\\jciprod01\productn\H\HLH\27-1\HLH105.txt unknown Seq: 1 29-MAY-14 9:02 Grappling at the Grassroots: Access to Justice in India’s Lower Tier Jayanth K. Krishnan, Shirish N. Kavadi, Azima Girach, Dhanaji Khupkar, Kalindi Kokal, Satyajeet Mazumdar, Nupur, Gayatri Panday, Aatreyee Sen, Aqseer Sodhi, and Bharati Takale Shukla* From 2010 to 2012, a team of academic and civil society researchers conducted extensive ethnographies of litigants, judges, lawyers, and court- room personnel within multiple districts in three states: Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Himachal Pradesh. This Article provides an in-depth ac- count of the everyday struggles these actors face in the pursuit of their respective objectives. The findings illustrate a complex matrix of vari- ables—including infrastructure, staffing, judicial training and legal awareness, costs and continuances, gender and caste discrimination, power imbalances, intimidation and corruption, miscellaneous delays, and chal- lenges with specialized forums—impact access to justice in the lower tier. The results of this study offer competing yet complementary narratives. On one hand, there is immense despair, frustration, and anger among the various sets of respondents about the current state of the lower tier. At the same time, however, there is great hope and optimism among individuals who work in the judicial sphere, as well as litigants desperately seeking to gain relief from long-endured grievances, toward what the lower tier * Jayanth Krishnan, is Professor of Law at Indiana University Bloomington and can be reached at
[email protected]. The three NGOs associated with this project are the Centre for Social Justice, Jagori Grameen, and the National Centre for Advocacy Studies.