Issue Number 345 April 2017 PARISH LINK Serving the communities of , and for 34 years Page 3

Rev. Nigel Bibbings 46 Luton Road Toddington, LU5 6DF Tel: 01525 872026

Dear Friends,

On Easter Day Christians celebrate the victory of God over evil, wrongdoing and death. We believe that the power of these things is destroyed because of the Lord Jesus Christ’s sufferings and death upon the cross, and the way in which God raised him from the dead. At this time the Easter victory of God’s love for all people would seem to many people to be difficult to square with the way things are in the world.

Difficult, that is until we see how God’s love operates, until we see that God himself, in Jesus, suffers with those who are oppressed, hurting and having to endure so much day by day. Himself a homeless refugee, threatened and hounded out of town, Jesus knows what it is to carry a cross, and to suffer and die on it too, although he himself had done nothing wrong. As we see in the faces of so many of God’s children, dislocation, fear, hunger, and other deep needs we are looking right into the face of God who loves and cares for each one.

One of the Easter hymns sung in churches today has the following verse: “In every insult, rift and war, Where colour, scorn or wealth divide, He suffers still, yet loves the more, And lives though ever crucified”. (Brian A. Wren)

Thank God that he is not distant or unfeeling, but shares with us and understands our troubles and the sufferings of the peoples of this world. And let us then be those who are doing all that we can to transform the circumstances of those who are in any kind of need, using all the resources at our disposal. We can pray (knowing that God has already got his sleeves rolled up and is at work!) and we can give generously. We can also act and live as though we ourselves are not the most important people in the world (following the example of Jesus).

Let us do all that we can and cooperate with the God who turns death and defeat into Resurrection and the victory of New Life!

Happy Easter! Nigel (Minister for Kensworth, , Dagnall (shared church), , Edlesborough, Barton-le-Clay and Gravenhurst Methodist Churches) Page 7 KENSWORTH NEWSROUND

KENSWORTH CHURCH PRAYERS In April we shall pray specially for the people who live in Common Road between Hollicks Lane and Isle of Wight Lane. If you would like a particular prayer to be said, contact Dorothy Blackburn (872670).

KENSWORTH PARISH CHURCH The Christian festival of Easter will be celebrated on Easter Sunday 16th April, followed by refreshments and the Easter Egg Hunt for the children. Don’t miss the next performance of ‘Music and Words’ on 9th April, at 4pm (see page12).

APCM: have your say at the Annual Parochial Church Meetings on Thursday 20th April at 7.30pm in Kensworth Church Hall.

Choir News: the choir will sing at Sung Eucharist (Holy Communion) on 2nd April (Passion Sunday), at 12 noon on Good Friday, at the 8pm Service of Light, on Saturday 15th and at 11am at the Easter Day Service on 16th. The choir practises on Fridays, 6.15pm – 7.15pm in the church. If you would like to join, please contact Mike Palmer ([email protected] or 524183), or the Rector ([email protected] or 872223).

Sunday School: on 9th April there will be a Family Service for Palm Sunday, including the children; the 16th is Easter Day: do come, join in the special activities for young people and enjoy the Easter Egg Hunt afterwards. On the 23rd the subject is ‘Jesus is Alive!’ If you would like your child to join Sunday School, or if you want to be a helper, please contact Katherine Huggins (607841). We welcome all children from 3+. There are senior and junior sections.

Messy Church: there will not be a Messy Church in Kensworth in April. The next one will be on Friday 12th May. We look forward to seeing you then.

Churchyard Working Party: if you are fit and available, please come to the churchyard at 9.30am on Saturday 1st April to help in any way you can (this is not an April Fool!!). Bring your own tools; refreshments will be provided.

Wheelchairs are available for short-term loans from Kensworth Church Hall, for a small donation. Please contact Heather Woods (873492).

KENSWORTH METHODIST CHURCH For all services, see page 13. The April Coffee Morning will take place on Saturday 1st, 10.30am – 12 noon. Do come along for delicious cake, coffee and a chat. Everybody is very welcome. Page 8 AROUND ABOUT STUDHAM ST MARY’S CHURCH Church prayers: in April we shall be praying especially for all the residents of Road, Southern Way and Bell Farm Close. If you would like a particular prayer to be said, please contact Churchwarden, Meg Bender (872967 or meg. [email protected]). Sunday 16th April is Easter Day, the most important festival in the Christian Year. There will be a family Holy Communion at 10am. Please note the change from the normal time. Everyone is warmly invited to stay for refreshments afterwards, to take part in the Easter Egg hunt in the churchyard (inside if wet!) and to celebrate all the April birthdays.

