- BIOGRAPHY - PRESS REVIEW with translation - FUTURE PROJECTS - REFERENCES - PHOTO BOOK • Still photos • Scene photos BIOGRAPHY Dajana Roncione is an italian actress borned in Palermo. She started acting in a Thomas Stearns's play directed by Pietro Carriglio “Assassinio nella Cattedrale” at 18 years old at the Teatro stabile Biondo. After that she decided to move to Rome in order to study at the National Academy of Dramatic Art “Silvio D'Amico” and where she gratuated in 2007. She had the honor to work with Luca Ronconi, Armando Pugliese, Giancarlo Sepe, Giorgio Albertazzi, Gabriele Lavia, Gabor Stefan, Jhon Axelrod, Katia e Marielle Labeque and also with the very known italian filmmaker Michele Placido in “Il Grande Sogno” where she plays Isabella. She acted in different television and cinema movies like “L'Ultimo re” directed by Aurelio Grimaldi, “La Croce e La Stella” by Salvatore Lo Piano and for the theatre projects she acted in “Il Sogno del principe di Salina, l'ultimo Gattopardo” directed by Andrea Battistini and Luca Barbareschi, ”La rosa tatuata” of Tennesse Williams directed by Francesco Tavassi, The “Misantropo” of Moliere directed by Paolo Zuccari ,”Reason To Be Pretty” of Neil Labute directed by Fabrizio Arcuri, ”Il Vero Amico” of Carlo Goldoni directed by Lorenzo Lavia, ”Tutto per bene” a Pirandello's play directed by Gabriele Lavia ,”Amadeus” of Peter Shaffer directed by John Axelrod, “Otello” directed by Paolo Zuccari. Recently she worked for the second time with Michele Placido in a Goldoni's play “Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore” where she plays the role of the stepdaughter. She was one of the lady lead characters in the episode “Una lama di luce” of Montalbano series directed by Alberto Sironi written by Andrea Camilleri in 2013. Also she took part in many of the mini Rai series as “Il Sogno del Maratoneta “ regia di Leone Pompucci (2012), “Edda Ciano e il comunista” Graziano Diana (2011), “Il Nostro Amico Walter Chiari” E. Monteleone (2011),”Ben tornato Nero Wolfe” R. donna (2012), “IL segreto dell’acqua” R. De Maria (2010). For the last projects she worked for “La Mafia Uccide solo d'Estate” season two directed by Luca Ribuoli and available from april 2018. From October 2018 she will come back at theatre with the Michele Placido's play. She has been nominated best up and coming actress with the “Efesto D'Oro” award at the Napoli Cultural Classic. In 2014 she worked with a french video artist Natalie Joffre in order to realize a video about Tina Modotti called “At the age of the double” supported by KML foundation. Recently she participated in the Tina Modotti documentary commissioned by History Rai, and directed by Federico Cataldi with who she's working for a cinematographic project. PRESS REVIEW AF MAGAZINE - gennaio 2019 AF MAGAZINE - gennaio 2019 AF MAGAZINE - gennaio 2019 AF MAGAZINE - gennaio 2019 AF MAGAZINE - gennaio 2019

Vanity Fair Magazine January 2019 interview with Loredana Bertè

Dajana Roncione has been chosen to interpret you “Courageous.”

Roncione has said that to get into her role she started with the idea that you Loredana are free because you’re not afraid. Do you agree? “When you’ve passed just about everything nothing scares you. You can look into the abyss or jump into the dark. You can’t control the future so live by the day.” SICILIA IN ROSA – February 24 th 2019 SICILIA IN ROSA – February 24 th 2019

“Me in Bertè’s shoes without trying to imitate her.” The Sicilian actress as the singer in the film I am Mia. “It wasn’t easy but in the end Loredana gave me compliments.”

