; f V

; tWENTY.EIGHT WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 19B4 AvciMa Daily Net Praia Ron lEtt^nfns HoraUi Fer the W«tk Ended ThB WMihar Sept. IS. Ififid ef U. & Weuthu DAV Auxiliary No. IT,, will hold Tha TWOA will hold mtan house archltect'a account to tha capital chitectural work on tha KaaBay Clear, eeeler teuighS, wBk wl4u- About Town a netback party Saturday, Sept. at tha Community T tonight Cof­ Directors Buy works reaerva fund, and approved Street School and the high oehool 25, at S p. m„ at the VFW Home, fee will be served at 7:30 and reallocation of- Water and Sewer before bonds ware Issued. The 11,465 spread Creel. Law «M * #m > $ tmT regiatration for craft classes will Dept, appropriatlona. Mmuber wt the Audit SH autlyhig BiBBiua. FHday MW, 8 t.. M a rn n t’a Circle, Dauxh- Manchester Oreen. Refreshments be taken. bonds have since been sold provid­ V Registrations will be served and prizes awarded Rock Crusher The oubdivleion approval was a ing money for the work, and last aiuulatlMi UMe waraaor. BM^W-ia. t«rs Inballa, haa aet the datea the' winners. Mrs. Freda Moor- joint approval by the Board and night's action returns the $100,000 MancheMter—~A City of ViUago Charm. of Thuraday, Sept. 30. and Prlday, Ur, and Mrs. William A. Foster the Town . Planning Commlaaion Oct 1, for ita annual fall ruminagre house, chairman of the committee, to capital works. annoimces that profits will be de­ of Avery St., South Windsor, will Board Also Approves after a public hearing at which no Like' all other department bud­ Bale, to be heM at the British* voted to the Americanism pro- keep "open house" Saturday from comment for or against tha action yOL.LXXin,NO.S07 (Cfnaulfled AdTarltalng m Faga U> American Clubhouae, 75 blaple St. 7 p. m. on, in observance of their w as^ade. gets, the funds in the Whter and MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY^ SEP^M BER 28,1954 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FIYB CBMTB TTie aale will open on Thursday gram, McCann Dpve Subdivi* Sewer budget afe allocated by the Flora B. Johnson 25th anniversary. Relatives and The 13-home subdivision com­ after appropriations are om inf and afain on IiViday at 9 friends are welcome to call at sion After Hearing plies with all subdivision require­ a. m. Mra. L)--A Got Aequalnted year at the New England Con­ hold a membership tea, Sunday, M O M U S S ' ^ CLASSES START MONDAY. SEPT. 27 Japanese fishermsn dust^ by servatory of Music. The announce­ Sept. 26 at 3 p.m. to which all new Rapida crusher be bought. IPMYterlnPlHBMb . Offer • ment was made recently by Harri­ and prospective members are Although the transfer has not HUS TMS m utM f Sante Fe Chief Jumps Track radioactive aah from an U. S. yet been made, tlie Board pre­ IMMs.ltei »Me.Phe son Keller, president of the Con­ urged to attend. Prospective mem­ $ 8. 38 1 6.72 I. NATION-WIBI CRIBIT. Over 800 Dulles Set H-bomb blast at Bikini March servatory where Miss Foster is bers may contact Mrs. Monroe S. viously voted to' buy the C. L. Hale aSiUated ences in U. S. and Canada. gravel bank for $30,000, chiefly 24.25 19.25 1 died tofiight in a Tokyo hos­ enrolled. Gordon. 4 Brighton Rd., West 1 39.0S _S0.70 . 3. CMTOW-mm lOAN$. To Rt ym r CUP OF Hartford. for the use of the gravel. AMO MyeMh n-w rarytlili,, 1 needs, income. Ask for “S Step Guide”. pital. The town no- • buys run-of-the- A l«OT *1 tIM «Mh I20.W *I>M To Speak Aikichi Kuboyama, 40, radio­ sraater. nsaie In 12 (mmMI-* ». $A$T tn V K i to employed people. man on the fishing boat Lucky bank gravel for most of its high­ iMinllenae •« tlS.O^^k. 4. tHMU-Vmr LOAN. Phone first Convicte^'as CoUaborstor The Manchester Fine Art Assn, way work and removes stoned Phone, write, come in. f Dragon, was believed to be the Four Dead, Thuraday, Sept. S3. Tou’re un­ No Job Too Small . . . will meet this evening at 8 o'clock from' the material at the site of The Young Set Has A On Policy world's first death resulting from President der uo obligation. We Make Friends That Way in the hall at Whiten Memorial the work. The stone crusher a hydrogen bqmb explosion. Library for a brief business meet­ breaks up all but the largest of 'Ihe fisherman hod been suf­ 33 Hurt in ArfiNir's LimelMeiistt* W illaril B. Dickensoa ing and a social time with re­ stones and'the crushed stone ran United Nations, N. Y,, fering from jaundice complicationa In Defense freshments. The guest speaker will be used In highway construction. e/vson ai f in a n c f c o Sept. 23 (/P)-r-Britain warned brought on by radiation- from the question a full airing. Britain, which was approximately 80 miles in their cells.y' in defense of admlniatiation poltey HALE'S OWN RRAND Franca and Australia cast the from Bikini when the teat bomb An hour /snd half later. Col. calling for ntore local partldpa- FLAT SHEETS and CASES negative votes, while the United was exploded. Thomas ^'W hltecotton, director Uon in development of ths’natiOB'a States, the Netherlands and Co­ The other fishermen also ors of corre^ons, said the danger of power resources. STURDYWEAR lumbia abstained. hospitalized but appear to be re­ any mote outbreak was definitely Toachea aw-Vital laaaas TYPE 13$ CANNON FINE MUSUN Russia voted with the majority covering. p ta t./ Mia views on on issue figuring In favor of placing the question The United 8tates has offered IU sold then the situation was large tn the congressional election MATTRESS COVERS an the assembly'a agenda. Japan one million dollars in dam­ under .control and that he expect­ campaign were aat forth in a In strong terms, Uoyd, opposed ages for the 33. ed no further trouble. major address at ceramonlaa dM - - t o n i e r T u l KS6...... $ 1 .9 9 SANFORIZED — ZIP'PERED •any U.N. intervention in the Kuboyama’i, .death is expected "It was the very efficient High-' eating 38S million dollar McNory ’ Rag. $3.98 Ydut ' British-Oreek dispute over the to touch off a wave of onU: way Patrol that got the job done, Dam on the Oolumbia River here. status of Cyprus. He based his American feeling in Japan. N ^ - and I want to add that the con­ Eisenhower coUed that hug* arguments on the ground- that af­ Ing since the surrender nine years victs who lost their lives may have Lt. Col. H a rry Fleming project—buUt with federal zaoney F all Suits REG. S2.69— 72x10» ...... $ 2 .1 9 fairs of the island cdlony were ago has so stirred the JoiMinese saved hundreds of others and the — "on example of national renMh* $ 2 - 9 9 strictly on Internal matter and people. /■' lives of many citizens.’’ eibility property assumed bgr Bw- thua outside the jurisdiction of the His iUne.'iS and that or his 32 As the troopers, backed upon federal government” U.N. shipmates have been /4 national the walle and outaide the.. prison Elsenhower, on a 4-etoto flying b y kuppbmheimer REG. $2.89—81x108 ...... and international Isapb in Japan. tour of the W est got a rous­ $ 2 .2 9 FULL OR TWIN BED SIZES He warned that if the quesUon by police and National Guardsmen, Fleming Cashiered ing welcome on hia arrival In this come before the world organiza­ Japan's new spap^, which hava moved through the tiers - they area lost night. Piped lemma for extra strength. Folly zippered. Keeps mattrees tion the result might be a division Nlae ears ef the Ghicage-boaBd Sante Fe Chief were derailed given the story extraordinary flushed out an injured convict eanltary. Good quality unbleached muslin. of western Allies and on Increase coverage from Xm beginning, were here and there,, some apparently He left the summer Whits House Sept. S t n niUes west of Stockton, CoUf., la on ooetdeat, caused ^ virtually shut down for a news­ in Denver yesterday afternoon on REG. S9e-^2x36 CASES .... Ea. 49^ ta friction. a broken axle^ la which SO to SO pereoas of the 191 aboard, were re­ seriously Injured. a 3-day trip taking him into Mon­ "Some govenunents,” he said, paper bolitey- Five MllUon Damage Folr POW Activities ported hart; five eerlonaly enoogh to- require hospitalization overnight. B&t rk^ps broadcast the, news tana, Washington, Oregon and “may even try to fiah in troubled Sotae care ef the streMaHaer bnekled down a ZO-foot embankment The riot, causing damage esti­ California. from one-'qnd of the island em­ mated by prison officials aa near waters." but aoae evertunied. (AP Wlrephoto). pire to the Other within five min­ Ft. Sheridan, 111., Sept. 23 (/P)—Lt. Col. Harry Fleming, In Mlaaoulo. Mont, last n l^ t, ho 100% WOOL French delegate Henri Hoppenot $5,000,000, was confined within addressed an applauding audianco ute's of: ths desto bullstln. walla of ths sprawling pentten- first American Army officer court-martialed for conduct as TYPE 180 PERCALE LADY PEPPERELL said he shored the BritiA views. Kuboyama i^ survived by-his srhich police eetimated at 30,000 CHATHAM BLANKETS New Details Expected 33-year-old wlfe> 8uzu, his 78- a prisoner of war, was sentenced today to dismissal from the peraona. Tite administration’s biu^ DuUss reportedly planned to ysar-old mother, and a 9-ysar-old (CeaUmiefl on Page Twelve) servic^. In addition he must forfeit all pay and allowances, policy, he said, is that American COMBED give new details on President ^daughter, Mloko. under tsoas of the punishment oa-y— ' " i — ■ < citizens generally a n batter quali­ Eisenhower’s proposal to pool SsooadJMspae aessed by on 11-mon military fied to look after thamaelvao “than REG. $14.95—72x90 ...... ntojnte energy for peaceful pur­ court which convicted him of col­ it some bureaucrat tn fhrAg Wlull- $ 1 4 .9 5 poses. Kuboyama dIedUUia tad of bis Showdown Set ington.” !»*- REG. $3.09— 72x108 ...... $ 2 .5 9 Mcond relapse in a moiith. He laborating with the Communists Steel Workers Dullss speaks this oftsmoon in nearly died three weeks ago. while a prisoner in Korea. And that was the main theme The young crowds.gone fashion happy! They’re all deck- Democrat Charges The court-martial of 11 colonels of his McNary Dam speech today. the opening round of general state­ The exact cauoe of death may ments from 'each of ths 60 UN On Delaware’s and Ileutsnant colonela dsliberatad Plan to Remain Immediately after that opaecH, REG. $14.55—80x90 ...... $ 1 4 .9 5 ed out and ready to grow up in a modish manner—and never be agreed upon. the President waa flying on to Zios our young collection ha.a them looking crisp and fresh members, annual prslUde to os- Japanese physicians hold- that for 13. hours before fixing Flem­ ^G. $3.39—41x108 ...... $ 2 .8 9 stmbly debatd on specific issues By THE A8BOOIATBD PRESS ^would be ban>y to havp the meet­ tlM- jaundice, was due directly to ing’s punishment. The officera con­ and 80 lady-like in our fine selection of boy style coats. A showdown meeting ing open to the press.' ' » _ > Race Bias Rift sidered the extent Of the penalty In CIO ,R|^nks (Ooatened ea Page Eight) 100% wool ahagora. .Colors: Camel, red and blue. Sizes (Uouttnueg eu Page Eight) This woo the flrsi blowup be REG. $14.95—72x90 ...... ■eemed certain today between (CeaGmied ea Page Twe) from late yesterday afternoon un­ $ 1 2 .9 5 7 to 14. Gov. John Lodge and two^ tween the two major parties since ' Wilmington, Del., Sept. 33 JA4— til 3:30 s.ra. today. The court- Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. 23 (P)' REG. 7 1 ^ ^ 2 x38V2 CASES-. Ea. 6 9 ^ the state campaign,, got underway The segregation problems of the martial reoseembled at 10 o.m. -r-David J. McDonald announced Democrats who accused him' only a short time ago. It is a Milford School Board will be dis­ (EDT) to deliver its verdict. today that he had no intention of Blast Kills 22 S-yoor guoranroa against math domoga. of using the hi-partisan. State campaign to elect a governor, Most of the prosecution and de­ Wonderful, wonderful Chatham 100% wool btanketa, so worm Knowland Says Roosevelt Gets cussed tonight in a showdown leading hie 1,300,000-member Legislative (kiuncil “Ss a state officers, a new state.legis­ meeting with the State Board of fense witneesaa were in the court­ United Steelworkers out of the and long wearing with wide myon acetate binding. Bermuda blue,' lature and six U.8. Representa­ room when the sentence waa an­ On Gas Tank Kiviera red, Adirondack green. Sun Valley yellow, N'assnu pinfc. $ 1 9 . 9 8 sounding board for his reelec­ Education. CIO. (White In $14.95 only). _ j . f •». Censure Study tives. . > J ^ ■ The Milford Board announced nounced. Many of the men who The USW president called for tion campaign.” The fl^e-up begin with a charge Minor Role on were prisoners of war in Korea Fifled BOTTOM SHEETS Pretcen siz^ 10 to 14—S22.98 Lodge demanded a facc-to*faea last night that the community's the 3,000 delegates to the steel- Bitburg. Germany, Sept 23 (S) Tueadayby ’Tedesco and Dempsey two Bchoola would reopen on Mon­ with Fleming stood tensely in the workers biennial convention to ■The Bitburg mayor’s oCflca ro- - s J ' meeting to seek the "alleged boats that Lodge was making unethical courtroom'waiting for the court’s ■, Girti' Dept.—Second Floor Jo Be Delayed for this completely unfounded Harriman Slate day without segregation and adopt a resolution aimed at closer ported 22 American, French aztd T Y P tll »ELL SNU8FIT MUSLIN charge." and improper use of the State threatened to resign if the State decision.' "labor unity." German offldals perished late to­ ‘ Limited Quantity Washington, SspL 2S (P)—Re- Lagislattve Council’s files. Both Board overrules it. “Thank God Tm out of prison McDonald was cheered os he dis- day when a U. S. Air- Force gaao- The DemocraU, Jedm N. Demp- ore members of the council. New York, Sept. 33 (P)—Oamo- now—this one and the Onnmu- countod reports of a conflict with line storage tank exploded While SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF publicsin leader Knowland of M>', nominee for lieutenant gover­ Iha State Legislative Council is crata today boUta the nomination The announcement followed a nist's" Ctol. Flaming said af ter the CIO Presidtat Wolte,r Reuther and they were inspecting i t REG. $2.49 TWIN S IZ E \...... California advised Senate officers nor, and Samuel J. Tedeoco, nomi­ a sort of investigative arm of the of Rep. FraOklin D. Roosavelt. 'meeting of the board with Gov. J. sentenced yraa pronounced. He coUsd newspaper stories about a The mayor’s office said tha dtad S9.95 72x90 today that it may be several days nee for attorney general, quickly General Assembly. It hold hear­ Jr., for attorney general and said Caleb Boggs end State Atty. Gen. added: possible withdrawal' "fligmenta of were members of a 40-man com­ before a decision ia reached on agreed they’d be glad to meet the ings on proposals during the off it would giva their y u te Uoket a H; Albert Young. "I'll do everything I con to clear their iimgination ” mission which was on top of the 50% WOOL-SO% RAYON when the Senate will reconvene to governor "face-to-foee." legislative season and later mokes big lift In tbs Nov. 3 elsction. The Milford schools Were closed my name.” tank when it exploded, shooting Both were informed lost night Itooesvelt was brought back into lost Monday after threats of vio- "On many policies, Walter Reu­ REG. $2.89 FULL SIZE ...... consider proposed eeneure of Sen. recommendations. “Dlsmlasal from the seprlce la ther and I do not see eye to eye,” fi|dne#. i.D00uia4t teta the air.-..... $ 2 .1 9 McCarthy. in telegrams by the governor that In a joint statement Tuesday, the picture leas than 34 hours after Isncs unless white and Negro high The duty offleer at the heathy "I would like to' see you without he had been defeated by Averell pretty hard to take. I don't intend McDonald aoid. LEBANON BLANKETS Mark Trice, secretary of the Tedesco, minority leader of the school children ware provided with to stop the fight which started But he said he had told Reuther, U S. Air Force base said ha could Benafe. gave this aUtement to re- delay becauM I want to leom from Senate in 195S, and Dempeey, who' Harriman in a battle for the nom­ separate facilities as in post years. not immediately confirm the Ger­ X you dtrMt Uie alleged boaU for ination for governor. Young conceded the Milford here.” also president of the United Auto portere! was. minority leader of the House, The colonel sold he wished to ex­ Workers, that as long as the CIO man casualty report r - “I have just talked aver the tbla completely unfounded charge.'^ tihorged Lodge used the files of The same Tommany-led coali- Board was "within its rights" in The names of the dead were not Dark and Uvafy.!!fabrics- enriched with char­ Wonts Press at MeeGag timi that hod drubbed Roosevelt press his "tremendous-thanks to chief followed the trade union TYPE 1M LADY PEFPEHELL SWER-FINE $7.95 telephone with Sen. Wtlllam the eouncil "to attain perfonol po­ his friends and to those who never principles of the poet he "would immediately available. ^ coal undertones...enlivened with touches of con­ each Knowland, 'majority leader, and he Lodge suggested they meet in litical advantage.” turned to him yesterday and asked (CoatlBiiefl oa Page.Twelve) Bitburg is 75 mttte west of Inforau me that further conaulta- his office and sold the press would him to join Harriman’# auimort- heard of me before this thing but have -my supiwrt.” . Mainz, near the Luxembourg bor­ They sold one of the measures ing cast. . who have re^xMided with hundreds McDonald' said ha told Reuther trasting color. Slimlinn Sty ting... smoothest- MUSUN SNUUHT Yellow only! What a -value! Slight oil spots. tiona are necessary b«f<><'* n d«- be Invited. which Lodge was “belatedly in der. , cision con be reached in regard to Tedeaco and Dempsey replied in The move .was mads to haol the of lettera wishing me well.” further that "it Reuther tries to The tank waa reported. sUU hi looking style by Kuppenheimer in 78 years! wounds caused by the fight over Fleming said that he and his change those principles, then he the reconvening of the Senate. separate .etatements later they (Coathroed ea Pago Two) wife plan to spend a few days in flames 2H hour# later. • ' ^ Vo/ua laodarafilp...top-iquality hard-finish REG. $2.W rW IN size ...... Several days may be required be the top place on the ticket. It was would have to fight me and the ' “ re fore a decision Is.rsoched in ths intended also to strengtBjm the News Tidbits Racine before going to Los Angeles steelworkers.” slate—and both factions agreed it to see his 85-ycar-oId fathsr, .John, worsted suits by this famous maker at a price WONDERFUL BED PILLQW VALUES! matter.” (killed froBi AP Wires Reportrof a possible withdraw­ Wuita Ibr Kmmrluad OoU 8eeklii|Ufe’s SMretiX4) would, Ben. Herbert H. Lehman, a and Mrs. Flnning's Mrents. Her al arose several mouths ago oa a didn't think possible! ^ ' Trice hod indicated earlier that iMuler the Harriman forces, was parents live at Son Gabriel.near result'of a conference that McDon­ REG. $3.29 FUU SIZE ... . . $ 2 .6 9 EG. $9.55 100% WHITE GOOSE DOWN reported to have uiged third place Los Angelca.-^ The. colonel now U Bulletins he was expacting instnietlona mo­ for Rooeevelt. Sen. Kefauver (D-Tenn)'^fle- released from cuatody. ald had with John L. Lewie, heed oo. S4.9S mentarily from Knowland and of the United 'Mine Workers froB i the AP Wiris Sen. Johnson of Texas, the Dem-, durpriaingly, the son of the late aeuaoee Bepnblioaa handling of When the verAct was announced (Ind), and Dave Beck, chief of the RE^SIOS DACRON FILIED ...... oo. $5.95 ‘Gold Light’ of the Sfea President accepted the offer and. foreign policy and aay# election of it ^os the colonel'ayfirst free mo­ oeratlc leader, to iosue<-a fonnol with the other hand-picked choices DomocraUe Senate "would aend ment fince May IP when he was AFL Teamsters Union. REG.>IJKOnED CRUSHED TURKEY FEATHER ^ call" for the Senate to convene. He of tha leodars, was nominatad thrill of encouragement. . . around seised at Ft. Leonard Wood. Mo., . There was speculation At the l\ M S WINS GOP NOD- wqited in his office unfU late lost unanimously last night at a love- the world . . ." Anriy says Russia where jie was stationed.' He has time that the three had discussed Syracoee. N. Y„ ShfC 23 UP> '•’C! TYPE.no UDY PEPPERELL GQMUED 2 for $3.98 night to hear from Kdovdond. May Be Science Beacon feast finale to tha two-day stats ia atakag Ha propagaada radto at been in custody 'at'F t. Bherkkui forming, a'third.m ajor labor or­ —RepobUesaa drtvtag far h Trice's announcement oMeored cpnvantion, . , Antarican aarviCamen atotionad on for four months. ganization. That speculation was fourth straight etecfleai' tmoog to eliminate the poasiMUw that hlg and laolLtad air base of Thule Promptly at 10 o.m., the court increased sq # result of noticeable la New York State totey aeate . PERCALt SNUUFIT the Senate win 1m coHed bMk on Cboaen with him weraf ir r e g u U r s o f p l a y t e x l a t e x f o a m Editor’s Not*—The phoaphorea Stlcns,;, and perhaps some day some For lieutenant g o v a r a o r_ in Northwestern Greenland. members'-filed into tbe hearing coolness toward the CIO #t the aatofi U.S. Sea. IrviagM . Ivea ^ t . 39. a dote that hod oaat light ef tha aaa haa fascinated "marvelous uses for it. Georg# B. Delsico, Bronx County S tatr Tuberculcaia Oomsniaaion room. There were about 30 persons current convention. fer Goveiaer aad state capap- widely mentioned at the euptUtI ama alaM Itaa bagaa. New adea- Mysteries of this cold light ore district attomay. soya man have SO to ISO percent In the room, including several McDona'Iid himself \ criticized troller J. Baymaai McGaveni SEG. $3.0* TWIN SIZE ...... $ 2 .5 9 REG. $5.95 REGULAR HEIGHT ...... $3.95 [S — eoriier. Senate leaders must tists saspset that there amy soam- being explored by Dr. E. Newton •For comptroller—Aaron 1* Ja- greater Hkeheed of getting TB former POWa who had been im­ what, he called the present major fcir Ueutaaaat Geveeaar by ate REG. $7.95 EXTRA PLUMP HEIGHT ... . $4.95 day be w ad e rial naee fer. the Harvey of Princeton University than wotaen . . . Fbreten Secretory prisoned with Fleming. The pceai- two imion approaches at the con- cteiaatloa. (Oeuttauei ea Page Twa) kaowfedge ef what canoes each and associates who spend their (CaatlBaafl «a Page Twa) Anthony Eden say# Germans will tweedy fabria of superlative REG. $9.95 KING SIZE ...... $5.95 The increasingly popular shiiig made of luxurious Vicara light. This Is aaother story ef aa- summera here at the Marine Bio­ go Ihelr ewa way unless they are (Conttaned an Page Seyea) (Coatinued ea Page Twelve) FROST WARNING ISSUED REG. $3,39 FULL SIZE ...... $ 2 .7 9 and sturdy nylon. Vicara has a warm, friendly gloriously asaal atadles at a Msssadm'eHty logical Laboratory working with brought into Western alliance end Boatea. Sept. 33 UD—The comfortable softness that feels wonderful when j'ou New Milford Plant Moriae Laboratery. thepe lamp-bearing animals and or- •We know only too veil whet this UR. Weather BareOH today ite rich-textured beauty... in DOWNPROOF AND FEATHERPROOF wear it. ganlsma from the sea. Nationalists Battle haa meant in the poet.” , anod a freet waralag ter Seathi By ALTON L. UAKE8LEE Two chemichlli create the light Laft wing Laborlte Aneurian era oad Ceatral New EagteoA Move Seen Likely (AP Seieace Beperter) —luclferin qgd luciferosc, on en- With Red Artillery Sevan says men in Kremlin have U. So Readies A lternate Plan cook dry air. aroeaspateed by out^coats Ixmdcrafted by PILLOW TICKS Woods Hole, Moss.,. Sept. 33 UR xyme or accelerator of chemical at lost aaatered lateraal tetuatloa dimlaiehlac wlad, wUI arove lata HALE'S OWN IRAND STURDYWEAR New Milford. Sept. 3$ (P>—The -----The mystery light Of the dark reocUons. Both have been isolated in Ruaaia and wtU now be easier, the seathera aad ceateal eae- sees sprang into glowing bluish in pure form from a tiny crab-Iikc Talpeh, Formosa. Sept 33 to deal with . . . Benelux Foreign If Europe Defense Talk Fails Washable Robertson Blsochsry A s D ye creature, cypridina, which is ona Chinese Nationalist artillery oa Hoas ef the testate area tealghk REG. 51.00 WITHOUT ZIPPERS ... Eo. 6 8 ^ Works, Inc., the largest industry light ss thO aolentlst mixed two Ministene wlU asset a t the Hague the boicaa said, aad that « T i^ MATTRESS PADS chemicola in 's blackened room. of the main illuminators of the sea. Quemoy and Cbmmunist big guns in The Nethezjands Sfturdey to Sizes: Small, medium and large. Colors: White, pink, in this southern Utchfield county Firefliea produce their light from on the nearby mainland fired By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER ^European D a f a h s e Community moeUy light. Is expected la i tomw .omploylng 300, may be go­ It shofie brightly in the glass dteeuee proapects for London 9- light blue, red and black. the some two chemicals, but ths upwards of 3.000 shells lost night power conference. Washington, Sept. 23 l#i—U.S. (EDC) project, lowlaad areas by ing to move. beoksr,, iildesccnt, lighting faint­ Friday.” REG. $3.98— 39x74 TWIN BED SIZE ■That is not official, but it Is not ly a whole comer of the room. luclferin of fltoflies is probably dif­ in a savage hour-long duel, on Ar­ Defense SeCretaiy WUaon says military and diplomatic officials j Threw cntegertea > REG. $1.19 WITH ZIPPERS ...... Ea. 8 8 ^ This wqs exocUy the light you ferent from that of theee Crus­ my spokesman told todqy. there it nothing the U, 8. can do •are quietly working on a l t e r n a t i v e ^ produced a denied by company officers. Wil­ tacea. ^ H e described the exchange .os BGM»T 8 WINS S«U> liam H. Robertsor., president, and see in sea water if you've ever "unlsss tha people of Europe teke Ikiropean defense plans for poa-l-grtat varisty of policy papers Philadelphia. Sept. 83 tfiV. Floiml pntteni ticks In rooe, blue, geld nud erdild. Henry J. Brant, secretary, have swum at nigfit .or watched os a These sea animals, about the Bias she beeviest since., the “reoHstte took” and want to be slMe use, if next week's London ■ which informants said fall into of big birdseed, can be kept in the broke out around (^coMy Sept. 3. protected from the Red (menace... conference falls to produce an ac-! tj,ree broad categories: Robte Baberto galaod hie 2Srd REG. S4.98ww54x74fULL RED SIZE declined to comment on the . re­ boat knifed through the water. It's dried state, and will give off light victory of the eeoaea aad hia p e n h e i i n e r $ 3 . 9 8 port. the light like that—except NationoUat planes and warships Secretary of Labor Mitcbell ap­ wptable German rearmament pro- j , peripheral D e f e n s e-T his $ 3 .7 9 when ground by mortar and pestle took over at doarn today, bombard­ peals to United Steel Workers seread la two gsiaaa aa tha Mportowear—Second Floor Rumors of ths company’s possi­ for color—from yellow fireflies. Qr and mixed with water. ing Aatoy and other Rad baaaa Pk&adelphla FMBlea seared h Irnvy quUted pnde fUlefi with pare White eotten tte t win ANOTHER SHIPMENT! ble departure were conndeted with from dead tree stumps glowing in Wendrens Glow (C30) for full support, under­ authoriUes tlm. esUmated hsT that ^'•‘•tance to any Commuiitet laa la the qiagh laalag today la a hearing v/hich began yesterday the dork' because of fungi growing within artillery range of Quemoy standing and confidence” of or­ almost much time has been aggression on posiUaeu .in Britain, lawa^rr • pure white,. Ptaette wra^peA BEGULAK |I.4t EXTBA HEAVY FLANNEL BAGK"DUll. By careful chemical treatment, for the Slat straight day, the Da- ganised labor to help Labor Dept spent, on possible liries ef action wla 7-e a ih teiaiH tte gRM off In Hartford in a condemnation ac­ oo them. their luclferin oai) be extracted fenae Ministry announced. ' Spain. Italy and the Middle East. Aug. 13 with the iiy C tion brought by thd Connecticut It is biolumineacence, chemical become effective. for the United States in, the ab­ It witpld have grave political cbn- Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales GrMB staaipa Given, With Cash Saks, and sdso their luciferose. When Official aoureaa aoid Red mili­ Raintorcementa rally qround sence of French agreement to some Light A Power Co. iU eubeidl- and cold light which nature has theee two liquids, are mixed, you tary croft were attacked near Fo- sequences because It would be in- IRONING BOARD COVERS ary. Electric Powerl lac., against granted to many living things, es­ get the wonihoua glow as though Italy’s pro-Weatem government to German arms plan as that dsr teiproted by many westerh Ikiro- aagiT EX-RED BcoEimpr ton Bay, 30 milee eouthweat ef OasaaMmtet idttack over voted to preparations for American Robertson. | pecially in the oeo. thousands of ths animals at once Quemoy and a 1,000 ton tendliig peen peoples as imeaning U. S. CEHOUSES-Snitf CLAP, ploiming .ito raise the nad Bea* Explaaatleee were lighting the ees. WlUaa Monteoh scandal... San. participation in the 9-power Lon- abandonment of them. Both Presi­ fldal eaarea aaf-* — — — w ith eliu tle edge. Extra heavy w eight driO ^ t h » level of the Uousatonic River with croft was h it A 300-toh gunboat' Evaratt M. Dirkaon (R«Ill) tells dMi meeting. BUn has bMn Intrigued wRh In life, these animals shoot their also was damaged by a direct hit dent Eiaenhower and Secretary of TtM JW HALCee, f l a ^ hMk. WIU aveu Bt axtru alia b evd o. fEaeh O I r Be $13,000,000 Shepaug hydro­ this Boturol light from the tinie of 1.100 OOP aromen in Los Angeles Chie reason, informants fold, is State DuUee are understood to be electric project, brcM^t the oe- luahnercence out into thb srsUr the m rcee sold. *hever were the deetrayere and that Stats Dept, officials do not JPe* Gft^EN STAMt^li CO. hta earliest obeerirations and won- os a boat passes or the 'wabtr ia L t Gen. Chong Ti-tiag, -A^rmy fundamentally oppooed to this dertags about his worid. Now aci- traltqrt tn govanunant so busy* aa want to get caught again''wUhou$ conoape, yet it la duorlbed as hav- (Geatiaaed ea Page Mavaa) *wtag 90 years of rriairratli qubetituU plana, as they were when ance la bagianing to te d axplaaa- •a Page Ihiaa) .(OMtiaaed ea Paga T tre ^ rule. I the French Aaeembiy ahelTcd the i«iPhB9ilz) partn '• (\ : V - % ' • l I J. . , ■ -*1. r ■'rrpf r •'■' ■•- '}■■ .* V A • 1 / V rAQ BTW O KHWCRESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1964