The Annual Church Meeting (APCM) is on Thursday 27th April, 7.30pm at the church. The last 12 months will be reviewed and plans for the future discussed. Anyone on the church’s Electoral Roll can attend; so please come along and have your say. FRIENDS OF STUDHAM CHURCH We are a friendly group who raise money to maintain the structure of the oldest building in the village - the Church.

Studham May Fair is on May 20th – a great village tradition with Maypole dancing, tombola, book stall, grand draw, barbeque and so many more stalls. If you could help by donating a gift for the Tombola, please let Eddie Perry know (873909) – or perhaps a bottle of wine for the wine wheelbarrow (Eric Jacoby – 872872). (Photo – enjoying an ice cream at last year’s May Fair!)

We also need space to store tables that are used once a year at the May Fair. If you can help, please speak to John McDougal (873257).

100 Club – thanks to everyone who has renewed – if you want have a chance of winning £60 per month, download a form from the Friends’ website (www. or contact Emma Mulder (872021). It’s only £1 per month. The February and March winners were Tracey Hayes, Derek Maunders, Anne Spriggs and Joan Bailey. Congratulations to them!

* * * * * * * *

Dale Carnegie: Remember today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday! Page 9 WHIPSNADE INCLUDING OLDHILL WOOD

WHIPSNADE CHURCH NEWS The young people’s concert: the concert on 11th March was a huge success: the large audience had a wonderful time listening to Robert Kendrick, Chris Lenthall, Rosie Summers and Ethan Tran performing beautifully, with Grant Elsey expertly playing classical guitar and Adrian Lenthall generously stepping in to play piano accompaniment. Thanks to the Kendrick family for their refreshments and organisation. Around £800 profit was divided between Cancer Care and St Mary Magdalene church.

Village Lunch: all are welcome to Whipsnade Village Hall for the village lunch on Thursday 13th April – Maundy Thursday! Enjoy an Easter menu for £6, with a choice from roast lamb, spicy chicken breast, fisherman’s pie or cottage pie, followed by a choice of pudding and tea or coffee. Offers of help or puddings to Isobel Randall (872552) or Pam Ward (872406). Raffle and bookstall.

Good Friday: once again Whipsnade church is hosting the Good Friday parents’ and children’s service built round the main activity of making Easter gardens for each of the three village churches. Enjoy traditional Good Friday hot cross buns after the service.

Church meetings: the APCM (annual meeting of the church) is being held in the church this year on 25th April at 7.15 pm. The Easter Vestry, with election of churchwardens, is followed by the APCM in which the events of the year are reported and the Parochial Church Council is elected. Come along to meet fellow members, enjoy refreshments and share the life of the church.

Members’ contributions to the church: every person on the church electoral roll recently received a letter from the Rector and churchwarden thanking them for all of their efforts and stressing the need for active participation to keep the church going. Thank you to those who have already responded! We look forward to hearing from more people about how they can support our lovely little church.

Extension news: the extension is now almost completed. Some snagging issues remain to be addressed. Once the ground is dry and the weather stable, the path will be completed, but we are already feeling the benefit of lighting to the church path. The grass on the Green and in the churchyard is beginning to recover, and should be back to normal by the end of the year. We are enjoying all the spring flowers snowdrops, winter aconites and now daffodils and crocuses and wait for the orchids to appear and the greenery coming to life.

Grateful thanks to all the volunteers who have worked hard to keep the building and churchyard in order during the building work. Page 10 KENSWORTH EXTRA

KENSWORTH LADIES’ CLUB: the next meeting is in the Church Hall on Monday 3rd April at 7.30pm. This will be a ‘Jolly’ with reminiscences of Kensworth Ladies’ Club, followed by light refreshments.

FLOWER GROUP: our next meeting will be on Wednesday 26th April. Contact Shirley Hull (872351) for details. New members always very welcome.

