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I ( ' c f T> I ` a Canada's Oldest Newspaper - Serving Nuu -chah -nulth -aht since 1974 Canadian Publications Mail Product Vol. 32 - No. 10 - May 19, 2005 haa"sitsa "Interesting News" Sales Agreement No. 40047776

Huu- ay -aht wins HUU -ÄV -AHT MISSION STATE E'` (l, Case t, As a leader amongst First Nations. Forestry Court XI ! titan. Huu -ay -aht will create certainty for 2003 membership role of 565. HFN Ha- By Denise August, ?tiler community, generate wealth for fine Ha- Shilth -Sa Reporter houlthee includes some of the richest self independence. provide timberland in the country and has been turo. economic o 1940 to day; Port Alberni - The Supreme Court of logged heavily from this wish t and deliver soci- -l. cultural i British Columbia has ruled in favour of over 40 million cubic metres of timber al programs for all Huu -ay -a Huu -ay -aht First Nation (HFN) after they have been logged from the area. challenged a Ministry of Forest program With a rich and vast traditional territory that failed to meet the provinces' and a relatively small population, Huu - constitutional duty to consult and ay -aht argued MOF's `one size fit's all' accommodate First Nations. approach to forestry agreements with Huu -ay -aht, along with four other Maa- BC's First Nations was unfair and did not nulth First Nations are nearing the end of consider the individual interests of their stage five of Treaty Negotiations and First Nation. After several meetings and ri were attempting to extend their forestry emails between the parties starting Huu -ay -aht Chief Councillor Robert Dennis beams as his people take interim measures agreement before it autumn 2003 to late August 2004 it an active role in resource management planning for Huu -ay -aht were at a deadlock. expired March 5, 2004. The Ministry of became apparent they Hahoulthee Forests, however, had different ideas The province on one hand pushing their about forestry agreements with First rigid F &RA while Huu -ay -aht sought fair represents a complete failure of are the first government to revenue -share Nations. Citing significant changes in compensation for forestry resources being consultation based on the criteria that are but they were `off base' on how much their mandate structure from 2002 to extracted. constitutionally required for meaningful they should share. "The amount of cut 2004, MOF said it was impossible to consultation. While a population -based they offer is miniscule for a First Nation renew the IMEA in its current form. The province on one hand pushing approach may be a quick and easy with a small population and a set up for Instead, they offered a Forest and Range their rigid F &RA while Huu -ay- response to the duty to accommodate, it economic failure," she claimed. Agreement. aht sought fair compensation for fails t') take into-account the individual nature of the HFN claim... The The FRA's were based on some forestry resources being extracted. Huu -ay -aht argued MOF's `one government acted incorrectly and must archaic formula based on begin anew a proper consultation process had no basis in size fit's all' approach to forestry The province asserted that their population and based upon consideration of appropriate reality as to the size of our agreements with BC's First population -based formula for criteria." -The Honourable Madam the amount of forest Nations was unfair and did not accommodating Huu -ay -aht was the best Justice Dillon territory, consider the individual interests they could offer and, in fact, all they Huu -ay -aht Chief Councillor Robert activity and the millions of dollars would of their First Nation. could offer. Meanwhile, HFN Dennis calls the ruling an important the province is raking in on settle for nothing less than an annual victory for his people. "For decades," he stumpage and they want to offer award based on the amount harvested Huu -ay -aht's IMEA with MOF provided said, "we have watched the timber and us a pittance." from their territory. for an intergovernmental working revenue flow out of our territory, while relationship between the parties, joint our people received few benefits and our "It is a shame that Huu -ay -aht had to go While a population -based forestry planning and an agreement land has been decimated." to court to have this decided," she went regarding a direct tenure award. In its approach may be a quick and easy "The Court has now told the Provincial on, "If this government would listen to application to the courts, HFN claimed response to the duty to government that it must share revenues in First Nations and court rulings, they the MOF... `has an administrative duty accommodate, it fails to take into proportion to what we are losing from our would have come to us and to endeavour in good faith to reach account the individual nature of territory," he continued, adding, "The collaboratively come up with a formula and logging can no accommodation agreements with the the HFN claim... province the operators for cut and revenue sharing; Imposing HFN that are responsive to the degree of longer pretend we don't exist; they can no programs on First Nations with no room infringement of the HFN Aboriginal longer carry on business as usual." never Between the time of the expiry of the for negotiations has and will rights and title represented by forestry Hupacasath Chief Councillor Judith said, asking, "when will forestry IMA in March 2004 and present, work," she operation in HFN traditional territory'. Sayers had this to say: "Hupacasath HFN's rights and title were infringed governments ever learn?" The Forest and Range Agreement applaud the decision of the BC Supreme and thank when logging operations continued in The Hupacasath acknowledge Program (F &RA), an initiative of the Court in the Huu -ay -aht case. Hupacasath taking on this battle HFN Ha- houlthee without benefit of any the Huu -ay -aht for MOF is a `voluntary interim measure' in have refused to sign a Forest Range it will signed agreement or consent of HFN. with the government and know which MOF and First Nations `sign an Agreement with the province because it is in struggle In September 2004 HFN filed a petition benefit all First Nations their agreement which gives the First Nation an insult to our Ha'wiih and their in the forests. with the BC Supreme Court. On May 10, for equitable settlements economic accommodation for forestry Hahoulthee. The FRA's were based on lawyer 2005 the Court released its decision Dennis says HFN met with their infringements within its territory'. It is some archaic formula based on the ruling and came up with a rejecting the `quick and easy' population - following based on an offer of forestry revenue population and had no basis in reality as important based formula contained in the policy, five -point plan of action. "An sharing and tenure allocation in an to the size of our territory, the amount of ruling," says Dennis, `and directed the Province to consider the component of the amount based on the registered forest activity and the millions of dollars had a individual interests of an affected First "is the judge found Huu -ay -aht of the First Nation. the province is raking in on stumpage and population Nation'. strong `prima facie' (on the face of it) Huu -ay -aht's population, for MOF's they want to offer us a pittance." "To fail to consider at all the strength of funding purposes was based on HFN's She acknowledged that the BC Liberals continued on page 3 the claim or degree of infringement

If undeliverable, please return to: Ha- Shilth -Sa NDP Candidate solicits support Page 2 P.O. Box 1383, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M2 Treaty Planning Mtg Page 3 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA NEWSPAPER COLLECTION (17) ' 395 WELLINGTON ST. Fallen holly tree creates mixed reactions Page 4 OTTAWA, ONTARIO K 1A ON4 Newsstand New crop of summer students Page 6 Price Saiyatchapis Memorial Potlatch Page 10 $1 NEDC Business News Page 20 ISSN 0715 -4143


l 1 Ha- Shilth-Sa - May 19, 2005 - Page 3 Page 2 - Ha- Shilth -Sa - May 19, 2005 HaShillh -Sa newspaper is and Mowachaht /Muchalaht hosts published by the N104- chair -ninth LETTERS KLECO'S Tribal Council for distribution to Ha-Shilth Sa will include letters received from its readers. All letters MUST he address and phone number on Treaty Planning the members of the twelve NTC- signed by the writer and have the writer's name, well It. Names can be withheld by request. Anonymous .submissions will not be ember First Nations as as ny DreheAusmr. social issues NCN communities continue accepted. other interested groups and Ha -Sbhh -Su Reponer to face today. In Gold River, he said. We reserve the right to edit submitted material for clarity, brevity, individuals. Information and First Nations unemployment is at an all - grammar and good taste. We will definitely not publish letters dealing with work contained in this Gold River NCN Treaty roams met time high because they are being shin original disputes or issues that are critical of Nuu-chnh -ninth tribal or personal for two days work at newspaper is copyright and may Maya -4 of out of any economic development individuals or groups. Teatime at the invitation of activities in the community. not be reproduced without written in letters to the editor are purely those of the All opinions expressed Mowohaht /Muchalaht First Nations. Referring to the RC Liberals as permission from: coincide the views or policies of the Nun- writer and will not necessarily with Chief Jerry tack performed a prayer 'So-reds', he said the non -native Nun-ehah -nulth Tribal Council eh ah table Tribal Council or its member First Nations. chant followed by the singing of the community in Gold River for the mint P.O. Box 1383, Nun-chah -nulth song by men from all pan will the voting Liberal. Many of the Port Alberni, B.C. sevenen First Nations candidates conning for the BC Liberals. V9Y 7M2. NDP Candidate solicits support of NCN Nations Mnwa.h,hl Chief Jack claimed, are former Socreds and Telephone: (250) 724 -5757 Negotiator Cliff Atleo thanked the Mike Hunter, the bailable, area Liberal visitors for coming to Gold Riser. candidate was affiliated with the BC Fat: (250) 723 -0463 By Denise Angus, There s still a lotI of work to do in our Fisheries Survival Coalition who was Welt page: elms' nuuchalroulthomyt HaShilth -Sa Reporter dealings with government," he said, against Aboriginal rights and title. adding he looked forward to getting Simon Lucas. Oenquiaht Chief rates: Ahousaht - By the time you read this the (v, 2005 Subscription down to business. Negotiator suggested that NTC write up provincial election will be over and done fe\ 835.00 per year in Canada and 840. r Richard Wens. Tsesbeht Chief rie an or evaluation with and we will know who our Premier -lie assammenl /year U.S.A. and 845. /year foreign Negotiator reviewed notes from the two BC Liberal's record since they of the _ is for the next four years. Unfortunately, countries. Payable to the Nuu -chah- meetings between NCN Treaty Teams were elected four years ago. Ha- Shilth -Sa is printed only every two s jinAk nuldh Tribal Council. and government held in April pointing One of the government representatives weeks and much can happen in the r out BC's absence at one of the meetings. at the last TSC Meeting, Jack said, made interim. For instance, since the last issue Editor, Both Nuu -char -nulth and Canada jokes after hearing Aden talk about Manager/ at bast one political parry made an effort Reporter agreed, he said, that draft chapters suicide Southern Region to each out to many Nuu -chah -ninth employment, alcoholism and reviewed at the Bi- lateral (called Tri- that NCN communities must cope David Wiwehar communities in his bid to win the seat rates partite when BC is there) meetings will with. (250)72_4 -5757 for the Alberni- Qualicum riding. be received by all three patties alter they rest of the day and Fax: (250)7__23 -0463 During the last eight days of the election Delegates spent the are revised. part the next treaty u itechv'fetruuchahnu/th.arg campaign, NDP (New Democratic Potty) of des eloping chapters and wank on related Candidate, Scott Fraser made an attempt Of the April 22nd Tsc meeting, with NCN treaty- issues in breakout groups. They Administration Assistant t feet or contact all First Nations in the BC treaty negotiators in attendance, the J work on NCN words Mrs. Annie Watts riding including the five central region panics discussed the Framework continued defining Chief Jerry Jack using maps, demonstrates the extent of C'_1:A1J for federal and provincial government's (250) 724-5757 First Nations and the NCN Treaty Table. Scott Fraser, NDP Candidate listen as TSeshaht Chief Negotiator Agreement, Governance and Indian Act Mowachaht/Muchalaht territory reference purposes. The NCN version of Fax: (250)723 -0463 Ile heard their concerns, which ranged Nuu- chah -oulth concerns. Transition. Richard Watts outlines Governance, Eligibility and Enrolment hashiithsa(enuuchabnulth.org front social issues of poverty, Nuuehah-nulth agreed to provide an updated version the rolling draft of chapters were further developed. They NEW EMAIL ADDRESS uicide. :depresirs. health and education resources during the treaty- making negotiated within treaties" of developing treaty -related to as lack of the Governance chapter for also continued political issues such the process; the continued alienation of land "I believe in the concept of'hishookish Mowachaht hosts treaty dinner by the Canada documents on NCN social and resource Region Reporter participation in the treaty process by the through the creation of parks; mental to-wok' or 'everything is one' and the consideration panics. Central management issues. BC Liberals. agreed to prepare draft three of the Denise August health and social issues. increased poverty is going to cost us Indian Act Transition chapter for Atlas said [here were two government- (250) 725 -2120 - Fax: (250) 725 -2110 The Liberals, according to Watts, like to more in the end," he said referring to By Denise Auea.s4 Nuu- chah -olth Treaty Teams come to coneideravon by the parties. usgos alumni meetings regarding the During the last eight days of the brag social assistance claims are down increased health care and the legal Ha- Shilth -Sil Reponer Tsaxana working for the people and the 'New!' deni_selai,,,cckahnuhh. arg future of WCVIAMB (West Coast election campaign, NDP (New but that only means there are more system costs. forum of NCN children. "You guys are Delegates at the table again expressed Aquatic Management homeless people who are not eligible to sHe acknowledged the large number of Tsaxana -NCN Treaty Planners returned going to be fighting government for a Northern Region: for event Democratic Party) Candidate, Board). The goal, to raise finds to make frustration at BC's lack of to Tsaxana for drone on the evening of he said, "on behalf of Uncle Scott Fraser made an attempt to receive aide under the Liberal's income First Nations people reaming to the long time," coverage contact David Whether at participation in treaty negotiations. the board self -sustaining, was not put in assistance guidelines. "Along with reserve after the Liberals took power May 3rd at the invitation of Chief terry tern we ask that you guys stick the main office (2511) 724-5757 - meet or contact all First Nations "What the province is doing isn't the terms of reference he explained; increased poverty come increased crime and started the degradation of social lack and Mowachaht/Muchalaht They together and keep the fight going for Fax:(2511) 723 -0463. in the riding including the five helping the treaty process at all; our therefore, it never happened. DFO put up rates; cuts in education funding have a services. The people he said, returned to with the spirited singing of our children." half the funding for the three -year pilot were greeted itiascharregtouchahnulthgeg central region First Nations and haven't seen treaty on their list or and direct impact on the success of our the reserve where housing shortages are a dinner song led mostly by Jack went on to present blankets election priorities and we don't even program, which expired in March. Simon the NCN Treaty Table. critical and there area no resources to money to members of each treaty team, students," he continued. with Dr. Andrew Mowachahl/Machalaht youth. Audio / Video 'technician see to be on the `radar' of either the Lucas went to Ottawa The new hospital in Port Alberni, which deal with the sudden influx. 