MR SPEAKER: The outstanding De- MR SPEAKER: Shri Ram Nak, now mads for Grants relating to the Minisbies you will be alkwed to speak on the points and Depatments are passed. abaut which you have given notice to me.

MR SPEAKER: Motion moved. , - SHRl SOMNATH CHATTERJEE 'That the BiU to authorke payment and (BoIpw): Si you have spared those non- appropriation of certain sums from and fundioning Ministries. . out of the ConsolidatedFund of Idifor the services of the finadyear 1991- 92. be taken into consideration.'

SHRl RAM NAIK$hmbay-North): Mr. ~pemhave gtven a notice under Rule 218 for discussing Appropriation Bill. I have given notice to discussthose matters of public importance which have not been dii- - THE MINISTER OF FINANCE (SHRI cussed in the House. For example, Ministry MANMW SINGH): I beg to mw- of Labour has not been discussed in the &eto introduce a Billb authorise payment House. The matter of great concem so far as and appropMtion of certain sums from and the Minitry of buris mncemed is that out of the Corrsolidated Fund of lndia for the there has been no check on price rise which servioes of fmancial year 199 1- 92. is on the constant increase. During the rule ofthe Government dShri Vishwanath Pratap MR. SPEAKER: The question is: Singh and that of Shri . ', prices were soaring but nowadays thesc 'That leave be granted to inbrduce a Bill to seem to be galloping. In the last 2 to 3 authorise payment and appropriation of months, there has been more than 15 per- certain sums from and out of the Consoh- cent increase in the prices. So much so that dated Fund of for the services of the gold has to mortgaged outside the country. finandal year 1991-92.' The result is that the salaried dass. specially the workers who have limited income are The motion was adopped suffering quite a lot.

SHRl : I intm- We know that DA is given to the em- duce" the BiQ ployees when prices rise. DA is announced on the basis of consumer price index. But - MR SPEAKER:The Minister may now price index does not increase to commen- move that the Billbe tdren intoconsideration. surate with the price rise, prices increase more than the rise in Consumer Price Index. SHRl MANMOHAN SINGH: I beg to In view of these facts, price index must be mOVB: reconstituted. If the mnsumer price index That the Bill to authorise-payment and indiies hundred percent neutralisation of appropriation of certain sums from and price riie. only then the people having Em- out dthe a~iiedFund of Indiafor ited salary can be benefited. The Govern- the services of the financial year 1991- ment had pnnnised to bring the prices badc 92, be taken into consideration.' to the position of 1990 within a period d 100 days. but the promise has not been fu#i& so far. There should be hundred p&m•÷ 'PtbMed in Ganette of Indi Extraordinary. Part II. Sedion 2. dated 5.9.1991. "Mroduced, moved with the recommendation of the President @rsaaion on the price rise in the Con- the industrial workers, 1982 as the base wmer Price bidex and DA should be paid on year. was made effective only in 1988. This that basis. Iwould Ike the hon. Minister of was done after a very wide ranging tr-0 ..Fnrvlcetog~anassurancefareconsti- principles H the hon. Members still want that tutjng the consumer ptb'ndex. It has be the Government should have a bok at it ame very essential. All the trade Unions again, Ican assure the House that we will had also made a similar demand last year. have an open mind in regard to this matter.

The maD * was discussed extensively SHRl RAM NAIK: What about the see and it was stated \hat a Committee would be ond issue, whii is about improvement of constiMed. But the Consumer Prim Index the slums? has nol been reconstituted so far. My first damandisthat100percentDAshouklbe MR SPEAKER: That was not allowed. g'mn to those empkyed who have limited Yw have read it but Ijust kept quiet. salay- MR SPEAKER: The question is: The second subject whii Iwant to be CTLSCUSSBd is the slum improvement abng That the Bill to authorise payment and with Urban Qevebpment You are aware appropriation of certain sums from and that the population of Bombay has already out of the Consolidated Fund of lndiifor crossed one more. out of which 55 lakhs the services d the financial year 1991- people live in slums and about 25 lakhs 92 , be taken into consideratian: people are living on the Central Government land. The motion was adopted

I The Central Government should issue MR SPEAII(ER: The House now take' m objection certificates to those who live up clause by dause consideration of the there so that necessary facilities are pro- Bill vided to them. Iwould, therefore, like the Central Government to issue 'No Objection The question is: CeMeates' to the slums in Bombay city. I am raising these two demands in House That Clauses 2 to 4 stand part of the during the discussion on Appropriation Bill. BilP.

The motion was adopted

MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Minister, would you Chuses 2 to 4 were added to the Bid liketoreply? MR. SPEAKER: The question is:

'That Uw Schedule, Clause 1. SHRl RAM NAIK: Si. Iam on a point of Enadkg Formula and the Long Tistand order. We are required to giye the notice at pan d the Bill 10 o'clock. I have given the notice at 10 o'dock. But the Government is not giving its The motion was adopted reply. h shows the inefficiency of the Gov- ernment. The Sdwdule, Clause, enacting huh SPEAKER: The Miniter is going to and the Long Tiwere added to the BiP reply -. 4g S SHRI MANMOHAN SINGH: Ibeg to THE MINISTER OF STATE OF ME me: (SHRI P.A. SANGMA):The Consumer price index tor mat the Bin be passed'. 407~. . SEPTEMBER 5,1991 (Na 4) 488

MR. SPEAKER: The question is: The House stands adjourned to meet %at the Bill be pa&. tcimurrow at 11.00 AM.

7718motion was adopted 18.24 hrs.

MR. SPEAKER: The motion is adopted and the Bill is passed. I must congratulate all The then adjbumed till Eleven the hon. Members for passingthe Budget in of the CMon Friday. September 6 1991/ a meaningful manner. Bhadra 15 ,1913 (Saka)

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