KENSWORTH DROP IN CLUB: everyone is welcome to ‘Drop In’ at Kensworth Village Hall every Thursday 9am – 11am for tea/coffee and biscuits (soft drinks and crisps for children). Enjoy a chat and games and get to know the locals! We have outings as well.

FRIENDS of ST MARY’S, KENSWORTH: winners of the Monthly Draw for March were Margaret Putterill and David Foster. Please note that we are planning a Musical Picnic for the afternoon of 18th June and full details will appear in next month’s Link.

KENSWORTH VILLAGE HALL: the Chairman raised concerns about some hirers: there has recently been a lack of care in locking up. Hirers are asked: – Please ensure that all doors are securely locked on leaving; – Emergency doors are for emergency exit only, not for access; – The inner entrance doors should be kept locked during events, to prevent access for thieves; – The door to the rear storage area should also be locked; – The kitchen must be left clean and tidy.

The Committee were pleased to welcome back Mandy, our cleaner, after her recent illness, and expressed big thanks to Lynn Lewis for stepping in to do the cleaning, in addition to her full-time job.

Major upgrading jobs are still under way, awaiting the awarding of grants. E.ON will be updating the electricity meter shortly.

The village walks are going well and the next one is on 22nd April, starting at 10am at the Village Hall and returning at 11.30am for coffee.

The Committee are looking for more people to get involved in running the Hall as we would like to organise more fundraising events: we invite interested people to come along to the AGM in May to discuss ideas and meet the current Committee.

The next meeting is on Wednesday 5th April at 7.30pm in the Committee Room. MORE STUDHAM Page 11

QUIZZES Come and join us on 4th April at 8pm for a great quiz evening which will raise funds toward the Studham, Whipsnade and Kensworth Scouts refurbishment of Longrove. Teams of any number are acceptable, and there is no need to book – unless you fancy one of Garry’s superb curries or other items from the pub menu (872530) at the Red Lion – just come and help raise money for this worthwhile cause whilst having an enjoyable evening.

BINGO Come and play Bingo in friendly surroundings. £5 will pay your entrance, books and even a strip of raffle tickets! All are welcome to join us and we would really like to see you. Dates 12th and 26th at 7.30pm in Studham Village Hall.

SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB Remember that the first weekend in April is Membership renewal weekend. There is still time to buy tickets for our Grand Raffle (first prize £50!). Draw will take place at 3pm on Sunday 2nd April.

SCRABBLE Our small but enthusiastic Scrabble Group meets every Tuesday afternoon in Studham Village Hall – the weather (13) may be chilly (14), but we can assure (6) you of a warm welcome (14).

STUDHAM TENNIS CLUB To celebrate the new season, The President’s Cup will take place on Sunday 23rd April, the AGM on Monday 24th April and there will be a Race Night on Saturday 6th May. Contact Andrew Jones for more information.

There will be a party to celebrate the club’s 20th Birthday in November – watch this space for more information!

Junior and adult tennis coaching: takes place every Saturday morning between 9am – 11am (Juniors 9am – 10am, Adults 10am – 11am). All are welcome – non- members £6 per session, members £4 per session.

Our coach Justin is also available for private individual or group lessons. Please contact him ([email protected] or 07807 721 810) for more information.

For more information on coaching or joining the club, please contact Andrew Jones ([email protected] or 07833 111 682 / www.studhamtennisclub. LOCAL EVENTS Page 12

GARDEN PARTY Make a note of Sunday 21st May when Martin and Tessa Rees will once again hold their garden party at Kensworth Gorse in support of Whipsnade Church. The date is specially chosen to coincide with the brilliant display of rhododendrons in the garden. Come along to enjoy soft drinks, wine, and afternoon tea in good company. More details next month.


Enjoy a delightful afternoon of music, poetry and readings

St Mary’s Church, Kensworth

Sunday 9th April at 4pm

Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity KENSWORTH GOOD NEIGHBOURS Help Save Our Scheme!! (Formerly Kensworth Community Scheme)

We urgently need local volunteers to help re-launch the Good Neighbours Scheme

Please come along to a public meeting at the Methodist Church, Kensworth on Tuesday 18th April at 7pm

For further information contact Simon Patterson (01582 419 487 or [email protected]). Page 13 CHURCH NEWS IN LOVING MEMORY SERVICE The grieving process after someone has died can be very hard, especially as time goes on and those around you may expect you to “be over it by now”. Some people find it helpful to remember those they love with others going through similar emotions, and, for this reason, the local churches are holding a Thanksgiving Service, at St. Mary Magdalene in Whipsnade on Sunday April 23rd at 3pm. This is in the season of Easter which speaks to us both of death and of new life.

