l|eraUi FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2*, IW l'

A v m g i Dolljr Not Pnoo Run H o W m I IW tko W o* Bnfllng ■t V. B. Wo m a . 23.fi NmwOkor 11 TiM CM C M tlM Omtvr Om- UlMattaMt Chtmli wlU meet thia 72xf0 100% WOOL Gift 10,393 • EnSHyTt «:M »t the diut«h. A \ I t to mtUkte tttm . tlM Hartford Tk«o> gmbor of the AndK b « t l am nU ury will Ulk to the noa of OMOktUm Manehuter^A City of ViUago Charm 4h 2nh. H m bowMnr P*rty jdannM Special t iar Saturday idsht haa dmii poat- fm a t to a UUr data. Kenw ood VOL. LXXI, NO. 47 (CtaartM AdverttaWg on Fogo M) MANCHESTER; CONN., SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 19H (TWELVR PAGES) \ PRICE FIVE CBim MUa PatriOla Ann Goto of 3S0 j $I.S0 First Quali* Porter atrart ta among the Skld- ty Dark Magic noro OoUofo home econw^ca: Your favorite itudMta who wlU vlalt New York Stains 60 Gauga Mt^hUahmente on a three*day B la n k e ts Oxen Victinu of Italian Flood M d trip next week. Oarbizon jljnoiy Uio 17 Onnnactlcut 4>H 3hib project winners and four slip... Soviet for Arms Plan Shift ■ladirr will take off by plane troHi Sradley Field tomorrow for i dir^NaUonal 4-H CTub Oongreoa ' 1 8 .9 8 Bryn Fair at OWoidfn are In'lng Dunn of Rooklille, winner In the garden The blanket that will glvs you IKojert. and Wlnlhrop Merrlam of H art la tha slip that South C©v«ntiy. winner in the years of warmth and real servlca. New flattering Fall aheep project. They will receive All colors—white, rose pink, light mada Barblson color in perfect fitting IS denier ahaara. SIsaa natloiia] recoftiltJon at the week tti JW HAL^ eou green, blue, red arid hunter green. famouB—still making long club congreae for their work to 11. m a m c n m t m c o m w naws! Tha aama U. S. O ^ im s^ s HitPlane and wUl return home Nov, SO. pa ten tad 4-gora design^ The Manchciter Onunoil of the same wonderful 3»urchea will meet at C 'n t" tailoring—tha same Church, on Monday. Nov, 26. A perfect fit. In rayon fallowahlp supper at 6;S0 n-lll pre- crepe chooae Petal $ 1.00 .>ede the meeting. All who are in- Says Attack Urges W est tereated In the work of the roun- Pink, or White. In pair V Korean Atrocities ill will he welcome to attend. Barblson'a 31 Body- Reaervationa for the meal may he Contour* slMa. Forty Miles made' through the pastors of the T o Rc; write local churches. Warm 'Hat 'n Hu«er*' The nirisUan Science Society Off Siberia Increased to 8^000 12 Sections observed Thanksgiving Day with a special aersdee at 11 a. m. The $2-98 Paris, Nov. 24—(IP)—The' fubject of the lesaon-aermon was N « f t f « k — p y & c f i y . t k i c l Paris, Nov, 24—back by way of North Atlantic Treaty Organiza­ Waahinglon, Nov. 24—<46 — "Documentation ’and Investlga lavaetlva and go to tvork. Wa have a decided advantage. tlon of reported war crimes Incl- wilt proceda in tha hope that Fsypf- He conferred five and a It was the first time In almost tion (NATO). President Truman haa ordered an half hours yesterday with Shah Sitting in on the plenary session end to tariff agreements under dArts are continuing. As of July progress toward a genuine syrttm Mohammed Reza Pahlevi and pre­ a week that Sabre Jets have tan­ were two observers from Greece which this country gives Russia 20, 1951, approximately 8,000 of disarmament is otlll poosibla." CARDIGANS sumably got royal support for his gled with MIGs. Friday two Red United States military personnel planes were damaged by F-84 and Turkey, who are expected to and Poland trade concessions Munsan, Korea, Nov. 34—(46—* both claimed one East Korean A leading Scandinavian delagata Wool, all nylon, wool and nylon mixture. Many colon new decision. become full members of the slll- equal to those afforded any other have been reported killed as war said he found Vlshlniky'a address to choose frbm. Sizes 7 to 14. The big issue is the Iranian Thunderjets. crimes victims. Of this number, Hopes faded today for (Inal ap-1 Levle aald. and to bring tha The infantry battle was fought ance early in 1952. Under-secre­ nation. |H N case up to date Lt. Col. Al- "leas belligerent than prevloua flnancial crisis arising from the tary for Foreign Affairs Eanghe- And another Presidential order spproximateiy 7,000 were reported proval ^ the Korean buffer z^e „ Biitler, one of two UN ones." He said ha thought "tha loss of royalties that formerly in sub-freezing weather. los Averoff represented Greece yesterday calls for an outright killed by the North Koreans and .98 $5-98 Reds smashed at elements of a the remainder by the Cbinese issue this week-end_ at ataff offi- (tag officers, telephonod Eighth ■oft tonei at the end of tho apeeeh to came in from the Anglo-Iranian and Ambassador Rusaein Raaif ban on bringing into the United cers reported agreehrent on only | Army headquarters from Panmun- might be an opening for negotla- Oil company, now nationalized by crack United Nations battalion as Bayour, Turkey. States several types of furs from Communists. dusk fell Friday night. The UN "Approximately 15,000 South half of the 145-mile cease-fire jom. tioni." Mossadegh’s regime and idle. (Communist threats to hold sntl- Russia and Red (3hlna. Furs are "The Americana can now coma Mossadegh failed to get more West demonstrations outside the a major export from those coun­ Koreans of whom 14,000 were line. Headquarters, In turn, called the than a promise of -serious consid- (Continued on Page Seven) clvillsna, have been reported American battalion holding the with detailed queetlone to the Rus- meeting place fizzled out. tries. The officers pored over maps ■lana on. what they mean." aratlbn on his request for a loan A soviet government employe, The orders are effective Jan. 5. killed in other Incidents. This fig­ for five hours and 10 minutes Sat- hill and reported back that the BABY SHOP on a visit in' Washingtoif with T a a a Correspondent Alexandre The new tariff treatment order­ ure does not include deaths re­ urda.v. comparing United Nations doughboys were "highly inaulted" Cites Bargala President Truman. Viahnevaky, attended today's ses­ ed by Mr. Truman for Riissia and ported In Seoul, Taejon and other and Communist veralons of where when they learned there was some Viahinzky, In hU talk to the XMAS SUGGESTIONS The decision to call for immedi­ N. H. Engineer ^ sion to cover the proceedings. Poland—Communist governments places occupied by enemy forces. the line of i battle contact la lo­ doubt as to who owned it. politleal committaa, charged that ate elections was announced by Asked If there had been any ques­ in close association with Russia— Of the South Korean deaths, ap­ Levia said the ataff officers proximately 200 have been re­ cated. TThey will meet for the he had been offered a bargain — Deputy Premier Hosscin FatemI, tion raised when he requested drops them from the list of na­ third time In Panmunjom Sunday were trying for full agreement on a seat for Whita Ruaala on the Se­ who accompanied Mossadegh on Takes Blame credentials Viahnevaky said: tions to whom the United States ported killed by the Cirinese Com­ at 10 a. m. (8 p. m. e.a.t. Satur­ the battle tine ao there would be SATIN PAJAMAS $2.98 his foreign tour. At the same time munists and the remainder by the nothing for the aubdelegatea to do curity Council In return for con- “Why of course not.” > promises the same tariff conces­ day.) ceaalona to the West on disarma­ Sizes 4-8 in pink, blue or maize. FatemI dispelled any notion that Eden, making hia first speech sion.- It gives any "most favored" North Koreans. but approve it and call for a aaa- Mossadegh would voluntarily re­ 400 Oases On File The official UN command com­ sion of the full armistice delega­ ment—but refused. White Russia Says He Sent Train to NATO, was the center of Inter­ country. The U. S. gets a like munique said only that they Is the Soviet bloc candidate for sign unwr pressure of mounting est. The Britieh Foreign Secre­ pledge In return. "As of July 31, 1951, a toUl of tions. A NEW MIRACLE BLANKET BY PEPPERELL opposition.' Past Red Light Just 400 active coses were on file with agreed on approximately one-half If they are rmabte to reach the eeat now held by Yugoalavla. Made of the new miracle fibre Dynel. Shrink-resistant, tary said "our purpose is peace." The new order means Russian of the line. It did not designate The MajlU (Lower House) vot­ "We have no aggressive de- and Polish exports will now be the United Nations command and agreement, however, the aubcom- The Philippines and Greece are ataln-reslstapt. moth proof, quick drying. Sizes 36xS0 In ed Octobw 15 to postpone until Before Nov. 22 Crash 126 suspects were In custody. sectors still in dispute. pink, blue, maize and mint. Priced at \ There had been some expecta­ XMAS Dec. 18 the electfons that had been (Contlnued on Page Seven) (Continued on Page Seven) Documentation and Investigation (Coatlaoed on Pago Sevea), (CoatlaiMd am Page Savea) acheduled to start Nov. 31, three New York, Nov! 34.—)—The of some cases progressed to a tion that the ataff officers could months before expiration of the engineer of the New Haven Rail- point rvhere these cases are ready finish mapping the cease-fire line I \ O Q Vluc Tax present Majlis members’ two-year road expreaa train involved in the for trial In the event such Is di­ Saturday. rhanksgiving Day Park avenue rected." MaJ. den. Henry I. Hodes, UN JEWELRY Those for postponement said de­ tunnel wreck haa been quoted as Six daya after Col. Hanley gave subcommitteeman, aald Friday he lay was necesssiy because of Mos- saying he ran his locomotive Liiuibergh Gets Creciit his figures to war correspondents hoped the aubdelegatlona could ap­ 18 Killed, 79 Injured Necklacaa. earring)i. hraceleta and pins In a large se­ aadegh’s absence, tha financial through a stop signal. hr Korea. General Ridgway re­ prove the line Saturday and turn lection of stylaa Including rhineatonc and ilmulnted crisis and the show of Tudeh The express sideswiped a Stata- sponded with figures to urgent the completed buffer zone clause paarls. (Communist) party strength in ford-bound local as the two elght- Pentagon requests for confirma­ over to the full five-man armiitlce demonstrations while' he was :ar trains carrying 1,100 holiday For Data on Luftwaffe tion and clarification. delegations for adoption Sunday. In Danish Navy Blast away, privately some admit­ passengers moved north side-by- He said on Nov. 20 the total Approval Duo Monday ted the delay would give the non- side in the narrow tunnel. Twen­ might be aa high as 8,000, of Lt. Col. Howard I.,ayle, UN com­ COLORFUL Communlst opposition time to ty-seven passengers were injured, Washington, Nov. 23—UP)—The late “Hap” —Gen­ which 365 were confirmed atrocity mand spokesman, had expressed Copenhagen, Denmark, NoV. 24—UP)—Exploding hslf-ton rally forces against Mossadegh one critically. Three coaches were eral of the Army H. H. Arnold, who was World War II U. S. kilinga, 294 of them identified. hope that If the buffer zone sec­ mines last night blasted the Danish Navy’s arsenal here into and prolong his treasury embar- derailed and parts of the two There waa no ->* immediate ex­ tion were adopted apeedlly the CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS air leader—said that Charles Lindberg never received credit delegates could move on immedi- a charred tangle of death and wreckage. At least 18 firemen rk«sment with a consequent detii- trains crashed into opposite sides planation of these lower flgiirea and navy enlisted men w^re killed. Others possibly were blown ._ ,.ment- £q.hta iiidltlaj Uus tupnel. . Arnold helifive^wfa due ^him for ferreting out information fiven, p^renyyj at a. later ^ ta. ately to fhe next Item on the agen- — Wlnlar scanaer O dOnltl aoBfwaya. bloeh ..printet-i-juaS than that of the sripieme com­ Utarlmr • m -jnsy- kittana and holly cards. Boxed and cellophane pnekagoa. Mossade^'s National Front After a cloaed hearing yester­ aiwut pre'-wai^irmanyY lying under the tangle of concrete party held only seven of the 138 day the engineer, James D. Tay­ This was recalled here today by ------■■ ■ .....- ...... mander’s report to the United No­ Presumably final approval of the tions. Ridgway's Nov. 20 state­ buffer zone clauze cannot come be- and metal fiebrla. Seventy-nine MajUs seata when parliamentary lor, 50, of East Haven, Conn., was reports from Paris that a forth-1 otherwwere injured. approval of his long-time cam- quoted as admitting he failed to coming book tells of visits by Lind- ! — — ment did not definitely say what (ore Monday now. period, the figures covered. Under terinz of the agreement Unofficial estimates put the dam­ BuUetius • palgn to nationalize Iranian oil aee a red light In time to avoid a bergh in 1935 to Retchamarahal j age aomawhere between 75,000,000 production forced the shah to ac-> collision. Hermann Ooerlng "at the; request Col. George Patrick Welch, gen­ worked out by the subcommittees, News Tidbits eral headquarters prasa officer In the ceaae-flre line agreed upon will and 100,000,000, kroner (about |1,- fron tlifi AP W ins eept him as premier last April 29. Taylor declined comment but of the United States Gorremment! 100,000 to $1,400,000). Mossadegh succeeded Hussein Ala, Ernest- B. Moorhouse, manager of to get information about the ex-1 Tokyo, added to the mystery of become the final demarcation Una Called from AP Wires the apparent surprise caus^ by if an armistice Is signed within 30 The violent chain rase lion of APPLtpUED AND EMBROIDEREO who had favored a more moderate Grand Central Terminal, told pandlng Luftwaffe." The book, to! FO DIKBB BLABTBD oil policy. newsmen: be pulMished In London, Dec. 8, i i ' Hanley's atrocity summary . daya. lira and explosion, which destroyed Delivered to UN Levie aald thtj ataff offlcera five buUdIngs and heavily damagad Bmriga, Italy. Nav. 94 (it) Moasadegh’s strength lies most­ “Engineer ’Taylor haa acknowl­ "Marshal Without Glory.” a study \ Barbara Payton Mames "person­ Bagtaeere set aff nsorty twa ly in popular support whipped up edged that be failed to note and of Goering by two British journal­ He said last night the United worked over the wstem hsH of other navy inatallatlona, ahatter- observe the signal. He bacama ality’ dasbea" for her split with Nations command makes monthly the battle line during their morn­ rd windows throughout Copen­ teas at dyaoadto this azatalag TO W EL SETS by Extreme liationallsts and Mos­ ists, Ewan Butler and Gordon I husband Franchot Tone, who la su- te bteot epaa Pa Blvar dUiea aad lem religious factions in demon- aware of it too late to atop his Young. They praise Lindbergh for reports to the United Nations, and ing session and Ironed out some hagen, aat off hundr^ of burglar that they are delivered to tha UN points of disagreement. Others alarms and knockofi people out of ralaaaa term ta at Bead waters atratians geared to the antl-imper- train in time to avert the colU- getUng an “extremely full report j towaid the Adrtatle Saa. lal aad antl-Brittab slogans. Hia stan.” *non the»h. Luftwaffe”r.n«w .rf«’’ and say 1he,. h..has pounce upon and route through the Joint Chiefs of Staff remained unsettled, however. The their beds qa far away aa Sweden, Saate Claus in Green Bay. Wis., to and the State department. UN command spokesman said miles across the atraltz. S PC. SET BOXRP return to Iran yesterday was Already under suspension, Tay­ never received, publicly, credit due OONTINUES WOBX bailed by a quarter of million lor will be subject to railroad dta- to him. get at bagful of candy. Welch said the reports leava staff, offlcera of both aides checked Fire In a gaaoUna tank behind Beautiful Cannon towels appUquod with floral doaigna ' Iranians rallied by touring loud­ dpUnary astion. Moorhouse said Nore>1haa Anyone Safe crackers near Indianapolis Tokyo in claaalfled—secret—form; throughout the day with front line the heavy eoncrata mine araanal CMeoge^ Nav. S4r—tilt—Dr. gopd cooking all yoor Youndl —also Mr. and Mro.—HU and Hors ombroldarod, nil eel- speaker announcements. Taylor, who became an engineer Hap Arnold, too; In hia book use toe rtmeh nitreglyoerine—de­ and that ao far aa la known In units for lost minute Information touch off seven of 10 mines which Aadrew C. Ivy, aatod aaedteal ora. Om both tewal, ona hand towal, ona face ele^ His demand for immediate elec- In February, 1M8, has had "a per- "Global Mission," published in stroy $35 in currency, blow coitu Tokyo the UN secretariat la tha on points of battle contact. an authoritative naval source aald edoeatar raeoatly saapeadsd by 1949, said "Nobody gave ua much through wails of filling,station. Gla Indlgnaat had just arrived from the United the OWeaga Medleal Seclaty. to­ OTHER TOWEL SET5 $ 1.98 to $4.98 (OsottaMd ea Fage Sevea) (Coattanefi ea Page flairea) useful Information about Hitler’s University of Illinois brings tome (ConthiMd aa Pago Seyea) The UN AlUes and the Reds States. The blast made a crater day eaatlaned—hgp order a t UbI- air' force until Lindbergh came •9-permd lleneee as Thanksgmng about 10 yards deep and 30 yards verstty of Ollaaia traitaaa hia home in 1939." * ' queat.. .Evangelist Opie wide and completely (Ualntegratcd reaiiaiTh work te deteradaa tha Additlenally, before hia death in fined ,3600 for falling to reglaier the workshop whara the mines had value ef AreMaaao far eoaeer. 1950. Arnold told reporters Lind­ as an Indiana sacurttles dealer. . bean taken for Inspection. GOP Presidential Hopefuls bergh had dona more for the Unit­ Revived ^Dead\ Woman^ W | CONSBBVATIVB BOOB CUT Senator McCarthy dealea kick' Firemen who first wara called Londoa. Nav. 34^-4A6 Brea Extra Special! ed Statee, in air intelligence re­ ing, trying to bring about Pearson to battle tha gasoUna fire, were porting. than anyone else—and daa Braekca, waHlaw lafaroa- boycott, as charged by Drew Plans Fresh Start in Life eaught by tha blast and only one Uoa mtelotar, says ha Is qtetUag REG. $8.95 POLLY PRENTISS Pushed to ‘Air Intentions "at a time when he was constant­ Pearson In $5,100 damage su it... of them waa able to tell what WEDDING RING DESIGN ly being criticised for aasociatlng U. S. Chsmter of Commerce ssys happened. The ether 32 were PariteMeat beeaam at IB health. with and aympathlsing vriUi tha Truman administration haa eol- either dead or In tha hoopital. His reetgwattea wlB eat tha Washington, N ov. 34 — (46 1 >A. Taft of Ohio into the Republi­ N asia.” San Francisco, Nov, 34—UP)— -own life waa "a stupid, silly thing Ooaeenratlve partyte warktag Freaaura taillt up today balllnd po­ can race with the early praasura laetod Bsote taxes than all prevloua The woman sent to the morgue aa to 'do.' Tha resulting fires were brought Lindbergh, queried at the tlmie admlniotrations put U^etber. maJarity la tha Hawm af Omw- te n tia l RepMbUcan Prosidantlal aa- being brought to bear on other of those remarks, declined com- dead 16 days ago leavea the hos­ Reporters listened- intently yes­ rmder control two hours after the meM ta 18, paadlag aa elarttoa CHENILLE grants to bring thatr candidacy potential candldatas. Thus for rnonts Britain charges In formal note terday as tha woman' who doesn't blast and the grim work of out into tha opan. that Egyptiaa geveranieat ia to pital today for a new Ufa she Is look her SO years, told her atory. aearehing for bodiaa began. ta fill the vaeaaey. Iks dtetrtct only (tav. Bari Warren of Califor­ Arnold aald in his book thkt Is predem laaatly OaaaarvaHva. Friends were reported, urging nia, tha 1948 Vice Praaidantial Goarlng gave Undbargh a look at blame for all ktlllnga and damaga anticipating with happinaoa and Faellah Thing The roof over the dohnitoriea Marold B. Staaaan, former Oover- nominee, officially had entered tha In Sues Canal Zona since Oct. IS, humlUty. ' "I must be known only as T. K. o f Um Danish Marinas eollapaed, tha German air fproa ‘such aa BUIUNCBB SUB STATB SOEON BEDSPREADS aor of Minnesota and now praii- Uat agaJiist Taft. ly i^ bly no other foreigner had wbaa Egypt acted tp oust British. She remembers nothing from BuUer. After that you may aoy causing panic among tha 1,100 dant a t Uia 'Unlvenlty of Pannsyl- H daed here os having furthered ap- homa prison makaa him solemnly piUa Nov. 7 to when aha b ^ a n fashioned. I did a alUy foolish offioara’ aeheol also was heavily lawjor aad State Saaatar. haa TOW never to vtolflta law again. seeing geometric pattema and thing. It‘a not sensible to burden 'duMigtde baaa i------* dadeadaat laaBw- $ 6 - 9 9 Senator Morse (R-Ota.) said If gard to 'any itoaiaiaa that may be paaoamant by tailing tha Britl* porter Osart aettea la wUcB •«# Gan. Dwight D, Ihiwnhawar la go­ mads by Btoanhower. Bioanhawar cabinet that the German air force Aaothwr trip te Antarctic la opened her eyas seven daya latar them.” 8paeulati(m on tha poosibUlty of ing to he a caradata for tha lU- has not publicly said whathar he and w ar arfadhina w ars .vary plannad W Rear Admiral Richard In a hospitsL So tho reporters agraod to call sabotage was aroused when Po­ platetUte ctetai total fiteaagaa at pnhltean nomination ha (|hould aay arould be avallMa for any.Praal- strong. iO. , hut ha doasnt count on But aha hnowa aha wants to her that. The initials raprasant lice Ortnmleelotisr J. Odmar im­ IlM M . far al an launadiataly. ' ^ dential nomination. Arnold wrote that ha. received malting Jaunt until present world Uve and to finish a book aha had her true first and middle namao. posed a eomplata blackout ef In- Bwat a f MBs te Polttictaaa generally craditad criota peases. . . . Coldest weather bagim writing. She aaya spiritad' the sBRy eatrjr of Sanetof'Ilobott (0 m l I Two) .« m ra g " of aoason bite MMweat. ly that attaanKlng to taka on i •) « MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1951 PAGE THREf

■ik munlon on December 8 the Chester Council o f Churches, at of Keren Hsyesod, vlca preaideitl of the Bronx Women'a Committee LAND SURVIYIN* Parish House. Center Congregational Church. Zionist Leader Friday beginning at 6:00 p. m. Wednesday— for Brandeis University, membar eoBaaitteea. Will'hold a drinea thla fanay work, - Mrs. RossIyB Hill, Annual Ladles' Aid Christmas Mie 7:30 p. m., Bible Study and of the !>>ngue o f Women Voters evening at the Itallaa Au rtoaa Dead Woman Maps Mrs. Marian MeOnuisll aad Mra. Edward L ItaviSi Jr. and social. Prayer Hour. W * will begin a stu­ and of Americans for Democratic Rockville Friendship Club on. Ktagahurj Katharina MIlwlIU; fuod table, Here Tuesday Action, and former chairman of Regtatosai L m S B R n teiw Mrs. Albart PsUa and Mra Wil- Friday, 7:30 p. m. Adult class. dy of Christian Doctrine, "What javenuew Candidatao fo r Um U ty Start oh New Life the women'a organization for the Man BalMnaliiake; parcel post, Saturday, 10 a. m. Play, lesrn ChriaUana Bellsvs". This series of 15 Preetar Bead, Mactlea ai^ expoetad to he m b CIRCLE Bronx Red Oos*. and sing period for boys and girl*. discussions is open to all. 1M. 7 M t cnt. There will be no M aking, Mra. Mlldrsd MiUer and Mrs. Mrs. Mortimer Jacob­ Youthful, charming and dynam­ TODAY thni WED. St. Jansea* R. C. Church 8:30 p. m.. Visitation -Evangel­ Set Another kosrevar. A luncheon w ill do serv- (CoatiMM from Page Om ) < Marie Matchulat; white elephant, South Mathadlat Oiaroh ic, Mrs .lacoKson haa thrilled Mala Streat and Hartford R ^ Rev. John H. Hannon, Paator ism Committee, at church, ed during the evening. Mias Gladys Brolert and Mrs. Min­ Second Coagregal tonal Church son, New York, Guest Hadassah audlcncea throughout But she Is going away to wheks Fred R. Edgar, Mhdater Rev. George P. Hnghea Frldsy-..- nie Seelert; religious articlsa Mra 361 North Main Street the New York metropolitan area D ress Qas^ Church Analverearjr she is liUI* known and starting Peroy F . Smith, Re4-. Edgar J. FarreU 6:15 p. m„ Our Covenant Hl- O f Hadassah Chafiter Paul G. pTok^y. Rev. Leland O. Hunt. Minister where she has spoken, with her On Sunday evening at 7;30 life anew with a relative she will, Chriatmaa greeting cards aa Asaodatad Minister Leaguers will b* the guests of the Private Party IrIm^ o'clock the First Cangrefatlaaal Warren D. Wood, Organist Springfield Hl-League. "Regions vlvid| nulhorllallve presentations not name. wall aa avaiy day graisting cards Heihert A, France, Sunday masses; Manchester Chapter of Hadas- e- vate homof. Write Rev. Dr. James F. English, lu- faced the aaaie proUem,” aha aald. E arth" ...... Dix Bev. James P. Timmins, Pastor God ...... Nun Danket North Methodist Chuich training in "Better Drew Con- EagUah aad 4S4 ladlaa laaguaga perlntendent of the Congregational She decided on "a happy end* J t H U IA R r ' Anthem— Rev. Robert Carroll and Anthem by Junior Choir: O Lord 441 North Main Street partmriit'a setback tiiurnament. atniction" held in Rockville Oct. aawapaaar% lafarawUon Mlaiatar churches in Connecticut, will be ing," although ahe ,waan’t raaOy I vM aalB C "Praise the Lord, O Rev. Theodore P. Oubala, Most Holy ...... Franck Willard McLaughlin. Minister .lohn.son's Paint Company hnlils 29 to Nov. 16. Due to the InUreat R. R. nwijm r Dtmm or oriaa Box Q, HoraiO. the guest speaker. A large group del anadiaiiad la Par- "PEUNO Jerusalem” ...... Maunder AsolstanU Hymn: Draw Thou M y Soul, O the lead with i.433 points, Cough­ shown, one additional class it to of new members will be received tov. 7, ebe ata .a good dinner, liaaiant Offertory Anthem— Christ ...... St. Edmund Sunday School. 9:30. lin's Service Is runner-up with ha held to exhibit the finUhed into th* church fellowship. "including two cupa. M coffee and "(%me Unto the Mountains" Masses on Sunday at 7:00, 8:00, Th* Sermon: The Danger of Being Divine Worship. 9:30 and 11:00. 1,417, and Hose Co. No. 1 third sell ilUPtt and to make copiments The covensnt of th* church, my favorite ice osaam—oh, -1 had Spross 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 g . m. Too Prudent. Processional Hymn, "Jesus Shall with 1..193 and eriOeitta of the ferments. which bind* all together, will he a grand timo.” ' 8 T A B T 8 June Gaal, Soprano ** Offertory Anthem by Church R e in ." M oriarty’s Pninicrs were high This-clasa is to be held Nov. 20 at re-o«Tied. an old custom among Tben,ahe returned to her Ban Hym n— Choir: A Good Thing It Is to Bible Reading. Jonah, Chap. 8. scorers f>ir the Aenin g Tuc.sday j the Union Church social room* In TOBIORROW Congregational clmrche-a in New Francisco apartment, gulped the "Now Thank We AH Our S t Francis of Asalal (Tiureh Give T h a n k s ...... BItgood Private William E. Grady, Jr., H)rmn, "From All the Dark Plac­ with 147 poinl.s. Second high GOING OUT OF Rockville from 10 a. m. to noon. England. Non-reSidenl members sleeping tsMeta, intending to bow STATE God” ...... Nun Danket South Windsor, Route SO Hymn: Now While We Sing Our son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. es" scorer was .lohnsnn’s paint, lit' The claasea were conducted by of the church have been contacted her head face doam la a fined Reception of New Members Rev. Arthur J. Hefferaian, Pastor Closing Psalm ...... Hesperus Grady of 44 Olcott drive, ha* ar­ Sermon. "Around the World in points. I Rev. Francis V. Karvelis, Curate Miaa Katherine Tlnfley, state ex­ and a large attendance Is antici­ bathtub. But ahe lost conacioua- Sermon— Organ Postlude: Grand Choeur rived at Fort Dix, N. J., for basic Twenty Minutes." Other scores are Ijvr.scn's Feed BUSINESS! tension clothinf specialist. Th# pated. neaa face up In the tub. "Continuous Thanksgiving” Dialogue ...... GIgnut training with the 9th Infantry Hymn, "From Greenland’s Icy and Hardware. 138.'i: .lack's All Masses at 7:30, 8:30 and 10:30 follewinf were in attendance: Mn. Visit West Polal Rev. Fred R Edgar 6:00 p. m. Mu Sigm a Chi meets Division. Private Grady ha* been Mountains" Stars, 1,383: Schcndel's Oil. 1,368: j STOCK AND RXTURES a. m. St the church. Cluti Chianti, 1,364 M oH artvs; Chris Glenney. M n. Joseph Motyx- Many shooters of the Legion A physician pronounced bar Recessional Hymn— assigned to Co. 1. 47th Infantry Youth Fellowship, from the V. Northeast Neighborhood The Week Painters. I..361: Hooil's Milk, | Skeel Club will go to West Point dead. ' A morgue driver heard a' "Come Ye 'Thankful People, Regiment, for 16 weeks of train­ church at 3:15 to Nutmeg Trail OF FOOD STORE Group; Mn. Evan Kuligren, Mn. Monday— 1„33S: 4xxxx 1,265. j tomorrow for the fourth nistch gasp and saw her Jaw twitch aa Come" St. George's, Windsor Oeutor Congregational Church ing. He attended Trinity Col­ Rally at Portland. John Woodward, M n . Newton between the American Legion club Postlude— 6:30 p. m. Girl Scout Troop No. lege and Manchester High sch(X)l, The Week AT 203 NO. MAIN ST. he propered to move her cold body Rev. Clifford O. Slnapoon, Pastor 12 meets at the church. The .lapanese Inlroduced thei Bmttt, Columns Homemaking and West Point. To date the Rock­ to a slab. Oxygen and drugs "O God. Our Help” .. Matthew* clasa of 1945. Monday, 6:,30. Manchester Coun­ Rev. Dorothy WeUa, Pease, Tuesday— ■ giant African laml snail to their Group; M n. Percy Cook. Andover ville group has beaten West Point Military ahaervera watch the sixth blaat In'the A tsaUr Enc.-gy LomihUslun's carreat expertmeaU were administered and the anias- 0:30 a. m. Church School. cil of Churches. M A N CH ESna Minister of Education 6:30 p. m. Junior Choir rehear­ Island nulposta during World War Homemaking Group; M n. An­ each time the teams have’’ met. at it* proving grsaada, Freacluaaa’a Flat, Nav. The AEO saM the Utaat A-hasnh waa set aC to atagy ita Ing recovery began. 10:49 a. m. Nursery and ex­ 7:30. Women's Society at the Andrew R, Watson, sal. the gloiy of the Lord, are changed II so their soldiers could have I thony Bonner, Mrs. Arthur Pal­ Those representing the club on egect rni weapaas. jOfrwrvera aald H appeased ta ha a aarfaae exptoalaa. (NBA Telephato). But it wasn’t a rcsumctloa, tended church school session. church, all circles. MUST IE SOLDI mer. Trumblebrook Neighborhood Minister of Music 8:00 p. m. Manchester CTioral Into the same image from glory snail stew. | Sunday include Kenneth Mead, Mrs. Butler saya. "Obviously, 4:60-8:00 p. m. The M. Y. F. Tuesday 7:00. Boy Scouts. Group; Mn. Harriet Thayer, Mn. will meet at the sub-dlatrlct rally Society rehearsal. to glory even aa by the spirit of Wednesday, all day. Joy Circle Howard Isch. Jerry Allen of Rock­ street. Prlxes will be awarded to will close with a social hour and since I’m here. I never wns dead." Homer Waits, Rockville Home- ville: Ted Palmer of'Tolland, Fran­ at Portland, Conn. Sunday, Nov. 29, 8, 9:19 and 11 Wednesday— the Lord." (II Cor. 3:18). work aeasion. the member* who caught the refrashmcnla. Pu t Commander When consciousness returned, 6:30 p. m. Monthly dinner-meet­ Correlative pasaages from the Mrs. Mortimer Jacobson maken. cis Weber. East Hartford; William Legion News 9:00 p. m. Jr. HI meeting and a. m. services. Jay Ebersole, stu 8:00. Tyler Circle. largeat fish during the past sea­ Ted Fairbanks Is general chair­ "m y first impreaaiona were o f per­ ing of the Merry-Weds, at the F iM l Paper CoOeetien Liikcna, Thomas Susca and John Installation of newly elected offi­ dent assistant from Halford Christian Science textbook, "Sci­ Thuraday. 7:45. Circle, the Bronx chapter, who was one son. man o f the committee in charge fect geometric patferns of an col­ church. Couples In th* parish who Bralnard of West Hartford, and Cbmmander Chet Hogan presid­ cers. Mrs. Percy Smith, the new ence and Health with Key to the 27 Turnbull road. of Hadassah'* leading delegates The final paper drive o f the sea- (tiurch Notes and will be assisted by Past Cbm- ors and shapes sailing along aa Seminary will speak at the sight are Interested in Joining the Mer- Paul Campbell of Hartford. As councilor of the group, will direct Scriptures," hy Mary Baker Eddy, to the historic 23rd World Zionlsi ■en sponsored by the OsthoMc ed at a meeting of the post's ex­ manders Francis B. Miner, Wilfred though in the w a t e r ...! could o'clock service. ry-Weds may do so by calling Mrs. in previous meetings there will be A t the morning service at 10:49 the affair. include the following (p. 210) Congress In Israel during the \ Touth Organisation of St. Jo­ ecutive committee' on Tuesday, Clarke, Comrade W ally Fortin and hear all that was being aald Prelude—"Larghetto" In D Flat Raymond Greene, 2-9939. A REAL CHRISTMAS a group of friends and ipectstors tomorrow at the Unioa Oongrega- 7:00 p. m. Epworth League "Knowing that Soul and ita at­ summer of 1951. i seph’s Church in Rockville will be President Ruth Hickox of the around me. But my eyes were like — Faulkcs. Thursday - Uonal Cliiirch, the pastor, Rev. Nov. 20. Many important post meeting. Panel discussion on tributes were forever manifested An Indefnitgalile H n il s s s n h i held Monday evening, Nov. 26, who will make the trip. Auxiliary, and Paat President a baby’s. It was like starting all Anthem—“O For th* Wings of a 7:00 p. m. Boy Scout Troop No Gileail BiUI sad Chata

