Feb.= and Jack Wyatt,,ends; ClIff "Red" vane,- White and Phi rink at tickles; John Witt And Ken Prat at guards; ban MCIEetitie at cen- let; 4111 lelitte at ctuarter- beck; Tem siker end bale Mc- , Diniel at halfiliicka: and' Finis! "Stoll" Gilbert at fullback. PIT BARBECUE Tile kickoff is scheduled for 810 p M. and another capat.ty artned is expected.

He Missed The Target! !WOK,'E Beginning Friday, October Mb


HEps eilATTEIR, CONAES POP? I will open a Barbecue Pit at 906 Maiden Street, hitAID0', Fu1tor4 Kentucky. I will do custom btirbecuing. Also bttrbecue by the pound. Open 7;00 At 6:00 P. M. ARDIER'S HOT-DATED COFFEE CONTEST MOWS 08 Owner lifteallY KAM AT HOP WOODS, Williams Hardware Co. 207 East Ith St. — Fulton. Ky. B RD co?Y


sa • Tarr

11, 1946 Fridley Evening, October hunting. in a bunch while Kentucky bears he Daily Leader, Fulton, attacked and Fulton subscrip- Mangled The grizzlies through membership 1Logger off, he said shoot- from business fought them oth- tions and 'loans three. The Grizzlies ing and killing Page Four Eat Up and civic leaders. By Five •I Magic They workers Oct 11 - limped away. Business Opportunities Millinery Industrial and office Whitefish, Mont., ers warden Ross and society badly Deputy game the by day, war veterans -A Montana logger, searching for OWN been among the per- (API Wilson is CAN OPEN YOLIR figures have claw ee. related oears. YOU Light Opera was a lieutenant, chewed and wounded STORE NOW-The National, formers. One today his available the navy nurse a hospital bed - Success Plan makes commander in from grizzly the chief cow turn- Diego Patrons a patient in fight with five Guatemala is CLASSIFIED of items of fast San Another was fterrific of Centnal thousands corps. modern fix- By bears. mercial country modern ing merchandise, Often Greeted the naval hospital. Kalespell, 5-room merchan- Frank Field of FOR SALE: tures, and profitable At Theatre the America. 13 lots, Formerly owned assistance. SRO Signs said he encountered house, J. dising and advertising Mont., RATES Midyett and T. franchises IIOPE NEWS CLASSIFIED by Walter Phone Protected territory AP Newsfeatures NEW Callison. In Highlands. NATIONAL opera p filled his appoint- B. Stoker t 24I-3tp open in this area. San Diego, Calif-Light Bro. That A. ADO: morn- CLAIIIIIPTCO 810-W. AND AUTO STORES., as the Hope Sunday 50c HOME Build- ' - with such old favorites ment at New Hubert Adams Minimum Charge sale. Phone Floor, Southland Life One insertion 2c PIANO for 11th H. hi. S. Pinafore and night. Each Word, UPRIGHT 240-tfc. Dallas, Texas. Mikado and ing at- Two insertions ....4c 617. let. been received Mm Carl Phillips PAINTING ...5c drawing well-has Mr. and EXPERT Three insertions stove with a community Kentucky Bap- SALE: Laundry in San Diego as tended the West WORK Each additional FOR as- or Found left by a fed- near Hickman and FENDER word hot water jacket. 30-gallon • Lost project from roots tist Assoeation BODY insertion, with all project of the bestos covered tank eral WPA music Tuesday. in perfect Chip- Floyd passed away C•1110 nr pipes aid connections Rimless eyeglasses. 1930's. Mr. Robert '50c 239-6tc. LOST: Phone same outdoor Croley Mon- Minimum Charge condition. Phone 756. ped left lens. Reward. Played in the at his home near & STOKER 2c 241-3tp where the was held at Mt. ADAMS Each Word bowl in Balboa park The funeral Iron Fireman electric 1068. operas" were day. Wednes- We Fix 'Ern" FOR SALE: WPA "star-light Baptist Church 'Em .. . . stove. Therntbstatic opened Moriah "You Wreck East State Line 0111ITUARY: tleatmaker the Mikado afternoon. 210 $1 Good condition. Call presented, only 400. day a 1065 Minimum Charge controlled. • Help Wanted an audience of Ada Herrin is spending Phone 2c 239-5tp. before a two- Miss Mrs. : Each Word 51. _ _ it had completed with Mr. and Before was few days OM- man and wife attendance NATIONAL near South Ful- Colored week run, nightly Watkins. LOCAL AND double lots WANTED: Boone Lillian Two J. Will furilh and A0vCRTISINO Priced reasonably. for farm work. around 1,000. Mrs. Jeff Marrison PLAY ton School. re- Soldier, 'next with Mr. and ON REQUEST Phone 1004-R. modern house. References The Chocolate the weekend •UONITTICO W. COVINGTON, Steady in two !pent family. 