2019 annual report Société de développement du boulevard Saint-Laurent

Table of contents

1. Mission statement 2. 2019 budget allocation 3. Positioning & Marketing • Brand image & perception • Press review • Social media 4. Accomplishments • Events & activities • Beautification of the area & urban planning • Representation 5. Team & Board of Directors Mission statement

Founded in 2000, the Société de développement du boulevard Saint-Laurent (SDBSL), which was initially the Village international du boulevard Saint-Laurent, makes it their mission to oversee the economic, cultural and social development of the artery between and Laurier Avenue. Funded by the 670 businesses located in their area, the SDBSL works in harmony with the community and the local authorities so as to ensure the proper development of the Main.

Our mission

Represent and defend the interest of the companies of the SDBSL.

Promote the sector and encourage the economic, cultural and social development of the St-Laurent Boulevard between Sherbrooke Street and Laurier Avenue.

To create business opportunities for our members and to make a socioeconomic impact in our area.

Our objectives

Strengthen the reputation and shine the light on the St-Laurent Boulevard both locally and internationally.

Increase foot traffic in the area.

Enable the economic, cultural and social thriving of our members. 2019 budget allocation

Revenu 3%

The SDBSL’s budget consists mainly of private funds from mandatory dues collected from businesses located in the Dues area through the City of . These funds are used 39% Subsidies primarily for daily operations and towards member services Other such as representation and promotion. 58%

In order to finance large-scale projects such as interventions in the public domain or major public events, the SDBSL relies on public subsidies from different levels of government. The City of Montreal remains by far the largest source of public funding 2019 budget allocation of the organization. The primary source of this income is derived from the program Les Fonds de dynamisation. In 2012, Events when the city decided to raise the parking rate in the area to 3$ an hour, the SDCs in the Plateau-Mont-Royal borough fought 22% Promotion for a portion of that money to be reinvested into its main streets. The program however must be voted upon by the city 3% 42% on a yearly basis so its renewal is never certain. As mentioned Communication to members above, these funds have allowed the SDBSL to invest in Administration projects such as the MURAL Festival and the complete 33% rebranding of the organization, to name a few. Positioning & Marketing Brand image & perception

Over the years, there has been a shift in commercial expansion across Montreal. Due to high rents on commercial arteries, residential neighborhoods have developed, and local commerce has followed. The construction of mega malls such as DIX30 and the newly announced Royalmount project has also caused a surplus of commercial space in the Greater Montreal area.

Recently we have also seen a change in consumer habits. E-commerce will soon account for 15% of all speciality retail sales in North America. The majority of sales are still happening in brick and mortar stores but customers are now seeking an experience, as well as a product that is sustainable, that they can feel good about.

With all these changes taking place, it was imperative to create a strong brand image and identity for the boulevard that set us apart. Therefore, the SDBSL turned its focus on art and creativity, making the boulevard the destination for urban art in Montreal. Our partnership with the MURAL Festival was the beginning of the boulevard’s artistic journey and after seven successful years and over 60 murals on and around the boulevard, Montrealers and tourists alike can be seen daily taking in and photographing the murals. This festival not only attracts over a million people to the boulevard during its eleven-day street closure, it also leaves a lasting impression on its visitors throughout the year. Positioning & Marketing Brand image & perception

To reinforce our brand image and enhance the experience created by the murals on our territory, the SDBSL integrated art into various projects and initiatives.

One project that has been a success over the years is the sidewalk art commissioned by the SDBSL. Every year, different artists are selected to create 13 works of art along the boulevard. This year, Toronto born street artist, Waxhead, who has been a major player in Canada’s graffiti and street art culture, produced 14 works of art on the boulevard between Sherbrooke Street and Laurier Avenue. Waxhead, who is known for his brightly coloured characters, took the popular school yard game hopscotch to a whole new level allowing interactive play to reconnect us with our childhood memories.

This artistic initiative takes our mundane sidewalks and transforms them into a playground for the imagination. Tourists and Montrealers alike can be seen stopped in their tracks to admire and photograph the artist’s work throughout the summer season. Positioning & Marketing Brand image & perception

Keeping our brand image in mind, the SDBSL appointed local talent WIA to design and illustrate the map of our territory and its businesses. This artistic tool was distributed in businesses found on the Main and handed out during our festivals. The map can also be found in hotels and B&B’s in the area.