strong doM o f oonfldenca, com­ World’s End Topic pounded with underatanding, on UN Citizens Group Form er Aviation Hero the part of the eltiaena they W BA r— 91* k At /ion Lutheran serv-e." Sets Open Meeting: wno— IN* Dr. Symonda, who wea gradu­ ■ ated with honors last June from Today^ Radio WFHA—1M.T medical lehool, has often vieited The Mancheata* CUlMiit' Com- i 14U Now Local Machinest Following the traditional church Staaaard TkM WTHT—ISM MANCHESTER DIRECTORY year rslendar, the Sunday morn­ his brother In the eight yeeri mlttaa for the United Nation* will * ing eervleea at Zion Lutheran Frank has been living In Manches­ 'lold an open meettiiK Monday' John Domenjo* Wan ' required more skill and imaglna- CTuirch will renter on the last ter. tvening. Nov. 26, at 8 o’clock. In ^tion than anything else, and the Federation room o f Center . 1 * WDRC-Gahfhtiaters. things and the end of the world. m O B O -9 U w . One of Early Pilot*; j i^menjoa was Jylng after only Several Sundays are devoted to Church. The results o f Manches­ Matinae. WTIC—Talent Search Country three lessons. But even In 1910 'WOCX>>MwchMUr this consideration and on this Sun­ PTA (ironp lo Sec ter's observance of UN Week will Style. First Man to Fly that was some sort of record. W BAT—SatairdN , OF BUSINESS SERVICES day, the last of the old ehtireh- he evaluated and plana for the Tor- w rore—News; Psrsde of HIU. W O N S—HawaU Calls. "In those days, John says, "you mation of a permanent UN organ- year, Rev. raul O, Prokopy will K’i WTHT—News. WTHT—Polks Time. Plane Upside Down learned to fly hy tXxling the 'iirl Seoul (lrafl8 izallon will be diaciisaed. preach on "It May Be Too Ijile ! W n O -N e w s . *: 80— plane along the ground and learn­ The main purposes of such an W O K »—News. W TIC — Grand Old Opry. By LEONARD ZEIDENBERG ing to handle the controls. Then Are You Beady For Your End, and organisation would be to serve as the WorldT End? " The Girl Scouts of the Highland . l l l A - „ WDRC—Broadway’s My Beat. Singapore Refuge Back In the early days of fly ­ you were told how to get the Park School, under Ihe dliectlon an Information center fo.’ WDRO-Joliiuir Mercer. W O N S—Guy Lombardo Show. Red Bureaucracy YOUR BEAUTY APPOINTMENT! plane Into the air and how to land Hymns on Judgment day. death, rhiirches, schools, ritiba and Indi­ WONS—YsJe vs. Harvsrd. Another Saucer ing, when to be an aviator waa to nf Mrs. Pearson, have been WTHT—Irish Program. It. And then once In the air, fly ­ and life everlasting will harmonize preparing articles for sale that viduals, where they could oecure srn rr—oaest star. For Revolutionists Have you mad# your appointmanf for the Holiday? be a hero among men, the Swiss ing w’as no problem until you with the emphA'Ia of the day. For materials or Information on the WnC—N ation al Farm and 10:00— Enters Barnyards they will display at Ihe meeting nf WDRC—Robert Q. Waxworks. pilot John Domenjoa waa a hero j wanted to land. That was the the benefit of those who were nut the Highland Park Parent-Teach­ UN, snd tn sponsor educational Home Hour. W TIC—Dangerous Assignment. Singapore— 1A>)—The Singapore DO IT NOW! Among kinga. problem." of town and the Siindsy school ers Aasoclstlon Wednesday, Nov. programs for the general public I t M — H t was one of the flrat o f the on the UN—Its atructure, accom- W DRC— City Hospital. W T H T — Music. Beriln—t/P» — Communist-ruled "Standard" reported a number of . He stayed on with Blerint for which will meet In a body, as Is 26. II will open at 7:.3fl so that Ihe W H A Y — Football Finals, flyers—one of the achool of Blerint girls may leave early. They will pIKihments, and the work of the \9THT—Vincent Lcpes. East Germany, (where every­ Thais Involved in the abortive re­ a couple of years as a test pilot ciislnmnry on the last Sunday of WONS—Chicago Theater of the and Coste and Pegoud. and of In his factory and an instructor each month, the unique and In' have homemade randy, popcorn .Specialized Agencies. 1 :4 5 — body and virtually everything la volt against Premier Plbulaong- planes held together with nails W K N B —fSuest Star. Air. In his srhnol before taking o ff on stnietlve harvest home display halls, pot-holders, polled pisnts Anyone Interested In the forma­ preaaured to fulfill a atate-pre- gram last June are taking refuge and glue and w’ire. 10:80— a barnstorming tour that took from Tlisnksgiving day will he re. and oilier items that they have tion of such an organisation la S;N— scribed production quota), la hail­ in Singapore. j Domenjoa waa the flrat man to made themselves. It la hoped that * WOCC—Manchester Matinee. W T H T —Treasury Hunt. him all over Europe. Including tsined, together with cedar and urged to attend. CTIubs and or- W H A T — Notre Dame vs. Iowa. ing a sow theae daya. It is said theae Included two for- | fly upaldr down and among the Spain, where he stunted at a com­ all membera will attend so ihal the gsnlz.atlnna are eapcctally Invited W TIC - Roundup Time. mer Thailand naval officers. The 1 East Center Street floral ornamenlallon. W TH T— Pan American Union. She aet a record by exceeding 99 flrat to loop the loop. He barn­ mand performance for King Al­ youngsters will have a aiiecessfiil lo send representatives to this 11:00— • the atate quota which requlrea newspaper added that more than For visual education a film strip W DRC—Music. stormed all over Europe and fonso In Madrid In 1913. and to evening. meeting. News on all stations. 10 Thais have taken refuge In the preparatory for P-hristmas, start­ that every sow produce at learnt 16 stunted for the King o f Spain at South Am erica and Canada. After Ihe biislneia meeting at 6 S:N— 11:13— plgleta In a year. The champ waa Federation of Malaya. - ing with an histori. prophecy of W DRC—Football Roundup. a command performance. Barnstorming enjoyed quite a o'clock, Mias Virginia C. McCau­ W ONS Music. It is understood that they have MIcah, will he presented lo both WKNB—Stars Review. credited with already having pro­ He was one of thoae daredevils ley, assistant professor of ediics- W TIC Silver Jubilee. Federation Identity papers and vogue In the TV’cntles, of eourae, WOOC—News; Music. duced 13 littera totaling 114 In who in the stone age of aviation the parL’ h house and the rhureh Imn at New Britain Teac hers Col­ W HAY—Record Review’. would not be liable to extradition BILL'S TIRE when World War I pilots returned W TH T— Kentucky vs. Tennes­ hreedinga ao far. history captured the imagination from service and turned to stunt side of the .Sundsv school. and lege will be Ihe guest speaker Her Il:* 0 — She'a the atar of a pig farm run to Thailand since they can claim AND o f early 20th-Century man with hymns will be sung from the topir will be "Child Development WANTED see. WDRC -Jack Zalman Show. flying for a living. But when by one Herr Wellner near Madge- they are political refugees. their ability to "fly higher and .screen and Choice of Books ' .She will al­ 11:30— Domenjos began his career, the *!«— hurg. A ll the aowi aeem to be better than the birds," as one of so suggest appropriate books for . W T IC —Kentuckj' vs. Tenn. W T IC —Penthouse Club. REPAIR SHOP mere sight of a plane in the sky, A cordial invllslion is extended TO BUY S :0 0 — working well for Wellner, who la them put It, and who held that let alone one fij’ing on its bark or In all. especislly newcomers and Christmas gifts. II:4.V— given an accolade In the Onmmii- William H. Green, Prop. Mothers of the fourth grade WKNB—News; Request Mati­ W TIC Music. Imagination long enough to edu­ doing spins, was practically un­ those who hsve no church home. REASONAILl nee. niat preaa and promlaed an expan­ Ellingtojn Columbia Bicyelot cate him to the prarticality of the heard of. children, under Ihe siiperi ision of 12:30— sion of his farm with alx new pig Mrs Robert Doyle w ill he hn.sleas­ S;30— W TIC Music. A W N IN G S . aircraft aa a means of safe and Man of The Hour WCCC—News; M\islc. atlea. U. S. and Rsk Tiros efficient transportation. es for Ihe evening INDUSTRIAL LAND Television Frederick H. Arena, 64, died VENE'HAN BUNDS Wherever he went the little But all of that waa before the l*oli<'ciiiaii - Doctor 4 :0 0 — WNHC—IT suddenly st his home on Maple Ropairt Sorvico WINDSHIFXD COVERS Swiss aviator was the man of the W X «C —Music. first World War. Today, John The term "joiirnevman " origin­ r. M. hour. Even after the world went Apprax. 3 »a 10 Aerot WKNB—News; Request Matl- street, Wednesday morning. He Accostorios Manchester Awning and Domenjoa. 66 and a diabetic, with ates from the French word, "jour", 1:00—Boston Blackle. to war In 1914 he attracted huge lliiK Drollicr Here meaning "day" All workers were - nee. 1:30-F ootball Hllltea. was bom March 2, 1886, In Brat- 180 Spruce Street Canvas Products Co. nothing left of those early glory WONS— Kentucky vs. Tenn. crowds and received a tremen­ known aa day laborers In the Ren- CALL *2.3391 1:40 Bin Stern — Football tleboro, Vt.. the son of the late _ Phone 2-0659 Phone 2-8091, 180 Hartford Hr. days when he pioneered In the dous amount of publicity. News­ development of aviation except I‘>r. M ailm M Syinnnds. who Is ntaaanee period. 4 :3 0 — Film. and Carl and CHirlallne Mehetens Arena. paper sceounts In hia serspbook WONS— Juke Box. 3:00 National Home Show. * Ha with hla fam ily came to E l­ aome memories bound In a bat­ Ihe only New York policeman ever WTHT—Pan American Party. refer to him as "intrepid with al­ lo praetice medicine In that city, 3:30 Film Short. lington, from Springfield, Maas., 34 tered scrapbook, aome blueprints most monotonous regularity, and • :S0— Thla pictare, taken by Ony B. Marqnaad, 4r.. on n m ^ W n rond o f inventions he has been linable and who waa the auhject of a fea­ 4:30 Garry Moore Show. near RlveniMe. Cnilf, In n "Hying anocer"—onya M aiqu ^ . He dalms years ago and he had worked as a UVE lETHR— UVE .South American journalists went W H A Y — Band by Demand. Q--Whal Is meant by the word grocery clerk the past few years to finanee. and a fine skill as a ture article In Ihe New York Post i .3:00 Gabby Hayes. he and two friendo onw the object, shown nbove the skyline end SPENCER to great pains to describe his WDRC—Old Record Shop. "channel" as used In television? previously conducting the Phllllpps machinist, la living quietly in last week, is the hmlher of Frsnk 3:30 Nature of Things. LONGER— RE HAPPY "vuelos scrobaticos," especially M. Synionds nf 697 Hartford road 1 * ;4 S — A The wavelengths or fre­ In the Inset. It fiew by once and he took the plctnre on Its serond store In Rockville. iNDIVlDUA.l- DESiGNtD Manchester. W TIAY—Sports. 3:43 On the Line. hia loops, which were the first and Ihe medical achool rlRsamate BE PREPARED quencies over which Individual pnso. (N B A Telephoto). ______He WHS a member o f EHIington Machinist Now W T H T —Navy Show. 0:00 Better Homes Show. ones executed in South America. of Dr Orlando Orflielli. former Lone Ranger. broadcasting stations are permit­ Grange and the Ellington Volun­ The former pilot came here from WDRC— Football Scoreboard. 0:30 BUY A a YOUR He returned to France in 1914, Manchester resident snd sports , NO FROST — NO SLEET — NO SNOW 7:00—Groucho Marx. ted to transmit their programs. vance by calling him at telephone teer Fire Department. I Wethersfield two years ago and is W T IC —Bob Considinc. These channels are assigned to but he didn't slay long. He bought star. I 7:30—Alan Yoiincr Show 7-7406. He la survived by his wife Jeanie ^ living with the Herman Gates WONS—Jimmy Dorsey Show. MEATS AT himself a brand new Bleriot 60- In Ihe article. Dr Syioonda, who I 8:00- Ken Murray Show. broadcasting companies by the South Coventry Mr. GledhUl will be the Instruc­ Hutton; one son. F. John Arens; ^ family on 136 Highland street and Evening horse power rotary plane and re- was a policeman for seven years 9:00- Show of .Shows. Federal Communications Commis­ tor. He wishes to announce that two daughters, Mrs. Gordon H. working as a machinist at the WINDSHIELD COVERS Mrs. Pauline IJttIa THE L T. WOOD cro.saed the Atlantic 'ly ship, of before entering the College of •:06— 10:.30 Your Hit Parade, sion. the Squad is available for emer­ Dlmock of Ellington and Mrs. K-F * D Manufacturing Company, WDRC—Newft Coventry 7-6231 gencies on a voluntary basis and rourse. with the plane crated he Medicine, .Slsle University of New | ll OO -Wre.stllng from Chleago. Buefios A. W. Young of Portland, doing piece work. He beranie York In 1947, offered Ihe city of' NO ATTACHMENTS— NOTHING TO LOSE W TH T— Football Scores. Q When was the method of suggesU that the following list of LOCKER PUNT low decks, and resumed his bsin- Concl.—News. Me.; a brother, Charles o f St. friendly with the Gateses about six New York a presrriptlon nf what | HOOK ON— UNHOOK AND READY TO DRIVE IVHAY—News. producing Prussian blue discov­ members, who are trained FJrst months ago. and after he had suf­ storming in South America. The The Grade 8 of the Robertson Petersburg, Fla.; a sister Mra. its police need "a ahong Injec- | WITH CLEAR WINDSHIELD WONS— News. ered 7 Aiders, be retained: Mr. Gledhill Theodore M. Rheaum of Hollywood, aad MEAT HOUSE fered a diabetic attack, they invit­ rave notices he was receiving W TIC —News. School magazine drive closed lion of public goodwill and a A Prussian blue one of the of Route 44A. Mrs. Leon Heckler Fla.; and five grandchildren. 823 EAST CENTER ST. ed him to stay with them. so\ith o f the border, however, fin Tuesday with a grand total of $1,- 51 B|!b ,II St. Trt. M24 Robert Nauman Thoto AN IDEAL XMAS PRESENT • :1 5 - Soviet Gnus Back two blues widely used today In the of Brewster street, Mlaa June D. Funeral services were held Fri­ PH O N E 7654 Short, slight, soft spoken, with ally eonvinced Yanqiii promoters * WONS—Sports. tinting of paints was first devel­ 958.95 received toward a goal of Ixmmls of Route 44A, Richard C. day at the White Funeral iTome v'ispy gray hair, Domenjos dne.s that the "crazy bird" wouldn't be John Domenjoa. one of the earl­ disk moves ilown, Its shingles W T IC —Bob Steele. oped In Germany In 1704. 32,000. The class will receive StOrrs o f Route 44A. and Mr. and in Rockville, with the Rev. James not rut an impressive figure. But a bad Investment, so in 1915 they such as Cnpt. FMtile Rirkenbark- TELEPHONE 2-;i0»l Pearl River Forts Mrs. Burton E. Moore, J r, Snake close, eapturing Ihe air under it, W’H AY—Supper Serensde 36.54.99 with 3104 to be deducted T. Carter a former paator of El­ 40 years ago, when his star burst enticed him north with lucrative of. who tiirnofi their hand to Ih© iest of the pilots. Inventor, and Hill road. and at the same lime. Ihe bottom ! W'DRC—Visitin' Time. 9 What Is the algnlfleanre of for the coat of Individual prizes to lington Congregational Church of- on the aviation scene, his was one offers. produrtlnn rn i of aviation with now s machinisi at K-F Sr D Man- WILLIAMS Hong Kong The Bocea Tigris Mr. Gledhill also stated that disk moves up as Its shingles | • :S0— a star In flag heraldry? be awarded on a point ayitem. ficlatlng. Burial waa In the Elling­ of the really important names in Domenjos made his entrance on succosa when th©lr flying days ufarturlng Company, Is seen next W TH T—News. forts, at the mouth of the Pearl A The star la an ancient sym­ while the Squad recommends the , the flying world. He was railed the the Ameriean aviation scene a war© ov©r. Domonjas m©! onlv open. On the next stroke, Ihe MANCHESTER AWNING CO. Thla leaves the class with a net standard Ambulance Services, ton Center Cemetery. SERVICE to a model of his voletcoptere, s W ONS—Music. River approache,* to Canton, are bol of India, Persia and Egypt "C razy bird" for the stunts he per­ grand on© by looping th© loop four with frustration and failur©. operation is reversed, the top . profit of 3550.99 which will go where the aituation permits. It la Mrs. Barbara Patterson of To assist when you have road merhanicsl parachute he hoped WTIC—NBC Symphony Orches­ RiLsslan-madc long range coastal and aigniflea dominion and sover­ formed—dead-leaf drops, up.side- timss ovfr th. Status of Liberty. shaft moving up. Us shingles OIL SERVICE DEALERS! WRITE FOR PRICES-^LL SALES CASH towards their New York City trip glad to announce emergency fa­ Springfield. Mass., Is visiting her troubles we have 2 Wreckers In 192A, in the second story of would replare the observation bal­ tra. eignty. SISSON'S RARAOE down flying, dead-engine triple A fter that, there waa no stopping opening, and the bottom shaft guns. in May and other graduation ex- cilities which can transport two sister Mrs. F. H. Arens of Maple and 8 Service Trucks at your an old garage on Ksiifleld avenue loon in. artillery spotting. Bomeraults, 44 consecutive loops, him or his promoters. moving down, its shingles rinsing. 311 BROAD ST. «:1S— The independent, b\it pro-Na- pen.aea. victims on Army stretchers In street. service and for your conven­ B. II. GIBSON. PROP. in Bridgeport, he huilt what was The machine, whirh he original­ WTHT—As W> See It. Q Is a prairie dog a real dog? but hia flame flickered and died A lack of funds pievented Do­ tionalfJt new.spaper. Kimg .Sheiing, A spocail prize will be awarded each vehicle. One is located on Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. W al­ ience. ".Aerial Insanity” probably the .'trange.sl looking ly huilt about 2.5 years ago. ia de­ WONS—Evenlnp Star. A No. It Is a tj-pe of squirrel. SPECIALIZING IN when he got past the stunt-flying menjos from completing experi-| said the fort.s had been placed un­ three boys who sold over 3100 Brewster street, Mrs. Heckler, and lace of West road entertained rela­ craft ever meant to get in the air. signed to lift itself Into Ihe air WT3RC— Larry Lesucur News. The name "dog" as applied to STATION OPEN DAY age, and the public Xirminded at "The famous Swiss Aviator ments on Ihe voletcoptere. I F U E L and R A N G E O IL der the command of Gen. Lin worth of subscriptions. Tlteae top the Other on Snake HIU road, the tives for the holiday from Tam- Jean Domenjos." one 'of the ad.s Appropriately called a sailplane, hy the two shingled disks which this animal Is Inaccurate, as It la.sl, no longer went bug-eyed 1 :00— Ping, former commander of the salesmen were Richard Hill with Moores. worth. N. H. A N D N IG H T BEAR promoting him reads "Prem ier it had no engine hut instead waa move sway from and toward eaeh WONS—A1 Heifer, SporU. is a true rodent. 3126.80; A. Harry W. Olsen, 3126.- William Lusk of the Westbrook time a plane flew overhead. fense force. Rev. Truman O. Ireland, minis­ WHEEL ALIGNMENT Sensational and Fancy Flyrr of equipped for motive power with other on the shaft. When the top ★ ★ ★ W H A Y — Symphony Hall. 05; and John Rlaley 3113.80. The Laboratory spent Thanksgiving in Geneva, Switzerland, on WIIATH TIIR REAL PRICE Last year unconfirmed reports ter at the First Congregational April 6, 1SS6, the son of a mechan­ the World Flying a Genuine a main.sRil and jib, complete with WTHT—TalkltiS It Over. Q Where was Marco Polo three boys with the teacher of the with his parents In Rhode Island. COOK'S Brake and Carburetor Service! ' ON YOUR HOUSE? were that Lin was In command of (Jhurch, will use as his sermon ic, Domenjoa grew up during the Bleriot Monoplane with a Ten C>’l- boom and masts and was design- I ) A R A N 1 V. I- tVDRC— Yours Truly, Johnny when he wrote the account of his classroom selling the moat sub­ OIL HEA'HNG a new Sixth Field Arm y based In topic Sunday at the 10:45 a. m. SERVICE STATION 185 Main St. Phana 5012 early years of the gasoline age and Inder Gnome Motor.. . A Whirling ed to navigate in the air the way | Tnutl find nur rnm|M>lent . Dollar. voyage to Cathay? scriptions during the drive. Wil­ services: "The Unl-mlgratlon of the South China area. A Marco Pglo was in a prison Manchester Green. Phone 5501 learned the intricacies of the new Galaxy of Atmosphere Scrambles a sailboat does on water. The i appralorra «vell qualined lo EQUIPMENT liam Murphy, will be dinner gueaU the Soul." Church School is at . . .Aviators of the War Zone Out 1 :1 5 — In Genoa, Italy, when he wrote the and fabulous internal-combustion plane, which waa lifted tnlo the COSMETICS help foo. i W ONS—News. of Carl Harrlman of Ablngtop, *:30 a. m.; Nuraery at 10:30 a. m. Done. Feats o f Rerklens Daring account of his travels. His first­ representative of the Crowe-Col- engine in his father's shop. air hy being towed by a car or hy W T H T —Sports. The Couples Club o f the ch\ireh UNDSCAPINB that Will Make You Forget to j WR rAltllT Al.i, Remember, there Is never Entimate* On Reqaeat hand knowledge was gained by an ller Publishing Company, who waa In 1910, his imaginntloir pricked getting its momentum from the LEADING BRAND* 1 :8 0 — Take Plane Trip will have an opposite party Satur­ AU MAKES OF by Wilbur Wright’s flight at Pan. Watrh Your Step. Arrial Insanitv. any obligation when von call earlier realdenee In Cathay where In charge of the drive. wind gathered in it.s sails, moved CALL WDRC— Vaughn Monroe. day at 8 p. m. in the vestry. TTiere TREE SURBERY France, he derided that his future Tlie Sky is the Limit. Domenjos he was on official d:ity. The seven children completing are military whist card parties In In the air h,v larking again.’ l the Arthur Drug Stores lARVIS REALTY WONS—Comedy of Error* To Beat Traffic the list of the top 10 aaleamen In­ DON WILLIS SEWING lay with aviation nnd left for the Loops the Loop a Dozen Dmes 2-12.57 W T H T — Music. the vestry Fridays at 8 p. m. The NURSERY STOCK Acrod:-ome d'Etamprs at Pau. Consecutively. He Twists the Big wind aa a sailboat does on water, klancheater 4112 I Q Did Mark Twain have cluded the following: Carol Alt­ Ladles Assoclstton will have their and needed a 22-mlle-per hour WTIC—Archie Andrews. We .ran help yon with yoar MACHINES where Louis Bleriot, who stunned Contrivance Upon its Back and Columhiis. O —(iPi—The General pilot's certificate for navigating shuler, 368.30; Robert Taylor, annual sale and supper here on GARAGE cross wind lo fly. the iMi.ssl.ssIppi river? 366.90; Roberta Kalber, 354,80; lawn problems. • Thru experi­ the world in 1909 when he flew the Flies UP-SIDE DOWN. He Cuts s S :0 0 — Machine Products Co., has found Wednc.sday. EXPERWY KEPAIREO WDRC—Gene Autry. Janet Rychllng, 354.75. Richard ence we have learned WHAT 18 Main SI. Phone 2-4531 English channel, had hia fiving Dollar Mark In the Sky. He Stands In designing the craft, Domenjoa a way to lyat Columbus automo­ A Since Feh. 4. 1887. when Rev. Mr. Ireland will have as W”n C -J a n e Ace Disc Jockey Bherman, 349„55; Robert , — WHEN — WHERE — HOW school. the Huge Hundred Horae Power had hoped to market it as a sport bile traffic they use airplanes. was a pilot on a Mississippi river his sermon topic here December 349; Theodore Seitz, Jr., 346. to plant evergreens, shrubs and ^ Three I.ess