'They're Guests were served a salmon and roast asking again that they 'remain one Mike Watts province or Canada," said Ahousaht Day in an attempt to secure funding and Fraser reviewed the Liberals track the Nuu -char -nulth Tribal Council (Liberals) pushing the problem around," moose dinner topped off with dessert against Mamulthni'. "I wanted to do (257) 724-5757 Chief Negotiator, Nelson Keittah. The keep the Board alive. Despite all the record of the past four years highlighting supported, cannot attract a surgeon he said. before being treated to dancing this on behalf of our youth," Jack accomplishments and success of the : t 2501 723 -0465 table went on to talk about 'bad faith Fax: the shortcomings and the impacts of the because of funding cutbacks. The treaty (ITT Alien suggested one problem performances by the explained, "lm encourage you to stick nn, inv, n irhahuuhh. erg negotiations' and what can be done WCVIAMB, Aden said, it has been many heavy- handed decisions. He budget has been reduced by 25', while could be the short office Leon of four Mowachahh dvchalaht women. together; we can do it and we will do it about it. difficult to garner support to lobby the described the changes the NDP would the Liberals; whenever they bother to years. Them needs to be a major shin in Steve Howard, speaking on behalf of together." govemment to keep the Board alive. "It being p ov' calls as well as locally a the NTC Table, send thinking from four years to seven was happy to not the send negotiator to in the Chief lack, said he Delegates at the table again expressed allowed NCN and other groups DEADLINE: should they win the election. Ile said he an analyst without a mandate. generations of resource management frustration at BC's lack of participation area to cooperatively manage the was there to learn about the concerns of "The needs of our communities are not planning. First Nations can help; there Please note that the deadline for resources and it would be a shame to see local First Nations so that he would have of sustainable forestry in treaty negotiations. "What the submissions for our next issue is May being met," he said, -and it's not are examples Huu- ay -aht wins Forestry Court Case province is doing isn't helping the treaty end," he said. the tools to be their advocate if elected. unreasonable for us to want access to our management by First Nations in 27, 2005. After that date, material Treaty Manager Michele Corfield A .trong believer in social justice, Fraser This Menominee, Wisconsin and Yakima, process at all: we haven't seen meaty on continued from page 1 submitted and judged appropriate, resources to deal with these things. their list of election priorities and we congratulated the treaty teams for the said he accepted the nomination because should be viewed as the honorable way Washington. cannot bepyaranteed placement but have to show will implement a trade and don't even seem to be on the 'radar' of vast punt of work they title; we are going it." Lastly, they of how people have suffered under the as a of power is the goal instead relevant. will be included in the to deal with m and not perceived "Pour years resources; if still or Canada," said accomplished in the past few weeks. IIFN has developed sustainable resource barter plan with their forest Liberal Party regime for the last four threat" Watts said. of seventh generation prosperity and if either the province following issue. We are very, very close to completing a management criteria and will require all imilur to one they already have in place rs. Ordinary people on Vancouver the resources we're Ahousaht Chief Negotiator, Nelson an ideal world, would "We need non-Native people to we don't look after M submissions be about NCN version of the AfP (Agreement in licensees, contractors and such to meet for fishery resources. Island under the Liberals, he says, have dead in the water," he warned. Keittah. The table went on to talk typed, rather than hand -written. understand who we are; that all we want all "I the dust to settle on this and what can be Principle) and I commend you for your the standards tc eve HFN "We don't want been paying more in taxes and fees but it's a no-brainer in terms `bad faith negotiations' Ankles can be sent by e-mail to to be is self sufficient," said Cliff Aileo. think of Dennis adding they are done about it. hard work and dedication to the strategic certification. Billboards 'rill he posted said getting less in public services with cuts "We need them to remember that society picking a candidate and First Nations bashilth(a`nuuchahnulth.org plan," she said. advising contractors of Huu- ay -aht's working diligently to see that the ruling in healthcare and education amongst A[lo pointed out BC's economic (Windows PC). is only as strong as the weakest could very well be the swing vote ill this Nations and The teams departed for the long jmmty forestry standards and requirements. "If is implemented to its fullest. many others. The bottom line for Gordon member' riding," said Ado-. prosperity depends on First Submitted pictures must include home after thanking Mowachnhb our standards aren't et then licensees i wanted to inform the Premier that Campbell and his Liberals, he says, is Fraser agreed that the BC Liberals have the success of treaty making. brief description of subjectls) and in HFN is no longer an option and this Mowachaht/Muchalaht Chief Jerry Jack Muchalaht for their generous. hospitality. and contractors will not harvest status quo the dollar while the NDP is about a poor track record when it comes to retain address. Pictures with no return Ha- houlthee," the advised. ruling verified that," he said. helping people NCN treaty negotiation. Gordon complained about government address will remain on file. Allow 2 - 4 Legal Information - Dennis says he will be meeting with the Fraser made stops in Ahousaht, Tla -o- Campbell's first election promise with representatives making a mockery of weeks for return. Photocopied or faxed The advertiser agrees that the next BC en, eminent and Industry to qui -aht Treaty Office, Unto-let and respect to the BC Treaty Process, Fraser Co -Chair Resigns photographs eaamg be accepted. publisher shall not be liable for work on a plan to make the ruling benefit contacted Simon Lucas of and remembered, was to hold a referendum COVERAGE: damages arising out of errors in all parties. Part of the plan, he said will be David Dennis tendered his Chief Bert Mack of Toquaht He arrived Nuu- chah -nulth Tribal Council Although we would like to to on the issue. Calling the referendum be able advertisements beyond the amount to develop a comprehensive forest resignation as Southern at I at the `divisive, bigoted, and a waste of dover all stories and events we will only Somata Hall May iA paid for space actually occupied by management plan for HFN traditional nation taxpayer money', Fraser said the Liberal, Toll Free Number: Region Co -Chair on May 12, de so sahicet to: ins of the Nuu- chah -nulth Tribal the portion of the advertisement in¡ territory. have not been negotiating in good faith - Sufficient advance notice addressed Council to hear their concerns over which the error is due to the A 'Direct Assertion Team' has been 2005. Co-Chairs Shawn specifically to Ha- Shilth -.So. treaty making and other' with the NTC table. "Clear direction 1- -1131 negligence of the servants or 877 -677 appointed to develop a plan of action for Atleo and Archie Little - Reporters availability at the time of Nu u -chah -nulth concerns, Watts would be given to Provincial government otherwise, and there shall be no -nulth leadership have now established a toll free HFN members to 'exercise their the event. reported; include negotiators that when it comes to Nuu -chah wished him well in his future the lack of mandate liability for non -insertion of any Aboriginal Rights and Title'. Dennis says - Editorial space available in the paper. from provincial negotiators at the NCN governance of First Nations lands, self- number to assist membership with any questions they may advertisement beyond the amount his people will go out and harvest bark endeavours. - Editonal deadlines being adhered to the government agreements will be Teary Table; continued extraction of have regarding treaty related business. and other resources they are entitled to. by contributors. paid for such advertisements. Page 4 - Ha- Shilth -Sa - May 19, 2005 Ha- Shilth -Sa - May 19, 2005 - Page 5 Fallen Holly Tree creates mixed N. Island First Nation signs Mowachaht/Muchalaht Recovers reactions Forestry Agree ment Regalia By Denise August, to Chief Jerry lack, will be arriving in By David tV char we were forced to live in," he said. lia -Shill Sa Reporter the near future. Ha- Shilth -Sa Reporter When we were kids, we used to light CAMPBELL RIVER - North Island resources leaving our territory with little lack says Mowachaht/Muchalaht plan up the tree with Christmas lights because MLA Rod Visser today announced the or no benefit to our people, while the Gold River -NCN Treaty Teams were to construct a museum to properly Tsahaheh -A remnant of the Alberni we had to stay at the school through signing ofa $1.2 million forestry environmental impacts have been great, invited to take peek into the past as house the delicate pieces but first need Residential School was brought down Christmas since our parents didn't have agreement with the said Natalie lack, Acting Chief their Mowachaht hosts invited them to to occur funding. Plans are in the last week in front of visitors from the the money to bring or home," said Ka:'ym'k't'h'/Che:k:t1m7et'h First Councillor for the view ancient woodwork, basket work works for museum construction and Gitxsan Nation, but many people are Gitsxan's William Matthews. -It was a Nations, providing timber and revenue KN'yu:k't'h' /Che:knles7et'h First and other regalia that belonged to their interpretive services. -Our people will critical of the event. small sapling then, but it was good to for the northwest Vancouver Island Nations. "This agreement will help forefathers and wound up in a museum be the ones to tell our stories," said The tree was cut down as pan ofa see it come down, especially if it will be support our vision of a sustainable (mess in Victoria. The recently repatriated lack. indicating that Tseshaht for the a "The revenue -sharing funds and timber industry with local participation and ceremony organized by replaced by memorial," he said. artifacts are being temporarily volume stored in Mowachaht/Muchalaht people will be 32 Gdxsan who walked 1600 "The tree is a living thing. It symbolizes in this agreement will provide community benefits." people a r ma offices at Tsaxana and more, according a.. o, a.l jobs and through those jobs, training and the ones providing tours of the museum. kilometres from Prince Rupert to Port the pain we went through," said 7 fl/leng. The Ka:'yudc't'h' /Che:k:tles7et'h First Alberni to raise awareness of the long - Clarence Dennis, in speaking to the 50 a capacity development for the Nations have 481 members. About 180 lasting effects suffered by residential people who gathered to watch the tree Ka:'yu:k't'h' /Che:k:lles7et'h nations.