Great Basin Naturalist

Volume 43 Number 4 Article 22


Birds of southwestern Idaho

Daniel A. Stephens Boise State University, Boise, Idaho

Timothy D. Reynolds Boise State University, Boise, Idaho

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Daniel A. Stephens'-^ and Timothy D. Reynolds^-^^

.\bstract.— Based on personal birding experience, interviews with local birders, written comments and responses to a preliminary check-list, and a review of state and federal agency records and the ornithological literature, a list of 333 species of birds known to occur in southwestern Idaho is presented. The preferred habitat, season of use, breed- ing status, and relative abvmdance of each species are given.

Idaho has extreme geologic, topographic, series of interviews with local birders, re- and chmatic diversity. The diversity of habi- viewing wildlife records from various state tats and microhabitats is reflected by the and federal agencies, an extensive review of abundance of vertebrate species within the the ornithological literature, and personal state. In this regard, southwestern Idaho birding experience in southwestern Idaho. (south of the Salmon River and west of the

114° Meridian; Fig. 1) is no exception. With- in this region, elevation ranges from around 350 m ASL in Hells Canyon on the Snake River to over 3,600 m ASL in the White Cloud Peaks of the Sawtooth Mountains. Al- though sagebrush steppe and coniferous for- ests are dominant vegetation types in south- western Idaho, numerous pond, marsh, lake, reservoir, agricultural, alpine, and riparian habitats are present. As the varied habitat suggests, there is a concomitant diversity in the avifauna. Here, typically northern taiga species such as the Boreal Owl {Aegolius fu- nereus) can be found less than 200 km from strictly desert species like the Black-throated Sparrow {Amphispiza bilineata). The objec- tive of this study was to develop an accurate check-list of the birds occurring in south- western Idaho, documenting the breeding status, abundance, season of use, and pre- ferred habitat for each species.

Material and Methods

Although many regional check-lists are generally a combination of birds known to occupy an area as well as birds suspected

to be in the region, our list (Table 1) includes Fig. 1. The southwe,stern Idaho study area (.shaded), re- only those species for which there are south of the Salmon River and west of the 114° liable records. Data were gathered from a longitude.

'Department of Biology, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho 83725. 'Present address: Biology Department, Central Washington University, Ellensbiirg, Washington 98926. 'Present address: Biology Department, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho 8.3209.

728 October 1983 Stephens, Reynolds: Idaho Birds 729

Table 1. Birds of southwestern Idaho. Introduced species are preceded by an asterisk (°)

Abundance', season Preferred Taxa and breeding status- habitat' References Gaviiformes Gaviidae

Red-throated Loon. Gavia stellata V6 23, 7, 36 Arctic Loon. G. artica M6 MC, JD, RK, AL Common Loon. G. irnmer B4, M3, W4 Yellow-billed Loon. G. adamsii 7 32

PODICIPEDIFORMES Podicipedidae Pied-bill Grebe. Podihjmbus podiceps 32, W4 Horned Grebe. Podiceps auritus M3, W4 Red-necked Grebe. P. grisegena M5 7, 13, 23, MC, DJ, TDR, DAS Eared Grebe. P. nigricoUis 33, M2, W4 Western Grebe. Aechmophoriis 32, M2, W4 occidentalis

Pelecaniformes Pelecanidae American White Pelican. Pelicanus S4, M3 erijthrorhijnchos Brown Pelican. P. occidentalis V6 7,33 Phalacrocoracidae Double-crested Cormorant. B3, W4 Phalacrocorax auritus

CiCONIIFORMES Ardeidae American Bittern. Botaurus lentiginosus 33 Least Bittern. Ixobrychus exilis Great Blue Heron. Ardea herodias Great Egret. Casmerodius albus Snowy Egret. Egretta thula Cattle Egret. Bubulcus ibis Green-backed Heron. Butorides straitus Black-crowned Night-Heron. Nycticorax nycticorax Threskiomithidae Wliite Ibis. Eudociinus albus White-faced Ibis. Plegadis chihi Ciconiidae Wood Stork. Mijcteria americana

Anseriformes Anatidae Fulvous Whistling-Duck. Dendrocygna bicolor Tundra Swan. Cygnus columbianus Tmmpeter Swan. C. buccinator Greater White-fronted Goose. Anser albifrons Snow Goose. Chen caerulescens Ross' Goose. C. rossii Canada Goose. Branta canadensis Wood Duck. Aix sponsa 730 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 43, No. 4

Table 1 continued.