Each year, the SDBSL asks a well-known figure in our community to describe what a 24-hour experience on the boulevard would resemble for them. Here is what Jean- Philippe Cyr had to say about The Main:

Saint-Laurent Boulevard represents, for me, the apogee of Montreal. The junction between the east and west of the city, on Saint-Laurent Boulevard you can admire across seasons an eccentric crowd, sometimes unusual, but always entertaining. The curious from the suburbs, adventurous travelers, born and raised Montrealers or trendy techies, we can never be disappointed by the ordinary eccentricity of this artery whose history dates back to the French era. "The Main" has forged itself a distinctive identity over time, with the arrival of many immigrants who settled here to establish small businesses and many unique restaurants. I suggest you start your exploration by having a tasty and "responsible" coffee at the corner of Duluth Street at Dispatch, an urban coffee shop with minimalist decor. Continue north and stop in at Le Bob hair salon where you can refresh your look and trust the hands of experienced and friendly stylists. Then, reconnect with your body with a toning massage at Espace Nomad, which also offers healthy juices and snacks made from fresh and organic ingredients. Still not satisfied? Take a break at the vegan restaurant Aux Vivres and treat yourself to my favorite dish, the Dragon Bowl! Now that you have taken care of yourself, it's time to think about your interior decor by shopping at VdeV boutique, a retro and industrial furniture and accessory store. Before going home, you must stop at Rachelle-Béry to stock up on fresh and organic products for your evening meal as you await your next trip on the most unique street in Montreal: Saint-Laurent Boulevard. Positioning & Marketing Brand image & perception

In collaboration with Tourism Montreal, the SDBSL, together with the SDC of l’avenue Mont-Royal and St-Denis, created a guide that was specifically aimed at tourists. The Plateau is the fourth most popular tourist destination in Montreal so it was necessary to create a marketing tool that would feature local businesses in the area.

The guide emphasizes all the distinct characteristics of the Plateau. Be it the multi-coloured houses, winding staircases, green alleys, street art or intricate architecture that draws you to the neighborhood, the Plateau has substance to suit all tastes. The guide then delves deeper in presenting the unique qualities of the three main arteries of the Plateau: , Saint Denis Street and Mont-Royal Avenue. Each year, 15 different businesses on the Main are featured in the guide giving them enhanced visibility.

Over 30 000 copies were distributed in hotels across Montreal, the Chalet of Mont-Royal, information kiosks in downtown Montreal and , as well as the cruise ship terminal in the Old Port. Positioning & Marketing Press review

The SDBSL focuses its efforts and limited funds on working with a public relations agency rather than spending thousands of dollars in traditional media. This approach has proven beneficial to the boulevard’s perception and has allowed us to invest more money into projects that will attract media attention without paying for generic advertisements.

In 2019, 269 original publications circulated regarding Saint-Laurent Boulevard (solely between Sherbrooke Street and Laurier Avenue) and the SDBSL.

Radio and television (22), printed (17) and online reports (258) reached a total audience of over 234 million people.

This year, the boulevard was featured in articles in Canada, the US, France, and Great-Britain.

This strategy has changed the way we see the value in media by focusing our efforts on sending out press releases and responding to journalists, as opposed to purchasing traditional media. The SDBSL has become a role model for others to follow. Positioning & Marketing Social media

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 The use of social networks is a key component in the representation of Saint-Laurent Boulevard. Our constant presence of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter is mainly used to share information about our territory, increase our visibility and reputation, promote and support our members and create an engaging relationship with the community. 11511 The SDBSL publishes quality content on a daily basis in order to strengthen the identity and solidify the sense of belonging connected to Saint-Laurent Boulevard. Notably, the boulevard’s Facebook page will very soon attain 10072 12,000 subscribers.

The SDBSL periodically launches contests during the year to increase traffic on our accounts and those of our 8571 members. Gift cards are strategically purchased and offered as prizes to promote businesses on the boulevard 3005 and encourage local commerce. 2880 6295 3603 2695 2561 The continuous management of the community and the 2354 4804 1919 publication of content intended for a diverse public aims 1937 1200 above all to showcase the unique experience offered by 375 Twitter Facebook Instagram the boulevard where culture, creativity, gastronomy and fashion come together. The Holiday contest generated more than 10,000 entries and over $3,000 in prizes were given away.