- live on a reserve called Houpsitas, school survivors and heal themselves one down. "We got permission from said Visser. That will not only commonly known as Kyuquot. They arc strengthen the community's from that pain. Tseshaht to take the tree down, but we As Tseshaht workers prepared to cut the tree down on May 4th, many economy, it member of the Nus- shah -nulth Tribal will help strengthen and our haven't finalized decisions on e of the 50 survivors gathered to have their pictures taken in front of diversify Council, and arc negotiating with Canada local forest economy." The tree was cut down as part of permanent memorial to be put in its the tree. But after the tree was toppled and lay on the pavement, no and British Columbia as part of the Maa- ninth First Nations treaty group. The a ceremony organized by place," he said. one clapped, cheered, or said a ward. "For years we have seen our Kn:'yu:k'r h' /Che:k:tles7et'h First Tseshaht for the 32 Gilman Six years ago, when the federal government made their apology to Nuu- forest resources leaving our Nations hold a 492 -hectare woodlot people who walked 1600 the tree, to explain to it what was tot more chah-nulth -ahl for the pain and abuse survivors who would have territory with little or no benefit licence that includes Crown and reserve kilometres from Prince Rupert happening and that it would be giving its liked lobe there to take pan in taking it land with cut of 2,480 a they suffered at the school, federal to our people, while the cubic metres to Port Alberni to raise representatives said money would be life to help air. of people," he said down," he said. Ymr -I environmental impacts have been awareness of the long -lasting made available for a permanent am just ticked off that no one let the According to Tseshaht Chief Councilor With this agreement, the Province rest the survivors know about this Les great" said Natalie Jack, Acting effects suffered by residential memorial. It is unknown whether that of Sam, the decision to cut the holly receives acknowledgement from the 'historic event' irregardless of a Chief Councillor for the school survivors and heal money is still available. tree down was made by the community K,:'yu:k't'h'/ Che:k:tles7e['h First memorial pole taking the holly tree's and previous council two years ago, and Ka:' y e: kit' h' /Ch e: k: tles7et' h Nations that the economic benefits are a " themselves from that pain. Plans are to replace the holly tree with a version of Art Thompson's victory pole, place," said Thompson. "Someone although the site was offered to the First Nations. workable interim accommodation with r' - bail according to Charlie Thompson, 'the dropped the ball on this one because that carvers of the An Thompson memorial respect to the economic component of The 40 -foot tall, 80 -year old Holly family has decided to memorial tree represented so much to a lot of pole, Tseshaht carvers are willing to agreement, the potential infringements of their Tree that stood atop the Mission Road poll Through today's sun 1 are a a pole in my late brother's name, on isms and !mow there raise pole on that site as well. Ka:'yu:k't'h' /Che:k:tles7eh h First aboriginal interests regarding forestry hill once stood at the side of the main la_ Hupacasath land. Nobody confirmed Nations gain decisions andoperations. The agreement Usv entrance to AIRS. It was rumoured that will access to 130,000 Alex Frank Jr and Cliff :%Oleo Sr examine Mowachaht / Muchalaht with us, the placement of the pole, so we cubic metres of timber in the Strathcona also sets out an agreed upon consultation I notorious pedophile Arthur Henry Flint decided on this site, because it was timber supply area, and over process and provides certainty to forest artifacts recently repatriated from the Royal BC Moot., had planted the tree, but given the age offered and the pole is being made on a USE CAUTION WHILE $1.2 million in revenue sharing over five operations within the nations' asserted of the tree this would have been very traditional territory. unlikely. volunteer basis," he said. years. Of the timber volume, 58,000 Discussions are continuing Since 2001, the Province has developed Many of the former students identified about the cubic metres is immediately available; construction ofa similar permanent BURNING the remainder will be available once the and implemented innovative tools to Motorcyclists and drivers the tree with the pain and abuse they memorial to the students who attended province -wide timber reallocation materially improve the lives of suffered while at the school, and the school. As VICTORIA - With most British fire and when to extinguish that fire. process Aboriginal people and provide requested the tree be cut down. But infamous residential of is complete. Under the Forestry Use extra caution this summer Tseshaht workers prepared Columbia entering a warming and drying Open fires are regulated under the new Revitalization Plan, immanent opportunities for First Nations to many other survivors were against it, or to cut the tree participate in the economic mainstream. down on May 4th, trend expected to last up to 10 days, the Wildfire Act and regulations. committed to reallocate timber to against the way the event was handled. many of the 50 With the arrival of summer weather users- they don't have air bags, seat BC Forest Service is urging people to use The public is encouraged to consider conminities. woodlot operators and Improving the lives of Aboriginal people "I went to that school and suffered survivors gathered to have their pictures caution when open burning. alternatives to open blaming where First Nations to diversify the forest and establishing certainty over land and conditions in most regions of the belts or bumpers to protect them," there, but that tree had nothing to do taken in front of the tree. But after the Since I. them have been fires possible, and to incorporate FireSmart economy. resources benefits all British province this month, it means more Winch adds. "Also, it's often with it," said Larry Baird. "We would tree was toppled and lay on the April 38 across the province, although the Coastal techniques into landscaping and yard years we have seen our forest Colombians. and to watch the robins eat the berries and pavement, no one clapped, cheered, or 'For motorists more types of difficult for motorists judge the Fire Centre has experienced none. All 38 clean-up. Please visit make nests in the nee. It was a said a word. vehicles will be on the road - proper distance when small fires were human -caused and nearly www.lue sun he ea/protect for colourful, living thing that we could -This was done too fast," said Dennis. all including motorcycles. It also vehicles such as motorcycles are of them caused by open burning that information on FireSmart and the look at to escape the gray, sterile world "We weren't given a chance to talk to means more risk of serious injury approaching, panicularly when escaped control. Wildfire Act and regulations. -"N or death for motorcyclists. Almost turning left. Drivers and As people are getting their yards ready The Forest Service appreciates the Chatwin Engineering Ltd. for the summer season, the BC Forest public's assistance in spotting and Helping To Make Your Communities A Better Place To Live 80 per cent of the yearly injuries motorcyclists should be looking Service reminds the public that they are reporting wildfires. To report a wildfire, and deaths involving motorcycles out for each other at all times." Specializing in: responsible for evaluating conditions and call 1 -800- 663 -5555, or *5555 on most take place from May through determining whether it is safe to light a cell phones. Infrastructure Land Use Plans September, according to police- Safety tips for other motorists: Housing Economic Studies Physical Development Plans Funding Applications reported collision data. "Driving safely and using extra * Be extra cautious for nelson Enema., was the Best Professional Company on Vancouver Island by the caution is imponant for all road motorcyclists, especially when To: Chief & Council Business umumme Awards users- including motorcyclists- as turning at intersections. Re: Bike Tour Chatwin Engineering is a proud sponsor of the bluu-chalrnult, Tribal Council post secondary we head into these busy summer Actively look for motorcyclists education scholarships. Hello everyone, as you may know I have moved the FAS months on BC roads," points out in traffic. Remember ter* Morey Road, Mana, BC 000 Ph. (260) 753-9171 Fax: (aso) rsa-rase Greg Winch, ICBC provincial loss motorcycles are small and often Bike I Tour to June 22nd, 2006, and will be sending out e- Toll prevention program manager. difficult to see in the mix of E ma,l. cnatwln®ahan reWoos. laml(wwwt lainnd ovtl-vhatrru 1 mails to those already involved, "Severe crashes often occur at traffic. Clarence Dennis speaks at tree chopping. All My Relations, timothymanson26 @yahoo.ca intersections. We're asking * Make eye contact with the rider motorists to be extra careful when whenever possible. making turns and motorcyclists to TSESHAHT MARKET slow down and be more visible." Safety tips for motorcyclists: RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL Motorcycles are over -represented in BRAKER and CO. IF YOU ATTENDED fatal and injury crash incidents. In * Remember riding at an unsafe risk ALBERNI INDIAN RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL 2003, motorcycles represented just speed puts you at greater insured of crash and injury. OR over one per cent of all Barristers and Solicitors when approaching CHRISTIE INDIAN RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL vehicles, however motorcyclists Slow down 5233 Hector Road sapo accounted for about seven per cent intersections. YOU MAY WISH TO DISCUSS HEALING AND P.O. Box 1160, Port Alberni of all fatal victims. Never assume other motorists THE NEW INCREASED COMPENSATION WITH FULL SERVICE B.C. V9Y 7M1 Motorcycles are more likely to he see you. GROCERIES, GAS BAR, HOT FOODS, SNACKS Phones 723 -1993 - - Toll free 1.877. 723.1993 SCOTT HALL - LAWYER involved in a fatal or injury crash Wear bright and reflective Pan 723-1994 VICTORIA AND SO MUCH MORE! incident than any other motorized clothing. Add extra reflective Hours of operation - 7:00 am - 10:30 pm vehicle type. material to your clothing or Personal injury litigation, including motor 1- 800 -435 -6625 Phone: 724-3944 "Like cyclists and pedestrians, wear a reflective vest. F, mail: [email protected] - Web address: www.tseshahtmarket.ca vehicle accident injury claims CALL FREE ANY TIME motorcyclists are vulnerable road --

6 - - May 19, 2005 Page Ha- Shilth -Sa May 19, 2005 - Ha- Shilth -Sa - Page 7

Priscilla Sabbas U.C. When 1 finish school 1 hope to ha -ho Cilla is 27 years graduate with a double minor in Education - -pa old, hails from the _ Sociology, Tseshaht Nuu- chah -nulth Tribal Council and First Nations Studies. Member Hesquiaht First My patents are Jackie and Hammy 2005 Meet the new crop of summer Nation, and is Watts, my maternal grandmother was Graduation nearing completion Lois Rush, and my paternal Acquires Hair Salon Attention: Nuu- chah -nulth Tribes, First Nations of her B.A. of First - grandparents were Walter "Chubby" Education Support Workers, Counselors, and students at NTC Nations Studies with a minor in Media Watts and Phyllis Livingstone. By Nick Walls importantly on what you learn from Administrators. from Malaspina UL. Priscilla's parents This summer 1 will he a student Ila -Shillh Sa Reporter By Nick Watts teaching culture. She applied for the schooling, and education in general. are Cecil and Bev Sabbas, and her reporter for the Ha- Shilth -Sec Nuu -chah -nulth Graduation Ceremonies and Dinner will take place on June 25, Ha- Shilth -Sa reporter summer student program at NTC Bessie would like to her family and maternal grandmother is Hilda Hansen Newspaper. I am looking forward to a 2005. The will he hosting the event in their community this because she worked here last summer, Port Alberni- Its always an exciting friends for their support during the (Kyuquot). Her paternal grandparents busy summer bringing stories not only year The Nuu -chah -ninth Tribal Council Education department for students to be and and the experience she gained was time when a new business opens up in months leading up to the purchase, and Port Alberni - Its summertime again were the late Louie and Carrie Sabbas. about the youth @the Nuu- chah- nulth, eligible to participate in the Graduation Ceremony requires the following Pon Alberni. but for First Nations in the she would also like to thank the here at NTC we have ummer students valuable to her career goals. Cilla has her own little family with Ken but also other stories that inspire me. information: This working in family services Albemi area its even more time to education department of the Tseshaht infiltrating the offices, these students year Watts (Tseshaht), and her son Tristan After school, I hope to move on job . celebrate. Bessie Sam from the Tseshaht tribe for their encouragemen arm she plans on getting more hands-on with Later on in life, Cilla hopes to complete either Communications, and/or Public in her Name: Address: First Nation was successful in acquiring educational goals, and lastly t a big thank Tale- angelina room her career path by working more closely a master degree in a First Nations -related Relations. Phone: School: Clip 21 Hair Salon. The purchase was you to N.E.D.C., who helped her io the Dennis with children. Working for the summer field, and then go on to work for her Working with the Ha- Shilth -Sec and its School phone g School Contact person: Tala is 25 old at NTC, she hopes to gain more skills made on April 1st. 2005. and it was process. years community. Ultimately, she would like dedicated staff, I have a funny feeling no PI uu -drah -ninth First Nations registered with: has just working with children, develop a closer joke. If you need a to get a trim, Clip 21 is and to work in a capacity where she can that I will gain experience that I could open 6 days a week, Monday - Saturday. completed her third interacaon with Nuu -chah-nulth people, become more unified to her people and not get anywhere else. I'll be traveling Bessie who had already put in ten years Graduation Confirmation: (Please check one) till 5p.m., and on Thursdays and Fridays year at Kwantlen and to learn the inner workings of her culture focusing on issues that to places in the NCN territories that I at the salon bought the business from its Dogwood Diploma Graduation till 9p.m. So stop by and tell them Nick University College School District 70. inspire her, issues that deal with youth have not been to, and working with previous owner, and the salon itself has Leaving Certificate Graduation V+' sent you. in Surrey B.C. Maria Gomez and elders alike people that will share their own unique fallen back into First Nations ownership. Adult Dogwood Graduation specializing in Criminology. Her Maria ìs 36 years She applied for the summer student with me. My goal for the Deb Lambert established Clip 21 in Confirmation Signature of school Administrator or Counselor parents arc Betty and Alan Frothier. and old, anJand is from the position of Community Research summer is to get at least one "money 1988. X her grandparents are Lillian and David Tseshaht First Assistant so that she could gain Bessie has been working as a Dennis. She is from the Huu- ay -aht Nations. Maria hairdresser for 15 years and experience working with the collective I chose the NTC summer student job stresses how Additional I n lormetkn: important Fiat Nations and will be working with just completed her Nuu- chah -nulth