Abundance', season Preferred Taxa and breeding status^ habitat' References

Green-winged Teal. Anas crecca B3, Ml, W3 American Black Duck. A. rubripes Mallard. A. platyrhynchos Northern Pintail. A. acuta Blue-winged Teal. A. discors Cinnamon Teal. A. cyanoptera Northern Shoveler. A. clypeata Gadwall. A. strepera Eurasian Wigeon. A. penelope American Wigeon. A. americana Canvasback. Aythya valisineria Redhead. A. americana Ring-necked Duck. A. collaris Greater Scaup. A. marila Lesser Scaup. A. affinis Harlequin Duck. Histrionicus histrionicus Oldsquaw. Clangula hyemalis White-winged Scoter. Melanitta fiisca Common Goldeneye. Bitcephala clangula Barrow's Goldeneye. B. islandica Bufflehead. B. albeola Hooded Merganser. Lophodytes cucullatus Common Merganser. Mergus merganser Red-breasted Merganser. M. serrator Ruddy Duck. Oxyura pmaicensis Falconiformes Cathartidae Black Vulture. Coragyps atratus Turkey Vulture. Cathartes aura Accipitridae Osprey. Pandion haliaetus Black-shouldered Kite. Elanus caeruleus Bald Eagle. Haliaeetus leucocephahis Northern Harrier. Circus cyaneus Sharp-shinned Hawk. Accipiter striatus Cooper's Hawk. A. cooperii Northern Goshawk. A. gentilis Broad-winged Hawk. Buteo platypterus Swainson's Hawk. B. sivainsoni Red-tailed Hawk. B. jamaicensis Ferruginous Hawk. B. regalis Rough-legged Hawk. B. lagopus Golden Eagle. Aquila chrysaetos Falconidae American Kestrel. Falco sparverius Merlin. F. colwnbarius Peregrine Falcon. F. peregrinus

Gyrfalcon. F. rusticolus Prairie Falcon. F. mexicaniis October 1983 Stephens, Reynolds: Idaho Birds 731

Table 1 continued.

Abundance', Taxa 732 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 43, No. 4

Table 1 continued.

Abundance', season Preferred Taxa and breeding status- habitat' References

Baird's Sandpiper. C. bairdii M3 Pectoral Sandpiper. C. mehinotos M5 Dunlin. C. alpina M5 Stilt Sandpiper. C. hiniantopiis M4 Buff-breasted Sandpiper. Tryngites M6 siibruficoUis Long-billed Dowitcher. Limnodronius M.3 .icolopaceus Common Snipe. Callinago gaUinago B2, W4 Wilson's Phalarope. Phalawpits tricolor 83, M2 Red-necked Phalarope. P. lobatus M3 Laridae Pomarine Jaeger. Stercorarius 7 pomarinus Franklin's Gull. Lurtts pipixcan Bonaparte's Gull. L. Philadelphia Ring-billed Gull. L. delawarensis California Gull. L. californiciis Herring Gull. L. argentatus Thayer's Gull. L. thayeri Glaucous-winged Gull. L. glaucescens Glaucous Gull. L. hyperboreiis Sabine's Gull. Xema sabini Caspian Tern. Sterna caspia

Common Tern. S. hirundo

Forster's Tern. S. forsteri

Least Tern. S. antillarum Black Tern. Chlidonias niger Alcidae Ancient Murrelet. Synthliboramphus V6 antiquus

COLUMBIFORMES Cohnnbidae °Rock Dove. Coliimba livia October 1983 Stephens, Reynolds: Idaho Birds 733

Table 1 continued.

Abundance', season Preferred Taxa and breeding status- habitat' References Caprimuu;iformes Caprimulgidae Lesser Nighthawk. Chordeiles acutipennis Common Nighthawk. C. minor 734 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 43, No. 4

Table 1 continued.

Abundance' Taxa and breedin October 1983 Stephens, Reynolds: Idaho Birds 735

Table 1 continued.