Varied and dynamic content, just like St- Laurent Boulevard, is published everyday.

501 posts on. Facebook with a reach of ≈ 2,500 000 in 2019 Positioning & Marketing Social media

Ta Main Entreprise

When we think of the boulevard, we tend to forget that over 400 offices are situated above our ground floor businesses. Together these companies employ more than 6000 people. Their existence is crucial to the dynamic of the Main enforcing its work, play, live environment.

The creativity and talent of the businesses located on the upper floors is astonishing. The SDBSL came up with a project to showcase the brilliant minds behind these businesses and their skills. Seven videos were created and shared with the general public in 2019. The videos feature Locomotive, MRDK, Scavengers, Les Évadés, Shutterstock, Eco-Conter and The Children’s Wish Foundation.

The project not only aims at promoting these businesses but allows the SDBSL to strategically use the videos to encourage and recruit new talent on the boulevard. Positioning & Marketing Social media

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has become wildly popular over the last few years. As the world around us becomes more technologically advanced, influencers have become a key tool in promoting brands through media outlets such as Instagram and YouTube. The SDBSL decided it was time to create relationships between our brand and influencers.

In 2019, the SDBSL teamed up with Clark Influence, a full service agency that develops and manages content creation and digital influencer marketing campaigns. Our goal was to create five short videos with influencers that fit with the spirit of Saint-Laurent Boulevard. The videos featured Chloe Dumont & Dany Simard, The Stratis sisters, Kara Bino & Karolane Rondeau and famous instagrammers Yesmini, Une olive and Montrealismes.

In addition to the videos, the SDBSL also worked with three Montreal photographers; Yellowillow (83K followers), Inayali (82.5K followers) and JF Savaria (52K followers).

The project promoted engaging content to our target audience which improved our brand awareness and increased traffic on our social media platforms. Positioning & Marketing Social media Accomplishments Events & activities

Taverne Tour

Taverne Tour is a winter festival that showcases emerging and established artists from here and abroad in the Plateau-Mont- Royal’s concert venues and bars. Collaboration and synergy between local, cultural movers and shakers, as well as businesses in the area contribute to this three-day event well established reputation.

After its three first successful editions on Mont-Royal Avenue and Saint-Denis Street, an expansion onto Saint-Laurent Boulevard was a natural transition for its fourth edition. Saint- Laurent Boulevard, already home to a plethora of cultural venues and summer festivals, became the festival’s headquarters in 2019. The festival aims to energize and diversify nocturnal activities on commercial streets during an otherwise less busy period of the cultural calendar. The festival also stimulates traffic in neighborhood shops, restaurants and bars by developing a well publicized, media-friendly happening on a metropolitan scale. In 2019, four of Saint-Laurent concert venues were incorporated into the festival’s programming: Sala Rossa, Casa del Popolo, Belmont and Le Ministère. The SDBSL is happy to announce its participation in the fifth edition of Taverne Tour with additional venues for 2020. Accomplishments Events & activities

Nuit Blanche To celebrate the 16th edition of Nuit Blanche, the SDBSL partnered with Station 16 art gallery to offer the public a future- themed modern art exposition featuring a collective of artists including, among others, Stikki Peaches (Montreal), Cyndie Belhumeur (Montreal), Uriginal (Spain), Dain (New York) and Steven Spazuk (Montreal). Not only were participants able to appreciate futuristic art, they also had the chance to transport themselves, free of charge, to another dimension thanks to our virtual reality station which presented the game “Space Pirate” (winner of Best Virtual Reality Game, Proto Awards 2016). Participants were also able to enjoy a hot chocolate while attending one of the three mural tours.

Spring cleaning on the boulevard In 2019, the SDBSL organized its fifth spring cleaning of the boulevard. The SDBSL team, board members, merchants, residents and a cleaning crew took to the streets to ensure our territory would be spick and span for the summer season. Besides cleaning the sidewalks and parks, we removed vandalism from all urban furniture and hired a specialized graffiti removal company to clean certain building and store fronts on the Main. Accomplishments Events & activities

Bootcamp in the Park

For a fourth consecutive year, free bootcamp sessions were offered to the general public in the parc des Amériques every Saturday during the month of May. Rain or shine, using the natural layout of the park, participants pushed on and enjoyed their interval workout session courtesy of Anytime Fitness.