The service will be less than an hour long, and we will remember and give thanks for those who have died. It will be followed by light refreshments.

KENSWORTH METHODIST CHURCH: Sunday services are usually at 10.30am: 9th April Holy Communion Service led by Rev. Nigel Bibbings Growing Together: 13th April 7pm: Maundy Thursday service of quiet reflection and Holy Communion led by Rev. Nigel Bibbings

STUDHAM METHODIST CHURCH April Services Sunday 9th 10am Katherine Crew Friday 14th 4pm United Good Friday Service at St. Mary’s Sunday 16th 10.30am United Service at Gaddesden Row Sunday 23rd 10am Kirsten Lees

WHY DOES THE DATE OF EASTER CHANGE? According to the Bible, Jesus’ death and resurrection occurred around the time of the Jewish Passover, which is celebrated on the first full moon following the Spring equinox (March 21st). For Christians in the western tradition, Easter Day is celebrated on the following Sunday. Thus this year the full moon is on the 11th April, so Easter Day is the 16th April.

Next year the full moon will be on Saturday 31st March, so Easter Day 2018 will be on Sunday 1st April.

As long ago as 1928, a law was passed in the UK Parliament to fix the date of Easter as the Sunday after the second Saturday in April (The Easter Act 1928)….. but it has never been implemented….why? Answers on a postcard please…!

* * * * * * * A Sunday School teacher invited her children to write a letter to God. They were to bring their letter back the following Sunday. One little boy wrote, “Dear God, We had a really good time at church today. Wish you could have been there.” Page 16 MORE KENSWORTH

KENSWORTH COMMUNITY SCHEME - IMPORTANT NOTICE We announced last September that due to a fall in the number of volunteers, the Scheme would not be able to accept any new clients for the time being. Following a further drop in our numbers, we have been in discussion with representatives from Rural Communities Charity about a possible re- launch of the Kensworth scheme. We are pleased to announce that plans are now in progress for such a re-launch. The initial Public Meeting will be held at the Methodist Church Hall on Tuesday 18th April at 7pm. This will explain how the Scheme will work and we invite anyone interested in volunteering to attend. Please see page 12 for the meeting information.

In the interim period, please note the temporary closure of the Kensworth Community Scheme with effect from 15th April and be aware that the scheme’s mobile telephone will not be in use until further notice. We regret any inconvenience caused but hope that the scheme’s re-launch will be successful and full services will soon be resumed. In the meantime, as friends and neighbours, many volunteers will continue to provide support to our regular clients.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers and committee members (past and present) for the excellent service they have provided to a large number of people in Kensworth over the past 14 years or so. Since the scheme was launched in 2002, 3,400 jobs for Kensworth residents have been completed by our volunteers, which is very commendable.


Do you recognise this couple married at Trinity Church, St Albans on 27th April 1957? (answer on page 21). Many con- gratulations to them on celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary! Page 17 MORE STUDHAM **IMPORTANT BUS NEWS** Studham will completely lose its bus service on 2nd May. The route will be replaced by the service from Dunstable to St Albans which will go through Kensworth to the Zoo off-peak only. Studham will not be served and Hemel is not reachable directly from the 3 villages. Please visit for futher information.

STUDHAM PARISH COUNCIL Drones: for those of you who have these, please be reminded that it is anti-social to fly them over private gardens or the Common, and please remember that Studham is counted as being on the flight path for Luton Airport.

Fly-tipping: if you see anybody fly-tipping in or around the village, please make a note of the vehicle registration number if possible, and report it immediately. Please note: putting your garden waste on the Common is fly-tipping!!

Neighbourhood Plan: following on from the last Public Meeting, other meetings will be held during the process of drawing the Plan together. Please come along and put your views: we’re always glad to listen.

Next Meeting: just a reminder that our Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Monday 3rd April, starting at 8.15pm in the Village Hall, following our Finance and Planning meeting, which will start at 6.15pm. Please come and have your say – it is after all your village, and needs your input. Our next Planning and General Purpose meeting will be on Monday 8th May, starting at 7pm in the Village Hall.

