Peer ­reviewed Original ­research Pig-associated Lawsonia intracellularis in various on-farm dipterous ­ stages

Steven McOrist, BVSc, PhD; Ruth Blunt, PhD; Connie J. Gebhart, ­PhD

Summary Results: The pig-associated fly community indicated that the same Lawsonia isolate Objective: To characterize the potential of was generally dominated by Musca domes- occurred within pigs and the pig-associated pig-associated Diptera to carryLawso- tica (house fly; n = 13 farms), but on one fly stages Musca( adults and Eristalis lar- nia ­intracellularis. farm each, Ophyra species (garbage fly) or vae). The DNA extracted from cockroach Drosophila species (fruit fly) were dominant. samples, and from other flies, was ­negative. Materials and methods: On 15 British Also noted were (false Implication: Musca and Eristalis flies have farms, invertebrate communities were trap- stable fly),Stomoxys calcitrans (stable fly), the greatest potential to carry and transmit collected (14 per year), counted, and sorted and Eristalis species (hover flies);Blatta Lawsonia intracellularis due to their pig- into species groups. Lawsonia serological orientalis cockroaches were noted on two associated life cycle s­tages. tests were conducted and total DNA was farms. Lawsonia infections were routinely extracted from pig feces; DNA was also detected in nursery pigs on 14 farms. On Keywords: swine, proliferative enteropathy, extracted from adult flies, pupae, and larvae five of 12Lawsonia -positive farms with Lawsonia intracellularis, Musca, ­Eristalis samples and viscera of Blatta species. Each Musca-dominant , Lawsonia DNA Received: August 24, 2010 DNA sample was tested for L intracellularis was detected within numerous flies (22% to Accepted: December 3, 2010 by polymerase chain reaction; positive 75% of fly samples from nursery pens). On samples were subtyped via specific variable two farms, larval forms of Eristalis from pen number tandem repeat ­analysis. floors were alsoLawsonia -positive. Subtyping

Resumen - Lawsonia intracellularis aso- Resultados: La comunidad de moscas aso- etapas de la mosca asociadas a cerdos (Musca ciada a cerdos en varias etapas de granja de ciada a cerdos generalmente fue dominada adultas y de Eristalis). El DNA la mosca Díptera por la Musca domestica (mosca de casa; n extraído de las muestras de cucaracha, y de = 13 granjas), pero en una granja, la especie otras moscas, fue negativo. Objetivo: Caracterizar el potencial de las Ophyra (mosca de basura) ó la especie Dro- moscas Díptera asociada a cerdos a ser porta- Implicacione: Las moscas Musca y Eristalis sophila (mosca de fruta) fueron dominantes. dora de la Lawsonia intracellularis. presentan el potencial más grande para ser También se encontraron la Muscina stabulans portadoras y transmitir la Lawsonia intracel- Materiales y métodos: En 15 granjas Británi- (mosca falsa de establo), Stomoxys calcitrans lularis debido a sus etapas de ciclo de vida cas, se atraparon comunidades de invertebra- (mosca de establo), y la especie Eristalis (mosca asociados a cerdos. dos (14 por año), se contaron, y se clasificaron helicóptero); las cucarachas Blatta orientalis se por grupo de especie. Se condujeron pruebas encontraron en dos granjas. La infección por serológicas de Lawsonia y se extrajo el DNA Lawsonia se detectó rutinariamente en cerdos Résumé - Lawsonia intracellularis chez div- total de las heces de los cerdos; también se de destete en 14 granjas. En cinco de 12 granjas ers stages de mouches diptères sur les fermes extrajo DNA de las moscas adultas, , y positivas a Lawsonia con insectos Musca domi- Objectif: Caractériser le potentiel des larvas y vísceras de la especie Blatta. Se probó nantes, se detectó el DNA de la Lawsonia en mouches du genre Diptera associées au porc cada muestra de DNA en busca de L intracel- numerosas moscas (22% a 75% de muestras au portage de Lawsonia intracellularis. lularis a través de la reacción en cadena de la de mosca de los corrales de destete). En dos polimerasa; las muestras positivas se subtipi- granjas, las larvas de Eristalis de los pisos de los Matériels et méthodes: Sur 15 fermes ficaron a través del análisis de repetición de corrales también fueron positivas a Lawsonia. britanniques, les communautés d’invertébrés variables específicas. La subtipificación indicó que el mismo aislado ont été amassées au moyen de trappes (14 de Lawsonia ocurrió en los cerdos y en las fois par année), comptées, et triées par