Yoga in the Park

For a sixth consecutive year, free yoga sessions were offered to the general public in the parc des Amériques every Sunday between July 7th and September 29th. The event was made possible thanks to the collaboration of Modo Yoga.

Free yoga classes were also offered to the general public in parc du Portugal for a second year every Saturday between July 6th and September 28th.The event was made possible thanks to the collaboration of Bélem Café & Yoga. Accomplishments Events & activities

MURAL International Public Art Festival Having concluded its 7th edition from the 6th to the 16th of June 2019, MURAL has succeeded in positioning itself as the most important urban art festival in North America. In 2019, the festival featured an 11-day program, producing a dozen sculptural and technological installations in addition to the murals, featuring numerous exhibitions, guided tours, conferences and 10 major outdoor musical performances. It now has a total budget of nearly $2,000,000 and is growing steadily.

Local visitors and tourists, who now represent nearly 25% of the festival’s audience, came to live a unique and unforgettable Montreal experience. The festival allows for art to be accessible to a public of all ages and allows the community to be involved in an authentic and sustainable transformation of urban space. MURAL creates an open art gallery on the boulevard and its surrounding streets leaving behind more than 80 large scale works of art.

Since its creation, the success of MURAL has been reflected internationally, helping to establish Montreal as the flagship destination of urban art. The MURAL Festival won the Grand Prix du tourisme québécois for the Montreal region in 2014, 2016 and 2019 thereby recognizing its significant contribution to the attractiveness of Montreal as a destination. Accomplishments Events & activities

MURAL International Public Art Festival Accomplishments Events & activities

Grill Saint-Laurent

Inspired by culinary events from influential cities around the world, the SDBSL held its fourth edition of Grill Saint-Laurent during the MURAL Festival. The event ran from Wednesday to Saturday tying in the two weekends of the festival. Businesses gathered in the main MURAL zone to take part in an event filled with sun, music and of course great food.

The event featured 10 restaurants, all of which ignited this culinary competition. The participating restaurants were asked to create a dish where the main ingredient was cooked on a grill. Three culinary experts were invited to the event to determine which plate stood out amongst the rest. This year, our three judges were Danny Smiles (Chef and co-owner of Bremner), Elise Tastet (founder and author of the popular culinary guide Tastet) and Félipé St-Laurent (founder of Ils en fument du bon). The winner of the cook-off, Red Tiger, was awarded $1,000 for their delicious Vietnamese pizza! Accomplishments Events & activities


At the request of our members, the SDBSL worked with the Plateau-Mont-Royal borough to change the rules and regulation regarding street closures in 2016. The results of this change allowed the boulevard to host its first edition of BLVD in 2017. Following its success, the four-day event returned for a third edition in 2019 during Labour Day weekend.

The objective of BLVD was to create a family friendly occasion with free activities that all ages would enjoy! Activities included a giant hamster ball, one-on-one sumo soccer, face painting, free skateboarding lessons, a skate board competition, giant volley pong and water ball walking to name a few. It goes without saying that attendees also enjoyed shopping for end of summer sales and eating or drinking one last time on a terrace.

In 2019, the SDBSL conducted a study with Advanis Jolicoeur to have a better understanding of the foot fall traffic and the origin of our clients during the event. The results of this study will help the boulevard attain sponsorships and create partnerships in the future.

The SDBSL is proud to announce that a fourth edition of BLVD will be organized in 2020 with an increased budget. Accomplishments Events & activities


. Accomplishments Events & activities Samain

When it comes to Halloween, Montreal offers a wide array of events for young adults, however events for children seem to be limited to trick-or- treating. The SDBSL wanted to provide the public and residents of the Plateau with an event aimed specifically at children. Samain, took place on Halloween in parc des Amériques and on the boulevard.

For the fifth edition of Samain, the weather was on our side during the morning hours, but rain came down in the afternoon. Despite this, more than 400 elementary school students and children enrolled in nearby daycares gathered in the Witches Market during the day to watch a theatrical performance and immerse themselves in activities like face painting, coloring, magic tricks and potatoe sack races. In the afternoon, families took to the streets to follow the pumpkin road and collect candy from over 140 participating businesses. To end the celebrations and attract an older crowd, a movie was supposed to be projected on a giant screen in the park, but this activity was cancelled due to the heavy rain forecast. After consulting with our members, 100% would like to see the event come back for a sixth edition in 2020. Accomplishments Events & activities

Dia Das Montras For the 19th consecutive year, the SDBSL held a holiday window decoration competition. Inspired by a tradition in the Azores in Portugal, this event aims to create a festive and distinctive atmosphere on the boulevard during the holidays. Cash prizes were awarded to the best showcases, selected by an independent jury.

