
EXTENSION ACTIVITY 7 Scripture - the

1. The is the Good News of . 2. The four of the , Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, have been traditionally associated with authorship of the Gospels. 3. The Gospels were written between the years AD 50 -100. 4. Ruth and Esther, women of the , were remembered by the people of Israel for their and trust in . 5. serve and God. FOCUS 6. The work of angels is to give glory to God and participate in God’s saving mission. 7. We call Mary the mother of God because Jesus is God. In these lessons your child may have: • developed an understanding of the four Gospel writers and how the Gospels came to be written; • listened and responded to the story of Ruth and Naomi; • listened and responded to the story of Esther; • explored what angels are and what they do; • become familiar with angels as mentioned in Scripture; • explored Scripture stories relating to Mary.

Luke 1:1-4 H SUGGESTED HOME ACTIVITIES Seeing that many others have undertaken to draw up O E accounts of the events that have taken place among us, exactly as these were handed down to us by those The following are suggested activities for you to do L who from the outset were eyewitnesses and ministers with your child. of the word, I in my turn, after carefully going over the 1. Discuss with your child the notion of story – we S N F Y whole story from the beginning, have decided to write have a family story, a community story and a an ordered account for you, , so that your national story. Ask your child about the stories in O E Excellency may learn how well founded the teaching is . that you have received. 2. When you go to Mass encourage your child to I R take note of which Gospel is used. :15-18,22 3. Encourage your child to retell the stories of Esther D R Naomi said . . . “Go back, each of you to your mother’s and Ruth. house . . . ” But Ruth said, “Do not press me to leave you 4. As a family read the first of J E and to stop going with you, for wherever you go, I shall of Luke. Assist your child to identify the events go, wherever you live, I shall live. Your people will be my where God’s delivers a message from God. R H people, and your God will be my God.” 5. Discuss with your child the difference between God’s holy angels and how angels are portrayed S D :19 in the media and secular world. The angel answered, “ . I stand in the 6. Encourage your child to explore images of Mary presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you from different cultures. These can be found on the and to tell you this good news.” internet. 7. More activities can be found at www.ccdsydney. .edu.au Click on Home Activities. TO REMEMBER: Jesus Christ is the heart and centre of Sacred Scripture.

YEAR 6 Home Activity 7 | Christ our Light and Life ©2020 CCD Sydney (printing for home/parish use permitted) • The Bible is the Word of God. The more we study the Bible, the more we learn about God. Read the facts about the Bible and find the words in bold to complete the crossword.

T God’s Words to people B W are written in the Bible. G In the Bible we can discover what God is like. More than 35 people wrote the Bible. A T The Bible is divided into the Old and New

Testaments. H W K

Another word for Testament is agreement. G Most of the Old Testament was first written in S S Hebrew and most of the New Testament in Greek.

It was not written in a book the way we have it today.

It was written on scrolls. Jesus read the Old Testament because he was a . The Gospels are in the New Testament and they are mainly about Jesus. S

Heavenly Father, help me to realise you will be speaking through the events of this day, through the people I meet and the things I see. Give me the ears, eyes and heart to hear, see and find you. Help me to realise also that you speak to me through the Bible. Help me to take the time today and every day to read your word. Amen.

YEAR 6 Home Activity 7 | Christ our Light and Life ©2020 CCD Sydney (printing for home/parish use permitted)