groupes d’espèces. Des tests sérologiques SM, RB: University of Nottingham, School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, Sutton Bonington, pour détecter des anticorps envers Lawsonia United ­Kingdom. ont été effectués et l’ADN total a été extrait CJG: College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, St Paul, M­ innesota. des fèces de porc; de l’ADN a également été extrait d’échantillons de mouches adultes, de Corresponding author: Dr Steven McOrist, University of Nottingham, School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, Sutton Bonington LE12 5RD, United Kingdom; Tel: +44 115 9516440; pupes, et de larves ainsi que de viscères des E-mail: ­[email protected]. espèces Blatta. Chaque échantillon d’ADN a été testé pour L intracellularis par réaction This article is available online at d’amplification en chaîne par la polymérase; McOrist S, Blunt R, Gebhart CJ. Pig-associated Lawsonia intracellularis in various on-farm dipterous les échantillons positifs furent sous-typés par fly ­stages. J Swine Health Prod. 2011;19(5):277–283. Journal of Swine Health and Production — Volume 19, Number 5 277 analyse du nombre variable des séquences in new cases of proliferative enteropathy devices was annotated via standard taxo- spécifiques répétées en tandem. (ileitis) is unknown. Our objective was to nomic methods. In brief, textbook and other Résultats: La communauté des mouches characterize the potential of pig-associated source keys were followed for and associées au porc était généralement dominée Diptera flies and other common farm inver- species identification ofDiptera and other par Musca domestica (mouche domestique; tebrates to carry Lawsonia intracellularis in invertebrates by gross and microscopic ana- n = 13 fermes), mais sur une ferme chaque, les their intestinal ­tracts. tomical features. Because the traps remained constant, a farm population comparison was espèces Ophyra (mouche à déchets) ou Dro- Only one peer-reviewed publication has doc- calculated over time and between study ­sites. sophila (mouche à fruit) étaient dominantes. umented on-farm carriage of L intracellularis On nota également la présence de Muscina 3 in rodent vectors, and to our knowledge, Pig and invertebrate sample stabulans (fausse mouche d’étable), Stomoxys there has been no previous work on inverte- calcitrans (mouche d’étable), et Eristalis ­processing brates. Lawsonia intracellularis is an obligately (syrphes); des blattes ( ) ont Fresh and fecal samples were collected Blatta orientalis intracellular bacterium infecting a certain également été observées sur deux fermes. Des from cross-sectional samples of 10 pigs from range of mammals, particularly pigs.4,5 It nor- infections par Lawsonia ont été détectées de each age group (breeder, weaner, finisher) mally resides and multiplies free in the cyto- routine chez les porcs en pouponnière sur on each farm at monthly intervals during plasm of infected intestinal epithelial cells.5,6 14 fermes. Sur cinq des 12 fermes positives the study. Serum from each blood sample Previous studies indicated that L intracellu- pour Lawsonia où les insectes dominants was incorporated into an indirect immu- laris isolated from swine consists solely of one appartenaient au genre Musca, l’ADN de nofluorescence assay forLawsonia -specific “pig” strain,7 but that isolates from different Lawsonia a été détecté chez de nombreuses IgG antibodies, as described previously.9 farms could be distinguished by analysis of mouches (22% à 75% des échantillons de The DNA was extracted from each fecal variable tandem repeat elements in intergenic mouche provenant des enclos de poupon- sample by routine commercial kit methods sequences.8 We therefore specifically aimed to nière). Sur deux fermes, les formes larvaires (QIAamp DNA Stool kit; Qiagen, Valencia, d’ provenant du