Christmas party Once again, the SDBSL held an exclusive party for its members and employees. More than 600 people gathered at Le Shaker, where a hot buffet and an open-bar awaited them to celebrate the holidays. Beautification of the area & urban planning

Resting area for pedestrians Again this year, the Saint-Laurent Boulevard collaborated with the Plateau- Mont-Royal borough to install a resting area for pedestrians at the corner of the Saint-Laurent Boulevard and Bagg Street. Many passersby stopped to take the time to enjoy the view, as well as enjoy a snack or lunch purchased in the area such as a sandwich, ice cream, or simply to rest.

To contribute to the artistic development of the Saint-Laurent Boulevard, the SDBSL commissioned Montreal artists Jason Botkin and Jeremy Shantz to paint the rest area’s exterior and interior.

Maintenance team The SDBSL is proud to be the first SDC in Montreal to hire its own concierge graduating from the organization Tapaj. Tapaj is a rehabilitation program that helps people in need re-enter the labour market. Kenny Vallières is dedicated to keeping our boulevard clean. He runs the maintenance team that works seven days a week throughout the summer and four days a week in winter. Their primary tasks are sweeping the sidewalks, cleaning public rest areas, removing graffiti and unwanted vandalism and clearing intersections and storefronts from snow in winter. In 2019, the city of Montreal also had its own cleaning crew devoted to the main arteries in the Plateau and Mile-End; an added bonus the SDBSL was very appreciative of. The additional cleaning crew allowed our team to focus on graffiti removal and the cleaning of street furniture and installations. Beautification of the area & urban planning


The Plateau-Mont-Royal borough has a program in place that allows businesses and SDCs to install a public terrace on the street free of any fees for use of public domain. The SDBSL saw this as an opportunity to install resting areas for the public. In 2019, the SDBSL installed two placottoirs on its territory. The first was located between Pharmaprix and La Vieille Europe, and the second was installed further north near Melbourne Café.

As these public rest areas become more popular, we are thrilled to see merchants also installing their own conceptions of a placottoir. Last summer, Frenco, Gauffres et Glace and Robin de Bois also installed a public terrace for the duration of the summer that was appreciated by many. Beautification of the area & urban planning


Over the last five years, the SDBSL has paid special attention to urban furniture and design. Given that there is limited space to add urban furniture on the boulevard, it was decided that the most efficient way to optimise and enhance the look of the street was to use the area around the tree trunks. Phase two and three of the project was finding a way to add more seating areas for the public while still incorporation greenery. Pelouse, a local urban design company, who came up with the concept for our flower boxes also designed our benches. The idea was to create a design and construct it with materials that would last for more than just one season. Once installed, the design caught the attention of urban planners, architects, merchants and even residents who contacted us asking if they too could have a flower box or bench installed in front of their house.

The flower boxes and benches created a corridor of greenery that diverted our clientele’s vision of traffic and parked cars producing an enhanced shopping experience. They also avoided garbage accumulation around the trees during the summer season. In 2019, 75 flower boxes and 15 benches were installed on the boulevard. The SDBSL also moved ahead with phase 3 of the project which was the conceptualisation of urban chairs. The SDBSL ordered ten double chairs that will be installed between Mont-Royal and Laurier Avenue in 2020. Representation


The Association des Sociétés de développement commercial de Montréal regroups 20 SDCs totalling more than 16,000 businesses and commercial establishments. Its mission is to represent its members and promote the emergence and growth of SDCs. The SDBSL is a member of the association and the treasurer on its Board of Directors.