factors Involved. These ner, where the consultation would Truman Voids Misling Pilot be free. Businesg Lightens AfBinst A«Bomb in Korea j Urges W est Obituary W est Aides are that if w* attack Chinos* ter­ rnoNS Says Attack Coftthm IfpraUk ritory ere invoke Russia’s treaty "Doctor," we asked, "what Revised List o f North End Fire Signals Taxation Burden o f mutual defense with Oilna, about this business of holidays? lily esiBpoBBdfd. Russia Sphere 1 that if we are going to seek Uie Do We have fo have them? What T o Rewrite Hail N A T O nuMiiMB bo. tMC Tht following is ths rsvised fir* alarm system of the North End Firs D cp^« Forty Miles real source o f Ooimnuniat air about that morning after feeling? Chicago—(P)— Surburben home DrasStom Deatlu u m m «u atTMt owners can lighten their tax load* Trade Treaties Ooaa. strength in Korea we will have to What's the standing prescription mentt which readers are advised to clip and save for reference. „ i . - . rm o lU M r . ihoMivaoK. by encouraging, rather than op­ N Daniel P. Otlffla go not merely to Manchuria, but for that? Do wa always have to posing, tha establiehment of d^ Off Siberia 12 Sections Peace Aim s w a m B X.>. _>■ ntMousoN,--- SFBOIAU ALARM CALLS DISTRICT CALLS Daniel P. Griffin, 88. o t 557 (Oonttnnofi from Pajto ^miEMTV to Moscow Itself, that if w* are eat Just a little too much? How ■irebla buaineaaea in their commu­ 2—Recall BOX LOCATION Main street, father of PMIe* Ueu- •< OetokM' 1. im going to deprive the Communists do you feel, this morning?” nities. (Ouetomod oh Paga Two) ■ubjoct to rogular Import duties OM) 2—General Alarm (OenttanaS frem Page fine) tenant Raymond F. Griffin, died (OoptiflMd : N kM M l avwnr armla* Ssotpl of "sanctuary" in Manchuria we Aa always, we give him a 431 Strickland and Strong \ Thie ia ths contention of Stephen last night at Lt. Griffin's horn*, at U. 8. bordors. 4— Minor First 432 Ashland and Alton I'orter, writing in Review, pub- other caiMUdatos for th* Mat, with signs, no Urrltorlal ambition*, no girfflT~ BaUdapa KaUnd at tba must also be prepared to lose our chance to say something, after a 5— Reauaeltator I* approach cloaer than 30 mile* 154 Avery otreet, after a long The Preeldent'a action follow* Vaat oaiaa at Haachaatar, Cobb., aa 433 Hawthorne end Cambrldfa I cation of the Society of Residen­ Oreec* loading now. quarrala,” ha Mtid. own "sanctuary” in Korea and while*. 9—School Cancellad to Soviet terrain tmder any clr. tUneas. legislation last summar extending r -— - OaH Ball Batur. 434 Oxford and Cambridge tial Appralaera. A director of the eumatancea. The Sgviot Foreign Mlnlstor Eden repeated srhqt h* told to* ‘Tm glad you asked me," he re­ 12—MlUtary CaU Bora In iraland in 1555, b* cam* Japan, where our own air fields 435 HUlUrd and Orford Soai Weateneater County (N. T.) Real­ submittod hla amendmonU to th* to the United States 68 years ago th* Reciprocal Trad* Act. Con­ United Nation* General A***mblg ■raacBtrnoir k a t u Cumberland and HiUlai RuaBa notified the United Oaa Tiar kr Ball...... and communications lines have plied. "I feel terrible, thank you. DISTRICT CALLS ty Board, Porter explelna that in j Stotea in a not* on Nov. 7 that an 60-m*mb*r UN political commit and had lived In Manehaster for gress directed that, as soon aa earlier this month. M Baariha bp BaU...... t LM been free from enemy air attack Just terrible. All night long, aa I BOX LOCATION suburban communitlea without in­ r American plana had violated Rua- j W to* at th* end of a ono-hour and tot paat 4$ years. For 61 year* possible, th* Preaident. should The West, he aaid, eaa d* test­ 513 Woodbridge and Oakland dustry, practically tha entire tax Oaa Baatit/ky Ball...... » J JJ throughout the war. There is no told my wife just before I came ■lan territory and aaid Ruaeian 46-mlnut* spooch. he waa employed by the "New withdraw tariff concessions ed by th* nation* o f to* East 112 North Malli aad Main (Box) 613 North Elm and Woodbridge burden falls on home owners. through th* establiahed channels v>»'* ' plane* had fired upon it. Vlahlnaky'i' amondmonU callod Haven” Railroad ae a soetion fore­ granted to Russia and other (com­ WmU7. by Oarriar...... J •» more reason, then, for extending downtown, I seemed to be walk­ 113 Fuller Place 614 Pheipe and Woodbridge of negotiation. ■oka. Oallyaiad. Oaa Taar...... |1».00 The U. 8, Navy confirmed yes­ for Immodlato prohibition of to* man. He waa an honorary member munist countries or areas. the war now than there was last ing by or sitting up against 114 Union and North Main (Box) 515 Bowers snd Green Road He did not elaborato, beyond terday that a two-engined P3V atomic bomb undor Intomatlonal of to* BritIMi-Amorican Club, and Under thla act, Bulgaria, (Com­ MEMBER o r spring, when General MacArthur hideous heaps of food, all of 115 Marble and North Main 616 Starkweather and Green Road saying ones again the nation*' of 115 Stock Place and North Main Aussies to Fly Neptune patrol plan* waa miaaing control; ai\, immediate ono-third a momber of th* Railroad Voter- munist China and (Caechoslovakla TBM AMOCSATED PREM was dismissed for threatening to .which, it seemed, I had to eat. Oh, 517 Green Road and White ana Aasooiation and 8t. Jam**' tha world ought to aet out to 40W* Tha Aaaaelatad Praaa la aselualraly 117 Union and Wood Lane 518 Whit* ' f W with three officera and aeven en­ reduction of azm* Iw th* U. 8. hav* ' already lost their "most Britain, Franco, Ruaala and Church. their problems "one by one.” aatitlad te th« oaa of fapubllcatlon of extend it and for openly cam­ what a nightmare! Food, food, 115 Union North o f Bridge 619 Harlan Fir§t 2 Neptimes listed men. The ennounpement favored" treaty standings. all aawa tdapatebaa cradltad to It, or aaid the plane waa miaaing aince China; emphasisod that th* con­ Besides Lt. Griffin, he leaves his The trade treaty with Russia, Th* NATO council met anudat paigning against our policy of food! 115 Unlon'and Union Place 621 Summit and Grove solemn pledges of western leaders aat otkarwlaa cradltad In thla papar 121 Tolland Turnpike and Union Nov. 5 and is "presumed to be trol commltto* on atomic energy wife, Mr*. Margaret Lane Griffin; written In 1937, required aix aad «<«» tha local aara publlahad bare. limiting it. "Say," he paused a moment, 522 -Henry and Summit to Irrtenaify efforts to aaaur* 112 Tolland Turnpike and Jefferson 623 Henry and White M elbourn e— UPt—Australian loet." and convontipnal armament* be another eon, John J. Griffin; thro* months notification for termina­ All rl|bta rapubileatlon of apeelal Why won't General Vandenberg "you don't look so very bad thla under the authority of th* 8*curi daughtera, Mrs. Emil Johnaon, peace. dlapatehaa harala ara alao rafarred. 123 Kerry and North' 524 North Elm and Tanner crew* will fly the flrat two Nep­ Loia of, the twin-engine bomber tion. A 1931 treaty with Poland be fired, too? morning. How do you do it? What 124 North and Golway 625 Henry and Bowers tune long-range anti-submarine Ind been 'kept a aecret until yes­ ty Council, wher* Ruaala has a Mrs. John Hildebrand and Mrs alao had a six-month termination Pull aarrlea ellaat of N. X. A. Barr- He is an administration do you do? How do you manage 126 North School and Golway 526 Bowers and Hollister v planes for tha R.A.A.F. from terday, when it waa announced in veto, and cut out all rtforonfi* to Michael Mooney, all of Manches­ clause. Both countriss wer* notl- Iota iMa America by the end of the year. a step-by-step census of arms. ter; a brother. Patrick Griffin of led last July 5 that the U. 8. in­ PubUahart* KapraaaaUUva*: Tha favorite, rather than an admini­ to be feeling so chipper? Have 527 North Elm and Holliater Washington. 212 Apel Place 628 Holhster and CUfton The R.A.A.F. Director of Oper­ The first hint came when the The West contends that a fool Geneva, N- T.. 10 grandchildren tended to end their "most Jnllua Batbaara Bpaelal Atancy — Na* stration foe. Further along In the you got any cure for holidays?' ation*. Wing-Commander K. R. proof disclosura o f anna by atagea and 10 great grandchildren. Tork, ChteMto, Oatrolt aad Boiton. 213 Oakland and MUl 629 HoUlster and Summit » State department disoloaed Ru/eia 3 favored" tariff standing. same statement, he admitted his "W ell." we said. "Hum," we 214 Oakland and North School (Box) Parsons, has Just returned from and varlflcatlon of figum submit­ The funeral villl be held Mon­ The six months ends Jan. 6. The 631 Delmont and Bond BsbyUnd had proteated to the U. 8. on Nov. Oapt. John J. 8wlft was the in n t n it aud it bureau o r o\i’n subsenience to national said. "A question o f professional 216 Cemetery Drive and Oakland the United Statee, where he luper- 7 that a reconnaisaance type air­ ted by varioua countries ar* to* day morning at 8:30 from th* W. Hungary has a one-year termina­ 633 Middle Turnpike East and Summit pilot of the C-4T tranoport ptone CIRCULATIONS. policy. The administration doesn't ethics, and all that you know. But 215 Oakland, North o f Cemetery 533 Hudson and Oakland viaed training arrangements for craft -had flown over Siberian ter­ keystones of ita clan. P. Quish Funeral Home, 336 Main tion clause, delaying ita fall from 36 R.A.A.F. Jnen,' Including two etreet, imd at 9 o'clock at 8t. that disappeared Nnv. 19 on Tha Harald Prlatlnf Company. Inc. have to worry about the possi­ If I were you, doctor, this Is what 217 Oakland and South ritory. The expected Soviet rejection of "most favored" status "to next Doctor 215 Oakland and Oleaaon crewa and techniciana. KEM P'S, Inc: Persona familiar with the con- the western plan waa aomawhat James' Church. Burial will be in July. flight from Munleh, Germany, to aaaumaa ao Aaancltl raaponalbillty for bility that, if it does quietly inti­ I'd do. When you sec a holiday 613 Oakwood snd Woodbridge typofraphtcal arrera appaarinf In ad- 21B North School and Edwards 753 Slaia St—MaadMetar tonts of the note said the Ruaeian* voftened by the offer o f amend' St. Bridget's Cemetery. "^e Picaldcnl'a order was for­ Belgrade, Yugoalavl*. Hils Air 613 Lydall and Woodbridge Fore# picture of flapt. Huitt, son aartlaamanta and other raadinp matter mate to him that It disliked his coming on. come down with some­ 221 North School and Buckland Alley 514 Lydall and Parker Pet Not Pelt charged the incident occurred near menta. A t least it meant that the The funeral home will be open mal noUflcallon of the rhange lo ta Tba Baachaatar EranlBC Harald. statement, he will proceed tq thing else first. Too late for that 615 Lydall and Fenwick [ ,'VladtviBtok, that Ruailan inter­ western proposals would be used for the convenience of friends the Treanury Department, which of Mr. and Mra. J. J. Hulft, 8r Says 311 Griffin and HiUiard Toronto—(A^—There's only one O tm. Hoyt S. Vaudenherg, Air Poroe chief of stoff, >peaks duiiag as a huts for discussion. from 7 o'clock thla evening until haa charge of customs collections. of flyrsteuse, N. V., was token Saturday, November 24 make it again and again, in ever (his time, eh? How does your 615 Lydall and Salters ceptor plane* followed the Amer­ 312 Margaret and Circle one letter's difference between a preaa oonferencwi hi the l^ntagoa. Washington, after hi* return It was recalled, however. ■ that the hour of the funeral. The fura that may no longer b» when he tvna n lleutonant. The stronger fashion. Finally, the ad­ stomach feel, all woolly and con­ 617 Lydall and Vernon ican aircraft and that It waa aeen 313 Bllyue and Hilliard 518 Barry and Coleman "pet" and "pelt", but It’a a big dieappearing towards the aea. from Korea. Vandenberg aaid there are no targets In North Korea Vlshinsky used the same technique imported from Ruaala nr Reil unarmed plane was reported un- Surgery Is Oonoldered Te B* ministration itself, with its al­ fused? A sort of cotton taste in diffesence to 13-year-oId Audrey last year In presenting amend­ offlclnlly Nov. 22 to have been Beat Traatmeat F*r File* Old Pot. N ew Kettle 314 HiUiard and Filter Plant 619 Bretton Important ennogH to warrant use of atomic bombs by UN forces. Mr*. Mildred 8. Gaagloff Chins St any rate o f duty, are er­ most fatal tendency to yield some­ the mouth and throat? Head not 315 Woodland snd Turnbull Hinds. Audrey, who lives in sub­ (NEA Telephoto). ments to an American plan for Mrs. Mildred B.’ Gangloff died mine, fox. kolinsky, marten, mink, shot down In Romania. Its erew 621 Helatne strengthening the UN General A*' A few day* ago, *om* member* thing to its o\^’n critics, even when quite clear? Blood sluggis'h? 315 Frederick 522 — member of St. Mary's Episcopal Miss Jean Louise Johnson, nored, the bleeding Is likalx^not going well enough to make the . . . for glass replacomenfs I One of 11 visiting teachera from said in hia address today, agreement, the Congreeemen com­ 328 Middle Turnpike Wait, West of Broad 72 North Main and John eaten the family’s pet rabbit Mounting food price* have sent Church. formation on InveatlRatlon n( t)ie only to keep on but will get worse. whole issue academic, so that we the way you want it, don't be foreign landi who will spend Jan- (ContlBMd from Pago One) "This draft needs serious daughter of Carl A. Johnson of 329 Broad and Middle Turnpike West "Snow 'White” , Freddy Is there to in your car. Regardlesa of I living cost* to a record high. Besides her sister and her disaster. Military court investt- SomoUmes hemorrhoids develop plained, would make it impoeelble consulting everybody you meet on 73 North Mam and Tolland Turnpike I uary in Connecticut, the viiitor amendments, which the Soviet 146 West Center street, and tha do not have to decide what we 331 Loomis and Griffin 74 Buckland Center itay and has no intention of run­ make or model we can in­ The Consumer* Price Index com­ mother, she leaves two sons, suddenly after some etraln, but for u* to uee a $100,000,000 ap­ a street corner. Remember, you're will be availbale aa a apeaker at tions waa looked upon as a bold delegation is eimultpneouely aub- gatlona also opened thla morning would do if the truce negotiations 76 Windsor ning away. I piled by the governmeat's Bu­ David N. Gangloff in the U. S. late Mr*. Carla Johnson, will be­ more often they set In gradually. stall new glaaa withont de­ P.T.A. meeting or other comrauni- effort to capitalize dn the popular mitting for consideration on the in aecrecy after Defense Minliter propriation in the new United should fall. But if we do have to the doctor." 412 Main and Hilliard (Box) 76 and Buckland Road reau of Labor Btatlstlco edged Marine Corps and Frederick P. come the bride today of Clifford Hemorrhoids are clusten of en­ lay. I t y affaire. demonstration at his homecoming flrat (political) committee." Herald Petersen had completed a State* Mutual Security Act, an 413 Carlyle Johnson Machine Co. (Box) ' 77 Williama Croaaing Kid* A t Heart to 187.4 per cent of the 1985-89 He urged acceptance of the Rus­ Gangloff in the U. fl. Air Force Laurence Hulllvan of 113 Pine larged velna at or around tha out­ decide that, what was right before 414 Main and Pine Hill I Principal Henry J. Adams of four of the roped-off yard, appropriation apecially Included 78 Slater, North Parkway and to forestall opposition cam­ boae. *1111* Ogure for Oct. 18 sian amendments, which he said in England: one daughter, Gloria let of the rectum. They may be will still be right. A temporary 415 Main and Grove I the Ellaworth school ia looking for yard. street, son of John V. Sullivan internal or external. Chronic con­ for the buaine** of financing Deming and Tolland Turnpike New York—(A>)—The National paign*. was .4 per cent above the Sept. would open the way to "agree­ C. Gangloff in Manchester; two and the late Mrs. Sullivan. The failure to gain peace will still not 416 Main and Henry 82 Committee for Mental Hygiene I some family to be boat to the vlai It wa» the country's worst stipation. a long-contlnuod cough, Deming and Baldwin By implication. FatemI accused 15 record and 10.1 per cent over ment on such Important questions brothers, Edmund J. Owen* and doiiblf-i5nc ceremony will be per­ agitation and revolt Inside the justify any decision, by us, which Connecticut 417 Main and Hnlliater (Boxt 8.3 Concort and Elberta was told here recently that tor during hla stay. Anyone inter­ pre-Korean price level*. Peter Haugsn, both in California. peacetlmn dloaster. But it brought childbirth, and muscular itrain ested can contact Mr. Adams at the British of stirring up "in­ as reduction of armaments and formed by candlelight In Rmamiel Iron Curtain countries. would turn the Korean action into 418 Main and Middle Turnpike 84 Avery and Deming adulU read W per cent of the 50 Funeral services will be held to mind a almllar disaster In 1944. from work ore examples of what 419 Oxford and Middle Turnpike West hia home or office. trigues" agaiiut Mossadegh while prohibition of atomic weapons, when score* of Danes and Ger- Lutheran Church at 4 o'clock by The proposed UN agreement is World War III. * 86 Tolland Turnpike and Taylor million comic books sold monthly he waa away. The British long FIND OAVE-IN V1C1TM8 with the establishment of strict T^iesdty afternoon at 3 o'clock at will tend to slow down the flow of Yankee 421 Alton and Middle Turnpike West 88 Parkervllle In the United States. ITie funeral of Edward J. John­ mani were killed In the explo­ the psstor. Rev. Carl E. Olsen. blood through the hemorrhoidal not near acceptance, anyway. But ago Indicated plainly they had Teilurlde, Colo., hk>v. 24—(P) international control over imple­ St. Mary's Episcopal Church with Organist Clarence W. Helsing will 422 Homestead snd Middle Turnpike West 87 Parker. North of Railroad son, 14, aon of Mr. and Mr*. Nel Rev. Alfred Williams officiating. sion o f a German munitions ship veins and favor their enlorgemant. Russian propaganda know* an H . 423 Congress and Irving son Johnaon of Sullivan avenue, given up hope of renewing oil ne­ —Rescue crews, digging through mentation of prohibition of atomic at Aarhus. Denmark's second blg- play the bridal music and accom­ B y A . O. 91 Duval and Woodland gotiations with any government Friends may call at the Wat­ If untreated, the hamorrhotda Science And Religion M eet 424 Seymour and Homestead • . for glass table-tops. I accidentally ahot Wedneaday. waa the night deep in the Smuggler weapons and reduction arma­ geat cljy. pany the singer, Miss Viola Nel­ opening when it *ee* i t So we 92 Hilliard and Adams "• ei headed by. Moaoadegh. kins Funeral Home, 143 Bast Cen­ become larger and larger and 426 Wtndemere and Irving I held this morning at the Sullivan mine near here, have recovered ments." son! have a formal Russian charge The possibility that the highest Attorney General George C. 93 Adams and New Buckland Road Mossadegh is expected to go be­ ter street, Monday evening from Of the knou'n dead. 12 were more eymptoms develop. Painful 428 Lockwood and Irving 04 Come To I Funeral Home, Connecticut boule- the bodies of tu'o men crushed to firemen and four were aervicemen Given In marriage by her ulcere and cracks may form which filed against us in the UN accus­ modem authorities of science and Conwsy appears to have made New Buckland Road fore the Majlis tomorrow to out­ 7 to 9. 427 Woodland and Irving 96 Middle Turnpike Weat and Adams I yard, East Hartford. line his future program and pos­ death yesterday In a cnve-ln. from the navy's fire squad. Their father, the bride will be attended add to the discomfort. ing us of promoting subversive- the interesting ruling that the the highest authorities of tradi­ 428 Woodland. West of Railroad 98 Vemon Street, North Beaidea his parents, he leave* a sibly demand a vote of confidence Nearly 600 ton* of ore aad stud­ Korea Atrocities riisrles 8. Thnmaa bodies were mutilated beyond by her aister. Miss Barbara John­ The treatment of piles includaa activities within the borders of tional religion might find them­ 1950 General Assembly in which 429 Woodland and Strong 97 Lydall, East of Vemon Metcalfe brother. Vincent of Framingham. snd appear in the Senate Monday. ding had to be cleared before Mist Helen A. Thomas of 889 recognition. The exploalona hurt­ son, as maid of honor. Brides­ avoidance of chronic constipation, Russia and her satellite countries. Mas*.; twb aiaters, Mrs. Jamea led several Marines Into the her-, maids will he Mrs. Howard A. selves in close agreement on the he was a majority leader passed either clear or mirrored. The most promlri^nUy mention­ worker* found the body of Dave Boogted to 8,000 Main street left for Washington. or unnecessary muscular atroln. What can our answer be? Well, a bad and unreasonable law when Hayea of East Windsor, and Mlai ed possible successor to Mossa­ Ooodrieh, of Telluride, early this D. C.. today on receipt o f news of bor and It was not known whether Johnson and Mrs. Richard Brower Onca hemorrhoids have developed, nature of this universe-that Is Irene Sullivan of Wapping; and all had been recovered. One Ma­ of this town. Miss June Nordell of the State Department, Ignoring It required that the state's deputy They are safeguards for degh—if his government fails in morning. th# death of her brother, Charles however, thla la not enough to something most o f us might have Find Combination home comfort his maternal grandparents. Mr. the elections—is the tough, (ConHnned from Page One) rine was thrown 20 yards into the Hartford, and Mrs. Peter Roman make th* veins return to their the public statements of the mem­ rommlssioners and secretaries of Bolton fine furniture plus added S. Thomas, which occurred this discarded brusquely only a few commissioners should "devote Manchester and Mrs. Michael Lynch of South wealthy old conservative Ahmad CHARGE U’AOBS TOO HIGH morning in thst city. Mr. Thomas air. but he landed safely on a of Wapping. Rudolphe Thomas natural state. Other things have bers of Cbngress who proposed Doris Mohr Dltolla beauty. Windsor. ^avam. He waa premier in 1946 only agency that releasee Rtdg- beach. will be beat man and the ushers. to be done. years ago. their full time to their duties with For Small Farm Washington, Nov. 24—488— suffered a heart attack Saturday, and passed the appropriation, On Thursday afternoon the erhen western power pressure in way’a reports lo the public. Nov. 17. and another on Thanks­ King Frederick, nominal chief R. Arnold Johnaon and Howard Murgery le Best Tet It is such close agreement the department or agency, and TeL Manchester 6645 Date Book MORIARTY Bros The J. D. Hedin ConstrucNon says that ^ e $100,000,000 was not shall engage in no other gainful South Windsor Fire Department the United Nations forced Russia ■ Hla statement indicated, never­ giving night from which he failed of the navy, stayed up all night A. Johnson, brothers of the bride: Usually the beet treatment le by which was pointed out and em­ Lexington, K y .—{JPi— Tobacco 3 I S C E S T [ R ST waa called to the Almada poultrv to withdraw occupation troops Co., Inc., o f WaMiington I* ac­ theless. that Ridgway's reports to and Richard Brower and Rudolph Intended aa a weapon against occupation." METCALFE to rally. to keep up with developments. surgery. The enlarged veine sre phasised by Pope Plus the other Principal Gabriel Reuben of the with cows or chickens has proved Tveafley, Ntn-eoiber.a? M l S 1 .1 S farm on Miller road to eztinguiah They are Myron Burr, council feet record." Taylor has been with onto a wharf. But he was only a gown of coral net over taffeta, practice which may covar up In other words, an old pot Is good and reasonable law would friends of the family and school farmers who make a success qf president, Richard Hem, Jean many sources added up to thou­ ing of the secrets of nature, and children. Mrs. Thomas Bentley, Mary’s Guild, pariah house, 3 sands of cases. dazed and returned to fight the with matching lace yoke and white eymptoms of cancer. Other doc­ calling a new kettle black. And Interfere with a state ofricial's small places should try to enlarge Harriaon, and Carroll Greer. the New York, New Haven and fire! private pursuits only If, in some trustee of the fund will be glad to p. m. Ridgway’s atrocities summary floral halo. The bridesmaida will tors dlMgree with thie. What is the fact involved is that, although your teaching of men to direct the their holdings. Parents’ night will be held at Hartford line for the past 31 "W e were the first on the spot." your opinion?" way. they in their turn interfered receive contributions from any in­ Friday, November 30 to the UN—a posalble 8.000 pris- Funerals wear gowns similar In design to the executive department may be forces of nature toward their own terested persons. Annual bazaar and ham din­ $h* high school Nov. 33 from 7:30 yeari. >ner killings through July 20— Poulsen said. "There was a Marine that of the maid of honor, but of When symptoma of hemorrholda with his adequate performance of MEMORIALS to 9:30 when teachers will be in Court Cases reluctant to carry it out. Congress welfare, you preach at the same Mrs. Frank Boalo, Mrs. Gluglio ner. Second CongragatUmal Presiding at the hearing were apparently reached the American guard on the premises when we aqua. They will wear white flower ore present, tha .person should be his state duties. their rooms for consultation With Mr*. CaroHaa BoHn arrived, but nobody told us there time, in the language of figurea, Brondolo and Mrs. Keeney Hutch­ Church. officials of the New York Central delegation at the UN General As­ halos and carry cascade bouquets carefully tested for cancer. When did go for the tactic of fighting Providing the attorney gen­ Ancient TunneU parents. Found guilty of speeding on The funeral of Mrs. Carolina was any danger. The Inspector de­ inson will be hostesses for the Saturday, December 1 Railroad, which owns the tracks, sembly in Paris about Nov. 12. It of white carnations. this ia done there should be no subversion with subversion, in­ formulas and df discoveries, the eral’s revision of the I960 law OF PROVEN Report cards were distributed East Center street Thanksgiving Bolin, widow of Edwin Bolin, who tached two groups of 10 men each Ladies of St. Maurice meeting at American Legion Auxiliary aal*, and representatives of the district night, Richard Coffin, 17, of 97 may have inspired the tone of Carol Ann Friend of Rochester. reason for confusing tha two. trigue with intrigue, plot with unspeakable harmony of the work la not challenged In and reversed Found In Arabia Tuesday, the end o f the first died Thursday will be held thla af­ to enter the Mineyard Quintus Injection treatment in the hands 8 p. m. at the Center Church par­ Hale's atore, 9 a. m. attorney's office, the Interstate Mather street and Raymond Tier­ Secretary of State Acbeaon’a suc­ ternoon at 3 o'clock at th* Eman­ .N Y., niece of the bride, whoovlll of an all-wUe God. ' by the courts. It offers some marking period. (the name of the mine arsenal), of those who are familiar with th* plot, sabotags with sabotage, of ish room. Members are urged to TUeMlay, ItoOMnher 4 Commerce commission and the ney, 16, of 25 street, were cessful speech, on Noy. 13, against uel Lutheran Church. Rev. Carl E. be flower girl, will be dressed In ease of mind lo more than one The first high achooi basketball which had Just caught fire, llie method and for selected patients, doing what could be done to pro­ "In fact, according to the attend this meeting since officers Jeddah, Saudi Arabia — (A* — Y.W.C.A. "Homemaker’s Holi­ Public Service commission. fined $26 by Judge John S. G. seating Red China in the United Olson, pastor of the church, will state deputy rommltsloner who game will be played her* Nov. SO Nations. AchesoiT described the other group waa decoying toward aqua taffeta In colonial style. She may be all right, though apparent­ duce an internal revolution inside measure of its progress, and con­ will be elected for the ensuing ^ n e la six to JO miles long and day” program at Y, 9:30 to 11 The accident occurred Just north Rottner in Town Court this morn­ officiate and O. Albert Peareon, la now In a state of literal vio­ a. m. SUPERIORITY when the Ellsworth quintet meets Chinese Communist regime as far the building when the blast came. will carry a colonial bouquet of ly In recent yeare, It hH been trary to affirmations advanced In lation of the law. year and reporta of the paat year lira feet below the valley bed have of 55th street under Park avenue, ing. accompanied by Clarence Helelng Russia as, we suppose, the Oom- heard. Y.W.C.A. Public Affaira lecture, Bacon Academy. below the "general level of bar­ "TTie poor men who went into a white carnation* spd wear ■ white losing in favor of surgery. the paat, true science discovers They will. In the future, be been found In wadia (gullies) where 32 seta o f upper and lowe^ George Stringef of Hartford was at the organ, will be the eolotat. halo. E. Chipman Farrington of nunists have entertained a dream Preliminary reports Indicate Dr. George McReynolda apeaker, Rev. David Crockett will take level tracks converge into four fined $31 for speeding and $3 for barism.” mine depot did not have a chance. more cstreful to see that the along the Red Sea coast. Burial will be in the East Ceme­ They were blown skywards, and o f producing an internal revolu­ God In an ever-increasing degree that the Monday Club sale was at Y, 1:15 p. m. Correctly designed monuments are products of earefol, for the topic o f his sermon Sun­ seta of main tracks. failure to canr* hia license. A . The UN report said Ridgway's Baltimore, Md„ nephew of the slate gets Its own quota of M.C.O. Van Der Plas, of Hol­ day at the Wapping Community tery. we hav* not been able to find all bride will be ring-bearer. tion in this country. a* though God were waiting be­ even more eucceasful this year Wednesday, December-5 intelligent study. They have balanee, distinction and charge of failure to carry motor headquarters was invsstigating the hours from them more regular­ land, an irrigation specialist, was Church, "Prayer aa an Attitude The two. trains each were mov­ atrocity reports—It added that Bearers will be Carl Johnson, G. of them. Some we will never find. In the receiving line at a re­ Negotiators Debate hind every door opened by than ever. With many new and va­ North MethodUt Church Chriat- meaiflng: they have beauty that will endure. vehicle registration waa also Ivar Carlson, Russell Linger, John Once again, the issue raised is ly and conststenllv, and that reported by Arab News Agency to of Life.” The Youth Fellowship ing at only 10 miles per hour. over 100 suspected atrocity killer* They Just vanished.” ception in the church vestry fol­ science." will be that. ried items featured in the sale and ma* bazaar, ham aupper at 6:30 Rail officials said the signal* were heard and Judgment suspended. Swedberg, FriU Magnuson and this: should we, in fighting Com­ pleasant weather aasisting, the have discovered the strange tun p. m. , will meet at 7 p. m. in the Com­ were in custody. They were not lowing the ceremony, will be the nela. Cutting Done In Our Own Shop From The set so the Stamford local would Mary Jarvis of 178 Spruce Arthur . Over Buffer Line munism, adopt the UcUc* of Nor was the Pope, In this ad­ In holding the letter of the law group found their tablet rattaar Thuraday, December 5 munity House with Betty-Jean street waa given 60 days in Jail, identified, but the report said they bride's slater, Mrs. E. C. Farring­ unreasonable. Attorney General The agency said "the colossal Rough Stone To The Finished Memorial Burnham, leader. move out In frobt pn a main track were connected with the approxi­ A large number of friends called Communism ? Or should we hold to dress, merely Indulging in pious bare at the close of the afternoon. Temple Chapter, O.E.S., Chriit- and be followed northward by the execution suspended, for breach of at Watkins Funeral Home last Lindbergh Gets ton. Jr., who will wMr a blue-gray Conway centered upon its actual Mlaa Helen Berry and Mias Elisa­ engineering feat these tunnels ma* bazaar, tea 3 to 4 p. m., *up- 9:80 a. m.. Church school. peace. The charge resulted from a mately 40 confirmed cases. lace gown, brown acceasorie* and (ConUBnod from Pag* Oaa) our own principles which, with­ generalities. His discussion was In provisions rather than upon ita represent la thought to have been express on ths same track. evening to pay respects to Mra beth Bralnerd, in charge of the per 6 to 7 p. m., Masonic Tem­ 10:45 a. m.. Morning worship. family fight. Police have inter­ Bolin. brown orchid corsage. Mrs. James out this provocation, would cer­ itself scientific as well as omissions and exemptions. But an early attempt to counter the Carroll H. Gutterson, 68, of War Data Credit mitteea will try to work out a gift table, were 'assisted by Mrs, ple. Prelude, "Andante Oantablle" vened at the home on complaints F. Sullivan, aunt of th* bride­ tainly be not to try to Interfere philoeophlc in character, and the these are what really make It a gradual drylng-up of the Arabian Manchester AXemorial Co. Wider. Woodaide, Queans, engineer of the solution. Julius L. Strong. Mrs. August Tueaday, Dectenber II three times within a month. Both groom. will be attired in a black very bad law. Why should dep­ peninsula." Hymn, "What a friend we have in Stamford train, said he had a yel­ Ruth M illett ogtna a In the internal affairs o f another thing he singled out as the Mlldner and Mrs. Herbert -Hutch­ Smorgasbord supper, St. Bridg­ A. H. AIMETTI. Prop. Mrs. Jarvis and her husband have (CanttBoofl from Pago Oao) and white lace gown, black accee- uties be required to give full time et's Church, 5:30 p. m. Jesus” . Converse. low "proceed with cauUon" light been presented in court on similar UN Pilots, Troops miles north o f ParalfalJlal 88 on th* government T $i'*at**t modem scientific proof inson conducted the apron sale. HARRISON STREET— MANCHESTER and, on the main track, a green soriea and orchid corsage. and shun any other gainful occu­ Baby accessorlea and toys Were Crumbling fortiflcallona on the Friday, D cem tor 14 Anthem. "Give Me a Faith". Bit- chargee in the past. A leading home economist pre­ eMt coMt and ruiu westward P w h ^ w* should judge, in the of the existence of God was also Aaorea Islands were built to repel OPP. EAST CEMETERY PHONE 5207 or 7787 "go-ahead" signal. 