plancher des parcs establish which (if any) on-farm invertebrates Eristalis California). Each DNA sample was then étaient également positives pour . were the most active carriers of L intracel- Lawsonia analyzed by polymerase chain reaction Le sous-typage a démontré que le même lularis and whether isolates carried by these (PCR) incorporating oligo-primers spe- isolat de Lawsonia était présent parmi les potential vectors matched those carried in cific forLawsonia intracellularis DNA, as porcs et les différents stades associés au porc adjacent ­pigs. described previously.10 Known positive and (les adultes de Musca et les larves d’Eristalis). negative control samples were incorporated L’ADN extrait des échantillons de blattes, et Materials and ­methods des autres mouches, était négatif. into each serological assay, DNA extraction, Study locations, invertebrate collec- and PCR ­reaction. Implication: Les mouches de type Musca et tions, and population ­analysis possèdent le plus grand potentiel à Invertebrates were counted and sorted into Eristalis There were 1250 to 1300 separate swine transporter et transmettre Lawsonia intracel- genus and species groups and stored at -20°C. farming sites in England in 2007-2008; a lularis étant donné leur stade de développe- The DNA was extracted from samples of ment associé au porc. set of 15 study sites (1.2% of possible farms, each dipterous group per study site by routine labeled Farm 1 to Farm 15) was constructed commercial kit methods (DNeasy Tissue kit;

to represent a uniform geographical spread Qiagen). To achieve adequate DNA amounts, wine farming sites offer a mixture of and examples of each of single-site breeder- each sample extraction incorporated the concrete pens and other habitats, such as to-finisher farms, breeder-to-weaner farms, whole body of 20 flies, or the internal con- feed storage areas, which can each sup- and weaner-to-finisher units. These English tents of each or , or the dissected Sport invertebrate populations differing from farm study sites were considered typical, viscera of five cockroaches. Each cockroach, those found in adjacent arable or human- with a small-medium size (50 to 1000 sows), pupa, or larva was surface-washed and steril- activity locations. The importance of inverte- buildings > 20 years old, weaning at 24 days ized for 5 minutes with 100% ethanol prior brates in the economics of the pig industry is of age, infrequent antimicrobial usage, and to removal of its internal contents for DNA due to their ability to cause direct damage to frequent use of straw bedding materials. extraction. It was therefore aimed to analyze (mainly by biting flies or midges), Invertebrate trapping was conducted within the digestive tracts of these latter intact by acting as possible vectors in the transmis- each study site throughout the period April samples for carriage, rather than the outer sur- sion of viral and bacterial diseases, and also by to November in 2007 and 2008. Within- faces. It was not feasible to surface-sterilize the acting as agents of feed spoilage. There are few farm trap locations at each site included bodies of adult dipterous flies, because they pig-associated zoonotic arboviruses, except feed storage areas, weaner and finisher pig were usually partially crushed by the trap- for the Japanese encephalitis flavivirus carried areas, and breeder pig areas (where present). ping procedure. Each extracted invertebrate by mosquitoes. Studies of the potential for The most productive collection methods DNA sample was then analyzed by PCR specific invertebrates (usuallyMusca flies) to were aerial sticky traps and walk-in floor incorporating oligo-primers specific forL carry and transmit other specific pig-associ- traps. Trap transects were placed in numbers intracellularis DNA as described previously.10 ated microbes, such as Salmonella or porcine (eight per farm location), periods (2 weeks), Known positive and negative control samples reproductive and respiratory syndrome and locations (farrowing, nursery, and fin- were incorporated into each DNA extraction (PRRS) , have shown such carriage to be isher) that remained constant