Oovfirnor told Tedesco and Demp­ The locals won the' pennant last AIRXONDinONRD MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CQNN„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1954 PA G E T H R EE sey their charge “is a lie.” year. Roosevelt C^ts It is also a most serious accu­ Jap Dusted Food Bale Slated Local Stocks KnWlahd Says XSL. sation fo r Any person to make The Cooperative Kindergarten the fellowahip batweaa sromaa and aj^iinst the Chief Executive of our arill hold a food sale Saturday at Stwkltt Uft*t Saerttt (4) YWCA Instructors Display Ceram ^ 8irla, MoatalloBs Fiiralaaud By Censure Study ‘Y’ Open House The speaker aai of the Porter House now occupied O A K G R I L L may fiiul activity in ths group an 1 p. m. asMaa “ Accordingly, I would like to see by Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKeon. To Be Delayed f «Aso navOAK enraaviprSTREET Attracts 100 adventuro'ia discovery of the sod Harriman Slate you without delay because I want It may also be reached by the ‘Cold Light’ of the Sea and Joyful meaning o f Hfc." Mrs. MUSTiaHIE to learn from you direct the al­ Ashes Dies driveway to Smith's Store. Any­ Bid Aakad A FINE FOOD ★ QUALITY BEVERAGES Harbison also stated that one can­ leged baals for this completely un­ one interested in contributing f o ^ fflrat Natlooai Bank (Ooatliiaed from Toga Ooa) not asfoclate with miiea ideas 4 preparation of its report on the I fellow# away. Mrs. Gaylord T. Cannon and her YW C A open house Ust night at meet instructoni ot the various was siauas aSsWWaarflae*—**— aow, Court o f Appeals—Charles S. Des- particularly, lmplicatea.,the office Yeomans Hsil also named five of the governorship itself.” resulting from blood transfusions. National Fii'e ...... 101 105 censure chatgea brought agalastj Fireflies apparently use their, daughter. Mis* Gertrud* C(umon, the Community Y to examine dis­ courses offered. DaaHassTsat saaTi lln w im iw* ■■■|l ntond o fr Biinalo.—^------Adrian P.------Burke, candidates for the office of Jus­ tisas hotfear saa. TrF Daaa'a 9ID *-« adU Lodge said he would arrange to Phoenix ...... 92H McCarthy. flashing light to attract boy and of 33 Richard Rd„ have returned plays of craft classes and enjoy a There was a display of the work N ew York City corporation coun­ Kuboyama's death coincided tice of the peace. They are; Atty. girl firefllea together. Numerous (xiffee hour. Dt*4 aaaaaatfUr W i sel. a n j John Van Voorhls o f Iron have the Attorney General's office with speculation here that Russia Ufa aad Udaeuilty laai Oae. Watkina had told ne from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. They done in ceramics. Hoiiked rugs ararlar*iraars. It'as and the Office of the Legislative Elizabeth Hutchins, Rusasll An­ earlier that he waa hopeful ^ a t little fish living in ocean depths visited with the family of their Coffee and cakes were served In were arranged on one table. Sam­ Oaaa'a Si«B hastas I dequolt. explocM. a hydrogen bomb re­ drews, Lyndon Little, Donald Tut­ Aetna U f e ...... 144 149 Pouring "Tiny Quinn Qsrry heAdlamps and other lighia. feila-iMt* UirtilaUltB*r kMaaslakMai Although the placing of Roose­ Council represented at the meeting. Aetna Oaaualty ...... 178 183 the committee could finish Um re­ daughter and sister, Mrs. Victor the banquet hall at the beginning ples of sfenoil'ng, silk painting I aa* was**,■ Oa* “ ‘ PaaaPaannPahl i cently on Wrangel Island, only BOO tle, and Geov* Reams. The GOP Perhaps, Dr. Harvey apeculatep, of the program. Tedesco later replied he would Conn. General ...... 3 5 5 370 port before the end of tha week. Bronkie, her husband and their and art work ware exhibited.' velt on the ildtet was received miiea northwest 4 Mbe, which can make itaelf luroin- They noted that It did not con­ meet with Lodge “ at any place he had emphaaixed that no final | DIBBCT FROM BOSTON promoted to sergeant. He is as­ ganization. She said that YW C A I^Cistratlons were not limited that It had tested another atomic pedia for writing the best letter in Hartford Elec. Lt. 56 58 ^ e n t . Eela seek it out, but it may membership demands the total See M eCluro tain a sipgie candidate, for ad­ and at any tim e." decialon had bera made. Oar FH. IMIey—Ceme Aa Yea Are er Bring A Frle^ signed to Battery B, 37th A.AA. to the open house. They will be bomb, but JapaneM scientists say August on a topic which was dis­ Hartford Gas Co. 37 40 person and i.ot Just a particular ministrative offices, from central, However, Tedesco made a atjpu- Nov. flsvered Onr SnL P.75 Their charge immediately was who said the commission alresdy Torrlngton, Sept. 23 (A*)—State 3.H O U R SH O W 8-CARTOONS-8 pleted studies at the Katharine China coast. is doing what Rlbicoff proposes ths At Handcraft Fair Admtaaloa: Cfilldrea 25e—Adulta JWa oan, is working on purifleation and ^ n SI? oa SAVE $1.10 called “silly" by Rep. Erving Pruyn and local police, in almultaneoua SHOWS; THURS., FBI., SAT. GIANT ALL-COLOR SHOW! Gibbs School in Boston. Cmhng said it was not unusual (R-Colebrook) who heads the Commerce Dept- would do. gambling raids here and in Wln- Chemical study of luciferin obtained __ Vtiliif from the tiny crab-like animals. ALSO WINCHESTER AND SAVAGE RIFLES IN STOCK council's Drafting Committee and Columbia, Sept. 23 — (Special) ated, arrested four persons on D**s ABdrcir* OreSBrr F*ek 1^. Aurln M. C!hase of Princeton is IS'chairman o f the house Judiciary HIGH COST OF DYING — Evan Kullgren. of ErdonI Road, gambling charges yesterday. Taken ______• YOU* CREDIT IS GOOD d*a**e Crala Jaae Oriffithi analyzing luciferase in efforts bet: committee. srill once again be in charge of into custody here were Robert •or m n : : 2 D: ter to understand and recreate the Pruyn said their accusation CSiarlotte, N. C. (P—City officials the incoming consignments to the Beveleri, 30, and Tufll Seaback, 58. *‘Due1 In “ Man W ith r DIAMOND . cold light. founded like "sour grapes." He reported a bootn in burial lots idter eighth annual Craft Fair at Cen- They were booked on pool selling OUTDOOR ROADMASTER BICYCLES OAl 7*79 said the Democrats were pounding a 'propoaal waa made to increase The Jungle” A Million” I f they could be made synthetic­ OFFICIAL PITCHING tinel Hall at G. Fox A Co. in charges and released in bonds of PIECE PLASTIC HANDLE WHISXWS IN THIS PtObMCT off because Lodge “ beat them to lot prices in the city-owned Ever­ Hartford,. starting Monday. 3500 each. Arrested in' Winsted CTATE ally— and there is a good chance *:ta4:Sa-S;M 1:44.1:15 thar luciferin might be duplicated A a AND 7 YIABS MO the punch.” green Cemetery from 55 cents s Kullgren. who is well known in were Louis Bouchard, 52, and Man J HALFORD | | , g CHURCH In his telegrams last nighjt, the square foot to $4. the State as a craftsman and is ny Leshay, 72, proprietor of i — then man could solve the secret Sun.: *‘Duel In The Sun" (Tech) o f another engine of life. SCIEWDIIVEI HORSESHOE SET a former president of the Society cigar store. They were booked on llVPf/tSO /V TELEVISION of Connecticut Craftsman which pool selling charges. Bail was set m ewjp Our lamps 'are inefficient, pro­ FAIR BRIARCUFF Is sponsoring the fair, is especially at 31.000 for each. An additional YOU Y O U >OVj i I r 5 LVA I K ducing heat as well as light. Does (Rain or Shine) nature hold the secret for better •'V known for his work with hand- charge o f aaaault on an officer waa Pony Rides KIT a* wrought copper and pewter. placed againat Leahay.' PROGRAMS or special lights by which to see ? SECOND MOOT 807’ ~ 1 9 9 He will show his handicraft at Would it Just satisfy a challenge Grab Bag IncIwdinB from nature to learn the answers CONGREGATIONAL WHItntS IN IMS MODUCr the. fair and will also demonatrate ifideo Everyday— A ll RighU Reserved—H. T. Dickinson A Co., Inc. and RACK 4 Yiaas M b his skill along with others in many . to bioluminescence ? d r could it Handicraft CHURCH AN ALL COLOB PBOGEAM lead to advantages and uses atiil other different claaaifleations of Novelty North Main at North Street MagnatlsMi Daaa Aadrrw* Gr*er OarMB unforeseeable 7 Tables COOL U ihC »nilitbu(( c o m t o r t crafts. deaBBc Crala ■LADKS Mrs. Kullgren. who Is also ac­ "nVKL IN Babert Bsaa Scientists working on this and a WBSnWYRMaVI ‘BRB It MBN" Lunch 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. tive in craft work, la quite expert THE JI NGLE" hundred other projects cannot fore­ ToP kliU p m aioH r i n At S:IS - S:Sa-*;U tell. They do know that facta Counter in block printing. She will also . Bat. 1 p.m. A Gnat BM 8h*wl___ . THIS SATURDAY M ’'mIMAMBOTAnC* klNo B e t t e r S e « ' ' learned from basic* research such Free Nursery nO O f 807 be at the fah* with her hobbies, Saa.: Marilya M*ar** “ Btrer *t Na the Screw HInehey-Oawle Betara” as this'often supply the key or clue For Sniall MsnuiD IN MaaviANo a n a u g u to someone working to develop Coacb # rill Mrs. Irene Ruth Gswle of North J $ I EASY FBEE rABEINO Children TORRIPIC 4 YCAKS MO Woodstock, was married to Ed­ PANDREA SiSTfRS-CDOIt GARION Motoiol something for peace, or medicine CHARCOAL RROlUD « .COLOR H ITS ! CHICO CHICO BIG STAC-f RfVOf OF human good. ADMISSION FREE $1.50Volwa ward Lawrence HInchey of Web­ Clow, Shan, StaaNly UHPa ster, Maas., last night by Probate ‘‘HER 12 M E r PMECRIEK Judge Mrs. Elizabeth Dennis ^ td m k VHF Ra«a^an G re«r Qarson EAST HARTFORD Hutchins at her home on Jonathan cHitant Btahonf 4 DRAW ER STEAKS* 3 7 s Trumbull Highway. Robert Ryan goKBTBR W A90M. All-Star Game Slated FAMILY DRIVE-m 277 IR O A D T OUR FACTORY FeOOF 807*^ 3*3 2 ; MANCHESTER SOUTH WINDSOR 9|l-9-It24 TMCK PRIM i STIER BEEF The Inter-County Baseball *11116 FURr 8AJLES GBil 4 vcaas iMD 2>A Miiea NqlftK of Eaat League, of which A. E. Lyman is' Rock Hudaon Drove TELEVISION RADIO a SERVICE muiY nwET FULL BODY SIZE 34 x 1 5 president, will play an ail-atar Donna Reed Hartford Center—Route 5 game here Sunday for the benefit B c i t C n Ncrr64 LARGE SEMI PNEUMAIIC !lREI: wnwRsniLO.RsMM IS of the league. The three northern ^ .7,, (V A S Days 3 •— Starta Tonight eely Isn minwiet frem die STARTS SUNDAY tliaaaal i (lannatly S) N*w ■avaa. . (W> OOIINTEBPOINT — Joker* teama will play the .three southern "Duel III Tbe Jnngle** CWM* Wild" cMtar of HsrtfoiA Ckaaaal W Naw BHIala, Oaaa. $ 1 . 7 7 •pen Astty si naan team*. The northern team* are “B^y P>om Oklahoma" S:M (S> jnsnC E $ 5 - 9 5 Bolton, Columbia and Willington ABOU" Cbaaaal U aalyaki. „ (W) FOirB STAB PLAYBOl'SB Ghaaaal t t W M w ta rr. C*aa. "The Gun" EL PICADOR and the three southern teams arc 4B- — __ l a y a w a y for Oltiar Rsd Cooch Crin* ot CHILDREN lin li| M f Cbaaa*i *1 SsriaeflaH. (U) SCIENCE BEVIEW XMAS wNm ot oetk Hebron, Colcheater, and Lebanon. Mrw Inqlond' HI ly^riiunU Hri' i MRS (M l P1L.M ' MSTON • NM U IO lO • SAUSUS • WATUNi • HMSMAM • NYANNiS (til DUFFY’S TAVBEN M u NOW YOU SAVE 35c *4 STH . iU v iN tn ! '•:sa « a> nNBT LBB aaow FOR MEN FOR lO Y n o o f 80T 2*39 (M) BAB M WBSTEBN TBXA- IM k er GMl __ $5-60 a vEAin MO NO TE . . . (Ul WBATTI YOL'B TBtRlBLk DROWN a a i LYNOH Alt Stool — Hcmcly in The Picture Of The Year! FILM Flowers for AU-Oecssloiu WNm' 0# not# MATINEE t P.M. JAMES SIEWSART lU ) TOWN GBIBB M5 M l-" ing Nails, SnMill Forts, 1 I * 1 .9 9 FNKUiMATIC TMfS as STM TOMORROW . A U U D WlCHCOCaCS « a> WOBLO WB LIVB IN STAT E VE N IN G 6:45-9:0.5 WKW8 AT SIX—P*t* 8toa*r MAIN g T , 8-8458 Etc. ^ I / lAY-AW AY for Xmog noor io i vh nvM i m NOW YOU SAVK 40c otsmito IN WR7 iNoan REARW/NDOW tfl) COWBOY rLA V B O D R I S:U ( S) VABIETY CLVB f -M «W D DBAONEI-Jack Webb f: PCi 1953-54 G M 6.75 ( S) .POLITHAL .PBOolUB HancHo. M.TI I ^ ). Battt-' y JUNIOR SIZE ~ COLOR: RED WIDE SCREEN! Q w m « *> BFUBTSCUrB-uya Jatfe* G SON. Me. O t h (■ f Cof ^ C o r s a n ‘J (MAM DEAOUNE BAlTfOM • f 1.. ' vV ( 1 cj ’ , for G M ‘ «|y NPOBTS VIBW8 8 M a Ib S t—TeL MI-8-5128 Gohuino HerMhoir of OihpTs U'iif^g .i KS'IH' 1 SCHANCtD' ( S) WBATHBB POBBCAST save RED CROWN EVBBYOm] Under New MApagement am?' -gl Cars Cars i 12 Vt Svs'em WITH STRIPES » 2 - 4 8 ( S) WOBLD NEWS TODAY Sot in Rubbor * * STH m M O E A T (IS) a b b a NBWa-^POBT8 WolMlBg SnppUm ef AU Kinds IIW9990TQ09M DVV«99 ioor 907 »*•» rWIMUTShridM] (ti) WOBLO NEWS TONIOMT COAL — OIL - S 7 .9 5 ,S 11,95 ; $ 1 4 -20] A B V E N T U IE 1:5* « S> 8IDBWALB INTEBVIEW8 $ 2 0 9 5 Sonior Pro A ll Woothor U*A») CAPTAIN VIDEO " (SI) |TEATaKB--John QuUl ' ^ 6 .8 5 B P A U LITtLB UOW U:*t (Ml TEE LATE SHOW Ptu> 'OUR OLD BATTERY GONE WITH < a> raUTICAL PEOOBAlf P • « . . .. „'I>riftwood'' FOOTBALL IMB! (U).... JOHM------OALk—l^wa Ji? SS92i*o” m o v ie s (U> MABOB A _ yt^.TBEB-Jolui (Julll WALKERS 4M> BIOBUOBT8 comcAl THEWWD (M> WBATBBBVAHB — CST*U sn Jobert u , .. "Brute Man" 907””3.59 ( t) SPOBTSMAN’S CLUB «:M ( .() NEWS DOVOLAS BDWABOa 6 AND fB B NEWS many NAnONAUT wioawi | aMKGNumBUBn FILM Taaiem e’a DayUaaa HlcUlcMa SUPER DELUXE ALUMINUM aiM ENT <*1> VAVUBN MONBOB ‘ avaiiAau ar aar homo# 1 : U 4 *411 MBKII-CAIUVAN — Jeha II:M. • .'.2 \V,\ (SI) KA8TICBN STATESclub Vwy MMitiy. for VHF mmm J n s o e ^ Canwroe 8*mna XX- BEST QUALITY ^ _ POSITION • (St) TBE JANE l^MAN.BBOW lt:M (Ml VAUANT LADY OMUilWAiM (IS) KIEBNAN** KALEIDO­ Nkaljf Shofied for SCOPE «« > PAUL DIXON $1 .7 9 IKIBCI (St) EASTKBN STATK8 TOP GRAIN ELK K k k i^ or Poashtf t:S* ( S«l> OkOl'CMO MABX . - , PIMITION 2 to 13 I AX512 ■TaMWWMtK (U) MELODY TOVB t:l* < S) FIBST LOVE SAVE 40c (H» WEATg IN A WOBD— GOODYEAR NYLON SMASHINOVAIUK J 1 8 ' Clifton Fadlmaa V M o*» Cartooaa 4:M ( til BOB SMITB STI1CH SHOES T:15 Men s BLACK Feotare EAST CENTKR MSPLE SUPER SERVICE STATION Ladies' WHITE iwrRWDBm a * ■ I I I' \ iii.v vi(i" 481 MAIN ST. AdMiw inH T or **Eg3rpUBB"->Mst. 50c, Eve. 85c. Child 25c« Ends Todmy With No Nsm e" p li» *t>n !> • Riviera** Brotkera" Oaom eorty—leave aoriy ■ 1 H I • : I Road Service I *1 I '*t, T SPOBKH IN 14 OTHKR CON'NCCnCUT CITIES MANCHESTER ■f \ \ : 1 Tw r-