nations as opposed to because it was a matchless opportunity education is. For Bessie it There will be a grand entrance with escorts of gads choice Fisheries here at NTC. Tale is almost Bachelor of Arts 5 individual tribes. NTC will help her get to expand my skills, and prepare me for has not always been that she wanted to There will be a sit down banquet finished her program and plans on degree with a major her foot in the door for later on when she my career after school. NTC has work in the salon business, she had to The Nuu -chah -nulth Tribal Council will present each transferring to Simon Fraser Anthropology from Malaspina find University M hgology U.C. wants to start her career. Cilia likes a always been like a second home, most her groove. Having started at the graduate with a certificate and gift. where she will complete a degree in Maria will be working in the Education Tseshaht Market, then finding challenge and this job looked like the of the people here know who I anal her way Dress can either be Grad formal, or casual. Physical Anthropology. Department for the summer. Her parents to the Tseshaht Band office, she found perfect test She also was looking am sure I of you do too. Ifni. you There will be a door prize of 5200.00 for grad, however She chose the fisheries summer job are Lillian and Valentine Gomez. Her forward to working in an aboriginal have mom than likely seen my dog her career by Mal and error, and when you must be there to win. It will be drawn at the end of the because she enjoys the outdoors. She maternal grandparents are Gladys and environment, and is a social butterfly by naming the parking lot, her name is she did Coolly find out that she wanted evening. wants to gain experience in this field, George her paternal Gus, and nature Paws, and is the unofficial mascot of to be a hairdresser, she was thankful of Please submit 5 photos past and present for a slide show and is setting up her furore goals so that grandparents are Desidero and Navidad her education, and the options it opened Lastly Cilia is most looking forward to NTC, the life skips I am sure to gain that will be prepared by Ditidaht First Nation. Please e-mail when she is ready, she can further is Gomez. Maria married to Luke the valuable experience this job has to will help me along my path and I would up for her. to davidmaher @shaw.ca. or mail to P.O. Box 340, Pon educate others. She is looking forward George and is hoping to get into a offer and a sense of how her education like to thank NTC for allowing this For any future business owners or Alberni. B.C. V9Y 7M8. to the experience, finding out what tits Masters program in the fall, while applies to everyday life on the job. great opportunity. airdrussers, Bessie says that even with her plans, and gaining knowledge. continuing to work in her community. Nicholas Watts If you have any related ideas that though there are roadblocks along the For Jen Gallic She further information please contact Angie Miller at chose the NTC summer student I am 23 years old you would like me to pursue, please feel way, and people might he tempted to say Jen is 22 years old, 250- 723 -6125 e amillerCrpsd70.bc.ca program because she has previously and have just free to contact me by e-mail at, or here `nó", don't give up. Get your education. or -mail or Eileen and has just worked as a summer student and really completed my vt NTC at 250-7245757. Good luck to that's number one, and then if any extra Haggard 250- 724-5757 or [email protected] completed her first enjoyed the atmosphere. She also gained second yeargf all the summa students and may your training pops up, do it, because it might T year of studies in the a lot of valuable experience tai has studies at Malaspina education take you to the places of your cane in handy along your journeys. In Business program all followed her into her education. At the dreams. business and in life, you cannot rely just Bessie Sam getting ready for INSURANCE REQUIREMENT Malaspina end of the day she wants to get her foot on what you milk you know, but more business OUT OF PROVINCE University- College. in the door, either hare at NTC. or with AND COUNTRY Her parents are Jason and Diane Gallic another Netu- chah -nulth Nation. Changes Recent situations have been embarrassing to some people who Depart Her paternal grandparents are Jan and Natasha Marshall at NTC Canada without acquiring any type of medical coverage insurance. Non- James Gallic, and her maternal Natasha is 21 years Insured Health Benefits Program through Health Canada does not cover By Stone Read increased supervisory responsibility. grandparents are Lillian Watts -Gomez old, and just anyone who departs Canada, nor does your BC Medical Plan unless you Director M CHS Cynnette's move left the CHS Program (nee Gus), and Jack Watts. finished her first have written authority from them stating that they will cover you, and lea is from the . year at Camosun and Planning Administrator job vacant. After Blair Thompson retired from his what they will cover. (Remember the price is much higher in US than She is working in the administration College In Victoria, The job has been changed to I Its position as Education Manager at NTC, here - I you it department for the summer. Jo. would in the First Nations Executive Assistant. Vicky Watts was suggest check out to protect yourself and your family). the NTC Personnel Committee approved eventually like to bea nutritionist, Community Studios the successful applicant, and will non Ensure you get coverage by contacting your local travel agency - they changes that are now in effect. These where she would need to finish her course. Her parents are Josephine be providing this key auppon to the can and will help you! It is also understood that once you have departed changes put experienced Nuu-chah -ninth CBS Board and Director. We schooling a[ U.B.C. Her goal o to Johnston and Willard Gallic Jr. expect Canada and you change your mind and decide you wish to have coverage staff in new roles, and will improve the graduate and then be able to come back Her maternal grandparents are Evelyn Vicky 's font position as Post - efficiency of NTC. - - it is too late...Travel policy insurance will not cover you outside the to her community and educate omen. and Anthony Marshall, and her paternal Secondary Advisor to be tilled scam. Lynnette Barium has resumed to the bring lot country if you try to obtain insurance after you have left. Protect yourself She applied for the summer student grandparents are Willard Gallic Sr. and All three stall' a of expertise to Education Department to be the and your family! Questions on this matter are encouraged and welcomed program at NTC because she w t. the late Ruth Sam. their role .. ('on tulati Supervisor for Post- Secondary Vicky, e tend Eileen t through the Non -Insured Health Benefits Program Coordinator (Robert gain valuable experience from working This ammo she will be working in the Lynette for taking Education. Eileen Haggard is continuing in an office environment. This unique C.H.S. department as the Mental on t challenges. Congratulations J (Inert) 1- 888 -407 -4888 or 250- 724-5757. in her role as Education -Cultural experience is something different than Health/Youth Facilitator. Natasha hopes also to Blair on jour retirement. Supervisor for K -12, with some Bessie Sam, owner Clip 21 Hair Salon (far right), and her staff her usual cup of tea. to complete her program at Camosun, Later on in life she hopes to open her and continue to work on her Bachelor of own business, and NTC will steer her in Commerce majoring in the right direction. What she is Entrepreneurship, II II .re II II and then continuing .. u planning on taking away from working on to her law degree, specializing in this summer is the valuable experience Environmental law. a from working in an office setting, and Natasha believes that working at NTC . I1 NTC makes a great reference for her will help her gain the valuable Ei ©0 ï future jobs. experience she needs so that she can GAS PRICES HAVE REACHED WITH PRICES LIKE THESE SO CHEERS TO THE GOVERNMENT FOR Vanessa Gallic open her own business later on in life, ITS A GREAT TIME TO BE DOING MORE TO IMPROVE RACE RELATIONS Vanessa is 20 years and AN ALL TIME HIGH THIS YEAR employ Aboriginal peoples. She IN THIS COUNTRY THOU IT HAS IN DECADES! old and is attending FRIENDS WITH AN INDIAN! hopes working with NTC will help her dlnmlllmmlWll@IlimlgMllnl@NIIAHIRItIIi Malaspina U.C. o Team not only about her community, IMN `n " where she just but also others within the Nuu -chah- GAS FILLÉR UP Fitt- ERP finished her first nulth Nation. 4",.71( year towards her Shc is looking forward to the Bachelor of experience, getting closer with people 'ducat., She is ten's younger sister. from the Nuu - hah -nulth nation, gaining d is working under the title of Family knowledge of the important issues that g4 1 .. Services worker, here at NTC. are now relevant to today's youth, and g gig out d Vanessa plans on finishing her degree learning about Nuu -ehah -ninth culture Victoria Watts, CHS Executive Assistant, Lynnette Barbara, o -II@@AI_R6 AN INDIAN IN EVERY and PASSENGER SEAT would like to someday be an from a Nuu- chah-nulth perspective, not Supervisor for Post -Secondary Education and Eileen Haggard, : ,,.®eRó®rmlñi_® ïiéil Ì instructor at Haa- Huu -Payak School just the stuff you learn from books. 4$.. - ®n..e. Education- Cultural Supervisor for K -I2 -., ®RANDY BAICW/K AoOS

l I J Page 8 - Ha- Shilth -Sa - May 19, 2005 May 19, - Tournaments 2005 Ha- Shilth -Sa - Page 9 n Sports - ?im- cap -mis Ahousaht Reserve Tla -o- qui -aht Youth Center You're Invited To Train, Race & Try To Beat Us in the Government of Canada is committed to Opitsaht Canoe Races May 21 - 22, 2005. Expansion draws near Building Campaign Possibly May 23rd depending on registration. Only 3 Months to Go! Increasing Aboriginal Peoples' Tom Jackson (right) is scot by given a So BE READY & BE THERE! 1st Prize Traditional Dugout Chuputz. By Denise August, to Ahousaht. Cover Creek Construction, presentation of a cheque in the amount l, owned by Participation in Sport Camping available. For more info contact Arnold Frank 725 -8094 or 725- Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter an Ahousaht member, was of $8,000 (in kind) for the supply of all 3186 or Ivy Martin at 725 -2299, or Moses Martin or Carla Moss at 725-2765. hired to do the road building and other of the walls for the Tla- o- qui -aht Youth Ahousaht - One hundred years after Ahousaht$ were hired as surveyors and VANCOUVER, May 7, 2005 The Participation in Sport builds on the Center to Brim Chatwin, Chairman of - Ahousaht's Tyee Ha'wilth loaned blasting trainees. Honourable Stephen Owen, Minister of vision of the Canadian Sport Policy for a Maaqtusiis Lady Storm Hawaii Bound a the Tla- o- qui -aht Youth Center Building church some land The deal also brought benefits for Western Economic Diversification and mare inclusive sport system. The $12 to build their other Campaign. for 13th Annual Palama Settlement Classic residential school on, Ahousaht mall Ahousaht member-owned Minister of State (Sport) today million will support programs to increase Chief Tom Jackson, President of Earth Cell Maaqtusiis Lady Storm hase submitted our Senior Girls School Team for a Councilor Keith Atleo says the long businesses like lied & Breakfasts, the announced the creation of the Policy on sport participation for Aboriginal Corporation is pleased to provide the snuggle repatriater restaurant and water taxis as forestry Aboriginal Peoples' Participation in persons, including elements of federal - tournament in Hawaii in December of 2005. km the property is entire wall systems for the new Tla -o- W be t to 4 almost over as land crews rived to harvest the timber. Sport. In the context of this policy, the provincial /territorial agreements on sport will udraising take(' players and chaperones on this trip of a lifetime. transfer agreement qui -aht Center. Tom is better known to The ten. hectare property Government of Canada will commit $12 and sport participation program nm by Om families have given us full support for this plan and we would like to inform the nears completion. located south most people in Canada for acting roles of our The Ahousaht Indian Residence of the existing village has all the roads million over five years to help finance national sport and multi -service s intent Mimed in North of 60 and his many down in installed. The road starts behind we love to be involved in a project th; sport policy initiatives to improve equity organizations. The investment will also If there is any way you can help us we would greatly appreciate it, whether it is the 1940's leaving only the the contributions to public causes in Canada. financially giving classrooms. Those eventually former Ahousaht Day School, now will help youth of the Tlao- qui-aht and provide Aboriginal arsons with support key areas of improvement, such or suggestions. closed as Earth Cell Corporation has introduced a You the federal government known as the Lighthouse and winds its Nations. increasedand access to sport. as coaching, athlete development, and can contact Rebecca Atleo at the schoo1;25 0- 6 7 0.9 5 89 or at home: 250 -670- built an new and innovative technology for elementary way toward the beaches that face toward Craig Lobas, P.Eug., the Manager of Government is sport participation activities. 