on each farm and PCR. All PCR assays (feces-origin and 1,2 likely in on-farm settings. However, the role throughout the study. The number and iden- insect-origin DNA) were carried out in dupli- of vectors such as invertebrates in on-farm tity of all invertebrates on these entire trap cate in coded format in both study-author transmission of Lawsonia intracellularis 278 Journal of Swine Health and Production — September and October 2011 locations (Nottingham, UK, and Minnesota) to ensure consistency of r­ esults. Table 1: Number and subtyping of Lawsonia isolates derived from pig feces on 15 British ­farms* The entire DNA sequence of one US isolate of L intracellularis was previously estab- Farm Farm No. fecal samples VNTR lished at the University of Minnesota.11 identity description positive by Lawsonia Lawsonia Four loci of variable-number tandem repeat PCR/no. of samples subtype(s) (VNTR) sequences of DNA were identified tested (%) detected within the overall sequence using described 250-sow 14,8,14,8 12 1 125/160 (78) methods. Two of the loci are ATAn nucleic breeder-to-finisher site 16,8,0,0 acid repeats and two are CAn nucleic acid repeats. Specific oligo-primer sequences were 2 Contract finisher 58/160 (36) 12,8,10,9 designed upstream and downstream of these 3 Contract finisher 67/160 (42) 13,8,10,9 four loci and validated for their ability to 4 Contract finisher 77/160 (48) 0,7,12,0 amplify and annotate the repeats in L intra- 5 Contract finisher 83/160 (52) NT cellularis isolates from a variety of locations, 8 80-sow 14,8,15,6 as described previously. The DNA from 6 29/160 (18) a range of L intracellularis PCR products breeder-to-finisher site 10,8,0,0 derived from our study pig feces, dipter- 300-sow 7 141/160 (88) NT ous adults, pupae, and larvae (Table 1) was breeder-to-finisher site incorporated as template DNA into PCR 1000-sow 8 45/160 (28) NT assays for each of the four repeat loci. Ampli- breeder-to-finisher site con PCR products from triplicate assays 9 600-sow breeder site 32/160 (20) NT were then sequenced with an ABI 3100 automated fluorescent DNA sequencer (Per- 10 1000-sow breeder site 40/160 (25) NT kin-Elmer Applied Biosystems, Foster City, 11 800-sow breeder site 14/160 (9) NT California). This triplicate sequence data 900-sow 12 37/160 (23) NT was then analyzed to calculate the number breeder-to-finisher site of repeats at each locus, creating a four-part 800-sow profile for each test DNA sample. Previous 13 45/160 (28) NT DNA samples of known profile were incor- breeder-to-finisher site porated into each PCR reaction and related 14 1000-sow breeder site 0/160 (0) NA sequencing steps as ­controls. 50-sow 15 40/160 (25) NT weaner-to-finisher site Results * The set of 15 study sites represented 1.2% of possible British pig farms and included Invertebrate survey ­summary examples of single-site breeder-to-finisher farms, breeder-to-weaner farms, and weaner- Cockroaches (Blatta orientialis) were to-finisher units of small-medium size (50 to 1000 sows). Fecal samples were collected detected on only two of 15 sampled farms, from 10 pigs from each age group (breeder, weaner, finisher) on each farm at monthly intervals during 2007 to 2008. The DNA extracted from each sample was analyzed by and were numerous year-round (usually > 10 PCR. Lawsonia DNA was subtyped by VNTR ­analysis. The VNTR results are shown as per trap-point). The fly community on pig actual band counts per position: 12 or 13 lines at position 1, with other positions identi- farms rose to a peak during July and August cal, were considered to be the same ­isolate. and was dominated (> 20 flies per trap- PCR = polymerase chain reaction; VNTR = variable number tandem repeat; NT = not point) by Musca domestica (house fly) on tested; NA = not applicable. 