STUDHAM VILLAGE HALL The Trustees are pleased to announce that Bryan Smith has joined the team as Bookings Secretary. Bryan has helped at the Village Hall and will strengthen the management of the hall. Bryan’s contact details are: tel: 01582 872989, e-mail : [email protected].

A diary note that the annual Quiz Night is Saturday 3rd June with the usual fish and chips supper and BYOD. More details in next Link.

FRIENDS OF STUDHAM COMMON The Friends’ main work-party will be on Saturday 22nd April; please note this is one week later than usual as Easter Saturday falls on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Our main tasks will be to ensure the new whips and plantings from earlier work parties are in good order for the growing season. Lunch will be provided. Our annual outing which usually occurs in April will be rescheduled for later in the year. Contact Pam Rumfitt (872608 or [email protected]) for further information. Page 18 KENSWORTH EXTRA 2

KENSWORTH PARISH COUNCIL Great British Spring Clean: thank you to all who took part in this event in March. Much litter was collected in 2.5 hours from the recreation ground, the main road and some side roads. It gave a great feeling of pride in the community to see the village looking much tidier after all our efforts. If you would like to help with general litter picking, please contact the clerk with your address and we will provide you with a litter picker and litter bags.

Dog Fouling: responsible owners do not allow their dogs to foul in public places and it is an offence to allow your dog to foul and not clear it up immediately. This includes the Recreational Ground where dog mess has to be cleared regularly before football teams can play. Owners not picking up after their dogs can be reported to Central Beds Council Anti-Social Behaviour Team (0300 300 5686/ e-mail: [email protected]).

The penalty for committing an offence is a maximum fine of £1,000. A restriction to keep dogs on the lead at the Recreation Ground may be put in place if this continues, so be considerate of others and ensure you pick up after your dog!

Fly Tipping: this is waste which has been dumped illegally on public and private land. You can report it (0300 300 8302 or e-mail: customers@centralbedfordshire. Hollicks Lane and Dovehouse Lane are particular hot spots.

Overhanging Hedges: these are hazardous to pedestrians and owners must cut them back as soon as possible.

Annual Parish Meeting: Kensworth Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 13th April at 8.15pm at the Village Hall. The meeting is open to all members of the public and the parish council will award grant cheques to local groups and organisations.

KENSWORTH CRICKET CLUB The first fixture of the 2017 season is in May. Full details in the next issue. If you are interested in joining the club, please contact Duncan Wingfield (872743) or Jon Holt (872896) for further details.

* * * * * * * * An arguing married couple were taking a country drive. As they passed a donkey sanctuary with a number of donkeys grazing, the husband muttered: ‘some of your relatives, I presume.’ ‘Yes,’ she replied, ‘by marriage.’ Page 19 LOCAL NEWS

ORGANISING AN EVENT FOR 2017? Please remember to contact Les Randall (details below) so that he can put it on the website and you can check that it doesn’t clash with other events in our three villages (

PARISH LINK AGM The AGM was held on 4th March and a couple of issues arose: - the wish to have more local stories (like the one about the Diamond Wedding celebration on page 16) or news of people who have moved away (like the story of Grenville Williams in the March issue). - the wish to have more photographs – especially of local events. We try to get along to as many of them as possible but it is not always easy.

For both of the above, we would be grateful for your support. If you have any ideas, please do contact the Editor, Fiona McDougal (873275 or fiona.mcdougal@ Many thanks.

DO YOU HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE OF DESK TOP PUBLISHING OR DESIGN? Would you be prepared to give up a small amount of time to shadow the Link Editor to see how it is all put together and to give a hand when needs be? Might suit a young mum or dad with an interest in supporting the local community. The software used is InDesign but it is not essential to have any knowledge of it. Contact Fiona, the Editor (above), or Nicola Lenthall (872223 or [email protected]).

DUNSTABLE & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY On Tuesday 11th April at 7.45pm in the Methodist Church Hall, Dunstable, the talk is “Women of the SOE’s Section”. The Special Operations Executive, sending agents into German-held territory during WW2, used RAF in Bedfordshire as one of its bases. Odette Hallowes and Violette Szabo were among the brave women whose stories are told by Bryony Norburn. Visitors welcome at £2.