When as a young woman she left her home in Monreale Palermo to chase her dreams of becoming an actress, Dajana Roncione didn’t yet know that from her suitcase, made out of dreams and love for acting, she’d have to pack the perfect dress to wear for every character played. Such courage, permitting her to explore theatre, cinema and television, has lead her to the latest challenge of playing Loredana Bertè in I am Mia (Io sono Mia) directed by Riccardo Donna. A film dedicated to Mia Martini, it first came out in cinemas and was then broadcasted last February 12th on RaiUno attracting a boom of spectators. “I interpreted the role of Loredana,” explains the young Sicilian actress, “ studying aspects about her personality that hit me the most. Her energy, her curious eyes and her courage.” SICILIA IN ROSA – February 24 th 2019

Playing the role of Loredana Bertè has been a challenging goal. How did you approach the role?

In the beginning I was a little scared not only because I was to play one of the most important icons of the Italian music panorama, but because I was to play her in the period of the 1970s when Loredana Bertè was not yet a rock star. The biggest challenge really was this and showing such lesser-known beginnings to the public. Galeotta was an interviewer who saw Nina Simone the American singer and affirmed that freedom means not having fear. I started off from here, trying to feel free and not have fear of confronting new challenges. SICILIA IN ROSA – February 24 th 2019

On the internet there is a photo of you and Loredana embracing. What did she say to you after seeing the film?

She was shocked by my interpretation and complimentary for the fact that I didn’t imitate her nor risked richly highlighting aspects of her strong personality. The advice on set from Alba Calia’s, Loredana and Mimi’s best friend, was extremely precious. She showed us some important areas of thought for that period.

I am Mia is a film that touches significant themes such as bullying.

Yes, I feel very fortunate to have taken part in this project realised as a gift for asking forgiveness to the extraordinary Mia Martini. Even if I knew Mimi and Loredana’s music, it’s thanks to the script that I was able to understand the dynamics of the events. It’s certainly an educational film that puts malice and nastiness and how it can destroy the life of a person into the spotlight. Essentially it speaks about the artistic integrity of a woman who fights for her great passion. SICILIA IN ROSA – February 24 th 2019

You also left southern Italy like Loredana and Mimi to realise you dream. How did that all start?

I started studying theatre from a very young age and then collaborated with the theatre Stabile di Palermo. Acting was a passion born out of the need to express my emotions, bringing them forward through the craft. I’m a very emphatic person and curious to understand how others live and how they confront determining circumstances. Acting allows me to better understand and explore such things. I chose to undertake an educational artistic path and moved to Rome in 2014 to study at the Silvio D’Amico National Academy of Dramatic Arts. SICILIA IN ROSA – February 24 th 2019

And since then you’ve collaborated with Michele Placido, Giuseppe Tornatore and have had a roles in television series such as The Commissioner Montalbano and The Mafia Only Kills in Summer – Chapter 2. But when did you really feel an actress?

I think it would be wrong to feel like an actress only during the shooting of a film. I always feel an actress because I’m aware of the artistic path I’m taking and my professional growth. There’s certainly been a moment when I was playing the role of the stepdaughter in Six Characters in Search of an Author by Pirandello that particularly marked my artistic life. I loved much of the role because it helped me bring forward a kind of courage that I didn’t know I even had. The same courage accompanied me while acting in the film dedicated to Mia Martini.

How difficult is it today for a woman to build a professional identity in the world of entertainment without giving into advances?

It’s true that working in the world of entertainment is complicated but it’s generally like that for most women working in various sectors. You need to persevere if to maintain as a whole your artistic and working identity; it’s all a question of choice. You have to choose to keep your values and above all learn when to say no. GILT MAGAZINE – February 5 th 2019 GILT MAGAZINE – February 5 th 2019 Gilt Magazine online 5th February 2019

Dajana Roncione: being an actress teaches you how to be a “quiet rebel”

Dajana Roncione is a palermitana actress of remarkable success. Among her most recent projects she’s acted in the series The Mafia Kills only in Summer (La Mafia Uccide Solo d’Estate) directed by Luca Ribuoli, shown last April on primetime RaiUno. Currently Roncione is touring the theatre production of Six Characters in search of an Author (Sei personaggi in Cerca D’Autore) directed by Michele Placido. Soon we will see her playing the part of Loredana Bertè in the feature-length film I am Mia (Io sono Mia) dedicated to the celebrated figure Mia Martini. On the occasion of this biopic broadcasting that will take place on RaiUno primetime this February 12th Gilt has had the pleasure of asking her a few questions.