13 of the 15 farms. On the two other farms, either Ophyra species (black garbage fly) or Midges (such as Culicoides species) were not were routinely detected in 10- to 14-week- species (fruit fly) was the domi- Drosophila evaluated in this study due to lack of the old weaner pigs on 14 farms (9% to 88% nant fly. Other flies noted in nondominant necessary specialized ­traps. positive on fecal PCR). Fecal samples from numbers (0 to 10 per trap point) were Mus- pigs in other farm areas were occasionally (false stable fly; nine farms), cina stabulans Pig and invertebrate carriage of positive (finisher areas 0% to 55%; breeders (stable fly; two farms), Stomoxys calcitrans Lawsonia ­intracellularis 0% to 23%). On the one farm negative for and Syrphidae family (hover flies; two The 15 farm types and further results are Lawsonia (Farm 14), Musca domestica was farms), particularly species. On the Eristalis summarized in Tables 1 and 2. No differ- the dominant fly – all trap samples of this latter two farms, Eristalis larvae (known as ences were identified in PCR results per- fly on this farm were negative onLawsonia rat-tailed ) were noted in high num- formed in separate ­laboratories. PCR.­ bers in floor traps in pig pens and also within pig feeders (Figure 1). A wide range of other TheLawsonia -specific IgG serological pro- Among the 14 Lawsonia-positive farms, the invertebrates was occasionally found across files of the 15 farms are shown in Figure 2, dominant fly wasM domestica on 12 farms, the pig-farm study sites, eg, beetles, weevils, indicating typical postweaning exposure pat- Orphyra on one farm, and Drosophila on lice, and spiders, to be described elsewhere. terns. Lawsonia-specific fecal PCR products one farm. On the two latter farms, all trap Journal of Swine Health and Production — Volume 19, Number 5 279 close association with pigs and their habitat. Figure 1: Rat-tailed maggots (Eristalis species) in a floor trap located in a British These insects probably provide a measure pig farm. Farms described in Table 1. Invertebrates were trapped during April to November in 2007 and 2008 in feed storage areas, weaner and finisher pig areas, of the environmental contamination of the and breeder pig areas (where present) using aerial sticky traps and walk-in floor pig-farm sites by L intracellularis rather than traps in constant numbers and locations on each ­farm. a specific relationship with the bacterium per se. This is suggested by the data indicat- ing that the weaner areas contained both the highest number of infected flies and of infected pigs, whereas other farm areas had lower infection rates of ­both. There was a wide diversity in the invertebrates found on the study sites, indicating that pig-farm sites can have a large and possibly distinct invertebrate fauna. European pig farms are perhaps more likely than American ones to incorporate feed preparation areas and bedding in pens. While this may have increased the levels of feed spoilage insects,14 the effect of different farm management sys- tems on pig-associated fly populations, if any, was not clear. Diptera fly stages can have vary- ing food sources, and while most larvae con- sume rotting fecal or waste matter likely to be found on pig farms,15 fruit flies usually con- sume rotting vegetable matter. The one farm samples of these dominant flies were nega- Identity of Lawsonia within pig and with dominant fruit flies Drosophila( ) was tive by Lawsonia PCR. The DNA extracted fly-stage ­samples located within a fruit- and vegetable-growing from all cockroach intestinal samples was Subtyping of Lawsonia DNA by VNTR district. These flies do not often interact also negative. These results are summarized analysis indicated that farms generally each with ; therefore, the lack of Lawsonia in Tables 1 and ­2. had different isolates, but two farms had DNA was not unexpected. All other pig-farm more than one isolate (Tables 1 and 2). Repeated sampling of adult M domestica pens contained dominant house flies Musca( ) collected by aerial traps from within pig pens The VNTR isolates differed between farms except one farm where the black garbage fly except for Farms 2 and 3. These farm sites of the 12 Lawsonia-positive farms where (Orphyra species) was dominant. This is prob- were located within 2 km of each other and this Diptera fly was dominant consistently ably due to the larval competition between shared equipment and pigs. On the five showed positive Lawsonia PCR assays in these two fly species, whereby