'striking Information" by mall For an unannounced wedding abova such hard-won United Nar pation and not the commiasion- told by Mrs. David C. Toomey British-American Club ■nwuai good. (Charles Vincek o f 148 Lydall dicts that the girls who are grow­ Score Sharp Wins from Lindbergh, and in May, 1939, and, by our own measurement of the greatest modem scientific ers themselves? The loose phil­ privateers. children's Chrlatma* party. Offertory, "My Viilth looks up to A signal tower official retifled itrM t was fined $26 for pasaing a ing up today will make happier trip the bride haa eeleoted a grey tiona positions m the Punchbowl, who was assisted by Mrs. William Gutteraon's testimony, and. said conferred personally with him at suit, plaid trim, matching plaid Heartbreak Rldg* and soma of the the success which has attended achievement, the unlooalng of osophy behind this distinction A. Roberts and Mrs. Burton Tut­ Thee ”. Diggle. ■chool bus that waa - discharging homes and hav* more eucce^ul Wool Point, N, Y. seems to have held that the very Hymn, "Father Almighty, bless the New Haven train had been marriages than many o f their hat, black acceaeorlea and gar­ Reds' former Iron Triangle s t m . Communist subversive efforts in atomic energy. For, as he points tle. The food sale was in charge of given a fed light to atop and wait paaaengera. (Coatlaaod from Page One) Aorarate Picture In the west, the line dips south a top jobs were likely to go to poli- us with thy blessing”. Flem- Other cases: Oscar Bilharz, Bol­ mothers. denia corMge. On their return the thla country. Have they perverted out. thU pry jf^ f Uie mutay^i^f Mrs. Henry McDonough and Mrs. "Llndborgh gave me the most Nlrntt to s .U to pasaUat,. Jtciesa -who would h » lacy ffp^rre* E ‘ HeWT'Kefriclt. atotst^iBy Bni. -wrtnpr-"-*- ton, speeding, TOttedf WHHam GrFf T h ^ wUl- U^^ Uiay .jdoa’t. maks: kfiopa wltodMw..after a-> WtUr accuftto ptettito' hf tb i Lefftwoff#; «raple wlH Myo^ht 1*5 Pino ateoet ■“^^liriteeteaA "«^*"lkey Bf ’ tijj atom 'wSp^ outT he last heads anywsy, snd who would There was no Indication of when and be at home to their friends just north of ths Imjin river at a Walter F.. Elliott. Mr*. Olive Sermon. "Prayer Ae An Attitude West Hartford, operating without these mistakes which are so com­ hand>to-hand flght withdrew but ita equipment, leaders, apparent point som* 30 milM north of weakened the American form of thin stand o f those who would leave the actual performance of i ToS|iMdTliiRgsU|i o f U fa’’. the inquiry board membere would Toomey supervised the sale of a license, $35, and atop sign viola­ mon today among houaewlvee: counter-attacked almost immedi­ plan, training methods, and pres­ after Dec. 3. Seoul, then followa the Haa m - their own diitlea to the deputies. Hymn, "Prayer la the soul's sin­ take further action. Jointly-or in­ ately. government T -Have they made 'argue that thla universe is Christmas greena, aaslated by Mias dependently. tion, $5; Bragley Wheaton, An­ Belittling the Job of home-nuUi- ent defects that 1 had ao far re­ The bride, a graduate of Man­ tuary to tha Yellow Sea. The law seems to hsve conceded . . cere deiire". Hastings. friends for Russia? Have they founded on a materialisUd basis Ella Sumner and Miss Jeanette .wfhavtdptMiM Last night, abut 1.600 New Hav­ dover. pAlklng violation. $5; ing—so that it aaeme lees reward­ Their first efforC to retake ths ceived." Arnold said in hia book. chester High School, Is employed this, and concentrated on the ob­ PosUude, "Voluntary". Geissler. strategic height failed — freeh Three More Problems created respect aad influence for alone, and, by revealing the Sumner. The silver tea was ar­ en railroad passengers were de­ Stanley E. Ruch, Blast Granby, ing and less glamoroua than moet "(?hl*f 1)f the German air force’s by the Aetna Life Insurance Com­ Bettlemant o f the ceaae-flr* line jective of having "some one on ranged by Miss Elsie B. 0>lUna EXPRESS Ttibr Wiidow Application for a marriage li­ two stop sign violations, $6 on other Jobe. troops ware called in, and they shortcomingi^'at that time seemed pany. Hertford. The bridegroom Russia? mutability of the nucleus itself, the job" all the time. layed for an hour by an engine Issue hM etallfd the truce talks who was aaalatod by Mrs. Thomas Here you cense has been mad* at the town failure near the 136th street-Park each count; Helen Raff, Bloom­ Low-rating themselves, so that ■hot thetr way to th* summit os to be ita lack o f sufficient trained WM graduated from Manchester They have had, to the contrary, ad4ed new and inspiring evidence There was a certain realism ^ r k ’s office by David E. Sprague, for almost four .months—aince Bentley, Mrs. Annr. Holland. Mrs. CASH CHECKS not more than tbree avenue station. field, parking 'violation, $5 bond they feel like fallurea for not doing a bona-chllling dawn Imkc. Last- personnel to man the equipment High School and McCaUleUr July 27. The negotiators have about this, pnd yet It ignored two Oeveland, Ohio, and Ruth Alley, only one clear result that we can pointing to the one location of Im- Howard Jensen and Miaa Esther at a time. A nine-car New Haven-bound 'forfeited; Julian T. L«onard, Jr., a "perfect” Job, instead of feeling ditch Chinese defradefa were already on hand, a fact which School, New York City. He la M - three more knotty problems to facts,,the first that the deputies Lynn, Maor., who will be marri^ see. That has been to harden and muUbllity as within the Creator Brindle. (Mra. Arthur A. Wallace MAKE DEPOSITS express which left Grand Central Weat Hartford, $36; Frank *Fur- ■ucceaeful because they manage aa routed in a ck>**-quart*r battle might made unlikely powerful sua- ■ociated with the New England ■olva' any ona of ' which could have lately become very political, Dec. 1 at the Wapping Community that lasted 46 minutea. ortlfy the American people in Himself, poured at the tea table.. not more thaa 25 terminal at 6:82 p. m. (e.at.) phy. North Main street, intoxica­ well as thay do. toined operations through 1940." Fire Inauranoe Rating Associa­ daadlock the oonfereneos again. too. and the second that just as MUa of any denoml. Church. „ tion, $30; and Bossi* G. Barney, Biting .on more than they can Unitad Nation* troops Friday Arnold wrote that ^he asked their rejection of the Communist This sseumpUon, added to other much morale damage li done by stalled' in Harlem, delaying the tion, Hartford. Tha Asxt Itont on to*, agenda ia nation, phu a Among the larger Thanksgiving Danbury expreaa,. Just behind It. Pawtucket, R. I., passing a r*d chew—> either by adding too many advan£ad naarly a mil* against Lindbergh to serve on a board to ■upcrvlaion of the armiatTee, in­ way of life. acientlflc evidence, points to a an abeentee commiaaioner aa by email amount of Day family parUes were those at Ught,'$8. outoid* aqtivltiea to their Job of light Rad roaistanc* northwest of determine what chongea ohould be an abeentee deputy. BALCH is Your About 6:45 p. m. (ea.t.) a re­ cluding inspections behind the condition, which the Pope eeti- Jooee change. No (the home* o f Walter Foster and home-making, or trying to carry a Yanggu on th* oaatarn fron t Hi* Riad* in U. 8. airplane develop­ battle linM and policing a 3 1-3 It la thla problem of morale imMQTOSEIAN placement locomotive waa coupled mated at some 5 lo 10 blUlona of ' limit on the number Albert StUes. Twenty peraons to the New Haven express and full-time' job and do all their Allies captured on* important hill ment. , French Attempt mil* wid* neutral buffer Bone Fire Vandenberg Too? which conceme cloae obeerveri of of check*. vialted the Foater home and .14 pooltion in ttaotr advance against Arnold Mid th* board's finding! yeare ago, when the Creator, be­ both trains got under way. housework, beaidee. straddling the cease-fire lipe. If the state's funcUonIng. In those When you’re In n hurry, nac the Expiees 1M7 BOOTO CLUB COUPE t o t Stiles home. Fine 3 Youth§ Trying to keep up with th* an onamy battalion. wer* of "ineotimable" value. He the negotiators clear this hurdle, W* are waiting paUenUy for gan the act of creation, when this scattered instances where heads Teller Window, ns outlined above. NO OTHBB Joneses, inaUad of figuring out Ob tha central front th* only ac­ added that after the board bod To Curb Drivers they will come to th* exchange of president Truman to call General "real'' imlverse began ita evolu­ of offices or departments have the BANK BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT THIS Horseo A n Moofly, Too For Firing Guns what the individual family needs tion roportod by U. 8. Eighth oemplotod ita work, Undbergh re­ war priMnera. Then they must light view of their obligation to WINDOW. Hoyt 8. Vandenberg in on the tionary process because of a IM? M OTO SEBAN Hag^om Given and wants and can achieve. Army was an attack by a Rad mained a "voluabl* technical aide Paris —((F)— French prefects formulate recommendationa to toe the state, so far aa their physical Pliiladol|dila—(P) — A thousand Letting th* demands of every eompany aaat o f to* Pukhan Rlv- to tha Air Corps throughout th* goternmenta Involved in th* war. carpet and give him at least "flat" from the will of the Oea- presence on the Job is concerned, hava been authorised to toko away snd ono axcuaaa hava boon mad* 60 Dayg In Jail Jamea Meyer. 17, o f 313 Adams day livl;% make them Jittery and ar. It waa ropulasd. war, though th* Preiident’e public the llconsea of drivers guilty ot including plana for withdrawing, nprimand. For General Vanden­ tor. it is difficult to expect regular 1M7 M O T O OONVERTIBU OOUPE atreet, Ronald Webster, 17, of >7 for a hors* looing a race. But Pay- nervous, instead o f relaxing and Far East Air Fore* planes flaw erltlciam of hia speeches oppoeing speeding, reCkleMnsM or drukon all foreign troops from Korea. berg pursued, in a radio interview The long war between acience employes to perform with the Adams street, and Cheater Paneul- lOOK A H EA D ehologist Rax B. Haraoy o f too Uni- realiaing that no home-maker ia 515 aortie* Friday, moat o f toom our intorvention in World War n driving. This ia another atop In Levle s^d Friday the UN com­ the other day. o u t o f the same and religion i* about over. When aeme verve and concentration a 1M7 JEEP STATION WAION Torsity of Ponnsylvania has found Howard Hagedofn of no certgln lo, 16, o f 691 Hilliard atreet were ever "caught up” with all h* baa agalnet Communist rail and road lad him, in April 1941. to resign mand will submit a full program working commissioner or depart­ BETTER DEAL Franca'a current campaign to curb WITH MAHCNESTIR TRUST a now—aad quit* logical—one. His addrssa wras found guilty of boing each fined $7 in Town Court this to do. artories. B-36 light bombora and hla roMrva commiooion.” for aupervleing the armlaUco when ■nea o f policy for which General the Pope can take the work of the ment head inapiree. The work reckless driving and reduce ths experimanta hava shown that ani- a common drunkard and ssntonc- morning for discharging firearms Trying to carry toe whole Job o f Marin* pilota roared through th* Refused by FDB tho delegates take up this issue. Douglas MacArthur was dia- atomic acientista and, aa he did in of the whole office or department PONTIAC DEALER growing number of dMtha on th* 1MIPA0KARB CLUB SEBAN malt an for many days on to* up- *d to 50 days in the county Jail, within tha town limits. Judge John home-making alone, inetead of en- Keroap akloa Friday night in at­ Arnold Mid that three days aft­ The UN command hM indicatod it cBarged. this address, apply it harmonious^ tends to lag. 8. G. Rottner was on the bench. highway. ■Id* in omotlooal polao, toon tooy Judg* John 8. G. Rottner passed Hating th* halp and cooperation of tacks against anamy vohieular er Pearl Harbor, Lindbergh again A govoramont doereo givM th* will make some concessions to "The outcome o f the present ly to the theological and laeideirtany, there wsu enn- plung* down suddenly into a The three youth* wer* arreetod volunteered hla services to the keep the truce talks rolling. If alderaMe emneemeat. In the IM MOTO MOOR OUSTON SEBAN sentence after lietening to .toati- thetr children. traffic. Flares lightad to* hi^- now power to the prefecto, who ar* tniee nagoUaUana,” said the Air philoaophlcal 'jConcIuaiona o f 8L trough of "bluoa" which may last mony in the case in Town Court Thuraday aftamoon by Patrolman Think In Teraa of Uvlag ways and pilots clalmod at Mast Air Cbrpo, "but by then hie octivl- the negotiationa do not bog down State Capitol, over havtiq; At­ Edward Winxter on th* complaint th* govbming offleiola for the 90- Ibeo* general, "hold* the key to fnm tom to five days Thinking more In terms of how too Communist trucks daatroyad. Um m a member of the board of again. Allied officials aro hopaful nomaa Aquinas, finding that torney OeaersI Conway be the this morning. Hagodom has along of neighbora who had called police odd departments into which 1MI PLYMOUTH AMOR SEBAN record of intogication chargoa in a hous* ktoka than in how It lata In ita waokly summary, fifth the America First committee hod that tho shooting in Korea wlU WbatlMr we will continue fighting both indicate the same nature ana to delHrer aa oolnloa lavotr- to eay that someone wraa firlag in Franco is dividod. end by ChriotmH, *v«n though to* local court. Ita occupants live. Air Fores aaid on* F-S4 Thunder- oUenstod him permanently from Franco, howovor, still hM no • w ar o f half-w aj measures In and order in the universe, the re­ iNf the isaae* o f full rime to the SERVICES the . wooda near HiUlarC and the SO-dsy deadline haa bsan Trying to "hold their husbands” Jot waa lost In a dogfight with President RooMvelt'e goodwill and speed limit for ita highways. Korasi—a war which, at present, sults of empirical knowledge and etate aad "no ether galafnl eo- IN I BOOTO I400R SEBAN Hagodom was arrastod by Adams atreet. pushed beyond ChrlatmM by toe caoattoa." Patrolman Joaaph SardoUa, Wed­ instead of aelf-confidentiy expect­ Cbmmunlet MIQa. Rod ground fir* tha President would not change talla our air power at the Talu That Interpret Tha Wishes J hie mind about giving him com- delay in fixing the eoaaa-flto Una philoaophlcal Insight are rein­ The xew State Befflstor and nesday night at Dapot 8quare Mare ing their huabanda to want to* aceouatad for flv* otbor AUiod lUvsr and gives the enemy aanc- forcing rather then opposing one Mhnnnl Seta Mr. Oeaway aa at- IN I BOBOE AMOR SEBAN Ik MoRHHriasi matriaga to last 5s they do. plan— loDt. JalMion." Of The Family whan Hagodom foil through the "It is to h* noted that when Tow Job . taary in MSndntria." another.. tomey geoeral. a* towa attor- Plato glasa window of' a drug Kuala Lumpur, Malaya— AMBULANCE 8EBVICB father, aiotm end bntiMMr ItottBW aot too OOlW • jfliotof tola jraar. I8K), Uadod fusils tia tlM l alrforea. ^ I sarrad. a •


espt for occaslaiMd WMk-anda or Charles S. Burr L q(^ Man ^ins "~ holidays. Ike Welcomes Reinforcements Mr. and Mrs. John Kowalaki an­ Tough Problem Faces Knight Returns to Spark BA ^s to 52-47 Win Over HoBos nounce tha marriage o f their Going to Europe ^ Awai^ in. Korea dauipiter, Alice, to Joeeph P. Oudeehn of North Windham, Charita 8. Surr, praaident of C. WiOi Uif Ttli Infkntry IXv. in which took placa Tuoaday, Nov. President of Giants R. Burr A Company and Tha Burr Korea—W am at Officer JO Wil­ 20th, in Now York. Tha newly Florida State Marion Qut an Manager Henry Newest naarried couple will live In North Nurscriea, will leave Nov. 38 on Strong H artforif Rams bert K. Auden, wboae wife, Muriel, Brilliant Negro Star Windhem. the Cunard Liner Qi een Elisabeth Asked to Release Eddie and children. WUUam Ronald. 7, Mrs. Cbarlee N. PlUmore, prin­ Speaks Mind Heavy Threat and Sandra Jean, 6, live at 9 Dur­ cipal o f tha Mary Hall School, for a trip to Franoa and Holland BOY SCOVT Stanky So He Can kin itrcet, Maacheater, Conn., re­ Marlborough, finished her duties where he will visit leading auraery- Manage Cards; Want " Play Aces Here Sunday Thrills Arm ory Crowd cently waa awarded hie aecond there Wednesday noon, for tha man to see at first hand tha lataat award of the Combat Infantry­ NEWS Announces It Will In­ Young W«8t Gout Negro Thankagivlng holiday, which she in plant development abroed and Players in Return man Badke for excellent perform­ ■pent at her Hebron home. to buy nuraary stock for agla or A n t I Silk Otjr Determinedli crease the Value o f Flaltenz Baker in 2x14 ance of duty in combat with the Trams Up With Allen, . Members of Ool. Henry Champ­ further propagation here. New York. Nov. 2$—<85- Pass Receiver Rplurns 7th Infantry Divieion. ion Chapter, DAR, are asked to Horace Stoneham, owner of the T o Maintain Perfect Sports Scholarships O f the Eighth Round The badie, a eymbol of the The Burr company' for many NOTES Pal; Oppose Bristol save up all the pennies they have years owned a ^ operated the New York Giants and present eni^ (^Record at Home in front line fifhUnk man, dle- ployer o f Eddie Stanky, today wraa New York. Nov. 24— UoE New York. Nov. 24-(8V- Clar­ Tramps Here Fridajr tinc^ehei the combat aoldier from in their poaaqation, a certain date Franco-American, Seedling Com­ on the copper assigned to each wmestllng with the toughest prob­ ^Mt. Nebo Engagement notabla example of poor timing ence Henry. 34-yaar-Ed Lea Ange­ rear area and service troops. It pany at Angara in the Loire val­ The October Scout Honor Roll Night in Loop Opener one, and Aand them over to the ley of France, center of the French lem he has fared In his 16 years as that haa come to our attention re­ les Negro, ia tha newest threat In consists of a miniature replica of as published In the November: president of the club. a Revolutionary War flintlock chapter, 'hiis is to go on for the nursery Industry , and Mr. Burr V Any team^that can hold the cently waa Florida Rtate Univer­ the heavyweight divieion after hia "Charter Oak Chatter" liaU four i Should he give up Stanky to the Biggest news on the loeal apofte rifle mounted on a blue back- next two months, and la a unique will renew old acquaintances on WethersflEd State Prlaon Trojans sity’s announcement that it would aenaatlonal knockout win over way of railing money. Scout troopa re-regUUrcd on Ume St. Louis Cardinals who want him scene today la tha fact that Bobby fround and superimposed on a his current trip. ■a playing manager? Should h? fin a deadlock must have some­ increase the value of ita athletic Jumbo Bob Baker of PIttaburgh wreath. M ill Mary A. Leal of Colches- While ill Holland, Mr. Burr will , . , and threa of them are Man- thing. This feat the Hartford acholarihips and compete for the Knight haa signed for tha 1951-52 keep the scrappy little second last night at Madison Square Gar­ Auden, who is assigned to the tar, a chapter member, will give a spend some time in Boakoop, the cheater Troopa 25, 112, and 133. Rama executed several weeks ago. beat athletes.. .You have to ad­ Rastarn Profaaalonal BaskatbEI baseman, the Inspirational sparic den. 17th Infantry ‘'Buffalo’' Regiment dessert bridge psrty at her home horticultural center of Europe and The Cub Scout Honor Roll ia even who drove the Giants to a pennant Tomprrow afternoon these same mire the frankness ot the FSU au­ Leagua aaaaon with tha Manchaa- as an administrative officer. Thursday, Nov. 29. to which card the source of much of the Dutch more pleasing to Manchester this year and who may do Rams will attempt to halt the win­ thorities and perhaps agree that What next? ter British Amtricans. Heat'y Mortar Company, entered players, whether members or not, bulbs Imported by American Scoutera. Of Packs re-regls- fo ning streak of the Silk C?Uy foot- to get the beat It is necesaar}’ to That’s the big problem for Hen­ Tha graat Hartford Negro mada again in 1952? the Army nine years ago and ar­ sre invited. Hebron members are Nursery firms. tered on time, all are from Man- It ia no easy problem. Stone-1 Snil team In a 2 o'clock game at offer more flnanciE inducements ry who flattened Baker with a a surprise appearance at the arm­ rived in Korea Sept. 3S. 1951. asked to bring cookies to help out Mr. Burr will fly home on Dec, cheater Districts Packs 3. 3. 4, ham has been Ijlng awake nighj^ | M t Nebo. ... But with college athletics com­ ■tunning left hook In 2:14 of the ory laat night, notified BuEnaea He wears the Bronze Star with refreshments. Proceeds will 20 via KLM, Royal Dutch Airlines. 27, 47, 54. 78, 91, 144,-and 152. mulling It—ever since the Cardi­ 'The Aces haven't suffered a de­ ing in for a terrinc blasting these eighth round. Mankgar Art Pongrats he had de- Medal, the Good Conduct Medal, go into the chapter treasury. The "Chatter" makes this sug­ nals approached him with a days and with the best brains in "I want to keep on going up the cidad in ratuni to the Bilk Town gestion to all Senior Scouts, "Now test since their opener against the American Defense Medal, the School will reopen Monday, propoaltion last August. Stone- the business trying to figure out ladder." said Henry. "Thla guy again thia fall and winter and be­ la the time to sign up for Phll- ^ttafleld. Since the lone tarnish World War n Victory Medal, the after having been closed for the ham Isn’t the one to block waj’s to Improve the situation, was ahead ot rat. Now Tm No. 4. fore one could aay Jackie Robin­ mont. Don’t wait until next year; on the rerd, the blue and white there seem to be only two aensi- Japanese Occupational Medal, the Thanksgiving recess. Mrs. Walter Stanky’s advancement. Blit t want Rocky Marciano, Rasy son, Bobby Inked hla name to a South Coventry start your savings plan now. and gfldders have captured four de- ble couraea for FSU to follow at player’s contract. European Theater Occupational neither is he going to give away Charles and Joe WEcett." C. Hewitt substituted for Mrs. stick to it." Another "Chatter” ClEons while playing three tie present: (a) Don’t do It, (b) Medal aith two campaign stars Clarence A. Pogil the two days of Mrs. Pauline Little valuable property for very little Instead of one of the "big A fair-siaad crowd waa on hand and the Korean Service Ribbon feature is the announcement of games. Shaddup. .. Report Irom "Ur. In­ three," Henry probably will, be i laat night for the opening game school, owing to the death of the Coventry 7-8281 In return. with one campaign star. the coming Council Explorer Ball, Manchcfcter has dropped but one side" on the U. of Kentucky cam­ offered a Garden date with Archia ■gainst the New England Heboa latter’s father-in-Isw, Clarence J. tien. Uwight »*. .-.•seii.ii..cr (r tna ►- scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 22. When Fred Saigh. astute presi­ home game in two years that a 6 pus says that a lot of the older Auden is the son of Mr. and dent of the Red Birds, announced Moore, the perennial “uncrow-ned and had a glimpse of the great Fogll. last Sunday. praa Defenae CotnmaiHl, addressea soldiers of Pennaylvania'a 28Ui Infaidry division on their nrrival nt A* 0 nod to the Hartford Spartans lootbEl players would have pre­ Mrs. George V. Auden. Route 3, BrrtnerliBven, Germany, Nov. 21. These and other troops, including Canada's 27th Brigade, will build Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bates. yesterday he would not reneig light heavy champ." Knight in action. It waa tha ekm- Mr. and Mrs. William W. Ham­ Manchester District Bbcpiorer in the final game of the 1950 aea- ferred a bowl of eggnog at home Kaukauna. Wis. He attended Kau- up Ike'a force* arrayed In West Germany to 14 divisions. (A P Photo Via Radio from Fraakfort). Jr. of Lake street received a Marty Marion’s contract as mana­ Jack UcGinIcy of PIttaburgh gatad dribbling and rebound Mn- kauna, Wis., High School. mond entertained ,on Thanksgiv­ Conunlasioner Frank Crawahaw ••n. The Rams hope to duplicate (luring the Christmas holidays tried to rematch Henry and Baker aation who sparked the BA’s to a Thanksgiving Day letter from says. "Any Boy Scout w'ho be- ger, he immediately was queried Bob MlSortek ing day a large party of relatives, about Stanky. the feat of the Spartans tomorrow to a trip to the Cotton Bowl, but for an indoor bout at Diiqueane Robhy Knight .52 to 47 \1ctory in a game that including Mrs. Hammond’s par­ civilian defense director with a their son, Raymond Bates of Ko­ comea 14 years of age now auto­ they voted for the trip aa a favor "I cannot be interested in afternoon. Garden. That may be the anewer. was uninteresting, except for the ents. Atty. and Mrs. John A.Mark- Promise Surprise suggestion that some other system Sell Many Tickets rea. Serviceman Bates wrote that matically becomes an Explorer. to (joach Bear Brj’snt and to the Baker le willing hut Henry, giddy pasaing of Knight, Jackie Allen He may enter an active Ihcplorer Stanky,” he said, "because he is ' ' Coach Swede Solomonson's ham, of Burrows Hill, Mr. and might better be used. he has been promoted to the rank charges came out of Thursday's younger players.. .Mr. I. quotes wilh hie upset win, wanta time to and Al Palmteri Hebron Poet, Squadron or Ship, or may be the property of the New York ona lineman on the poll aa saying: w ith a dejected look on hia face, Marty hlarlon. former manager Opening Succesn Mrs. D. Everett Stone and son, of Newton B. Smith is chairman of For Testimonial Giants." game with but one minor injury. Local Sport think It over. Knight and Allen scored 38 of Hebron, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bo- ‘Week End’ Prizes of corporal. Ha is with the 323rd^ a member of the Explorer Patrol "W e had two choices: Go to the of the 8L Ixtuia rardinnis. Eta to the reception room of the Cardinal the Board of Commisaioners: Halfback Ray Zemanek suffered Just TEk tha BA's points with the former Officers elected at the Rrst chaln and three children of Col­ Light Engineers Division. of his Scout Troop. The Explorer What Saigh meant waa that Iw Cotton Bowl or go to the Cotton office In 8t. f/oula, Nov. 28, aa owner F r ^ kaigh mnkeo known to MiRrliFtlpr -2 ft Miss Charlotte May Shorey; sec­ family It made a party of close to School. Tuesday evening, Dec. 4. the poultry plant at the home of committee, reports that almost all Explorers take part In social choice aa manager if he were yardage after grabbing the aerials. ft I>pZuhl^ r ...... ft 0-0 ft ware trying to protect a 51 to 47 servicemen in Korea. He further lege. has been awarded his second when his father, a telegraph man Joe Louis, can call hia shots. Hen­ retary, Miss Allie towden: treas­ 20. at 8 o'clock, iind^r the general Tom Cohen on Pine street Wednes­ functions and specialize in de­ available. :. A threat every time he gets the THE a AlUn, rK ...... 