Hello Dajana, how did your getting into acting come about?

By a combination of circumstances. Since childhood I have always been particularly empathetic, attracted to people and questioning. Let’s say that at a certain point I allowed myself to express my feelings. With the excuse of wearing a mask I started acting while at secondary school and at my very first play I knew it would become my profession. Studying to become a certain character allows you to adopt different points of view, experiment with other versions of yourself and break free from common stereotypes. This fascinates me a lot. Gilt Magazine online 5th February 2019

We’re used to seeing you act in films that we could define as sharing common Italian memory. At what point do you feel you are in your career?

I’m proud to say I don’t feel I’ve ever arrived at a finishing point. Art, such as acting, is constant creation, and arriving somewhere would perhaps mean the death of art, no? I prefer to explore the opposite side of this spectrum so for me my craft means constant discovery. I’m convinced that what really counts is to live a path and, I would add, how one lives is even more important than the final result.

Lets come to the biopic I am Mia. The lives and careers of Mia Martini and her sister Loredana Bertè moved through extremes, soaring past compromises and mediocrity. Would you describe yourself as calm or a rebel?

My craft teaches, “quiet rebellion”. I’m convinced that artists of any category need to battle strenuously in order to maintain their own real integrity. They need to know how to mediate and not “sell themselves” while always keeping faithful to their choices. Gilt Magazine online 5th February 2019

There’s a side of Mia Martini hardly discussed or known of, but that is perhaps one of the most important aspects about her if to understand her personality, complexity and roughness: namely her feminism and awareness of what it meant to be a woman in the Italian society of that time. Do you feel an equally determined fighter?

This side of Mia Martini clearly shines through her times of forced upon struggle as well as the choices she made as an artist. I believe that all women, for the fact that they are women, need to battle, and it’s up to us women to decide how. My feminine role model to whom I refer is Tina Modotti the noteworthy photographer, activist and Italian actress. At a certain point she made a choice: she left everything in order to change her life and become a political activist, strongly contributing to her (our) country. I don’t know if I’d be able to accomplish such feats, but everyday I try in my own small way to assume responsibility, keeping aware of the fact that every choice I make has its’ own further effects. At present I believe that before anything else, it’s necessary to begin with ourselves from the inside if to revolutionise. Gilt Magazine online 5th February 2019

Loredana Bertè wore a fake belly well before Lady Gaga, while Madonna robbed her Bertè’s jacket, going on to use it in one of her publicity campaigns. These are just a few anecdotes that show Loredana Bertè as a source of inspiration, trend starter and seductive, feminine icon of the 1970s. What attracted you to Loredana’s character in the biopic?

I immediately liked the idea of playing Loredana also if I don’t deny feeling slightly intimidated by her; just the name itself provokes a feeling that’s difficult to put into words. Loredana is a nonconventional woman who managed to express her femininity in extreme ways and through authentic protests that were never vulgar. I enjoyed immerging myself in her overflowing and provoking energy. I worked on her physicality, her being a provoker, her non-connection to stereotypes and inexhaustible capacity to reinvent herself. This biopic shows us an unknown Loredana: not the rock star we know her as, but as a budding young woman who is supporting her sister in the plight to artistically confirm herself as both a woman and singer during a particular period of history that certainly wasn’t easy for her. Gilt Magazine online 5th February 2019

You’ve also worked in theatre next to Michele Placido. What fascinates you the most about cinema and theatre?