PACK FOUR liANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTE r ]^ CONN.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1954 HANCHESTEB e v e n i n g HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER M. 19M P A G ir o w Japan Is a good idea, wa ahould tory in New York state this fall, Jewel theft from the Now Haven ^ Am d|FBtfr First Parcel Sold have had that IdSd avan if Russia we are afraid we would have Droodles homo o f Henry W. Farnam. PTA Council Meets did not eUst. It is when we fall asked fo r the nomination o f young He 'said the men Were picked up woBO—isas w o r n — 141C Nathan Hale PTA Saturday during an attempted safe Eontinj IfpiraUi beligw that level In our behavior By ROARR PRIOR In Rockledge Site First Time Monday Rooeevelt. And we suspect that, as robbery at the Milford Grain Os. WaMB-«48 Daily Radio WHAY—SIS that our good deeds become mere election day nears, the Dewey ma­ Has First Meeting « 8 f « a (?iq>tui^ after police fired several wcoo—uso Baatara Btoatfarfi nssa w no—itss strategy, as in the case of the chine itself may begin to wish it The first lot In B. J. Holl’s large shots, he said, were: The Manchester P T A Oouncll fliR-[onoiiioninG Rockledge tract which lies between Murray suggestion, as contrasted did have him Instead of Harriman. Robert Gloffl, 31, of Hamden; w ill hold its first meeting o f the The first executive meeting of Middle ’Turnpike and Porter Street John Daniels, 38, o f Haven, season at the new Vemon-Lydall Tha foUowUig program sebadu^. the 1854-1855 season of the Na­ “Hazel- Are You to the statesmanship which was in the Manchester Green area has aad Pat Nacca, 32, of West Ha­ School, Monday, Sept 27, at 8 p.m. ara suppiiad by tha radio managa- Nefional Home than Hale P.T.A. was held Wed­ / " demonstrated In the President's WTIC—Boy Roters been sold to Joseph W . Pulchopek, ven. The new school is located at the menu and ara oubjact to changa WDRC—Meet jllllle nesday night in the school audi­ appearrnce before the United Na­ a deed recorded yesterday in the Dixon said a fourth man, Vin­ Junction of Vernon Street and j VJ^TH—Official Detectiva torium. Plans were formulated for town clerk’s office indicates. W ILUAM S without noUco. tions last December. cent Vltolo, 30. who 'surrendered Lydall Street. 4i#e— • J./ WHAY—Polish National Homo an interesting and varied program Connectmut The parcel which stretches for James Herdic, superintendent of OIL SERVICE WTIC—Roy Rofera for the coming year, rang;ing from Still Struggling Vattw. to New Haven poUce Monday, al­ WHAY—News; Sulks Hop le mile between the two WeeC—KeuorU R«vu« WDRC-kleel Millie legedly was Involved in the MU- the recreation Department, will ^ W GTH-omclal OetecUva social events to educational topics. v u 1 thoroughfares contains 350 build­ S41 BROAD STREET WKNB—News; Bai.ball Hslinee Mrs. Joseph Lucas is president Atfvaaoa It’s A Paper World ford safe Job. A fifth man. whom bring the group up to date on the W ile —Bsckslas* Wils Yankee ing lots ranging in frontage from TEL. MI-9-4548 JJ^AY-^zirte’s Studio Party • — of the organisation, with Mrs. he identified as Francis O’Neil of recreation program In Manchester. WDRC-Cal KolbV WTfC—Dr. SlXfun . %—.■■■ If we didn't have diplomacy, we SO feet to 100 feet and in depth Danbury, was arrested in Danbury H e will also giVe some of his future _ WGTH—Jack'* Waxworka : RC-That’s Rich. Allen Behnke, first vice-president; By A. H. O. from 160 to 230 feet, according to 4ii&— would surely invent it. And, in its yesterday in connectAm with the plans for the department ^ WGTH—Q-lme Fighters Mrs. Hugo Pearson, second vice HoU. About SO o f the lots are in WHAY—Polka Hop With That Old investigation. He was charged with A tour throui^ the new school w eeu —Record Revue president; Henry Matson, treas­ new iq>pearancc, it would be Just Now, with campaigning official­ Zone A and the raat^are in AA WHAY—Oizle’s Studio Party idleness, Dixon said. w ill be conducted as part of the WlOfB—News; Baseball Matinee ,\ WTIC-Dr. Slxgun ' urer; .JMi»...C3lti Swanson, secre­ as solemn and Just as silly as it is Zone. WTHJ—filella Oallee WDRC—That's Rich. JtEXBSR orC ly begun, and with little more than GioSt, Hacker and Daniels were program for the evening. WDBC-Cal Kolby tary; Mrs. Dorothy Kenny, chalr- A Me PottlBg Anethar An Log A portion of Ferguson Road, the WENDELL- WOTH—Crime Fighters TBB A f i o o l r i t o now. a month left for it, and with no­ An executive meeting of the WOTH—Jack e Waxworke rnsn of the hoepltslity committee; through street from Porter Street held in bonds o f $20,000 each and 4:Se— S:SS— Tka Aaao«4a»aHerring and Mrs. William velopment will contain two tools, pqrpetrating burglary with t ij*^*^*^—News; Design for Dancing aad alao iha tooal aaara njMlabadlim. solemnity and sillireas combined comes the twitching tlnie .when scientific Build - It - Yourself WTiC—Wldder Brown Mlnnick,' co-chairmen; Mrs. C3tes- An tIaMa ^ rapabWcatlcn cl apadat through streets and three connect­ weapons, and breaking and enter­ Building WDRC—Cal Kolby 'WHAY—Oxiie s Studio Parly " /v. dlapalAaa barala arc atooraaMrad. which it . is exhibiting, at the mo­ candidates and their, managers Mousetrap you can make right in ing. Gloffl faces an addiUonal WUTII—Jeck'e Waxworks WTiC—Searlet Pimpernel '• ter Oibi'oski, chairman of the waya ing streets. 4j4S— ment, in Foreign Secretary An­ meet the supreme temptation to your own home. Ready? O kiy. charge o f carrying a concealed WDRC—Cathy and Elliott Lewie and .gn'eans committee, with Mrs. First, take an old piano crate (up­ W ater mains run through the SEE Contractors WHAY—Polka Hop ^ WGTH—News; Design for Danclu thony Eden’s well-intontibned re­ throw a little dirt under the wheels tract and about 150 lots are weapon. Clareaoe H. Anderson for WCCC—Record Revue Harvey Wahnquist and Mrs. Rob­ Time You Do Your of their respective campaign ve­ right) that your not using fe r any­ WKNB—News; Resebnll Matings ert *^Jfihns as co-chairmen; Mrs. vival o f the thing km wn as the sewered, Holl said. a Dixon said the men are accused RMldwitid-Comiiwreldl W'i'tC—Woman m House Night Watch'' " > hicles. thing eloe. Saw a triq> door in the of breaks in' this town. Orange, WfTIC—S»nor Ben Andrew Binock, membership chair­ i f e , ■ / . top of teje crate and a teenay hole LOANS WDRC—Cel Kolby WDRC—Amos 'n’ Andy Brusaels P a c t It is an axiom of political cam­ Cheshire, Woodbridge, Norwalk, on second mortgages aad aato- WOTH-Jacke Waxworke man, w ith Mrs. Daniel Gallagher (mouse sise) in the bottom. Got AliercifieES-Remedelliig WGTH—Author Meets Critic It is Secretary Helen's high en­ paigns that candidates ahi their WUton, New Haven, GuUford, mobiles. Also Insaraaoe. l:e e - co-chairman, Russell Robertas bud­ the holes sawed? Good. Now, you Police Arrest Trio "Businem Bnilt On WHAY—Western Caravan «rHAX*sN**'*LNIShl Watch deavor to find some way out of managers have least assurance Durham. Greenwich, Derby, Ham­ CONNECTICUT VALLEY WCCC—Record Revue WTIC—Senor Ben get chairman; Anthony O'Bright .crawl .inside the trapdoor with a WKNB—News; Baseball Matinee program , chairman and RoBert the dilemma in which the western about their own success when they den and Mlddlebury. Eleven house Customer Satisfaction** WDRC—Music Mall WTOTR RppMTtBS til M - potatc and a female mouse (this Realty And Investment Co. WTIC-Ju.t Plain BUI WGTH—Author Meets Critic Gorman, co-chairman; W. David are on their best behavior, and For 40 Robberies breaks were in Woodbridge. eight WDRC—Newe ISiSS— world finds.itself as a result of beam with self satisfaction when trap ofdy catchen boy voice). The 74 Bast Ocater Street ' Full Insurance Covcracd Keith, -legislative chairman; Mra. “ *ar*tlW!3f%SS^ boy mouse wiU come along, notice in Hamden and five in Wilton, W'GTH—Sgt. Preeton of the Yukon WHAY—News; Night Watch American insistepce upon some­ they are embarked upon that Dixon said. Tel. MI-A-488S Tel. MI-9-3033 or 4iiS— WTIC—Fibber. Molly Florence Stevenson, Arthur Le- the female mouse (be sure she’s Milford, Sept. 33 (A>»—PoUce say WHAY—Western CaravSB WDRC—Mr. Keen , C3alre and Mrgb^^onard Nlese thing France could not accept— strategy which, while satisfying TeL MI-3-6651 WCCC—Record JRevue WGTH—H. Flannery wearing on attractive perfinna three men are under arrest here in delegates to council, Mrs. Edmond the EDC, . ■ their blood, probably contains only such as Roquedekt No. 5) and en­ t After 5:00 P. M. WKNB—Baseball Matinee iS :l5 - ^ one potential result — that o f los- connection with 40 house breaks WTIC—Lorenzo Jones WHAY—News: Night Watch Folsom publicity.. He was a little bit of a magician ter the piano crate. Immediately— and thefts in 13 southern CJonnec WDRC-Cal Kolby WTIC-Heart of News Why Continue 82 Baldwin Road Meetings of’ the Nathan Hale ii^: themselves votea plug up the teenay hole with the WGTH—8ft. Preston of the Yukon WDRC—Moods for Romance ■ liK ' when he reached down into his Here they are, at this present ticut towns. Manchester, Conn. » : ie - WGTH—Night Moods P.T.A. are to be held the second potato. Then, it’s either yon oi the Police Capt. Robert F. Dixon, WHAY-rWestern Caravan drawer o f old treaties opd pulled moment, this two candidates, and EAST HARTFORD 1»:SS- Tuesday of this month, October day at paWloattoa e e e ^ aatniday — 1 (This trap works best if Jr., said the case was broken after , WCCC—Record Revue WHAY-News; Night Watch t a. at both camps very blue and dis­ WKNB—Baseball Matliics WTIC—Jane Pickens through May. On October 12 "Open out the Brussels Pact something you know a little about .■ ido.) a five day investigation involving consolate and fueling futile be­ TELEPHONE BU-9-9351 WTIC—lOW) Radio Lane WDRC—Moods for Romance Houae” wdll be Jield to acquaint t / TlraradAy, Sept M everybody had forgotten. He must state Police and police from the WDRC—Cal Kolby WGTH—Musical Caravan cause they can hote no progress. ...WGTH—Bobby Benson, 10:45— parents with the teachers and the When have blinked a bit as, reading it Nobody seems to be listening — other towns. WHAY—News: Night Watch Nathan Hale School. over, ha realised that it was a not even the opposition. It is all Dixon said biggest of the alleged WHAY—Western Caravan WTIC—Jane Pickens StntefT And Stetcmanshlp A Thought for Today breaks was a $30,000 to $30,000 WCCC—Record Review WDRC—Moods for Romance treaty ne^Uatad and ratified, in very polite and decorous, with WKNB—Baseball Matinee Wf.XHsMusIcsl Caravan Howevtr wa. ara ddtog In ana everybody pretending to discuss WTIC—KWO Radio Idme 11:00.i— IMS, to guard against German high levek state issues, when there , WDRC—Massey. Tilton WHAY-lNews; Night Watch dda of tlia atomic Taoa-^tliat for Enough Said W'GTH—Bobby Benson WTIC—News Itoe to a death In the family mlUtartsm. really isn’t any sudi thing. And 4 iSS— . ‘ WDR(>-Nrws tha moat aad tba b ln a a t bomba L. P. Jacks tells the story of an I vim not be around on my egg But to the agile diplomatic nobody listening, and nobody re­ WHAY—News WGTH—News —wa may ba looins on tha othar acting, unless it la some p r^ n c t agnostic who sent tor another ag­ SERVICES/ WCCC—Good Kvenins, Good UuiiO 11:15-., tonte Thnraday, -Sept. 28. mind, this fact posed no particular nostic to console him on his death WKNB—News; Bcores VV’fl’AY—News; Night Watch olda o f tha raca, and thia may ba captain who wants to know when W'We-News WTIC—Starlight Serenade HAROLD CITMMINOS obetacle. Why not after all, have the campaign is really going to bad. "Stick to it. Tom,” said the That Interpret The Wishes WDRC—News WDRC—«’al K.ilby tlM Wda which oounta. WGTH—News Wapplhg Germany Join the treaty against open, when , somebody Is going to consoler. “Yer, gasped Tom, ‘tnit WGTH—Sports Report That faar la admlttadly roapon- there is nothing to stick to." O f l i e Family 4:11- II :S0— Y Gkm any? W hy wouldn’t that cure tear into somebody. WHAY—S|N)rt SpotllRIit W H AY-Nile Watcli alUa for tha aurgaotion mada pub- Fred R. Edgar WCCC—Good KveninR. Good Music WTIC—Starlight Serenade everyttilng? From this time on. there Sponsored by The Manchester WKNB—Baseball Matinee WDRC-Cal Kolby K'dy by Ihoroaa C. Murray, ft tha So, ever in London, the diplo­ will be many monaenta when OouBcil of Churches. JOHN B. BURKE WTIC—Strictly Sports 11:45- Atom lo B ia rg y Commiaalao, that It will seem emotioaaUy better WDRC—Almanac WHAY—Nile Watch mats are at work, chiseling out of WGTH—Patterton WTIC—Starlight Serenada wa ahould uadortaka to build a even to lose the campaign, bat raNERAL HOME MOimu 4:Se- FRBiaHT MARATHON WIIAY—Ilillloi) Youth Conferencs rLEuLYEVEAeisl the Brussels Treaty tha. language lose It flghtlBg, than to wla It MTHSM Five per cent of the population nuclaar poaror raactor to ganarata 1BL. Hl-S-gSM WCCC—Good Kveninc Good Music f At LOW PRICES which apedfioB Germany as a In the midst of so-lt aaeveatful Oakland, Calif. (P>—A freight imcssw susi WKNB -Baseball Mallnee have “colored hearing"—on hear­ Are Offering alactrldty tor Induotrlal paacaful tw g e t and making room, in the deoorum. elevator in an. ironworks here has WTIC—American Profiles ing certain tones invariably a puipoaaa In Japan. In all political camps, the peren­ S3 EAST CENTER ST. WDRC—Guy Lombardo list of membership and ratifica­ baen operating since IM S without AMBULANCE SERVICE WGTH—Bill Stern specific color coxnek to tWelr minds, t Arthur Drug Stores j "Now,” oald Cbmmlasionar Mur­ nial question, from now until elec­ breakdown. 4 :IS - according to the Encyclpp^ia tions, for the nation the treaty WHAY—Hilltop Youth Conference ray, "whlla tha mamory of Hlro- tion night, when, for the first 'Uritannica. was against, and when all these time, nobody dares ask It, is “How WCCC—Oood . Kveniny Good Music ■hlma and Nagaoakl remains so W’KNB—Ba.an been insulted or accused of graft f:»0 - We are rather surprised that would ba a dramatic and Christian or disgrace, or caught in some WHAY—Supper Serenade • , Foreign Seaatary Eden, while he patent blunder, or been provoked THE COMMUNITY PRESS • TWO-WAY SrUfTCH WTIC— Rep. St. Com ■ / geotura which could lift all o f us WDRC—Tennessee Krnls / TRAVUSfORAMHm was rummaging around in his into an angry reply, then the ans­ INVITES YOU TO ATTEND • lAUNDflt f ASHY WGTH—Fulton Lewis fa r ahova tha racoUaction o f tha wer can be “ Fine." The politicians 1:15- By Joseph P. Lytord treaty drawer, didn’t come up THE 2nd ANNUAL WHAY—Supper Serenade, caniaga of those cities ...” will be happy. • WfAR lONOM WTIC—.Muslf. with a few other old curios. But if there has been none of DEMOCSATIC CANDIDATE FOX Jt would also, Commissioner WDRC—Tennessee Krnle CONGRESSMAN AT-LARGE Somewherf in that drawer, there this, if nobody has called anybody • INVISWtf W’GTH—J. VandereooS Murray said, “go a very Icng way LAND and SEA BOY SHIRTS *ir» 1:50— ' is, o f vourae, a solemn treaty of aiiy names, if no one has been ac­ W O O D B U R Y ■— Hauling a trailer adds toward nullifying what hs<; bean SfAMirSS W’HAY—Supper Serenade cused o f stealing the Capitol Dome, WTIC—News of .World a new dimension to life; especiiliy in foul friendship and non-aggressiort be W’DBC—('hornMers lost at Dlen Bian Phu if nobody has been taunted into Manchester Antiques Show are the talk of the town weatHer. Coming downhill into driving tween Russia and Britain, and me anger, i f no unworthy suspicion luy Duribilknil and tn{oy WGTH—Gabriel Heatter Geneva.” 1 :«5 - sheets of rain, we blew a trailer tire TRADE between Rusela and France. Some­ has been launched, then the ans­ MANCHESTER, CONN., COMMUNITY Y the fullsst ffltaiura of ra- W’HAY—Supper Serenade I t would i»tiva, ha said, that wer has to be a dubious “ I don’t W’TIC—One Man's Family tonight. It sounded like s clap of thunder. where in the pile, too, there is a |98 liaf from vorkota vaint, WDRC—E. R. Miirrow I pulled the car up on the road shoulder "our Interest in nuclear power Is know.” This means the situation Sponsored By W’GTH-^Etyio Fisher musty old thing called the United twollan and llrad lags and and splashed around to the rear of the not confined to weapons.” IJoka lost. TH E W . S. O. S. o f SOUTH M ETHODIST CHURCH Nations caiOrter, duly ratified by This is the situation, at the mo' trailer, where 1 hung t blinking red portable light. 'Then I unhooked the ~ His fear, o f course, is that tha othar lag conditiont. Television Programs all the nations involved in the ment. in both Connecticut political Sept 27, 28, 28, 80—1 PM.-10 PM .—O ct 1— 1 P.M.-8 PM . car and drove into town foi- my meeting. It had been scheduled for the nation which would have a chance Sensationally low priced—you’ll want many of these delightful, On Page Two question o f European security, and camps. Both are highly nervous . Lunch at Noon— Shacta Complete Home Cooked Dinnera easy to launder cotton blouses—you'll wear them with suits, village green. When 1 artivyd it was still pouting, but the townsfolk hadn't of conquaring the world with Neither is sure o f itself. Neither is pledging all of these nations to skirts, slacks, pedal pushers . . . they're wonderful—Just two given up; they had lit pink flares in the center of the green, and several atomic energy would not, after sure o f an audience. Neither is follow tha paths o f peace and styles shown . . . come in and chooM from the prints.'stripes, people were waiting in parked cars. So 1 gave a shon talk more than a dozen all, ba the nation which had the sure it is getting traction in the SpEcId FsotHiH Mra. Uneohi LtoM Nd wiR and solid colort in a wonderful selection of styles and colors. ILLOWANCE unite against anybody who trios minds o f the voters. „ limes, walkuig from auto to auto in the tain. most bombs, but tha nation which Sizes 32 to- 38. . . . Come early tor the best selection. to leave those paUia And each, Inexitably, la begin­ add enjoyment T H R O U G H O U T T H E W H O L E campaign I seem to be always surrounded first mastarad- and demonstrated • x h lM t Im t U o I eoHocrioii W hat could be more sensible, in ning to cast about for some ' a y. by children. They come up to you and stick out their chests, waiting for a and then q>read the use o f tha more effpotive mesas of cam­ Sage-Alien, East Hartford. Is open Tuesday through Saturday PBESCRIFTION PHARMAOT to programs such a world, than to bring Ger — ALL BOOTH EXHIBITS FOR SALE — 8:80 to 5:30 P.M., Friday to 8:50 P M . bimon to be pinned on. I hear a lot about children, too, from iheit ^ e h t s TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF A NEW atom tor peaceful purposes. paigning, looking for some - TEL MI. many into the alliance against 3-5321 and teachers. N o matter what the town or its politics, people are worrying Ho Is Justifiably nervous about stroke or tactic wbito will give about the effects o f overcrowded schools on their young ones. Many scliooB Germany, and then, in due course, the profeoeionals stmethtag to 901 MAIN STRECT this posBibllity bacauskitussis. has, are on double sessions. In some clowns children sit two tf 'a desk. Qsss Russia into the resultant alliance cheer aboat, give party bead- aU along, aoecimpaniad its own quarters a sense of being on Hie sizes are |ping aboVfc 30— the danger point — to u high ks 43 and 50. against Russia, and to on, until, in atomic experiments with propa­ way,' and, incidentally, fasault I dhn't think'we can afford ro citeat our children this way. Nobody can the end, everybody is 'allied ganda claiming they ware hidus- the tnfelllgeace of the. voters. guarantee them happiness and security, but we can give them the chance against everybody, including him Y et there is, Ih 'lSM , a p a ^ - for ft decent education and a fair start in life. *rhe state — and the fHeral trial rather than military in na­ self? ealarly heavy rMtraint upon govrinment,— should help. O f all the, states in the Union, Connecticut ranks ture, or, If military, merely de­ both sides, which means the It’s a paper world. 44lh in the MfCenrageof state income it contributes to its educational system. fensive. Russia has also baah the campaign may, after a&, oontlnne first to announce the operation of to be.duU, reopectable. aad at I.T A L K E I^ A B O U T foreign policy to about 50 independent voteis at the GENERAL least half-intciUgent. Each side home o f Fr4d Schutkins in Bethany. My main criticism of the administration ELEOTRIC an atomic plant for the production .Pideed The' Wrong Democrat may he .itching to get down to is that it has* placed too much faith on armaments, and not enough on of industrial power. a level nwre satisfying emotion­ The Damocrattc nomination for 'building up a close, cooperative relationship With our allies. N q-p n e Against fiiis threat that Russia ally, bat neither side wants to country, ourr included, should try .to boss the others. This isn’t leadership, governor In Now Toxk state is be tagged as the first to do it. may be planning and progressing and it doesfi^ ^ork . Witness the collapse of the European Defense Com- supposed, according to tha po­ toward soma schema for making V’—’Vmunitv. / '; and H thT e ’mis^raklr laiiuivfailure IIIin iiiuuIn/In vjiina.Fkino w r. e snoiua.i—..iJ quit meddling___ iJi; litical doposters, tp have gone to itself the pioneer In peaceful uses ***V*,i.s***, in the G err^iiahd Italian eiections.'^d aim to expand ob^rrade relationships Averell Hartiman in a "deal" be­ of the atom, while wa stUl seem in Europe and Southeast Asia, but economic tween Tammany H all and the to the world merely the nation *•>. W e don’t want our astociaies to look' on us Dsway Republican machine, the > tO O **"*j merely iu^a taqlc factory. ' erhlch blasts cities o ff the map, we idea being that Tammany would AUTOMATIC WASHER have had, so far, oMy President A S A D M E M f^ K Y o ! China years ago came back to me yesterday. It do the Republicans the* favor of Elsenhower’s dramatic proposal .. Qoinlort o happened in a strange wayj.l. was parked next to an iron fence surrounding nominaUn'g a weak candidate for for an tntamational pooling of \ the:.5t. M ii’yu d tito l ,in Watierbury, and when a o f youngsters c A ie governor, to bo repaid, later on, by atoms tor peace, ,which may ba over to look, ‘Ifgave them ipme campaign buttons. Before I knew it there some Republican kindness toward were hundreds o f hands re^hing through the bars o f the fence. Looking revived and pusheid forward duT' Tammany in New York City. down at thclimpatient hands, I remembered a village near Shanghai, where ’ Ing the 'cunent session o f the of v,cae»o«P'^ I had stopped my jeep to eat 'hinch. In a few seconds a whole crowd of United Nations General Assembly. Such deals ore nothing new in MIllEI lltWINC CO MtIWAUKtE, W it childrto were around me, reaching out for food. Their hands were the color And one o f the severe reasons New York sU te politics, so such a o f eanh. I will never forget their faces Russia might have for failing to bargain may Indeed have been, support t ^ proposal might be readied, for all we know. * Ih itH iREPQIR fgpO that Russia has a design for But whether the deal was made 'The fact is, for just i few donars more than ^ building itself os the. propaganda or not, wo would question the you’d pay for one of the 8o<«alled *'low-prioe e -i tyAJER SAViR CONTROl champloh of the atom tor peace. validity ef the political calcula­ ^ e e ,” you ^et in ^ id c a whale of a lot Ib e Presidential proposal had, in tions suppoeedly involved. The — lets you ,use less water (or small Its original presentation and con­ point was supposed to ba that P7TTT1 U-OIPIT j 8 8 * more automobile—more room, more comfort, "in-between" washes. cept, advantages that ^do' not go Harriman' wouldn’t be as strong a more ride steadmiMS, more V8 power. And with Commissioner Murray's pres- Democratic candidate for governor that “more automobile for youf money” giott io r bot proposal. It came frah Ameri­ as would Oongreasman Franklin IniilVluv fi delivered K x a l^ " ca’s own best instincts, without D. Rooeevelt. Jr. Senator. Irving u every Buiidc in the line-the low-priced particular reference to what Rus­ Ives, the successor to Dewey Si Special, the high-powered Centu ry, the RepubUcan gubernatorial candi­ TERMS:- sia might be doing. It was for all extra-spacious Super, and the custom-built mankind, not against Russia or date, is supposed to have a rela- tow* toctoor*"*'"''**' T H A N MANY O T H E R for America. It offered a way out Uveiy easy time of it defeating mm. ------JtSTto R qadmastbr. And the proof is in Buick’s of the cold war, not just another Harriman. Young RooMvelt, sup­ ^torm tooreboi^. booming sales figUDM I ' : posedly, would have been tough. AUTOMATICS method of flghUitg the cold war. As Low As Tha Murray proposal, on the •That is what we can’t see. HALE'S other hand, falls into the s^eak- Young Roosevelt has, to our ob­ You want a car that w ill keep its style in the years ahead, and return Beas that has beset so many servation, done nothing blit wear Headquarters more dollars when you sell h. That’s today’s Buick-fPr with die ~ b i g CAPRCITV F O R B |G American gppd deeds in the p (^ - 0 his distinguished father’s name, FOR war world. Obviously, it Is-Rus­ without any particular distinction .yew-ahead soling that graces this winner-end with all thejmlkLyal^e sia who is spurring Commissioner of his own. Any estimate of po­ built into this great automobile-you’re bound to oommand a higher M O N O ftY Murray to bis good thoughts and' litical strength for him would resale price when you sell it. Drop in-look over tlw beautiful buy-^ r FW ftTfRSM tR CONTROL Us g ^ proposal. Obviously, be have to rest on the assumption prepoaas doing good because he is that the voters of New York state and learn the clincher: With Our tremendous volume right nowj afraid Russia might be tound pos­ are morons, who would go to the we can oRer you the top allowance on your present oar. in g os doing good. He would be polls thinking they were still vot­ So you’re way ahead on all counts! ■* . .. • c' 11 C c Per Week ganarous because be U afraid Rus­ ing for the late Prasldent, or for sia may be ganeroua In a word, be his legitimate heir. la reartlng to Russia, and then Harriman, on the Other hand, coming to the oonclusion ^ has a dlstinguitoed record of pub­ aught to eo^raos AmaHca. We lic sarvioe in wkich be has always AH M W araat ha good hacauaa that la tha done wall. and. although this pub­ because,.. MUCK ikUI MMS M m Appliance Dept.— Oak St. Entranc* • a ir w ay to defeat RasWa. lic sarvice was for tha New Deal, Wa ohan not raallae our. own TImd G-E has a biggor tub and uMe aaougli x sms to have kept himself rela­ - i wafer, to keep the clothes liibmeried ia suda ^ [ tma Ida oM power in the world ISIAaSfOI8lliCE.4« » . l tively iavulnarable to the ««i«i ihtoyghoijt tha washing! King Siaa c tp (l^ it K ' ^ watU w a ir g » ouzaatvas from this type of attack whidi can be di­ I i I of couataring Russia, and OHn t idatkl for big-Family washes. You aettally aa«t ) ■'.’■fi rected against the typical New water when you are able fo wash ftwar ((in­ oursolvaa becauee wa Dealer. ^ i d M J M m A U . GORMAN MOTOR SALES, Inc. capacity loads. If the Idea d plao; I f we had baen tha Dewey ma- ir ’ ’ ' * / A faaeaMl atomic i^ant la chiaa hargainlng fo r va easy vic­ \ * , ms MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER

»' * .'■' r*- ^ ' •--• ■ -W-:,

■'L.-. m

V BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1954 P A G E S S V m F |~ PaiGESIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER'S, 1964 T: Fleming Cashiered field, former State Supreme Court aubject to Dullea’ own final ap­ Troop 25’s New High*Flyiiig Eagles New Milford Plant justice; F. Lawrence Dow, Hart­ Bolton U* S* Readies proval, the'American secretary will Figure on 48 Hours, Trooper Arrests ford realtor, and George Suther­ For POW Activity land of Woodbury, retired electri­ not take siw U. S. propossl for For Discharge Copy J'-. Move Seen Likely Alternate Plan solving the Frehch-Oerman dilem­ Six on Parjtway Fresh Sea Foods Now In Seoson cal engineer. ma Nor will he go with any com­ (OoatiAiied from Page Oae) T h e y were chosen to fix dam­ School Unit Screens Two mitment to aupport fully either of Persons who desire copies of lOouttaoed from Page One) their military discharges from FISH AND CHIPS WITH OUR FRIALATQR ages by Superior Court Judge (CoBttnned from Page One) the plans put forward by French Police reported six arrests Tues­ dentof the'court, Col. Fred C. Dyer Louis Shapiro and their report will ____ • Premier. Mendes-France and Bri­ the office of the town clerk tion to acquire the right to flood should allow 48 hours between day by the same man. State Pa­ Our mow ssn ita^ process gives you a delidotis, criqi, of Indianapolis, said ” I request the be filed with Litchfield County More Principal Candidates ing adherentb, particularly In the tish Foreign Secretary Eden. part of Robertson’s New Milford Superior Court. I f accepted, their the time they order the copy trolman Everett Anderson.. golden brown food ■ Seals in the flavor! Come in and law officer, (Jol. George Anderson, military establishment, if it • The present thinking Is that the plant site. , ' decision will be made binding in and the time they plan to pick One of those arrested, Bernard try them! FRIED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKED to examine the court’s findings.” proved impossible to rearm West United States will probably go a judgment by the court. BoUtm, B «p t SS — (Special) — ^pledgee. CSttiix)! School penny col- Germany. it up, according to Samu^ J. B. Lenoi 36, of Warren, Mass., was While aH stood at attention, An­ Robertson clamis that'the high­ T »t t more candidatee for the poel- i lection and fund ralalng evente. along With any arrangement which TO T A K E HOME. C A L L ML9-8003. derson stepped forward, took the The Shepaug dam, 'which elec­ 2. Direct rearmament o f (Jer- can be accepted alike by West Ger­ Turklngton, Jr’., assistant town charj^d with speeding after he re­ er water , level will threaten seep­ tion o f aupervialni: principal of the I The goal set by church members is many - under this formula the clerk. turned—in response to Anderson’s paper, exainined it and announced tric power is building across the man Chancellor Adenauer, Mendes- "the findings are in proper order.” age into the basements of its Klem enUry School were interview- j $20,000. „ United States and Britain would France and Eden. Turklngton said many vet­ beckoning finger— to where the Houaatonic between Newtown and COMMUNITY REStAURANT buildings near the river bank and Southbury, will flood aectiona of •d by the Board of Education, PoiiltrymeB to Meet go ahead, despite. French unw^ll- The Eden plan calls for Oer- erans who live in Orford V il­ trooper was anesting a Connecti­ Col. Dyer then directed Fleming cool, n eettoc at the school last night, j Members of the Onn. Poultry 143 NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER to'step forward. interfere with the discharge of those two towns and Brookfield. ingness, to form German military- mao' membership in the North A t lage come to the office for a cut man. tremendous amounts o f water used Accorting' td the board, this ASsn. will have an eye on the foi-ces after giving the West Ger­~ lantic Alliance (N A T O ) and for discharge copy only an hour or Others charged with speeding by V. Briskly and with no show of New Milford, Bridgewater and a t o t ^ of 16 candidates 1854 session of the Legislature \emotion the white-haired defend- In ita operation; Roxbury. man government sovereignty in German and British ssaocistlon so before their scheduled ap- Anderson Anderi were Carl Stella, 27, It could not be learned today X hSve t Z n screened for the when Uiey meei ton^^^^^^ their zone.^ Some officials are with France snd other continental polntments to discuss with oL--|4-BzlstoJil; Joaeph Bortman, 44, West (Hrt marched to the center of the *T*I«a int^t*ViAWfi took n A jl nt o O CIOCK. • robm before a long table behind whether Robertson seeks damages green, convinced France would eventual­ countries through expansion of a ncials the purchase o f homes in Hartford; Joaeph Shellman, 34, AUTO SUIT CHARGE VAGUE .«rh 4he regulatory and legis- - whim the 11 members stood, to pay for engineering steps to ly have to follow suit in its zone. 1948 defense treaty signed at the housing project. He said it Stamford; and Patricia K. O’Con­ thA last matters on the agenda are saluted and then stood stiffly at overcome the problems arising at This would almost certainly in­ Brussels. The Mendes-France plan' is almost impossible to produce nor, 24, Miltqn, Mass. Roliert P. its present site or damages that New Haven, Sept. 23 tJP»—Plain­ *iM m iew in r candl- proposed new poultry facilities volve a .special treaty relationship Bttentioiv the University of Conn., in- calls for primary solution o f the the copies on sreh short notice. Chinningham, 43, Avon, 'waa ar­ will enable it to move to a new tiffs in a mlllion-dollar anti-trust among \^>st Germany, Britain Dyer than pronounced punish­ dates Mond^ night ««eu^; poultry, farming ii> the German problem through expan­ rested on a eharge of passing on ment. \ location. suit against 18 automobile manu­ and the United States. sion of the Brussels W e t and NEW BUS SCHEDULE fresh, the fifth meeting called to sec . definition o f agriculture, the right. , A fter the ^ u r t ’s finding,' many Company officials were unwill­ facturers have been asked to be 3. Interim German Armament— leaves Germany’s relationship IN EFFECT • prlnclpw. . . , 1..-. voluntary State poultry inspection ^on for a great, many months. Both Massachusetts residents of the spectat^ stepped forward ing even to comment on whether' a more specific about their com­ Acoording to a ten tatl^ program for processors, possible The United States and Britain— with N A TO in a state of uncer- Dulles is understood to feel that posted $35 bonds and all six ar­ decision td move or stay hinged plaint. 'The plaintiffs are Hathaway with the cooperation- or assent of , * to wish the colonel well. His wife ule proposed to the board by change - “ .in the . U.S. - weight classe.s Ulnty. while a solution that would include rests were for offenaee committed entirely on the outcome of the cur- Motors, Inc.; Erwin Hathaway, do­ France, if possible— would arm rushed up, threw ngr arms around Rural Supt. of Schools George E. for shell eggs and the possibility State Dept, officials have de­ France is worth a great deal of on Route 15. SEPTEMBER 26 i- him and kissed him. ■rent proceedings. ing business as E. Hathaway and keen the West German.s, after granting Graft. Wednesday or Thursday of licensing egg dealers. cided that the Mendes-France ar­ effort and trouble, the search for Anderson was pursuing both TTie hearing, expected to con­ Son, and James Walsh, all of Wa­ sovereignty, but with a clear un­ SEE FRIDAY’S HERALD Plan for A-ppM would be set as a date, for rt-in- A ll pouitrymen of Tolland Coun­ rangement appears to be vnsatis- it cannot oe permitted to make po­ Lena and a (Connecticut man just tinue for at least 10 days, opened terbury. The defense motion was derstanding that a political solu­ FOR COMPLETE BUS SCHEDULE Kingston W. Bhrllch, m cin e real tervtewlng and or selecting the ty are invited to attend whether or factory without alterations to litical conditions worse inside Ger­ prior to his arrest of both men on in the Supreme Court CSiambers filed by Federal Motors CJoir., and tion would still be worked out. In estate man who.sparked'^earlier principal. , ^ not they are members of the poul­ transform it into something much many. “ ■ ■ ) speeding charges: Leno, however, in Hartfoid before State Referee effect, the idea would )>e to say to drive in which Pnemlng’s \home- Colonial Motors Cbrp. of New Mil­ The board was unabW, however, try association to give their view­ like Eden's. . Edwin C. Dickinson o f Wethers­ ford. the French: ‘‘We can’t wait any turned off Route ‘15 and whien the town retained a civilian attorney to indicate exactly when the' post points on the legislative program Behind this attitude is akdeep CHESHIRE HAS FIRST CHIEF state patrolman passed Leno as he - J- - ' for the defendant, said would be filled. The .interviews, and other activities of the associa­ longer to get German force/i z«t rooted fear that the French may up in the defense of western fcu- continued in his pursuit of the Con­ "Racine will raise a alseable as has been the custom in the tion. really be seeking a device fi Cheshire, Sept. 23 (A^)—Cheshire rope but we are willing to agree necticut man on the Parkway, the fense fund to help rush an appeal.” _ Herald Photo. pimt, were condiicteu in executive Volunteers Hot Lum^ Aid .^sUHing a German decision in- ad its first police chief today in that limitations on the ultimate, trooper waved to Leno to stop. . The first step in an appeal would Eagle Scouta Jack Scheibenpfiug, Milton Shaw. Richard Gesa and aessien last night. __ Mrs. Philip Doo^y.' of' Watrous 'definltely. . ' n G McNamara who was size and control of those forces Leno, evidently not understand­ be to take the caae to the Judge James Jmx>s proudly display the Eagle plna awarded them in apecial AnnsK PreMem Aired Road, h'as volunhreced unusual as­ It is recognised that the London and on artns production may still named last night in what was ing the signal, came back on the Advocate of the 5th Arm y for re­ ceremonies at Woodruff Hall, Center Church last night. The young In other business discussed by sistance in the effort to in x re Conference may very well not be ^our Scouts be established.” ', calleoN^e first 'step toward a paid Parkway and followed the patrol-* view and for advice o f the com­ men. are all members of Troop 25. Boy Scouts of America. Parenta helpers on the hot lunch program conclusive. The msin point about the board, the question of class­ This latter category also would police rqrce in this town. Mc­ man and the (Connecticut driver, to manding general. Appeals may and friends of the Scouts Witnessed the ceremonies which marked room facilities and expansion of at school during the serving of the U. 8. policy thinking at present, Namara chmes here after serving where they had stopped. It waa eventually be carried to the Presi­ their distinctive achievement. meal. Most ^ the time,' Mrs. likely require some ^ ^ i a l Interim SILVER LANE BUS LINES, Ine. Made Eagles the school was examined. The treaty relationship, siibject to later however, is that.it is not Inclined eight years mi the Waterbury Po­ then the Massachusetts man dis­ dent. question came up in reference to Dooley will have transportation to let the German situation drag lice Dept. agreement on a permanent Ger­ covered what the tnxmer wanted. The court found Fleming guilty ber of Troop 25 since M ay 1960, setting a Tuesday date for a meet­ available and will drive volunteers man arms policy. of collaboration by making re­ At Ceremony and has served as patrol leader, ing o f the board with the School to aiid from school. In adition. she cordings . used fo r <3ommunirt Hospital Treats hHi mmes toss Am $o Conference In Lomlon crew leader, and juni^^,- assistant Planning Committee. hsa offe)-ed to care for pre-school propaganda purposes and by lead­ ‘Dulles in scheduled to go to scoutmaster. He is presently It was brought out by members children at her home while their ing prison discussions which re­ Presentation of Eagle Scout! Toddler Trouble London this weekend to attend the assisting as a leader of Cub Pack ef the b o ^ that 15 classro^s mothers are helping et the school flected opinions that the United pins to four Explorei'a was th e' kitchen. conference which will bring to­ 4. A t Camp Pioneer he also was E [duccitiondll would be needed In 1955. The gether also the foreign miniaters Nations and the United States were feature attfactlon o f the Court of^ IVlINT honored by elecUon to the N iki­ 'l^vo 2-year-olds were among 0 «w til aem •( lb* lata) turn m i Ughwair ■tbiweir — aehool now has 11 permanent __ Coming Events Illegal'aggressors In Korea. ' of France, West Germany, Britain, Honor held by Troop 25 at Wood-: wigi. A junior at. Manchester those given emergency treatment N. E. Yoalh Bdeeetiee Show — 4-H C3«h<, Ber ted (M classrooms and two others In the , A meeting of all parents Inters Fleming was aqultted of two ruff Hall, Center Chu-.xh laat night | Canada, Italy. Belgium, the Neth­ High School, he is the son o f Mr. at Hancheater Memorial Hospital Patnf* Faraim of America — (Jvactock Sbow, 9500 bdSement which are now being ested in’ a community coofteratlve erlands and Luxembourg. TOMORROW -^ R ID AYe SEPTEMBER other charges. These were that he before a large assembly of aaMm — Horm tad Oinlrtanne Coatmft — Homa A m ' 2 4 and Mrs. John Scheibenpfiug of yesterday. uaed on s ‘'temporary basis.” kindergarten wiH be held at United According to present planning. informed on other prisoners and Scouts and parents. The recip­ laOmWal Arti, bcMar prodacU far liaMar Uviae- 28k School St. They were L m Ann Sewchuck, Board member Howard Jensen Methodist Church tonight at 8 that he willingly and wrongfully ients of the Eagle badges were o’clock. 77 Campfield Rd., who managed took Issue with the proi^oeal to Injured a fellow prisoner by Milton Shaw, 16. James Juroa. 15, Gess has been a member of GINGER Bolton Grange will hold Us to run her right hand through a auggeat to the Planning Commit­ jumping on the foot of an Ameri­ Jack Scheibenpfiug, 15, and Ricji* Troop 25 since November 1049, lensotionoll monthly meeting at the Commu­ washing machine wringer with no tee that six more classrooms be can corporal. ’ ard Gess, 16. These awards bring and has served as assistant patrol ' Six Bfc Dar< a( Aale Ricia,; Staefa, Miifcm. Bft Cam — considered. Me cited the approxi­ nity Hall tomorrow at 8 p.m. To Be Sure leader and junior assistant scout­ apparent ill effects except bruises; Ante Daiadevit Tlirin Sbesn — Cimm Acta — Damatac The prosecution chugsd that to eleven the number of Eagle and (jhrlstine Dubois, o f South Watam - C. E. Hurt o f Honor program i InUMColimm-CREATBSTWIU>WBSTniOWa«w In tem poruy use in the basement, munity Hall. Phone MI-0-1335. junior assistant scoutmaster. He been taken. prneirted bi tha EaM. Extra addxd — IVLIOS cution and defense was whether began with the presentation of m lr tt continue to serve as class­ is presently assisting as a leader LA nOSA. AD M a ta tmarrtd. 1951 PLYMOUTH Fleming’s actions were justified Tenderfoot badges to, ne.w Scouts Others treated were Mary rooms Indeftnitely. However,, other Manohester Evening Herald Bol-i of Cub Pack 4 at the Center Kvart, 4, 27 Hartland Rd., who Belvedere Model, Hardtop. under the duress to which he was John Morrill, Bruce Zollo, Gary board membetaseemed to feel the tmi eorrespnndeat, Mrs. Joseph Cniurch. A junior at Manchester ran a tewing needle deep into a submitted. Sterling, Francis Gremmo, Pres­ problem of biflldlng a minimum 4- D’ltalta, telephone Mitchell 3-5545. See this one today. High School, he la the son of Mr. finger on her left hand; and- two Army’s Charges cott Hurl and Raymond Dotchin. room addition must be faced. and Ml'S. Harold Strniste of 74 people with cuts from broken •nie Army charged that Fleming Other awards were presented by Miscellaneous action taken by Trebbe Drive. glass, Mrs. Dorothy Sullivan. 48 made four Red broadcast record­ the Troop leaders and the meeting the board Isst night Uiqluded: Pope Resists Plea $995 Juroa has been a member of 216' E. Middle Tpke., who had four ings which: closed with movies o f the Troop’s 1. Appropriation of traMporta- Troop 25 since September 1952, stitches taken in her right little Said the Communists were giv-« activities. tlon expense for the school lunch To Limit Activity ing prisoners good treatment: having previously been a member finger: and Robert McNeill. 6. 171 director ehould she wish to kttend McCLMRE Said the United States erred in of Troop 52, Newington. -He has Numerous other awards were S. Main St., who had 3 stitches the school Lunch Personnel meet­ Interfering with Korean Internal served as troop scribe, explorer made during the evening. taken in his right hand. ing Bundsy st Kew Meadow Castej Gandolfo. Italy, Sept. 23 PONTIAC, Inc. affairs; scribe, and Jimior assistant scout­ SoMOl. Newington from 3;30-to 7 (g>)r—Pop* Pius xn. advised by 873 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER Called upon, former President master. A t Camp Pioneer he physlciaitB to slacken his activities .J0A.. pi. m. Phone .MI-9-454.>S Truman and Gen. Douglas Mac- waa honored by election to the 2. Approval o f pupil photo- to overcome^his fatigue, held his Nikiwigi the camp senior honor Open Evenings Until 9 ' ArUiur to wKhdraw U.N. troops . graphs as a device ■ for class fund second audience in two days today. from Korea: ----- society. A junior at Manchester raising activltlee. The 78,-year-old Pontiff received Urged Uiat the five great powers High School, he is the son of Mr. 3. Purchase of. a deep, freeze for a group of atouU l.'M) pilgrims sign a peace pact am’ that any and Mrs. Stanley Juros of 68 the Hot Lunch Program. The from New ^ ra e y fh the Consisto- one of the powers refusing to at­ Branford St. He is the second freezer is expected to reduce the rial Halt at'^his'C^tel GSndolfo tend a conference f4r that purpose of his family to become an Eagle summer residence.' He spoke a cost of the hot lunch program by be, considered a government with Scout, since his older bi other, iw - taking advantage of the federal few Ivords of behs,(llction in the. faggresrtve intentions." 15-minute audience. Raymond. achieved Scouting's Surplus Commodity Program. The court-martial began Avg. highest honor a year ago. Vatican sourceij^' described the Wins Dairy Prise _ 20. Scheibenpfiug has been a mem- i ' Richard Noren, trf South Road,, Pope's general ctmdlllbiv as unr won'third prize in dairy showman- changed. For the'pfist werit he has BmER FOOD BUYS! Htip in the Future Farmers of experienced a slight return of the IN S T A L L Am srics contests at the Eastern stomach ailment and hicCups FIRST LINE COMBINATION States Exposition Saturday. which seriously weakened him la.H He represented Connecticut in winter. ALUMINUM WINDOWS competition 'With 15 other voca­ ONLY $12.95 MANCHESTER tional agriculture students and REMODEU. (o 34” X 67” frame size, members of FFA from the New FRESH usually soil for $22.50 each. PUBLIC MARKET Knglsnd snd Middle Atlantic Small additional charge for In- 803 - 805 MAIN STREET NAMSCO CAMEO atallation.. Dick won the right to represent ] Rummage Sale 'ectt MINT PORK SHOULDERS ' Connecticut last May as he re-1 Friday, 9 A.M. Mdachostcr GINGER ALE cM'ved first prize in contests at Horn* ImprevMnMf Co. 7 SANDWICH FANCY : the . University of Connecticut in ODD FELLOWS HALL ‘ ROUTE 44A, BOLTON which 40 entrants from all over the TEL. MI-S-8177 State took part. He was graduated Sunset R e^kah Lodge COOKIES WNON FRESH HAMS / ta Jime from .Windham High School YOU where he waa enr^led in the Vo-Ag MIT RONELESS BRISKET course- CCfAMr , Roeedale Groap Seeke Counsel B e tt r m aifton'Rcynolds, president of the TOP GRADE SWIFTS FREMtiJM CORNED BEEF 69c Roaedale Property Owners Assn., 'Now Ayaihble has announced the group will s e e l^ C O is Iu u u L S p o c t a lA 25c C ELLO PKG. legal counsel in their current roaef^ FOS YOUR USE TURKEX9 * . » » 28c problem. The decision came at a HAMMOND ORGAN Practlre Time Arranged Table dressed, ll-lb . 8*erage. Buy several for your freezer at thta WAYBEST CHICKENS “ 43c meeting of the property owners naheard.of low price., held at United Methodist Church OVEN READY To broil or,fry. / Ikst night. rsEMiuM >wiFr$ , PiLLSSURYS FLOUR 5“-49c Roaedale-residents will ask ac­ Also ORGAN INSTRUCTION ceptance of the three main roads KEEILER'S In the tract, Plymouth Lane, Lyn­ Hinilquarthrc of Beef 65* wood Drive and Colonial Road, at Cut to fam ily size, properly pitekaged and frozen at b-r-r-r tem- ’ Lakes Turkeys BUTTERCUP COOKIES 29c CHICKEN PARTS a social , town meeting Monday paiature. Complete. night. They are also interested iii FREDERIC E. WERNER / SUNCREST OR - Legs lb. 79c Breasts lb. 85c Improvement of the condition of PHONE MI-3-7815 875 MAIN STREET the roads, or at least Plymouth X and LOCKER PLANT " v 10-14 Lb. Lane, before Nov. 1 in order to in­ ■ U l CENTER STREET SHURFINEMILK 4<^>45e sure continuance of a school biis Size lb ALL SWEET ^ ^ sU^ at the intersection of that M -OZ. CAN SUNCIIEST UNSWEETENED toed and LyriwoodllDrive. Chnrrh Srhool to Open' NOW SELF-SERVE OLEOMARGARINE 2 61c Unjted Methodist (?hurcli School ORANGE JUICE 29c y 7=t 7 ^ t ^ ij (EXCEPT FOR MEATS) f- Wfll open Sunday at 9:30 C m. STARKIST WHITE MEAT-. CUDAHY'S " under the direction of Superin­ when you - tendent Charles Miller. The as­ Now MoneliMttr's moist distinetiva and Hnusual Native Milk Fed signment o f space for the various CHUNK TUNA 35c SUNLIGHT BUTTER 65c departments of the school.under- f®*d stor* has a NEW LOOK. NEW aquipmaiit . . buy Unea the need for the new'educa- COLORS . . NEW marehdndisa . . -» and.iiaw^ tlm a l building for which i funds JIFFY PIE CRUST 10c V are now being raised. O E LM O N n SoH-Sotv# bEcopt in Hw moat deportmaiif whara . Nursery desses will be held In you wM racoiv* th« $am« eouitnous and parsoiialiMd W VALVE O-CEL-O •- _ [ Frozen Food the kitchen, while kindergarten ROOT and primary departments will ' koivica as always. ' CKMlirTlK C4TSUP . SWEET UFE meet in the main room downstairs. RE SURE TO STOP AT KLEIN S MARKEf TOMOR. KITCHEN KIT Junior, intermediate‘~*snd youth CHILDREN’S Ig. bottle EXTRA FANCY LI. departments will meet in the ROW! Leek us evur . . . and take advantoqa of our STRAWBERRIES 39c church Sanctuary for worship.’ Grand Opmiinq Specials! - Selected FresH They will then meet separately: Rondoss to Rooft AT THE REGULAR PRICE Three Junior c la ^ s in the room DAY FEATURES MAXWiU HOUSE nAWMVBI AlfB behind the aancTukry: a fourth ^ i o r class in the hall under the BE LIKE ROBINSON CRUSOE- HAVE ' FRUITS and VEGETARLES balcony: the intermediate class in BIRDS EY£ COFFEE lb. tin f a n c y »'LonioA One Minute WAFFLES 3 ^ 39e the balcony and the youth class in $1.09 YOUR WEEKEND SHOPPINC DONE BY- FRIDAY! NATIVE CALVES LIVER ^ 98c church pews.' GRAPEFRUIT. 3 r»29c EMPRESS ' 'f*- Church school staff members in W .'m now apm PiRMy x l , ^ aalil e'cleck oHwr xlgkM FmM niFE ■'*' addition to Miller include M rs TfMak Ulm, secretary; Mrs. j. CHICKEN or BEEF PIES ALLLEAN^ SWORDFISH STEAKS 59c Richard Yeager, pianist: Mrs, BARTLETT PEARS 5 r„ 29c W alter Miner and Mrs. Stahlev 1 JUICY CAUFOnXIA Kichcils, JX; nursery: Mrs. Wil- j CHUCK CORNED BEEF “ ’^ 6 9 0 Ham Valentine. Mrs . Mortimer | VALINCIA ORANGES 59c Harlow and Ronald Grose, kinder- FANCY NATIVE ;en; Mrs- Fred Warren, Mrs. i 3 for 89* LEAN RIB CORNED BEEF ^25c Chandler Foster, - Mrs. Leslie BALDWIN APPLES 3 29c rBarlow and Maurice-Spencer, pri­ NEW c n o p CAPE COD ’ mary; Mias Barbara McKinney. Fancy Boneless BRISKET “ 69c XCrt. W. Arnold McKinney ahd! s/RDs eye George Barton, junior; the Rev. (On* soNei kood of cobbem* FREE urith ooch CRANBERRIES ‘ ... 29c J. Richard* Yeager, intermediate FANCY IT’S and V. Oiandler Foster, youth purehaM of eomod boof.) rlsssee. > ' PRANCE JUICn I-37' f RUNE PLUMS 19c The latest total in the drive for POTATOES ^ bag $1 .4 9 J u ic Q ^ SWEET POTATOES 3 ... 25c [M feir I nnSIsrit ^ T;0KAY GRAPES / Oi»tribi)ted By Cott Bavatags) OaepateUae. "A MODERN MARKET WITH (Hartford Bmacli) Wadae Btweit I t ftn Y E B A OLD FASHIONED FRINCIFLES" H artfari,