241.3tp Pay weekly. played to 15,000 Carl Phillips and quired. 242-6te. offering, Mrs. Call 126. and Mrs. James McClana- work. weeks. for Mr. proud 3 Duroc Males. Sub- M. S. Pinafore followed St. Louis are the who borrowed Delivery in Fulton, FOR SALE: By- Ruby Lawton displays H. han of persons Carrit_r to registration. S. E. Pretty nights with the "standing of a baby girl. Those Carlisle, Ballard, ject Ky. by fashion- nine last parents of Hickman, Obion, 108, Fulton, WASHINGTON her milinery magic sign out the Mrs. Lewis Hite Counties, Ky.; num. Phone M. Humphries room only" Mr. and Graves Tenn.- 238 eitp. By Harrison for the big foot- The bowl's seating were visitors of Mr. Weskley Counties, , ing her own hat three nights. Cunningham month, $1.50 (For Jane rids) Her simple formula is 1,200. Holt. Sunday. CROSS 13c week, 55c ball game. capacity the and Mrs. Jake RED $3 six months, - (API-Trans- in a few minu- were by Club will three months; not Washington, can be duplicated The productions The Homemakers year. Mail orders Service has developed Attach hat eles- Opera Associa- Travis S.ayden $4.50 ser- • - Pacific air travel tes. Here's how: San Diego Light meet with Mrs. from localities - ---- a grosgrain by three veterans -day meeting. accepted In - bugs. tic to each end of tion, launched Thursday in an all ved by delivery agents. TYPI s'mply wide and twelve music project delivery ser- ADDING MACHINES, Nothing mechanical- ribbon (one inch of the old federal TARPAULINS town, without CASH REGIS- of insect take another t' '.50. By Mail on WRITS= AND the age-old problem inches long). Then vice, year -re five inches wide routes $4 per year. TERS SOUGHT-sold pests. grosgrain ribbon rural States 15 new long and return in United Office supplies. F'UL- During the past year eighteen inches to Elsewhere paired. insects and four large hereby notified $6 per year. SUPPLY COM- varieties of hitch-hiking fold into how. Take Are TON OFFICE on planes baby mums - - 85. 195Ttfc. have invaded Hawaii mums and seven try our PANY. Phone of the Paci- fash- goodness to the from other regions and arrange in interesting For tasty immediately to the bow with cor- them For Sale PIANOS-Expert fic. They are a real threat ion and attach to ir • WARLITZER crops. entire ar- tuning and repairing. sugar and pineapple sage pins. Then fasten BREAD piano Ky. and the one-inch • SLICED -room house. 311 MUSIC CO. 418 Department of Agriculture rangement onto Fresh Daily a FOR SALE: 7 JACKSON officials over head. Baked Line. Phone 719-J. Paducah, Ky., 217-27tp. Public Health Service ribbon and slip on CITY HALL ra East State Ave., to meet the 242-4tp are devising ways CAKES FULTON he NOEL BARNES. and sewing. as well as the was controll- ANGEL FOOD SLIP COVERINGS in Hawaii hopper finally • Icing 231 tfc menace to seri- The of a nat- With Butter Cream Red Cross Call 658. equally serious danger ed by the introduction of the United parasite- from At the request DA AGE culturd on mainland ural enemy-a bes .]1) TERMITE new destructive in- HOUSE ROLLS States should Australia. • PARKER Officials the whether term- • For Rest a foothold. the cane borer a/W- Light and Fluffy and City for sure sects gain In 1910 Chapter See Know the only way dollars damage infesting your In the old days ed millions of s.. are secretly Sleeping rooms. 315 the natural enemy inspectors, FOR RENT: the bugs could negotiate before another PIES TERMINIX Phone 177. 233-12tp. separat- • ASSORTED Mb )1esose. Carr St. great expanses of water was found. Crusts in the most was by large volume Flaky len expertly trained cottage, 1 ing Pacific land areas Because of the control meth- FOR RENT: 4-room slow, and Hawaii adu boodern termite Will Beard, boat. The going was of air traffic through K. P. DALTON mile from town. Call rate was as 1,500 planes ed you without cost insect mortality as high ads, will give Pnone 512. 