They are two different worlds and I wouldn’t know which of the two allows me to express myself better. The theatre gives the opportunity to live and experience a person from beginning to end. Having a single constant flow of contact with that character, the actor merges into the person they are playing without any interruption. Everyday and for everyone involved, the theatre gives the keys to truth and teaches us to listen and relive every single moment differently each time. The magic of theatre is in its ritual. Cinema instead focuses on detail: each moment and breath counts. I hope to continue to do both because for me it’s important to play parts in both categories and speak both their languages.

Many special thanks to Dajana Roncione for her kindness and availability. GQ Italia online 14th February 2019 GQ Italia online 14th February 2019 GQ Italia online 14th February 2019 GQ Italia online 14th February 2019 GQ Italia online 14th February 2019

Dajana Roncione between Loredana Berté and Thom Yorke

After the success of I am Mia (Io sono Mia) where she plays the part of Loredana Berté splendidly, everyone’s talking about Dajana Roncione, the actress who has robbed Thom Yorke’s heart.

Beautiful and talented with a rockster soul, Dajana Roncione is the actress that everyone’s talking about thanks to her splendid performance as Loredana Berté in I am Mia the biography based upon the life of Mia Martini (with actress Serena Rossi). The film has been a great public success first in cinemas and then on television. Dajana, who has always chosen discretion regarding both her professional and private life, now finds herself thrown into the limelight. Added to this, many have also discovered her love story with long time public figure Thom Yorke. GQ Italia online 14th February 2019

Who is Dajana Roncione?

Born in Palermo, Dajana Roncione first decided to act in theatre, something that remains one of her greatest passions still today. In 1999 she debuted with The Giants of the Mountain Luigi Pirandello. After graduating from The Silvio D’Amico National Academy of Dramatic Art, she’s had opportunities to work alongside actors such as Mariangela D’Abbraccio and Luca Barbareschi as well as directors Andrea Battistini, Gabriele Lavia and Michele Placido.

In 2012 she directed a production of Room 201 (Stanza 201) based on a text by Lorenzo Rulfo. On television she’s starred in the mini series Paolo Borsellino and Crime Novel (Romanzo Criminale) while then turning to cinema in 2009 thanks to Michele Placido who casted her in The Big Dream (il grande sogno). Other films in which one can admire her? Barría by Giuseppe Tornatore or The Last King (L’utimo re) by Aurelio Grimaldi. On T.V she returned last year with the series The Mafia Kills only in Summer Chapter 2 (La mafia uccide solo d’estate). La Repubblica 13th February 2019 La Repubblica 13th February 2019

Dajana and the film about Mia Martini

“I knew I had to start from a certain state of liberty and this frightened me a lot.” A challenge with herself, the challenge of the Palermitana actress Dajana Roncione who plays the part of Loredana Berté in the film I am Mia (Io sono Mia) based on the true story of Mia Martini shown last night on RaiUno. “I had to transmit her physical energy, her strong and intense eyes,” tells Roncione. “Watching videos of Loredana and her interviews, I understood that I had to feel free just like her. But, if I wanted to be free like Loredana Berté, I understood that I couldn’t have fears anymore. Starting from those thoughts, I began preparing for the role. I had to do a lot of work with myself as this era in history is not one that’s well recorded.” In fact the film tells the story about Mia and Loredana’s move to Rome in the early 1970s when Loredana was not yet a rock star. “Those years were perhaps the most fun for her,” continues Roncione. “It was that period in which both sisters, at the start of their music careers, tried to build their destiny. The Fiat 500, Loredana’s forgotten shorts – above all there was her desire to literally eat up and consume life in large bites, enjoying all of it as much she could. I didn’t try to imitate her, but tried rather to restore her essence. La Repubblica 13th February 2019