2390 school right in the village constructing buildings utilizing solid of Canada Building Sciences at Chatwin during Tofino.. Ahousaht is in negotiations committed to ensuring that all The Government of Canada win the 1950's. with styrofoam and steel stud construction. INAC to acquire infrastructure for the Engineering has stated that 'the Earth Canadians have access to quality sport continue to work with the Aboriginal Andrew David's 3rd Annual Slow Pitch Tournament This technology is particularly land including sewer, water and hydro. Cell wall structures are a fantastic programs." said Miniver Owen.'The span community. other federal July 22 to 24 At Wickaninnish One hundred years after applicable to wet West Coast Field Allen says the first portion solution for eliminating cold spots n the sport is It Ahousaht's lino of the project environments where cold wall power of far reaching- departments. provincial and territorial This will consist of 7 male and 3 female on field at all times. Ha'wilth loaned The entry fee is will see construction of to 50 housing wall which allows the formation of increases self- esteem and improves governments. and national and multi- a 35 construction in the past has caused many $300.00 per team and to secure spot in the tournament make a deposit of church some land to build their moisture through condensation. This please units when funding is in place. Further, problems with qualityof life. It also brings service port organisations to $100.00 check or money order payable residential school on, Ahousaht mold in First Nations to Andrew David and mail to PO Box 18, there will beer -need 3- hectare moisture ante main culprit for the communities together' successfully implement the Policy. much housing. The walls are constructed in a Tofino, B.C. VOR -220. There will be trophies and cash prizes. Chief Councilor Keith Allen says cemetery nestled in the forest. The plan development of mold within hoses. "If we reduce existing harriers that The Canadian Sport Policy identifies factory and shipped to the site for fast the long struggle to repatriate the s to develop all ten hectares of the Earth Cell technology will eliminate prevent Aboriginal persons from having increased participation as one of the key and easy erection of the building. property is as property in four phases over the next Mar. access to sport programs, we help ensure areas for improvement in Canada's sport almost over a land Tom Jackson says "1 was looking for a several years. The Earth Cell walls for the Tla -oqui- that they can enjoy the health and social system. The goal of both the Canadian transfer agreemente ment nears technology that would provide a new The new development couldn't come aht Youth Center will be constructed and benefits of spun participation," added Sport Policy and the Policy on TRIBAL JOURNEY 2005 completion. form of housing to solve the problems of to the for soon enough with a band membership shipped site the erection of the Minister Owen. Aboriginal Peoples Participation in moisture and mold in the building and list than 1M0 building which will he held on a The of more and the existing one that would he built at an affordable The Policy on Aboriginal Peoples' Spot is to build a more integrated and DESTINATION LOWER ELWHA, land changed hands several times, weekend as community - WASHINGTON, USA (HOST) reserve mooed our. there is no more built project. Participation in Sport was developed in hannonioas environment to improve the never being handed back to successor of price to be able to help with affordable room for new housing. "There's Earth Cell's contact number is 403 -685- consultation with representatives from sport experience and increase WELCOMING CEREMONIES - AUGUST 1, 2005 - AUGUST 6, the Chief that originally loaned it. Aden housing problem in Canada. When overcrowding in the homes 1554. the Aboriginal Sport Circle, provincial opportunities for Canadians to compete says several elders and past Councils that lead to Brian Chatwin told 2005 - LOWER ELWHA health problems and social issues like Anyone wishing to contribute to the Tie - and tcnitonal governments, provincial successfully at the highest levels of attempted to get the property back to no me that they were quarrelling and family breakdown," o- qui -aht Youth Center, please contact and territorial Aboriginal sport bodies, international competition. 2005 Tribal Journeys will be hosting a luncheon meeting June 5, 2005 avail. said building the Tla -o- Allen. Brian Chatwin at 250 -753 -5171 or national sport and multi- service The @ 5pm Somehow, the land went to quuiaht Youth Center Government of Canada is the single the Rae. forward a cheque made payable to the Ahousaht'$ Housing Staff and and wanted to organizations, as well as federal largest investor in Canada's sport system. al Thunderbird Hall, Ahousaht Arthur family then to Jack Dale for his Tla- o- qui -aht Youth Cater in c/o Comm a tasked with researching develop prototype organizations, including Health Canada, A total of $140 million E being provided Hosts of Lower Elwha and others sawmill. Eventually, MacMillan Bloedel i Chatwin Engineering, 1614 Morey Road, new home designs better suited to the to show the Firer Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, in 2005 -2006 for initiatives to support bought the property. The last Ahousaht Nanaimo, BC V9S IJ7. will be there with their official invitation to the 2005 Tribal Journeys, rainy environment to avoid the common Justice Canada, and the Department of our high -performance athletes and to Chief& Council began negotiations Nations on most it is and important that NCN be there. problem of black mold and decay. They how a building Canadian Hering' Aboriginal Affairs increase Canadians' participation in with MacMillan Bloedel to regain the non Media Contact: Ahousaht Sea Bus leaves at 4 p.m. from Tofino. will also develop a fire safety code. branch. sport. The year 2005 has been designated parcel and managed to strike a mutually be constructed to Billets currently "Watch for the announcement for a avoid the "The Aboriginal Sport Circle is the International Year of Spot and being worked on, contact Edgar Charlie beneficial deal. chronic Name: Brian Chatwin, President (celebratory) feast to be held alter the problems honoured ia nary our ongoing Physical Education by the United [email protected] for more info. The forestry company, in exchange for of water Chatwin Engineering, Nanaimo land transfer is complete.- says Chief ingress partnership agreement with Canadian Nations. Canoe Journey's 2005 departure date and time changes will be the timber, would build access roads a- and mold, Branch Atleo. we jumped at the Heritage." said Lyle Daniels, Chair of To learn more about the various announced. throughout the property then sign it over Phone: 250- 753 -9171 opportunity. Tla the Aboriginal Sport Circle. "This is an programs offered by the firnernment of -o- Pax: 250 -754 -4459 qui -aht Youth Center excellent lest step toward ensuring That Canada in the area of span, please visit E mail Chanel), Klee°. Kiev, llanuquii is a great cause and the Aboriginal sport community's issues the Canadian Heritage Web site at bchahvtn(o chatwmengmeermg corn e addressed." w canadranhcr da This is a drug and alcohol free journey. - -- The Policy or Abor ginal Peoples' Each person requires a life jacket. Way to go kid -ol We'd like Each canoe must have an escort boat ( to congratulate Fredrick Waiver forms for minors must be signed before the journey begins. Ukitimp, Cook an completing his 3rd For more information and forms `gr year of ice hockey. In your contact Edgar Charlie by email hanuqui4hotmail com. wash lung years you have played ai as much spent a person ""'lA?, -' - =n . - a+? J ourage (2 seasons of Annie Watts, Ha- Shilth -Sa Administration Assistant soccer, 3 seasons of ice New Email Address, effective immediately VI hockey, 4 seasons of hashilthsa @nuuchahnulth.org Ai NE 7 i K lacrosse, seasons of ...n,g softball and numerous skill To get the quality you want in your photos, graphics or ads We provide: Boating Safety development camps and please submit them at a minimum of 175 d.p.i. (to 300 d.p.i.). e. Coast Guard approved tournaments, This year you Please call 724 -5757 if Get your Pleasure Craft Operator's Card proved yourself to be a you have any questions. determined, spirited and í63: ' --oz..- All Transport Canada approved instructor and respectful athlete. You had a Canada Coast Guard accredited course chance to play different eammr McIntosh, Norton, Williams, CGA's Chief Atleo stands al the site ofAhousaht's next new housing provider for: positions during the season 6MMal development v\ and had lots of opportunities At<..a.a Non -Pleasure Craft wore. Every time we see "Specializing in First Master Limited 60 tons & Fishing Master Class four *at/ `rau s "Take the Ice" and so Celebration Of Culture proud of you. It's hard to 'day R. Norton, FCGA, CAFM Nations taxation, A native North American himself (Chippewa of Nawash believe just a few short years *Cory McIntosh' CGA, Sunday, June 19th, 2005 @ 12 Noon band), Harry gives attention to the Aboriginals of e'en "p auditing & strategic Fredrick Cook 04 - `Vera "t CAFM, CFP British Columbia as well as the public in general. the cross bur and now you're Tsawaayuus (Rainbow Gardens) .... Mike K. Williams, , ,FIar H A- Sharks scoring, back checking, CGA, management DipIT 6151 Russell Place, Port Alberni 4004200# , "holding the line", passing, Please contact Harry Johnston at Please come us for a and "changing the (y ". We'd else like a,as., a special thank you to Jeff Cook for planning." and join traditional salmon meal. Boa aai 724-01135 [email protected] rating a limousine for your team when you were at an out of town hockey We sill have singers and dancers to entertain, and welcome and noon, atlas certmae sr for more information. tournament and for being a fixture in the stands during gams. Good luck in the urn Frew tsas reaotss everyone to attend. upcoming softball and lacrosse seasons. Port albemi, B.C. V90617 www.nawashmariner.com - 19, 2005 Page 10 - Ha- Shilth -Sa May May 19, 2005 - Ha- Shilth -Sa - Page 11 Come hear our language - and Pta"R44" 4'1,itgav) Saiyatchapis Memorial Potlatch: see the life in our waters!

Submitted by Kelly Poirier language, imagery and artwork for A Feast For The Eyes And The Stomach for Ha- Shilth -Sa all to enjoy, courtesy of the WCVI nun 111011111111 Aquatic Management Board. Nuu- shah -nulth Sea Creatures The WCVI AMB is proud to By Nicholas Watts the Tseshaht reserve. have Interactive Site at the Ha- Shilth -Sa Reporter Dakkota was the daughter oft= ic Lee opportunity to contribute to the who is a granddaughter of the late 4 www.westcaastaquatic.ca promotion of Nuu -chah -nulth Saiyatchapis, a beautiful little soul that language and cultural initiatives in Taahaheh - on Saturday, May 14th, left a lasting impression on the hearts she Port Alberni, BC (WCVI AMB) - the region. a 1005, a memorial potlatch was held for "This is small part of touched Me late Saiyatchapis (Chuck Sam), - Old traditions meet new technology our mandate to build on local The day started on Saturday morning Hany Sam, and Dakkota Rain with the addition of a "Nuu -chah- knowledge from local people for with business as usual, and a o -T4 Mcfarlan , and what a day it was. nulth Sea Creature" website feature local management," says Tom Pater, reintroduction of songs that belonged to Saiyatchapis was a valued and at the Westtoast Aquatic the other AMB co- chair "The area MN CHAH Mani SEA C.ItL.A'I the family that had been put away with respected member of the Tseshaht Management Board website- has such an abundance of good respect to the family, and then words of Nation who held many ties to other First )Roy estcoastaquatic.ca. This thanks to the people that helped the act people, knowledge, culture and Nations around the Nuu -chah -nulth family in their time of need. This was exciting addition to one of the hest resources-they are the roots and region. He was a great family man. a followed by lunch, that was of gourmet information resources in the WCVI foundation our future." leader of our people, an excellent IIIIT all thanks to Bernie region brings the voices and fisherman, and respected man, both to calibre, Chef Canavan[ and Lee Crimsons who language -chah people the Nuuchah -nulth people, and in the of Nuu -nulth The management area prepared an outstanding lunch of deer Albemi Valley, and this memorial to Nuu -chah -nulth communities and corresponds with the traditional soup, chowder, t'ue'tp (sea urchin), and Betty Knighton, widow of Saiyatehapis (Chuck Sam) and family potlatch was both a tribute to his life, beyond. Visitors to the site can Nuu- chah nuhh 'Ha- houlthee'. crab, that all blended together nicely. simply click onto "Sea Creatures" at , atrarri =kw weas and his family. from to business to the F This was great transition to the activities singingg ß handing out of gifts to all that attended. Sam as a - Harry was most remembered wing the Aquatic Management Board This project was made possible afternoon business. of names: Colleen Gus, Chevycrew and what a gift giving it was, and a r kind hearted mat that always had a Sam, Lisa Sam, Alicia Jimmy, Kyle Gus, homepage, and select from a variety through a partnership with the Nuu - Afternoon seemed like a whirlwind of perfect end to a spectacular day filled smile and a hello for all the people on Darren Hickey, Donna May Hickey, with happiness the family will sure to of images of shellfish, mammals and chah -nullh Tribal Council and the Chelsea Macintosh, Alien Sam, and remember to tell their grandchildren. sea life. Web users will then he Nuu -chah -nulth Language project, new l-asha Sam all received names, but the In today's world it's sometimes hard to treated to the voice of Nuu -chah- and with joint funding from the highlight of the afternoon was the imagine that we all lived in a world nulth elder marie Little or Kathy AMB and NEDC. These groups introduction of most of the family 4e,)- vç Sam where the potlatch was the culmination Robinson pronouncing the word they recognize the importance of today, which consisted of 60 plus of a family's great history, but when see before them, and the English nurturing understanding and learning members, and a legacy that Saiyatchapis you are able to attend a piece of our name of the Nuu- chah -nulth language, would be proud of. history you are immediately thrust back :_ which, like many aboriginal Dinner was then.served, and again, to the time not long ago where there The area has such an abundance in Canada, it is risk. another world class meal, with was good food, friends and family languages at everything you could possibly want for celebrating together, and where the of good people, knowledge, culture The project will he a component of a dessert. Reg David, and many others only worries you had were getting and resources -they are the roots large -scale language CD -Rom to be would agree, that it was some of the best through the winter. Potlatches are a and foundation of our future." completed in the near future by the food ever had at a potlatch, again all great way to connect to a past that we Nuu -chah -nulth Language project thanks to the two chefs and their still have in our memory, and a great "Wc are really proud of this Garage Sale 3940 Johnston Street wonderful talent. outlook for our people and where they interactive site," says Cliff Ads. Sr., About WCVI Aquatic Then came time for First Nations other are going. Thank you to the Sam an AMB co- chair. "It's important Management Board: May 21st 9:OOam- 12:00pm to pay their respects to the family of family for allowing me to attend, and because language and culture are The WCVI Aquatic Management Saiyatchapis by perforating and share with everyone what a great and key to how we understand and take Board brings a new approach to informing the people of what a great unforgettable time it was CAR WASH @ NTC /TSESHAHT Parking Lot. care of aquatic resources. Language managing aquatic resources in n he was. May 20th 11:00am- 4:00pm and culture are what drives our Canada based on transparency, Les Sam and family The night capped off with the traditional Support 2 Nuu -chah -ninth l0 &11 year old boys for health and wealth. We have to build participation, accountability and a on our language and culture and broader ecosystem perspective. LACROSSE. See you there and thanks for your continued keep it alive and evolving." The Government and non -government support. easy -to -use and attractive site gives interests work together to develop exposure to Nuu -shah -nulth and implement strategies that address language as well as the diversity of aquatic issues while moving towards The Tall Ships Are Coming!