
An awareness of the and its role in growing is the essence of WE CAN HELP YOU….  To identify plants gardening. Understanding soil  Diagnose common and disease problems properties is critical to a healthy  Find answers to your gardening questions  Provide kits Gardening in garden. You can see us at many local events:  Local Farmers Markets To perform a quick soil analysis, take a handful  Chisago County Fair Soil of slightly moist  Almelund Threshing Show  Chisago Lakes Home and Garden Show (not wet) soil from your Spring Gardening Expo garden and An all-day gardening event held in March: close your finger Classes on a variety of horticultural topics Info booth staffed by Master Gardeners around it. Local businesses display and sell merchandise

Sand Particles: When squeezed will form a cast Bare sale and crumble when touched. Each spring the Master Gardeners offer for sale several varieties of and vegetable plants as bare root : When squeezed will form a cast stock. These varieties are University recommended for that can be readily handled without breaking. our area and are often hard to find at local nurseries. Clay Soil: When squeezed will form a durable Order forms are available in January cast (or clump). Voice Mail Line651-277-0151 Loam is an ideal blend of soils that have a slight gritty feel and some visible . http://www3.extension.umn.edu/county/chisago

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Chisago County Extension Office Our office is located at the Ag Service Building in North Branch at 38814 Third Avenue. Chisago County Master Gardener

The microscopic particles in clay soil tend to http://www3.extension.umn.edu/county/chisago cling together leaving little room for plant

to penetrate or for essential and to pass freely through them. The University of Minnesota Extension shall provide equal access to and opportunity in its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. The problems of gardening with clay soil can : be solved by improving the soil. Soil • Contains plant The mission of the University of Minnesota Master Gardener improvement is a long-term process which • Promotes biological activity should not be expected in a single season or • Increases pore space program: “Use research-based even two. Soils that are not continuously • Improves ease of cultivation horticultural knowledge and improved and enriched will become less fertile • Increases and percolation rates practices to deliver educational and productive. in clay soils outreach and project -based efforts that inspire change and promote Backyard composting and using is Plant roots one of the best sources of organic matter for healthy people, healthy communities and a healthy planet.” struggling to develop gardeners. deeper in clay soil. Mulching refers to the practice of applying a A soil test provides information on our soils layer of material to the soil surface to: status and helps you determine It’s important to • Suppress whether or not you need nutrients or have some • Reduce water loss amendments. knowledge of , , organic • Promote biological activing matter and mulching to work with clay soils for gardening. Types of include: • Compost Soil texture refers to the proportions of sand, • Shredded silt and clay particles in the soil. Soil texture • Grass clippings affects and behavior including: • Pine needles • • Straw • • Newspaper • Nutrient holding capacity • Cocoa bean hulls • Stone, , river rock Get a soil test (University of Minnesota, Soil • Ease of cultivation Testing Laboratory). Regular test is $17.00. Additional tests are optional. Soil Testing Soil structure refers to the arrangement of soil Lab: http://soiltest.cfans.umn.edu/ particles into aggregates. Soil structure is a In addition, a county can be dynamic property that can be altered through obtained at the Soil and management. Good soil structure improves District Office or access surveys online at: the soil plant relationship and affects the: http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_MAN • Air exchange between soil and USCRIPTS/minnesota/MN025/0/Chisago_MN. pdf • Rate of water movement through soil • Amount of water a soil can hold More information on soils can also be found • Ease with which plants extend their roots at the following site: http://www.extension.umn.edu/garden/yard- garden/soils/