I said to myself: I want to feel her. That’s how I went about preparing for the role.” She’s the girlfriend of Radiohead’s frontman Thom Yorke; “ We met through friends and have known each other for a very long time.” It comes naturally to ask if she sought advice from the British band’s frontman on how to interpret the singer Berté. “Tom believes in me and my decisions; I didn’t ask him for advice. It’s enough for me to observe in order to understand and be inspired. Two years ago I moved to Oxford where we now live together and are very happy.” More than that she won’t say. “ I don’t want to go into private details. Again, he believes in me and supports me always. He came to see my show in Catania last year.” Roncione refers to the theatre production Six Characters in Search of an Author (Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore) directed by Michele Placido at Teatro Stabile. It was on this occasion that Yorke, with hair tied back in a classic hair knot, unexpectedly arrived a few moments before the start of the show. So much for the nostalgia of August 1995 where, supporting and opening R.E.M’s concert in Cibali, Radiohead most likely hoped for some new gig dates to follow. La Repubblica 13th February 2019

Tom was at Teatro Stabile to follow the debut of his girlfriend. Dajana knows this and smiles, but prefers to talk again about work. She feels moved remembering her beginnings, the anxious nerves and first few steps at Tetro Biondo in Palermo. “I’d just turned 18 and was still very much a young girl but nonetheless very determined. I still can remember now my excitement for participating in a theatre production by Pietro Carriglio Murderer in the Cathedral (Assassinio nella Cattedrale). The Tetro Biondo had been “fundamental” for her professional growth. “It’s there that I met Gianna Giachetti and Aurelio Pierucci who encouraged me to audition for the Silvio D’Amico Academy.” There she graduated in 2007. Going back to those years she thinks of her first time on set with Michele Placido himself, far from theatre’s stage where her “first passion” remains. During these early beginnings she reveals accepting proposals that were no good. Today, however, she chooses to participate in projects that contain a message, this last one particularly focusing on the slander that destroyed Mia Martini. “It’s about the integrity and honesty of a woman who battles. It’s not easy for an artist to maintain their real personality. This film is our way of asking her forgiveness.” Corriere della Sera online 12th February 2019

I am Mia The film about Mia Martini with Serena Rossi arrives on RaiUno

Arriving on small screens: the biopic about the singer who disappeared on May 14th 1995

After showing in cinemas for half of January, I am Mia (Io sono Mia) finally has arrived on small screens. The story about Mia Martini who was found dead in her home at Cardano al Campo near Varese on May 14th 1995 will be air tonight (Tuesday February 12th) on RaiUno. Starring Serena Rossi, the opening of the film about the unforgettable singer begins in the Ariston Theatre of Sanremo, where, in 1989, Mia Martini sang At least you in the Universe (Almeno tu nell’universo), and where just a few days ago, actress Serena Rossi paid homage to the singer during the Sanremo festival 2019. The film is directed by Riccardo Donna and produced by Luca Barbareschi. Playing the part of Loredana Berté, Mimì’s sister, is the actress Dajana Roncione. Declaring at the film’s publicity conference Berté said, “I’m convinced that Mimì would be proud of this film. For her public and me she remains eternal, but when I saw Serena play her, it hit me emotionally really hard. I found again those details, those movements and looks of hers… that melancholy and pain she felt but rarely showed. She seemed her.” Elle magazine online 12th February 2019 Elle magazine online 12th February 2019 Elle magazine online 12th February 2019 Elle magazine online 12th February 2019 Elle magazine online 12th February 2019 Elle magazine online 12th February 2019 Elle magazine online 12th February 2019 Elle magazine online 12th February 2019

Dajana Roncione tells us how she transformed herself into Loredana Berté for the fictional film I am Mia

“Thanks to Loredana’s look, I rediscovered my natural hair”