4 ft-O la four point advantage. Knight was of the 200 tickets to the affair wrote that it waa extremely cold varsity sweater for cross country ager, used to let him hang around ry la included out. 1 MurkF r f ...... 1 O-ft a urer. Miss Prances Pagach; re­ Mr. and Mrs. W. Sherwood Grif­ chairmanship of'Mrs. Henry Hug­ day. was quickly extinguished by veloping leadership, vocational "W e have no definite successor I Hfii. Eddie Jacobs will be back in the press box.. .During an Ala- giTst a year ago dribbling the ball Columbia Volunteer Fire Depart­ have been sold. and that he preferred the im­ at Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. It waa a fine victory for Henry 1 knicht. If ...... 4 a a 14 porter, Miss Patty Shorey. fin and their four younger chil­ gins. knowledge, and good turns." in mind," Saigh was reported to | action. The little speedster is the Bell. Ik ...... \ i-a a but ha waa even better laat night. ment. Firemen said a call from General chairman of the affair, proved tents to the previously used Bob ia the son of Mr. and Mrs. A l­ baraa-Georgia ggm*> when Harry who weighed only 185 to Baker's Meetings are held once in two dren were Thanksgiving day Mrs. John Pickles, chairman of have said in all truthfulness. best running back a local semi- Gilmer and Charley Trlppl were the Cohen home before the fire got Victor Swanson, and his several fox holes. In reminding his moth­ At the November Round Table fred Whitney of 32 Herald Angle 209'i. Apparently beaten hy the la TntilR ai lft-14 ^2 lk>cEa liead At Start weeks, on the Rrst and third Sun­ guests of the elder Griffins’ son- committee on prizes, announces Awaiting Word staging a duel, Dan was given a NokoBi (47) Manchester led from the open­ too far underway was a great help committees nave worked to make er how ha disliked wearing long meeting of the Elxplorer advisors, pro team has had In some 20 Erect. Bob and AI have held the hulking Pittsburgh lad who waa day of the month, as the church in-law and daughter, Mr. and that they are coming in fast Actually, Saigh ia awaiting | telegram to deliver to the Gover­ By p B r Pli. ing whistle whan Knight dropped to them. this a dinner that will be long re­ underw'ear while living in Coven­ the following attended: Frank years. Jacob leads the Silk City two tennis doubles championship undefeated In 26 previmii flghti^ 0 McDonAt«l. rf . . . .. a 34 4 gt 7 p. m. Mrs. Jules Rebillard of Gilead. and promises lots of surprises. For word from Stoneham. Negotia­ nor of Georgia on the far aide of In a layup until midway In the membered by those attending. try-, he needa no firat invitation as Crawshaw, Air Scout Squadron 25: scorers with 42 points on seven the past two years. Bob was de­ EARL W. YO.ST Henry dropped Baker with a dev­ a 09IV, rf . . . ft 0-0 0 The drive to reach the $100 quo­ Other guests at the Rebillard Instance she said, who wouldn't Mr. and Mrs, John L Toon and tions between the two clubs have the field.. .Dan admits that he waa a leBnr. If ...... 2 14 5 final period when the Hoboa forged Plans for the evening include a a reminder to put them on now. Gilbert Lewia, Explorer Post 27; touchdowns. Zemanek has 34 feated in the singles final by Fran Sports Editor astating left. Sliding through the ta for financing the Girl Scouts home were Mr. Reblllard's father, like a couple of big. Juicy steaks small son Billie, and cat WUlle, all All the boys more than welcome been going on and off ever since Leary. so interested in watching the 0 MurphN. If ...... ft ft a ft Into a 42 to 41 lead. The score and Brownies program in Hebron, Jules Rebillard. Sr. his brother for a prize? of Akron, Ohio, were gue.sts of smorgasbord starting at 6:30, fol­ George Bettinger. Troop the end of the World Series. points. Bob Uillerick 22, Yoah ropes. Baker landed on hia back- 1 \V»l84»n r ---- .... 5 ,1-/. 1.4 any additional piece of clothing to VIncek 19 and Bill Shaw 16 among game that It took him 45 minutes aide with hie lege up in the air 1 Wgahburn. rg ... __ 4 .1-A n wes knotted five times until PE- at last report had reached a little Gene and his sister, Shirley of Six women will be chosen from Mr. and Mrs. Lister S. Cooper of lowed by gueit apeakers and en­ James Irvine, Troop 47; and A l­ Stoneham has turned dowm at __ h ft-ft ift keep them warm. Silk City football team has to reach the other aide... And just while Referee Ruby Goldstein a )K ...... mlerl dropped in two free throws over $83. Gardner Q. Shorey, Salisbury. the audience as contestants, and Wlllimantic-Hartford road for sev­ tertainment. Dancing until 1 a bert Merrer, Troop 120. The ad- least two bids for Stanky. the the leaders. L'Cona Gage Notes Skots Here aad There for a 49 to 47 edge. Knight’s long Mr. and Mrs. Batea quietly ob­ scored 24 touchdowns in eight then TrIppi broke loose and Main­ counted ten. in ft-jn 47 chairman of the drive, hopes that Miss Horenre E. Smith also en­ one of them will he the lucky Cin­ eral days, beginning last Friday. m. will follow other activities. viaora decided to meet on the first latest being outfielder C?huck The Invaders are reported to be Coach Hugh Greer’s Connecticut WNHC-TV in New Haven will la ToIbIo ...... pass in Allen upped the margin to served their thirtieth wedding an­ starts this acaaon for an average er forgot ail about hla errand and The sudden ending came aa a Beor# •( half lima 11-2J Mtnrhaftrr. the full quota may be reached, as tertained a Urge party at her derella. Prizes will be given, to all Mr. Toon, formerly with the B. F. The hospitality committee, head­ Friday of evefy month to discuss Diering and utility man Harty on par with the Hartford Spar­ carry the Arm y-.vAy football nefere#. Murrat -Bfaum. 51-47 and then Knight took over home for Thanksgiving dinner. ed by Mrs. Natalie McIntosh, will niversary Nov. 12. They with Explorer problems, and to outline of three aix-polntera per outing. made the long jaunt back to the basketball team will open its sea­ shock to the small crowd of 3,51.5 more contributions are expected, of them. Goodrich Co. of Akron, has been (Peanuts) Lowry. tans, a team the Aces tied 13-13 press box with the message still game next Saturday starting at Time Four 10 min. peiiiia. with his dribbling show. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Introduce the gueata being hon Mr. and Mfs. Richard Batea, Miss and plan activities for Explorers Twelve extra point triea in 24 at­ son Thursday night against AIC that paid $11,336. The judges had and the drive has not been offi­ Victor Swanson heads the re­ engaged aa technical assistant to Horace has reduced his demands last Sunday in Hartford. Several undelivered. 12;I5 p m. In addition, following Towering AI Watson was beet Edward A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. ored. Marion Bates, all of Coventry, on a District basis. It was agreed tempts have been auccesaful. at Storrs. Following the AIC Raker on top 5-2 and 4-3 and Gold­ cially closed. freshment committee, and assisted .Mr. Cooper in the Cellular Rubber for a pitcher, namely southpaw A llege players in the Greater Shorta and Sbells the clash between the top service for the Hobos with 13 tallies while Edwin R. Smith and children. Mr. Novelties and favors will be pre­ spent Thanksgiving Day with their that all units would encourage game, the UConni will play five stein saw It 3-.5-1. The AP card Miss Elizabeth Horton spent bv George B. Williams and Ray Producta Co., Inc. of South Wind­ Max Lanier, and Dlerlng. He Hartford area who completed Johnny Kelley of New London teams, teevee viewers can expect Bill Washburn (111 and Frank and Mrs. Albert B. Blllard and sented to the gathering, and Wil­ son and brother, Robert J. Bates, participation in the Red Ooss Besides being a ataUar paaa-re- ■bowed Baker ahead 4-3-1. Thanksgiving day with her broth- Warren will sell homemade candy, ham. They will establish their thinks that ia fair. Hia original fhelr leaaon last week are expect­ and Boston University waa as­ consecutive games* at home on. to watch the Notre Dame-South- Sports in Brief Uampball (lOi each hit double fig ­ three sons. Mr. and Mrs. Edward liam Hackett, chairman of the en­ Jr., his wife and family on Russ First Aid courses which will be ceiver, BUI Howton of Rice haa in­ er. John E. Horton and family, re­ soft drinks and other things to home in Willlmantic. drive in WlUimantIc. asking price—Enos Slaughter and ed n the Rams’ lineup. signed No. 1 in last Thursday’s tercepted two enemy passes, which Dec. 1 with St. Francis. Dec. 5 ern CTallfornla game over Channel ures. Gellert and daughter of New tertainment committee, la making starting soon. Attention waa Harry Brecheen—he admits waa suming her duties at the Connecti­ nibble on during the .show. Mariner Scouts of Columbia and Miss Lillian Mae Richardson of High-scoring, thrilling and ex­ five mile road race. Johnny ia right good for an end...Henr)' Tufts, Dec. 8 Buffalo. Dec. 12 Six atarting at 4:45 p. m ... If you Rice Institute haa changed the The home forces led 17 to 13 at York, Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Tickets arc now available and final arrangements for "the fun of given to the fact that the annual too high. citing football gamea have been Brown and Dec. 15 Boston College haven't puichased your tickets for the quarter and 31 to 33 at haU- cut Cancer Society Laboratory. Smith of Norwich and Miss Marj’ Willlmantic combined will hold a Pine Lake Shores, South Coven­ romped home firat. Tommy Crane Thresher, the young sprint star Marion Mav Plav name of ita 70,000-aeat atadlum may be secured by calling Mrs. the evening,” which he says "will Explorer Ball will be held in De­ Saigh refuses to part with any the pattern of previous Silk City . . . .The UConna are now rated a the Ice Capades which opens Mon­ tlme. The score was deadlocked at Hartford, on Priday. Miss Horton Kelley of Portland. party in the recreation rooms of try, left Wednesday night by plane of Spirngfteld and the North Med­ who was stricken with polio last on the campus from Houston Sta­ la in Hartford permanently ex- John Wallett of Waranoke road or be of the very finest." cember. of hia veteran pitchers—the men engagements and a big crowd is ford Club, wearing No. 2. placed "major" icollege basketball team day night at the West Spring- dium to Rice Stadium. 30-all al the end of three periods. Mrs. E. G. Lord was a Thanks­ the YMCA Friday night at 8 from Bradley Field for Glendale, summer, haa staged a rapid recov­ With Brownies Mrs. Howard Deveran of Cam­ o’clock. Boys, including members who must carry the bulk of St. expected Sunday. The Acea will aecond. ery and ia ready to work out with by the NCAA . . . .Coach Greer has field CoHseum, do so today. The Coach John Falkowakl of the giving dinner guest of her grand­ Calif. She arrived at the home of The monthly meeting of Pack 4 bridge street. Terl’i Bridal Shop, of the Hi-Y, will be their guests. Louis’ hurling next season—be­ wind up their season against the the Yale track team ... After guided the UConn.- to 87 victories Ice Capades will show Mondav BA’a was far from aatlafled with son and granddaughter-in-Iaw, her uncle and aunt. Dr. and Mrs. was held in Woodruff Hall last Horton Nesrsla of Rice Insti­ centrally located In the State The party will he chaperoned by cause of the uncertainty of the ^artana one week from tomorrow Final balloting this week w1U Maryland's footballers went to and but 23 defeats in the past four through Dec. 2 ...Al.so, the Ice St. Louis. Nov. 24- (8 5 -(Alt the play of hia charges Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Lucius W. Robinson, Acquits Merchant WillEm A. Richardson and their Monday night. A very successful tute la the smallest grid player In ! theater building, also has a supply Mrs. Herbert Englert. Mariner arms of youngaters like joe Presr at Nebo. be taken for the Thom Me An town against North C?arolina Follies are appearing at the New adrift by the St. Louis (Tardinaia, Knight, Joe Kubachka, PEmleri Jr., in Columbia, Thursday. daughter, Meryl, at 7 a. m. auction featured the program, with yeara . . . . Connecticut will be ob- the Southwest Ckmference. The of tickets on hand. ko and Cloyd Boyer and the ’call bronzed shoe football award to the suite. Coach Jim Tatum was Haven Arena starling Tuesday Marty Marion may be the St. and Puggy Bell showed to advan­ Qassified A daughter was bom Wednes­ leader, and Thomas Lawson, direc­ Thanksgiving Day, she telephoned Elmore Gibson as auctioneer. A aerving its 50th anniversary in little sophomore la Hated at 147 i tor of the Hi-Y. Of Showing Photos her parents. Miss Richardson to service of such others like Tom No. 1 player with Manchester asked how come he showed so night until Dec. 2 . . . Doth shows Louis Browns’ shortstop next year pounds. tage at timea with Knight and day, Nov. 21, to assistant profes­ wide variety of articles was do­ Poholaky and Wilmer (Vinegar basketball this year ...A 27- sre well worth the lime snd price j plans to spend about a month in High’s football team during the much to the Tenneisee acouja. game schedule has been announc­ If hia Irga and back hold out. Alien tha gn-boya. Kubachka was sor and Mrs. Winlhrop E. Hlldlng Funeral services for Mrs. Olive nated for the bidding by parents Bend l Mizell. • Big Ten, Coast 1951 season. Coaches Walker of admission... A total of 24 great under the boards while Bell Advertisements G. Lymsn. who died Mondav at California. Said Jim: "Bob Neyland knowa ed by Director of Athletics J. O. Redblrd owner Fred Satgh’s an­ Far Weat. Scandinavia’s 1950- of Storrs. The baby is the grand­ To Repeat Musieal Parti Buntar, Malaya—OPi—A and Cubs. Proceeds will help - That’s the situation as it stands Brigga and Tony Aiibrio and Hal teams will take part in the Yale- has plenty of savvy anti can be Windham Private Hospital follow­ The Leslie K. Richardsons enter­ more about our offense than my (Christian . . . . The UConna will nouncement yesterday that Ihree-year-old haa won three der­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert magistrate acquitted a local ahop- finance the Pack Christmas party. today. Saigh wanU SUnky aa hla Turkington and Earl Yost of The Harvard gridiron program plan­ counted upon aa the No. 1 reserve. ^ ing a long Illness, were held Wed- tained at their home at Pine Lake Titles At Stake assistant coaches. He comes to Marion would not be back came bies Dsnish. Swedish snd Nor­ OTHER ADVS. ON PAGE 10 W. Hlldlng of Hebron, and has keeper on charges of exhibiting A camera donated by Weldon’s manager but declines to give up Herald will name their choices. field a freshman and jayvee team ned for this week end. Big battle Pal ahowrd plenty of drive but Conicflv Tliiir8dav Shores on Thanksgiving Day, Mrs. my spring practice every year and aa a aurpriae. It generally waa wegian. He li the all-time lead­ been nsmed Nancy Doreen. The ne.'iday afternoon from Flatow’s Drug store for a door prize was front line men in exchange. Stone­ Presentation of the award will be in addition to the varsity . . . . ia the Ya)e-Harvard game at the pictures of Dutch "Jungle Girl" Richardson’s brother and family, I go to hia, ao w ell know what believed that the only point of ing money winner in Denmark. was not hitting. Hildings have one other daughter. Funeral Parlor on Cook avenue. wop by Cub Scout Brian Gooding. ham ia not averse to giving up I I rN e w York, Nov. 24—<>Pi—The made at the testimonial banquet Seven letlermen returning include bowl today...N ew England har- Threi more playera will be Houses for Sale Sherry. "Whsl Grandfather Dirt." the Meriden. Reverend Withle, pas­ Maria Bertha Hertogh whirh Mr. and Mrs. Archie Palmer, Jr., rgamea might not be the biggest of we’re going to see on New Year’s dispute between the two waa the 72 Raymond MacKay and William Stanky to the Cards and pin tha'f Wednesday night at the South Captain Vinny Yokabaikas, Clyde nes.s horsemen iKnight 115 trotters length of contract - -Saigh favors taken from the group of Vern The heavy rains we have had of musiral romerty hv Mi.ss Sylvia tor of the First Methodist Church might cause "a breach of the two children of Manchester. today—the last big Sat- Day. ” Prior to World War I Austria Johnaon received their bobcat pin.s. Giants’ aecond base hopes on I tha year Methodist church. Brnuker. Bill Bbel. Harold Garner, and pacers for $113,025 at auction one-year agreements while Marlon Oox. Johnny Burke, Charlie Muzi- MANCHESTER — Good quality late have filled up the dry wells Claflin of North Elm street, well of that city, officiated. Crema­ peace." Congressman. Horace Seely- I v d a y of the college football sea- Weak End Notes had 12 rare tracks. Only one Wolf badgea were awarded to Wil­ Dave Williams, but he wanU-| Mel KJeckner. Lou Orlando and sales conducted in the pa8l three wanted a two-year document. kevik, Tom Whipple and Hank Cape Cod home, custom built, 10 and set the brooks running, so no known local writer of plays anrt tion followed. Moslems in Singapore rioted last Brown, Jr., baa scheduled a aeries I aon—but aome of them certainly Herb Semper of Kansas, shoot­ rcmalne. It la In Vienna. liam Pittmann. Arthur Schaller. something subsUntial in return. Leon Golemblewakl has asked Wally Wldholm . . . . Newcomers weeks by the United States Trot­ The S3-year-old one-time "Mr. DeZonle. The latter arrived in the years old, fireplace, porch, steam more complaint is heard of water operettas, will fie repeated Thura- Michael SorokolU, 38, Hop Riv­ Dec. 11 after a British court of dates and places around hla and Kenneth Warner. Edward I will be the mnqt important of the ing for his second NCAA cross In the meantime, Saigh mu.st for and has been given his re -! country title Monday, won last are Burr Carlson, six foot, six inch ting Association. U. D. Higgins of Shortstop” of the big leaguei Im­ second half and waa far from be­ oil heat, brass plumbing, screen­ shortage. rtay evening, Nov. 29, at 8 o’clock er Village District, was arrested awarded custody of the Moslem- Second District when he will be Grant received hia wolf badge, I aOaaon. The firat stud crop of the famed have a manager by the time tH* lease from the Manchester' year only because Michigan transfer student from New Britain .South Windsor paid 83,900 for a mediately said he would conalder ing Impreaaive. ed storm windows, blinds. Home In the auditorium of the Bowers Tuesday night on charges of in­ reared girl to her Roman Catholic present for consultations with his gold arrow, and two silver arrowa. I Both the Big Ten and Pacific Stymie will gel to the races this minor league conventions roll Eastern Basketball League entry. | State's Warren Druetzler, trailing Teachers, Gerry Deulch. Phil two-year-old pacer. Goose V ic... all offers of major league clubs, Friday night the BA’a encounter consists of large living room, din­ School on Prinefiton street. toxication and breach of the Dutch mother. The rioters killed constituents. The two neareE 'Tucker Anderson received a silver I Coast Conference races will be de- winter at Hialeah. .Stymie ran around a week from Monday and Lee la now living and working in , by 75 yardi, yelled loud enough to Jones. Sy Menchel. Worthy Patter­ New York footliall Giants play the but would prefer to remain In St. the Bristol Tramps in the Eastern ing room, bedroom, large kitchen, It will be recalled that the peace. State policeman Daniel 19 persona and Injured 200. towns convenient to Coventry resi­ arrow. Denner’s stripes, and year I tided with Stanford and Illinois ex- New York. ■even times at this track In 1944. dents are WlUimantie and Rock may name .Terry Moore, popular keep him from making a wrong son and Dick Watson . . . . Five Chicago Cards Sunday In the Win­ Louis. Pro League opener at the armory. one-car garage. Best suited for 2 Andover comedy was presented earlier B, McKenzie of the Colchester pin. Denner stripes went to Thom­ and capable Cardinal coach, to tM I Brttcd to come out on top and go dy City. The Giants need to win to people. Price $10,500. Henr>- Els- this month with much success, ville. In Wlllimantic he will be in job. I Into the Rose Bowl on New Year’s turn on the course. .. Feminine In­ freshmen who have been working " I ’ve made many friends here." Ed Lutes set a new University Barracks who made the arrest, as ^orton, and Assistant Denner’a Manchester’s BA’s scored but slay in the running for the East­ said Marion. "I like it here, and Uaakle alike l-eataa cott Agency. 268 High street and it has been suggested that it said that Sorokolit chased his the A.A.R. Room of the Towm Hall stripes to Malcolm Barlow and I Day. fluence; Chicago baseball writers out wilh the varaity Include of Miami (Fla.) record for yards Hospital Notes eight baskets in the first pericxl, ern Division honors of the Nation­ I ’d prefer to remain in baseball West, Manchester 3683, or Mr. A t the regular meeting of An­ b« repeated for the benefit of the mother and brothers out of the Tuesday between the hours of 10 Raymond Newton. Year pins went I And in the Ivy League, Prlnce- wlU admit the " U ’l Woman" (at George Dargatl, Joe Haberl, Gene gEned on forward passes in a f'ealer aervlre III dover Grange No. 76, P. of H., an­ a. m. and 5 p. m. In Rockville he six in the second, four in the third ,12 bucks per copy) when they al Football leagu e... Look maga­ in St. Loula." Jeffries, Manchester 2-1795. school, with slight changes, un­ house with a shotgun. He will also to Eric Knudaon, Alan W il­ I ton probably will wind up cham- and three in the final canto for King. Ray Quimby and Stan Zima. singla game when he carried four Glefson ...... 133 133 nouncement waa made by Worthy will be at the Sherifra Office at Won for the second straight year. hold their annual dinner Jan. 13 zine predicts .,St. John's will be the The questioning Immediately TimfUBki ...... lU aa der the direction of Miss Martha appear in Columbia Justice Court Patients Today ...... gg liams. Brian Gooding, Michael I their 21 total. Good thing the Quimby .starred with New London top college baskethsll team in the tossM for 130 yards againit ths klaster-elect Henry Skoog that In- White, supervisor of music in the the Court Houae Nov. 30 from 1 Tolland I n e name ia true of Oklahoma in .. .And when Marquette U. Invited moved to the next door office Abriltii ...... 101 100 December 3. Admitted yesterday; Mra. Olga Moraaco, Peter McGuire, and Ray­ game ended after four periods. Bulkeley’s New England Claxs A East this season. Holy Cross will University of Mississippi. Good rich ...... iia no Lots for Sale 73 ■tallatlon of offliera for 1952 will elementary schools. p. m. to 5 p. m. I nie Big Seven, except that this will the writers' wives to ait In the championship squad laat winter. where Bill Veeck runs the Browns ^dor ...... a7 no Mrs. Sheldon Gardiner, Jona­ , 20 Oval lane: Mrs. Cecil mond Newton. be second, according to Look. . . in Sportsman’s Park. be held at the firat meeting In Jan­ than Trumbull highway, returned Appointments are not necessary Howard William Ayers, 51, died I be the Soonera’ fourth straight press box for "Ladiea’ Day” only Zima iz from Meriden and Marred Bob Lally. formsr Notre Dame BOLTON—21 acres of good land. uary, the aeventh. Further plana Jewett, 174 Suwnit street; Mra. Ernie Johnson has copped El Football officials at their recent " I f Marlon can play, we can use ToUl9 ...... Ml 514 SM 1893 to her home from New Britain Mary Relster, South Windsor; but can be arranged if desired, at hia Tolland home yesterday aft­ I title. one scribe objected. His better with Suffield Prep last winter be­ lineman, now coaches the Irish WftiRRi Tateni « ♦ Some building ‘ lots. Good loca- will be announced at the December percentage honors in the pitch­ meeting viewed the film of the I him." Veeck declared without General Hospital Tuesday. Dennis Shankle, 132 Spruce by writing to Congressman Seely- er a lingering illness. He waa I «'But the top ones pit Illinois half told him that covering a foot­ fore being sidelined with a leg In­ "B " team...... 101 134 ' tion. Priced right at $7,500. Phone 3 meeting. Brown, Pomfret Center, according I against Northwestern in the Big ing department in the American ball game didn’t look nearly aa Middletown High - Manchester hesitation. " I f he were only 75 Tmlrk088 .. lot a5 Among the students home from street; Peter Traygis, Andover; born in Tolland Feb. 19, 1900 the Aaaoclatlon for the 1951 baaebEl jury . . . . Laat aeason the UConna High gam e...San Francisco 49era Aridprsott ...... HI 130 Barbara Woods. 3702. The Worthy Secretary Ellaworth to Mra Philip I. Holway, town Re­ son of the late William Louis and I Ten and Stanford against CEifor- difficult aa she had been led to per cent as good as he formerly Friday NIghl’a Fights University of Connecticut for the Leslie Denley. Rockville; Mrs. Local Stocks season. The big Milwaukee pitcher were selected aa the District I play the New York Yankees to- was he’d be twice gcxxi any potter ...... loa 113 Covel Iread a notica of East Cen­ publican vice-chairman. Mary Clent Dodge Ayers, and had I fkia on the coaat. The Illinl are top- understand. j aa aa Lurtt ...... IM no H ILL TOP home site. 150 x 200 at tral Pamona meeting to be held John Osmond, long a member of Thanksgiving holidays are Ruth Hazel Ireland. 118 Main street; ia now living in California. (New England! NCAA representa­ morrow at Yankee Stadium. The shortstop we hava now." and Allan Robinson, Richard and School hot lunch menus for been a resident of this town all I heavy favorites to come through Hollvwood. Calif. Hank Thur­ Bolton Center, $1,500. Adjacent in Marlborough on December 1. the Boy Scout Troop committee lo­ Beverly Aspinwall, 3 Anderson 4)oetatlaaa funuslMd By unscathed. If they do, they win the tive to the National Tournament 49era are one of two teami to top­ Saigh, meanwhile, faces the ToUlP ...... 5M 571 578 1710 Ronald Barrett, Donald Anderson. street: Ruth Bornheim, 59 Lincoln Monday through Friday at the hia life. I When Clyde Sukeforth. Dodger man. 204, Modesto. Oillf.. knocked land available. Phone 2-3656. The meeting was opened with a cally. and actively Interested In George Heraey Robertson School Ooboni S Mlddlebrook, lac. I Etie. Bobby Knight’s dribble behind pii'ihing coach, played for Man- at Madison Square Garden . ... ple the (Cleveland Browne thia sea­ problem of getting a new field - June Cooper, Joseph Narotaky and road; Eugene Pinto, 92' Valley Besides hia wife. Mra. Carrie hia back and through his legs laat son. .. It’s too bad Bob Speara, out George Parmentler, 229. Eure­ I»err9 41) song by all. "Love Divine AH Love scouting, has been chosen chair­ and the Center School will include 12:00 Nooa Friers I « But if they lose, and Purdue in the New England Last year the UConna copped 32 pilot. ka. Calif. 1. ... 106 105 man of the troop committee for Arthur Loughrey. street. Crandall Ayers, he leave.<< a night left the basketball fans In Yale's great offensive and defen­ Ko\i8 ...... Excelling.’’ It was neighbors’ the following: Monday, beef-vege­ brother, Alfred Ayers of Tolland, I twata Indiana, the Boilermadiers go League in 1938, Birdie Tebbetts wins and . dropped only three Pueblo, Colo.—Oirky Gonzales, P. rnrr^rxfl ...... 181 136 Suburban For Sale 75 the coming year. Mr. Osmond has Mr. and Mrs. Evan F. Kullgren Admitted today: Linda Gard­ Baak Stocas attendance at the armory singing sive back, aa well as the team cap­ Chappell ...... a... 104 115 night and the following Granges table soup, peanut butter and Jam a Bister. Mra. Ruth Ayers Senfc I West. Should Illinois lose and Pur- waa the team’s batboy. games. 128'j, Ctonver. outpointed Jackie were represented: Hebron. Staf­ two sons who are scouts. Joseph entertained at a family dinner ner, 11 Silaa road; Sharon and Bid Asked I due lose or tie, Wiscohiln can new praise for the Negro itar. tain. isn't playing with a better While ...... IftO 103 VERNON — New 4-room ranch, party for sixteen Thanksgiving sandwiches, doughnuts; Tuesday, FirE NaUonai Bank and several nieces and nephews. Olympians Knock Blair, 13844, Dallas. 10 M. Correnti ...... m 110 ford and Owibetuck. Members Lusky, who last year was Cub Linda Palmer. ,g7 Drive G, Silver frankfurta in rolls, cabbage salad, I start pokin g its bags if the Badg- Manager Art Pongratz didn't team. Bob would probably get All large lot. near bus and achool. scoutmaster in town, has been day. Mrs. Kullgren’s family, of Manchester . . . . 33 38 A t this wTitlng funeral arrange­ know until 5 o’clock last night American recognition... Totali ...... 