Registered applications for week ending 06/09/2019 DISTRICT COUNCIL


19/00933 3 Chequer Lane Erection of replacement AW Ash front boundary wall and CT3 2ET gates (part wall to be demolished)


19/00569 Powder Cottage Erection of rear conservatory RAM Sydcot Drive extension Deal CT14 6BF


19/00932 91 The Gateway Replace existing windows TJ Dover and doors with upvc CT16 1LH


19/00995 Industrial Estate Erection of a terrace of 4no. BK Heronden Road dwellings and associated Eastry parking (existing CT13 0ET garage/store and container to be demolished)


1 Registered applications for week ending 06/09/2019 COUNCIL

19/01030 Park End House Replacement render to east AW The Street elevation Dover CT15 4BG

19/00963 Park End House Replace render on east side GS The Street elevation Eythorne CT15 4BG


19/00930 House Works to trees DANIEL Northbourne Road Great Mongeham CT14 0HD


19/01040 The Old House Erection of 2 storey rear RAM 8 The Street extension and single storey West Hougham side extension (existing side CT15 7BB elevation to be demolished)


19/01038 College Cottage Erection of two storey side RAM Easole Street extension CT15 4HG


2 Registered applications for week ending 06/09/2019 DOVER DISTRICT COUNCIL

19/00883 Preston Village Store Part change of use of store HIJO The Street to facilitate conversion into a Preston single residential dwelling CT3 1DY (Use Class C3), insertion of window to ground floor side elevation, erection of cycle store, 1.8m fence and creation of additional parking area

19/00884 Preston Village Stores Removal of existing and GS The Street erection of new partitions; Preston insertion of new window and staircase all to facilitate CT3 1DY conversion to residential unit

19/01059 The Lodge Prior approval for the BK Elmstone Farm change of use from an Elmstone agricultural building to a Preston dwelling and associated CT3 1HH building operations

19/00905 Land At Salvatori North And Reserved matters BK South Of application for plots 1, 2 and Grove Road 3 (access, appearance, Preston landscaping, layout and Kent scale) pursuant to outline permission DOV/14/00842 - for the erection of 73 residential dwellings and related infrastructure, together with the creation of meadow-land (existing buildings to be demolished) (all matters reserved)


19/01026 Pfizer R&D UK Ltd Creation of additional car DBR Building 510 parking Spitfire Way Discovery Park Sandwich CT13 9FR

3 Registered applications for week ending 06/09/2019 DOVER DISTRICT COUNCIL

19/01034 Bell Hotel Replacement kitchen extract AW 1 Upper Strand Street flue system to NE elevation Sandwich CT13 9EF


19/00969 50 Mill Lane Extension to stable block BK and installation of 6no. 3m CT15 7LT lighting columns

19/00996 61 Eythorne Road Field Maple - reduce by 3-4 DANIEL Shepherdswell metres CT15 7PJ


19/01008 Leas Lodge Insertion of new windows TJ 67 Granville Road and doors, alterations to roof St Margarets Bay and replacement balcony CT15 6DT

19/00985 Sherleys Farm Removal of Condition 1 of BK Upper Road planning permission St Margarets At Cliffe DOV/13/00760 to allow CT15 6HY non-restrictive occupation (application under Section 73)


4 Registered applications for week ending 06/09/2019 DOVER DISTRICT COUNCIL

19/00931 21 Castle Road T2 - sycamore - crown DANIEL Walmer reduce by four metres CT14 7NG T3 - horse chestnut - crown reduce by four metres T4 - beech - crown reduce by four metres T5 - beech crown reduce by four metres T6 - copper beech - crown reduce by three metres

19/00961 The Lighthouse Erection of 6 dormer roof AW 50 The Strand extensions and 5no. Walmer rooflights CT14 7DX


19/00817 43 Nursery Lane Erection of single storey rear RAM Whitfield extension (existing CT16 3EX conservatory to be demolished)

19/00817 43 Nursery Lane Erection of single storey rear RAM Whitfield extension (existing CT16 3EX conservatory to be demolished)