The thing that immediately hits me about Dajana Roncione is her sweet, warm and slightly childlike voice that greets me on the other side of the telephone line. Curiosity suddenly builds; how could this cheerful tone, belonging to the face of the radiant Sicilian actress that I imagine, have been able to metamorphosis herself into Loredana Berté? To find out we’ll have to wait till 12th February when on RaiUno we’ll see Roncione next to Serena Rossi as Mia Martini. In this fictional film, Roncione, born in 1984, will have the task of performing the song I’m not a lady (Non sono una signora). “The film is about the early years of the sisters careers, when together they started building upon their professionalism. Loredana isn’t yet the rock star we know her to be, but we already start to see characteristics of her energy and disruptive personality arriving and later developing on an aesthetic level,” says Dajana. “We’re in the beginning of the 1970s and the singer has already anticipated the fashion of that time. She was never one to stand in line with prevailing trends, neither standing behind nor ahead. Choices made regarding makeup and hairstyling were absolutely fundamental in creating her peculiar signature style. I aimed not to imitate her, but to evoke her.”

Vanity Fair 25th April 2018

Dajana, between Pierfrancesco Diliberto’s The Mafia only Kills in Summer and Thom Yorke: “Now I know what I want.”

She’s the girlfriend of the Radiohead’s front man Thom Yorke and one of the latest new entries to star in The Mafia only Kills in Summer 2 coming to RaiUno from 26th April, but this actress plans to keep her feet well on the ground.

“Artists risk loosing themselves if they don’t have contact with reality anymore. An actor tells life’s story; if you’re too taken by your own ego or appearance, what are you able to tell?” explains the 34-year-old Sicilian actress on the telephone from a hotel in San Paolo.

Immediately after the presentation of Diliberto’s series Dajana flew to Brazil to follow her boyfriend Thom Yorke, front man of Radiohead. “We know each other for a long time; we met through friends. Two years ago I moved to Oxford and we decided to live together. We’re very happy.” Vanity Fair 25th April 2018

However she won’t disclose more details, “I don’t want to go into details. I don’t like mixing my professional and private life.”

What attracted you to your character Iolanda in the series? “I liked her because she’s not mean, she’s fun, romantic and very naïve. She’s a singer, poetess and diva. She performs in a small pub but has great ambition. She attracts attention not only for her looks, but also for her attitude – she’s not interested in marriage and breaks the conventions of those times. We’re both quite physical, but otherwise very different.”

How have you managed to keep contact with reality? “By working my way up really hard. It makes you realise who you are and if you really want to be in this profession. It’s a difficult business made up of both rejection and delay while very often decisions don’t depend on you. Theatre helps a lot, it forces you to be disciplined as well as have constancy and generosity with the public.”

How was your childhood? “I was born in Palermo and grew up in Monreale. My parents are both sports education teachers and I have an older brother, Daniele. I was a creative child, perhaps a bit shy. I invented characters and told stories. I wanted to escape reality, things seemed more real to me when I was acting.” Vanity Fair 25th April 2018

Why? “ When you’re young your over imaginative. Your more scared and perhaps don’t tell the truth. Writers like Shakespeare are able to really speak to people; for me writers like that were a way for me to express myself. I started at Teatro Stabile and at 18 years old went to Rome and studied at the Accademia nazionale d’arte dramatic “Silvio D’Amico”.”

How was your first time on set? “It was with Michele Placido for his film Il Grande Sogno with Riccardo Scamarico, Jasmine Trinca e Luca Argentero. I was very excited. Placido came to the Academy and convinced me to not just stop at theatre. He said my face reminded him of one of the 1968 activists. It’s thanks to him that I moved on to cinema and television.”

At which point do you feel you are now in your career? “Grown up. I know what I want whereas at the beginning I felt a like I was in a whirlwind and accepted proposals that weren’t good for me. Today I want to participate in projects that I consider stimulating and that give sense to my work. It’s about me writing a subject and then training with an acting coach.”

Does Yorke follow you? “Of course, he believes in me. We recognise and support each other. He came to see my show in Catania. He even saw Montalbano because I acted in an episode. He’s fantastic like that.