Abundance', season Preferred Taxa and breeding status- habitat' References

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. Polioptila B4 d,j caenilea Western Bluebird. SUilia mexiccma B3

Mountain Bluebird. S. currucoides Town.sends Solitaire. Mifadestes townsendi Veery. Catharus fttscescens Swainson's Thnush. C. ttstuhitus Hermit Thnish. C. gitttatus Wood Hijlocichki mustelinu American Robin. Turdus migratorius Varied Thnish. Ixoreiis naeviiis Mimidae Gray Catbird. Dunietella carolinensis Northern Mockingbird. Mimus pohjglottos Sage Thrasher. Oreoscoptes inontanus

Motacillidae , Water Pipit. Anthtis spinoletta Bombycillidae Bohemian Waxwing. Bombijcilla garrulus Cedar Waxwing. B. cedrorum Laniidae Northern Shrike. Laniiis excitbitor Loggerhead Shrike. L. Itidovicianus Stumidae "European Starling. Sturntis vtdgaris Rl Vireonidae Solitary Vireo. Vireo solitarius B3 Warbling Vireo. V. gilvus B2 Red-eyed Vireo. V. olivaceus B4 Emberizidae Golden-winged Warbler. Vennivora V6 chrijsoptera Tennessee Warbler. V. peregrina M5 Orange-crowned Warbler. V. celata B3, W5 Na.shville Warbler. V. ruficapUla B3 Virginia's Warbler. V. virginiae V5 Yellow Warbler. Dendroica petechia B2 Magnolia Warbler. D. magnolia 7 Yellow-mmped Warbler. D. coronata B2, W4 Black-throated Gray Warbler. D. B3 nigrescens Townsend's Warbler. D. townsendi B4, M3 Blackbumian Warbler. D. fusca 7 Blackpoll Warbler. D. striata 7 Black-and-white Warbler. Mniotilta M6 varia American Redstart. Setophaga ruticiUa B4, M3 Ovenbird. Seiurus atirocapiUiis M6

Northern Waterthrush. S. B5, M5 noveboracensis MacGillivray's Warbler. Oporornis B3 tolmiei Common Yellowthroat. Geothh/pis B3 trichas Wilson's Warbler. Wihonia ptisilla B3, M3 Yellow-breasted Chat. Icteria virens B2 Western Tanager. Piranga ludoviciana B2, M2, W5 736 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 43, No. 4

Table 1 continued.

Abundance', season Preferred Taxa and breeding status- habitat' References

Rose-breasted Gosbeak. Pheucticiis V6 ludovicianus Black-headed Grosbeak. P. B3 mekinocephalus Blue Grosbeak. Cuiraca caenilea Lazuli Bunting. Passerina ainoena

Indigo Bunting. P. cijanea Green-tailed Towhee. Pipilo chlorurus Rufous-sided Towhee. P. enjthrophthalmus American Tree Sparrow. Spizella arborea

Chipping Sparrow. S. passerina

Clay-colored Sparrow. S. pallida

Brewer's Sparrow. S. breiveri Vesper Sparrow. Pooecetes graminetis Lark Sparrow. Chondestes grammacus Black-throated Sparrow. Amphispiza bilineata Sage Sparrow. A. belli Lark Bvniting. Calamospiza melanocorijs Savannah Sparrow. Passerculus sandwichensis Baird's Sparrow. Amniodramus bairdii Grasshopper Sparrow. A. savannanim Fox Sparrow. Passerella iliaca Song Sparrow. Melospiza melodia Lincoln's Sparrow. M. Uncolnii Swamp Sparrow. M. georgiana White-throated Sparrow. Zonotrichia albicollis Golden-crowned Sparrow. Z. atricapilla White-crowned Sparrow. Z. leucophnjs Harris' Sparrow. Z. qtienda Dark-eyed Junco. Junco Injemalis Lapland Longspur. Calcarius lapponicus Snow Bunting. Plectrophenax nivalis Bobolink. Dolichonyx onjzicorus Red-winged Blackbird. Agelaius phoenicexis Tricolored Blackbird. A. tricolor Western Meadowlark. Sttirnella neglecta Yellow-headed Blackbird. Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus Brewer's Blackbird. Euphagus cijanocephalus Common Crackle. Quiscalus quiscula Bronzed Cowbird. Molothrtts aeneus Brown-headed Cowbird. M. ater Orchard Oriole. Icterus spiirius

Northern Oriole. /. galbula Fringillidae Rosy . Leiicosticte arctoa Grosbeak. Pinicola eniicleator Purple Finch. Carpodacus piirpiiretis Cassin's Finch. C. cassinii House Finch. C. mexicanus Red . Loxia citrvirostra October 1983 Stephens, Reynolds: Idaho Birds 737

Table 1 continued.