presence of only five of these farms. Flies collected in farms with Lawsonia-positive Musca flies larvae of one species would capture food the weaner-nursery area were most likely to and pigs, matching VNTR-typed Lawsonia sources and exclude the ­other.2,16 isolate(s) consistently occurred within posi- be positive (22% to 75% of fly-trap samples This study is the first to explore subtyping tested), but many positive flies were also tive farm pigs and the pig-associated adult house fly stages. On the two farms with of L intracellularis in European farms. Our noted in the finisher areas of some farms. results are similar to those of similar stud- More details of trap counts and percent- Lawsonia-positive Eristalis larvae, Musca adult flies, and pigs, the same individual- ies in North America, whereby one isolate ages of these samples positive for Lawsonia predominates on each single pig-farm site PCR assays are shown in Table 3. Repeated farm VNTR-typed isolate occurred within and is distinct from other isolates.8 Lawso- sampling of larval forms of species positive farm pigs and these two fly ­stages. Eristalis nia intracellularis isolates derived from pigs collected from pig-pen floors and feeders of Discussion are difficult to distinguish from each other the two farms (Farms 1 and 2) where this by means other than VNTR, with detailed The study results indicate that on many Diptera fly was found consistently showed assays such as 16S rDNA sequencing, outer farms, one dominant farm isolate of Law- positive Lawsonia PCR assays. On these membrane protein analysis, and others all sonia intracellularis occurs within the pigs two farms, Musca was the dominant adult indicating that forms a and the farm environment, including the L intracellularis fly – samples ofMusca adult flies from these single pig strain.7 The VNTR analysis is insects most closely associated with the farms were also positive for Lawsonia DNA based on intergenic sequences of no patho- pigs. This study also indicates that, of the reactions (Table 2). Occasional collections genic consequence; therefore, these results numerous and varied insects found on pig of the pupa and adult forms of the Eristalis are not considered to dispute the notion of farms, M domestica and Eristalis species flies species hover flies on these two farms were forming a single pig strain. have the most likely on-farm potential to L intracellularis also analyzed and were PCR-positive for Analysis of key respiratory genes indicates carry and transmit L intracellularis. This is L­ awsonia. that is a recently evolved most likely due to their numbers and life L intracellularis bacterium; therefore, it may not have had cycle incorporating stages in regular and evolutionary time to develop ­substrains.17

280 Journal of Swine Health and Production — September and October 2011 We suggest the potential of certain Diptera Table 2: Diptera samples and subtyping of Lawsonia isolates on 15 British pig f­arms* flies to act as vectors for bacterial carriage. Considerable work has been performed in Farm Farm Samples Lawsonia VNTR this area for agents of human disease, such as identity description collected PCR assay Lawsonia coliforms carried by house flies;18,19 however, result subtype(s) studies of agents and invertebrates more detected relevant to the livestock industries are often Musca adult 11,8,17,9 lacking. Previous tracking studies of the flight Pos flies† 14,8,14,8 paths of adult M domestica flies suggest that 250-sow Eristalis adult flies Pos 14,8,14,8 they could move easily between farm sites up 1 breeder-to- to 7 km apart over a 3-day period.20 With Eristalis larvae Pos 14,8,14,8 finisher site the many Lawsonia-positive flies evident on Eristalis pupae Pos 14,8,14,8 certain of our farm sites, we therefore suggest Blatta adults Neg NA that there is a possibility of farm-to-farm mechanical transmission of via Musca adult Lawsonia Pos 12,8,10,9 adult Musca flies, particularly as they often flies† Contract occur in close contact with ­pigs. 2 Eristalis adult flies Pos NT finisher Some previous studies of farm insects18,21 Eristalis larvae Pos 12,8,11,9 may