y,. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 23,1954 .. fA < S E EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1964 AbseAtee Ballot Requests Dulles Set Kittel Reign Ending Cavagnaro Denies Poe Refuses to Take Part P t Reflet Election Interest He Intends to Sell In Drafting Party Platform To Speak After 40 Busy Years stave Oavagnero, part-ownar of Cavey’a Raataurant on Cantar IaUr«at in thn town alecUon on^ Turkington said that deadline tIon, Sept. 14, was one of two can­ O ct.' 4 la being reflected at the for ' the acceptance of absentee bal- Straat, yaatarday afternoon am- High Man in Democratic didates endorsed by the Manches­ town cJerkV office- in the number lota for the town, will be noon of On Policy pbatically denied an aaaartlon ter Citizens Committee, a group election day. However, at the made Tuboday by the Rev. Dr. Primary Stays Away of abeentee ballote already re­ BYed Edgar that Cavagnaro which haa oppoaed the Bowers bloc ceived. Pointing up thin interest. state election, the deadline will be (Ooattnnad from Page One) On the Keeney Street School issue. 6 p. m. of the evening before elec­ wanted to get out of the reatau- From Party Meeting Town Clerk Samuel TUrkington ran t burineaa. Always a vocajL opponent of said, ha had received appHcaUons tion day. put before the international or- Disharmony between Dr. Pascal Bowers and his supporters, Poe from four voters Who will be in More than 500 absdhtee ballots Cavagnaro aall it was "fooUoh” gim lz^on. to say he. wanted to gat out of Poe, one of the Democratic candi­ was more cloMly Identified with Florida at the time of town elec­ were filed locfally two years ago-.- Th'e“ 30-minute s p e e c-h was the Citizens CimmlUee; of which tion but wlU take advantage of Turkington Said, however, that the buzinaas in view of the fact dates for the Board of Directors, he is a member, than with tha concem':‘ls felt in many quarters scheduled to. be televised and that ha has bean trying to gat absentee ballots to cast their broadcast, both live and recorded. permlaaion from the Zoning Board and others in'the party who seek party. votes. at ab'iae of the privilege and cited The other candidate endorsed by persons who take oath they are Ahead of the American Secre­ a t Appeala to enlarge the raatau­ Dlrectorahlpe in the •fMlhcoming Absentee ballots are iised by tary On the speaking schedule to­ rant. town election was made public to­ tho citizens group, Phillip Harri­ those ndio are confined to their ill and unable to get to the pedis day. son, attended the platform meet­ and ate later seen shopping In day were Jose Maza of Chile and Dr. Edgar made tha atata- homes or will be out of state on Canadian Foreign Secretary Les­ mant at a meeting of the Board of In a statement for publication, ing Monday and took part in writ­ elecUon day. AppUcatlon for the local stores on election day. Wesley Gryk, Democratic Town ing the draft Voting hours in the town elec­ ter B. Pearson. Dlractora whan tha iaaua of Sun­ ballot must be made to the town Dulles was believed ready to day aala of liquor in raatauranta Oialrman, said Poe did not attend The final draft of the i^latform cletk on a form designated by the tion Oct. 4 will be from 6 a. m. to a party meeting Monday at which was drawn up by the four at­ 6 p. m. at the regular polling carry a step forward the atoms- was being debated by liquor intar- Lowest Prices end Highest Quality Possible secretary of the state, Turkington for-peace call BUsenhower sounded asta and church members who op­ a rough draft of a platform was torneys who make up the platform said. The ballot then isMied must places. Voters in District 1 will in the AsMmbly last Dec. 8. The pose tha move. .drawn up, "sUUng that he did not committee. They are Gryk, Philip bo executed, sworn to before a cast their ballots at the Blast Side wish to participate with the other Bayer, campaign manager for notary or other competent official, Rec; District 2. the West Side Secretary was expected to touch Dr. Bkigar chargad that Cavag­ Hsurison, John D. LaBelle and An­ on this during a broad review of naro and Howkrd Murphy, pro­ Democri^c candidates In the com­ se^ed and delivered to the Town Rec; District 3. Waddell School; world affai.rs as the United States ing town elecUon and that he had thony Gryk. Clerk, ». and District 4, the Community Y. prietor of Murpby'a Raataurant on serious doubts as to the pouibility sees them. Including the recent Main Street, were the chief advo- Indochina settlement, the new of reaching jui, area of dgreement catas of Sunday aala and that with the other candidates.” Pacific Defense Pact and current- both wamted to aall their bualnaaa- Add up to True Food EconomyT^ Poe DecUaee Elaboration Public Records efforts to arrange for rearmamenl ea. “Are they aaklng this for Dr. Poe, himself, said this morn­ President O bituary of Germany. thamaelvea or for aomeMdy alsa?" ing he had been invited to attend Addressing the Assembly last Bklgar aaked Tueaday night. the platform meeting and had de> Warrantee Deeda You con bo turo off this: Bvory itnm at your First Notional Stom ii Just a% high in quniity, Just os low year. Eisenhower proposed that As the outcome of the meeting, dined, but he refused to elaborate George A. Price and Ellen B. nations with atomic raw materials a public hearing will be held at Price to Edwin E. Sage, Jr., and KV In Defense for publication. contribute some ek, property oh Garth Road. HEN LB ■ELTSVILLE lb Angeles -where tonight he ad­ May Get Benefits correct to say that." Paul Aziiiger the Russians. Early this afternoon Gryk issued William R. Tinker, Jr., to Lillian TURKEYS dresses a big political rally in The speech is Dulles' second be­ for publication the statement in J. Keeney, property on Robert fore the Assembly as Secretary of The four full-time employes of Road. H(dIywood Bowl—part of the Re­ which he aald Poe had not attend­ T O FRY OR BROIL • 3 to 316 LB AVERAGE publican drive to maintain contrdi Veteran Aircraft Em> State, ^though he made many the Eighth School and Utilities ed .the platform meeting. NoUco of Option FAU HOUSECLEANING talks here previously as a memher. District may have the benefits of of Congress in the November elec­ Poe, who had no part In draw­ E. J; Holl to Malcolm W. Barlow, ploye Dies Today of the American delegation. Hia federal socM security soon. prcqMrty on the north corner of tions. Tomorrdw morning in Xx>s ing up the platform, has not said READY for REGULAR After Long Illness first address as secretary was District President Ray B. War­ whether he will back it. Main and Wadsworth Streets, LB EVENT! Angeles he speak informally made at the opening of the As- ren announced today he haa called Gryk said that the final draft of Marriage Ucense tho OVEN DRESSED sembly's general debate last year. a special meeting of the district's a t the annual donvention of the Paul A. Axlnger, 48 Coburn Rd., the platform was completed Tues­ Howard Frank Fairweather, N CHICKENS American Federation of Labor, The steering group cleared Up Board of Directors for 7:30 p. m. day by four attorneys on the com­ Walker St., and Joyce Maybell a resident of Manchester for the Tuesday in the firehouse at Main which has beeh critical of the ad­ moat of its work yesterday, ac­ mittee snd will be presented to the Lutz, 78 Alton St., Oct. 2, Center FANCY PLUMP ^ MILK FED past 15 years and an employe of cepted 81 of the 67 itama proposed Herald Photo and Hilliard Streets to discuss the town committee when It meets at Congregational Church. ministration. Hamilton • Standard Dlviaion, for the' Assembly's agenda. Only MRS. ANNA KITTEL question. 8 p. m. tomorrow at Democratic Building Permit As has bem his policy all along United Aircraft Oorp., for 80 two were ao controveri^ aa to re­ Employes of the town recently heiulquarters in Room 8 of the To EMgar J. Berube for Benton READY for REGULAR In his campaign talks on the road, quire a vote. The rest were ac­ By ALEX GIRBIXI ^Kittel took hlz cutting block, knife were Included in social security Jarvis Building. L Whitcombs for alterations and LB the Presideiit in his McNary Dam yean, died this morning after a cepted by general Consent. under a new law which applies to thn OVEN DRESSED ^ long illness. Mrs. Anna Kittel is retiring from and ^ron right up on the aUge Won't Discuss Platform Now additions to a dwelling a t 47 speech did no out-and-out plugging The committee voted 12-0, with and cut the beef, ateak by atei&, government workers. The same He declined to say what the 10 Bilyue Road, $2,300. FRESH FOWL the retail meat and grocery busi­ for election of GOP candidates for Azinger had received his 30- 3 abstention^', to include in the as the winners claimed their booty. law would apply to the district. points in the platform aip before Congress. year service pin from the aircraft agenda the question of admitting ness after 40 years in the same That was about 20 years ago. they are submitted to the commit- WELL TRIMMED, TENDER FLAVORFUL - 4 lo 6 LB AVERAGE HERE'S A GUIDE TO HRP YOU DO YOUR FAU: . PraisiM Sen. Cordon firm last month. Since 1948 he had The Silver Star is. awarded for the Indochinese states of Laos and spot on Blssell Street, a t the rear Catered Party for Sanson Jet pilot Jacqueline Cochran was !««• V, gallantry in action which does not But he did have kind words for been .staff assistant to the factory Cambodia. the first woman to fly through the manager. He was a member of the of the State Theater, and while rite ,It wasn’t too many years before Poe, 4^0 was high vote-getter -warrant award of the Dlstinguish- HOUSE CLEANING EASIER A N D M O R I W IC IIN T tY . Republican Sen. Guy Cordon al Soviet Delegate Andrei Y. Vish- when that same stage was the sonic barrier. in the Democratic primary elec- ed Service Cross. Oregon, who'is bidding for re-elec- American Legion and the Orient insky first urged that the matter doesn’t Uke the Idea any more LB Lodge, No. 62, A.F, and A.M., East than her many old customers, she scene of a party, which, according tion in a hAtd fought contest with be postponed till a "final pollUcal to Mrs. Kittel, was attended by USE THIS HANDY CHECK-LIST Richard L. ^Neuberger, the Demo­ Hartford. settlement" in Indochina. feels the time has come for her FRESH PORK PICNICS everybody who was anybody. The cratic candkjiate. Ho was a native of Pittsburgh, Sir Douglas Copland of Australia, to get some rest. Ps. 'The energetic lady grows sadder occasion was the birth of a daugh­ "My good* friend Sen. Guy Cor- whose delegation had put in the ter to the Sansons. CUT FROM YOUNG, TENDER, MILK-FED CALVES CD Beliview Brooms n«»7tioNouri bach 1 . 2 9 "don," Eisenhower..said, is one of Asinger leaves his wife, Mrs. Laos-Cambodia item, said he each day as the shelves at Kit- Ruth N. Azinger. two sons, Rob­ Mrs. Kittel did the cooking'— those who tigs "labored tirelessly' would push for an assembly com­ tel’s store empty and she becomes n W i n d e x OLASSOIANR BOOim 3 5 e to complete McKary dhR), which is ert, a test en^neer at Pratt and mitment this session to admit Viet more prone to remember the “old real German style—lu her own MarV Says Am A Florist' named for the late 8. Sen, Whitney Aircraft, and Ralph, a Nam also after its unification in an days." Her plans call for a lot kitchen, and the food was hustled U Charles McNary of Oregotk member of the U. S. Air Force; election slated to be held by July, of relaxing, but acquaintances are across the alley to the atage door I HAVE A WONDERRIk IIIY IN lEAUTIFUL n Glass W ax 0010 UAL 14<»CAH 49« two daughters, Ruth Ann of Man­ 19S4. betting she’ll find a way to keep a few steps away. The menu, aa VEAL LRGS «nd RUMP The President also prais^ by she remembers it, conristed of name Rep. Hal Holmes, Wash' chester and Mrs. E. L Batchelder After th at,. instead of voting plenty active. n Glass Polish wuar$ M«ZCAN 33e of Hampton; three brothers, Wal­ roast pork, sauerkraut and potato ton Republthan seeking re-elect against Sir Douglas’ Laos-Cambo- Built Store In 1914 dumplings. CHRYSANTHEMUMS as another wdio has worked in ter 0„ Pittsburgh; Eugene J., dla item. Vishlnucy and Jeri Nosek Mrs. Kittel and her husband, -Olenshaw, Pa., and Albert G., of Czechoslovakia abstained— with Robert, who died 14 years ago, The late George Waddell, who R«ady for trontpkmHii^ into your gordon. MILDLY CURED WBL TRIMMED IZl M etal Cleaner ^ on bob bh 2 3 c half of the jmject; was almost as famous locally for SMOKED HAMS Without Vtamlng any of them .Parksrsburgh, W. Va.; two sisters, the thought, sbme felt, that a uni­ built the large frame building on Mrs- Emily Kehlenbeck, Pitts- fied Viet Nam might turn out to be his love of good food as for his A rtgulor $1.29 vohio. S*a or mentionhig thi. party tag, Blssell Street back In 1914, when Plant LB READY CD Pride Furniture Polish t o t m n n . 6 9 e Eisenhow’ea. to ^ a verbal swat at burgiw snd Mrs. James V. Sheri­ a Commune Viet Nam. Main Street from Blssell to Birch ability to administer the affairs of W« Democrats gnd—^Independent Sen. dan, Detroit: and four grandchil­ The conimittee voted 7-3, with 5 was the location of three homes the town, was one of the g;uests, BUTT PORTION lb TO BAT SHANK PORTION and his stamp of approval on Mrs. ----- fresh Wsickefel 67.' IB 5 3 ^ n K i t c h e n W a x XMMON’S JUBOa tOOZ B1l 6 5 c Wayne Morse a t Oregon—who dren. abstentim , to put.^on the agenda and no business blocks. The Kit- LB have been cntlcal of his adminis­ Private funeral services will be Indonesia’s request for assembly teTs have been selling meat and Kittel’s cookery won him her, un­ Pan R*»dy 29* tration's pqsvelr policy. Of the held at the W. P. Qulsh Funeral action bn western N e ^ Guinea, groceries at the locaUon ever dying. gratitude. Cut From Western Steer Beef. Mackerel D Stove Polish iiAaooN mzbtl 21c critics be dedared: Home, 225 Main S t, at the con­ held by the Netheriands and since. Bustneas Has Undergone Cbangea lb Smoked Tongues LI 4 9 c cleUmed by Indonesia. V Short or Sirloin SpKt 35* “They argue that to permit any venience of the family. The Rev. William Kittel. the soi\ of the The . g r o c e f y bi|sinesa haa CD O v e n C l e a n e r ***v-<» #4« ja« 5 9 e Carl E. Olson, pastor of Emanuel Australia, which holds eastern family who has been active in the changed a great deal since the Steaks All Beef Fronkfurts lb 4 9 c state or lo ^ government or spy New Guinea, Britain and France private company under govern­ Lutheran Church, of which Azinger grocery business, is planning to days when the “package" for STicei Cod was a member, will offleiate. There voted against the item.'China, Co­ run the package store next door Pickle and Pimento Loaf LB 5 9 c CD Glo-Coat ROoawAX loozcAN 59c mental regwations to develop lombia, Iceland, the United States cereals, molasses, crackers, sugar, IKwer capadty is to give' to a will be no calling hours, and when B. J, O'Neill retires soon. butter, lard, pickels, and a great BONELESS TOP SIRLOIN frienda are requested to omit and the Dutch assembly president, Simoniz n-oo« wax u -o i can 5 ^ special group an aseet belonging Eelco N. Van Kleffens, abstained. Before movin'g to'their'present many other things was a big bar­ CD to aU the nation. - flowers. Burial will be in East rel, but Mrs. Kittel kept up with 6-7 Lb. Cemetery. Van Kleffens heads the committee. location, they occupied for a few _ “Indeed, in some Instances these years a store in a building which the times. R OAST Lb 79e Avg. Lb. CD A e r o w a x can 2 9 c enthusiastic disciples of central­ stood where L T. Wood is now _ "I haven’t been a housewife ECONOMIZE WITH THESE EVER YD AY LO W PRICES! ized responsibility and authority located, • farther east on Blssell sinpe' my husband died 14 years P i n e - S o l ■ DtSINHaANT 60$ BTl 2 5 c Insist that dince the federal gov­ Street. The same building housed ago,” she sa)d. "I made, up my FINAST SEGMENTS OF DELICIOUS CLOVERDALI • LIGHT M EAT D ernment idiopld provide all hydro­ Funerals / Hospital Notes ,a saloon, a butcher store, and a mind then to have a good business, electric powpr, it should eliminate livery stable, and I worked day and night and BONELESS VEAL CUTLETS Lb. 16-OZ 7-OZ n Ammonia ' paxsoni ^ ax-ozm 23c competition by providing steam ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Mrs. Howard E. Russell That was in the day when some Sundays, living for the b&siness. CANS CANS el^tric power as well. Edna Hathaway, 320 Porter -,St., cold cuts sold for 10 cents a poimd. Tve got to have a rest.” Grapefruit, TuRia Fish 2 Air Wick Dtodowia ' i h c ^ bti 5 9 c Funeral services will be held Fri­ IMPORTED HOLLAND 1:ANIiED MAINE LIVE CHICKEN CD "These- believers in centraliza­ Robert Schwolsky, West Hartford; The price of, a good sirloin then is day for Howard E. RuMsell, 62, 71 Mrs. Rachel Jones, 17 Brainafd In keeping with her idea of the BVANGILINi - MAKES 5 QUARTS FINAST - FRESHLY MADE tion fail to warn us that monopoly Wells St'., who died last night at Just too painful to mention these life she expecta to lead, Mrs. Kittel O-Cel-P Sppnges ion 2 »a 25e la always potentially dangerous to PI.; Mrs. Annie Behrend, 41 Wal ..days. But, the profit was higher got all dresaed up in lady-of-leisure HAMS 2'/, Lbs. $2.49- Lb. CD the Manchester Memorial Hospital nut St.; Chris Luccy, 28 Deerfield just the same, Mrs. Kittel in^ts. LOBSTERS 1-LB freedom — even when monopoly is after a long illness. clothing to pose for h photograph­ Q T JAR exercised by government'. —j.. St.; Harold Chambers, 260 Weth ItAM'ss in'a later day that the er, and steadfastly refused to wear PKGS CD Q-Cel-0 Sponges «« *ach 2 9 t A resident of this tbwn for 60 erell St.; Mrs. Ina Olson, Hartford; State Theater under Jack Sanson’s D ry Milk MayoHinaioe “Curioualjr enough, they pro- the large white apron so familiar clears, he was an electrical con­ Mias Anna Klar> 3 Hammond St. management gave away steaks to ’ claim their.,fear of a private tractor. Rockville; Daniel Provan, 639 E to her cuatomers. Within five min­ BIRDS ETE »h SILVER ANNIVERSARY KRAFT - ALL PURPOSE CHEESE RICHMOND - SLICES or HALVES CD Nylonge Sponges thwa fax k o 3 9 e power monopoly in a county, city holders of lucky ticket stubs. Kit- utes after the photographer left, 2 Bom in Hoosick Falls, N.Y., in Middle Tpke.; Darlene Hersey, 613 tel’s, of course, sold the. meat to however, Mrs. Kittel had again or state, but urge upon us all a 1892, he was the son of BYedcrick Main St.: Joseph Croteau, .2 Lock the State, and what's more, Mr. 29-OZ n B o r a x P o w d e r ao-MuuTUM too^nco I 7 e gigantic, - overwhelming, nation and Catherine Grady Russell. wood St. . donned the apron. SPECIALS 2-LB LOAF wide power monopoly. But. of CANS Besides his wife, Mrs. Emma DISCHARGED Y E S T ERDAY: Velveeta Peaches I I B o r a x o Y waiHiHANDa i ^ zcan t 7 e course, they see themselves as the Tomm Russell, he leaves four Mrs. Frank Jones, 75 Fairfield St.; all-wise directors of that monopoly daughters, Mrs. Ralph McCollum Mrs. Amelia Lee, 51 Jarvis Rd.. BIRDS EYE FROZEN STANDARD • RED RIPE SUNSHINI HI-HO - FRESH CftISP — so all would be well." and Mrs. Thurston Stauty, lk>th Betty Rau, 150 Spring St.; Charles CD Naptha Soap 3 2 5 e Assails Fedfral Intervention of Manchester, and Mrs. Harold Dewberry, 32 Little St.; Mrs. Clif­ 17-OZ The President said that aa fed­ Blnch and Mrs. Francis Finch, both ford Bombard. 1065 E. Middle CANS LBPKG [~D Dry Bleach ^ > n-ozm 39c eral power expands lir a region, of StaffordsviUe; four .sons, Earl, Tpke.: Mrs, Clarence Tracey. 45 E. ToRnatoes Crackers Middle Tpke.; Harry Armstrong, local enterprise “becomes increas­ Francis, Horace Jr., all of Man­ ORANGE JUICE □ Elastic Starch 2 >2by Dam on the U.S.- The Rev. Dr.-Fred R, Edgar of Cantaloupes Canadian border. Cut he said: the South Methodist Churich will LB CAN Not Federal Beaponslblilly officiate, and burial will be in the Wkitri^sa Bread tS* PASCAL or WHITE • NATIVE “It is not properly a federal re­ Keith family plot in the East REDEEM LEVER COUPONS HERE I sponsibility .to try to supply all Cemetery. There 'will be no calling c a m p b e l l 's t o m a t o the power needs of our people. The hours. r "Choica ConnocHeut Paultry— Diroet From Our Farm to You" PliRtor’s Cocktail PccRuts I Celery fbdenQ government should no "YOR" GARDEN FROSTED FOODS Frash Critp more attempt to do so than it >05 MAIN ST. Of»EN THURSDAYS^UNTIL 9 P. M. TEL Ml 9-8098 •r PcMut Butter lfcr$1JC I SOUP Can ■OATLOAD SALE Rinso giant^kg62« lgepkc 3|e ahouI(^ assume responsibility for 10c ONE 60Z CAN MAKES VA PINTS OF PURE AJICE supplying aU their drinking water, Coventry Court C f ^ r o t s <^ello 4-FISHERMEN SPECIAL! their food, their housing and their SPECIALS LCEPKG 3 | c THE HNEST IN FRUITS ond VEGETABLES AT LOWEST PRICES ORANGE JUICE .2 29* NATIVE*^ Whito Tandar Riiiso Blue sav?!3?I®*!!Ipon ftje .transportation." Convicts Rotlmian Fiahsticka 10-02 PKG 4 5 c Elsenhower eaid the philosophy FARM FRESH GZADE A OVEN READY 9 UU.S.N0.1 Strawbwriu i.oz«o 39< HEAD Sava Kk with coupon lgepKg 3 1 c he set forth is only a part of a Cauliflower 7-02 FkG 4 7 c Lux Flakes commonly held objective which Paul Rothman, 37, of 11 Tyler ■ruuels Sprout! kkjzpkg 25c Scallops ‘transcends aU partisan and sec­ Circle, arrested Tuesday, was fined MEDIUM EGGS 2°”^ 85c FOWL Lb. LEMONS 4 For 19c I Potatoes MARYLAND • Fancy I UQUID DiniOINT tional eonaiderations." That ob­ $40, given a two-month suspended LUX Sava Kk with coupon GIANT CAN.^gC LGECAN 3 8 < jective. he added, “is that this jail sentence and was placed ^ on Dewnyfloka W crfflaf 3 o' «39c Sweet Potatoes 3 1 7 * Nabisco Cookies assoriaaini uceuo 4 9 < republic shall, in every way: grow probation for.- six months in Cov­ OPEN DAILY UNTU. 4 P.M. ASK ABOUT OUR UNIQUE entry last night on a chargq of o u l t r y stronger and more secure—that it C U T-U P P Th u r s d a y u n t il 9 p.m . DEUVERY SERVICE Ufebuoy Soap Sov# 6c with coupon 3 > e g ia r s 27« may remain at p ^ e in' a world obtaining money under false, pre­ SWIFT SANDWICH STEAKS' QUICK FR021N 12-02 PKG F IG B A R SALEI freed of the threat of atomic tenses. - Buy The Parts You Uke Best'" war." RbUiman, picked up' by - Man­ FILLED WITH DELICIOUS FIG JAM -Savo 6c with eaupon 2 BATH BARS 25 * chester police on a warrant issued BREASTS, LEGS, WINGS, LIVERS Ufebuoy, Soap ' ' X' U. 8. FLEET IRES CHOU by Coventry officials, was turned, TASTES GOOD GOOD LUaC • K LB FRINTS- over last night to the custody of IN SCHOOL LUNCHES ^ 14JPKGS 49. Sava Sc .with coupon TSRya, Sept. U (sv -ik d Coventry ConaUbles Stewart Hill­ BACKS ofid NECKS, GIZZARDS Margarim LIFKG 30c China's Premier Chou e 4-UI man and Andrew Paulis. - Taken FIRST r national stores 9aM tha Maltanai People’s Con- immediately to CoventiV, he was gnaa taflap that T he AaMricaa triad there at proceedings in,the BROILERS - FRYERS - ROASTERS-FOWL M A R Y ’S K ? r *1 . ^ ^ ' wet la the Foipaoea Strait home bf Justice AUanson 'Stewart, Dutch Cleanser he ehaeei away" and of the Trial Justice Court of Cov- OVEN READY oi^ CUT SPECIAL POR YOUR COOKING NEbs Spry Shortening D u z D r e f t Silver Dust L a v a S o a p '‘Suplight * “liberated.” ^Chou’s •rttry. ^ . "MANCHESTER'S MARKET OF QUALITY" Ivory Flakes ’ address originally The bad check that was the ' TASTE and COMPARE — GUARANTEED To SATISFY 't-- - . '\Mes«i< S*wdi ___ Jd by radio moal- basis of the complaint by a Cov­ 1 South Main St. Mitchell 3-6920 . l aa aajring “we consider e entry resUurant owner has since FARM FRESH' GRADE "A" EGGS DAILY ' cJSi 35c SS 97< LGE PKG ICE FKC 3 2 c LGEPKG 3 1 c l«el| eM the U. R Orat been made good ^ Rothmaa, ac­ \ PLENTY OP PARKING FRONT AND REAI^ OF MARKH 3Tc 31- 2 •AM 23c 25c RBtna Btnlt. . . cording to Justice "Inipwart, I, i ' /K. -■4" i> ■ '..,. , ' , ' ’ ■ ''. ' r ■ ' • 1 * \ t • ■ ■ ■ Y' '' ;. ■ < ■ " ^ 1 ■n.