SOUTH BEDS ASSOCIATION OF NATIONAL TRUST MEMBERS The meeting on Wednesday 5th April at 7.45pm in the Salvation Army Hall in Bull Pond Lane in Dunstable, will be a talk on Ashridge by Susie Mercer. Visitors welcome at £3.

DUNSTABLE DOWNS GATEWAY CENTRE Signs of Spring Egg Hunt: discover the signs of spring at on this new trail through the trees. The egg hunt will take you on a journey through Chute Wood to find nest boxes and learn about the nature conservation work carried out here by the National Trust. At the end of the trail you’re sure to receive a tasty reward. 11am – 3pm on 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th April. Booking not necessary. Page 20 SCHOOL NEWS STUDHAM C of E VILLAGE SCHOOL With only a few weeks since our last Parish Link article, one of which was half term, not too much has happened. The highlight of the past few weeks has undoubtedly been World Book Day. This is something that gives rise to excitement for the children and stress for the parents in equal measure!

As well as the customary dressing up, this year we decided to hold a “Swap Shop”. Children brought in books they had finished with and swapped them for a book another child had finished with. This all took place in our hall and children kept finding secluded corners so that they could start their new books straight away. It is wonderful to see children so keen to read a book – long may it continue.

KENSWORTH C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL & PRESCHOOL The children had a great World Book Day on 2nd March, where they dressed up for the day as their favourite book characters. We invited the parents to join us in the afternoon to read with them and talk about the books they like to read.

On Friday 3rd March the PTA held a school disco after school – the children showed us their dance moves and they played games....they have so much energy!!!

For Mothering Sunday this year we held a special assembly and the children took home a small bunch of daffodils to show their mothers how much they are valued. The PTA also helped the children to decorate plant pots as a gift.

Football training has started again on Wednesday evenings for KS2 and the team are entered into a tournament on Saturday 1st April...... come on Kensworth! Watch this space for updates on how they are getting on. We break for the holidays on Tuesday 4th April for two weeks where, no doubt, we will all be ready to recharge our batteries and eat plenty of chocolate! For further information regarding the school, please contact 01582 872336.

Kensworth School Parent Teachers’ Association asks for your support: If you would like to offer any help / fundraising ideas, get in touch with us via e-mail ([email protected]) or contact Gina Owen (07506 722 053). We always welcome new members. Page 21 MORE LOCAL NEWS

SAVE OUR HEDGEHOGS Philip Swann of Hedgehog Street would like to raise awareness for hedgehogs in our gardens: if you can create a ‘Hedgehog Highway’ (small hole / tunnel in walls or fences), it’s all that’s needed to link our gardens and provide our only spiny mammal with access to the resources they require to survive. For further information, go to

SHOE SALE in aid of the refurbishment of Longrove Scout Campsite. Hot-Footed will be holding another of their popular shoe sales on Tuesday 2nd May 2017 from 10.30 until 3.00 pm at “Barnards”, Church Road Studham.

PARISH LINK The Parish Link is delivered free of charge to every house in Kensworth, Studham and Whipsnade. Please contact Les Randall to make a donation to help with our costs (872552 or [email protected] or 14 Holywell Road, Studham, LU6 2PA). We are grateful to a reader for a donation of £5 last month.

ROTARY CLUB The Rotary Club raises money during the year to put into their Benevolent Fund and once a year this money is distributed to charities local to Dunstable and the surrounding villages.

To this end an Antiques Fair is held three times a year at the Dunstable Leisure Centre where the majority of the income goes to the Benevolent Fund. The next Fair is on Bank Holiday Monday 1st May and is open to the public between 10am and 4pm. Admission is £2 per person.

How can you help? · By having a stall at the event. Please contact Alan Tarsey (872673). · By attending the event. · By becoming a member of The Rotary Club and helping worthwhile causes in the community. More information can be obtained from Roger Sharp (606405).

MUSIC@ST MARY’S presents a concert of sacred music for Holy Week performed by QUORUM on Saturday 8th April, 7.30pm, at St Mary’s, Eaton Bray. Tickets, priced £7.50 (children free, from the Box Office on 01525 222283).

ANSWER The Diamond Couple on page 16 is John and Barbara Maryan who formerly ran the Post Office in Kensworth.