654 551 5N ITH from each of these visiting Grang­ Lane homes; Kevin and Brendan fruit, potato chips; Wednesday, ments are incomplete. I ars come out on top ia their game Xaslea Tleeisk Choose your own color scheme. es presented numbers on the pro­ named institutional representative present, included Dr. and Mrs. Morlarty, 27 Kensington street. HarUord National that Knight would be with the lo­ Mfltt ft) mashed potatoes, hamburg gratT> A daughter waa born Nov. 14-at I with Minnesota. But the "ifa" are NCAA ^sf Controlled Grid Top ClubI Off Nowlrkl ...... 133 144 Barbara Woods, Agent. 3702. gram, which proved to be an in­ for the committee. Joseph Tashllk, Maurel Talcott of Providence; Mr. Bank and Truat .. 37 39 not likely to come through. cals this aeason. ■erealSa Xatlea ifTi r*. Keenev ...... 104 130 and Mrs. Wilson Little of Narra- Discharged yesterday; Miss Ma­ spinach, raisins; Thursday, spa­ Hartford Conn. Trust 74 78 the Manchester Memorial Hospi­ teresting variety of motic. comedy, another old friend of the scouts, bel Matthews, 41 Union place; -Stanford ia in a better poaitlon. r pt Spenrer ...... 93 COLL’MBIA. Single home, recent­ gansett: Mr. and Mrs. John Chase ghetti with meat sauce, carrot Manchester Trust... 57 tal to Mr. and Mra. Fred C. Weln- By The Aaaoclaled Prase WtrtB. If ...... n4 1 91 FuMer ...... 104 106 remains a member of the commit- H quizzes and stunts. - Worthy Lec­ Mrs. Gertrude Cass, 261 West sticks. Ice cream; Friday, corn gartner of Tolland. The Indiana, even if they lose to Tuesday night’s pEringa in the TV Program Ends Today Sports Mirror GrlfTln. •...... 1 0 3 ... IM lit ly renovated, Coleman furnace turer Gladys Jlllson of Andover .ee and Burton Starkey and A r­ and their son and daughter-in- Pboents . Stats Baak The Indienapolla Olympians . ft Center street. • chowder, cheese sandwiches, cup Mrs. Ada L. Rhodes la a patient CEifornia, can do no worse than Rec Senior Basketball League McK^nnB, rf ...... ft ft •and water heater. Immediate oc­ Grange gave the opening and clos­ thur Pepin are two new members, law of Wickford. R. I.; Mr. and and T ru a t...... 50 61 rank only third In the Western Di- kurk8...... 4 an ToUIb ...... 6Sf IT* 545 1883 Discharged today: Joan Ander­ cakes. at the Johnaon Memorial Hospltdl* for the crown. Southern Cali­ will pit the Garden Grove agEnat Today A Year Ago — Youthful D#r9t. r ...... I ft 4 cupancy. $5,500, Terms.. Wllii- ing songs in which all engaged. Wilbur Fletcher, scoutmaster, an­ Mrs. Loren Chisholm and daugh­ Fire laeoraace Oeapaalee fornia will have to beat U. C. L. A. Herm’s Studio at 7 with BEch's Louisville^ Ky., Nov. 34—(85— - Tennessee, the No. 1 team In the viaion of the NationE Basketbell ters Sandra and Lorna of Lake- son, 94 Pitkin street; Sandra Mo- Stafford Springs. < Rex Lavne scored a aurpriaing 10- IK ...... > a in I’llppers (It mantic 3-4128 or 3-3797, They were: "America the ^ a u ti- nounced Tuesday night following a Aetna F ir e ...... 61 53 for that to happen. However, Stan- Pontiaca playing the Laurels at Association but they play like ...... I ft a ragaal’t re-organization meeting. John wood. R. I.; and Mrs. Alice Little, dean, 9 Drive G. Silver Lane Mr. and Mrs. Ira Creelmah, The NationE Ctolleglate Athletic national and (Jotton Bowl-headed round decision over veteran heavy- 0 E. raganl ...... m 111 IM ful’’ and "Be Faithful, Q Patron." Hartford F ire ...... 130 135 d,- oa tbs J tu U af havliig '8 a— ax— -x champions when they meet the . 4 IK-BOLTON—-A hon^-of ■'■eutiiic-'' «IS5 ef-TAkeiVfthd. Mr.-KuHgr6n1f -homes. - * . Steala-Hhaw. Stow, ^Kwocisuon ■ ' c^tfiiiruiivu m ig lii Jersey. .Walcott - at lea*rd*=ie*a«rirr'’'=^'-" ■' - - ■Etectldn" bf officerii roiu lt^ ' in €3apd # « s » u n t aeoutiBMier' twd- HirtforiT Firt ... . iJT iSi We TJcIana, likely woula The station Cancelled its plana — —- Areklw ...... HI tion, 4 rooms, hot water oil heat, Maurice Clarke is explorer advisor. sisters Olga and Esther Kullgren Mass., Mr. and Mra. Mason R. Madison Square Garden. ... '101 H5 the following slate for Installation: Births yaaterday; A son to Mr. on Phoenix ...... 79 83 M t the Rose Bowl nod anyhow. Silk (Aty footbEI team, boast­ footbEI televlalon program ends last night when Kentucky refused J i ^ r l y thia week the Olympians TotalB ...... , w 5 57 Frelhflt ...... combination storm and screens, Junior leaders in scouting include of Wethersfield were also present. and Mra. Randall Brown, 58 Steele and family of Ellington,’ Five Years Ago— The Chicago 'defeated Rochester, currently tied Wlne9«r-Wll9«R (2t» Tw»ronlte ...... 124 na Henry Skoog, master;. Elwood v.The big battle of the South ia In ing a Rne reixird, ia deserving of a today—perhaps forever. <4o grant permlaEon following the Aceto ...... — 119 large lot. Coventry, 3 rooms. 1 Joseph Osmond, as scribe and Billy Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Taham Spruce street; a son to Mr. and Lite aad ladeamty las. Oee. Mr. and Mra. Willlxm Wuerdtg of Bears swamped the Detroit Lions with Minneapolis for the Western B F pt Hudson, overseer: Margaret Yeo­ Ellingtbfr Volunteer Fire Depart­ Lexington, Ky. It will send un- good crowd tomorrow afternoon Drastic changes are in prospect NCAA's ruling. TomalonU. rg ...... ) 0 3 acre. $2,200. R O. Denton. 6724. Vanatt. Victor Wolmef, Leon entertained thEr son and daugh­ Mra. Baldt, 25 Grandview Aetna Casualty ...... 87. 03 Manchester and Miss Bernice A.‘ 42-6 to clinch the Western title of leadership. Laat night they turned Totala ...... 6U S8« ON 1788 mans, lecturer; Harmon Cochrane, ment waa called to Orchard street »6>ten Tennessee, already zet for ■gainst the Harftord Rama at following rti unofficiE opinion Kentucky's Board of Tniateea Green...... a 5 King, Donald Nelson. ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Philip street: a son to Mr. and Mra. An­ Aetna L i f e ...... 79 83 Hall of East Haven and Tolland' the National Football League. back the Syracuse Natlonala, cif>uft»’lck. If ...... ft ft} ft Uardaa Graee (li steward; L. Edward Whitcomb, as­ the Sugar Bowl, againzt zlow- Nebo. The Aces have managed to from the Department of Justice in ■Ed it would have to abide with McCurry ...... 134 107 113 343 Monday night Mr. Osmond and Isham, Jr.; their daughter and drew Metivier. 26 Highland street. for a bruah fire Thursday, morning Conn. G eneral...... 128 131 were among the gueata ofi Ten Years Ago — Bill Dudley. iBSOlt ...... 1 a fi. sistant steward: Aon* Llndholm, atgrting Kentucky, which will play be involved to aeverE thrilling Washington that it conEdered re- the N CAA because it ia a member Eeatarn Divtoiem pece-aattera, 82- Ru9m U. e ...... a 4 Genraetll ...... 115 133 94 3.33 Wanted— Real Estate 77 Scoutmaater Fletcher look a group family. Mr. and Mrs. George Pet­ which waa under control before Hartford Steam Boil. 3 1 3 4 ^ Thanksgiving Day at the Steele- . 0 Smiln .... 133 153 IM 183 chaplain: Althea Hendry, treasur­ to the Cotton ^ w l New Year’s and exciting gamea of late and Btrictlona of telecasts of big time and because it agreed to the orig­ West Virginia backfield ace. 68 ('Iiirnon. rf ...... 0 J of local boys to the Court of Hon­ ers and sons. George. Jr. and Tom­ Travelera...... 585 80S Hail Tolland Center home. emerged as the nation’s top sforer TMa. If ...... a 0 4 Matale ... ISO 111 134 417 CONSIDBWNG SELUNG ' er; Ellsworth Coveil, secretary; the arrival of the equipment. ' Olay. So the game reEly means better attendance la expected at gamea ''lllegE.'' inal blackout plan. L«o Bamhorat led Indtanepolla .. 1 4 4 R. raaani 1(3 85 — 347 Max Asher, ntekeeper; Irene or held in the hall of St. Paul’s my «md George Eiedford of W illl­ Miaa Orilla Moe of Hanover, with a total of 134 points in nine to vlctorj’, scoring 17 points. The GtUnift ...... M 94 Church in Willlmantic. The follow- Deaths Last Night Thursday afternoon they respond­ PuMle CtlUllea apthtog from a "bowl” point of the two remEning home gamea. The latest development in the Ralph Furey, (Ailumbia Univer­ Dummy .. TOUR PROPERTY 7 1^1 mantic. H., spent the holiday recess with games. 34 Brown, Ares; 'Virginia Covell. Po­ Oonn.' LighL Power 14^ 16 view. The A cm wind up their aeaaon controverEE issue came as a re­ sity athletic director and co-chair­ Olympians sewed it up with e 38- ToUU» ...... a 10 Without obligation to you, wa mona; Ann Hudiak, Flora; Olga Jig received awards; Leon King, Guests at the home of Mr. and ed ts a call In Weat Ellington on her parents. Rev. and Mra. W. C. Score at half lime. 31-17. Eazlea. Totals ... MS Ml 543 IIM merit badges in carpentry and Conn. P o w e r ...... $8 38 However, -the crowd will get a one week from tomorrow - against sult of a aquabbla regarding the man of the N C A A television com­ point barrage In the third period. appiulse or make you a cash True, ladies assistant steward; Mrs. Lester J„ Hutchins were her By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Synagogue road for a fire in the H. Moe. at the paraonage. The lose was the Nats’ second pathflnding; Joel Anthony, carpen- woods. It waa exUnguiihed after Hartford Elec. Lt. .; 45 47 look at two AU-America candi- the Hartford Spartans. NCAA'a refusE to sanction tele­ mittee, advised the preEdenta of Ckeeer Aaslllarr offer for property. See us before James Hendry, member of Execu­ sister Mrs, Gertrude Erieliaon, Mr. Philadelphia — Frederick .J. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph KraW- «iatea—Tennaaaee’s halfback Hank both unlverslUea of the unanimous and it cut their lead over tfie nin- you aeU. and first class award; Llnwood and Mrs. Avnold Johnson and two a short Ume. Hartford Gaa 0>. . .. 30 38 chyzd and daughter Nancy apenC casts of today's big game between tive committee for three years. jy Griffiths, 4, a nationally knowm So. New England Lauricella and quarterback Babe T^nneasee and Kentucky et Lex­ dectoion by the nine men commit­ MIket 441 ner-up Boston CEties to a half 1*^ Anthony, merit badges in carpen­ sons and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon The Ladles' Benevolent Society Phone 6273 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Monti of executive and consultant in the the holiday with relatives in PariUll of Kentucky. Also, if Tenn- tee to reject permlsEon to tele­ McLauzhlin ...... in i(>j 106 ,104 game. The Celtlca defeated tha try and pathflnding; Herbert will meet Monday night in the TeL ...... 82^ S4H ford. ■ * ington, Ky. Hlzhter ...... BRAE-BURN REALTY Manchester have purchased the Raymond and daui^ter, all of steel industry. He was born in Dogs Demonstrate vise the game...... 101 M 104 29« Philadelphia Warriors, 102-100 In Englert and Fred Chowanec, both Southington. church for the regular buaintsa Maanfaetariag CEmpaalco wins, the Vola doubtless will Kentucky Governor Iwwrence Danroe.-e ...... ao ai u xs new home which Edwin Llndholm Wales. Mra. L. R. Ladd waa a guest aV! When inform ^ of the Depart­ r . Moruaviky overtime. Bob Couay'e three con- merit badges and carpentry; John Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lane and meeUng and toclaL Mrs. Patrick hold their No. I ranking in the W. Wetherby wired Attorney Gen- ...... iia m loa S4a SELLING TOUR property? built on the Llndholm family New York —Townsend Martin, Am. Hardware ...... 17 19 the home of her son. Raymond ment o f JuEice'a opiEon, lAirey verEoni in the extra period ac­ Victory Dinner Oamond, merit badges in basketry Close will be the wortbip leader. Afaoclated Press football poll.' qub Training erE McGrath raquaattog permto- Total • ...... Whether it be a lot, house or property across the highway from their daughter Nancy and son Bob 55, playwright and motion plctura Arrow Hart and Heg. 53 56 Ladd. In Rockville for the Thanks­ aEd, "It to encouraging to note ...... 407 "eb Ian and reading, and Paul Pepin and were dinner guests of bar sister The entertainment will consist of giving holiday. Aa for who will meet Kentucky Eon to telecast ths game. Orikdera (i) counted for Boston’s margin of bualness is toarn or country, you their residence. ■cenariat, and founder with the Aaao. S p rin g ...... 324 35H to. tha Cotton B o ^ tha question that the entire membership, in­ victory. IN HONOR OF Ronald Davis, second class scouts. and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Allan a SUnley brush damonatration A collection of used clothing 1$' Doga from the Manchester Obe­ Newall A. ClapP- acting chirt of RIaley ...... 91 IS r i *ifil 8*t prompt and personal Mrt. Mary W’ells of Hartford ia Anthony J. Diblaaio of Farming- late Dwight Deere Wiman in 1914 Bristol B rasa...... 14 16 a;ui ia unanawajiakbut aomethtog the anti-trust dlvtoion ot the De­ cluding two members thst were Karlson ...... as loa n m Robinson. and magic tricka. Tha benefit de­ being made by the Ladles Society' dience C3ub will put on a dem­ Vltulln ... ■errlca by eaiUsg EUsrwortb Mit. viaitlng at the home of her sister ton presented, in trial justice court of the Film Guild, a thcatar and Collina ...... 190 310 W tolta ahpjdSfbe TCiWcomlng af­ partment of JuEice, cElod Gov. under pfessure are willing to go ...... aa n it m7 Craeal Leagaa tea. ageat Phoae 6930. and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald L. Lewis motion picture enterpriae. rived from this project will be pi Em-Hart ...... 65 60 of the Tolland Federated Church onstration, Wednesday night at McCniden ...... no H aa 104 M. H. S. FOOTBALL, SOCCER, in Yeomans Hall Monday night, and three-sons, Reginald. Jr., Jef­ ter today'S^WDUthwesK.Conference Wetherby*a attentl 34 have articlea to donate may phone'- n«Kt Thuraday when It plays Texas hoped a declEim would be ren­ out each week. Smilh ...... » 99 107 3M service in the church at 9 o’clock $1,500 appropriated by the last man Biscuit Co., an affiliate of Mrs. *Young’a relaUvea ia Elling Union M fg...... 194 A-and M. TTieee obedience demonatrstlona McCartby ...... 101 lOl IX 3.11 Magauann SMth MdMitl GkHrtb Mh *s Olib Realty Ool Phooa Uancheatar dinner Thanksgiving night 224 Mra, G, Roy Brown er Mra. Alberi^ dered to that case to the near fu­ Loulavllle’s turn to be in the Bengeten . Thursday. town meeting to Columbia Volun­ United Biscuit Co. Ha waa born ton. The sudden death of Mra. U. S. Envelope Cbm. 90 ' 100 Princeton's daring ti« are put on by. the Manchester club ture. Rica ...... :. 131 101 9« 33| S105. Wally Lohr, atudent at Dean Thomforde. dark arrived today. The game Millar ...... 107 14 90 M i '- Dinner guests at the home of teer Fire Department is to be used Academy and Junior Oollege, la in Winachotam, Tha Notberlanda. Young's father, Frederick H. U. S. Envelope PM. SO 64 Dick KaxmEer makes his laE col- for organixatlone and cluba, free Victor Kranwr, who dlrocts carried SHOP—917 MAIN STREET Rdiiohta ouyara aralUag with days. Dag's Origin The above quouuona are net to 8un after Na 22 to a row sgEnE man that officials from tha N C AA gan battle. Klalnsmith . Aaah. Finaaeaa artaugad. Wa son-in-law and two granddaugh­ ment being approved by the Board be eonatrued aa actual markata. from 1 to 6 p. m. In the church*.^ | 5artmouth. etagea o f training will be exhibited and tha department met aeverE .Early tkls.tnonth WWJ-TV of rsUpart —:Thne aoutS- will be used in the renovation et' { a n in st Nabraaka, aad if tbtojn go eome and witness this exhlMtlon. conEdarad tha ban on tetocasta “ to gan State gama This game was Meorahouaa ... Ifli 94 MORIARTY BROTHERS, Inc.—315 CENTER STREET taga Pbotio S^UOT. brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eonere discussed the use of the > 4N 4IT UM to his parked car in front of a baan tha wolf. Mixad writh otbar era nUnoia ooal mlnaa have added Blngapora —<85—Tha. Singapore air expetced. the Soonera will be uatoarfuL" Kramer added that scheduled to be witnessed In the Totals ...... Howard Spear. tha church. Total! ...... 401 A04 Ml 13M KEITH’S NEWS STAND—DEPOT SQUARE . WA'HJ'Hiir TJttlnji o f all biyyfy, fire siren for clvfiian defense air muEc store and found a clarinet wild canninaa, aa tndapandant apa> radio to their operations. Fred government announced it .had re- In n recant ooliimn of Tolland' | ag-top 'of the Big Seven again. Plying Start this arms aot aa (ffDctol rattag but Boat only but there were strong raid warning teSta. Oonalderabla Haakaawa (4) Griffin ...... Put tha'aelliag of your property and a saxophone in the back seat das. davalop^. Oava drniringa Huff, auparintandant oC tha ailnaa, cEved information that cholera newa mention wne made that Dayton, O.— (N E A )-> -H a rry repiasents ths views bald by the protests to Michigan. KacInakI ...... 101 U 103 3U Burks ...... 1 8 SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH— MAIN STREET. The heaviest atom yst xUaoover- eoafuakm la said to be caused by HoEMy A t A fliawie iato axperleacod haada. Tour la- When he took hla strange gifts mada by man o f tha Old Stona Aga said tha two-way FM radio could aaiaU in Calcutta. Kanpur, Luck­ Jamea C. Burke, eon of Mr. and Baujan, Dayton athletic director, antl-truat experts. TIm N C A A saM the exiwpUoa Alcoak ...... 103 HI 103 119 Tedford ad ia californium. It waa pro­ the practice, even to the point Pataraon ...... t t 107 110 110 Krell ..N.:.. fuiry aa to our eervioa iaritad. to poUce, they found Richard show huntara with a dog-ilka ani­ cut accidents and oontributa to now, Madraa and Pondichorty. Mra. James D. Burke of Tolland broko to bore aa football coach Ths dlsputs aross whaa W HA8- araa made as a "tertinicE adjust- Mlnnkh DONATHHf 92.90 ’ duced by meene of hl8h-eBerfy where aome firemen have not re- Boston 3, New Haven 1. mant to pormit efficient and Laoga ...... 110 IN M 101 Mlea qaaqpat, Raaltor, 843 Mata Henry, Grand Rapids, Mich., had mal. By tha tima tha New. Stona greater producUon. The mines are It declared all to he "infected avenue, accompanied by his wile, and woo hto firat gama^ 161-0, ovar T V pUaaad to tEavlao tha gaam particlee from the Univeralty cf p m t^ for flrsa. A report o f this mistaken Graves* ear for his own Aga opened. UMra . wana true do-0- near PlncknayvlUe, EUnrUla plaeea" under the quarantine and M t Monday for Aberdeen, >SL 'Bprtoglleld New York 0. Indiana O ntraL bataroea ths 'iugar Bowl-baaBd prepar Mdeo handling.'’ Totala SM 410 401 131$, T o U la SM 4*1 1M4 ijtiM t P ta M 3-4548 or S-OMO. CiWorBlA cyclotron in I960. 2, IdlaeuaEoE is to bo asst to the Idsntlfal modsL ' dogs. 1 IfiBakarag. pnvoatlOB o f diooaie ordtnanea. Mr. Bulks la not married. . ' A-’ A '

BiANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1951 n u a i t u I MANCHESTER EVENING ^lERALO. ilANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1961 P A G E K L im D f ABtoHobOsa for Sate 4 Antonobilcs for Sate Roofing 16-A Help Wanted— Mate 36 Articles for Sale 45 Ilonsehold Goods 51 Hottacs tor Sate GIFTS FOR the holiday season. WINDOW bHAOES. Maasurad, MAMCHB87ERr-3-faailly hou w ith ‘ MAJOR HOOPLB DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE ONE OWNER CARS . . . ROOFING, apaftahmhg la rspair- OUR W A Y BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE M a w f i d 1950 FORD 2-DOOR ing rdbfs of all kiada. Also .aaw Unusually fine aelecUona of china, mada and Inatallad. 10 colora and 5-5, good condition, real WANTED glass and accassoriea. Week days qualiUaa in atoek. Kalth Fumlturs prica. For fuHbar , Infor W HY D O M T , AWPF-5fUrrT-TT/ WHOCVCR 'THfiCnS A GREAT BWl Name on Request . . . SEDAN roofa Outtar work. CfeiauMya ^ YOU BUy SOME Sense and nse Cleaned, rkpalrao. 88 yaanf ax- 1 to 5 p. m., other hours by ap- Phona 4159 call 3-2849. TOLO veil % RAFFLBO OEE KNEVOCEMT CHARTTY Irttd of Dog A iw rtiiiiw ib . HDU€£HOLD m o S E TURKCVS, MARTHA? RtAHT.'-M-qD NOA/ VtXl AN D Traded On New Dodge and Car runs and looks like perteaca. krea aatiaiataa. ChB EXPERIENCED potntihent Tel. 2-3807. Virginia fsniFFOFYDLlR Madden, Antiques At Tha Green, b a s t HARTFORD —Sp X — 1 — WHY.VESk SCBH S TO ' . 'ffiose SERTiuoia C H A R ja ew l ’The landlady glanced arnond tha Now ^ CLASSIFIED ADVT. Plymouth Cars new. One original owner. Howisi). Maaefaaeter 6S6L Machinery and Tools 52 OWAJT EVERY table at her 12 hungry boarders Flndell Building. new Cape Oods. Choose MB X OlD.''-«-DMfFDRCHARrTy CAN TCd6T VtXM PAU EN ■OBISONniL SDecMaM . ’’Tamorraw,’’ ha promiaad me eon- DEPT. HOURS: GAS STATION 'TIME YtX) CALL balore starting ta carva tha rath- now. F.H.A., only 811,800. ■ ^ Y A S / rH e PROFITS WERE ' ARCHE6 ALL vgiNfTER/-> aciaiwo, “Tom enaw ITI do aa 8:15A.M.to4:S0P.M. I960 Dodge Wayfarer 3-Door— Priced To Sell SPRING Harrows, flOO; Disc har­ M O M UP. X I J Deleted dog. f f L ar sad-looking chicken. tn rapid Heating— Plambing 17 ATTENDANT •gent J-3151. D b o ic a t c d t o p u r c h a s e 6A V /A R E MOO STU.L A ' I ahould; Heater, light green. Price 81,645. rows, $160; Com planters, 8243; ifiOTYA BRNOO I the West Buccesaion ehe aaked each which TW O NEW Goodyear tires. Slxe SOMPN.' OFAl4EWPlPe ^ CHAMPION AT Tamecrow I’ll think aa 1 aught to; 1986 Chevrolet 3-Door — Black, EFFICIENT Plumbing and heat­ bog harrows, 8175; ail new 3 f RVriaad $ Bagla ceB part of the fowl he preferred. Ten 600.18. Tel. 3-1438 and save 8. m a i n STREET—Zoned for .FORIHESTOVB Tomorrow I maaa to ba goad; COPY CLOSING TIME heater. Price 11,445. point hook-ups. Dublin Tractor .THE to o TlragaoiM of them decided to chooee lege. BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. ing. Plugged drains machine Capable of taking ness, four-family and six ) AT THE Tomorrow I’ll conquer the hataita, FOR CLASSIHED ADVT. cleaned. Phone 640t. complete charge of U O N EL ELECTRIC train, 812; Oo„ North Windham Road, Wil- single, suitable for doctor, 18Pauaes lamaa ’The carver dropped her knife That hold nM from Ueoven 1949 Dodge Coronet 4-Door—Gray, , 155 Center Street limantic. Tel. 3-3217. CLUB.' ‘ DASH Itlntenllcoa g Brilliant radio, heater. Owned by our aec- also girl’s (Tolumbla,bicycle, |30. or any business. Two apartma__ with a clatter on the diah. away!” MON. THRU FRI. Telephone 2-4545 PLUMBING and heating, spacial- the lubritorium, serv­ Phone 4609. ISShadetnt colon Landlady—What do you imag­ reUry. Price $1,698. ing the bent car in vacant To be sold as one unl| But aver hla conaetaaca repeated, 10:30 A. M. tsing ia repairs, remodeling, cop­ Income $2,650 per year. Hows: ISFatatable tUnlvoreal ine thia let (Pointing to the OiM word—aad ana antar— 1948 Chevrolet 4-Door—Qreen,.ra­ . Open Evenings Until 10 per water piping, new construc­ the General Motors NEW HOME sewing machine, $20; Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 It type ot boat longaago chicken). A centipede, or whet? SATURDAY 9 A. M. R. Hastings. Manchester 2-110 "Tbday." dio, heater, new ellp covers. tion. Time payments arranged. family metal bed, spring, - mattress, Ulfaapo (ab.) lOAUmmla tlNotaenxich Beaider—Gb, no. (Who had Tomorrow, toaorrow, tamarfcnr- Price $1,188. dreaaer, $10. 47 Lilac street, 8809. MRalItvoo been aerved), Judging by the Edward Johnson. Phono 6079 or MARMOT FUR coat. Reaaonable, MANCHESTER AND vlcln. llOrtoatal 44B^loataa 'Til Youth Ilka' a vision waa irOCB CXMPSKATION WILL 1948 Plymouth 4-Door Special De- 1936 FORD, In good condition. 5044. Phone 2-0020. homes from $9,700 to $33,0 81 Station (ah.) U K o n piece of neck I’ve got, 1 ahould gone; SB ArFBEOATED Call 7972. Write 88 SFadiol for lIRonshlava daltr < Imagine it waa a giraffe. 'Til age and hU paaaionB had writ­ Luxe—Cray, radio, heater and Boats and Accessories 46 Some old. some brand new. tSBIowwIlh 4 slip covers. Price $1,148. PLUMBING and. haatlag. Furn­ satlafactory aervice call StNoalodboBot ortglaatod la ten. The meaaage of fata on aces, oil burners and boUsra. ScoOaaS Tmmg Men—Can I hold your Box M, c|o Herald A 27’ MAHOGANY Cruiser with Wanted— ^ToBny 58 2-SlSl. aSEestlndtoo 8$ Haiti hla brow. DIAL5121 1947 Oldsmobile 4-Door — Green, 1936 FORD Coupe. Phone 3-9182. Earl VanCamp. Tel. 5344. /'I (ah.) 87Chkkana asitapaln eSKonaaroad hand? And forth from the ahadowa oame heater, hydramatic. Price $1,148. For Interview molded cabin, sleeps three, has WANTED--Used furniture. Liv­ Sweet Young ’Thing — It’e not head and galley. Built In 1938, BOLTON NOTCH Homes, a t StKoainisaJef 88 Killer whoH tODhalantmaf lIOaakaFeBlF Death, With tha pltUoM aytla- PLUMBING Alterations. New ing room, bedroom, kitchen or heavy! ble— “ Now.” 1946 Dodge 4-Door Custom—Ra­ this boat la found and fully in­ o f these desirable four r undwwetld 81 PabUc Marsuot tab.) s dio. heater, light blue. Price 1949 PONTIAC Chieftain deluxe work. Repair and water piping. entire households. Let us make homes still available, ni-mpi 87 AaOtr doeanMat 41Vta(colL) NVahtaM — Reprinted from "listen.” $895. tudor. hydramatic drive. Extra Manchester 3636. sured. Owner leaving state, of­ you an offei. The Woodshed. Slink—I tell you I got het up Lost and Foand fers boat, fully found at the low within 45 days. Full price is oU; 8tByihhoiiar nice condition in every respect. FIRST CLASS tool and die mak­ Phone 2-3154. 39,350. T. J. O ockett, Aganj aitoa thia morning. I had to catch “ I’m aorry, old man, but I make LOST—Lady'* Omeca wriit watch Douglai Motori, 333 Main. QUALITY Plumbing and eaves price of 8950. Phone 2-3056. I " ■ B T the 6:10 eccommodattnn but ehe it a rule not to lend money. It TRUCK SPECIALS trough work. Call for free esti­ er. Apply 334 Hartford Road. Phone office 5416, or rastdenc lo a n o o g M at Hartford and Waddall Roads. 3751. 81 Mood ■oM! pulled out Juet before I got there. rulna friendship.” mate. Thomas Dawkins 2-9669. Rooms Without Board 59 T had to run a whole mile after Tel. S in days; S773 evenings. 1947 Dodge 3 Ton, 158 ’ Wheel YOUNG Married man to work on Diamonds— Watches— 88 north CanliM "Well, don't worry over that. 1942 DODGE 2-DOOR dairy farm. Three room rent to OblVIOUR her. We've not bean what .you might Base—New paint, tires, like new. Jewelry 48 PLEASANT double room for gen­ CUSTOM Built, 3 year old hoL MAI^K,GGT (aK ) Heater. Price $695. SEDAN right person. Call Kingibury'i 6 rooms. Pine panelled Uvl„ 0-24 Snoop—Did you catch her? call wonderfully good friends, Moving— Trucking-g tlemen. At the Center. 14-16 < 6 g r ,6 0 « 88 Mace Slink—No—but I eure did make have w e?” Annonnccneiits Dalrv, Rockville. Tel. Coventry LEONARD W. TU Sl, Jeweler, ra- room with fireplace, dining rooi THE HOME SERVICE fit 1945 Dodge IH Ton B ody— 13’ Storage 20 Wadsworth street 2i------841 her puff. Radio, heater, seat cov­ 7-7472, or 7-6046. palra, adjusu watebM axpartly with comer cupboard, 3 EXPERT AITTO driving Instruc­ long. Heater. Price $495. Like the man who wpars both ers, fluid drive. THE AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Raaaonabla pricas. Open dally. ROOM FOR Rent for two girls or rooms, garsge. Lot 100 x TCKEY FINN A Veteran! BY LANK LEONARD tions given In dual control car. WANTED — Two carpenters to tS LaaShtar Jo)m Foatar Dulles foreign pol belt and a\iRpendara, some amok- 1943 Dodge H Ton Pickup—Black, Co., local and long distance mov­ married couple. Two minutes from Call Madeline Smith, Realtor# No waiting. Phone Manchester 'Thuraday avaalnga, 139 Spruea icy adviser of Prealdent Truman era carry book. Safety, and wood­ heater. Price $395. Full Price $345 ing. packing, crating and storage. work with owner. Call 2-9431, 4 ' Main street. Call 3-1614 or 47 1642 or 4679. iWMcvei . Auto Driving Academy. 3-40S7. to 5:30 p. m. qtraat Phona 3-4387. 87 Part a( "bar bellavea that "we aball find t)ie en matebea. 1941 Dodge m Ton. Rack Body- Service to aJI parts of thp.,.U. S. Cottage street. FSIL# 8 8 U ta h NOW UNDER construction. TTiiel T-tOUlWNT M W OD O U Cm i way to paralyse tiM allmy, ortu DRAPERIES Made to order. Any 13’ long. Price $398. and Canada.'‘ CaIi 5187. Hartford LOOM FIXERS—Excellent oppor­ 41 Stasi parti pua-llke tentaclea tliat stretched Fuel and Feed 49-A bedroom homes. Rosetto Corf m m o u r n coiMic,» NtT coM Firm r «ITHM7HIKBASP The beggar had takan hla stand style,' lined or unllned. Tel. 3- BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. 6-1423. tunity for men experienced on nOMtUTNOSf tdOwntaal out from Moacew to atirk our 1941 Mercury 4-Door—Radio and ROOM FOR Couple or gentleman. struction. 2-0308. PIKOMMEP TCT/M8.IKPinPr FOSVEMISJSSr by a railway elation. Ha aoeoat- 8903. 155 Center Street CMCUUWilW/ C8MKM OFF INC iOM) THIS s icsHouLOse life-blood.” And that’s tha kind heater, light blue. Exceptional MANCHESTER PACKAGE Deliv­ German looma manufacturing SEASONED hardwoo'd, cut any Phone 2-0131. #d a naan who was dashing past, Telephone 2-4545 velvet. Permanent job, advance­ length, foi stove, furnace or fire­ WEST SIDE—6 large rooms, li KN70U7? HOnM$,MOICIIUVSe rdg OOMBCRANV dTFbDawer of language the men In the Kram- Man ^Sorry. I'm in a huny ery. Local Jght trucking and MUIOCWlKWlTf/ YOT MBMEirr/ 4 ment, good working conditions, place. Delivery in any amount, LARGE. HEATED room. Twin lot, combination storm sash, of 48UToplaa Hn understand. now, but I'll give you aomathlng Penmnals package delivery. Refrigeratora. 49 Mata) Open Evenings Until 10 insurance protection, paid vaca­ call Leonard GIglio. 7083. beds. Continuous hot water. Cen­ h**t. Price $11,000 for quick Ml4 tomorrow. SOLIMENE, Inc. washera and atove moving a MCaloalHa Wife- John. 1 bought a THE PROSPECT HIU School for tion. Write Box T, Herald. All tral. Gentleman. Parking. Phona For appointment call Howard 1 Beggar- - No. that won't do. You 634^nter Street Manchester specialty. Phone 2-0752. FOR SALE—Cord wood, fireplace iheeta, pillow rase and blanketi young children. Pr^Klndergarten, replies confidential. 