® marine life in the region. Over time, a longer term vision and objectives. more will be added to it. The Board's strategies arc guided by In addition to this fabulous language its principles of Hishtukish Ts'awalk By Alisha Kesler visiting ships and frontline vistas of their historical battle reenactments, tool, a beautiful poster has also been (Everything is One) and lisaak Get ready, everyone. Adjust your replete with smoking brands and produced featuring the images of the (respect), and are developed with the summer schedules and clear your cannon fire. Sea Creatures and their traditional participation of affected parties. The calendars; the Tall Ships®[ are indeed Afterward, climb aboard our steam Nuu- chah -nulth names. The posters management area corresponds with on their way. As an official host port of train for heritage and vineyard will soon be distributed to schools, the traditional Nuu- chah- nulth'Ha- the Tall Ships Challenge® 2105, Pon destinations, marvel at the Water offices, and agencies in the WCVI houlthee'. We invite you to find Alberni enthusiastically welcomes the Bombers, or take a chartered cruise. region, and are an attractive more information at participants of this inimitable event to For those still nursing battle scars after The family of Dakkota Rain McFarlane presentation Nuu- chah www.westcoastaguatic.ca. of -ninth our city. the fact, relax at the Beer Gardens or 4 Organized by the American Sail explore the Maritime Marketplace, Training Association (ASTA), the Tall bustling with artisans, vendors, and The family of the late Barry Sam y Ships Challenge® is an annual series perhaps a pirate or two. of rallies, cruises, and port festivals, The Port Alberni Tall Ships Society TAYLORS FLOWER SHOP with this year's course charting the welcomes First Nations peoples to get pacific coast of North America. involved with our Festival of Sails. We 3020 3rd Avenue Arriving Tuesday, Julyl2th, require adventuresome, enthusiastic international Tall Ships® and sail volunteers of all kinds, sea legs r Port Alberni, B.C. 14f,Or/k(] training vessels will anchor in the notwithstanding. If you can lend your V9Y 2A5 Alberni Harbour until the race departs expertise to this spectacular event, Rn1P.rkalEY(J2ss See waft,Paaa %ron. off the Broken Island Group July 16th. volunteer applications are available VIS0 `yylm63Qo. SI FfOu. As the ships' final port- of-call and online at www.portalbemitallships.ca, Mcalercad formal designation, Port will and at the following locations: www.portalberntflowers.ra- email: taylorsflowersnahawca Alberni host an unrivalled celebration of We deliver world wide! maritime pride and heritage. Echo Community Centre Throughout the festival, Tall Port Alberni Tall Ships® Events Office ( Phone: 723 -6201 4255 Wallace Street 1-d11Dr m_411111 Ships® will open for public boarding from loam toner,' each day. A 5414 Argyle Street, Harbour Quay Richard Sam Sr and family 1- 800 -287 -9961 eleflo Reg Sara, Ron Hamilton, Waller and Kelly Sam l boarding pass allows certain access to Page 12 - Ha- Shilth -Sa - May 19, 2005 Ha- Shilth -Sa - May 19, 2005 - Page 13 Tribal Council Takes Children Hospice Society seeks First Nations Board Members and Volunteers from Province 4T-1,) r By Kim Hoag Coordinator comfort and improving quality of life By Simon Read Council has pursued for more than 20 * Nyo Pacific Rim Hospice Society for those persons who are living with or w r.. 1.401 Director of CHS years. Usma Nuu chah nulth has dying from advanced illness. Hospice provided services to the reserve lr "Volunteers are the heart of hospice.' offers support for people who are Usma Nuu -shah -nulth Family & Child communities since 1986, but had no NUU-CHÁ,H-NULTH'NURSINCx PROGRAM said Kim Hoag, Coordinator, Pacific experiencing grief due to the loss of Services hosted lunch at the Port authority away from home. Negotiations Rim Hospice Society, "Volunteers are loved one. Albemi Friendship Centre on April 1 for have taken more than 5 years, during the Introducing new Zeballos Nurse the front line. We now have our first The AGM July 10th at 1:30pm at the Nuu- chah -nulth Babies 53 foster children and their foster time the provincial government was First Nations hospice volunteer who has Long Beach Golf Course is when new parents, to welcome them into the NTC cutting budgets and reorganizing its My name is Chris Kellett, 1 am the new also agreed to sit as a board member, board members are elected. family. A- inchut Shawn Allen, NTC Ministry. Now agreement has been nurse in Zeballos. Originally from essential when 5 out of 7 of the remote The next volunteer training is Welcomed ..('hair was the Master of Ceremonies reached for the Nuu -chah -nulth Tribal Australia, my husband Ian and I have With Style communities Pacific Rim Hospice September. Hoag is hopefully that at for the event, at which small gifts were Council to take on guardianship for come to Zeballos having spent the last 6 Society serves are First Nations." least two people from each community it, ',ark Watts made to the children and foster parents. foster children in the Alberni area, years working in Nuu a vut and for a "We need First Nations citizens from all will participate. Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Special guests included Jeremy Berland including Bamfield, Torino and Ucluelet. short spell in NWT. west coast communities" to be hospice Please give Kim a call at 725 -2951 if As as my who is the Assistant Deputy Minister of Next year it is planned to add protection well general nurse training I volunteers and board members said you would like to join the board or sign the Ministry of Children and Families service as well. When complete, Usma have a midwifery certification in Port Alberni -On Friday the 131. 6 Hoag. Hospice is dedicated to emotional up for hospice volunteer training. for British Colombia, responsible for Nuu chah -nulth will have the authority Australia and have training as a child brand new people to this world were and social care aimed at providing service transformation, and Julie and resources to deliver seamless service health nurse. My special interests welcomed with open arms to the Nuu - Dawson who is Executive Director of throughout the area. working with elders and chronic disease chah -ninth way of life. the Aboriginal Services Division. Also The current transfer involves about $1.7 processes. lust after 12 Noon at the Nee Waas in dame were Family Care Workers million pa year. Eightyse percent of this office on Fourth Avenue 6 babies were from most of the 14 Nations, NTC staff is for payments for foster homes, about I have noted that very similar introduced at the Nuu- chah -nulth baby and some Chiefs and Councillors who sO percent for enhanced family support health issues are to be found welcoming. This welcoming is to bring took time away from the NTC meeting services, and the remainder for hearts %, work across all the cultures I have full circle, the mothers jou v of Mahs. childbirth, and held the same day at MoM supporting staff and office costs. been exposed to. The majority of to welcome the newest Singers and dancers from Ha- Ho-Payuk Discussions continue on a similar addition of the Nuu -chah -ninth nation to illnesses I have encountered in School performed to mark the occasion. transfer of services for the Northern Hiisteaak Shilth -iis Teech -Maa the world. This is the first oft my travels seem to be related to This event marked an important step on Nuu -chah -nulth region. Chris Kellett receptions that will happen, the second in a journey the Nuu- chah -nulth Tribal (Coming from the Heart) lifestyle issues. October. The baby welcoming has come along included in the lives and culture of many Are you at risk for Heart Disease? Prior to coming to Canada I had been may considering the first, had just 2 The main event was a delightful one, wonderful Inuit folk. We learnt so much working in outback Australia with babies, now, five years later, there are 6 started by Caroline singing for Risk Factors and were amazed at the ability of folk to indigenous Australians for quite a babies to welcome. The day was a everyone, a hoy's lullaby, and a girl's, Age Gender cope with the extreme elements and I umber of years. Like Canada, in axing one, be it little newborn or adult both vary unique, and very delightful to landscapes. In Bay - Resolute we Family History High Blood Pressure outback Australia extended practice alike. 11 started off with a prayer by the cars. 'Then the babies were experienced the 3 months of total High Blood Cholesterol Diabetes nurses as opposed to Doctors deal with Elder Caroline Little, and then a presented with a cedar headband, soda sunshine and 3 months of darkness. We Obesity and Overweight Smoking most of the day -to -day health issues. delicious lunch was served that consisted blanket to keep them warm, and the saw Polar bears and other animals and Physical Inactivity Midwives almost exclusively give Pre of homemade chili and fresh bannock, parents were given a baby goodie bag Stress birds seen only in the north. We natall care and the clients then go to the this followed by the welcoming. tilled with all sorts of information on marveled at the exquisite wild Flowers Would you like to know if you are at larger towns to birth their babies. raising a beautiful and healthy child. that bloomed in the barren landscape The nurses monitor clients with chronic Then it appeared, the day ended just as during the very short summers. We diseases such as diabetes and nurses quickly as it had begun, which was a risk? Want to get tested? danced and celebrated with the deliver most health education. good thing, because when it was over, I communities during occasions Call your local Nuu -chah -nulth Occasionally remote communities too seemed to need a nap, just like the receive visits from Dieticians, and also stared the sorrow and anguish new friends! had made. of young lives needlessly lost to suicide. Community Health Nurse. occupational therapists and I would just like to shack the ladies of physiotherapists. Nurses are assisted in I have noted that very similar health Nee. Waan for including me in the to he found across all the Assistant Deputy Minister Jeremy Berland congratulates NTC and repeats the all their spheres by Aboriginal health ceremony, and more importantly for I have been to. provincial government's comittmant to complete the transfer of child protection workers, these talk arc the cultural cultures exposed The allowing Inc a groat opportunity to see services while Author and singers from Ha- Ho -Payuk School listen. brokers for the communities and also majority of illnesses I have encountered what theft mrc has in storeunIf you he Tii"cVaglc (Mental Health) Contact Numbers are trained to do observation and simple in my travels seem to related to need any further information or would lifestyle issues. Louise Tatoosh Kim Rai moments for clients, they often share like to know when the next welcoming I in the on call duties with life nurses. ate enjoying the change climate and is, don't hesitate to call myself at NTC, Thechuktl (Mental Health) Supers Isar Central Region Huupiistulth the flora and fauna of this area and look People are influenced by Since being in Canada I have worked in or the Friendship Center and ask for the 5001 Mission Road (Prevention) Worker forward to meeting and serving the Resolute Bay and Qikigta juaq to the Ncc -Wane office. P.O. Box 1280 151 First Street Baffin region of Nunavut. During this people of this community and those their environment Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M2 P.O. Box 278 nearby. hoe I was privileged to meet and to be J _RILTi Telephone: 250.724 -5757 Tolin0, BC VOR 2Z0 By Tony Frank, and do drugs. ]here area lot of young Toll Free: 1- 888 -407 -0888 Telephone: 250- 725 -3367 Grade 12 Student. Maabtusiis School people who have no one to show them Fax 250 -7230463 Toll Free: 1-866-001-3367 b different.rent. The child will grow up Confidential Fax: 250.724-6678 Cedillas: 250 -726 -5370 Nuu- chah -nulth Children Poster) ^ 1 Wheal was growing up This essay was composed pv thinking it is normal to Email Itatooshfónuuchahnulth org Fax. 250 -725 -2158 Cmail: Sun. nulaheho filth L my mother used to drink Tony Frank. a grade 12 drink and do drugs all the r and my father still drinks student who it graduating thee J'net August to this day. So growing up from Maagtustis School in Third, if a young person Anita Charleson TO Southern Region Huupiixtulth watching this had a strong June this year While is witness to his or her of (Prevention) Worker West Coast First Nal'unn Counsellor , influence on my drinking preparing for his Provincial parents fighting violently, oO 5001 Mission Read 151 First Street 2re today. Young people do examination in English with the young person will P.O. Box 1280 P.O, Box 278 '1 what they see, and can be secondary leacher Rev Nelson. grow up thinking there is Pon Alberni, BC VOY 7M2 Tonto, BC VOR 2Z0 strongly influenced by he chase the challenging topic nothing wrong with Telephone: 25H- 724 -5757 Telephone: 250- 725 -4470 ' nt. "People are influenced by being violent. When a Toll Free: 1- 888-407 -4888 Cellular: 250- 726 -5422 First, living in a negative their environment." The young person is beaten result Cellular: 250 -720 -1325 Fax: 250- 725 -2158 environment can cause as the sophisticated violently they will most well- Fax: 250- 723 -0463 E-mail: acharleson @nuuchahnulth.org young person to make had written rsxnp slam likely hit their own kids. + ir that Confidential Fax: 25k- 724 -6678 .1 /r, and sometimes stupid follows. Ultimately young people , E -mail: [email protected] decisions. For example 1 Rebecca Aden do what they see, and are Bella Fred grew up in a negative strongly influenced by NIHB Clerk G 1 ç G environment and 1 made st pid their environment. When a young Andrew Kerr Non -insured Health Benefits for decisions.. I stole my Mom s truck and person growsu tin a negative Northern Region Huupiistulth Psychological Counselling and ima got in a police chase. 