liSglon as a donation to tee new Center Friday evening. This com­ Cross Chapter will to held Oct. Beach reminds' all those who have Blood Canter in Hartford Tuaa- levaled a shed owned hy Bmll O. RockrUle-Vemon building Should contact John F. munity supper is planned to tolp 5 at 4 p. m. at the Sykes School. paid Red Cross membership duaa day. Wapping Mulnite, destroying four tonts of Dailey .Jr., John Matorf or Francis the newer reeidente in the area At this time officers for tee com­ within the past year teat they are tobacco and half a barn of hay. J. Prichard. get acquainted with their neigh- ing year will be elected, together welcome to attend the meeting. AU TaleottvUle a to Vemen newZ Wkltmito, Sebrafft, P. it S. . Fireman were at the scene four Community Supper Set bore. All ^are Invited and tee Cub Scouts Tour Organizational Meeting Set with Finance, Executive and Executive Secretary Mrs. BUaa- Items are new handled tkrangh Caady Cupboard minutes after the alarm, but dry A community pot luck supper only price o f admission is a cover­ Nominating Committees. beth Spurling and Public Informa­ The Maacheetor Evening Herald r timber and hay spread the flame and fellowship evening will be held ed dish. 6;30 p. m. The various chairmen will pre­ tion Chairman Mra. Mae D.- Chap­ Rockville bureau located at Oae Submarine Base in the social rooms of the First over tee shed before firemen could For Kitoanis Club Tonight Red Cross Meeting Planned sent their reports of activitlosTor man 'attended the public Informa­ Market Street, telephone ReekvlUe ^Arthur Drag Storas get enough hose lines on the fire. m C M COT TOOK fOOD UUS AT A V WHIHIVU TOO SHOP, UCAOSl - - Congregational Church of Vernon The annual meeting of the Red the past year. Chairman Charles tion forum held at the Regional 6-flM . Wapping, Sept. 22— (Special) Water had to be pumped KKM) feet from a brook. BIRDS HVi; RoekviUe, S ^ t. S3 (epKiaU flicans: State chairman F. Alvin Twanty-two memtora o f the local Aa orgaaiwUon dinner mcetlnur Singer of North Haven, Mrs. Lu- To Mark Silver WeddUg Cub Scout pack journeyed to New Mr. and Mrs. William Foater of to Mtobliah a local Kiwanis club retta Steams of Middletown, vice chairman; Miss Julia Tarauskus, London, Sunday to tour tea aub- Avery St., will celebrate their 25th ^H O U SAFE ANY Dlffir«AKP! wtU to held tonight at 7 o'clock New Britain, secretary; Louis “THE POPULAR W Ar marliM base They were accom­ wedding annivenary Saturday k •t tho Itallan-American eociid Hafner, Norwich, treasurer; Wil­ panied by den mothers and com­ with open house beginning- at 7 p.m. Caub buiWlng on Snipaic Street. liam Hill, Norfolk, national com­ mitteemen. According to Herman Kraeke- mitteeman; Mrs. Louis Kelley, Mra. Foster was the former Andover, national executive com- The group went aboard a sub­ Mary Helena Welles. They were nler, member of the co-sponaoring Potatoes mitteewoman; Attorney Harry marine and after a tour of the married by (the Rev. Francis Seme M u HU le mwiiet daily, elUn wtahly SUPER-RIGHT, FIALY^OOFULLY-COOKEE KED, TENDER Hartford chapter w-ho made the Gough, Windham, third vice chair­ aMp, ate their lunches in the B a c n e 1 e r in the Talcottville PPMich A 9 OZ A AC . . . but lumybedy liUa' te cut tUir feed anaouncament thia morning, aome man; Staccs Mead,. Stamford, sec- \ mesa hall. Church. bitb. Ato It t o plM wUra pricat aro lew SHANK M. ba rter members are expected ,ond vice chairman; and John Mul­ Applications for memberahip in Pmraonal Mention f r M A PKGS M aa wall at itemwidal Coma tea to attend tonU,iit's meeting. len, Stafford Springs, Tolland the pack may be obtained from Arthur Booth left last week to Kraekemier said the new club B H ESfi committee chairman, Lealle Ken­ IPORTIONLB County Republican chairman. join the Air Force and is taking la being aponaored by the Manches­ ny, or William Caaavant. Boys HAMS Reporta Donation for Fund his basic training at Sampaon Air ter and Hartford groups. from 8 to 10 may join. Base at Geneva. N.Y. Com# 5h — Ridiard J. Dillon, of the Hart­ Nat N. Schwedel, trustee of the Demoorst Women Ta Meet Butt Portion of Horn Horowitz C\Aimming Pool Founda­ ^OpU^Oll CENTER ford group who will be in charge All women voters are invited to tion, announces the receipt of 1250 Manchester Evening Hnrnid CMif Sinft o f the (diarter meeting, is Immedi­ a meeting aponeored by Democra­ Wnpplng correepondent, Mrs. An­ Whok Cookod Homi ate past governor of the New Eng- from B. F. Perkins of Holyoke, tic women Oct. 12 at p. m. at SLICES Mass. This contribution is an addi­ 8 nie OoIUna, telephane Mitchell laiM Diatrtct of Kiwanis Interna­ the Community Hall on Main St S-U lt. Green Pees At AlPt t o MAM to HAM-INCtUOINa tional. tion to a previous $250 .gift from "Getting to Know More About Butt Rolf CENTER SlICES Perkins. Kraakemler said he, and Jack O. SUPER MARKETS Tour Vote and the Voters” will 10O Z A r c 1.1.05 S h a a L l l a K ofMAM-iNCiuoiNS Vorster, also o f the Hartford Schwedel says; "The balance to the theme. 9nanK n oii c e n t e r $u c e s ,pow necessary to complete the 2 PKGS M Delieiooi and Nuffitiouil An outstanding AI.P value. group, have been in ac to support tea "plan for progress" Itonjamin liidt' moneywwith excess bone and fat _ YsheweeMae __ WWWHWJ9 at YOUNO MINI 10-14 us II 5 9 WkelaPeifcUiR M outlined by the supervisor. day at iOiSO a. m. At 2 p. m. the .Mrs. Lisk turned the - money irimmed^off before weighing. You gathering will be addressed by RIAOY-TOG WffJC BUYS... SPRY ’ ^35= ^^^9r RED HEART NOW IS THE TIMETOIUY! YOU CAN RUY McIntosh Spaghetti 27' TOMORROW'S CAR TODAY IF YOU lUY A 8-INCH LAYER CAKES 3 for 89' D aily Dog Pood REDEEM IOc COUPON OCTAGON SOAP 3ca«u25* CIOROX LGE3 1 C Baker's Chocolate viLb. 51c BIRDS EYE Kon-L Ration aeepee. 6 cZB5^ RINSO BLUE PKG OCTAGON CLEANSIR ^2 19* SPECIAL A 4 In 1 PtOOua- "1 C a lo e rD a ih 6-37' DEODORIZES'AND DitiNPiCfs DIAL SOAP -" :2'Sm'25' YOUR OLD CAR ON A 19S4 RUICK L- T a ll COLGATE TOOTH PASTE Pfk«d from $2290 Hp. * POPULAR FANCY MAINE 2 Cana „i9^:ji'32'.«5r --.-.toODOgANT KONOMY iCtoC GIANT to toTC LARGE . A P 'S uper M arkets to RATH to age SIZE O e J sin SIZE GORMAN MOTOR SR LE l Ine. POPULAR,S^^iMARKETS DIAL SO AP • CAKES O O 28SA(IAIN CT., M ANCHESt^ AT ai na eatoAMr M I-M STI^O^Evfliiy U ^ 9:(M| 974 MAIN STREET — K lN TY OF FREE PARKING •\ V A . /'- ' I

V , ■ \ ■ '■ ■ ■ --^.' PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDkY. SEPTEMBER 23,1964 ■' X‘‘. MANCHES^R EvbllN G H£RALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1954 bers and there now is a Leagua In PAGE THnm*N League Starts Drive with Tea every sUte." Mrs. Wulp went on Four Dead,] LeagrtSHolds to describe the function of the League both on State and National Annual Party terms. She aaid, "All the Ideas for 33 Hurt in the agendas come from the lock! MANCHESTER — level. The National Agenda must be planned so that-it will be mean­ Mrs. Wulp Addresses ingful to everyone In the Country.” Prison Riot Members on Organiza* Mrs. Wulp concluded by saying SEA FOOD that the women of the League are (Omtinaed from P«fo One) tion’s Functions a very stimulating and active 43 O A K ST. TEL. MI-9-9937 \«S>. group who, in their'wide range of tlary located In the city, not far The League of Women Voters interest and work, are constantly from the State Capitol. None of of Manchester held its annual striving for better government in 10 FORD VICTORIAS membership aJa'^at" the VeMion- both the community and the na­ the priaonera was believed to have Lydall Schoo). yesterday after­ tion. Following this, tea was served, NOWIN eacaped. noon. and for those who wished there The riot begran about 6 p. m. Mrs. Louis Heard, president, were tours given by the school FRESH CHESAPEAKE BAY - AS nitST PRIZES IN I opened the meeting by giving a children through the new building. last night on the third floor of E brief outline of the League’s work '~Han, a maximum security section- on the local level. Then she intro­ for Incorrigible prisoners. duced the board members explain­ OYSTERS Two of the younger prisoners, ing their function ,ln the League. Local Men Study Mrs. Allan Bourn, program OXYDOL’S * 5 0 ,0 0 0 CONTEST officials said, f^ e d iilness to gel guards to open the door. When chairman, then reviewed some of In Army School other guards came to their rescue the voter service activities, such they were overpowered. as the coming candidates meeting VARIETY OF CHOICE FRESH Others Joined them. Released on Sept. 29 and the Golden Feather Five local men are. among 28 from their cells, they raced across Campaign. new students from\the greater the prison quadrangle and grounds The guest speaker, Mrs. George Hartford area enrolled ab the into other buildings, overpowering Wulp, took the place of Mrs. John Army Reserve School in West SEAFOOD giiards and emptying additional Briscoe;- who was hot able to Hartford, the school's commandant ^ ill blocks.. attend J^ecausc of illness. Mrs. has announced. They are: Major Wulp of West Hartford was presi­ Frederick H. Burr, Jr., 274 School From then on for six hours, of- dent of the state League of Wom­ St.; Captains Phipps Cole, 32 Con­ S2S0 m EMXsaB ro Evnr ciRToan WMms « raw fleers said the place "looked like a stance Di-., and Robert A. Weidig, madhouse," with men running, en Voters from 1950 to 1963. At ^ 4 C shouting, howling and flghting in present she is in charge of or­ 417 Summit St.; 1st Lt. Lawrence the glare of Are from burning ganizing unit meetings in her R. Leonard, 43 Foster St., and 2nd buildings. x town. /" Lt. Nathan G. Agoatlnelll, 72 West As guards and State Troopers Mrs, Wulp spoke on "What the St. moved in, they were met, with a League Can and Can Not Do.” She Colonel Warren . J. Kennedyi hail of rocks and bricks. Some talked of the enthusiastic members commandant of the school, sh- THE NEW FORD AND TABX ADVANTAGE prisoners were shot. of the leagne who work for better nounced most of the students. Win Three guards were Injured. One. government and for the political train in administrative and person­ Jefferson Gentry, was beaten un­ education of citizens. She said "in nel procedures and command and conscious by the rioting convicts, Connecticut there are 6,500 mem­ staff work at the division level. Another, Clarence Dietzel, ap­ FIRST FOOD STORE SPECIAL VALUES ON FRIDAY, SEPT. 24 parently ■ was beaten or thrown Mrs. Edmund Cox, hosplUllty chairman; Mrs. Louis Heard, League of Women Voters mMldent“‘«nd from some height. A third. Oscar Mrs. John Conklin, membership chairman, chat with guest speaker, Mrs. George Wulp of West Hart­ Carrington, was shot in the foot. ford, at the league's annual membership tea held yesterday rft the Vernon-Lydall School. Mrs’ Wuln "They ran in and grabbed me i« a former president of the State League of Women. Voters. and pushed me outside Just as the When you shopxdt First Food let our shooting started,” Carrington re­ CHILDREN'S lated. Steel Workers The dead prisonen were identi­ tlMcnamydwese salesman take you home in a NEW Ford. fied as:^. Skywatch Schedule DAY FEATURES Don Manning, 19, serving a rob­ Plan to Remain bery term from Cooper County. J. C. Swrink, 32, serving a car Friday, Sept. 24 A car and salesman will be in front of theft term from Dallas County. Midnight—2 a. m...... -Anthony Zilinskaa BIRDS EYE In CIO Ranks 2 a. m.—4 a. m...... y .'.. Volunteers Needed Hi3t$|iraaiis' Walter Lee Donnell, serving a robbery term from St. Louis. 4 a. m.—6 a. m...... Volunteers Needed William Garrett, 29, serving a (Continued from Page One) 6 a. m.—9 a, m ...... Volunteers Needed SHOP HUE seSME First Food Store all day Friday! 4-year grand larceny term from 9 a. m.—Noon...... Katherine H. Ruttgers CHICKEN or BEEF PIES TOP qVAUTY—« to 6 LB. AVO. FANCY MILK-FED ~ ' ^ Cass County. vention Monday, and create’d an Guy Mullen ALL OUR BEEP CUT Started by Small Group air of suspense when he said he Noon—3 p. m. y ...... Volunteers Needed Prison officials said they did not would announce what stand his 3 p. m.—6 p.,.rh. '...... '...... Maureen Carson ’■ SMOKED PICNICS FROM HEAVY CORN know what set off the riot, but 6 p. m'.-~8. (i. jn...... James Mu'nsie, Guy Mullen V E A L LEGS union should take later in the f e d s t e e r s Whitecotton said it apparently week. 8 p. m.—10 p. m...... -Olive Ray, Grace Anderson 3 for 89° was touched off by a "very small But, in today’s speech, he said: 10 p. m.—Midnight...... Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Benson group of hardened criminals." "Believe me, ‘ I want labor Marion Taggavt SHORT. 7-IN. CUT . Whitecotton said the ringlead­ unity." . / (alternating weeks) BIRDS EYE .V 4 9 c ers in the riot comprised about 23 Yet he warned the CIO: , Volunteers may rejj;istV at Civil Defense Headquarters, Muni­ ’^ 4 9 ^ of the 81 occupants of the maxi­ "We do not want to be treated cipal Building, Manchester 'qn Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays d i e e s e mum security section in E Hall. from 1-5 p. m. Civil Defens^ Telephone Number 9-9068. He said he did not know how as junior partner. We insist we be H AV O M iD TO YOUH SWIFTS PREMIUM READY TO CQDK TENDER.. BROAD-BREASTED \ they got out. but one. of them, treated as senior partners. All my TASTf with chives, pimienco, ORANGE JUICE 2 3 7 ‘ life, I’ve been engaged in the con­ tinue to send their children to two William DeLapp, 19, Seattle, struction business. I’m too old to or plain. You know it's good BROILERS - FRYERS Wash, w’ould be questioned close­ Showdown Set predominantly white schools here because it's Hood. Fresh BROILER TURKEYS ly. A few weeks ago, DeLapp stole get into the destruction business." and then take them home if they a set of cell block keys from a The USW president turned' to arexdenled admission. made with fresh Hood dairy guard, but the theft was discover­ his union’s investment in the d O On Delaware’s entries Francis of Dayton, pub­ products. Jadoon’s Wayside Market ed before any trouble developed. —A sum he listed at 317,472,- lic r^atlons director for the 732.59, plus another 31,695,000 in NAACIP, said the parents, thus, OAKLAND ROAD 6 to U LB. AVO. lb the Political Action Committee. Race Bias Rift would not\be keeping the children 2 9 "Do we intend to throw our in­ out of sch(^ but that "the super­ WAPPING, CONN. EUington vestment away?” he asked. "The intendent and^ the school board answer is no." (Continued from Page One) will be doing TEL. MI-9-6780 Booster Night Held Francis made\his suggestion at Admitting Negroes to the white a meeting of Hill^oro's newly or­ schools but added that the State ganized chapter of\ the NAACP. LEAN. FRESH Rll^ ^ At Grange Meeting About Town Board would have the final say. The School Board say.s it is listing as truant Negroes whodo not at­ Young said the State Board tend classes at the scho^to which Ellington, Sept. 23 (Special)—A The De'.;AOcratic Town Commit­ would delermihe the methods of they are asa^^ned. parade of degree team dresses was tee -will hold an open meeting to- integration in conformity with a the feature of tpe "Booster Night” mori-ow at 8 p.m. at Democratic recent U. S. Supreme Court de­ Headquarters. Room Jarvis cision outlawing segregation. But When bass are in rather\hal- M ROAST - See DILLON For^hese Top Value program presented last night by Build'ng, and all members of the the Milford Board said it will re­ low water and run small in the local Grange. Dresses included local Democratic party interested sign in a body if its decision to a fly rod is much the best ._ the most modern and the most his­ in preparing for the coming elec­ open the schools to all pupils on them and will take the most fi.shN 49 toric available to the models. tions are invited. Town Chairman Monday is not upheld. Casting tackle is the thing for. BLOCK STYLE BONE-IN . m a The Grange program theme was Wesley C. Gryk said district mem­ . At the previously all-white real lunkers, almost any time or NSW WAY TO SAVS on tasty snacks and built around the four seasons, of bers are urged to bring with them place. sandwiches.-Use Nu-Chatel just as you use cream the year. A musical number was Lakevlew High School, eleven Ne­ USED CARS their to-be-msde-voters slips. another feature of the program groes registered with 676 white cheese .or any spread. Delicious, nutritious, low smd the evening closed with a skit. pupils last Sept. 7, Following a in calwies. Rebekah Assembly officers will meeting Sunday attended by some Church AcUvUies make their official visit to Sunset SO CASAMY TO SM NAD^NSVSA Morning worship will be held in .1,500 of the town’s 5,700 residents,' M ROAST- 1951 FORD CUSTOM DE LUXE $ Q Q C Rebekah Lodge Monday, Oct. 4. A the board decided to close tpe e m t m u s enAonAs o* m s a o the Sanctuary of the Congrega­ roast beef supper at 6:30 will cylinder. Radio, heater, new paint. tional CHiurch 'Sunday at 10:45 Lakeview School arid also the all- SETBACK 8 a. m. The sermon will be dedicated precede the meeting, and members Negro elementary school. m M-USAMI FANCY PLUMP 43 FANCY CAUFORNIA TYPE" to the work of parents , and teach' who have not already made reser­ When the board attempted to PlAtnC CONTAIMR. WASHED AND CLEANED era in th e 'a r^ of religious educa. vations are urged to do so through schedule classes for Tuesday, Wil- PARTY S / P D S £ Y £ Mrs. Alice Wel,herell, 333 Florence Miam V. Sipple, a board member, ______A'railaWe from your Hood Route, 1952 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE $ 1 9 Q C tion and is entitled. "Stumbling St., before Monday, Sept. 27. SAT., 8 P.M., SEPT 25 ;A”\f^*.!'.^I!i.^fi^U ^B^Salesnian or'your favorite aiOK. Blocks or Stepping Stones.” said telephone calls “poured in" Club Coupe. Radio, heater, power glide. A real aaving at JL Church School for all children of threatening violence to the Negro VFW H O M E CARRUTS SPINACH Vb primary school through high The Missionary Circle of Eman­ children. 'Hie board then ordered ORANGE JUICE 2 3 7 ‘ uel Lutheran Church will meet to- the schools closed "until further Nordifdirt cheeae FOWL school age will be held at 9:30 a. ra. morrpw at 8 p.m. in Luther Hall. It Sponsored By Delegates to the Pilgrim Fel- notice in the best Interests of the D.A.V. AI .VJLI;^RY NO. 17 2 cello pkgs. 5 ^ cello pkg. ^ 1952 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE $ 0 7 C ■ lowshlp Assembly Saturday will will be an open meeting and prac­ children.” JAUTY DAmy hoouen smcs i m 6 BIRDS Ey e leave the church with the Rev. Mr. tical worshop, dnd every member In Milford, Mayor Edward C. Radio, heater. A good buy. Johnson at 9:30 a. m. to drive to is urged to be present., Worafn Evans ordered an investigation ot R*freshmM»s HRST FOOD'S KRAFTS CHEESE West Hartford where they will interested in joining the circle and the source of hundreds of anti-in­ attend the gathering. assisting in the mission work of tegration pamphlets which- he said PEAS NEW CROP SEEDLESS FANCY. SWEET. SEEDLESS There will be a dedication serv­ the church are cordially invited. •have appeared in the area. 195T FORD CUSTOM TUDOR $ 7 4 ^ ice for all teachers of the Church Evans said the pamphlets, called VELVEETA Radio, heater, cylindera. Very clean. ' £ School who are able to be present The Rev. Alfred L. Williams, "The National Forum” are pub­ ‘it// < 6 Sunday during the regular morn- rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal lished under the name of "the Na­ GRAPEFRUIT GRAPES ,lng worship service. . Church, announces another con­ tional Association for the Advance­ Jiffy Peanut Ceoklee 2 Lb. Loaf 8 7 c ■The Senior Youth Fellowship ference on Holy Baptism for par­ ment of White People.’,; wfll meet in the church at 7:30 ents and Godparents tonight at 8 Prosecution Promised LOMBARDO Stp ttm k tr 25, 1954 1951 FORD CLUB CONVERTIBLE $ 1 0 0 ^ p. m. Sunday to hold a debate led' o'clock in the psffsh house, for The mayor said the person or ARMOUR STAR BEEF 2 cup. fifted, all. 2 uabMicn t a m Radio, heater, Fordomatic. Ixiw mileage. ■ by Nancy Loveland and Dale Rol- the group to be baptized Sept;. 26. I'/j Phone V 3 ^ '" 1 9 c " putpott flour cup Pet persons responsible for distributing SILVER L.\NE MEAT PACKERS Viler 9.006S : ''^19c:. licap npu Eraporaied Milk . lins. The topic of the debate will at n a. m. the -material will be prosecuted. He EAST HARTFORD BLOCK CHUCK POT ROAST lr 4 9 e - . VS fcipooo vuilU be "Should Christians Drink." STATE INSPECTED PLANT Retail Dept. briiKipwdif■ — 1|4 tup,CUM fjB.1,fiMlr cut, pointed out there is a local or­ Vi cup n il ioMind it^ ppeuaua ^ Coming Events Local jeweler, Creighton, Shoor dinance forbidding the circulation HAND PICKED NO. 1 MeINTOSH iXTRA FANCY ELBERTA •hoftcuiaf The Girl Scouts will hold their of Shoor Bras., wa.s elected a di­ of literature that, incites to riot, RIB ROAST BEEF lb 5 9 c 1951 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE $ R Q I« rector of the Conn. Retail Jewelers FAZZINA'S RETAIL MEAT DEPT. Sift together in a mixing bowl the flour, Radio, heater, aunvisor, jet black. Excellent condition. meeting Tuesday at 6:30 p. m. at "These Inflammatory pamphlets See 5Ir. Fazzlna the church. Assn, at its annual meeting at are the -work of outsiders who are OUR__ Free Cutting .and Wrapping sugar and baking powder. Add'ihortcn- : The first meeting of. the fall Wnverly Inn at Cheshire Sunday. NOW FREEZER ORDERS SPECIALTY Stock Up Now BONELESS SIRLOIN (o v o H ) ROAST lh 9 k ing, eggi, milk and vanilla. Mix until trying to hamper,us in our efforts APPLES arell blended. Stir in peanuts. Drop by Howard I. Michaels, an executive PEACHES season for the Sta-Weds will be to keep everyone calm,” Evans teauxibHt 2 inches apart, onto greased held Oct. 16 when the group meets in Michaels Jewelers, was re­ said. . AT WHOLESALE PRICES ALL AA CHOICE BEEF 1949 MERCURY FORDOR elected president of the associa­ WE WILL STAY OPEN AITEB 6 P. M. BY APPOINTMENT FOB FREETER ORDERS cooky pen. Bake on oven rack slightly for a potluck supper at the church In Hillsboro, Ohio, meanwhile,' HRST PRIZE PIPPIN'S BONELESS above center 15 minutes, ot until light New paint, radio and heater. at 7 p. m. ' tion. Negro parents were advised last brown. Remove from pan at once. riignt by representatives of the FOLLOW THE CROWD — SPECIALS GALORE FOR WEEKEND ^ SMOKED PICNICS ...... Lb. 73e - 3 ‘‘ 2 9 . c ' Makes 5 dozen. Manchester Evening Herald El­ Sgt. Fred A. Welskopp,-was honr National Association for Advance­ 3 '“ 2 9 c lington correspondent, Mrs. G. F. orably discharged yesterday at ment oP. Colored People to con­ Berr, telephone Rockville 5-9313. Camp Kilmer. N. J, The son of Mr. OPEN THURSDAY 8 P.M.-MIDAY 9 P.M.-^ATURDAY 5 P.M. CHERRY VAUEY SLICED BACON ...... Lb. 69e 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAH and Mrs. Adolph- W'elskopp. 70 FRESH OR 4-Door. Povirer gjide, radio and heater. A real clean car. 1045 Mill St., he was graduated from NABISCO-CAMEO SWEET UFE Howell Cheney Technical School SMOKED SHOULDERS SPERRY A BARNES SHAYlKLESS UNIT . Hunter to Accept and was employed by the Nelco The Norse SMOKED SHOULDERS ...... Lb. 53e CRISCO Tool Co. before entering the ser\’- CREME SANDWICH PINEAPPLE JUICE LIQUID STARCH IVORY SNOW 1949 CHEVROLET TUDOR icc. He served ' 18‘-j months in Washers ReCcigerators GQOKED SALAMI Korea. Stoves Freezers STAHL-MEYER HICKORY SMOKED ’ Excellent condition. A real buv at '595 8 li Oz. Pkg. 25c 46 Oz. Can Dryers SKINLESS 29c Qt. Bot. 1 9 c 8 Lb. Can 97e Lr. Pbr. 31c Gilbert T. Hunter. 120 Delmont NAMED ID HEAD GRADE A LB. SHANKLESS WHOLE HAMS ...... Lb. 79e St., director of social service for Wetherefield, Sept. 23 < f^~ “SALE^ and SERVICE" FRANKFURTS the Greater Hartford (ijduncil of Louia Harper of the New-Britain SUNSHINE PETER PAN 1949 STUDEBAKER SEDAN Churches for the past six years, police force was elected president' 45 has resigned to assume a similar of the Connecticut Division of' the lA M ES A. WOODS READY FOR THE OVEN FOSTER'S BONELESS COOKED HAM ... Lb. 95e um WRAP TIDE A clean car.- '495 position Oct. 1 with the Federa­ International Aasn. for Identifi­ A l T A o r e HI-HO CRACKERS PEANUT BUHER CHEER tion of Churches in Indianapolis, cation at the annual meeting at a p p l i a n c e s MANY OTHER MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Ind. He has alio served as chair­ the Otborn Jriaon Farm here yes­ W « ur * you to try soino of our All-Boof Link Sou- NEW and USED OLEO 25 YOUNOTURKEYS 9 Lb. Pkg. 32c 12 Oz. Jar. 33 c 25 Ft. Roil Lg. Pkg. man of the Social Action Commit­ terday. Others elected were: fSrat 4 9 ' 33c 31c Lg. Pkg. 31c If you can't 6n6 tha cor you wont, eomo oyor and look omind. tee of the Hartford East Assocls- vice president. Detective George $090. Most cMiciotts...... Lb. 69e tlon of Copgregational Christian Moehi, Hamden; -.second vice 383 Center St.—MI-9-1918 Churches. president. .George Yurchi. investi­ Also our Puro Pork Link S0 US090 or our famous His wife, Mrs. Harriet Hunter: gation superintendent for the FRESH ROLL BUTTER lb. 65c sousogo moot ...... Lb. e bas been active in the local YWCA Remingto nAnns (>>., Bridgeport; 73 Town Committee and is a member' sergeant-at-«rms. Sgt.' Ferdinand Fresh klU^, 8-lb. average RIB OR SHOULDER of the Manchester Chapter League Hozeny,"Greenwich. ’’ of Women Voters? ' TOURS ju CAPONS LAM B C H O P S Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, who have steel for the famm • Damaacua RIR OR SHOULDER , lb lived at their present address since blades of the ancient world was CRUISES ^ ROUND ROAST VEAL C H O P S Always the Best for Less 1949, will be guests of the Oouacil made in India. C O R N ED r e e f ; staff at a buffet n-pper at the AIR TICKETS " ' 5 9 ' G R A H N O c h e e s e 69 bopift o t the Rev. John C. Smith. 1573 Boulevard, West Hartfbgd. Sept 29, and the official farewell L. T l W OOD will be noted ^ Jthe fall meeting FOLEY IT A L IA N s a u s a g e c t the Council, S ^ t 30. in Grace FOOD SALE LOCKER PUNT n i MEAT H 0 U S £ Lutheran Churoh. M^pabera of Mr. Steamatalp and Travel'Agency Hunter'b department" wilt honor SAT.5EPT.25.9A.M. 54 CHURCH STREET TOP SIRLOIN ROAST BEEF SIBISSEUST. T1LMU3-B424 him with a "drop in" tea from 3 H^E'S STORE' th « p.m. a t the YUOA Tuesday HARTFORD 3, CONN. SuBMt Bnblfcah L o ^ JA-2-3188 1 LB .P K G . PLENTY 09 PRII PARKING SPACI altanooR. ,, I 'I- ■ ___L„