have ignored adult and larval stages of Eristalis pupae Pos NT hover flies or other insect species. We note Musca adult here that the mobile larval feeding stages 3 Contract finisher Pos 12,8,10,9 flies† of hover flies can occur and be active in pig Musca adult floor and feed habitats, perhaps enabling 4 Contract finisher Neg NA flies† greater oral ingestion of environmental-fecal agents and therefore also having significance Musca adult 5 Contract finisher Neg NA in disease transmission. Our preliminary flies † data here also suggest that these larvae can 80-sow breeder- Musca adult 14,8,15,6 6 Pos retain Lawsonia internally into the static to-finisher site flies† 10,8,0,0 pupa stage, thus suggesting the concept of 300-sow breeder- Musca adult internal infection of dipterous fly stages 7 Neg NA to-finisher site flies† and possible biological transmission for 1000-sow Lawsonia infections. A symbiosis or other Musca adult 8 breeder-to- Pos NT close relationship has often been indicated flies† finisher site between obligately intracellular and insect cells,22 so this biological transmission 600-sow Musca adult 9 Pos NT concept for Lawsonia is not considered breeder site flies † unusual. We did not findLawsonia in 1000-sow cockroaches ( species) on the two 10 Drosophila flies† Neg NA Blatta breeder site farms where this invertebrate formed large Musca adult indestructible populations, often in close 800-sow Neg NA 11 flies† association with pigs. It is therefore possible breeder site Blatta adults Neg NA that the internal organs of cockroaches are not suitable for carriage of this ­bacterium. 900-sow breeder- Ophyra adult 12 Neg NA to-finisher site flies† Our results suggest some variation in the strength of association of particular 800-sow breeder- Musca adult Diptera 13 Neg NA as possible vectors of transmis- to-finisher site flies† Lawsonia sion within and perhaps between farms. We 1000-sow breeder Musca adult 14 Neg NA found Lawsonia-positive Musca fly stages on site flies† only five of 12 potential farms (fly presence 50-sow weaner- Musca adult with -positive pig feces presence). 15 Neg NA Lawsonia to-finisher site flies† We speculate that this could reflect the sen- sitivity of our testing procedures, which we * Farms described in Table 1 and trapping method described in Figure 1. Results for had no way to establish easily, or of perhaps insect Lawsonia DNA carriage summarized as positive (Pos) or negative (Neg). The VNTR lower levels of pig-fly interaction or of lower results are shown as actual band counts per position. levels of actual Lawsonia numbers on some † Dominant fly species on each farm indicated. farms, or some combination of these factors. PCR = polymerase chain reaction; VNTR = variable number tandem repeat; NT = not In contrast, we found Lawsonia-positive Eri- tested; NA = not applicable. stalis fly stages on two of two potential farms Journal of Swine Health and Production — Volume 19, Number 5 281 • Farm should include insect Figure 2: Chart of study herds showing five groups of herds: the bars represent reduction programs as well as microbial the percentages of pigs of each age that were positive when tested for Lawsonia via serological assay (immunofluorescence assay) in 2007-2008. In each of the five disinfection ­efforts. groups of herds, percentages of Lawsonia-positive pigs at these different ages • Intergenic VNTR analysis is a suitable were similar (< 3% difference). The five different patterns ofLawsonia seroconver- technique for differentiation ofL intra- sion indicated are consistent with previous studies relating onset of seroconversion cellularis isolates ­globally. with farm management system.13 Acknowledgements 3 farms 5 farms 2 farms 2 farms 2 farms We thank Geng Tian, Matthew Chesworth, 100 and Alisdair Gallie for assisting with collec- tions on some ­farms. References 1. Dee SA, Schurrer JA, Moon RD, Fano E, Trincado C, Pijoan C. Transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus under 80 field conditions during a putative increase in the fly population. J Swine Health Prod. ­2004;12:242–245.

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