4724. Hastings, 2-1107. SSltaelKF can’t Imagine how much money Kindergarten. Monday through Dodge and Plymouth Cars or any length. $18 per cord, de­ MBxpuaSM today. Shall I put them down In I’ve loit giving credit like that. Also Dodge Job Rated Trucks Garages— Service—- Friday. Transportation furnish' Painting— Papering 21 livered. Tel. Wllllmanttc, 3-3217. FURNISHED Ro)om for rent. MANCHESTER—New Home, Bvl SSMautetkia my budget as earar charge nr Telephone 5101 or 8103 Storage 10 overhead? ad. Mrs Lela Tybur, .director. WANTED—Truck driver. Call Gentleman- p r^ rred . Near Main beautiful rooms, it’s not only The proof ot a rotten egg la A Safe Place To Buy Used Cars L « Phono 4367. OARAGE FOR Rent for atorage PAINTING, Paperhanging. No 5125 or 6098. etreet. Phone ’^-2170. 9 Hazel sparkler in snaps, crackles anl in the amell. WOOD FOR SALE, cheap. Phone Coffee evidently liaa to he just 1941 PONTIAC, 1939 Plymouth, only. Vicinity of Weat Side. Tel job too small. (^11 2-9065 days, atreet. pops. The best o f everythinq Rockville 5-5536. ISoftfbMt . Uie rigM temperature for John Daughter— Mother, wtten I JOSEPH’S Barber Shop, 869 Main 1937 Plymouth sedans; 1940 2-0482. after 5 p. m. Gall 2-0726. MALE HELP WANTED Just call ” Mlt” and he will fe l street, over Marlow's offerr you FURNISHED Room next to bath, SAariitod Wllliama, o f Menaphla Tenn. Po- grow up, will I have a huaband Dodge coupe. All guaranteed. you all about It. Sale price $12J llca arrested him four months ego service backed by 3S years of ex- INTERIOR AND Ehcterlor paint SECOND SHIFT for one or two adults. Near BY GALBRAITH like papa? Name your price and terms. Cole Household Goods 51 800 between $3,000 and $3.5P[ )TS AND HER BUDDIES Onr Boy RY EDGAR MARTIN SIDE GLANCES for breaking hla wife's jaw he- MoUter—Tea. I auppoae as. perlence. Special care for chll Motors. 4164. Business Services Offered 1.3 ing, paperhanging, ceilings re^ Cheney's, Inquire 224 Charter flniahed. Fully insured. Expert Good Starting Rate down. Many other listings. KIiL cauaa tite coffee waa too hot. Daughter — Mother, thia ta e dren. T el 3-99S8. No waiting If JUST RETURNteD FROM Oak street before 3, or 238 Char­ k‘vO '.(> A I NQO tK M E VNO V31VL COMPLETE Repairs by Stuart R work. Wall paper booka. Edward worth Mitten, Agent. 6930. yXft.X TVWM BCK EOLOMOGOS- They’ro after him for breaking grow up, If 1 don’t marry, will I you make an appointment or 1939 WHITE 3',4 yard dump Group Bonus Plan EXHlBI’nON—USED IN MODEL ter Oak after 3. IVVGURX FlMO FOG VOOG MOMH .9 0 0 7 Wolcott on washing machines, R. Price. Phone 2-1003. X VNVCfc AMO &X9'. NOM VIL GXAVLV his wife’a jaw again onlv thia be an old maid like Aunt Ger­ come in anytime. truck, good condition for farm Free Work Clothes Furnished HOME: BOLTON—5 rooms down^ spiacl R C O A R l WACVf Off "IWIGI'E tXrtWiME VW& «lTTtH 6 time the coffee was too cold. trude? use. Call Ksy, Glaetonbury 3-3907 vacuum c.'eaners, motors, small HOUSEKEEPING room, business GOLDVOOGTH WtVL-VV. AWBACitfWft Ml*. Paid Shower Period 3 B E A X m F U L ROOMS for two up. Situated on moK th u VK’B TO O AVL VOO CAM OCR OS COLVbSK r i Mather—Why, yes I euppoae qo. WANTED—Riders to Hartford, vl- appliances. Free pick-up and de “DELUXE” FURNITURE couple or two girls. Continuous two acres. Full cellar, well. ^ .J.MAyimiAN livery. A-1 repair, sales. 180 INSIDE PAPERING and painting Group Insurance Program , TOO OLD TO LNTI i j Joe-Isn’t It about time you But what queer queetlona for a clnity Connecticut General. Hours — ALSO — hot water, oil heat and washer. heat. Immediate occupancy. Rea r LOW COST Main. Phone 8597. done. Phone 2-4298. and Ciitle got married? little girl to ask. S to 8. Phone 3-9183. •WES’nN GH OU SE” Near Cheney's and bug. 82 Gar­ sonable price. T. J. Crocketf TRANSPORTATION Apply Moe—I can’t support a 1961 Daughter Mother, hie is a REFRIGERATION Service, com APPLIANCES den street. Broker. Phones 5416 or 3751, wife on a 1941 salary, can T? vary hard world for ui women, Includes following:— Automobiles for Sate 4 SPECIALS merclal and domestic. See our Repairing 23 SPENCER RUBBER tan’t It? "VERY PRETTY■’ BEDROOM PLEASANT. Heated room on MANCHESTER — 40 acres, 11 display ot guaranteed used refrIg PRODUCTS CO. Girt Let’a dance. Start tha “GOROEOUS” LIVING ROOM West side, with private family. room house, bam, suitable for de^ BEFORE TOU Buy a used ear 1947 Kaiser Sedan — Radio and ators. George H. Williams Asso MATTRESS. Tout oM mattrsaaii phonograph. In tbd old days a 13-yaar old sea Gorman Motor Salsa Buick heater. Very clean—1795. sterUlBod and rauwda ilka new, Chapel Street "ATTRACTIVE” DINETTE SET Gentleman preferred. Phone 5252. velopment. For appointmenl Boy Friend— Hava you a good boy waa 10 ao he could travel for elates, 260 Tolland Turnpike, “ MOHAWK” RUGS Salaa and Sarvice, 388 Main 1943 Buick Super Conv. — Radio Manrheatet Phone 2-3585, nights CaU Jooea Furniture and Floor Manchester NICE HEATED room near Main phone Howard R. Hastings, 2| record? half-fare on the railroad. Now “ ARMSTRONG” INLAID 1107. strsat Phona 3-4571. Open ava- and heater. 7691. Oovering, id Oak TtL 9-1041. atreet. Gentleman preferred. G irl-S ir! ha la 16 an lie can drive Dad’s car. ninga. SALESMAN for three way deal, “WES’nNGHOUSE” ELECTRIC Plymouth, Dodge and Dodge REFRIGERATOR Phone 2-0140. 1947 Oldamobile Sedanette—Radio, DOORS OPENED, keya atted. ST. JOHN Street—Reduced. Fu A bleleglst cisiuui that "It Overheard on the bus: “Ha is heater, hydramatic—$1,095. trucks, also used cars and trucks. “WESnNGHOUSE CLEAN DEPENDABLE copied, vacuum cleaners, irons, Private Instructions 28 CLEAN. Comfortable, large heat­ six rooms and bath, 3 and 3, oil very difficult to determine the the kind of man who ta not afraid Drawing account, plua commis­ LAUNDERMAT steam heat, large porch, garage LOW MILEAGE CARS 1946 Ford a u b Coupe—Radio and guns, etc., repaired. Sheara, ed room. Quiet neighborhood, pri­ MX of a Sea.” Profeasor, il'a a to work..hla frlenda.” sion, floor time, leads furntrhed. “WESnNGHOUSE" CLEANER Written Guarantees heater. knivea, moweri, etc put into con­ vate home. Gentleman preferred. amesite drive. Excellent location cincli. One wearing the latest TTTTORING IN mathematics and See Lloyd Hevenor, Solimene, “WESnNGHOUSE” TOASTER Quick occupancy. Priced ^ to aelf model o f dlasy-looking hat la a Woman—rm going out to buy 1941 Chevrolet Special Deluxe Club dition for coming needs. Bralth- chemistry. Call 2-4014. “WESnNGHOUSE ” GRIDDLE References required. Phone 8183. BY V. T. HABILIN 1949 Plsmouth Club Coupe waite, S3 Pearl atreet. Inc., 634 CentJr street, Man­ Suburban Realty Co., Realto k tL E Y OPP It’a A Crisis ”ahe,” but If It’a a faded, ahape- a book. Coupe—Radio and heater. chester. Phone 5101 and 5102. “BENGAL” COMBINAnON 541 Main street. 8215. iesi three-year-old felt, that's a Neighboi^A book? 1949 Studebaker Champion RANGE r. AND cxxxA searching 1941 Pontiac 3-Door—Radio, heat­ POWER SAW Work. Trees taken Bonds— Stocks— Apart ments— Flats— 1 NEVER THOU6HT , .T.SUT WITH (X )P AND FCXJZV BATTUNIG ■he.” Woman — Tea. my husband Sedan WANTED— Baby aitter from 2:50 Also dishes, silverware, pictures, 199 WOODBRIDGE Street n > SEE TM' DAY [ FOR THEIR UVES IN ANCKNT ROMEfi. 3F MCX) FOR A ancTY-FOOT DINOSAURr. bought me the most adorable read­ er. mechanically good—$345. down. Bulldii^ lota and land Tenements 63 1948 Chevrolet S ^ an Mortgages 31 p. m. until 5 p. m., Monday ^catter ruga and many more Items. rooms, 4 down, 2 finL-hed on se WHEN It) NEED Walking home from work one ing lamp yeatarday. 1941 Ford Deluxe 3-Door—Radio, cleared. Tel. Rockville 5-5536. 1947 Pontiac Sedan Coupe through Friday. Two children, Can be seen day or evening. Shown ond floor. Steam heat with MEW n(ght. a man cams upon hla amair heater. Very clean Inside and SECOND MORTGAGES bought oy appointment only. Phone Mr THREE NtCr:LY furnished heat­ ANTIQUES Kanmtbad. Kapairuig ages 3 and 6. Phone 8611. burner. Fireplace, copper tublhji aon sitting on top of another boy. After you beet a path to auc- 1946 Pontiac Sedan Coupe ou t for our own account. Re-Snanc- Albert Hartford 6-0358, afer 7 ed rooms for rent, in Bolton. C^all dons on any furniture. Tlemann. Ing, repairs, consolidate, quick, 2-8023. garage in basement. House is t| Father—Wliy are you sitting on ceea the deadbeats worry you silly. 1946 Plymouth 2-Door 1939 Mercury Conv.—Radio, heat­ WANTWD—Oil burner service P. M. 46-4690. • 189 South Main atreat Phono conOdentlal service. Manchester ------1------excellent condition. Large lot. top of that boy ? Best Terms— Best Trades er. Very good motor—$335. man. Excellent wages. Good A—L—B—E—R—T—’—S Son—He hit me In the eye. Tha man who flrat taki two 5643. Investment Corp., 887 Main. 43 Allyn St., Hartford FOR RENT—Two apartments in quire (3>arles W. Lathrop. 10 1941 Font Sedan—$345. working conditions. Call 2-2084 Rockville a few blocka from cen­ Eaat Center street Phone 2-038 Father—WM1, heer many ttmaa heads 'are batter than Ona didn’t COLE MOTORS— 4164 Phona 5416. Please Note—To the lucky pur­ have to pay a dollar and a quarter POWER BURNERS and Range after 7 p. m. ter. One amall but complete, mod­ or 7858. have I told you to count up to 100 91 and 436'Center Street 1938 Buick Sedan — Radio and Burners expertly cleaned and chaser. we will arrange friendly before you loae your tampm ? for a haircut. heater. Terms and will hold any Item un­ em 2 room furnished with mod­ serviced. Let us service and re­ Business Opportunities 32 em kitchenette, $43 per month. MANCHESTER—Residential led Son—I am counting to 100. But 1949 PONTIAC pair your washing machine or re­ til wanted at no charge. I'm altting on him ao he’ll be Stranger—What’a that build­ Help Wanted— Including furnished electricity. tion, 3 bedrooms,’^ ranch styl| STREAMLINER SEDAN McCLURE AUTO COMPANY frigerator. Metro Service. 2-0883. TRAVEIL BUREAU and smoke Male or Female 37 ARISTO BILT unfinished book­ One 4 room completely moderniz­ home, custom built, full cell! aitnmd when I get through count- ing? shop. Excellent location. Good In cases and chaats in many sizes. tag. __ ^ Nativo—That'a the aayhim fcr COUPE 373 Main Street WINDOW SHADBP made to order ed. unfurnl'hed. $60 per month. attic, oil hot water heat. Owhel come. Priced for quick sale. In APPLICATIONS are now being Hardwood tablet and chairs. The tha blind. Open Evenings and Installed Venetian biinde Write Box W, Herald. must move. Lot 84 x 150, Nea| Fully quipped including quire Charles W. Lathrop, 100 accepted by the grocery manager Wodshed, 11 Main street Ruby—I knew you were on the Stranger—Go on. you can't tool Telephone 3-9443 and curtain rode. 34 hour aarvice. bus, schools, stores. Down pay East'Center atreet. Phone 2-0384 for male and female employees. DO YOU Need a rent? It’s your football teem--on account of your me. What’a ell them windows hydramatic, radio, heater, etc. Elstimates gladly given. Fagan ment, $6,500. Howard R. Ha 1950 CHEVROLET Fleetline de­ or 7856. Apply at the First National Super privilege to express that need! UASnUF • ew. era. miialaciM. for? Wonderful condition, both me­ Window Sbaur large bedroomil m.T*MO we WEAR THE \ u* WHERE HE COME-» is thsir dMiMs of g s M ^ thsm b s s k r down on your upper Up. wa thought we could not do. yard. Asphalt tile, wall covering. salesladies , full time prefer­ tric blankets. Arv1n heater fans, large dining room, living rooH 7 HAVE 1939 PACKARD seven passenger Situations Wanted— Business Locations and kitchen, oil hot water hpet BALCH-PONTIAC, Inc. Done by reliable, well-trained red. Permanent position. Excel­ youth chaira. Coasters, Percolators yE‘»...IFAAI£TEOR. BUGS BUNNY sedan. Excellent condition, $350. Female 38 For Rent 64 extra large landscaped lot, ga| FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER 155 Center Street men. All jobs guaranteed. Hall lent starting salary. Infant’s Coaco stools, utility tables and FIERCBD the HPU., Phone owner 7134. rage, occupancy upon sale. D Will cl«»!k radios. .^.$39JO, ““ lurr. PilumMM,..BiT>6ittfi ' part tiiihe Ihcome plan to help Sunbeam mixmaaters, Shave- - HAYNES BTREET Commander aodan. V-8 motor, Offered 13-A rifice to good home. Beat offer way, 2-car garage, lot 60 x hydramatic, radio, haater. Sava you. Write Box N, Herald. takes. Phone 3-3937, maatera. Ironmasters, Lewyt completely fenc^, nicely laH4 I960 MBIRCURY two-door, one f l a t f in is h Holland window aeanera, Underwood typewrit­ Five room Cape Cod wiUi - scaped. Two blocka from bua 111 about 8800 off liat. Oouglaa w a n t e d —W oman or girl, full owner w o n ^ ’a car. Phtma 3-3878. shadaa made to measure. All PEDIGREED Welch Terrier, four ers, floor poliaher, reg. $64.50, atUched garage. Living room, close to shopping center — qa Motors. 338 Main. or part time. Some retail aelUng metsl Venetian blinds at a new years old. Spayed. Ideal house ’s price, $47.95 with wax dining room kitchen and school, -60-day occupancy. Prld experience helpful but not requir­ 1951 Chevrolet Bal Aire—Radio low price. Keys made while you pet. Phone 4338 after 6 p. m. and poliah; hundreds of other breakfast nook on first floor, 818,500. Henry Eeoott Agene IMMEDIATE and heater. Like new. ed. Apply in person to Carroll nsl % vwry IntsfffstinK fMibM^hst aupsr.«fnetent wait. Marlow’a bargains in TV’s, refrigeratora two large bedrooms upstslire. 266 High Street West. Manchq DELIVERY Cut Rate, 785 Main atreet m 1951 Chevrolet Stylellne Deluxe and freezers at Brunner’a base­ Ehccellent condition. ter. Manchester 3683 or 2-179 |CfJ(iPtAlN E A SY Seeking Tke (tense BY LESLIE TURNER rtfsfss gfftsln D wsy wstaMriK for tew MswsI” Tudor—Radio and haater. WEAVING of buna, motb bolas Poultry and Supplies 43 ment of Packard building at 358- Brand n6w 1961 Hudsons. and tom riothiag, hoaiery runs, VACANT—7 room single, 3 rooz BUT nc smAnoM SS u TS p ? FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS BY M. C. BLOSSER I960 Chevrolet Club Coupe—Radio Help Wanted— Mste 36 BROAD Breasted turiieys, fresh Eaat Center street, Manchester. i m e omm p * A t the old price, without the bandbaga rtpatrad. atpper re­ ARTHUR A. KNOFLA down, 4 bedrooms up, _tile batl IS OEnMB CRRICAL. TOONERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX and heater. killed, fresh frozen; ready any­ Open evenings *UU 9— all day SKMNEE! KB SUSY , umvta I MVTWOV4WE new excise tax. We will not be place ment. umbrallas rapatrad, WANTED— First claaa mechanic Realtor and lavatory. Steam heat with i T p F K rtS AAF AF7DR OUT- MAYBS .UAMTISGMNIK time. From 10 to 25 pounds. Saturday ’till 5. 875 Main Street—Eat. 1931 NSMMETWTnoiMit MMfBBAHETD S o t cAm u.Tom forp OF N O T_____ out traded by any dealer on 1949 Chevrolet Pickup. man’a ehlrt ootlara ravaraed and to work in a amall waU equipped burner, 2-car garage. Lot H i : COISMT OPSOMSfMSIE Schaub'a Turkey Farm, 18$ Hilla- Phone Office 5440 WUMAIC8 CAHWRESHPHP TOUHSyC’D any make automobile. 1948 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan—^Ra­ replacad Mariow*a Little m «mHii» garage. Top pay to the right GAB HOT water heater, practical­ ISO. Priced ilS.OiOO. James Shop town Road. Evenlnga 5938 or 3-4278 ” J t m u i m dio and heater. man. Apply jto Joe Then, M eaure ly new, two buijier oil heater, Rohan and Son, Realtors. V lOcAt PHsaii SORRY, SON,<(Dl(D BfiTTtR . McCLURE AUTO Auto Company. FIFTY CHICKEN-OF-Tomorrow aleo hod-a-day‘stove. Can be eeen Home Listinge Wanted 7433. 6B0SNM1O BURN UFSOMEOF'SIISPeP 1947 Hudaon—Radio and heater. at 68 McKea atreet. FORSFeitaNA BYW------COMPANY RsbutP motor. Building— Contracting 14 Whita Rock pullats for aale, $3.35 WANT A LARGER HOME in a , HEPASUdar OFF "IMB OAMASffS.F each. Call 4556. BEFORE TOU buy why not WCaUdSMl ~ 1947 Cadillac 60 Fleetwood 4-Ddor MONOGRAM (Combination range, better location? Juat listed aub- 873 Main Street CARPHINTER will frame your un- WANTED—Two carpentera. Ro»- vaHigate this home and inva YIWIHltf Sedan—Radio and haater. Hydra- setto Oonatruction. 3-0808. nine years old, in good condition, Btantial home - off Princeton ment property In an A A reald Open Evenings matie. flnlahed upetaira roonu. Reason­ itreet, 4 down, 2 up, all finish 7 able. Phone 2-4391. Articles for Sale 45 Phona 8988. tial aection of Mancheatar. Telephone 2«9442 1946 Ford Station Wagon. AirrOMOBILE Poliaher. Steady ed. Lavatory down, garage tenant half bf the property pajj position, excellent working condi­ BOLTON —> BuikMng atone and NO MORE meiay dcfroaUiig, your nicely landscaped lo t T. J. the principal, Interast and ta 1848 CHEVROUCT oonvartible, Theaa c a n aold with aarvlca and Roofing-Biding 16 tions, surgical and hospital bene- flagatooa. Bolton Notch Quarry. refrigerator defrosta automatical­ Crockett Broker, phone 5418 or For further details call 2-3' radio, heater, apotllgtit, now Um. ■atlafaction guaranteed. ^flts. vacatimi with pay; opportun­ Phona 8-0817. Btaniay Pataoda. ly with the... nfw “de-froet-tt’’ residence 3751. Exoellent condition. 1940 Chevro­ GUARANTEED Rooting and roof Open Svminga Til g ity for advancement Apply In JuBt plug it la. liha ideal Chriet- let tudor, original Mack, parfaet rapairing. Guttara and conduc- person to John Belch, . Jr., at ROYAL AND amlta-Uofona port mas g ift at only $9.95. Benkbell’a, NSnV! Two or Three-Bedroom throughout C U iiu Mbtor Bales, tora. OoughUn 7707. abla and staadan. typawiltata Carter atreet. Phone 7519.' Homes. Hallln Brothera. Phone OTHER ADVS. ON PAGE OAKLAND GARAGE Balch Pontiac, Inc., 155 Onter 2-9231. 801 Broad atraat street, Manchester, 9 a. m. to 10 All makes of aAo»g gMcaiaM 39T Oakland Street WE SPECIALIZE in roofing and sold or rented. Repair* on ai USED FRIOIDAIRE, in good run­ F I C r U N I Somebody Drop In BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY Phone 2-0488 or 2-0586 p. m. siding. Highest Quality ma- makaa MartoWa ning order. Priced right. Kemp’i, u s w r / z o d n y l b a m b a n v G 1949 BUICK SUPER tarlala Workmanahip guarsn- KOOMT VC. ’TKANKSl CADILLAC. 1941 (68), aub AT ON(7E—Local protacted terri Inc. the beet t■vaat■M■t la the world ...ah uaw r» GN WHSN X L irr/ coupe, radio and haater, black, tcad. A. A. Dion. Inc., 399 Autumn tory now open for qualified man FUNT THSHHta SOHHTVNNH 4 .D O O R - CHICKKN MANURE for Uanu LEONARD Refrigerator, two- a Mt of laad la the goad eld V. 8. A." JAiHH ANOTVm whitewall tiraa. ■Can ba aaen at straat Pheas 4860. over 30 with car to repreaent na­ FISLW H K R K /n aad gardans. Phona 6971. piece living room Mt, five years A«M KSM >0U IN 63 Uadan street, anytime. tional concern. Steady year THB AOtNIAKK Light blue, radio, heat> TILO R(X)F8 end aidewalla guar- old. Very reasonable. Call 8-4438. FRANK U PINNKV antaad maUrial and workman- around Income. Tangible mer­ FOR BATE ' Men's rebuilt and ra- G er, slip e o y m , buk-up 1848 STLi/aiBAKEit 4-door ttflan. chandise. No material shortages. Associate la Fame Radiet haatar, overdrive. Priced ^ p . 87 years expcrienca. FTea lastad thoca. Bant Tulyaa, 15 Bvaa. Maarheeter SS77 R e a lt o r lights. Many other extras. ByitenSkUc training provides im- M ^ le atraet Juat a ftw atepa CHILD’S Miqqe wardroba, $35. In- • to salt Belch Pontiac lae., 155 •stlmaUa No obligation. (MU ;i & 18,0(K) miles. Georga Collins. Manchester 5117. mediate egmlngs, age no barrier. . from Main street qulra 18 BOuth Alton street A (M m ) Omtar straat TaL 3-4545. Open Liberal caralngs diacuaied at tS' •vcalngs until 10. W £ k l t o N ULUAN O. GRANT Price $1,793 terview. WriU Walkar, Box 803, BABY CARRIAGE aad washing LARGE doabinatlon atove, oil Ofllea MMwipr ■ - ' R o o fin g m Newark, N. T. 1550 OLOSMOKLB 8S tudor. 16-A machine. Very g o o d oondUiCB. and coal. Inquire IB North street T AaaoelatofaiaalM ca ll 8-1175 attar 8 p. m. after S p. m. E m . MaachMttr S1S8* HOLOfENE and FLAGG, Inc. Ocean, radio, heater, hydnmatie. COUGHLIN ROOFS stay on In WANTED— Exparieaead aarvlca esaan. Bargain priced at $L795. any Uad of atom! For guaran- $84 Centw Street station attendant Top pay for ITHACA Piunp gun, 16 gauga BEAimrUL Nine piece dining “ SpeelaBdag la H om m aty. Saharhaa aad\FhnM—Slaea U1R*E Hwtyr huny to Douglas Motors, taad roofing call Coughlin, Man- the right man. Apply Mcauta Naw condition. Win enalflea. room suite. Will look good in any ’ TeL ilO l qc 3 1 ^ M7 Mala Stnet. Hartford, 8-75S4 — Cvaalaga, MaaeheMer $188^ 488 Mala. ebaatar 7707. Auto Company. . Phona Hartford S8-S$7L rooBt-la^fa ar smaU. Fiiaae 8458. Z /- S 4 - # / I .— — — ^

T h t W f s U w r ATtrsgt Dsily Kst PrH t Ron For tha Weak Ending Phieanl af V. S. Wohthir ■sraha November 84 \ Partly doudy, windy. eoMsr to­ one It Ured and increasingly rest­ ahead of-time, so that tbejr wUl be night. Mlninwm St. Tasiday, fhir ready for publication while the less as the seaU grow harder. Promote Dyer 10,431 \ I About Town weddinc Is still news, but there Is We've seen many masters of Meodicr of the Audit \ and cold. no charge. ceremonies and toastmastera do Bureau af CIrcidatioaa \ Manchester— City of Charm Heard Along Main Street their best to "keep It short,” but Qito aoout 78 wUlJwW There Is no charge, either, for In Labor Dept. Items which appear In About after their Introductory hints of tto rNPdw ntMUnc m i a trtiiu "brief remsrks" they are at a ■tirtmnt aila at Um Tunple B«th And on Some of Manche$ter^$ Side StreeU, Too Town. We know our readers are (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS eager to hear news of their neigh­ loss. And we can see why. It takes (Cla«UM ASvortlalag oo Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1951 n S S m at 7:80 Moaday eveniiy. some artful diplomacy to cut in on Local Man Is Now Field VOL. LXXI. NO. 48 AU pai^nta and frlanda ox the bors ao we are glad when aomeone Kveryona In town knows that* off on Thanksgiving morning. The phonea or writes us some Informa­ one of the "brief remarkers” with­ Cuba are tavltad. Supervisor in Employ* there is a system waed by the lo­ Tall Cedars band was on hand, tion for About Town. out causing hard feelings. cal court to attempt to cut down about a doaen of them, and seconds ment S^urity Agency jPriMida o< Norman Hooey will the arrests of peipetual drinkers after Danny Hair fired the gun W e may be mtitaken, of courze, bo Intaroatad to know that hit ad> We had long had the desire to known aa posting. The regular starting the 60 runners o ff on the see Mancheater united—no North but we thought wa detected a draaa la: Oorp. Nom an C. Hooey, over-tndulgera’ names are given to five mile course, the band struck The promotion o t Joseph P. Mancheater and South .Manches­ •light note of Impatience in the Dyer of 168 Woodbridge atM t to AF-im7518.1*6 Ftr. the licensee of every liquor out­ up the tune, "Thunderer.” It sound­ ter, no North Manchester Fire 118 rtr. Mmr. Win^, A.P.O. 919-1, ed like thunder as those feet Oeneral Manager’s voice last Tues­ field supervisor In the Stats Labor let In town, and those on the post­ District and South Mancheater day when he urged that the Board c/o Poatmaater, San Franciaco, ed list are served at the Jeopardy pounded down Main street at the Department's employment secur­ Allies, Reds Agree on Korean Buffer one CaUf... will roach him. Norman start. The march was quite appro­ Fire District, no town Board of of Directors be prepared to make ity division waa announced yes­ of the license of the liquor outlet. i Directors and Eighth Utilities artll ho glad to hear from hU many One would think that this sys­ priate and came at an opportune a deAsion on the town architec­ terday by Oommiseloner John J. frlenda here in Mancheater. moment. District Board of Directors, but tural question when the Attorney Egan. tem, with even half-hearted co-1 one town, one Are district and one operaUon from the proprietors of i Too bad the band didn't have Oeneral gives his opinion on the Dyer, who haa been an assistant A meeting of the Auxiliary Po­ their sheet music ready for the fin­ board of directors. profeaoor In the Univeratty of Aboard Missing Navy Plane liquor outlets, wotild markedly cu t; Of course, we knew there were package plan now being consider, lice will bo held Monday night at down the number of arrests for | ish when Johnny Kelley rounded ed. Connecticut School of Business CourtGivesj fj, Doubts Big4 ^irs Fears 7:80 at the Holliater School. the center and tore across the fin­ difficulties attendant on such unl- Administraitlon, for four years, drunkenness in town, but V e have fleation—economic, historic and so Every one of the directors Is 3 More Points received his new appointment, noticed no such effect. |ish line to set a new record for the more than eager |o save the tax­ Hoae Company No. 1, MFD. will We became curious as to the course. "Our Director." "Victor's forth—but this never dulled our which waa made under the merit desire. It merely served to con­ payer's money—surely an admir­ system, after serving for a year Rights tol ^ XX rr r x For Life m hold a drill tomorrow morning at reason that this system has failed Forward" or the Notre Dame Vic­ able aim. Members of the board 10:80 at the flrehouae, rain or to work, and took It upon our­ tory song would have served the vince us that what waa needed as supervisor of technical aervices. ‘**Thgy all want to be dropped oil at boniei udng waa aomeone with the fervor of a have proposed at least two ­ Arms Talk Useful ahine. selves to keep our eyes open when purpose. A llftlong resident of Connecti­ Triple betlned Affontfe Mnaflng Oill’ * some of Manchester's characters Quixote, aomeone who would at natives to engaging architectural cut. Dyer came to Manchester Crime W ar To Be Settled least make the attempt to tilt Arms at rather high rates. Both Ex-Citizen Mlaa Prltcllla Peabody of 113 were about. We think that we Two new publications reached eight years ago from Norwich, i'*Alwa]rt the same old story. . . they bswl like msd Holliater atreet arrived in Now have solved the problem. The our desk this week, at least they with the windmllla of bureaucracy. these alternatives—hiring a town and has worked for C8E8 since Jnssup challenged the conten­ And one day last week we were 1938. if we drop them off si • house M l hetied with Paris, Nov. 26— (/P)—The York earlier thla week on board shrewd characters do not put the were new to us. One of them, architect and using a package Atlsntic’t Triple Refined Hesting Oil. And th ^ ’ro ATIANIIC tion of some of the small powers Washington, Nov. 26— ' signatures of the truce nego­ the state legislature to attain, at London, Dyer has done public re­ 7.enship to a native of Ger­ The General Assembly, he ssifl Henry S. Kiaanmn, aon of Mra. to the local police, or someone They ask us for a notice or even a good part of it depends upon get­ of Asian-Arab states, but ex­ “ afraid for my life” because tiators Hifi needed to complete set-*— ------Ruth Klaaman of 619 Middle turn­ they have Invited over from Hart­ boost," for their enterprisq, least In part, the end we sought. lations work in Manchester for many once ordered deported "should not sbandon its efforts in tlement of the second Item on the ting started on architectural plans, the March of Dimes for seven pressed doubt as to the use­ of his efforts to stamp out pike eaat, haa been promoted to ford for a pleasant party. They which covers the field of voice, When we learned his identity so we can understand the general for admitting he lied in this field. We shnultl leave no srmlsllce sgends fixing a cease­ from a news story in Tuesdsy's years and for the Cancer drive for rackets in Charlotte, N. C. the rank of corporal. Corp. Klaa- then send their agent into a store, piano, chqxal and string music. manager's impatience—If we in­ swearing he would fight fulness of the move. stone unturned." fire line where, being reasonably sober, Herald, we were surprised we two. Iraq, Pakistan and Syria sub­ where he formerly was U. S. RedsAttack man it aaalgned to the 12S7th Air The Infant seems to have a good terpret correctly. .answers VIshInsky The exact position of Ihe cease­ and obvlo:isly over 21, he obtains never realized his Quixotic quali­ for the United States. mitted .a resolution to the 60- Tranaport Squadron, 1600th Air pedigree and a clean bill of health. A. Non. TTi* government will, however, In the first American answer to Attorney. fire line was not disclosed prior to the refreshments for his hostn. ties before since he Is so well member United Nations Political Vishinsky's major policy address In an emotion-charged appear- Tranaport Wing, MllitVry Air May It wax well, wisely and be able to make a new effort to latlflcBtlon hy the full truce dele­ Within the next two days we usu­ known. committee asking that the Big isst Ssturday, Jessup went on to an<'e before a House Ways and Tranaport Service, and haa been worthily. Planning to Close aend Peter Alfona Bindezyek hack gations. However, an Allied Allied Lines atatloned at Weatover A ir Force ally And the names of the partying (In the little magazine are The man: Alex Jarvis. Four Russia, the United States, stress the importance the western Means subcommittee Investigating spoke.,man said Kaesong, where group on the roster of police ar­ Gagnon Is Honored to Germany. Britain snd France—meet pri­ powers put on a "fool proof " his prosecution of tax fraud cases, Bate, Mata., alnce October, 1660. few quotes, the first one by Con­ His attempt at the Eighth Util­ The court aplit 5-2 in ruling the truce tslk, began last July 10. rests. Induction Center vately under the presidency of system of verifying arms dis­ Caudle said he was the victim of A t preaent he la performing the fucius (.600 B. C.) "Music pro­ ities District Board of Directors that—because of a technicality remains in Red territory; Pan- duces a kind of pleasure which Assembly President LiiiX Padilla closures made by the powers. He the "malicious intent" of Char­ On 3 Points dutlea of airplane and engine last Monday night to get the At Farewell Party Bindezyek'e citizenship papers miinjom site of Ihe current talks, What well-known local men— human nature cannot do without.” North Ekid to cede some property Nervn oif Mexico to try to recon­ insisted that under the Soviet lotte Poliee Chief Frank Little­ become part of the neutral buffer mechanic. one a veteran real estate and in­ Connecticut men called by were Improperly cancelled. Another runs like this: on which he had built some houses Selective Service will all be sent cile the Western and Russian dis­ plan the world would Just have john and two federal agents. soiie surance man and another an up "There was a young lady from Rio Robert A. Gagnon of 79 BroatJ Bindezyek, who live* at 81-58 to take the word of various coun­ SAiul, Korea, Nov. 26— (/P) The annual aale and tea o f the to the South Manchester Fire Dis­ to the Induction center in New Dongan avenue, Elmhuret, L. I.. armament plans. "Ooddamighty, the hatred and "Lillie Gihrallar" key ndge po­ and coming member of the bar Who played at a Beethoven trio street, was guest of honor at s rites 14-Week Try tries that they were disarming. bitterness they have against me — Communist t roopn today at­ Daughtera of Liberty No. 17, association—tried to explain at a trict. while a vain one, was in the Haven after the close of Decem­ N. ■y’., married an American and sit inn on Ihe western front where L.O.L.I., will be held at Orange - Her technique was scanty. Quixotic tradition. farewell party Wednesday eve' Ambassador Philip C. Jessup At the beginning of his speech, is mealrulsble," he rried. bloody fighting took place over tacked savagely through deep recent gathering of a service club So she played it andante ber when the Induction center In Is the father of one. child. Hall Tueaday evening beginning at The North End Board of Direc­ nlng, with about 20 relatives and Hartford, the only other one later told the committer the U. R. Jessup took note of Vishinsky's re­ Just before Caudle took the wit­ Ihe weekend, Is retained hy the snow and hitter cold at both their reasons for being out late Instead of allegro con brio. Justice Frankfurter delivered 7 o'clock.' In the Hat of offlcera tors said the land couldn't be friends from Hartford. Fall River, operating in the state at the pres­ was ready to do this if the com­ mark last week In which he ac­ ness stand the committee and At­ Allies. ends and in the center of the one night a week ago? And there are ever so many Mass., and town present. He was the majority deeUion. Juatlcc mittee voted it. He pointed out, cused Secretary of State Dean which were inatalled Tueaday Our Informer, and a good one transferred, the South Manchester ent time, closes. Reed wro'te a dissent in which torney General MeOrath reached Before tonighl's agreement, cen­ Korean battle line. more, all about music. Fire District Commissioners said presented with a purse of money. however, that the deputy foreign Arhoson of hurrying off to the agreement on opening up Justiee sors permittee) Identiflcstinn of night the name of Mrs. Clara Rob­ who is always reliable, says the Captain Walter C. Schullch, o f Justice Burton concurred. Juaticca In the west, adyaneing UN The other la entitled "Listen Mr. Gagnon has enlisted in the ministers of the four countries NATO meeting in Rome and leav­ Ihe present battle line roughly as inson who was Installed at color two men in question were dele- the same thing, and so did the flcer-in-charge of the 496 Capitol CTlark and Minton took no part in Department files dealing with tax IrcMips were hit hy a reinforce*! Journal of better living. It is pub­ 1639 state legislature’s amend­ Army Air Force and left last had tried for 14 weeks last spring ing behind a "second rate repre­ fraud pro.seciitions. follows: bearer was Inadvertently omitted ?;ated to make up lapel corsages the case. Sam RosenfAd (left) i>f Han Francisco iu«l Lieut.. lished quarterly and denis with r.ighl for the base at Geneva, N. avenue renter In Hartford, said to reach such an agreement with­ sentative" It starts on the east coast three Commiinisl battalion south of or the service club women's night ment to the District's charter. that he had received orders from Bindezyek was admitted to citi­ Rep. Tng (D., Calif) chairman Judd <1. Hndgimn of Dakota. III., were listed hy the Navy as being I’anmunjom, the site of cease­ the destructive Influence of liquor Y. out success. ■Tessup said he hoped Vishinsky miles south of Knsnng. more than program. The men were out until Rut. with a zeal that would have First Army Headquarters for the zenship on Dec. 2, 1943 by the Cir­ of House Ways and Means investi­ aboard a Navy patrol homher which haa heen miming In the Ja|mneae fire negotiations. Some 20 miles In the American home and family done the old Don, himself, proud, The son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei would have the patience to listen gating siiheommittee, told news­ 40 miles north of parallel 38; a late hour the night before the life . . . drinking among teenagers closing. The' location would, hoW' cuit Court of Frederick County. Hen nrm siniie Nov. 6 while on a rmiUne weather recnnnalssanee away, near Yonchon, Allied forces program and they tried to offer the Alex Jarvis tried anyway. Gagnon of 148 South Main .street, Y. Vishinsky told reporters he to "one to whom he referred with men the Attorney General had moving westwani it runs just be­ and campus drinking. . . . The ever, continue to function aa an Md., while he wa* serving in the his customary courtesy as a sec- flight. II la believed to he the same plane which Rumlan planes fired Sunday had shalfered an attack excuses that they were making He failed, of course, as did he la married to the former Ann had not yet decided on an answer agreed to make ttie disputed files upon. The |:S8R protasled fo the I ntted Htate* that the plane had low Miinilnng which is 2 ', miles attitude that drinking is smart Is T. Flynn, daughter hf Mr. and Army Air Force recruiting main U. 8. Army at Camp Ritchie, Md. hy up In 24.000 Chinese against the corsages. Quixote in so many of his battles, to the Asian-Arab move aimed at available this afternoon. penetrated RuMlna Siberia terrilory. (A P WIrephoto). north of lleartbresk Ridge; then particularly prevalent among col Mrs. Peter Flynn of 79 Broad station. Dlsebdaqa Loyalty easing East-West tension. (ponllnued on Pago T « o ) "ijttle Gihrallar. " FILMS The corsages, we are told, were lege atudents, and progressive so­ but w'e think his was a noble at­ The day after he waa admitted The development came aa the due weal to a point just south of street. It is expected that the last draft Kiimsong; southwest to a point Eighth Army headquarters said Imported. cial pressure must destroy such an tempt, nonetheless. as a citizen. Bindezyek was alert­ siiheommittee called up former Allied troops were pushing DEVELOPED AND passing through the Hartford three miles north of Kiimhwa: absurd Idea. . . . Colleges need ed for overseas army duty. The Assistant Attorney General T. toward high ground south of Psn- ^ PR IN T E D Anyone who knows martial mu­ Pet-Peeve Department: Why Is center will have received their west to point five miles no'rthwest compulsory course on the harmful Justice department said he then I^Amar Caudle in the public hear­ munjom when the Reds counter­ sic at all will tell you that was it that 99 out of 100 banquets Nurses to Hear pre-induction examinations dur­ ings on Justice Department hand­ of Chorwon; southwest .I,*) miles 24-HOUR RERVICB effects of alcohol upon mind and ing the first 19 days o f Decem­ made statements to the post in­ Ike Warns NATO attacked, shoving the UN forces a nice way to start the road race body. . . . Not a drinker in a mil­ never get started on time? Ban­ Hunt for More Bodies ling of tax cases referred to it by down to mouth of Imjim river Piliii Depoait Bog ber. Northern Connecticut’s quota telligence officer disclaiming any back toward their main lines. lion began drinking alone. . . , All quets and dinners listed for a Beatrice Binder loyalty to the United Stales, stat­ the Internal Revenue Bureau. where it joins tlie Man soiitii of of 26 will be sworn in on Dec. 6. I llie 38th parallel, then along north East of Ihe Pukhan river on the At Store Entrance drinkers began socially, and specified hour usually start any­ ing hs ws.s not willing io bear Ik'lays Hearings central front, where the UN com­ where from 30 minutes to two During the early part of World rhnre of Han to the Yellow Sea. number of other true statements arms for this country, snd did not It occasioned a delay in getting mand launched a victorious two- Miss Beatrice Binder, superlnt- War II, both Hartford and New In Wreekage of Trains On Command Row The subcommittees will meet in we noticed as we thumbed through hours later. want to remain here after the the expected week-long hearing.s dsy, line-slraightenlhg offensive ITALIAN-AMERIGAN It Is getting so that many ban­ tendent of nurses at Manchester Haven functioned as draft cen­ Panmiinjom tomorrow st 10 s.m. the magazine. war. under way, and King said they' Nov. 17-18, a Red battalion drove KEMP'S quet-goers give themselves an ex­ Memorial Hospital, will speak to ters. but the Hartford station was (8 p.m. e.s I. Monday! to approve .Seven days later Bindezyek was would he recessed during the Allied defenders oift of three ad­ tra hour to get to affairs over the the Women’s Auxiliary at Ita Mon­ closed in 1643. Woodstock, Ala., Nov. 26— (/P)— Workers today searched Rome, Nov. 26 — (iiP) — (Jeneral Dwight D. Ki.senhower the proposal. The full five-man HAa With the high ro.st of living taken back to the Circuit Court. afternoon to permit investiga­ vanced positions. scheduled starting times. day afternoon meeting on Nov. 26. Although Connecticut regis­ the mangled wreckage of a combinatioir-passenger-baggage sternly warned Atlantic Pact commanders today to stop hag­ armistice delegations will open a topic of conversation on every FANCY NATIVE There he said he swore fslsely tors to go to the Justice Depart­ itaoapture Pnoltlon And speaking of banquets, The Auxiliary plans to have trants have, since 1949 when ment for an examination of files gling over command appointments, forget individual national nlennry session one hour later. tongue, we thought we might tell when he told the Circtiit Court car for additional victims in a streamliner collision which Southwest of Kiimsong, In the here's another one. Seems there's brief business meetings the first Selective Service was reactivated, relating to the Caudle hearing. Formal adoption of the buffer zone FOR RENT our readers about a few things he would fight for the United killed 18 and injured 60 when two deluxe New York-New glory and "attempt the impo.s.sible” in building true wc.stcrii same general area, UN fores* they don't have to pay for In The alway.s a long list of speakers be­ Monday of every month and, on been sent to Hartford, New McGrath issued a atatement rlauae is expected to be a mere For weddinir partien and fore the hig-wig is reached. The the third Monday, to have a Haven, New London and Bridge­ Orleans passenger trains met headon yesterday afternoon. security against aggreaaion hy pooling their sovereignty. fomiellly. mounted an attack of thsir osxn Herald. (Coatlnued on Page Bight) last night promising ths commit He declared that unless Eiii-ope's • ------and recaptured an advance posi­ all kinds of s ^ a l and fra­ In the first, or perhaps w latter Is the person most people speaker who will talk on a subject port, they have gone only to New The silvery northbound South- • tee cooperation after committee Then in a race ageinet the .30- Haven and Hartford since Septem­ TOMATOES defense line is built strongly, fsr day (leadline and while 'the fight­ tion recently lost to the Reds. want to hear, the one who has of Interest to Auxiliary members erner pulled from a siding here s i . 1 members had taken the fight over REPPIR ternal events. should say the last, place, you east of the Rhine, theiy never will , T , 4 * 8 8 1 1 4 b m V Two Communist attacks against don't have to pay to have a death something to say. and their relationship to hospital ber, 1950. Into the path of the onnishing access to the flies to President ing goes on. the negotiators will But the torturea before the life. The remaining time on these southbound Crescent. The sledge­ I reighls Lrasli, be peace without fear. This was in- X-JA A F llA F IH y work on three other points that a hill position northwest of Yang- Days Call notice or an account of a funeral | iy Hm paund or by Hm boskat. Grodos and sIi m To Mossadegh Set Truman in an effort to break the terpreted as a definite reference In the paper. Many newspapers principal speaker Is reached. It afternoons will be given over, as DINNER-MEETING hammer crash turned the first car must he agreed on before a tilll gn were heaUA .Off, the Eighth State Barber Shop 5956 Impassei to inclusion of German forces in Army aalif • ’ " have paid death and funeral notice seems that every person who Is usual, to the making of surgical of the Southerner into 9 giant' King said the agreement work­ aimlslice can he signed. Eveninffs Tel. 7898 The Soroptinilat Club will hold suit your noods. A saving for housawIvM, rtstau* Trestle Falls, 5 the Atlantic Pact army. ' Hurt by^ Price The UN rqmmand has expressed column.s, hut The Herald prints called upon at those affairs feels dressings. coffin. ed out with the Justice depart­ There still is a possibility of its dinner-meeting Monday eve- For Iran Vole Win Address Council ' )M>ller ths Reds were trying to UUlflIT. the accounts free. that he must talk for a minimum Starting with this week’s Issue The trains met on a high rail­ ment did not mean that the flies sn armistice in Korea by Christ­ liing at the Blue Willow in Glas­ '"’The Atlantic Pact Supreme Com­ mas. but no one in an offlc.lil po­ grab strategic . positions wjifle It Is not - unusual for out-of- of five or ten minutes, regardless of "The'Lamp", which 1s published rants and storafcatpars. road t rustle 29 miles southwest of Die, 5 Unhurt would be given into the commit­ Ceilings Boost .r^f whether he has- anything to fortnightly, each Auxiliary mem­ tonbury, Just over the Bast Hart­ . The Crescent waa mander addressed the North A t­ sition at the irN ramp would risk truce negotistlora st Psnmiinjom town undertakers to telephone In In 2 or 3 Days tee's possession. But he said lantic Treaty Organization sre attempting to map the battle obituaries and then ask for the say.' Most of the time, the many ber will receive a cofpy of this lit­ ford line. Members will meet at using the southern tracks because 1 a predirtlon that a truce ran be McGrath agreed to let staff inves­ (N ATO ) Chiefs of Staff In advance Washinglnn. Nov. 26 — iJ*i line. Victory in such a- cam­ bill. secondary speakers are called tle paper of Manchester Hospital the Mary Cheney Library and a bridge was out on the Louisville Orchard. Idaho. Nov. 26 itPi tigators check through the rec­ n.'goti.ited by then. IMMTS FILMMAMERAS leave from there at 6 o'clock. GMl MANCHESTER MAM snd Nashville lines near new Or­ of an appearance before the 12- Price"Director Michael V. DiSalle I'N Hopeful paign would hsye fsr-reschlng Lewer at. Flew Level Other out-of-towners who want upon more out of courtesy than news. Tehran, Tran. Nov. 26 - Five crewmen were killed yester­ ords St the Justice department for FI.A8H BULBS, OASES, anything else. But so many of leans. 320 miles sway. nsllon NATO council. He is slated testified today that now higher Raliflration of the buffer zone effects since the line being drawn to pay are girls who have lived In Premier Mohammed Mossadegh day in the collision of two Union such information as the commit­ to tell Its members they must step will liecome ths permanent cease­ MOVIES. PARTS Manchester, moved away, and be­ them love to talk, especially If 7A.M.toSP.M. Slammed 80 Feet price ceiling* resulting from ex­ clause Tuesday would start a 30- won a unanimous vote ^of confi­ tee speclfled. up their defense efforts for peace isting laws "will be harmful to the fire line If an armistice Is signed come engaged. They often ask they have a few drinks under their The Southerner had stopped sf-' Pacific freight trains, a collision dsy negotiating period ending belts. And 99 per cent of the time, dence in the Iranian Senate today, ter pulling out from the siding. so violent that a huge overhead through strength. i economy." Doc 20. within 30 days after the line Is how much It will rost to have the (Cnnllniird «>n Page Two) As he spoke, qualified sources ArUiyr Dnis Stortt these amateur orators haven't got paving the way for national elec­ The Crescent rounded a curre and trestle plunged to earth, squashing DISalle appeared bofoio a joint Rrlg. Gen. William P Nuokols. adopted. Read Herald Adva. nnnouneement printed. The Herald reported that Britain again had a thing to offer their listeners. LOTS OF LOTS tions In the next two or three roared Into it. a Diesel power unit. Congressional Committee on De­ offioial Allied spokesman, would Tn the air. Allied snd Commu­ does not charge for the announce­ turned down a proposal to set up This practice is not only an­ days.^ "We were slammed back 80 The westbound freight, moving fense Production, which is inquir­ say only that the UN command Is nist jets tangled Monday in s new ment or for the picture printed Good Buys. Now’s the time to buy! Don’t wait until an American-led North Atlantic ing ss to how controls are work­ air battle over North Korea. with It. noying and discourteous to the The vote followed a similar bal­ feet." said George Newton, Semi­ slowly but with the momentun» of ‘ honemr that the negotiators listeners but is also very Incon­ spring. Prices will be higher. lot in the Majlis (Lower House) nary, Miss , a passenger in the 68 loaded coal cars behind it. Lost 5 Days, naval command at once. Britain la ing. will he able to agree on a truce Damage Two MlGe The same is true, of course, with committed, on paper, to accepting .The plump and jovial price The Fifth Air Force said 17 wedding accounts and pictures. siderate of the principal speaker. yesterday when Mossadegb per­ third roach of the northbound slammed into the front of the hy Ihe (lendlinc. By the time his turn comes, every- Vernon 90 x 200 and up— ?800 and up suaded the deputies to reverse train. "Every)>ody was running halted eastbound train. an American admiral as head of told lawmakers that failure of T h e .staff officers pinpointed Ihe F-86 Sabre jets tangled with near­ Wedding pictures have to be posed Family Saved the North Atlantic command, but Congress to remove ccrlaln Bolton 150 X 200 and up— $600 and up Do You K now— their earlier decision to postpone through the train .screaming." Oil from smashed Diesel tanks last sittor of the rease-fl'-e line ly 60 MIG-151 snd damaged two apparently the British want ac­ amendment., to the price control Tolland 100 x 400 and up— *400 and up the elections until Dec. 18. Normally the Crescent operates spewed over the tangled wreck­ Rl 6:3(1 p. m. (4:30 a. m. e. s. t.) In sn action swinging from 35,000 over the Southern to Atlanta, over tion deferred until a Briton is put extension makes it iljffirull to en­ af'o.' a marathon session lasting feel down to 19,000. It reported Deputy Premier Hossein Fatemi age. stacked 30 feet high. It min­ in charge of the projected Middle- force the law and curb iivflation. the West Point route to Mont­ gled with coal from tangled freight 4, With Baby, 2, Snow­ almo t 7 'i hours that all the .Sabres returned ssfe- You too can save money by getting your told newsmen the government East Command. "The Atlantic Pact He recounted in great detail va­ WASTE PAPER THE ALLEN REALTY CO. plans to start the election within gomery, Ala., and thence to New cars, and blazed briefly into a fire The official UN command com- ly. bound in High Sierras defense ministers are recommend­ rious price orders issued in differ­ 180 CENTER 8TREET—MANCHESTER glasses at Union Optical Co. two or three, daya and that Mossa­ Orleans via the LAN. which charred beyond recognition Christmas Bazaar—Turkey Supper ing that this action be put off un­ ent fields and said that as they (rontinned on Page Eight) ^ FHONE 8106—EVENINGS 2-0488 degh wptild announce the time All of the known dead were on the bodies of four of the victims. With Nothing to Eat (Cnnllnoed on Page Right) the Southerner, most of them in til Greece snd Turkey formally were issued "one st a time they dird THURSDAY. NOV. 29.3 P. M. Service at Union Optical is the best in over the nationgj radio. Railroad officials said the dead enter the partnership, probably in not seem nehrly ss bad as when The Senators also put through the first car, which was smashed men were Engineer Roy Hull, the entire collection is examined.” St. Mary's Parish Hous* like an eggshell. Trainmen said Jackson, Calif., Nov. 28—le) January. town. a bill asking that the balloting be Brakemao R. H. Reynolds and Heavy snows trapped a family of fXiurehlll Opposed Senator Maybank (D., S. C.), P. J. Powers, Birmingham, engi­ Fireman W. J. Love, on the west­ secret. Mossadegh said he person- four for five days in the high Si­ The same sources ssid Prime chairman of the Senate-House APRONS. HOME COOKED FOOD AND CANDY neer of the northbound Iri^kK waa bound train, and Engineer I. J. Truman Making Probe COLLECTION ly favored secret voting but adde^ erra with almost nothing to eat Minister Churchill's government group as well as the Senate Bank­ AU work done at Union Optical Co. is killed and his body caughUm the that he gave the bill "half of one Higgins and Fireman P. M. Walk­ but a can of syrup. ing committee, told DiSalle that SUPPER, 5 to 7— 11.50 C H IL D R E N to 15— fl.OO wreckage. It had not been re­ er. both on the eastbound freight. thus fsr also has refused to accept NORTHWEST SECTION guaranteed. per cent of a chance” for ratifica­ The syrup was rationed to a ths American .30 caliber Garsnd he and other Congreasmen want fo covered. All were from Glenns Ferry. Ida­ Tomato cocktail, roast turkey with dressing and gravy, asaahed tion hy the Majlis. year-old baby. Searchers found the aa the standard rifle for the A t­ review the results of ctintrols now, Of Atrocity Charges potatoes and turnips, peaa. cranberry sauce, celery, pickles, rolls Ths outlawed CMmmuniat Tudeh Fifteen Negro dead were re­ ho. four late Saturday night l.v two lantic Allies. Britain still is argu­ as a basis for possible legislative Come in and have Mr. Christensen adjust Five other crewmen escaped in­ MONDAY, NOV. 26 and butter, tea, coffee, milk, apple and pumpkin plea.—BESEB* moved from the ill-fated car, the deserted cabins near 8.600 foot ing in favor of ita own new .280 action in the new session that be­ jury. One of them. T. R. Roy- VATION8 CLOSE NOV. 26. your glasses free o f charge. (ConUnoed on Pago Nine) "Miaaiaaippi," a combination bag­ Kit Carson Pass. All were report­ rifle. gins Jan. 8. ter, had gotten off the eastbound Key West, Fla., Nov. 26— (I'P)— C-onfidanta said today Presi­ Help the Hospital — Help Local Industry By Continuinp fle e ts * W o***'' gage-passenger coach with 22 ed recovering today. Ths North Atlantic command Senator Capehsrt (R., Ind.i au­ seatB. train to help crewmen of the oth­ The timely arrival of re* Tjers structure, the Mid-East command, thor of an amendment that has dent Truman iff making a thorough inquiry into the handling To Save Paper. The Need Haa Not Diminiahed! er train throw a switch which It was teleacoped by the .car be­ probably saved IIm life of vt ths small arms standardization been vigormuly criticized by Di- of the Korean atrocity charges. hind It. Hilton. 41, who had set o .. iloot bnd the streamlining of NATO's Sslle, President Truman snd An atmo.sphere of official silence, however, enveloped his in- Rescue workers cut into the car (C'Mttlnned on Page Three) others, snd Rep. Paul Brown (D.. News Tidbits in search of aid. He had i»i. be­ military structure are the chief ve.stigation and the same official silence covered his study o f: with torches to bring out the vic­ hind in a mountain cabin his wife. Issues bogging down the North Ga.) were the only other commit­ 1. The alleged shooting down o f ------CulM from AP Wires tims. Treasury Balance Lillian. 40: their daughter. Petty, Atlantic defense' ministers who teemen present. ORANGE HALL U nion O ptical o . fltcck^Sigaala an.,ATOaiif,«o,„hoiuWr. by_. -jus- u n — — ^ C . i»wvii?i»sttng-lws. - ->------16, Zitd Uieir gfgrutooit.- (SQfif flghtcr planes. One o) the first was a plunm, Washington, Nov. 26- (4*1 The Ronald Hilton: Tliey 'had almost 'Eisenhower warned the Ojiefs (Conlinued on Page.El^hl) 641 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER TEL. 2-.1f2B 2. Soviet Foreign Minister An­ unmarked baby girl of 2 or 8. She position of the Treasury Nov. 21: no food but they could keep warm. of Staff that no nation alone can Eartliqnak inquired Into defamatory liters- Washington, Nov. 26—(jp)— elded whether he will run again ers’ officials. Reds murdered Allied prisoners of "SsiMWr" isbls Ittklsr....tl3.25 use of money, pouring funds into Some of the negotiations may Jerome, Peana., a State depart­ alght hattla with a Mtaaard atop Cure Taft said was circulated Senator Byrd (D., Va.) aald he but is not ready to announce hU war, declared: ttm . Ohio 7rom every state in the .union recess to await outcome of talks "The President owes the parents ment courier, was beal eu up by PscUt news', ckresie a mountain poak. against him. Gillette said the regards President Truman as decision. a Calm ateeet gaag yeaterday. Oomnuhist Now China Agency* —"They used false front organi­ with U. 8. Steel beesuse "Big of our servicemen a clear and un­ Raiik ...... 4 AM sations, they sent carpetbaggers group would Inquire into all phases '^weaker today than any’* other Womee for V P Boyd, 85, suffered ndaer tajurtca. 10% saya gaads hra hMa to Wan Feng- posalble Democratic nominee for Meanwhile, Senator Aiken (R-, Steel” usually sets the pattern mistakable statement of the facts HekW lieklsr. e*M- ’ ■Wss prind Sma 98878 and outside organisers liito Ohio, of the campaign. followed by the rest of the indus­ at the earliest moment." The emhaaoy saM the sticH Cash and Carry Green Stamps •seM IssWiir.— ——.4 943 TL a peaoant ot Hunan province. President Truman aald in a re­ the Freaideney in 1952 and he does , Vt.) proposed that the Republi- Warehouse Workers . . . New China Agency aaya “ the they baaed thqlr compaign on Ilea This development followed the gaag objected te Boyd taldag cent address to the National not think the President can be cans nominate for the Vice Preal- try. and mlsrepreaentations about my The men who make steel now disclosure that General Matthew pictures of a troilojr ear. •Fedsiel Tax laduUeU Set our fins selection of Chrlatmss boxed cards. Per>« percentage ot uaeleas matchea' per Democratic Women's Club here r«-elected. ! dency the Senate’s only current amoll box b u Iieen tedacad from peraonal life." Byrd, perhaps Mr. Truman’s ; woman member. Senator Msrgar- average about $1.97 an hour. B. RIdgway had reported to the sonsl books for your selection now on display. Msnchei The campaign against him, Taft that “ special Interests poured • per seat to less than 4 par cent" bitterest critic within his ow n; et Chase Smith of Maine. Mrs. Under the current Wage Sta­ United Nations aa early os Nov. 'DROPS PLANE BUMT declared, "repxeaented a sinister money into Ohio last year” to fleet 12 that hla office wAs Inveatlgat- Wanted tor’s oldest estoUished jOweler. Portrait o f Geaeial Robert E. party, said however It la his per-; Smith said she Is not a candidate, bilization board formula. Murray’s Rome, Nov. 86—•_ 7^7 M A IN ST. — STATE T H E A T E R B U IL D IN G M sslM lfpl focoas watsr evsr low' Mr. Truman liaa said be haa d *:' Owitaaad im ra fa sia. (CMttaMd M Fag* XhiM) (CoattwMI M FhC* MIm ) ADAMS STRICT RUCKLAND IN HARTFORD AT FRATT AND MAIN 8TRKBTB lying OMOS.' BenaU in 18B0 by a 480.000 voU (CaatIWMd m Fifn Ihiw) 3f- k imY^i i t i t f I