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1954 FAGS Puitl* Sense and Nonsense I Coventry Ellington Springfield Man Most huabanda never stop being deek: Mrs* Gable Publicity Head romantic, but they sure catch heck Butcher—If ji dog steals a piece Held as Reckless every time their wives find out. of meat from my shop, la the GENTON CLOTHES.FOR TWO PANT SUITS owner liable for the ^heftT For Democratic Campaign —Lawyer—Of courae'-he is. Ellington. Sept. 23 — (Special)— A notice poated by a North A Spring^fleld, Mass., man was a r­ Carolina farmer: Butcher—That's what I wanted Coventry, Sept. 23 (SpecfAl)—4 ^entertain i^ests from foreign “Poaitively no more baptising in to know. Tour dog just took a rested on charges of operating a my pasture. Twice In the last two dollar steak. Mrs. Herbert J. Gable has accept­ lands. Persons interested, who vehicle while under the influence ed chairmanship of publicity for have not already contacted Mrs. of intoxicating llqiior or drugs and months my gate has been left Lawyer—I'm sorry. Now if Tyler, are requested to do so In open by Christian peopie. and I you'll Jubt give me another dollar the Democratic campaign in town. reckless driving at about 7:45 laat 35 Garmtnt 40Rivtr’a flood order that arrangements may be night after hia auto rammed a car can't lUford to chase- -rattle all it will cover the fee for my'advlce. The party town committee unani­ •wadeJor one or more students, as S«Very (Fr.) over the country Just to save a few mously voted to appoint Mrs. operated by a Rockville man on 37Tardy they Mfire? to visit with them. Route 83. 41 Narrow flUet sinners." Longest word: “And now a word Gable to this position. Her hus­ Persons! Mention According to Stat4 Police, Ber­ 38 Gorman riv tr « Notion from our sponsor. . . . Last words: band with Stephen Loyxim are Mis Marguerite "Gretel'* Tyler, nard P.' Audet, 22, waa following Dad (looking auspiciously at the "So he won't dim his lights, hey? party candidates for Representa­ 3»IdcnUcal 43 Prohiblta daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. a vehicle operated by Robert Spiel- St Pointa a dessert his daughter has whipped Then I'm darned if I dim mine." tives iri the General Assembly. Tyler was registered Monday at man, 40, of RFD 3. Rockville, when weapon 45Lord’a ladjr up) ,What's this? Sweetest words: "Your dentist The .committee voted to Have 48 Always Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. he suddenly rammed the local 34 Rip Daughter—It's cottage pudding. has the measles and will have to the office of Thomas G. Welles on tpan'a auto. Police reported no in­ 85 Irlah river 47 River in Italy We learned how to make it at cancel your appointment. today,” Main Street as tlie party cam­ Benjamin Magowan ol Main and juries and were tinable to give an 37 Everlasting 40 Arabian school today. Most frightening words: "ITiis is paign headquarters. Welles la run­ School Streets entered Windham estimate of damages to the ve- (poet.) garment Dad—Well, I think I got a piece the Income tax department." ning for j-e-electlon as Ju(%e of Community Memorial Hospital yes- hlclet. 38 Golf mound 80 Groove of shingle in my mouth. Words of wisdom: Clemenceau's probate. terday lor treatment. He fwa.s in. Audet posted 8150 bond for his summary of the girls in the Polles The committee will meet Tues- Jured-recently in an accident while appearance in Town Cmirt Oct. 4. , An Irishman, after paying his Bergere; "They have such gay be- day at 8 p. m. at the homo of Ray­ painting at the Center School. The accident was Investigated by respects in, the cemetery, Walked hinds— but such sad faces!" mond H. Bradley, Sr., party town A daughter, Priscilla Ann, was State Patrolman William Doyle of about looking over some of the old committee chairman. Candidates bom Sunday morning to Mr. and the Stafford Springs Barracks. tombstones. He stopped before one He could not have been over for justices of the peace include Mra. Richard Clay at Mancheater on which was engrraved; "Here lies four, the little boy who stood in Bradley, Mrs„ Mathilde J. Nyack, Memorial Hoapital. Clay la a mem­ Sandy MacGregor—A Generous front of the Lost and Fpund desk. Mrs. Ruth T. Welles, Mra. Bessie ber ol the, Robertson School faculty. Nathan Hale Cubs Father and a Pious Man." He hardly reached the top, and A. Strack, Alanson R. Stewart, Jr. Personal Mentloa Irishman—Huh! Just like the there were traces of hastily wiped and Christian A. Weigold. Eiugene L. Conner, son of Mr. Scotch—three men in one grave! tears on his chub^ face as he in­ Softball Game Slated and Mrs. Eugene W. Conner, has Meet Tomorrow quired in, a quavery voice, "Has There will be a softball game been recently discharged as ser­ ^ ____ Nothing makes a man forget a any mother been turned in this Sunday at 2:30 p. m. at the Plains geant in the Air Force. H« is work- ....Cub Pack 1^43 will hold its first passing fancy like something m orning?” Athletic Field between the S6uth in? in the experimental def>art- meeting o r the season Friday, fancier,—Pure Oil News. Coventry Firemen and the Little ment at Pratt-Whitney Division, Sept. 24tn. 7:30 o. m. a t the 41 Italian river 1 Photographs are the windows of League Committee officials. Pro­ United Aircraft. Nathan Hale School. 4 4 L o v ^ Many a woman thinks she the past. ceeds will be for the Fire Com­ While on duty on the West Cub Master John Maiorca has 48 Jewish month bought a dress for a ridiculous Visitor—It looks like raiji. pany benefit. Coast, Conner married the former issued^ a call for all boys, of Cub 48 Brasilian price, when in reality she bought Native—Not here in California. The public Is urged by league Faye Elliott, daughter of Mr. and Scout age, 8-10, who wish to Join macaw it for an jibsurd figure. Visitor—Look at those clouds up officials to give support at the Mrs. Luther Elliott, San Jouquin Pqdk 143, to attend this first 81 Church part there. , game. A recent game between the Valley. Calif. The cuple are living i^rfeeting accompanied b.v at least 83 ------er river, The neighborhood butcher burst Native—They don't mean a two teams netted the Little temporarily with his parents.- On /bne parent. Registration blanks in India' into the lawyer's office and de­ thing. They're empties coming League treahury abo«it 1300. Oct. 1 they will move to H^ckor^^ for ne-v Cubs will be available at S3 Ukrainian manded of the man behind the back from Florida. IJHIe Nippers To Meet Drive. the meeting. Boys who are already rivar The Little Nippers 4-H Club girls, Mr. and Mra. John H. Westland Cubs must re-regiater at the same who met formerly Monday • and will, observe their 29th wedding meeting. 84 Forebode CARNIVAL ' , / BY DICK TURNER 88 FaciUty Tuesday, will meet Oct. 2 at 10 anniversary tomorrow. OAW/IAj'J a.m. at the home of Mrs. Hans Patient In Hospital,- 88 Goddess e t Hansen to reorganize. Joan McKinney, 12 -yienr - old Infatuation Mrs. John M. Tyler of Morland daughter of Mr. and MrC Ray­ BUGS BUNNY Farm will be moderator at the an­ mond C. McKinney of OCMper Lane, WINDOW SHADES k E nual Foreign Student Weekend la a patient at Hartford Hospital. program Oct. 9. sponsored by the Sha is being trenM for bulhar- Woman's Service, Bureau ol the type Infantile paralysis. Joan is WASHABLE B U T I'M 7WBN T » v \ Auerbach Foundation, Hartford. a pupil of grade 7> morning session, DOIN' HUNTIN' ‘ At 2 p.m., that day, Dr. Rose­ at the Robertsph School. COLUMBIA PYROXYLIN AN BUPPAtO PE9 mary Parks, president, of thfc Con- Cond'ng Eventa #4 Cf| Made to Order ‘INDIAN v n il b . ' necticut College for Women in New Friday roeetingi-: include sert- BKaBU With Your Rollera WAR I»ndon-wili be speaker. There will back parity 8 p.m.. American DANCB' be a panel discussion of four young Legion HAme, Wall Street; aocial, persons who .have been visiting in 8 p.m.,/Nathan Hale Community the United States on their Ameri­ Center. E. A. JOHNSON can viewpoint on matters. A tea will be served. Mancheater Evening H erald Cov­ PAINT CO. Several local homes will have entry oorreapondent, Mra. CHarlea 699 Main Ht., Tel. Ml-9-4.501 open house that weekend and will JU U ttle, telephone Pilgrim 2-8SS1.


fA U N e H > KlU LU M BUPPALO... . TMBBB LAVPPCI _ ‘1 0 0 o l TRADE-IN

“Old yous* 8V8r driam yougg wag out on tha atraat wit’ i EUGAR MARTIN no cliothaa on?" ANN A N1M\«RA5AR!| BUZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANK naopionioMtKiMiMa For Your ^ Washer - . tOOWT VvMOa.TMl MlF-SriMND CttW JME BIIIBf' iICKIMK WDUN08~«U1MP REGARDLESS OF MAKf. AGE er CONDITION BttMWTgpgTTMM flVinOMC. ^ TOWARD THE PURCHASE O F THIS UT« " w a o T swo MAV8 AIMOTON rCAUTliPC «0MF .MTNOOOIE., ! ACtACMD COW. m t General Electric W asher .



I MOPE EVCRYTH»M6 S A BlTOF AU R xSMt /'TOlJ MONOftV 'WftSHtS-Pi-US LlWY, MEET CONSOA m e d , MAY PAY AT YOUR CONVENIENCE--NO 7 th e boy WiTM TWE , I RIPPLW6 MUSCLES ( J -njr G eT ^ t e r s w e r c o n t r o l HE'OUKEtoAPPiy ^ wa... FORCKCHTON I1A 60MS TOUR CUFFO BOOK.' ' ‘ "- WITH YOU EASY! WASHES 4 /^ b«eaus«,,. vmi Off. The G^ has a bigger tub and Moo|h TnvestiRator? BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY THE STOBV OF MARTHA WAYNI water to keep the cloihei aubmereed in tude Idea Gone Wrongr B\ WlIJMlN SCRUGGS Ihrouahout the waahing! King Size capacity ia MOU Mg/kM AW WHaRSARB ideal for big-Family washes. You actually uve WELL. FOR ONE TMNO, fCLCa)«AD' ^WHERE «THAT OiAMONO.VOU OLD VUauRE?you' VOUTAMNCr a u M c n tK » 7 water when you. arc abH to Wash (ewer full* HE'S s B fv v ja o j th e . /WE? , AUW*MBWWNFOR»AB,OtONYVDU?weu.,ja 100% Virgin Weol Gab- aau.a wiLPB JURY. ^capacity loads. ardin. «iih all wool plaid or camtl thsii. lining. R.ri heman t $10.00 Delivers -• Easy Budget Terms rests. *Q-‘ I .


■ ' * ■- . . . '' . J ■S-S’' wfSS MAIN ST.. CORNER OF PITKIN-^ST HARTFORD

/ ) , -' 4 ':


PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESiTEIL CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1964 Merchants Get Off to Flying Start by Defeating Clinton I jyera/Jyiii^/c BB|®^ttle Still Rages for Fourth Place

Bowlinj^ Secretaries Giants CouldnU Find His Pitches EARL W. YOST Position Worth Dresseta Interested ■parts B«t*r Heart Throbs and Howls, . . No. 2 Please Take Note March 52, 48 and 79 Dilrocher to Stick- SOMO— ^ ------SHOTS HERE AND THESE < $750 to Each The Herald will again this ' Look Magaxine all star major , In Major Loop Post Largest crowd ever to wateh a league baseball team lines up like seaaoB run all bowling results major leagus baseball game, 88,- from Manchester leagues this this: Ted Williams, Stan Musial T o Regular Lineup The Grounder Loes Losti in Sun Yards for Touchdowns 683, jammed Cleveland Stadium and Duke Snider, outfield; A1 Ro­ Player on Club Tork. Sept. 23 (ff) — • The story said terms were not season. Attracave pink offi­ recently to watch the Indians take cial Herald howling score sen, Chico' Carrasquel, Red OiKriw (Chuck) Dressen. h tn‘> j disclosed but H was logical to ac- a doubleheader from the N e w Schoendlenst and Ted Klussswaki, By BEN PHLEGAR sume "that Dressen was offered blanks are available free of New York, Sept, it (m-rjjeo ttm« winner u pilot of the Brook-1 Joe Girone Catches Two ’ York Yankees. There were 84,587 Inflelders; Yogi Berra, , Associated Preaa Sporta W riter' Durocher is expected to shelve his a two or three-year contract at a charge to all league secretaries. caiAi customers for the twtnbiU. lyn Dodgera. act up shop today Opening Triumph | and Robin Roberts and Virgil Da tee theory teat $750 ia still swing shift routine when his New salary in the neighborhood of 440.- Names o(^all howiers MUST Passes for Scores H ie tremendous crowd consumed Trucks, pitchers. Anybody care to $750, four tsana today retained 000." York Olaiits meet (fieveland’a ■nd announced his services as a printed plainly and all indi- 85,000 cans o ; beer and ate 100,- challenge this club? The all star a vital interest in tee makeup of (Wolf had a story Tuesday And Til Dubose Adds Manchester (19) heavily righteanded pitching staff major league manager were avail­ ridual and team scores must 000 hot dogs. The Yankees share Look team in­ tee final nutjor league standings. in tee World Seriea. able. night, riahy hour.*- before the New be tallied. Ends: Cosgrove, Cirone, John­ of the gate amounted to $24480, cludes Snider, Mualal, , The $750 represents tee ap­ York announcement, that Casey Other; PTay Sunday Although Dusty Rhodes, a left- IVanta linag Contract Scores of matches MUST be son, Lawrence, Mangiafico, a new all-time mark for a visiting Ed llateaws, A1 Dark, Schoen- proximate ahare per player of tee Stengel had signed to manage the Tackles: Markey, Maslar, Gosse. handed swinger, who has clicked “I've got a job as long as I want turned Into the Sports Dept., tea m ... 18(141(1:* are finding It dienst, Kluszewskl, Del Crandall, money for members time and again as a , It,” said Dressen who guided Oak­ New Vork Yankees again.) By PAT BOLDl’O Guards: Y. Vlncek, G. 'V^nceiki not later than S:80 the follow­ Taking its cue.from Manchester harder getting hotel reservations Roberts and Johnny Antonelll. The o f tee fourth place teams' in each normally would be tee man to use land to the Pacific League playofF Hutchinson May Qo Pohl. ing morning. Scores may be High, the Manchester Merchants' in CIevelan;d during the YYorld American Leaguers include Wil­ league. against righthanders like Bob - 1 ______w title after resigning as Brooklyn There al.so have been reports Center*; Moske, Holmes. deposited the night of a match football team found its offense in Series than penhles out of molas­ liams, Mickey Mantle, Minnie In tee National only a gams Lemon, Early Wyiui and Mike manager w year ago. "But I am that Freddie Hutchinson ia on his Backs: Barry, Dubose, Jacobs, Minoso, Rosen, Carrasquel, Bobby TO nE B D A Y rt BB8I7LT9 In the night slot In Hie Herald’s the second half and rolled to a ses. Ail hotels in Clevsland were separates Cincinnati, now in fourth Garcia, insiders think Durxicher NaliMal willing to talk to anyboify who way out at Detroit with the possi­ Petrillo. Tedone. Zemanek, Ale- reserved several weeks before the Avila, Mickey Vemcm, .Berra, bility that Harris will replace main entrance. fteores turned convincing 19 to 0 M-ln over the from tee fifth place Philadelphia will stick With , his Brooklyn S. New York 0. offers me sufficient money and a In a day or two late MILL NOT many, Parker, Dobrozenskl. Indians clinched the American Trucks and Bob Lemon. . . . Fall Phillies. Boston lesds Detroit by a regular. • t Louts (. (3Ucaao s. Charley Gehringer as general Clinton, Mass., Pros last night at Clinton (0) meeting at Narragansett Park contract longer than one year.” he published. Mt. Neb<^ befoM a fair-sized League flag.;. Annual interpreta­ game and a half in the American “If Irvin can play tvary day, my Dressen, who left the Dodgers manager providing Bucky loses his End.s: McComber, Wilson, Chase. opens Friday, Oct. 29 for 29 days. Washington job. tion meeting and written examina­ Leaiue. bench ia stronger” Durocher haa „ Xmcrlcaa after being refused a'longer con­ crowd. Tackles: 'Vetras, Hazel, Bogan, tion of the Connecticut tf a 11 e y . . . Joey Giardello and H ger Jones, New Yorli S, Washlnston 0. The vlctonTnSofmg their 1954 The Redlegs have just two ■aid previously. Detroit 4, BalUmore 1. tract than one year, said he plans Lou Boudreau’s position as man­ Lowe. middleweights, meet Friday night debut, looked very impressive in Soccer officials Tvlll be held to­ games left and tee Phillies have Irvla 1951 Star Clereland S, Chicaso 1. ager of the Boston Red Sox also ia Guards: Mudgett, M o n than, night at 7:30 at Glastonbury at Philadelphia. It should be an Only same* uchedulrd. to see three or four club repi^sen- marching 52. 48 and 79 yarcls for six to play. • Leo hasn’t forgotten Irvin’s tre­ tatlvea during the World Series considered shaky. And then there Polack. Davis. H igh... A 100-lap featuring auto­ interesting bout. The pick is mendous batting splurge against 9TANDINO* are the Philadelphia Athletics, their three scores. After a very Freak Double Play 1 ' regarding a possible job as mana­ Centers: Tnnimoratti. Hoag. mobiles ranging from -1950 to '64s Jonas. Saturday afternoon tee the in tee 1961 W L PcL GBL currently managed by Eddie Joost. close first half, the charges of Dodgers-Plttsburgh baseball game Oncinnati still is screaming New York , SE Itm V IC I^ Y skida away from Brooklyn catcher Mickey Owen aa he ^aaea what would ger. But he declined repeatedly Backs; P h i I b i n, Gadamaski, is scheduled Sunday afternoon at about a 3-1 loss in Milwaukee Series when he collected 11 hits *6 K .us But it is difficult to see how any b o w iA w Frank Toro and Tony Alihrlo real­ Ernst, Bailey, Burke. the Plalnville Stadium Speedway. will be carried on Channel 8. . . . Brooklyn ... tt .IS* have been the flame^ndlnY third atrtke pitch to Yankee Tommy Henrich In IM l. That*a Henrich bead- and batted .458 In six games. to name names. successful manager such a.-' Dres­ ly put on an offensive attack that yesterday when a ninth Inning Milwaukee , ...... 17 S4 .571 ing for first. Chuck admitted that at least Score by Periods. 1 2 3 4 Tot. First race starts at 2:30. Vic Wertz of tee Indiana has com­ Knowing Leo and his hunches, you (hnelnnatl ., ...... 74 TB .4S7 sen would consider even talking Xr.STArXANT LKAGI e made the crowd sit up and take rally was brought to an abrupt one club owner contacted Brick Manchester ..... O' 8 7 8 19 mitted only two bobbles this sea­ can't he too aure of anything. Philadelphia ...... 71 77 .4(» 33 with the Athletics, in view of the Wsinal (irlll (t> notice. ■ end by a freak double play. St. Louie ...... 71 ,-wnj F. Paganl . . . . . 104 — 97 201 Clinton ...... 0 0 0 0 0 -.Boston Celtics of the NBA will son, and both cam* in the same SO .470 By FRANK FRISCH Laws (Oakland owner) a week ago club’s unstable financial condition With runners on first and sec­ Durocher won’t have much Chleaso ...... aa 90 Walks had aqoountad for thaoM A. Cav^Mo . . . . 10« 99 — 201 Newcomer.4 Friech, who’s p la y ^ maaaged Bsvens waa having tronbla again. dall chased tee bail, Qus Beil Boston ...... (7 probably more weinOii^ipeninga and seen more World Series want to talk business," he added. T o la l* ...... 5RR *27 .■)45 1670 22, as he limited the National League champions to three hits, struck out 15 and won 8-0. It was a eleven, did ail of the Merchants' lean Frank Ramsey from Ken' New York’s victory in tee Na­ Houtteraan, leading candidates for n .447 He missed the corner with a fborth dashed from second to third and Detroit ...... S8 S6 .4X7 than anybody, take, you o«t to Dressen also stressed that he Rfillofi Lako Hftuoo (t> major league record for the Oriskany Falls, N. Y., rookie who Was making his debut with the Dodgers. scoring. Joe (Tlrone, highly publi­ third quarter .when Phillbin tossed' tucky. Hank Daubenschmidt from tional League i^nnant scrap marks the fourth job, all are righthand­ Washlnston ...... «4 M .4X7 and terlUa than any other ball KnndrA ...... 104 !>7 114 315 (AP Wirephoto). Borkowski beaded for first in a 46(4 haU to Uttle Al Gionfriddow would talk to several clubs regard- UCoims l«tSlarl cized end from Bridgeport Univer to Buddy Ernst on a play which St. Francis of New York. Jules tee fifth tube since 1900 that a ers. Baltimore ...... U 99 .349 park. the ball part lor the great Soblpki ...... lOfi 93 90 3S9 hurry since if tee catcher drops Philadelphia— ...... 49 loa With tee count'' four or five Oakland players Koebin ...... ■.... 86 112 . 198 slty,. tallied two touchdowns and covered 60 yards. The Clinton full­ Mugnier of Spring Hill, Alabama, team won the loop bunting after In recent weeks, Durocher two- It is, o f course, Ebbets Fielil. momente of yeeteryeon—high- K eeney a third strike he usually haa to TODAY'S GAMES limping Pste _____ ...... 110 131 117 348 Willimantic’s Tillie Dubose back wa.3 caught from behind by a veteran returning from the Ko­ finishing fifth tee previous season. platooned Whltey Lockman and Natlenal where everything can and usu­ Ughta o f the Uggeet thrlUe (aad and, under a little urging, said the T w o S opk ores MacLeaujrhtin ...... 97 m 9l 305 throw out the batter at first. beny-langhe) colled fretn his atolo sscond. Sveeky Phplpji ...... making his debut as a quarter­ Larry Holmes on Manchester’s 14 rea front. Ramsey is given tee best . . Most valuable players in tee Bobby Hofman at first base. When PltUburrti al Philadelphia, m en d ally does happen. World Seriea Philadelphia Phillies was one of ...... 95 “T 95 Crandall threw to (S-jU in tf •nUe»^(S-7) ve. Rldslk (48) vivid memory o f 191 WoiM aging the Yankaaa ____ them. But he declined to say if West Hartford back, scored the final TD. Former yard line. chance of sticking. He averaged major leagues: Hiis comer nomi­ Lockman started to hit he - re­ and Wehmeler (9-11). games there have followed tee ToUls ....a ...... "503 ” i i i 524 1550 Eddie Mathews in a vain attempt Serlee gamee aince 1921. what long warn conatdared his talk with owner Bob Carpenter Storrs, Sept. 23 (/D—The Ui Giaiits’ Fielders West Hartford Spartan, Joe Cos Phillbin, on the second play in 19.6 points last season with tee nates Willie Mays of the Giants to catch Bell and Mathews fired mained in the lineup against bote (Only samea scheduled), pattern. versity of Connecticut football grove was credited with the only the final period, went off tackle Wildcats... Trinity may have to and Bob Lemon of the Indians with kinds of pitching and Hcfman American It was in Flatbuah tn tee Se­ rule of baSebalL He ordarad also would include the possibility Villa (.1) Next for Hmh across tee diamond when he saw (No samea scheduled). Reiser be purpoaely paaaad, o f his replacing Terry Moore. team will be composed of nine K...... J19 KKi 96 321 extra point scored by the winners. for 12 yards and a first down on play Saturday against Williams lif Johnny Antonelll of the Giants and Borkowski, racing for first. His divided tee third base work with ries of 1952 that tee sun got In QuaRlbv...... ting tee winning run on haa_. Moore, who took over the Phil­ seniors and two sophomores when ...... 94 93 100 287 Play in the first half was fairly Manchester's one yard line. After its football opener without the Bobby Avila of the Injuns run­ throw hit Borkowski in tee back . Hofman, a ri^ t- Pitcher Billy L