In 2019, The SDBSL, in collaboration with the other SDCs and voluntary associations of the Plateau, organized a debate between the three potential candidates. We questioned them on their vision and priorities for businesses and commercial arteries. The reduction of taxes for non-residential buildings, vacant locals, the decrease of costs for terraces, the use of public domain and the condition of our sidewalks and urban furniture were all topics that were addressed during the debate. Representation

Les Veilleurs

The SDBSL implemented Les Veilleurs project for the past three summer seasons after a successful pilot project in 2013. Les Veilleurs are a group dedicated to educating our nightlife clientele on incivilities and disorderly conduct. The group works in collaboration with the PDQ38 and bar/club owners to mediate situations that arise on our territory. Les Veilleurs also help intoxicated clientele get home safely. In 2019, over the course of three months, they intervened in 987 situations. Representation

Positioning strategy

In 2019, the SDBSL conducted a positioning strategy in the format of a strategic plan with the company BC2, paid for by the city of Montreal as part of the Pram-Commerce program. Members of the ground and upper floors businesses located on the boulevard participated in workshops that helped define the direction and solutions outlined in the plan. The results and guidelines of the plan will help the SDBSL ensure the commercial and business vitality of the sector and generate a strong sense of belonging on the part of the business community, residents, employees and visitors and promote its creative and cultural brand image. Representation

Data and statistics

Data and statistics are imperative when it comes to representation and lobbying. For this reason, the SDBSL actively gathers information, conducts studies and sends out surveys on an annual basis.

In 2019, the SDBSL broke down its commercial mix of both the ground floor and upper floor businesses. This information is useful when pushing for changes in zoning restrictions and targeting new businesses.

The SDBSL also gathered information on a monthly basis of all vacant locals by contacting property owners and obtaining all information pertinent to a potential renter. The SDBSL also produces a catalogue that is shared with entrepreneurs and PME-MTL. The data allows us to have a up to date snapshot of the vitality of the boulevard. Twice a year, this information is presented to the borough and city of Montreal. Representation


The SDBSL has pedestrian counters at four main intersections of the boulevard (Prince-Arthur, Duluth, Mont-Royal and Saint- Joseph); two of which are installed on the east side while the other two are installed on the west side of the street. The data collected by our counters allows us to provide our members with a better understanding of consumer behavior. The data will also be used to share information with potential tenants and provide us with key information for our commercial recruitment strategy. Representation


Since June 1st 2019, merchants and property owners on Saint- Laurent Boulevard have been able to take advantage of the PRAM-Commerce program for commercial and building façade renovations.

Concretely, PRAM-Commerce is:

• 17 commercial or structural renovation projects accepted by the city of Montreal; • 3 projects under evaluation; • 19 projects in preparation for an upcoming submission.

The PRAM-Commerce subsidy covers up to $ 250,000 in construction costs, in addition to covering up to $ 20,000 in designer costs. The projects admitted to the grant represent more than $ 4 million in investments on Saint-Laurent Boulevard, of which more than $ 950,000 will be reimbursed by the city of Montreal.

In order to encourage merchants to take advantage of the program, the SDBSL produced an informative pamphlet which was distributed to merchants, as well as to property owners on the boulevard. In addition, we are working closely with interested parties to ensure that projects can receive the maximum assistance possible from the program, which is valid until May 31st, 2021. Representation

Commercial recruitment

In 2019, the SDBSL put a lot of emphasis on commercial recruitment for Saint-Laurent Boulevard. Working in concert with building owners and potential entrepreneurs, the SDBSL ensures that it knows the supply and commercial demand on the boulevard in order to encourage investment on Saint-Laurent.

For these purposes, the SDBSL produced a pamphlet of the highlights and prominent facts of Boulevard Saint-Laurent as an incentive to entrepreneurs interested in the boulevard.

In addition to the PRAM-Commerce grant, Boulevard Saint-Laurent has been admitted to the Commercial Entrepreneurship Fund of PME-Montreal. This grant, which can go up to $ 25,000, is designed specifically for new businesses and existing businesses that are expanding. Two new businesses on Boulevard Saint-Laurent have already taken advantage of this. The Team & Board of Directors

Selma Jmii Maud Tremblay Kenny Vallières Arnaud Vanderland Tasha Morizio Nadia Masella Executive assistant Communications and Main-tenance Project Manager General Manager Operations Manager Member services community manager Team leader PRAM-Commerce

Emily Robertson Zach Macklovitch Rachel Schwartz Harry Drakopoulos President Vice-president Bruce Burnett Marco Almaguer Administrator Administrator Appointed Saint-Woods Secretary - Antrev Treasurer – Darling Appointed Off The Hook

Katrin Leblond Marie Plourde Marie Madelin Administrator Administrator Administrator Katrin Leblond Design Borough Councillor Allen Madelin