VANITY FAIR 02 September 2018 La Repubblica 18th November interview with Thom Yorke

Text above first image: Here under: Thom Yorke with his palermitana girlfriend Dajana Roncione. On the following pages: two portraits of Thom. Iris – Mediaset 29th November 2018 Reviews regarding “Six Characters in Search of an Author” directed by Michele Placido Quarta Parete: Notes on Theatre, Music and Art in Rome. 24th November 2018

Not only a director but now one of the characters, this actor tries his hand at Pirandello text for the third time, this time focusing on the choice of an all-Sicilian cast where the vibrant intensity of Dajana Roncione stands out in the role as the stepdaughter and the extraordinary, rough gestures of Guia Jelo, in her role as the mother. Flaminio Boni 24th November 2018

Dajana Roncione plays an extraordinary daughter lighting up her character with intense and varied colours. From drama to nervous laughter, she becomes more disturbing and then melts into tears, always bringing great freshness and sensuality to her role.

La Repubblica 18th November 2018 Article by Rodolfo di Giammarco

In the current edition produced by the Teatro Stabile of Catanaia and Goldenart, next to the father by Placido there is the Mother by Guia Jelo, the stepdaughter by Dajana Roncione, the son by Luca Iacono, the child by Clarissa Bauso and the youth by Flavio Palmeri. FUTURE PROJECT Alma project

Named after the original meaning of “alma” (soul) and the name of one the of main characters in Bergman movie “Persona”, “Alma” is a photographic project born from the artistic encounter between actress Dajana Roncione and Studio Black Marguerite (visual artist Nathalie Joffre). Alma is a gallery of Dajana Roncione’s portraits, mixing visual codes from Dutch & Renaissance painting to fashion photography & social media.


Rome, February 1, 2019

To whom it may concern.

It gives me great pleasure to provide this letter of recommendation for DAJANA RONCIONE

As the President of Teatro Eliseo, one of the principal Italian theaters, as well as of Casanova Multimedia, a Rome based production company, I can testify to Dajana’s good character and artistic abilities.

She has participated in many productions of ours during the last several years, always showing to be a very dedicated, sensitive, hard working actress. Dajana is undoubtedly endowded with considerable talent and versatility, as well as physical appearance. Each role has been believable and honest, both in comedy and serious works.

She is also very trustworthy and strongly committed to anything she undertakes and she works very hard to realize her objectives. She is always prepared for auditions, takes direction well, and lifts other performers up rather than taking on a competitive attitude

I hope this will encourage you to consider her talent for your needs.

Should you require any further information with regards to my reference for Dajana Roncione, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully

Luca Barbareschi President Casanova Multimedia and Teatro Eliseo

CASANOVA Via della Consulta Tel. +39.06.6864849 C.F. e P.Iva: [email protected] MULTIMEDIA 1/b – 00184 Roma Fax +39 0669302767 10518241004 S.P.A. R.E.A.: 1236978 codice univoco destinatario USAL8PV

PHOTO BOOK Still photos Credit: Roberta Krasnig Credit: James Reese Credit: Fabio Lovino Credit: Getty Images Portfolio online Rolling Stone Venezia 2018

Credit: Fabio Cestari Credit: James Reese Credit: Fabio Lovino Credit: Gianmarco Chieregato PHOTO BOOK Scene photos “Six Characters in Search of an Author” directed by Michele Placido (2018) “La Mafia uccide solo d’Estate” (2018) “Io sono Mia” (2019) “Io sono Mia” (2019) CONTACTS

Factory4 Srl Piazzale delle Belle Arti 2 – 00196 Rome Office. +39 06 68805752

Vanessa Bozzacchi Sara Castelli Gattinara Giada Albanese +39 392 9392494 +39 392 9395079 +39 3929511342 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Lorella Di Carlo +39 328 8667246 [email protected]