MANCHESTER EVENING HERAjLD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1964 / PAGE N m rriai PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBE;li 23,1954 Hoiuchold Goods 61 Rocmbs Withoat Bosrd 59 Wanted To Rent 98 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Wanted»Real Eatata 77 Automobiles for Sals 4 Garages— Service— Storage 10 Roofing—S i d i n g 16 Hdj^ wanted—M«le 36 Articles For Sale 45 Hoofchold Goods 51 Household Gioofls I I FURNISHED ROOM tor rent for HERALD REPORTER, wife and OVERLOOK DRIVE NEW- HOSPITAL bed with inner- one or two gentlemen. Kitchen 6% R(X)M8. Hot water, oU heat, LISTINOS WANTED — Blagla son, desire four room, unfumiehed storm windows, aoee to School RAT'S ROOFING Oo. Built up PART-TIME BUILDING COACE IN—Browae around The DUNCAN PHYFE sofa with linen spring mattresa. AG. 3-7004. privilogas if daslred. MI. 3-6613. rent in Manchester. Whitney 4-Room Cape CodL Full cellar, two-famUy, threa-famUyr. buri- TERMS AS LOW M *5^. 1989 FORD V-8 Phaeton. A-1 con- STORAGE SPACE available on roofa, gutter work, roof, chimney Woodshed, 11 ACain ^t., Manchaa- All summer furniture drastlcaUy and Main St. Immediate'occupan­ haoB properw. Have naziy caab OlastifiMi Cottage Street. Tel. MI. 9-2388. slip covers, $70. Twoi mahogany LAVIMON STYLE living room sofa, Jacobs, Cell MI. 9-9637 after 8:30 new arteaian wells, 2 rooms un­ cy. MI. 9-7218. ^ ~ diUon. MI. 8-8998. repaira. Free eotlmatea. Ray CLEAN-UP MAN NEEDED ter. Conn. Good used furniture reduced for clearance. lamp tables, $18. Also Hollywood TWO SINfiLE men are looking for p.m. finished, hot air oil heat. $10,000. huyera Mortgages orraagad. H^enow. Ml. 9-2214. Ray Jack- bought and sold. Tel. ACL 9-S184. I . wine. Good condition $38. MX. one genUeman ta obare thalr six Plaaaa caU Geo□eoifa Lk Graaladio. AMESITE DRiyE5 1962 NASH RAMBLER hard top, ooa. Ml. S-8S28. bed, excellent condition, $78. AG. 0-81$2. ^ A real buy, Open 'til 7 p.m. CHAMBERS FURNITURE 9-7102. room ftimlahad apartmant. Can- YOUNG BUSINESS couple deairos Realtor, MI.Itc^ S-8S78. Kff Aivartisemenb low mileage, , two tone '' -paint, Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 from 7 a.m. to 11:00 a.iti. traUy located. AU ntUlUas Includ­ L ots For 78 Henry straet 3 to 4 room unfurnished a p ^ - OROCSaiY STORE No Mbnoy Down • 16 MiRthi CLASSIFIED AOVT. radio, heater. Douglaa Motora, $88 ROOFING, Siding and carpentry. BUY YOUR electric razor whera it SALES BEAUTIFUL 1961 Norge gas stove ing tulto equipped kitchen avaU­ ment. Shccallent references. Phone Main. Alterationa and addltlona CtU- Monday- through Friday can be serviced. Remin^on, EASY SPIN-DRY - washsr. MI, able. Ml. 3-8416. THREE AOJOl IG lots on Oak- WANTED—^Three bedroom home. to Pijr • POTiftf o Drhrowmjni DEPT. HOURS . BOT'S COLUMBIA bicydle, $28. featuring-electric pilot, safety-lock 0-7837. MI. 9-1967. FiiUy equipped and stocked. Gtood land street. Ri uiga Workmanahip guaranteed. Schick, Sunbeahi and Norelco. At The Green Iced for quick sale, $12,000 - $18,800 or customer would • Pfirkiiir A t m b ■ 1946 FORD Sedan 8 cylinder, extra May be aeen at 17 Grandview St. in our building r~'^ burner controls, aeparate oven and going buaineaa Howard R. 8:15 A. M. to 4:S0 P. M. A. A. Dion, inc., 299 Autumn R p^ell’s Barber Shop, comer An-3-5187 broiler, two storage drawers, else- FRONT ROOM, centrally locatad. FAMILY OF four muat vacate rz Agency. Ml. take four room expandable, also clean, radio, heater. 1946 Ford street intehMI 8-4S60. Continuoua hot water. ParUiw. 0-1107. BICTCLES, new, uaed, bought and at 53 Center Street Ohk and Spruce. trie light, timer, clock, and ouUet. THREE COMPLETE rooma of Jmesent apartment by September customer with large down pay­ M A N C H IS T R tudor, radio, heater. Douglaa Hours: 10 to 5 Oentleman penferred. MI. O-TUO. MANCHESTER HOME ment wonts throe bedroom home, Bold. Repairing and rebuilding. MI. 9-6634. furniture, almost ntw. MI. t-6800. 30. Need 4 or 8 rooms. Con you 3RT RILL Homes, Rt. 8, An- COPY CLOSING TIME Motora, 333 Main. help ua? Call MI. 9-4440, any Ume. IMPROVEMENT CO. $14,000 . $16,000. Please caU Carl­ M lt c M 9-5224 Free pick up and delivery within Age up to 45 LOOK 7:30 to 8:30 P. M. ROOM NEAR Center, heat and hot -. Looking for a large lot? FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Roofing and Chimneys 16*A GENERAL ELEc i 'k IC. rafrigsrS' ton W. Hutchins. ML S-S1S2, 1960 CHEVROLET tudor. A-1 con- two mile radluB. . Mancheater WE SAY AGAIN 80 GAL. GAS hot water heater, watar. Gentlaman jtraferred. $7 Phones: MI-S-8177, 3-7767. 0-7208 ve will cuatom-build a five-room glass lined; Year old, jgood condl- tor, good condition. Call MI. WANTED—4 or 5 room unfurnished 9-4694. MON. THRU FRl. dition, $798. Radio and heater. Ml. Cycle Shop, 166 Weat Middle Turn­ ROOFING—Speclallaing in repair­ Apply at our employment office POWER MOWERS UNIVERSAL Tank-type vacuum Foster St. Phone Mf. 3-8331. Route 44-A—Bolton, Conn. ^ranch-style home for you on a For Mw lo$f in Orhrowoy Constmefion Col pike. Ml. 9-2098 or 9-8802. :ion. MI. 9-8726. 9-1209. apartment needed imme^atel 10:30 A. M. 3-8912. ing roofa of all klnda- Also new No Money Down—$2 Weekly cleaner. Recent mcMel, Attach- / by couple with three children, Licensed Brokers three acre lot for $14,800. Full SELLING? List your property with SATURDAY 9 A. M. roofa Gntter work. Chimneys 2nd floor BUDGET CENTER menU, $20. JA. 8-1583. 9-9781. i4AN<:»B81'^ilt=2S7 Woo«h^'^ St. baoement, plaster, driUed well, this agency. Prompt and person­ 1983 PONTIAC 4-door black, Muat VERY CENTRAL, fumiahed room, cleaned. rtMlred. 26 years' ex- 91 Center Street FLORENCE OIL room heater, $18. SEVEN CU. FT. Weatinghouse Immediate occupancy. N w bus shade trees, troUt brook. FHA and alized service. Alice Oampet, THOMAS COLU CONST. 00. aell at aacrifice. Phone Ml. 8-8621 BOT’S 26r bike, $12. Glrl'a 18 " irienca Free ootlmatea Call 806 Main Street I WANT A REUABLE bathroom floor. MI. 9-7337. G.l. approved. See builder bike, $10. Call 9-9461 after 4 p.m. An-3-4164 AH. 9-4158. frigerator. CaU MI. 9-0167. ^OUNG CXMJPLE needs three or and school. Six rooms, full cellar, Realtor. Office $43 Main 8t., Man­ ro D B o o o H pb a tio n w n x after 6 p.m. - Spwley. Mancfaaatar Mitchell TRUSTWORTHY PERSON four room unfurnished rent. CaU large lot. OU Jriat. storms, premleea or caU hU. 9-0975. chester, Ml. 9-4843. BE AFPBEOIAXED S-536I. 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. FURNISHED Rooqi tor rent, near 1941 PONTIAC two door aedanette. WHO’S GOING WESTINGHOUSE wringer 30 G ^ . AUTOMA’n C gas, hot Main St. Gentleman preferred. 9 MI. 8-6347 after 6 p.m. MI.* 9-3589. screens. Reasoni^y priced. H. B. LARGE Folding baby carriage. HOUSEKEEPING washing machine, $15. Good con­ water tank, Includea 10 year guar­ Grady. Broker.JM. 8-8009.______8 cylinder, green, clean car, in Business Services Offered 13 Monday, Thursday and Friday French blue, and gray, $20. 21 Hazel St. Ml. 9-3170. Dial MI-3-5121 good running condition. Price $128. TO TAKE OVER dition. MI. 3-7223. antee. Never used, reasonably $10,600—SIX.j!dom~hqme, near new Snborban For Sale 75 CHIMNETS Repointed and repair­ or call Mitchell 3-4107 Silaa Road, Manchester.:-. AH. ' UNPAID BALANCE priced. MI. 9-4628. ML 9-1978 after 6 p.m. . WIRINO INSTALLATION of all ed. MI. 3-6838. 9-6806 NICE, COMFORTABLE room nazt Farms and Land For Sale 71 school, ^ water oil heat, 2-car Dumaine Drops typao. No'Job too email; Peter Monthly Payments SOLID MAPLE china closet, hath at 33 Delmont Strceet, near garag^^Large lot. Immediate oc- FOR SALE—Bolton, single home, matching solid mapU extension TWO BURNER cast iron atove direct from owner. 10 minutes BEST BUY CHOROHES PantalulL 40 Footer otreet. Phone THE SOUTHERN NEW RUG WOOL and remnants. In- $23.28 Main Street. Continuoua hot EASTERN Connecticut—Exception. cy, Madeline .Smith, Realtor. table. A n . 9-5090. with oil burners. Alao bedroom watar and nice parking place. al buys dairy, poultry farms, with ^9-1642 or 9-1144. from Mancheater Center. Price Action on NHRR Loot and Fond Mitchell 9-7808. Heating— Plamblng 17 atnicUons in making beautiful furniture, oil heater and miscel­ reaaonalUe. Phone MI. 9-3187. '53 Willya Tudor Sedan—An ex­ braided ruga that add distinction MODEL HOME FURNITURE Gentleman preferred. Call M l- or without atock, 2 to 400 acres. GUARANTEED Plumbing and ENGLAND TELEPHONE And Appliances SOUD MAHOGANY dinette size. laneous household items. MI. 3-8841. • -fllGH STBBkrr-Eight room oldsr rOTIND— SenuUonal value, tiled ceptional car. ...V .....$1,175 RUBBISH and aahea removed. Gen­ to any home. Gen's Rug Shop, 68 Duncan Phyfe dining table. AH. $-8007. Welles Agency, Coventry. -PL HICKORY HILL Homes, Rt. 8, An­ Hartford. Sopt. 33 (F>—Frederic eral cleaning of attica, cellara and heating. Jobbing and new work. Talcott Ave., RockvlUe. Phone Has Been In Storage 6 Months 2-88T2. home, good repair, easily con­ 4S R.P.M. record!. Popular '53 Studebaker Champion Sport— COMPANY 9-5090. SINGLE ROOM, kitchen privilegea verted to two-family. $13,600. War­ dover. Four room ranch, plas­ C. Dumaine, Jr., has dropped Me artiata. Hundred! to chooae from, yarda. Call M and M Rubbiah re­ Joseph SkeUy. MI. 9-3014. W706. I sold this to a young couple 3 LARGE BAB-Y" carriage, tutone tered, drilled well, full basement, Liuctroua two-tone paint Auto- moval. MI. 9-9757. months ago, but they are not get­ near bus -Una. Coll’.after 8 at 14G ren E. Howland. Realtor. Ml. legal battle to rewtn control of , 86c each, three for $1. Norm’a LEI7NOX FURNACES and warm PRACTICALLY New Easy Spin gray, mattreas Included, $30. MI. Gardan Drive. 3-8600. MI. 3-5711. hot water baseboard radiation, H Drive>In, Mancheater Oreen, ML matic drive: Fully acceaaorised. FIRST CLASS Painters. Keystone ALL ALUAnNUM combination win­ ting married. , Dry washer. Hoover tank type 9-3819. Houses For 72 acre lot. Will decorate, and build the iMew York. New Haven A A-low, low mileage car. Save COMPLETTE REPAIRS by Stuart air heating. E^u*! Van Camp. ML dows and doors, self-storing, save BLOND BEDROOM / Hartford Railroad, taken over last 00162. Decorators. MI. 9-0496, 9-1805. cleaner, fifteen pairs draperies. a t t r a c t iv e FURNISHED room SIX RCXIMS complete, plaster kitchen cabinets to suit owner. $$$. R. Wolcott on wringer and auto­ 9-5844. heat, comfort, convenience, last a LIVING ROOM SUITE / BU. 9-2890. COLDNIAL, Six latoe rooms and April by New York financier Pa­ matic waahing mvcbineti, vacuum with breakfast If desired MI. walla, insulated tile bath, fire­ FHA and G.l. approved. $13,800. LOST—That oaUafied feeling if you MAN WANTED— Apply in person. lifetime. Free demonstration. CaU 5-PC. DINETTE SET MusilUil Instnim enU 53 sun- porch, oU a ^ m heat, excel­ See buUder on premises, or call trick B. McGinnis. '52 Studebaker Commander Hard­ cleanera, motora, imali appli- New Model Laundty, 73 Summit anyUme. BUI Tunaky. AU. 9-9095. 3-8988, or 421 B. .Middle ’11>ke. lent condltion^'Ruaco storm win­ place, garage. Fruit and shade Announcement of Dumaina’a de­ haven't tried dining at the Roae- ‘‘Philco" Electric Refrigerator trees. Oil heat, porch. Near bua MI. 0-0978. mount Reataurant, Route 88, Bol­ top Coupe—Overdrive. Elxcep- ancea. Weiding. 180 Main Street Millinery— Dressmaking 19 St. "Coloric” Combination Range - MUSIC Instrumental rental. (k>m- dows, nice lot, tr*f antenna work. Call Bonds— Stocks— ^ Female 38 rooms, kitchen privileges optlonM. WANTED—Ride from Rol Legal Notice The Second Voting District poll­ 5 rooms, hot water heat, domestic Both of these homes are near $1000 DOWN. Three bedroom Art Pinney, TV Antenna Special- ing. blace will be at the West Side 14 and 16 Wadsworth St. ROCKVILLE—Vacant, five room to vicinity of Hartford 1953 MERCURT tudor, clean. Low Mortgages SI CURTAINS LAUNDERED and hot water. For sale $10,800, or will new schools, transportation and ranch, fireplace, garage, one acre, iat. Sales and Service. Very fair Diamonds— Watchi ADMISSION OF ELEXTTORS Recreation Building on Cedar rent at $70 per month. Hartford ranch, hot water oil heat. VA ap­ auTiving 7 :30 a-m. ML 8 mileage. Motor excellent. Sacri­ pricea. Tel. MI. 9-4772. ironing done in my home. CaU MI. HEATED ROOM on Cooper Street. ghopping. r trees, or four room single and ga­ proved. Madelin* Smith. Ml. FIRST AND second mortgages Jewelry 48 FOR PERSONS QUALIFIED Street. ^ CH. 6-3488. rage; $1500 down. Cape Cod, six fice for quick aale. Call MI. 9-7754 bought for ouriown account. Fast, 9-4333. Parking apace. Gentleman pre­ 9-1643, MI. 9-1146. WANTED—Ride to Aircraft, aeiH. or can be aeen at 240 Lydall St. WIRING mSTALLA'nON and re­ . TO VOTE AFTER OCTO­ The Third Voting District po(^ ferred. MI. 9-5852. We will arrange a mortgage to rooms finished, or four room ond ahift, from comer Weat Ceo' confidential aervice. Manchester RELIABLE teenage girl would LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re- BER 4, 1954. ing place will be at the W add^ suit your budget. ranch, nearly new near Cross . ' • —7. pair of imaU electric appliance! Investment Corp., 344 Main street. p^rs, adjusts watches expertly. Wsntcii TV> Rent 68 ter and McKee. MI. 9-6748. FORD convertible, radio, and fixtures. Clarence G. Smith, like to do baby sitting after school. School on Broad Street. NEWLY DE(30RATBD. Beautifully Highway, suburban. .Carlton W. Wanted— Real Estate 77 overdHve. Good tires,, ex­ Ml. 3-8416. 9-5837. Reaaonable pricea Opm dalty. The Selectmen and Town Clerk The Fourth Voting District poll­ furnished and spacious room. Tht Hutchins. MI. 9-8132, 9-4694. 21 Kliox St. Phone MI. 3-8428. of the Town of Manchester here­ WANTED—For single business man JARVIS REALTY CO. • top, $895. Douglaa Moton, Thursday evenlnga. 129 Spruce ing place will be at the YM.C.A. most complete light housekeeping IF READY to buy, sell, exchanga America’s Newest Medium-Priced Car! Automobiles for Sale 4 WILL PURCHASE ■treet MltcheU 9-4387. by give notice that, they will be in a two or three- room furnished MANCHESTER GREEN — Excel­ Building on . North Main. Street. faculties available in Mancheater. apartment and garage. MI. 9-4194. 854 Center Street ^ real estate, mortgages arranged. EXPERT Mimeographing. Reason­ Dog^—Birds—Pets 41 se.ssion at the Town Cle.-k’s Office The polls will be open from 6:00 You wtu marvel at the cleanlinest lent six room ranch home, at­ Consult Howard" R. HaaUngt. CHEVROLET 1948 2-door Aero 1980 CHEVROLET sedan delivery. a few moderate sized existing in the Municipal Building for the Cali MI-3-4112 tached garage, tiled bath, enclosed aedanr radio, heater, defroater and able rates. Phone MI. 9-9988. Garden— Farm— Dairy o’clock in the forenoon until 6:00 of this buUdlng. OiUdren accept^. Agency, Ml. 9-llOT. Just right for grocery or other second mortgages. Discount ex­ THE NEW MANCHESTER Pet purpose of examining the qualifi­ o’clock in. the afternoon. porch, attic storage, amesite direction aignala. Excellent condi' Central. Priced so reasonabla WANTED—Four room rent, unfurn­ Evenings MI-3-7847 light deliveryNvork. Runs, fine, pected. Center, 995 Main St., invitea you Products 50 cations of electors and admitting Richard Alartiil you’U gasp! Be sure and see thla ished. Tel. JA. 8-8007. drive, storm windows and-doors. READY BUYERS waiting. For im­ tion. Gall m . 9-7609. extra sharp aimeafance, $495 full MASON, FIELDSTONE a apecial­ to visit pels of all kinds. Con- to the Elector’s Oath those who Fenced in lot. Owner leaving Man­ mediate acUon list your property CONCORD GRAPES, firsts $1.28, General Manager one, Mrs. Doraey,. 14 Arch St. MANCHESTER BUYS 11 . price. Douglaa M<^ra, 333 Main. ty. E. Toth. Phbne MI. 9-3207. QUICK ACTION necUcut bred Parakeets. Wire shall be found qualified on Satur­ Town of Manchester’ ADULT FAMILY of three, desire chester, $15,600 for quick sale. with the Albert J. Gatto Co., Real­ BEFORS: TOU Buy a uoed car Haired Terriera, fo x Terriers. MI. seconds $1. 127 Charter Oak St., day. October 2, 1954 from 9 A.M. / See Gorman Motor Salea. Buick Dated at Manchester, Connecti­ PLEASANT jiving is offered in a four or five room, unfurnished, For $5,800—Smell dwelling with Howard R. Haatinga Agency, Man­ tors. CH. 9-8489 evenings BU. Box 807, Manchester 9-4273. Hours Monday through t>r tel. MI. 9-9043. until 8 P.M. congenial country home, where first on, second floor. References. cheater. Ml. 9-1107 any Ume. 9-0969, JA. 8-3989. Sales and. Service, 285 Mam SEWING MACHINE repairing, rea- cut, this 22nd day o ' September, full bath, fireplace, full base­ Friday, 10 to 6:30, Saturday 9 to Naturalized citizens must pre­ 1954. , • three adults now live comfortably. AD. 3-0634. otreet MlttSicU 9-457L Open eve- 1950 PONTIAC Bonable. Call MI. 3-6644. 1st and 2nd MORTGAGES 6; Wednesday closed at 3 p.m. S. PEPPERS FOR SALE, $1 a bushel. ment. All city utilities. About Bring your own containers. 336 sent naturalization certificates be­ Our interests Include art, civic af­ nlnga A H. Green stampa. fore being admitted. Documentary fairs, handcrafts and travel. Two QUIET COUPLE would like 4 mod­ % acre of land. Excellent lo­ SEDAN COUPE Hillstown Rd. cation. 'Fair Rates—Fast Action evidence must be presented in elderlies could fit in nicely. Ad­ ern unfurnished rooms and ga­ BEFORE TOU Decide to buy a MELODT RADIO—TV — Phono's, rage. No children, no pets. Box O, CLEANING AND INSTALLING new or used car drop in and see Guaranteed service: MI. 9-2280. GET YOUR Grapes for Jelly and cases o f derivative citizenship. dress Box 8, Herald. Intervisw. For $13,500—Six room Cape Qod Heater, radio, hydra- Frank Burke WANTED—Good homes for aix Samuel J. Turkington Herald. Dick or Milt at Dickenson . Motor weeks old kittens. MI. 9-1344. Juice at 270 Hackmatack Street. all finished. Fireplace, oil heat, Sales at Center and Cooper Sta. matic, good condition. (Formerly with FHA) An. 9-3246., Town Clerk ENVELOPE one car garage, amesite drive, SEPTIC TANKS and CESSPOOLS .Household Services TROPICAL FISH. Selling out. Dated at Manchester, Conn., A complete orgaalzaUon ot TRAINED SEWAGE SPECIAUSTS Must sell. Will accept any SWEET CIDER, made fresh daily, Sew'Easy Bib Apron metal combination windows 1982 CHEVROLETS, two-dbor and Offered •• 13-A / Mel Redman Everything must go. Kelly’s this 21st lay of September A. D., MACHINE Tht Dancing Bear and doors. City utilities. Walk­ uelag the meet nsodeni equipment and machlney— RESULT: A four-door, very clean and in excel­ reasonable offer, time Aquarium, 29 Sunset St. Hours' 4 S9c a gallon. Also selected wind­ 1954. ing distance to bus. BETTER Job LOWER PRICE. It's Easy To Owli lent condition. Hurry, hurry, only WEAVING ot bunts, moth holes (Formerly with VA) to 9. fall apples, Macintosh, Wealthy, * / : Delicious or Greenings, $1.19 16 qt. $998. At Center Motor Sales, 461 payment. and tom clothing, hoisery runs, ADJUSTERS’ ■ For $15,800— Seven room Colonial. • New 'rgronad srater Main. handbags rb|^red. zipper re­ basket. Farmer’s Outlet. 811 E. Men, 25 to 40 y eifij to train Excellent condition. Fireplace, lines insi led. THIS IS W HY CONNECTICUT Middle Tpke, opposite Shady Glen. placement, umbrellas repaired, Live Stock— Vehicles 42 aa envelope machine adjust­ oil heat, knotty pine kitchen, • Sump ipa lastalled to .... more people call PACKARD CHEVROLETS, 19470|U, two-doors MI-9'-0980 MORTGAGE EXCHANGE SEPTIC TANKS ers. Musi has'e mechanical men'f shirt collm reversed and V ERy NICE grapes for Jelly or wall to wall carpeting and remove der«,from your McKinney Bros. and four-doora, de luxe and stand­ WE BUY COWS, calves and beaf ability and bf willing t« many extras. ard models most with equipment. replaced. Marlow'rs|Jttle Mend , 27 Lewis St., Hartford Juice at Rossetto’s Farm, 93 Lake AND cellar. ing Shop. cattle. Also horses. Plels Broa. serve a short apprentiq^lp' (1) Prompt ^rvice Bob Oliver has a good clean guar­ 1949 MERCURT four door sedan, Tei. Ml. 3-7408.______St An. 9-9746. • New **rootproof** rer (2) Quality Work anteed used car to suit your bud­ CH-6-8897 PLUGGED SEWERS to -an Interesting and valu­ Call for appointment to see any­ lines Installed. beautiful biskay blue. This car ia FLAT Fi n i s h Holland window time, Exclusive with GET OUR DEAL TODAY! get. Bank financing. Many are able trade. Reasonable start- *> (.1) Reasonable Prices cuatom equipped with electric win. ohadsa, made to measure. All Poultry and Supplies 43 tifk wa$e, vacation pny and • Plugged sewer Maes oleaa local one owner cars at Center dow lifts and gas-saving overdrive. Household Goods 51 ed eieetrically. ■ESAFE IE SURE Motor Sales, 461 Main. metal Venetian blinds at a new Help Wanted— Female .. 35 MACHINE GLEANED company Insurance plan. Ap­ ALICE -CLAMPET, Realtor Driven aince it was new by one low price. Keya mode while you GUARANTEED Strictly fresh eggs ANTIQUES bought, sold. Fumi- ply in person. from our own poultry farm, deliv­ TO BE SURE see McClure for a careful owner. Has always had wait. Marlow'a EARN AT Home" doing a high pay­ -r-ture, glass, china, pew^r, prints, Septic Tanka, Dry Wellq, Sewer Phone MI-O-4543 wonderful deal on a new 1954, seat covers. Radio and . heater. ing handwork. Interested .Women ered Wednesday. "Thursday or Frl- books, stamps, coins. Jewelry, — A SK F O R ------day afternoon, Tel. MI. 9-9893 Lines Installed — Cellar Water- FIRST -HME ON MARKET c i n n e y b r o s PonUac or a good will uaed car. Will accept trade. Can be financed will be taught. Write Box - 296, guns. Bailey’s ' Antiques, 382 Proofing Done. Mr. Swanson or Mr. LItUe Call M K : Top trades. McClure Pontiac, 878 at bank rates. $ M or best offer. Building— Contracting 14 West Hartford, Conn, Main St. A n 3-5003. ■ Six rooms complete. Oil .heat, SEWAGE DISPOSAL COMPANY , 1953 1 9 « A Ml. 3-4528. fireplace, open stairway, full base­ M ^ . Tel. MI. 9-4548, Open eve­ SALES HELP, only experienced Articles jP^or Sale A3 McKinney ir o s . _TEL. MItoheU l^SaOS— l$0-l$2 P I^ R L ST., MANCHESTER nings 'til 10. GENERAL CARPENTRT— Alt?ra- -BARGAINS in new and uied appli­ Us Ss iRvtlope Gos ment, storm win Agency. Xn. 9-7702. Down ood buy at $1045. Oakland Motor Motora. Ml. 9^)980. Gordon's Cleaners, Manchester Sales, 867 Oakland Street. Tel. MI. GENERAL Construction, altera­ SALE AT THE LEGION HALL 1952 Payment tions, remodeling, plastic tUe, Green. tUx room single, three roonu down, three bedrooms and MANCHESTEIR—Five room home SUPPLY? 9-0488. Open evenings, bath up. Fumare heat, one car garage. Nicely landscaped MANCHESTER, CONN. w n m plus two partially finished, two- , ; _ . . counter work, garage, etc. No Job EXPERIENCED House worker, lot. Price $10,000.00. (On I.eonard Stret, off Main Stret. opposite State Armory) Auto DrlTlng School T-A too small. Eugene Glrardin, 1$ fl^ in c h car garage. Lot lOO x 300. Rec­ Monday and Friday,-9-1 p.m., reation room. etc. Sale price, 1949 dffiVROLETT convertible, all Trotter St. AG. 9-8809. Green Manor. MI. 9-8100. SATURDAY. SEPT. 25. 1954 a# 10:00 A.M. extras, $498. 28 E. Middle “ipke. MORTLOCaC’S DRIVING School. T o y $13,800. Manchiialer Green beauti­ 1948 1937 KENSINGTON STREET . (Inspvction oftar 9 A.M.) ful seven room colonial, excellent SCHOOLS? 1951 Loot confidence quickly restored Florists—Nurseries 15 m o t h e r s — School days mean ONLT DOUGLAS Will sell you a added expense. Let Avon help Victorian Sofa, Gent’s Chair and others. French Victorian Pier condition throughout. Corner lot. late model car as low aa $145 by a akiued, courteous Instructor. Cape Cod four room down, space for two additional up. PACKARD FORD License Included. Insured, duial turn your spare hours into profit Mirror, Cnriy Maple 4 Poster 1 ^ . Chippendale Mirror, Walnut Prieed below replacement coat. down. We do not aak you to take ASTER BOUQUETS at One car attached garage. Hot water heat with oil burner, Secretary, Marble Top Table, Drop L«af Tables, Empire and .other Coventry, year round four room PACKARD controlled standard and hydrama- Oder- able ones. Call MI. 9-3814. tile bath. Immediate occupancy. $14,200.00. 8U7 5492 SEDAN a loan from a bank or finance Uc ca n . ML 9-789$. mann’a, 304 Parker St. Cheats of Drawers, Boston Rockers, 4 Mataog. Slipsent Chalrd^ home, plus front and rear porchas. PICK-UP company to complete your down SM3 De Luxe Sedaa. Radio, beater,' everdriva. Hoop Skirt Rockers, Epiplrp Card Table, Rope Leg 2 Drawer Hero’s a 18-ineh dancing bear Knotty pine living room with fire­ FIRE CONSOLIDATION? payment PoelUvoly only $146 TRY THE New varieties of Yews. Help wanted-7- ,^ l e 36 Tan. 4-^boor Very cleaa. AUTO DRIVING tnatructlon from and other Staads,*8liaving Mirror, few Oil Paintings, Pole Screen that ypur' little one will love to place. Double lot. Sale price. TRUCK down buys a 1949 car. $196 buya-a Anderson’s, a spreading type, with TIiIb handy bib style apron your home. Insured dual, ooptrol OIL BURNER Serviceman. If not VERNON r (Berlin work), Msintel Clooks (Seth Thomas. Hopkins A Alfred— cuddle. You’ll find him easy to $6,000. Small down payment. Call 1960, $398 buys a 1963. No addition­ car. Larson Driving School. An. dense compact type growth at € Harwlnton, Corni.). Highboy Base, Spool Cabinet, Spice Cabinet, n k e t an ideal shower gift—ia Just TTie Ellsworth Mitten Agency, c d O experienced will traiq the right Bight room Colonial, two car garage, two acree of land, crochet and make. al side notes or loani. We guaran­ 9-6076. $8.95 and Densiformis, a more up­ man. Aliiat have some- electrical Mohog. Wash Stand,. Sleigh Bed. Comer Cupboard, Bookcases, right for all your chores. And so Realtor, MI. 3-6030. ASK YOUR QUESTIONS AT Down $198 Down ^ 0 7 Price tee to aeU under the above terms right spreader with deep green beautiful view. Mole load with outbuilding avaUable. Ex­ •zay to make. Pattern No. 5493 contains cro­ and mechanical background. Oil Books. Fireplace Items, other Furiiishlngs, Attic Contents. Beau­ chet InstrUbUons, material re­ with notes aaiow as $40 monthly. BALLARP’S DRIVING SCHOOL - foliage at $8.95. Moon’s Columnar, cellent for'rural Uvlng. $2$,600.00. tiful Pink Luistre Tea Set ($4 pc., 10 cups). Enamel Htlegel Type I^ttarn No. $147 la in aisaa 86, 83 FOOT CUSTOM built ranch, six burner dept. Moriarty Bros., 301- quirements, stitch illustrations and rooms, 29’ living room, wall to Good credit ia our .only requtre- "Monebester'a ddast" Ownar-- a broad, base pyramidal form at Bottle. Lowestoft Tea Pot. -Laflsyette C2ear Glass Boat Salt, Pr. SS, 46, 42, 44, 46. 48, SO. 52. Size 316 Center St., Manchester. Tel. finishing directions. wail carpet, dishwasher, recrea- THE CANDIDATES MEETING nent. Douglaa kfotors, 888 Main. Cartified by AAA and BoanI of $4.95. PlaiiUand, Tolland Turnpike. MI. 3-6138. Bisque Figures, somO Jewelry (Diamond Ring, etc.). Overlay 38, 3U yards t 39-inch; trim with EldUcation. W« otter training, ax- Phone MI. 9-2508. Send 25c in Coins, your name, Uon room, cellar, gZragei two ter­ MAIN STREET LfMOsp. Lhnocu*' A Gold Band China, Doulton Punch BowL Vene­ .^ocrapa ATTHE IBM CHEVROLET FleeUlne deluxe ^wer, Small Ext. Ladder, Hi m , Lawn-Tools, et^ Album contains 56 pagM of lovely tered wallk. 5^ken' oU hZat, : 8 P. M. ■ J ;» . / ROCKYILLE ROAD - - TALCOTTYILLE ' Good ered U ____ 9-yiB, JA. 7-86m. Basic Faahidha, falll and winter aluminum storm windows, clefin taker for an Important' piece of McKINNEY BROTHERS INCORPORATED Lunch—Truckmea. ' *54 contains a ivealth of sowing designs, "how-to”' g e c 11 o a z on •9down. Douglaa. and ■ neat, fenced yard, nilaf ACROSS FBOM ill NEXT TO property.- Rent, he$t and light r e a l t o r s INSUROR8 Ideas for o v e ^ woman v.-ho sews needlework, helptol room* Hlustra- SpoiUMFd by Thro League of Womefi ORIVINQ InotrucUona froot your Roofing—BifilnK 1 6 ROIERt M. REID A SON. AUCTWNEERS zchool, atoToa and bus. Only GARRITY BROS. / I Eiaa IVII- aSO 1*1 VRTNER'8 OARDBlfB free. No Janitor work. References 489 MAIN STREET tor herself and her familA tloAs and directions for tight gift Voters of Mancheater FOR THE BEST in BoniiWxi hinh required. Applicants will be Inter­ 801 MAIN ST. ' PHONif M1-0-77M M l-*.’ I^a n Oh e s t e r , c o n n . RAYMOND R. RlUD PHONE' aa-$-i4U $6 cents now for your oopy,py.] pattamo. $5 eenta. ~ sS l ” ' ■ **“ “ * ‘" ' V roaU, aiilngle roofal gutters, viewed at YMCA, 79 No Main Bt.. / ySS, eonductora and root reM ln aUl Saturday, Sept, 38 only, 8 tb 4 raoNEft-M itciM n 8-«o$$; m i -o-i m i MANCHEdTEB. CONN. . -I . . ' ' \ i/'V OougtUtn, AUtcheU S-TTO^ p.m. \ ? / ■ ■ '.4