243-3tc the reaching are un- of Police flat an accurate re- high. a month-entomologists Chief -se obligation, the entire the exact ori- Call today! Now with virtually able to determine Bakery peat. fast insects, Cost Raised area linked by of some of the new Finch's Pacific gin Kentucky Newsprint transport to the Amer- Fulton, CO. Order Army and Navy but evidence points Avenue PIERCE-CEQUIN $10 A Ton By OPA and Guam as the Commercial 33 Fatten, Ky. planes-the crop-devouring ican island of Phone Oct. 11 -(AP)- that of two particu- Washington, -carrying . Insects probable source raised manufactur- disease is- ,...MTIO•1111111t2121Ml Peer OPA today south Pacific moths. 5.;.1.11•31111111•••••.1.7=11411.,... ibileertbad hullo newsprint abound in the larly dangerous ers' ceiling prices for easily. Trzsaanolanala a decon- lands move about $10 a ton but refused measures, TERMINIX All the usual control Of Danger, trol petition made by newspaper planes, are Hull Out such as fumigating oublishera are prov- Report Says being used, but they Hospital too successful. Oct. 11 -(AP)- Leaves none ing of in- Washington, Autumn new types As Some of the 15 of State Cor- Lovely I. spread Former Secretary already have show im- sects mien is- Hull continued to • MO throughout the eight dell tbro and bushes. today and physicians word to describe lands, stripping trees provement is the recent ar- to be out Breath-taking vent Reil= Fl chibirtr7 L'AW One of the most aid that he "appears wool gabar- Don O"_ the mango fruit fly. danger." wool, and all AI)AT mats Is of any immediate all discovery in Genetic's mediately upon Its report from 44* town Hono- A 1 a. m. (CST) In • . some trees in down said: - to-carry antanobilerinsuranos ship- Na-vat Hospital dine suits. trag Name sus- embargo on fruit Bethesda license to drive being lulu, an was to show plan remit in your to the other islands Hail continues shades. CAN response. ments "Mr. all the new fall mon under the financial Despite these precau- improvement." come in pended or revoked imposed. es- gradual They Md. the pest is now firmly of this State. tions, the terri- At bility law tablished throughout repo IL S. F.& G. bel'eve it. probably the purchase of a tory. Experts , peril Arrange now for can be eliminated. - $37.40 of all Auto- never pineap- FOR SANDWICHES $26.00 airp meets every requirement At present, sugar and paxy which life blood of Nay: Laws.' ples-the economic From Pate its Financial Responsibility not been affected To Be Delivered Hawaii-have mon entomologists have seriously, but corn of their escaping un- small hope C & E CAFE cled Agency can be brought un- Atkins Insurance less insects heat der control quickly. by the In a are highly vulnera- 265 Main Street Both crops soot pests. In 1900, the ble to insect dis- 187 TAXI CO. Fe cane hopper was first Fires Phone 5 sugar and the Winter area Hawwali AIN As covered in Patine Warm now averaging etre] sugar production, tone annually, four nearly a million than 500,000 tons. coats. Box blev dropped to less Shorties or full-length T1 All wool. of ti I'm styled and fitted. tion shades. Representation sifting In all the new fall Ca Honest pretty Fa In my $32.50 for ALL the people $21.50 - Sc Playtex BI NOV. 5th FOR VOTE Panties Full ram Palo SKIRTS of I tobe SWEATERS Cbu • are PLAIDS Pt turr CARDIGANS hla SOLID COLORS dee You, SLIPOVERS set this or gor- Bright all wool plaids. Flared Joes" and coat- solid All wool "Sloppy ed styles. Also in all the brilliant Re or fitted necks. In Di sty les with V-necks hues of fall. Pants colors. (AP Playtex flaming fall villi Mode of creamy Thl keep me 'socially acceptable.' -thin, soft, cool. They're flat liquid latex, they're tissue $6.98 - $7.20 a non-irritating, and they'll stainless, odorless, and $3.98 - $6.98 Mul any pants you've ever Art outlast and outwash it and extra large. seen! Small, medium, large, au° 59c Stu Gift packed SON Car & tot V. ROBERTS fret W. Kentucky S. COOPER Fulton, floc Street It JOHN STORES CORP. 422 Lake NATIONAL Y F ULTON, K ENTUCK

(Political Aallwiaellimoat)