Abundance', season Preferred Taxa and breeding status- habitat' References

White-winged Crossbill. L. leucoptera W6 Common Redpoll. Cardiielis flammea Hoary Redpoll. C. horneincinni Pine Siskin. C. pinus Lesser Goldfinch. C. psaltria

American Goldfinch. C. tristis Evening Gro.sbeak. Coccothraiistes vespertinus Passeridae "House Sparrow. Passer domesticus 738 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 43, No. 4

10. Heilbrun, L. H., and P. R. Julian, eds. 1976. The 27. 1978. The winter season Northern Rocky seventy-sixth Audubon Christmas bird count. Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds Am. Bi'rds.30: 176-552. 32:378-379. 11. Jewett, S. G. 1912. Some birds of the Saw-tooth 28. 1978. The spring migration Northern Rocky Mountain, Idaho. Condor 14:191-194. Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds 12. KiNGERY, H. E., ed. 1972. The fall migration, Great 32:10.34-10.35. Basin Central Rocky Mountain Region. Am. 29. 1979. The winter season Northern Rocky Birds 26:99. Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds E. L. M. T. .33:.300. 13. Larrison, J., J. Tucker, and Jollie. to birds. Idaho Acad. Sci. .30. 1979. spring migration Northern Rocky 1967. Guide Idaho J. The 5:1-220. Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds

14. Levy, S. H. 1950. Summer birds in southern Idaho. .33:792. Murrelet 31:2-8. 31. 1979. The nesting season Northern Rocky 15. 1962. Additional summer southern Idaho bird Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds notes. Murrelet 43:10-14. 33:882.

16. Marshall, W. H. 1945. Winter bird observations in .32. 1980. The spring migration Northern Rocky the Boise National Forest, Idaho. Condor Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds 47:170-172. .34:182-183. 17. Merriam, C. H. 1891. Results of a biological recon- 33. 1980. The winter season Northern Rocky naissance of south central Idaho. N. Amer. Fauna Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds 5:1-108. 34:291.

18. 1892. The Dwarf Screech Owl {Megascops 34. 1980. The spring migration Northern Rocky flainneolus idahoensis Merriam). Auk 9:169-171. Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds 19. Newhouse, V. F. 1960. Birds of selected irrigated 34:800. river valleys of west central Idaho. Murrelet .35. 1980. The nesting season Northern Rocky 41:1-6. Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds 20. Powers, L. R. 1969. Sight record of the Blue Gros- 34:912-914. in Idaho. Murrelet 50:20-21. 36. 1981. The autumn migration Northern Rocky 21. Powers, L. R., and C. H. Trost. 1977. Early re- Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds cords of avifauna from a 1907 scientific expedi- 35:205-206. tion into Idaho. Murrelet .58:87-88. 37. 1981. The winter season Northern Rocky 22. Rogers, T. H., ed. 1975. The winter season North- Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds em Rocky Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. 35:321. Birds 29:718. .38. 1981. The spring migration Northern Rocky 23. 1976. The fall migration Northern Rocky Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds ,35:844.

.39. R. E. compilers. 30:98. Seidensticker, J. C, and Welch, 24. 1977. The nesting season Northern Rocky 1972. The birds of Big Creek and Chamberlain Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds Basin-Idaho Primitive Area. USDA, Forest Ser- 31:201-203. vice, Payette National Forest, McCall, Idaho. 25. 1977. The winter season Northern Rocky 40. Thornburg, F. 1956. Scissor-tailed flycatcher in Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds Idaho. Condor 58:72-73. 31:354. 41. Wyman, L. E. I9I2. White-throated Sparrow in 26. 1978. The fall migration Northern Rocky Idaho. Auk 29:247. Mountain-Intermountain Region. Am. Birds 42. YocuM, C. F. 1950. Sight record of Old-squaw in .32:233-235. Idaho. Murrelet 31:47.