PAGl TWENTY THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 2S. 1964 Averagaerage Daljy Net Prew Run iKanrl;p0tpr lEtt^ttfng raUt f o r the Week Keded - Sept, la, IMH •f o. a. We -7: /| 1 1 ,4 6 5 - i ezeeft lu Cda ia «• Mmaber mt the Audit arena. T eaierraw, fhtr. All easy way to have all day Saturday Free ; . . BureM of CIrenUtloe Ootleek fe r Saadear MancheeUr-'^A City of pillage Charm SHOP AT PINEHURST FRIDAY NIGHT VOL,LXXin.NO.a 08 (Claantfiad Advarttalag aa Page^B) MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1954 (TWENTY PAGES) . . . WE ARE OPEN UNTIL 8:30 \ ■ PR IC E F IV E H aln It a flunUy alMppinf iiigtat or let Dad baby ait and come ever yenrself for ‘'g ood thln^ to eat” at Plnehurst. Irked' Partdnc ia eonveniant and we carrs^your parcel# to your car. Governor Ordisrs without charge. N o Upping, pleaae, for carry out aervice. For The Food Of The Weekend Race Bias End in Says Labor to Receive HALE'S FRESH KRAFT FARW GROUND 1 A N Y N AIIVE ( 0NNE( Ti( 1)’ MEAT DEPARTMENT Delaware Schools COFFEE VELVEETA T i i E :e y . E Lb. 2 Lb. Box Signs of Prosperity! Chicken Dinner Milford, Del., Sept. 24 (JF)— Gov. J. Caleb Boggs demanded LAND O'LAKES^ today that the Milford High School be reopened Monday to ul Coiisideration both white and Negro pupils "without incident.” The Gov­ For Everybody: ernor issued his order as the State Board of Education pre­ BUTTER pared to take over operation o t^ Even a "tiny” bit of difference in PINEHURST FRESH PORK in De- the Milford School Dlatiict after . H-Bomb'Victim Dies freahness makes a difference . . . mand . . . Cooler weather has increas­ In Quariera the local achool board reaigned laat Monday Set Robart Farm Turkeys are really night, amid mounting tension over ed the demand for fresh pork so much MEDIUM SIZE Bandits Net "fresh from the farm.” and they are racial integration at the commu­ Session of AFL that it has been sold out early at l k 7 0 c LARGE. FLUMP nity's only high school. young, tmder hen turkeys with more FAR M FRESH '' " I must Insist that no disorders, For Report wholesale and retail. W e have in­ of the favorite slices of white meat. NABISCO FRESH DRESSED threats or violence take place,” $ 100,000in W hitf Rock Frying Chickens and creased our order this week and should Armour Canned ROASTING Boggs said. " I call upon every Chicken parts are fresh from local COOKIE citizen, regardiesz of h ii personal On Senator have enough tender young Pork views, to see that law and order Hails President farms, too. Buy a whole fryer or broil- Roasts and center cut chops to fill Meat Specials FOWL and calmness prevail. Bank Tlieft ASSORTMENT CHICKENS Austin, Tex., Sept. 24 (/P)— ----- era, properly dreaaed. ready for the Boggs also asked all organisa­ the demand. W e sell only government Senate Minority Leader L.vn Los Angeles. Sept. 24 {/P)— President Eisenhower told ths pan . . . or select the part you wish TREET Full Pound tions in the school district to call Mount Vemon, N. Y., Sept. iniqiected Western pork from the meetings "so that I or othsr per­ . . . Legs with thighs . . . White 24 (/P) — Two holdup men don Johnson (D -Tex) asid to­ American Federation of Labor’s convention today prgan iz^ Breasts . . . Livars . . . Wings.. . . best corn belt sections. Sausage from sons available may meet and dis­ day he has informed Majori­ labor’s views will receive "aympathetic consideration’’ from , 12 Oz. Tin 4 5 c cuss calmly and fully the situa­ forced employes to open the mis administration. ' Soup Parts. Wings at 26c lb. and soup 1st Prise and Handy will taste good: tion ...” vault of a bank today.’ anc ty Leader Knowland (R - Calif) that 'Senate Demo­ The President, who received a warm reception from dele­ parts at 6c lb. are really budget items. with corn fritters and sliced apples. PREMIER "This is Important in upholding escaped with approximately CHOPPED HAM law and order and the dignity of gates, said that he knew there are differences between his $ 100,000 . crats are ready to meet to LI. the state and its citizens," Gov. They tied,^ up the manager' and consider censure charces views aAd organized labor's but.the right to disagree was an CUT BREEN BEENS Boggs said. ’ 12 Os. 5 9 c three tellers of the Fulton Avenue American tradition. Win Preserve Order against Sen. McCarthy as driye-in branch of the Count. *T must say frankly that law and soon as the special commit Despite these differences. Eisenhower said, "the views of Eggs and Baeep Art Lower Trust Co. shortly before the hank C n . order will be preserved under the tee report ia ready. this convention will be studied and sympathetically consid­ CORNED BEEF 2 39c was schedulad to open at 8 a. m law and the American way. I Lipton’s ChiekRR W n N o v a I t m Ii « I i Ic Ii m b for frying or broNing; or Sounds .\laim ered just as are the views of_all segments of the American S.rv. Th.m Gti^eusly . , . know that the citisena of Milford Branch Manager E d m u n Washington, Sept. iZ4 (>P) economy. ------— ______■ 12 o z . 4 7 c and Delaware will have It no other handy chieknn ports. Tichenor -managed to roll over to Senators who conducted hear­ The PrMident said that whti* ■ VBgetalilt Soup Mix way,” , he and the A F L leadership do dis­ a floor button and sound an alarm ings on censure charges Townspeople last weekend pro­ to- police headquarters at 8:01 Irate Italian Attorney Uenernl agree on some iMues they do agree MISSISSIPPI WHOLE on many things. U S W B a rs Pkg. of i 35c tested the Milford School Board’s shortly a fte r the robbers f 1 e Marcello SMrdia hurls h|* brief- against Sen. McCarthy ^vir­ CHICKEN action in moving 11 Negro stu­ with the money. Intended for pay­ rnse at phoAgraphera in Rome as tually completed their r e ^ r t He Mid- he supposed, for in­ dents in with 036 white students rolls. he arrive* to qne*tion witneaoe* today. Sen. Watkins (R- stance, that they agree on the SUCED BACON, Ib. 69c ^loBt Cuti—4.b. need for fighting Communism, on ONION SOUP MIX for the fall term. A fter threats of Police and F B I men launched In the drug-Mx death of Wilma Reds fro m BEEF RIB ROAST Utah) ^ jd it definitely “will not raising taxes again, on not S Lbs. 4 Oz.. $ L 4 9 59c violence, the Milford board widespread search. Monteai. (NE.A Radio Telephoto) raiatng the cost of government, 2pkgs.31c .^closed the school. It Was the first bank robbery in be ready for filing Monday Cooka In only 10 minute*. Milford’s 3-member board, which morning” and will be made and that .the Korean war should the history of mount Vemon, a not be resumed. Union Card OUR TREAT AGAIN! resigned, expressed opposition to a New York suburb adjacent to the public then. CKNTER C U T State Board directive that all local Valoa Rapa Ike ReglaM NEW. Bronx. Dozen Face still up in the air was the ques­ For budget savers, may we surest. . . NEW OUllLE ACTION SWIFT'S TENDER. LEAN boards must submit integration The two men were waiting out tion of whether the Senate w ill re­ The big labor organization cH- Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. plans for approval before putting side the rear door of the bank convene before or after the elec­ maxed a mounting attack on the' 24 (O n Tbc i'OAO ScetTowels them into effect. when Tichenor arrived at 7;iJ0 tion to act on the report. Sen. Eisenhower regime yesterday I ^ tt •* Babo Cleanser PORK Arrest over when it unanimously ^ o p ted a j CIO United Steel W ork* Lamb with Vegetables Tender Sliced DAISY “ W e feel we are too close to the a. ra. ^ ate Republican and Democratic For Tasty Meat L o a f Reg. Alto situation to accept the responsi­ "Do you know Fran Warren, the leaders will make the decieion resolution asserting that; le r s of America (USW) Stewing Lamb lb. 19c (skinless) Reg. Size Pinehurst Freshly Roll* bility, of opening th# schools Mon­ singer?" one o f them remarked. Italy Scandal jointly. “Tw o years of the present ad- unanimously voted today to BEEF LIVER lb. 45e Cana MINUTE CHOPS day ^morning with . Negro 'stu­ Tichenor said he did not. Watkins, cdiairman o f the special miniatration in Washington have bar Communists from mei»- Chopped HAM dents." Atty. Howard E. Lynch, “ Well,- it doesn't make any dif­ censure study committee, declined demonstrated that the forces of ■peaking for the Milford board, Rome, Sept. 24 UP)— Italy’s pro- reaction which that administra­ bership in the union. Lean 69c Chuck Freshly Ground HAMBURG .. .lb. 39c ference," said one of the men, pull to give any hint as to the nature TAPIOCA explained. Ing a gun. "Get inside." American government confidently of the group’s decirions. tion representa are pursuing the Delegates to the steel workers G ro u n d ...... Ib. 69e biennial convention approved a Lamb Patties . .lb. 29e 2 lbs. 75c battled Communist charges of ’ When he talked with reporters Mme philosophy of government Aikichi KuboyanM, one of 16 Japanese fishermen showered by change in the union's constitution (Continued on Page Twelve) (Continned on Page Nineteen) corruption in the dynamite-laden at noon, the committee had just which brought our nation to the 2 . P b g a . T Q c T T c rndlonctive H-Bomb dust, died in Tokyo. He ia shown above being brink of economic disaster prior to keep Communiats out o f th* or- 29c received from a corps of typists Wilma Hontesl death scandal to­ oai»d for by his dnughter (le ft), wife Suiu (center), and hi* mother. to the New Deal.” ganiMtlon. Previously, th* con* what may be the final draft of the (NEA Telephoto). day as arrest warrants were is­ 'nie resolution accused th* ad- atitution merely barred Comma* M J r L i- M L I. report. SAVORY PINEHURST POT TENDER LAMB sued for 12 minor figures in the Staff aides Mid it would be miniatration of “many crimes of USW bolding office in ^ ROAST . . . lurid affair. signed this afternoon and sent ta omiMion and commlMion, and pizr- Roast Pinelmrst Genuine Spring Leg 14 OZ. BOTTU Dowa to earth agalal Beet, anMll sizes. U. S. Advances Plan BKK Alao Sxetoied For a juicy Pot Roast use Pinehurst MIRACLE WHIP With the Senate continuing its the Government Printing Office Uculariy (laSk of hctlon on) the of Lamb with Birds Eye Peas, gravy ■e-e riotous debate over the Leftist ac­ promiM to remove the union- Alao excluded from membenhin Boneless. waste and sinew free CAMPBELL'S during the afternoon or^Mriy eve­ and hash-browned potatoes will be, cusations, leaders of Premier Mario ning, but that printed oopiee— the Japs Near Hysteria busting proviilona of the Taft- are workers who “acUvelynarUci* CHUCK . . . a good value at 69c ib. delicious. Large legs of young lamb SALAD Scelba's Christian Democratic ones to be filed with the Senate Hartley Act.” ‘ pate” in the Ku Mux Man. "or GENUINE SMALL SIZE For a very lean, not so moist Pot are the best buy at 69c lb. Some have KETCHUP For World A-group party appeared almoet certain of and made public—^wlll not be re­ BlMnhower said h* had noted any other Faaciat, totaliUrlan or victory in the forthcoming vote of other subversive oijpuiixatlon.." I ^ Roast use Pinehurst round Steak, 4 or 6 chops cut off to give them a DRESSING ceived until alwit criticism in one inwspaper that he confidence. The government re­ Monday. had not redeemed hia pledge to The 'final session o f the 5-day Sirloin tip or Rump Roast. The round quick dinner and a roasted dinner. W e H'bomb Death convenUon slao m w the 3,000 dels* 2 Bottles quested the vote in answer to Red The committM c(Hitlnu«d its ses­ remove a union-buatlng provision steak and tip roast is good value at United Nations, sxpresslons o f approval gates psM resolutiona: have extra small lamb legs at 79c and demands that it resign. sion behind closed doors after re­ from tha Taft-Hartley Law. Sept. 24 (/P)— The United from many other U. N. membe'rs. Vote Due Tomorrow ceiving the typed draft. 1. Urging greater support of 96c lb. Serve with carrots, browned gladly sell Vi legs of lamb if that Blames Democrats Liver ^ ' Henry Cabot Lodge, .Jr., Chief The Christian Democrats claimed There "was reported to be a Tokyo, Sept. 24 (/P)— Japan plunged into almost hysterical the CIO Pelittcal Action Commit* potatoM and gravy. will be the size you want. 95 States pushed new plans to­ If he were making a political U. S. delegate, called for a quick pledges of support from three sharp division of sentiment among mourning today over the death last night of a 40-year-oId tee in its backing of “pragrsMivs day to set up an international apeech, the President said, he JELLO meeting of the U N Steering smaller parties and said they fisherman who has become the nation’s symbol of hatred and force* In both major poUUcal par­ would remind hia audience that agency to foster peaceful use committee to put the proposed had been given reasonable aa- (Continued on Pag* Tw elve) ties___ " plan on the aasembly’s agenda aa fear of atomic weapon^,. Newspapers arid radio broadcasts legislation tflat would hav* re­ NEW INSTANT of atomic power, with or aurances of support from the were \1rtuslly turned over to newaf 3. Asking a oonUnued cam­ an “ important and urgent ques­ Monarchists. Tlie vote will be moved that provision from the law paign for the repeal of the Taft* Hale's Has Seafood without Russian codperation^ tion." o f Aikichi Kuboyama’s death. Much was klUed in the Senate at the iM t PUDMNa taken at the end of the debate, HarUey Labor Law. Secretary of State Dulles out­ of the comment was anti-Ameri­ aeHion of COngresa by "a solid lined the -four-point proposal in a The top-level UN executive probably Saturday, l can, but not violently so. 3. Condemning "the pro-em* And you should uso it ruguloriy in your mtol plan­ group In a hurried session after Cost qf Living Viet Nam Gets Democratic vote.” PETER P A N major U. S. policy ipeech in the The warrants Issued early today A U. S.-educated Japanese news­ ployer bias exhibited by ths new Pkgs. ning for nutrition ond oeoiioniy: SWORD, HALIIUT. ninth U.N. General Assembly yes­ Dulles spoke broke its flve-day charged the 12- with giving false paper editor said only the death ElMithower w m interrupted by majority of the NaUonal Labor Re* 23c week plan and scheduled a meet applauM several times during hia terday afternoon. ' testimony In. connection with the Dipped Slightly o f an emperor could have com­ New Cabinet; laUons Board, and the rash of/mU* PEANUT REDEEM YOUR MACKEREL, COD. HADDOCK. lOSTON SLUE, ing on the atomic plan for Satur­ addrcM and when he finished he union policy changes issued by th* Developing the ideas set fosth day. death of the shapely 21-year-old manded similar attention in the SCAUOFS and in President Eisenhower’s speech party girl, whose panty-clad body national preirs. waa given a half-minute standing new board." ovation. BUTTER to' the" U.N. last December, the The 15-nation committee, which was found on a beach at Ostia, During August Kuboyama was one of 23 fish­ Yesterday, fiery John L. Lewis, decides whether to Include Items Rioting Feared Secretary called for; near Rome, a year ago last April. ermen accidentally dusted by ra­ EiMnhower shook hands on the who broke with both the CIO and Z^ver Brothers have Just an­ 12 Oz. Jar LEVER BROS 1. Creation of an international In the agenda, includes the United dioactive aidt in U. S. H-bomb teats convenUon apeakera platform with AFL, wired the convention, "you The case has sparked rumors of 'Washington, Sept. 24 tJP)—The nounced another con test. s . PINEHURST "FRESHER BY FAR” FRESH OYSTERS agency to Include "nations from States and Russia. Debate on the dt Bikini, March 1. Saigon, Indochina. Sept. 24 (A)— AFL President Georg* Meany and are unfortunate in your alBlia* sex and drug orgies involving cost of living dropped 0.2 per cent 1100,000 to be giVen in priaea. FRUITS aiid V E G E T A B LE S * all re^ons of the world." Dulles agenda item may show what posi­ , .J J ^ ! Premier Ngo Dlnh Diem late today other top A F L officials.' H e then tion ..." prominent Italians. laat month because of marked Uae entry blank how in mall aatd It is hoped the agency will tion the Soviets intend to take in *** tossed out his old cabinet and left Los Angslea to return to the A telegram from the chieftain Mr. Butler has' been busy this week with gift COUPONS InvestigaUng Judge > Raffaele down price tagi on- food—espe­ reaulUng from r^ia- ; formed a new one of 22 members and aand it to Lever Bros, start work "as early aa next year.” the later assembly debate. . Rus­ summer White House at Denver. fruit baskets . . . 5 or 6 to the Hospital . . ; and sia’s Andrei Vlshinsky declined to Sepe, who Issued the warrants, cially meats— and clothing, the Jaw eae i^yai- amid rumblings a bloody weekend before Oct. 30th. Redeem dnpentniont pbonu pick-up ordurt ought to 2, Holding of an international declined to identify any of the ac­ After the Preaident’s apeech, (CoatiBoed ea Pag* Twelve) discuss the speech with reporters. Bureau of Labor Statistics an­ f * ‘itpp*y may be in prospect, Meany told delegates while Eisen­ your Lever Broa. coupons at several ‘.‘pick ups” at the store. Baskets $7.50 and acientific conference under U.N. cused. Other officials said, how­ |\ nounced today., fixed radiation sickness as the Diem retained 11 o f hi* old min- hower was aUll present that hia Plnmiurat and aave 41C . . . up . . . or special smaller baskets . . . will be sure HERE bu eoNud In auspices next spring t.^ consider ’ Reds Ask New Talks ever, tlyit none of the 12 is con- fimdamental carae of death. ^doy boferu pick-up^so wu eon survn * 1 0 each of the preceding three later* but admitted for the first sddreM demonstrated that Amer­ the “whole ■vast subjecr' of thf Dulles’ speech disclosed that the A U. S. Arm y doctor who to^please you. ^ nected dlrecUy with Wilma’s-f months the-figure had edged up­ time four minister* each from the icans enjoy th* right to diaagre*; you, CH^ oti peaceful uae of atomic power. « Russians on Wednesday asked for death. ward. watched the autopsy, Lt. Col. Lux Liquid . .89c and 69c i, bnttor.— Thank you. Reaotor Training School new- talks on President • Eisen­ powerful Cao Dalst and Hoa Hao Meany said that while it is true Real Idaho Potatoes . . those nice dry white Scelba Blamed The August consumer price in­ sects. Lux F la k e s ...... 31c I O N E PIE S. The opening in the United hower’s original proposal., A l­ the A F L often criUcizea Eisen- BuUetiiis bakers are pow here . . . and w’e offer them in JACK Auousrs The' Communists and their left- dex dropped to exactly the Mme (Conttaned on Page Three) He named himself Minister of hower’a adminlatraUon "W e have Rinso ...... 31c States early next year of a re­ though they had given it ia cold level aa in Auguat, 1953, at 115 from the A P Wires 6 or 10 lb. lots . . . and we have good quality local actor training school “ where stu­ shoulder in all previous t o k ■ >'ing Socialist allies have accused Defense and Home Affairs biit un­ Surf ...... ? ...3 1 c JELLO Scelba of responsibility for (he per cent of the 1947-49 average. der pressure gave the pluma of potatoes for boiling and mashing. BLUEBERRIES dents f-ora abroad may learn the Dulles said the Soviets to^K ..the (Coatiaued oa Bags Twatve) Lux Soap 2 med. for 27c Montes! affair, which has already Food prices dipped 0.6 per cent Minlater of State and the National Packed in. heavy a ;^ p . Minced Clams FUDDIN^ and working principles of atomic en­ step when they learned he would in August, the Bureau Isaid, and FEAR FIOHTINO 8PKBAD ergy with' specific regard to its talk about atoms for peace. brought the resignation of Aftilio Defense 'Committee to two gen­ L ifebu o y...... 4 for 35c Butternut Squash, Acorn Squash ...... lb. 9c Piccionl as foreign minister. He weakness in food prices in the Taipeh. rom e**. Sept. 34 (P) peacetime uses." . a The U. 8. Secretar.v said the So­ erals. One la a Cao Daist and th* Swan Soap ....6 for 26c Becker’s Double Pascal C elery ...... bch. 23c Can Can ' PIE H L L IN G , quit the cabinet last week to help early weeks of this month indicates News^idbits other from the Hoa Hao. Harris Quits -r-Nationallata pMwea aad w ar 4. Invitations to a “ substantial viet Union had in effect rejected the September average will be at ahips today raided lUM f* tn a 5 at regular price 1 at Ic SwMt Potatoes, White Onions, Slicing Onions ■ number” of foreign jnedical and defend his son, Piero-ijagainst ac­ Culled ftPom A P Wires The announcement of the new the plaii last April when it said cusations in connectioir&wlth Wil- least as low. coast fer the 33ad straight day 1 Lb, Spry ...... 35c Quality Apples ...... 2 lbs. 25c - aurgical experts to ^ o rk • with substantially it could not .agree to cabinet was preceded by the resig­ As Senators’ Pilot TOKAYiSRAPES 2Lb.35c ma’i■ death. Food sly>ppera found price de­ nation of Vice Premier Gen. Ngu­ aa speculaUoa naooated her* 3 Lb. Spry ...... 97c Extrg.Large Cauliflower ...... TTEacK^Sc Pkgs. atomic energy techniques in U. S- it unless the United States joined creases ^ every cut of meat, re- that tJkb flghttag aroood Qaesnoy cancer hospitals. (Piero,, 32. was arrested Tuesday Management negotiator says yen Van Xuan, who was appointed onn charges of -aggravated man­ flectin t^ igger sjiipmanta ^ Bve- only laat Sat'urday In an effort "to ^Sept. 34 (P>— Bucky might spresuL Dulles’s proposals brought ImPl’ (Coatinned Page Twe) atrike by 30,000 AFL' truck driv- GRAPEFRUIT 2 f. , 2 9 c slaughter. Also taken into custody stock.iro market. Pork showed the era in Metropolitan New York patch up Diem’a quarrel With Harris denied In effect today was the self-styled Marquis Ugo biggest decline. Bacon, pork chops arM la “ atinost inevitable” but Arm y Ciiief o f Staff Gen. Nguyen that he had rmigaed and Im­ DIE HITS TILADE CURBS and leg of Iamb were about 4Vs Montagna, who was accused of union spokesman expresses hope Van Hinh. plied he wns fired m nMnager WaahingtoB, Sept. 34 (P) per cent lower than ip July. • aiding and abetting. * for settlement of contract dispute. Ask New Premier of the Washington Senators. He Prealdcat Elaeahower told tho The Senate debate on the Jled Fresh fruits and vege|.ablea alao . . . Church of England vicar Mys Xuan called on the Chief of State said, "N o maaager^ ever World Baak aad lataraattonal LETTUCE Head 1 9 c aigna." h i p TJliM Democrat Joins charges erupted last night in flat- were cheaper, but the price drops U .. S. M ilitary authorities are le.t- Bao Dal to appoint a new premier. Monetary Fuad today the twia e . T. S N O W W REST F O O D ____ v.' . . , - ^ fights and name-calling as govern­ '—,21 per cent for tomatoea, 17 per ting young American soldiers run The aituation in tom Viet Nam inetItnttoBB have "Uae aaauraaeo OREAD and ment supporters rallied to Scelba’s cent for sweet potatoes and green wUd in occupied Germany. tonight waa untertalri. The Army Washington, Sept. 24 (A>— ^ c k y of oar aopport" to effOrto to Cake Frosting defense. Senators of the left- and beans, 27 per cent for peaches— Chief of Staff was admittedly un­ Harria quit today as m ana»r of strike reatrtctkms from frea lU H E R CELERY Cello Pkg. 23c In Accusing Governor center hurled .angry cries of A ir Force discloses it ia equip­ Seven minute type. were mainly adjustmenta from the happy about the new cabinet, the Washington Senators. TiSe club world trade. EiseBbower. who to idiots" and “stupid" at each ping B47 j'et bombers with drag which put the Cao Daist and Hoa said a successor probably u lll be high July prices resulting from' parachutM to exit ' landing ap­ oa a weatens tour, chose Seore* SMALL WHITE other. , Hao repreaentatives In strategic chosen by next Monday.’ ’ drought in many areas. The dry proach speed, in addition to larger tary of the Treoaory Ruasphrey 2 Pkgs. PICKLES By T H E ASSOCIATED PRESS ^quarters in Hartford announced Sen. Cesare Angelini., a Christian spots. ; Clark Griffith, 34-ye4r-oId own­ ( a u d i t s ('.ikc.s A third Democrat has openly Dempsey and Tedesco pad sent weather’s effect on food prices was "chutea" now used on ground. ^ , , to read hie message to the opes* the main reason for \he alight ad­ , The new representatives from er of the American League base­ log Bcealon e f a Jotot slx-di^ joined In on the charge that Gov. word to the governor that they National Guard probers M y moe'f L a rg * Jor ONIONS (Continned on Page Three) vance in coats In July. the sect*, were Gen. Tran Van Soai. ball club and a long time friend of m John Lodge used the bi-partiaan would be willing to meet him in a operators at one o f Russell meeting ef U haak aad food commander of the Hoa troops, and Harris, told a news conference that governor*. State LeglslaUve Council—investi­ showdown but that they added Parents outfitting children for County, Georgia, brothel worked ROCK gative arm of the General Assem­ they were "unwilling to be drawn school found that children’s shoes interstate prostitution circuit on J (Continued ou Page Eight) (Coatiaued ea Page Twe) FROSTED FOODS bly— as a political "squnding into a stacked meeting." 32 Dead in Blast were up an average of about ^ consignment basis. , lNTEB\'ENTION OBDEBEO Tom’s Peanut Butter Cogs ...... 39c cents a pair In A u ^ a t although Birds Eye Chicken or board.” ^ Have PrevlouB Eagagemeata Sniper fires small caliber bullet Bueoes Aire*. Argeattoa. Sept. PIUSIURT TURNIPS Lta. 13c State Rep, Philip Laing (D- ejothing coat* generally were S4 (P>-:-Preeldeat Jaaa D. Poroa Beef Pies .,.. .3 for 89c Later, Tedesco told newsmen jn Of NATO Jet Fuel lato U. 8. coasulate In Pusan, Kerr Butter Scotch, Butter Toffies, Krjnkles 19c WindsOT), a m em W of the council, Bridgeport he and Dempsey had down. Nylon hose, lingerie, men’s Korea, narrowly missing Vice ordered three "iBterveatora" to*' Seeking Life’s Secrets (5) day to take over the goverwoient Pre-Cooked wired Gov. Lodge laat night that he : contacted Lodge’s office about a Counsel Gordon K. Mott a* he agrees with John N Dempsey, i d,te for the meeting. He said Bitburg, Germany, Sept. 24 (Ah (CoatlBMd ea Pag* Three). work* in front of t?.lrd floor win­ e f this city o f three mHUea. H ie Fishsticks ...... 49c 12 Oz. Cello Pack Freshly Roasted ANGEL FOOD —A fire-fighting demonstration decree said the preeldeat’h. sec* GUARANTIED TO SATISFY nominee for lieutenant governor,; Lod^* w onted It at J oV m . today, dow . . . Movement la under way Salted Cashews ...... 49c and Sainuel J. Tedesco. candliUte but Tedesco and Dempsey replied which backfired and blew# up a in Racine, Wia., home town of Lt. ratory for admtoiatratlve lavee- Pre-CkK>ked Frozen F.ood Specials Starfish Chemical May Give MIX for attorney ff«neral when they | they had previous engagementi. 120.000-gallon tank of AmericaA Riot Chiefs Sought Col. Harry Fleming to support Ugatlpas had uacevered Scallops ...... 49c say the governor made unethical I Tedesco said they w ire told the Jet fuel left 32 dead and 16 seri­ •ppeal of officer’s contfetion of toritie* to the d ty geverOascat. Get .vour fresh Arnold’s Bakery and Rolls, Pep- and Improper use of the noh-psr SNOW CROP governor s i\ext opportunity would ously injured today. Inveatigatora (Collaborating with Cor.imunisti Clue on Way taHall Cancer tiaan council’s flies. I^N TO STUDY A-PO) o f starfish srientiats have t*ken cause cancer cells keep dividing •uggestecj an accident. shot and killed hia 20-year-old atomic eoergy far peocetal pur* Dfmpsey and Tedesco over the tween Dempsey and himself. — Missouri prison offlcials today a chemical they think may tom e-! and dividing without control. ■ The.'e w'ere no American casual­ w ife "becAuse ah; crie ’ all night." peae* waa put ahead at the U N . charge. Tedesco later told newsmen that concentrated on rehabilitation SNOW CROP ties In the blast here In the French . . . Plans of. Ihter-American time help the runatant aenrch for Chemicals which prevent some today. Dr. .Eelco N. Vaa Kletfeoe "I shkll be ready to recite chap­ 10 a.m. next Tuesday would be an problems growing out o f the con­ a cancer cure. This ia the fifth and kinds of cell division are being zone yesterday, near the Lauem- PreM Assn, to award its "martyr of The Netherlaads. prealdeat e( ter and verse where you have vio­ acceptable date, but that he ob­ vict riot that virtually wiped out Uat o f a series of hrtldes on re- produced . here at the Marine bourg border. The colony id big of Freedom of the PreM” medal to the Ueacrel Aseensbto, aa. BOUND TO B trrtB Freneli Kled POTATOES 17c lated the basic principle of this jected to Ihe governor’s office as the state penitentiary industries. aeSreh at a Maasaeflusetta Marine Biological Laboratory by Dr. L. 'V. neuaoed the 15-mensber Meertog OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT SI the meeting place. tanka, at the end of a N A TO pipe­ They alao sought' ringleaders in the mllitsuit anti-FVron editors are mmS hon-partisah body, whiM;4ncident- line from France, storM six mil­ laboratory. ^ Htilbrunn, zoologist of the Uni- Committee would laeet to eou* In making his telegram public, 15-hour rebeUion. Abandoned because police refuse allX. you tried to eliminate in the lion ^jllona of fuel for U. 8. A ir permit for ceremony. ■" versity^of Pennsylvania. elder ptactog th* aew gaeottoa UNTIL 8:30 _ G re«i SUmps Given With Cash Sales . last session (of'th e State Ilegisla- Lnlng told a new'sman that if be When the revolt finally ended By ALTON U BUAKE8LEE They will be tested'this winter oa the agead*. Force Jet Interceptors and fighter •*riy yesterday, four condlcU were New India divorce law glvAa MRDSEYS turcl." Laing said. is^invite«Mling protected by diploihaUc would prevent cancer cells from 1^' I ORANGE JUICE 2 ^ 37i (CMteaed M Pag* Eight) .(UonOaued on Page Eight) .(Coattaned *■ Pag* Xhlriata) imoumity. dividing and forming two new (UagltaMd aa p i«* Eight)

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