1 dropped environment, there is a strong possibility _: out of (Prevention) Worker Substance Abuse Treatment V e' school for two years, and I drink and the young person will make had NTC Northern Region Office 5001 Mission Road moke. These are just some decisions, drip or use drugs or grow up of the 100 Ouwatin Road P.O. Box 1280 stupid decisions l made growing up. to be a violent person hexane, BC ivy Pon Alberni, BC V9Y 7M2 Attention all Parents,..17 The poster is ready! Second when a young is Fortunately 1 a a young person person P.O. Box 428 Telephone: 250- 724-5757 exposed to a lot of people drinking or recognizes this negative behavior and Please call Lisa @ the NTC office 724-5757 Gold River, BC VOP Toll Free: I- 888 -407 -4888 doing drugs, there is a strung chance the will try to and break the chain reaction Telephone: 250- 283 -2012 Confidential Fax: 250 -724 -6678 young person will also grow up to drink of this negative behavior. Fax: 250-283 -2122 to arrange pick -up. E -mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Page 14 - Ha- Shilth -Sa - May 19, 2005 Ha- Shilth -Sa - May 19, 2005 - Page 15 There are so many people who Steven A very special Happy Birthday to r Birthdays and Congratulations and 1 would like to thank. Steven ongratul lia Lelaina "Tiara Sr" In Memoriam - ,lutes from Layla Howard and myself Allison Charlcson a tatak°ap .7 L ,.Nathan & Ramona We would like to We would like to (Howard) were married April 23 at Mail jalt 17)J & Christian Charlie - and Robin Rorick. wish our nephew wish our handsome Malts. First of all, we would like to Our Precious Mom in Victoria for the d Love and Hogs Ron Dick Jr a sou Sid Dick Jr a `A thank our children for all of their love, sal" '- arrival of their x oxoxo Rosie Dolly Ross Happy Birthday for happy 19th birthday patience and support in the months we 7 - baby girl Jnrdyn Oct. 31, 1929 - May 27, 2000 Love prepared. We would like to thank our Shannon Makayla Charlie on Saturday, May 18th. for April 11th, you from Sid, Shaken tamed out to be a Chris Lambert. I love you nephew, take parents Bill and Beulah Howard and April 30, 2815. We can't wait to see It has been 5 years since that day we lost you Mom. & family. fine young man, we time out and enjoy your special day. Randy and Edith Fred. Thank you so w Jordyn, love Freda, Daniel, Iii' Kelvin A day that stays in our mind Xoxox love your auntie Marie, Khrystina much from all of our hearts for what you !' & Sharmygirl, and Lil' E. nephew Alvin on May 26, Happy are so proud of you for graduating this and Kate -Lynn. The family and friends that stood by your bedside Birthday to niece Darlene on May 26, A year. Hope you enjoy yourself, you did for us. Edith Thank you for my to my While you fought to stay with us, to your last breath Happy 13th Birthday June 4 - Happy belay to my big bro beautiful dress I really really love it. very Happy Birthday to my sister May 28 deserve nothing but the best. Love from handsome son! Richard Dean Savey on Don Lambert. We love you bro. Xmas You lived each day of your life to the fullest and Tyler May 29. Lots Dad, Man. Sylvia, Rick, Sabrina, Brad, Karen Bob put the design on which brother will Happy Birthday 'ever complaining - going on the best you could May 5th! Wow u and your love your baby sister Marie, Khrystina & turned out perfect, Ray Sim made our of love from (Grandma) Linda. Sheldon, Steven, nieces Shawntaye, as a Wife, Mother, be the same age for a while! I hope that Kate -Lynn. design and Gloria Jean Frank made Grandmother, Sister, Auntie, Friend .... I my MacKenzie. would like to congratulate You are all around - your day is as perfect as you are. I love June 20 -Happy b-day the big 46 out us still the special places we wen siser -in -law Bonita Williams and my Steve's vests, thank you all so much for decorating. To all the singers and all my my together as children and growing up bring us special you with heart handsome son! Also, 1 want to say "Happy 2nd to my other big bro Mike Lambert. From time and love. We brother D. Daryl Tate Jr. on the birth of your really want to dancers that stood with us the whole As does everyone in our family. With all Birthday to my "My Big Guy" Marlins Marie, Khrystina and Kate -Lynn. memories of you their son, Randall George Tate. Randall thank our wedding party for standing time through thank you so much...you my love from your one end only mommy The native sweaters that you knitted for us are now guarded as heirlooms, as we P.M. Mather June 2,, 2004. Son, I cant We would like to wish our sister with us it meant a great deal, theme you made us proud. Nick Howard, Sammy your was born on Monday, April 25, 22005 at know your gifted hands made [Item Dottie and from stun (Francine), believe ur already going to be 2 and you Elizabeth Dick a Happy Birthday for Michelle and Ray and the rest of you. Johnson and Martin Watts Manx for 4:36 a.m., weighing Pubs 12ozs. Ile was A skill passed onto your Melt's (Ruddy. Dare, Mus, Okar already going to be a big brother in May 3rd. Love from Sid, Sharleen & need you from your mom. bom in West Coast General Hospital in We to thank all our Uncles from the speaking for us. Thank you to those who & of course from Lep). September. (long! The terrible 2's on the family. As we look at the family pictures - the pictures we remember you took great care of Pon Alberni, where his family resides. He Howard and Sutherland /Haiyupis travelled from Vancouver for the Happy 35th Birthday Juanita Amos! - manor., of all the good times we shared as family, way; o what am i saying they already We would like to wish our uncle Dan families for their words of advice and wedding we love you all. Geneva Faith, is the 4th son bom to Bonita and Darryl. Births, Birthdays, On May 4th! Dare to be good! lust started I1 months ago when u started Touchier a for 4th. Weddings, School, Anniversaries Randall siblings are David III, Joshua. Happy Birthday May knowledge of culture. Uncle Barney we Francis says "Love you and thank you'. T Take care. From your coz, We keep these pictures as a connection to you kidding. walking and yapping. But I love you son. Love from Sid, Sharleen & family. love you and thank you for your time Of and we do too sis. Keve and Wits ó Gladys and Geri Tate. Congratulations to To smile again as we see your beautiful face Dottie. Love your mom and dad!!! (Kim and We would like to wish Cissy & Jamk and hope to see you soon. Thank you to Manx for watching our kids we love you. my you both on your new addition to the Thank you Mom for giving us that precious gift Happy Belated Birthday to sister Craig Mather) a Happy Anniversary for May IIth. those who helped us with such a fine Molly for of and I wish you all the best, Love opening the hall every week family, I a (cousin) Alice May John on May To my dear sister Robyn Happy 34th life and love- for always being there for each and from you sister Karen and Andrew Love from Sid, Sharleen & family. meal...to Tim, Moy and Jan, Moy Jr and thanx for the dedication. Finally and C I al Love your cuz, Dottie. every one of us. Birthday!!! did i say tar age out- 1 Mack, and Tate family! O would like to wish my good friend Dianna, Georgina, Buster and Angel, importantly a man who stood by us the whole You stood behind us - Happy 1st Birthday to my niece's land??? I cant believe tar that old now Peggy Tate a for May unconditionally supporting us We would like to Congratulate Cindy happy Birthday Sandi and Boma Edith, and Kevin and the swhole time through from beginning 8th We are whatever direction our lives took - always leaving baby Mary on May always sister but you know i got great love for Roberts and Jeremy Martin on the birth 19th. Have a good are. Love from Emmy Titian. To those who cooked to end, Uncle Eddie tones. Them for going to have a terrific day together baby the door open for your family when they were in of their daughter, Destiny Cheyenne you. Enjoy ur upcoming birthday on June Sharleen, Sid & family. thank you to each and everyone of you, holding us up and keeping us strong. and My Birthday present! Don't smear 25th. love ur sister Kim, brother in law need of help . Martin. Destiny was born on Wednesday, We would like to wish our niece you saved our lives. As well, Helen and Thank you to all who came to spend a any cake on me ok? Love Grandma and or nephew Markus. a 16th 'Always in our hearts and loving and missing you forever April 27, 2005 at 8:30 p.m. and weighed Craig Cynthia Dick happy sweet Faith Watts, Angel Cannonon and my wonderful and memorable day. We love Dottie. to my nephew hors. in Happy Birthday birthday for May 24th. Love from uncle sista Mel Fred thanks for the beautiful you all. Love Mr and Mn Howard. 711s. She was born Torino Your Florally circle is unbroken The reason I say that is because this Richard Little.. on June 25th. I never Sid, auntie Sharleen & family. General Hospital, and has 5 siblings; baby girl was born on my 35th Birthday forget tar birthday son! Enjoy ur day from Darwin Jr. and Michael Jeffrey, and A very Happy Congratulations which happens to be on Mother's Day auntie Kim, Craig and Markus. .í1 Rosie Ross - Rosa's 2nd Mom this year! double whammy for me Jeremy Jr., Cassandra and Ashley Martin. Birthday to Nick So May 21 - Happy birthday Nick Watts. to David Wiwchar Congratulations to you both from, Walls! Wishing you October 31, 1929 - May 27, 2000 this year! Happy Birthday to me and From Val & Boyd Gallic. Andrew and Karen Mack. the best on your for winning the Canadian Mary! Happy birthday to us! I love me May 22 - happy birthday Boyd Happy 23rd Birthday to my favourite birthday! Hoping When Rosa was a baby, with all my hear and soul forever and Gallic. love from your honey. 1 Association of Journalists bug, June Titian on May 18. Love you that your day is Rosa's grandmother became a second L` d ever. Lave always, Dottie! May 29 - Happy 21st birthday Tyrone 1 lots! Mom. filled with Special award in the community mother to her. -T1 Happy Mother's Day to the greatest Gallic, love mom and dad. We would also congratulate Janine She believed in Rosa who needed a mommy in the whole wide world! My 'Aire Surprises!m May all bit May 19 - Happy b-day Marsha Edgar _j /ñ . newspaper categorycats or for Barney and Ken Sam Jr on the birth of your come tract Keep up the more are due to being bom a "special beautiful, helpful, thoughtful and over in Burnaby. From Marie Lambert. drams their daughter Nicole Dion Alexandria e -nulth Blood Returns child" c wonderful mommy Agnes Rose John on great work at school! Wishing you r -, Nuu- chah May 26 - Happy b-day Samantha Barney -Sam. Nicole was bom on She never tired - with love and patience my birthday this year May 8th. Love Edgar. From Marie, Khrystina and Kate- success! Hope your B -Day is filled with to West Coast story! Thursday, April 28, 2005 at 8:30 p.m.. she she taught Rosa how to look after herself. always your oldest Babe Dorothy Louise fun! Know - you're loved and thought oft 1 a.tl a weighed 9 Ibs. She was born in West Yon. Way to go David! We can still hear Mom reminding Rosa to - Savoy (Dean). All these wishes are for you! You're my i ¡^ - b to f May Happy -day my nephew Coast General Hospital in Port Alberni. 28 "brush your hair, brush your teeth, change Happy Mothers Day to all my sisters special son! Love your mom. From the staff of Ha- Shilth -Sa. r I. .,21 s Nicole has Andrea your clothes, use lotion to keep skin soft, wash your face, wash your hair-. because they are all mammies Darlene 3 siblings; big sister your . I would like to my husband Wayne L. Kenneth Sam III, and brother Deshawn. r, She never gave p on her gmddaagbler and '' inei Rose Id 't b ..fin she Billy, Samantha Oscar (Billy), Florence u y o`4u- Tate a very Happy 9th Anniversary for is today, a very loving and giving young lady without the love of her grandmother, Agnes John, Cecelia John, Agatha Congratulations to you both from Andrew I'd like to wish Happy 23rd and Karen Mack. May 30, 2005. Although we have been who she misses every day. (Lucille) Billy, Virginia Billy (Thomas), Priscilla Sabbas a Birthday to my We would like to wish our sister Ivy manied for two. Runny. I am so proud of Rosa still needs a helping hand, bur her Mom and her family will be there, like our Arlene John, Josie Billy, Agatha John happy 27th favourite bug, a ho you have become. You area Mom, with patience and a lot of love and care and understanding. (Don't know how to spell your married Mae Martin very happy 27th birthday birthday on May on May 17. wait to see you at the wonderful, great provider. You are an June Titian on Taking her on special trips to the casino and bingo. name), Annie John, Alice John and of Can't 22nd. Hope it's a wing, loving and caring father . You are May 18. Lore course Dorothy John and Rosalie Frank end of the month:) Love your sisters: L good one. From a considerate, generous and thoughtful lots! Morn. II I for you. (Harry). Love you all Take care and Tina, Sabrina & Carla Halvorsen. Nick. you Everything do. do I would like to say "Happy 35th husband. Me, I'm the one you chase out Love Sherry & Rosa hope to hear from you all soon. Love á wanted me Dottie belated Birthday" on may 12th to my I of all the people, you the most loving husband Craig S Mather aka For that, I thank you. 1 don't know who or Happy Mother's Day to My other Great spirits have over and over acknowledged us "Guppy" . Another year tagged on there where I would be without you. Thank you Mom's Florence Mary John and Patsy poets nook How they have cherished us all always- especially my dear husband but I still love you e for the past nine years, we have share so Nicolaye and of Course my mom -in -law During times of sorrow and denial and despair dearly! I hope you enjoyed your far! Sure, we have had our downs along the way, but we continue to learn and make Cecelia Savoy. I hope your days are as Listen to them drum listen to them whisper the words of wisdom day...ahh ugh i probably drove you nuts the but of our journey. Thank you for our gorgeous, beautiful babies. They adore Wound up in a world special as all of our day. With Love from There are limes as we watch love ones destroy themselves but that is what a wife does best!!!! love you. Hurray, 1 am so glad and happy to have you. I love you and cherish you. Dottie. By means of drop alcoholism abuse and physical violence ur wife Kim Mather (Frank) You're still the one! Your wife Melissa. Happy Mothers Day to my other Written By Norma -Ann Webster How did this happen and why did it happen is the most common question sisters Margaret Sheila, Roberta and I would like to congratulate my niece, We can ask a million councillors this question May 24 - Happy Evelyn Savey. Take special time out for Marquel Frank and Alex Thomas on the birth Wound up in a world that defines how we should be- What it comes down took "Do we want this to continue? 16th Birthday me too. Okay just kidding I am rubbing it of their baby girl, [Crystal Frances Esther lIn-- should we be? Why are there so many expectations? Do we want our children's children to team these ways? Cynthia and ya still in now. Yes this day is mine too. Love Thomas, was bom on Thursday, April 14, A mother - A grandmothers - A sister- A friend Take time out to listen if not to yourself- than listen to your children have pinchable your sista, Dottie. 2005 at 8:06 pm., she weighed 7lbs 7ozs. What more can anyone ask for- It is such a world that The broken dreams and promises - no longer need to be their priority cheeks. Love John, Happy Birthday to Rename on May - Ir.?'' She was horn at West Coast General Hospital Often feels contained and confined - of this is how it should be We are the adults and the aunts- uncle's grandparents Ann & Phillip. 5, Happy Birthday to Randolph on May e M Port Alberni with delivery room full of Transform into who you really are- not who you are not In the may this was truly respectful experience - Y , ah 2, Happy Birthday to Gordie and Jason expectant grandmas, grandpas and great - Today real life consists of both negative & positive Our first Nation wmMt -Arc strength- Are courage- Are direction on May 15, Happy Birthday i- grandparents as well. She also has a great - The darkness draws one in by ones own weakness to cousin And are the wisdom We would like to Chuck on May 20, Happy Birthday to tin' , great grandmother Jane Peters of Gelatin. It It is like the total opposite of what really is- how is one This should never be taken for granted- without our grandmothers wish our beautiful was an honor to witness the birth of such a To have a good hart- when it deems all the work done And grandfathers we have to remember the stories that they have learned daughter Sabrina precious girl sent from the creator to join our Is unrecognized it is not the promises that endure the soul From past generations- bragging- self centeredness -violence and abuse May 18 - I would Dick a very happy families. This precious girl has a very long It is the lack of it- this despair goes unnoticed because Have to be distinguished and put out like fire like to send big l family root. Marque! Frank is the daughter of '\ '4 sweet 16th birthday It than become a normal way of life - does it not? They have no place in our hearts as First Nation's people hugs and kisses out Russell Frank of , who ' for May 7th. Hope The room darkens- the drapes are drawn the doors are locked We are the givers of life we respect our lands too my beautiful Sot\ is the son of Irene Frank and the late Archie Frank Sr. Marquel's mom is Peggy Tate, your day is special No one is there no one understands and it seems no one cares We honour our children and our elders 1!- a daughter Khrystina aJ dauphin to David and Frances Tate Tale Robinson) of Ditidaht First Nation. Alexander as you are to us We go out some days are good others the same old... And best of we connect with the elements of life Lamben on her t¡ Thomas is the son of Richard Thomas ofAhousaht who is the son of Winnie John and Love you a whole Why than are we here- to live life the same old way The earth - the air- the fire - the water ( special day. Happy William Howard. Ales' mom is Ina Dick daughter of Alec and Darlene Dick (nee hunch. From Dad, To wake up and to the same thing day in and day out. Respect your spirit and your soul will replenish 15 birthday Campbell) of Alsousahl Krysten has many proud young Autos and Uncles and many Mom, Son, Sylvia, Rick, Brad, Sheldon, Awaken your spiel and let it feel and hear In to what you where intended to be in the first place daughter. I love you with all my hart proud grandparents. She is also the first of (David Tate's immediate family) 5th Steven, nieces Shawntaye & Allow yourself to really understand the energies of life Soso Love your Mom and baby sister generation. Congratulations to you both Marquel and Alex, Love from AuntGrandmaGrandmaa MacKenzie. Break on through to the other side and look at how the Kate -Lynn. Karen Mack and Uncle Andrew. Dedicated to the families of our Nation. Page 16 - Ha- Shilth -Sa - May 19, 2005 Ha- Shilth - May 19, 2005 - Page 17

Anniatrs. , -. Attention Uchucklesaht Tribe Members Nuu -chah -nulth and Treaty Information buk'aa naá?' uugsta7iEin huuhtak8iih 7uu7uuk'asatha events are very important! and descendants Career Opportunities - q "i- cah- to -mis Registering Come and join us in learning to speak our own language Birth Registrations: his important to get baby registered as soon as otir parental consent for Registration /Statement possible. You must complete the We are currently accepting applications for enrolment in the Hesquiaht First Nation Office Manager. of Band Affiliation form and provide the LARGE form birth certificate, these haaÿiïmup little black chitons also known as rock sticken. Purpose: Maa -Nulth Treaty. To actively support and uphold Hesquiaht First Nation's stated Mission and consent forms can be obtained through your Band Office or at the NTC Statement of Goals and Principals. The purpose of this position is to manage staff on Office. Registration takes 6 - 8 weeks. This notice is posted in our effort to ensure that applications The haaÿfstuup can be picked. low tide, the lower the better. a day to day basis, delegating administrative and other work to ensure effective Transfers: Are you wishing to transfer to another Band? Write to the Band for enrolment forms are available for every known person ?uyaat lchlliib:a haaÿhèmup haaÿaakquu, tupi wikcuk baaÿiis ?akquu Tribal operations. you want to transfer into. Once accepted you will need to complete a consent who may be eligible to be enrolled as beneficiaries of the Maa- Relationships: The Office Manager is under the general supervision of the Director to transfer form, also, notify the Band you are currently in and let them know of Tribal Operations. This position will have daily cont. with staff community nulth final agreement When you pick further up on the rocks, they are not as good. intentions. embers, Hereditary Chiefs, Chief Councillor, and Councillors. External contacts your histiipasiatquu wihii ?asa9i witragk ?oat. Metal. Marriages, divorces, name change, deaths: Please provide appropriate For further information, please contact Tina Robinson at the include outside agencies, businesses, represenmtives from the Nuu chah nulth Tribal certificates to up date the Indian Registry Lists. A consent form needs to be Uchucklesaht Tribe Office. Phone - 250.724.1832 or Toll Free Council, and from venom N. chah nulth communities. A stiff knife or a straight blade can be used to pry them off completed for any name changes. 1.888.724.1832. For a detailed job description please call. ?uuhwat?at Clime kumt haaÿiëtuup ?i Only those short listed will be Are you turning 18 soon? If you would like your own registration number Vista*. contacted for an interview. Deadline for application is May 27, 200504:30 p.m. then -you have to submit a letter of request. Process also takes 6 - 8 weeks (no TSESHAHT FIRST NATION CULTURAL RESOURCE CENTRE Resumes may be faxed to the Personnel Committee c/o (250) 270 -1102 or longer automatic). You have to be quick to pry them off , if you hit them they stick harder Open to anyone interested in teaming more about Tseshaht history. WO emailed to: [email protected]. All documents are to be submitted to Rosie Little - Indian Registry ',rank easkái?at kumtkhclsT hat, O'idaa?ukaq ?oat x ieItiiOeOaqu. Mission Rd. - Chi

Tourism has been called the fastest Nation tribes and entrepreneurs the r growing industry in the world and in BC opportunity to develop their products and is currently the third largest revenue bring them to market. However, it is not generator. easy to start any business let alone one in ,_,y.. ^.- As in any industry there are times of a fairly new and very dynamic industry. 1 growth (opportunity), maturity (niche Some of the challenges you may face I marketing and diversification) and include: J, decline (businesses will leave the creating community awareness and industry). There are also events that support may negatively impact: for example the finding qualified people to manage effects of September 11, 2001 and and/or staff your business SARS are still being felt in some areas. short seasons and weather changes But the industry is rebounding and resource issues that conflict with ....r - travel to Canada and British Columbia is tourism needs and values once again increasing. tribal politics "The turning point came when the guiding/water taxi business Special events or one -time occurrences, land, treaty and resource allocation became more lucrative than commercial fishing." Wilfred Atleo, whether regional, national or provincial issues Adventure Tourism. may positively impact by attracting To assist you in moving your ideas 'If only I'd known,' are famous last human resource strategy: how will more visitors to your area. Knowing forward we've assembled some key words that you don't need applied to you recruit and train staff your target market will help you take components: product development, your new business, so learn as much as financial plan: how will you make advantage of the best opportunities for business planning and marketing. you can before you start. Research is a and spend money include budgets your business. These components are crucial to both - critical component of product and cash flow projection Other factors that influence the growth business development and the accessing development and comes in many forms: and development of tourism are: of commercial financing. Lending personal work or volunteer An effective business plan is revisited an aging tourist population - Institutions don't finance good ideas they experience and updated on a regular basis; it is a changes the quality and kinds of finance viable businesses - they want to workshops, conferences and valuable tool that assists the activities travellers are looking for know that you know where you're going tradeshows entrepreneur in decision -making and accessibility - infrastructure and how you're going to get there. existing business operators shows him/her the business progress to development particularly air access Product Development internet: industry, government and date, including areas of and safety concerns strength There are some golden rules for business websites weakness. environmental issues successful product development and industry associations: they exist to NEDC has tools to assist with the Tourism, particularly cultural heritage particularly if you're a new entrepreneur make you more successful development of your business plan. For and adventure, is currently in a growth this is not something you jump into - it experts including community elders more information about NEDC or their period offering opportunities for is very seldom that you can have a dream hardcopy: books, trade magazines, programs please contact the main office business entry. This can give First one day and make it a reality the next. brochures, etc. at (250) 724 -3131 or visit the NEDC First you need to understand what you're The more you know about your product website at www.nedc.info. offering and if anyone wants to buy it; before you start your business the better Watch for 'Marketing Your Tourism the following four points will help you prepared you are to take it to market. Business' in the June 02nd issue of with this: Business Plan your Ha Shilth Sa. define your product or service Preparing your business plan helps you is there market demand who and - to understand how you will reach your how much goals. It shows you where you're going, does this make business sense is it - how you'll get there and what you need viable to do. One very successful entrepreneur can you provide it at a reasonable took over a year to develop his business cost plan - it paid off in a strong, viable and . I The industry is seeing a shift from financially sound business. escapism to experiential travel; does your The components of a standard business _lßá `I ,.tia product take advantage of this 1 - plan include: Business Planning "It all takes opportunity? executive summary: a brief I If your product has a cultural component time and from the beginning we overview of your entire plan how will it be presented in a respectful decided we don't move forward target market information: who are Product Development "In and acceptable way? Do you have until we know it's right. Our your customers developing Kiixan we involved support for this from your community, motto for marketing plan: how will advertise the whole community; it's been a each step of growth elders, etc.? Remember, running a First your product or service and development is 'that it be Nation tourism business is the same as slow process but now we are operating plan: how you will keep the best it can be." Lewis running any business first you have to ready to move forward together - you business running over time survive. and share story." ..n George. our Nuu- chah -nulth Economic Development Corporation (250) 724 -3131 www.nedc.info to promote and assist the development, establishment and expansion of the business enterprises of Nuu- chah -nulth Tribes and Tribal members 20 wend - t914- 2X4